Templ e' Be t h- EL Broad &1Glenham Sts. 1 HERALD t:comm;;~~~~~~entators have advan-~ced! THE JEWisH , the theory t hat Naziis m's defeat VOL. XVI No. 38 PROVIDENCE. R. L. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1941 5 CENTS THI COPY could be hastened by launch ing ------an idea greater than Hitler's Emanuel Speaker . F th f A , t. epic idea of world domination. w ·s ·,. Louis Adamic and t he Christ- our· ave o n I- eml ISm ian Science Monitor believe that

,Goebbel/srouse fear inar ticle,the German try~ng people, to a- Reported Sweep,·n· g . Germ-any is the tip-off that a sincere cam- paign of ideas is necessary n ow , S k "J f " to w in over the. dominated popu- 600 Delegates UJA Speaker ee ew- ree

0 la~:~. ~~b:::: t:\he wall" pep To Attend Meeting Reich by April 1 talk that Nazi propagandists are ( 'd D · ' employing does not mean that To Elect Officers ons1 er eportation Hitler is at the end of his rope. · Of 120,000 to Poland But it does suggest how tremend- For 1941 Campaign BERLIN. --. A fourth wave of ously important it is for the Al­ J udge Morris Rolbenberg, na­ anti-Semitism in eight years of - -"\ lies to develop more concrete­ tional co-chairman of the United Nazi rule, repor tedly. aimed at plans for a better world after the Palestine Appeal, will address creating a 11Jew-free Reich" by w a r is over. It is up to t he Al­ ,more than 600 delegates, repre­ April 1, threatened Germany's lied strategists·to prove that Hit­ senting 60 city organizations, at remaining 120,000 Jews with ler's defeat will be better for a meeting of the Providence Uni­ wholesale deportation lo Poland., German's than Hitler's victory. led Jewish Appeal to be beld al lhe Uni ted Press said this week. It will not be easy to do. But ;l :30 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, at In the present anti-Jewish drive when Dr. Goebbels resorts to lbe J ewish Community Center. Governor J. Boward McGrath il is said that more than a score fear, it means t hat the time has Saul Abrams, chairman of the will be guest s peaker at the An­ of would-be Jewish suicides, in come to start s howing the Ger­ 1940 campaign will preside. Elec­ nual Thanksgiving Service of Berlin hospitals, are treated man people that they should w el­ tion of officers for the 1941 drive 1'em1>le Emanuel; to be heloration, has resigned from To Leave Lublin 'course of duty," w ent to w ork. up our mee.ting." Klan Attempts the America First Committee, a STOCKH OLM. - The entire "I got down to that hall as The perspiring· hero declared company s1>0kesman said. Mr. Jewish population of Lublin has fast as I could." explained lhe that " my r oyal ancestor could­ McCarter, who joined the group been ordered to move outside ,of son of Eire. "I wasn't sure just n't have done more." To Win Labor in its early days, was not avail­ DETROIT. - Plans of the Ku lhe city limits under the pretext what I was going lo do - but able for comme nt. lhal " Lublin has now become a Klux Klan to penetrate labor un­ somebody bad to do something," ions to s trengthen its foolhold a­ German city/' it is r eported in the Irishman declared. Nazis Sell Aryan Nazi newspapers reaching her e mong the working grouPs was Finding 25 listeners sitting in lhis week from Berlin. revealed her'e by H. J. Thomas, Alliance Re-elects Ihe audience, Mr. O'Connor le[! Certificatesfor$ 25 . - Nazi corrup­ Presidenl of lhe C!O Auto Work­ F ORCE RESIGNATIONS the hall, shul the door and called tion in occupied Poland has be­ ers Union, w ho issued a warning ZURICH. - A new decree in police. Then McWilliams and Morris Shoham come so rampant that for 125 that " there is no room w ithin Morris \V. Shoham was re­ Bulgaria orders all persons work­ his army arrived. Aske d to step. zlolys (about 25) a Jew can pur­ the r anks of the UAW-CIO for elected president of the Jewish ing for J ewish emplOyers to gi~e aside, the aggressive O'Connor, chase a certificate exempting lhe KKK or its acli vi lies. E fforts !\'ati onal Vlorkcrs Alliance last fourlccn days' notice that they who later called it all "purely a him from compulsory labor sCr­ of the Klan lo inject ilself into Monday evening at a meeti ng held plan to resign, according to a question of Americanism," be­ vice, according to a report pub­ our local unions should be re­ in the organization's headquart- German w ireless report. w ilder ed the anti-Semite with a sisted to the utmost . . . The ers, 385 \.Vestmi ns ter street. ------~ lished in the November issue of Ihe Free World. UAW-CIO is an American organi­ Other officers eleclcd include zation and makes no distinction Solomon Lighlman, vice-presi- A /"d" / H0 meless Ch,"/dren The magazine, which stated ng lhal it cou ld "guarantee lhe trnth because of race, color or creed den t; Arthur \

' \ ~ \ I THE JE1?1ISH HERALD. PROVIDENCE, R. I • •FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1941 J D ·c Gets Bulk ol Estate New and Past Presidents THE JEWISH HERALD The Jewish Home Newapapei' ot Rhode Island. Ptrblb.hed Every Week ID the When Town Ref uses Bequest Year by the J ewish PreH PubllahJ.Dc NEW YORK. - The Joint Dis- J.D.C. approximately $74,400, of Company. Subscription Rates: Pin Ceo.ta tbe tribution Committee, becomes the which $33,000 represents the Copy; By Mail, 12.00 Per Allllum. principal beneficiary of the es­ principal and $44,000 represents · Walter Rutman, Editor; J'aeob Lelcbter, . tale of Mrs, Lena Cohen of 1Wil- the accumulated income. Advertising Manager. 76 Dorrance Street. Tel. GAapee UU. kes-Barre, Pa., who died twenty Mrs. Lena Cohen, a resident of Case-Mead Building. , years ago, by a court decision in Wilkes-Barre, had left her estate, Entered as Second-Clan Matter at the Post-Office, Providence, R. I., Und• Wilkes-Barre. . when she died in 1921, to "the the Act of March 3, 1879. iown and inhabitants of Brom­ The Jewish Herald lnvttea correapoDd­ Th~ decision awarded to the ence on subjects of lntcreat to-- the berg, in the province or· Posen, J ewish people but dlsclahna reapon,.. Poland, for the care of aged Jew­ slbillty for an lndoraement of the ' . . views expressed by the writera. Apartment for Rent ish men· and women." The town of Bromberg having refused to East Side; beautifully furn­ accept the legacy when it was Jewish Book Week ished four-room modern, heat­ approached shortly after'Mrs. Co­ Occurs' Nov. 23 - 30 ed apartment, tile bath. Will hen's death, the estate Jay dor­ NEW YORK. - National Jew­ sublet to r eliable couple for mant in banks for winter. _For further informa­ ish Book Week, as a period of a generation until the J.D.C. ap­ r edeclrcation to cultural values, tion, call DExler 8138. plied for the· funds · under the will be observed by Jewish com­ "Cy-Pres" doctrine. LOUIS BERMAN 1110-RRIS FEL'\'BERG munities · throughout the nation r Newly-ele'Cted President Past President between November 23 and 30. «===SI JBWE~IIY ll'INDINGS Announcement of the date for the observance was made by a Na­ For· the quality and service received Jewelers con­ Installation Banquet Held by tional Committee, comprising stantly call for Watkins producta. Our salesman representati ves of all institutes or higher Jewish ·learning, auth­ J will call at your request. Sons of Zion Synagogue • • Al the 68th Annual lnslalla- Benjamin Mandel. ors, educators, r abbis and com­ D. M~ WATKINS C:O. lion Banquet of the Sons of Zi- In addition lo Mr. Berman, the munal leaders working in co-op­ on Synagogue, held on November following offi cers w ere installed eration with Jew ish Community GA. 2758 274 Pine St.. Providence, R. I. GA. 2759 5, Louis Berman was inducted as by Rabbi David Werner: Ira Rob­ Center, Synagogues and schools ! president of the congregation. inso n, vice-president ; Max Blum, throughout the . The banquet also served as a treasurer ; C~rl 'Mi'C'lrnelso~, re­ It takes very little lo happen to get something out of order testimonial to Morris Feinberg, cording secretary and Meyer f. under the hood and start y our car on fire. Don't ta ke past president, and retiring offi- Ger eboff, fin ~m eial secretary. Margarita to Play chances. Learn about fire insurance to-night. cers. During the evening, Mr. Bcr- An;ong the speakers who com- man outlined his program for the In Harvard Game mended Mr. Feinberg on his coming year. Jack Sydney was Bobby Margarita, Brown's EDWIN S. SOFORENKO twenty-five years of service to named ch airman of the Carnival , MORTON SMITH hinge-hipped sophomore ball-car­ II the Synagogue, were Philip Lieb- Committee; Henry Berge!, cbair­ rier, is expected to return io ac­ ) -- Repreaentlnq -- erman, Archie Smith, :Max Rich· man of the Membership Commit. tion in the Brow n backfield for I INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS. Inc. ter, Israel Kaufman, Dr. Morris tee, and Mrs. Ira Rabi nson, chair· Saturday's objective game with ) 73 WEYBOSSET STREET Next to Arcade Tel. GAapee 3120 Rosenfeld, Leo Goldberg and man or the Sisterhood. a h ighly favored Crimson eleven al the Har vard Stadium. The h~ Guild to Perform R. I. Founders Bridge Bruins in'issed Maragita greatly ,..___ ii ************************************************} For Hospital Ass'~ To Occur on Thurs. in the 19-0 defeat by Holy Cross, ! Investigate The America First Committee! ! A dramatic program by· the Rabbi Mor ris G. Silk will be as ;\·largarita has been the tea.m's leading ground gainer and punter t Support President Roosevelt's Foreign Policy Center Guild of the Jewish Com­ guest" speaker at a meeting of R. i as well as I he signal caller. munity Center will be pr esented J. Founders for Tubercular Pa­ I STOP HITLER NOW! : Margarita's value to the Brown ~ at a meeting of Miriam Hospital tients, lo be hel d on Monday * eleven in running back kicks is ( t Hear RABBI MOSES MILLER of New York! Association, .io be held on Monday aft ernoon al 86 J efferson street. National Chairman of the Jewish People's Committee aft ernoon, 2:15 o'clock at the Bilt­ Mrs. M. Kaplan will preside. also an important factor, as illus- ~ t ! !rated by the Lafayette game..in_ . • at more Hotel, Mrs. Arthur H. Fein­ Mrs. Harry Zakoff, chairman of t SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8 P. M. ! er presiding. The play will be the \Valium Lake committee, will which Margarita scored twice on - _ t . at the CROWN HOTEL, Weybosset Street '! under the direction of Miss Flor­ present a report on the monthly runbacks of a kick-off 90 yards {'"' -!< * t Auspices Rhode Island Chapter, Jewish People's Committee ! ence H. Parker. visit. and or a punt 55 yards. Margari- \i la's return to action should im- •-__ -!< ADMISSION 28 CENTS (Tax Included) ! Announcement was made this The organization's a nnual . prove the spirit of the Bruin's week that the Association's an­ bridge will occur on Tuesday :t RABBI MILLER WILL SPEAK OVER WPRO, ! who will have to play their best 1 i I * nual linen shower will occur on afternoon, 2 o'clock. a l , v ein· SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 9:45 A. M. football or the-season to ma ke ,. f * December 8 al the Biltmore Ho­ stein's Banquet Hall, 205 \Veybos­ -!< L------! tel. real s how ing against the power­ _J set street. Tickets o f admission ful Crimson. :************************************************ are thirty-fi ve cents. ,Mrs. W. Sons of Abraham ZeJnickcr is chairman, with Mrs. PROCLAMATION I. Grossman as co-chairman. Al least 20 varieties of honey, THANKSGIVING DAY Elects Officials each with ch s trncllve/ color and By, J. Howard McGrath, Gove_mor Har ry Leach was re-elected ll avor, are produced commercial- ~ The thanks giving of the colonists of three hundred and president or the Congregation Meeting Held By twenty years ago comes to ·us as a heritage no less precious Sons of Abraham, at the fourth Center Parents than the liberty of action and opportunity for individual en­ annual meeting held last Sunday. Various plans for the season terprise for which these pioneers literally and figuratively blazed the trail. Olher officers chosen are: Mor­ w ere discussed at a meeting of T heir thanks giving was acknowledgement to our common ris Kirshenbaum, vice-president; the Parents Association, J ewish 06;;U'1~~ ~ -j God of the debt they owed Him for the bounty of the h.arvest Samuel Bomes, treasurer; Simon Community Cen ter, held last r and for protection from dangers. Greenberg, financial secretary, Thursday evening, with Mrs. Al an In i'ts essence the spirit of the day has never changed Pekow, president, presiding. MRS. REBECCA L. RODL'\' though it has ex1>anded with the passing of time and the flood and Lester Einsenstadt, r ecord· tide of human progress over this land of such humble begin• ing secretary. David Kelman During the meeting, movies ta­ Funer al services w ere conduct­ nings. and Harry Lerner w ere n amed ken at Camp Ccnter land w ere ed last Monday noon from the It has been less a day and more a dedication. A very gaboyim. shown. Norman Kahnofsky, via· Max Sugarman Funeral Home for human and personal tribute, it is universal with the sanction liriiSt, entertained with several Mrs. Rebecca L. Rodin, 87, who of the nation and the blessing of our churches. At a meeting to be held on died on Monday morning at her \Vhile it offered gratitude for t he past, it sought guidance November 22, new ly joined mem­ selections, accompanied at the piano by Miss Edna Solomon. home, 48 Goddard street, follow­ for the future. Again while it sought direction for enterprise bers of the Congr egation will be that would send youth to the far frontiers of adventure, the ing a br ief illness. initiated. F ollowing the meeting, tea was day commanded their return for a renewal of family ties about ser ved, with Mrs. J . Shukofsky our American fires ides. , A native of Russia, Mrs. Rodin In order to J>romote such reunion es pecially for those in SCHUSSHEIM SERMON and Mrs. D. Kahnorsky pouring. came to · this country 57 years their country's service who find it possible to return - So that Assisting hostesses w ere Mes­ Rabbi Morris Schussheim will ago. She was one or the first sacrificing families and these most truly American of our dames B. Smnmcrs, I. Hasen, S. me1i1bers or the Sons of Zion youth may share this holy day of happiness. speak on "An· America , varth Cohen and D. Goldberg. , NOW, THEREFORE, DO I, J . HOWARD McGRATH, GOV­ Saving" at services this _evening Synagogue and was active in ERNOR OF THE STATE OF RHODE IS LAND AND PROVI­ in the Jewish Veterans. building, Jewish affairs in this city. DENCE PLANTATIONS, PROCLAIM . TOBIN TO SPEAK THURSDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OF NOVEMBER 100 Niagara street at 8:15 o'clock. Dr. Trwin Tobin, director of Surviving her arc two daugh­ as a day of T hanksgiving and Prayer Cantor Joseph Schlossberg will the . World Affairs Council or lers, Mrs. Anna Cohen and Mrs. proclaiming it with deep sincerity and belief that the citizens chant the se~vices. Rhode [stand w ill discuss "The Barney Hochberg; five sons, Rob­ of this slate and of our Republic are a'l"ake lo the gravity of Role of America in the World er t, Her uert, Joseph, J acob and the hour; alive to our gratitude to those of every arm of the PAROCHIAL MEETING Aur;1lrnm Rodin, eleven grand­ service whose normal lives have been disturbed that we may Situation," on Sunday cvcning, have re pose, yet aware of our own duty to defend wit)l our A meeting of the Men's Organ­ 8:30 o'clock, in the Temple ves­ children and two great gr and- children. lives, if need be thC precious freedom for which we give (hanks ization and Ladies Auxiliary, try, before members of lbe Young to Almighty God this 1941 November. Providence Hebrew Parochial The precious freedom of thought and s peech ; freedom to People's League or Temple Eman­ thank God for preservation from peril ; for health. strength of School will be held on Monday uel. mind, bddy and spirit; for rooftrce and rafter; for hearthstone; evening, 8 o'clock at 129 Chester MAX SUGARMAN for tried, true friendship, neighborliness ; for plenty; for pe&ce. avenue, with Mrs. Ruth lsrealoff RESNICI{ FAMILY CIRCLE These, the purposes of our first Thanksgiving, let them be the presiding. Rabbi Joshua Werner FUNERAL HOME prayer of our present. Fifty members of the Resnick IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have her e- will be guest speaker. Family Ci rcle were in attendance Funeral Director unto set my hand and caused the seal at the organi zation's first annual and Embalmer of the Stale lo be affixed this fifth day BETO-EL IIIEETING dinner, held on Tuesday a t ,vein. MEMORIALS ( (STATE SEAL) of November in the year of Our Lord, The Ninety-Seventh Annual stein's Banquet Hnll. Jack Res• one thousand nine hundred and forty· Excellent Equlpm•at one, and of Independence the one hun· Meeting of Temple Beth El will nick greeted the gathering, and "The Jewl1h Funor

I a stenographer, sister. You meet To Speak Sunday a better cJ.ass of people in the subway, anyway. Fraternity Thanksgiving Event ... - Somerset Maugham spurned an To Aid British War Relief invite to an affair for Their High­ According to indica1ions, a by invitation, and by presenta­ nesses, and didn't send any r e­ capacity attendance is expected tion of a gift, suitable to the needs grets . . . P eggy Joyce's current at the "Bundles for British Ba­ o f British children, such as arti­ is Jimmy Wilson, a handsome six­ bies" invitation formal dance, to cles of warm winter clothing. E n­ be beld on Thanksgiving night, tire proceeds will be sent direct­ MAN ABOUT TOWN: f ooter. Must be love - he's poor November 20, in tbe Ballroom of ly to the British Relief Society, Does The Washington Times­ If the Japs get sassier FDR lbe Biltmore Hotel, under the aus­ Inc., Alfred E. Mossberg, fratern­ Herald know that 24 members of will call out the Boy Scouts. pices of Sigma Phi Delta Fra­ ity chancellor, has announced . congress are ·mixed up (in various .. . - ternity. Persons desirious of attending degrees) in the current F ederal NEW YORK HEARTBEAT: the event, m ay communicate with Grand Jury's probe into the ac­ The Big Parade: C. Aubrey Ed Drew and his WPRO Orcb­ Maurice Kauffman, 202 Messer tivities of for eign agents using Smith-as British as a monocle Cstra w ill fmmish music for danc­ ing, with vocal selections by Leo­ street, or Harold Pavlow, 123 our mails for propaganda purpos­ ..• . Rita ffayworth - the reason 1 Stanwood s treet. es? No t all 24 arc involved ,in eyes were invented ... Herbert na Smith. guilt. Some wer e merely inno­ Marshall and Arthur Treacher Admission to the event will be cent bystanders ... I-low can P e­ ringsiding at the Riviera, giving ------<- lain offer himself as a h ostage? each other the "r eallehs" and INVITATION ISSUED Presc;riptions for How can he give what he doesn't y'don't-says !" ... Louis Brom­ The Congregation Sons of Zi­ Eyeglasses . fi eld at Fefe's Beacb. His latest own ? on this we k invited the Jewish ACCURATELY FILLED ...... ,.,._ book, "Wild ls the Hiver," is a RABBI MOSES MILLER public to a tend the Friday lec­ What two brain-trusters of a candidate for the Best-Seller · t\ires on the Portion of the Week Registered Optometrist cert~in \\.1ashingt0n probe ar e lists ... Eddy Duchin, curling up PeoplesCommittee and the discourses on the Talmud Always on Duty suspected of r cceivi ng checks w ilh a good bookie in the Wald- w hich are held every Friday from former Nazi espionage chief orf foyer . .. Rosemary Lane s M t• night at 7:30 o'clock under the Von Bohlc in S. A.? .. . Is there signing autographs outside tbe ponsors ee 1ng direction of Rabbi David Wern­ Barrymore Theater .. . . Que of Under the auspices of Provi- KAPLAN'S anything the Capital buzz that er. Admission is free and re­ Odium may inheril Knudsen's thcm asked her to get Priscilla's, dence Chapter, J ewish Peoples freshments ar e served at the end OP:W hca,lache? . .. Can you too. .The crumbs have crust . .. "Committee, Rabbi Moses Miller , of the lecture. guess w hich one of the highest The 3 Andrew Sisters wearing na tional president of the organ­ paid radio stars quit his cig spo n­ spang.lcd skirts, spangled gloves ization, will speak on Sunday a sor bccnusc hc1 would n't allow and spangled hats. Looked like evening, 8" o'clock at. the Crown ·:---·-~-~i9rn11 PAi 1'1:lelt11! ·1 ·him to get a di vorce to wed un­ Christmas Trce-o . . Owwwwch ! Hotel. Habbi Miller will discuss nother ? Who threw that ? Wendy investigation of the America "T.HE CRADLE" IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Barrie in the Hoosevclt Grill- First Committee, and urge sup­ ... - BUNDLES FOR BRITISH BABIES! I Isn't Doris Duke going lo gel wilh a JO-penny nail dangling 'port of President- Roosevelt's her divorce in Honolulu in May­ from her bracelet. "They say I foreign policy. He will also and marry a Naval flier now look like one .- -1 might as well speak over WPHO on Sunday A giH and. your printed ~ wear one," is the explanation .. morning at 9:45 o'clock. here? ... Is it possible that Prin­ 11;iv1tati~n will. admit yo." cess Stefanie Hohenlohe has ta­ Swifty Morgan greeting a sucker The organization, it was fearn­ to the Bundles for British = - ken i house in suburban Beverly at the House of Chan with: "Sit ed this week, 'is now engaged in w/ I Babies" formal nexl Thurs- -A- ""' ~ · Ji. .::-. -;- Hills, Alexandria, Va., under the down, pal, and have a check." a campaign lo urge the Senat~ to nom de plume she has often used • • • _ investigate the America F irst day night. ~-_ _ ~ in hotels? And w hy does l'lsbe pr e­ Sallies in Our Alley: In "Back Committee and its connection fer being tha l near lo \Vashing­ Str eet" Margaret Sullavan played w ith Nazi Germany. To that DO YOUR BIT TO KEEP BRITISH 236 WESTMINSTER STREET YOUNGSTERS WARM THIS WINTER! 318 Alice Building to n, D. C.? . . . Table conver sa­ 'f he Other Woman apposite end, cards have been circulated 1 Charles Bo~,er. In their latest, in Providence, and 1,000 signa­ ANN SMIRA KAY lionlis ts quo te Rauschning, the We've A Complete Line of Infants ' and Children's Clothing, I "App't fo r Love," she plays his tures have been secured, it was his torian, as saying tha t, accord­ • at Prices You Want to Pay . .. illg lo his deductions, the war wife, who has to contend w ith announced. . ------...... should end in 16 months two other gals. An interviewer I ••• - asked Boyer if he or Margaret aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccaccccccccccccccccacccccaccaaaaaac Lt. Comdr. Gene Markey sure had given it a ufought "Oh, yes," Has It Bad (and that ain't good!) he said. "Miss Sullavan thought over Oii via De Havilland. Spends of it. She said that this time for a lt his Navy . coin o n postage her - the shoe w as on the other s tamps lo write her ... Sad, is­ foot, but I was still the heell" . . n't it, the .lorch · Jeff Jones of A heft y sort of lady floated Princeton is carrying for Gloria across the Club 18 floor and Vanderbilt? His pals fear it'll dared clown Jack White to make make him ill ... That's gonna be fun of her. "Gwan," she dared <1uite a slo ry w hen the Screen him, "make a w isecrack and see Pubti cisls' Guild explodes over wha t happens !" .. . Vince Cur­ the commy clement Heav­ ran deflated her with: "Say, did­ ens! Have you h~ard lhc dread­ n't you used to have "Goodyear' ful news? . .. Because of metal printed on you ? .. . It left her priorities beauty shops will feel b-limp. a shortage of bobby-pins! ... - Memos of a Midnighter: Did the So you want ·to be an actress, Duke purchase a $50,000 bauble eh ? Life rccenlly revealed ' that from Paul F lato - for Wally? 3,500 professional . people haunt Didn't pay cash . . . FPA's writ­ producers' ofTiccs. Of these, 1,000 ing book notices now and tben gel jobs. The average yearly em­ for his old boss, the Tribune .. ployment is 4 to 5 weeks and the T he ftt>p, "Good Neighbor," bas aver age annual income (exclud­ a good line about a nice lady ing s tars ) is $200 to $500 ... Be w hose goodness went unrepaid : "She puts h er foot in it every time she opens her heart" Senator Guffey was talked out of INSURANCE kissing Diana Barrymor e on the "The G9ds Help Them ground that it wasn't dignified .. And he's lbe guy w ho's supposed to express the will of the peo­ that Help Themselves" ( ple I BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST Our ancestors long ago b~ught charms . . sooner or later, there'll be some emer­ Mrs. Julius Hobinson, of the and amulets as a kind of insurance against gency like unexpected illness;with all the Temple E manuel Sisterhood, is in bad luck. But many an ancient proverb w,orry of bills for care and medicines. charge of a Bar-Mitzvah Brother ­ shrewdly points out thi'l fact: those who It's wise to set up a fund for contin­ hood breakfas t to be held Sunday 94 Dorrance Street gencies long be'fore the actual need arises. morning, 8 :30 o'clock,' in the prosper most are generally people who Temple vestry. use foresight and common sense. And it's easy to establish such a fund, Certain forms of "bad luck" can be when you set aside part of your earnings expected in every life. Y ou know that nt Old Colony- on a weekly, month!) Call GAspee 7767 for Thanksgiving sooner or later a house will need repairs or save-as-you~can basis. Day Reservations at the Tune in WPRO- Sundays at 2:30 p.m.­ MIRIAM PLAZA Old Colony's MAGAZINE OF THE AIR 48 SNOW STREET Under Supervision of WEINSTEIN'S LAKE PEARL MANOR Wrentham, Massachusetts -- ~S~

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilden, who will be married on November 20 NOTICE to Arnold Sack, son of Ida Sack, uBe feminine and natural in '42 ... ,, Because of the Thanksgiv­ was fe ted a l a shower on Novem­ So says John Powers - and he does mean you ..• ing holiday next week, all ber 6, given by Mesdames. J oseph The 1942 gal won't wear s lacks, and she won' t have short hair items for the Society column Matzner , Samuel \Vinograd and ... But, she won't be a slinky gla mour girl, either , .. According to must reach The Herald offices Louis Cooper, and Miss Sylvia J ohn Powers, the authority o n fcnwle beauty, next year's girl will be by Monday, 5 o'clock, Novem­ Gi lden. feminine . . . Her concessions to defense a nd war' work w ill be ber 17 if insertion is to be Covers were laid fo r 110 f,'Ucs ts a long the lines of n a turalness ... guaranteed. from Nantaskct, Q uincy, Boston, She' ll makeup very s pa ringly ... She won' t go in for wacky Springfield and this ci ly. Second Son Born hairdos. and she' ll go easy on wackier hats •. : But wear a hat she Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Waldma n Now At Home will - on all occasions, nnd s l\ c'II wear gloves, too .. . of 225 Fifth s treet, announce the ~Ir. and Mrs. Ha lph Winn have "Let the glamour gi rl slay in C:1 lifornin1" declares Mr. PO"wers birth of a second son, Paul Fran­ re turned from their wcer· week by Mr. nnd ~lrs. .Isidore of t he r eservations committee an· personalities. whether in hair sonnlit y .. She s hould wear the Ncsvesl of 318 \\'illard nvcnuc, nounccd this week. Mrs. Oeutch s tyles or clothes ... bouffant ty pe of evening dress, tha t the marriage o f thei r d :rngh­ ( \\'J. 7 11 3) and Mrs. Irvi ng Co­ As to the m uch clisc11s"crl s11 b­ whic h is girlis h a nd simple, \even ter, Miss Naomi Nrsvl'SI. to ~lnx ke n ( 11 0. 93511) , assisting chair• jccl or rnnkcup. he fll'licvr" thnt thouj!h dolled with flirting se• Gilman, son of ~Ir. arld ) !rs. l'hil­ mnn. this week urged all those lipstick must follo w tlu.· co1111to11r c1in s ... ip Git111un o r 25 nich tcr s treet, desiring lo attend lhe dance to or the moulh and thal cyl·-!l lind- s a purl ing shol, i\tr. Pow ers \ w ill occur o n December :l8 :it the mnke rcsen 1a tions immediately, ow is nbsolutcly In boo d11ri11g ~i,·cs this ror11111ln: "Forget gln- 'i\fayfuir 11111, North Sn1i lhfic-l d . to avoid disaJ>pointm,ent. claylighl ho11rs .. 111our: be ~·ourself; be an indi­ Habbi Nnthan Tarngin of the Sons Rou1,rc? ... "'Next year's w hole­ vidua l. and ull e lse ~1bo ve - BE or Abrah:1111 Synagogue will offi­ some outdoor gi rl will walk, a nd FEM ININE ciate. Association Board t hat \Vi II J) U t CO I OU r in h Cr Ch eek S ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:; Open House . .. She won't need a n artifi cial Mr. and :\lrs. Somuel .Millmnn Honors Mrs. Low ~low." .. . And while s he's walk­ Diamond of 27 11 o binson strcel, wilt hotel In compliment to ~! rs./. S. Low, ing, Mr. Powe rs ventures, s he Engagement Rings open house on Sundoy nftcrnoon. h onorary president, the Bq_nrcl o r keeps he r figure trim lie DOES IT MATTER to honor their son. Arnold, w hose Ladil's Asso iu tion, J e wish Home docs not predict a return lo the & Diamond Mountings Bar-J\litzva h occurred o n Tburs­ ror Aged held a luncheon Inst buxom fi gure of some years back, duy. ~t o ndny a fternoon in the Ball­ despite t he facl that the go,·e rn­ -~ room of the Narragansett Hote l, m ent says people should start LABOR CONVENTION wilh about 75 women in nttcncl- home defense by consuming more ANSWERS? NE\V YOHK. - Issuing the call :uicc.· Mrs. Low, w ho recently rood .. - l to the 17th nnnunl convention or re tired, had been hea d of the The connoisseur of beauty is I Maybe it does, w he n you're the Nnlionnl Lnbor Co1111nill ce for org:mizn tion for the past seven violently, yes ,·ffh c mcnlly, oppos­ calling long distance. May­ Palestine, whic h will occur on years. ed to s lacks . . . '; l just can' t pie~ If-- " be you a ced to talk to a November 22 nnd 2:3. !sane fl am~ Included nmong the gu ests lure a woman with s lacks," said certain individual. If so, lin, nationnl secretary today re- wore the following former prcsi­ he .. . Nor docs he care m uch you can make a Person-to­ vealcC"clions. sen, J ennie Goldsmith and Har- feminine . . . 199 WEYBOSSET ST. But i f it doesn't matter who r y Shalkin. T he invocation was As an example of naturalness, Eatabllahed Almost 40 Yean answers - if anyone at the presented by Mrs. Ephraim Ro­ Mr. Powers cited the Duchess of .-- och er end will do - then a sen, while Mrs. John J. Houslin, Station-co-Sracio n call is c hairman of the program, acted We make it our business in ~rder, and the charge is as mistress of cerem onies. F ol­ Especially lower than the Person-co­ To care for your car lowing the luncheon, bridge and Selected for Person ra te. A friend to all autos mah jong were in play. T e rn pie E manuel This two-way arrangement That's what we are . The arrangements committee Dinner-Dance, or- caller's choic'c has been comprised Mesdnmes Walter Ad­ November 22 . . . worked out, like all other ler , Charles Alexander a nd Da- vid Dwa res. details of telephone serv­ Two or our mo!!l rom·anlic ice, to give you utpiost con- Snow Street · young evening dn::~es for GUEST PREACHER pre-holiday gaiety and on to venience and value at the Christmas . •• lowest possible cost. ~liss Doris Ladd will be guest . Motor Mart preacher a t Junior Congregation NEW ENGLAND TELE~HDNE & TELEGRAPH CO services a t the Sons of Abraham l (Formerly Snow St. Garage) Synagogue on Saturday m o~rning, ·~"~'"'~""· 9 :30 o'clock. THE NEWEST@ KOSHER VARIETY ... HEINZ GU.MBO C·REOLE SOUP .

Her~'s ~ delicious, South· style milchig soup ern rve that's ready to se ' d f N ew' Orleans, The prt e O • ade the Gumbo Creole Soup, is ro te . n this new tas meatless way i , A vegeta· . by Heinz. masterpiece ' . t is sure ble soup that's ~1~e:::~~~ Try it! to ·set the "roevm . . ~OSHER .•• MILCHIGI ( made with rich butter) k the label for the @ seal of Loo on h Union of Ortho· approval ?fht ~ongregations of dox JewtS America. GUMBO • , . l'lnk Ci epe and Pink HEINZ CREOLE SOUP. ~::lh:u ...... 19.95 r , . THE JEWISH HERALD. PROVIDENCE. R. L .FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1941 5 Gilstein Family Has During the e~ family Re--eleded President mnviog pictures were shown. In Organization Meeting attendance were Yr. and Mrs A meeting o f the Gilstein Fam­ Aaron Gilstein Yr. and Yrs. Al­ ily Organi.z,atioo occurred last fred H. Gilstein, lli. and Yrs. .-\J. BY HE-l'RY DAVIS ;;;;======~ Sunda,_.- night al the home of lli. ton Gil.stein, lli. and Yrs. Irving There ma"" be Tin·nes in t.he weather of ~o~e.... mber aod Yrs. Benjamin Gilslein on Gil.stein, Yr. and llrs. William B01 whether there a.re any - we can·t remember ... Sumter streeL at w hich time Ben­ Gil.stein, and Corporal Cy Gil­ As a mon1b of holidays. Xo"t"embe.r is Tery ok:ayt what 'Wifb Elee· jamin Gilstein was named chair- lein. lion Da.- . . . Armistfre Day . . . and a donble-yol t Than.l;;s;g:inng ' man; Yrs. lITing Gil.stein, secre­ .-----'-· --. Da"" .. . Bot as c.onc.erns ~ eat.her - thar's a.not.her taD·. and .Uto n Gil.stein, lrea ur ­ China produces per CieDI ;o Not°e.mber sto~ ... 'Wednesday's low merc.ury and p ie.rc.ing er. the world' tungsten. ~c.k:s" wind v,tra.pped folks ap in winier coats - a.nd a Up Florida -giea..m-in-iheir-eyes "i'-as tbe only warming (ea.tu.re a.boo, them . . • And no~ is X OTembe.r -a.nd DO"- begins 1.he a.onnal exodn.s of men and birds otU of our siale to more sun.n'f" climes . t . The I~ =ne this wee!. pronded these jottings . . . Joe Frueh! or Pa"· tutlet. and Yax.ine Yorris of );ew Yor!.. who reeenUy an­ nounC<'d their engagement, plan a quiet wedding ce.remom· on December 28 in );e....- York ... Ruth The Berger ~i Pawtucket and Peter Ross or :--ew Ha,eo Weekly GREE are also being wed ne:,ct month .. . The Bnrt T ohers Staie J~""'VIU1 - tt 13:3.C .!.re.hie Smith was re-eleeted are proud as punch o.-er their baby daa__!!hter. born US North Main S!ree! Providence, R. L president of the Co~tion rece.oU,- . . . Jessie _\bromo,,;u is con'{"aJescing iro-m an appendec­ See 0:I: S;:,ecim ~ b b ~'f' d b A.ha.-al.h Sholom al lhe an.nnal tomy . ·. . potted at the palding ronce.rt on .-\.nnistice nite at the a. L E~ Y:=t 3=j: ;. i;.., Week ... meeting last Su.nday nigh! al lhe Yet - the Joseph Wuratlics . . . the Ernest Blazers ... Dr. and Synagogue. 0 1.h er officers el ecl ed 1lrs. Ezra harp .. . lhe Sam Gre.-nes . .. Rabbi Israel Goldman ... MAKE YO UR RESERVATIONS Roly Rogers Presents inclnde Joseph Shan.Ison, nee-­ and numerous others ... Proi. W. Barton Leach oi Han·ard La....­ president; Louis Ganz, trea.su.rer; NOW FOR THANKSGIVING School "iU bring me - :--ooesense From Han-an! Square.- when Bobby Walters :\" a.Lb an B. Gree.nsiei n, Ii na.n c.i al he tall.· heiore the Brotherhood of T emple Beth El ne.xt Y onday DINNER. NOVEMBER 20, !SO. secret.arr; a..nd Be.nja.min J. Wini­ .bd ffis ~ en•.ning ... He·s the _enUeman who surprised a Prondentie audi­ WITEi A G..'U..~ Fl.003 SHOW con r ~ reeordi_ng se-c.reta.ry. Di.rec.-- ence a couple oi years ago. when in the middle oi an address - he 1 ors e.lecled ...-ill he l.i.sl.ed in ne.:rt Dbi=g3.o:::::::;O;,e:::i:s: pulled out an accordion and · ,e a roncert . .. The Brotherhood. u-ee.k""s i..sst:1 e of the Hera.Id.. ai l: P.M.. we bear, has .scheduled ior their Dec:emher meeting the appearanre w. Ccle, .. Soed oi Robert 1, cantor oi a Boston ~-na,g e and a \'icto r Record- F~ c! ET'Uf Newport Zionists Iiog arti·t . . . 1 Winston and lni.n L7JO ha,·e passed the Rhode Ncrt:ra.. Ins all Of£i Island Bar. ii was learned 1 · t wee!. .. . o~g-c~~ t _ cers . ~ noble endearor has been the work of ~·gma Phi Delta fra.tern- B~ :'\am~-w w~ LDSlalled ity in pl.a.n.n.ing for their -Bundles for B-ri1is.h Ba.hies-- form~ da.nc-e Fo:&.sa:..~ I Cdl 5:RAEON 616 as president 01 the ~ ev.--port Zi- ,.;..._..;..._..., ne...xt Thursday n.it.e in 1he .Ballroom of the Biltmore o nist district last uod.ay night Briri.s.h Hotel _ .. .!.dm.L -·on is by i_n-rit.arion (_Toa can get ~lb Yauric.e Hendel, oi Pro\""i- 1 Babies one by contacting a Pratern.ir-y memb-e.r) and by pre- denee.. acting as installation offi. Bu_odles s.e.ntarion of an appropria1e gih for a B:riti.s.h child cer. Other men inducted into ._____ , _ . _ 'Yhen yon·re baying yoaI gilt. remember 1.ha.1 office were :'\"alb.an Ball. tjce,..pre- ~n,e.rs in E'ngia.nd are cold. and some --warm piec-e of do,_hing ""-onld sidenl; Ale..'<.a.Dder G. Teitz. sea?- be mos& welcome . . . In apprffia.lfon of his ser

Brandeis Service at Sons of Abraham .\s a lrihute lo the late Just.ire Louis D. Brandeis. a memorial ser 61 l""'" t>eeds ...-hen IFor Thanksgiving se!ecl cm- ilexih!r bo.:.,e ~ p1.o. h', - Mei., Preparations are bein made - . !· .,,,.,..,._ - .,,__ Iha. = by the .tJJar.1lh holnm yn.:a- i,.,...... , the loan. ,.,., imd a fil'....d loa:> ;,ro- .e and R ~er '1\-tl.fuuns Lodge. ndes IN lhe CQIS! eco-,oraical,, si:.'P =d pr.actical b=rili:,g B"nai B"rilh, for its SttOnd an-­ oi J'OUr probl,=. Cu::,e in oo.-, m tho ~ o£ .Yo line as in the fir-st Wortd War. 6 THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. L ,FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 Brith Sholom Speaker Reception Tonight for. Alumni Association of Temple Committee Plans Re-elected by Hadas;ah Emanuel, following Sabbath Eve College Freshmen services. A r eception will be tendered Emanuel Dance to Jewish freshmen at Brown, Mrs. Herman Rosen is chair­ Event Occurs Nov. 22 Pembroke, Rhode Island College man of hostesses and will be as­ At Biltmore Hotel of Education, Bryant College and sisted by Dorothy Robinson, R. I. School of Design, tonight Elaine Robinson, Doris Fain, Ju­ Temple Emanuel's a n nu a 1 dith Weiss and Marion Borod. Thanksgiving Dinner Dance will (Friday) by the Sisterhood and occur on Saturday 'night, Novem­ ber 22, at the Biltmore H.otel, it 'Tor QUAIJTT and SERVICE"' was announced this w eek. Music FOR RENT for dancing, and a varied enter­ Attractively fur~ished, four­ E. S. CRANDALL'S tainment program, will be pre­ room flat, first floor, in South sented by:'\Ruby Newman's orch- Providence, near carline. Rent DAIRY estra. • reasonable. For further in.. Pr:operly Paateurbed According to a statement r e­ formation, telephone PLanta­ ceivec\ from a dance official, res­ tions 8286 before 9 :30 morn­ MILK and. CREAM .I er vations close ~n Sund~y, No- ings, or after 7 o'clock, eve­ LOUIS I. GILGOR vember 16, and w ill nol be accept- call at ,706 Alice A Friend lo the Jowlah People What Cheer Lodge, No. 183, will ed after tha t date. hold open house at its ·headquar­ Mrs. Irving Fain is general WEat '358 ters, 59 Chestnut street, next chairman of lhe \Vomen's Divi­ Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock, to sion, assisted by Mrs. Leo Rosen, unanimous vote, Mrs. honor Louis I. Gilgor, of Phila­ reser vations chairma n, and Mrs. Sola Pool, of New York City, was delphia, grand secr etar y of Inde­ Samuel Rosen, treasurer. The re-elected to her third term as pendent Or der of British Sholom. Men's D,ivision is headed by Irv­ president of"Hadassah. A budget During the evening, an address ing Abrams. of S1,215,000 for health, child ACCIDENT and HEALTH will he presented by Mr. Gilgor. David Dwares heads the pro­ w elfare, r efugee, supplies INSURANCE A dutch supper a nd entertain­ gram committee as ch airman, as­ land reclamation work in Pales­ ment will follow. Members and sisted by Marlin M. Zucker and tine was voted by the 1500 dele­ . Obtainable Throuqh friends h ave been invited to at­ Mrs. Charles Slrasmich as asso­ gates attending the annual tend, as w ell as sister lodges cia te chairmen; and Mrs. Philip vention. Frank Lazarus from Providence. C. Joslin, secrctar y-lreasurer. Life Insurance-Annuillea 1'.J,e general progr am committee Jewish Movie I comprises Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bia- Your lnqulrlea Solldted METROPOLITAN 11 FRANK LAZARUS PROVIDENC&-GAspee 1541 zar, George Carson, David Meyers, Sun. at Playhouse Insurance Counsellor Starts Friday-3 Days Only .J acob Berkelhammef, Mr. and ON OUR STAG&-IN PERSON Mrs. Nal C. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. "Rer Second Mother," a J ewish lt DOLLY DAWN Jack Cercl, Mr. and Mrs. Irving lalkie w ill be presented on Sun- I And Her Orchestra I. F ain, Mr. and :Mrs . .J oesph Dres- day afternoon, from 2 o'clock con­ DESI ARNAZ sler, David F eldman, Jacob I. tinuous, a t the Playhouse Theatre, Star of Stage & Scr een Felder, Samuel Goldber g. under lhe sponsorship of Provi- The famous MILLS BROS. Louis Hurwitz, l icob Tenth, dence Chapter of Junior Hadas­ AL TRAHAN Abraham L. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. sah. A slage show will also be With Fraya Lund Samuel Michaelson, Samuel M. presented by "Der Frelicher MARTEZ & DELITA Magid, Samuel Rosen, Samuel Kabs tzen," in person and his 1st Run Hit! "Zis, Boom, Bah" \Vinlman, Mor ris Sydcll, Louis company, featuring "Moishelc." Temkin, Ar thur \Vinklcman, Mr. Esta Salzman and Muni Ser e­ and Mrs. Edward Kossove, Sam- broff head the film's cast. The uel Garr, Judge Philip C. Joslin, s tory r evolves around the life of CASTLE Samuel Lazarus, Alfred Aden, Sarah Steinfield, brought up by a THEATRE Mrs. Nathan e urland, Mrs. Harry couple whom she believes to be Fine, Mrs. Samuel Hobinson, Mr. her par ents, but w ho in r eality SUN., MON. , TUES, & WED. and Mrs. Samuel Or esman, Samu- have cared for her since the death el C. Ress, Henry Sopkin and .of her father and mother, w hen "HONKY TONK~' Hober t ·nice. she was an infant. "New York Town" Admission will be fifty-fi ve BIRTHDAY PARTY cents, and tickets will be on sale

THURS. , FRI. & SAT. A birthday party was held at a l the box offi ce. the Providence Hebrew Parochial "A YANK IN THE School on November 6, in honor Durbin Film Held of Ruth Labush on he1: fiflh R. A. F.''· birthday. All youngslcrs w hose For Second Week "Private Nurse" birthdays occur during the school Having Motion Picture Acad­ Semester, ar e feted at parties. emy "Oscars" as proof of their artis try, co-stars Deanna Durbin a nd Charles Laughton of "It Started \Vilh Eve," are r eaching .Now! new heights as comedy stars in ttiis picture, now in its second 11:1101 Prov. week a t the RKO Albee Theatre. In the film, Miss Durbin is seen HELD OVER as a hatcheck girl, who is intro­ duced into a New York multi­ •See Deanna Durbin - Charles Laughton millionaire's home as his son's fiancee. The comic r esults that in "IT STARTED WITH ,EVE" ensue bring the film to a pr oper Also EDWARD EVERETT HORTON - ZAZU PITTS in climax. Robert Cummings, Guy /Kibbee and Walter Catlett ar e "Week End For Three" also in the cast. And DONALD DUCK The Albee's co-feature is "Week End for Three," w ith Edward E,1erett Horton and Zazu Pitts. B'nai B'rith Annual First Showing-in Providence Thanksgiving Event Hoger Williams Lodge, B'nai The Jewish Talkie of the Year B'rith and Auxiliary w ill conduct its annual Thanksgiving party and turkey raffle on Monday eve­ ning at the .J ewish Community Center, w ith Hyman Lisker and 'Her Second Mother' Archie F inkI,, in charge of ar­ On the Stage r angements. LOOK ,U THE EXTIU FEATVRU THE POPULAR RADIO FAVORITE D uring the evening a "Truth a nd Consequences" show will be • Extra big famlly-•lH Interior with 6¾ cu. Ft. held, under the direction of Leo "DER FREILICHER KABSTZEN" 1torage t~ce - 12.6 iq. ft. ,helf area • One-pl.ce In Person, and His Company, Featuring "MOISHELE" Mi ller. A brief business meet­ ing w ill precede the ' program, porcelain-enamel lining •Ice-malling capacity 1i Sponsored by over which Dr. Carl Jngolinzer, lbt. • Coit-cutting Polanphere power unit teal eel prcsidcnl, will p reside. aga inst dust and moltture • High-,S)ffd tr.... , • 11 -polnt cold control • Lorge moon.ton• glatt Providence· Junior Hadassah MONTEFIORE MEETING meat ,torag• ch.. t •Tall bottl• tpac• • Hinged Montellore Ladies Hebrew Bene­ " Magic Shelf" For high storoge • Auto111otlc h1° fi cial A s s o c i a ti o n met on te,lo, light • 5-vear proledlon pion Playhouse Theatre Wednesday at the Biltmor e Ho­ le!, a t w hich time, Miss Ruth M. ~t.. DARRAGADSEn EIIECTRIC e""'fJMUI Cook, social worker, spoke on the 1 52 Sunday November 16 ~~~~::. ~,~ ~- M. Sophia Lillie Home. Mrs. Joseph Ckc_J,uc $/u,p • 51 'kl~ St. Field presided. HAIICHU: AICJIC • 111$TOL • EAST H U NWICH • WAKEFIELII • WARREii • WUTEII.Y • wm,roto THE JEWISH HERALD. PROVIDENCE. R. 1:, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1941 3

stepped on my foot, the one with the corn, and it hur t me. I lost Stollerman Tesfim~nial Sponsors · Theological Fund nw temper and hit him." ··Your friend had a reason" said the judge to the other fello~ Gets" More Gifts Through the efforts of Dr. Mor­ "why did you hit this storn; ris Gutstein, Nathan Ball and Elix trooper ?' Adelson, the following additional ··r thought," was the r etor t, "it contributidns w er e recently . se­ wus being allowed again." cur ed for the R. I. Emer gency ... - Appeal for the Rescue of Theo­ The Stor y Tellers: The Sateve­ Then there's the one about post is publishing so-called hu­ t.l\e logical Students of Europe a nd ,·isilu r to Berlin who asked a na­ morous stuff from Wodehouse. Asia: tiYe: ·'Js it true tha t Germans are who w rote it bet\,ee_n licks al Na~ Max Suganuan, $15; Samuel eating horserueat ?" zi boots. Humor that comes out Lesavoy, 10; Nathan Eugene, of that form of em,ironment HA.h_,'' said the Nazi, SIO; five dollars from each of the doesn't make ~-ou laugh. It mak es were the good old days !" following: Jacob S. Coh en, Benja­ you shi\·er • . . lf you "\\"!Int a ... - min Weinberg, L. Waltman, Irv­ note of thanks from ,·our mind­ Jean Sablon overheard a conple ing Fleischman, Dr. William let it drink "-11lkie's ·smarticle in of so~~,1 riters on Broadway . .. Braude, B. & 0 . Chain Company, Re,ider·s Di begins whispering about the for .. . Ed Howe: Make a w oman Further announcement was qucnt membership; :\{rs. Samuel •; thing Joe Sclrn·ogies wife did at mad and she is no more polit e made of the appointment of the Young, membership; ~!rs. Irving 1· Fred Spigel's Market Fr€'d Phlebby's par ty Saturday than a man ... ~:1arjorie B. Green­ following women as board mem­ \\'allman. publicity ; ~!rs. Samuel j 213 WILLA RD AVENUE night."' bie: Beautiful young people are bers: .\\esdames Charles Z. Alex­ Soforenko, linen supplies; Mrs. ir.·~~ lt w-as Frida:, ni~ht.. accidents of nature. But beau­ ander, \\'alter Adler, Fred Adler, Samuel Rosenfield, linens; ~lrs. I '1,.'lllll!J'l•l-l!iP!i;l..!ll••a I ... - tiful old people are works of art. :\1.orris Berry, Charles Brow n, John J. Rouslin: program; i\frs. I • Haw! Buddy Clar ke of the Park Maurice Cooper, J. A. Cerel, Sam· µmis Temkin. sunshine; .\-!rs. D. !'. 9:'1'[~$[1] 1 Cenlral's Cocoanuf Gro,e relan uel Deutch, Joseph Dressler, E . KahnoYsky, entertainment; ~1rs. ~~- - • 111 _ _.... \. the sill~·-dilly about the little b~y Harold Dick, J acob Ernsfof, Sam­ S. Sih·erman, entertainment; :\frs. f I '!"!lo was run oYer b~~ a s!earnrol­ Select Committee uel Ernslof, [n·fng Fain, Jacob Daniel Jacobs, donors; ~!rs. Les- I Lamb Ch 40 lb j ler while pla~;ng in the street. Fain, Samuel Fl:,_nzbaum, Samuel "!er Emers. hospifali1y; Mrs. s. I . ops• C • He w-as fl aff ened like a pancake. For Home Ball Ganzer, J . D. Grossman, B. .\I. Low , elevator and life members· jCh1ckens • .. 23c lb.I .\ pa erby picked him up and ~!r. and Mrs. Samuel 111. Magid Goldber g, Leonard Y. Goldman, and :\lrs. D:l\~id Dwares, print~ i We do not deUver - But w e qive l brought him to the child's mother ing. •!• you quality for your money . en f erf·ained members of the 1941 Jacob Horo,1 itz. on I.he third floor. .\lesdames DaYid Kabnonkv. .I. Charity Ball Commiflee of the PLAN YOUR FALL VACATION AT ·What is if?" she yelled in .Jewish Home for Aged, at their Kopif, P hilip Korb, Harry Koilcn, • Prl\·ate bath and show er in every response lo his knock. Samuel Kennison, ~-lax Kesten­ room. Spacious sun porch O1ne~- street residence last week. and :1,olarium. Distinguished "Your son:· he replied. ·'hes Harry :\1. Meyers, chairnrn n of man, Samuel Lazarus} Louis Lin­ cuisine. Dietary laws·. been run OYer by a steamroller­ Lhe Ball, announced that as in der, Eli Lea,-itt, Lyon Marcus, V ery A ttra ctive Rates he's all flaffened out !" past years. the e,1 ent will occur Samuel " agid, David ~!eyers. J o­ We Cater to Social ·'Well:· the mother grumbled. on Christmas night at th e Bilt­ srph Levin. Evans ~ elson, Isidore Functions of Every "Pm not dressed. You'd heifer more Hotel. Benjamin Trinkel Paisner, Abe Percc1ay, A1 Yi.n T. slip him under the door:· and John Sit,·erman ,vere ap­ Rice, Leo Rosen, Samuel Rosen. ... - pointed co-chairmen; Herman Samuel Rosenfield, Charles Hous­ Swartz, treasurer; Isaac E . Fein­ lin. ~laurice Robinson, )1.atthew MAX ABOCT TO"" Segool, .T. Swartz, J. ShukoYsky, :---ew York's Horatio Alger Jr.: stein, general secretary; Mrs. Eli Lea,-it-t, chairman, Bernard .M. George Samdperi1, Vincent Sor· ~far,i n ehenek. the talent scout Goldowsky ~lemorial Foundation. rentino, Herman Swartz, Simon likes b:1mburgers. So the otbe; and .\!rs. E. Har old Dick, r eser: Sandler, Rose Smira, Henry Sop­ d:1y, while munching on one in a Yalions ~hairman. kin, Samuel SilYerstein, Sb,th :\'\"enue beanery, he noticed a youth ,vbo impressed hin1 as the "most typical good-looking youn.g American"' he bad eYeT se-en ... The chap's clothes indi­ cated he could use a job . . . Schenck introduced himself and look him to ~IG~f's Broadway offi ces, where a producer ejac;­ lated: "That's the handsomest guy in :---ew York and Holh·­ wood!"' . .. Afl er an ordina~v camera trst. it was rushed to th~ Coast . . . Magnate Mayer of ~I G:-.t telephoned and ordered --the new find'' rushed West ... On Friday, then, Jim Wittlig, 6 foot 4 nephew of Cncle am (who on]~, tbe olber day was hunting for a job on ixth A"enue) will be ridin in class out to Holly­ wood with a year's MG" con­ tract. His build-up will be ·'~lovieland' Xo. I Hero." ... - Benny Youngman would have you belifie Lhat this happened in Berlin . . . A storm trooper care­ lessly s tepped on the foot or' one of Youngman·s relafiYes trapped in Gtnnany ... Jt so infuriated him he socked the trooper rigbf I on the nose .. . His pal took a ock al him. loo . .. For which the)· were arrt>sfed .. . In court lhe jndge asked the defendant why he hH !be Nauy. •·Judge,- said the man, "b e -;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~~;;;;;~;;;~~~~==--.:.::::.~~~~~~~~~~~------4 THE JEWISH HERALD. PROYmENCE. R. L. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1941 ~ ,... ~,:!.:;;~;.,~~~:~"!;;;;.;~::::.:~ r: • .:1 r': WOMAN'S ;ancy' curred last Sunday afternoon, upon returning will make their BY EDYTHE JAY 5:30 o'clock; when l\Hss Doris temporary residence at 62 Lake ;~\:;~~=~~~~tc:::i~ss lemon wedges During this holiday season Edith Cooper, a daughter of Mr. avenue, \\1est Barrington. ¼ c up melted butter f~:~~:)~poon salt One hears college girls say emphatically and Mrs. Maurice CoO_per of West Jacobson Bar-1\litzvah 3 tablespoons milk "All term we're reserved - but now we intend Barrington, was w ed to Albert The Bar-Mitzvah of Melvin Ja- Wash steaks and dry. Stir salt To really get dressed up dramatically" .•. Henry Kauffman, son of Mrs. Fan- cobson, son of Mr. and Mrs.· into milk and dip steaks in sea-, Chapter One . .. Fashion is looking younger .. . Positively in- nie Kauffman, of 202 :Messer Charles Jacobson, will occur on soned milk, then in cracker spired by the party plans of the younger set, designers have been street, and the late Henry, Kouff- November -29 at Temple Beth ls- crumbs. Place in a buttered bak- turning out tea dance dresses of white wool, and prom gowns of man. Rabbi Morris Schusshiem rael services, to ·be held at the ing dish and pour melted butter net - snowdrifts of it glistening with sequins ... of Temple Beth Israel performed Jewish War Veterans building. over the crumbled fish. Bake at These are the two types of clothes the college girls are itching the single ring nuptials at the Open House 400 degrees about 15 to 20 min- to get their hands on after almost a semester of classroom classics Cooper r esidence, under a bow- Mr. and Mrs. :Morty Decof of utes, or until crumbs are nic~ly .. . There will be matinees and tea dances and house-party week er adorned w ith white carna- 196 Sackett street, will bold open browned. Garnis h with lemon ends ... There will be holiday dances and a whole parade of proms tions and calla lilJies. Tradition- house on Saturday evening, to wedges and sprigs of parsley or in the college towns .. . A girl can't face that schedule in a sweater al w edding music was played b y honor their son, Donald, ·whose water~re~s. and skirt ... Dad might as well be warned here and now tha·t fash Carl Tatz at the organ. A r ecep- Bar-Mitzvah w ill occur on Satur- ion is fun in sizes 9 to 17, and indulge his younger daughter with lion followed. White chrysan- day morning at the South Provi- Emanuel's Dance a "smooth" wool evening wrap, a couple of" dramatic dream dress- ! themums and w hite r oses were dence Hebrew Congregation.. es and at least one of the prettier wool afternoon dresses to brighten used as decor ations throughout To Observe Bar-Mitzvahs Comm1·ttee L1·sted her life . .. 'She'll probably tell you one of the wools must be win r-·- the house. The Bar-Mitzvahs of Harris ter white · .. F lirt pink and flirt blue, those shrill pastels that the Given in marriage by h er fa- -Goldstein, son of ~Ir. and Mrs. Announcement has been made young can get away with, are the colour hits lined up for he ther, the bride ,vore an informal Raymond Goldstein, and of Ed- that reservations for Temple s hopping spree over the Thanksgiving week-end ... She'll find them frock of heavenly blue, fashion- war d Fink, son of :Mr. and :Mrs. Emanuel's Dinner dance on Sat- in bright young dresses to ,vear fashio ns of the season· are worth ed w ith a lame skirt and crepe Moe Fink will take place on Sat- urday night at the Biltmore Ho- under her fur coat, in wool eve­ tracking, too . . . You'll find bodice, trimmed at the shoulder urday morning at the Ahavath el have been closed. ning w raps, but long ones, fitted fur in unexpected places in thi line with lame. Her short veil ~holom Synagogue, with Rabbi Airs. Irving I. F ain, gener al to her pretty figure · · · season's styles . . There are of matching blue was held in ~!orris G. Silk officiating. chairman of the Women's Divi- There's no doubt about it . .. fur-lined sweater s, and an in place by a Juliet cap of blue se- Betrothal Announced ion, was assisted in arra nge- In this gay Thanksgh-ing season, creasing number of fur-lined quins, and she woie a corsage of { ) IT. and Mrs . Julius Sie- ments by Irving Abrams of the which augurs an e,·en gayer coats r ight in line with the ne\\ orchids. gel of Brooklyn, N. y _ announce ~len's Division, as co-chairman· Christmas and New Yea r season, understatement of elegance in Her only attendant was her the engagement of their daugh- Mrs. Leo Rosen, reservation; the college girls suddenly feel high-fashion cir cles Furbe sister, Mrs. Evans Nelson, as ma- tcr, Miss Ruth Lillian Siegel, to chairman; Mrs. Samuel Rosen, they must create "clramah" - Jaws, tha t may be fur buttons tron of honor. She wore a· dress Lou.is Trutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. treasurer; Mrs. Carl Hyman, pub- and in their own sweet young bows, or butterflies, are accent of black, with powder blue and Isidore Trull of this city. !icily, and Mrs. E rnest Blazar , ex- way - you've s imply gotta ad- ing the opera pump of suede for jet sequins as trim. Her flow- Miss Siegel is a graduate of offi cio. mit, it's becoming on them . . afternoon occasions . . . Fur loops ers w ere also or chids. Samuel Brooklyn College, class of June, The gener al committee includ- • • ha\·e been w ired and trimmed KouITma n, brother of the bride- '41, while ~Ir. Trull w as gradual- ed Mesdames A. Blackman, Ira Chapter Two Don't giYe with jet paillettes to make more groom, acted as best man. The ed from Providence College. Blum. Jack Cerel, Alex Cohen, up the treasure hunt just be- decoratiYe hats out of tiny calots bridegr oom was given in marri- Entertaing Daughter David Dwares, Lester Emers. cause you can't ha,·e a coat of ... What looks at first like a 'verv age by his brother a nd sister-in- Mrs. Max Sanek of Gallatin Jack Fain, Harr y Goldman, Rose sables ... Precious fur in smal- rich brocade shirred into a vok~ law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kauffman. s treet entertained last week at a Jacobs, Daniel Jacobs, Max Kes- ler quantities, and less precious may ver y likely be one of· the The mother of the bride was luncheon and mah jong at \Vein- tenman, Samuel Michaelson, Hy furs worked ingeniously into the rnry flat furs, like br-oadtail or chic in an afternoon frock of stein's, in compliment to her }liller, Arthur Kaplan, Philip J os­ Tingona lamb, w orked in a new .black, with collar and pockets daughter, Miss Estelle Sanek, lin. To Hold Rally way to point up a cloth coat . . . appliqued in blue sequins. The whose engagement to David }lesdames Joseph Dressler, Handbags ar e more than will­ bridegr oom's mother w as dress- Morse was recently announced. Samuel Oresman, Jack Queler, ing to carry the fur accent for ed in black crepe and lace. Both Bazar _ Spaniel ,lax Temkin, Henry Sopkin, For Flag Day To complete arrangements for their winter costume- . .,, .~ -hey mothers wor e qrchid corsages. Miss Bella Spaniel, a daughter f:muel Rappa;:,orte, Al vin Rice, Jewish National Fund Flag- Day, may be ver tiable puff balls of of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spaniel of ving \Vattman, Max Winograd, which will occur on November fur, like a muff with a zipper com­ 30 Harriet street, will become the Mr. and Mrs. E. Harold Dick, Mr. 30, member organi zations of the partment ... Or they may be as bride of Harry Meyer Bazar of and Mrs. Hy Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. Diamond Zionist Youth Council will. bold tailored as a flat envelope with Norfolk, Virginia, son of Mr. and Samuel Garr, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Engagement Rings a monster rally this Sunday after­ triangles of the fu r for the flap ~frs. Samuel Bazar of this city, ~ain, David Meyers, Martin Zuc­ & Diamond Mountings noon, 2 :30 o'clock in the.... vestry or sides . .. A fur handle is a on Sunday evening, 6 :30 o'clock. er and Mor ris Espo. of Temple Beth El, Broad and gesture of luxury for a soft Rabbi Nathan Taragin of the Sons --­ Glneham street. The program pouch of suede . . . of Abraham Synagogue will sol- Pawt. Ladies Aid will be featured by group sing­ (Continued on Page 5) emnize the single ring ceremony Schedules Luncheon ing acvI numerous speakers. at Weinstein's Banquet Hall, ,Irs. Samuel Rigelhaupt a nd Tully Checkoway is chairman w hich w ill be follow ed by din- ~!rs. Harry M. Fruit ar e ch air­ of the Flag Day committee, and ner. \Vedding music will be man, and co-chairman, respec­ has ann,ounced that younger age played by Al Rosen a t the organ. lively of a luncheon and m ah clu.bs and school groups, ,vill con­ The bride w ill wear a torso jong party, to be held hy the La­ duct their collections between I and 4 o'clock in the a ft ernoon. gown of white corduroy, en dies Aid Society of Pawtucket Wedding~, Engagement and train, fashioned w ith a full skirt, and Central Falls, on December To date, the following headquar­ Bar-Mitzvah Announcements and a V-yoke. of white lace. Her 3. ters have been announced: Tem­ Kaplan's Our Specialty headdress of w hite velvet will be At a r egular monthly meeting ple Emanuel, Jewish Community 199 WEYBOSSET ST. studded with seed pear ls, and of the organization held last week, Center, Chester Avenue Parochi­ Eatabllahed Almost 40 Years from it will fall a finger tip veil w ith Mrs. Israel Luber pr esiding, al School and the home of Miss Star Printing Co. , (Continued on Page 5) it was voted to contribute five Gertrude Chaet, a t 43 Pinehurst EU PRILUC!i avenue. Fllrther stations will be 268 CHARLES ST. DExter 5858 dollars to the Red Cross Fund. See Us F"lZ'St For Lower Prices Following the meeting, a pack­ announced next ,veek. age party was held, w ith Mrs. Jack Percelay acting as auction­ !************************************************ eer, and Mrs. Abraham Cokin as ! SMART, THRIFTY-MINDED WOMEN ARE PATRONIZING . . . ! hostess. ! Anne~ Co,.:Jel Sfwp ! ! .. _. WHERE THEY FIND A FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE ! Pioneers Arrange • PLUS FRIENDLY SERVICE. • Concert, Luncheon ! Here you get exact !igure cmalysis, excellent fitting founda- ! Tht Clrristnws Store of Providence At a meeting of the Pioneer ! lion garments, corseted to your temperament. We have a ! - • complete youth line of brassieres. Lower prices prevail- Womens Club of Providence, ! held on Tuesday, arrangements ! cmd all alterations are free, of course. • RHODE ISLAND'S were further ed for the fortbcom­ : ROSE BARBER. Formerly of Boston, Has Taken Over :. i ng Chanukah Concert and Luncheon, to take place on De­ ! ANNE'S CORSET SHOP : MOST BEAUTIFUL : And Cordially lnv1tes You to Become Acquainted :. cember 1G at the Narragansett ! 509 Lapham Building 290 Westminster Street ! Hotel. Mrs. Rose Smira, program ~ ...... ,...... 4 chairman, is being assisted by a large committee. GIFT SHOP F ollowing the business meeting, Call GAspee 7767 for Reservations at a culturar program was presented Providence's Newest Banquet Hall I by Mesdames Sidney Goldman, HEN you want something distinct.h•e, come to Harry Sklut and Morris G. Silk. W this gift-paradise! Whether it's a bit of fine MIRIAM PLAZA china ... a beautifully crafted piece of MEMBERSHIP DINNER 48 SNOW STREET occasional furniture . .. a unique lamp ... an ex- Providence Unit, Junior Hadas­ Under Supervision of quis ite piece of lingerie ... or some choice perfume. • sah is now engaged in plans for Her e are gifts that w ill stand out from all other gifts a paid-up membership dinner , WEINSTEIN'S LAKE PEARL MANOR received on Christmas morning! tentatively set for Decem.ber 10 Wrentham, Massachusetts at Weinstein's Banquet Hall. Miss Faye Dunder apd Miss Gertrude Con s ult IJARBAIU WBST, Ccrlering - Strictly Kosher Gifl Couns~llor Bxlraordi11ary Weis inger, membership chair­ - .. Gifl Shop, Second Floor ma n a nd associate chairman, re­ s pectively, are in charge of ar­ WEDDINGS. PARTIES-- and BANQUETS rangements. / THE JEWISH HERALD. PROVIDENCE. R. r.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1941 5

B'nai B'rith Leader Synagogue Speaker Socief'I 11 11 BY HENRY DAVIS (Continued from Page 4) It seems that one of Providence's favorites, George M. Cohan, of tulle. She will carry a while wrote to one of the more "exclusive" winter resorts for reserva­ Bible. on which orchids will he tions, and got a response informing him t hat "this pla~ed. What's hotel catet s only to a restricted clientele." .•• ~fiss Claire Spaniel, sister of In A Whereupon Broadwa y's Irish Cohan wired the ho­ t{le bride, will a ttend as nlaid of Name? tel management that both of t h em had be.!'n mistaken r.onor., while ~lrs. Ray " 7eintraub, ... "You t hought I w as J ewish and I t hought you aunt of the bride, will be matron were gentlemen," was his point ... Incidentally, Winchell, from "' h onor. The former will h e whom this story comes, has been barred from Montana radio sta­ '1ressed in a gown of baby blue tions because Isolationist \Vheeler doesn't like Walter's pointed ,-o,duroy, accented with maroon barbs ... Spotted at the Caba na last week-end were Harold. Fein- 'rim. Her pokeb onnet will be of gold .. . Rut h Bernstein ... Pearl Berbel ... Martin Zucker and baby blue, with a blue veil. The brother, J oe . .. Jean and H arry Horwitz ... The :Maurice Coop- \\" .ASHDJGTO~. - ~rs. Lenore 'alter·s gown will be of m&roon e rs saw Eddie Cantor's new show, uBanjo Eyes," w hich opened in D. Unden\-ood, of Sah Fra.ncisco, corduroy, trinimed with bah,· Boston last. week . . . Harri_et Goodman, of Pawtucket, and JerrY who was re-elected president of blue, and h er bonnet and veil Forman of this city, are among the crop of new engagements .. . the '\'\' omen's Supreme Council \\ill be in the maroon hue. Both One of the winners of turkeys at tbe annual Thanksgiving raffle at its 2--day annual session in will carry bouquets of seasonal of B'nai B'rith's Auxiliary last lfonda)1 nite ·was lirs. \Villiam Bojar " "ashington. blossoms. . .. Harry Gilstein found himself an unexpected William Glassman will act as MAYOR ROBERTS benefactor tbis week when someone brok e bis stor e Some window a nd selected one of tbe choicest h.frkeys as Sideline ROOM FOR RENT best man, assisted by tbe follow­ ing usher corps : Ira, l{artin and Joint Thanksgiving a rew ard for his efforts ... New arrivals in town Scenes .Aitracti;el:r, furnished room Paul Bazar, Harold Bloom, Leon­ include Dr. a nd :\1rs. )lanuel Horwitz of New York, in home ,"1th pri\""ate family ard Elkies, Henry Glassman, a nd the Robert Zametkins, also of the big city ... Saudie Silverman is a\""ailable for J ew-is.h couple, Ray \\'cintrnub and Stanley Wein­ Service Tonight ,vas spied last week shopping in New York ... \\'Ord comes that or you ng business man or wo­ traub. Sponsored j-Oinlly by Roger the Sam Dicks w ill entertaill al open house on Sunday afternoon, man. Kext to bath. Kitchen \\-illiams Lodge, B' nai B' rith, and 2 5 Arline Bloom and Iris Brom­ to o'clock in the Ballroom of the Narragansett Hotel, to honor pri,ileges. if desir ed. For fur­ the .AbaYath Sholom Synagogue, berg. as flffwer girls, will wear their daughter, Lillian, whose engagement to Edward Bomes, was the r in.format.ion, call HOpkins special Thanksgh-iog services pastel frocks, and carry b ask ets r ecently a nnounced .. 6275. will be held tonight, ( Friday} of flower petals. Edward Wein­ Ben Grauer of the of the :Kational Br oadcasting Company was 8:15 o'clock. at the Howell street guest speaker at the Tem ple Beth El Brotherhood meeting last Mon­ traub will be ring bearer. Synagogue, at which time, ~f ayor day nite, when P r of. Leach of Harvard, originally ROOM FOR RENT The bride's mother wiJI wear Dennis J. Roberts and Lieutenant­ Ben Grauei scheduled to talk, " .,. as unable to appear . .. Grauer, a gown of black cr epe a nd a cor­ Go,·ernor Louis W. Cappelli will At who has won devoted listeners on the J ergen's Furnished i-oom is a\""ailable, sage of orchids. Tbe mother of bring greetings for the city and Beth-El Journal, Kay Kyser, Battle of Sexes and British Refu- in modern, pri\""ate Jewish the bridegroom will also b e a t­ state. gee Children's Broadcast programs, delighted the tired in black crepe, trimmed home, for gentleman, off Broad Rabbi Morris G. Silk will Beth E l crowd ... Speaking without a single n ote, he revie,ved his in gold sequins, a nd will ba,·e a s'LreeL Fur1her information preach on the theme, " Than.ks eleven years experience with :K. B. C., said his fa'°orite hobbies are corsage of orchids. may be secured by calling giYi ng-A J ewish Conception.' a rc haeology and collecting books, and con.fessed t hat he plays a poor HOpkins 6383. .-\fter a wedding trip through .-\!so participating in tbe service game of golf ... Grauer had been in Providence on Sunday conduc­ :--ew Yo rk, W ashington and Bal­ will be Archie Smith, president ting t he Refugee Chi.ldren's radio program ... Inter esting to note in li.more, the couple will make their of the Synagogue, and Dr. Carl passing is the fact that one of the youngsters on the broadcast was Housekeeper Wanted home in :'\orfol.k, \"irginia. Jagolinzer, president of B'nai Hilary Phillips, who is living wHh Pearl and Arthur Kaplan "for ~Uddle-aged women to man­ Return from Trip B'rtib. Cantor DaYid Einstein the duration ... " Spotted in the Brotherhood audience were the ag e h ousehold for business )!rs. Ida :\.! anekofsky and :lliss and the choir wiU present musi Charles Browns- ... the Arthur Levys ... Seymour Coplan . . . conple, vdth one child. Good .-\nae :\.l a nekofsky, wbo baYe b een cal selection. Sid 'Sil;erman ... Ralph Rotkin . . . the Paul Paris's . .. the Abe home and sala.ry. For farther on an extended trip to the South­ Tbe sen·ice is open to the pub L. Abels .. . Dr. and Mrs. James Krasnoff .. . Sam Fink .. . t he in formation., writ.e Box No. ern and Pacific coasts,' ha,e re­ lie. Abe Fines ... and nume r ous others including sever al Army boys 792, The J e"-ish Herald. turned to their borne on Galla- . . . That's all for now . .. ti a street. To Visit Canada Hebrew Free Loan Mrs. J. Adler On :\.Ir. and )!rs. H. Goldenberg Defense Committee a nd family ·or 169 Sumter street, NEW YORK. - Mrs. Julius Ad­ CASTLE Soon comes December \\ill ,-isit in ~tontreal, Canada, To Hold Drawing South ProYidence Hebrew Free ler, wife of the General Mana­ THEATRE 1\nd throngs of shoppers oYCr tbe week-end." Loan .-\ssociation will bold its ger of the New York Times who Leave your car here SUN .• MON., TUES. & WED. Second Annual Drawing on Mon- is a Brigadier General now on Save the tempers of coppers BAR-~ITTZV AfI BOYS day evening, 8 o'clock, al the active duty at Fort Leonard "THE LITTLE \Vood, 1Lissouri, was named by Special Sunday morning· sen'- Jewish War Vetera ns Hall, 100 ~!a yor LaGuardia as Co-Chair­ FOXES" ices will be held for Bar-)litzvab ~iagara street. man with Ma rshall Field of tbe "Down in San Diego" Snow Street boys a t the Sons of .-\brabam Harry Goldenberg, chairma n of Kew York City Defense Recrea­ Synagogue, throughout the win- the eYent which is op en to the Uon Committee. ter months, it w as announced public, has announced that free THURS . • FRI. & SAT. Motor Mart this week by Rabbi Nathan Tara- refreshments will be served. To Investigate gin. Breakfast will follow serv- Prizes to be drawn include a "Smilin' Through" (Formerly Snow Sl Garage) ices, tendered by the Bas-:\lilzvah gas refrigerator, combination ra­ Scribner's Magazine " International Lady" girl's group. dio and phonograph, chrome din- WASHI:SGTO~. - Scribner's ette set, fifty-piece silverwa re Commentator, organ for isola­ set, virgin wool blank ets and an tionists and anti-Semites which You've probably iaken ii as a matter of course to provjde electric razor. is published at Geneva, \Vis., is for insurance for your loved ones after you've gone. But under scrutiny by the special have you ihough oi an untimely death by accident? Traveler to Talk grand jury investigating Nazi WW,;ll:J;S propaganda, it was re,1 ealed b y PROVIDENCE EDWIN S. SOFORENKO Before Y. W. H. A. Special Prosecutor W illiam Pow­ --N OW! -­ ~liss \Vilbemina Hull, tra-eler er :\.!alone y. MORTON SMITH THRILLING TOGETHER! -- Repreaeo ,ng -- will lecture a t a meeting of tbe INSURANCE UNDE.dWRITERS. Inc. Young \\"omen's Hebrew Associa­ See CARY GRANT 73 WI:YBOSSET STB1:ET Nex1 to AI<:ade Tel GAspee 3120 tion, to b e b eld next W ednesday METROPOLITAN c,,ening, 8:15 o'clock at the J ew ­ PROVIDENC&-GAspee 1541 JOAN FONTAINE ish Community Center. She will STARTS FRIDAY-3 DAYS ONLY ON OUR STAG&--IN PERSON talk on he r Scandina,·ian tour m and illustrate it with colored "HOLLYWOOD SWEATER "Suspicion" slides. GIRLS REVUE" Directed By Louis Cohen, J ewish Welfare - With - ALFRED HITCHCOCK Board representath·e at Camp June Preisser · Peter Lind Hayes --ALSO -- Edwards, will also speak, hav­ Cecilia Parker · Mary Healy Anne SHIRLEY & James CRAIG in ing as his subject, "Soldier )lo­ Anne Nagel . Barbara Pepper Dick Baldwin · Kim Loo Sisters "UNEXPECTED UNCLE" rale."' During the evening, a Stuart Taylor and Others Cartoon technicolor movie of Centerland 1st Run Hit! " Hurry, Charlie. Hurry" Day Camp will be shown. Heporl of various committee will be beard. :\.liss Hose Mill­ man is chiarman of the meeting. CELEBRATING! 6 '.\tonths of Suc<"essful llusincss l "Our Qur.llty is Our Success•· FREE! FREE! FREE! ON THE OCEAN-FRONT a Saturday & Sunday Only! - l LB. MIDGET SALAMI with e,·ery purclrn s.e of $1.00 or o,·er at the counter NEAR 15th STREET ON SALE AT COUNTER. SATURDAY & SUNDAY One of Miami Beach '• Wo,nan. ~ :Jane'/ N. Y. TONGUE. Ready to Boil Any Si%e ...... 39c lb. newest, moil modem Hoteu (Continued from Page 4) N. Y. KOSHER FRANKFURTERS. Flneat Quality ...... 29c lb. N. Y. ROLLED BEEF. Cmm.e1'a Fi.nest Quality ...... 69c lb. · 19c ¼, lb. If you' re having nny of your • SOLARIUM • SUN DECK --- LUN C HEON SPECIAL! -- clothes restyled a t this point, • RECREATION ROOMS heed these word .. . Raid the 35c ~':~1:· I Ch::p ol I Co~~qsBeef I Tea 35c • FREI: PARKING trimming deparlments of the ODe Bloc} From Linc oln Rood shops for white fox pompons or L Q U I E ' S Delicates:e~S~E;estaurant leopard buttons, or ermine tails LOl" SANOLEH, Proprietor EDWIN M. SABOL ... They'll give your clothes the Formuly with Coh~n·• and llarr,(s Manager 21 OOt:GL.\S AVENUE. Opposite Svnagoi{Ue Tel. ~IAnnlng 237-1 new fur fillip ... 6 THE JEWISH HERALD. PROVIDENCE. R. L. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1941 Sisterhood to Hear In. Albee Film ' French Poale Zio~t First Committee Leaves Oneg-Shebbat Guest Zaev Bo}'ngold, secretary of Mrs. Anna Cowen Unanswered Stand on Jews the Poale Zion party in France, Program Committee Listed NEW YORK. - The challenge erica First leaders to take an un­ will be guest speaker Friday E\ve­ for Beth-Israel Dan_ce . to the America First Committee equivocal position on Lindbergh's ning before members of local Mrs. Anna Co,ven ·w1ll revtew by Dr. Charles Fleischer, a Jew, speech and to make its decision Poale Zion at an Oneg Sbebbat to A. J. Cronin's latest novel, "The former editor of the now-defunct public at the ~ladison Square be held at 385 Westminster str eet. Kevs of the Ki ngdom," at a meet­ New York American, wbo resign­ Garden r ally last week of the Am­ Joshua Bell, member of the or­ ing of the Temple Beth Israel ed recentJ y from the executive erica First Committee. ganization, will speak " On the Se~ committee of the New York chap­ Sist erhood to be held on Decem­ In a letter to John Flynn, chair­ drab of the Week." ter of Am erica First; to take a man of the New York chapter, ber 1 at the Jewish War Veter ans )!embers of tbe arrangements definite stand on the question of Dr. Fleischer, after issuing the building. committee include ·J oseph Biller, The Sisterhood's dinner-dance anti-Semitism, brought no re­ challenge, said: "Or is the Com­ Arthur Korman, Harry Chaet, committee will meet next Wed­ sponse from the isolation! group's mittee afrai d that by taking this Solomon Ligblman, Henry Hal­ courageous and reall y American nesdav "'·ening al the home of leaders. pern, Mrs. Solomon Lightman Dr. Fleischer, who r esigned his stand, it will ali enate the support )lrs. Oscar KJ emer, chairman, 100 and )!rs. Isadore Perler. America First post shortly after of baling and Un-American thou­ Glenham str eet. Joan the nati onal executive committee sands who are in your organiza- SISTERHOOD ONEG SHEBBAT ',!embers of the program com­ are co-starr ing in the current mittee, of which ) lrs. Leo Bojar of the isolationist group refused tion mainly because they beli eve The first of a series of Oneg RKO Albee's film, "Suspicion," to repudiate Lindbergh's anti­ it represent s opposition to the Sbebbats, under the auspices of is chairman, comprise the Mes­ the vivid and on.forgettable story Semitic address, challenged Am- J ews?" the Abavath Sholom ~Si sterhood, dames llie Berger: Abe Berman, of a woman whose troubled mind 1 ',lax Bolvin, ) lax Brier, Samuel ------=----=--=--=-==----- will occur on Sa turday in obser­ leads her to suspect that her hus­ Father M. J. Ahem vance of the Thanksgiving sea­ Brier, ~f orris Chusmir, Aaron Co­ band is a murderer. The film Local Delegation son. Parti cipants will include hen, Samuel Deutch, Joseph Fow­ w as directed by Alfred Hitch­ Studies' Speaker Fa I b e r )!rs. )!orris G. Silk, Beryl Segal ler, :',lac Golden, J ames Goldman, cock. The Albee's second featnr e Benjamin Rane, Barney E.enner, is uUn expected Uncle,'" starring Alliance Conclave Mi chael J. and Bernice Shuster. Communal Providence w as r epresented by Ah ern wi11 singing and a social hour will 2-elig Gordon, J ack Rosenberg, Anne Shirley, James Craig and Aaron Broms6n, Ab e Kl erner, ~! orris Sbobam, Nathan Resnick speak be- fea ture the program. Charles ,Coburn. Walt Di sney's and ~Ir. and )!rs. Joseph Biller Harry Greenspan, Irving Coken, latest cartoon is an additional fo re the in­ LIST BASKETBALL GAME Oscar Klem er. at the annual Jewish Kational s titute o f feature. Workers Alliance Conference of Jewish Community Center will ~lesdames Irving Ko,;tch, J a- J ewis h inaugura te its va rsity basketball Rhode Island aad Massachusetts, Studies for cob Liebl, ',!orris ::-; arva, Minnie Beth-Israel Men held last Sunday at the ~tishk'a season with a game between the i\elson, ~lax Rosen, Morris Ad ults at Ce nter Varsity a nd the Center Tefill a Temple ia Boston. )fr. T em pl e Scbussbeim, Samuel Sherman, T H Id o· Sboham was named secretary of Alu mni on December 6 at the Benjaa1ia Tichman, Eli Winkler, 0 0 inner Em a nu el Center Auditorium. Dancing will the Confer ence. on \Vednesday night, November ~l ary Wunsch, John Leach,, Sam- The second in a ser ies of din- ~f ei r Brown, of Palestine, orig­ fo ll ow. Other teams scheduled uel Ernstof, Harr y Go ldenber g, ner meetings, under the auspices 26, on the subject, '"Must \Ve to play the J ewi sh Ce nter during inal founder of the Workers Alli­ Have Prejudices ?" \"\" illiam E. Lipson, Irvi ng Brod- of the ~! en's Club of Temple ance, appear ed as guest speaker. December include the Fall Ri ve r sky, ~lax Caplan, Coleman Zi.m- Beth Israel, will occur next Wed­ Father Ahern has been acti ve Center a nd the New Bedford Reports indicated a fifty per cent in the work of the Na tional Con- mennan, Benjamin El.man, Abe aesday evening, 6:45 o'c1ock, in increase in mem.bership a nd cul­ Kodimah Club. Swerling, Rose Sbasel, Samuel the social r oom of tbe Providence fer ence of Je'\\·s and Christians. I-;.;:::::;:::::::::::::==:::::::::::; tural aclivi ties as well as fund­ By appointment of Cardinal 1 )listowsky. y_ M. c. A., at which time Dave r aisi ng efforts, in the various or­ O'Connell, be organized tbe Cath- I_ Mesdames Joesph Gr een, Samu- )Hsbel, of Brown Universi ty's ganiz.alions. A permanent com­ Prescriptions for el P. Lazarus, Barney T aber, J ack " Iron )fen of 192,6" will appear oli c Truth Peri od of the Yankee mit tee for the intensificati on of network. Eyeglasses Katz, Allen Asher, Fred Kenner, .as guest speaker. organizational work w as for med, ACCURATELY FILLED ~t ax :\:amerow, Harry Go rdon, )tishel, now a sports v.Tit er for to wh.icb M.ax Berma n was ap­ J ack Epstein, Joseph Schlossber g, Boston Daily Record, will tell of SCHUSSKED1 SER.MO I pointed as local r epresentative. Registered Optometrist E. Gluckman, Ira Galkin, William his numerous collegiate exper­ Rabbi Morris Schussheim w ill '' , Smira, J . White, Sol Rose, Bern- iences with Brown's football preach on " The America \Ve Are Grateful For," tonight (Friday) ard Borod, and the )lessrs. Aaron team of 1926, which gained fame Synagogue toHear at 11ba nksgiving ser\'iccs of Tem­ Bromson, lrv;ng Brodsky, Harold throughout the nation. Per tinent Judge F. McCabe \Veinstein and Coleman Zimmer- films will be sba,,,n, and sever­ ple Beth Israel, to be held at the IKAPLJlN,s Judge Francis J. McCabe, of Jc·wisb \Va r Vet era ns Home. Can­ maa. al football plays will be explain­ Providence Probate Court, will tor Joseph Schl ossberg will chant 199 WEYBOSSET ST~ ed by Mr. ~tisbel with blackboard be guest speaker al the third an­ the ser vices. I Established Alm.oat 40 Years Hebrew -Fellowship instruction. nual Thanksgiving service at the To Elect Officers Sons of Abraham Synagogue, to­ night (Friday) al 8:30 o'clock. - f­ Election of officers of tbe Or­ Directors Named He ,vill h ave as his subject, "The der of Hebr ew Fellowship will By Ahavath Sholom Spirit of Thanksgiving." Rabbi be held on No\"ember 30, it was ACCIDENT and HEALTH The following names of d.rec­ Kathan Taragin will conduct the annou aced this week by Leonard tors at the Ab avath Sholom Syna­ services, aft er which the Sister­ INSURANCE M. Le\"in, presidenL c1orue were made public this hood will serve r efreshments. Obtainable Throuqh Tbe organizalion 1 now observ­ ~,-e"ek·: M. Louis Abedon, Philip ing its second year of existence .-\.b raams, Dudley J. Block, Max 87 t with meeting r ooms at GDd ­ Charren, Hy D. Cohen, Nathan Gifts Presented to Frank Lazarus dard street, is comprised of David, Louis Fishbein, Louis Judaean Workers Life lnsurance--Annultles young men from sixteen to twen­ Garber, Harry Goldenberg, Isa­ Hy Sanderson, president of the I ty years of age, and its activi­ dore Grossman, Samuel Kagan, :-lew England Young Judaean Re­ Your Inqu.lrles SoJ!eUed ti es are cultural, social and alb- Ha rry Kopil, Samuel H. Levin­ gion will be guest of Rhode Is­ FRANK LAZARUS letic. son, Abraham Linder, Lipa Lin­ land Council of Young Judaea on Insurance Counsellor tennis An intra-club table der. Sunday, it was r eported this tour anrnent is now in progress, Samuel Orenstein, Barney Pic­ week. and arrangements are being form­ kar, Herman Priest, Irwin Priest, At a r ecent meeting of Young ul at ed fo r the season's cultural Herman Rekant, Benj amin Schus­ Judaea, held at the home of Mr. program. ter, Samuel Sbaulson, Abraham and )lrs. Joseph Keller, gifts of Sugarman, Benj amin Tcath, book wer e presented to Mrs. Eli George \Valpert, Samuel Wiener, Di amond, former leader, Marshal FREE ~!orris J. Wilkes and Samuel )larcus, former president of the Wool f. Council, and Miss Harriett Win­ TO OUR READERS I nerman, for mer vice-president, Sweater Girls In for tbeir services to the organiza­ Met Stage Show tion in past years. A merrv stage show, entitled YWHA to Hold ' NAW f THE BOSS HAS "Holl ywoo~d Sweater Girl Revue," SWITCHED TO RED is being presented at the Metro­ Bridge, Mah Jong Under the chairmanship of poli tan Theatre, after a sensa­ i\tiss Edi th Schoenberg, a bridge TRADEMARKED COAL tional nalionaJ tour. June Preis­ and mah jong wi ll be held by ' :f.f ser, who bas just completed the the Young Women's Hebre\\1 As­ Paramount Picture, "The Sweat­ sociation on December 8 at the Does the heater in your cellar seem to sit up nights, er Girl," heads the cast, which Jewish Community Center. Miss a lso includes Ceceili a Parker, thinking of ways to get your goat? Try feeding him Doris Charney is co-chairman. ~U ckey Rooney's film sister, Anne The prize committee includes our RED trade marked Famous Reading Anthracite :-/age] of Uni versa!, Barbara Hannah Scoliard, Evelyn Simons Pepper, Mary Healy, Peter Lind -and notice the instant improvement in his behavior. and F lorence Adelberg, while the Hayes and others. refresh.meals committee compris­ Let this low ash, long-burning, non-clinkering coal On the screen, tbe Met is pre­ The N.-.., Edition of '"" es Nettie Simons, Hilda Kalver, show you how it makes poor furnaces better furnaces, Hei~ Calaul.ar sent-ing the first-run film, "Hur­ Ida Roy, Sadie Casper and Han­ All dale, • 1924 to 1949 r y, Charlie, Hurry," with Leon nah Scoliard. and good furnaces better .._~-.. J.SI ffAfb"' Errol and Mildred Coles. A large general committee is still. Give us a call today. ._~ I ~ To find Yabrzeit d~t.ea, B_ar also assisting. Mitzvahs and other anruversa~es RABBL'IICAL AUXILIARY is 8 task of 8 few moments wtth APPOIN_T_E_D_T_O-TEACH this convenient 24---year Hebr~w Ladies Auxiliary, Rabbinical En~lish calendar at hand. J ewish Coll ege of Telscbe held its r egu­ Announcement was made this David Korn & Sons holidays up to the Y_OBI 1965 are lar meeli ng on Wednesday after­ week that Miss Bernice Lipsey also listed on a special page. To receive a free co-py of the sec­ noon at the Jewish Community has been appointed to the Sunda~ 195-7 Willard Ave. ond edition of this calendar,mere1y Center. A board meeting was School staff of the Sons of Abra­ send a post.card or a letter to: also held on Monday afternoon ham Synagogue, as teacher for DExter WHEN rn_D l]fi rn 1W11q H . J . HElNZ CO. - DepL JZ a t the home of Mrs. Annie Har­ kindergarten and first grade 7730-7731 Pittaburirh, PL riet on Camp streeL classes. ~