South Bank Centre, Royal Festival Hall
ADDRESS: South Bank Centre, Royal Festival Hall, Belvedere Road London Application Number: 16/01663/FUL, Case Officer: Mark Heaney 16/01664/ADV and 16/01665/LB Ward: Bishops Date Received: 15/03/2016 Proposal: Planning permission for the temporary installation (from 11th May 2016- September 30th 2016) of art exhibits comprising sculptures, other setting for artist and community events and related temporary structures including 'pop up' cafes/shops and associated pavilions for the Southbank Centre's Festival of Love. Advertisement consent for the temporary display (from 11th May 2016 until 30th September 2016) of signage comprising graphic/artistic displays, window displays and way finding signs for the Southbank Centre's Festival of Love. Drawing numbers: Planning Permission and Advertisement Consent: Site Location Plan FoL 2016_01, FoL 2016_02, FoL 2016_03, FoL 2016_04, FoL 2016_05, FoL 2016_06, FoL 2016_07, FoL 2016_08, FoL 2016_09, FoL 2016_10, FoL 2016_11, FoL 2016_12, FoL 2016_13, FoL 2016_14, FoL 2016_15, FoL 2016_16, FoL 2016_17, FoL 2016_18, FoL 2016_19, FoL 2016_20, FoL 2016_21, FoL 2016_22, FoL 2016_23, FoL 2016_24, FoL 2016_25, FoL 2016_30, FoL 2016_31, FoL 2016_32, FoL 2016_33, FoL 2016_34, FoL 2016_35, FoL 2016_36, FoL 2016_37, FoL 2016_38, FoL 2016_39, FoL 2016_40, FoL 2016_41 Documents: Planning Permission and Advertisement Consent: Design and Access and Heritage Statement dated 15 March 2016, Operating Statement 2016 dated 15 March 2016, Delivery and Servicing Plan 2016 dated 15 March 2016, Cover Letter dated 15 March
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