Templ e' Be t h- EL Broad &1Glenham Sts. 1 HERALD t:comm;;~~~~~~entators have advan-~ced! THE JEWisH , the theory t hat Naziis m's defeat VOL. XVI No. 38 PROVIDENCE. R. L. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1941 5 CENTS THI COPY could be hastened by launch ing ------- - --------------- ------ --------------- - -------- --- an idea greater than Hitler's Emanuel Speaker . F th f A , t. epic idea of world domination. w ·s ·,. Louis Adamic and t he Christ- our· ave o n I- eml ISm ian Science Monitor believe that ,Goebbel/srouse fear inar ticle,the German try~ng people, to a- Reported Sweep,·n· g . Germ-any is the tip-off that a sincere cam- paign of ideas is necessary n ow , S k "J f " to w in over the. dominated popu- 600 Delegates UJA Speaker ee ew- ree 0 la~:~. ~~b:::: t:\he wall" pep To Attend Meeting Reich by April 1 talk that Nazi propagandists are ( 'd D · ' employing does not mean that To Elect Officers ons1 er eportation Hitler is at the end of his rope. · Of 120,000 to Poland But it does suggest how tremend- For 1941 Campaign BERLIN. --. A fourth wave of ously important it is for the Al­ J udge Morris Rolbenberg, na­ anti-Semitism in eight years of - -"\ lies to develop more concrete­ tional co-chairman of the United Nazi rule, repor tedly. aimed at plans for a better world after the Palestine Appeal, will address creating a 11Jew-free Reich" by w a r is over. It is up to t he Al­ ,more than 600 delegates, repre­ April 1, threatened Germany's lied strategists·to prove that Hit­ senting 60 city organizations, at remaining 120,000 Jews with ler's defeat will be better for a meeting of the Providence Uni­ wholesale deportation lo Poland., German's than Hitler's victory. led Jewish Appeal to be beld al lhe Uni ted Press said this week. It will not be easy to do. But ;l :30 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, at In the present anti-Jewish drive when Dr. Goebbels resorts to lbe J ewish Community Center. Governor J. Boward McGrath il is said that more than a score fear, it means t hat the time has Saul Abrams, chairman of the will be guest s peaker at the An­ of would-be Jewish suicides, in come to start s howing the Ger­ 1940 campaign will preside. Elec­ nual Thanksgiving Service of Berlin hospitals, are treated man people that they should w el­ tion of officers for the 1941 drive 1'em1>le Emanuel; to be hel<i n ext ever y week. come defeat as r elief from op­ will lake place after Aller Boy. F riday night. A musical pro­ It is understood Ihal 1000 more p ression rather tha n fear it as man, chairman of lhe nominating the 'beginning of bondage. gram will be offered by Cantor JCw ish families in Berlin within Jacob Hohenemser, Arthur Ein- committee, makes his recommen­ J UDGE MORRIS ROTHENBERG lhe last few days have received stein, and the Temple choir, dations. Assisting Mr. Bayman rice W. Hendel, Adolf Meller and a "visit" al night b y Gestapo Bomber's Barbecue are Bertram L. Bernhardt, Mau- Samui:I Michaelson. agents bringing notice that they \\' hen a British bomber blast­ No rofits for .F-- -. -c,·s- _t _M_ee_t,._-n- - - -, -k-e_n_U_p__ are to vacate ,heir apar,menls. ed a war plant in the Danish· P 0 5 9 8 0 Upon receiving this notice, they tow n of Skive recently, a Bulle­ 1nust immediately fill out a form tin from British reports, Geob­ P t J S listing ,o the smallest detail all bels, in a panic of understate­ e,ws, ~ys _e am_By White-Haired Son of Eire \ICH_ Y. - 1 he Petain govern \VHITE PLAINS, N. Y. _ An their money, household furnish- ment issued a communique say­ 111 h b b I te~ed · i~gs and personal properly. ing that no damages w ere done 1~·1cnl, w .at o servers e anti-Semite w as put to a humil- half-hour discourse, d uring lo be the first of a new series . b I d d which time countless legal ques- Their bank accounts and all except that a cow had been hit. l J . d iahng rout y a repu e escen- . d ' d d th th fi -1 l f f - f· o f measures agaJns ews, e- dant of the last King of Ireland h ons w ere 1scusse an e o er nancm1 asse s are or e11 - The local paper, Skive Folke­ creed thal they _m ay no Io_nger when J oe Mc Williams, leader of proud heritage of ~jr. O'Connor ed lo lhe Reich. Their aparl­ bla d, dutifully car ried the com­ acqu1re any p~ofl t from . ~us1nes- the Fascist American Destiny was revealed. men ts ·are sealed b y the Gestapo f munique, then comme nted sim­ ply: "The cow burned for four ses they_ own in '.nosl_ c1hes. party and 25 of his helpless McWilliams insisted lhal h and all their furniture, clothing _P c_nl'lhes for v10lah on range cobo;ls were d rive., out of the had hired the ball for $5. Mr. and olher belongings beyond - J ays.'' up lo f~ ve. years imprisonment Irish and American ·Hall here O'Connor said he had leased the ''normal property" are later auc­ -~.1- and a fine of 200,000 gold francs b h 't b . d Th(j J O'C llall. By the lime !be matter was tioned publicly. There h qlve been ' No Comment- No Regret ($66,000). The managements al- Y w I e- aire mas · on- clarified, lhe police had come scores of these auctions in Berlin NEWS ITEM ready have been "Aryanized." nor . and the American Destiny meet- in recent week~. I Having heard that McWilliams rI T homas N. i\icCarter, chairman Jews Ordered had leased the Hall for a rally, ing was broken up. McWilliams of t he Board of Public Ser vice Mr. O'Connor, inspired by his numhled lhal " the Jews broke Cori>oration, has resigned from To Leave Lublin 'course of duty," w ent to w ork. up our mee.ting." Klan Attempts the America First Committee, a STOCKH OLM. - The entire "I got down to that hall as The perspiring· hero declared company s1>0kesman said. Mr. Jewish population of Lublin has fast as I could." explained lhe that " my r oyal ancestor could­ McCarter, who joined the group been ordered to move outside ,of son of Eire. "I wasn't sure just n't have done more." To Win Labor in its early days, was not avail­ DETROIT. - Plans of the Ku lhe city limits under the pretext what I was going lo do - but able for comme nt. lhal " Lublin has now become a Klux Klan to penetrate labor un­ somebody bad to do something," ions to s trengthen its foolhold a­ German city/' it is r eported in the Irishman declared. Nazis Sell Aryan Nazi newspapers reaching her e mong the working grouPs was Finding 25 listeners sitting in lhis week from Berlin. revealed her'e by H. J. Thomas, Alliance Re-elects Ihe audience, Mr. O'Connor le[! Certificatesfor$ 25 NEW YORK. - Nazi corrup­ Presidenl of lhe C!O Auto Work­ F ORCE RESIGNATIONS the hall, shul the door and called tion in occupied Poland has be­ ers Union, w ho issued a warning ZURICH. - A new decree in police. Then McWilliams and Morris Shoham come so rampant that for 125 that " there is no room w ithin Morris \V. Shoham was re­ Bulgaria orders all persons work­ his army arrived. Aske d to step. zlolys (about 25) a Jew can pur­ the r anks of the UAW-CIO for elected president of the Jewish ing for J ewish emplOyers to gi~e aside, the aggressive O'Connor, chase a certificate exempting lhe KKK or its acli vi lies. E fforts !\'ati onal Vlorkcrs Alliance last fourlccn days' notice that they who later called it all "purely a him from compulsory labor sCr­ of the Klan lo inject ilself into Monday evening at a meeti ng held plan to resign, according to a question of Americanism," be­ vice, according to a report pub­ our local unions should be re­ in the organization's headquart- German w ireless report. w ilder ed the anti-Semite with a sisted to the utmost . The ers, 385 \.Vestmi ns ter street. --------------------------~ lished in the November issue of Ihe Free World. UAW-CIO is an American organi­ Other officers eleclcd include zation and makes no distinction Solomon Lighlman, vice-presi- A /"d" / H0 meless Ch,"/dren The magazine, which stated ng lhal it cou ld "guarantee lhe trnth because of race, color or creed den t; Arthur \<orman, recording df this s tor y, bul lo safeguard the and it will nol toler ate Cloescott secreta ry; Harry Chacl, treasur­ underground movement we pur­ (KKK head) and his associated er; .J oseph Bi ll er, financial sec­ posely refrain from giving de­ bigols." reta ry ; Israel Resnick, Aller Boy­ tails/' added that Nozi offi cials man, Max Berman, D r . P hilip in Poland are selling documents Phillips, Samuel Shprecher ,. Na­ British Synagogues exempting .J ews from w earing a than Izcm::rn, Henry Halpern, Severely Damaged yellow "mogen david" for 500 Frank Youngstcin, Benjamin Ha­ LONDON. - The total damage zlolys. kat~111 sky and Henry Waxman, caused lo British Synagogues by members of lhe executive com­ Most Beautiful German air raids is estimated at mittee.
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