Building Bridges: Learning from the Experts
Building Bridges: Learning from the Experts Building bridges to implement successful life promotion and suicide prevention expertise across Aboriginal communities June, 2009 Acknowledgements The Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing provided funding to the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health Queensland to undertake “Building Bridges: Learning from the Experts”. Queensland Health provided funding for the Family Well Being Training for the project officers in each of the communities. The preparation of this report has been undertaken by Emily Schindeler at the request of the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health Queensland. Auspiced by the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Queensland, this has been a joint venture between James Cook University (JCU), the University of Queensland (UQ), the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Queensland Health, HITnet, and the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention. From the JCU, UQ and USQ teams, special acknowledgement must be given to (in alphabetical order): Les Baird, Cath Brown, Kevin Canendo, Dr Melissa Haswell-Elkins, Victor Gibson, Professor Don Gorman, Dr Delwar Hossain, Dr Arlene Laliberté, Janya McCalman, Alexandra McEwan, Kevin Mayo, David Patterson, Lyndon Reilly, Dr Komla Tsey, Eddie Turpin and Raelene Ward . Recognition must also go to the organisations which provided support and guidance to the project including Gurriny Yealamucka Health Service, Queensland Health (Hope Vale Clinic), Kowanyama Aboriginal Council, Apunipima Cape York Health Service, Goodnir Health Service, the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Wuchopperen Health Service. The residents of Yarrabah, Dalby, Hope Vale and Kowanyama, and the staff of Lotus Glen Correctional Facility who have been involved with the project are also gratefully recognised.
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