.v nggnpng.;., ' B 51?' '...' ", .Maggf.,iii " : aggwiyg-.- ftyi f

. -- " i j i Make the Idlo Sparc Room Pay From San Francisco: Nippon Mnru Sept. 5 For San Francisco: Tctiyo Mnru Sept. 9 i.m"P From Vancouver: Manuka .Sept. 19 Evening Jf if For Vancouver: Bulletin USE BULLETIN Maraum .' Sept. 15 Paying for Bulletin Advertising is a business pleasure THE 3:30 EDITION WANT-A- D. KEY!

. i PAGES-HONOLU- ii VOL. X. NO. 409? !0 LU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 7 1908-- lO PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS MRS. PAUL NEUMANN LOST OVERBOARD ATTELL AND MORAN FIGHT TO DRAW Lucas and Hustace NATIVE SONS Vida May CORRECTED LIST MRS. NEUMAN LOST OF GOLDEN WEST OF PF.TIT JIIMK SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 7. Mrs. Paul Neumann of Hono-lul- who was a passenger on the C ity of Sydney from Acapulco, is miss- Both Claim Victory Caiifornians of Honolulu Leave the Names Have Been Drawn ing. It is believed she was lost overboard. Mrs. Neumann was tho widow o the late l'.uil Niiimnini and hnx Will Celebrate For U.S. Distriet a daughter and nleco In Honolulu New- - of b r loss will be a id Bhorl; to a wide circle of friends thioiighont Hawaii Fifth District Admission Democrats . Court m Wednciiday will ho California Da) 1'ntlt Jurors for tho October 1908 for Honolulu when the Native Bons of term of the United States District tho (loldeu West will celebrate Admis- Court hnvo been selected, and the DRAW sion day wllh a hall at the Moami. Henry Vlil.i may leave the Demo- - following Is the corrected list of the FOUGHTJO nine, par- The result of tlio Itcpubllc.in are nil for lluitnic. Tlicie me Tho celebration this je.ir will he parly, which lie Joined only a drawn. Another list ticularly on of tho iratlo names of those and their iclutlon tn thu In Koulauloi, vvhete there am tlx elahoinlo account row Is now - iuIb-ga- montliH ago. Ho a dele- 11IH ,)C011 published, In pent hut homo 7. Attcl-Moia- n went I dclcgatca, men nay tlicie proHcnco of tho ciulser licet IWiiiwratlc SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. The fight the thiuxoH of lie thiee I'.iliilliytcH fur the I.uiax to both tho , the fol- - and tho new "California" Unit Is thu I krs rn.de. twenty-thre- e a. by Mnvwntly Ih I lie subject which U are (luce for each i.iuilldate. whllo tlous, hut ho feels that rank llaivey full rounds and was dcclaicd draw Referee Welsh. Iho plldo (lolden ''""ever, MnK correct ac-r- men of the State. is m,iklng n tight against l.ltu and Is Inlcicsllng it thu politicians today. the lluslme nio uncertain. Tho grand march will ho led hy '''"? tn Maishal Hendry s list: I reason conlcmplatlti? nceMim'torillnB i Is In Wnlaliiii, delegates, this SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 7. Betting at the ringside on the Ill Ihn I'lmith the outfit between nine holli Governor and Mrs. and tho C. Itodgers, (leorgo fresh polltlclnl pastures. T Honolulu; Attcll-Mora- n 1, iiml for- claim to have the solid delegation. will ho hy Call- - fight for the featherweight championship is ten to seven ileus Hiislucc, ami heio thu function attended all "Is It Into that J en have left the Mundon, Kapaa, Chas. Ilrcdo, pie-- 1 Walanno'M delegates urn fornlaiiH, leading citizens, of Honolulu in favor of Attell. mer heat the Litter In their own three Democratic party?" Vlila was ahked Honolulu: John Herd, Wnlmannlo, dele- (minted liy fucttoiiH, mid n largo leprcsentntlon from tho The fight is being referced by Welsh. The fighting is even and nt tlnel, getting in most of lil for l.ttrna both this afternnnn. Odhu; Geo. I'rcclaud, I.nlutlna, Maul; I FloLt. The reception committee for VM.i the close of eleventh round Attell Itad a slight advantage. gates. while Kwa's four men are claimed "Not et," answered Shingle, W. the tho event Is: "Well, are ou conlenitilatlug It?" It. W. Honolulu; Ilobt. Tim most Intori'HlliiK fiMturu of hy Imtli candidates. I.iiciih, Itcccptlon Committee Miss I nnswered Vlda. Shnrpe, Honolulu; Fred. II. Damon, tlii was III (ho Thu I.ilea k men claim to have all "Yes, am," "To coolest tho icsult MIbs Dlnklage, MlbB Weir. Miss Tol. Harvcv making Honolulu; II. W. I'odmorc, Honolu- (lie City delegation tell the truth, Frank Is riflli Dlttilet, where both Lucas hut four of tho 1'earl Ian, MIkh Ilovvmnn, .Miss Waltz, Mrs, a personal light agalnpl me One rea- lu; W. T. Ilaldlng. Illlo; Jacob Lan- - men Mis. Mrs. anil tint Ilnstacc men latin In huvo of sixteen, while tho Ilnstnro Whitehead, Tlmmoiis, son is that I am a new man in tho Greenwcll, Noyes. do, Honolulu; Arthur I. won thu virion. Until candidates figure that they Htand nhout halt and party, and another Is that Iho Adver- lOalakekun, Hawaii; Clement Smith, PAPKEJVON h.ivo hud active lieutenants In half. Floor Manager T. A. O'llilen. tiser doesn't like me, nnd there aro riy C. C. F, Honolulu; James S.ikuna, Honolulu; Held whole, light In Floor Committee F linos, other reasons. I nm beginning to feci tho nuil these have thu Die most ntcicstlng tho M. (1. M. Le Murray, J Invy, F. Nojes. I no good In one way I am W. W. Harris, Honolulu; Wm. F. thing llguicd out. All ligico lh.it l'nuitli waH In tho Squabbling Hoe- - that If am I0S ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 7. Billy Papkc won his fight with II Drummoiid, C. II. Haven, F. II. no good In any other and might Just high, Honolulu; Ilobt. W. Atkinson. I .:i ne In In rare, Hie mid, where Rawlins got In hy the Stanley Ketchcll today the round. not the hut Nugent. as well quit." Honolulu; John T. Ilakcr,. Illlo; in twelfth hi receiving Ketchcll, he with lcgard to their favorites slhl of teeth, tho least Chns. W. C. Peering, Honolulu; Sam The betting was two to one in favor of but lost on a urn widely votes On knockout and middleweight cliampionship of dlfTcicnt. uumtier of of those elected. uel K. Nulnoa, Honolulu; Jns. It. straight Papkc takes the Ilux-Ini- u is NOTHING DOING ON Ktir the town prcilmls tint the other hand, lluffaudc.iu, who Cummings, Honolulu; Joaquin A. It. the worliJ. Jim Jeffries refcreed the fight. men give count ns followH: the power there, iiml predicted Ills i IBM i the Vlcrrn, Honolulu: David C. Kamau-oh- n, iT defeat, llawlliiK claims ho RACE :inl that WAILUKU WATER SCRAP Kaulukou Honolulu; John D. Holt, Hono- STRANG WON ROAD iibcil In an marked hallots endeavor lulu: August II. It. Vlcrrn, Honolu- LOWELL, Mass., Sept. 7. Strang, in a touring car, to defeat him. HawllnH says that distance 4 Pieilm-- t lu: Donald M. Itoss, Honolulu; C. won the road race of 2544 miles, making the in days, 4 hour) he dlstuvttcd that oven before tlio Tho status of tho Wnlluku vvntor I. S. Wilson, Honolulu; John Kaelo-- 23 minutes, and 4 seconds. . works contiovcrsy will remain as It - i polls were opened marked ballots w m m IS Is for the present, according to thu ll.akule, Kallua, Hawaii; St.. O. Bay were distributed to llufTanilcnu'fl fol BRYAN TALKS TO LABOR Attorney Ocncrnl Hcmcn-wn- y crs, Honolulu; Sam Kaiihane, Walo-- H In words of lowing, who deposited these tho Setecied o, CHICAGO, 111., morning. Tho Territory hlnu, Hawaii; Gcorgo V. Winter, Sept. 7. Wm. J. Bryan addressed a tremendous la '?H v 9 box, icturnlng to bosses tho of' this 10, their Knual; Ilralnard W. Smith, Ho- bor meeting here today. - no action In tho matter for :i lltlal ballots given them. Iluffnii- wilt take in being. Mr, llcmcnvvay nolulu; H. D. Sloggctt. Puunene, 11 r. deau could not ho found this morn tho time leaves for thu States shortly, anil ho Maul; Anthony M. Oilman. Hono THIRTY THOUSAND IN LINE VI 12 .. 1 ing, mi his sblo of tho story was not 4 is busily engaged In preparing lulu; Chns. n. Frar.lcr, Honolulu; C. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 7. Two Labor Day parades were 1:1 II S 1 was tho only ono data learned. Itawllns II. Ilclllna. Honolulu; H. F. Wlch- - held in the city today. Thirty thousand men were in line. 1 tlio who for tho cases that will occupy his Forjudge of faction at Washington. (Continnedon JPage 3) Total ii 12 r. managed to get In. attention County Attorney Catlicart, who Knur delegate)) are classed tin (Continued on Page 3) ADMIRALS WILL It Ik understood on good authority KAHULUIS WON doiihiriil. that Judge. Kaulukou has been select- 'I ed to fill thu position of District Mag- Sail Thursday Morn The l.ucns men liiivu also figured DANCE AT HONOLULU istrate of North Kona District which RAYMOND CUP the whole thing out svstcmntlrally ENTERTAIN FREAR was made vacant hy tho recent death for thesu preclnits. hut with niucli of thu Into .ludgu Clark. ilirfcrciit lesultB. They are as fol- SEASIDE HOTEL TO- Tho Judgu has been mentioned as Oh, what a dabbing of kerchiefs to clean cut cruisers nnd the grim, black, low a: n eanilldato for thu Sheriffship on tho crjlng eves, what protestations of vcnomoiis-nppeurlii- torpedo boat r Today Is receiving day at tho Ilopubllcnu ticket, and Tins somo en- (Spcrlal liulletlii Wireless) faith, and what momentary knnvvlug on her waterfront onro again. c heart-string- s IN homo of Governor Waller F. s thusiastic, though not very numerous WAII.UKU, Maul. Sept. 7. of (hero will bo III Hono Preparations to Leave. s NIGHT HONOR OF rc-cc- Frear, anil It Is probable that a or poworful, hackers. Should ho Tho result of Saturday's gamo lulu next Thursday morning when Towing-line- s aro being Inspected tho offer this will lenvo John tho of tho of tho I'rcclnrt largo number of notables will was I'ala 19, I'uunciin 1. maids I'aradlsu Pa and everything Is being put shlpshnpn Wise as tho only piesent openly de- cific gay, caro-frc- sailor-lover- s Tho Sunday games Wells see their In preparation for tlio continuation ot PACIFICJIEET bo present at tho of clined cnndlditto for tho shrievalty. at sail away across tho tho long Journey over Park resulted In' Kahulul fi, tho Pnclfle. thu Chief Uxccutlvo and his briny blue! For It has been official Thero Is very little, however, that hi g 4. S Commencing IIiIr evening, nnd vvlfo nt their I'unahoti street Stars ly decided that tho great Pacific. Moot being done that Is at nil out of thu :i every night dining tho visit icsldcnre. Tho Kahululs havo won tho will leave hero Thursday morning, as ordinary In tho hustling and bustling of Pacific fleet, n will he Hnymonil Cup Wal- - on 10 thu danco Tomorrow evening Admiral with tho early as possible, too, and Honolulu hoard tho ships. Tho loral flrmii given In their honor at tho Honolulu will tho gleaming of (Continued 2 i; Hvvinhttruu and Admiral Hehrco Ball kapus second. Stars third, anil miss whito tho on Page 2) ii will First Seaside Hotel. Special dinners Hcalanls fourth, 12 h r. ,. . also ho served In tho open air dining will entertain tho Governor at 13 2 r. loom from to eight, which dinner on board tho flagship. ha been attractively decorated for This Is tlio return courtesy for I tlio occasion!. Music for all of tho the dinner given them by Gov Tutu 2.. ar. 2 lllhinarck, king of tho mcnagcrlo dinners and dances will ho supplied hy 's- - crnor Frear somo days ago. tho Kaal (lleo Club. A cordial Invita- Game Off In Central Park, Now York, nnd hla con In Koolaupoko the l.ucns men tion to tho local Army nnd Navy folk, mate. Hose, aro tho parents of a cede HiiHtiitn the majority, while tho as well as Iho numerous nations of baby lion. It, being their twelfth Last Week IIuMiiio men claim th.it tlio delegates thu Seaside, In extended. Charles Van Stiiildlford, husband On account or a misunderstanding off spring. i' "' of Grnro Van Stuildlford, tho actress, tho St. l.otils baseball team failed tn up tho hall park this after- Is In n following show at The California Ilcpuhllcnn Stato borlous condition a noon to play their scheduled gnmo a Mo, Convention platform declares for pro wiililllliiipiOlitipiiliiUKKipiiipiwiripiKXi fall from horso at Joncshoro, .low gumu was there-for- o with tho els. The tho direct primary. called off, and thu latter agreed tection and David II. IIIII pledges himself to to play an exhibition game with u Kerr's Sale work for Iirynn and Mack scoks to team of sailors. NORFOLK rcroncllo Now York factions. . m S.S. LURL1NE, Sept. 1st San Francisco Hoard of Works puts ban on drunkenness by ALLIGATOR PEAHS, PTNBAPFLES, BOYS' BLOUSE SUITS of city street department. JfAfAIAb, BANANAS, The Island Fruit Co., Men of the Fleet DELICIOUS 72 S. KING. PHONE 1 MOTHERS have been calling for them Stock FOI COCKTAIL, 10c Pay SHOES ' for several weeks and we are now Exchange c Served Cold at Soda Fountain of ready to supply the demand. HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK IN HONOLULU OF V "5s W Made of fine blue serges in the natty has resumed business Hollister Bk SHOES FOR MEN AND GUAR- c FURNITURE ANTEE YOU A PERFECT FIT. after) a week'i vaca- We don't need to ask you to tako Norfolk styles with pleats and belts. tion. 'I Drug Co., Ltd. some other than your proper size on If you wish to buy J. Hopp & Co., account of not having sufficient stock. The most becoming suits young boys can or sell stocks or bonds KING AND FORT. Why go to a store with small as- we shall bo pleased to 185 S. KING STREET. sortment when we offer you such a wide range of styles and sizes to se- wear. handle your Open Nights order. Your Time lect from 'Til Eleven SHOES THAT FIT AND WEAR $7.50 RIGHT AND AT RIGHT Prices and $8.50 While the "Fleet" is in port. Meals, is worth more than the boy'i, PRICES. Hawaiian Trust beverages, and candies. Tho best Let us deliver your mcMages, in each line, TERRITORIAL The Kash Co., Ltd., Company. Ltd Manufactures Shoe Co., Ltd. Alexander Young Cafe, MESSENGER SBRVIOE CORNER FORT AND HOTEL STREETS. 823 FORT ST. Honolulu FORT STREET, 4 DOORS BELOW HOTEL. rjipWHwVHtitWHWtvMtpwlpWtpvt,, a VJSB COR. BISHOP AND HOTEL STS. PHONE 361

'IMtdkMMmM&ii A .JSlUVJW maCKBKKKKKKKtKKKKKKKKKKKBftKKKKfSKKUfKfKiAi - w- ' BVENINd BULLKTIH. HONOLULU. T. It., MONDAY, SEPT. 7, 1908. S ' ' LOCAL AND GENERAL Roosevelt Plan For The days are fast draw- If what you want is not advertised advertise for it, in the Bulletin Want ing near when House-hol- d Ads. iKRBSSj expenses increase. WEEKLY CALENDAR Thurlow's for a lunch or dinner. Pearl Harbor Defease ilili Mrs. chutney Is now Reams' fresh 25c. at all grocery stores. N FOREIGN PORTS t ' 1" ARRIVED MIIM3AV 1'aradlso of Pacific Fleet number WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 0 It Is believed nt Washington that : for salo nt all newsstands. Friday, August 28. : : - Hawaiian Stated. President Roosevelt Will send a message, to Congress,, when It recon- rauuuay, uoptemuerr . J. II. Coney, formerly Sheriff of YOKOHAMA Arrived Aug. 27: Molii- - I UI1MJAY venes, recommending an Incrcaso of tho army to onu hundred thousand Stmr. Mlkahala. Tullett. from Knual, Is In town on business. S. S. Siberia, henco Aug. 17. kal portB, a. m. , D. men, so as to provide a garrison for tho Pearl Harbor foits or least d Ilov. K. Will to of Lahaltm came at AIIKHDKKN'T-Arrlve- Aug. 27: Stmr. W. O. Hall. Tlioiiir.ion. from . down M'stenlaj' twenty thousand men. WUIJINUSIJAY Burn In the Mlkahalu. Ilk. S. C. Allen, henco Aug. 1. Knual ports, a. ly. Honk! Honk! 1111 or 191, J.A. I Call KAUULUI Sailed Aug.'27: ! MUK.SUAV Mcl.eod, Mexican, for Hllo. DEPARTED Honolulu Royal for pleasantest auto'rlds. TOWN DESTROYED BY FOREST FIRE S. S. Chapter August 29. Arch 7:30. I.'ractlrally all tho business offices Saturday, !IAN FIUNC1SCO Sailed Aug. 29: Saturday, Soptomher S, along the waterfront closed today. A.-1- Honolulu Commantlcry Reg- are ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 6. Tho town of Chlsholm wns completely S. S. Texan. Hall, fur K.ibu. Post Ofllco F. J. Ilaro re- S. S. Hongkong Mnru, for Honolulu. ular 7:30. lnsiector destroyed by a fire today. pcoplo lul, 5 p. m. i V turned from Maul yesterday morning. forest Six thousand nre homeless. The SAUNA CllUZ Sailed Aug. 28: I'UIUAV firs Is Btlll burning, and has caused a loss of nnd a half million S. S. Virginian, for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Wilcox of Knuat three 8AILINO TOMORROW I ' GAS are- In town, ASTOniA Arrhed. Aug. 28: M.VI UHUAV having nrrlvcd csterday. dollars. Simile, Malta-wel- l, M. Lcl Aloha Chapter No. 2 Judgu J. L. Kniilukon, who has been Schr. Anulu E. from N. Co. S. 3 llltnnlan Jnluiam, visiting Aug. 4. for 8an 10 a Reoular. In Knual, returned yesterday AEROPLANE RECORD BROKEN Francisco, n. m. In the Hall. aitAY'S llAHDOIt Sailed Aug. 28: 8tmr. Maunn Koa, Freeman, for Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Clay nnd children Schr. Kobert Lowers, for Honolulu. Mnul and Hllo (Volcnno), 12 noon. All lilting members of the arrived In tho Mlkahala from l.anaJ PAHIS, Franco, Sept. 0. Lagrange has broken the world's aoro-plnn- u MAKAWKU Sailed Aug. 29: Stmr. Holeno, Tor Mnhukonn and Order nre coidlnlly Invited to nnd you will strike an via Mnloknl. record by remaining fifty-fo- minutes In tho air and covering Schr. Crescent, for Port Townsend. 12 noon. attend meetings uf local lodges Among tho passengers who arrived fifteen miles In flight. Farman hold tho previous record. 1111,0 Arrived Aug. 28: Stllir. W. O. Hnll. Thnmn.nn. fnr economic chord and from Molokni yesterday was II. II. nam S. S. Mexican, from Kahulul. Kauai ports, 5 p. in, Hitchcock nnd family. SAN FRANCISCO Arrived Aug. 29: Stmr. Novau, for Honokna ami MICHIGAN bring Harmony home Allegrottl'B chocolate creams by re- FOREST FIRES Stmr. Asia, hence Aug. 23. 5 p. m. frigerator car from Chicago are on Ilktne. Irmgard, bonce Aug. C. Htmr. Ko Au Hon, for Knual ports. HARMONY LODGE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. to you. salo at Ilenson, Smith & Co., Ltd., DULUTH, Minn., Sept. C. Forest fires linvo consumed several Monday, August 31. 5 p. m. Hotel and Fort streets. towns In this region. Four thousand people arc homeless nnd 12,000,-00- 0. SAN FRANCISCO Arrived Aug. 29: Btmr. Mlkahala, Tullett. for Mono-ka- l Meets o pry Momlaj waning nt On Installments of $3 per month you worth of property destroyed. S. S. Asia, hencu Aug. 23. and Mnul ports, G p. m. 7:30 In 1. O. O F. Hull, Fort Street. can purchaso a White Family Rotary Bktue Irmgard, hence Aug. C. Aug. DUE TOMORROW i: It. HENDRY, Secretary. sowing machine Benny & Co., Ltd.. PORT TOWN8END Arrived 30: Honolulu Gas Co. agents. 1206 Fort Phone 488. FRANCE AND SPAIN AGREE Schr. Inca, from Kahulul. iu:n. F. V1CKERS, N. 0. St. T. K. K. S. S. Tcnyo Mnru, front Or- - LIMITED Copies of the Fleet PORT TOWNSEND Arrived Aug. 31: ient ports, p. m. t AH flitting lirothoi a ory cordially Bulletin's PAHIS, Sept. C. Spain M. H. henco Aug. 12. Edition, wrapped ready for mailing, Franco, nnd France are In nccord on tho Schr. Foster, Stmr. Manna Kca. fiom Invited. PORTLANDArrlvwl Aug. 31: Frecinnn. can be procured this office for five Morocco Issue. The Powers are watting for thoir recognition of Mulnl Hllo (i;iks' exclusion), 7 a. ni. at Fr. bk. Mlcbclct. henco July 2G. Bishop Street cents. Cost of mailing, three cents. as Sultan. MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. OF P. YOKOHAMA 8allod Aug. 31: PASSENGERS ARRIVED T Mini I.ncy Kntikau, nrst assistant S. S. Tcnyo Mnru, for Honolulu. In tho Lahalun government school, TOLSTOI UNDER BAN SHATTLE Aug. 31: Per stmr. Mlkahala. from Maul and Meet 2d mid Tuesday who Arrived cveiy 4tli has been visiting In Honolulu, S. S. Alaskan, for Honolulu, Molokal jsirts, Sept. f,. Chas. Oay, of each month nt 7:30 p. m. K. 1'. will return to her post In tho Manna Oay, at BT. PETERSBURG, Itussla, Sept. G. The Holy Synod has banned The reported arrival of the ship Astral Sirs. (lay. Amelln Elslo flay. May Hull, Ki'.i tomorrow noon. (lay. Lawrence (lay, It. (lay, corner I'urt nnd Doretanla 8ts. tho participation of tho people In the proposed celebration of Tolstoi's on tho 24th Inst. Is an error not Nanl (lay, Visiting Brothers cordially welcome Knannnun, a Hawaiian, wns arrested yet arrived. F. J. Hnro. Mrs. Knaua, Miss Pihl, K. last Saturday, for an alleged nssault birthday. D. W. L. LYLE, C. C, tvt ttrvt ritrtiiiiiiMi Tuesday, September 1. White, K. White, II. II. Hitchcock. on his wife with a knife. Tho affair W. C. Hitchcock, R. II. 5'. WALDRON, 11. & S. DELAWARE I1R15AKWATER Ar- J. Illlchcoclf. K. of took place Ku-ku- l. on Llllha street near TAFT WILL START SOON Aug. 31: E. K. I'lkno, Mrs. I'lkao, Muster i'lkao. Tho woman two rived received wounds Am. sp. Astral, from Hllo April C. Miss Opimiil, Miss M. L. Plimpton, OAHU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P. on her left aim. Miss Plimpton, M roc, MI DOUR IIASS, Ohio, Sept. C. Mr. Tnft will make n traveling cam- (Not ns previously reported.) Jos. nil Miss N. Tho police report that they nro hav Ar- Mejer nnd 2li deck. Lehnhardt's ing very paign In October In tho doubtful States. DELAWARE BREAKWATER Sleets cvory first nnd third Fri- llttlo trouble with tho sailors rived Sept. 1: Per stmr. W, O. Hull, from Knual from tho fleet. Whllo some i i day evening ut 7:30 In K. of 1 HiUI, or them k Sp. John Knn, henco May 9. ports. Sept. fi. A. 8. Wilcox. Mrs. Wil- corner Fort nnd lleiutaiila. YUltlBC have been succumbing to libations to G0MPERS AGAINST CANNON HAN FRANCISCO Arrived Sept. 1: cox, Miss E., Miss K. und Master Al- IlarhiiH they mudo no disturbance and brothor cordially Invited to attend. S. S. Alameda, at noon, henco Aug. len Wilcox. II. W. T. PunlB. Mrs. Unoscelled they wero taken quietly back to their Purvis, Miss Purvis, E. Lovoll and A. (!. DEERIXG, C.C., ships. DANVILLE. HI., Sept. 0. Samuel (lompcrs will open the campaign 26. Wednesday, September 2. son, Musters !'.. M. and J. Fernandez. JA3. W. WHITE, K.R.S. - hero against Speaker Cannon Monday. - A rnuplo of persons hao been ar- SAN FRANCISCO Arrived 2: nml Dovcrlll, E. Mnlcuiii, Mrs. Mo- on i g Sept. tested suspicion of hnvlng stolen Dk. Annlo Johnson, from Hllo, Aug- Ktnnon, Miss Mary Jones, Miss C. HONOLULU money from sailors, but there scorns LODGE 016, B. P. 0. E. Candies HAS DISBANDED HIS ARMY ust 5. Low, Miss Clara D. Low, Miss E. Rice, In lie evidence, dart-le- but llttlo against thorn HILO Sailed Aug. 31: Mrs. A. 11. Rico. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. 11. cm which bnso n HoboIuIu Lodgo No. CI 6, P. 0. to definite charge. Morocco, Sept. Is reported Inlo S. S. Mexican, Sallnn Cruz. and four children, Geo. Klitcgel, F. They nro now being held for Investiga- TANGIER. C It that tho Sultan, for 25., will moot In tliclr hall on King .v Thursday, 8ept. 3. Stlllniiiu, Miss L. Webber. J. II. Coney. tion. One of them Is n man, Abdul Azlr, has disbanded his army. near Fort Street every Friday even- named m SAN FRANCISCO Arrived Sept. 3: Win. A. Coney, Omurn, Leo Yet Fun, Petrnsko, whllo another Is n woman from Hllo, Aug. C. K. Amann, I). Frascr, Miss Jacob- - ing. Iwllcl. S. S. Arlzonnu, 25. from BATTLESHIPS ARE AT SUEZ SAN FRANCISCO Arrived Sept. 3: sen, Mrs. Manase, Mrs. J. K. Hart and By ordor of the E. It.: Always - Fresh at Mongolia, 4 p. Aug. dnugbter, Miss Omsted, J. K. Katilu- HCNUY C. UASTON. S. S. in., hence 8UBZ, Suez Canal, Sept. --Tho Amorlcnn battleships Maine nnd 28. kou, Mrs. Christian, Masters Chris- Socrotary. Brcttc-vlll- SAILORS SCRAP hnvo arrived here. Friday, September 4, tian (2). M. R. Jnrdlu, Paul do TO. II. McIXKUNY, E. It. SAN FRANCISCO Sept. 3. Miss do Rrcttovlllc, K. C. Aka-n- Lov-- CHAMBER'S DRUG P. M. S. S. Mongolia) I p Miss Ochlwatso, Masters E. PACD7IC FLEET WILL in., henco rffi. M'KINLEY LODGE No.8, K.ofP. ' An.; 28. ell and Muhura, Fern, Hamamoto mid CO., UNDER HALI TREE Two Eyes IN FOREIGN PORTS 49 deck. (Continued from 1) Musts overy Saturday evening Pase S. at are filling their contracts for furnish arc better than one; and too good Saturday, September PAS8EN0ER8 BOOKED f 7:30 In K. Hall, cor. BRISBANE Sept. 2: o'clock of P. Fort and King St. Ing fresh meats, vegetables, and oth- eves are better than two poor ones. Sailed i. Fort and Hcretnnta. Visiting broth- er stapla benefit of S. S. Maranin, for Honolulu. Per S. 8. Hilonlan. for San Fran necessities for the Let us make your eyes good by fitting Bcpt. 8. A. ers cordially iinjtcd to nttend. tho man," and thcro scorns to SAN FRANCISCO Arrived Bcpt. 5: cisco, Miss E. Perkins.' Both Parties To Hst "Inner proper glasses. MIsb Esther Haven, Miss E. Wilcox, FRAZEG, C he a general feeling of satisfaction S. S. Virglnlnn, from Salina Cruz. W. L. C, Miss M. Wilcox, Mrs. W. IlergBtrom AN FRANCISCO Sailed Sept. 5: J. K. A. JACOlldON, K.R.S. Bout mid attitude of kindliness toward tho nnd 2 children, Mrs. A. II. Rice, Mrs. Are Badly Honolulu, noon. local tradesmen for tho manner In S. S. Alameda, for E. C. Shrewsbury, John T. Molr. Al- HO'NOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. E. Absolutely Certain which they hnvo shoved out tho best V. 8. A. T. Iluford, for Honolulu, fred Edwnrds, T. S. Kay. Mrs. V. K. Licked on their shelves or couulerH for tho " noon. Coukllng and child. Miss T. Hyde, Miss Meets on WED- men of tho Fleet. HI LO O. Hyde, Mlsa Kin-no- the 2nd nnd 4th YOU SRTt Sailed Sept. I: Emily nice, W. A. NESDAY ovonlngs of each mouth at Tho bcantlfuk strnlns of thu music Lose $3500 and Laugh. Schr. Mlnnlu A. Oalno, for Sound. W. E. Ilelllnn, Fillpo Sllvestrn, When you get Tho men of tho Fleet wero out In Arraj. 7: So o'clock In K. of 1'. Hall, corner furnished by Ernest Knars quintet Monday, September 7. Chas. Ellis, Madamo II. Bassett, us to makt force to tho s unci tho boat-rac- e Uerotanla nnd Fort streets. under tho old hail tree, ut tho Seaside SEATTLE Arrived, Sept. 6: S. D. Stoddard. John II. Fisher, Mrs. your clothes this morning. It was stated by a BOSTON BUILDING J. II. Fisher, Mrs. Cnmcrou und 2 at- last evening wero threo times Inter U. S. A. T. Dlx. henco Aug. 28. Ed. Vliiltlns Eagles nre Invited to ready-to-we- sailor on tho West Virginia that S3500 at rupted hy tho crude sounds of blows. AHUKINI Sailed Sept. I: children, 8. W. Porker and party, Geo, tend. would bo a conservative estimate of Robblns, Gammon, Aus- dMom. nnd cries of "There b another scrap!' room is worthy of comment, too, for Schr. Allco McDonald, for tho Sound. Chas. Einest W. L. FRAZEE, W., Prcst. the sum dropped by that snip's crew tin, Mario Heprnuvos, E. T. Our $25. suits from tho crowd. It nil happened und tho brass-butto- boys have taken par- Conaut, II. T. MOORE, Secy. by tho loss of tho boat raco to tho WATERFRONT NOTES Frank Borzcs, Chas. ZolgenfusB, Hairy have no cr tho hnu treo. In thu first case, both South Dakota's crow this morning. ticular prldo In this, their living room, contestants got badly It Knch olllcer who Goodwin. comparison, licked; In tho "Hut thnt's nothing," continued tho ns were. shares THE INTER-ISLAN- steamer W. O. HAWAIIAN THI3E No. 1, 1. 0. It. M. second, the patrol jumped In, ynnked ono in this has presented tho ship with yesterday morning from Tuxedo Suits sailor. "Up in California baseball Hall arrived THE TEXAN of tho Amerlciiii-IIn-walla- thu pugnacious uno'off his feet, and game cost us no less than S!i000. Wo somo sort of a picture, from a Christy Knual without a single bag of sugar, every $30. np. had things as tranquil as general quar girl to a Remington cowboy picture. lino sailed at S o'clock last Sat- Jlcote first and third Thurs- aro getting quite UBcd to It now. only 1800 bags of KrS, M. sugar being ters In less thaq ono minute after tho It Tho room Is spacious and urday afternoon for Kahulul to tuko day of each month nt Knights of fun lib- reported by tho purser ns awaiting round means a llttlo less while on with piano nnd pianola, scats in sugar before slio takes her final Pythias Hall. Visiting brothors cor- started. erty, but wo Just console ourselves shipment on tho Garden- Isle. The Tho first troublo nil started ovor a would bo culled window-seat- s wero departure for tho States. dially to nttnnd. with the thought of tho sport wo steamer towed tho schooner Allco Mc- Hi Inltd llttlo pleco of money. Tho lurgcr there windows, and splendid Bcrvlcc. to 3 p. A. II. ARIiEIGH, Sachem. might liavo had If.tha gnmo had gone Donald sea Friday nt in. from AT 12 O'CLOCK noon tomorrow, tho man couldn't stand n llttlo "guff." und Ahiiklnl. On leaving Ahuklnt Satur- A i: MURPHY, C. of proceeded to tho tho other way." HACKFKI.l) & CO., who nro now Milium Ken sails for Maul and Hawaii. It. send other to tho day tho Hall sighted a tbrcc-mastc- Ward-Room- . Hamburg-America- She will arrive fiom Hllo early tomor- Moor for tho count with a succession Penmy's agents for tho lino, schooner supposed to ho tho McDon- of rlghtB tho A Bot fellows, company two row morning with tho oxciirslonlstH. fnst to face The other bettor of clean cut stale that tho Is building ald, bound north. Tho Klnnii, which r Pacific Photo Gallery got up dazed, to bo sent down ugnln and gentlemen, everyone, could bare- magnificent steamers for tho Atlantic was when tho Hall by at Wnlnioa left THE STEAMER Holeno sails nt a swing on thu wind. The victor ly bo found than nro tho officers on lervlce, one of which will ho called will bring to Honolulu 157 cases plnu Jumped on him ns ho lay on tho door, tho Pnclflo Fleet cruisers. And down tho Cincinnati. They will be amongst noon for Mnliiikona und Kawalliao to- Best and Latest method of photogra- apples. morrow, mid smashed Ids head somo Inches below in tho officers' lounging room tho most comfortably equipped steam-it- s Sho will take a Inrgo cargo. phic work. ssa cfi Into tho hoard. Then, Victor Number on thu beautiful Pennsylvania may bo In sorvlco next year. Thu local & CO. to WITH HACKFELD look THE CARGO of the Mlkahnla from 17 HOTEL STREET near NUUANU. Two stopped In. Ho was a llttlo fel- found n fair sample of tho best In tho agents will hook pnsKcugors for these after their Interest, two of tho Chirks GEO. A. MARTIN, - , Mnloknl Included 30 head of low, but, my! how strong. Ho hauled fleet of. tho .West. Tho officers' ward- vessels. "Round-tho-worl- cattle K. HAMAMOTO, Manager. Hotel St. tours" nio being ar- from tho Molokal Ranch Co, the unconscious ono away and laid ranged 1909 nnd 1910, both to grass. for visit I him In tho Victor Number Ono Honolulu. will bo in BEST AND Al ICE CREAM PARLOR Only CURIO SALOON followed, Tho first hero THE W. O. HALL'S cargo Included The in Town looking rather sheepish. Ho 1909 second In Feb- December and tho empty barrels, 80 bags copra 10 Delicious Cakes nnd Candies is the started to say something, no matter ruary, 1910. Tho steamship Arabic and what. Victor Two got up, lings tarn. on hand Number of tho Whlto Star Lino, with Captain at and literally punched tho head off o( Day Afternoon Smith in command, will bo used first. Orpheum Saloon Number Ono, who was about n head Lair The Bulletin Publishing Co., Fugetsudo, taller. Protesting and badly beaten, STEAMER Hilonlan of tho Ltd., is agent for the best engraving ho took to AT P. M. THE right next to the Orpheum Theater. his hcols nnd fled. The man 3 Mntsou Company leaves promptly at and lithograuhing company on 17 HOTEL ST. TEL. 471. who wns Come up and have some fun. out camo to after n short 10 o'clock tomorrow morning for San the Pacific Coast and is prepared tlmo In dreamland. Francisco with a largo number of pas- to give estimates on high-grad- e A fow inlnutcu lutcr, tho patrol Choice FERNS, ROSES and sengers who have already booked. Her printing of every kind. Fi S. Nagami, weudod Its way onto tho scene. There cargo 70 honoy, consists of barrels of Also prices and samples of the CARNATIONS wnB another cry of "Scrap!" feet scuf- Hall 2S00 bunches of bananas, 8000 cases of En- Independence Very Kodak Developing, Printing, fled, nnd ono blow smacked out canned pineapple, 1S00 tons of sugar. Latest in Engraved Cards, larging nnd Interior Photo- smartly. Then, a big man with a club Announcements, and nut graphing. Mrs. E.M.TAYLOR reached his hand, a pair of heels ALAKEA STREET THE STEAMER Manna Ken. which Invitations, in the best of form flow up Into tho air, und tho wnuld-b- curried tlio'excurslonlsts to Hllo last for smart functions. HOTEL ST. bet. Nuuanu & Bethel, THE FLORIEST, HOTEL YOUNG Bid fighter departed for other scenes. Saturday afternoon took among tho a e Meanwhllo, played, the quintet nnd raigo n few automobiles, belonging to llovlvul uf business followed by ac- Telephone 339. peace reigned ugalu under tho hnu THE CHOICEST STEAKS , Charles Reilly, Jack McFadden, Mr, Kennedy, Ilntbcrt Shluglo, Fiank tivity In real cstato unci largo enter- tree. Thompson They AGENTS FOR and others. will bo prises Hint will glvo employment (a THE FINEST CUTLETS CHAMPION LIGHTWEIGHT, vs. CHAMPION LIGHTWEIGHT OF used In going up to the volcano. tiraphonhono records reproducing many men In vicinity of Han Finn- - EDGEW03TH and QBOID Tobaeoos HONOLULU, vs. ISO Tamales, Enchiladas, Spare Ribs. speeches by .1. Ilryan clseo is anticipated. The only two good' smoking William wero ALL THE STEAMERS of tho Inter--J political meeting Tobaccos in the Market used nt a nt Wash- Fox, iHuuiii iicci in pn uoisieo ing Amer- THE CRITERION CAFE, ington. D. C. nnd it Is planned to H. Austin, ican flags this morning ut 8 o'clock on Rowing bargo In whlih flvo boys Waverle'y CHAMPION LIGHTWEIGHT OF account of Labor Day. Tho seamen left tho South End Rowing Club Blook Bethel St. FITZPATRIOK BROS, make tho records a fcaturo of tho campaign In Maryland, Virginia, CHAMPION LIGHTWEIGHT OF nro having a vacation today. Tho Ha houso Is picked up on llerkeloy shoro and MYRTLE CIGAR STORE. TORPEDO BOAT PERRY aro celebrating PAINTING, PAPERHANGING AND Delaware, and, Wett Virginia. U. S. S. PENNSYLVANIA waltans tho day with and lads nro believed to have perish- limns. ed. TINTING. The latest and largest assortment 10 ROUNDS. AT 133 LBS. 8 ROUNDS AT 130 LBS. THE covors ' of hand-mad- e and painted leather A Most Excellent Assortment of MlKAHALA.whlch tho General Jo' "nt; A Specialty. Molokal run, will loavo fi Flow- at o'clock postcards in Hawaiian Views, tomorrow,, taking passengers sup- OEt NEXT Dealers in W; .1 apcr. Paints, Oils, and ers and Fruits, at plies for tho settlement. to yourself and let us build that ca- .etc. P. 0. Ba D14. 221 No. King McCollough, WEEDON'S CURIOSITY BAZAAR noe, rowing-boat- , or yacht which you Ct., U1p. Aula Park. VI. B. SUITINGS Kam, mgr. Alakea St., bet. King and Merchant. OF FORT SHAFTER, vs. IN THE AFTERNOON at S o'clock. have in mind. We'll havajit ready tho steamers W. G. Hall und Ko An, in no time, and the price Will be so EXCELLENT LAUNDRY WORK TOWNSEND Hon Icavo for Kauai ports wltn low freight. that you will wonder how we can done by the UNDERTAKING COMPANY Jack McKay. do it. We've done it, however; so we KNOW. W. W. Ahana Co., OF THE U. S. "Scatty" of Death Valley apolo- A S. PENNSYLVANIA TRENCH LAUNDRY EMBALMING SPECIALTY gizes for ridiculous accusation with thoir new FRENCH LIMITED 8 ROUNDS AT 140 LBS. against hank officials and Is warned Charles D Walker, procass. Kapiolani Bldg., 02 S. KING ST. PHONE 525. Tickets on. sale at Fashion Cigar Store. Prices : $2.00 Ringside; by Chief ltlggy to get out of San 337 Beretania St. Phone 1401. Cor. King & Alakea, Phone 411, THE BEST "FITTERS" IN TOWN. Boat and Machine Works, $1.50 Reserved Seats; $1 General Admission, Francisco, Xing near Alapii


" .i (WHHMHHMmHHHWMb --r StfHlLlHBHttfiMHLWBaflHaH - "'nflMtfiTllinMinfiiffnll J' ttF"


Ulna, Sol. Haunhnuo. Manuel Leal, K KAUKIEU TAKES NoIiiiiioIiii, John Wallace There was no ionics! ;ofcaaKiirasaM 1 Sixth Precinct. Territorial Fred t'ockett. Hen BIG BARRED DOORS Campbell, G. W. II. Kline, W 11 Kalll- - mat, E. J. Lord, K, I) Scraggy. Comity (Ins Anderson. .1 C Cohen, 1909 Cylinder MOTHERS W. P. Drake, .lai flormim, DaMd llnlll. Four Hugo Hnumiknnm, John Illlo, Alfred Police Raid Barricaded Kalll. 11. Kiilllmnl, Win Kahiltinkahl. T, Kukullii, Keolokapu. II Klemmo, Gambling House In i;. k. LiiiKmam, .1 k. .Naklla, I Nan-ha- , YOU will have to look around John Nuiianes, C'hns Alo, A, R - ', Phillips, J, C. Qiilnn, Gus Hose. Stevens . Duryea '' for school supplies for the little Waipahu Seventh Precinct. Tenltorlnl A. I). Castro, John C ones soon. you t .... .i ,ir rA. .!.... We can supply Ktniilnting tlio example set by Sam J.o, , vtiiiiu. MODEL , X Ii.auu, and Dlstile' 1 p Eok-irdl- " with the best lowest son when ho gnlpvil the galea of C.17.1, 4 "it at the V rernnnilez, Jr.; julin Kiiniaiimiln, Clilof of DcloctUcn Knlnklot.i prices. , Daniel Klknhn, William l.uras, .lamen N imiNUINO. OUT THIS NEW MODEL we d 0 not in any way retract any claims iiIkIiI tlio po K lust Saturday to P. Morgan. Samuel Nawola, Julius tlint we have made fur the which we are firmly convinced 11 , cai ll (.latum or a Kami)- - VI- - wltli tlio doors P. V. (). Telxelia. J. A. It. the highest type of automobile construction. In response to a demand for a V IIiik Joint at Wnlpnhit, which ho nml II, P. Wood, Jim K Woodwnid. eira, our Model K, more It pospo or ofllpcrn hail rnlik'it. Eighth Precinct. larger, roomier car than nnd Tlio place, which in Halil by tlio Territorial Iiuls AWett. O. W. moderate in piice than our Light Six, we have nioduccd tho Model X. This model Children's to bu u his nml notoiloiit 0110, Paly, Paul Jariott. Dr O T. Rogers. supplies a demand for a car a little larger and more powerful than the la Halil to bu controlled by ono Woiik County nml District Walter Akaim. Model P, which has been discontinued. The owner of the Model X can feel that the School Hats Sn, who wnH roiiiu IIiiio iiko nrrvstvil C. L. Crabbc, A. V. Gear, C. Holt, H. well known featuies of the Model R. arc embodied in his car, together with the ad- Bulling Howard, Lucas, II for liquor without a license. Albert Mm ray, vantages of more room and power. In brief, the Model X is an enlargement and re- White, plain fancy plaids; all new; It was lirjvlly barricaded by two mas- John Mnrcalllno, Joseph McKlnnon, (olors, and finement of tho Model R, renrcsenting the most advanced ideas in automobile de- sive ban el doom, niado of planks Georgo O'NclI, M It Parmenter, 75 $1.00 Sjil.nO to $3.50. Stevens-Durye- a about two Inches thick, and by a trnp Henry Peters, L. E Twotncy, Hnrrj signs, together with construction and workmanship, which have been door leading down from tho loot. The Worrall, Scott Wright proven absolutely correct. police gained an entrance by halng Ninth Precinct. Ihu doors ojiened fiom the Inside by Territorial Sam Kokl, 118; C. N. tin Informer ami nil tlio lumalex, num- MaqiieN, 144; Sam Maim, 111; Kukat-laul- , bering about twinty-llo- , veio 133. THE UNIT POWER PLANT Children's Hose led. County mid Dlstiln-- r W Iloolb. When pullru I110U0 In g.unb-ler- AND Black cotton; Rood quality; II pairs for 50 Iho tho 100; J. II, S. Knleo l.ln. John Ke. 12S; threw dnmlmien Dan Kiiw-nllio- 124: ';:: 20 and a pair. the and other Andien MeCibe. 25 n5 evidence Into 11 iliute through which 124; John Knlimmacde. 120; Liinia Children's Hack ribbed lisle hose; fine quality; it fell into 11 cesHpool, but ono of the 117; Nakidwl, ins: J A. THREE-POIN- olllcers managed lo It. 105; M. A. Knhlnxnu. T '10 "and pair. icscuo The Slhn, Kll; Jos. SUPPORT 50 a primmer were all releat.ee! on ball. Kalll, 101; A. IC. Woodward. 101: , Children's tan and white cotton ribbed hose, Their canes will be tried In the Hono- 102; A. K. Koao nil; 1). Koaua-1111- lulu police comt tomoriow. 101; Win Ahla, lul. This conduction, which has made the name "STEVENS-DURYEA- " synonymoui C5 a pair with motor on-- efficiency, STEVENS-DURYE- enra FIFTH DISTRICT. is retained. wrc Imilt on correct Misses' black and white lisle hose, 50 a pair. LUCAS AND HUSTACE principles in the beginning, and at no time have any radical chanjies been made in Seventh Precinct. design. Territorial C. H Mnllo, 102; L. J. their (Continued from 1) Faze Peary, 62; J. Mnukoll 101 3-- 4 4 BORE. . 4 2 STROKE TIRES 31 x 4 A FULL LINE of CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' wan Heeled in tills precinct. Rajs Not elected J. Kalaeloi, 31; II. P. U.iw-IIii- k, WEIGHT, 2G50 l'OUNDS that hu did nothing to dcre.it Peterson, 32; J. M lllgt, 33, E. L' Inning only returned flow Ha- Winston, 49; J. Maun 2.1 For detailed specifications send for catalog. waii last Satiiulay, and that he ttaw County nml DlstilciAI.ip.il, Ell Underwear Raw Una electioneering stienmninly Craw fold, Holouu, Piter Kaliea. Jin. Kal.tiii. Chas. Kmiliikukiil, M, Kawal-tipu- , g.iliiHt him tlio at poll. J. Kenlaiiul, Col Mahclonu, S. - In tlio Third, It. V. llrccl.ona wan Price, $2760 Macy, M. II. Piinohu, Gtorge Wilglit. defeated an 11 candidate for the Coun- Tho entlro ticket ami tho ballots H.illon-tjn- e, Folding Top with Side Curtains, Storm Front, Celluloid Windows and Ladies' ty Contention, while C. O. cast for each nominee Is uh follows: W. C. I'arkc. and C. I'hlllliis H. Alapal, 102; E. .1 Crawford, 78; J. Slip Cover Extra $ 150.00 Lustre Skirts siiffcicd In tho samo way In tho P. Dlus, 37; T. Hon, II. Chas, llolnui, Magneto Extra $22 00.00 117; Knheu, 82. I'oiuth. In the N'luth, Ilooth broke P. Jtn Knlan.i, 81; Chassis $2400.00 Black and black with white stripes. Plain and Chas. Knulukiikul, 1d7, M. Kawatnpu, embroidered ruffles. Very pretty. Look like silk. the Nicholas slate. 00; J. Kawnluun, 4S. I K, Kaunl, 78, The lcstilt In tho various precincts I". Sjil.75 S?3.00 Sji3.no and $12.75. J. Keolaiiul, 00; W Klnlniakn, 33; Stevens-Durye- a . In town was as follows: C. Klllchua, 37; Sounnion Mahelona Company, FOURTH DISTRICT. (Kolomnoa), 82; S .Macy. OS; (1. S. - CHIC0PEE FALLS, MASS. First Precinct. Mokuahl, 42; M. Naw.ia. 37; M. II. Territorial A. I C. Atkinson. 20: 94; S. Paawela C2; W. K. Hath-bur- John CuBsldy, 25; Trod W. Mucfop 48; A. Smith, Jr. 00; O. Wilglit, X U lane, 2C: W. C. Hoe, 2C. 95; J. Wright, 49; C A Wills, 10. MODELS and JUST ARRIVED IN TEXAN County Chillies (3. Harllelt. 23; Eighth Precinct. N.S. Sachs Dry Goods Co. .lames H. Doyd. 2G; A. P. Clark, 24; Territorial E. N. Vueller, A. K. K. A. Doulhltt, 20; Henry Van (llescii, 25; Isaac Haibottle, 20; James I- County nnd DUtrltt Kahiiena, 53; LIMITBD: Holt. 2C; D. K. Kneo, Jr., 23; Sjlves-te- r Kuplhca, 18; Darker 41; Kauiihii, 41; Cor. Beretania and Fort Sts. Knhlklkolo. 21; I). Kalole, 23; J. K. Lucas, 40; Murkhniil, 39; Wallace, 39. Hamm-Youn- g Kulunlnnnole, 23; lona Kclkl, 23; Dan Not elected Knaiiwal, 31; Kokl, 31; Von Co., I.ogan, 21; I). Nueole, 23. Mahlole, 31; Mors 33; Nawaa, 31; Thero was no opposition to this Pluahala, 30. slate, bo tho booth was closed at 3:20. Ninth Precinct. '" LIMITED, AGENTS. Second Precinct. Territorial N. Fernandez. Noah i Territorial Charlcj King, J. II. Ku, Kauliane, William K. Loo, S. W. George Mnllo. Spencer. County nml DIstilct E. C. Hrown, County and District II. J. Auhl. H. 132; Ocorso Hculson, 123: Clias. Kna-not- , M. Duncan, S C P. P. 91; Chas. Ualley, 'J2; i:. Durrnn-dean- , Moreno K. Hulii, David IC. The principal reasons why you 8S; Chas. Lucas, 88; Akoim Kama, John Kiih)ui), John L. Kuulu-kou- , Afong, 88; J. W. Cathcart, Sli; Knllma-pclui- , S, M. Puleliu, P. Sllva. should buy the Globe-Wernic- SI; J. P. Lewis, 82; Henry Tenth Precinct ke Filing Illckey, 82; Geo. Mnkalena, 79; W. T. Territorial J K. Mannakca. Good Folks Take ltnwllns, TG. County ami District Harry Kahale, Cabinet Not elected II. P. Saininonn, Jack I.nno Killolohla, A S. Knlelopu, Lot K Leonard N'nlwl, Italpli I,)on, Jack Kuanioo, A. C. Lane. Notice P. Grimihs, V, P. Dillingham. Eleventh Precinct. Remington Typewriters, Cleanable Third Precinct. Terrlloilal Eugeno K. Alii, 113; A Terrltoilal Alex. Robertson, 122; J. St. C. Pliamila, In5; II. M. Mm Holt Universal Adding P. Cooke, 104; John Wntcrliouso, 92. 104. Refrigerator County Clarenco Cooke, 128; J. J. County and District JInkanoo d It's a Good Sign Machines nelscr. 127; W. E. Urown, 117; Chas. Amana, 71: S. P Corrca (Kolea), 71 S. Crane, 113; Frank J. Kruger, 117; Ed. Hcnrlques (llnnnllka), C3; A. P If it's painted by , keeps food pure J. II. 111: Thco. F. Lansing, Jmld (Alapakl Kaiikn), 01; J. J. o JIM Edison Mineographs are that it I . 111; Chas. P. Chllllngworth. 109; (Keaka). 04. W. II. Jlclnerny !&' '1 and fresh and cold, it uses lit- Henry l'lluger, 107; Jos. M. Little, (Mnkananl). 0J: Win. E. Palkull, 76; Stanley Stephenson, Edison Business tle ice, and is the easiest in 100; V. H. llromley, 107; Fred G. Wm. Paoakalanl, 78. miiiifr l2l22Jf1V'C,ikTv: ft the world to clean. Hush, 102; Manuel K. Cook, 102; I) 11 Id IC. John Terrlloilal Dent, 77: The Shop. P. Soper, 101; Norman Wutklns. 101; Chas. A. Dickey, 77; S. L. Kckumanti Paint 134 King St. Phonographs Call and sec it at J. I) Marines, 101; Joseph Richards, 77; Kualawa, 77. 97. County Chas. II. Clark, 48; Wm Supplies For All The Above Carried Of tlio thieo defeated ones, William II. Crawford, 39, Sam Kalmhii, 25, A Has Moved to in Stock. H. HACKFELD & CO., Aylctt received 90, H. Ureckous, Chns. K.mckoa, 59; Geo. Kuolopa, 50, I Mn Limited 92; nml Gus Schiimaii, 75. W. II. Kcawe. 42; Ilcrnard Kelekollo, HAWAIIAN OFFICE SPECIALTY Those defeated for tho Tcnltoilnl 32; Kullke. 47: S. M. 58 1(1 OREGON BLOCK, WHOLESALE AGENTS. Jns. Pahla, J LAN CO., LTD. convention weio S. P. Chllllngworlli, Peter Makla, 40; S. K. Malol, 10; W. B 43; Ilobert H. linker, 33; W. L. Castle, Chas. Opuniil. 58; A K. Vlcrrn, II. r 031 FORT STREET. ' 23. Not elected, County Joo Alanl, 23; 152 Hotel St. OPPOSITE YOUNG : Fourth Precinct. E. L. Kauai, 24; Wm. V. Kwnl Pong, H0TE1 Bulletin Business Office Phone 25 G. Tcnllorlal W. W. Chamberlain, M 18; Win K. Lelowl, 24. Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185. P. l'rosser, E. A. C. Long. Thirteenth Precinct. P. J. Lowicy nml Dr. C. D. Wood Territorial Geo. Knight, Ilobert wcro defeated. Holbion. County and District J. Lucas, 87; County nnd DIstilct P. C. Miller, It. W. Shingle, 80; (J. W. Smith, 79; Win. Henry, dipt, Nllmra Ulna, Knk.i, W. O. Abhley, 79; J. L. McLean, 73; Etl. Kealoha, Jack Kahalckaiiwlla, C. M. V. Forster, 07; W. P. Hellhron, Last 05; C. 02; P. E. Itlcliard-son- , i 1 Week Hustaco, Jr., t 39; E. II. Paris, 38; C. A. Long, CORRECTED LIST r 50; R. S. Johnstone, 54; J. A. Wll j Hams, 54; P. O. 53; P. II, Dojcr, (Continued from Pise 1) Damon, 53, Kodaks man, Honolulu; A. W. Carter, Hono- Tho vote for the other nominees wan us follows; II. I. Roth, 51; Ch.is. lulu; Goo. T, Klugel, Honolulu; An- Phillips, 49; C, W. Zlegler. 49; E. J. drew Adams, Kiihuku, Oahu; J, Waterman, 45; C. G. Iiallcntno, 41; Honolulu; A, X, Campbell, Ho- W. J. Kniruttl. 40; W. C. l'arko, 39; nolulu; John Lucas, Honolulu; Hen- Films Lyons, 38; W. L. 37; Plates M. T. Howaid, ry It, Iloth, Honolulu; E. llroadbcnt, g. JMcKeague, 33; John Walker, 31; J. Llluio, Kauai; Prank Ilalstead, Ho- All Kinds of Camera A Great JI. Jlonsarrat. 28. Supplies. Assortment. Fifth Precinct. nolulu; Jules Cnnolho, Illlo; J, W. Territorial J. M. Koahou, Chailcs A, nedhouse, Honolulu; II, C. Scott, Everything Fresh. Lighting-A- t H. Slnkauul, Joseph Pnaliao, Gcorgo 1). Honolulu; Chas, J. Campbell, Hono- Improved I'auulnl, lulu; J. P. Cooke, Honolulu; Etlwnrd County and DIstilct Job Ilatcliclor, Ingham, Honolulu; Win. Sinltliers, Charles M, Coster, II, Duvnucholle, Honolulu; "lhoi. A, O'JIrlen, Hono- Georga Kawnl, M, Island Views and Souvenir Postals Less Cost John Kealoha, John lulu; ncnjamlu II. Clarke, Honolu- Knaua. John Kalliauu, Daniel II. Ko- - lu; S. W. Wilcox, LIhue, Kauai; Wm. The new TUNGSTEN LAMP multiplies the light L. Do Coto, Lnluilnn, Maul; A, D. Scroggy, Honolulu; P. W. Macfar-lan- o three-fol- gg d " without consuming: any more current than the Jr., Honolulu: Prod, riillp, Ho- Everything Photographic " ordinary lamp. It needs but a trial to demonstrate the For Sale nolulu; M. W. Ilcrgau, LIhue, Kii-un- l; A. C. Hodrlgues, Illlo; Wm. M, advantages of the TUNGSTEN LAMP. NEW HOUSE and lot at Waikiki, Mlntou, Honolulu; Ilcitiam Von near Camp McKinlev, G rooms: in P.inim, Honolulu; John I). Dolor, Ho- sured for $500; lot 80x100, PRICE nolulu; H. C. Scnrlo, Honokohnti, Photo-Suppl- y Honolulu i Hawaiian Electric Company, Ltd. REDUCED TO $600! Maul; Samuel Paiker Jr., Kamiiola, Co., FOR RENT Hawaii; Jas. D. Kennedy, Honolulu; all KING ST. NEAR ALAKEA. PHONE 390. $10, House on Liliha, St. above W. D. Adams, Honolulu; L. 0. Abies, Vineyard, 2 bedrooms. Honolulu. Fort Street, 3 Doors below Hotel Street

The Weekly Edition of the Evening P. E. R. Strauch Bulletin gives a complete summary of Weekly Bulletin $1 Per Year WAITY BLDO. 74 S. KINd ST. 'iho new of the day.

iiittyrf 'fB&gptr- -

j"4?ir x 'j - yr,r-g.r;- jt p.- - "$"''"' t! ""wwfisrr" f uvnIHlfouuuuiin, vwti..wTr5r7ffi?ffi3g : Evening Bulletin IIII.O POLITICS 3 at 3E 31 o DAILY WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN Sale! and PUBLISHING CO., LTD. For n COOL! VENTILATING! REFRESHING! At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. ARE WARMING UP Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week. 1 :irsfl DR. DIEMEL'S MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Carl Smith Is Slated WalUtcu R. Rnrrlnijton, - - Editor For County Attorney; Linen Mesh Underwear SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delegates UVI1MM1 iiui-i-m-i- N WHI2KI..Y I3UI.UUTIN Tri- Or Mouth, an)wlicre (n U S, 13 . n rerSiiMoniha s .B IHI.O, Hawaii, Sept. S. The Per tjutrter, anywlicit In U S. 3.oo I'tr Vur, iiBlictcliiUS I.ou bune sajs; For Men Year, anvAlirre in Y..-- I'tr US.. H.oo I'tl ntijuhm In Cflnaila . l.fio Local politics begin to get warm- Vtar, Nii;tfiniJ, futvijeti. I'tr I2.dll 1'irVmt tnt)ialil, lorcljl 2,no er, at least so far as minors aio con- cerned, ns the time ttpptoaches for CIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWPAPER PUBLISHED County mid 'ferritin hit conventions The Under Garment of Quality. No other like it for in the Territory of Hawaii. to be held. All the parties havo fomo of the nominations ns good as Health and Comfort. rj- - ( Editorial Rooms, 185 made while for other ofllccs none ot tlio pm tics are auy way settled upon Even on the hottest summer day never sticky, ej' Business Office, 256 "Ll I their candidates. Pur the otllco of Entered at the PoM office at Ifonohlu 'Supervisor the Republicans seem to soggy, or cumbersome, for Health, Comfort, i clan milter bo k still quite at hen, so far as South' Cleanliness, Protection. What more could you ask? MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1908 llllo Is concerned. The Democrats seem to hnvti decided upon Osorlo, mid tho Home Rulers upon Todd. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RESULTS. district appear as within the llinlta Tho County Attorneyship seems to M. McINERNY, LTD., of leforiuatlon proprieties. bo up In tho air to some extent. Tho The iL'Stilti ot tlio lU'inibllcnn All tlnoiigh the testimony It will Republicans will ptubably nominate Fort and Merchant Sts. fur O.iltti arc. on tlio whole, bo noted that tho error of the Isol Carl S. Smith and tho Democrats traiisa'ctlon appears to have become This rry H.ulsfaclory. The faetlonnl Harry Irwin; Charltn Williams Is Impressive only after it was learned supposed to have tho Homo Rulers OkIiIs mto i educed to a minimum, aoj E :e :e IOE that United Slates District Attorney 13 In his pocket, as usual, but there aro mill In only unci precinct, litis tho con- llrcckons knew ot It, und Taylor i u mors that some of them havo es tent lircn kiicH its to stir ui) any knew of It, and the public knew ot uron lower caped. of liltlorni'M). It. Tho Dcmociats havo held Nothing Excels tt, - their Tim ilcU'Kati'H elected to tlio Tcnl- - If o '.ig fiom an lwllel pto- 9 x 15 at base election for the delegates to tho two i ,u loiial mill County conventions Hiatal prlet nothing mole than an conventions, be respectively THE HAWAIIAN ANNUAL for MiJnuj 4 3c 9 at top to held up u tut ordli. transaction and of on tho 10th mid 17th of this month. facts and figures of Island infor- of winkers who enn ho depended up- luipoitaiice lo no one hut the per-to- Made of Angle Iron. Tho delegates mo as follows; mation, past and present, or .r on lo Hliapc u xtroiiK party plntform p.itt) thereto, why did (ho To Terrltotlal Convention: J. K. HAWAIIAN FOLK TALES for the Sherllf go to the of explain- mid xelet'l n Rood uveruRo ticket (or trouble Paahao, C. K. Magulrc, M. Kurtatlo. legends and traditions of this in- ing to his associates, why did Tit) oth-c- the ioiiiIiii; r.intpalKU. lor To County Convention: 1). Kwn-llk- o. teresting race. These, with r be- think It over so seriously so V two the term "avcraRe" for 11, Irwin, J. A. M. Osorlo, It. H. current books relating to Ha- many days, cause) that Ih what the Republican and why did Attorney Kualll, J, Mehnti, N, Sulmeonn, K. waii, and many out of print, may jiaily In RhapliiK ieprcnentatto V. A. Kinney, it lecognlzed lender of Peekoa. be had at ft the leinlerlolii to his "credit." HONOLULU'S BIG STORE KM'i liuicnt. Cicneral practise has the Democratic paity, offer to take mil Next Saturday the Republicans up obligation liming li- Pro m tho standpoint of the high Tlios. G. pioitticed only ciiourIi exceptions to the nfter Icai will elect delegates to the County Thrum. ed At- Ideals alleged to bo held by the Re- pinu the I tile, thitt there iiuut havo that the United States District convention, to be held on tho 17th, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. torney was In possession fill mcrs, tho whole thing Is disgrace- On Fort and Merchant Streets been t ukIi of the. "bent citizens" to ot tho nolo mid tlio Territorial convention to bo worls-ei- H ful. en itriiuiiil In nny party. The and had made copies of It? held on the llth. Tho following Carrie Jacobs If that transaction repiescnted n The city of Honolulu Is a Bond who are uctlvu In tho iifTalra of e''1 have been nominated, mid will bo vo- Floor Space, 22,561 Squire Feet. The Place To Buy high standard of olllclal competence sight safer In tho hands of men who New Assortment of Popular Kuveiiunent. tho conscientious men ted cm for tho latter: Her Your and an Ideal average ot public pi each common honesty, und whom Songs Now Here...... , wlin do their political duty, Mini that) mur V. I J. K. K. 11.1 Is ot to II. Patten, Ulchnrds, second-be- st Is pretty l als, why this lush to stinlghtcti it It the custom the lefoimers the citizen a ustln, 3, (. Serrno. P. C. Reamer, BERGSTR0M MUSIC CO.. LTD. irrutit fullim- - lion out, why the offer of funds to take misrcpicscnt mid abuse. STATIONERY, BOOKS, TOYS, fiiul llinrn nri ninri. Carl S. Smith, and R. A. Lyman. Jr. ODD averaco! up the Isol FELLOWS' BLDG. i'st iKitrlotlf men ninoim thu note? Tho following U tho of candi The testimony speaks l'earl Harbor will bu a great naval list SUPPLIES, citizens than mo usually dlscovcrol for lUelf. dates for thu County Convention In OFFICE hacking nill- - base and piopcrly defended. That Unique In the ranks of their crltlcB. The reformers nip an tho Fifth Precinct: cer who states It Is to this should ovcitlnow tho Tcriltorlal and SPORTING GOODS As to thu Individual casus which that usual Charlie tooic, W. S. Terry, W. K. Chinese Goods picking Christmas presents from Chl-nes- u liiiveniinent of Hawaii Is ono of tho the enemies of the p.uty nru Knaumoltii, A. M. Cabrliiha, M. V. The Wonderful COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINE. We dissension, wo and .Japanese. ag.ules of a dUoriteied stato ot upon to promoto paity Splnola, Jno. Lawrence. M. Victor, keep in stock MARCONI VELVET TONE RECORDS. Call C. 11. Tho Incident of the four chnlis and mind which might be classed as Wing Wo Tai & Co. doubt that I'. J. and W. II. Ileers. Jim. M. Herring. IC. " in and ask to hear them; also EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Injured or tho cigars suggests that It Is also a 941 Wood will feel at all that K'clilknhl, W. Knlwl, Jos. Oliver. W. NUUANU ST. and RECORDS AND 100 OTHER THINGS WHICH GO TO the cause of Rood government will custom to bo not I.uc.is claim K. Kino. Jno. Kill. 11. I Schoen. Z. COMPLETE A LARGE STOCK xciltmsly suffer on account of their about what sort ot people these pres- lloth and llnstace a majority ot tho delegates. Situa- Mahattll, Sr.. 11. llrown, Jr., S. L. SAVED YOU MONEY beliiR defeated In a brisk precinct ents conio from. GROCERIES VE HAVE IN THE PAST. tions of this character homutlmC3 Desha, ani, I. i:. Ray. WE WILL YOU MONEY IN THE FUTURE. i an vans by tsucli men as Mr. l'rosser, It this ho the fnct of public life In dm I; taking In the' Fourth Precinct, Wnlakea, If you're looking for a place to buy Mr. Chamberlain, and Mr. Long. As this Territory, the winner an end Is turn out with a horse TRY US. prize. the following nominations were choice goods the lowest prices n matter fact, wo aro inclined to put to It tho better. It sIiowb thnt the at and Our KING STREET STORE, at the old stand, will cany of intule; .., where you get polite attention, try believe that Wood and I.owrey toted tho gentlemen who hac started out the cair.cline. Pa una Springs are highly popular Territorial John T. llrown. V. m. .Lttvx & uu., for successful opponents. to reform this town, by preaching j. their in their own precinct If tho major- M. R. Fltzs'lmmons, Otto W. Rose. Phone 76. Tho Mnno.i precinct contest ap- Itooseveltlsm, have fallen shoit on ity of C. W. llooth'R ticket may bo County .and District O. I Alfon- pears to have brought out a very good tho (list principles of moral stand pecepted as a ciltcrlon. so. John llohncnhcrg, John V. Crne-llu- s. Wall, good representation has ard. We have llttlo doubt of what Nichols Co., Ltd. tote, and u (Jeo, Desha Jr.. C. D. Clreeii, J. Mr. Raw- the President would do with ono of King of lesulted. Thu charge that Thu distinct point of prestige gain- P. Hale, Sam Kallllkane, A. K. Kua- opponents Is Ms appointive ofllcers If ho had note lins makes iigaintt bis ed by Candidate Lucas in tho Satur- lll, D. Nnmnhoe, M. S. Pnchco, and was transactions and Christmas presents the same charge that laid day primaries Is tho leadership in Kvnn da Sllvn. Entertainers party against the Republican when his own precinct. Tho following ' delegates to tho tt can led a Territorial election komo various conventions were nominated is the EDISON PHON- ago. OGRAPH. years Wo don't know whether HONOLULU WEATHER Inst Satuiday nt Ohm: The world's Mr. Hawllns was on ticket or a greatest vocalists and ' that Sept. 7, 100S. Territorial F. da Rosa. Coun-- n w. iiiemhcr of the Republican commit- instrumentalists a Temperatures 0 it. in., 71; b n.vi.. H Lownl Knmal, N. Plnlhaka, M The Right Kind tee nt time or not. If ho was, on tap. No ex- that 79; 10 a. m 80; noon, SO; morning R Pieltas, M. Colcninn, Jim Lewal. we have no doubt that ho entered n cuses, no disappoint- ' minimum, 74. of Boys' School Shoes" V Kiting protest against such practise D.tl-7e- ments. Have an EDI- - llmometer, S n. m., 110.07; abui- - Receiver Lo Hieton scores J ll as hit now allege, and In this latest SON in your home and luto humidity, S a. m.. G.3C1 grains llrowp In .report on California We handle They're made by C. contest Is following up his Ideals of you keep in touch with them. the famous H. per cubic foot; rclatlvo humidity, 8 Safe Deposit and Trust Company and & Co., opposition established at that time. the latest and best in Aldcn the largest shoe manufacturers in the world a. m., CO per cent.; dew point, S a.m.. rajs creditors may expected 23.0 for boys and who to Thu Manoa affair Is another of music. cater entirely boys' needs. For Sale CI. cents for dollnr. those Imprcsslvo Incidents which Wind C a. m., voloclty C, direc Wlfo of Kdwnrd R. Jennings In The Aldcn shoes are made of vici kid and box calf, demonstrate the mandatory need for Hawaiian News Co., PUNAHOU DISTRICT tion NIC; S a. in., voloclty 10. dliec-Ho- n complaint nlleges that ho open- with heavy soles, low, broad, and fiat heels and with the u dlrcct-prlninr- y law, under which NK; 10 a. m,, velocity IB, direc- ly avowed his love for another wom- Ltd., snap and go about them that boys like. the balloting will bo conducted by Two-stor- y house; modern; lot 75x tion N13j noon, velocity IS, dliectlon an. The Uniform last is the most popular. Price law und directed by Territorial 125 $4500.00 YOUNG BLDG. $3.50. K. HAVE YOUR OLD SHOES REPAIRED while ydu wait Rainfall during 21 hours cnilcl The noptibllcan party Is to be con KAIMUKI S m.. .00 gratulated on the primary results as a. Inch. WA1KIKI INN ' New Bungalow; corner Total wind movement dining 21 ti whole, lloth tho conventions will The Finest Bathing on the Beach." REGAL SHOE STORE, 0t houis ended nt noon, 1C7 miles. size up well, and from among tho 1UUX10U $1,750.00 McCANDLESS BUILDING, KING AND BETHEL STS. W.M. 11. STOCKMAN, Meals At All Hours. delegates It should be possible to se- LIQUORS. AND CIGARS. KAIMUKI Section Director, Weather Uitrcnu. WINES, lect one ot tho best forces ot cam- a W. C. BERGIN, Proprietor. paign workers that tho Republican A choice building lot of half an Dr. James W. Simpson, a Now party has over had. acre $1000.00 York dentist, who was shot and Tho gang that starts out to malto wounded a few weeks ago by CURIOS troublo after tho Saturday results KAIMUKI his mothcr-ln'-hi- Mrs. Kiln Horner o AT o must ho looked upon as more nnxlotia of Northport, I. I has brought suit ASK TO SEE for tumble and defeat than It Is Two lots near car line on high against her for $10,000. OUR NEW PATTERN OF Woman's Exchange ground, Goods for the. suclcss of competent govern- partially cleared.. $800.00 Miss i;va ltootb, commander of tho HOTEL Fresh STREET NEAR FORT ment under tho Republican paity. Salvation Army ot tho United States, COLLEGE HILLS who was overcome by heat at the Ware If our meats did not give the greatest satisfaction to cottage, Plated LOVEJOY & CO. the thousands of people who deal with us would be fool- RECORD WHICH REFORMERS cood location: Willow Lako (Intl.) Illblo confer- it lot 100x150 $2750.00 ence, Now Yoilc In euro ish for us to ask you to order some of our beef and mutton started to WHOLESALE DEALERS AND IM- APPROVE. Liberal terms on all above prop of her fi lends. Something new in the Styl- this week. ositions. ish Gray Finish. PORTERS OF WINES AND Oscar Culver, who was revived by French LIQUORS. Tho publication of Sheriff Inukea's tho uso ot stimulants and nrtlflclal NUUANU. closing testimony boforo tho com- rcBplintlon nt n Now Yrlc hospital TEASPOONS, FORKS, TEL. 308. 802 mittee of Supervisors completes tho after ho apparently had been dead KNIVES, iiifoi matloii which tho Supervisors threo minutes, died tho next day. Watcrhouse Trust BUTTER (secured concerning Inukca-Ibo- t trans- SPREADERS, McTighe Favorite METROPOLITAN MEAT CO, Limited ETC. actions. Corner Fort and Merchant Streets. ETC., The Best Whiskey on the Market. Tho 11 u 1 1 o 1 1 n has refrained TH0S. F. MoTIGHE & CO., AGENTS. Telephone 45 fiom nny continent on tho testlmonj Sale of You'll be surprised at tne allowing til 101-10- as It proceeded, readers S'tylinU Appearance of this 5 KING ST. Judgo transac- for themselves of tho line. PHONE 140. P. 0. BOX 755. tions bv tho head of tho pollen de- ad- Have you got Embroideries, partment on which tho declared the LUNCHES and DRINKS Autos vocates of reform In Honolulu havo il. F. Wichman & Co. The most popular Bread placed tho hall-mar- k ot their appiov-r.- l. Wireless Ribbon Remnants, place in town. Telegraph LIMITED. The Best In Town. Repaired LEADING JEWELERS. The Fashion Saloon, Tho testimony as published In ll Laces . And kept in repair by men who state-mea- ts Habit? and SINGER'S BAKERY, f shows that tho previous Hotel St. near Fort. know business. No TEL. 527. KING ST. their amateurs given by tho press did not Jack Scully. Jack Roberts. do the work in our Garage. exaggerate tho situation. It Is eas- Lace Remnants Japanese ier to see why Shcilff Inukea should FashionableDressmaking Curios, Silk Kimonos, not again subject himself to tho tiro TUESDAY, SEPT. 1ST, The Encore Saloon Sbirts. Pajamas, Shirt Waists, Fancy Von Hamm-Youn- g of candidacy for offlco than It Is to AT 8 O'CLOCK Embroidered Goods. tho ex- Reasonable Prices. undoiHtnnd what reformers rrifujBkj PrtaJfliUVi Thy a drink at the new place and Co., pect to gain for their good name by )3i:MMJuWMi-iiUnrA-l i n j. Ltd. Ff '"OHM-- ' UMrrtD-j- . i-" MADAME LAMBERT. have "MATT" HEFFERN serve you. 'attempting to mnko financial deal- ?p4rM voy K. Fukuroda, ing's with n leader of tho red-lig- W EHLERS BERETANIA NEAR FORT COR. HOTEL and NUUANU. HOTEL STREET NEAR BETHEL. Oy"For Sale" cards at Bulletin,


,'JBftfaMSNsBHKliBimMiMM 'aiUiiW tuitoj.i.ii,. mii&Mliii ; 0 y'tti1M'-VM-Mir.u- , -- v'Vwww rTX Vi EVEN1NQ V '' BULLETIN, HONOMJUJ. T. It., MONDAY, SHPT. 7, 1008.

HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE WAILUKUIS . HONOLULU, Sept. 5.1908 Our Boy's Shoes CENTER OFCONTEST M.e of STOCK Akrl MERttRTTCT" C Brewer ft Co..- - J.OTF) 000 StT.AR Are Hummers f Otherwise Mwi rtuntailonCo .... ft HM SJJj Boys' Maui Precinct ni Outfitters HftwftllftnAitrif.Cn.... IliwCom k Sup Co 21li.'V Elections Are Merely IUvllnSu)rarCo,,. jn ii,( it M VSH flonnmii uri Co llmrnViii Sugar Co .. .'(HI,(H) l'l!( We have the most complete lines of Boys' IMiVti Sniff Co tVktlMt Formal HutrriivwStigftr Phut. V ")' knhVu I'litimlKHi i.u II II School and Dress Clothing in the city. KifahjIkSuitarCo,... luiiim Our stylish boys' school shoes are selling rapidly. They (Special to the Dill le tin) Kolou Su(tr Co . 'rt 0i Mcllryde Sugar Co .... VOVMt 4i arc absolutely exclusive nothing like them in town. WAIMJKU, Mnul, Sent. 5. The Oatm Sugar Co tlAWn) .7J. OtKimea Sojai Co ... I Ml (III Itcpublluin inlninry elections of Mnul 'iT)'i vThe boys like because they're cut on mannish Oolcola Sucar Plant Co ft HOT ll!i them County will tnlto place nt the various Olaa Sugar Co Mil ... . " lasts and look dressy and attractive on the feet. Otrmalii Co..t 1 iOUI) Two-Piec- e 1'iecliictK thin Saturdny from 2 p. m. Pa!mu Sugar Ptrit Co .,' M.M.l IMi inlf Suits College Boys' Suits to 7 p. tit. Tlio election of the fight- Pacific Suar Mill iMTI Parents like them because they wear like steel. Pala Plantation Cn .... Viimi ""l"l ing Fifth I'iccliict (Wnlluku) will PtprekeoStiear Co.. rfllfNI in -- y Pioneer Mill :,vwn in Knock-Abo- ut They're bo lie Id In the comp-in- rooms of to comfortable and correctly shaped. the WaiahiA Attic Co...... iVMH ttft r" Garments Shirt Waists Hosiery Wnlluku I'lre Department. Of tho U rilukii Snem Co .... ,Viii Pii fValmaitaloutar Ci. 1m twentj-sl- x candidates nominated for WalnieaiiEarM'li Co li,MM'"! delegates to MlbCRLLANKOlft County Com cut Ion, Men (Mauri steam N Co ,'iUlllll Neckwear Hats Caps Underwear nbout n third hne withdrawn. Wai- - Hawaiian KicctrkCo tVlHM) Hon U T ft I. Co Pre! 1,1V) II M hco Precinct club Is trjlng to come Hon R Tie I, Co Com up to the stnndnrd or Wnlluku ns a Mutual Tleitintie Co IVV) Naltlki Rubber Co , belligerent precinct, but Hon. M. 1. Paid Up i r w MclNERNY SHOE STORE, Wnlwnlolc been acting ns Maluku Ruliber Co A. has a kind Oalni Rft I. Co 4.("l,ilij llii of peacemaker and has withdrawn lltloU KCo, l,OMit (ton Hft MCo 1KMH FORT STREET, near KINO. ins candidacy In order to bring tran- Hawaiian Pineapple Co. tllHUl) BONUS quility nbout. Of the twelve candi MtwTer4pcPircCM who nsplro to ItawTtr 4 Silva's dates political Toggery honors nci Maw Tcr4M ! from the Wnlhec precinct, and who HawTer4H pc... ' were nominated nt meeting HawTcr tV pc Elks' Bid., King, nr. Fort. Tel. 651 the held Haw Got t uc last 1'rldny evening, the secretary Ca Deel hug ft Rel Co nmanm o pc. fulled to note down the names of bIx Haiku Sugar Co 6 pc who were duly Ham. Ditch Co , nominated nnd sec Upper Ditch M onded, but the judges of election who HawComftSuicCosi'C ! law Sugar Co pc,. were nt tho meeting will allow tho litoRRCo Com b pc Keep food, pure names of said candidates to be voted Honakna Suear ro ric AND Hon RTft tCu6p c LOCAL fiENEltAL fresh with this afternoon. Over twenty Ilcpub Kahitku Patit (ol pc. and llcnns who arc lhlnc on the Wnlhee i Oahit Rft LCo6'jc. If luck and placards fail, as they side of the Wnlluku stream, nnd who Oahu Sugar Co 5 p C . the least ice by nln-a--s do, try a Bulletin Want Ad. have icglstcrcd nt Wnlhee, nro now Pac- - Sug. Mill Co, 6n anxious to oto nnd enroll on tho Pala Plantation Co .... Hire's Root Beer using the Pioneer Mill Co 6pc .. Thzrlow's for a lunch or dinner. WalltiKu precinct roll In nccordnnco Walalua grlCojpc no item i ijiimiu ihin. atkyc oluia. with tho precinct boundaries de- - Sales Hctwccn llo.irds: SO Kwn, Mrs. till In nnd ilitURbtcr me luck sirlhcd In tho Governor's election 27.B0. Session: 20 Onknln, 111.76; Irom a lxlt to Mr8. W. 11. lllco, Jr., Eddy proclamation, which makes Wnlchu 5 Olaa, U; SO McDi.mIo, (1. on Knunl. The Only Genuine AERATED IN BOTTLES. Is made by us; row the dlxlslonnl not Wnl- line nnd Notice No session of i;n Kxchntiga Mrs. i:. Salilln lll take orders for any other is an infringement and a fake. luku stream, ns heretofore. Tho Monday, Sept. 7, 100S Labor Day. Infants' cIoIIhb ami butntuurk ut Ha Refrigerator wnlliui Hotel. Wnlluku Judges of election may or Dividends Sept. 5, ltiOS: H.iw. C. Hnrniniii') Unle, No. :i, I, (). () 1', may not look with approval nt tho & S. Co, 80c. shnro Oiiomcn. 5 per will meet ii (M.I Pellowa' Hall this hordes of otcrs from another pre- 1 CONSOLIDATED SODA WORKS CO., LTD Easiest to Nclean. tent; Honomu, percent. cM'iiInc at 7:30. cinct, to stuff, ns it were, tho ballot Take your carriage or automobllo .t G. Manager. TELEPHONE 71. Most economical. box. Hut some nrc of tho opinion Lute.t lunar auotatlnn RR to Hawaiian Carriage Manty. Co.. lor S. IEITHEAD, tho Judges ought to let them in, or $77.70 per ton. o that up repairs. DISTILLED WATER delivered to offices and residences. for they will wto at this precinct nt Tho Odd Fellows entertained 150 coming the. judges tho election nnd I -- men of tho I'leet Saturday eeulug at lu-a- 7 2d 1!, ought not ny way curtail tho po Beets, 9s, Odd Felloes' hall. Theo. Davies & Co., Ltd., litical freedom of the twenty nnd All kinds of beer, lnen and mixed secn who nro anxious now to vote Sugar, 3.885 Cents drinks nro sened In tho best manner at clvo us a try. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. in precinct. Of move tho Fashion. Just this course this Tlieio lll bo n ineetliig of Hunalliui Increase, will tho fnctlonnl strife Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Lodge. No. 21, F. and A. M hi Ma- Kl which is rife In Wnlluku now, nnd sonic Tvniila at 7:30 this oventiiK. will continue to grow unless a mod Stock and Bond Department Allcgrctti's delicious tteain choro- - That old saying, "In Rome do mA ern Murk Hnhna comes to tho rescue. latcs, in cold storagu from Chlcigo, Puuncne nnd Hnmnkuapoko precinct Member. Honolulu Stock and Bond may bo hud at Ilcnsuu, Smith & Co , as the Romans do" applies equally ua Exchange. Ltd. clubs will liac quiet elections, or for well to Honolulu. WILLIAM V. ILLIAMSON. The du.il tho Unhciully Club usual. MlUer. le.islnir the Hnnlclea T.awn iircuilKos Tho following aro candidates for FORT AND MEKCHANT 8T8. Is pending the receipt of certain sig Everybody inHonolulu drinks Buttercups delegates, Wnlluku Precinct: TEL. PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4. natures. County C. Wilcox, Wm. Mnhu, Tho band will play this afternoon at W. E. Dal, Chns. Ha I ley. B. H. Hart, AMU6EMENT8. tho reception to bo given by (liivernor Sol. Kmvalho.i, Kamnkn Kalllanu, A. l'rcnr, and this evening at thu Alex as delicious as art candy-makin- g get ander Young hotel. hifh can them. Fresh llorba Jr., C. I'lores. Q. II. Cum- - today and always pleasant to tongue. J. Kxtraorilhiaiy bargains In ribbon the PANOCHE. mlngH, P. Goodness, J. II. Knluokele, OLD-TIM- A, FUDGE, and E STICK and ladles' waists at Ilium's this CANDIES are specialties A. M. Beer It. Wadsworth, II. M. Coke. THEATRE Primo 0RPHEUM In for this week. week. I.ook tho show windows and Dutro, nnd G. II. Schrocdcr. Terrl-torl- nl note tho piirchusc-compelllu- g prlres. At tho meeting of the Hawaiian W. T. Robinson, A. Enos. S. NOW PLAYIHQ iS the home brew and is Keliinol. Society tonight nt 8 It F. will be pres-tu- t Wnlhco: C. M. V. o'clock. Dr. Sllvcstrl superior to any other beer sold in Terrltorlnl: and tako part In tho dlHcusslon. The Palm Cafe V. E. County Richard Buhler Knnul. K. Mnlkai. Coat jour Iron roofs with "Arable." this city. Geo. Knholoknl, Hnrry Kauhnnhnn, AND You will bo surprised at Us cuillnc PHONE 311. HOTEL ST. NEAR FORT. A. Gross, D. Knhva, Hao Kaanannn, and preservctlvo properties. California D. Lohe. W. Kukona, J. Klpakuhln, The Lumley Company Feed Co., agents. II. Iloewnn, J. Paikakn. Copies of the Bulletin's Fleet Forester Ilosmcr nnd F. T. P. Wn Edition, wrapped ready for mailing, tcrhouso nro both at' tho Mnul Hotel can he procured at this office for five 1 this evening on their way to Nuhiku TONIGHT f cents. Cost of mailing, three cents. G-ilma- n, to Inspect rubber. They both como Now-- teachers in thu music depart- Joseph A. from Hawaii fust evening by tho THE COMEDY DRAMA ment have been added tn Onhu College BIG REMNANT SALE luuuiui ivctl. for thu coming ear. They niu MIih Carol j n Shcffcld nnd Miss Allco Itog AT P1NEY RIDGE trs. SHIFFING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. BUHLER SEASON Tho Kauli Co. Is In receipt of those INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE. DRESS GOODS for young ladies at the VERY LOWEST liamlpomu Norfolk blouso suits for lioa. Mothers hnvu been watting for PRICES. Do not fail to examine our stock for there are DRAWINBJO A CLOSE THURSDAY them for weeks nnd ttiey nro now Special Bargains. We will be pleased to show them wheth- leady for Inspection. Corner Fort and Hotel Agent for ARTHUR SEWALL & CO., Bath, Maine; Tho eiiRagenient of Uuhlor streets. er you buy or not. Itlchnrd CAMILLE Mrs. wlfo of M. II. and tho I.umlcy Company Is Counter, Counter. & Francisco. drawing Jeweler, died morning PARR0TT CO., San to a clone. Starting tonight tho the jestcrday at nt 4 i) clock of fun Orphoum they on tho wock heart failure The entor last oral will tako placo 3 o'clock of their engagement u great Special Scenery and Effects at this with from tho rcsldelico on Klnuu L. Ahoy, Nuuanu below Hotel scenic production of tho big Now York Specialties Between Every Act afternoon street, near .Mrs. tuccess, David Ulgglns' woll Lunalllo sheet. knowu has not been well for somn comedy dramn,"At Pincy Ridge." With Counter a time, and recently spent a couple of southern theme, romanco lurks in 1u country every situation of powerful story weeks thu for thu benefit til this her health. On Saturday she was Our SPEC,AL DINNER SET a loung Houthcrnor having won SAA wimlth Baseball about as usual, but during thu night cm or nnd position, Is fnlscly claimed JK wns taken III. Mrs. Counter was Ca- SALE. - ny an octotoon woman as her child tpl4.0D 100 PIECES yW.OD cho having changed LEAGUE GROUNDS nadian born, and was about f9 )cnrs tho identity of of ago. two nuaniB, placing her own In n no idtinn of i wealth nnd leaving tho hero DIED. Fine Decorated Austrian China Ware, iiiidiir u cloud as to his trno narent SATURDAY AUG. 20, age. This forms tho basis of tho ulot hlcli Is painted with nplrltcd color COUNTER In Honolulu, September $14.85 per Set nun strlKing - Admission 25c- - ' ;, 1UU8, Mis. M. It. Counter, u White drnmntlo situations. Tho Moiy is throughout of vcrsallla Inil Reserved Seats Grandstand 25o extra uatlvo of Diiihiiih. Onlnilo, Canada. The funeral will lake placo nt :i uciii, nu KiumiiKiy iwueuuu nun runi' Ity novcr Hags In Interest. o'clock this nftduoiui from tho family that "Pin Ala-pa- Your icjldencp, K Kinau near l. & oy Illdge" nffouls an opportunity for a Ask Grocer blunt, LEWIS CO., Ltd, good sconlo pretty stngu QUANTITY display, and FOR FOR A LIMITED ONLY. pictures. Miss Helen Iirundon, Mr, 1 GO Bulletin. KING ST. Crockery Emporium. PHONE 240, Harry Taylor nnd tho two Macs will j"For Sale" cards at Goods keep up the Intercut between acts, Pau-Ka-Ha- with novel al now vaudeville numbers, na TO-DA- Y . "Plnoy Illdgo" will run until ThurS' NEW - day, when tho chango of play takes placo. "Camllle" will fill In tho later Monuments. half of tho weok. Miss Virginia The Manhattan Cafe are most suitable to Thornton nB "Cnmlllo and Itlchard Soap lililil Ilnhler us Armani! Duval. Got our make ponts early as this week pronilhea to Is The Most Popular. up this pattern. Safes, 00 it rcconl lircnkor. Please look before . HONOLULU S0AF WORKS CO., Ltd. FORT STREET just above HOTEL Ilaptlsts from ull over tho country R. WILLIAM WARHAM, Prop. ittending tho Winona Illblo Confer For Distilled Water and Assorted buying elsewhere. Water, delivered to office ence nt Winona Lake, Ind., took Soda t and BEAUTIFUL KAfS Iron Fence steps to form a permanent associa residence, RING UP 557, tion heailniinrlerH. there. They de The New Fall Line of Millinery Is cided to ralsn funda to erect n $G0,-00- 0 Arctic Soda Water Now Ready At building. Works ' E.W. Jordan Co. 1 Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Works 1203 Miller St. M. R. DE SA. MISS POWER, Rent" card, on sj at McCall Pttttra No. 22S8 LIMITCD. 'M NEXT TO YOUNG BLDQ., 176-19- 237. or KINO 8TREET. PHONE Bulletin offlc. Sale" cards at Bulletin, BOSTON BLDG., 2ND FLOOR. A VERY LOVELY AFTERNOON C0WN

SI rci

tffW'ifllittttf'"rf) " ' 3 Knjrt, ' Arf, mi, t a mk'rimt, tjfitlt . in ii hi IV rlli . ,1 -- Sru .a&aBftBi i mfH HITiH IIIHS ll liHlllDWl I'WiilfflM 1HIIMMMM Wlllll Wl III fllf Slim dafc. -- T53Er'2?" vart "viyf "'"t"1 t'g3- - "' wMy"


Ask The

At the Bar Honolulu For Primo Beer Brew

was caught off second, but tho hall was thrown nwa), and ho romped home. Tho left fielder dropppd an Tennessee easy one, tllce the slnbsler, got wild, Maui nnil thrpo turn In all scored, That unded the scoilng of thu gamp, but not somp pr) prrtty pin) ing, tho n long BflBBBBflBlBlVBaBatH?JK;- - SPORTS (hlef feature of which was LiL Team limning catch b Sncba, which mado Democratic Wins up for hls'orroi duller In tho play. WFf BBBflflflPBUflyftOylBBBflfrittMl Yildgy Local and National It was good baseball, except for sonio weak work nt shortstop, and a tcndcnc) to get up In the air which tho loscrH showed nMB,7iA''k'-HUlB- Candidates ' m i II M Beats Washingtons t Innings: lav"Waaj.-ui'- TT Runs and hits i- l 2 :m .", r, s 9 ill - T?3Eall f '! I it n 2 n 0 3 o n Tennpssecs ... 1 1 1 DAKOTA CREW DEFEATS (Special to the II u c 1 n) I (J By 9 to 3 it. ii i t u it i o o n n r, I WAIU'KL', Maul, Sept 1. - Tho ! HH?Sr?lvJvSi' i$sJ $ r 111 Wash'tons . . . 2 0 0 .1 III i rrf4 001000 delegates to tho Dcmocintlc conwii-tlo- u II. II 2 0 112 0 0 W I W'I WEST VIRGINIA MEN 107 held n caucus In Lahalna Inst y lliic-ttp- s. I rfJ"Jaaiail?'fc!i&Sf W Score Tho 'evening ami the delegates were ii i K&CJaaKferi?laisSrNv ;,',tAJ v, Tennessee Hush, Ah; Orrcn, If; to otn as follows; Hir Shoi-II- T, 1 I MrCnfforty, cf; KaulTnian, lb; nan- a I The South Dakota race boat crew won the West Vlr- - T, 11. Dona (I)); Lahalna v4isMaKNlwral mci us, 2b; Zchner, Tucber, us; Neff, ffl laaaaaW'ir''LaaaV4viaSM hiFpball te nil if, (1. Sen-inti- u, (0 glnlns lij a boat length this morning, utter the tun hail rowed Tho Tennessee's Kuiihl (ll.lt.); for aaaaaVt-':;y'i''?awlliai- c; lllnhos, p. aaaaa7i7'HMQniil3 m - lU l t-i- for three hnnl miles, opr a course which took them fat out- - this muinlng won thu light to pla) I). II. Kuhaulello (It.): Rppro- l Washington -- - Hlce, p; Phnucuf, r BUBBBBBBBHaMB maLJ.i-- j k .. ijaMnjiiawaiiw i side the harbor entrance The Went Virginia jatMpM, who lump- - with the Callfornlns Wednesday In n scnlutiw, Chas. Makckau (It.) I for oil rs; Ungllsh, c; MtCrcary, 2b; Wheel- together for tho purse, loitt about $.1,500 on tho ileal. may chain-I'lnnsh- Audlroi, Chas, Wilcox (R.); for r.anic which ilcdilo tho er, lb; Leach, rf, Sacha, If; Domal- - Kory esscl In tho Nnv l pro Icleil n Ticasurcr, L. M. llaldwln (R.); for with raco boat, all of tho Second Division of galskl, 3b', Dlllowa), cf. v iMRS'TMf'WkTXyOS.iVB. 3iHiPQCI2.caHCrtviHSS1 of them of tho name hullil and size. Tho) aro not rating shells the 1'leet, by defeating tho aggrega- County Attorney, .1, W. Knlun (D.); us V. Kano such aro used In the ordinary regatta, hut are barges, tlpan- - tion of the ( rulscr Washington by a for County Clerk. W. (It.): I) iieputy church, whero bo and clcgantl) built, on which rowing Is under conditions such score of 9 to .1. The game was play- COAST PUERdI)AFTE for Lahnlnn Sheriff, Moses Hov. S. Klmokeo, died at 10 o'clock Walalua Hawaiian remained for as would bo found In the case of almost an) skiff or uh.ilelio.it ed at llischall l'aik, beginning at 10 Kauhaahaa (I).). Win. White (ll.lt.) last night at hci homo on Schcol and Mrs. Klmokeo Ilcprc-sciitnth- c tarried by the o'clock. Tennessee, by w liming all Is also looking for choice ns ktrept, after tin Illness of a few eighteen )ears. F Cincinnati, Aug 2S Tho National of Klmokeo The race was rowed oft early this morning, the boats start- - the games since the uhlps arrhed from Lahalna, and may weeks. Slio was well known and During tho pastorntc llascball Commission gave out a list nld-tlm- o 1S17 to Ing rrom n point In the harbor, and going nut of tho clinniicl, here, has won a right, which seemed In Ing Into action his wns nn actlto Christian worker. of Knumnkaplll Church from our of pln)crs who been purchased a measured course of a mile and back over hao shrewdness that may win him tho Mrs. Klmokeo was born at Pun-(c- a, 1000, Mrs. Klmokeo wns nlwu)S the simo course nlmost an impossibility befoio tho by major league clubs from minor Owing to desired nomination, for Oily Hill is U, Sho icady assist her husband In bis the fact that over J.1000 was up on each side of Honolulu games, of looking lit tho league clubs thu closing of tho Kohala, August 18B2. to since being useful as .1 tho purse, Interest In the outcome was tremendous. cootpil ppunaut. drafting season and which purchases a factor nt nominating coiiNcntlnns. lled In childhood nt Wiilnlua. on work. Ilcsldei a good game morning puts been npproed by tho commls-lion- , me iccpunnc.ina aro J) ing i aim this Island, whole she wns educated Christian worker, sho was The this them hno or r 4 ccll with tho Washington team. Tho list Includes the following: hao not )ct aunoiinced their candi- b) Rev. O II. flullik, who was prin- musician. Sho wns a member tho Itoth scored In tho flist Cincinnati, from dates, but whenever the) fall Into cipal of u Hawaiian school at Halc- - Knnliuninnii and Aha IIul Kalaini hcall) Los Angeles, Oeoigo Kills; Ilostou, public gaze no one will liae canst Iwn. On May 23, 1871. sho was innr-rlr- d No. 1 of Knulkeaouli Societies. At Inning, and crossed tho pan again In from Samuel (lompcrs, John Mitchell, Vancouor, Il)att. for legict. S. ut Ko her request, the funeral services will Scudd) Itlchnrdson, who has serv- the lirth, during which time it still Huston, fiom San to tho Rev. Klmokeo and Daniel J. O'Keofo of Kxecu-tl- e nt Knwnlaluui Chuicli tho ed us n reporter on ninny Southern spcined that tho Washingtons had u Francisco, frank Arellanes; fio;u hala by tho lato Rev, S. T. Luhlau. , bo conducted Council of tho American Federa- newspapers, has proclaimed himself chance to coma ahead win out, Portland, Madden; Chicago, Rev. Klmokeo was then teaching In by tho Rev. O. II. Ciullck and Rp. and Thomas :S tion of Labor conferred with lawyers an Independent candidate for (Joern-o- r though tho score was against them. from San Francisco, R. II. Zcldcr, Har- PROMINENT CHURCH Kohala. In 187B. when Klmokeo en- Lono of Kauinnkaplll Church at In Washington as to action to pre- - of Texas, opposing prohibition, his Then, In tho eighth, they threw ry Sutor; from Vancouver, Flanagan; tered the Theological Seminary on o'clock neU Sunday afternoon. Tho ent injunction Clc eland, from Portland, T. F. Raftcry wrljl at- the secured by the platform being: "I stand for what Is their chances away. A man walked WORKER IS DEAD Punchbowl Btrect, Mrs. Klmokeo members of both societies and Grnnoyj from Oakland, W. S. Ruck Stove and Range Company of right; with the help of Rod I Intend and another took his base when camo here with him. In 1880 Kl- tend In a body and tho Inlormcnt I hit Wright; Los An St. Louis from being made permanent. Washington, from bo Kaulnakaplll Church )ard. to bo Goornor of Texas." by n pitched b ill. Tho first runner gclcs, William Gray. M.rty Kcnlolm KlmoKeo, wife of mokeo was ordained a pastor for will at


The best of Wines, Beers and Cigars are served by the POPULAR MIXOLOGISTS.

Call in on Hotel St., around the corner from Fort where you see the big sign i". i, Two Jacks

HIE a "'lES I ' HiigaJll

jitr.-r- .Ui itiiftu .itniaai. Jk UjUzJUa i,. - & .i.- l"ii,'4 l Mt. - V.V n. t,.l ..A.., ,t '. .n iuMtJ. 'jjjjUfei, crip. "."JHPfffW JSVflNlNO BOLLBTlWt HONOLULU, T. If., MONDAY. SEPT. 7, 1908.

Q. And did yoif itsk him what hadt.whon I heard Iho above statement gono wrong? A. Jso, I did not? (from my wife, I licked her nnd klck- - Mlt. IAUKKA led her out of tho house, but friends I would liko In connection witit Interceded, nnd 1 took her back. I W. A. Kinney Offered this matter to say T should like to. got mad with my wife, hot becauso read the statement of Ofurcr Town- - tho transaction wns exposed, but be- scnil, nn affidavit In tlio form of nvi cause sho hnd no light to meddle uffldavit. With my prlvntn affairs. Honolulu, Jul:' 27. 10RH Mr, Sheriff, I am ready to make BTATKMKNT OK K. VMWNBBND. tho above statement before anybody To Take Up Note 1. B. Townsend. of llolnolulu, Oa-- that the transaction wns purely per hu, being duly sworn, do depose, and gonal nnd had nothing to do with the say: Iwllel mnttcr ono way or the other. I Mr, That Bomo tlnlo during the month know Inouye offered to give IAUKEA'S TESTIMONY CONCLUDE3 WITH INTERESTING DETAIL OF of April, Sheriff fauken rcrucr,tcd mo Interest for tho money loaned, but I ISOI TRANSACTION CONFIDENCE IN TOWNSEND. to seo ir I could oorrow iuu irom declined, Tho noto wns paid up BORROWS FROM POLICE OFFICERS AC- ono of my friends. 1 visited, several when it beenmo due, nnd nt that tlmo I considered tho transaction as TION HE TOOK friends, but notio or them ni.ii I0'l In cnBh, licrnuse on Hint particular closed. i:. TOWN8RNO. Intikcn to ubout Now 1 want to say this to tho on Ilia Q. Have you ever made u state-incu- t day Sheriff siokc Jiio t. Call J ircollccl iy tint In nflcrnonn, sec Committee, when this matter camo you Unit with Mr. Unit the teason you took up the It rather late tho had cotivcisntlou ondly, tho banks were nlf closed, up, us well ns the other deal which A. 1 original Isol note and executed tho Taylor iilioul Hint nolo? ilon'l prevented my friends from wns mado. .public, I asked Townsend, know, I It wiih nliout n few dnyH bllhiUtilled note wan becauso ou did which think 1 who Interpreted for Isol to knoV drawing from the li.tnkH. comM not this man lifter llio attempted bribery nt my not want Mr. Tailor about on day, Sunday, July to I think of any oUier person .Having this 12th. Towiisend why A. don't re'niom I house. When Wiiikcil the trnnsnctlon? i ns as wS zjyuxje I statement, tho nvnltnliln mull. i I went to I.Ull Ullll write down far lie could re Scout? Tuarey; r' tTGAZ or KA", .. Mai ' Isol illil not bring tha money, thut wns her making Hint but membor tho conversation, at least, the time, It wns within those days t real purpose wn.i to nvolil nil this spoke to him about tho loan, '.which mo nwny. ""- - n my ilon'l know whether It wiih hefoio or I don't want the nolo to Btny ho favored with right All""" """.,"w Mm I money .RC- - o so nnu urougnt mo n afterwards that I told Taylor the In Isol's luiiul. time borrowed tho irom I rough copy In pencil of this state wholu thing. Why? Isol, told him thut ho must not' ex I over gen-or- al was tho about n pect nny return fnvor because, ns incut. looked It nnd In n Q. Well wan It before or after tho (. What leaMin, wny gavo the substanro of whnt HiiliHtitiited wan given you week after tho execution of tho nolo fnr as tho loan was concerned, lit Is nolo that Isol had said to me, then I nsked him Inrl-de- ou Kiiy you lenrned that purely a simple personnl transaction, linil this talk with Taylor, Ihls when first typowrlto sign It. tho Isol iiicntioiied In the nolo wns I nsked Isol how much Interest he to It nnd which ho nt tho liomu of tho :tttcniited is during tho Iwllel IkoI, that you did not then wanted, I30I replied Unit ho wns not did, nnd this tha stntfmont that bribery occurred MiinewheicB ho typewritten nnd signed. May? A. About Inke Bteps to renrrnngo tho transac-Hon- ? In thu loan business nnd there fore hnd thu Ihhd week of a MR. MII.VKIITON week before tho became due, A. I did not hnvo the money did not rnre for Interest. I gave the nolo Q. Did you say Hint you wroto Eomcwhcics probably about that ( I inc. In the .'IrBt plnco. I didn't know where money lo Sheriff luukca the Biimo af portion No, t). Hut thin conversation with Tay- to no Mini borrow the money. ternoon, nnd received his itjito of this stutcment? A. Unit Is In Townbund's own lor waH Hint before, or after the exe (J On .llllio IhI, when you did sub- which I gave to Isol later on. At nil words. cution of the xuhitltiited note? A stitute' the Townsend note. ou illil tho tlmo tho Sheriff wioto tho inula Mil. IAUKKA 1 don't know exactly, I think It was not have Iho money to pay It then? he nsked mo who tho man was. I Whon tho mnttor was to bo Inves- about that time, my recollection Is A. 1 expected tho money rroin nun-Hin- t simply told him that the person ivas tigated by tho Grand Jury, nt least this tall: with Taylor nnd Town j unman, the man Is Chang Chan, who one of my friends. The noto was when I reported the matter to tho bend In my office about tho note (run- - lento propel ty belonging to my wire taken up when It became duo .and Attorney General followed by nn In- paction was about two or tlucu days vvhcic the I'niplio Theater Is now, and tho transaction ended. vestigation of tho (Irani! Jury, I,ar-i.ac- h, after they had been nt my house, Isol I hail Just made n new lensu of It, U. TOWN'S!? NO. tho Deputy Attorney General, had been at my house. mi that they could extend their Imsl- - Subscribed nnd sworn to be- happened to bo In my office. I show (j. And then how long after that ness, for J150 a year. Ilu had paid fore mo this 28th day of July, ed him these two statements, nnd was It that you told Mr. Taylor ubout $2."i and It was the balance that 1 nr-th-e A. D. 1908. LUggcstcd to Ijirnaeh, who was In- attempted bribery? A. May have ranged for Chang Chnn to bilng tho (8.) A. N. FKUNANDK55. vestigating tho matter for the At- been tho ilav nrtor. (day 1 gave tho substituted note. Notary Public, First Judicial torney General's Department, wheth- ll you BBPIHPSfi O. What dbl von-te- Mr. Taylor O. So that tho only icnBon that Cltcult. er it would not bo advisable to hnvo it?TS2?vtfc'A SiOB?i3SkifffMKi :ib to what your plans In referenro to did not. ns soon us you discovered that Q. Thut affidavit wns mado by Mr. Townsend look over theso stnto-ment- s, eiilrnnnlng I sol ilium that bribery Pto-- tho Isol mentioned In Iho note was Townsend nt your request? A. In nt least the Isol statement. I rearrange transac- - linslilim? A. said to Mr. Taylor Hie Iwllel Isol, tho his own writing. and nsked him whether the state 1 I or that thought was going to hnvo Hon by giving u substituted note Q. At your request? A. At. my ment given there was as near cor- 1 siko soiiH'lhlng about a sensation otherwise ns you subsequently did request. rect ns he could remember. Mr. arresting Isol for nttempted!wns because at that time you hnd no Mr. 'ka ubout Q. Whnt was your reason for called Townsend Into 1 Is only bribery, but Hint had Hllppvd up on money to pay Isol that tho keeping original Isol note) nnd my office, showed hlni tha statement &3 iBBsrusJitrjacei jransTMs ctuszcea. A. ron- the - II, homo words tu Hint effect. leason? Anil tho nddilloiial destroying tho substituted noto? A. of Isol nnd nsked Townsend If Hint Wiih flint (lino that you of thinking that tho matter would Q. that thu ton On account of publicity tlint might wns tho stntement that Isol had any ono you' never becoino public. I considered 11 - over iiicnlloncdto that bo given Hi I kept tho original, tho mado to mo through himself ns In- Monnstlr, n view of which Is shown In the above illustration, is the heailiiu.irn-r- of the Young Turkey n plan or scheme to entrap l puiely u private inntler of nobody's had substitute I destroyed. I endorsed it terpreter. Townsend snld yes. Tho Party of Union nud Progress," which has triumphed In Its determination lo establish i roustltiitlonal govern- In tho bribery matter? A. I think so. business. I wns not acting In my of- on the snmo day that I took It up. Committee will notice that Isol ment In Iho Ottoman Empire. Officers of tho Third Army Corps, stationed In the vllnyet, some of whom shot when I knew that they didn't come ficial capacity. very Q. Well, tho notation across tho makes n different statement In Ostium lllduyct In tho barracks, threatened to kill all thu generals In Macedoniu. and to march with nn nrmy mid Townsend, who said thcro was (. The agitation nliout Hint lime, tho paper, In tho Ilullctln, ns to I nr-re- Inst, ror tno noto docs not in nny man- 'from Motiuslir to Constantinople (four bundled inlleH) nud demand tho or the Mimethlng wrong, had plans to hay March and April fnco of tho how llreckons came to tho note. Hut loustltiitloti I closing of Iwllel enmo from whnt per- ner indlcato tho substituted of 1H7J1. Tho Revolutionary Commltteo of the Young TuiKs In Mouastti have even ot them but ns they didn't conie, that I wnnt to show that this Is whut Isol nssiimrd the functions nay tho A. Ministerial Union. noto Is ono In fnvor of Townsend well-pave- d mostly didn't anything nioro about sons? r.altl me through I nnd soldiers, with strcceople, Greeks nud Unitarians, the Turks being chiefly officials my Through petition signed by tho Isol. A. I say It was issued to Townsend, nnd matter until Townsend camo to a nnd not testify to tho correctness .ovcrnment. It Is a city of 4n,000 pis, clean houses, many mosques, nnd minarets nud line bazaars. Inter- of tho Union, and promi Townsend, tho substituted noto. wish to of offlcu and told mo about this members to that, as far as wo could remember. view with Mr. Tuylor. nent business men In tho community, Q. Yes, but tho notation aicross Is how I remember conver- I Q. You sny that on tho following such ns C. M. Cooke, 1'. C. Jones nnd the face docs not Indlcato that? A. That that If had borrowed money fiom ono sation, til at Is, substance of It, I livening. Hint Is tho evening following 11. F. Dillingham, nnd .bo on. It docs not. isol will mako that the Isol. I told him that hail, much the making of tho $Hnn proposition, Pcrtonally In Favor. Statement, I think. Mil. MIL.VEHTON- - - . to my regret. Ho then informed mo nr-re- Q. you of Q. You had necessarily to rely en- that llreckons, tho United Stntes you hud formulated plana for tho Wero personally in favor Mil. 1AUKEA of Isol? A. Yes. Iwllel remaining open? A. Person- - tirely on Townscnd's Interpretation? District Attorney, is said lo hnvo tho I this document I plan hnd you formulated? nlly I am In favor of It. That Is, to wish to submit A. Entirely. photograph of that note, and offered (J. Whut Is worth to show to A. Receiving of the money, getting set asldo somo place, but I Mail no also for whnt It Q. And yon. statu thlit you havo mo tho money to go anil pay Isol bo the Commltteo will glvo of the money nnd tho presence of other course but to enforce tho law. what extent littlo or no confidence In Townsend? ns to take up tho nolc. I told Mr.j credit to tho statements of Isol In 1 Drink Bomo witnesses there to look on from (J. Do sou know ns a matter of fact A. Well, I had my ronlldence very Kinney' that had already p.ifil thu to tho handing over whether during tho week tho (loot was rofcrcncc to this matter. much shaken up In him. I say monoy bark nnd had tho nolo in my I THE BEER YOU ARE USED TO lnsldo bco actual Sunday Tnylor can't of tho money."' hero Iwllel was open? A. It was. On tho Hint Mr. whether Isol said that or not, because possession. I ulso told Mr. Kinney you spoko of tho wlt .Most or tho women had gono back took leave of tho pollco force after I Japanese. then nt tlmo everything In con- O. When to don't understand that did you nicnn Townsend? A. llieio and was trying lo tin business. tho pollco Inspection, Isol camo Q. you ever any nection vvltll the note, how It had iiobbcs. mo Havo borrowed Townsend wns supposed to bo with I told .thu Committee of tho Ministe- my office unsolicited by nnd money other than this" Isol $100 nolo come about and the attempted brib- at least I expected rial Union that I preferred not to ar- mado thin stntement, which i nnii de- ery nt my himso subsequent to1 Isol nt tho time, put through members of tho pollco tho them to romo again. rest any of tho sailors or officers who slnco nnd which I had Townsend partment or your subordinates, or giving of Iho note. I also told Mr. mado him sign ho RAINIER Getting Wltnctiii. wero thcro during tho tlmo tho licet to writing and from persoiiB outsldo ox tho pollco Emmoluth the same thing somo tlmo Q. What witnesses had you arrnng. wns hero: Hint I preferred not to ar acted ns Interpreter. department? A. I haw. Inter when he spoke to inn ubout IT'S ON SALE AT EVERY FORT. of ships, imI wllli to bo there tho following rest any of tho sailors tho Mil. MILVElVrON Q. In what Instance? A. Through Taylor's Intended resignation. Whether you buy it in Alaska, the Orient, or Hawaii, evening? A. I suggested they hi Ins ns It might hnvo tho result ns it sign It? Officer Apann. I asked Officer Apann of Q. You hnd Townsend Mil. KEAI.OHA it is of that same special quality thnt has nlways placed it the $15(Xl with them. might have tho opposlto result ono day some six or eight months Q. Mining nt. A. Yes, Townsend signed It. What Kinney was that? A. iu the lead. (. And what persons had ou whut thoy wero July 12, ugo If ho could help mo borrow $100 attorney. following Q. (hut during tho week Honolulu. laos. Tho W. A. Kinney, tho at to bo there on Hint So licet Stntement made by Isol to tho Slier Just tho same way, nnd ho brought torney. night iib witnesses? A. I had not iwllel wiih running open? A. No, sir, Iff nt the pollco station In presonco tho money. I filled out tho nolo In MILVKIITO.V 1 say a word to any- not nt any time. They wcro trying to Mil. did not of Interpreter Townsend ' on tho my own handwriting and gave It to body becnilHo thero were peoplo at do II under cover. (1. How long was that conversa- morning of July 12th: him; mado it to tho party that tho you the house. 1 could very eiiBlly get an Q. About how many women wero tion nftcr lind paid tho Isol nolo? Honolulu you'to-dn- y officer borrowed tho money frpm and I Construction and Draying Go,, 1 be- I place during Mr. Sheriff. I camo to seo A. think it wiih nbout week or (nicer out thcro about mlnuteB doing business nt sol's It. In In In a I I regard to nrtlclcs later paid that caso I causo I hnvo n private lelephono nt tho fleet week? A. don't Know, in the written ten days after had paid tho note. LIMITED. sovcrnl times with In the ovonlng paper about tho pro- stallments. tj. And hnwlong was a the house. went down thero that GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Q. prior to the execution of tho Commltteo of tho Mlnlstoilnl Un misor)- noto you gavo mo nt ono tlmo. Q. Is that (he only Instnnco In that jou had thu Emmeluth conver Just PHONE, OFFICE - P. 0. BOX 154. the original tinn Isol note nrcoulliis ion, ulso with tho police otneers, and I liavo nlways considered that ns far which you have borrowed monoy In sation? A. It was a week or two 281. to tho statements Hint have been had special officers detailed thcro to as tho loan was concerned.' It was that way? A. That is nil, I think. after thai. He spoke to niu first Fort St., 0pp. W. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd. made, jou mado endeavors to burrow try and prevent open prostitution iiko nothing but o. purn personal business Q. Through your subordinates nbout Tuylor's resignation nnd I told We do all kinds of Teaming; also deal in Crashed Rock, White and that money elBOwhere, did sou not? before, in fact I did nil I could to pro-ve- transaction, and 1 bcllevo it is no from peoplo outside of tho depart- hlni the whole thing. Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc. SAFE MOVING A Q. According to tho Dtateinents open prostitution during tho tlmo ones business, ami, sncrin, i icoi ment. A. In tho case of Apann, I That Is all. ' that have been made? A, Whcio? that the lleet was hero. Hint cross lnJustlco has been dono to don't know. Ha went out nnd i Q. According to tho press. A. Q. Were any at rests for prostitu- you by publishing such n trifling brought tho money In and I nsked .The press don't always glvo out tho tion mndu thcro during Hint period of thing. When I heard that Mr. Hrec- - him who to mako tho noto out to truth. time of any of tho women? A. I don't kons had In his possession tho photo and he snld to so and bo. Q, Is ttint a facl that you h.ui lemember whether thero wcro any graph of your note, I mndn investiga- Q. Is thnt tha only Instance- be i made endenvors to hccurc u loan from mado or not. tion ns to how the noto reached his sides the Isol Instance? A. I think other soiiiccs? A. Yes, 1 did. Hefoio I (. During Hint period of time, did I suspected my wife, nnd, that Is tho only two Instances. nny hand. negotiated this loan, It wnH tho snniu you discriminate In manner I ever show- Q. Or havn you borrowed money prem Sheriff, asked her It sho loan that I obtained fiom Colburn, I ngulnst Isol nud tho uso of his ed the noto to Mr. llreckons, to nsldo from theso two Instances from went to Mr. Dillingham to bco If I ises for prostitution? A. No sir, on replied Mr. tho officers of tho department or sub nave which she that llreckons could get money to meet theso notes Hie other hand I look steps to camo to my bouse nt Iwllel ono day ordinates of tho department without I given or differ- up by having olltcers or mine that had out Iho plnco closed I llreck- knowing where they secured money? could not do whllo was nbsent. nnd Mr. ent peoplo nnd which weio becoming Blutlnncd thero fin they ons asked my wife how much monoy A. Yes, I have borrowed money I open wiiiningworiii, dim, lin being tho only ono that business. ir. sho had saved up lately, as It Is cus- from officers of tho department In thought could help mo to raise sonio who Is attorney ror Mnklno tno o my nmounts of $n.00, $2,50 or $4.00 ns my office nbout tomary for Mr. llreckons to visit money. I nuked for 2r,0 at tho tlmo place camo to once a month, nnd I needed tho money. I would ask get any tho tho fleet was hero nnd house, nt least to meet two notes, t failed to tlmo that goes nil over tho room nnd sees the clerk, Mr. Itoso, sometimes it Dillingham so I went Hint Iho Isol plnco and the Block money from Mr. said things In sight, ns he Is Interested he could spare mo a little money out $150 fiom ade wns running, nnd Hint If I did not to Colburn and bonnwed In my welfare. I nm moro or less of his own pocket, hut no Inrgcr money I paid a noto take stens to ston It. that his clients, him. With Hint under obligations to Mr. llreckons, nmounts, moro than $3, $4 or $0, that wns becoming duo ubout that Mukluo nnd somo other Jnpancho that U's, Start as ho has nlways been good to mo nnd only In the shnpo of I. O. I tlmo. I nlbo tried to bco W. II. Castle, uro on the Huut premises, would gavo notes for theso small I Chllllngworth and at one time, even loaning mo novcr rather James Castle to seo If I could up business also. told up; amounts. through for I trying to do all I know how monoy when I wns hard that mil get somo money them that mil My I think Unit It nil, Sheriff. notes-pay- ing to stop opening of Iwllel ugaln, was about three years ago. wife the biiine purposo of meeting tho IAUKKA failed to find hlni and Hint officers wero stntlonod thero claims that whon sho opened tho Mil. notes but Woll. thoro Is ono mnttcr moro I nn tho two occasions that day and night with Instructions to trunk sho took out n bunch of notes at his ofuco kept In tho would like to Bay, and Hint Is, i I prevent business of thut naturo In the and receipts, which sho 'i wwmmimmmi i railed there. to want to keep tha documents I havo (J. Theso demands wcro mado open, nnd I hclluvo a good dcnl of It trunk and showed It Mr. llreck- picked ccr-tn- ln just shown, but you can get them they wns Hint way sloppod. ons. Mr. Ilrockons out a . 1 prior to tho Isol noto, wero not? done you mmML ..... m.v.. m iioiu, O. What do you menu by prevent npto and asked my wlfo how any tlmo that want. i fH;''n j A. Sonictlmo pi lor ino ihoi ono thing moro I would h X' lHIA sumo purposo. I ing Iho doing of business In tho opon? sho came to get tho note In question, There Is It w.ih all for tho Mr. W. A. Klnnoy this was paid over this par A. Open prostitution, mm is, ny wo. which ho said wns from Mr. laukca. like to ndd, that think wns from Mr. Klnnoy that I llcular money was paid ovor ny mo men standing at tncir uoors nun can My wlfo says that sho told Mr. llrec It to Colburn ns Iho lug men In. kons that she did not know anything IlrBt learned Hint Mr. llreckons had to John Ilakor, not my Yes. Ho nnd I mo very Bribery Negotiations. nbout It. Mr. llreckons requested a photograpn of noto. thut paper announced. be- lrlendly, and when ho bus money Q. Now ono other question, I wish my wlfo to let him hnvo tho noto for was nbout tho first week of tho you second week of Juno. Ho which Is duo him, I soniotlmoH collect you would btnto as clearly ns can, n little whllo. She consented nnd ginning or on out hore, on tho it. In Uils cube ho had sold a liorso tno reason wny uieso uriiiury Mr. llreckons took nwny tho note, mot mo the sheet I mo to Dr. CoITor. Ho bent tho horso tlnns ceiiBed? A. I don't know, nev lint Boon brought It back. Of course Young Hotel sidewalk, nnd asked down and requested mo to collect Iho er wns ablo to find out why, but my at liorso arrived Dr. own Impression Is that thoy had got inonoy. When tho "TO Coffer brought mo tho check for tho Information that Ttiyior Knew nuoui ...V OV", TrtlSl TEISX. nniount, and when being In that con- It. That Is only my impression, but mo I could I novcr was told why, I novcr found nt dition with him. he told .WASHINGTON, I). Aug. 13. Whit., (hn nlrsbln hnd been nrcctit-iwlt- h tho tilrshllf nnd nsccnsloiis fto I out. C, nlwuys use his monoy, took that speed, nnd Myor will bo of almost dully money to pay It over to Mr. P Q. Townsend told you that some- Tim Hulled States Army now owns ed us fnr as construction, l'ort ubout Unit time, nliout tho lBt of May, thing was wrong? A. That Is whnt I tho llaldwin military dltlglblo bal- woio concerned, Captain .curicncc. tfo say, some-thin- g Word was received at siyor I think. I wns owing I , thcro- understood him that Last Week loon. At 6 o'clock this ovonlng thrcn llaldwin still had ono provision of nrt Wright, tho wns $100.00, bo I took this money I hnd gono wrong, hut what he Signal Corps odkers Lieutenants his contract to carry out. This was tonight front Orvillo I 1 supposo wnot nrrlva had of Maker's nnd paid I' anil meant don't know, I.alim, l'oulols, and Selfrldgo hnd to train two Signal Corps olllcers to 'ueroplanlst, that ho would up my note. Ilakor was coming Tnylor had said to him. Is believed took mado eight nips In tho airship. Gon-cr- nl hqiidlo tho crnft. Today In an hour's .Thursday. His neroplano down on Saturdny bo I borrowed this Q. Did you ask Townsend whnt had signal olllcer, in- time, ho trained three olllcers to to bo In tho freight station hero now. name money to pay John linker, this gono wiong? A. I asked him why Allen, chief hav- Tho of- - but tho Wright llrothers havo until inonoy Hint I took, mi thut Is how this thoy did tint bilng tho money nt the formed Captain llaldwin that, Oeneinl Allen's satisfaction. Sale will-los- e did Kerr's Corps tho USth to make delivery at rort whole matter eomo about. Tho state- tlmo uppolnted. Ho wild ho not ing fulfilled his contract, he could fleers of tho Signal something gouo uuy.-tiuio- nractlccMicr, , ment that tho paper gave out was not know; that had turn over the bulluou tt io opportunity for further . . . coiicct ubout John Column. W1011K. ... .

v. N, L&jv iiwm&xi. 'iJdmAmv ihrfri:nTiviliirtrfltii III' i Jmi&m'itttWimMki& pp?feT?sfy mm- - yfr,i ft "M t ;"? wwfrjWIjg'g; BVBNlKa nJNOLTJLU, T. MONDAY; SEPT? ' BDLLICTn. If.. t! litOd'i r I. Oceanic Steamship Company Alexander & Baldwin KlIHIO ATTACKED AT KSTAKLISHBU IN IIS. LIMITED. ime TIME k to Paint HOME RULE PARTY TABLE J. P. COOKE Manager The steamers of this line will arrive and leave this port as hereunder: Don't wait for the rainy i 0FFICEBS AND DIRECTORS : season to start in and find rH0M SAN FRANCISCO : & FOR SAN FRANCISCO : Bishop Co. H. P. Baldwin President yoar house unpaintcd. The ALAMEDA SEPT. 11 ALAML'DA 16 So Small That SEL'T. J. B. Castle Vice President season will probably be early Crowd ALAMEDA OCT. 2 ALAMEDA OCT. 7 ANKMfc W. M. Alexander. .Second Vice Pres. ALAMKD this year. If you use W. P. OCT. 23 ALAMEDA OCT. 28 Affair . J. P. Cooke Third Vice Pres. Fuller & Co.'s lslled Al.AMi:UA NOV. 13 ALAMEDA NOV. 18 J. Waterhoiue Treaiurer Off Commercial and Travelers' E. E. Paxton Secretary URE NOTICE. On anil after June 24th. 1808, the SALOON BATES will W. 0. Smith Director be as follows: Single Fare, $65; Round Trip, $110. Family rooms extra. Letters of Credit issued on O. R. Carter Director REPARED 'Tlio Joint meeting of tlio Hnnid In connection with the sallng of the above steamers, the agents are W, R. Castle Director AINT Tho woman on tho right neter llulo nnd Lnbor parties enllod for, prepared to Issue the Intending passengers, coupon through tldkets, by the Bank of California and P Hair Vigor. She.neg-lecto- d Saturday did ninto-rlnllz- e. used Ayer's Inst nifilit not cny railroad from San Francisco to points In all the United States, and SUGAR FACTORS, , you will get the maximum of now herself suf- The attendance wns eh from New York by any steamship line to all European ports. The LondonJoint Stock Bank, her hair, nnd beauty and durability. We Bninll the presiding omccr called FOR FURTHF.R PARTICULARS APPLY TO COMMISSION MERCHANTS and from neglect. On the contrary, that Ltd., London. guarantee the quality, fers meeting off nnd postponed It un- has always tlio INSURANCE AGENTS the woman on the loft til tonight, when It Is expected a Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd Correspondents for the used Ayer's Hair Vigor, and owes larger crowd would attend. Agents for to it much of her youthful appear- The band was In attendance mitt , OCEANIC 3. S. CO. GENERAL AGENTS. American Express Company & Sugar Co. Hawaiian Commercial Lewers & Cooke ance and attractiveness. tlio bluejackets wcro nttracted by It. ind Thos Cook & Son. Haiku Sugar Company, They occupied the scats, but ulasl, Faia Plantation. LIMITED tlicro were very few voters present. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Maui Agricultural Company. 177 S. King St. Phone 775, Mj The only speakers who nddrcsscd Interest allowed on term Kihei Plantation Company. ers the crowd wcro D. Knlnuoknlanl Sr Occidental and ,nd Savings Bank Deposits. Hawaiian Sugar Company. the chairman, nnd J. M. I'oepoo. Tho Oriental Steamshif Kahuku Plantation Company, lattcf made n long tnlk on tho Homo Kahului Railroad Company. Vigor Itulo platform, which contains mnny Co., and Toyo Kisen Kaisha Haleakala Ranch Company. Mr new Items. In mentioning tlio nnmo Honolua Ranch. produces beautiful hair. Long, K. Notley as the Homo llulo Steamers of the above companies of Chns. Bv will at Honolulu and leave this port IronBeds heavy hair. Soft and silky candidate for Delegate to Congress, wii ui ttuuui inc aaies oeiow mentioned: Claus Spreckels. Wm. G. Irwin rich, I Castle & Cooke, Ltd hair, free from dandruff. Pocpoe said thnt ho (Notloy) would FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: make a better rcprcsentntlvo of tho FOR OAN FRANCISCO: & Of. I. C. Arw 4 C., law., U.S.A. Clans Spreckels Co. Honolulu, X. H, tmuti ll Im. people, particularly the poor, than. . B Kolnnlannole, who had noli NIPPON MAUU .SKIT. TKNYO MAUU . . 8 LARGE STOCK. LOWEST PRISES. Delegate ..SEPT. POLITICAL NOTICES. ASIA .SEPT. K, KOItEA ..SEPT. 19 BANKERS. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MEB done anything for the benefit of thn re- MONCiOI.IA . . . CHANTS, SUOAR FACTORS poor. Ho simply listened to tho .SEPT. 21 UtEUK'A MAIfU . . .OCT. HONOLULU, : : : T. H. 'I. TBNYO MAUU . ..OCT. 2 SIIIKKIA ...OCT. 10 and ANNOUNCEMENT. quest of the planters nnd did notli INSURANCE Ing poor Hawallnns. FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO 8an Francisco Agents The No GENERAL AGENTS for the vada Notional Dank of San Francisco. representing Coyne Furniture Co. I hereby announce my candidacy The Immigration of European la- Draw Exchange on tlio Novutla Ewa Plantation Co. for tho Itopuhllcnn nomination for borers would Jeopardize tho local H, Hackfeld & Co., Ltd,, - Dank of San Francisco. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. IlEPKKSKNTATIVi: OF TUB field hands. London Tho Union of London nnd Kohala Sugar Co. Tho langungo clause, which tho' Hank. Ltd. ruuuiii uioimi'i, Smith's Wairaea Sugar Mill Co. 4092-t- f GEO. MAKALENA. Delegate llniltcd to n ccrtnln number New York Exchango AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- American Apohaa Sugar Co., Ltd. strongly attacked by, STEAMSHIP COMPANY. National Bank. Our Baby Rings of years, wns Chicago Cora Kxchnnso Natlonnl ANNOUNCEMENT. Poepoe. Weekly Sailings l.i Tchnuntepec. Bank. Fulton Iron Works of St. Louis Seated on the platform wcro D. runw rrrw nnwm Baby Pins, I hereby announco myself as can .a.va& nun vnnviun taaw Jivjiujuuiju.ttt tt Paris Credit Lyonnals. Blake Steam Pumps Knlnuoknlanl Sr J. M. Pocpoe, and Irolght received at nil times at tho Company's Whnrr, 41st StrceL South Hongkong and Yokohama Weston's Centrifugals didate for S. K. Mnhoo. W. C. Achl, who wart Uinol.lyn. Ranking Corporation. Babcock & Wilcox Boilers Baby Cups HEPHESENTATIVE, FIFTH to speak, occupied one of tho benchcit New Zealand and Australia Dnnk DISTIHCT, KltOM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN- - FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO Green's Fuel Economizers on the ground.- - Ho will speak' to-- t CISCO. of Now Zealand and Dnnk of Austra- Marsh Steam Pumps subject to tho action of tho Itepub HONOLULU DIRECT. lasia. Baby Napkin Rings' night. , ALASKAN. Ilcnn Convention. TO SAIL ....SEPT. 14 VIUOINIAN, TO SAI L SEPT. 20 Victoria and Vancouver Dank of Matson Navigation Co. m VIUOINIAN, TO SAIL OCT. C British North America. Planters' Line Shipping Co. or Baby Spoons llEKNAKD II. KELEKOLIO. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS, FROM SAN FKANCISCO TO HONO- Deposits received. Loans made mi 4092 td convn LULU 1908, DIRECT. Tor further Information apply to appro vod security. Commercial and i will surely make baby happier. Entered for Record Sept. 4, AUIZONAN. TO SAIL ...SEPT. 0 H. HACKTELD & CO..LTD., Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Wm. 6. Irwin & Co. ANNOUNCEMENT. from 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. COLUMRIAN, TO SAIL, . .SEPT. 23 Agents Exchange bought and sold. Knlanieha (w) to Wllllnm Knal Honolulu. LIMITED. I hereby announce my candidacy ....M Freight received nt Company's C. P. MOUSE, Knplolant Ltd to F A Schavf- - Collections Promptly Accounted For. for tho Itcpubllcan nomination for Estate wharf, Greenwich Street. Freight cr D Oenersl Agent. SUGAR FACTORS and COUNTY CLERK J.A.R.Vieira&Co. Hnlll Campbell to Mary McCarthy.. D COMMISSION AGENTS. for tho County of Onliu. Rank 'of Hftwalt Ltd (o John A John-'so- n CanadiGn-AiastraiSa- The First 113 HOTEL ST. DAVID KALAUOKALANI, JU. n . . .1 i Hot Royal Mall Wm. G. IRWIN President 4090-t- f Ah Qi'iong . Agrmt JN0. D. SPRECKELS... 1st V. Pres. Ona to Ylin Jin vt nl. Sloiimahlp Cnmpany. 4MERICAN SAVINGS Entered far Record Sept. 5, 1908, r W. M. GIFFARD 2d V. Pres. ANNOUNCEMENT. RJ, H. M. WHITNEY Treasurer from ia.m. tohosao a. m. Steamers of above line, In - the tinning connection with the CANAD- Emmn A Ablcs'and hsli to K 11 Hath. D kaiuway co. uetween Vancouver, B. and 8ydney, N. RICHARD IVERS Secretary I hereby announco myself as a can in cumu C, AND TRUST GO. OrdersforStocR E 11 ntnh lo'Lcninol C Abies D S. W., and calling at Victoria, D. Honolulu FIJI, Bris- D. G. MAY Auditor didate for C, and 8uva, and H L Achilles by Agt to Mlynklchl bane, are DUE AT HONOLULU on or about the dates below viz.: KEPRESENTATiVE, DIS- stated, OF HAWAII, LTD. FIFTH Taunkn K Acents for W. E. BELLINA leaves for the Coast TRICT FOR FIJI AUSTRALIA: M Tniuikn to C F Ilradsliaw CM AND FOR VANCOUVER: SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL.. $200,000.00 Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francis within 10 days, and all orders subjoct to tho nctton of the Repub MANUKA ID First Dnnk of Hilo Ltd to T lkeda...U SEPT. MAUA.MA SEPT. 15 PAID UP CAPITAL $100,000.00 . co. CaL. ' left with him for stock of any lican convention. Dunk of Hllo-Lt- to 15 B WII- - MARAMA OCT. H AORAXCI OCT. 14 President Cecil Brown Baldwin Locomotive Works, Fhlla kind will receive careful atten- F)rst WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD. . . I call nt Kannlns Island. MOAN A 11 Vice M. Robinson " 'rim . ....? NOV. President P. deiphia,.Pa. , tion. 4090-t- 'l f E E Wilson nnd wf to.....JFirst H.ink of MANUKA DEC. 8 Cashier L. T. Peck Hakalaif Plantation. Co., Hilo Sugar Hilo Lid M Co., Honolulu Plantation Co., Through Tickets Istued from Honolulu to Canadi, United State and' Offlco: Corner Fort nnd King Sts. ANNOUNCEMENT. John Knluiin and wf to Emily Hiown.D Europe. For Freight and Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Passage and all general Information, apply to 3AVINGS DEPOSITS received and CLUB STABLES M Hooknea by Mlgeo to John L Co., ,'Kilauea Sugar Plantation I hereby announco my candidacy ffceo. U. Davies & id. General Interest allowed (or, yearly deposits Fleming D U., Ajeits. 4V& Co., Olowaln Company, for (bo Republican nomination for at thn rnto of por cent, pur Peanhau Tel. 109 John L Fleming to Dnvld T Flowing. Sugar Co., MAYOR OF HONOLULU. annum. Plantation waima Knnaknncloliiia Ik) to I) T Fleming.) Utiles and regulations furnished Sugar Co. CHARLES HUSTACB, nalo JR. W Ibara to Kano Tomlslilnui '.I upon application. 4090-t- f Matson Navigation Est of Theo 11 Davlos by Tr to Thco-- Company C. & Co.. Ltd. LOOK phllus C Davlcs ct nl D Brewer automobiles, car Tiie Yokohama Specie Bank, at the bureies and ANNOUNCEMENT. of Kalclconulnn: Iiy to QUEEN 8TREET, HONOLULU, T. H. Est Emmn Tr Tho S. S. "HILONIAN" and "LURLINE" of tins line, pas- riages wu have recently overhauled Co carryinf I hereby announco my candidacy Honolulu Plantation li sengers and freight, will run in a direct service Limited and painted George U between this port and AGENTS FOR: for tho Republican rcnomlnatlon for Joo Fcrrolrn to Ron San Francisco, sailing1 and arriving on or about THEN SEE US. the following dates: Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Ookala COUNTY AUDITOR, THE ST. LOUIS LID ARRIVE HONO. LEAVE H0N0. Sugar Plant. Co., Onomaa Sugar Co., for the County of Onhu. S. S. "LITRLINB" AUO. 19tU Established I880 Honomu Sugar Co., Walluku Sugar Co., SEPT. 1st 4091-t- f JA3. IIICKNELL. ngo S. S. "HILONIAN" SEPT. 2nd SEPT. 8th Pepeekeo Sugar Co., The Planters W. W. Wright Co.. It wasn't very ninny summers R. S St. Louis was supporting four "LrnLlNtr SEPT. 2flth OCT. Capital (Paid up) ..Yen 24,000,000 Line of San Francisco Packots. thnt 6th LIST OF OFFICERS: tracks besides Its two buscbull SEPT-30t- 0CT- Reserved Fund Yen 15,050,000 King Street near South inco s. s. ."JV.K')1" - 6ti C. M. Cooke, President; George plants. unLiNE1 N0V. 6th NOV. Special Reserved Fund. Yen 2,000,000 Tel.' 252 Grand 17th Robertson, Vice President and Mana Then, somo fifteen summers back, Passenger Rates to S. F.: First Cabin, $60; Round Trip First Class ger; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Sec thero was horso raring nt tho two HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. retary; F. W. Macfarlane, Auditor; P. Reduction Sale $110.00 Branches and Agencies; East Sldo s, MuUlsoiv For particulars C. Jknes, C. M. Cook and J. R. Gait, S. 5A1KI, further apply to Tokio, Kobe, Osaka, Nagasaki, Directors. und East St. Louis, as well as night CASTLE & COOKE, cent, Sports- , LTD., Agents. London, Lyons, New York, San Fran Bamboo Furniture Made to Order. 20 per off racing at tho South Side and cisco, Ilombny, Hongkong, Shanghai, Picture Framing a Speoialty. man's Pnrlc "Jericho," and baseball Chofoo, Tientsin, Peking, FIRE INSURANCE at Von dcr Ahevllle. Hankow, S63 S. BERETANIA ST. Newchang, Dalny, Arthur, Later, though, Just n cotiplo oE Union-Pacif- ic Port TELEPHONE 487. K. Isoshima, Tien-lin- g, summers ago, the firm of Cclln, Ad- - Baggage Shipping H Llaoyang, Mukden, 30 KING ST. Changchun. TIE lcr & Tiles alternated running, tho Storage Wood The bank buys and receives for Japanese Bazaar, fair grounds, Dclmnr and Klnloclij Suits es collection bills of exchange, Issues B.F. DILLINGHAM CO. Pressed 1137 FORT ST. courses; Pat Cnrmody and his nsHO-clat- Transfer Co., Ltd. Packing Coal Notice Quick Delivery, Drafts and Letters of Credit, and At Short and had tho Union track In opera transact a general banking business. LIMITEI, tlon and the Drowns and Cardinal) Furniture and Tiano Moving. EAGLE DYEING AND , 58 S. were holding forth tho sumo as to-- Honolulu Branch, 67 King Street Star General Agent for Hawaii: CLEANING WORKS, day. Street. Phone Atlas Assurance Company of London-Ne- Fort 575. Then, to mnko times all tho "sporU York Underwriters' Agency. Restaurant lcr," Chnrloy Hnughtou Ills Hustace-Pec- k Oahu Railway Mo- had Providence Washington Insurance Co. For Expert Repairs on Bicycle, Co., Ltd. torcycle, Automobiles, etc., call on West End club In operation, whlla Phone 295. 8TANQENWALD BLDG. BEST MEALS' IN TOWN AT , DRAYMEN 63 Queen Street. P. 0. Box 212. 4th FLOOR, Joo Cappcls wnH showing the pug-- Estimates Given on all kinds of teaming. Time Table. ALL HOURS. dnm chappies nt tho Jal All build . LIFE INSURANCE Ing. Dealers in J. E. Santos, Convenient for Orpheum Attendants, OUTWARD. Is not a It Is a Necessity. All of n sudden tho wn;( For Luxury; "lid" FIREWOOD, Walanae, Walalua, Kshukii nnd But you Phone 422. Union STOVE, STEAM AND BLACKSMITH COAL. Way p. Must have the BEST St. Jammed on. Tho rnco InicKa wcro Stations 'SMS a. m., '3:20 m. and that Is provided by the famous lighting For Pearl City, Ewn Mill and Way closed. So wcro tho clubs, CRUSHED ROOK, BLACK AND and most equitable Laws of Massa- BERETANIA o. WHITE SAND, GARDEN SOIL Stations 17:30 a. in., 9:15 a. in., STREET Ilasebnll ulono was allowed to ton-tlni- chusetts, In the FirNEST FIT 1st Door HAY, 11:05 n. m., 2:U p. m 320 p. m., Waikiki of Central Fire Stn. Thnt condition has contln-- t GRAIN, CEMENT, ETC. and cloth of A-- quality can be pur- tmm 5:15 p. m., ;9:30 p. in., :00 p. in. l ucd. Save an til chased from for occasional truck 'For Wahlawa 0:15 u. m. and New England Mutual Mr. & Mrs. Hashimoto, meet or an nuto Bhow, not counting, 5:15 p. ni. of course, fall on grid INWARD. SAINCI CHAN, the combats Weekly $1 Arrlvo Honolulu from Kaliuku, Life Insurance Co., McCANDLESS BLDG., MA88EUR8, Iron, It has been baseball und bnso- - Bulletin, Year ball only, for the sport Walalua nnd Walanae 8:3G a. m., OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. P. 0. Box 061. Telephone 931. RHEUMATISM, lorors. . .5:31 p. m. If you would be fully Informed about BRUISES, Arrlvo In Honolulu from Ewn Mill these laws, address SPRAIN8, NO UNCERTAINTY AS TO WHAT1 DIVIDENDS SHALL BE. Fast Schooner and Pearl City 17:4G a. m.. '8:30 WahYingChonsGo. TIRED FEEL-IN- Don't a. m., 0:S8 a. m., 1M0 p. ra., '1:31 and other Worry Castle & Cooke, The Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., p m., 5: SI p. m., 'TiSO p. m'. GENERAL AGENTS, King Street, Ewa of Fishmarket. ailments quickly COINCORD Arrive Honolulu from Walilnwa RELIEVED. with assets of over $14,000,000, and a HONOLULU, T. H. DRY GOODS AND FURNISHING r-- of Sailing for 8:30 n. p. m. SVBBBl 444 KINQ ST., turplus over $1,300,000, Is now Issu- W in. and S:3l GOODS of DE- BSSM-SWSSs- will buy your Diamonds, Old EVERY PALAMA ing a Guaranteed Investment Contract, KAPONA, H0N0IPU, KAILUA Watches, and Jewelry for Spot Cash, and Dally. WM.G.iRWiN&C0.,LfF, SCRIPTION. Telephone 637 with Guaranteed Annual Earning. added, on . H00KENA t Ex. Sunday. payment of second and aub Sunday Only. 'BAMBOO FURNITURE tequent deposits. In case of Perma- From Sorenson's Wharf. t AORNTS FOK THR COCA-COL- A J. CARLO, Haiulwa DRINK nent Usability the contract will ma- Apply on Board to Tlio Limited, a twohnuv Enpr. Of All Kinds And or flrst-clas- Royal Insur. Co. of Liverpool, Descriptions At ture and be paid during life. 1018 NUUANU AVE. and BRANCH. HAWAIIAN BALLASTING Apt train (only tickets hon f!0.. ored), ovary Commercial Union Assurance Ca., Reasonable .Trices. If you haven't tried Coca Cola vou It will pay you to Investigate before FORT ST. HOTEL. leaves Honolulu Sunday near Telephone 396, Maunakea St., below at 8:22 a. ra.; returning, In Ltd., of London, England. SEE OUR DISPLAY. are missing a good thin);. taking out Life Insurance. arrives HENRY rung. x. u. aox 8S0. Honolulu nt 10:10 p. ni. Tho Limited Scottish Union & National Ins. Co. of WATERHOU8E TRU6T CO., Bulletin Business Office Phone 250. TATAINI Agents, w stops only at Pearl City and Walanao. Edinburgh. Scotland. S. HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185. BULLETIN ADS PAY a. r. denison, v. c. The Upper Ins, BV smith, Rhine Co., Ltd Emma St. near Beretania. Bottlers. Phone 516 'For Sale" cards at Bulletin. - "" WPff f&&QP&m" ufvWM$'lF"WYWW' WW" '"" "'.')"" v iriMi, HF Tflm ' EVENING DffLLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., MONDAY, SKIT. 7, 1D08. 9 T

, Knlml, two hasp lilts, Aknnn, Corporation Notices HAWAII WAS Bailey, Walker, Knlml; tlncelmxo lilt, Hoopll. n a n NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF KAHUKU PLAN- 18TH FIRST DAY TWO FORFEITS MADE AT BUSINESS DIRECTORY TATION COMPANY. . i WANTS Kahuku Plantation Company, pur I suant to the terms of that certain Deed of Trust dated September 30, Colonel Jones Receives Tho Tu Mights nnd the II lands REPAIRING. PIANO AND ORGAN. 1899, made by It to the Hawaiian got tlio benefit of forfeits nt Knplo-la- nl Trust & Investment Company, Lim Roster, Naming Park bnll Grounds jestcrday. WANTED FOR SALE Woven Wirt Mattresses repaired at James Sheridan Pianoforte Maker ited, hereby gives notlco to the hold The Ilellnnto did not show up, nnd the Factory Honolulu Wire Btd and Tunar. Corntr Alakea and Ho-t- tl ers of bonds of Kahuku Plantation Teams tho Twilights did. Thnt's tho tnlo Advertisements Under this Heading Advertisements Under this Heading Co., 12C0 Alapal St. Telephone SU. or Hawaiian News Co. For Company, Issued under said Deed of of one gninc. The Leahls passed out One Cent Per Word Each Day. No Ad- One Cent Per Word Eaen Day. No Ad- 53E. 34l-t- f nalt, very' cheap, slightly used, full Trust, of the election of said Kahuku Colonel Jones has received a copy their mntclf with the Hylands gratis, vertisements Inserted for Less Than vertisements Inserted for Less Than 0 rand Decker Piano, Aeolian Or- Ten Cents. Ten Cents. Plantation Company to redeem and of tho official roster ot all the teams ns they have no chance for the cham UMBRELLAS. gans and Upright Pianos, guaran- pay and of the redemption and pay pionship of tho scries. which the Camp Perry com- Work; fifteen experience, ns A valuable collection of stamps. This teed. ment of the following shot in sears' numbered bookkeeper, tlmckeoper, stenogrv collection Is the property of the Umbrellas made and 0. bonds of said Kahuku Plantation petition on tho first day. Tho com 200-)ar- plicr, and gcnpiul ofllco nstlstant; widow of the Into II. W. Bowon, Mlzuta, Fort near Kukul. BUREAU. Company, on tho 30th day of Sep- petitive places after tho d PEACE AUhUAINA EMPLOYMENT good references. Address "F. L," and Is the result ot his effort In tember, 1908, at tho ofllco of the slow and rapid flra wcro as follows: 4097-3- 1 years of they can bo house-hel- this ofllcc. many labor; FLUMBINO. phone White 2891, Teams Score 1 1 1 For Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited, (Special to the II u o 1 n ) seen News Co., Maklkl. General Employment Of- 1 U. S. Navy 943 at the Hawaiian Honolulu, County of Oahu, Territory LAHAINA, Miiul, Sept. 5. Tho boy 16 In 3911-t- f Tee Sing Kef-Plumb- and Tinsmith, 2 White oer jcars to work Young building. fice, cor. Penaacola and Baretanla. of Hawaii, t: Pennsylvania 927 Smith bat. Pauahl. nominations of tho Republicans for cigar stand. Address, In ow.l It., Hotel and 2 14 45 57 80 104 127 13C 1C6 172 3 Massachusetts 921 the Thltit Precinct arc" Territory hand-wrltlu- g, "W ," this oBce. Fine corner lot In Maklkl. Curbing, Bulletin Business Office" Phone 208. 4 4C C8 84 IOC 128 136 158 4 U. S. Infantry 920 23 176 Q. II. Dunn, E. Wnlnholo, R. P. 4091-t- f water, fruit and prnnuifntal truea OSTEOPATHY. 5 U. Cavalry Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185. 6 25 48 CI 86 109 129 137 1G9 179 S. 906 Hose. and all improvements. Two min- 6 26 62 62 90 110 131 142 160 186 6 Maine 905 Schurman.-12- S8 5-- 7 County Wm. Hcnnlng, A. N. Hny Twelve white, eight or nine mouths utes' walk from cars and Punahou Br. F. Hours p. m. pP"For Rent" cards on sale at 7 10 32 63 63 92 111 132 144 167 187 Oregon 903 Cock-et- t, Young St. 4083 Bulletin office. scldcn, Wm. Kalunklnl, C. II. old Minorca liens ami one rooster. College. Address R. P., this office. 8 District Columbia 898 n, otneo. 11 34 C4 76 94 112 133 1C1 168 189 of S. Knpu, C. Mnkcknu. C. K. For-de- Address A. II. C. this Stal 9 4097-3- t 12 41 55 77 95 122 134 164 171 200 Minnesota 893 C. It. Llndsey, D. II. Kahnulc- - price. Six-roo- house and lot cheap. Ap- 13 44 CC 78 96 10 Ohio 891 llo, D. K. Knhaulcllo, P. Pall. Rowing machine; must be In good ply to M. E. Menczes, at Wlchtnan The holders of the above numbered 11 Wisconsin 891 & 4079-l- The nominations were made Inst and reasonable. Address "X Co. boads are hereby1 notified to present 12 California 890 order FOR RENT week nnd ns tho number nominated YZ," this office. 4093-t- f for payment of principal and Inter- 13 New Hampshire 887 for each delegation wns ns required Cheap Stable, In good condition, Meats roof, Apply 14 U. S. Marine Corps 884 corrugated Ilulletln est, accrued to September 30th, 1908, by the proclamation of the Central Position by expert bookkeeper and 16 U. Academy office. 4052-t- t J. and to surrender said bonds at the S. Naval 880 Committee the secretary will cast a statistician. Address "J. G. II.," 16 Iown 876 place nnd on tho date last above ote for tho two tickets this after- office. 4090-t- f Ilulletln LOST Fresh, wholesome, and of every mentioned, and that nftor September 17 Oklahoma 87C noon and declare them elected. 30th, 1908, all Interest on said bonds, 18 Hawaii 868 Is A by an experienced book C. K. Fardcn spoken ot as the position On the road between Pcnsacol.i St. numbered as aforesaid, shall cease. 19 Georgia 867 W., variety at next Republican Supervisor from keeper. Address L. do L. this nnd Wulklkl, n blue and whlto Three bedroom house Honolulu, T. H., July 27, 1908. 20 Washington 865 4097-t- but Hon. Phillip Pall will also office. f carriage robe edged in Makiki District; KAHUKU PLANTATION COMPANY, 21 Michigan '. 862 check with make a fight for that office. Outside blue satin. Finder please return three doors irom car-lin- e. Ily J. P. COOKE, 22 Connecticut 869 Second-han- d flat-to- p desk; must be of that, politics at the old royal scat to II. I)alos & Co, Ltd. Fine location. Treasurer, 23 New York 855 reasonable. Address "L.P.," this Theo. are running smoothly. 4097-2- 1 Immediate possession. THE PARAGON 24 New Jersey 854 The lloatil of Registration return- office. 3955-l- f ASSESSMENT NOTICE. 25 Illinois 854 i ed fiom Moloknl la Lnnal Thursday Wednesday eenlnt?. nt officer-- ' ball, $30.00 per month, A second-han- d showcase, about 6x2x1 26 Indiana 853 evening. Tho Hoard registered nt Moann Hotel, gentleman's gold Kona Tobacco Company. Limited. 27 Rhode Island 851 feet. Address with price "P.," this Beretania, Lnhnlna today. knot scarf pin, set with diamond. Alakea, and Union. 28 Tennessee 848 office. 3Cl-t- t The third assessment of ten per s Liberal rewnrd nt Paj master's of- 29 Kansas 843 BULLETIN AD8 PAY fice. Station. 2t cent. ($10. per share), on the assess- A second-han- d tent. Address, stating Nntal 'Phone 104. 30 West Virginia 834 able stock of the Kona Tobacco Com size and terms. "Tent," Bulletin 31 Arltona 833 A pair ot oeglassca near, Mnana pany, Ltd., was due on August 31st, offlcp. 4020-t- f Bishop Trust Co. Ltd. 32 Marjland 832 Hotel. Return to Bulletin office. Sweet Violet 1908, and Is now delinquent and 33 Texas 831 Butter A baby carriage. State condition bears Interest at the rate of eight 34 Colorado 828 and price to K.," Bulletin of- per cent, per annum from said date. 35 Wyoming 817 "J. 924 Bethel Street, The Best Made. Haleiwa fice. 4079-t- f by September 30, It not paid 1908, 36 Missouri 815 same Is K. Daimaru, the shares on which the due 37 Kentucky 798 will be advertised and sold according; Good second-han- d lathe. E. A. De 38 Arkansas 794 Garage. 2 Lbs. for 75c to law and the by-la- of the Com- Lovelace, Ilojnl Hawaiian 39 Delaware 793 w Thev pany. The ideal place lor rest 4094-l- First-ClassFurnit- 40 North Dakota 793 Store The fourth assessment of ten por recreation. Comfort 41 Nebraska 787 or A girl Ad- cent. ($10. per share) on said stock white to care for children. 42 Alabama 785 every comer; satis- Bulletin office. C. Q. YEE HOP & CO., will be due and payable on Septem- in dress "Nurse." 43 Now Mexico 780 4090-t- ber 30, 1908, and will be delinquent faction in every meal. f 134 Beretania near Fort St. J 44 Ycrmont 776 TELEPHONE 951. date. Kissel after that 45 Utah 772 Mate stenographer, Address M, this All assessments payable to the 46 Virginia 766 St. Clair Bidgood, Mgr. office. 4088 tf Treasurer of the Company at the Telephone 214. 47 South Carolina 746 Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., In Honolulu, Clean wiping rags at the Bulletin of 48 Mississippi , Kaneohe Beef Oahu, T. II. 741 fice. 49 TO THE Kar August 31, Louisiana ., , 725 Dated 1908. City Messenger ALWAYS ON HAND. ib North Caroliua . . ... 717 CHAB. L. DEAL, n Holiday-Seekin- g SITUATION WANTBD YOUNG PIGS Treasurer, Kona Tobacco Conlpany, a n First-clas- s In POULTRY 'Ltd. 4093-t- f gardener, experienced Service BOOS Close Games pruning trees; references furnish- Played Public ti UTS They Have Arrived FRBSH 1UTTBR AND CHBBSE. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF ed. "Gardener," this office. STOCKHOLDERS OF KTPAHULU 4691-l- m PHONE 422 SUGAR COMPANY. On Aala Park Ball What spot in these Islands can ex Sam Wo Meat Co., ceed the great Waimea Plains in FURNISHED ROOMS. Notice Is hereby given that by or beauty, climate and diversity of scen- King Street Market. TeL 88 town, In prlvato family, cool, mos- - Come and see both the touring car der of the Vlco President a spoclal Grounds ery? City folk in want of rest and In J. Santos, Manager Y0UNQ TIM, Manager. qulto-proo- f, light, and the roadster. mooting of tho stockholders of recreation will learn with' pleasure electric prhate the Apply of- UNION STREET near HOTEL Klpahulu Sugar Company will be that the Waimea Home of Mr. David entrance "I).," Bulletin Results at the Rtvcrsldo games jos-tcrd- 4093-l- w Forbes, late Manager of Kukuihaele, fice. OF DAVID DAYTON held on Thursday, September lOtht were for tho C. "A. C.'s and NEW ASSORTMENT 9 is now of 1908, at a. m., at the office of the the Alohas. out in the hands Mr. H. Akona, Tho former beat well-know- TO LET ASSOCIATED GARAGE, 137 MERCHANT STREET. Company In Building, the n Chef. Ltd the Hackfeld the Aulas by a scoro ot 4 to 3 and Honolulu Views The premises may be rented fur- Honolulu, T. H., to consider a prop tho won from tho Palamas by Furnished cottage at the beach, op latter nished by week or month on reason Either With or Without Frames. MERCHANT ST. TEL. 389. LOTS FOR SALE osltlon received from II. Hackfeld ft a score. Tho tale in figures posite the switch near the bridge. Company, Limited, to purchase all able terms. Apply to Apply en premises or L. B. Kerr IN KAPI0LANI PARK ADDITION follows: t PACIFIC PICTURE FRAMING CO.. the outstanding shares of tho capital H. AKONA, WAIMEA, HAWAII. 3961-t- FIRST GAME. Co. t 1000 Nanann. For. ant other desirable lecallMee, stock. C A. C. P. 0. Address, Kawaihae. F. KLAMP, Aim mi si) O A Six-roo- modern house, electric 1 itra.Wlnalow'a l For Sale at a Bargain Premises , Secretary Klpahulu Sugar Co. Hong Chack, lb. .4 1 1 1 9 0 HOLIDAY and WORKING lights, gas, mosquito proof. In- WHEN H Soothing Syrop at Hannla oa the beach, a two-stor- y Honolulu, September 3rd, 1908. Mon Yin. 2b 3 2 quire at 1337 Pensacola Bt. You Want Eleotrio Wiring Done or nouse ana iunurure. at a Bargain. , 4096-6- t Sing Chong. 88. ..4 0 4 2 Private Telephone Installed or Dry ,i Cht Dul. c 2 1 8 2 sesBaneaeaa n n i aaws SHOES Housekeeping rooms and cottage, fur- Batteries, call the John Lo, p 4 0 nished. Apply Honolulu Hotel, 3li 4 Ah Sam, 0 Nuuanu.St. 4069-l- m UNION ELECTRIC CO., ICE Legal Notices. 0 Strong W. Ajau, cf. ....4 and Reliable at Reasonable 69 Beretania St. Phone 315. HI bMtrMOrlttffilARkHcJU. SH manufactured from pure distilled wa Eng Sang, rf 4 0 Rooms with board; terms reasonable, prDrsajgliti (a Yry otth 9 any K. Y. Chlng.lf. 0 PltSM. HI ft H ter. Delivered to part of city by IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ...4 Apply Mrs. Wm. T. Pnty. LADES' AND 6ENTLEMEN'S HATS ceurteeus drivers. First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. At 4097-t- f tkw UdS. artaus iaittie. 4 10 7 27 Of 13 m 'Mat- Totals ..33 9 2 All Kinds. Chambers; In Probate. In the AALA3. taQMMlWilfrritdlte OABD ICE AND ELGCTIIC CO., ter of the Estate of Flora Dexter, de- ABRBII8B O AYAU Two furnished rooms. Apply Mrs. ceased. Order of Notice of Hearing Kupa, ss, L. SHOE CO., D. McConnell, 1223 Emma St. Kewale. 62a. 2 0 Telephene .3124 0 K. UYEDA, Petition for Administration. On read Freltns, 3b 1608 NUTJANU ST. NEAR KINO ST. Sanitary Steam Laundry Ing nnd filing the petition of the Ha- Smith, 2b 3 0 Furnished house, 1713 Beach Road 102 NUUANU. waiian Trust Co., Ltd., of Honolulu, Hoopll, cf 4 Apply on premises. 4067-t- t AN OUTING Maknnul, . PHONE 71. . T. II., alleging that Flora Dexter ot lb. ..4 in an automobile is just the thins;. Mlllkaa, If...... 3 Housekeeping rooms for rent. Apply WING CHONG CO Papeete, Tahiti, died Intestato at Van Glcscn, rf. TOM SHARP, Call up 206 388 or 1468 and ask ..4 1516 Emma St. 4090-l- w Branoh: TERRITORIAL UESSBN-PE- R said Papeete, on the 1st day ot June, Butler, c ..3 for 1908, leaving property In T KING ST. NEAR BETHEL SERVICE. PHONE 361. A. D. the Medelros, p. ., ..2 THE PAINTER Territory of Hawaii necessary to bo FOUND. Dealers in Furniture Mattreises, C. H. .Totals 30 3 5 4 24 10 4 Eto. Ett. All kinds of KOA and BEHN administered upon, and praying that Brass hub cap. Owner can liavo samo BUILDING MATWAL Letters of Administration Issue to the Struck out, by I.o 7, Medelros 5; ELITE MISSION FURNITURE Made To baso oi) Low 4, by calling at the Bulletin office. Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., It Is or balls, off Mcdolros 3; Order. OF ALL KINDS. two-bas- e hits lx, Sing Chong, Ah BUILDING: 4093-t- f DEALERS IN LUMBER. PAPER dered that Wednesday, the 9th day Sam, MakanuT. Umpire, Fernandez. All kind's in rolls aid sheets. of September, A. D. 1908, at ten 8 8 8 Knights of Pjthlas charm. Apply GAME. Phone 307 Vienna Bakery ROBINSON. o'clock n. m., bo and hereby Is ap SECOND Bulletin office. 4087-- tt ALLEN ft AMERICAS-HAWAIIA- PAPER & pointed for hearing said petition In ALOHAS. CHARP CIGNC making Best Home-mad- e Bread Queen Street : : : : : : Honolulu. SUPPLY CO., LTD. is tht the court room of thlB court at Ho- ABRRHSB O A K in twon. sure and try it. The and Queen Bti., Luka, cf 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 le Fort Hoaoltla. nolulu, at which tlmo and place all HONOLULU IRON WORKS wagon will deliver your Cng 5 0 0 0 1 0 at door. M. & Tel, 410. George S. Guild, (ton. Vgr. persons concerned may appear and Sanf, rf 0 Phillips Co. A. Akana, 2b. 1 2 1 2 3 1 Improved and Modern SUGAR MA- ..,.5 CALL 197. show cause, it any they have, why Knlml, ss 4 1 1 1 3 2 BRAND CEYLON TEA de- UP Wholesale Importers and Jobbers 0 "BEE" CHINERY of erery capacity and said petition should not be granted, Long, 3b 5 2 1 1 2 4 2 Packed gunny sacks and sold scription to P. L. PETERS in little made order. Boiler work BOOT SHOE and notice of order shall be G. Townscnfl, .4 0 2 0 16 1 0 and MANUFACTURER EUROPEAN AND that this lb. by and RIYITED PIPES for irrigation NOTARY PUBLIC published a suc Waklta, If 4 2 2 0 0 By the Latest Improved Machines. AMERICAN DRY Q00D8. once week for three 10 purposes a specialty. Particular at- Evening Brito, c ,4 0 3 0 3 loles, 70 cents (sewed); FORT and QUEEN 8T8. at cessive weeks in the Bulle 10 Henry May & Co.. Ltd. tention paid to JOB WORK, and re- liens 4 tin newspaper published In Honolulu. Ho Pup, p ,4 0 0 0 0 4 2 Men's Heck, 81 tents. Grocers, pairs executed at shortest notice. BULLETIN OFFICE. Dated at Honolulu, Aug. 17, 190S. Leading Phone 22. Repairing Nsatly Done. . Autos anil Carriages Phono 288. Totals 39 7 10 2 27 16 7 (S.) J. T. DB BOLT, PALAMAS. KEYSTONE-ELGI- WATCHES L-- in Repaired First Judge of tho Circuit Court ABRBHSB O INGZRS0LL WATCHES Hop, FOR SALE Corner King and River Sts. 4060 Green Rooting Slate 10"xl6 of the First Circuit. W. llallcy, ks. ...4 0 3 Auto for Hire At All Watchdealers. Schuman Co., JOB HATCHELOR, D. Kealoha, 3b. 0 2 Carriage SOS Attest: (S.) ..5 Ono and Two Prone Iron Fence 1 R. MIYATA & CO., LMIITED. Clerk, II. Walker, cf. ..4 0 MANUEL REIS. Call up at any Posts. E. Honan, If. . ..4 0 0 CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, PAIN- 4081 Aug. 17, 24, 31; Sept. 7. tune by telephone any one of these Jos. Schwartz, MERCHANT STREET. 1 Drum Commercial Eth- Koopau, rf...... 4 0 0 Agent for Hawaiian TERS, PAPER numbers: 290, 200, 1097. Islands, HANGERS and er. J. Martin. 2b. . ..4 0 1 Cor. FORT and KING Sts., Honolula. MASON WORKERS. Panluhl, p. . 0 2 1 Cssttron Fitting with Flanges, HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER CO., LTD. C. ..3 Second Hand Lumber, Doors and I). Kama. lb. . ..3 0 11 for 12" Wrought Pipe. The OWL Cigar Sashes Bought and Sold. Steinway Dealers in FERTILIZERS suitable (1. Hoopll, c. ,. ..4 0 7 AND OTHER PIANOS. EMMELUTH&CO..LTD., Cut Prices KING ST., PALAMA JUNCTION for all crop's, climatio and soil con- THAYER1 PIANO CO. 145 King Street. Phone 211. Totals 35 C 5 0 27 10 4 lias maintained its lasting popularity Phone 594. . ditions. Our Sodas 30c per doz. 166 HOTEL-STREET- Struck out, by 6, Ho Yiip. 3; by maintainng ts qualty. aorta, Pualuhl Phone 218. Blank books at all ledgers, OFFICE Brewer Building, Hono- Imst'H on balls, off Punliiht 1, Hi) Yun Blank books of all Borts. lodgura, by - FOUNTAIN SODA WORKS, TUNING OUiBANTEED. eto. manufactured the Bulletin Pub- lulu; Tel. 272. 3; wild pitches, Pualuhl I, Ho Yup M. A. Gunst & Co. etc. manufactured by the Buthtln I IlSbin Company. FACTORY at Iwilei; Tel. 130. passed ball". Hoopll 1, Drlto 2; hit by DISTRIBUTORS. PHONE 270. Company MTfP!?'rW?,TPWI? IfMBy, .wjwwj TrH7p TSFt " QH''lf'-- , "yi)rw9W&MWWffi?a r W'i'ii ' ' k MM '" T(W PVn&ISJ3''TtfPt , " i. ,yj: k' "V "WWWPJWft t , ' t ?. V': ,' .tS' J - - .. ' . " 10 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. If., MONDAY, SEPT. 7, 1908.

i ft '.. Baseball Racing Whitney & Marsh Yachts Boxing Wrestling Boating Rowing NEW NEW should be kept up in fine condition all the time; SPORT it docs not pay to let them mn down. To keep them up you need the best of mntcrinl such as SHERWIN-WILLIAM- YACHT WHITE FINISH, which wc have in qt3. and gal-Ion- s; HULL and DECK PAINT, in qts. and gallons: COP-PE- R

DURA-BL- E Magnificent PAINT, in and cans; and Sport Baseball! WASH GOODS SPAR VARNISH, in all size cans from 2 pint to gal. The WHITE YACHT FINISH is a special paint for yachts and is used for all fine work on the mainland. For Ringside Fans This afternoon, at Uasc'ball I'ark, BRUSHES AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDED to tho regular games of the Honolulu fix up your yacht to be had nt Dnseball League nro In piogrcss. Tho LINEN SUITS andCOATS t ' HIT ID FUN SPIKE FAILS ID games nro held today, Labor Day, by Ktt n Bpccltil arrangement. It wns hoped they should drnw largo crowds. WORRY SMITH thnt . RAIN COATS MIIS1S AHERNOON "MEM" Tho lenders of tho league so far, E. 0, HALL & SON, LTD the Knnis nnd the Puns, nro slntcd, in Silks and Cravenettes The great boxing carnival In on in Something unique in Honolulu nnd the Jewels nnd tho Saints are full blast tills afternoon. Churl lo ring' sjioits was that lllgglns-Smit- h -- i playing, ulso. Hellly, I lie classy boy of the Coast go of Saturday night nt tho Inde- Tho games of tho lengtlo nro usu Children's who recently put up tlie Greatest ex- pendence Club which was called n ally well worth seeing, even better, hibition ot skill cor seen here, is to draw on account of a prclous ngroo-nicn- t. In ninny cases, ns wns found Satur no on with Fox, u manly and gamo For the llrst tlmo In jenrs, day, thnn those plnjcd by special or WATERPROOF COATS o boy of the destrojer Terry, who Is practically speaking, straight Mar picked tennis here. B.V.D. UNDERWEAR hacked by nil the tarry ones to win quis of Quconsbcrry rules were d; It H It at all odds. This main' go of ton and then the crowd had tho From $3.75 i great enjoyment of A new luie of B. V. D. underwear has just arrived. These minds Is to follow exceptionally plcasuio and Austin Wins In I picllmlnarles, Is to bo watching of one Gun- White garments are made of Nainsook at $1.00 a suit. Knee drawers and the liiocmcnts and slccvcbss shirts. coupled with the additional attract- boat Smith, who ought to hao been ive feature, that the outcome ot the n contortionist, but chose tho boxing Opening Play For Hawaiian C. 0. Hottcl is authorized to collect Bleat Attcl-Mora- ii so nt San Fran- game ns a pastime, and thereby just cisco will be announced from the missed being n comedian. He has a ' Deteotive Agency and receipt for the undersigned. 1 10 Tansan Cap ring. reach of at least Inches, with a I SHOES! SHOES! BUILDING Charlie Hollly' Is about the fastest habit of putting his hand Into the E00M 7, WAITY nnd most scientific boxer, who cor face of his hated opponent, nnd thus Austin White won the first day's King Street. Wc coj-r- a big line of Shoes. Men's, Ladies' and Children's came nshorc In the Territory of Ha- holding him In position whllo ho play for the Tiinsan Cup nt Ilnlclwn Private and Confidential Detective A. R. Rowat, D.V.S. Black and Tan, Vici, Calf and Cluu Metal. These are durable, waii. He has all Mirts of hooks and swings tho other mlt home. yestcidny by a net scoio of 77. K. J. Work. neat, and natty. All sizes ami widths. Prices $2.50, $3.50, and Jabs and stinlght-awn- y punches at He had It on lllgglns at nil stages Waterman wns second, with a net $4.00. his command, nnd when he turns of the game. The smaller man wns scoio of 81. loose the assortment on ail opponent cry earnest about It. but ho could The weather wns fine, and tho thcic Is something doing. He pro not get around that awful reach. He links In tho best of condition., There Kams Beat Saints In tects himself with remarkable clever looked mad, anil may hnvo felt that were twenty entries by 1:30 in tho CLOTHING! CLOTHING! ness, but docs It in such a way that way, but Smith patted him on tho nftcrnoon, when tho entries closed. he Is hitting back during the process. Lack lit tho end of each inund and Four of these did net finish. On the other hand, ho has a hard cavorted to his comer with tho 12 . Wc ha vc on hand a splendid and stylish line of clothing. It The scores: Innings; to 0 man Fox, ap movements n highly strung Jump-lug-Jac- came dircclly from New York, nnd wc sell at reasonable prices, to tackle in from all of " S pearances. Is Smith wns a with tho 5 a " from $7.50 to $15.00 a suit. Pure woolen goods. You can never Unbounded confidence hit ixpressed In this boy by the sailor-inc- u, crowd. And he would be a hard man have a suit of clothing like wc can offer you for that price. Come c2 o" . g o2 He Is cracked up ns the nifty to bent, with a little more knowledge After the I'linnhoiis had almost DIAMOND IIKADS. and see our immense stock. 12 3 15 0 7 8 9 kid, with u hard punch in cither of tho game, ns he has a hard punch, o. ; ; whitewashed tho Jewels on Saturday Huns. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 pugnacious a would put Hob In hand, and that spirit and reach thnt : : : : J nftcrnoon, us detailed tho baseball ii. ii o n o o ro l l 2 5 Tlgho Schlossbcrg to shame, lie ex- 1 I I which made and while is Austin White ....38 39 77 so 77 edition of tho I) u a t n , tho I'UNAHOUS. so boxers last ceptionally built nbout tho chest, 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 terilblu for the local well K. J. Waterman .47 49 90 IS 81 Kams turned to nnd played u & summer. He is doped out as another and shoulders. rtlllis .. , 4 It 0 1 3 0 0 0 8 Co.! 46 89 7 82 Chan J. C. Evans resulting lYee ....43 game with tho Saints, U. 2 2 2 0 0 0 10 Improve- good II. .., 10 Uaffcrly, with n number of It wob n bout, nil right, and fi3 1C J. D. Mclncrny..45 98 83 Two-bas- o Lesllo; o CORNER OF KING and BETHEL STS. ments added; that for Instance, that n mused tho crowd highly, tho hit in a victory of 1 to 0. It was base- hits, Feriiniuler, M. Phillips 51 C2 103 18 85 thrcc-bns- hits, Hampton, o he not maUo ting In furnishing u ns local sel- l.iinn, c.mnot nnd will claims tho clinches C. II. High 44 88 3 8." ball such tho fans nro Lowrey; bases on balls, off Castlo 0, to bad condition, especially If ho is diversion wns entirely new. ....44 good, snappy, which F. Ilalstead 44 43 87 2 8fi dom treated to fnst, S. Chllliugworth 0. Leslie 2; struck manly n boy as he looks and nets Smith's stylo was u of con n wily pitcher In box, 7, is marvel St. Clair nidgood.52 4G 98 9 89 with cither out, by Castlo 8. Clillllngnorlh 1, ling. sistency, ns he had one punch and goose eggs flying In every Lesllo. 1:, sacrlllco hits, Castlo, A- outside the !;. M. Campbell.. 4!", 49 94 r 89 nnd tho This Is the. first nftcrnoon show used It nil tho time. Ills blow was a Inning. It wns1 baseball' worth see lbright; doubln plas, 11. Chllllngnortli A. S. Mnhaiilu ..4T, 44 89 so 89 to to Cas- for Honolulu; something to mark the, cry wide nnd sometimes wild swing, ing and worth playing. Anil It op- Leslie, Lyman Marcalllno, V C. Smith ...BO B7 107 15 92 tlo to to Mnrcnlliu. Uniplic, originality of tho event for the. ring which wns sometimes landed by vir ened the of tho crowd ns to tho Hamilton C.H. Mcrrlnm ..57 50 107 15 92 ecs Joy; scoier, W. II. Hnbbltt. Tlmo of The Independence Club, ns tu o ot his roach, nnd which was for posslblo outcome of the second sc :"Watch Rain side fan. Q. H. Angus ...48 45 93 so 93 game, 1 hour 23 minutes. the n to Independence Hall, Is tunately supplemented by habit Il.iscbnll League. successor his R. A. Jordan 56 116 18 98 ries in the Honolulu well ventilated, nnd ot sticking nut ...00 sua I it big place, his free hand in tho - Ixita and Harney Joy did the rlxnl KAMi:iIAMi:ilA. I 55 101- A. K. Jordan ...61 116 12 of an open-ai- r pro other face ho used It. twirling, big man los- () and remember that all the water on your ferns and practlcall) iirenn, man's, while A. Ilottomlcy ...04 59 123 18 105 tho with tho All n mi Sll A i: plants, ornamental or flowering, will avail nothing tected front the sun. ns nro some of The men started by stnlng In n ing team having apparently tho bet llnmaiiku, c 5 0 1 0 9 2 II if A. IJ. Todd, J, 8. Orme, J. C. Copo-lan- d, the soil is not right. Wc have a PLANT FOOD tliat the more famous of the out-do- clinch nil through the first thrco ter record to his credit, .but without Lemon, cf I 0 0 0 1 o 0 nnd O. P. Cox did not finish. 21 I will bring out the blossoms and the foliage and add stands In San Francisco nnd other rounds, when they got tired ot this tho nlmblcncss ot Lotu. Aylctt, for Vuiinnttn, 5 0 0 1 8 a n I.ota, p 5 0 0 0 2 3 1 to points on tho Const. very hard work, nnd took more to Instance, drew down n three-bagge- r, lustre the leaves. Tleuter, lb 5 0 0 0 10 0 0 Ucllly is In tho best of condition; the open, wlndlug up with both men not get off tho sack. 1 I but could third Fern. 3b 5 1 1 o 2 2 willingness breaking nicely BalletinJrs.Whitewash I Fox has expressed his clean Just as ns it Tho Kams played ball nil tho tlmo, Plunkctt, rf. 4 0 1 0 1 o 0 m BENSON, SMITH & CO., lo tackle the best Honolulu can fur they had previously agreed to do It, and they forced Fern over the pan Nnhlwa, ir 5 0 II 0 3 t I) Ltd. nish. nnd Smith telling his seconds during to victory in the first ot tho 12th, Kamaloplll, cf. ...5 0 0 01 2 n Hotel and Fort Sts. The preliminaries promise, well clinches thnt ho wns tired ot pump- Young Star Team; after playing u beautiful game Only less Interesting than tho appear ing Hlgglus' kidneys, and declining throughout. ' Totuls 43 1 3 0 30 It 3 iituo of Hellly and Fox Is that ot to hit nt nil under tho ciicum-btnncc- s. Ix)tn Is ono of tho most remark- - ST. LOUIS. 15 1111 O A Jack McFaddcn with H. Austin ot toO ablo ot the newer crop of develop All R Sll i: Kn Suo. 21 5 0 1 0 1 2 1 U. S. S. Pennsylvania. According to agreement, men box Ho Is the both ments in tho hero. spoken Jim Williams, ss.,5 II 0 0 3 3 1 These nro to go eight rounds, for being on their feet at tho end of tho The Ilullctln Junior team jcsler- - of ns n new development, because Joy, p '. I 0 1 0 1 8 2 l leading preliminary, Sol- was a cr. 5 II 1 fl 2 (I the whilo tenth louud, tho bout called day smeared tho calcium very thick he failed to set the world on tiro Alelt, 0 dier McCollough will mix with Jack draw ly on tho Young Stars. Wasn't It during the tlmo ho wns playing 1'lada, 3I 5 0 2 0 1 1 0 McK.iy or tho I'cnnsjlvnnlu and of Sailor Mclla won the first event o( awful, Mnblo? Fifteen to nothing with tho school team, though lie r.le.ison; tb 4 0 0 0 10 I 0 3 0 0 0 11 3 0 Pottle's tho welter class, for another eight the evening over Murphy of Shatter at nil! Atkinson I'ark ran red with then pitched n pretty Btcndy gamo. Soares, r Areln, rr I 0 0 0 1 n n fame, by n in fourth, now rounds. foul tho when much, much gore. Ho has an underhand delivery MtCunn, If I 0 0 0 0 0 0 McFaddcn, though It may bo con Muipby was obviously clinching low. The asteroids couldn't touch. Pitch- - that troubles the batters badly, and ceded that ho had tho better nt tho Carlson ot tho Maryland and Jock tr Frcllas' oucrings; no nail too has u speed In fielding his position Totals' :m o r, o 30 is 4 Celebrated doubt in a draw decision with Hellly ey Willis had n set-t- o for four much class for nny ot the batters. At which Is u treat aid to him. KAMF.HAMKHA. recently, has never been officially de- rounds, and Itefcreo I'addy Ityan's no stage of tho game, did tho losers Harney Joy was In his best form 1 2 3 1 5 0 7 8 9 10 II 12 .o n o o o n o o n u feated In this place, and stands out decision of a draw was very popu have so much ns a sickly ghost of a Saturday. Ho struck out ten men, Huns . o l t 11. 1 0 0 0 1 0 II 0 0 0 0 as u boxer of lenlly flrst-rnt- e ability. lar. Carlson was rangey, but Willis they sternly nri n through II... show. On tho other hnnd, went nnd whs house ST. LOUIS. 13 Stock nny hoy a tlmo had tho more speed and tho stronger game who will glo hard badly tb pieces In tho fourth, nnd al tho twelve .Innings which tho 1 2 3 4 5.0 7 8 9 10 11 12 of it to bent him. If tho sailor lads punch. lowed the llulletlns to send eight went. 'Still, tho Knnis negotiated Runs . .o o o o o o o o n o n o n stand up to the expectations ot back Another popular decision went to runs across before they could check him fmv thrco hits, which weio .11. II.,. 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 2 1 05 ers, in fact, Iho show nt Independ- Young Sharkey over Young Scott, tho rushing tldd ot events. ' enough .for tho, winning inn. Three-bas- hit, Alett; hates on Remedies ent o Club, which Is on, should bo lifter eight rounds of milling, In Tho llulletlns started It by scoring Tho scores were: balls, off Joy 2, Lotu 1; htrue.k mil, by 10, Ii; wild pitch, Joy; doublu about the memorable oyent ot It.) which tho namesake ot the great sail a single run In airship PUNAHOU8. Joy Lota the first. Tho plays, Knninloplll lo Vnuuatla to Roil' kind for the fans ot Honolulu, or pummelled Scott pretty freely. Tho All It III! Hit O prsr-are- a. took a flight that almost broke the to Your chemist keeps freshly by P0TTIE Remedy Tor the W. Tlcshn, cf, 0 tor, Nnhlwa to Renter, Vnunuttu tt tX It decision was cheered. Young Scott record In tho fourth. Then thrco ....5 S. Clillllugwoith; following complaints: c. . . Renter. Umpire, had It announced thnt ho had had Lyman, ....4 gamo, Colic or Gripes, Congestion and Inflammation of Bowels, Kidney more runs in tho fifth, nnd thrco Hampton, p. ....3 scot or, W. II. Ilabbltt. Tlmo of but ii short tlmo in which to train 1 29 minutes. and Liver Complaints, Distemper, Influenza, Sore Throat, Dry Cough, more in the seventh tell tho tnlo. II. TlruuK, U. ....I hour and would like to meet Sharkey In- line-u- p Strangles, and other Throat and Lung Complaints. The of tho winners was: Castle, p, ...... 3 u nggro-Ratio- n ter. same an- Rheumatism, Shoulder Lameness, Hip and Stifle Lameness, Enlarg- Tho 'Tlsers wcio stellar Hh.ukey had the Ocorgo Itose, c; Joo Frcltas, p; John Hooks, rf 3 when thoy left for Wnliilua, nouncement inudo in regard to Scott. Lowrey, 21) 4 ed and Strained Tendons, Ringbone, Sidcbonc, Spavins, Etc., Etc. Mil, lb; ABhnu, 2b; John Wlkoll, but they dono up to a tune, of Tho show was n triumph of swift, Mmcalllno, lb. If you cannot procure them at your drug store, ring up wcio 3b; Daniel, ss; John Pcrrclra, rf; ...4 JO to when thoy had been thero a clean milling, good rcfcrcelng, am Louis Sllvn, ef; Manuel, If. Henderson, 3b. ...4 Andrew Usher's short time. I eautlful management. Tho stand Scoro by Innings: 34 8 10 7 27 11 2 being a Totals Scotch Whiskey Pottie, Honolulu Tel. 1189 whcio tho bouts arc held Is 1234C0 7K9 DIAMOND 1IUADS. Managers nndnuncaptains ot the great purposo; place for tho In fact, llulletlns 10083030 015 All nun SI) O A K Fleet baseball teams nio requested nbout the best plnco which is now In Y. Stnis 0 0 0 Olmos, f 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 O.V.G. Special games 0000000 to tuin In results ot baseball tho city. Tho Bhow was voted n 1C. Fernandez, c.,.4 110 9 3 1 to the spotting editor of tho II u I credit to I'addy ltyan nnd Jack Seul Albright, bs 3 0 10 10 1 Reserve o 1 n , for publication. ly, it a show over was to Its promo ROSE S. Chl!!lngwth,3b-p.- 0 0 0 1 0 o ANNEX CAFE lli-3- OYAL a u WMMW Sopor, 2 1 ters. .3010I) (I Tho West Virginia tenni heat the Manuel, rf 3 0 0 0 0 W. 0, Peacock & Co., Ltd., R TIIBNTO, N. J., Sept. 5. Ilnlph Gny, 3 (I 0 0 1 0 0 cf liojs fiom the Maryland at baseball AL. THURL0W Proprietor: late Chief Steward of the Hose, tho California athlete, who just Lesllo. ..,.,:JiH 1 0 0 Agents. Aula Saturday afternoon by KETGKEl KILLS B.s. Alameda. at I'ark HUT loturncd from tho Olympic games. ii. unuungwtn, u..i. ii u u 4 5 a score ot 6 to 1. put the shot and four Oysters, n n n HIS PARTNER inches, bieaklng the record, Ttoals 30 1' 5 0 21 12 5 Steaks, Chops, Lobsters, Tho Kewnlos beat the Marines at MUM Frogs1 Legs Atkinson Park Saturday, 3 to 1, and Los Angeles, August 28, Stanley !BB"For Rent" cards on sale at Queen's Taste, Kctchel, whoso reputation preceded m Bulletin office, Cooked to a Turn and Served to the Now Yoik hotels nro repotted n t tt u : tt tt 8 n A Royal Welcome Here. Cor. Nuuanu & Merchant. him from San Francisco, nearly killed k crowded with bujers fiom retail Paul Ackley, a sparring partner, today nro offeicd. They had sparred but n houses In Southern nnd Western cit at Vernon, where Is Is ttululng tor tho fow minutes this afternoon when ies. big Labor day fight with Dili I'apko. Ketchol hit his man squarely on tho Ackley was knocked senseless, and J'iw, nceoidlng to spectators, and fol- Last Week tor eight doctois and tiiilncis lowed Instantly with n right DAYTON hours tonlflc MILK COLD STODDARD w oiked to restore him to conscious- on the nose. Ackloy failed to get up, KEEP ness. Ho finally rallied late tonight, begun to kick nnd us though a stiffen, Warm milk breeds bacteria. Notice that NEW DOUBLE TOP on our after It was feared ho might die, hut bullet hud gono through him, By Hour or Trip. and then milk wagon3. Simnle, isn't it? Yet it's very effective. It's one of,the Is still half dazed. becamo limp. A bystander was sent ideas we are constantly studying to insure our customers wholesome milk. Aikloy. a gieeu but dm lug fighter. post liimln on horseback for n phjsl-elan- ; Gt C. Beckley, Jr. Is about tho only ono who has been then morn wero called, but their Tel. roiind.wllllug to stand up with ICetcbul, (cIToits fulled so long that tho camp 890 The Pond Dairy PHONE 200. iiiuusu ueavy uunucini iuuucviuvuih uvcuuiu grcuuy ninrnicu,

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