Selby District Core Strategy Local Plan Adoption Version 22 October 2013 Copies of the accompanying evidence base including the Sustainability Appraisal Report and Background Papers can also be viewed on our website You may get further help from the Policy Team at: Selby District Council, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT
[email protected] 01757 292034 01757 292229 If you require any further help or advice or if you need this document in a different format, for example large print, audio, Braille or in another language, please contact the Policy Team on (01757) 292034 or email
[email protected] The Status of Regional Strategy (RS) and the Implications of the Localism Act 2011 At the time of ‘Publication’ of the Submission Draft Core Strategy (SDCS), the Development Plan for Selby District comprised the Regional Spatial Strategy (the Yorkshire and Humber Plan or RS), and ‘Saved’ Local Plan policies, namely Selby District Local Plan, North Yorkshire Minerals Local Plan and North Yorkshire Waste Local Plan. The Core Strategy is the first development plan document prepared by the Council as part of its new Local Development Framework (Local Plan). On adoption it replaces a number of the ‘Saved’ Selby District Local Plan policies1. On 6 July 2010 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announced the revocation of RS with immediate effect. As a result of the Secretary of State’s revocation decision, the Council reviewed the Core Strategy and the evidence base on which it is founded, and came to the conclusion that while the policies and context provided by RS were no longer applicable, the RS evidence base remains robust and relevant, particularly since the RS evidence had been subject to a process of consultation and Examination.