Wiklent, G, Kistowski, M, 2013. Wpływ przedsięwzięć elektroenergetycznych na wybrane elementy środowiska przyrodniczego i krajobraz gminy Pelplin. Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu. Tom XXXV. 19-44. Wpływ przedsięwzięć elektroenergetycznych na wybrane elementy środowiska przyrodniczego i krajobraz gminy Pelplin The chosen environmental and landscape impacts of electric power enterprises in Pelplin community Grażyna Wiklent 1, Mariusz Kistowski 2 1Wydział Geodezji, Katastru i Gospodarki Nieruchomościami Starostwa Powiatowego w Starogardzie Gdańskim, ul. Kościuszki 17, 83-200 Starogard Gdański, e-mail:
[email protected] 2Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Geografii, Katedra Geografii Fizycznej i Kształtowania Środowiska ul. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-952 Gdańsk, e-mail:
[email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ Abstract: The paper presents the study results on environmental and landscape impacts of electric power enterprises in Pelplin community. The choice of Pelplin community resulted from dynamic development and perspectives of these investments on this area. They consist of existed (48 MW) and built (max. 78 MW) wind farms, planned coal power plant (about 2000 MW) and power station with high and low voltage power-lines (400/110 kV). The natural environment of Pelplin community distinguished by high values, especially very good soils for agriculture and one of the highest harmonious cultural landscape values in Pomeranian region. The study based on enterprises projects documentations, documents on environmental impacts assessment and own field study. The impacts on geological structures, relief, soils, surface and underground waters, local climate, air quality, acoustic climate, plants and wild animals as well as landscape changes range were estimated. Analitic and cumulative effects assessment showed, that the strongest predicted impacts would be generated by coal power plant – significantly stronger than by both wind farms.