From Empires to Ngos in the West African Sahel: the Road to Nongovernmentality Gregory Mann Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01654-5 - From Empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel: The Road to Nongovernmentality Gregory Mann Index More information Index Abelin, Pierre, 225 Association des étudiants maliens (AEM), 36 Adams, Samuel, 206 Association des travailleurs maliens en AEF (Afrique Equatoriale Française), 30–32, France (ATMF), 154 104n46. See also Cameroon, Chad, Association malienne des droits de Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon l’homme, 236 AFASPA (Association française d’amitié et Association pour la formation technique de de solidarité avec les peuples d’Afrique), base des Africains et Malgaches residant 11, 213n18; advocacy for US-RDA en France (AFTAM), 155–56 prisoners, 225–31; famine relief efforts, ASSOTRAF (Association pour l’aide sociale 175, 197–200, 205, 226 aux travailleurs africains), 151–55, 158 African Charter on Human and People’s Attaher ag Illi, 76 Rights, 232 Autra, Ray, 17n11, 23, 27n49 African-American political activism, 176, 203, 204–7. See also Africare; RAINS. Ba, Amadou Hampaté, 23, 116 Africanization, 62–63, 64–65, 79n164 Bâ, Ousmane, 224, 226, 227 Africare, 11 Bagayoko, Ténimba, 234 AID. See US-AID Bagayoko, Tiécoro, 155n127, 216, Algeria, 3, 43, 59, 81, 84, 129, 132, 229–30, 234 133n40, 168; Algerian migrants to France, Balandier, Georges, 8, 15, 40–41, 66, 201;in 129, 131, 133n40, 148, 149–50 AEF, 30–32; in Guinea, 24–25, 27–30; Alleg, Henri, 233n10 intellectual influence, 34, 37 Amenokal, 76, 111, 115. See also chieftaincy Bamba, Amadu, 217 Ambeiry ag Rhissa, 192 Bawani, Mahamane, 70 American Friends Services Committee Benin. See Dahomey (AFSC), 175, 189–97, 204 Beti, Mongo, 199 Amicale des travailleurs sénégalais de la Bongo, Omar, 178, 180 région parisienne (ATSRP), 156 Boni, Nazi, 128 Amnesty International, 11, 213–14, BPN.
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