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THE SAN FRANCISCO- CALL, FRIDAY. OCTOBER- 7. 1910, 10 Page Sports The Call's of WILLIAMSLATTERYJ. ADVICE-ITIS NOT NEAR AS HELPFUL AS A BICYCLE. Goldberg Highlanders Win From Champions Cubs Shut Out Pirates, 4 to 0 STANDING OP CLUBS IN BIG LEAGUES • '."-\u25a0JCATIOXAIi LEAGUE AMERICAN"" LEAGUE Clnbs W. 1.. Pet. Club* » W- 1^ Pet. Chicago 98 48 671 Philadelphia 102 4» <*SO IVew York ....... 89 .%» 801 1»w York...v 8« 83 n R77 Pltt«bnrar;V. ..... 88 «4 573 Detroit 85 65 S«T Philadelphia 74 74 500 Boston "... 8t 70 537 Cincinnati ....... 74 7S 487 Cleveland ". «» 78 468 Brooklyn 62 87 41« Chlcaeo «5 S4 43« $3 85 436 St. Loots 60 411 [TVasklnsrton .68 Boston 51 99 S4O St. Lonla 4« 105 305 American League National League JPHiryADEajPHIA. 6ct~. 6.— New York defeated CHICAGO. Oct. 6.—ln the first gam* «a tte Philadelphia home grounds since they clinched t'am p«ananc ARELLANES CALLS today by . scoring .two runs on Chicago today shut out the Plttsborgs. 4 to 0. FAILS Hempbill'9; single Games, VANCOUVER double. Chase's and Knight's the local team hit tins: Adams, the star of the LABOR ONLY three baKgrer. \u25a0 "\u25a0 > hard, SEALS Leaders Win Score: R. H. E. world* serlen of 1909. while Richie was New 'York S R 1 iinvincible and had sterling support. 9core: And, Alas, Philadelphia ...:: :.. ...... I,7 3 . R. H. E. Seals Lose Batteries— Ford and . Mitchell; Dygert and Chleasr© ... 4 ? » O \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ........ ............... TO STOP BEAVERS OFF GAMES HERE Thomas.-- \u25a0 :\u25a0 . -:.---": Pittsbur« — .;................. 0 8 3 -ratteiies Richie and Needbam:.— Adams. Plsll- TO LOSE ONCE MORE STA.VDIXG OF THE*CIiUBS CHICAGO."Oct. 6.-A:hicaEO j-rirtually clinched lippland Gibson. Umpires Bretman and O"D«y. sixth place today by taking the firat game of Pacific Coast :Leagne"'' V*;^ Rortlanders Take Advantage of Internal Differences inNorthern ' BOSTON. Oct. 6.—Boeton aeenred 22 Wt» and Wr li.-.•".'-• Pet. the series from' Detroit. 5. Manager Jen- j scored 20 rtrna off three Philadelphia pitcher* to- . ..; ninjrs'. tried a left Peasley. who was |:day. while the latter made 12 hits and 7 raas. Portland.. .07 73 071 Senatorial Errors and Rugby "Union Cause Trip hander. - \u25a0 Oakland... 104 ,83 : 557 rapped freely In:the second and fifth Innings. Score: B. H. E. "Champions" While Angels ........ - - liange.\wbo relieTed' White In the foarth. droTe Philadelphia T 12 3 Swelter Have «an Francisco.. 97 91 516 .... W7n, 3 to I . toBe Canceled . in four runs for Chicago. Cobb got a donble Boston — 20 22 3 Vernon. ......... V. 91 94 491 and. single and in fire bat. Batteries Ewing. Olrard. Slausater and Lo* 92 V a a pass times at Doom, Amee1e5. ....... • 09.- 482 Score: . : R. H. E. McDonough;— ParMne. Mattern and Rari- Edge Throughout Contest Sacramento. ... 70 111 i384 Caicaax) ..:.. 11 11 :3 ,den. Umpires Ea«on* and• Johnstone.• Vancouver has .canceled all its Rugby Detroit '...:................ 5 S 3 [Special Dispatch to Cedl] — «.—New Tcck ;defeateit RESULTS OF GAMES The games -IBatteries White. I^ange and'SolllTan; Peas- NEW YORK. Oct. PORTLAND, Ore., -with Stanford and the Univer- ley,; Wfllett and Casey. '• Brooklyn today. 9.t0 3. Drneke. the local pitcher. Oct. 6— the - • \u25a0 - Angreleci 2. Aram sityxof-California. ; . * • • tlelng the National league strikeout record ot WILLIAM SLATTERY Los 4. San Francisico * to \u25a0 J. 3, "1. I Beavers Senators 'Word the effect the year of 13. Score: R» H. 'E. Portland Sacramento - took* the Sacramento "WASHINGTON. Oct. .6.—Washington" and Brooklyn The Seals sv.-eltfred and labored un- San Fmncitcb-^Martden flied to Dale?-. Shaw -. that the. Canadians be unable to • , 3 8. 5 Oakland Vernon 0. into' camp; despite the Introduction* of /would Boston dlTlded today's doable header,- the Tlsl- New York.. ..• 0 15 0 der the burning rays of the Oakland filed to Murphy. Melchior flied to Bernard. No make v tors winning the first, 5 to 2, and 'the second — Arellanes, late of vthe usual trip to California this - Batterle*^ Barker— and Miller: Droeke and their ef- ran*. \u25a0\u25a0>X'>~ GAMES TODAY Frank the Boston polntt to the locals. 6 to,5. Milan's steal -of sun yesterday afternoon and was Wilson. Umpires Klem and Kane.' by. fall . received "yesterday at both home- was- a'featured Score, .first game: brought nothing but a 4 to 2 de- SECOND INKING Americans, the score of 3 to 1. .Bill \u25a0 forts Angeles -\u25a0"--> : U. H. 'B. ' Angels, on them at — 'Los- at Sun Franciwo. universiites..This is the first season since . spectator*, feat. The had it Lo« Angeles Dillon singled to center. Mur- • \u25a0 Steen heaved ,Jfor Portland, and, bar-, Washington ...2 8 2 TOKYO. Oct. B.—Before 10.0C0 They - < Sacramento at Portland. -...'..'...\u25a0; - O'Brien, every of the scrimmage. phy *;^ v- the adoption of the game that Boston 5 10-1 who Included American Ambassador sta^e .sacrificed. Williams to Mohler. Halllnan Oakland at Vernon. ring wildness, was English^ . • harder, fielded bet- certain streaks of Battertes-rGray, Otey and Ainsmith; Collins the University of Chicago baseball team today hit ran faster and fiM to Madden. Wheeler went out, Mohler to ' south. - ' - university 3 to 1., fxpeo( • again all to the good. ,' \u0084;••-' Vancouver has, not come i and Carrigan. defeated the Keio nine. ter. The Seals had no chance and Te'nnant. runs. The cd happened . : Score, B. lineup No yesterday, Portland and ..For someyearß past there has' been s*c<«d game:- R. .H. \u2666\u25a0very man on the seemed to San Francisoo— Mohler safe on ,Hallinan's Oakland Arellanes got •by without [serious Washington *........... 6 3 forged ' winning:their gnraesi from Sacra- . » • realize this once the Angels in- •rror and was forced 'at by ' - damage sixth, though; friction amongthe northern unions and ] Boston ..-.."..-..."... ...s'" 10 3 "" second Tennant. mento and Vcrnon : handily until the in the — McHale, Wood to the iea.l. TenDant stole second- Titt went out, Howard fnougb. ItWill be anrprlse the officials of the.two, bodies. Two Batteries John and Street: use up no fifth inning'Rankin robbed Portland of and Carrigan. Called at end •of eighth; darkness. Ho4h teams xvrre forced to to Dillon. Williams \u25a0 either Ifthey keep doing > '• \u25a0 \u25a0 . walked. this \u25a0 came Mohler went out, on one or poor decision, years ago the jstorm broke and Reggie '">\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-...'.-•.--\u25a0• pitchers before the fracas Crlger to «»very day during: the present two runs' by; a i i-svo Dillon. - '\u25a0 - j ST.- LOCIS. Oct. 6.—St. Louis won from \u25a0 - "--,'-..:.. Woodward swas5 was from assum- : .;• end. Browning started for the neriefi. .. \u0084 . calling Buddy Ryan I ;today. got Days to an out at first. ; CleTeland 8 to 5. three hits 5 \ iJiJole in ing management: ; - Cured he lasted just five innings. THIHD IWNIKG The poor Sealn toswed another ithe of the :1908 Van- outof four times at bat. Score: R. H. E. ynd — < was the first man up- couver .. Lot bloomer a^rtdnst the Angels yes- Olson in the team toi ovring to Lewis. '...V.~....r.. R T 4 Ba>tley \ip the burden and did Angoles Smith went 'out, Vltt to Ten- ' California* St." ..-..^.. ...... took terday,; but sixth, .the; 4 nicely for the remaining- four nant. CrlgertrJ pled. to.-center. Daley filed to It.makes little dif- and he planted 'a safe hit to left. desire ;to have Victoria union men Cleveland- .-.......\u25a0.:....':..-...•..:. 3 ''8'- very Nothing t „: Stephens; Koest- •" ference with themmow. the for Batteries— R. Mitchell• and *p:<?m«. In fact Ire did so well that the Vltt. Bernard Btmck-oot. No runs. miracle Artie \u25a0'\u25a0 GruegerS was %by ,\ a',- pitched combined: with Vancouver union '• = •_: > save a .can' put them >jup hit the trip ; ;the ner-and Clark.. .\ngf-ls in-another run San Francisco— Browning went out, Criger to \u25a0with \u25a0 ball, Casey's put Olson- on : is order- to," strengthen' could not sneak the leaden In'the race. : and: Bacriflce' r;.,,^r =;: delivery. In the meantime Cap Dilloa. Madden filed to WbeeJer. Shaw went third' and \u25a0 Krueger Ton >. The Vancouver.; team: ;.,,^ s «.ff his • second.' % agtfHhe' Ogden Dillon switched from Origer to Nagle out, Dillon to Criger. No runs. '.'squeeze" sign was passed .to \Tommy :/ -A few weeks northern unions Results supposed ;have patched their! this snitch unquestionably won , Sheehan, ;'who came; through .with a were to * up " ' ntid roiTETH.nraiiro . ; furlongs." - game southern warriors be- ' dinky bunt to Arellanes; ,who petty, differences and both": unions com-i FIRST :RAC?E-^Slx . aelllng: : Hk rtAt*fl1*% the for the Los Angelea— beat an lnfleld hit and -tossed , Odds. Horse, Weight Jorkey. cause the southpaw was being bumped ' Howard. bad ly to Spiesman, 'and ;Olson • scored. blned>nd submitted the names of cli-1 and Fin. stole second. Dillon beat a bunt and Howard VERNON BLANKED > gible»'men to make trip;,tb 4-I—Hannibal- Bey. 109 (Rosen) 1 hard. Rapps' bunted "one Arellanes' -head :;'.;;.;>/',.;.:": " .the ' - ' *Cali- Stocking. (lTers>. 2 rrent to third. Murphy over : \u25a0 1-2—Silver "loP :....... the game to struck out. Hallinan and v Krueger scored,' : cßapps fornla. ;'.;;.;>/',.;. ;.-"•;:\u25a0\u25a0 (GarganK..... 3 ' There was nothing to while| . 6-I—Altalr. lOtt :....... _. * ' walked, filling the Abases. .Wheeler walked, • » -^f^aaW ißuaT . II%<J recommend it to any fan. It was slow - reached "first and- Sheehan- second^'be-; Graduate ;Manager ;Farm- Time. 1:17 3-5. Camera. .Lfttle'ElTa.f' Howard forcing Howard home. Smith saeriflced and ,'"•"* er Vof Pearson. 'also ran. _-\, o an.l tedious and long drawn out and • - fore the ball -was fielded.