Uppsala Academic Hospital Context Kildal
Implementing High Value Care in Europe Implementing Value-Based Health Care in Europe Public hospitals Public Hospital Uppsala AcademicUppsala Academic Hospital Context Kildal. To increase efficiency, pathway coordinators were appointed to manage patient flows across departments Hospital Uppsala University Hospital is a large academic hospital with interprofessional teams focused on improvements in Sweden. With 8,300 employees and nearly 360,000 within units. Uppsala’s plan-do-study-act approach and outpatient visits annually[114], it provides highly specialised breakthrough programmes are now integral to a culture of care for complex and rare pathologies in a catchment area organisational change. Uppsala’s implementation Matrix is Context of over 2.2 million Swedes (20% of the population). In 2013, presented on the left. Uppsala launched its VBHC transformation plan. “With Uppsala University Hospital is a large academic the implementation of quality registries, we’ve had outcome hospital in Sweden. With 8,300 employees and nearly data for twenty years, but to achieve an in-depth, value- Internal forces 360,000 outpatient visits annually1, it provides highly driven transformation, you also need process,” said Professor specialised care for complex and rare pathologies in Morten Kildal, Lead for VBHC. This dialogue between process In 2015, Per Andersson, an Uppsala nurse, headed the a catchment area of over 2.2 million Swedes (20% and Achievementsoutcomes empowers teams to lead change across a ambulance unit and took over the dispatch centre, which had broad array of departments such as maternity, ambulance been outsourced to a private company. Andersson worked of the population). In 2013, Uppsala launched its Two years after launching its HVC programme, the and surgery.
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