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May 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985

5-2-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1985." (May 1985).

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian SOllt hern Ill inois Uni\·er,it\· Sergio 1 '~~l l11irez sa id . " They rccognize Ih C' world body's Nicaraguan rebel:" . I) rl(' g ~ a re undoing interna Ilona I jUl'b rll ction "'as in Yu goslavia \\hen t nt' juci itiai orciri. E;ulicr Wcdnesda\'. ('mdr. embargo was a nnolll1cl'd " :\icaragua is going to a dd B3 yardo Arce . polilil'ai ~icar agua c ur renll~ h.1 :"'! $;:' :hil<; 10 the "Ise W{' ha \"(' (Ii I"{.'I,'Inl' Ilf IhC' leftist San· bl!lion foreign nehl and II.., inili"ltec! Ix' fo rp th e World dilllsia Frunt , Silld in LI eCOllullW !'i ufft!r:-: frnm.1 la d. 011 ("ourl ilgaln:,, 1 Ih (> L" S nationwide Ic it:\'lsed ad dr~ s ha rd l: urrenc~ ' I f II' nl'l't1 f"d gO\-er nl11C'n l. -, 5<:11<-1 Harnirrz, liwl Ihe er,l ha rg f , " will nol import ... Dotson free on $100,000 bond DIX 01'\ ' UPI , - ~ s milln;; will be Iwrlllaneni . S'Jpreme Court wh il£, he a p· Gal'\' DOlson , corvict('d of " I'm 11E:·gmning to feel like a ,JCals hi s 1979 rape (' on \'ll'! ion rap{ng a woma n who has sincf"' pinball," Dotson sairl. a fte r He had been free:' for 111\(> \\ t!ek wilhdrawn her ac(' usation. being escorted from the DixlHl in April. but was OI'd('n'd back wa lked out of prison ior his Corrertional Center by his 10 pri!i'fltl \\ h~ n n Conk c.. Oll nl ~ second tas te of I fE'edolfl mol her a nd Jaw\'cr , - j udge r e jected II" . bl" Wcdnesda \' a rt (> r his mol her · "("Ill hopi ng Ihings will reca ntation. and lawyer met a $100,000 eventually work out (but " "m happy ," DOl son 's bond. . rm) geiting a fraid 10 be mother. Barb::ra . said after Dog day afternoon Dotson. 28, who was granted hopefuL·· said lJotson. who postin!, hp!" sout h suburban a week of freedom on bond lasl was gr eeled by a crowd of Counlrv Clu b Hills home as monlh afler Ca lhleen Crowell about 50 supporters who collnleral for a SI0.000 loan Whiskey took a nal) on his hack porch at 10, W. Cherr~' St. Webb lestified s he made up Ihe waited outside the prison ior DOlSon, who has sla led II: the Wednesda\- a rtrrnoon. \vhi~ke\' is ownPd b,' Dave Struiff. a rape char ge, said he is his release, past Ihal he bears 110 grudge junior in businf'Ss. . . optimis tic that hi s Dotson was granted bond I~ward Webb. repealed his second release from prison Tuesday by i he Illinois interest in mcelin~ her. Reagan gets enthusiastic greeting

BON1'\. Wesl Germany and her hr C'l lhcr Hans llrl' ' UPI , - Presidenl Reagan buried. a rrived in Europe Wednesday The St.:holls wcrc sfudpill pl agued by problems back Airport bomb defused by police leaders in th e u!1derground hOine -- a trade emba rgo BONN. West Germany arri\'a l for the seven-na tion the nick of time by a priva lt' " White HosC' '' an ii- Hil le r againsl Nicaragua. polenlial ' UPl , - P olice Wednesda \" economic summit, ~ lth ough citizen a nd rendered ha r­ mo\"ement in 19,t J when the\" budgel defeals a nd a storm disarmed a bomb limed to numerous demons tra tions mless:· police said. were betrayed a nd execulc~ over his plans to visit to a explode at a n aerospace a11d protests were scheduled Man of the estimated by the Nazis as trailors 10 Germa n military cemetery indu tn" office in Bonn 10 later in the week. 10.000 10 15.000 fed era l. state Hiller. containing t.he gra"cs of :\azi minul ~"s a ft e r President Police described the bomb and loca l police s ummoned soldiers, l\'l eanwhile, a bou t 3UO Reagan arrived on a slate as a 13-pound explosi\'e to the capita l as a security G e rm a ns, w ;:l \' lng t i ny vi~it. chargp packed in fire f he' president and First a fo rce for the summit lined America n flags, !'.t f-- nl up a roar extinguisher a nd ::,.:1 ttl be' Lady Na llcy Reagan :! rrived to T he abortive bombing the route that membPrs of from Ih e baleo",· of the tn ggeredbya time fuse . a 21·gun salule a nd Ihe cheers attempt W3£ the onl" in· Ht:.lgar'-s party look from Cologne· Bonn airPort when "The de\'ice 'yas s pot tl'Ci III of a welcoming crowd a nd then cident to mark Reagan' !o! the airport to BOlm. Reagan a nd hi s wife slepped went into seclusion a t a cloud" Ski es, contras ted With An Amen can J eW is h group down fro l11 ...\ if Forct' One onto moaled castle to prepare for Donna Rosenlhal . a s ha rp c riticis m Reaga n a n ge r e d by Pres id e nt a rt.:d (';:I rppi the seven-na tion economic re prrsen a tive of the received al home for his plans Reagan·s planned Irip 10 summit a nd priva te talk s with a AmE:rican Jewish Congress, Iteagan was grL £' led by West to place a wreath at a German Bilburg said Wednesday it wi l! said her group is organizrng a a llied l ea d ~rs . Germ.) n F'oreign Minis le r mili tary temetery in Bitburg stage its own ceremony at the memori a l wrealh·layi ng Hans·J)ietrkh Genscher 3!1d The " r celing. although where 49 Nazi Iroops lie among graves of !wo students ki ll ed Frida·' al Munich·s Perlacher U. S. Ambassador Arthur relativel) tow key and under hundreds of German war dead. for opposing Adolf Hitler. Cemei'ery. where Sophie Scholl Burns. This Moming Rental program to offer low-interest loans K~' Thuma:.. ;\l anJ.!3 n meet city housing codes and is must ma lch all eilv loan funds Professor aids SlaHWrih'r renled by people with low to with r.rivate financing to be Gm Bmk· students in writing Applicalions to participale moderate incomes eligib e 10 participale in the in Ca rbondale·s Re n lal The Illinois Depa rlmenl of program. flppaymenl of a cily \ ---- - Page R Rehabilitalion Program may Commerce a nd Community rehabilitallOn loan wi ll be be prepared by 'he end of nexl Affairs ga\·e Ihe cily a n S8U.000 deferred until a landlord pays off all privale loans Inleresl \ MVC will drop week. said ,lane Hu ghe, . rental rehabilitation grant in director of Ihe l'itv's Division :,\i art.' h . The t ity approved an charges will begin 10 aC(.Tue onl y after prh'atc i!!la nci ng is football after '85 of Henewal ~I n d 1·lousing. tJ n!J n ~l n (.·c c~; l abli s h i n g th e.> repa id E ~ - lIu(! hr!i' snid Wednesdav Ih al prng ralo Api'll 22 I..a nd lord:­ '" - -SPOilS 20 the c Ity is drawing up drafts of may borro\\' up 10 S:;,ooo (:61 :t AI least 70 percent of Ihe the a pplicalion for Ihe percent inte r~st from the tenants of rental unil,s (,IOlld,\ ";Ih a :"1 Iw rCf'nl program. which will provide eil y fo r each renwl 11 Ilt r e nova te d through the Gus S3~\ 'S rehahilitah' (h·(' chane.f ur ra in, luw·interest loans for Ian· needing renovation. landlor'ds Firs .. lhe n t lit' dlords whose properly does not Rental property owne rs See "ROGIIAM. Page 10 property. HOW YOU CAN GET THE Newswrap MOTORCYQE YOUWIIT. nation/world INSTEAD OF filE Social Security program OlE YOU CAN AFFORD. will have funds restored No .... yOu can lease a BMW Of WASH INGTON CUPI ) - The Senate Wednesday tentatively 'rnarr:: eone agreed to fu ll y fund Social Security cost·of·li vi ng payments next B h of these optt()r\~ are avail attt: nghl at your dealer And oHef year. restorir,g money to one of the most conlroversia l program fleXible terms and competitIVe rales cuts in President Reagan's budget. On a 65·34 vote. the Senatc r-Jot to mentIOn the chance to flOe discarded the pl.n to li mit Social Security cost-of-li vi ng in­ For a Quotro's Cheezy Deep Pan away on a lernf:c bike. rns tead of a creases to 2 percent in fisca l 1986 : a savings oi nearly S3 bi llion in tremendous corr.promlse fisca l 1986 and S22 billion i' continued fo r the next three years. Medium Pizza with I-Item, 2-Large ~1~!lMW DlNr6If1"'-->..4 "" ··anel Wednesday. Under t"le proposal. DuPage. Classes are held on our 273-acre Glen utilities would be required to pass onto stockholders any costs incurred if the power company generated 25 percent more Ellyn campus and at more than 40 suburban loca­ energy than was needed. tioru;. Our tuition won't make you walk the plank, either-just $17 per credit hour lor college district residents. \ USPS l &.tltU l But hurry, summer classes launch the week 01 June Publish~~ dail~' i~ Ih(' Journalism and t-:l!yplwn l.ahn r; J1l1 r~ ~ l lInr1 ; , ,\ Ihr~gh fo nday dunng regular !'(,Ol£'Sll'rs and TlK'sday IhrnuJ!h Fnd.. ~ 17. To learn how you can set sail lor College 01 durmg summ('r lerm hy Soulh<>rn IllinOiS I nln'r sll\', ( 'mI11I'Unw;I!lun .. liuildinJt , Citrbonrla ll.' , IL fi2901 St'('nnd da~~ PUSliI)!t' paid all ' •• rbnnda h' . II DuPage this summer, call'858-2800, ex!. 2380. fo-:ctit orial and bu s i n ~s offic,'c's lot'ah'f1 III ('U1: l nHI111t ' ''IIOn~ HuildmJ.! , :'\01'111 Wmg, Phon(' 5:'6·3311. \'('rnon A. ~· OIW . II~t ' al .. Ifit-I'r Subscription r ates are $.10.011 ~'r ~t';Jr fIr ~r; :,u tor ~IX 11101I1h:- \\ 11hll: .111' CoIege of niled. States and $.IS.on pe-r year or S:JfI.lIO lor "I~ months In all Inn'l!! 11 (0 [)U)age :""lU ntn es. Postm: ster: Mond change or address to Uaih' ": ~\'plian . Suulht'rn II lmul :- lInh'ersity, Carbondale, IL 62901. . , Study shows cleanup Operation Greylord nets has strayed from goal sixth Cook County judge II" AS HI NG TO:-'; I llPI I - muilibi llion-dol lar Superfund pr ogram a nd used in adequa ll' TIll' Superfund toxic wasle sura nce poli cies from the methods 10 eonl rul hazardous CHI CAGO I UPI ) - A rec("I" e a lee for turning r1ea nup prugr a m has stra\'("d th em int o saleable ones. firm where Ihe judge's wife from its origina l goal of spN-d\' waS tes. sixth Cook County judge was Thr offi ce said Ih l' program cha rged W('dnesdav in the The indictments bring to works as a n a gent. the in­ iot' ntification of haza rdntl!, 26 the number of peop! \"" didment said. was te sit{'S and pr ompt actIOn has in some ('ases mo\'ed 10XI(' fe d r r a I go \' e fli m e n" s ma teri a l from ha zardous O;:,e ra tl on Gr cylord in­ charged in the three·vea r Holzer is a lso chargL' R ece ; ,' pr s opera 1(' hri ue rv s t"il e nH! a lso been convicted in Greylord go \' ("r I1I1H' nl h a:-o u n · acti on qui ckl y IU' lh(' li mn ba nkrupt propp"t ies and a ll r-gediy purc hased in· a nd a third was acquitted. derestima ted ('osts of tIll' !'prf" Hi n( r 'n ll l:1 m"' : l"l ~ .. AP Council endorses new evaluation policy

B~ 1) ;l\id I.i !" Tht' proposed pt.'rfornull1 (,(' Ihc basis of a nnua lly updaled Charlena Billing. a research propos.)1 to j rop the fi\lc"'ear SI :.ffWrilt'r appraisal prot:!ral11 will be job dl'scription s tate ments. th£" a lw lys l in Ins t itut lon;. J r e\"i('w of I he C h ~)ll cc llor Adm i ni siia t ive a n d used to prO\'idf' info rma tion in draf! sla les. Hescarch a nd Studies. was sys ten, a nd rt:' lv ins tead on professiona l sla ff al SIU· will supporl of p<' r~ (lIlI ){' 1 clt.,t..' isions Potentia l appra is(>rs will eleeten \"i cc dla irwoma n. and a'nllual e\'aluat'i ons of the have a chance to express their such a::-. pr nmul ioll . l'UIll · a lso haw to go Ihrough a Steve Kirk. assis ta nt director chanl'cllor a nd the two a pproval or disappro" a l of p e ll s~lt I UT1 . Iy pt' of a p­ ma ndalory tra ining progra m for University housing. was presidents . pe rfo rm a nc e Rppra isa l p oi lllm ~n t. dl'm uli nn, It'r· if til £" policy is implemented. eleeled secretary. progra m dra f! endorsed by Ihe mina ti on a nd d iSC iplina r y .,c('ording to the draft. Th e c o unc il a ls o Th~ F ac ull y S e n ate. AI' Siaff Council Wednesday. action. a('('ord ing to Ill(' dra ft. Ilr- I"ils of Ihe plan's im· unan i m o u s lv pa ssed :~ Gradu a t e Council and The proposcd prngra III pt.'m entation have vet to be resolution " 10' a llow Ihe A·P Gradua te a nd Professiona l " We will be running. as soon worked out . . council to participate in the as possible. a referendum of co\'ers a ll adminis tra ti ve a nd Siudeni Council are in op· the cons tituenc\,." said Tern' professiona l slaff employees. In uther business, the council a nnual r('vi c w s of the positIOn to dropping the review Ma thias, counc il cha irman. wilh Ihe exceplion of School of elec!cd nt..'w officers. Ma thias, presidents and Ihe cha ncellor" partly because it would Copies of th"' lhree·page dra f! Medicine employees. Super· dss is tant direc tor for ofSIU. eliminat e cons tituency in­ will be sent to s taff members, visors are responsible for U!li versity re lations, was reo This resolution comes in the volvcml"llt in the review hesaid. evaluating their employees III e lec ted coundl chairman. wake of a Board of Trustef'S process. I------~l I From 110. 1260r 135 I Color Film Processed I ':T,t~:!f:"'iI In our Lab I nowava/labl. 12 ...... 2 ... I 15 ..... Dloc •••••••• 1.71 I 100 W. Walnut 20 ...... 4.18 I Carbondale.IL 24 ...... 5.24 I S~9-3800 H ...... 7.17 To Discontinue I LIMIT ON NUMBER Notice - SIU Students I COUPON EXPIRES 5/ 6/ 85 OF ROllS peR COUPON Telephone Service ~------~---~----=----~

For all off-campus Salukis about to race for home - 'llEIDDLE~I' If you rent equipment from GTE: Tonight Hddler's Presents ~ • Save time TONYAWith Bob on Keys • Save the missing instrument charge 8:30-11 :30 • Bring your phone to: 1108 W . Main ~nk Spe~ials start at 9 451-7711 GTE Phone Mart: Murdale Shopping Center HOURS - 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. DAYS - Monday thru Friday

If you own your phone - there is no need to place your remove order in person. • Save time CALL 457-1232 Cartoon! HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. DAYS: Monday thru Friday ~ .&. (Regular & Light) ~ drafts ALL NIGHT! ·· .. · ··'li~ppy·H~~~j~·8 ···· · ·· .. ······ 354 drnfts 754 speedrails $1.00 call "anger "otllne 549·1233 lMiIy.&zyptitn Opinion & Commentary Springfest events mocked starvation EFFOH'I'S '1'0 HEI.IE\ ·E TIlE F ,\~II:-; E in Afnca have c;lplurc

SPC TIt""E!. A~() RECItEATiON. TIlE SPONSOItS of the event. should not be taken to task too harshly. In their zeal to educating America's handicapped create a unique and fun event possible. world-Wide implications were understandably overlooked. Now tha t objections have been 11" 1972 Johnatha n Will . "'ith re-runs and rainy Tuesdays. raised to wastmg hod. future planners can be more carefui in a nice sense of family The woman resigned as did thei r selrctlOn of events for Springfests . tradition. was born on May 4. another education department The oa tmeal used in Saturday's Slip-n·Slide has little to do with his father's birthday. So in a official, who favors repeal of. the fa mine in Africa. But like the President's visil to the Bitburg few days he will atta:n the among Q!her things. PL 94·142. cemetery. the symbolism is important and the responsibility is status of leen-ager. with ali the That law guarantees han· clear. prerogatives pertaining dicapped children a free. therelo. A wit has writ len that appropriate public educa tion. adolescence was first con­ To millions of handicapped sidered a pha se, then a George persons and their parents. it is Letters profession and now is a as important . substantively nationality. Jon's acquisition Will and symbolica ll y. as the of citizenship in that na tion Voting Rights Act is to black comes on the heels of a recent Washington Post Americans. The official who Attempt to change utility bill ruckus here about people like Writers Group advocated repeal was him. betraying a president who He has Down's syndrome, a potential to contribut e supports it. . met with the old run-around gene tiC defect involv ing positively to society." The two res igna t ions varying degrees of menta l detonated the Wa ll Street I guess I've learned my roommate did so and was told retardation and. sometimes. SHE WROTE a response Journal's editorialists. They lesson the ha:'d way. You c.n·t that to simply add one more serious physica l defects . just now circulating. in which issued another denunciati on of beat the corporate system in name to the bill would cost 55 she said las the sympathetic us sinners who live within the Am erica. plus an extra 85 cents a month. IT IS SAm we a re all born Wail Street JOllrnal phrased it I Washington Beltway. The The other day my roommate The woman told him that this brave. trusling a nd greedy. that. "'\'e are on Earth nol Journal said the two officials and I went a round 10 switch was the cost of processing the and remain greedy. I a m mainly to promote our secula r were victims Of " the usual \ necessary forms to institute names on our bi ll s from utllh· pl eased thai Jon has been like equality but to use our varying crazed antibodi (:~.· meaning companies because ~ e i"s the change. that - like Ihe rest of us. Earthly circ ums tances to " the Beltway white cells" in a moving out this summer and I because it was depressing 1(1 perft'Ct ourselves mora ll y." "feeding frenzy" to destroy am staying. Everything went t o ld th e serv ice be told. repeatedly. tha t Nice try. Journal. But wha t Ronald Reagan a nd red· representa tive tha t none of the fine until we got to the phone children with Down's syn· she really said was: blooded consen·atism. other utilities had charged us company. you know the one. drome "are such happy "They Clhe handicapped) THE STR~IN of mann ing anything at ail to change the that giant, monopolis tic children." That implied sub· falsely assume that the lottery the ra mparts of right·wing corporate entity ca lle d names on the bill. She smiled huma n simplicity, a mindless of life has penalized them at purit.\' may be getting to the General Telephone of JIIinois. a nd told me " Well, we're the cheerfulness of the sort racists random . This is not so. Nothing Journal. We inside the Beltway Upon asking the procedure only phone company in !own," once ascribed to blacks. Jon. comes to an individual that he no doubt have shortcoming, to change na mes on the bill, we a blatant admission, a t least to like the rest of us, is not always has not. at some poir.t in hi s unknown in south Manhatta n. were told by the lady behind me, of monopolistic practices. nice or happy. Indeed. he has development. s ummoned. which the Journal cons iders the desk to dia I 642 on the I call something like this the special unhappiness of Each of as is responsible for the perfect place to take service phone. My roommate unethical and unfair business having more complica ted his life situation." And. " There America's pulse. But we know did so. explained what he practices. Again, not one other feelings than he has the is no justice in the universe. As some things. including these: wanted a nd was told there utility in town charged capacity to express. He cer· unfair as it may seem. a Reagan opposed weakening would be a $10 service charge anything. But then. neither tainly has enough problems person's externa l cir­ PL 94·142. He has enough to switch na mes on the bill. CIPS nor Southern Gas has a without being badgered by cumstances do fit his level of prob lems without bei ng Furthermore, we would have monopoly: there are other bureaucra ts telling him to quil inner s piritual dev e lop ~ saddled with supporters who '.0 go to Murdale :''lopping electric and gas companies in avoiding the central issues of ment .... Those of the han­ de.lne conservati sm in terms the area. I guess if you are the Center to make this tra n· his life. dicapped constituency who of dismantling such protec· saction. only vendor in tow n you can do Recentlv two officials of the seek to ha"e others bear their tions a nd who associa te con­ So. out to Murda le we went what you damn well please. U.S. Department of Education burden, a nd eliminate their serva ti s m with crackpot There is a sli gh!ly happy and on the way out we fi gured resigned after stirring a storm cha ll enges a re seeking to meta physics about (hey. cheer a possible way out of the stupid end mg. There is no charge to with interesting meta physical avr,id the centra l issues of up. Ethiopians) the perfect charge. We would just add my remove a name from a bill a nd politica l thoughts. Onc thl'ir lives." justice of the universe. with two na mes li sted. So the name. thus having two names official was a woman who If the Journal can beli e"e cheapest way to switch names on the bill. In a month, I would readers of this column mel in SEN. LOWELL \\ · E lIn~ lI. that America does or should just have my roommate's on a . hone bill is to pay $5. list 1983 when she was saying tha t c h air m a n o f the ap· want such conservatism. then name dropped from the bill. two names, pay a n extra 85 a " key reason" for declining propria tions committee tha t the Journal can believe After explaining this cents for one month, then drop academic achievements is thai deals With education. got very anything - for example. that situation to the friendly sales one name from the bill. This the government has been exe rcised about wha t the budget cuts and economic representative a t Murdale, she we i the names get switched catering to groups such as the woman wrote. but Weicker growth are going to ba lance told us to pick up the courtesy for only 55.85 instead ofSlO. handicapped "at the expense probably gets exercised about the budget. The Journal Ken Dulik, junior, Zoology. phone and dial 642 . My of those who ha ve the highesl oatmeal. " Gilligan's Island" believes tha t. too. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Letters Policy SIenod _leo. Incl ...... '-->. V~n .. and MU, I mBTH? WIII. ."i££P5 ... .. II!i 'fJ 7fU.1II>f 7IIIIr. twiN 7IKXiGI only_....--. Un.tred editorto.-l• .-.present_ 0 CDnMnSU'_- of the 7HE 1I/N./iJIIS il£tL,lIM:¥?!i HI5 Dolly E0P- &llIorial Comml"...... TUIt, TlEIlEaRP5HOIII5_NMY mw the stud.nl4ditDr~ . the editorlol pcp .dltor. F/tE5II ·f1ICB)~_VlaT/H5 o .,... ,toff member. the focvlty rnonoglng edi~ and IT-ll/AR. . IIIM'tF 7HBR tFFICEIIS o Journall,m School foculty member. _ 51M,,~ w:Tl/H5, 11XJ. l.n.r. to the editor moyo b. .ubmitted by moil or dir«et., to the editorHaI pop lidj,or . • oom "47. ~"""',-"_bo __.

doubte spoced. All ~ are subject to editing and will be IImlNd to 500 words. l.tters of .... thon 250 _ .... bo ...... --""~ . S.-.. mu.t identify themMtvea by clos. ond mojor. tocvlty --. by .... and .-,...-'. non-oaodomk ,tall by__ ..... l_and...... -'.by _I ohouId Indudo ... ",""", odd,.., and telephone number. l.n.n for whkh .....vertfkation -. of outhorsh6p f#tftOt be ...... will not be CHICAGO Letters FINALS WEEK Only S20.00 (a nd up) o ne-w a y Ride In t he safe tv & com fort of a van, while we GUARANTE E t hai Athletics supposed to better image, All of your luggage w ill a rrive with you l Many pick-up & drop off stations for your convenience. but long-term benefits are doubtful T rips start Sa t urday May 4, 10 AM. FOR TICKET INFORMATION CAll Like man\' ot hers. 1 a m Am erica n public , Alhlt'IIl' as pr n f l ' ~sio n a l s 01' a:-> coaches. d i sgust ed ' with r ecent pr rams do a llracl moncy. hut fill' mos t of them their 529-2632 di sclosures of bas ke tba ll mostly to help support a thleli c skills are of lill ie use in tlw " payoff s" a t Tula ne a nd SI . programs and a thletes. mallY real world - unless they relive C, but at least I am not sur· of wh om havE" no interest or their athletic successes by prised . Through the yea rs we ability to handle academic pushing their children into a ll can remember case after programs . adult·managed little league ItCilian .... wI Macl. Soft Drink case in which "ama teur" If you 're winning. your acti vit ies. or draft beer '2.99 coll ege and .uni versit y football program needs more money to 4. Students and townspeople and basketba ll athletes ha ve build a bi gger sta dium or who get to be spectators in been paid off or have been arenr a nd to aUract quality stadiums and a t home whell Served with chip' & PiCklersr., invoh;ed with drugs. poi nt. and a thletes and to they shou ld be participating in shavingscandals. etc. improve athletic facilities so some activity to help keep So it is not new bu t it is the school ca n ' .. tract better their own bodies in shape. '1.00 ' e " pa thetic In see how we a"r c coaches and athletes and more _= ..:__ 5. A sma ll group of "tailgate ALLDAY! ' . deluding ou rselves. In a way. loeal sup)XJrt "to help the team hums" who thi nk it is their major a tnletic progra inS on win" - a never "'~ nding vicious right to storm the field or court universit y campuses a re like circle. or downtown after a win a nd the milita ry : W~ support their And what d. ,.,. all of this wreck some things in the name escalating requt'sts alm ost hoopla about "support the of "exci tement of the fans." wit hout ques ti on without team" and " school spirit" net reflecting on wh etht'r :hcy are the students. the universitv Is this tll,': kind of behavior or accomplishing what we expe<'! communilY a nd its a lumni ? . image a universit y should of them. I. A shallow. positive image encoural!{' elf' condone? Un iver s ity O' t h l('ti c if your tea m is winning: !he I: i. lin'" for SIU·C and other progr ams a r e so,lme how reverse if it is losing reg ul a rl~ ' uni\'(>,l' sl t ii:!-= to get off thi s supposed to enhance thp 2. A sma ll group of students fooli s h. expenSive super ­ school's image and a ttract who participate and. wi th the a thleti cs merry·g(}-round and Illore students and giflS. They win-a t-a ll -costs approach. can get bark to intramural a nd also are supposed to have hardly get to know what the 'Jody-rondi tioning SP OrlS that something .0 d h wi th physica l word "sportsmanship" mea ns . ca n last a lifetime. - n.E. fit ness and S)XJrL. manship. 3. A few athlete·students who Chrislt"ns,"n . IH(~~f' SS or But the Joke 10 on the get to use their athl etic skills i" 11If'ritus, (if'olugy. Driver in Lewis Park panicked Saturday; victim is panicking now I have a bit more to say blood. What baffles me is your concerning an article ap· I'm sure glad that I wasn't justification for not taking tbe Congratulations pearing in the Daily Egyptian right in his way - a t Ipast I'm other street, the only visible or Tuesday, April 30. alive. Alive with ~. cons l~ nt path, around the party which COl "eetion: 12 people (perhaps memory of glass breaking, would have avoided any Seniors! q)any more ) were injured at a P"C!Ple screaming and bodies mischief in tbe first place. w. cot Collegiat. Time Piece Company woutd lik. party at Lewis Park Apart­ flying. As a result of your panic, Mr. to take this opportunity to congratulat. you upon ments early Sunday morning. I Friends of mine came for a Hakkov, I was confined to my compIetIan aI ~r col. co..... would also was a victim; in more ways visit on Springfest weekend. It bed for the first part of this w. than one. was a vtsit they will never week. I wonder if your panic is Ilk. to alter ~ an alt_t",. to the customary When Mr. Hakkov decided to forget. They got to spend their anything like the way I feel clOu ring, blaze his own path through a Saturday night in a living now - I have three finalo this Clan rings coat in excesl aI $200 and limply adorn crowd of party·goers, I was nightmare, and Carbondale week and four next week. It's _'1 haneI. CoIlegiat. Ti .... Piec... on the other standing two feet north of his Memorial Hospital. hard to memorize literature haneI ...... a Selko _tch dllt'inc!tiv.,ly path. The force of his tire shot Mr. Hakkov, please do all of wben you're taking Tylenol 3. with ~r unlvwsity'l __ a bottle at me that broke on my Us 8 favor and think of a more I'm panicking now and I camblnlnglradi_1 val.... . utility •• nell Gfllanlabililj,,1 ankle and gasbed my foot viable excuse for your . panic wben I remember with DIICO'I.. for ~ ...H the positive aHribut.. 01 thil horror tbe events of the past through my leather shoes, behavior thlm just saying that timepiece. which are nOw ruined with a you panicked because beer weekend. -&lzanne Collias, horrible slit and are stiff with was poured on your car. sophomore. Journalism Oatmeal could have fed starving In light of the current fanline national and loeal issues. I realize that it is too late to' in Ethiopia, I am appalled at I find myself wondering how prevent tbe events from taking some of t;'e events held at anyone can participate in place. I only hope that my Springfest. events such as the oatmeal leUer will open eyes to the pain slide and banana punt. Think and suffering of those in dire Il has, in the past, appeared of the mouths of starving need of things we so carelessly to me that the SIU·C campus children and adults which waste. -Me lody Reed , has attempted to raise tbe could have been fed with tbe Secretary III Stenographic, consciousness of the students food wasted for a Iitlle tern· Divis ion or Continuing a nd staff regarding world, )XJral pleasure. Education.

Acldr ..I ______City - Stat.---~------~:t~cTh~f~~------­

YearUni ...... aI Graduationity-:-:~------______

Men'I@$l89 . ~OO~ ___ Women ' ~@$169 . uu' ____ 1 Subtotal Illinois residents odd 6% soles tox Shipping & handling ______$2.95 per watch TOTAL Students to' present Playwright's Workshop IhemscJvcs. stressed Moe. but U:, Iklirul .. Erimunfi!'o ull cha nge to an increased is not a lig ht one. by Dan Haughey . SI ;llf \\ritt'r aud ience. " 1 DO:-; ' T SAY tha t are included onl y as a basis for facetiously." he said. ex· chardctf'r conflict. ALSO TO UE held tnis Products of the SIU·C EM'II YEAn community plaining that very few schools summer is Summer Playhouse TI1£'a ter De pa rt m e nt ' s r eside nts come to the even offer a degree in ;\ I :\~ Y PAST members of '85. a joint annual venture by 1 ) l a~ ' w ri g htin g program can be Workshop to critique the plays. playwriting. th e PIRyw right's Workshop the Department of Theater and S ("C ll th is summer when the said Moe. who adde-1 th at ha..,p gone on lo leaching the School of Music. Two plays Plavwright 's Workshop is held critiquing sessions after each Presently. about 40 st"dents. careers or to producing plays and :'.VC musica ls will be July 2t·23 and July 28·30. The play are held to give the mostl v master of fine arts on off· Broadway and in presented at McLeod Theat er Workshop. an annual event. playwrights feedback . Other candidates. are enrolled in the alternative lheaters. said Moe. June 28, 29 , and 30, and July 4. will present four plays written people who have become program. Moe finds thaI one of 5.6, and 7. hv four SIU·C students. regulars at the Workshop are the most common pro~lems The four plays to be To be presented are "Night . According to Christian Moe. students and faculty from the the playwrights have is ending presented at this su mmer's Must Fall. " by mlyn a professor of lheater as well Thea t er Department the play, or wriling lang'Jage workshop are " Kaboom " by Williams: " The Uest Little as the founder and director of However. most of the audience from which the performe' 3 Mary Kevern. a comedy about Wh~rehouse in Texas," based the Playwright's Workshop. is made up of newcomers. ca n easily take cu,", foreigners buying a sma ll· on the book by Larry L. King the workshop has changed town n"clear plant : " Lu·Lu and Peter MCi 5(erson: " How drastically over the past 25 SIU has the on ly playwriting He also finds that abortion Lucy Blows the Blues." a The Other Half Loves" by Alan years he has been director. program in Illinois and one of and toxic pOi soning are children's musical by Tim Ayckboum: and " Brigadoon" For one thing. t"ere has been the top 10 pla~ l writing recurring subjects in con· Bryant: " Mudsplatters," a by Lerroer and Lrewe. Season a decrease in budget and time programs in the country, Moe temporary workshop plays, children 's comedy by Ellen subscroptions are $21 and $25. span I the Workshop used to said. Although he admitted though he " won 't say that it's a Wass : and "Yankee Gen· Indi'. idual show ticket. are S6 take place over eight weeks . that he was a biased source. trend:' These topics are not tieman," a biographical and $7 . For more information, ~ow it is only four w~ k s) . The Moe added that his ass('Ss ment the subject of the plays in drama about Ulysses S. Grahl, call 453·3001 . Workshop also charges a $1 ) admi ssion fee. something it could not afford to do in pa st ~ · ca rs . [\-l oe attribut e,:, this • • • • I' • Egyp.tian DrIve-In II! I.Slull" Wmson Ca ! If oo r' gsaa' 16

Gote opens 7:30 Bre_fut ':15 Club

2nd S,"~..f~~" Show C..",dl.~- ~ UNIYIR \IT " · @


Terri Griffith is about tn go where no woman has gone beb-e. ..IM~ ~e-

~~...s Entertainment Guide

Airwa':es - Thur!'dav, Lifr B and With \\" I ~ · Tle Hi gdon on Hanger 9 - Thursday. jazz with Mrre)·. Ba nd from 9 Prime Time - Thursdav. Wilhfllh Art" ith spt:C ia'l guest Fiddl e Adn1Js>lon $3. children " ;.II"tOOIlZ. Friday a nd Sa tu r­ p.m. to 12:3O a.m . No cover. Sll' Jazz lIa nd. Band from ' s l 'urrf'r · i rn ' .. s. FridilY. IIiI' 6- 12 $1 SO i.'hildren under 6 ~i ~I\ '. Th" F("7 . Bands \'r om 10 p.m. to midr:lght. Nocover. p1("l'ni~~ ~ \\-i th sp<'C lal g u('~t fr('(> . p.ri1 . to 2 a.m. CO\ler charges 10 Papa's - Saturday. Mercy Si g: l1 ;u ';0. SaturddY. T I~f ' he a nnouncNi. Trio. 8:30 p.m.-12: 30 a.m . Roun .... up - Saturday. Gaisby 's, - Hrolll·,· .. •.. Bands fro'n 9::311 Frida\' a nd Sa turday and Sunday. Dan Count r~' Fin' Ba nd begins at p.m. to l :.W a .m . C,-, ,'e" . ' alu;d()~ ' . from Clil cago, ~I a inst rect East - Sunda·. . (;rubrr on vibes. 11 3.m .-3 p.m . 8::lO p.m . S2 cO\·er . ct1a!"ges 10 be (innolll1('cd. Pir;lnha Hrnlhr r~ , Sunda\', Thf' ;\li!'>!'O (;'l" Suulhf' rn IHina'is Unul! "('()ani('1 ".111(1. :\1 on ­ Pagral1t , 10 'p.m .-t ::10 ~1. m . $3 P .J .· s F ri dav a nd Sta n Hoye's - Through 131('u Flambe - Fnda\'. » :1 d:1\'. . Dr. Bomh;l' . Tuesda\'. (·(I \·er. Sa turday, ("011' 100117.: Band ~at ur d ay. ltixrd C nl1lpan~ · . :\() Blum." , Band from 9 ::>0 P:I11 . to \\,~~ I U) ".J Shu,, ' and U;II1~· t · from 10 r m. to ~ a.m. S2 .50 co\'('r. 1 : :\0.1 , 111 , :\OCO\'(,L ('nnlt'!'>t. Wed nesdil\·. Tht· Oa sis - Frida\' . hand to 1)(' co \'£~ r . \\'illlhl\\ !'o . Bands fr' ;111 ~J : J O announced. . Trcs Homhr s - :\·]nllda \·. Fred 's Danc(' Ba r n p 111 . to 1':10 a III ('o\'(~ r P .K .... - Hands to hc an­ Hitk :\)(' ("(1\ Jan "mlr(,:l. ~alurda~ ·. Sih "1' .\Iuunl.lin '·:largC':;;.ln he :l lll1olln('C'd . Pinch P enn~ ' Pub - Sunday. nouncclj. Wednesday .' Xaa !'O Hruthf· ...' . Last chance to see one-act plays scheduled

()Il('-al't plays by Ihl' ~ lIL' r I1 lunll .llllll1:-: Building ArI · ('\ ' ('r~ ' spnnJ;t selllt'ster. Br yant t1 '.~ i r drea m s. los(' Ihcm~('I\'cs in (I ga me nt ~tllornt:-. ha.\'(' b('C'1t of It· red mis:-.lllll l:-:fn·.. · :-::lId . Studc'nl :-: 1t':11'11 IIw basi(' :~ lJerrick W. Bail t II cr :s the !'> cllIwphrCIlI:I. fi nly to find th ruughout th(' ~cn l e~le r Thl' TI lt' pla y:-. ;In' bpi ng dll,(>(,tt'd oj dir t'c:tinp: in the lirst elliS!' dif ~c t tl r ~ )f " Happy Ending" thrl11se!n's III an efotic r i tual SI l'-C Theat ;> !" DP jJartlllell1 1:­ b\· ... ·ud ('nt :-. for tlw l imd and Ih£'n P!.lI to usc th('ir skills by Douglas Turner Ward. The PinIer wrOle the :-:(' r ('Cnp I Cl~ nffpnng t!l.: public a l:lS I proJcc t of :11 .. :tch ·,II1c.:ed play ill the ~l d \ ' an('ed dass. un'cult p l a~' has an all-black cast and for Ihe 11100'i(' " TIll' French ('han{'e to Sl 'C' one-act pl a y~~ : 11 dir(,l·tlllg l.' Ja:-·. fo r theah'r ~ : lId . ' is the ston ' of Iwo New York Lie ut enant '~ Woman." Br\'anl the " Last Chance One-Acts." slud(,l1t s laugh t by H ic.: hard \ 'proni,'a P(·tri ll o I~ Ih(' maid:;;. :·n fnrm ing their said . . ~-" ur s hort pl ays and Shank , said Tim Br\'ant. cu· director ( !f " "'i nnt·r!'> ." a idealistk r:ephcw Oil real life. fraR~llcnts of pla ys wrillen by puhlicist for the ·Thea t('r fragment Irum t h(' play Gan' Gra\'{.~ will direct Faith POliS is the director 01 well-known playwrights will be Departuwnt. " Lo\'l~ r !: " wri!tl'n h\' Brian I b r old Pinier':) " T he Lm'er" " At Home" from Michael shown each e\'ening a l 7 p.m .. Thc class is part of Ih(' Friel. Th(' oi ec(' s h ow ~ Iwo The p l ~ I Y pnwicl es a look into:l Well er 's "Split. " It the story 01 !\ Jay :1-5. in the L:lboralory directing I>rogr am 1.11 the young lovl';'s ~ illin g on •.1 hill st ra nge ll1~uriage when' 3n a couplf' whose marriage is Th eate r i n lh t! rom· Thealer Department offered a nd sln!gr.1ing to hold onto O\'erly proper English couple fa lli ng aparl. Free theater performances set "Studio III: The Pen and stories. poetry a nd scrC<'n s'-'hedulerl to perform are Pe ndulum." a \'arieh' of plays written and adapted by made up of s tudent~ ir! t h(, dr ;.o m atie. mu ica l . a nd gl'ild ua tc stude nt s in the ('ourse a l ong with other hilarious short performances, "Writing as Performa nce" studenls. \\'ill be present ed a l H p.m . ('ou rse offered in the Depart­ Friday a t the Ca lipre Stage in ment of Spece t"l Com ­ Adm ISS ion to lile per­ th e Communications Uuilding. nu:nieatinl1. flJ r mancc is free. For more The perlormances a re short Tlw Ca lip re Players group3 informa tion, ('a Jl-45:1-229t . • :/PC Films .. • Sludent CE'nlel Audt1 (J • Captain D's. Tonight • ~ Jonathan started out Th~ original version in CinemoScope trying to score. : And ended up being =~ II", r.leased tn 1977 ~ FEED. the target_ CLOSE~~ • = , ta rring ; Richa rd Dreyfull FO.$7 Fra ncai, Fruff out •••••••••• CUP THIS COUPON •••••••••• r e riGorr = • FISH Ie FRIES Two lender IIsh IItlels. • ~ ~ • na tura l cut Irench fr ies • LAST FILM : FOR $1 75 o nd 2 SOUlhern style hllsh = rHIS • • ONLY • puppres • SEMESTER • """ - c·.. 5·. ·.5 Ca!taln D's • = • N 01 il1 OOCl " ~ "l.o" . O '·"'·WeclO l , • : i :,C:="~~~n O CoP lcu"01 ' AI~ IttrleMAloedplaft I 8pm $1.50 • ••••••••• C .. THIS COUf'ON •••••••••• = • FISH 0_ FRIES Two lender fish fillels. • ...... • C1I nal~r a l cut Irench fr Ies • = = : FOR $1 75' ond 2 w ulhern style huSh : • ONLY • ~upp,es . •

• _Nol good. "'. ....- Q""5·. ·OIhe'~oO. 5 l Ca~taln D's• • • OI d.cOUl'lI • It, t PO oa:ong Coote.n Ihl A,reA 1I1t1e ...ahodpiaft • •••••••••• cUP THIS COUPON ••••••••••• including • FISH Ie FRIES Two lender fish fillels. : WINNER! 8 A~!~;:y • natural c uI Irenc!"llues • Best Picture !B] .... 'c. "cou.... ,,"" Best Actor • FOR $1 75 " nd 2 sou'hern style hush • : ONLY • • puppies. •

• """."'NoI QOOO"' .. ,'''' OrtV•.•.ooner., ~oQI Ca!taln D's' • f1e will lie serious sooo enotJ(Jh. But kJr , ~ .. • : I~~'.ng Coate'" 0 Il a,~ little MAleood platt • : ••••••••, C .. THlSCOUPON •••••••••• • FISH Ie FRIES Two lender f"h fillels. I • natura. c ut trench lues • • FOR $1 75 and 2 soulhern sly Ie hush . ' GIRLS~nt • ONLY • puppies. •

• _'NoIOOOCl.,rmo""ON!f~100""'" "'·85 1 Ca!taln D'-.••• • to • :=--ICKJIInQCoptoonOI! AI" lb...... • ...... c~maCOUPON ••••••••••

CaDtain D's. a .JUttIe seafood place. ® 54'·1971 Try our Drive Thru Prof aids students in writing Copy of Magna Carta

Hy JuJoo IU ," \\" ' ;ltllf'n. h~ Jr. !'oiLOIrrWrit .'r exhibited in Archives The Archives \'vill show the Dan Piper has been in· WASHINGTON I UPI ) - One of the things the strong hand·printed 1297 version of terested in writing lor an the Magna Ca rta. one of 17 appreciative audience since dollar will buy abroad these days is a genuine. 688 -year-old authentic copi es in the world , hi s elementary school days. for a "ear. He says although li e ha s copy of :he Magna Ca rta. the first document of freedom of Perot said he invOI\ cd acquired an audience after himse lf in the project as a way he wrote and published the English-speaking peoples. II seemed a good buy to H. of r eminding America ns. severa l books a nd critical especially children. that analyses of other written Ross Pero\. who happened 10 have the S1.5 million asking freedom "is a prceious. work . he S3\'. he hasrn fragile" commodity " ro r always bL"ln gOod at it. price. so he snapped it up. II went on exhibit Wedn esday in which an awesome price ha s Piper . an Eng l ish been paid." D epartment facu lt y the main !'otunda with the Declar,"or, of Independence Perol. who has fina nced member. said ~e is con­ such vent ures as sec ret resc ue ',inced tha i "a successful and the Conslitution. writer has about 90 percent The Texas electronics missions for employPes ca ught perscvera nee and 10 percent millionaire had a bulletproof. in the Iranian revolutioJl . said talen\. " fireproof. waterprl)()f. tam­ he heard from a daughler of departmclJI slore magnate His peers la bel him a perproof environm entally-cu­ ntroll ed case m.ide for the Sta nl ey Marcus th at l\lC scholar. an int ellectual. an priva tely m\'ned copy of the intcrn

Sorry • No I Layaways I ruthie~ I Cosh and Corry 7025, illinois I All Sales Final I ------.--~ 1· .. ~("tI . ll aily ..~g." p(ian . May2.IWIS I I ." • ! ' . ~. I \' I ~ ACROSS Traveling art museum tour , Common sense Tod~y's , 6 Theda - 10 Country ~o celebrate Baroque Era 14 Greek market 15 Surrounded b y Puzzle ih I';lula Hud , lu'r " Which ~a il r nad lin es a rc mus l(:allllslrumenlS - .., U{ ;'l a!'> 16 Instrument Si:'IH \\ I'i I" r ill\'olved tJ ··pend on \'. hl (' h ones lhe 1720 P(·ter S,.essan a lt o 17 Foxier are in the a rea." she sa id 'I'll(' recorder made of box wl)(xi and 18 Tavern The na tion 's only travehng a rt museum . now ma king its Jines a rc not a lwav!'- the same '! ~e 17 111 Antoni o Slrad~\,:t r i 20 Layer but '-a ll of them have pit ched ·.-io hn cons tructed of mapll'_ way through ~li c hl ga n . wi ll IX' 2' Escapade spruce. ebony a nd vclrnish - 23 Kind o f egg hringi ng the fine a rts of fh e in ." she said. 24 Possessive Ba roqll e Era to Ill inoisans this The Mi chigan Coun ci l for Ihe make up pari of the ex hibit 25 Irish river Puzzle answers fa ll Art s formt:d the non-prof it Olhf'f ;ntlfacts. such as ,1 25 Uninspected. Ar train is fi\'c refurbished traveiing museum to ta kf" a rt photographic print of Pablo of eggs are on Page 19. r:t ilroad cars a nd has brought to Ihe people a nd as a cala lysl Cassa ls bv Yousef Ka rsh a no a 30 Haggard a rt st\'les to morf' than 300 for the development of ~o m ­ la te- 19th- century Ger ma n 34 M ore succinct com munities in 25 sta tes sin ce munity art and educ:ltion. porcela in \'iolin. a re also In­ 35 Oil dniling cluded ,n Ihe exhibit. Artists' eQ u ipm1ilf.~ its inccption in 197 1. This year. The ·progra m is ~ pon so red in 37 Car .. ~"i cana! Zeus III the " The :'I lusic of Art " tour pa rf by a gra nt fr

TIl t:HSIJAY ~ I EET I:\ (;S : wa ter fl ow tests on fire ders a norexia a nd bul im ia will Shawnee Wh eelers Bicycle h\'drants fo r Ihree da\'s meet at 7:30 p.m . (',dc h Club. 7 p.m .. Studenl Center s ta r li :. · Thurfda\,. SOrlH::' T hu rscla\' In the Hu nl e r Sangamon Room : Southern people \\ 1 experience tem­ Buildi ng.' :JOU E . l\l ain St. Illinois Collegia te Sailing Club. pora ry water discolora ti on a nd Ca rbondale. !\lore informatl(11l 9 p.m .. La wson 13t : Studenf odor . Tests will be made is a\'aila hl e from J can11lt-. ;,) -l9- Aviation Manag<' !Tl ent Society. du;-ing r egu la r day t ime 4629 . 6:30 p.m .. Flight Besta ura nl. working hours. Sculhern Illinois Airporl. WOME:\'S SERVICES will DE:->:--IS CL,\IlKSO.' . a THE CAHTEH \ ' ILLE keep Emergency Locaf or s tude nt in a g ricultu rf' Jaycees wi ll sponsor a com· forms on file for students at­ education a nd mech:m i7.a tion. munity fund raiser starting at te nding sumrll er school. will present a semina r on 8 a .m . Mal' ' 8 a t Carlerville Forms are a va ilable a t " I n t "g r ated P eS! Park. For booth reservation or Women's Serviccs. Wood y Ha ll Ma nagemenl" at :l p.m . more information call Doug B244 . More informa ti on is Thursday in Agriculture 209 . Fuqua, 985-6355. or Bob Bandy. available from Gwen Drury. 985-312; . 453·3655. Sll' STt:J)E:\TS' Coa lit IOn to ~' ree Soulh Africa will meet A SUPPOIlT GHOUP for in the Student Center cafeleria people with the eating disor· Thu rsday a t 7 p.m .

from C·dale (Last Appearance) Special Guest Coffee Achievers

$1.25 Baileys Irish Cream Schnapple 100° Melonballs Amaretto Stone Sours 50C: Old Style Drafts NOCOYE. c...... TbeReducen

Daily Egyptian. May 2. 1985. Page9 r Embargo may hurt allies more than enemies H\ !'Oh-\I' nllull/ i j.!I'r it s imports come from the Canadil, Europe. and Japan of spare part ~ The same .. llh,· ' ni ...d I'n ' .. , 11I1f'rnaliunal United States. Nicaraguan hananas a re proble m w ill affect tht! News Analysis The eounl n" earns aholll S40U current"· d is lnhutcd from LfI~ nalHlmil a irline Acronic3 . million anriualh' from lIs Angeles ',(,17 Western Slalf'5. which has to cancel its fl ights ~tA~A(;l'A . Nicaragua 4 I ' PI ) exports. . Orficials say produclion of In til(' l ' nitcd Stales a nd Frnm a SI r-icll " c-c..,nomic On ly I i percellt of t he In t98•. the top L'.S. Imports ;\;I carnguan soap a nd cooking possihly ('ut back service to p,.,int of \'iew.· President country'~ trade is with the fr om Nica r ag u a were oi l - made wll h r .S.- imported ol iler (" nunlr ies beca use or the Hcagall's embargo of trade United States. compared to 4{) bananas. S23.5 million : heef. fat a nd seed Will s low until l'quipment s hortage. with Nltar agua will hurt his per cent in 1978. 59.8 million. and s hellfish. S9 .7 new sources ca l' he found . Western observers sa y they na tu ral a llies ifI the private "The embargo will hurt a million. The top U. S. exports to The eounln 's onl\' oil expect Nicaragua to be 3ble io sC('tor more than hi s politica l liltle '" the short-term. but in Nica ragua were insecticides, refinery is owneo by Esso and huv Amprican ·larts from enemies in th(' Sandinista the long run the country will S5 m ill ion. a nd boxes a nd ot her has mostly U.~ · m ade other countries bill it will be government. adjust .. ' said one Western packing m ateria ls. S4 .7 equipment But I ~e s ta teo more expens ive . Since the 1979 Sandinis ta observer who asked to remain mi ll ion. owned Nicaraguan Ener gy The han on Acroni ca cttuid lakeovcr. the leftist govern­ anonymous. S u ga r impo rt s f ro m Institute has repl aced mos t of eljl down on the number ~f ment ha s been slow ly diver­ Parti cularly vulnerable to Nicaragua. S28 million in 1980. its American-made generators American "political tourists," sifying its exports away from the e mbargo. thou g h. is were down to 52 million in 1984 . and turbines wit h those made or "revolutiona ry groupies,'" the United States and to private indus try. which needs in Ita ly and Sweden. as one Amer ican jou r na li ~ 1 ,vestern Europe. Canada. and iechnology and'spare parts for INPESCA. ihe state (j , hing Tra ns po r tation on the dubbed them, who arrive in the Eastern Bloc in a n­ its U.S.·made machina ry. The agency. sells a bout 60 p~ r ce nt governm e nt 's U .S .· made ~icaragu a at the rate of some ticipation 'If a n eventua l private sector owns ..,bout hair of its exporls to the United buses wi ll be hurt b;' the lack 200 a wrck. hlockaje the economy and 30 percent of States. The rest goes to PROGRAM: Low-interest loans offered READTH'S: Conlillu(>rl frfl.11 P a~ f' I toward rent. wi th thE' subsidies will be available program must meet iuw, remainder paid by H '0. through the program. THE STUDENT TRANSIT income limits set b\' Section K The a mount of lhe subsidv While the current program is Is the LOW~ST PRICED Established guidelines o f i he U .S . dE"pe nds on the fa mily size and getting under way, the city Department of Housing a nd number of bedrooms in a plans to apply for a nother Service to Chicagoland that you can Urban Development's housing renta l unit . hut HUD will not rental reha bihlation grant for assista nce program. Section 8 pay mor e than the unit's " fair next year. Hughes said the depend on. If you find an advertis · income limits are determined market" rent. state was late in a ppropriating by s ize of household. rangi ng Fair market ra tes range its Fiscal Year 1985 funds for ment at a lower price than us, re­ from S12.950 per year for one from S2211 per month for a n the program's firs t year. but person to S23 .15O per yea r for e fficiency ( no bedroom , will be funding the programs gardless whether it's a bus or not. households with eight or !nore a parlment to $525 per month {'a rl~ · this year . people. for a fou r -bedroom house or Show us and we'lI P eopl(' li"i'l g in units apartment. Renlal rates for Community Development MA TCH THEIR PRICE rehabilitateu in th e renO\·ated units m ust fal l Director Don Monty said program will be eligible for within fair ma rket rates. Tuesday that the sta le wi ll NOT SURE ABOUT THIS OFFER? Section 8 renlal subsidies. One Section 8 rental subsidv probably use the cr iteria it PHONE US & WE 'LL TELL YOti MORE . which allow people designated wi ll be provided for each S5 .000 fo ll owed to determine each (Tho. oH..-.....bjeo;1 k>dJtconti_tiorl"'onyti_ wi~ -'k. , r ."...... tr ;cliona ~ J as low·income to pay up 10 one· of renta l rehabilitation mone\' city's e li gibilty for funding in third of their mon thl ~ ' incornf' loaned out. Sixteen total 1985 to a llocate money in 1986. OPINM-f. 129-1862 71SS.UNIV. Shipping Overseas?? MALAYSIA-NIGERIA-THAILAND EXPRESS EUROPE-MIDEAST-FAREAST EAST-WEST and CENTRAL AFRICA s l~RA6ENTNS IT BUS ABACO International Sh ippers pickup; pack and crate your personal effects and sh ip S_VICE quickly and safely to the above destinations. ALL RESERVE SEA TING

A lso ABACO has a complete line of 220 volt appliances. DELUXE MODERN MOTOR COACHES AIR CONDITIONED , WASHROOM EQUIPPED, RECLIN ING SEATS Phone: 1-312-171-'1" collect. for datall•• To STOPS lOCATED THROUGHOUT CHICAGO & SUBURBS Abaca Inte rnational Shlppe... . Inc. 2020 N. Racine Ave .• Chicago. IL 60614 CHICAGO & SUBURBS FINALS WEEK " DURNS Sunday, June 9

LUGGAGE *UNLIMITED LUGGAGE ROOM* 5JU Darlnltory Pick-up (10 "-Pick-up In _ny _) Call.or Datall' (and-up) BIG LT '27.71 ON(INCl••• UOU LUGGAGE" ) ~ '39.71 (and-up) _NDIII. BAND (INCL UOIS LUGGAGEI fandltalslng Dance Party T ,12.00 (and-up) LUGG.G. Thanday. May Z. 1:00PM

715 S. Unlv.rslty Av•• Dance the on the •• land - See map Night Away/ HOURS l hto e Morio. ,.htoSpltl Wh.r.o.",1do. , Qtt" .1I Mon-'I1Iurs 1...... 5pnI ••rl1 ...... 1:J1pm loc:o"-CI l.oot._.II()rIW.. ' sO,,-OI ....Id ... PHa129.1862 A percent ofproceeU from the bar wfll be donated to the Ble Band tour fund. ON"

I' ~'~(, 10, nai~y Egyptia'n, May 2. 1915 , S£I'IPS HI !rpr WIl H U ' fI' l old SIOO ~ 4 0 ",,08 Therapy helps .,JOAI ISI / 911 TorO'" RUNNING !jl ood VCR B ~ l o color TV a .. d ... any .... ore Pnon. a fte' .. 0"" S19 I ~ 1 1 drug, alcohol Classifieds n rSA ' l SJ lOIS AMe .. door S.r-o" 5600 080 SEtMU SOlID WOOD Clor ,n,,". (Hell. .. • (o"d,f,o.. S150 0 80 h e Don 611 18. ' H_ II I I " o rr .e~ ""0'" (Ire" ,ftd 'o lfelO . i.l·U ,' 73 OUSHI! O'Clll [ ~'t~ ....: ;:~ .... 0' .. , hou" ~ SO S ~ JJ6S abusers cope {and,','.... ?O "'PSI I.l utl \.1' by 4' 6SMIS1 ~~~~;~:~ ,,~ ~Sr. :~ r ~S'~O~ l g rC'>OI IAtro PASS J bedroom home pool ..-. · n ~ UI ''' " ~ AutomoltllM , 414/1 Ao 151 f" "plocC' chom ',"11 fe ne• •lJ . IO II I I ~· ttut.'lIt \\ rih'r IL______---' I ::;!, :~dCru~::;:,N A .~e:: n~:~ : : ,':~~~: b;~!.nO~~;;~~,S:.:; ' "L___ I_ .. _t_ro_n_a __ ~ m , lto~ S600 •.51 "41 . ,9J 1900 O"y l,M. or H& H1S , d 'H, s &, ... S&5 000 . '& IAo'S 4 ..... le doy' )1))AdI S. ,Denial. ba rga ining. anger a n acceptance are m' .og.CMff O~, . S~~&0';; ~to , . /;.':'51 ' 1911 MAZDAIl X7 Wn 'ot S ~ p.fH1 1' !~~.OI""~:l(srn(ll~;~lOb M~ISO~~ S .9, :'~&' S'EC:~~,~~r;,. ... ~ dlHerent stages of rCCO\'cn' that substance I a lcohol I ~ :~.~ ~/sw:~~r~~9 ~~~~".,,' (ond UN'OUf SP AC IOUS . [NUG Y· 4100Ag1 SI or d~ug s . ~ bu sc r~ go th~Oljgh when recogn i ~ ing and ,~;.~T ~ I~II~:H,=F'~~ r ~;~~' ~~: .1&lAoIS. [FFICIENT horn. on 10 0('.' In Un 'o~ I CS~OOSH,~~~!!~:~ ' ~ .' mdr~;n deahng With their partl('ular problem said J e rr~ (e,n •.511 41' 0' 9.11943 19 DMSUN 310 0', . qllol".,. COlln'y 4000 'qllo,. 1•• 1 a be , • • '1 01 lOS W Wo /nll' Sol Molumb\ , Alcohol Treatment Se rvl C~ counse I or al t h e 3131Ao 1SI I, ~ '. 'l!'O (ou • • 'I. ... ' 11" ',,0(..-,•. . ·,'·.'.'d"'•• d ...... ,w, '.. " ,:.,",. .... bedpo l ·,~·m..... ' ", morn,n; . I I I I (' bou.,y btole.," [ng. n"•• He I 01./'. rv and mo,. For 'lP 1 39.59Agl.5' J ackson Co unt~ ' C ommulll t~ T\ tenta • ea t 1 \. nter 1 '9' 1 .'W IlCUIl " ""'Plt' IlS S1 .1,. 4 I S1100060 •.51 8705 ' ~ ' nl'm . .. ' (011 SJ3 1'.8 ar 8U .U3 19 SYLVANIA C ... 1,,(1 SS l500BO 16&1 t' O' v" ""., sog~ 1 ' 98 1, •• ,0 PARK\'/OOO 1 bd,m o. ILICTIIONIC A.Vla The typical di cn~ IS m a .I ~. 20 to -~ ~ya .:i 0 . an 00'1451 1&.1 3970A ." 5" ( 10. ' 0 c_",,,; In"d un aNTI. combines alcohol WIth man l\'ana, he sa id . . I JJ87Ao I ~ 4 1918 CHIlY S lf ~ CO I1 IJOS,., 1 dr ,~" d. 'p."nftd ~ ' ''O' 513900 451 124 S. lillnol. "Tile fir!'t step is assessment of t h ~i r particular ; :::",,~'ATfn:'~~9 g::'; F:x,:'~:~,o I ~;~r 5 . ~ :,13,, ·,('/ ,ond,',on SOS1 ... ", 3193A. 'SI 457.2591 problcm - find nu t wher<' the\' :l1h alcohol or S8S00BO 5.9·310Soft", 5 'O. SO ' V.( IO" O 'u,n.,ned an" ... l ~ 111A e' S" S O~M drugs. The longer they'\'£> had the prohlc m. the PO NTIAC TrOO:" lOW !~f::o:~ ' co'pe'.d '0016 ,ool.d poliO AC TV& Stereo Il a rder the\' arc to treat. " he aid, , (and F,' (ou • spd one ~ 10 ... ul.I".t!' CoU (0 1/,,(I,3'1·3S 7 , ownl!" S.9·591i1 1 II Part. anti S.·.."lc.. 8313 Repair 3J93Ao 151 i 314 &Ac I5• -Free Estimates .\ TJlOHUl·(.1I screening of the a hu sers helps to 7..... AVU ICK S800 1) GM C p '(!. 8(A UI/FUl 10 >5 5 IlfM OD fl fO determine the extent of their illness a nd th e m ost u" S:~mo~"n0od~:y vO~ 4 ~00 ~~~ USJD rr llf ~ GooDY[AIl d A,,..,o "o,Ier w 1 nU!;. "p,oull Com ·TV Rentol-$25/ mo. -Buy new or used TVs appropri,lte treatment progrclm . pi ther inpa tient or 519.131..: ~~~ ;~ ~ , . ~ r , ms~.::'S(~:d"~ ·;' 5 .;~~. I ~~~.~y:~::s~~~~~~~=::;:'~:n I outpa ti ent, l\tolumby said. 197. FOliO [100 w.ndow 3.. ~~:A;~:! F., m.d" , ~ ro' S.9 1708 JJ~8A b 1) 4 ';'lo;.~ SJMsuOt;d~ ""U$I ,./11 54' on time payments Inpa ti ent treatment at a t,ospital can last 21 to:i:; C /I I SfDHRE S LOW I 1 3J3SA IS 4 A·ITV da\·s . sc\'en da \'s a week. he said . ~ o;tp::;~, (';~ 7 51000 a a II!" ~"d'~«,p , Go,o,P;~'::(~ ';,:",;~;, 1 1~S5 S1S00 A( und.'p,nned :,,(. U7-7_ 7155. lIl1noll -' The patient goes through very mtens£> and con- /97S PONHAC t [MA~;45AG~~ j ISO I W Mo," 31OOAb l&S ;~.~,;,.! :: . ~8:,8$0;:~:~n~~, ar SJt. ~ ... ., ..... ,....II'-'-' ('cntrated IIlforma tlOnal lectures, group th era (J Y, ,unn.n; (o"dlf.on n OD AI,o 1910 ! ~: ~~~~/ ~ ~~~~:~.:: Af:c::.!n Nc~d ' 11 WIDfS GOOD (Ond,?::A;:.!! counseling and . for .. a lcohol a busers. Alcohohcs I 2~ ;;' ;;~n S~~~3~~d (OnC.,.o" 5100 O",,,,ullu,ol It and I( lI'. bu .ld~" I ,ong. U500 F."on""g Complete Elecrronic Anonymous meetmgs. !\lolumby said. I 39UAelSl Mo"on It All _,1" guo,on '.fH1 o.. o·" oble ' S p~rt~ nl do"" n I 80 FORO MUSTANG 4c yl h,.II. n, 1i191·. 61. Poymenl, ,10,1 01 S&1 . 5 pe' Service ut'TIl \ TI F~T coun..;e ling meets nile to se\'en :ond'lton AM . F~ " .'~O mull ,." 81 KAWASAKI K£ 115 r ~~',S~~. ~;;;.~n ~:,v ,,, ~7'7. 5 ~r ~:~~~. Computers - TV - Pro night s a ·\\,£.'C k· fo r (.Ine to two ho~rs . 'Th£> trea tment is ! $Jloo OSO 5 . '&,.& O f· · ·. ~f,";. 015S $'0'" t'O$y bUI "H951s:.. 's . I Il ENr AND TIIAIN ,.our own no"" " THE BIGGEST problem with substance abusers is I (0 11 . • (onomkol, . ·5peflJ. $1170 • ..0 / 1918 VIUAGt. 11XS6 1 bdrm E.. wilh oP',on 10 btIy Po"ur. tha t thC"y don't recognize and deal with their problem 'l' otIO S19~&92 3108Ao l.5...... ~:~ :'~.;;::"::'l ~~;~~;~~i;;rcompu 5 ~n:~:ledO~ ;'O'!: o~r~~ol . l ry~" ' OI~ and how to feel good about themselves again.' ; !~~ f~~~~oN,~~~St,:.,~-,:~~~~;j .". r' J1o.tA,,'.51 quo,'.r bl.nd' Or you, (no.n of • !\1olumby said. OldlmobU• . .... y good (ond,'ion. 4I7~ , .OXSO 1 SE Ol'OI.)M Co.peling no"., 10 "d. n o pe,.mo 451 ATS also works with the familv through a seven· S600 CoII.54,.164Sor66 .·191() ...... ;~0 Is!:~9~~ble rv nl,. 'ro.I., 4J3. or 995 1i1 487 ,.5'Ah IS. week program that teaches them about th<; illness, 1910 Pl YMC'~ TH OUSTER ~:(~r, ~! ~ Cut c , I 401.A •• SS IFUl , SIlEED SI AME S[ long ond Ino,' correct in tervention, generating a reactlf'n a nd Itf'Igln., body and In'."at A,king ".60 1 bedroom fllrn'5hed ,,,nlrO / hO lfld ," .11"" 1 lor lol. S&o S19 dealing wi th a reaction, Counseling ;l lso teaches them S6 SO S.9·610. 311IAoISl / o.r I:I UI' ,.11 (all S.9 3&"'::a~".:.:";; , S419 . "'AnISO h ~~\T' IhOegrOa~i'h.~~SSeqai~·al l .\ ' as afr. ected as the and :::~.~ R::: NJ ~:~~';~ (: ~(~ R.a~:~l,~:to, ~:~' or:" ~~~~"I .H:!.~~;~~d~~:~' I' J 0'. 0'1 .• 51·1118, 519·3391 mok. (Oln offe' ;17 Ilo.onn" MHP ..cycl .. needs to know how to deal With the problem. JI1 ::5 1 as "'OIiIAo' SO &. Truck Repair I So H""'Y 51 ('dol. S.9"19I the abuser does. It 's noi a problem that can be worked ~!.t~~ S~N . S~.=, mpg. solid Free CooIingSyst~m Diagnose 197) 11~6O . 1bedroom , (~~~~~~ ';::::;::::;::::;::;:;;;:;:;; out a lone." he said. 7. GRAN TOIl INO [I.,,, R~~'·:~" ~: ~~~d~!1~ ~~:!,.u~o7n:;,' s~o;1o· BICYCLE STORAGE -.rst :';;;i~; S;:; ~ & ~la/lo.. nS~ ' ~~lr NEW LOCATION 1 549.,0810,611.2091 .,I.A.IS, S~f4 . ooDPe&rml onth Statue honors f "1OIAoISO 1 '0 •.50 CAIlPET, APPliANCES. 0'(, a e, ry nsured ~':,,~FV:,~:r~~r ;sd:,;~.'~!,r;.~j Huff'. Radiator ~f,~o:~r:::::~~ :: P;: ~'U i .~Ic:;h like Surleon body and .ngln C' Onl~ SI800 S11· &. Auto Center pool, 510.0; •. loundry, n.or lole"! 302 W. Walnut congresswoman 5.J5 101 5' 550N.UnivenityAve U400 S.9.3.290l,.r·pm4056A.,S3 457-45:n t 1983 IlENAUtT If Cor 10."000 ~~,~; Aaoss from C~ntral tn. '911 HillCREST '1.65 Slooo dn ond Gr.OI mp{I E.("U"nl co ndilton Publk. Service Co. 100 per mo '0' 10 mo rhil __ 1e WASHINGTON (UPI) - J eannette Ran~in . the SJSOO h,no,do 519.119&. 103 AO ISl Carbondale: on'y S .' . " '"otS6I . '1~ ."'19A .'5' 1 first woman member of Congress a nd Its only j'8S £SCOIl' i ~ pd air. Am .F.,., • Phone 549.. 5422 ".60 FUIlNISHfD. FUll), ~p . member to vote against both World \Vars. was sp.ok ,'.r.o. ouum. '.01. p /'onced, (on ... nien, 10(0110'1 HElp.MUS TSEll dark.oom ond silk honored Wednesday on Capi tol Hill as a larger·than- ,;,,1.;':;; r. d S. 15 mo Dongola.. VISA &. Maltercard SS600 549·1188ol'.r Spm41J9...... ,S. JeT•• n ~u by F, ;do), .S3. li fe size statUE of her was added to the Slatua!'y Ha ll ..,OS Aol5. 10.SO HALLMARK, 10.40 dec" . 10.9 1S1S collection. I :o~n~~!r:II';"~~~:II~ob~~'o9~ , c;,~ ' S~!;;/'toe;: ' .=~!~6s;Ofr O ' House Speaker Thomas O'Neill, Montana Gov . Ted 51 9 118 9~f '.r5pm Motorcycl.. I .,38A.' .53 Schw inden a nd all four members of Montana's I 191& OATSUN HArcI-l8:~~'A ~:;~ . ~r~~,~~lff~Jo:x, S ?oIl~4~5 ~:: 1p«<1... - congressIOnal delegatIOn praised Rankm. a MI ssoula, good (Ondlflon .S mpg S1500 S49 11 750 SUZUKI EII(.II"nl (ondilton Courl &/& E Po,le . Carbondol. It /L-______..J Mont. native. fo r her courage and II1dependence I 3.,90"'" . pm .1J6AoIS3 'un ~ g'.o, Dunlop I .. ~, mll" 1.11 Co / I 618 · .~1 · 6 " 05 .,6IA.IS" SUNFISH SAILBOA ' PL US 0" The lat;S1 additIOn brmgs the Statuary Ha ll lOYOIArUCEl 19S1FW0 4cyld . 1 OnlyS699 ) "H "Sl.&.' 3181AflSO 1 0~ SO BRENrwooo NfW ""0'''' :~: ~~~: S ~~l9~ (oM".on COlJ ectlO:' J 94 statues of men and women that 111- d, A""o pb 0' AmFm (on.". /IiIIISUZUI< / GSSSOl S.OO MUll ,.11 n&O l.r. : ~od./.d . lu."i,hed lwo 31S9AIe'S3 dividua! states have chosen to represent them. E.ach I : ~~ :-:. m~~',h:.(:,7;~~' (o :~ s~~o 0.. 'rod.lo, p/(Ic ·up )19 5 ~ ~:e.A"S I It;::r, ~ ~:,o~%8S~':,.,,!:;, ";~: ~ PH OENIX I(YACK W. paddle stat.e can send. up 10 tw t? statues . t? the Ca pitol. oso Mu" ,.11 5.9·. &.9 39.5 ~ AnI 51 /91.5 YAMAHA 6S0. . .(.,II"r: S~I //OO'Ol,on lkl." USOO SC W.ign, bench and bor. S.O 519·31)8 Statuary Hall IS IOCct led In the ortgma l House of 1910 BUICI< £L[eTRA 175 run, _. 11, (ondll.on, 10 _ mll.l. mon)' •• "0' I . J964A.'Sl )103'' ~1 .5 1 Representatives. . / ne ... bol SSoo orbe" 1 · 9SS · ttO~l !5~ OSO S3 t. ·1111 •• 1 1"6 .57'1 Ra nkin, a~d Montana '.5. other . statue of artist 11iI14 IMPALA r\'lo n"~OS?o"d~; ~, ' .. 33UAdS.' ;.,..ICeIa...... I Charles Manon R~ss e lJ. Jt?tnS a dlv«:rse group that I,.( .nllun,,·up. 0" t,:)ndilloned 451. "85 SUZUIeoul,ful co"dlllo". 3000.,.,1 MUll III.n/l",r.ondonllqlitll S.9·11., d,.net' . • nd lobI •• and mo... Co li J efferson Davis: the head of the Woman's Christi a n • r:yl. good cond .~ w.wnll. ''1- ;~~~ ~:;",.~ ':..';;J ~~~ (~~~, ~~~r I JENNY'S ANTIOUES A~~"AJ:~ S.9.6984 :"Ik lorSeln Temperance Society, Frances Willard : humorist '."0' u?Ooeo S1t . S99~21SAo I 5J 6058 onyt,mto ono lofIO ... m.uog. ::;/IU~~r n S ~~~~d oS;''M i ~~''';; ,~~ ~Am I SO Will i' I OfFla DESK PIlJ.':TlCAU Y n.w. Rogers: and Hawaiian King Kam~ham9 eha· k' 14 OlDS CUTlASS J 5~~5S,tMJPf! SIIII undlff' WO«O r: I)' 3105Ar:lS. , ro ... ,n g03 ",11. 1 S.9."97. S11 ~ 010 Coli 45]·5943 ol'.r Si=m Elect~ 1.0 represent Montana 1n .1 16, Ra n 111 was runl _ " 51 000 08 n61Ao .53 -18 (JW.AH~. ISO r'ghl bI!.. 'eody 1901A"S8 Can be IMn 01 10S W Wo lnul Sol seated In the House of Representatives when most of 76 CHEVY MONlA • fyi. S .peed. 'o.o"yln'''51 SSOO . Sl . 8~ 'IIJAr:151 ~~,S";o[ (!~~0::!~:,~srr;~8~~ mOf"nlft" J960Am IS I the nation's women were still unable to \lote. On APril , monllol, good (ondll.O", negOl/obl" 19l/ 1 Kl 150 • cyl. good (ond,lIon, 16980fl.r4pm 'i':::'!'0'!J'II~E~7,t~~:~S~ '8j' n. r , 6. 1917, four days after taking office. she cast her first sm~ s.,·" . lonyllm. Itor.d '01' 1 yoflO" N_ bo"." .. JI11"'''S. \lote - against the United States' entrance into World CM\ARO EJ(CfU [N:06~~~,';,.~ lir., ('~d (holn Mo.. ed. m",s' ,.,,' t SOFA .CHAIIl. S7S I.'. •oc: lc l"9 , ______'_ "_

HOUIIS 1 ...... "'- "'" ' ...... 1' ...., ."• • f, om "o. ~ on WoU "-, I_OI. r ."",luoHd IoJSO ..."' ...... "" 7 ~ loll

...... H.blett.. S J7~ · ...... me. s..1S-'oll a.'n ...... _. 2 bo rh . Wt'J~ . _ ~ ...... 2 __. S37~._ . I.uS·foIi,

• • ' ... C,.. t. l.w,lbd.... 9O t ~ c.o"ibI,_ ...... oIe·,., un·· ...... ·. s,cU·1oll . ' .•,0 ... __, . bd...... ,'a _ ' .. ,nc: lucModS415 ...... '515.1011 • • • , • ....-.,::I bdrm .. HeaI . wotef l ncl ucMd . 'I I1 ~ ...... _ .11.:. ...11 .

11 .nn . ...I_' .~od ' m 011 uftI,, __1UdMt 2 people .'Md] more ,~:.- NEW APTS. SI:lS -...... o_ SU'Ooooch.' ..U # 1. 2 Bk>cksfrom ~ry---- 'a..,U ...... 2 W ...... COI'pOO'1 2 30r9 Month lea e _ '-/o,y.., Sl5OJIftO. 3. F ... rnlshed or Unfurnished l&.JI.~,V .. '-..rMc.. 4. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS ,w..:,., aw-,on,---• ..,....Iorv­ ,..-cI, UTS_, ,",n.ktll . 5 100,00 per person and laSl mo. rent secun~ you a Now lc,,~in& place for SUMMER or FAU . U .. _u.....' ...... ~tro I Glr , 6. High energy-efficient to New ...... J .,..... P30-_ . l4S-foli . 7. U·PayUtiJitles Residents INDIVIDUAL CONfUCn...... A1l ....IU 8. Designed for 2 or 3 persons. Z people S398.00 Of IN SCM( INSf oUK£S 3 people $449.00 in the Fan & Spring. Summer SlIve 800 E. Grand Ave. upl0 Sl90 per mo. 5168. POPLAR Ph. 529·3581 or...ll2,1820 P age 12. Daily Egyptia n. May 2. 1!185 ' MURDAL£ HOMES , SOUTHWfS' 4 BEDROOM HOUSE , n~r compll\ '1 I TWO 8£DIlOOM HOUSE ovallable 5· lOP CA R.ONDAlE lOCATION ' I 1.1.3 Bedroom Itenf f,om 1155 10 I IDEAL FOIlCOSl COfIICtO.." couple or I Corbondal,. r.lidenl,ol or." one «If "orogo SSlO mont" fall 403 y, I 31 '0 ,enl to , youn, me" f'-" wdroom f ... rnl,h.d Ira" ., Mol' 16 531S",0 Wol., "o,h P _I) 'ndud..d group J beI,m, mobile home willi Monroe 5. ' ·'675 v.~lItn' /oe-ol''''' ocrou Irom high or J,me I Ablol"".I, no ~Is Coli ' Clo,e to c omplI~ cltKJn qulel _II. ...·cnll ... and dry.' and ('.ntrol a ir ... t hoI/ m", Mt.ffdo/. ShoppIng , WH8blS4 ,,1'1001 01 807 !-flgh 51 $lOO Coli I&a .... I .. S ' moln/alnlt'd ovai'lum;".,./oj, Coli 1'. f Coli Jeff .. 0' mll.$ or 8 mlnul.1 _sl 01 :ampu' ColI~ ~ ~O ond lII inol, A.. ,n"., carn., '0_' SUMM£It SUBLEASE J . r::.o.t 'bot"'15 .. ' ·33.... JIJ'lklSI I 5"'-1319 0 1.JJ" f..,," . 1 &15.1 10 StU on SotHoys i 4' · .'568&15 4 ReASONS TO L,VE 01 Ro.anne 31S711e1S ' .,'18cIS4 Ifcod and Old IJ no Irallle ~ 44 74 aIle, 3 pm SUMMER SUelEASER WANTED 007 Mobile Home PorI. Cullom bu,1I ONe BlD.ooM CARPH nice YOU 'U SAVe MONE" now and ne. 1 'Ollrood 10 CtOU Furnishtll'd 7 4tlS8Bb lSl W Ch..,.ry 1100 lor \Ummer One· home, ancha. and "rapped qu,el baclo ya.d 611 W W. llo.... fall In au. lwa and b.d.oom bedroom$. 'ro"'eu ,elr/gl..,.olor 30 • 8EDROOM Hot.'S£. neot can pu. , I !hlrd ulllitiel Call 519,'997 .1o "lIng .... 111'1 J ·channel conc.ele SI70 579 15390•• "occupant ".ablle homel an fall College and gallon waf., h.ol'r 7·ton 0 " ('Of gorog. U flhumm.r, 5' 9·'675 I .. '5'8bl)' pad, R.o,Oftabl. naluro' gal .oa78c158 Soulhern PorI. Fllrnl1h.d a i. condll/on'ng c ••., wal.' and 1._' 4tl5' 8bIS' MURPHYS 80RO' 8DRM cen',al air 11111"., I mile compUl o .... ne' WHY PAY RCNT ? 110JI .... ,de wa,hen In man., Call Woodruff nOlurol go, 1'1Il10''''51. tabl. TV Shode I Ir .... ' . SO 1001 10 1$ . $urloced ~:!,~~ , . ~~~!~~5 /~~:::"E~ 50' 70 5' 9·1888 ~ 015 B bI5 ' !:,~~, ~~J''::;~ :~~'co~~";.~~:~ ;::~e,;;::~, ~~=; . F~.~ lada.· ' 57,3371 ' '''Bels. dr l".woy' onchor.d with "et!' Jam.eJ • bedroorf' N U" I.. "",II., J AND' bed.oom d •.counl fa, laundromat In po. I. coble ond/. .. ehertl 5'11 ."4 1 8DRMFURN /SHfD 7001'11 Sprtng.r C?bl., on COl'I1786."?!lef 6 lARG£, 8£OIlOOM I -.nd a hall CAII80ND , ~LC ' 8CORooM GOt mobll.hometw l th2~ 3031 FOVR 8EDRooM HOUSE dOle to Now Avo flable 'C,'~':h!;t ~eo~;:~ cle.g:. Sh::: ~-:~'h "6~ 4 j~8·; lorg. yard S 155 oddltlon, V.ry nk., Corpet •. J9568c/5. campul S05 SHay. Co/l A J 5711 furn llhed .... IIh , wal.,bedl ! ye:Jr '038BcIS' Ing. pan.lllng. oppIIOnc.. . I 'WO BfDROOM ".70 I;",ng 100,., '0400' ~ 4 9 · 1985 Nicfl 2 bdrm. ~ous. on S. 51 , leole depol " Call 54971800,5' 11 NOW RCNT ING fOil Summ., ond a / c , S300 ",nfum l .~ . breolololt bor o·c near mall S 195 .no ~ :" I !'J Appro• . 1' , m iles S. of Areno 1505 after Sp'" fr ' Ne.... I .....,d e 'bd,m land Nap. " 5'11·3973 CONG[NIAL GIIIOUr·6 bed.oom in England Heighh Subd,vi!Oion 37618t150 01 ' holfbolh, Col/ . s7 7736rN 5' 9 I Opening!O May 1. June 1 39668clSO haUl. o"o,'oble l umm.,and a. foil lARGE' AND 3 bedroom locOI.,d 5(,J7 & July I S.

!:~ ~ /S:ac;more CoilA J' :"99~:: ~:'~O;;,I:~~n~~~~~ 1I ~:~ ,:~~o;~~,:'~po;d S(:lIlh.,n I <:051£11 "CNTAl S RrN:,~~B t ~~~ 1 Call ii• . l.... I- .------~ SU MMU SU!-t CA 5US WANTCD IOf 549-3375 1 BCDROOM M081lE hom; 7~~::~~ ,~ I .~ ~;:;,:rd o;,~~o l/u n~~:;',~~~ :~~ I r-....,,....~...,,...--_ I I Rooms :~~~h ~a~lIo;;;3 t.ou!.e 175 a Lombert .~I btote ~~~'~~;ftn~0i: " ~~·S6~\:~ '0 Paul I ~~~h3O;:: clol. 10 camp"1 Na pefl iV•• ' ~V-"S" t 'so"'m§,e~af ·Car·.· . "7BbI5J .... f., JIm' -m.. ,t JU08t1~ . 3noBdS. 07( I AVAil MAY II lor $Ummer and ~o~,D~~\ /j'!:o~OI~~~= 5~;0;~~~ le l '" LIllI SUA\MfR SpCCIAl SIOO,.,o 7 br I bondaJe's best·TTld.intained Ipa u lb1y loll K.'chen pr,,,.le,,el ' 065Bb 15S I I i'\~ ~O::r',e ~:~ T~5.... ~~ n~ fo~:;~y Now Accept!ng apartments. tlf>U5esand f urn .. ~d ~o's Farell 5 ~3~~~' S5 FlRIVA f[ 1l 00MS WAllC,NG ST AR liNG FAll Oil ~ umm.r Clole clean coble call "ller 5 5. 0 " 06 ontract. for 'I mobile homes. ;~,n~:,me,:r~0~:1t3 5~;.~8~ bd'm~. Mo~ll. Hom.. Sor r y nope f~ ]8518cl50 fif-,{: From us, and we I ~~::~~~: '~'O~;:u: u :~~,UI;~::~l ' 073Bb1M' II "ENTNOWfAll 7bdr ".60" ome -Coble & sofellite rv d h . S1SoaO doy,o,~'1f 1541e"el CModD~~, Ea, ••mN.[~J'.,C,E~~R, bol.,':.". i ~~~~~~~:"R~N~~~.,.V~~ ;"iJrc:t ~,~oba~~' ~f;;': o:~~:~m::~n 51,: 'Nicely furn ished & carpeted ~~~i;r:~~~~!v: ~~, I ~!~~! TO'JOOCA~:Uod' :.'~/"~~p~~!:n,'?o w n Uf n d • d I oll... r 5, 5'9,"06 Sorr., no pell -Energy soYing & undetpinn.d • .... d hooJ.up wIndow a ir lp h.", Iun .~p.nn • . e."o n,c ", eo,. 79048c150 eNew loundramaf Fac:ilililHl vice you re looking for-- Id.p for May 15 A·'9 15 5'9·7831 ?;9S;~~0;~f.~e;;''!:ndA':::k:n'c:S , ;~ r ~~~ ~Or,e;;,:':n 7;~mS a;~n6 'Nalural gas now and in the future . SINGLE ROOMS COMPLiiE~': d/:.J J9178bls' l pm. M ondoy·frldoyonly S~:s;i;~s . PARKVI EW :~=r~~I:tp~:leon setting V.'oodruffService., I~:/7::~;",':::" ' ~~':.::~ :,o;/,:;e ....------.... c... a COM S IN - R' _. knowr. for the friend. CLEARANCE SALE! prkel s~~~~~ ~~~~, mo",~~::; 5 ow enting eSorry, no pelS a ccepled we make and keep I lumm" 5' II ·S596 3:~ 4 8d I S • Two 4,Bedroom !~;',;':~eC~~ea!~~ ,~:;,~n~:II'i;; . For Summer & Fall For more InformoUon or to... • in quality houlinc. ~~~G!'/~~e . Csl~~~ ~f'c~::'~J:d HacuAMses PUS 4444 "908C/SI Walking distance unl~!!?ty·S2~_ Call~. ~~m:"~n:I ":~~ 5;:'j,~~ SIsti lor NEAR J BfDROOM , ... 70 Near lllee to SIU ---.. .--..-". . ~ ~~ ~ I "'-o6.d el c ~lI : nev. 0' 457-2M Fa.,ll ...... I Spri ng, '. I=:~~~g :~~,~~~. i:,~~; ~:~~.;~ One Bedroom Apts. & Carpeted :,~~,::,oned , 3 bedrOCH!' hou.e, Avolloble ~~:'::.':'~~al~;:' 9!~ r:~·,~.e,lO~:II Two Bedroom Apts, • Natural Gas :':~:::.:-~- I Roommat.. _J A\I; . 1. $39O/ mo, ' 57.811" Two Bedroom • Cable TV . "SIBeI51 Mobile Homes • Ai r Conditioned l ocated 2 Miles Norlh of 014 Itt. " - , ",In. Wed Ramada Inn l AW STUDENT lOOK/NG fa. ""', 1 bedroom hou ... avalloble ::;:~!:.!E ~~~ 1 0tr~~ ' .~ • Sorry No Pels ___101. _.t .. • US a rno. ' Yeor's lease gO Ing room mot!' 10 shor, nIt .. Immedlotely, only ""/mo ll P~k Num I SI80 mo ne-g 579 hou,. NW$ide Mor IS S"II·45or .US s.curity deposit 2 bedroom aportmenl also 4944 Good Loc.tl_. Office Open 2!'!!.iI.IS4 JlI'BtISO Unl ...... t ••y 3 FEMALES FOIII 6 bJ, coed hou •• , available Aug. 1. NOW IIIfNHNG FOR U/mm., and Very Mo ...Sall·5 " "chen, 'bath$, furn •• n.d I bloc" CooII_ .. ,"__ CI_n. AIC, I"ItI. loll lorge 01 17 ond ,. ~1422, 529-3920 a .. 10 conOU$ 307 W Colleg. u""".1 _,tt .. ,. wid. 'bdrm furn"ne.d. corp'lll No fuml...... mc/udttd .nrenI SI. O , umm., 517S pell 5'II·V4", , NO PETS or 529-5171 54'·3150 I'01/ a"ld Ing S]9·' . 96 78808c/60 I '8098.'5. MALffiU VILLAGE MARTIN PROPERTIES Now Signing NOW RENTING • Month FOR SUMMER AND FALL NOW RENTING Contracts for Five Locations fOR fALL Fall & Summer Rent Starts at $165 1. Hwy. 51 S. Mo"'Ue Homes 5 Houses Available CARBONDALE 12 & 14 wides, locked mailboxes next MOBILE • LAUNDROMAT door to laundromat. 9 or 12 month lease . From 3-7 Bedrooms .CABLEVISION Special summer rates. Satellite dish with HOMES • CITYWATER M1V and FM channel and HBO available . All Close to Campus Highway 51 North AND SEWER .TRASH PICK UP 2. 1000 E. Park Mobile Homes • LAWN SERVICE 12 & 14 wides close to campus, across ResponSible/Friendly .LOCKED POST street from laundromat. 12 month lease, Landlord OFFICE BOXES cablevision available. RENTALS • INDOOR POOL STARTING 3. 710 W . Mm Apartments Rents Start As Low As Fr_ Bus to SIU Two bedroom, across street from camous. AT 7tl...... II, Medeco lock system for extra security,' 12 $110 a month $145/month month lease, cablevision available. per person 4. Hwv. 51 S. Townhouses PH: U'J-JOOO New large two bP.droom townhouse Lease I\.. Deposit Required apartments. Just t.:ompleted. 5. Townhouses, Located Behind Murdale CALL Shopping C ~ nter. 684-5917 CALL 529·4301 NOW Oaily El-typt ia n: May 2, 1985, Pa~e 13 :.t. ' , I.' " ."'. ', ' ' .• _\ t , p

, GI.U, , " "" n..d on. ,,-,.,on lex • FURN ISHED ONE I£D«OOM ~U1 lOCAL WOMEN'S fA57 pI"h l oflboll bMJroom Ip" 1 I ....' 5135 0 monlh onolh.. , Imoll belr,", o..all J u". I I' In "..d of , pltcfle.n oF'd 0 .oct.. 011 utl/m., Inc/ud.d. Avol/obl. mor.lh leo.I, "'re ond cleon, work 10 colch.r. oulll.ld.-, Dlv l, ' on Immedlol.'" .51·.33. compr.t1 , no pel. 519· ' 411 or 519· W_"·. 'A, Ilnllh.d 51" 01 S'ol. 14118.IS3 3910 ex 519·Sl7e 101l,.or. pIon 10 Iinilh 1., ond go on TWO'S COMPANY ltoo"'M" TE 10 fndktnopof" . coli . S1·03. Adl FlndtflQ S.".,Ic. H..d 0 ploce or IOf OfF S 5 I :1 ~room . ov. , on ocr. 1'10 .. , (I p loce 10 lhar. 7 Conloct UI 01 'I2'JI5. SO , W SyromOl'I. Carbondal. Call 101. '0'V. gord.n 'po' Shag cor,,-'. INTE.fSTED IN UfO 51 W",. John oppll onc•• fllrnlst..d CUl lom bvUI .ST·II18" An/hony ( ' 0 Th. UfO forutr. IIIIeh.n. 1l00f".d olllr lor "o r og~ N • ....sI.tI.' ,. 0 1o. '32 De.OIO, It J06O'.,5. On. of nt! .... ~ ond M".r SUMMU SU8LEASU WANTED for ,h. 619'. nlc. fu,n;,h.d , bm", opl dupl... ., In ,,,. H."hlom:l., l ub· negoliob!. On. holl uli"'i., 5.'· divis Ion 5""'SOS ex 5.'·1"0 SJOO 1663 . 0611116. 379!S"SI ADULTS ONLY SU SLEA SEII'S WANTED fOR 3 bel. I I well. 10 romp"" . .hopplng Rtfnr ...... Property . n.g lOt , lImme' Ca" "" ·819! I 33S'BeIS. fi'OOMMA H NEEDED TO suble' (OOK,.'IIG FOR A OOITIONAl '1'1 !roU"r for tilt' s ummer Sehlnd ,h. come' Thr_ duple. mobil. honuu RI C Clnl., $90 me 0&0 plus holt 0",. quone, orre of larld b'enlh,C! u r,/ Co" 07 n89 ol'lr.5 pm 1 .mpro ... rrlenh Income S900 p.,r 33648_ 153 monlh Full prIce S11 SOt' 549·661:;0 ll00MMATE WANTED TO lo tto'. dol'S. 5' 9·3001 air., 5 pm nom. by De"" 1 1(" (11.,, loke 316311111 63 ~eou" 'uICl r .ow ,oa., Sl1SonCfhol, u",1 90" 1'4

Han~In There . Babee. ou'veMade It This Far . comIng In awaryd.yl

I 1M . fUnGO I LIS J EN TO THIS 0 .410 ocre .... , fd~r I '''otl w.ldern.u 0'.0 ad/Oinlng S"o",,"" Nol ,nol F"O'~II wi'" 0 hug~ mltlMoI d.po," of SI'ICO R~IIC.d lex ql.ucJ. .ol~ to SI60 300 Ph (61al l33 "51 31010160 LARGE MISSOURI WOODED 0'.0 s:<'25 p.' ocr" p"( U8) "J';:;:al60 I

Ln'S MAKE A deal! 3 fomily I """'"'9 ooIe. FumiIUm. _ . WANTfD GOLD SI. VU· brok.n I poltern. & ma teriol • . Nice CAR I ONDALE IEAUTIF UL , 0' 3 , __ fry coiro, ".,I'"g. cion rln gl bedrocm No 'f-O,. pelS or I couch, much more l 7·'1 Sat., wol.rb.d, AvoUobl. now .. , etc J ond J Co.n, tl23 S Ill lnoil 41 51·6531 I May", 1209W. main. I ll mm., 4$7·5"3' or tl H 5'43 '.I',fI50 .wa5 8 f1~O I ~ ND ' 8edroom f",,,,,sf>c.d dllpl~. ~:;>..::;>..:"",,,,,,,,,,,o.o.>Or\ IISTEREO . BICYCLE . MISCEl· apI, CJo,. 10 eomplI' " '3 -'033 or I I 'aneaul . 1007 W. Cherry. 193.4Sn , "'.1115 41 IIIE SUM£5·COVflt LEHUS typed m I Cane< of Oakland and Chonv. w O(d p'oa Sl~ qvo'Hy () , IEDROOM , NISH f D Of un· fO( ond II Sal, 8om·2pm. May .. . furnlsh.d teen" r.-qvlr.d C.nlro' •• oe"enc. . coli W II ,on', Iypln" ,.'vlc. (oeron Irom t ompu' Mc· ICIIAP MlTAU 0'( 5 tT.. nu l~ $ "om SfU h lr:; lo'ge I YAAD ...... EVII!YTHNG GOES room, Coli MO#'I ·Frl. 10 om·6 pm Dono/d', I 519·211' 1139EI5. 1122 Roxanne, So. hwy. 51 , 519·'533 WANTED: TYPING ANO WOlf0 proc.sslng I Cdol• . onytifM. WII,on', Typ '''I1 S.,.,.,(. We can do WRECKED OR II (o'nh1 ~~:dT.;;~:ri.: j ) ~~~::-:I;: , I RUMMAGE · BAKE SALE . Lell.,.. l ooh. Le"o/, Ediling. JUNKED CARS I """"""" cum. 1501 Chatoquo pm 3115aIlS. , Co"e". 10,,-' /,on"rlb.d Aeron Will Pick Up I /loy ' . 8am-3pm. Hou..... ld . ' aDa DUPLEX, I m Il. ',om n.w . '3"CI5I from M cDonald', 10 ph,. yr' ... p I furniture, baby items. Kroge' J'ore, •• ~".n l condition CU1TUUD C.fAMS IS lolling op' Fof'quo'UrWOf'Iw, eo Il519·1122. Call for Price ..... ollobl. Jun. hI US, , ~ moll'" 519· 1.19 ~~~::;:r'I'I~~ymW:~~ ' OI. SprIng, DAVIS CONSTRUCTION L!~~ '!~ : MOVING SALE II SUNDAY, 319011154 ! "'''' ClSJ I .moll/oln, _ do " 011 low p,ic~$ , c.ItonIIIole ....______::- _____..... __ -, , "_ •• " mo~. , . 51·'0., 1.'''EI51 I ::W~I!u~~:=t ';,'!~~ T,(PING .. FAST. ACCU.A7E 1.,."lc. ond lots lnOf'e l ___ HAUS, M)()M& " .. MlALi Thesl, ...pCtf" I.~ Coli 519·)., 0 LOST Chrlltian living c.nt., . Qutat ltudy atmospher• • delklous food oll.r lOOp m MOVING SALE. 304 W . Mf'Ved .morgosbcwd. low pr~ , attrocti.... facilltl.. . activltl.. , ...... 16.3f' 52 $PlING SPECIAL CAli'S polnl.d, Sycamor• . Ioby iteml, fum· traiMd counMIors. ~ 3ft5 days a SI15 ond lip 16)" • • " ' OST IN TOWN ond COIIn'fy mobl/ • Ifur. and miK. Saturday 9·S. ...._·11 .... 1• ...... ," PO'"' guoronl• .d 451·12:»3 M.f ~orll Solid blocll col. mol., no · 2577E1SO I colla' 'f lovnd, pI"". coli 54'.1'.' HOUSE SALE . IH-MS from TYPIN G-THESES. OlnUT"nOHS · Adl for ,her.lO A.$~ ' ..' ....11 ...... - awry room I Moy .. and 5 Room & Meall DoubI~I . 150/""' . Slngl... l1 .S90/ Mm. UsI.d .... ,th Gradual. 5c~1 . 01· . , 6JGI$.6 . " 4 0fl.'5pm (oil doy). s. 51 . Behind Vooch wk I '512ElSO gas Itatlon. Room & ~II.. _-Double·PO/ wk . Singl.·sao/ . H.",21st -_Room Only DoubIe·l3ft"". Slngl.,,91..... IJ ,r~ : S::::;!,b~.N~ol;:v~:" ~o;,~ IM ,j'IU·"U13!4 dr.1 Meal. Onl, ..../ wk 0: .....t .$2.5O & lunch at Olllnar-$3.50 BitIMIIr ,I MULTI · FAMILY YA~O sale, .. • .. .. 285IEI57 l--,thing"""ool Sat. /Ioy rv"HG lOW lArfS hpwfenc.d .... fOft A I/(IY IMP'OIrAHT mft.~ 11IlT I •. 9:lO--t:OO. Town & Country quolity _k. ' on'" jobs. ~ . S m_MB.,.,.. __ ,hn.. , . tc . ... 51· ... 561. dio' 4n·sa19. , 196IJ1S • --~ . . " ..lI5. b"O"O-c"G"G>-G....:~~ i L~~:.."::.'=--'~.:. __ Pa"" 14.11,"1yE&yp1iao. ~ay 2, )tIS , Arum plans to promote bout • between Hagler and Curry .;J '\. NEW YO HK ( PI ) pionshtp ca li ber al 154 pounds Plaza . The Curry-Bac? fi ghl Promoter Bob Arum a lrea d,' and again at 160. will be al Trump Pla7.a. a nd ha s 311 opponfnl and a site iil C u!" !"'\,. 22-0 with 17 Hanlon hopes to continue doi ng mind for m iddlewe ight knockoul s. ha s foughl once as bu siness with Curry. champioil Marvin Hagler's a junior middleweight . He Arum said Dona ld Trump. nexl super fight. slopped James " Ha rd Hock" the New York rea l es late The opponenl is Dona Id Green in the second round de\'clopf'r ~ n d ow ne,. of the When your Curry. Curry. Ihe World March 20 when Green qui I USF'L ~ New Jprsey Gencra1s . Boxing Association welt er­ claiming he was thumbed in is interesled in making Hagler­ ha'r's weight champ, plans 10 win a Ihe eye. La ler Ihis year Curry Curry Ihe firsl super fig ht in junior middleweighl lille laler hopes 10 meel one of Ihe Ihree Allanlic Cit y. Importantl th is year and th en move up to I 54 -pound cha mpions. " Donald 'Trump insists he 160 pounds a nd challenge His conJrontati on wit h Baez wa nts to do the Hagler-Curry Hagler in lale 1986 or early next month wil l be nationa ll\' fight. " Arum said. " He's a mens cu ts $8 1987. lelevised. Baez is 17-12-1 btil fighl fa n. But Curry's gol 10 womens cuts S 10 Arum. ca ll ing Hagler Ihe ha s won six of eight bouts since keer fighling tough guys to be perms $15-40 " Kin g of Boxing" and Cu rry World Box ing Council super credible." color $10-20 the "Crown Prince: ' wed· welt erweight champ Thomas Arum promoled Ihe Ha gler­ nesday said he would like 10 Hearns slopped him it! four Hearns fight. which was held slage ' lhe fighl al the Con· rounds in June 1981 . at a 15.000-sea t arena al 54'-6263 vention Center in Atlantic City. Hearns. in fact. is the Caesars Pa lace in Las Vegas " .J . bi ggesl obslacle 10 a Hagler­ and grossed 56.1 mill ion from "This is my long range Currydefen' e. Ihe li\'e gale a nd nearly 520 projec1." ,-\rum sa id a t f) news Hagler is fresh off a t hr",·­ million from closed circuit conference 10 ..lllnOUllce round TK0 o\'er Hearns and broa dcasts. Curry's June 22 non-title juni or needs onl\' three more wins to middl cweighl boul againsl maleh Carlos Monzon's record The Allantie Cit\' Convention Pablo Bae7. in "'Ianl ie Cily. " I of 14 successful middleweighl Cenler can hold 16'.000. have publici) announced ' thai lille defenses. " The people in Ihe Easl are wit hin Iwo vea rs. Donald Hearns mi ghl m ee~ Ha gler sports nuls. The fi ghl would go Curry will chall enge Marvin in a remalc!'! next yea r. or he over big Ihere." Hanlon said . Hagler a nd will succeed could even defend his li lle "Allanlic Ci l\' did t!'1 nped a larvin Hagler as mid­ again 1 Curry ""fore Ihen. fig hl like Ih is before. but now dl eweighl champion." f[ things work oul fo r Hagler it's maluringand growing," Several obstacles would and Curry. Arum's a lly in Ihe "If il were held in Ihe East. have to be ove rcome in the promotion of their showdown Hagler-Hearns would have ring fi rst. is Dave Hanlon. Presidenl of done better in closed cireuil. tiapp" ti(} U"- 11-.'" Curry. who will relinquis h Harrah's East. Harrah's Easl but we wouldn't have have his 14i-pound lille in Ihe fall . operales two Atlantic Cit y done belter overall because of must prove he is of cham- casin os . Harrah's and Trump the Jive ga te." Arum said. Rum & Coke 95( Free Peanuts & Popcorn Czechoslovakia blasts U.S.11-2 ~J.P..Q OJ SHOW *TONS OF FREE PRIZES * Championships in World Hockey BUSCH PHAG UE. Czechoslovakia Aft er a goall ess firsl period. givepaw ay~ and turned the Drafts CU PI ) - Vladi mir Huzicka Ihe Czechs took a 4-2 lead in the garro around with a three-goa l and Jiri La la each scored a second and Ihen s lammed the barrage wilhin just 87 seconds. hat-trick as Czechoslovakia Americans in Ihe Ihird. Two were greal backhand Malibu Rum crushed Ihe United States 11 -2 cracking seven goa ls without shots by Lala and Huzicka . Wednesda y in a championship reply. The American learn never playoff batlle at the World Ice The Americans star ted recovered, Hcd ey Championships. slrong. holding the Czechs Tom Fergus moment.arily Wilh one game against ,. ~ore l ess while killing off Iwo cut the margin to 4-2 in the Team Canada left. the Czechs !X'naities - playing shor­ second period when he stole have a perfecl 2-Q record while Ihanded for a full two minutes the puck from Pavel Richler the ..S . is 0-2. - and prolecling Ihei r goal and walked in a lone on In Wednesday's second wi lh an impenetrable defen­ goa ltender Jiri Kralik. game. Team Ca nada will be up siveshell. "Our players were ex­ againsl the powerful Soviet Boston Bruins defenseman tremely nervous. especially Union. Mike O'Connell pul Ihe U.S . after Ihe scorp.less firs l .. It is a very importa nt ahead during a powerplay al period." said Bukac. " I lold victon' in case three teams 0:48 of Ihe second period as he them 10 work harder. 10 do finish' on four points and we connectc..! with a slapshol from more hi tling and go in deep have 10 resorl to the goal Ihe point. with consislent pressing." difference 10 break Ih e li e." The Czechs resorled to " With a 4-1 lead. the game said Ludek Bukac. head coach heavy forechecking. however. was won:' the Czech coach of Ihe Czech leam. forcing the Americans into said. Frh:A;;;i~;;;T*;*;E ~ fI . .. IHappy Hour 11 :30-8:00 I ~ 40¢ Drafts IILLIAIBS PAILOUI * $2.00 Pitcher. ,.. oJ ,.. IiiwENBRAu SPECIAL ~ 75~ Seagrams1 ...... -r. a'W&' Peach.. Gordon's 75. Jcick Dan'els Stnwbem 95 ~- Uodkl 1~ Speed rails SchnIPPS Collins ON SPECIAL ALL DA Y & NIGHT ~I ~ I ~~ X 1I~~8 SPECIAL OF THE MONTH BECK'S All LTjDK IIOlTLES ;~:I ~'\~II!~ HIRAM WALKER 90e Schnapps Kamlkazl shots 65«1: Hrbek leads Minnesota to 10th straight win by defeating Detroit

DETROIT • ' PI) - Ken. i\lorn s through s~ \ ' c ral two­ ~ (lcnrICC fly to l:cnter 10 make IIrbek's three·run homer strike pi tches before ramming it 6-3. but Lysander got Chet !toundtrop I Roundtrop h.ghli ghted a six·run fift h a hi l-and· run s ingle a nd Lemon on a n~t out to end the Marion to Chicago I Carbondale to C"icago inning Wednesday that gave Mickey Hoteh"r broke a I·t tie inning. I I the Minnesota Twills their lOth when he dumped a single in to Whitaker wa lked to lead off straight vidor . 7·3 'Jver the left. the second a nd carne around $84.00 : $68.00 I Delroit Tiger'. Morris then challenged on a bunt single by Tra mmell It...... ArPIrI I R...... AppIrI : Tim Teufel tr:oled with one Hrbek three straight times a nd and Lemon's single to give out off loser Jack Morris. 3·3. the left-handed power hitter Detroit a l-O lead. Rookie ---~------~ and rook ie Mark S::olas singled drilled a 1-2 pitch into the Alejandro Sanchez doubled him home to slart the Tv.-ins. upper deck in right for a home and scored on a single to now within two ot ~'q u all ing the run. Aurelio Lopez TPlieved. center by rooki e Nelson club record for most con· got the second out but served Simmons in the sixth. secutive victories. on their up Roy Smalley's second home Tom Brookens walked and way !o their second big 'oning run of the season to comolete Whitaker blooped a bases­ the six·nm frame. . loaded single to right to bring against the Tigers in as many !:2!:!!!!!!! INITIIUCYINO games. Frank Viola. 4·2. gave i:p on Lysander . DAnll!lMll Minnesota scored 10 times in seven hi ts a nd sUfviverl iive the fourth inning to register an walks before turning the" lame Minnesota added a run in the t t·2 triumph Tuesday night - over to Ri ck Lysander with the eighth on a sacrifi ce fl y by lhe most runs scored against bases loaded and one out in the Teufel after Smalley walked Detr'lit in an inning in 26 years . sixth. and went to lhird on a one-out Kirby Pucke t! battled Alan Tramme ll hit single by rookie Greg Gagne. Jenkins pur$ues political office WINDSOR, On:aric CUPI) - probably bea Republi can. J enkins faces tough op· Former major l eag u~ pitcher Jenkins spent most of his 22- position in Dave Cooke. the Ferguson J enkins. who says he year career with the Chicago eight-yea r incumbent and has been heavily influenced by Cubs and refers to the late representa tive of the new former Chi cago . f ayor Chicago mayor admiringly as dem ocr atic pa rty . Ron Richard M. Daley, is cam­ the "boss." He said he is an Burgoyne. the conserva ti ve pa igning for the Onta r io anti-abortion. pro-capita! party candidate, is a long-time legislature in a Thursday punishment candidate. Windsor radio broadcaster . election. His candidacy has caused Acknowledging his role 2 S 2 J enkins : 41. is running as a some confusion. even in his political " rookie" Jenkins said li beral party candidate in own family. he is " learning day-to-day .. · hopes of representing the " At first my kids thought I He said he has quickly learned Windsor-Riverside "riding" was going to be governor." how to behave like a politician. across the river (rom Detroit. J enkins said. " I had to "If you step in something," If he were a ci tizen of the reiterate that we weren't in the he said. " You hope it don'l United States, he said. he'd U.S." stick to yt)11r boots. " LMJAZZ Baseball all-star voting scheduled Falurl"lJa The Mercy Trio NEW YORK CU PIl - Voting July 6 with the 16 players The balloting is being ~A TUaQAy ,.pM-MIDNIGHT for the 56th Major League All ­ leading in their respective sponsored by the Gillette 1.8A1ION5: Star Game in Minneapolis, positions forming the starting Company Safety . Razor 51'K1AUY PIIICID fIlL, SAT.,'" July 16, will begin on May 17 teams for the National and Division. Malibu Rum & Mix 51.00 with a total of 144 players, American Leagues. Pitcher:; Rod Carew and Reggie MOLSON Beer & Ale 5.95 including 24 first-t:mers ap­ and re;erves will be picked by Jackson of the California Callawav Vineyards 51 .50 pearing on the ballot, it was the respective league offices in Angels and Pete Rose, player­ Vin B·lanc announced Wednesday by the consultation with All-Star manager of the Cincinnati l04W . ~e·~ basebaU commissioner's of­ managers Dick Williams of tbe Reds are the only players 549-7141 fice. San Diego Padres and Sparky whose names bave been on all The voti~ will conclude on Anderson of the Detroit Tigers. the ballots since 1970.

AL suspends Indians' Blyleven ;------·(C,Jp and Save) ------.. \ NEW YORK (UPJ) - Bert amount was also imposed. Tbe tract. Tbe penalties will be I FALL SEMESTER Blyleven. star pitcher of the American Leagu" office held in abeyance until after a Cleveland Indians, Wednesday refuses to release the amounts bearing is held later in the r CIPS SERVICE APPLICATION was suspended for three days of player fines. season. I by American League president I Bobby Brown for making Brown said Blyleven, a 19- Blyleven was accused of I obscene gestures in a game game winner last season, has making the gesture after being I Sunday at Baltimore. appealed the suspension and removed 'in the seventh iMing I If you will have need of Ce nlral ll iir.ois Public of the Indian~ ' 8-7 loss to the fine u,lder the terms of tbe • Service Company electric and/ or nalural gas service A fine of an undisclosed Players Association's con- Baltimore Orioles. during the summer and fall semesters. yOU must ap­ ply in person to have your service connected.

If .you plan to live in the Carbor,dole District. which includes Carbondale, DeSoto, Dowell, Elkville and Makanda. you should apply for service at our J3.C N. INTERNATIONAL Carbondale office at Illinois Avenue. Your applicotion should be made at least two Ciassified working days prior to the desired date of service AdvertisinJ! oonnecIion. No telephone applications will be accepted.

Week In making application. you will need personal iden­ tification. such as your drivers license, SIU identifi­ Place a NEW ad Startln, cation card, or other acceptable identificotion. ANYTIME within the week of APrIl 29·Ma~ 3 to run CIPS offices are open from 8:30 a . m . to 4:30 p .m , Monday through Friday. except holidays. No service 5 ~onsecutl"e da~s -- connections will be made outside these regular receive the fifth day working hours . FREE CENTRAL ILLINOIS llJi e' Call 536-331 1 PUBLIC SERVICE r OMP A NY i' •• e • L ______(Clip and Save) ______

Pa,.e~**~*~**~*~***~**.~******~~* '0. ;;;:illy t.'IDiPlitJn: May 2'. lies Murphy paces Braves to 17-9 romp over Reds CINCI NATI ( P II - I:'a le Murphy slammed a two-run homer and Chris Cha mbli ss Loll e"ted four hits to pace a 2,'; . hit attack Wednesday that p~w e red the ..\ tla nta Bra'lC::S to a H -9 romp over the Cinr.:i nna ti Reds. Every Atl anta sta rter had at least two h. ls. a n RBI and a run scored. F ive Braves ha d at least three hits. II was the most funs (or Atlanta s in ce the Braves scorcd tBonJune t3. t973. Atiant" knocked out 15 hi ls in the first two innings. scoring six runs on eight traight hi ls in the first inning and adding six more in the second inning aHer two were out. Ri ck Mahler. 6-0. the win· ningest pitcher in lhe major leagues. gave up eight hils and four ea rned runs in 5 1-3 in­ nings to get the win. John Sluper. 3·2. lhe first IIi •• ~.III!.-!i"'~;::~;;;;:;-;:;:i~====:+;":;;,,,:;~~~;~M~ sixonly Cin t·3cinn of inniati nllpit cheandrs g. avelasted up five runs to take the loss. Pete Rose went 0·for·2 and still needs 80 hils to break Tv Cobb's all·lime hit record of 4.191. B~b~y Mc:\!abb (20) tackled Saluki running back Malco:m freshman sarety from Sl. Louis. made two interceptions to help The game was delayed two Ll g~ m s as several players (ollow .:..tI ring the annual Maroon­ the While gain a 23~ win over the Maroon. The Salukis' first hours and 41 minutes in lhe White gam(" Saturday at McAnnrew Stadium. McNabb, a game of 1985 will be .-\ug. 3t against Lincoln. fifth inning by rain. Atlanta scored six times in the firs t .m eight straight hi ls - singles by Rafael Ramirez. Draft fills instant gaps for NFL teams Brad Komminsk. Murphy. a double by Chambliss and then EW YORK

Written and designed to enhance your special qualifications -Typeset ant! Printed • Assorted Stationary -- • Cover letters Mastercard and Visa accepted 15% Stt:dent Discount The Reaume Center For Appointment Downtown 1k1levUle. lL 13S'()471 I PHge 18, ba ily'Egy ptian, 1.13)' 2.1985 ' .. - Allen's balk enables Dodgers to beat Cards

T. LOUIS , UPI : - Ken dropped hi s glo,·e alld a rgued s triking oul pinch hille r AI ca pitalize on 1'1 big scoril1b line. Landr(";mx scored on a b:tl k by wi th Ilim for more (han fin~ Oliver. al ler he had in· opportunity in the first inning. SI. Louis' consecutive stolcn Neil Allcn in the 12t h inn in g 111l llules . tClltiunall\' wa:ked two ot he r Guerrero doubled home a rUll base strea k end ed al 27 when I,"cdnesday 10 gi,·c Ihe L us l\Ull Niedcnfut"r ea rned his pinch hitlerS, ~\Ild Ihe Dorigers had runners the Dodgors pilched ou l and Angeles Dodgers a 2-i victory fi rst save b\' pitching a Afler yielding a ieadoff all second and third with one caughl Lonnie Smilh. who h •. d o\'er the St. Loui s Ca rdinals. scoreless 121h in:ling. Iri ple 10 ILl B ~ } n o l ds lobegin oul. bUI Cox gOI Oul of Ihe jam a one·oul single. going back 10 L;lI1drea ux. pinch hilling for Tho Dodgers luaded I h( the lOth :111'. then walking by gelling ~like ~lars haJl a nd first ba St! in the eighth. winner Ken Howell. I-I. bases in both th£" iIlnthand wtll nussell. lIur on "galll gOI off Scio~('ia "In pop outs doubled down Ihe righl field innings but fail ed to ~('ore . Ihe hook when Grl'l\ Brock Orel HershlSer star td for Ihe line 10 slarl Ihe 121h off Allen. 51. Louis sotlthpaw Hick lapped back 10 [he Inound for The Ca rnin::tls tit-d 01(' score Dodgers and allowed seven 0-2. La ndreaux took third on 41 Horton rE'lic" ed -b Dann\' one oul a nd Mike ~larshall in their half of the first wh£'!1 hits, struck out seven and ground out by Bill Russeli and Cox with one au! in Ole ninth follmo\'ed a , walk to Guerrero Herr 5ingled up the middle 10 .'!alked one in eighl innings . scored when third base umpire and Pedro Gu o:!rrcnJ'-'" second . with a double play grounder 10 bring home Vince Coleman, Cox scallered five hits. struck John McSherrv called a balk H e~.,caped damag" by gellin;: Tom Herr at second. who had opened Ihe frame with out rive ar.d walked two in 8 I ·:J on Allen Allen immedialely Mike Scioscia 10 fly oul and The Dodgers a lso failed 10 a triple down lle right field inning , Quebec coach says he has edge over Montreal MONTREAL (u PI ) coach Jacques Lemaire in· series. ··50 percenl chance of playing·' don 'l play. the others will have Quebec Nordiques coach limaled Dale Hunler is a dirly Lemaire was Quoted as Thursday. Hi gh·scoring for· 10 pick up Ihe sla"k.·· Michel Bergeron thinks he has hockey player. saying Hunter's absence was ward Miche l Goulet. who Lemaire seemed indignant found the ,,~ych o logical edge Hunter missed the sixth one of the reasons Ihe game played Tuesday. was also a when lold of Bergeron·s 10 beal the M oro trea l game Tuesday becausp of a wa s cleaner , doubtful slarler because of Ihe reaction t') his comments on Canadiens Thursday night in hand infection from a cut " I don t accep! a comment lingering effects of a lower Jiunler. Ihe deciding game of lheir suffered last Salu,·da y when he like that .. · Bergeron said . back injury suffered lasl week. "Did )'vu .ipc the scri es ~ " he Stanley Cup playoff series. punched Canadiens forward " Hunte:- is thf; heart of our Hunler has missed onlv asked. ··Irs exactl y like Ihal. ··Thal arlicle will be posled Mario Trembley in Ihe moulh. team, E\'ervone on our tcarn I hree games, due to suspen­ Hu nter is w"' lking !,is stick in on our bulletin board Ihis af· The Nordiques losl the game loves him, \\'hen he (Lemaire) sions, in the Jast five years, Ihe olher guys faces. Is Ihal ternoon," Bergeron said or a 5·2 Tuesday, forcing i'I seventh louches Hunter. I don·1 like "!\,Iaybe we'll have- to dress a motivation for them.")" F'rench·language newspaper and deciding game al Ihe Ihal.·· few young players .. · Bergeron story in which Canadiens Forum in the Quarterfinal Bergeron said Hunter ;:as a said. ·'If Hunler and Goulet

Hands-On rse IOf Artists ana Pistons face uphill fight with Celts sa~tC ::5,ad3p'lng IllustratIOn and De 19n to computer generated DETROIT !UPI> - The Joe Louis Arena because snow said, " I talked to Isiah :;:~ICS l'otalhands,oncoufse Detroit Pislons. down 2-0 to collapsed Ihe roof of Ihe (Thomas) about ii ~ l1 d he COMPu-rER Boston in their NBA playoff Pontiac Silverdome 1I11\1arch, agreCO' . 11 ' 11 be wild down there series, are in more friendly ··1 Ihink this is going to be a in lheinnercity," GRAPHICS RatCOll~Of~ lerrilory Thursday nighl. bul good tough seri es"· Maxwell The Pislons were thrashed CLASSES that may not be enough sa id, "Detroit wi'l come back :n~~::':en\leCamp\l1 bv :14 POili ls in the Boston £,64N MoCh'9lll'l ,AYef1\lC againstlhe Cellics. Oul Ihere in fronl of 2 11 their 11 Garden opener but made it a ....~ agc 11IInO'5 606 " We've been playing up and screaming wild fans, It is fun closer loss a l 121-114 Tuesdav Begins week 01 June 24 :~ , \ :11212 eo-lSOO down"· Pistons coach Chuck playing Delroit because they aga inst a 42-point perrormance Da ly said of the leam·s per· run. We caml' out 111 Game 1 bv Larry Bird. Delroil formance at home. "We'\,c got running like a herd of wild managed 10 ha ndle Ihc heighl 10 n:a ke the crucial plays, we horses sel rree after I hE' of Kevin McHale and Hoberl ha '·e got 10 make a big pl"y 01 Cle\'el(ind se ries, Mv knee is Parish beller Tuesday. bUI :ii-ROMifS-PiZZi--,------. somepoinl," rounding into shape ~a n d 1 am couldn 't contain Bird. Ceilics Cedric ~Iaxwell and pleased wi th my perforJl1an('(~ I ~Delivery · _" ' ~I.L. Carr. howe,·e r. had lillie so far," "B:rd reads situatiuns ver y 1$1 00 off 32_~'m.. I doubl Ihe Pis!fJns' fans wou ld Ca rr. a former Piston , said v:cll," Da l\' said, "He 1. <.I vel'''' I· with deliwe<)' of ...... 11 . "'r- ~ I gh '(' I hem d boost. The playing al .Joe Loui:. Arena gifted p"iyer and menl a ll)' I Medium. Lar.. or medium pizza . I Thursday 3flG Sunda y games would h(> lp D('1 r Ol I probably Ihe toughesl in Ihe I or X·Large ..... hItS,.... " I will be pla y~ J in the downto\',m ··J oe Louis helps Ihem:· he league:· I Pluo wi"' ..... or X-..... I i We Always De./iver FREE Peps is I Olajuwon faces fine Puzzle answers L ______-529·1344______. ______J "'L 0 G I 0 . -8 A R A. L' . NO OR A _ A M I D o B E o AU SELF SEf:vtCF. MP,CHINES over fight with Paultz •S GL I E q RO AD H O l u s E H EN l A l A K E A. 5 T E R It,e LUDING l:OQM FEATURES * All Day Long* HO STaN ' CPI , - Akecm " The films are bcing re\'iewed M I N E ERN E Olaj uwon 's tiff " ill! Ulah's now " •UN C . NO l ED DR. WN• 9-8 M-Th & 9-5 Fri, Sat Billv Paullz under the baskel T E R S E FI RIG 5 SOD during lasl weekend·s 1'BA PauHz, a 15· vear \'eteran, , v E S E L ATE S P R Y playoff game could earn htm a enlered the ga nie afler lah·s L ET 5 VoIlA T NOWI S E E R E C T co NT A A C T S Perfectly Clear fine if league offic ials find Ihe starling c('Illcr , Mark l-::aton, L OS T E' FI I N ¢ Rockels· cenle r guilty of injured hi s right knee la le in S EN T MA. YO RUB• Printing & Copying punching Paull,. . the ~p('n nd period B• B E E F EAT E R LOU S E 3 The incident occurred witt', C A N T VOTE END E 0 COPIES 219 W. Milin-S49-4851 just under s Yen minutes left Olajuwon, who said al U.:!' the S U OS E Y E 0 SEE D.Ji-J in HH-9i Jazz virton' that g ame he had be"ome eliminaled the Rockels from frustrated by bumps a nd Ihe playoffs. shoves from Paullz, punched the ve:C:-3n center in the cheek "The matter is currently as the i ·.... o jockeyed ror under im'estigation," an NBA position beneath the Rockets' spokesman said Wednesday , baskel.


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.. - UiliIy!:gyptJan. M.y~ : 11I85:t'aKe., , '" I ••• ' t ' , ' " Sports I Men netters set for Missouri Valley tourney nv;\lik"" ,'!"r\ siHlrl ~ t-:rlito~ Th E" SIU-C mrn's (ennis tea m. s port ing an above .500 record for the first time Ihis season. will begin play in the :'I.l is50lll'i \'alle\' Conference r ha mpionshi ps . on Thursdav

~MOVIE 'M A G A Z ., 1 ' N E

COVER I II till' hq,!illl1 lng. 1\ ' lll',lll' d ' 11 1","11\ .\ U!.ht,t. F ir-.I III jUJl lP inl.) I1lf)\ll" . 1114."1 olll.thk 01 lilt' , =, 1."" Che vy Chase 111)\\ h., .. a 11 111 If IH.' \ \ hIm .. , Inl( l il1~ \\ilh .1

((Hille.. Ihlllll" I ,.III·t! F Ilii), P,l g e f~

PROFILE I hl' ~ id \\ho 'IIM,JWrl hi .. murk'lli ,li ll ' l UI - 1111 11i1l1l'IJI.: ,hdll .. , SIC\'Cn Spielberg. 111.1\

he.. ' tht: hl,.U!""" , I( hit:\t'l III IllIlh \H)od hi'lul \ . P.lg l' ·1.

FACES Kelly Le8rock heT.tld, .1 11C;'\\ . Igl' ill t.t'IIlPll lt'I-.",i'll'd rk, ign. Tom c ruise h gtt.'('11 \\ illt plicit.' ,Ind M ichael J. Fox /t,.tcl .. a dfHlhlt, lifl". Pa~C;' , .

• DIRECTORS Robert (/llltnmlo,,,! rlu ')liIIll) Zemec kis. II H ',IT' •• fit', .1 He" " lurkl1l Film .' \ (Mit-III\ .\\, .ori. j, .1 le.lCling (oll1c(h .Ioioll tlirt.'UU1. Ridlc \1 Scon . of If/ml, RfUUIt I .lI1ri \/'11' 1.1111(',1')\1 ;" hi .. \i"lI.III.llt'llI "ilh f.1I -0lJl 1\' toml11t:ni,tJ... P.tgl' I ~ ,

• COMING SOON Ifighlight .. (I' l)lll ilL' " i'''IIt.': J hl' \ l ' l \ hOI Tom Hanks \.1.( 1(' " tI l l .1 flll.llH l oIl "tpla .. h: Roben Red fo rd ,mel Meryl Irccp giH' IhL·it ttll in \ fl it. ,I: Mi chael Kcalon. Kurt Russell .md Ro bin \,'illiams 1.lke ti p tilt.' "P"IIIIIg- lih ', PIli" .1 IIhrl ,\\j .. 1 of P,w/lll. P.lgt.· J 1.

Cm"·,. 11ll' I\\inkk 111 <.l1 t'\ \ <.11.1 .. , .... t'\(' \\ .... t..lplllll'd 1)\ pholO~t . tphl · 1 H,mniL' !'\t 11111 man,

~ ,J().t,NO.IE" SANrilIpP() £Ootor 9"AOO4 ~E'" Ct~ Oorf'dlO< CHIP .JONES"'" o.fIOOf LY RUTT'-N ~ ~fEN St" CI'CJ Proo.c \IO'I .....1antS JACK Cl.A£VS JOet." !(HAV,.,T """lit. R Coro.Mloon ~_ ~v.NNE Pr!t.DIlLA ~ ICIIJW ~ NA.NCY JONES .,....".,tI9omc...... VOtt. I).tLe . "'!I«I"".~ 3r'CIr:1< NVC N"tOOIEi L212'696-09'9otY~Pt~NnonIII~."" w.... ~LARRYSM LI:RAa::J:ulE . ~ NICHOC..AS~"NA [)C)NNACALOERARA VII"ICEN'T LM...,... 3OJ N CioIfnew,I..)8M1 s....600 ~ C ' f1~ I'I ~ I a..3...$666 o..~ 01 N-.on. s.- KARAY SHERMA.' ~ ... .x;:o.,II £ . ~ DAvt ERB N()Rt,U CORTes 0IIc8gD 1!>2 W '4u{tOE' OWI r01t ~, ~r_u.~ IAAAT tOOH£Y .313, 643 ~,- NM! ~ PWt/rj.,.., .~d"'-"WetD'I~ I", to"DCIt,llKf'II"t(p. J03 I\, ~~BtIIO 5oM600 ~ CA9IW RocrwaJ "'....: PtftLLOf!tl_O'JIt'tE.eQIi.-()IIoopt.k" eo, Pr __ ds.w--_M.V>o<'IW'Q Aanchl\.tl',,~ P~rte...v-~ A ~'_-«l ScImf>~ ~\'MC.,.ffIoP_dll'lfOOlfXlPY'l'l1"~ ~-."IOI~StucIo .... n: l_ 1!OIalrW~~ . gI_ .~_...,..tII' to.., ~6 __ nof~IOr~~ ~"~""'IIl'f'o!'l""",,,aut1n\J""~_ .r.nn...'l\jbJ(I'optoon"I... $;lD(' tOOl'~ ~OI'noIl"\'CNItI)(>oI""'" .... dt1ti( ( UAGAZlN(JQ3N~'~ Suo!~600b_ CAt1!oO: ~MOVIE 'M A G A Z ., 1 ' N E

COVER I II till' hq,!illl1 lng. 1\ ' lll',lll' d ' 11 1","11\ .\ U!.ht,t. F ir-.I III jUJl lP inl.) I1lf)\ll" . 1114."1 olll.thk 01 lilt' , =, 1."" Che vy Chase 111)\\ h., .. a 11 111 If IH.' \ \ hIm .. , Inl( l il1~ \\ilh .1

((Hille.. Ihlllll" I ,.III·t! F Ilii), P,l g e f~

PROFILE I hl' ~ id \\ho 'IIM,JWrl hi .. murk'lli ,li ll ' l UI - 1111 11i1l1l'IJI.: ,hdll .. , SIC\'Cn Spielberg. 111.1\

he.. ' tht: hl,.U!""" , I( hit:\t'l III IllIlh \H)od hi'lul \ . P.lg l' ·1.

FACES Kelly Le8rock heT.tld, .1 11C;'\\ . Igl' ill t.t'IIlPll lt'I-.",i'll'd rk, ign. Tom c ruise h gtt.'('11 \\ illt plicit.' ,Ind M ichael J. Fox /t,.tcl .. a dfHlhlt, lifl". Pa~C;' , .

• DIRECTORS Robert (/llltnmlo,,,! rlu ')liIIll) Zemec kis. II H ',IT' •• fit', .1 He" " lurkl1l Film .' \ (Mit-III\ .\\, .ori. j, .1 le.lCling (oll1c(h .Ioioll tlirt.'UU1. Ridlc \1 Scon . of If/ml, RfUUIt I .lI1ri \/'11' 1.1111(',1')\1 ;" hi .. \i"lI.III.llt'llI "ilh f.1I -0lJl 1\' toml11t:ni,tJ... P.tgl' I ~ ,

• COMING SOON Ifighlight .. (I' l)lll ilL' " i'''IIt.': J hl' \ l ' l \ hOI Tom Hanks \.1.( 1(' " tI l l .1 flll.llH l oIl "tpla .. h: Roben Red fo rd ,mel Meryl Irccp giH' IhL·it ttll in \ fl it. ,I: Mi chael Kcalon. Kurt Russell .md Ro bin \,'illiams 1.lke ti p tilt.' "P"IIIIIg- lih ', PIli" .1 IIhrl ,\\j .. 1 of P,w/lll. P.lgt.· J 1.

Cm"·,. 11ll' I\\inkk 111 <.l1 t'\ \ <.11.1 .. , .... t'\(' \\ .... t..lplllll'd 1)\ pholO~t . tphl · 1 H,mniL' !'\t 11111 man,

~ ,J().t,NO.IE" SANrilIpP() £Ootor 9"AOO4 ~E'" Ct~ Oorf'dlO< CHIP .JONES"'" o.fIOOf LY RUTT'-N ~ ~fEN St" CI'CJ Proo.c \IO'I .....1antS JACK Cl.A£VS JOet." !(HAV,.,T """lit. R Coro.Mloon ~_ ~v.NNE Pr!t.DIlLA ~ ICIIJW ~ NA.NCY JONES .,....".,tI9omc...... VOtt. I).tLe . "'!I«I"".~ 3r'CIr:1< NVC N"tOOIEi L212'696-09'9otY~Pt~NnonIII~."" w.... ~LARRYSM LI:RAa::J:ulE . ~ NICHOC..AS~"NA [)C)NNACALOERARA VII"ICEN'T LM...,... 3OJ N CioIfnew,I..)8M1 s....600 ~ C ' f1~ I'I ~ I a..3...$666 o..~ 01 N-.on. s.- KARAY SHERMA.' ~ ... .x;:o.,II £ . ~ DAvt ERB N()Rt,U CORTes 0IIc8gD 1!>2 W '4u{tOE' OWI r01t ~, ~r_u.~ IAAAT tOOH£Y .313, 643 ~,- NM! ~ PWt/rj.,.., .~d"'-"WetD'I~ I", to"DCIt,llKf'II"t(p. J03 I\, ~~BtIIO 5oM600 ~ CA9IW RocrwaJ "'....: PtftLLOf!tl_O'JIt'tE.eQIi.-()IIoopt.k" eo, Pr __ ds.w--_M.V>o<'IW'Q Aanchl\.tl',,~ P~rte...v-~ A ~'_-«l ScImf>~ ~\'MC.,.ffIoP_dll'lfOOlfXlPY'l'l1"~ ~-."IOI~StucIo .... n: l_ 1!OIalrW~~ . gI_ .~_...,..tII' to.., ~6 __ nof~IOr~~ ~"~""'IIl'f'o!'l""",,,aut1n\J""~_ .r.nn...'l\jbJ(I'optoon"I... $;lD(' tOOl'~ ~OI'noIl"\'CNItI)(>oI""'" .... dt1ti( ( UAGAZlN(JQ3N~'~ Suo!~600b_ CAt1!oO: .... 11'''fl"., Ii ':~IJi'J.~

Ifthis is what a beginner can do with the Nikon FG, imagine what you could do with a little practice. l~ec entJ): \\" recruill.od a group of Because we designed the FG 10 be \\" hat;' Ill' ore. \\ilh the F<; ~extraor· people who \,ere nm·ices at 35ml11 so simple tbat a beginnercuuld take dinar)" tJln ,ugh-the·lens fla~h r,leler· SLR ph.wgraph): handed them :\ikon great pictures \\ith il from day nne. ings)",;tem and thellptionaJ. BT FG~. and sel them hose in Califurnia. Yet we pngineered so many sophi~· peed light. e\"t'nlhl' m.1:;\ n'mplex T!1eir resuit didn·t urprise us in tieated ,,·stel11 inlothe FG thm its fl ash piclure" bt'' :-'Implil it)" the least. perieci (or a 5t'ri,.us ph(~t)grapher. it::elf. t(~I. Sotn lIl1! ani· (; at \·tlUI" :\ikon \ ilU see. the FG i,: a camera Ihat dealer: . . gi,·es you as l11uch ',r a~ IiI! I. aUloma· Becau>'4.' nllmatter hll\\ lenifrc lion as \"(IU want. )"ou Ihink lhesepicl drt'Sare. there;; In tJieprogrammed J1lode.just n(l\\ here to. gl' fn lin here bUI up. focus and shoot. In automalic. mu can contml deptJl of field by eli.. 15· inganap rlure,,·hiletJl camer.a .elects the appr"pliate 5! .Jtler Nikon peed. And in manual. m\l cal. 't ~ take the \-\orld both for complete creat""ct)ntrol. greate ~ piCtUJes.

I '.' . . ' -". - :'~ O~ --=;; E ' "R . ~ • ·1 '. _. .' ~ ~.~. ~ - "., t . • . •

Fatherhood and Films

1!~ I~ ,Ill' Iw", tI ! 11111\ ' " , lIltl Iht' I ht" 111"1 III h i S t llllT II t ' \\ Itlll," , .. "P" "I II Iflt' H 4I\ C' 1 II'P"I1(' ! \. hi , III' t .. 11 · \\ ,q .. , .d 11ll1t'" ,.,. ( h.·, \ ( 11,1" ', / 1", h. h.I')c:d o n lilt' p"p,d.1I .. , · IIt." .. I C,IIt" ,I dlllC "c h ... II1I ' 1111 dlt· 11t'.lIir .IIII! "Ilt' " I,h,' ll'\\ ,'"l1 nh : )(' 1 1,11 11 .­ 11 1\)l(,1 Y n O\t·l .. 11\ (,It ' ~I1I\ \ l ld"I1.I I

1'0\\ II" " ,.] .. 11 oj 1I1'II,n 111111 "1.11. scheduled III IIjJt' ll "II" 1IIIIt', 1' ... .1 n'IIIl" ( 1IITIt" 1111. .: I" .. 1 , .t 1 11111" tHo' 1 ,111'(" ,II I ht, . ICt' .,f 4U the 14. rh e ( :l1c '\' ( 11 .... ,· I d lilt' IWIn' '\ IC" . I hl ltluh I" h 14111111.d"' l . ,tit' h ~ ,' h It' "1 1!t' t · IIlIth ' tlLIII . " It., , 11" ,1\" h.lllted d'"CIII .. ,''' ,I'HI 1.l lIt 4III .. phI "I l oll I Ill1l c·(h . IC 'C"UI1I1C lile·IlI'!' I\ .. , III ,I th.l l ,ttl t '\· hllll , 1111 .1 1111. h .t .. P i"IIt'CIIIIII' ,1 I.lIlwl I.>! li ll" I n .1 1.1111.1'" "1''1 tll' ll( l' Ilt' p l. l\ ~ hol .. l l 'lh.11I CCll" ,IIIHllld "c . dh ll~ 11" .. ('11 , .II \ ,111 " 11" "\ '\ 111 11 1111111 11 11\\ 11 \,',11 .. - lilt, hHI '" III \\!I1t " .lIt·t·1I1 ,\ hrlu i· l.thh,1I .lIlel \\I(' .. IIt·.. 111m· .. . H .II " " II II 1lI.1 II. D"i! ( "!I,,, li t". lilli'" "n,III'" ( h,.'e 1.111 IIllh "PI' llil .1 III lhl till I \\ 1I1t J)"dl.!t" " lll.tl1.t~ ... 1. I UI'I "" i l.i\II1 .. l, .tIll! 11 '.1 '\ 111.((' 111 . llId ..,!c ·t· 11 '\, \\tT .. \.l1h 111" 11 1'\\ d,lIl\.!hll' l . Ill" 1011111 1\ I .1 " "ld.1. " It' ... 1 I tllllt'cit ,·,hlt h IIIIU dw pC·'lpl ... r ill (It'.dllll.( "\llh It. II(" ~ -\ I ·, I1 · "ld. ( \d . ,11111 hi' hl k 1. 1\111 III It'tpll ll.,·" .It tillC III .1 dC · 1.!IC ~ I ~. hUI nol .1 1,'1 he\ I' llle," ( ,h .... ,' I" pIt-""l'(: hllh [-,1m' \ .. ,he ll 1I .. 'I\\\,,, .d hlllllt' I k '" It 'l1l11!.! "II III "",,/1, .lIllIlC," ( h.I " '" ".I'" h ll h .1 ~IIII. .1", 11 1(' 1. th,t .. t ' h, ... hi'" 11\\1\ ,h ( ' "I I ( ' '' I" .. 1.11 11 1 III " thnd 11 1111 I II 1:-. 11111111 11 .. . ,ht' ' 11 ' .. ,1 1.. :11 .1 \ \ II11d".IIr!-.tno· Ht' I' I1 .. lt' lll .dunll lht' I (· I.IIIIIII .. h'l) lit 1111 lilt-, .. '10 '\\111111 iiiit' '.'llh I ",'udt'd .. !JIIIIIIII\.! III 1 111"Ji' Chl'l,)', as Fletch. la.l'S a lin t> of qllt>S tion i ng on some dou·n·homl' ,f"U' i nger s. IIlItT III , I 111\\ I" \t', ; lllll!.! h :· h I ' .... , .. . ", 'lilt'" 1111 ', .1 plll .. h 11.1 11 h ,II Ill" lu, h'hl"I' llttlll ' i d Il'.t1h 1.11111'1 h .•\l ' ,1 \", 11 " It hllil lilt' t l,dl\ l h,I"" h,l' lI.ul \,tllt'l! lilt ~ III III" hllll 1,11 "t" Ill,· 1IIII.!IIl,d ' "fl'''/',\ \ I~/, / /;. t \ ,1I0h , 1111 \dlll h 111' \\.1 ' hll t'd . 1" ,. hl llt', ,Ill.! t.!1.UIIl.t!h .1111 "\ t 'c! til I't " "'11I1 I II" "" II I1l.1 lt' II,t! , lIl.ult- hlll1 ,I .. 1.1. ! ! ~ . liwlI hl'lIl "''!,uh, 111111 Iii,' hll tlllllc..:(h · lilllJitl 1'''1 /'ltn hllh (" licht ' 1I ,l hll I"

!Ill' \ \ ! 111 ' 1 .11lt! pl J\ .. ".tt I 1 II lI t', II .111 , 1.1 . 111, .1/" loll III" d ,d l' ll .tlC.' pl,lIl.tll .. , 11 1111\ · hl/" d ,ullin I Iht' ",11111 ./ Itt .1 1IIIIl,IIII h I I ,lI llI l ~ 111 .111 B ill ( h .... ,·· .. "1I 1r "('Il'l l 'l1l 1'1111 1'11' \\l'I I ' hlldl, 11111111"1"11 ' 11 1. ,I" ht, "IIU.ll!IIIUh .ultlln .. l ilt' hllll" 1\ ,' d1l11l' Ih.iI dutll'l hili ~ i.,Ji('d h t 'l.ltI .. t ' lilt" 1I'.t1h helt'n't \ "1 \ ..,!11I ,d / ( bdn' l lilt' ( ",1., fit , U t/",hllil III

flit / /. ,,; 1111\ Ike', '0 I dOll' t .. t ' t · \\ Il\ ,111\11111' 1'1 ... , .. hllllld " I), nl IIJ ,h, (,rt/l"', ,Ill .11II11I111IU" hl.Hl 1l lIllt'd\ " h tILII tbl' ,lI Ill" 1.111'. h 1111 h ( ,h.I'(" dc..: .. t Ilhl'd .I" 111' ' /11 .. 1 1t'. 11 ,Itllll ~ 101(''' .In

(A bore) Cyd. " ou' iu'o ycars old. bou" e('s 111.111 "h" 1111"111114 1' 11 111 lIl .. d I 1' 11 1 ( h c'\ \ " \\ 11 "I JlIII'..!. , \114 '1 .t IIIII\.! I. I\ c"l Ilt' \.1111 u.'ith Papa Chn '," Her s;.d rr. tht' " CU'l' ''' ' ( h ,l'l ,11111 \"11 1(' 111,1 "1. ( hoi"" I" I1CO\' h,H \... II' III" c11· .. k 1. 1.. 1 \ (',I. I" "1/' ;111(. " 11.111 Cha H'. is m" ned Cale;, , II " ,1 '1 ' " li lt I" .. 1.11 11: ', I I · .... jlllllll' It, ,,1,­ 1i,II H! I ',1 "lilt" I ~1' I PI 'c..· d . Ih.u ·, h'l\\ 1111I1.! (AbuI't> r(eht) T his "udd t'i bra/;fm ... '· ""'Lilli' 1,,·h.1\ 1, , 1 Ill' t II,cllI .. hI " tllIl " II \\.1., "1 jllll he ' ,,1\ ,, 11' llh "' " II }"" dl' lIl.!l1d beach buy i ~' ml(' n[Ch fl.'y 's mau." d is{! uiU$ ,, !I,., 1, 1\ 111 . , llIel 1,!l h l'l b, ,, ,e! 1101 I holIH!i ll!,! i lll hI .. Ih·l t .lllllllll.! ,11111111(' " I t '''III, I .. I" .. for FI,·'ch. hlll l IIII'IHII .. I i1t' h,lld li11 ll \.! till Ill" I" Iht '

I C' lll" I"I'l'l \( ' 1 \ \\1 ·11 11 .. 1 11t'1I1\.! , I 1I1 . 1k.11l~ ,t! Ihl" "' pI' ,lI ll· ... lIlt' .lt lll,d h llll ­ 1. IIIlt ,1. ,1 11 01 I 0111,, 1 1...11111\ \\It,lt I dill \\1Ii1 III \.!" .\ .. ,I Il''' lI l1 1" 111 11I11l11l\\.! 111 \ \\ I it I II\.! !I.

\ 1 .11 11 111, .. II! .1 "1 ' l l ~I ' - rllt I.IIIH" 1('IIIIt.., 111\ I lll H' - ,I I" l ,,j tllIlI l.! " \\!tll" \\1'1" ,I ( "Ill!.!, "I I l l'i .. . I ,. \\ I II Ill\.! .1" \\ , . him. 0 1 rhl 11.1\ \ .. \1 , 1 , \"t . .. . lilt' 1·11'1\ h", - 'hl'\ 'I I ' ",I'it' " I Iht' I "Ilit'lh . ""II ",I ' \\1 11 \... . \\ h lt h I lill ,I 1.11: ,l!I1I1UIl1 ' ",, "!J. dllllll\.! .tll ,dl"IJl rh t" ,It'\ (" 111.111111" I II "Ill. Ii .I hili hll l ' lI I h,I""' 1 \""k. II1 \.! I \\,1" I1t ' \('1 ,I I lIllt' h IIl,l.! l lI" 111 I- 1I 1 11 1H ', 11, ' 1"II11d h llll' I.tI \.!c 'l- rh.tll·lI lt ' .11 . II ,Hl . " l.!d .. l!.·"IIl.!h \ 1' 1\ "'III,tI 1', '1.. 1111 1' \1 ' ,tI " ,1\ " " ' Yll ,I "I ·I! " ' t '.hllll\.! ,I 1111111 l!t" d .. ,Inri Ihlllk.lI l\.! "':11.111,,11 - l,rll('I" • .1 11 " III \\' \ I"uld \ rlll 'lit' • 1i .II,p 11' : " lI.n, I" II" .1('\\.(' ... Jlul " , .1111' I .. ..!," 11\ \\ h,1I dl"'I' Il""h"

1I .. ll.tll, ,t't' l. r, 1I"hl \1 ' \ . 1" \1" \ \1 '11.11 " II Ii II \ h,l\t ' ',ltTIt I " Lit I.

IJlIlt' ,111111 / 11 1. rile J> ll1d wcl. 111.111. '\." .'11 .,1.1 1IIt'Ild ,IIHI Jill ' ';tln 11- "1111 ,I! 1I,11l\.! l illl .111 ,1 p .lIl\ " I ""llIc ' lillll).! hili ' " \ 11.111' \\ Bt']1.!III.I II . . 1 11I' \\l i:"1 HI - ,tlltl \1111 dllll 'l til ' Ill .. : ~ \l1 l ' l1 \!lI I· lt· UIU :/I/1t ' '/If,I/. , (11.1 '" ,1\.!II, , ' d '" \.!H 111.1111 " 01 ,lilt! h,I\,' Ih ll lllt' ll . I I I'."" ,tllt',ul l ' d"II"~ \\!l1t dll"1 I,ll \ 11t IT ,wl \\,1 '1111111 1I .. ,·d 111 111\ hIt' 1111 .1 Itlll\.! Ill l1t'

~lI dllc ', .1 11 1111 ,.1 1.1\ 1,llIc' I fI ' In, ("llh II \\,1",, '1 ,I /1' 11 "1 11111 ,d 11 1\ Itll' I' 111\ ,II I.­ lilln .. hkl' ' I" ( ,/11,11'/(/1, ,lIld '''111" ( h.I' I ' "I 111\ 1"IIlI ' th . l ln , lll .. t · I t! ,lhl"'I" 111, 1I lt- 1111 " t h Il.Id IlL .. dllllh, .. " \ 1'1 h,It" Idlll" 1 11,11 ' .. 11l lt'. \1'" k.lIllh . I 111,ld ,' it -

, ' \ 11\ ,IIll.!,II ' It" 1,111 . "1(' " \\ lIh 1' \ 1'1 \ Ito" .. 1.!1l',tI·· Itt ll lilc'l! \1111 tllI llk. \\ lU I 1111l1l'

"I ~'\ I 1 \ .t1I\.!I, ·. \\!tll II 1.1" \ " ,,11 .111 , 1\ It II cl" I \\,tllI :-' \\ h.oI I .l h',I\' \\,lIllt'll ".1" 'III. B .lI ,,1t "11 I ".1\\ t,' I ' 1",: .. 111 '11 hIT11 II "'/ll1dilll' l.! I h,II It'll \ c' l \ II .. IIII.tlllI lilt·' A masterful physical comedian. Cht'l'Y h," I 1IJ.t! k ,lhlt' h'l\\ \1 1( iJ.11'i 1I,lIll'\I.,· II1 'd '"'' Ih,1l 1t4 ' " l.!111 11, ( 11.t .. t' · , 111. 111 1 100 ' e ~ (' utti"I: up , '1111111\ jJl'l l 'lI l1 1.lIltt' . I ILl h/n l Ih.1I he'd pr "hlt-lIl " IlI tdlll'..!. 1111lt' 1" 1' 11111\ 11 ~1' !l1l .. hcl[ III'" \\ h'!1 hI' lI n ' llt-d ['I 111. 1", l11 t ' ' -101,1, II!' \\"111 .. tl.lI1.!fll I" 1' lIllI jl" II . "1111 ,l hlllll \\ lllt:l\.!, ,I ",.\1'1. I IJIk.l'li 1(1 I ,HIlI IC>lI" \.!""ul , \ Il I /lflll,'1 I lI ml".,.,I; I II'HIU'}" \ ,/1,111"', " 1\\ .rhllil l II "h"11 .. Ill' 1 .111It' 1)\1,'\ lei \I .. i l ,11 )(1 I III :q) ,t! , I puhl, .. ht·' ill Ih·, , .('\\ ht'·.. P ,II "Ill\.! loll 1' 111'11'1 ' ,1!..!,IlIl. tl1 .. I.I:! 11 11.! .. Ill' " ,lid I .. ItClulrl ).! II .lilt"td , pt.'I I1.IP" \ "1 k 1 1I11 ~ ' " h:lllk. til\'''III'' . ( 11" .. 1' J.!II·\\ ,,"h ILIIl \ \ "III\d 1111 dlll ' lllIl I"hll ulld"1 ,I

,1111\\ Ih ,1I l. lll' l i.n.1I1H' th,' (" "'" I I"", 111 .. 11. 111' \ ( It-lIl1t 'I.I I ' ' '' I t' lt 'l.!, !t',: 11II1I .. t'lt tilt' 11111111 , ' 111. .1 " \\111 .111\ di .. 'II .... 11I1l o t Ih· 1Il"1 1111 111"1 hllh ' .t'IIIIl,t! 1 .I IIIJ)I )(lII ·" l'IIIi,1I Bill IU' 1,111 d\ 1 111111 , ', lit, l.tll "I,llId "'qll ~ , I .. 1.1 FI.'fl Ii ( Iudd FI~· ll h h,·t o nll- "1.11.!l' .. hi 1\\ , ,1 " II/II/11t<:,', 11 11 .1 \ 1',11 .IIHI .1 1/11 Illp ,,f .. lI ll1l·IItJlh! II l ' lt· I l il l ll" nl 111" I ndi.1I1,1 .I01lt' .. :- ,, ' dOIl' 1 ~ Ilo" . I ht'\'n J. III. \\IWl t , h,' IIlt'l l,tllIl Ik lT I .. hl I lwlI !>Hll uhh II11llg Ulil till' ht' ''1 III 111111 - I h,t\t· 1\1 1l1.l"t.' il \\o1'l h 111\ \\ llIk .tno I l,lI 11 1' 'llllld,., \ll!, hr I ii, .llld .. /t"" IIlT"' ­ kill ." I 1,111 - ,lIIel I Ihl11\... Ill' " tit! tilt' Clllll 'l (' \\.'11 knl)\\ if /II 07ln i .... il " 11\ IHI Jre:" Il l · .... ht .. 1,'1 \ 'C' \I" ""11 \\ II 1111 l.d .. ,· .. , "l1t, I"llIll· . .. l i e U.III "(''' 101 Ihoughl " Pnh.lJ.b il th(" lilt IcI""1 \ [ l i"' I" \\,1" Il1l1c II ,01 I}I" 1(',.1 'lilt. I ii," I , \\" .. \\ 1 tIIt' lI III .\ \ "11I\d , lflllid .. h " o l I he 11 1.."( I JIll' ill 111\ b.II. " · l h,i"" III hi .. "UP"14 Till III" ' ,\ I .IIIIIH II - \\hhlt I)JIII),!" up Iht' 4111C"1111l1 0 1 (h. l .. t,\ \.l1d . .. . 1/ K

b ~ Bill Br3 un ~ t ~ i n

dh I. hr." k h .. ~ rllt " •.1 III' ''1111 ,., .1\ I , I:.! 1"'j" ' 1 ,, ' lit t I \\ .r' · 01 Lit, 111,,'1 pi "Id. d .. 1t r ttl ,.J.., t · .tl l rl.t tll .. l .1.1\ I ,\,.n..t.1 ,,11 lilt"

1 1 'I ~t r 111t ,\ 111,1\ 11,,1 h,I\1 '. I. I t B tl" k Ill . .11.. I \I': \ !lIlt' \\,.' ,1[\\.1\ " 1..11"" II lit I II. lilt \"1111''':'1 I dl.1ll I II \\ .•' Id.. , '..!HIII\.! 11,11 k 1" II",'! HI I. HI'" I.. \\.r' .. .11,,111 .llIIll w l11'..! ,,' \ tl l 1... '1 [, dl. lit h,I\< 111:,,: 1.11 h ~ 1.11 t '1I1'ti .. ,1(1 1 .... 1111 ', ... 111 •• 11 !lJlul,l .. g' lIl . III '\. t h \ .llh . . Inrl It·.11 I ·" "I / 1,,,­

hr'.,!lth \ , .. ddt \ I r I .... ' 1111.11 1\ .1'111 I illt I I ~ .. Itli .1 1\\ III'.!' ,,j .. B III, .. 1t .It , .1111111\ 1111>11' liLlI, h,III:":' d I., .. , "111 1 I I H.". h I" Iltt d,II" ..!!lI l·' Id .1 \\ . 1: \\11111 I t HI'" I.. ":' , 1\\ III' h. I lIt Tit h , t . 11l.tll, I II 1.llh" ,I"d .111 I II'" hi. 1.111\\ '''\\ I ":111 !.Ilt I I I .. . tjl 1111.1111 ' \\ IlIlt .11 I p.tl1\ III " II!.!I.llId . ,I 1" .11 III ('1 11t \ \ IIdt ! .. lUI, ,orlll,h Ilh"I"~I . Ij"1t I .I"/...nlli" tll"1I 1I 1-\t·.II ·"I

IIInd.oI 11 "lh\\.",d I,t/tlll ,It I h ",1t 1'"1111" I I' "I' ,t! \/. 'I ,. ,11111 \ " f l' , 1.,,""" \ 11,,,1,1.. ,he

.tllll I',. I: ., .If • I ,, ' t 1,,,1 I I"" I !.!." 1111 Itt .. 1 /1,1,. :!II P,I'...!l·" 1-.11 " " .1 '...!"lttllltlll:':' \du II III ".1" 11 III \ ._ : .llId ~,ItI"1 1111 I I .lIl1 t · III hI' 1,,/111 Iud ~tlll IIle III 11,. 1\ '", • III d. 1I1 .llId

II, Ii, " Itl-.,.! lilt ,llId .. c III lIu ... r lit! I I \\. t~111 h . 1I11 I,. "P'II I c BI ll' I.. l it,· I" 111\ .I'...!t III ~.l\ ~ 1 I H I.', I-. \\ h •• -, ' It," 1'I .tllI\ ~ ,,,.lIl1t . qlp~ · .tll·d I'll the JlIIII.dh lillIit'd /1 11-.:111" d"\\11 .... 1111 ,"1 1'''' "I 11.111IIII.d .llId 11111 ' 111.1111111 • .1

I I 11'i1I1~ III tlh' :.:,1111\ "I \I /I ' 11 1. 1:..: . 111111 ~ II I I III' , .. I " ' IIlt'I"I't ' ll .I It ~~ .. Ih ".I~ Id.I\III~ III lIlt ""1I11t • ,'11'1 ' . • I...! II \\.t~ 1"1 ( hll .. II.11I I hilI - .1

I 01 I 1.1111 t ~I lit .. "I .Id~ tll.ll It.,d . 1 .. ",II' "1)(,I.I,lIke I J\c 10"lIdl" 1.111 I III" 'II I I "-.:lIe ~ '111.1111\ \\1I1t I. H'"I /... .1" lit, It-.ldllll.! I.llh 1I1"1~lt · 1t1 I I. HI "I/... I",,/... ,I ... I "lid J I··, 1111~11 . 11'11 I"'" 1111 t I \ It 1"1 1) 1.1' /"II/... .tlltl .II'! Hied I .. phlll ·...!1 III'" \1 1111 \ 11 1. 1111' d III 1.111". 111 "I I""" . h.l" I hI' "1,,, \ 11· \,,1\1" .ill/tllld ''' " \\ "I/...IlI'...! \\111. (.1111 \\ Iltlel ,,"l h. 1\ , ,".1' \tttlll'...! Iltt\ .. pl"\t'd III \lIli1"'1\ \ 11"1.111 • I,' ", l it"II...!" \\ tlllll h .I .. "J!II.lhc'lIl I t'

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.. the most beautiful pI ... tl!tl!l 1 11!'lI'...!il till' Id" I '~1 pt'I"' n ,!lId ~"IIII tltlll'.!, I'll I" C' I I IIllt'. . I t ' u'oma" i" the world." . 111I 1I11:! 1 hI'! ... ~11t· h ,l d 1 hi It ,I~I B lilt /... / 1.1111 \\.lIt I " , 11 III 111111 " "III


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Maille .e.N EqlCAN PHOTOGR"'Pt'4EQ 1255 Pc'! a"lCl P'ace PO Bo . 2835 BOulQer CO 803:"'\ ~/ a .. e tt\e.. lo.s oavall'" 10 Af""e"ca'" o"OIOOI

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Michaell Fox 1II,lt·.IIIIII,"1I 1·· Iht' \lIl.llIltIlJ " 1 0ld til 1> ,1I1..IU· " 1 1/1111.. t" '!llIh! 11"1'11 III h im h .I' IllIh IIIH' Id 11111I, ' IIt .11I 'I' h lnll ... . \tld "Hi (111 11<1 Ilnil Work-Ute in the Fast Lane til(' 111.lllt·lll!' ·" "0' LIlI'd I hl·lt· \'.1" .11" \\t·.11 tilt' 111 •• 1..1· U P 11Jj( c' .. \ lt t' l lilt' d,1\ \~.I'" Ihl ' "I hllllpllll'lIH f'I'II/\ Itl 11 1'.lltll\.! .111 dlllll·. II iI.HI II) ill' t1110\\11 .1\\.1\ It I""" 1' 11111 1' " 111'\\ Ih.II.Hl t ·1 fill 1'llf'II' . •1' ,, (·11 5 2:11111 , '.'1 h 11111,' I \\.1'" 11. Ielt· III' \ wl I , ... h t ' lIl\! \ 11" 1111 1'(f '/lIi, I ", Bill ).", h,leI (11I1'llf Ih ... It ' " dllftt ult (11,111 11 t ·, ,1.11111 " 'I \,,1 ' 11', dtflH Ill; " I" \t· pl.i\c·d H .III\ . HIli' III :,!:, " b ll ll' JH'''plt-'' 1 " ... 1 III \ It ' hll dllt't' \1'.11". 111)\\ . IIc·... 1..ll1d III IIIl' 111111 . Inll n d III I tilt- q Uilt· .. 111· 1111.1 tt .. lIt-t· .1 ,hili Ih,11 1 1.111 1"'111 1111 .1Ilt! 1.11..t" ' 1" 11 111 ' ""' 111'." hl' I ..: plllb. " .1 "111111 dllll

11ft. ' lit· " .1\" " 1 1t . 11 III.U!t- 11 1"1"11 '1 III pUI 1·11.' h.,,, "uppll'l'd It I ... \\ 11]\! I"t( I.. .tlltl 101 Ii, C·I1,·,).(\ 111111 \1.ul\ ~It til pltl". lit]" I" ,I 1111111 TIlt· Itl'lh II I , I Ill' C' lie- tllUlfill ' , t h,IT.II 11'1 \\ hll· .. t 1'1 "" '1 III Illt· Ih.111 ,111\ Itl.!tll t · 11 111 h, ,,, ttl d" I; . ... " I 1"'1 (' IlIIt-t! l!toll.U!c·1 I " l' 1, " t'l pl.l\ (·" 1",1,111' " lip dllllll! II 1I1\ , dl \\ hC '1l I \\ .1" htll ... ht·d . \ 1.. .11\1' (.111.1ch.lI1 . Jill' :! :\·\l.lI+lIld 1 \\\' 111 1IJ1 I " hlll1 .IIHI I'If..t ·t! . ' : ' 111 1I11·cllo! '" I' .. Cn \(·d .HIIII\.! .tl I:, Itl plllllli hl\.!!t \ 1 11I.l kll ]\!, \Ili l 111111.. \!I II ,d ' I... . Itt· P.II hi'" 1I.t\.! , I .. , I ll, \ 1I,,:l'I1,· ... \ \\.1\ 1111111 . It I III \! It lll\ I " till' dll\ II ' h" It .• , .'ppt·.IlI·dll] "'.111111.· .. : ,1..,. 1),"lIt '\', It'lt t ' IIt'iJlI:d .11 1 .\!.tIlII'.llllnl Itt· hlllll' t \/,",,11::. 11, \I f. ;'" '. ".tt! ,I 11·,1I111l11.! 1',)1,' "'11II' · :.!~ \,',1\ " .II.!II, " I hi' I IIllt· 1'1'1 " ... ,,j t'l J \ ', .. hl lll-ll\l·d 1" Jim . " r";' II. l " \ . \ llIt 'I]I,1 , tllllt\! \ulh I ht' Bdl\ B.II!\ .1I1f1 1.!11t·"'· ' 1.111 c·e! III ~III h .. ,., It" ., .. " '1/1 "111111/1.1111111 :' hilldl tit' ... l.l1 lc·d III '~17 +, i", I "ft ,1. \/IJ . I."" ( ,,. ·/r,mcl /·,lltlll\ Bol h 11t 'l p ,ht 11I ;· dlt .t1 \\tldt! .. !lith i It 'PilI III~ "lit It' .. , .1' .1 1I · lt·\ 1'11111 ,It HI!. c!\\.11 iJ"lII ..lI l'1 ~!\t Ihl"lI III t ·IIII"·, ,, "Ill'

1'1' IC.,!:"-·" 111 ,'1 .t 111"\ 11 ' " Ih It ,I" lill '" IllIt 1'"11 III II\t· ltollllll\.! Iill'd".11 .tllIl '1I\ I.d 1.111 11 , I\l' .111 1' \I'1! IU!.,\.!c ·1 t' ll"1 1 ' Ill III' pI I Ihlc ·1Jl ... 1,lIt'('1 I '· ... I(·.dh h ll.lllt·." hI, .... Ih '" " \\ 1' \\' h,H I I" 1i \!lu .. ll"lt·ol\ pili\.! III' I .111 "II .11 iI' IIIlI' .11111 ",1\ til 1I1\ , dl. \\ h.11 \ ( ',11 ' ," '.1\" B .III\ ' It 11"l'd II' Iw .1.1; \1111

• 1 1.!1.lItI Itlll\Il' 1'111 Ill ' Bill 1 h.I\l' til 1('+ d,dll'I \" ,,1.. III 1I IIIh\\I'lId 'IIltd .t till " ... IIlC' III/H'1 11'" .1 Illh 1""'1 111.. , ' ,111\ 01llt'1 I(lh. 11I'1\!t· I ,llIlc' .11'11 11111 . (), IllIlIt· ( 1111'[111.1" "ill'lilt " ", .1 111111 !cll I III·" III .1 lillie \1111 cI ).!I·I .1 I"" II] , I lHIIIIIII·ltl.t1 "I [I·\ t · 11 ..... plC·lllt'l\.! pl,ldlllll.11l ()!l1 ( . '11lI pl.l\llI\.! .llIt·1 1 .. I.!t·1 1111 lilt' " .!. \1I1t I.!" .tli Hili Yl llI IIlIthc' I ltlltl\!h t ' lItll h l/l 1.. I" .. till filt· 11111 II I. ildt' hi' hlllwti illt' lIe\, • Plllnh hl'''1 "Hll,llI ' • b~ ' Bill Braun ste in B .III\ h" .. I tlillplit·t\ t lI·d" .. IlllllJdll1~ .llhl' IIII1II' U,/.( 'If r/; i/lf/I/., \ /r" /1/ 1\ "".1, ,1" "./ III Jt I J~. \ .\t,d'/I II/II/ " W \ 11t h.wl I I •• ,. IIll 111111 " "I.,:. \ IC"'-' /11 "'111 III 1!1:\:1. /)11\ "i Ih. 1 111 /I' f \\'1111.1 It' ,Hb .11 1.,11\\\11(0(1 1\ ' 1IIIh ...11 III 1";'1 .1II e1 .. 1' tilt· II ,j' dill!.! ... . lIl·'.1I.1I1 .. " 'II IIw Ill' !11I1l\.: . pl.l\ \ 1", h.I' ,ltl'1I "' Billy BaIty (.lIldlt· Il.lhll Ihll11.. ... I' till I III 1II11111t' l 1111 1111 I \ ",11" , " I/lld, I , . . , IIlt'l! ilt'.ul Itl·l. III 1~17~ · ... f "," IJ/m ()f Ill" I.llt·": I lIlt- . I. I .f "" ,111 ~t"IIl .JIld'l \ ,dk, hilI! .. twill I .IIII! Elfin Roles and a Giant Career B .II 1\ 1 1, · 11 1,11 1...... ·· II .... .t CI.I/\ "'11 11 \ . 1 11\'11' 111 1 1d II lid II II.! III .f" \1.111\ \1,I·h. Ill" .11(' .1 1111 til "' PH"1.., I hlll\.!'" I . 11 11 ." I,,· III" III\.! ... I(TII 11I1t" " I,'" 111.., · ht"1I11.\ 11111'(: \1I11l''' \\lIh thl' pi Hit- III .1 ,,('.' ''' 'IItt'lI ddl"1('1I1 'h.II.I([("I .. . · ".1\' hi, dUIII1\.!.1 [·... /1111 ('\('1 \ d.n "Oll1t·lIll t · dl·IUlt·' ttt 1'" I. " , ht' t (lllll·til " • I ~ " h(' 11 lilli" h,C ',.I.. III Iht, hllJlIllI.!. ". 11 \It,,\, . 111.11.. ..·. 1 111I1\1l' \\"iI .111 ,""111''''.11+01<1. by Bill Braunstein Ihe ' ll \1.11 1\ , ,11111 I., .. !! \ , 11>\",",' -111\ 1o I II t','+t IIIUItIIlI.! 1)1"", II, .111 1'1l1 h.IIII(·c! .. h" IIU,' 111.11 I.", I h.11 . 1C 1('1 " \ ,'I \ 1111\\ IlIlt· ... 1 BU I \\hl ' IH"l'l tilt" dll. Bllh 1\'lI t\ _.lId ,h"11 I" pltlh.lhh lilt' 111,1 \.!1I' Iltt·\·11 (,1:1 ' "'~ \1, ,. " ",I 1,' ( ' Il.lI.!l'1 \dll 1I,I\ t 'l .. III hi I. \\ Jl II .1 ,hll\\ hU ... IIII· ..... '.1I tTl 1.111111 hl·t! 111111" 1111/1\' hI I It''' ,lIld IIlt' ( ' , .. III' p.llnll" III \.ltldl'\J!I,· hdlll(' I,,: h.I' III. H .. II\ . ,II .1 " IlIL!h ". III u.1 "11It1"III" \111 ' 1.1 ""Ill'" .. I ~ ' ~ I" . I' 1I,,1I\\\IIIld· .. l\,u I 1111.,( 1111""1111' ,H'" 111111,' " , 1I1t1 111I'.lCh t· IIIUlt· .. . hI' 11'1.. .. ,1I1l1l1l\.! " llItll' Jlt·,tplt·· III'" IIIIt- .• ' I ht' hit· .ITHllllllh III\.!ll ··h.lt1.. III 1Ill" IlIllllt"" dllllllllll1\ c· lit [1) ' 1 , ·lIlc·I1.ll 1.111 IIl)l· ... ' d\\dl+ - Ihl' I I lilt· 1111111 ·.,huh ht' '1.1111'(\ t'l 1I.lIl1l·d ..... ( I t ·,,)).''1 Iltllll" III I ,cIIIII. ,I 'h.I'·" .tli I Lilt 1t·1I 'lOll ,thllll' Jilt" hllll III\dl ... +. llld · 111.1\!1t 1.1111 ./ "1.1 ht·.ltlhllt·" In 111.:111 1111\' .' '.n .. hI, . ,,"h.1 I.ltI\.!h . "r ill " 1111 C lllht ' .tIld \11., "1 ,11.1 11111 'Uppl "l·d III !l1\ ull.!l · .111\ 1.."\ '101 \ ·· I t'" lilt' .... lIllt · lIlt! "11 11\, B.I ]I\ It''I' jlllllll' " " 1\11\ 11: ' '('1 .. \.!1I1. ~11 1 1I1,'t'I" "tit h. hll\ OIl !ill" !I.IITH 111.11 \\ITk 1 11 ,,1/ /, I , .. ,.. '.I\ c· ... I,! 11 1 It 0111 \\lIlh . ho\ \!l'b '.tIl l" )"1' 1. lilt 1t·lllpOI.II' 111.1111, "Il1.III),!(·h. 1' 11' In·l, Ilt' '.1\" III pt.llIlLIII' Iltt' "'.111 It· I. lt·.lIh. IItHIl' lilt·" dlnll~ Hllh II I Il' P'Olt'll " I!' , ,f I' .1 1m unh1..t· ,tll\ IIlIlIl.!, t ·l .. t · III I" ... . \\ ht' lI r ill dOIIl1,: hlllil ,hll\\'. 1 fliltl 111\+ 1I11111'-,I1.II1+I.-,U·ftI111 l·'p.. ' ll t· IHC· . '" lilt' "I'll "'lIh 111111{' ,' lIug I, ', li1..t· th.1I ""Ium.. · , ,111(1 l11.tkf.'Up "t'll' till I III ,hi" I' III' I\!\ tll.11 \011 h.I\ I· .1 1 lill" 11f.. :g llllllllg of "ol ld." B .II I\ .... 1\ .. . '" ' h.1I1 II ..· .1 " ~h I ht" d.l\ ,dn'll \ 1111 I!0 10 .1 lob I h .. 11 \ 11 11,·up nnh !CHti-.. Ihrn' .lIld .1 h.dl hlllll ... II1..t· \\1 ,11. I gt'l lit.1I t 'IlI'!"g\ \\\ I(t: .1 d.l\ '1 ' 1'1111111. P O!) I lim LlIll\ I"ho p:.!h ~-1' \ (. : . .' FA ' ~ C E S . ,"/. • , . I' , P

Tom Cruise 1I1 1I 'l\c'lIl 11,, ' 11 I hulcllillt·.... I II 1"1". III I IIH!-I !l I '"I1"'" IIl1del l ll\ I " .. 1'11 \ "" "'lit! \\1 L III 1'1.1\1"11 . 1 IHIII.lI m illl .• I\ 1 .lIkl lI.tlllt .11 .• It H.t! ht·.!t : , - j-. , . \\t ·Ie",,1t CcPO'es n Colorfuj New Rc!e \d) •• ~ '>('" p"" lio. ( 11 11",' PII\\,,!t·d dIm" I iI.lln!l· 1111'.11"1111 Jilt )It 11111 lilt I 1I 11! I.. .. II.II"'· .. fl.t1h 1111111 I.', '·· .. 11.1 1'"111111 .. " 1' 11 1 IT.I\III\! 1'111 pl."llIl.! .t " l l.lI!.! hl I'" ' l i t 1111)11 .. 11 . lIlt ... ," 10 , 1 . 1 ( h.III\!~ ·." " ,1\" I '!WI IIII!. "Ih·, .}.. ­ Bn.ttl"l· 1)1" I.I:ht·l, .111 ,·Inllh.ll III· III\! It""1 . 1 »1111111' III 1111 It 111 l l.tI, ,TIlt ·, .1 :.!llln·l . Ih.IIt\.!HI luh .. IlllJllllllh , (IIII~" d ,l\'" h lllllll:.! .) I ,III}.." . I IT}", ' III dll .. "til \ \ llli II. "It.:hl tldkl (' 11' 1.!1 . HIt, "I IIj II ,I ... IIHI IIT.II ·" d .... t ·1 III 1I1\ .. dl. \dl~ ' lhl'l II " ,'J11 I­ IllIn' 11It,!h .. , hunl .. . 1,0111 "p"1.llt· 't' \\ nl\ "' dl.llIl,1 III In,' 11I "IT II". I'H "P" \"' }.. III ".\\ 1"I"l'\ I" ( .!1I,1f!.1 III \" ... }..I 'II \\IIIIIIIII·.lIt"1I1."II·1 . lIltlllll'l .11141 P"" """1110 h. 1· llltIl}..\ \ h\ . I\" "lilt' IIt' \' }..ul " pit· dOl It'lld III PI\.!I ·"II- h",," 'Oil f h,lI'" ( 1111"1 lI .. ,·tI "pOll .. . 1" . ' \\.t\ III JI III . "\1' 11 \·1" I \, ..... 0 cJ.ul \1" h.,,') I \11t h.H·1 'hllll!.!.11 tilt· 1.11111" \\lItlleI 11 .. \1."', 11111\" RlltllIl'. hh" dlll 'llt'" I ld l h l 111I11I\!lu 111 .. 1 . 1" hi' lI.ul 11I ,\lk lit·" :11t'11I1 .. I "Ill" Id lilt til' tit,· p.111 I I 111 . 1\ "\lul1d lI}", · .t ,I. dh ."It·1 I" .. Il.Il l'1I1" tll\' III I·'1. ( 1111 .. ' ··.. 1111 hI . 11 111 TIll" h.t .. 111"1 '11 111 1' b, ' ", 111111 t ·lIt·" ! " ·" hl·I,· pllllln) :1110 ,Ithlt-IH" I'\l l ' \( I 1t.1I1 tllI . 1 """ t Ilh d.n Ih' pulkd.1 C l ulll 11111" It- . lIul. I " ... 111111 1t. 1I1 .. 1111111 ( IT.· II.!IJ II, \\.1" }..11 ,,"I·d 1.111 "I . 11111111 . 11 . 111""'11('11 !1I '" . 111 .111!.!1JI.t1 1Ilt'llIh.· .,1 ~ l'l'I1H1 « i l\ . IllI' · !! \"h t ·1I11 ·1I1 '" ,!J.tln.l I I...... I h, h" ,III\ \\ t· II - }..lIl )\\1l 1111/)111\' .... 11.111 . 11 !.!ll l lIp . t 'P"III'IH I III (,,' . liI.d /J ,,/I • .. , ' III hllll \, hit h .d"lJ .. """ Ih·d (.lld.1 K,ulllt·l. 11)"11 III '" 1., .. 1 !col \\.11,1 \\ 1Ii1,"11 h.lIl1llt.: II' tt .l. Iklll .. 11I .lI1d "('\"1.11 ,'Ihl'l lillllt·C" "1.11" It II ,ht, "'1 ." '111.1 Ih·· d " . 11 11 1 d. ( 1111"1 Iklo'II· III.I"'·I!.! 111" ""II dt'ltlll"l ( "" !! III 'h h i \l.ll1h 111.11 1 I h hu .... I ·c! 1.IIt' ''' III !'fil l . h,· .11 ... , \\," }..t'c! III .1 II II I1lhl I .01 II "1 .'111.1111" \, IIIit- I, "'}..ITH! 1111 Ih,· 11I,,t}.. BIII.H"'." pl." .. "lIdl .1" /J .. ,/! /J IIIII. Ih . Ih. 1I 1\"11111.11" 1 . 11111 ' III . '11 . 111111111111 hI! ti nt. ,. u.," ,J 11"10,, • . ,1111 'I,,' 1'/0,,:, 1 111 .tl l. / '/1/1 ••• I .... I'IiUlitl 11 . llhll /"'klt'1I1 ."lItll I~I del/l'II" /,1 11· /1 ' \ 1"11111 "I',H',II I~" 111" p. d 111111,11,\ 1111111111 . , :lIhp,,·d )11" 1" '11.11111. 11111 hllh .1 "" I:.!, I,' . 11 1 1'''. I" .. Illh"1 "'111 1,llc·... lilt IlId,' dill"" \,hOIIi hi IIh' I " h('11 Ibn lI1, u ll \\lIld - !~. iIJ .... IIIIII ' '" l it. \ I .. M 11/.\ Hllld,,1 \1 111, 1,\ •. 1 /1 , L II/I" III 111 .... 1. 111 111 (1111'1 1'),I\t'l1 \. IIIIt,! h.I" h('il"': iii(' : :!.!"1 1 1. , ,,1 •. \ "'11' , .. , fIl/" Ilin. "I II.,,;. II. I '''/J' \'' ',1111.111 1l,·I:1I11. Ihl p llI .. III», ""111"11 (1111", Idlt" I" ' \h Il . I ' II.IIIIIIII! ItIIlH.''' 1) .. :/ "t I I,. , .111111 \ .1IIi1 ,IUII 'il \~ \I", hll', . 1)1111'11( '1 111 41' " 111',11111:': t 1,11' \.!"" 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(oJ I T I1 : ' ( I Ill',' ",1\" IIf 111" .. "II, 111111 p"J,IH til( l.tllll III I I I I '" l 'I;p. Dudlt·\ ,h.lI.hh' ! t he .11"11 pl.l\I '!! . 1 111111111 Illh' lll \1 0111 , : .. 11"llg.lIl1Ig 11 .11 111.111 .. ,'1 \ .1111 / 1/1/1... 1"'.1 . ., ) \\ .• ' .Ihlt' It l \, .lI t h ." IIh' III l'II" ,rld"lI, l",,,,. Ilh' I,,,plll\.! 1 ,11 1111 ' .h,ll.ltll" dl' \l'!lIpt,d III tht' clllt'tlll' " ItI"li, 1.·-nl · lh,'-p".1t (' \\ Ito 1I1.1I11t' .. HIIII Ilund ,tilt! 111111""1111" 1' ... 1 \ d lllt kltllih RI.·\ 11111.1 ... 1IIe1 (."ldw 11.1\\ II 1II/~1 ' ( "•. 111111 "11 ,11 H,h: I'I.dt".1 1 .1",1. lit(· IehIP\ 1 .11 1'.1 "1 " 111 ·" .ttL (r I Ill' (oilTII: ' ",1\" ( ,1111'1', " .. 1I1\ .. lil ,d'"I1.~"IfIl' ~1t.\ I.' \1.111111 ITI 11/ tI/ IU,!I1:C.lllh,II,Uh" .Il1d 1( " lIlIIe.. . 1 lill,,", · \I, \,'1. ICII ,til lh,· .... ,· 111I11l\. 11!~'IIII1 ' 0" 11 "lull 01 1 l'''''dU II .. III "'pllt' III III' 1t"'1l I •• hll.· 1m ... Rhh.lld I dlt'll11l1 1" 1t,lIdl , .1 I hl.' impl'H i ... llitJlI.11 }..~, Duml t .1!l1l' '.\. .t1111110h Ion}.. .. . (1111"" 1" .ldh·" 101 !tuu .. dtllid 1I.lIl1l·. III h.tIl(h nil 1-"./(11. hhl' lI Ilbl' lli n i Ill·

dt,,·p th:1.1I1 fill ,·.Itlt IlIk. lit- \\ 1111" IIp .1 ()III' ft·.I .. on lUI lht.· 111(('''''('. hl '.lId,·d It· lpl.I \I·cJ \\ilh k.ulillg 111.111 (h.I"'· .1 h.ll }..gT III1IHI lUI hI" I h.II .1t h " . III I ,,· .. It" ,I .HIOI ' .. i.11.}.. til JlllhlH Inllgllilitlll j, Ic)) I11l'l \all"dfl \ .\ ,da / fl ', "1111.' 1 .1 11(1 'l' l1"l' ollll"ul\ Ih.1t hl' 1Il.1}..1.· .. U"I.' 0 1 ,I .. k" 01 1.·lhllH Pl'l It)! 1I1t·l . .. 1 hCII.·.\(·l'l.· _, It"\ ,Ilu.llion .... h)l H, ,'" UII'III' " . ( 1111-.1 ' IIll ·!l·d .lIId .llI,·llI" II) I)) 11114 h, .. l.nIH·1 1I1111,,". d Ih.Jl "I.·cllld 11' t •• !! !.II "punl.lIlt·OIl .. hu- t·" ·I<.I,,·II, 1"'1I11.! II p' lIll1c1 .. . III 1I1.1}..1· III' Ih,lI.ttll.·,i/.tlilln .. II' lill' 1 ">4..' 111111 '" 1.111.'''1 11101." ... 1\ .. Lihl'llIni \ lId tOl Ihl' I" .. , t h.tI ..llll'l Inl'}.. II}..l .1 11.11\ l ' "llpltll~ . lole I.) Fllltli - hl' pl." ... 111 ,·,.I"PI.· I.tll·d 11111, ' 111 \t·,I1". l.ih4.·llIni \\" .. .t1l.nH:d 1\) I II1 'n hi ' pIll pH ... ·h ." Id,·t! .1 hlllt· I.IH' I III n,'\\ "p.'!lt.'1 , 'tlllol ,1I"llIU" to h .IH' III" ,1.11 "PI.·,I}.. "fI ~ tighl 11l ~It .. h . II 'dilid "1.lIt .1 11.11" 1.11.111111,1"" Ill, IIIU" I '.lliIll· \\IIIT . 111 _ 1'"I!l" t ( h('\\ CIl.I .. d lillIl 11\(' 1 .1 Ill'lUi • by Ala n K~rp

IIH\1(I\Il- \I\(.\lI'l- II II ,lil' 111'711 ... 11'1 lilt III" 111111 , 10 hlll~1 1111 .1 ( III II.H lit .. 1111~ t.! J· · h!' I\\t'I ' 1I B lill .. l1 ,t'I,'\' ... 11I1I I 11111 lilt II I. Ii ..... 111- ~""d .IIUll·\II " p.' .... nl ,IIt '1I \ fill I h .. 11 ('1'111\,111111" l u h,ll''' 111 .. ul,·" III hit'. "" ,1111 tllll· IIII .. 1\11' .1I1c1111\1'II'!UI1 I h.II \\ .• " Ilh hili'" 1,lIll'cl 111I\l·;i .. 1 ,IIId "(11'1' 11\\1,,,'1 \\ 11". 1111 111 .1 "III,tll !,!101lP lit 'III II II.! dll l 'dlll'" Il lflll .. h'· I !.!, III 1~1t-(11. ' t. ·Jlbl'l 111 .11 1 (111I1d .. 1111 11'111('11I11\"II'd III Ihl 1\1111 .. 11 ,lIh ,l ­ Ridlel Scott h.I\(· lllll\\11 II h""lei 1 .I ~t I \,'.11 ... 111.1 1.'1 lI"ll1!.! ",d1l .. 11\ .• ' .1 ""II III I h.l1ll1t'd .. t Ilpl I'" l"lttll'- III ~( ' I ,I \\lIll.thk hiI'I. Illd," \d ' tlll"1I1:.!" I" .... l it I, II lit 11.,11,· /., J!. ",1 \\ . 1.. ,,,,,It·rI III " 111 11 ' .. lI.niH· h""d', "':,1111 ,llId lilt 11111" !.!'OInp , .. 1 1I~l.lljd 011,,1 "'1)1111"" ""nit' "I tilt' ...... 1..1111\\11 ,,,d.l \ 1111 It .lf illt hlll1.. \1., :1 " .. ' IH,· III Ih.ll 111111111\ ' .. ,IIItIt'1I1 IIl\lh ..

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b) Y" • Bygra".

Scott's hallmark: a richly imagi"l'd t'isual u'orld.

I:! 111 1 \10\ II \1 \(, \"" ",,,,,I '1\ ".1 IJo. · 1"""'11"./1 !topt' 1'111 III If lilt It \\l11t 11. 1 It'('lltl..t, I .1111, ",1,.11111 \,:. I ;\\11 hl'II -I,I-.,'(1 11111 III .. , Itt, ,1t.II' .. 1."1 . 111'" I .iI \\ ." .. 1l','1 11011 hi, ,: l. !,""I';' dlln 101 111..., 1'," Ii" Bill I 'I.I\C ' II·' h"('11 "IIIIIH'; RuhlH' lI 1"lIlt'\ 1..., ... \\l' 1I 1 \\ ,1\ O\l'l Iht· IIII' . 1111111111 "lIIl~lIIg .th. HII it "ltd" 1\(' I)tTI! I.", \,' ,11 \\lIb U II"''''IIHI:.! ,I" " ,m l. ,I ,lItHlllllg, 1'" 111 .. 1 'M "'II 1c""I~ 11 ~II, " 01 ... ,', 1I111111111 - C.111 .... 111~ (" plt I'ltlll \ d .It 111111. hi' \olllhllli C.I·:. /ellll·< ll" ... 1\ .. , .. 1 h,·\ ·lt· 11I1I1C'.1\ .lIul '''llI.lllIt ' IOh('\t' l. /,' IIWI ­ Robert Zemeckis \\fulflt'lllIl. ,11Ic! J tllIlI~ 'ht'\ '", 1t ·.l lll LI' h,I'lthl l"llh'd ellf\\!!".11 IUt' l1I ch· ~1'1I1~ II I hlt·.ll 11111 III ,I" .. 11111\11', I hn Inl !llt I)lIIlIul· lll· IK'·'lltll· .... 11I1 1, ,1: : 1\\11)) gt·' l eI pl.l\ "IHIt \\llIul"111I1 th.ll.ltlt·I'" It" IIIIII' ,II,: "'"111, 1111'.111-. Ih.C! .Hl'II'1 II"","" III .. ." dOli" l1a-. /I1 h. ',111'1(1,,,1111' 111 ,,1 : ' ,11(' h.· 11I11I1p .. 1111'1 hi ... p.llt'lIl-. .... In.. II.Il.!t· ' '' , "pie .. 1 \ 11111 t. """," 1'(""III1":W- :(:.! · \I,I1 -ol11 l ..... ( hIm .... 'IIIHI' .11111 ""lilt· tjlll!" ' ·lllh.III.t ...... III~ 111111111'11'" I Itt: i,k.1 01 .1 1t"'lIo1l!t'1 gllllll!, h.lll III l.!1.ul .. 1\" 11\,'1 .1 IlIld I UllI II I d p.t'1.I . Ott III \\ h"11 h., .. ,', ... h, .. P,II , '111" .11 I ht' tlw 111m' "I It" 1),111' 111'" \IIUIII It .... (,t'l' lI h" It'll ,lIltl ... ,1.,,1.11111 I ,Iii ( ',I ,h 111 ,111" '.1111,· .,g,t· he " , II' ... 111 1I1111"II.rI ,illl.IIIOII, l'lllill!.': III Iht' 1ll1I1I!" III / 1' 111t'( 1.., ... llId 111 .11 hll1l :' 11('(.111 .. , · hl"" t""IIHIl I , 'd \\ilh Loni".11 ( •. 11" l UI .1 hhlll', " Bob .llId J 1t.l\t· \\ .lIl1t'c1 /,' l1ln k,·: .. It p 1111 h.l'd " .1 11 ,1f""'lIllllt' 1I11.lg ... 11111 IItc ·\ '/(, ,illlllll.tIll·lIll .. h 11111.1 ' 10 Ill.tll.' Ihl" !JUIUlt' III, lilt:! "',11,," Ih., 1llllIc'd, IlIlItf"II'd \\lIiI Iht' hdp 01 III" 111;1, .11"l· ht· ""'.. Iht' llI .1 .. ,h,'\ \\,'It' dlll.-'t lin ,1111111111 .. _ J h., p.lil IJllIl,: 111111

(\,' , "'lie f' t "lIn!.I' h 111111 1..; p.III1Il' 1 Bill! III II", p .... 1, 1.1:111'1 ,11 .11 .•• ' lit, I.. lit 1\" ,hI' hig lillH' \\IIt'1I ,hl'\ \\(' 1" 1.lppnl In ( .. lIt. ('111111, Ii H,,, 1. 'II ,/,. I lIflll. .. ,,', •• 11I"III,I'I,h"I)1('''''1I1:' hlllc'/fNl , ~' ·'I. I.t ' IIIt.'tl, ... lIId (,.IIt' .II'· \\lIlIdt'lltll 1.1111.1"\ lh.ll , .. ,I 11I1I1pll.11I1I11 It· IIIt·. ll" \\nll .1 B,'''' "lIull'lll 1-11111 .. t·' III \\ltlt· Cn , I',·"f, ,I 1111111"" 111\"1t:1\ III .111 ,!u' t.!, 1 1.1I 111''''1' 11,' .. .rbUIII IIItH' \c .ld"111\ \\\.lId III 1~1i" : \ III, 111 .. IIl.lll 10 I... tii'n It ,d 1)\ 1\11.111 tit' P .tllII.l. " Bill I "Ikd /11111 01lL" /t-l1h" ~I" 1: /111111 .. . •.. Itlllll"C h,I'"MII/ I/"II/11, 1.. 11 d,111t1i1l lell.1 tll..( .... "II in I .. .. , ell .ill .. 1.lgC· ... '.1'. .. I III.I~III,IIII II .11111 1111111111 h.l\t' III.l1l.·1! IIIotIl 111 III .. :\0, III It'l.lll.' Icc Iht, 1t.·'·Il.I~'· 1."'111'" ll'" " I t'll h.I'(' 10 \\.111 IIIHil \\t' 11.lil I" .. \\1 11~ . h I III II .!I .. " lilt IlIdc '" ,I llllt' l II • 1)4 11111 III \ i,'\\ ~ " \\c.'II." I l.'lIIn l" nlll .. ' .... " I dl)\\11 "mI. IIIIJ" 1' /l/IUI " • 11/ , 111 it n tllllll'ih I.lllt·d I .. r! t. ", . .tllIl ". 1.1111 il,,1 1",,1 c·IIIIII , ,I 11J\\ - bud\.t"1 phtt' .Ibolll hIlI! B, ·. ·II,·II1.I.;I.H", / 1\" ,11111 /I/lld l i'IIJ 11"",/ J II ,· '.1.. 1 III U",/.. I II I/', /11"11 ' lilt ItUk.. \lh h .•d ~ hI" (1111111 I \ .... I·flllII" I " d. ( 11I, .. tI1pl C' I I Imil , l il\l\ 101lnl·tllll R"'t'''''HI lilli " I t'.' I hOlllp­ "' 011 ( \/1 rIll /( n,:h( \1"1"/') .md ( I I" pili ( IInc" (hllth. '\, /('ItIllC ;l'lIh 110 \1,,,,,,), I ' It' hhll, 1111\\ .. huflIIIII.!" , .. "lIpP""'I'd 10 l'k It'.rel, I" 1.11(' 111 Jilt' "'IIIIII1U" III Iq~ :l , ' II .. ,IIH'II' .1 It't ·II.I).!,t' l \\h., 11.1\(·1 .. l III ""It' JO q ... , ...... " .. It · lIlt ,t ~i .. " I ht'lt'

by Za n Ste wa rt

USC Film Schooltought Zemeckis the machinery! offilmmakin g,

I Ill- MO \ ' I~ \1 \(. \/I:'\)- l' co · M I . .

II A J~TH{):\'Y P F. IU\,I:o\'\ It -,ll ". Ill' , ." ,,11111.111 B .ll t .. . lilt W 1I1I:!:.! .• hl. \1'1 11111141\"11111' nllk hi. I.lIIk, TO,\. 1J,\:"t\..' he 1'''' I IInlil III I', "h .. ,1 11 /.111 ,11111 I' ~""I' 1/ 1.11 III 111\,' hllh .1 1I1t·11II.lld III II"'" \l· \ llt'\\ 111 .. 1.1111111 111 h","'c! 1111 1111 L ,/,lu.1I - III .1 ""ll' I('1I1 "11\111111 \lIlcd 1 111.111 111 l d", • b H'I''''II'dh III 1111'111 II .. " 1.111. Il.lllk, \\111 ... 1.11 III .It Ilil 1111 \'1111.. .. I .. lit' I.llkd /'''1/0' III I.IIC' dlll·II.1I fHCH ·\RD I \h h li'",/I. }, rll, U r" \1111 '1111'11" '(\-'. lilt loll .... ' q" .... d, -"lilt III:.:, .llth lilt \1",011' n E;"'\JA .\fI~ '!'o 11,'\\," 1 1" ' •• lIc ' II' \\111 "llI tlltlll~ PIIII\,.!,'111 ,I' Itllli. I h. \l"II,' I 'll 1( .... 1 ''It·\t·1! " pH'I­ lilt .. ,.Ihhlll:!- Ill .. hll\\t I '4"11'"111 I III Ik'l~ 1111",'111.111.111." 111'1 In 1).1\111 ( .11, '1. lilt IIII:.!III.t1 \\111 "I.tli ldlllll1:! 1111 ..

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1'1.1\ I, 11\ h illt I IIt'1l1k.' ~t ER YL ,,1.11 I 1''''''I'cI ,11I:.!.t.:'·1 111 / h. \ f llllll ••• 1 s-rR EF. P pl.l\-. tht, ""llIlIh Iq .... II,.I".·h.dl "pll

SPIELBERG .,,,IfII//I,rI/.llm/III':', II .. lid 1I11·1!" III 11\ 1..11 k hOIiH' - Il·\t"d" ")"dil"I!.!-" tllIIlIlHIIII~ • .IHhl\ 111 clll'.1I11 t luldllk,' tilt .tll1" dlld .. , ., Ih"lIl 1111111 Ii,,· '1In'lI It" .. \, ." kill:.!, IlIlt' h.I' , U,,\. I " •. •IIHI Ih,' ItlI'\lt' IllUt ht" "qll.II ..I, I,I! ,"l.. 1.11 h.11l III It.! Ill' . 11111 IIlht' l \\wld" 1111 • .,.:111 - 1111,: .... \\ hltl. ... t · • .1"11 Ilu' 'Ilifl , d "Pit' I­ ""I~', ItI,· .I" .1 !til \ hlllllll.tlt'h till ItlllI:.!,III·I". "IUl'II»I·11.:, Iht' .1(1,,11 h •• , "1.f\t'cI ttlI1lWtlt.:d III 111" .htldlik,·, 1111,' ",,' 1II1.1t,:I· 1101""11. m.III\1I1t.: II II'" 1111111.:,11" .1, .. t·lI1- hl.·d 111,"11'1\ 01 1t1l1l1l1.lklllg' I ,til. I II lilt· 1I1 .• kll1~.tI I I . ""pl..tI ",·I~ h .. , ..... pt·(I.III\ pl,·.I ... ,·d .11"JlII ,\olk'ng "illl .1 ,.! I IlUp III 'p"III.lIlt·III1 .... 1Il1ll1hihlll·d , 1"le1 .It 1111' I hc' pl .U ",' I,,· t"Il'lId"cI 111 I·. r ~ \ Ollll\), p ... 1101I1h·I" c .111 lit' .Ippltt.'d \\ 1111 t·q u.d lI\11h 10 " plt·IIN·11.:, hllll,dl " II \/lli 1.\1\" Ih"111 IIt"1I itn'dlllll," Itt· ',lid ,IHlllh Iw· IIttt, lit,· IIhlt\ Id,·.I't·, ' 11 \.111 ,11111\\ Iltt'

Filmmaker Spir/" cr.f{ u'itl, Ih t> .,·ou"l{ slars o[ Poll c rgcisi. ifrom thr /r[l) Dominique kid, In tlllll,' lip hllh IIlt'lI 11\\11 111\(' 11 - D.mnl', Heather O'/lourkt> a" d O/il'rr Robbins. m.d of E.T. T h t.' EXlro.llcrrt'Slrial. Dreuo 111111" III hl/h 10 till IIl1l1g .... iI', JII ... I IIH H·d· Barrymon·. He",)' Thomas and Rob"rt J\1arNc uJ.!. hlo" , Ihlt- Ill,' 1Il . I~il Iht·\ IIIIIIC. In til(' 11111\ " . , "

II 1111 \11)\ II \1 \C, \/i" I didn't buy my car stereo backwards. Why should you? My car stereo dealer told me nyou wont clean. clear accurate sound-choose your speakers first. Because nthe speakers coo' j handle ~ . you woo·t hear H. No matter what kind of sound your receiver pulls in. Then he told me: Jensen~ Wyou wont to hear ~ the way they played ~ . choose Jensen speakers first. Jensen invented cor speakers in the first place. And they're a leader today. Si:llPlY because they know how to deliver the goods. Naturally I got a Jensen receiver to go wi1h my JenS9n speakers. Great team. designed to ploy best logelhet Makes sense. Makes great sound. too. I wont to hear ~ all. Wrth Jensen. I do. I I i

I ,'ie l_., .-r!.111 .\\ I I u ~ , ~ -,- I