.v nggnpng.;., ' B 51?' '...' ", .Maggf.,iii " : aggwiyg-.- ftyi f . -- " i j i Make the Idlo Sparc Room Pay From San Francisco: Nippon Mnru Sept. 5 For San Francisco: Tctiyo Mnru Sept. 9 i.m"P From Vancouver: Manuka .Sept. 19 Evening Jf if For Vancouver: Bulletin USE BULLETIN Maraum .' Sept. 15 Paying for Bulletin Advertising is a business pleasure THE 3:30 EDITION WANT-A- D. KEY! . i PAGES-HONOLU- ii VOL. X. NO. 409? !0 LU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 7 1908-- lO PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS MRS. PAUL NEUMANN LOST OVERBOARD ATTELL AND MORAN FIGHT TO DRAW Lucas and Hustace NATIVE SONS Vida May CORRECTED LIST MRS. NEUMAN LOST OF GOLDEN WEST OF PF.TIT JIIMK SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 7. Mrs. Paul Neumann of Hono-lul- who was a passenger on the C ity of Sydney from Acapulco, is miss- Both Claim Victory Caiifornians of Honolulu Leave the Names Have Been Drawn ing. It is believed she was lost overboard. Mrs. Neumann was tho widow o the late l'.uil Niiimnini and hnx Will Celebrate For U.S. Distriet a daughter and nleco In Honolulu New- - of b r loss will be a id Bhorl; to a wide circle of friends thioiighont Hawaii Fifth District Admission Democrats . Court m Wednciiday will ho California Da) 1'ntlt Jurors for tho October 1908 for Honolulu when the Native Bons of term of the United States District tho (loldeu West will celebrate Admis- Court hnvo been selected, and the DRAW sion day wllh a hall at the Moami. Henry Vlil.i may leave the Demo- - following Is the corrected list of the FOUGHTJO nine, par- The result of tlio Itcpubllc.in are nil for lluitnic. Tlicie me Tho celebration this je.ir will he parly, which lie Joined only a drawn. Another list ticularly on of tho iratlo names of those and their iclutlon tn thu In Koulauloi, vvhete there am tlx elahoinlo account row Is now - iuIb-ga- montliH ago. Ho a dele- 11IH ,)C011 published, In pent hut homo 7. Attcl-Moia- n went I dclcgatca, men nay tlicie proHcnco of tho ciulser licet IWiiiwratlc SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. The fight the thiuxoH of lie thiee I'.iliilliytcH fur the I.uiax to both tho , the fol- - and tho new "California" Unit Is thu I krs rn.de. twenty-thre- e a. by Mnvwntly Ih I lie subject which U are (luce for each i.iuilldate. whllo tlous, hut ho feels that rank llaivey full rounds and was dcclaicd draw Referee Welsh. Iho plldo (lolden ''""ever, MnK correct ac-r- men of the State. is m,iklng n tight against l.ltu and Is Inlcicsllng it thu politicians today. the lluslme nio uncertain. Tho grand march will ho led hy '''"? tn Maishal Hendry s list: I reason conlcmplatlti? nceMim'torillnB i Is In Wnlaliiii, delegates, this SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 7. Betting at the ringside on the Ill Ihn I'lmith the outfit between nine holli Governor and Mrs. and tho C. Itodgers, (leorgo fresh polltlclnl pastures. T Honolulu; Attcll-Mora- n 1, iiml for- claim to have the solid delegation. will ho hy Call- - fight for the featherweight championship is ten to seven ileus Hiislucc, ami heio thu function attended all "Is It Into that J en have left the Mundon, Kapaa, Chas. Ilrcdo, pie-- 1 Walanno'M delegates urn fornlaiiH, leading citizens, of Honolulu in favor of Attell. mer heat the Litter In their own three Democratic party?" Vlila was ahked Honolulu: John Herd, Wnlmannlo, dele- (minted liy fucttoiiH, mid n largo leprcsentntlon from tho The fight is being referced by Welsh. The fighting is even and nt tlnel, getting in most of lil for l.ttrna both this afternnnn. Odhu; Geo. I'rcclaud, I.nlutlna, Maul; I FloLt. The reception committee for VM.i the close of eleventh round Attell Itad a slight advantage. gates. while Kwa's four men are claimed "Not et," answered Shingle, W. the tho event Is: "Well, are ou conlenitilatlug It?" It. W. Honolulu; Ilobt. Tim most Intori'HlliiK fiMturu of hy Imtli candidates. I.iiciih, Itcccptlon Committee Miss I nnswered Vlda. Shnrpe, Honolulu; Fred. II. Damon, tlii was III (ho Thu I.ilea k men claim to have all "Yes, am," "To coolest tho icsult MIbs Dlnklage, MlbB Weir. Miss Tol. Harvcv making Honolulu; II. W. I'odmorc, Honolu- (lie City delegation tell the truth, Frank Is riflli Dlttilet, where both Lucas hut four of tho 1'earl Ian, MIkh Ilovvmnn, .Miss Waltz, Mrs, a personal light agalnpl me One rea- lu; W. T. Ilaldlng. Illlo; Jacob Lan- - men Mis. Mrs. anil tint Ilnstacc men latin In huvo of sixteen, while tho Ilnstnro Whitehead, Tlmmoiis, son is that I am a new man in tho Greenwcll, Noyes. do, Honolulu; Arthur I. won thu virion. Until candidates figure that they Htand nhout halt and party, and another Is that Iho Adver- lOalakekun, Hawaii; Clement Smith, PAPKEJVON h.ivo hud active lieutenants In half. Floor Manager T. A. O'llilen. tiser doesn't like me, nnd there aro riy C. C. F, Honolulu; James S.ikuna, Honolulu; Held whole, light In Floor Committee F linos, other reasons. I nm beginning to feci tho nuil these have thu Die most ntcicstlng tho M. (1. M. Le Murray, J Invy, F. Nojes. I no good In one way I am W. W. Harris, Honolulu; Wm. F. thing llguicd out. All ligico lh.it l'nuitli waH In tho Squabbling Hoe- - that If am I0S ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 7. Billy Papkc won his fight with II Drummoiid, C. II. Haven, F. II. no good In any other and might Just high, Honolulu; Ilobt. W. Atkinson. I .:i ne In In rare, Hie mid, where Rawlins got In hy the Stanley Ketchcll today the round. not the hut Nugent. as well quit." Honolulu; John T. Ilakcr,. Illlo; in twelfth hi receiving Ketchcll, he with lcgard to their favorites slhl of teeth, tho least Chns. W. C. Peering, Honolulu; Sam The betting was two to one in favor of but lost on a urn widely votes On knockout and middleweight cliampionship of dlfTcicnt. uumtier of of those elected. uel K. Nulnoa, Honolulu; Jns. It. straight Papkc takes the Ilux-Ini- u is NOTHING DOING ON Ktir the town prcilmls tint the other hand, lluffaudc.iu, who Cummings, Honolulu; Joaquin A. It. the worliJ. Jim Jeffries refcreed the fight. men give count ns followH: the power there, iiml predicted Ills i IBM i the Vlcrrn, Honolulu: David C. Kamau-oh- n, iT defeat, llawlliiK claims ho RACE :inl that WAILUKU WATER SCRAP Kaulukou Honolulu; John D. Holt, Hono- STRANG WON ROAD iibcil In an marked hallots endeavor lulu: August II. It. Vlcrrn, Honolu- LOWELL, Mass., Sept. 7. Strang, in a touring car, to defeat him. HawllnH says that distance 4 Pieilm-- t lu: Donald M. Itoss, Honolulu; C. won the road race of 2544 miles, making the in days, 4 hour) he dlstuvttcd that oven before tlio Tho status of tho Wnlluku vvntor I. S. Wilson, Honolulu; John Kaelo-- 23 minutes, and 4 seconds. works contiovcrsy will remain as It - i polls were opened marked ballots w m m IS Is for the present, according to thu ll.akule, Kallua, Hawaii; St.. O. Bay were distributed to llufTanilcnu'fl fol BRYAN TALKS TO LABOR Attorney Ocncrnl Hcmcn-wn- y crs, Honolulu; Sam Kaiihane, Walo-- H In words of lowing, who deposited these tho Setecied o, CHICAGO, 111., morning. Tho Territory hlnu, Hawaii; Gcorgo V. Winter, Sept. 7. Wm. J. Bryan addressed a tremendous la '?H v 9 box, icturnlng to bosses tho of' this 10, their Knual; Ilralnard W. Smith, Ho- bor meeting here today. - no action In tho matter for :i lltlal ballots given them. Iluffnii- wilt take in being. Mr, llcmcnvvay nolulu; H. D. Sloggctt. Puunene, 11 r. deau could not ho found this morn tho time leaves for thu States shortly, anil ho Maul; Anthony M. Oilman. Hono THIRTY THOUSAND IN LINE VI 12 .. 1 ing, mi his sblo of tho story was not 4 is busily engaged In preparing lulu; Chns. n. Frar.lcr, Honolulu; C. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 7. Two Labor Day parades were 1:1 II S 1 was tho only ono data learned. Itawllns II. Ilclllna. Honolulu; H. F. Wlch- - held in the city today. Thirty thousand men were in line. 1 tlio who for tho cases that will occupy his Forjudge of faction at Washington. (Continnedon JPage 3) Total ii 12 r. managed to get In. attention County Attorney Catlicart, who Knur delegate)) are classed tin (Continued on Page 3) ADMIRALS WILL It Ik understood on good authority KAHULUIS WON doiihiriil. that Judge. Kaulukou has been select- 'I ed to fill thu position of District Mag- Sail Thursday Morn The l.ucns men liiivu also figured DANCE AT HONOLULU istrate of North Kona District which RAYMOND CUP the whole thing out svstcmntlrally ENTERTAIN FREAR was made vacant hy tho recent death for thesu preclnits. hut with niucli of thu Into .ludgu Clark. ilirfcrciit lesultB. They are as fol- SEASIDE HOTEL TO- Tho Judgu has been mentioned as Oh, what a dabbing of kerchiefs to clean cut cruisers nnd the grim, black, low a: n eanilldato for thu Sheriffship on tho crjlng eves, what protestations of vcnomoiis-nppeurlii- torpedo boat r Today Is receiving day at tho Ilopubllcnu ticket, and Tins somo en- (Spcrlal liulletlii Wireless) faith, and what momentary knnvvlug on her waterfront onro again. c heart-string- s IN homo of Governor Waller F. s thusiastic, though not very numerous WAII.UKU, Maul.
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