This is the October 2004 edition of the CHSSA BULLETIN submitted by Tammy Dunbar
[email protected] (209) 838-0674 Volume XXXVIII, No. 15 October 2004 C a l i f o r n i a S p e e c h BULLETIN Ca l i f o r n i a H i g h S c h o o l S p e e c h A s s o c i a t i o n CHSSA Executive Council / CHSSA Mission Statement ............................. inside cover Letter from Editor .............................................................................................. 1 In Memory of Tom Montgomery His own Hall of Fame autobiography................................................... 2 Memories of Tom Montgomery by Marty Lamansky ............................................................................... 2 The Tom Montgomery I Knew by Donovan Cummings .......................................................................... 3 More Memories of Tom by Scott Wunn, NFL National Secretary ............................................... 3 Photographic Memories of Tom Montgomery ................................................ 4 2004 State Tournament Winning Speeches....................................................... 5 Congress Topic Areas for 2005 .......................................................................... 11 2004 State Tournament Results.......................................................................... 12 2004 Tournament Scripts ................................................................................... 15 Curriculum Report ...........................................................................................