Woodbridge Township Area
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?HE MIDDLESEX COUNTY 100,000 100,000 READERS READERS Leader-Press and Leader Shopper Leader-Press and ttader Shopper —top circulation coverage in Serving Woodbridgc Township, Carteret and Edison —top circulation coverage itt Wnodbridgr Township area. Woodbridge Township area. g Klllcml :iv 'ml Cl.iy; M.iil Published Wwkly at I". II. Wmidluidifr, \. ,1. Tuesday, February 21, 1967 On Thursd«y Teachers Union To Take No Action Now "" *Town to Purchase Fords To Await NEWSFRONT Site for Branch Library Appellate WOODBRIDGE — An ordi- Decision nance, appropriating $65,500 to ! acquire a site in the Fords sec- WOODBRIDGE — "I recom- tion of the Township for the Woodbridge Approves mend that the Woodbridge Town- CLOSE-UPS ship Federation of Teachers take I construction of a much-needed WO0I)BRIIM;K William Bihler, a former president branch library in that area, was no further action until a de- of the Board of L'duration, was elected again to the presi- introduced on first reading at a New Firehouse; Colonla rision is reached by the Appel- dency of the education hody at thr reorganisation meeting meeting of the. Municipal Coun late Division", Charles Richards, of tlie Board Monday night. He succeeds George Rybak. cil. president of the WTFT told JBihler served as president in 1!H>5 and was succeeded by Ry- At present, the Fords branch"fiays, 'No' On Same Topic members of his union at a spe- bak. He was the only candidate. Charles Famula made the library is housed in a former! WOODBRIDGE - Voters of cial meeting held this afternoon motion and it was seconded by the new Board member, Ed- at St. James' School auditorium. store on New Brunswick Avenue jFirc Dktricl No x _ Wood ward (Jadek. On a motion made by Rybak and seconded by The statement, in effect, pre- Roy Miindy, William Brenner was nominated for the posi- and is much too small to housejbrk|ge an(, Sewarcn _ a . Joint Meeting vents another strike which tion of vice president, but he declined the nomination. Bihler the necessary collection of books!ed a $350 000 bond jssue gatur. then nominated Famula for reelection, the motion was sec- for the area. ,ay fo|. ,he construclion of a union members had threatened onded by Gadek and was approved. The new president ex- The site proposed by the Board i firehouse and a $40 m bom| Seen To Fight in veiled statements at the pressed his "thanks and appreciation". He said he was of Trustees of the Free Public jssue for the chase of a new Board of Education meeting. Library is on Ford Avenue, near The teachers Monday nigh* "mindful of the responsibilities which I accept with humil- fire apparatus Air Pollution COUNCILMAN HONORED: The annual "Outstanding Citi- ity, dedication and a desire to place the Woodbridge Town- Main Street. At present there is I harged that Francis Fotey, an old house on the acreage. L At '"e same time District 12 - zenship Award" was presented to Councilman Roy A. Jack- ship School System among the leaders of the state". He WOODBRIDGE - "We have son of Carteret, right, by Anthony Panaccione, president of oard CounciLhad failed to keep urged the help and cooperation of the "administrative staff It is estimated that $3,200 is j Inman Avenue section of Colo- to stop saying your face is dirt- p with an agreement made in nia, voted down a $50,000 bond the Cornell Estates Civic Association, left. The presentation in working for a fine outstanding school s y s t e m". The needed for a down payment and ier than mine, and find a way was made at the association's annual dinner-dance. arbitration with labor mediator, LEADER-PRESS was named as an official newspaper by that bonds will be issued in the issue to furnish and complete to stop air pollution problems, Theodore Kheel, that Foley was thr Board. Meetings will continue to be held the third Mon- maximum amount of $62,300. the new firehouse. They approv- for pollution knows no bound to appear in court to request day of each month. The appropriation also includes ed a $4,000 appropriation for the aries," Business Administrator eniency on the sentences. the sum of $5,000 estimated to be extension of the fire alarm sys James A. Alloway declared to- * • * Food Establishment Code Richards earlier on Monday CARTERET — Joseph P. Lamb and Gabriel Comha were re- necessary to finance the costs tern, but failed to O. K.. the ap- day in announcing a study is appropriation for water to fight being made by seven area mu- had been sentenced to serve a elected president and vice president of the Board of Education including architect's fees, month of a three-month term in Monday night. Lamb was rceiccted unanimously to his fourth counting, engineering and 'fires. nicipalities toward the creation in of a Joint Meeting. the Middlesex County Jail. Jo- consecutive term. Seated as new members were Mrs. Mildred spection costs and legal expen-| Work on the construction of Adopted by Carteret Board Commerford, elected to the unexpired term of Harold Ross; ieph Cascella, the national union ses. the new Woodbridge firehouse Wuodbridge originally made CARTERET — The 1965 Re- community. He revealed that Eugene Brown, John Cieslaczyk and John Litus. The latter were representative who led the Hearing March 7 will begin shortly according to a proposal for area battle tail Food Establishments Code patients are already being treat incumbents who ran without opposition. The LEADER-PRESS Warren Harned Board secre against air pollution but it was teachers' strike, was ordered to Hearing on the ordinance will - of New Jersey, which imposes ed and that $3,000 has been set was named as an official newspaper of the Board. The Board tary. met with suspicion by several serve three months of a six- be held at the nex* meeting, strict regulations on food es- aside in the municipal budget month suspended sentence, by also moved to continue meeting on the fourth Wednesday of In District 1, the new fire- municipalities including Edison. to pay for this service to indi each month at 8 P. M., in Lincoln School. Thanking the Board March 7. Perth Amboy and Carteret. tablishments and fines for vio- Gerofsky on criminal contempt house was approved 169 to 32; gent patients. •members for his reelection as president, Lamb said: "I am An ordinance to authorize the "W"We hhave been seeking lators, was adopted last week conviction. Each was also fined the fire apparatus, 170 to 30; A recommendation for the es- happy at the vote of confidence the public gave you since no construction of a swimming pool legal vehicle whereby an by the Board of Health. $1,000. Both were placed on pro the budget, 183 to 17 and the tablishment of two full-service candidates were posted to run against you. Tt is a vote of con- In the Project Bowtie area of agency can be created on a re A $10 fee was set under the water appropriation, 179 to 20. health stations for children in bation — Cascella for two years fidence to you as individuals and, in no small part, to the boardj Port Reading, at a cost of gional basis", Mr. Alloway new ordinance for establish- $150,000 was passed on final the Youth Center and the Dolan and Richards for one. itself and its program." In District 12, William B. said, "and found the 1952 Joint ments of four employes or less: Nine other defendants, all * * t •eading without objection from Homes was also adopted by the Price, 88 Lancaster Avenue, was Consolidated Municipality Act $20 for those with five or more he council or the audience. A board. township teachers, were given a , WOODBRIDGE — For once the men will have their say, elected to a three year term, which was originally designed employes and $6 for itinerants. Support for cooperation with month suspended sentence a uninterrupted. Fof on March 2nd, the Woodbridge Township arge portion of the cost will garnering 152 votes, Other can- to take care of sewer disposal In setting the fee, the board Business and Professional Women's Club will hold its annual the Head Start Program for the $500 fine and a year's probation. ventually be paid for by fed- didates and their vote were as plans. We talked to the attor- followed the suggestion of health "Bosses Night" at the new Howard Johnson motel meeting eral funds. follows: Joseph Ostrowski, 127; officer David Edenson who point- borough was also pledged by the Judge Gerofsky warned that din- room on Route 1. Mrs. Catherine Kad?«h is genera! chair- ney general's office and the fed- board. ing the probation period • the On a recommendation by the Kenneth Kucsera, 101; Vincent eral authorities and they could ed out that the new fee schedule man. The bosses will have an opportunity to voice their Board of Adjustment, the coun- May 13, 20 and 27 were sel teachers and Cascella "could not Mondano, 150. The firehouse see no objection to using the would pay the cost of inspec- "gripes". The meeting will also mark the ninth birthday of il granted a variance to Is- tions for larger food esfcafolish- as the dates for the annual ra- engage in illegal strike activi- referendum was defeated 226 to same vehicle for air pollution." the local BPW. Speaker of the evening will be Miss Cath- land Town Houses, Inc., to per bies clinic The clinics wilt be ties". 127; water and hydrant service ments, such as food markets.