© On Good Authority, Inc. ! SKYPE THERAPY Interview 1: ³Introduction to Skype Therapy´ Stephan Tobin, Ph.D. Interviewed by Barbara Alexander, LCSW, BCD (Edited slightly for readability) " ! Stephan Alexander Tobin, Ph.D. 19025 Nixon Ave., West Linn, OR 97068. 2106 NE 40th Ave., Portland, OR 97212 503-699-5534
[email protected] www.doctortobin.com Blog: www.doctortobin.com/blog INTRODUCTION " :HOFRPHWR2Q*RRG$XWKRULW\,¶P%DUEDUD$OH[DQGHU You are listening to or reading LQWHUYLHZLQ2Q*RRG$XWKRULW\¶Vcontinuing education program about Skype Therapy. Recently, an outrageous comedy made its appearance on the Showtime cable TV network. 6WDUULQJ/LVD.XGURZDVZKDWRQHUHYLHZHUFDOOHG³$QLPSUREDEOHSUDFWLWLRQHURIWKH LPSRVVLEOHSURIHVVLRQ´.XGURZSRUWUD\VDPHJD-diva therapist who can scarcely take her mind off herself, so she gives her patients 3 minute computer video sessions in a Skype-like situation. +HUVHVVLRQVDUHVKRUWEHFDXVHVKHVD\VVKHGRHVQ¶WZDQWWRGHDOZLWKGUHDPVDQGIHHOLQJVDQG memories and things like that. Her scheme is to harness the power of the Internet to dispense ZLWK³WKHVHOI-indulgent blather that occupies a 50-minute session.´ It is, to quote the reviewer, ³$FRPHG\RIHPEDUUDVVPHQW´ZKLFKKDGPHlaughing hysterically and cringing at the same time. ! Nonetheless, Skype therapy has become one of the most widely available online digital therapies. The Psychotherapy Networker PDJD]LQHZULWHVWKDW³ZHKDYHQRZD\RINQRZLQJ how many therapists have at least occasionally used e-mail or video-based platforms such as Skype to conduct psychotherapy, but the numbers