Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 5-2-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1985 Volume 70, Issue 150 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1985." (May 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian SOllt hern Ill inois Uni\·er,it\· <it Carbondale Thursday, May 2, 1985, Vol. 70. 1\0. 15n N~caragua defies embargo, seeks World Court action ~IANAG U A . Nicaragua who swor(' I he Cfouiit n ' \\'ould succeer1 in forcing II ... 10 our f UPI J - ~ic a r ag ua said find new ways to bring 'i n hadly knees in hunger." Wednesd3\· the U.S. Irade needed export income, On e oppositiun lea der embargo 'wiil not r• .H 'ce the " The ~il ' a r ag uall go\'er­ hlamed Ihe embargo on nation to its " knees in hunger " ment has begun a series of Sandinisla policie:-. - pa r· a nd said it will go to Ih(' World s tudies to facC' this new state of ticul ar l ~ il s growing closeness Court to protest the ('('onomi<' econOllllC e mergency'" he 10 Ihe S~ vi el Union. sanl'tions as illegal and al"­ said . " We Will go to other ··This is " product of the rash bilran ', countries to seek more aid to journey of Presldenl Da niel President Reagan. who was face Ihis escalaled aggression. Ortega 10 the SOC iali st coun· in Wes t German\' for ~ an We are looking for a lternative tries:' said Erick Ram:rez, economic summit. 'ordered a mark(·ts .·' vice president of I he Socia I ban on all U.S. Irade w;lh The Inlernalional Courl of Christian Party, Nicaragua. He also cut off ~ II' Juslice in Ihe Hague. beller Orlega left Managua last ilnd ship ser vice from Ih~ known as the World Court . week for an orficial visit 10 the Central Am erican countr\' to arbitrates internationa l Soviet Uni on and some of it~ U.S. poinls. j l:' jlutcs !\'ica ragua las.1 year Easl bloc a lli es to seek a id jusl " These rncCtS Ut'f'S ha\'c ~111 wen I t ... lilt' Court to protest da ys after Congress refused 10 i ll ega l and arbitrary CIA mining ils ports. but Ihe approve Reagan' !=- requpst for l'ha ractcl .·· \ 'in' President L'nit ed Stal('~ refu sed to S l~ million in new ;'lId to th(> Sergio 1 '~~l l11irez sa id . " They rccognize Ih C' world body's Nicaraguan rebel:" . I) rl(' g ~ a re undoing interna Ilona I jUl'b rll ction "'as in Yu goslavia \\hen t nt' juci itiai orciri. E;ulicr Wcdnesda\'. ('mdr. embargo was a nnolll1cl'd " :\icaragua is going to a dd B3 yardo Arce . polilil'ai ~icar agua c ur renll~ h.1 :"'! $;:' :hil<; 10 the "Ise W{' ha \"(' (Ii I"{.'I,'Inl' Ilf IhC' leftist San· bl!lion foreign nehl and II.., inili"ltec! Ix' fo rp th e World dilllsia Frunt , Silld in LI eCOllullW !'i ufft!r:-: frnm.1 la d. 011 ("ourl ilgaln:,, 1 Ih (> L" S nationwide Ic it:\'lsed ad dr~ s ha rd l: urrenc~ ' I f II' nl'l't1 f"d gO\-er nl11C'n l. -, 5<:11<-1 Harnirrz, liwl Ihe er,l ha rg f , " will nol import ... Dotson free on $100,000 bond DIX 01'\ ' UPI , - ~ s milln;; will be Iwrlllaneni . S'Jpreme Court wh il£, he a p· Gal'\' DOlson , corvict('d of " I'm 11E:·gmning to feel like a ,JCals hi s 1979 rape (' on \'ll'! ion rap{ng a woma n who has sincf"' pinball," Dotson sairl. a fte r He had been free:' for 111\(> \\ t!ek wilhdrawn her ac(' usation. being escorted from the DixlHl in April. but was OI'd('n'd back wa lked out of prison ior his Corrertional Center by his 10 pri!i'fltl \\ h~ n n Conk c.. Oll nl ~ second tas te of I fE'edolfl mol her a nd Jaw\'cr , - j udge r e jected II" . bl" Wcdnesda \' a rt (> r his mol her · "("Ill hopi ng Ihings will reca ntation. and lawyer met a $100,000 eventually work out (but " "m happy ," DOl son 's bond. rm) geiting a fraid 10 be mother. Barb::ra . said after Dog day afternoon Dotson. 28, who was granted hopefuL·· said lJotson. who postin!, hp!" sout h suburban a week of freedom on bond lasl was gr eeled by a crowd of Counlrv Clu b Hills home as monlh afler Ca lhleen Crowell about 50 supporters who collnleral for a SI0.000 loan Whiskey took a nal) on his hack porch at 10, W. Cherr~' St. Webb lestified s he made up Ihe waited outside the prison ior DOlSon, who has sla led II: the Wednesda\- a rtrrnoon. \vhi~ke\' is ownPd b,' Dave Struiff. a rape char ge, said he is his release, past Ihal he bears 110 grudge junior in businf'Ss. cautiou:-.lv optimis tic that hi s Dotson was granted bond I~ward Webb. repealed his second release from prison Tuesday by i he Illinois interest in mcelin~ her. Reagan gets enthusiastic greeting BON1'\. Wesl Germany and her hr C'l lhcr Hans llrl' ' UPI , - Presidenl Reagan buried. a rrived in Europe Wednesday The St.:holls wcrc sfudpill pl agued by problems back Airport bomb defused by police leaders in th e u!1derground hOine -- a trade emba rgo BONN. West Germany arri\'a l for the seven-na tion the nick of time by a priva lt' " White HosC' '' an ii- Hil le r againsl Nicaragua. polenlial ' UPl , - P olice Wednesda \" economic summit, ~ lth ough citizen a nd rendered ha r­ mo\"ement in 19,t J when the\" budgel defeals a nd a storm disarmed a bomb limed to numerous demons tra tions mless:· police said. were betrayed a nd execulc~ over his plans to visit to a explode at a n aerospace a11d protests were scheduled Man of the estimated by the Nazis as trailors 10 Germa n military cemetery indu tn" office in Bonn 10 later in the week. 10.000 10 15.000 fed era l. state Hiller. containing t.he gra"cs of :\azi minul ~"s a ft e r President Police described the bomb and loca l police s ummoned soldiers, l\'l eanwhile, a bou t 3UO Reagan arrived on a slate as a 13-pound explosi\'e to the capita l as a security G e rm a ns, w ;:l \' lng t i ny vi~it. chargp packed in fire f he' president and First a fo rce for the summit lined America n flags, !'.t f-- nl up a roar extinguisher a nd ::,.:1 ttl be' Lady Na llcy Reagan :! rrived to T he abortive bombing the route that membPrs of from Ih e baleo",· of the tn ggeredbya time fuse . a 21·gun salule a nd Ihe cheers attempt W3£ the onl" in· Ht:.lgar'-s party look from Cologne· Bonn airPort when "The de\'ice 'yas s pot tl'Ci III of a welcoming crowd a nd then cident to mark Reagan' !o! the airport to BOlm. Reagan a nd hi s wife slepped went into seclusion a t a cloud" Ski es, contras ted With An Amen can J eW is h group down fro l11 ...\ if Forct' One onto moaled castle to prepare for Donna Rosenlhal . a s ha rp c riticis m Reaga n a n ge r e d by Pres id e nt a rt.:d (';:I rppi the seven-na tion economic re prrsen a tive of the received al home for his plans Reagan·s planned Irip 10 summit a nd priva te talk s with a AmE:rican Jewish Congress, Iteagan was grL £' led by West to place a wreath at a German Bilburg said Wednesday it wi l! said her group is organizrng a a llied l ea d ~rs . Germ.) n F'oreign Minis le r mili tary temetery in Bitburg stage its own ceremony at the memori a l wrealh·layi ng Hans·J)ietrkh Genscher 3!1d The " r celing. although where 49 Nazi Iroops lie among graves of !wo students ki ll ed Frida·' al Munich·s Perlacher U. S. Ambassador Arthur relativel) tow key and under hundreds of German war dead. for opposing Adolf Hitler. Cemei'ery. where Sophie Scholl Burns. This Moming Rental program to offer low-interest loans K~' Thuma:.. ;\l anJ.!3 n meet city housing codes and is must ma lch all eilv loan funds Professor aids SlaHWrih'r renled by people with low to with r.rivate financing to be Gm Bmk· students in writing Applicalions to participale moderate incomes eligib e 10 participale in the in Ca rbondale·s Re n lal The Illinois Depa rlmenl of program. flppaymenl of a cily \ ---- - Page R Rehabilitalion Program may Commerce a nd Community rehabilitallOn loan wi ll be be prepared by 'he end of nexl Affairs ga\·e Ihe cily a n S8U.000 deferred until a landlord pays off all privale loans Inleresl \ MVC will drop week. said ,lane Hu ghe, . rental rehabilitation grant in director of Ihe l'itv's Division :,\i art.' h .
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