Publisher Verein Winteruniversiade 2021 Horwerstrasse 87, CH-6005 Luzern Tel. +41 41 318 37 27

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1. Welcome Message 5 2. Abbreviations 7 3. FISU International Technical Committee (CTI – UH) 8 4. General Information 9 4.1. 30th Winter Universiade 2021 Lucerne, Switzerland 9 4.2. Competition Schedule 9 4.3. Opening and Closing Ceremonies 9 5. Competition Information 10 5.1. Technical Committee 10 5.2. Ski Orienteering Structural Chart 11 5.3. Technical Regulations 12 5.3.1. Competition Jury 12 5.3.2. Protest and Appeal 12 5.4. Competition Format 13 5.4.1. Sprint 13 5.4.2. Pursuit 13 5.4.3. Sprint Relay 13 5.5. Competition and Training Venue Information 13 5.5.1. General Information 13 5.5.2. Venue Layouts 13 5.5.3. Courses Layouts and Technical Datas 13 5.6. Day by Day Schedule 14 5.7. Equipment 16 5.7.1. Punching System 16 5.8. Doping Control 16 5.8.1. Doping Control 16 5.8.2. List of Prohibited Substances 16 5.8.3. Testing 16 5.8.4. Doping Control Stations 17 5.8.5. Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) 17 5.8.6. Structure 17 5.9. Flowers and Medals 17 5.9.1. Flower Ceremony 17 5.9.2. Medal Ceremony 17 5.9.3. Diploma of Honours 18 5.10. Media Interviews 18 5.11. Sport Information Services 18 5.11.1. Online Sport Information Services 18 5.11.2. Sport Information Centre (SIC) at the University of Lucerne 18 5.11.3. Sport Information Desk (SID) at the Venue 19

3 5.11.4. Sport Information Distribution 19 6. Service Information 20 6.1. Radio Frequency Control 20 6.1.1. General Information 20 6.1.2. Contact Details 20 6.2. Accreditation 21 6.3. Storage and Wax Rooms 21 6.4. Transportation Ski Orienteering 21 6.4.1. Transportation System for Athletes and Team Officials (TA) 21 6.4.2. Transportation Services for Spectating Athletes and Officials (TS) 21 6.5. Food and Beverages 21 6.5.1. Breakfast 21 6.5.2. Main Dining Hall Lenzerheide 21 6.5.3. F&B Services at the Competition Venues 22 6.5.4. F&B Meal Cards 22 6.6. Medical Services 22 6.6.1. Covid-19 22 6.6.2. Conditions of Medical Assistance 22 6.6.3. Medical Support Structure 22 6.6.4. Medical Support in the Accommodation Sites 22 6.6.5. Dedicated Hospitals and Specialised Medical Facilities 22 7. OC Contacts 24 8. Appendices 25 8.1. 30th Winter Universiade 2021 Lucerne Competition Schedule 25 8.2. Venue and Courses Layouts 26 8.2.1. Roland Arena General Overview 26 8.2.2. Overview Orienteering Map 27 8.2.3. Training Area 28 8.2.4. Unofficial Training Area / Valbella 29 8.2.5. Privà Lodge 30 8.2.6. Lenzerheide City Map 31 8.3. Geographical Overview Venues 32

4 Dear Friends

On behalf of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), I am very happy to welcome you to the 30th Winter Universiade 2021 in Lucerne.

As the Games approach, there is one thing that is certain: the challenges in reaching this point of preparedness have been without precedent. For us, together with the Organising Commit- tee to have made it this far is proof of huge determination on the part of so many, delivering on the promise of international univer- sity sport for thousands of young athletes. All of us at FISU are very much aware of the efforts that have been required from all involved to get this far, and are very much aware of the continued effort that will still be required before we are able to safely and successfully conclude the Lucerne 2021 Winter Universiade.

This “Technical Handbook” represents a part of that creativity and effort. It has been created to provide you with comprehensive information about the competitions that will help you contribute to the success of the 30th Winter Universiade. We are deeply grateful to the Organising Committee of the Lucerne 2021 Winter Universiade and the supporting public authorities for their contin- ued commitment to deliver an exceptional alpine experience. I personally am more than happy that the Winter Universiade is finally returning to my home country after 1962 in Villars and will give you all a warm welcome according to the motto of “Welcome Home”. FISU remains here to help you too.

Days of friendly sport and sunlit mountains lie ahead. Please accept my best wishes and sincere gratitude for your part in making that welcome vision a reality.

Best wishes, Leonz Eder Acting President of the International University Sports Federation

5 Dear Technical Delegates and Officials, Dear Delegations, Dear Friends of winter sports

Welcome to the 30th Winter Universiade here in Central Switzer- land and – Welcome Home! The fact that the Winter Universiade had to be postponed by a year due to the coronavirus pandemic has done nothing to diminish the anticipation and excitement surrounding the event! Winter sports have a long tradition in this country, especially in . Switzer- land is also home to the International University Sports Federation (FISU), which is headquartered in Lausanne. And you too, ladies and gentlemen, should feel at home here. In close cooperation and with a great deal of passion and expertise, the six Central Swiss cantons of Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, , and , as well as the Host City of Lucerne, have done everything possible to ensure that the approximately 1600 participants from numerous nations will find ideal and, in particular, fair conditions for the competitions here. Sustainability was vital to us: our well-suited existing sports facilities are available for the competitions. We have only carried out modernisation measures where necessary. Sooner or later, these will benefit not only the top athletes but also the local population and tourists in particular. It was also important to us that we support the compatibility of sport and education by organising the Universiade. As a winter sports destination and educational location in Central Switzerland with the University of Lucerne, we are ideally suited to this. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those involved for their great commitment to the organisation and implementation of the Lucerne 2021 Winter Universiade. I am very pleased to welcome you here and wish you exciting, successful and accident-free competitions and an unforgettable stay. This technical manual is intended to provide you with all the information you need to find your way around. Welcome Home!

Guido Graf, Cantonal Councillor Lucerne President of the association «Winter Universiade Lucerne-Central Switzerland 2021»

6 2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Name in full

ADAMS Anti-Doping Administration and Management System

AMS Athlete Medical Station

CIC FISU International Control Committee

CMI FISU International Medical Committee

CT FISU Technical Committee

CTI – UH FISU International Technical Committee for Winter Universiade

EC FISU Executive Committee

FISU International University Sports Federation

F&B Food & Beverage

HoD Head of Delegation

IF International Federation

IOF International Orienteering Federation

ITO International Technical Official

LOC Local Organising Committee

MMT Mobile Medical Teams

NADO National Anti-Doping Organisation

NOC National Olympic Committee

NF National Federation

NTO National Technical Official

NUSF National University Sports Federation

OC Organising Committee

SIC Sport Information Centre

SID Sport Information Desk

SO Swiss Orienteering

SOR Ski Orienteering

TD Technical Delegate

TCC Technical Committee Chair

TCM Team Captains Meeting

TO Technical Official

TUE Therapeutic Use Exemptions

WADA World Anti-Doping Agency

WU Winter Universiade

7 3. FISU International Technical Committee (CTI-UH)

Position First Name Last Name Country





FISU TCC Zofia Stefania KIELPINSKA POL Cross-Country Skiing



FISU TCC Magnus FERRY SWE Freestyle & Freeski




FISU TCC Short Track Speed Nam-Hwan PARK KOR Skating

FISU TCC Markku VAUHKONEN FIN Ski Orienteering

8 4. General Information

4.1. 30th Winter Universiade 2021 Lucerne, Switzerland

Date: 11-21 December 2021 Location: Lucerne, Switzerland Sports programme : 10 sports, 60 events Venues: 8 venues

4.2. Competition Schedule

Please refer to Appendix 8.1.

4.3. Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Opening Ceremony

Date: 11 December 2021

Location: Universiade Park, Lucerne

Beginning of the 19:30 Ceremony:

Closing Ceremony

Date: 21 December 2021

Location: Bossard Arena, Zug

Beginning of the Starts after the Ice Hockey Men Gold Medal Game Ceremony:

9 5. Competition Information

5.1. Technical Committee

Technical Committee Markku VAUHKONEN (FIN) Chair

IF Technical Delegate Sixten SILD (EST)

Competition Manager Thierry JEANNERET (SUI)

NF Technical Delegate Lukas STOFFEL (SUI)

Chief of Competition Hansruedi HÄNY (SUI)

10 5.2. Ski Orienteering Structural Chart

President LOC FISU TCC Markku VAUHKONEN Hannes Parpan IF TD Venue Manager Competition Manager Sixten SILD Silvio BASELGIA Thierry JEANNERET Security Chief of Competition NF TD Romano MEIER Hansruedi HÄNY Lukas STOFFEL Workforce / Volunteers Chief Stadium Christian BARANDUN Claude GIRARDIN Chief of Course Beat OKLÉ

11 5.3. Technical Regulations sign the official entry list of athletes.

The Ski Orienteering events will be organised in 5.3.1. Competition Jury accordance with the most recent technical regulations of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF), A jury consisting of the FISU TCC and two (2) team except when specifically amended with the FISU officials shall be appointed at the first Team Captains Regulations for Lucerne 2021 or by the CTI-UH. In any Meeting. dispute, the English text will be regarded as authoritative. The IOF Technical Delegate shall chair the jury without voting rights. The jury shall remain the same through- The programme and duration of the competitions will out the competition week. be fixed by the FISU Executive Committee in agree- ment with the Organising Committee and the CTI-UH. In principle, the programme will last four days and will include the following events:

Men Women

Individual Sprint Distance Individual Sprint Distance

Individual Pursuit Distance Individual Pursuit Distance Sprint Relay

Each country may enter a maximum of sixteen (16) competitors (with a maximum of eight (8) men and 5.3.2. Protest and Appeal eight (8) women). Each country may enter in: Any protest of a sport or disciplinary nature must be • Sprint distance: 6 men and 6 women submitted in writing to the jury according to the • Pursuit distance: 6 men and 6 women regulations laid down by the IOF (IOF Rules 27-30). A • Sprint relay: 2 teams of two 2 athletes (at least one 1 protest fee of EUR 50 (or the equivalent in local woman per team) currency) shall be paid to the Chair of the Jury in cash when making a protest. The fee will be returned if the The Head of Delegation or his/her representative shall protest is accepted by the jury. Where a protest is hand in the entry list according to the deadlines listed signed by more than one Federation, each of these in the day by day schedule. Federations will pay the protest fee.

Only with an Accreditation Card approved by the CIC Any sport disciplinary situation, which cannot be can an athlete be considered for the draw of a starting satisfactorily resolved by the sports technical list and be entitled to participate in any of the committees and the sport-specific disciplinary competitions.. regulations, will be reported to the FISU Disciplinary Committee for further action to be taken. Where At the first Team Captains Meeting, the Head of appropriate, a report will also be sent to IOF. Delegation or his/her representative shall confirm and


5.4. Competition Format

5.4.1. Sprint

The race with individual start and 1 minute start interval. Maximum 6 athletes per country and category. Start position drawn according to starting groups. Starting groups allocation decided by team leaders. Best time with correct punching wins.

5.4.2. Pursuit

The race with individual start based on the sprint results. Forking in legs is necessary. First athlete in the finish with correct punching wins.

5.4.3. Sprint Relay

The race with mass start. Maximum 2 teams per country of two (2) athletes (1 man + 1 woman or 2 women). Women start on the first, third and fifth leg. First athlete in the finish with correct punching wins.

5.5. Competition and Training Venue Information

5.5.1. General Infromation OC Venue Manager Silvio BASELGIA

Distance from Venue Function Location Accommodation

Roland Arena Lenzerheide

Voia da Bual 1 Roland Arena 5 km Training / Competition CH-7083 Lantsch/Lenz Lenzerheide 10 min

Capacity Standing area: 5000

5.5.2. Venue Layouts

Please refer to the Appendix 8.2

5.5.3. Courses Layouts and Technical Datas

Will be inserted later.

13 5.6. Day by Day Schedule

Start Finish Date Day Event Name Venue Time Time

07.12.2021 TUE TBD Venue Inspection Visit Roland Arena

08.12.2021 WED 17:00 19:00 CTI-Meeting University of Lucerne

Universiade Park 11.12.2021 SAT 19:30 21:30 Opening Ceremony Lucerne

11.12.2021 SAT 09:00 11:00 Unofficial Training Lenzerheide/Valbella

12.12.2021 SUN 09:00 10:00 1st Technical Committee Meeting Roland Arena

12.12.2021 SUN 10:00 Deadline Entry Sprint Roland Arena

12.12.2021 SUN 10:00 11:00 1st Team Captains Meeting Sprint (TCM) Roland Arena

12.12.2021 SUN 14:00 16:00 Official Training Sprint W/M Lantsch/Roland Arena

13.12.2021 MON 13:30 14:30 Sprint M Roland Arena

13.12.2021 MON Flower Ceremony Sprint M Roland Arena

13.12.2021 MON 15:00 16:00 Sprint W Roland Arena

13.12.2021 MON Flower Ceremony Sprint W Roland Arena

Medal Plaza Roland 13.12.2021 MON 16:30 17:00 Medal Ceremony Sprint M / W Arena

14.12.2021 TUE Reserve Day Roland Arena

14.12.2021 TUE 14:00 15:30 Official Training Lantsch/Roland Arena

14.12.2021 TUE 15:30 Deadline Entry Pursuit Roland Arena

Team Captains Meeting Pursuit and Sprint 14.12.2021 TUE 18:00 19:00 Roland Arena Relay

15.12.2021 WED 13:30 14:30 Pursuit M Roland Arena

15.12.2021 WED Flower Ceremony Pursuit M Roland Arena

15.12.2021 WED 15:00 16:00 Pursuit W Roland Arena

15.12.2021 WED Flower Ceremony Pursuit W Roland Arena

Medal Plaza Roland 15.12.2021 WED 16:30 17:00 Medal Ceremony Pursuit M / W Arena

16.12.2021 THU 14:00 15:30 Sprint Relay W/M Roland Arena

14 Start Finish Date Day Event Name Venue Time Time

16.12.2021 THU Flower Ceremony Sprint W/M Roland Arena

Medal Plaza Roland 16.12.2021 THU 16:00 16:15 Medal Ceremony Sprint W/M Arena

17.12.2021 FRI 16:00 17:00 Final Technical Committee Meeting Roland Arena

17.12.2021 FRI 16:30 17:30 Closing Event BTH/SOR Roland Arena

exp. Universiade Park 21.12.2021 TUE Closing Ceremony 17:15 Lucerne

15 Ceremonies 5.7.1. Punching System Flower ceremonies will be held immediately after the finish of the competition. Medal ceremonies for men The SportIdent Air+ touchfree punching system is and women will be held at the Medal Plaza Lenzerhei- used in all competitions. The organising commitee de, which is located in front of the Quadrin building at provides the punching SI-cards. the Roland Arena Lenzerheide. For more information please refer to the chapter 5.9. 5.8. Doping Control

Trainings 5.8.1. Doping Control Depending on the snow conditions, unofficial trainings before the official start are possible. The unofficial Doping Controls will be carried out in accordance with trainings will take place in Lenzerheide/Valbella. Maps the WADA World Anti-Doping Code and FISU regula- with some basic courses, tracks and controls will be tions. Conditions for doping control procedures will be available for training purposes. The unofficial training provided during the competitions at all sports venues. sites are easily accessible from the accommodation. The official trainings will take part near the Roland 5.8.2. List of Prohibited Substances Arena, on the eastside of the main road (Lantsch). Only the buildings of the stadium (Nordic House, Wax- and The actual list of prohibited substances and methods storage areas, race office and Quadrin building) are is defined in accordance with WADA international allowed. A designated ski testing slope will be standards. National University Sports Federations will accessible as well. For detailed information about the be responsible for ensuring that their delegations, official and forbidden areas, as well as for unofficial namely athletes, are made aware of the actual copy of trainings, please see maps in chapter 8.2.3. the Prohibited List. Ignorance of the Prohibited List contents will in no way constitute a valid excuse for Reserve Day any participant of the Winter Universiade violating The OC will do its best to hold all competitions in the valid FISU Anti-Doping Rules. For the WADA list of scheduled days. However, under exceptional weather prohibited substances and methods please refer to the conditions the competitions may have to be post- following website: poned/rescheduled. 5.8.3. Testing Team Captains Meeting The 1st Team Captains Meeting will be held on the 12 The required number of samples will be selected December 2021 at 10:00 at the Roland Arena, next to during the “in-competition” and “out-of-competition” the dining room. At the 1st Team Captains Meeting, the periods in accordance with the Test Distribution Plan. Head of Delegation or his/her representative shall “In-competition” is defined as the period commencing confirm and sign the official entry list of athletes. Any 12 hours before a competition in which the athlete is further details and clarifications, which are not yet scheduled to participate through to the end of such described in the Technical Handbook will be communi- competition and the sample collection process related cated at the respective Team Captains Meetings. to such competition. “Out-of-competition” is defined as any doping control which is not “in-competition.” Only with an Accreditation Card approved by the CIC During the Winter Universiade, athletes can be tested can an athlete be considered for the draw of a starting at any time without prior notice. Urine and/or blood list and be entitled to participate in any of the samples will be collected in compliance with the WADA competitions. International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI). A paperless system will be used for the sample 5.7. Equipment collection. The testing will be conducted by Doping Control Officers (DCO) from an anti-doping organisation Participants must comply with the IOF rules regarding accredited by WADA. Testing will be conducted under equipment: the supervision of the FISU International Medical Committee. Doping samples will be sent to the WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratory (LAD) in Lausanne, Switzerland. All results will be sent to the Chairman of the FISU International Medical Committee and entered into the ADAMS system. In case of

16 violation of FISU Anti-Doping Rules, the responsibility Medical Committee lies with the delegation physician. for processing the results lies with the FISU Interna- If the delegation does not have its own physician, the tional Medical Committee. athlete shall submit a request for TUE with the attachment of medical documentation confirming the 5.8.4. Doping Control Stations fact of providing him/ her with emergency medical treatment to the FISU International Medical Committee Doping control stations are located at each sports venue or in close proximity. The main doping control 5.8.6. Structure station is located in the Host City of Lucerne. All doping control stations will be marked with signs and Chair of FISU Internatio- the way to them will be shown by the signage. After Dr. med. Dusan HAMAR nal Medical Committee the completion of the doping control procedure, all samples collected at each doping control station will OC Head of the Anti- be delivered to the central doping control station TBC together with the necessary support documentation Doping Division (doping control protocols) for further registration in the ADAMS system. All samples will be packaged and sent Head of TBC to the WADA accredited anti-doping laboratory in the Doping Control accordance with the international standards. All the information concerning the doping control programme during the Winter Universiade is confidential according 5.9. Flowers and Medals to WADA and FISU requirements. When visiting a doping control station, athletes are required to have 5.9.1. Flower Ceremony Accreditation Cards. Flower ceremonies will take place after the end of Doping control station for Ski Orienteering athletes each competition in the immediate vicinity of the field will be allocated at the Roland Arena, underground of play. floor. 5.9.2. Medal Ceremony Doping control station for out of competition controls and outside venue operating hours will be allocated at The medal ceremonies will be held at the Medal Plaza medical station of the University of Lucerne. Roland Arena in front of the Quadrin at the Roland Arena Lenzerheide accordingly to the detailed day by 5.8.5. Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) day schedule. For the day by day schedule please refer to the chapter 5.6. Winter Universiade participants who require Therapeu- tic Use Exemption (TUE) must make an appropriate The official languages for the medal ceremonies will request to the National Anti-Doping Organisation or be German and English. International Federation before participation in the Winter Universiade. The World Anti-Doping Agency The medallists of each event must attend the medal International Standard for TUE will be applied in this ceremony. In case a medallist is unable to attend, the case. Every athlete who uses a substance or a method medal is delivered to an official of the relevant included in the list of prohibited substances is obliged delegation. He/she must be dressed in the delega- to be in possession of a completed TUE form of the tion’s official outfit. He/she must not mount the established standard from the moment of arriving until podium but stand behind it. The awarders will hand the departure from the athletes’ village after the the medal and flowers/mascot/ closing ceremony of the Winter Universiade. gift over the podium. During the FISU Anthem, the If there is a need in the use of a prohibited substance delegation official stands behind the podium. or a prohibited method for medical reasons after the opening of the Winter Universiade, an athlete must In case all medalists cannot be present, the ceremony submit a request for TUE to the FISU International is postponed. Medical Committee as a matter of urgency. The responsibility for completing the TUE form and If an athlete or team is disqualified, the medal(s) shall submitting an application to the FISU International be returned to FISU.

17 During the medal ceremony: At the end of a competition, all athletes must leave • The athletes are not allowed to take any national the field of play through the mixed zone where brief flag or any other national, cultural or religious symbol interviews will be held. Every athlete/coach should be on the podium; ready to communicate with media representatives • The national flags of the first three (3) medallists upon their request. In case of cold weather, team will be raised and the only anthem played will be the representatives should give an athlete a warm jacket FISU anthem, the ; or a blanket prior to entering the mixed zone. A • During the playing of the FISU anthem and the volunteer from the Venue Media Centre will coordinate raising of the flags, they shall face the flags and the exchanges between athletes/coaches and media. conduct themselves in a dignified manner at all times. No national anthem is played during the Support for translation in English and German will be ceremony; provided during the mixed zone interviews. If an • Athletes are expected to take off their caps and athlete/coach does not speak either of these languag- sunglasses when receiving the medal and keep it in es, they should invite their team interpreter to the hand throughout the ceremony (i.e. playing of the mixed zone. FISU anthem and raising of the flags); • Athletes, authorities and accompanying persons are Media conferences are held at the beginning and the required to face the flags while they are being raised end of the Lucerne 2021 Winter Universiade. and the FISU anthem is being played. • The medallists are expected to attend the ceremony 5.11. Sport Information Services in the uniforms they wore at the opening ceremony but are also allowed to attend the official ceremony 5.11.1. Online Sport Information Services wearing sport uniforms when the ceremony takes place immediately after the competition. Online information will be available on the official • After the medals are awarded athletes must remain website: in the awarding area for photo shooting on the podium with medals. In addition, more detailed information and publications • In order to take the best photo during the shooting for teams can be accessed under the following link: athletes should follow the recommendations of photographers. 5.11.2. Sport Information Centre (SIC) at the 5.9.3. Diploma of Honours University of Lucerne

The athletes ranked one (1) to eight (8) will receive a The Sport Information Centre is located in the 1st Diploma of Honour. basement floor of the University of Lucerne. The following services will be provided during the Lucerne For team events, each team member, from teams 2021 Winter Universiade: ranked one (1) to six (6), will receive a personal • Competition schedule diploma of honour mentioning his/her name and the • Training schedule team ranking. • Technical meeting information Diplomas of honour are not distributed at the medal • Distribution of daily sport results ceremony. They are handed to the Head of Delegation The Sport Information Centre will operate between or an appointed representative of each delegation 07:00 to 23:00 from 7 to 22 December 2021. before departure. At Lenzerheide the same information can be retrieved If an athlete or team is disqualified, the diploma(s) from the Sport Information Desk (SID) and at the shall be returned to FISU. information desk next to the accreditation and sport entries desk in the Privà Lodge. 5.10. Media Interviews

Venue Media Centres for media representatives are organised at all Winter Universiade 2021 competition sites.

18 5.11.3. Sport Information Desk (SID) at the Venue

A Sport Information Desk (SID) will be located at each venue, providing most recent information related to the competitions and receiving requests from the team representative(s). The Sport Information Desk will operate from 10 to 17 December 2021 in accordance with the competitions and training schedules (1 hour before and after the events).

5.11.4. Sport Information Distribution

Information Online Venue SIC ITO Hotel

Competition Schedule + + + +

Start list / Result list + + + +

Change to Schedules + + + +

Special announcements and urgent notice + + + +

Weather Information + + + +

Medal table +

Technical Handbook +

FISU Regulations for Lucerne 2021 +

Non sport information (transport, catering, etc) + + (MIC) +

Answer and follow up to teams questions + + +

19 6. Service Information

6.1. Radio Frequency Control licence and have to be borne by the delegations.

Note: 6.1.1. General Information • Each user is accordingly responsible for submitting registration details about all of their devices in a Swiss legislation according to the Federal Office of timely manner. Communications (OFCOM) will apply at all venues of • Costs for licensed REDs must be borne by the teams/ the 2021 Winter Universiade. Restrictions apply to the delegations/users applying for the licence. use of any radio electronic, high-frequency devices (hereinafter REDs), namely: radio stations, Wi-Fi access All registered and licensed equipment will be marked points, radio microphones and other wireless beforehand. The use of non-registered and non-li- equipment. censed equipment is forbidden by Swiss law. All non-marked radio electronic devices will be placed in All REDs need to be registered. All equipment (radio special lockers at the entrance to the venue and will transmission equipment of any kind) is subject to be returned to the owners when leaving the venue. registration or concession in accordance with Swiss law. Depending on the type, a licence from OFCOM is required. 6.1.2. Contact Details

• Licence-free*: wireless microphones and in-ear monitoring systems, frequency range: 470-694 MHz The Radio Frequency Control and Coordination Division and max. TX power 250 mW can be contacted by email: [email protected]. • Licence obligation: walkie-talkies (2-way radio) and telemetry, frequency range: 403-470 MHz (UHF) / 140-170 MHz (VHF) Wireless cameras, frequency range: 2.0-3.8 GHz

* A limited number of shared frequencies (licence-free) are available for equipment according to the above description at each location. Registration is mandato- ry and such equipment will not have a dedicated channel, please follow the registration steps below:

1. Send an email to [email protected], requesting registration for each personal device ASAP, but at the latest by 11 November 2021. 2. Delegations will receive a dedicated form to complete and send back. 3. Devices will be registered and checked if a licence is needed. 4. Delegations will be informed if the equipment (radio transmission equipment of any kind) is subject to concession (licence) in accordance with Swiss law. The cost of obtaining a licence is EUR 200 per

20 6.2. Accreditation Route Number TA 07 Location of the Main Accreditation Centre The Main Accreditation Centre is located in the Sport Ski Orienteering International Zone at the University of Lucerne Priva Alpine Lodge to An additional Accreditation Centre for Biathlon and Ski Route Roland Arena Orienteering will be operate in Lenzerheide at the Privà Lodge. Distance to the Hotel 5 km

IMPORTANT: A personalised Accreditation Card with a Time 10 min photo, name and function of the cardholder carries information about the access rights and privileges Detailed information will be available in the Transpor- available to him/her. Upon arrival, the Accreditation tation Guide of the Winter Universiade 2021. Card equipped with QR-code enables members of delegations a 24-hour temporary access to the Winter 6.4.2. Transportation Services for Spectating Universiade 2021 venues in accordance with the Athletes and Officials (TS) access rights on the Accreditation Card. . The tempo- rary access does not allow participation in the Scheduled buses and / or free public transportation are competition. After CIC’s approval the Accreditation provided between Lucerne and the competition Card will be fully activated. venues for spectating athletes from 10 to 21 December 2021. Buses will operate in accordance with the 6.3. Storage and Wax Rooms competition schedule. All athletes and officials, regardless of their delegation and sport, will have At the Roland Arena Lenzerheide will be sufficient access to the bus transportation systems TS. storage and wax rooms for all Ski Orienteering team. The wax rooms are equipped with lighting, several Public trains will be available from Lucerne train electric outlets, adequate heating and ventilation, ski station to for Curling, Freestyle & Freeski racks and waste bins. Each team will have a key for and Snowboard; to Sursee and Zug for Ice Hockey as their personal use; a deposit of 50 euros is necessary well as public buses for Figure Skating and Short Track and 20 euros for an electricity outlet adapter. The key Speed Skating within Lucerne (zone10). This is can be picked-up in the Race Office at the Roland inclueded in the accreditation card for Delegations. For Arena. The storage and wax rooms are 24/7 available transportations by public bus as well as by public train with a personal key. no pre-reservation will be necessary!

For athletes and officials staying in Lenzerheide, buses 6.4. Transportation Ski Orienteering for spectating athletes will operate via Lucerne only. No direct transportation to competition venues from 6.4.1. Transportation System for Athletes and these clusters are offered except for their own sport. Team Officials (TA) Athletes and official can use the same scheduled transportation (TA) as the competing athletes. The transportation system for athletes and team officials will provide transport services from 7 to 18 Bookings für buses (TS) need to be placed no later December 2021 (Ski Orienteering). Routes in the than 11:00 the previous day at the Hotel Information transportation system for athletes and official Desk. delegation members are marked with the abbreviation “TA” (Transport Athletes). Vehicles are being equipped Please be aware that a ticket for spectating events as with placards indicating route number for the well as tickets for mountain trains need to be booked individual and team sports and spectating athletes. separate. Please see chapter 23. Ticketing at the HoD Manual for detailed procedure. For transportation of Ski Orienteering athletes designated vehicle will be provided during trainings Detailed information will be available in the Transpor- and competitions. tation Guide of the Winter Universiade 2021.

21 6.5. Food and Beverages 6.6.2. Conditions of Medical Assistance

6.5.1. Breakfast During the Winter Universiade 2021, emergency medical assistance in the case of life-threatening Breakfast will be offered in the relevant delegation diseases and conditions, emergency medical hotel from 7 to 18 December 2021. Generally, breakfast assistance times are from 6:00 to 10:00 but may vary according in any situations requiring urgent medical treatment is to the official practice/competition schedule. provided to all client groups.

6.5.2. Dining Hall Lenzerheide Immediate (except for emergency) and planned medical care is provided on the basis of: The Dining Hall Lenzerheide offers breakfast, lunch • an obligatory medical insurance agreement; and dinner from 7 to 18 December 2021. Opening • a paid medical service agreement; hours of the Dining Hall Lenzerheide are from 11:00 to • a voluntary health insurance agreement. 16:00 for lunch and 18:00 to 21:00 for dinner during the Universiade. 6.6.3. Medical Support Structure The food offer is on different food stations offering the following: • Medical stations for athletes and spectators at the • 1 bread- and soup station competition venues • 1 station with fruits, dessert and dairy products • Mobile medical crews in the field of play of the • 3 different food stations with salads, main courses competition venues and side dishes are including European dishes (with • Ambulance crews at the competition venues Swiss / European / Mediterranean cuisine, meat / fish), • Medical station at the University of Lucerne (behind Asian dishes (with Asian / Arabic cuisine, poultry / the Welcome Desk) fish) and vegetarian dishes (with vegetarian meals / • Dedicated hospitals and specialised medical facilities pasta). • Medical Centre in the Host City (Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, Central Emergency Department and on the With the Accreditation Card, athletes and delegation 4th floor). officials have access to the Dining Hall. They have an allowance of two daily main meals combined at the 6.6.4. Medical Support in the Accommodation Dining Hall. Sites

6.5.3. F&B Services at the Competitions Venues • Lenzerheide The Medical Centre in Lenzerheide is for moderate An athletes’ lounge with snacks will be provided one and severe medical problems and is located at the (1) hour prior to the competition until one (1) hour after Medical Centre Lenzerheide, open 24 hours/day. the competition. This service is provided from the start Further information will be provided at a later stage. of the first official training. 6.6.5. Dedicated Hospitals and Specialised 6.6. Medical Services Medical Facilities

6.6.1. Covid-19 Specialised medical assistance including high technology assistance will be provided by hospitals For futher information about the Covid-19 situation in and specialised facilities to accredited client Switzerland please refer to chapter 17.1. in the HoD groups of the Winter Universiade 2021. Manual.

22 For further information about Medical Services (including Team Physicians) please refer to chapter 17 in the HoD Manual. Full information will be available in the Medical Service and Doping Control Guide: www.winteruniversia-

23 7. OC Contacts

Winteruniversiade 2021 Horwerstrasse 87 Official Address CH-6005 Luzern Switzerland

Delegation Services [email protected]

Accreditation [email protected]

Sports [email protected]

Sport Entries [email protected]

Arrivals and Departures [email protected]

Transportation [email protected]

24 8. Appendices

8.1. 30th Winter Universiade 2021 Lucerne, Competition Schedule

The Competition Schedule can be found here:

25 8.2. Venue and course Layouts

8.2.1. Roland Arena General Overview

26 8.2.2. Overview Orienteering Map

27 8.2.3. Training Area

28 8.2.4. Unofficial Training Area / Valbella

29 8.2.5. Privà Lodge

30 Lenzerheide

7 1



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Roland Arena Lenzerheide

Winter Universiade Hotels Bus Stops Locations 3 Privà Alpine Lodge 5 Lantsch/Lenz, Biathlon Arena 1 Dining Hall Lenzerheide a) Accreditation Centre 6 Lenzerheide/Lai, Sportzentrum b) Laundry Service 7 Lenzerheide/Lai, Dieschen Sot c) Fitness Centre 4 Sunstar Hotel a) Laundry Service Roland Arena Lenzerheide 2 Biathlon / Ski Orienteering 8.3. Geographical Overview Venues WELCOME HOME 11 to 21 December 2021

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Bronze Partner