10.II.13 The Shrine Church of Saint Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Sanktuarium św. Stanisława, Biskupa i Męczennika 3649 East 65th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 The historic church in the heart of Slavic Village founded in 1873

Rectory and Parish Office 216-341-9091 Parish Fax 341-2688 Saint Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307 Central Catholic High School 441-4700 Parish Website www.ststanislaus.org E-Mail [email protected] “LIKE” us on FaceBook Group— Shrine Church of Saint Stanislaus Photo Album

SHRINE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday English Masses 8:30am, 11:30am Niedziela po polsku 10:00am Daily Masses Icon of Saint Stanislaus and Blessed John Paul II 7:00am (except Saturday) and 8:30am National Holidays 9:00am CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND OHIO Most. Rev. Richard G. Lennon, Bishop

Rev. Eric Orzech, Pastor Rev. Andrew Panek , Associate Pastor Rev. Pascal Petcavage, OSB, Visiting Priest

Mr. Dan Kane, Jr., Parish Business Manager Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy and Music

Mr. Fred Mendat, Maintenance and Social Center Manager Ms. Patricia Murray & Ms. Patricia Otloski, Mrs. Jane Bielawski, Parish Receptionists

Mrs. Deborah Martin, Elementary School Principal

Mrs. Denise O’Reilly, Elementary School Secretary Mrs. Aries Jones-Irizarry, Elementary School Receptionist ORGANIZATIONS MASS INTENTIONS

Mr. Ron Zeszut, Pastoral Council Chairperson FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ms. Celeste Suchocki, Finance Council Chairperson February 10 lutego 2013 Mrs. Sophie Wasielewski, Golden Agers President Mr. Frank Krajewski, Dads’ Club President Sat 5:00 PM Sp. Int. Genowefa Fiszer Mr. Matt Zielenski, St. Vincent DePaul Society Sun 8:30 AM + Edward Bartosik Ms. Jane Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis 10:30 AM + John Tetke, Mr. Rob Jagelewski, Parish History + Stanley & Lottie Kulesza Mr. Frank Greczanik, Gift Card Coordinator INSTALLATION MASS for FR. ERIC ORZECH Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Alumni and Development Mrs. Denise Siemborski, Fr. William Scholarship Mon Feb. 11 Weekday Parish Office et alia, Polish Festival 7:00 AM Sp. Int. Parishioners Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Four Eagle Award 8:30 AM + Stephen Sekula Mr. Frank Scalish, Building and Grounds Sister Mary Alice Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship Tue Feb. 12 Weekday Mrs. Alice Klafczyński, Hospitality 7:00 AM + Irene Lipinski Ms. Marcella Sladewski, Evangelization 8:30 AM Sp. Int. Ronald Oranski ????, Garden Club T.J. Dillon, Lil Bros President Wed Feb. 13 Ash Wednesday Mrs. Debbie Grale, Web Site Editor 7:00 AM + Stase Jakubauskas 8:30 AM + John Ciborowski To contact Organizations: Send an e-mail to the parish, with NOON Ash Distribution ONLY the person you wish to contact named in the subject line. 5:30 PM + Roman Trepczyk

7:00 PM + Irene Lipinski REGULAR SCHEDULE DEVOTIONS Thu Feb. 14 Ss. Cyril & Methodius Saint Anthony Novena Tuesdays after 8:30 AM Mass 7:00 AM + Anthony Małysa OFFICE HOURS 8:30 AM + Edward Zeszut The parish office is open from Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Fri Feb. 15 Lenten Weekday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 7:00 AM + Albino Lukez Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. 8:30 AM + Helen Vasko SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Ordinarily on Sundays at 2:00 PM. Alternate times must Sat Feb. 16 Lenten Weekday be arranged with a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions 8:30 AM Sp. Int. Leonard Zbikowski are necessary in advance. 50th Wedding Anniversary Robert & Carolyn Anderle SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All arrangements must be made with one of the priests of FIRST SUNDAY OF the parish six months in advance. February 17 lutego 2013

CHURCH HOURS Sat 5:00 PM + Benedikt & Stefania Wiśniewski Church is open daily 30 minutes before and after all Masses. For tours or private prayer call the rectory. Sun 8:30 AM + John Mino 10:00 AM Sp. Int. Adam & Irena Cyranek (30 lat ślubu) FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 11:30 AM Sp. Int. Parishioners FEBRUARY 17 LUTEGO 2013 SATCHEDULE 5:00 PM FOR Lector MINISTERS— Betty Dabrowski SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK EMs— Rick Krakowski & Len Matlock Stan Witczak & Mike Potter SUN NO GOOD SHEPHERD CLASS TODAY Sun 8:30 AM Lector— Sue Halamek 10:30 AM INSTALLATION OF FR. ORZECH AS PASTOR Ems— Mark & Nicole Kobylinski FOLLOWED BY RECEPTION IN SC Don & Marcia Stech MON STEWARDSHIP MTG. IN RECTORY @ 7 PM 10:00 AM Lector — Beata Czranek WED ASHES AT NOON AND DURING MASSES EMs — M. Sladewska & W. Sztalkoper AA MEETING @ 8PM IN SC T. Cyranek & Aleksandra Jankowska THU GOLDEN AGERS MTG. IN SC @ 2PM 11:30 AM Lector— Mary Therese Stephens FRI DROGA KRZYŻOWA @ 5:30 PM Ems — Frank Greczanik & Marie Ostrowski ENGLISH STATIONS @ 7PM Lawrence Wilks & Stan Koch SUN GOOD SHEPHERD CLASS TODAY IN SC @ 11AM Collection Team; Gloria, Sophie, Mary, Betty, Celeste GORZKIE ŻALE @ 3PM VESPERS @ 6PM SHRINE CHURCH OF ST. STANISLAUS FEBRUARY 3 LUTEGO 2013 We pray for the souls of Bread and Wine Offering for February: All the faithful departed; “In memory of Leon & Anna Zbikowski and May eternal light shine upon them. William and Henry Bell”

PARISH SUPPORT LAST WEEKEND DIOCESAN WIDE DAY OF CONFESSION 5:00 PM (51)…………………………....$ 850.00 Want to start off Lent with a clean slate? On Wednes- 8:30 AM(63).…………………………… 1,328.10 day, Feb. 20th, from 5pm—8pm, each parish in our dio- 10:00 AM (63)…………………………… 802.00 cese will be opened to hear private confessions. We will 11:30 AM (44)………………….………. 729.00 still have our Communal Penance Service during Wednes- Mailed in (35)………………………….._1,206.00 day evening of . TOTAL 4,915.10

SIX WAYS TO EVANGELIZE DURING LENT (part 2) (the following excerpts are taken from the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Please visit the site at your leisure to find all sorts of interesting things as well as the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of our faith. www.usccb.org

External Sacrifice vs. Internal Conversion: I don't get it --- All you do is give up candy? Now, here is an interesting question. External sacrifices are the most obvious kind, so sometimes it does look like all we do is avoid chocolate. However, if you look closer, you'll realize that fasting and abstinence have always gone hand in hand with two of their best friends: prayer and almsgiving. External sacrifice is a manifestation of interior conversion: "…interior conversion urges expres- sion in visible signs, gestures and works of penance" (CCC no. 1430). Interior conversion is where prayer and almsgiving come into play. In almsgiving, we show mercy and generosity to others, giving them a chance to experience the blessings we have. In prayer, we are communicating with God, asking him to bless and perfect our fasting and almsgiving: "… prayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Christ and with the Holy Spirit" (CCC no. 2565). It's not just avoiding sweets. It's glorifying God by growing in his Love.

Palm Sunday and Symbolism: Why are you carrying around tree branches? Sometimes, one of the hardest things to explain as a Catholic is our attachment to symbolism. is a great example of that. We come home from Mass holding palm branches, and we tuck them behind a crucifix or next to the picture of the Last Sup- per. To anyone who does not know our faith, it looks as though we stuck a few weeds on the wall… imagine their questions! The truth behind this tradition, however, goes to the story of Palm Sunday, when the people heard that Christ was coming and "they took out palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out 'Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, [even] the king of Israel.'" (John 12:13) . It was a tradition to spread palms before a king as he processed into his city. It was a way to welcome him, to show him glory and homage. Thus, Christ, the true King, was welcomed into Jerusalem. This fulfilled the proph- ecy in the Old Testament, which declared, "Behold: your king is coming to you, a just savior is he, humble and riding on a don- key." (Zech. 9:9) It revealed that Christ was a great king, but also a humble king. The people greeted him with wild joy and cheers of Hosanna. But one short week later, they crucified him. We celebrate this feast and carry palm branches home with us to com- memorate the great humility of Our Lord, who loved us so much that he chose the cross for our salvation.

Observing vs. Opening Day: So, why can't you go to the baseball opener on Friday? This year, several major league baseball teams will hold "opening day" celebrations on Good Friday with games starting at 3:05 p.m. While everyone else is heading to the stands, eager for hot dogs and home runs, all those Catholics are walking quietly to- wards churches. Why?? Because at three o'clock on a Friday, on a hillside called Calvary, the Savior of the world took his last breath. All for love of us. "It was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon because of an eclipse of the sun. Then the veil of the temple was torn down the middle. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"; and when he had said this he breathed his last." (Luke 23:44-46) At 3p.m. on Good Friday, we take the time to reflect on what Christ has done for us, not only by fasting, but also by the various devotions that our churches offer: veneration of the cross, the reading of the Passion and the Stations of the Cross. On Good Friday, we spend our afternoon walking with Christ to Calvary, immersed in his love and mercy… and that beats any baseball game, any time.

LOCAL LENTEN PRACTICES Prayer: Mass (plenty of good seats still available at all Masses), Vespers (we will follow a traditional format for Vespers as taken from the liturgy of the hours...plenty of time for serious contem- plation and reflection, some singing, blossoming with the psalms), Stations of the Cross (travel along with Jesus reliving his final hours as you live what might be your own.) Plus the ‘little black

books’ are available in the vestibule. Fasting: If you think that means eating a big whaler or the fillet o’ fish or all you can eat fish fry or lobster tail or fresh oysters at the ‘Blue Point’, you probably don’t understand the spirit of this sea- son. ‘Eat to live, don’t live to eat’ might good a good place to start. Jesus fasted 40 days in the desert…..not at the dessert station. Almsgiving: Infants and Toddlers of Slavic Village, St. Vincent DePaul, Catholic Charities, parish contributions either for Masses, for the building fund, for the balance the budget...Give up a beer or martini and funnel that green to someone who can barely afford to pay their heat bill. Look at all the stuff which clutters your life and consider those who daily transport their entire estates through the streets in shopping carts. Take a slow look around the church during your next visit. Notice the purple drapery? Notice the crucifix? Notice the Passion altar? Notice the rooster standing alongside Jesus after he was scourged and crowned with thorns? How many times have you denied knowing Him since you opened you eyes this morning? This all leads to one great event coming up on February 20th….your chance to renew your friendship with God as you admit your shortcomings in the confes- sional. The diocesan wide event will take place from 5PM-8PM that evening in EVERY parish in this diocese. It’s a chance to make something beyond a party and a feast of over-consumption of chocolate, kielbasa and peeps. The opportunity to live with your eyes wide opened is placed right at your feet. Follow the light while you can.

God be with you, Fr. Eric, as you continue to work tirelessly in God’s vineyard; May He grant you health so that you may take up this challenge with all your energy; May He grant you wisdom to execute your judgement properly; May He grant you patience that you may always manage your actions with grace; May HE GRANT YOU COURAGE that you might always remain faithful to His Church; May He guide you in all your endeavors here at the Shrine Parish of St. Stanislaus as our new pastor.

Księże Eryku, niech Pan Bóg będzie z Tobą i błogosławi trud Twojej pracy w Bożej winnicy! Niech On obdarzy Cię zdrowiem, siłą i wszelkimi łaskami potrzebnymi do tego sprostania wyzwaniom, którym musisz podołać. Niech On da Ci potrzebną mądrość, abyś zawsze umiał podjąć właściwą decyzję. Niech On udzieli Ci anielskiej cierpliwości, abyś Twoje rozmowy i spotkania z innymi odznaczały się łagodnością. Niech On będzie Twoim przewodnikiem we wszystkich Twoich przedsięwzięciach i działalności jako nowy proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława BM.

INFANTS AND TODDLERS NEWS: Congratulations to Dorothy Walk, winner of our most recent drawing! And special thanks to the anonymous donor of $100 which enabled us to buy needed food for the children! God bless you! Remember the children during these final cold months! Your monetary gifts and food donations are all put to good use. Your sacrifices, whether big or small, all help to keep God’s children from going hungry.


Gorzkie żale to nabożeństwo pasyjne. Modlitwa, podczas której rozważana jest męka Chrystusa. Początki Gorzkich żali sięgają baroku - okresu, w którym bujnie rozwija się literatura mistyczna. Nabożeństwa do Męki Pańskiej stają się wówczas szczególnie popularne. Budzą silne emocje, a przez to ułatwiają i wzbogacają modlitwę, a także zachęcają do naśladowania Jezusa.

Historia powstania Gorzkich żali to koniec XVII i pierwsza połowa XVIII wieku. Wtedy to warszawscy mieszczanie i mag- nateria, organizowali się w grupach modlitewnych tzw. bractwach nabożnych. Do najsłynniejszych i najliczniejszych takich grup w stolicy należało Bractwo Różańcowe przy kościele Dominikanów oraz Bractwo św. Rocha przy kościele Księży Misjonarzy Świętego Krzyża. Oprócz działalności charytatywnej członkowie bractw organizowali wspólne mod- litwy, procesje. Zadaniem członków Bractwa św. Rocha było zwłaszcza szerzenie nabożeństwa do Męki Pańskiej.

I tu pomimo pobożnościowego charakteru samego Bractwa pojawia się sensacyjny wątek… A mianowicie powstał kon- flikt między bractwami o pierwszeństwo w organizowaniu procesji pasyjnych, który to przyczynił się do powstania nabożeństwa Gorzkich żali. Doszło do tego, że przełożony Księży Misjonarzy - ks. Michał Tarło zakazał członkom Bractwa św. Rocha udziału w procesjach pasyjnych. Zwrócił się też do opiekuna Bractwa - ks. Wawrzyńca Stanisława Bennika o napisanie tekstu specjalnego nabożeństwa. Tym specjalnym nabożeństwem napisanym przez ks. Bennika są właśnie Gorzkie żale, napisane w wyniku konfliktu.

Nabożeństwo Gorzkich Żali powstałe przy kościele św. Krzyża w Warszawie z czasem rozpowszechniło się na całą Polskę, zaś za sprawą Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II poznali je również chrześcijanie na świecie. Pierwszy raz Gorzkie żale zostały wydane drukiem w 1707 roku staraniem ks. Wawrzyńca Stanisława Bennika, ze Zgromadzenia Księży Misjonarzy świętego Wincentego a' Paulo pod tytułem „Snopek Myrry z Ogroda Gethsemańskiego albo żałosne Gorzkiey Męki Syna Bożego (…) rozpamiętywanie”.

Gorzkie Żale ukazały się w lutym 1707 r., a po raz pierwszy nabożeństwo zostało uroczyście odprawione w pierwszą niedzielę Wielkiego Postu - 13 marca tego roku w kościele pw. Świętego Krzyża w Warszawie.

Bardzo szybko nabożeństwo zyskało popularność w całej Polsce i otrzymało akceptację Stolicy Apostolskiej. Roz- powszechnili je najpierw Księża Misjonarze, którzy wówczas prowadzili ponad 20 seminariów, (podczas gdy na terenie naszego kraju w XVIII wieku były w sumie 33 seminaria). Stopniowo nabożeństwo przeniknęło niemal do wszystkich parafii, także dzięki swej pięknej melodii, zbliżonej do pieśni chorałowych. Gorzkie żale nawiązują treścią do tradycji pi- eśni pasyjnych, tzw. planktów (łac. planctus- narzekanie, lament, płacz). Ich tekst oparty jest na schemacie Jutrzni z modlitwy brewiarzowej. Treść nabożeństwa opiera się na ewangelicznym opisie męki, jednak bardzo widoczny jest wpływ tekstów ze Starego Testamentu, takich jak Psalm 22 oraz Pieśń o Cierpiącym Słudze Jahwe z Księgi Proroka Iza- jasza. To na nich zwłaszcza opierają się bardzo plastyczne opisy przeżyć torturowanego Jezusa podczas biczowania, upokorzeń, jakich doznawał od otaczających Go żołnierzy i tłumu, aż do ukrzyżowania.

Od początku nabożeństwo Gorzkich Żali miało również bardzo uroczystą oprawę liturgiczną. Odbywało się po Nieszpo- rach niedzielnych podczas wystawienia Najświętszego Sakramentu. Obok pieśni lamentacyjnych zawsze towarzyszyły mu kazania pasyjne. Tak uroczystą oprawę nabożeństwo Gorzkich Żali ma nadal zwłaszcza u Księży Misjonarzy w War- szawie. Od lat kazania pasyjne wygłaszają tu biskupi - tak było za czasów Prymasa Wyszyńskiego, tak jest i dziś.

Nabożeństwo Gorzkich Żali rozpoczyna się tzw. „Pobudką” pieśń, po której następują trzy, poprzedzone intencjami, śpiewy: „Hymn”, „Lament duszy nad cierpiącym Jezusem” i „Rozmowa duszy z Matką Bolesną” całość nabożeństwa kończy antyfona „Któryś za nas cierpiał rany”

Gorzkie żale to modlitwa pokazująca znaczenie emocjonalnego przeżywania relacji z Bogiem. Nie wystarczy tylko in- telektualne rozważanie. Modlitwa powinna ogarniać całego człowieka - uczucia są w niej bardzo ważnym elementem, to one dodają energii do działania, pomagają w realizowaniu ewangelicznego radykalizm wiary. St. Stanislaus Alumni Raffle Ticket Sale LITTLE BLACK BOOKS The Lenten reflection aids known as ‘little black This year the Alumni group is helping to support some books’ are available in limited quantities in the church important needs of the St. Stanislaus Elementary school. vestibule for a small donation. Members and friends are selling raffle tickets for $10 each: with a 1st prize of $2,000; 2nd $500; and 3rd, $350. CATHOLIC CHARITIES 2013 ANNUAL APPEAL Mrs. Deborah Martin, Elementary Principal, has provided The 2013 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal actively a list of major projects or items needed for the school begins in each parish soon. This year’s theme is “We wel- and with the help of the ticket sales and an “Angel” come. We serve. We support”. We ask that each of you matching up to $9,500 of funds raised, we hope to consider the blessings God has given to you as well as the achieve her goals. good that can be accomplished when we act in the unity and strength of our faith. Over 276,000 people from  30 Ceiling Fans in the Classrooms (with installation) every city and suburb in northeast Ohio benefit from the Catholic Charity programs each year. Please consider  Lights in the Classroom Cloakrooms donating to this important appeal and continue to pray  Four storage closets for its success.  Upgrade Heating Controls The in-pew commitment process will take place Feb-  Update Bathroom (last done in 1961) ruary 16-17. All will be asked to respond to this process. If you have responded already via mail, please indicate  Update Downstairs Bathroom (last done in 1930) this when you receive your card in the pew that week- This MAJOR fundraising effort will end on Saturday, April end. For stories of inspiration please watch on the site: 6, 2013 at the Baxter Avenue Social Center with a con- www.catholiccommunity.org/2013Appeal. tinuation of Dyngus Day Festivities and the drawing of the Lucky Winners. LENTEN PROJECT UPDATE Thanks goes out to the many Anyone wanting more information or to purchase tickets parishioners who have answered contact: at the Rectory, Dan Kane at 216-341-9091 or the call to do a little manual labor [email protected] or Ticket Chairman, Bob Sledz at around our parish as part of a 440-333-7827 or [email protected] . (Note--ALUMNI Lenten sacrifice. In case you RAFFLE TICKET in the subject line). All checks should be haven’t noticed the team working made out to St. Stanislaus and sent to: Attention— on the Stations of the Cross has th Alumni, 3649 East 65 St., Cleveland, OH 44105. been doing a fabulous job with their cleaning and will now be waxing and polishing them Stewardship meeting tomorrow evening - This is the now that they have been washed. The altars are being fourth announcement inviting all parishioners to con- dusted, the priests’ sacristy has been cleaned, the sanc- sider joining the Stewardship Committee. We are hoping tuary furniture will be cleaned, the confessionals are for a full conference room of participants tomorrow slated for their own cleansing. night at 7 p.m. in the rectory. Remember stewardship is If you have not yet volunteered your time and hands, an overflowing gratitude for all the gifts we have been there still are areas in need of your help. We still need given that causes us to want to give back. So many of you people to clean the votive stands, clean the vestibule, do this in multiple ways already. Participation on the dust the pillars and windowsills etc… ironing some of the Stewardship Committee is a way to invite others to ex- purple fabric to be put up early this week. Mr. Carson, perience the same joy of giving back. We hope to see you Mrs. Hughes and O’Brien will be glad to oversee your at the meeting tomorrow evening! endeavors. DON’T FORGET YOUR GIFT CARDS Jutrzejsze spotkanie Stewardship – to już czwarte z kolei ogłoszenie zawierające zaproszenie skierowane do DIECEZJALNY DZIEŃ SPOWIEDZI wszystkich parafian do przyłączenia się do Stewardship Czy chcecie rozpocząć Wielki Post z czystym sercem? W Committee. Mamy nadzieję, że cała sala konferencyjna środę, 20 lutego w czasie od 5:00-8:00 wieczorem w na plebanii zapełni się jutro (poniedziałek) wieczorem o każdej parafii będzie okazja do spowiedzi. Oprócz tego, godz. 7:00. Wszystkich chętnych pragnących większego parafialna spowiedź w parafii św. Stanisława będzie w zaangażowania się na rzecz parafii – serdecznie zapraszamy! Wielką Środę wieczorem.