List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Parliament Affairs Secretariate Ministry's Own 0201-5000 Strengthening Parliament Capacity into Population ‡÷ªs‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›Um K¨vcvwmwU BbUz ccy‡jkb GÛ 83.00 and Development Issues. †W‡fjc‡g›Um Bm¨yR

27/09/20 Page 1 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Prime Minister's Office Prime Minister's Office 0301-1111 Capacity building of Public Administration for ‡UKmB Dbœqb Afxó AR©‡b RbcÖkvm‡bi `ÿZv e„w×KiY 10,538.00 achieving Sustainable Development 0301-1112 Enterpreneurship and Skill development project D‡`¨v³v m„wó I `ÿZv Dbœqb 3,271.00 0301-5822 Development Assistance for Development of Special we‡kl GjvKvi Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg e¨ZxZ) 5,000.00 Areas (Except Hill Tracts) Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0305-5011 Support to Capacity Building of mv‡cvU© Uz K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k BKbwgK †Rvbm 2,265.00 Economic Zones Authority. A_wiwU| 0305-5012 Bangladesh Economic Zones Development Project evsjv‡`k BK‡bvwgK †Rvbm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (†dR-1)| 37,430.00 (Phase-I). National Security Intelligence 0321-5010 Construction of 10 storied (Revised 20 Storied) RvZxq wbivcËv †Mv‡q›`v Kvh©vj‡qi 20 Zjv wfZ wewkó 2wU 12,000.00 Head Office Building for NSI with 20 (twenty) Storied †eR‡g›Umn 10 Zjv (ms‡kvwaZ 20 Zjv) cÖavb Kvh©vjq wbg©vY Foundation and 2 Basement (1st Revistion) (1g ms‡kvwaZ) Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) 0325-0007 Construction of 4 nos. Multistoried Factory Buildings PÆMÖvg Bwc‡R‡W 4wU eûZj KviLvbv feb wbg©vY 4,800.00 at Chattogram EPZ 0325-5020 Capacity Building of the Bangladesh Export K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ad evsjv‡`k G·‡cvU© cÖ‡mwms †Rvbm 568.00 Processing Zones Authority. A_wiwU| Board of Investment 0329-5010 "Bangladesh Investment Development Authority evsjv‡`k wewb‡qvM Dbœqb KZ©„cÿ (weWv) feb wbg©vY (2q 8,400.00 (BIDA) Bhaban" Construction Project (2nd Revised) ms‡kvwaZ) Asrayan Projects Implementation Agency 0331-5000 Ashrayan-3 (Development of Shelter House for Total AvkÖqb-3 (†bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvaxb PiCk¦i 21,000.00 01 Lac Forcibly Displaced Myanmer Nationals and BDwbqb¯’ fvmvbP‡i ejc e©K ev¯‘Pz¨Ë gvbvqbgv‡ii 01 j¶ Necessary Island Security Infructure at Bhasan Char bvMwi‡Ki Avevmb Ges Øx‡ci wbivcËvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq in Char Isshor Union, Hatia, Noakhali) AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY) 0331-6530 Asrayan Project - 2. AvkªvqY-2 45,000.00 Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) 0305-1111 BEPZA Economic Zone, Mirsarai ( 1st Phase) ‡ecRv A_©‰bwZK AÂj, gximivB (1g ch©vq) 33,240.00 0305-1112 Acquisition of Land for Establishment of Indian wgimivB‡q fviZxq A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯'nvc‡bi wbwgË f~wg 50,000.00 Economic Zone at Mirsarai AwaMªnY 0305-1113 Basic Infrastructure Development for Japanese bvivqbM‡Äi AvovBnvRv‡i RvcvbxR A_©‰bwZK A‡ji Rb¨ 23,268.00 Economic Zone (JEZ) at Araihazar (Narayanganj) AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb under Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Project (FDIPP) in Bangladesh 0305-1114 Establishment of Indian Economic Zone in Mirsarai wgimivB‡q fviZxq A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯n'vcb 10.00 0305-1115 Establishment of WTP and DTW at Bangabandhu e½eÜz †kL gywRe wkí bMi-G cvwb †kvabvMvi I Mfxi bjK~c 66.00 Sheikh Mujib Shilpanagar ¯'nvcb 0305-5000 Establishment of Jamalpur Economic Zone. Rvgvjcyi A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯’'vcb 3,761.00 0305-5001 Acquisition of Land for Establishment of Economic A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯'vc‡bi wbwgË f'wg AwaMÖnY (AvovBnvRvi, 30,525.00 Zones (Araihazar, Narayangonj and Mirsarai bvivqYMÄ I gximivB, PÆMÖvg A_©‰bwZK AÂj| Economic Zone). Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)

27/09/20 Page 2 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Prime Minister's Office Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) 0305-1116 cÖ‡gvwUs Bb‡f÷‡g›U GÛ Gbn¨vwÝs BbWvw÷qvj KgwcwUf‡bm 31.27 (wcAvBBAvBwm)

27/09/20 Page 3 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Cabinet Division Ministry's Own 0401-1111 Platforms for Dialogue-Strengthening Inclusion and cø¨vUdg© di WvqvjM †÷ªs‡`wbs BbK¬zmb GÛ cvwU©wm‡ckb Bb 3,905.00 Participation in Decision Making and Accountability wWwmkb †gwKs GÛ A¨vKvD‡›UwewjwU †gKvwbRgm Bb Mechanisms in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (10401-223014100) 0401-1114 Support to the Central Management Committee's mv‡cvU© Uz w` †m›Uªvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U KwgwUÕm cwjwm MvB‡WÝ Ab 290.00 (CMC) Policy Guidance on Child Component of the PvBì K‡¤cv‡b›U Ae w` GbGmGmGm NSSS 0401-1115 Technical Assistance for promoting Nutrition cÖ‡gvwUs wbDwUªkb †mbwmwUf †m¨vmvj wmwKDwiwU †cÖvMÖvgm 297.00 Sensitive Social Security Programmes (PNSSSP) (wcGbGmGmGmwc) 0401-1116 b¨vkbvj Bw›UªwMÖwU †÷ª‡UwR mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (‡dR-2) 628.00 0401-1117 ‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© di wmAviwfGm wm‡÷g B¤cÖyf‡g›U Bb 38.00 evsjv‡`k †dR-3) 0401-5002 Capacity Development of the Cabinet Division and K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae `¨v K¨vwe‡bU wWwfkb GÛ wdì 1,147.00 Field Administration G¨vWwgwb‡÷ªkb 0401-5015 Social Security Policy Support Programme (SSPS) ‡mvm¨vj wmwKDwiwU cwjwm mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (GmGmwcGm)| 342.00 Programme.

27/09/20 Page 4 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Bangladesh Election Commission Secretariate Ministry's Own 0601-1111 Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) In Order to Apply wbe©vPb e¨e¯'nvq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi j‡ÿ¨ B‡jKUªwbK 148,900.00 ICT in Election System †fvwUs †gwkb (BwfGg) 0601-1112 Strengthening and Capacity Development of Electionwbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi mÿgZv e„w× I kw³kvjxKiY 722.00 Commission Secretariat 0601-5130 Identification System for Enhancing Access to AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g di Gbn¨vwÝs GK‡mm Uz mvwf©‡mm 15,000.00 Services (1st Revised). (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|

27/09/20 Page 5 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Public Administration Ministry's Own 0701-1111 Vertical Extension of Circuit House in 37 Districts evsjv‡`‡ki 37wU †Rjvq mvwK©U nvD‡mi DaŸ©gyLx m¤cÖmviY 9,700.00 cÖKí 0701-1112 Construction of New Building of Tangail Circuit Uv½vBj mvwK©U nvD‡Ri feb wbg©vY 1,000.00 House 0701-1113 Construction of Kustia Circuit House Building Kzwóqv mvwK©U nvD‡Ri feb wbg©vY 500.00 0701-1114 Construction of Divisional Commissioner's New Lyjbv wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii bZzb feb I AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY 200.00 Office Building and Auditorium, Khulna 0701-1115 Extension of Sorkari Karmochari Haspatal into 500 miKvix Kg©Pvix nvmcvZvj‡K 500 kh¨vwewkó nvmcvZv‡j 1.00 Bed Hospital DbœxZKiY 0701-5002 Construction of Rangpur Divisional Headquarters iscyi wefvMxq m`i `ßi wbg©vY| 2,000.00 0701-5003 Extension of Cumilla Circuit House Kzwgj­v mvwK©U nvDR m¤•ÖmviY 1,349.00 0701-5004 Strengthening Government Through Capacity wewmGm K¨vWvi Kg©KZ©v‡`i m¶gZv e„w×i gva¨‡g miKvi‡K 4,812.00 Development of The BCS Cadre Officials (phase-2) kw³kvjxKiY (2q ch©vq) 0701-5005 Construction of Administrative Convention Centre in Lyjbv kn‡i GWwgwb‡÷ªwUf Kb‡fbkb †m›Uvi wbg©vY 2,500.00 Khulna City (10701-224215100) Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0705-1112 Capacity Building of Government Printing Press MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm (wRwcwc) Ges evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwU 569.00 (GPP) and Bangladesh Security Printing Press wcÖw›Us †cÖm (weGmwcwc) Gi mÿgZv e„w×KiY (BSPP) (10704-224189900) BPATC 0705-1111 Establishment of Automated, Digital, Encrypted we.wR †cÖ‡mi g~`ªYKvh© m¤cv`bv‡_© ¯^qswµq Gbwµ‡ÞW 2.00 Printing System for Confidential Section of BG PresswWwRUvj gy`ªY hšÎ ¯’vcb (10701-224189800) 0705-5001 Capacity Enhancement of the Core Courses of wewcGwUwmÕi †Kvi †Kvm©mg~‡ni m¶gZv e„w×KiY| 3,000.00 BPATC. 0705-5002 Enhancement of Training Capacity of BPATC wewcGwUwmÕi cÖwk¶Y m¶gZv e„yw×KiY 2,500.00 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (BCSAA) 0707-5000 Capacity Building of Bangladesh civil Service wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wwgi mÿgZv e"w×KiY 500.00 Administration Academy. Bangladesh Institute of Administration and Management (BIAM) 0705-1113 Strengthening Institutional Capacity of BIAM for ‡Kvi †Kvm©mg~n cwiPvjbvi †ÿ‡Î weqvg-Gi cÖvwZôvwbK 1,830.00 Conducting Core Courses mÿgZv e„w×

27/09/20 Page 6 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Public Service Commission Public Service Commission 0801-1111 Establishment of 7 Regional Offices of the BPSC evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi 7wU AvÂwjK 2,242.00 Secretariat including its Strengthening Kvh©vjq cÖwZôvmn mÿgZv e„w×KiY 0801-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Public Service evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (7g †dvi †_‡K 3,011.00 Commission Complex (7th Floor to 10th Floor) (3rd 10g †dvi) (3q ch©vq)| phase).

27/09/20 Page 7 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Finance Division Ministry's Own 0901-5003 Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Rjevqy SzuwK †gvKv‡ejvi A_©vqb‡K miKvwi e¨q e¨e¯’vcbvi 268.00 Resilience. AšZf©yw³KiY| 0901-5014 Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) w¯‹jm di Bgc­q‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 50,800.00 (1st Revised) 0901-5017 Strengthening Public Financial Management for ‡÷s‡`wbs cvewjK dBb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †mvm¨vj 1,848.00 Social Protection Under SGP. cÖ‡UKkb AvÛvi GmwRwc| Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions 0905-5000 Investment promotion and Financing Facility-2 Bb‡f÷‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb GÛ dvBb¨vwÝs d¨vwmwjwU-2 1,059.00 (IPFF-2) (AvBwcGdGd-2)

27/09/20 Page 8 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Internal Resources Division (IRD) Ministry's Own 1101-1112 Infastructure Improvement of Customs Bhaban and mvZÿxiv Kv÷gm feb I †fvgiv Gjwm †÷k‡bi †fŠZ 2,300.00 Bhumra LC Station in Satkhira AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 1101-1113 Lyjbv Ki feb wbg©vY 50.00 National Board of Revenue 1103-5001 Bond Management Automation Project (BMAP) eÛ e¨e¯’vcbv ¯^qswµqKiY 1,108.00 1103-5002 Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project 1: evsjv‡`k AÂwjK †hvMv‡hvM cÖKí-1t b¨vkbvj wm‡½j DB‡Ûv 1,774.00 National Single Window Implementation and Ges Kv÷gm AvaywbKvqb †Rvi`viKiY Strengthening Customs Modernization. 1103-5012 VAT & Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 f¨vU GÛ mvwc­‡g›Uvwi wWDwU G¨v±, 2012 Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb (f¨vU 17,819.00 Implementation (VAT : Online) Project. AbjvBb) cÖKí| 1103-5030 Construction of National Renenue Bhaban RvZxq ivR¯^ feb wbg©vY| 1.00

27/09/20 Page 9 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Financial Institution Division 1205-1112 Second Small and Medium Sized Enterprise ‡m‡KÛ ¯§j GÛ wgwWqvg mvBRW G›UvicÖvBR †W‡fjc‡g›U 600.00 Development Project (SMEDP-2) cÖ‡R± (GmGgBwWwc-2) (11201-223032300) 1205-1114 Program to Support Safety Retrofits and evsjv‡`‡ki ˆZix †cvkvK Lv‡Zi wbivcËvRwbZ ms¯‹vi I 103.00 Environment Upgrades in the Bangladeshi Ready cwi‡ekMZ Dbœqb cÖKí (11201-223032200) Garments (RMG) Sector Project 1205-5019 Financial Sector Support Project (FSSP). wdbvwÝqvj †m±i mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GdGmGmwc)| 4,025.00 Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission 1205-1113 Capital Market Development Program-III (2nd K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg-3 (2q ch©vq) 1,733.00 Phase) (11201-223032000) Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) 1205-0002 Construction of 40 Storied ICB Building with 4 4-‡eR‡g›Umn 40 Zjv wewkó AvBwmwe feb wbg©vY 700.00 Basement. Insurance Development and Regularity Authority 1205-1111 Development Insurance Sector of Bangladesh evsjv‡`‡ki exgv LvZ Dbœqb (11201-224223900) 4,276.00

27/09/20 Page 10 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Economic Relations Division (ERD) Ministry's Own 1301-1111 Support to Bangladesh's Smooth and Sustainable mv‡cvU© Uz evsjv‡`k ¯§y_ GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej MÖvRy‡qkb d«g 3,630.00 Graduation From LDC Status GjwWwm ÷¨vUvm 1301-1112 Enhancing GOB's Aid Management and Gb‡nwÝs wRIweÕm GBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ †Kv-AwW©‡bkb 187.00 Coordination Capacity for Sustainable Development K¨vcvwmwU di mvm‡UB‡bej †W‡fjc‡g›U 1301-1113 Strengthening Capacity of ERD Officials ‡÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae BAviwW Awdwmqvjm 260.00 1301-5012 Support Implementation of the Revenue Mobilization mv‡cvU© Bw¤•‡g›Ukb Ae w` †iwfwbD gwejvB‡Rkb †cÖvMªvg 704.00 Program for Result: VAT Improvement Program. di †iRvë: f¨vU B¤•ª•f‡g›U †cÖvMªvg| 1301-5013 Knowledge for Development management (KDM) for b‡jR di †W‡fjc‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U (†KwWGg) di BAviwW 240.00 ERD UN Wing. BDGb DBs| 1301-5030 Central Co-ordination Unit of the Private Sector ‡m›Uªvj †Kv- AwWbkb DBwbU Ae w` cÖvB‡fU †m±i 230.00 Development Support Project (CCU -PSDP). †W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (wmwmBD cÖ‡R±)| 1301-5151 Japan Human Resources Development Programme Rvcvb wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (†RwWm)| 2,937.00 (JDS).

27/09/20 Page 11 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Planning Division Ministry's Own 1401-1111 Special Research Program for the Government of evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Rb¨ we‡kl M‡elYv Kvh©µg 490.00 Bangladesh 1401-1113 Impact Assessment and Coping up Strategies of Bg‡c± G¨v‡mm‡g›U GÛ Kwcs Avd †÷‡UwRm Ae MÖvRy‡qkb 125.00 Graduation from LDC Status for Bangladesh dªg GjwWwm †÷Uvm di evsjv‡`k 1401-1114 National Resilience Programme (Programming b¨vkbvj †iwRwj‡qÝ †cÖvMÖvg (†cÖvMÖvwgs wWwfkb cvU©) 520.00 Division Part) 1401-1115 Strengthening the capacity of officers and staffs of cwiKíbv wefvM/Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Kg©`ÿZv 171.00 Planning Division/Commission e„w×KiY 1401-1116 Masters Programme in Bangladesh Institute of evsjv‡`k Dbœqb M‡elYv cÖwZôvb (weAvBwWGm)-Gi gv÷vm© 165.00 Development Studies Kvh©µg 1401-1117 Preparation and Monitoring of Medium Term ‡UKmB Dbœqb Afxó I iƒcKí-2041 ev¯Íevq‡b ga¨‡gqv`x 464.00 Development Plans (8th Five Year Plan) to Dbœqb cwiKíbv (Aóg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbv) cÖYqb I Implement SDGs and Vision-2041 cwiexÿY 1401-5005 Enhanceability of NEC-ECNEC and Co-ordination wWwRUvj WvUv‡eR wm‡÷g I AvK©vBf cÖwZôvi gva¨‡g 300.00 wing by establishing digital database system and GbBwm-GK‡bK I mgš^q Abywefv‡Mi m¶gZv e„w×KiY| archive. 1401-5008 Mid-term Review of the Perspective Plan ‡cÖwÿ‡Z cwiKíbv (2010-2021) Gi ga¨eZ©x g~j¨vqb Ges 140.00 (2010-2021) and Formulation of Bangladesh Vision evsjv‡`k iƒcKí 2041 cÖYqb 2041. 1401-5012 Strengthening Development Budget Management Kvh©µg wefv‡M GKwU bZzb wWwRUvj WvUv‡eR wm‡÷g ¯’vc‡bi 677.00 System by Setting up a New Digital database systemgva¨‡g Dbœqb ev‡RU e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY in the Programming Division 1401-5022 Strengthening Public Investment Management ‡÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK Bb‡f÷‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g cÖKí| 546.00 System (SPIMS). 1401-5024 Urban Resilience Project (URP): Project Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖ‡R± t cÖ‡R± †Kv-AwW©‡bkb GÛ gwbUwis 700.00 Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU) Part BDwbU (BDAviwcwmGgBD) cvU 1401-5090 Special Purpose Development Assistance. we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b Dbœqb mnvqZv| 132,627.73 1401-5170 Establishment of National Academy for Development RvZxq Dbœqb cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgx cÖwZôv (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 2,242.00 Administration (2nd Revised) National Planning and Development Academy (N.A.P.D) 1405-5000 Increasing institutional capacity of the National RvZxq cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK m¶gZv 1,215.00 Planning and Development Academy e„w×KiY| General Economic division (GED) 1401-1118 Support to the Implementation of the Bangladesh mv‡cvU© Uz w` Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †Wëv 1,663.00 Delta Plan-2100 cøvb-2100 1401-1119 Strengthening Digitalization of Development Project Dbœqb cÖK‡íi wWwRUvj cÖwµqvKi‡Y mÿgZv e„w×KiY 182.00 (GmwWwcwc) 1401-5028 Strengthening Capacity of the General Economic RbmsL¨v I Dbœqb welqKmg n‡K cwiKíbv I bxwZgvjv 70.00 Division to Integrated Population Issues into mgwš^ZKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ wRBwW †K kw³kvjxKiY Development Plan 1401-5029 Formulation of Sectoral Plan and Capacity miKvwi wewb‡qvM AwaKZi Kvh©Ki Kivi Rb¨ †m±i cwiKíbv 325.00 Development of Concerned Officials for More cÖYqb I mswk­ó Kg©KZv©‡`i m¶gZv Dbœqb Effictive Public Investment 1401-5032 Strengthening the Capacity of Development DbœZ †`‡ki gh©v`v AR©‡bi j‡¶¨ cwiKíbv cwiKvVv‡gvi 260.00 Planning Super Structure for Achieving the m¶gZv e„w×KiY Developed Country Status

27/09/20 Page 12 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) Ministry's Own 1501-5001 Digitizining Implementation Monitoring and Public wWwRUvBwRs Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb gwbUwis GÛ cvewjK †cÖvwKDi‡g›U 14,330.00 Procurement Project (DIMAPPP). cÖ‡R± 1501-5002 Capacity Development for Monitoring and Reporing K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U di gwbUwis GÛ wi‡cvwUs Uz BbwµR 150.00 to Increase the Effective Coverage of Basic Social w` B‡dKwUf Kfv‡iR Ad †ewmK †mvm¨vj mvwf©m (wmwW GÛ Services (CDMRI-ECBSS) for Children and Women GgAviAvBBwmweGmGm) diw ` wPj‡Wªb GÛ DB‡gb Bb in Bangladesh (Phase-2) evsjv‡`k (†dR-2) 1501-5019 Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation ‡÷ªs‡`wbs gwbUwis GÛ Bf¨vj~‡qkb K¨vcvwmwUR Ae 776.00 Capabilities of IMED (SMECI) (3rd Revised). AvBGgBwW (GmGgBwmAvB) (3q ms‡kvwaZ)|

27/09/20 Page 13 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Statistics and Informatics Division Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 1631-1111 Data Conversion, Meta data preparation, WvUv Kbfvm©b, †gUv WvUv wcÖcv‡ikb GÛ UvBg wmwiR WvUv K 409.00 preservation and time Series Data Compilation ¤cvB‡jkb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (11602-223013900) (DCMPT) (1st Revised) 1631-1112 Surveys and Studies relating to GDP rebase mv‡f©Bm GÛ ÷vwWm wi‡jwUs Uz wRwWwc wi‡ewms 2015-16 67.00 2015-16 project (11602-223015600) 1631-1113 Improvement of GDP compilation and Rebasing of BgcÖywfs Ae wRwWwc K¤cvB‡jkb GÛ wi‡ewms Ae BbwW‡mm 330.00 Indices Project cÖ‡R± (11602-224217400) 1631-1114 Creating the Linkages between Civil Registration RvZxq Rb¥ I g„Z¨y wbeÜbKiY Z‡_¨i mv‡_ ‡gŠwjK RbZvwË¡K 75.00 Data and Vital Statistics Production (CRVS) Project cwimsL¨vb (fvBUvj ÷¨vwUw÷Km) Drcv`‡bi ms‡hvM m„wóKiY 1631-1115 National Strategy for the Development of Statistics b¨vkbvj †÷ª‡UwR di w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †÷‡Uw÷Km 1,710.00 (NSDS) Implementation Support Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb mv‡cvU© (GbGmwWGm) 1631-1116 Institutional Cooperation (between Statistics Sweden Bbw÷wUDkbvj †Kv-Acv‡ikb (weUzBb ÷¨vwUmw÷Km myB‡Wb 621.00 and BBS) Project GÛ weweGm) 1631-1117 Strengthening Environment, Climate Change and cwi‡ek Rjevq~ cwieZ©b I `y‡h©vM cwimsL¨vb kw³kvjxKiY 1,480.00 Disaster Statistics (ECDS) Project 1631-1118 Survey on Persons with Disability 2019 Project RvZxq cÖwZeÜx e¨w³ Rwic 2019 133.00 1631-1119 Monitoring the Situation of Vital Statistics of gwbUwis `¨v wmPz¨‡qkb Ae fvBUvj ÷¨vwUw÷Km Ae evsjv‡`k 2,254.00 Bangladesh (MSVSB) (3rd Phase) Project (GgGmwfGmwe) (3q ch©vq) 1631-1120 Population and Housing Census 2021 Project Rbïgvwi I M„nMYbv 2021 31,169.00 1631-5002 Modernization of National Accounts Statistics ProjectgW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae b¨vkbvj GKvDbUm ÷vw÷Km cÖ‡R± 205.00 1631-5003 Strengthening Statistical Capacity of BBS for †÷ªs‡`wbs ÷vwUmwUK¨vj K¨vcvwmwU Ae weweGm di Kv‡jw±s 161.00 Collectingt Data on Population and Development WvUv Ab ccy‡jkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U (Stat4Dev) (TAPP) 1631-5008 Agriculture (Crops, Fisheries & Livestock) K…wl (km¨, grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤•`) ïgvwi-2018 (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 2,205.00 Census-2018 Project (1st Revised). 1631-5013 National Household Database (NHD). b¨vkbvj nvDR‡nvì WvUv‡eBR (GbGBPwW)| 3,870.00

27/09/20 Page 14 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Commerce Ministry's Own 1701-0005 Eradication of Rural Poverty by Extension of Small GivwW‡Kkb Ae i•ivj cÖfvwU© evB G·‡Ukb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs 33.00 Holding Tea Cultivation in Lalmonirhat. wU Kvwë‡fkb Bb jvjgwbinvU 1701-0006 Extension of Small Holding Tea Cultivation in G·‡Ubkb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs wU Kvwë‡fkb Bb b`©vb© evsjv‡`k 32.00 Northern Bangladesh. 1701-1111 Promotion of Social and Environmental Standards in cÖ‡gvkb Ae †mvm¨vj GÛ GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj ÷¨vÛvW©vm Bb `¨v 3,785.00 the Industry (PSES-3) BÛvw÷ª (wcGmBGm-3) 1701-1112 Export Diversification and Competitiveness G·‡cvU© WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb GÛ KgwcwUwUf‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U 50.00 Development Project (EIF Tier-II) cÖ‡R± (BAvBGd wUqvi-2) 1701-1113 E-banijjo Korbo Nijer Bebosha Gorbo B-evwYR¨ Ki‡ev, wb‡Ri e¨emv Mo‡ev 520.00 1701-5002 Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Human ‡÷s‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU GÛ wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© 120.00 Resources Development for Trade Promotion (2nd †W‡fjc‡g›U di †UªW †cÖv‡gvkb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) Revised) 1701-5004 Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1: MOC evsjv‡`k wiwRIbvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU cÖ‡R±-1: GgIwm 560.00 Component K‡¤úv‡b›U 1701-5005 Export Competitiveness for Jobs G·‡cvU© KgwcwUwUf‡bm di Rem 5,708.00 Export Development Bureau 1705-5011 Construction of Bangladesh-China Friendship evsjv‡`k-Pvqbv †dªÛkxc Gw·wekb ‡m›Uvi wbg©vY 9,700.00 Exhibition Centre. Bangladesh Tea Board 1705-5000 Extension of Small Holding Tea Cultivation in G·‡Ubkb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs wU KvjwU‡fkb Bb wPUvMvs wnj Uªv 200.00 . ±m|

27/09/20 Page 15 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry's Own 1801-1111 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex and f~Uv‡bi w_¤cy‡Z evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡cø· Ges ivó`~‡Zi 178.00 Ambassador's Residence in Thimpu evm feb wbg©vY 1801-1112 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Building and Rvg©vwbi evwj©‡b evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi Kg‡cø· wbg©vY I ivóª`~‡Zi 643.00 Ambassador's Residence in Berlin, Germany evmfeb wbg©vY 1801-1113 Construction of a Multistoried Office Building at the ciivóª gšÎYvj‡qi we`¨gvb PZ¡‡i 1wU eûZj Awdm feb 1,371.00 Existing Campus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wbg©vY (1g ch©vq) (1st Phase) 1801-1114 ‡mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k nvDm (ivóª`~Z feb) wbg©vY 53.00 1801-1115 ‡mŠw` Avi‡ei †RÏvq evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 131.00 1801-5001 Infrastructure Development of Foreign Service d‡ib mvwf©m GKv‡Wgxi (myMÜv) AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb| 1,927.00 Academy (Sugondha) Embassies 1811-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in Zzi‡¯‹i AvsKviv‡Z evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y (1g 2,212.00 Ankara,Turkey (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ) 1811-5010 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in †mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k P¨vÝix Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (2q 119.00 Riyadh, Soudi Arabia (2nd Revised). ch©vq) High Commissions 1812-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex and e›`i‡mwi †eMIqvb evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡c­· I 431.00 High Commissioner's Residence in Bandar Seri nvBKwgkbv‡ii evmfeb wbg©vY Begawan, Brunei 1812-5010 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in cvwK¯v‡bi Bmjvgvev‡` evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 1,400.00 Islamabad, Pakistan.

27/09/20 Page 16 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Defence Ministry's Own 1901-5011 Modernization and Expansion of Dhaka CMH (2nd wmGgGBP XvKv m¤cÖmvi I AvaywbKvqb (2q ch©vq)| 1,167.00 Phase). Survey of Bangladesh 1911-1111 Preparation of large scale topographical maps of AvKvk Av‡jvKwPÎ avi‡Yi gva¨‡g XvKv kni I cvk¦eZ©x 1,225.00 Dhaka city and surroundings by acquisition of aerial GjvKvi e„nr †¯‹‡ji U‡cvcÖvwdK¨vj gvbwPÎ cÖYqb photographs 1911-1112 Densification of Global Navigation Satellite System wRGbGmGm Kim Gi †bUIqvK© cwiwa m¤cÖmviY Ges UvBfvj 494.00 (GNSS) Continuously Operating Reference Station †÷kb AvaywbKxKiY (CORS) and Modernization of Tidal Station in Bangladesh Meteorological Department 1913-5000 Strengthening Meteorological Information Services AvenvIqv Z_¨ †mev I AvMvg mZK©evbx c×wZ †Rvi`viKiY 2,951.00 and Early Warning System (Component-A). (K‡¤cv‡b›U-G)| 1913-5001 Development of weather radar in Dhaka and XvKv I iscyi¯¯’ AvenvIqv ivWv‡ii Dbœqb| 35.00 Rangpur. 1913-5017 Strengthening of 1st Class14 Inland River Port 14wU b`x e›`‡i 1g †kªYxi AvenvIqv †hvMv‡hvM 792.00 Weather Forecasting. kw³kvjxKiY| 1931-1111 Expansion of infrastructure facilities of 12 existing we`¨gvb 12wU K¨v‡WU K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gvMZ myweavw` m 16,635.00 cadet collages ¤cÖmviY 1931-1112 Establishment of Zirabo Cantonment Public School mvfvi †mbvwbev‡m wRiv‡ev K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR 1,500.00 and Collage at Savar Cantonment ¯n'vcb 1931-1113 Establishment of Jolshiri Public School and Collage Rjwmwo cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, bvivqYMÄ ¯'vcb 1,000.00 at Narayangonj 1931-5000 Establishment of 99 Composite Bridge for Security cÙv eûg~Lx †mZz cÖK‡íi mvwe©K wbivcËv weavbK‡í 99 14,349.00 and Technical Support of Padma Multipurpose K‡¤cvwRU weª‡MW ¯'vcb| Bridge Project. 1931-5002 Officers' Més complex and residence building, XvKv ‡mbvwbev‡m WvB‡i±‡iU †Rbv‡ij Ae †dv‡m©m B‡›Uwj‡RÝ 6,387.00 including work related to the Directorate General of (wWwRGdAvB)Gi Rb¨ AvbylswMK KvRmn †gm Kg‡c‡j· I Forces Intelligence (DGFI) in Dhaka Cantonment. evm¯'vb wbg©vY| 1931-5003 Construction of junior commissioned officers and XvKv †mbvwbev‡m †cÖwm‡W›U MvW© †iwR‡g›U (wcwRAvi) Gi 264.00 other office-bearers of the President Guard Rywbqi KwgkÛ Awdmvm© I Ab¨vb¨ c`avix‡`i evm¯'vb wbg©vY| Regiment (PGR) in the Dhaka Cantonment. 1931-5006 Expansion of Physical Facilities for Military Institute wgwjUvwi Bbw÷wUDU Ae mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bvjRx 5,000.00 of Science and Technology (MIST) at Mirpur Canntt. (GgAvBGmwU), wgicyi †mbvwbevm Gi AeKvVv‡gvMZ myweav m ¤úªmviY 1931-5007 Construction of Bangabandhu Military Museum e½eÜz mvgwiK hv`yNi Kg‡cø· wbg©vY, weRq miYx, XvKv| 25,000.00 Complex, Bijoy Sarani, Dhaka. 1931-5009 Establishment of Ramu Cantonment Public School ivgy K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯'vcb| 219.00 and College 1931-5012 Construction of Dormitory Building Including XvKv †mbvwebv‡m AvBGmGmweÕi cix¶v_x© I cÖwk¶Yv_x©‡`i 400.00 Ancillary Facilities for the Candidates and Trainees Rb¨ Avbylw½K myweavw`mn WiwgUix wbg©vY of ISSB in Dhaka Cantonment. 1931-5019 Construction of Corps of Military Police Centre and Kb÷ªvKkb Ae †Kvim& Ae wgwjUvix cywjk †m›Uvi GÛ ¯‹zj 1,100.00 School at Savar Cantonment. G¨vU mvfvi K¨v›Ub‡g›U (mvfvi †mbvwbev‡m wgwjUvix cywjk †K›`ª I ¯‹zj) wbg©vY 1931-5021 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Cantonment Barisal.†kL nvwmbv †mbvwbevm ewikvj ¯’vcb 48,265.00

27/09/20 Page 17 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Defence Bangladesh Army 1931-5022 Construction of Mujib Battery Complex at Artillery PÆMÖvg AvwU©bvwi †m›Uvi I ¯‹z‡j gywRe e¨vUvwi Kg‡c­· wbg©vY 6,700.00 Centre and School Chatogram. Bangladesh Navy 1933-5000 Establishment of BNS Sher-e-Bangla Patuakhali. ev‡bŠRv †k‡i evsjv cUzqvLvjx ¯’vcb 8,000.00 1933-5011 Constraction of BNA Bangabandhu Complex, weGbG e½eÜz Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, c‡Z½v, PÆMÖvg| 1,600.00 Patenga, Chittagong. 1934-1111 Establishment of Airmen Training Institute of BAF weGGd NuvwU Rûiyj nK PÆMÖvg wegvb †mbv cÖwkÿY 3,312.00 Zahurul Haque in Chattogram Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (11908-224229700) 1934-5000 Establishment of BAF Radar Unit Shahin School and weGGd ivWvi BDwbU e¸ovq kvnxb ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯'vcb 278.00 College at Bogra. 1934-5015 Construction of BAF Bangabhandhu Complex, weGdG e½eÜz Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, h‡kvi| 6,410.00 Jessore (Revised). Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) 1905-1111 Telecommunication, ICT Infrastructure, Human wWwRGdAvB Gi †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM I AvBwmwU AeKvVvv‡gv, 1,700.00 Resource Development and Technical Capacity gvbem¤c` Ges KvwiMix mÿgZv Dbœqb Building of DGFI. (TIHDTCB) Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) 1905-1112 Establishment of a geographic information system of G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae G wRIMÖvwdK Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g Ae w` 251.00 the coastal areas of Bangladesh and marine fishing †Kv÷vj Gwiqvm Ae evsjv‡`k GÛ G †gwib wdwks †Rvb zone Identification system based on remote serving AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g †eBRW Ab wi‡gvU mvwf©s GÛ and GIS techniques wRAvBGm †UKwbKm

27/09/20 Page 18 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Law and Justice Division Ministry's Own 2101-1111 Construction of 12-Storeyed Building with Ancillary evsjv‡`‡ki mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i m¤cÖmvi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ Avbylw½K 3,500.00 Facilities for Expansion of Bangladesh Supreme myweavw`mn bZzb 12 Zjv feb wbg©vY (12101-224206300) Court 2101-1112 Strengthening Capacity of Judicial System for Child ‡÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae RywWwmqvj wm‡÷g di PvBì 400.00 Protection in Bangladesh cÖ‡UKkb Bb evsjv‡`k (12101-223030700) 2101-1113 Construction of 3-storied building at the present site evsjv‡`k evi KvDwÝj fe‡bi eZ©gvb RvqMvq 15 Zjv feb 3,500.00 of Bangladesh Bar Council building wbg©vY 2101-5000 Capacity Building of Law and Justice Division for Aa:¯Zb Av`vjZ e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiY AvBb I wePvi 1,500.00 Strengthening Subordinate Judiciary Management. wefv‡Mi m¶gZv e„w×KiY| 2101-5020 Construction of Chief Judicial Magistrate Court evsjv‡`‡ki 64wU †Rjv m`‡i Pxd RywWwmqvj g¨vwR‡¯UªU 24,600.00 Building in 64 Districts Head Quarter of Bangladesh Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY (1g ch©vq)| (1st phase). Directorate of Registration 2161-5000 Construction of Registry and Sub-Registry Office ‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq †Rjv ‡iwRw÷ª I mve-‡iwRw÷ª Awdm feb 10,000.00 Bahabn in Several District (2nd Phase). wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)

27/09/20 Page 19 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Public Security Division Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2205-1111 Child Protection and Monitoring PvBì cÖ‡UKkb GÛ gwbUwis (12201-223028400) 74.00 Bangladesh Police Directorate 2211-1111 Construction of RAB Forces HQ Complex i¨ve †dv‡m©m m`i `ßi wbg©vY (12202-224201100) 113.00 2211-1112 Sustainable Initiative to Protect Women and Girl mvm‡UB‡bej Bwbwm‡qwUf Uz cÖ‡U± DB‡gb GÛ Mvj©m d«g 325.00 From GBV (STOP- GBV) wRwewf (÷cÑwRwewf) (12202-223028600) 2211-1113 Eexpansion of Encom buildings for the evsjv‡`k cywjk wefv‡Mi AvaywbKvqb I mÿgZv e„w×i Rb¨ 5,000.00 modernization and capacity building of the Police GbKg fe‡bi DaŸg~Lx m¤cÖmviY Department 2211-1114 Construction of 9 residential tower buildings for evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯n'v‡b cyywj‡ki 9wU AvevwmK UvIqvi feb 5,000.00 Bangladesh Police at different places in Bangladesh wbg©vY 2211-1115 9 residential tower buildings for police members in XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb GjvKvq 9wU AvevwmK UvIqvi feb wbg©vY 5,000.00 the Dhaka Metropolitan area 2211-1116 Construction of residential buildings for senior evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK feb 1,000.00 officials of Bangladesh Police wbg©vY 2211-1117 Construction of Counter Terrorism and Transitionall evsjv‡`k cyywj‡ki mšÎvm `gb I AvšZR©vwZK cÖwZ‡iva 4,000.00 Crime Prevention Center for Bangladesh Police †K›`ª wbg©vY 2211-1118 Expansion of NTM's own office building GbwUGgwmÕi wbR¯^ feb m¤cÖmviY 1,300.00 2211-1119 Purchasing of different types of vehicles and evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki m·gZv e„w×i Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖKvi hvbevnb I 28,554.00 equipments to Strengthen the Capacity of hšÎcvwZ µq Bangladesh Police 2211-1120 Establishment of Data Center of Bangladesh Police evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki WvUv †m›Uvi ¯n'vcb 12,500.00 2211-1121 Highway police capacity increase nvBI‡q cywj‡ki mÿgZv e„w× 12.00 2211-1122 Enhance the vocational and technical capabilities of i¨ve Gi KvwiMwi I cÖhyw³MZ mÿgZv e„w×KiY 1.00 RAB 2211-1124 Increasing the capacity of RAB Forces i¨v‡ei AvwfhvwbK mÿgZv e„w× 34,000.00 2211-1125 Enhancement the Capacity of Dhaka Metropolitan mšÎvmev` I RbwbivcËv wbwðZK‡í XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb 1.00 Police on Counter terrorism and Public Security cywj‡ki mÿgZv e„w× 2211-5001 Construction of 9 Police Superintendent office 9wU cywjk mycvi Awdm feb wbg©vY (wmAvBwW I wcweAvB 885.00 buildings (CID and PIB office) Awdmmn) 2211-5003 Construction of 12 barrack in different unit of evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki wewfbœ BDwb‡U 12wU e¨vivK wbg©vY 5,000.00 Bangladesh Police 2211-5005 Construction of 19 Arsenal in 19 units of the Police cywjk wefv‡Mi 19wU BDwb‡U 19wU A¯ÎvMvi wbg©vY| 600.00 Department. 2211-5009 19 Naval Police Outpost and Barrack Construction 19wU †bŠ cywjk dvuwi I e¨vivK wbg©vY| 3,000.00 2211-5013 Construction of 101 Dilapidated Thana Building Type cywjk wefv‡Mi 101wU RivRxY© _vbv feb UvBc c­¨v‡b wbg©vY| 18,800.00 Plan of the Police Department. 2211-5014 Construction 5 nos RAB Complax and One RAB 5wU i¨ve Kg‡c­· Ges GKwU i¨ve †Uªwbs ¯‹zj Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 12,000.00 Training School Complex. 2211-5016 Modernization of existing police hospitals. we`¨gvb cywjk nvmcvZvjmg~n AvaywbKxKiY| 14,180.00 2211-5017 Strengthening the Operational Capacity and XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb cywj‡ki Acv‡ikb mgZv I `Zv e"w×KiY| 825.00 Efficiency of Dhaka Metropolitan Police. 2211-5018 Construction of RRF Police Lines and APBN Police ewikvj I wm‡jU Avg©W cywjk e¨vUvwjqb (GwcweGb) Ges †iÄ 4,000.00 Lines in Barisal and Sylhe. wiRvf© (AviAviGd) cywjk jvBb wbg©vY 2211-5019 Construction of Barisal Metropolitan and Khulna ewikvj †g‡UªvcwjUb I Lyjbv †Rjv cywjk jvBb wbg©vY 3,500.00 District Police Line. 2211-5060 Construction of 7 Rab Complex. 7wU i¨ve Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 7,000.00 2211-5070 Construction of 50 highway polish post of polosh evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cywjk wefv‡Mi 50wU nvBI‡q cywjk 7,106.00 division in different places of Bangladesh AvDU †cvó wbg©vY|

27/09/20 Page 20 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Public Security Division Boarder Guard Bangladesh 2231-1111 Construction of barbed Wire Fencing for the eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ wewfbœ weIwcÕi cwimxgv eivei 3,658.00 Periphery of Different BOP's (1st phase) for Border KuvUv Zv‡ii †eov wbg©vY (12203-224200700) Guard Bangladesh 2231-5001 Strengthening border security through modern AvaywbK hšÎcvwZi gva¨‡g mxgvšZ wbivcËv kw³kvjxKiY| 1,601.00 equipment. 2231-5004 Strengthening operational Capabilities of BGB wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb AvaywbKxKiY Ges cuvPwU wewRwe nvmcvZv‡ji 21.00 Hospitals through Digitalization Kvh©µg‡K kw³kvjxKiY 2231-5005 Construction of indoor Stadium (with multi gym) for wewRwe m`m¨ I †L‡jvqvi‡`i Rb¨ GKwU AvaywbK Bb‡Wvi 3,256.00 BGB Soldiers and Players at BGB Sectors †÷wWqvg (gvwë wRgmn) wbg©vY Headquarters, Mymensing. Department of Ansars and Village Defence 2241-5000 Expansion of physical facilities of Barracks of Ansar ‡Rjv m`i I e¨v‡Uwjqvb m`‡ii Avbmvi I wfwWwci 1,127.00 and VDP of District Sadar and Battalion Sadar. e¨vivKmg~‡ni ‡fŠZ myweavw` m¤cÖmviY| Coast Guard 2271-1111 Building the Logistics and Fleet Maintenance Facility evsjv‡`k †Kv÷Mv‡W©i jwRw÷Km I wdU †gBbU¨v‡bÝ 800.00 for Bangladesh Coast Guard c¨vwmwjwUR M‡o ‡Zvjv 2271-1112 Increasing efficiency of coastal and internal DcK~jxq Ges Af¨šZixY Rjmxgvq D×vi mÿgZv e„w×KiY 11,728.00 watersheds 2271-5000 Construction of the Administrative building and evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i 3wU †÷k‡b cÖkvmwbK feb I bvweK 1,633.00 seilarasa Brac for 3 Coast Guard Station. wbevm wbg©vY 2271-5001 Increasing the infrastructure of Bangladesh Coast evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i AeKvVv‡gv cwimi ewa©ZKiY| 101.00 Guard. 2271-5002 Construction of various types of vessels for the evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖKvi Rjhvb wbg©vY| 6,799.00 Bangladesh Coast Guard. 2271-5013 Enhancement of Operational Capability of Gbn¨v݇g›U Ae Acv‡ikbvj K¨vcvwewjwU Ae evsjv‡`k 3,531.00 Bangladesh Coast Guard. †Kv÷MvW©

27/09/20 Page 21 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Primary and Mass Education Ministry's Own 2401-5001 Digital Primary Education wWwRUvj cÖv_wgK wk¶v 2,050.00 Department of Primary Education 2431-1111 Fourth Primary Education Development Program PZz_© cÖv_wgK wkÿv Dbœqb Kg©m~wP (wcBwWwc-4) 274,357.00 (PEDP-4) 2431-1112 Feasibility Study on Primary Learner's Mathematical MwYZ Awjw¤cqvW© ‡KŠkj cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g cÖv_wgK 157.00 Skill Enhancement through Olympiad Technique wkÿv_©x‡`i MvwYwZK `ÿZv e„w×i m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB 2431-1113 Piloting Pure Drinking Water Supply & Solar System ev›`ievb †Rjvi jvgv, AvjxK`g I _vbwP Dc‡Rjvi Ae wMÖW 361.00 in the Off-Grid Primary Schools of Lama, Ali kadam ¯‹zjmg~‡n †mvjvi wm‡÷g ¯n'vcb Ges wbivc` cvwb mieiv‡ni and Thanchi Upazillas of m¤fve¨Zv/mgxÿv 2431-1114 Establishment of Computer and Language Labs in evsjv‡`‡ki 509wU miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vj‡q Kw¤cDUvi I 2,496.00 509 Govt. primary schools in Bangladesh fvlv j¨ve ¯n'vcb 2431-1115 Expansion of Cub Scouting in Primary Schools (4th cÖv_wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡n Kve-¯‹vDwUs m¤cÖmviY (4_© ch©vq) 1,200.00 Phase) 2431-1116 Project on Preparation of Primary Level Student cÖv_wgK ch©v‡qi wkÿv_©x‡`i †cÖvdvBj cÖYqb 80.00 Profile 2431-1117 Establishment & Infrastructure Development XvKv gnvbMix I c~e©vP‡j miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq ¯'nvcb I 1.00 including Beautificatic of Govt. Primary Schools in AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqbmn `„wób›`bKiY Dhaka City and Purbachal Project 2431-5001 Need-based Infrastructure Dev. of Government Pvwn`vwfwËK miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Dbœqb (1g ch©vq)| 143,677.00 Primary School (1st Phase). 2431-5003 Primary Education Stipend Payed (3rd phase). cÖv_wgK wkvi Rb¨ Dc-e"wË cÖ`vb (3q ch©vq) 268,561.00 2431-5006 Need-based Infrastructure Development of new Pvwn`vwfwËK bZzb RvZxqKiYK…Z miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 131,855.00 nationalized government primary school Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) development (1st Phase) 2431-5014 Reaching Out of School Children (Rosc) Project (2ndwiwPs AvDU Ae ¯‹zj wPj‡Wªb (i·) cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 21,009.00 phase). 2431-5200 School Feeding Programme in Poverty Prone Area. `vwi`ª cxwoZ GjvKvq ¯‹zj wdwWs Kg©m~Px| 46,000.00 Directorate of Non-formal Education 2450-5014 Basic Literature Project (64 district). ‡gŠwjK ¯^v¶iZv cÖKí (64 ‡Rjv)| 9,820.00

27/09/20 Page 22 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Secondary and Higher Education Division Department of Secondary & Higher Education 2531-1111 Establishment of 9 Government Secondary Schools 9wU miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq ¯n'vcb 3,078.00 2531-1112 Infrastructural Develop of 03 Colleges in Dhaka, XvKv, gv`vixcyi I iscyi †Rjvi 03wU K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv 1.00 Madaripur and Dbœqb 2531-1113 Generation Breakthrough Project (Phase-II) ‡Rbv‡ikb †eªK _ªy cÖKí, ch©vq-2 479.00 2531-5000 Fostering Opportunities of Science Education for miKvwi K‡jRmg~‡n weÁvb wk¶vvi my‡hvM m¤úªmviY 17,937.00 Government Colleges. 2531-5001 Development of Government Secondery Schools. miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡ni Dbœqb 9,717.00 2531-5002 ICT for Education in Secondary and Higher AvBwmwUi gva¨‡g gva¨wgK I D"P gva¨wgK ¯Í‡i wkÿvi 28,075.00 Secondary Level (2nd Phase). cÖPjb (2q ch©vq) 2531-5003 Establishment of 10 Secondary Schools XvKv kni mwbœKUeZx© GjvKvq 10wU miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq 2,500.00 (government) at the Peripheral Areas of Dhaka City ¯’vcb 2531-5014 Establishment of 7 Government Secondary Schools wm‡jU, ewikvj I Lyjbv kn‡i 7wU miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq 1,553.00 in Sylhet, Barisal and Khulna Metropolitan City ¯’vcb| 2531-5015 Development of the Selected Non-government Z_¨ cÖhyw³i mnvqZvq wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶ wbe©vwPZ 33,600.00 Colleges for Improvement of Education through (†emiKvix K‡jRmg~‡ni Dbœqb)| InformationTechnology. 2531-5026 Secondary Education Sector Investment Program. ‡m‡KÛvix GWz‡Kkb Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (‡mwmc)| 69,825.00 2531-5028 National academy for autism and neurodevelopment b¨vkbvj GKv‡Wgx di AwURg GÛ wbD‡iv‡W‡fjc‡g›U 839.00 disability (NAAND) (2nd Revised) wWmGwewjwU (GbGGGbwW) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) 2531-5032 Higher Secondary Stipend Project. D•P gva¨wgK Dce„wË cÖKí| 105.00 2531-5033 Maddomik Shikkha Upabitty (2nd Phase) Project gva¨wgK wk¶v Dce„wË cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 125.00 2531-8064 Development of Post Graduate Government wk¶vi gvb Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z 70 miKvix 19,500.00 Colleges at the District Headquarters for Improving †cv÷ MÖ¨vRy‡qU K‡jRmg~‡ni Dbœqb| Quality of Education. University Grants Commission 2561-1111 Development of Bangladesh University evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wU Ae cÖ‡dkbvjm& Gi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) 4,000.00 Professionals (Phase-1) 2561-1112 Further Development of Bangladesh Agricultural evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 6,000.00 University 2561-1113 Establishment of New Campus of Jagannath RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi bZzb K¨v¤cvm ¯n'vcb, f~wg AwaMÖnY I 2,000.00 University: Land Acquisition and Development Dbœqb 2561-1114 Further Development of Comilla University Kzwgjøv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 1,000.00 2561-1115 Further Development Project for Jahangir Nagar Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq Gi AwaKZi Dbœqb 10,000.00 University 2561-1116 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina University ‡kL nvwmbv wek¦we`¨vjq ¯n'vcb cÖKí 7,500.00 Netrokona 2561-1117 Development of Islamic University (3rd Phase) Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) 5,351.00 2561-1118 Expansion of Academic Activities of Khulna Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gv I 9,000.00 University of Engineering & Technology GKv‡WwgK Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY 2561-1119 Establishment of Permanent Campus of e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb †gwiUvBg BDwbfvwm©wU, evsjv‡`k 7,750.00 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime Gi ¯'vnqx K¨v¤cvm wbg©vY University 2561-1120 Development of Pabna University of Science and cvebv weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb 3,000.00 Technology 2561-1121 German-Bangladesh Higher Education Network for Rvg©vb-evsjv‡`k nvqvi GWz‡Kkb †bU&IqvK© di mvm‡UB‡bej 913.00 Sustainable Textiles (HEST) †U·UvBjm 2561-1122 Integrated Feasibility Study for the Khulna Lyjbv K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb cÖK‡íi wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW 493.00 Agricultural University Development Project

27/09/20 Page 23 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Secondary and Higher Education Division University Grants Commission 2561-1123 Support for Preparation of Dhaka Uniersity Master mv‡cvU© di wcÖcv‡ikb Ae XvKv BDwbfvwm©wU gv÷vi cøvb GÛ 470.00 Plan and Feasibility Study wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW 2561-1124 Further Development of Patuakhali Science and cUzqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 500.00 Technology University 2561-1125 Integrated Feasibility Study for the Further wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb cÖK‡íi wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW 112.00 Development of Sylhet Agricultural University 2561-1126 Further Development of Shahjalal University of kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (2q 2.00 Science & Technology (Phase-II) ch©vq) 2561-5000 Academic and Infrastructural Development of h‡kvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I AeKvVv‡gv 3,000.00 Jessore University of Science and Technology Dbœœqb| 2561-5001 Eablishment of Chittagong Veterinary and the PÆMÖvg †f‡Uwibvwi I Gwbg¨vj mv‡q‡Ým wek¦we`¨vj‡qi 2q K¨v 1,897.00 Second Campuses Animal Sciences University, ¤cvm ¯’vcb 2561-5002 Enhancement of Physical and Academic facilities of ‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †fŠZ I GKv‡WwgK 5,000.00 Noakhali Science and Technology University. myweav e„w×KiY| 2561-5003 Further Infrastructure Development of Khulna Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 4,000.00 University 2561-5005 Further development of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural ‡k‡i evsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 5,600.00 University 2561-5006 Special development of Haji Mohammad Danesh nvRx †gvnv¤§` `v‡bk weÁvb cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl 4,500.00 Science Technology University Dbœqb| 2561-5007 Further development of Dhaka University of XvKv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 2,500.00 Engineering and Technology 2561-5009 The College Education Development Project. K‡jR GWz‡Kkb †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 16,762.00 2561-5011 Strengthening of Maulana Bhashani Science and gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq kw³kvjxKiY| 7,875.00 Technology University 2561-5012 Strengthening the physical facilities and research e½eÜz †kL gywReyi mingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡fŠZ myweavw` 7,050.00 capabilities of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ges M‡elYv mgZv kw³kvjxKiY| Rahman Agricultural University. of 2561-5013 Physical infrastructure development of Rajshahi ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 2,700.00 University. 2561-5016 Construction of academic and residential buildings of XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I AvevwmK feb wbg©vY| 10,350.00 Dhaka University 2561-5018 Improvement of Chittagong Engineering and PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb 2,000.00 Technology University. 2561-5019 Further Development of Rajshahi University of ivRkvnx cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 1,373.00 Engineering & Technology 2561-5025 Further Development of Bangladesh University of evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 4,125.00 Engineering & Technology. 2561-5028 Development of Comilla University-1st phase. Kzwgj­v wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq)| 927.00 2561-5030 Project for Research and Capacity Building of the PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib mvB‡Ým I 3,900.00 Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries of The wdmvwiR M‡elYv I m¶gZv e„w× 2561-5032 Islamic Arabic University Bmjvwg Aviwe wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb 4,100.00 2561-5033 Strengthening the Capacity of Teaching and †÷ªs‡`wbs w` K¨vcvwmwU Ae †Uªwbs GÛ wimvP© d¨vwmwjwUR Ae 150.00 Research Facilities at the Department of Population w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡q‡Ým, BDwbfvwm©wU Ae XvKv Sciences, University of Dhaka (First Revised) (2q ch©vq) 2561-5034 Establishment of Three Regional Offices for National RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq 3wU AvÂwjK Awdm ¯’vcb 2,000.00 University Project

27/09/20 Page 24 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Secondary and Higher Education Division University Grants Commission 2561-5035 Further Development of Sahjalal Science & kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 4,000.00 Technology University 2561-5036 Development of Physical Infrastructure of Jatiya KabiRvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi•j Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †fŠZ 6,000.00 University AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2561-5052 Molecular Characterization and Identification of gwjwKDjvi K¨v‡i±vivB‡Rkb GÛ AvB‡Ww›Uwd‡Kkb Ae 10.00 Important Genetic and Infectious Diseases of B‡¤•v‡U©›U †R‡bwUK GÛ Bb‡dKkvm wWwR‡Rm Ae jvBf÷K Livestock and Poultry in Bangladesh. GÛ †cvwëª Bb evsjv‡`k| 2561-5059 Development of National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRiyj Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb (2q 7,323.00 University (2nd Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| 2561-5065 Special Development of Begum Rokeya University, ‡eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb| 1,100.00 Rangpur 2561-5073 Establishment of Rangamati Science and iv½vgvwU weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb| 74.00 Technology University. 2561-5074 Construction of two Academic Buildings and an wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi `ywU GKv‡WwgK feb Ges GKwU 800.00 Auditorium Building at Sylhet Agricultural University. AwWUwiqvg feb wbg©vY| 2561-5078 Development of Bangladesh University of Textiles evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb| 2,500.00 2561-5079 Further Expansion and Development of e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi 1,000.00 Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman Science and AwaKZi m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ)| Technology University (Revised). 2561-5081 Further Expansion and Development of Chittagong PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi m¤cÖmviY I 1,140.00 Science and Technology University. Dbœqb| 2561-5088 Creating the Residential Facililties for the Buddist & PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡eŠ× I Ab¨vb¨ msL¨vjNy wk¶v_x©‡`i 498.00 other Minorities Students of Chittagong Univeristy. Rb¨ AvevwmK myweav m„wóKiY| 2561-5092 Development of Bangladesh University of evsjv‡`k BDwbfviwmwU Ae cÖ‡dkbvj Gi Dbœqb| 8,318.00 Professionals 2561-5093 Establishment of Ship Model Testing Centre (Towing evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkc g‡Wj †Uwós †m›Uvi 1.00 Tank) at Buet ¯'vcb (†Uvwqs U¨vsK)| 2561-7410 Molecular Epidemeology of Micro Bacterium Bodies gwjKzjvi Gwc‡WwgIjwR Ae gvB‡µve¨vK‡Uwiqvg ewWm 69.00 Induction in Animals and Man in Bangladesh. Bb‡WKkb Bb G¨vwbgjm GÛ g¨vb Bb evsjv‡`k| 2561-9102 Establishment of Barishal University, Barishal ewikvj wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb, ewikvj 500.00 2561-9152 Estalishment of Jagannath University (Phase-2) RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq)| 1,614.00 2561-9155 Academic & Infrastructure Development of PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,449.00 University Chittagong Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics 2579-1111 Establishment of the 160 ICT Trainging and G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae 160 Dc‡Rjv AvBwmwU †Uªwbs GÐ wi‡mvm© 27,600.00 Resource Centre of Education (UITRCE) - Phase-2 †m›Uvi, di GWz‡Kkb (BDAvBwUAviwmB) e¨vb‡eBm, GgIBwWBD (2q ch©vq) (12507-223015700) 2579-1112 Establishment of Integrated Education Information G÷vewjm‡g›U Ae Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW GWz‡Kkbvj Bbdi‡gkb 5,735.00 Management System (IEIMS) g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g (AvBBAvBGgGm) Department of Education Engineering 2571-1111 Infrastructure Development of Birsreshtha Munshi exi‡kô gyÝx Avãyi iDd cvewjK K‡jR, wewRwe †nW 200.00 Abdur Rouf Public College, B.G.B Headquarter, †KvqvU©vi, XvKv Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (12503-224123600) Dhaka 2571-1112 Development of Secected Non-government wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`ªvjqmg~‡ni Dbœqb 218,000.00 Secondary Schools (12503-224149300) 2571-1113 Vertical Extension of Selected Non-government wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix we`¨vjqmg~‡ni Dשg~Lx m¤cÖmviY 137,000.00 Secondary Schools (12503-224149400)

27/09/20 Page 25 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Secondary and Higher Education Division Department of Education Engineering 2571-1114 Infrastructure development of 3 non-government ‡MvcvjMÄ, gv`vixcyi I ivRevox †Rjvi 3wU †emiKvwi 300.00 colleges of Gopalgonj, Madaripur and Rajbari DistrictK‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2571-1115 Infrastructure development of Military collegiate wgwjUvwi KwjwR‡qU ¯‹zj Lyjbv Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 200.00 school, Khulna 2571-1117 Infrastructure development of Sheikh Rasel high ‡kL iv‡mj D•P we`¨vjq, m`i †MvcvjMÄ I †k‡i evsjv 500.00 school, sadar, Gopalgonj and Sher-e-Bangla evwjKv gnvwe`¨vjq, myÎvcyi, XvKv Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Women college, Sutrapur, Dhaka 2571-1118 Development of selected 9 government colleges wbe©vwPZ 9wU miKvwi K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb 100.00 2571-1119 Infrastructure development of 2 government and 1 ‡bvqvLvjx I †dbx †Rjvq 2wU miKvwi I 1wU †emiKvwi wkÿv 200.00 non-government educational institute in Noakhali cÖwZôv‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb and 2571-5001 Improvement of Maligaon Adarsha High School at Kzwgõv †Rjvi `vD`Kvw›` Dc‡Rjvi gvwjMvuI Av`k© D•P 588.00 Daudkandi Upazilain . we`¨vjq Dbœqb 2571-5002 Infrastructure Development of Lalmai Degree Kzwgj­v †Rjvi jvjgvB wWMÖx K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 500.00 College in Comilla District. 2571-5006 Infrastructure development of 3 private colleges of mybvgMÄ †Rjvi 3wU †emiKvwi K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 300.00 2571-5007 Infrastructure Development of Sayed Abul Hossain gv`vixcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi ˆmq` Aveyj †nv‡mb K‡jR 700.00 College at Sadar Upazila of . Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2571-5019 Establishment of Paikgacha Agriculral College, cvBKMvQv K…wl K‡jR ¯’'vcb, Lyjbv| 1,000.00 Khulna. 2571-5021 Strengthening the Education Engineering m`i `ßi I †Rjv Kvh©vjh ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj 3,500.00 Department by establishing head Quarter and Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY| District Offfices. 2571-8074 Development of Physical Infrastructure of Selected wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡ni †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv 375.00 Non-Govt. Secondary Schools (1st Revised). Dbœqb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| Bangladesh Scouts 2505-1111 Development of Regional Scout Training Centre, AvÂwjK ¯‹vDU cªwkÿY †K›`ª, jvjgvB, Kzwgjøv Gi Dbœqb 50.00 Lalmai, Cumilla 2505-1112 Construction of Sylhet Regional and Maulovibazar wm‡jU AÂj I ‡gŠjfxevRvi ‡Rjvi ¯‹vDU feb wbg©vY 50.00 District Scout Bhaban 2505-5000 Construction of scout extension and scout building of evsjv‡`k ¯‹vDwUs m¤cÖmviY I ¯‹vDU kZvwã feb wbg©vY| 1,200.00 Bangladesh Scouts National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NC & TB) 2583-1112 Strengthening Life Skills Education in Schools and ‡÷ªs‡`wbs jvBd w¯‹jm GWz‡Kkb Bb ¯‹zjm GÛ gv`ªvmvm cÖ‡R± 37.00 Madrasahes Project

27/09/20 Page 26 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry's Own 2601-1111 Construction and Renovation of Rail Line with Signal iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`¨~r †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ wmMb¨vwismn †ijjvBb 15,455.00 for Rooppur Atomic Power Plant ms¯‹vi I wbg©vY 2601-1112 Establishment of Physical Protection System of iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi †fŠZ myiÿv e¨e¯n'v 23,014.00 Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (PPS) (wcwcGm) Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission 2605-1112 modernization and Development of the laboratory Bbw÷wUDU Ae B‡jKUªwb· Gi M‡elYvMvi myweav Dbœqb I 812.00 Facilities of Institute of Electronics AvaywbKvqb 2605-1113 Establishment of Cyclotron & PET-CT at Institute of Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwKqvi †gwWwmb GÛ G¨vjv‡qW mv‡q‡Ým 2,500.00 Nuclear Medicine & Allied Siences (INMAS) (Bbgvm) gqgbwmsn I PÆMÖv‡g mvB‡KvUªb I †cU-wmwU Ges Mymensingh & Chattogrom and Cyclotron facilities Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwKqvi †gwW‡Kj wdwR· (AvBGbGgwc), at intitute of nuclear Medical Physics (INMP) mvfv‡i mvB‡KvUªb myweavw` ¯n'vcb 2605-1114 Technical Feasibility Study project for high Powered evsjv‡`k D•P ÿgZvm¤cbœ cvigvYweK M‡elYv Pzjøx 184.00 Nuclear research Reactor in Bangladesh ¯n'vc‡bi KvwiMwi mgxÿv 2605-1115 establishment of Calibration and Quality control ‡iwWI‡_ivwc WvqvMbw÷K I wbDUªb µgvsKb I gvb 1,373.00 Facilities laboratory for Radiotherapy Diagonstic wbqšÎ‡Yi myweavw` ¯n'vcb Radiology and Neutron Radiation 2605-1116 Balancing, Modernization, Refurbishment and mvfvi¯n' cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cÖwZôv‡bi 3 †gMvIqvU ÿgZv 1,299.00 Extension (BMRE) of Safety Facilities of 3 MW m¤cbœ M‡elYv wiA¨v±i d¨vwmwjwUi †mdwU wm‡÷‡gi Research Reactor Facility at AERE, saver, Dhaka. mgš^qmvab, AvaywbKxKiY, iÿYv‡eÿY I ewa©ZKiY 2605-1117 Screening of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Newborn beRvZ‡Ki g‡a¨ Rb¥MZ nvB‡cv_vBi‡qW †iv‡Mi cÖv`yf©ve 2,636.00 Babies mbv³KiY (wØZxq ch©vq) 2605-5000 Modernization of Food and Radiation Biological evsjv‡`k cigvb~ kw³ Kwgk‡bi Lv`¨ I wewKiY RxeweÁvb 727.00 Services of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy myweavw`i AvaywbKxKiY| Commission. 2605-5002 Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (Phase-I) iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`¨yr †K›`ª wbg©vY (1g ch©vq)| 1,484,607.00 2605-5005 Development of Human Resources & Establishment gsjv e›`‡i ¯’vwcZ †ZRw¯ŒqZv cix¶Y I cwiex¶Y 997.00 of Residential Accommodation Facilities for the M‡elYvMv‡ii gvbe m¤•` Dbœqbmn AvevwmK myweavw` ¯’vcb Radiation Testing and Monitoring Laboratory, Mongla 2605-5007 Capacity Building of Institute of Neuclear Medicine Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwK¬qvi †gwWwmb GÛ G¨vjv‡qÝ mv‡q‡Ým 6,350.00 and Allaied Scince (INMAS) in Dhaka, Chittagong, (Bmgvm) XvKv, PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv, wm‡jU, w`bvRcyi I Rajshahi, Khulna, Sylhet, Dinajpur and Rangpur. iscyi Gi m¶gZv e„w× 2605-5008 Establishment of Institute of Nuclear Medicine and †`‡ki 8wU †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj K¨v¤•v‡m Bbw÷wUDU 8,944.00 Allied Sciences (INMAS) at 8 Medical collage Ae wbDwK¬qvi †gwWwmb GÛ G¨vjv‡qW mv‡q‡Ým (Bbgvm) Hospital campuses in the country ¯’vcb 2605-5011 Study Project of Selecting Tentative Place to evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Yv‡j wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi c­¨v›U wbg©v‡Yi m¤ 594.00 Establish Neclear Power Plant in Southern Part of ¢ve¨ ¯’vb wba©vi‡bi mgx¶v Bangladesh. Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 2605-1111 Augmentation of Chemical Metrology Infrastructure ‡KwgK¨vj †g‡UªvjwR AeKvVv‡gv mg„×KiY 3,607.00 2605-1118 Strengthening Institute of Glass and Ceramic Resear wewmGmAvBAvi-Gi KuvP I wmivwgK M‡elYv I cixÿY 2,252.00 ch and testing (IGCRT) of BCSIR Bbw÷wUDU (AvBwRwmAviwU) kw³kvjxKiY 2605-1119 estrablishment of Hydorgen Energy labrotary nvB‡Wªv‡Rb GbvwR© M‡elYvMvi ¯n'vcb 1,500.00 2605-1124 Establishment of Research Facilities on Processing wewmGmAvBAvi XvKv I PÆMÖvg †K‡›`ª wbivc` I ¯^v¯n'¨Ki 441.00 of safe and healthy dry fish and indoor farming at ïUKx gvQ cÖwµqvKiY Ges Bb‡Wvi dvwg©s M‡elYv msµvšZ BCSIR centre Dhaka and Chattogram myweavw` ¯n'vcb 2605-5001 Strengthening of leather research institute. Pvgov M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU kw³kvjxKiY| 470.00

27/09/20 Page 27 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Science and Technology Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 2605-5006 Establishment of Mineral Processing Center at wewmGmAvBAvi-Gi AvBGgGgGg-G GKwU LwbR cÖwµqvKiY 3,456.00 IMMM, BCSIR, Joypurhat †K›`ª ¯’vcb 2605-5009 Establishment of Bio-equivalence studies and Bbw÷wUDU Ae ev‡qvBKf¨v‡jÝ ÷vwWR GÛ dvg©vwmDwUK¨vj 509.00 Pharmaceutical sciences. mvB‡Ým cÖwZôvKiY 2605-5012 Establishment of Genomic Laboratory. wR‡bvwgK M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb 363.00 National Science and Technology Museum 2605-1121 Mobile Science Exhibition and Science Educational åvg¨gvb weÁvb cÖ`k©bx Ges weÁvb wkÿv Kvh©µ‡gi m¤cÖmviY 1,818.00 activities National Institute of Bio-Technology (NIB) 2605-1120 Establisment of National Gene Bank RvZxq Rxb e¨vsK ¯n'vcb 8,713.00 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre (BSMRN) 2605-5084 Establishment of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur e½eÜz †kL gywRei ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi ivRkvnx ¯'vcb 3,988.00 Rahman Novotheatre, Rajshahi. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) 2605-1122 Strenthening the Infrastructure of Bangladesh RbmvaviY I cwi‡e‡ki cvigvbweK wbivcËv I wewKiY 913.00 Atomic regulatory Authority (BAERA) to ensure myiÿvi j‡ÿ¨ evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ wbqšÎY KZ©„c‡ÿi Nuclear and Radiation safety of public and AeKvVv‡gv kw³kvjxKiY Environment 2605-1123 Development of Nuclear Regulatory Infrastructure cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi cvigvYweK wbivcËv Z`viwKKi‡Yi 13,325.00 for Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority j‡ÿ¨ evsjv‡`k cigvYy wbqšÎY KZ©„c‡ÿi wbDwKqvi to Supervise the Nuclear Safety of Rooppur Nuclear †i¸‡jUix Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi Dbœqb power plants

27/09/20 Page 28 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Health Services Division Ministry's Own 2701-1112 AvgW© †dv‡m©m Bbw÷wUDU Ae c¨v_jwR (GGdAvBwc) Gi m 1,013.00 ¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKvqb 2701-5002 Sector-Wide Program Management and Monitoring 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 1,871.00 (SWPMM). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (†m±i IqvBW †cÖvMÖvg g¨v‡bR‡g›U gwbUwis) 2701-5003 Health Economics and Financing(HEF) 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 2,015.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (‡nj&_ B‡KvbwgKm GÛ dvBbvwÝs) 2701-5004 Human Resource Development (HRD). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 470.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U (GBPAviwW)) 2701-5005 Physical Facilities Development (PFD). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 225,800.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) ( ## wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U (wcGdwW)) 2701-5006 Improved Financial Management (IFM). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 515.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) ( BgcÖæfW dvBb¨vbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (AvBGdGg)) 2701-5200 Establishment of National Institute of Laboratory G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae j¨ve‡iUix 8,590.00 Medicine and Referral Centre. †gwWwmb GÛ †idv‡ij †m›Uvi| 2701-5220 Establish of the 3rd Plant of the Essential Drugs ‡MvcvjM‡Ä G¨v‡mbwmqvj WªvMm& †Kv¤•vbx wjt Gi 3q kvLv 5,515.00 Company ltd in Gopalgonj. ¯’vcb| Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2705-1111 Scaling up an intervention package to reduce ‡¯‹wjsAvc Gb Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW B›Uvi‡fbkb c¨v‡KR Uz wiwWDm 73.00 maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in g¨vUvibvj GÛ wbD‡bUvj giwewWwU GÛ giUvwjwU Bb iyivj rural Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (12701-223031600) 2705-5011 Safe Motherhood Promotion Operations Research ‡mBd gv`viûW †cÖv‡gvkb Acv‡ikbm wimvP© Ab †mBd 698.00 on Safe Motherhood and Newborn Survival. gv`viûW GÛ wbDeb© mvf©vBfvj| Department ofHealth Services 2711-1111 Expansion of National institute of Neurosciences and G·cvbkb Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbD‡ivmv‡q‡Ým GÛ 134.00 Hospital nvmcvZvj (12702-224218400) 2711-1112 Establishment of 500 Bedded Hospital & Ancillary G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae 500 †e‡WW nmwcUvj GÛ Gbwmjvix feb 60.00 Building in Jessore, Cox'sbazar, Pabna and Abdul Bb h‡kvi, K·evRvi, cvebv I Avãyj gv‡jK DwKj †gwW‡Kj Malek Ukil Medical College and Jononeta Nurul K‡jR Ges Rb‡bZv byiæj nK AvaywbK nvmcvZvj, †bvqvLvjx Hoque Modern Hospital, Noakhali 2711-1113 Establishment of Bangabandhu Medical College and e½eÜz †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯'nvcb, mybvgMÄ 2,620.00 Hospital, Sunamgonj 2711-1114 In order to modernization, expansion and re-build of XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZv‡ji AvaywbKvqb, m¤cÖmviY 943.00 Dhaka Medical College and Hospital formation of Ges cyb:wbg©vY Gi Rb¨ e¨q cÖv°jbmn gnvcwiKíbv I master plan and design with cost estimation wWRvBb cÖYqb 2711-1116 Establishment of 100 Bedded Complete Cancer wefvM kn‡i miKvix †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j 100 kh¨v 10.00 Treatment Centre at Government Medical College wewkó c~Y©v½ K¨vÝvi wPwKrmv BDwbU ¯'nvcb Hospitals in Divisional cities 2711-1117 Feasibility Study for Establishment of Six Medical wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di G÷vweøk‡g›U Ae wm· †gwW‡Kj 467.00 College and Hospital K‡jR nvmcvZvj 2711-1118 COVID-19 Emergency Response and Pandemic ‡KvwfW-19 Bgvi‡RwÝ †imcÝ GÛ c¨vb‡WwgK wcÖ‡cqvW©‡bm 20,674.00 Preparedness 2711-5000 Establishment of Colonel Malek Medical College & K‡Y©j gv‡jK †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I 250 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj 12,897.00 250 Bedded Hospital, Manikganj (1st Revised) ¯’vcb, gvwbKMÄ (1g ms‡kvwaZ)

27/09/20 Page 29 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Health Services Division Department ofHealth Services 2711-5002 Establishment of a Medical College in Tangail and Uv½vB‡j GKwU †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯'vcb Ges 250kh¨v wewkó 900.00 Upgradation of a 250 beded General Hospital into †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj‡K 500 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZv‡j 500- beded Hospital. DbœxZKiY| 2711-5003 Establishment of Shaheed M Mansur Ali Medical knx` Gg gbmyi Avjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I 500 kh¨vi 10,616.00 College and 500-beded hospital, Sirajganj. †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj ¯’'vcb, wmivRMÄ| 2711-5004 Establishment of Jamalpur Medical College and Rvgvjcyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges Rvgvjcyi bvwm©s 6,027.00 Hospital and Jamalpur Nursing College. K‡jR ¯’vcb| 2711-5005 Establishment of Patuakhali Medical College and cUzqvLvjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb| 9,045.00 Hospital. 2711-5006 Strengthening Public Health Action Events in ‡÷s‡`wbs cvewjK †nj_ G¨vKkb B‡f›Um Bb evsjv‡`k| 1,037.00 Bangladesh 2711-5007 Development of Newborn, Infant and Maternal beRvZK, wkï I gvZ…¯^v¯’¨ Ges ¯^v¯’'¨e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb 2,010.00 Health and Health System (Component 2: (K‡¤cv‡b›U-2: †`‡ki 8wU wefv‡M Aew¯'Z †gwW‡Kj K‡jR Modernization of Diagnostic and Imaging Systems of I nvmcvZv‡ji WvqvMbw÷K I B‡gwRs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY| Medical Colleges and Hospitals Located in 8 Divisions of the country. 2711-5008 Planning Monitoring and Research (PMR). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 2,355.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (cø¨vwbs, gwbUwis GÛ wimvP© (wcGgAvi)) 2711-5009 Health Information Systems and e-Health (HIS & 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 13,200.00 E-Health). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (‡nj&_ Bbdi‡gkb wmm‡Ugm GÛ B-‡nj&_) 2711-5011 Establishment of a Kushtia Medical College. Kzwóqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb| 8,600.00 2711-5014 Procurement Stroage and Supplies Management - 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 12,685.00 HS (PSSM-HS). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U, †÷v‡iR GÛ mvcøvBm g¨v‡bR‡g›U-GBP.Gm (wcGmGmGg-GBPGm)) 2711-5016 Extention of National Institute of Orthopadic Hospital RvZxq A‡_©v‡cwWK nvmcvZvj I cybe©vmb cÖwZôvb (wb‡Uvi) m 2,950.00 and Rehabilitation Center (NITOR). ¤cÖmviY| 2711-5017 Establishment of Sheikh Lutfar Rahman Dental G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †kL jyrdi ingvb †W›Uvj K‡jR, 1,056.00 College. †MvcvjMÄ| 2711-5018 Maternal, Child Reproductive and Adolescent Health 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 111,685.00 (MNCAH). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) ( g¨vUvibvj, wbD‡bUvj, PvBì GÛ G‡Wv‡jm‡m›U †nj&_ †Kqvi (GgGbwmGGBP)) 2711-5019 National Nutrition Services (NNS). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 11,573.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) ( b¨vkbvj wbDwUªkb mvwf©‡mm (GbGbGm)) 2711-5022 Communicable Diseases Control (CDC). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 22,267.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm K‡›Uªvj (wmwWwm)) 2711-5024 Sheikh Hasina National Burn and Plastic Surgery RvZxq evY© I c­vwóK mvR©vix BbwówUDU| 6,292.00 Institute. 2711-5025 TB-Leprosy & AIDS/STD Programme (TBL & ASP) 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 22,978.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (wUwe-‡jc‡ivwm GBWm/GmwUwW †cÖvMÖvg (wUweGj GÛ GGmwc))

27/09/20 Page 30 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Health Services Division Department ofHealth Services 2711-5026 Non-Communicable Diseases Control (NCDC). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 20,880.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (bb KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm (GbwmwWwm)) 2711-5027 National Eye Care (NEC). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 2,055.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi) 2711-5028 Community Based Health Care (CBHC). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 99,603.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (## KwgDwbwU †eBRW †nj&_ †Kqvi) 2711-5029 Hospital Services Management (HSM). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 83,206.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (### nmwcUvj mvwf©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U) 2711-5031 Life Style and Health Education & Promotion 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 4,416.00 (LHEP). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (jvBd ÷vBj GÛ †nj&_ GWz‡Kkb GÛ †cÖv‡gvkb) 2711-5032 Alternative Medical Care (AMC). 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 4,879.00 (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (Aëvi‡bwUf †gwWK¨vj †Kqvi) 2711-5033 Eye Health Promotion and Prevention of Blindness AvB †nj_ †cÖv‡gkb GÛ wcÖ‡fbkb Ae e­vBÛ‡bm Bb wm‡j‡±W 3,433.00 in Selected areas in Bangladesh Gwiqvm Bb evsjv‡`k 2711-5230 Establishment of Satkhira Medical College and mvZ¶xiv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’'vcb| 1,907.00 Hospital. 2711-5250 Sheik Saira Khatun Medical College & Hospital and ‡kL mv‡qiv LvZzb †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges bvwms 13,244.00 Nursing Institute. Bbw÷wUBU| 2711-8680 Extension of Shaheed Sheik Abu Naser Specialized G¨v·‡Ubkb Ae knx` †kL Avey bv‡mi G¨vm‡cwkqvjvBRW 532.00 Hospital, Khulna. nmwcUvj, Lyjbv| Directorate of Drug Administration 2715-5000 Strengthening of Drug Administration and 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 2,143.00 Management (SDAM). (GBPwcGbGmwWwc) (†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae WªvM GWwgwb‡÷kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U) Directorate of Nursing 2716-5000 Establishment of Universal Nursing Institute BDwbfv‡m©j bvwms Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 144.00 National Heart Foundation (NHF) 2705-1112 Establishment of 150 bedded Cardio Vascular Unit inb¨vkbvj nvW© dvD‡Ûk‡b 150 kh¨v wewkó KvwW©I fvmKzjvi 300.00 National Heart Foundation BDwbU ¯n'vcb 2705-1113 Procurement of Medical Equipments for National b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûk‡bi Rb¨ †gwW‡Kj hšÎcvwZ msMÖn 356.00 Heart Foundation of Bangladesh

27/09/20 Page 31 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Social Welfare Department of Social Services 2931-1111 Extablishment of Social Service Complex in 64 64 †Rjvq †Rjv mgvR‡mev Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 6,535.00 Districts (1st Phase-22 Districts) (12902-224128500) 2931-1112 Child Sensitive Social Protection in Bangladesh PvBì †mbwmwUf †mvm¨vj †cÖv‡UKkb Bb evsjv‡`k 1,225.00 (CSPB) (Phase-2) (wmGmwcwe) †dBR-2) (12902-224128600) 2931-1113 The sustainable socio-economic development and we‡kl wkÿv, ¯^v¯n'¨ †mev Ges wewea cÖwkÿY Kvh©vejxi 210.00 rehabilitation programs of underprivileged and poor gva¨‡g myweavewÂZ I `wi`ª cÖwZeÜx Ges AwUw÷K e¨w³‡`i disabled and autistic people through special †UKmB Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb I cybe©vmb education, health care and various training programs 2931-1114 A Multipurpose Training Project Aimed at Improving 8wU wefv‡M wnRov Rb‡Mvôxi Rxeb-gvb Dbœq‡bi j‡ÿ¨ 655.00 The quality of life of the Hijra Population of Eight eûg~Lx cÖwkÿY (ms‡kvwaZ) Division (Revised) 2931-1115 Expansion and Development of PROYASH at Rvnv½xivev` †mbvwbevm, e¸ov G cÖqvm Gi m¤cÖmviY I 1,006.00 Jahangirabad Cantonment, Bogura Dbœqb 2931-1116 Establishment/re-establishment of miKvwi wkï cwievi Ges †QvUgwY wbevm wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY 100.00 SarkariShishuParibar and Baby Home 2931-1117 Safe Motherhood Activities in 5 Upazillas of PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi 5wU Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` gvZ…Z¡ Kvh©µg 339.00 Chapainawabgonj District 2931-1118 Construction of Community Hospital Building of Avb›`cyi AvjnvR¡ Avn¤§` Djøvn-mv‡jn Avn‡g` KwgDwbwU 450.00 AnandapurAlhajAhmmedUllah-Saleh Ahmed nvmcvZvj I Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb Socio-Economic Development 2931-1119 Establishment of a Hundred Bedded Specialized Kzwgjøvq 100 kh¨v wewkó we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj ¯n'vcb 200.00 Hospital in Cumilla 2931-1120 Establishment of 50 Bedded Chapainawabgonj 50 kh¨v wewkó PuvcvBbeveMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯n'vcb 400.00 Diabetic Hospital, Chapainawabgonj 2931-1121 Establishment sub-specialty unit of Glaucoma, MvDmyj Avhg weGbGmwe AvB nmwcUvj, w`bvRcyi-G 958.00 Retina & Cornea at GausulAzam BNSB Eye Møy‡Kvgv, †iwUbv I KwY©qv mve-‡¯cwmqvwjwU BDwbU ¯'nvcb Hospital, Dinajpur 2931-1122 Establishment of National Heart Foundation G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nmwcUvj, ivRkvnx 500.00 Hospital, Rajshahi 2931-1123 Establishment of Sunamgonj Diabetic Hospital mybvgMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯n'vcb 10.00 2931-1124 Establishment of Advanced Pediatric Surgery & XvKv wkï nvmcvZv‡j G¨vWfvÝW wkï mvR©vix GÛ †÷g‡mj 18.00 Stem cell Therapy Unit at Dhaka Shishu (Children) †_ivcx BDwbU ¯'nvcb Hospital 2931-1125 Safe Motherhood Activities in 06 Upazillas of Comilla Kzwgjøv †Rjvi 6wU Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` gvZ…Z¡ Kvh©µg (2q 178.00 District (2nd Phase) ch©vq) 2931-1126 Establishment of Karimpur Noorjahan Kwigcyi byiRvnvb-mvgmybœvnvi gv I wkï we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj 500.00 Shamsunnahar Mother and Child Specialized ¯'nvcb Hospital 2931-1127 Cash Transfer Modernization (CTM) K¨vk UªvÝdvi gWvb©vB‡Rkb 1,263.00 2931-1128 Development of Hazi Nowab Ali Khan Atimkhana nvRx bIqve Avjx Lvb GwZgLvbv wbg©vY 700.00 2931-1129 Establishment of Ferdous Majid Disable Care Center ‡di‡`Šm gwR` cÖwZeÜx †mev †K›`ª Ges nvmcvZvj ¯'nvcb 948.00 and Hospital 2931-1130 Establishment of Madaripur Diabetic Hospital gv`vixcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj wbg©vY 10.00 2931-1131 Amader Gram Cancer Care & Research Center Avgv‡`i MÖvg K¨vÝvi †Kqvi GÛ wimvP© ‡m›Uvi wbg©vY 10.00 2931-1132 Construction of Mohangonj Samajkallyan Balika Etim‡b·KvYv †Rjvq †gvnbMÄ mgvRKj¨vY GwZgLvbv wbg©vY 10.00 Khana 2931-1133 Re-construction of the Training and Rehabilitation `yt¯'n I wkï cÖwkÿY I cybe©vmb †K›`ª cybtwbg©vY †Kvbvevox, 10.00 Centre of the Destitute Children, Konabari, MvRxcyi

27/09/20 Page 32 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Social Welfare Department of Social Services 2931-1134 Rehabilitation and socio-economic development dwi`cyi I ivRevox †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvi `yt¯n' I Amnvq 300.00 through trade-basded training of distressed and bvix‡`i Avqea©K Kvh©µ‡gi Dci cÖwkÿY helpless women in various of Faridpur and Rajbari districts 2931-1135 Improving the quality of life of the ultra-poor people jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi AwZ `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôx‡K wewea cÖwkÿ‡Yi 10.00 of through various training gva¨‡g Rxebgvb Dbœqb 2931-1136 Development of Socio-economic condition of Poor, ‡`‡ki 5wU †Rjvi `yt¯n', weaev I GwZg gwnjv‡`i WªvBwfs 10.00 Orphan and widon weman by driving training of 5 cÖwkÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae¯n'vi Dbœqb district 2931-1137 Computer/IT training for the socio-economic `yt¯n' †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb I cybe©vm‡b 10.00 development and rehabilitation of the Destitute †ckvwfwËK Kw¤cDUvi/AvBwU cÖwkÿY children 2931-5003 Construction of Jamalpur Diabetic Hospital Rvgvjcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj wbg©vY| 724.00 2931-5005 Hostels for visually impaired children (Girl-06, Boys `"wó cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡÷j wbg©vY (evwjKv-06, evjK 566.00 05 and Expansion 20 units). 05 Ges m¤cÖmviY 20BDwbU)| 2931-5006 Amader Bari: Integrated Old and Children Home. Avgv‡`i evwo: mgwš^Z cÖexb I wkï wbevm 463.00 2931-5007 Construction of a Technical Training and cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i Rb¨ GKwU KvwiMix cÖwkÿY Ges cybe©vmb 202.00 Rehabilitation Center-CRP, Manikgong. †K›`ª wbg©vY-wmAviwc, gvwbKMÄ 2931-5009 Capacity & Skill Development of National Academy RvZxq mgvR‡mev GKv‡Wwgi m¶gZv I `¶Zv e„w× 389.00 of Social Services 2931-5015 Human Resources (HR) Management Software of mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii Rb¨ gvbe m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv mdUIq¨vi 1,166.00 Department of Social Services 2931-5016 Development of the Living Standard of the Marginal evsj‡`‡ki cÖvwšZK Rb‡Mvôxi Rxeb gvb Dbœqb 2,285.00 People of Bangladesh 2931-5018 Establishment of 20 Bedded Pirgonj Diabetic 20 kh¨vwewkó cxiMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj wbgvY©, VvKziMvuI 200.00 Hospital, Thakurgaon 2931-5032 Establishment of Wageda Kuddus Probin Nibash Iqv‡R`v KzÏym cÖexb wbevm Ges cðvrc` wK‡kvi wK‡kvix‡`i 1,294.00 and Technical Training Centre for Disadvantaged Rb¨ KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb Adolescents 2931-5045 Establishment of Jalal Uddin Ahmed Foundation G÷vewjm‡g›U Ae Rvjvj DwÏb Avn‡g` dvD‡Ûkb KwgDwbwU 500.00 Community Based Institute Mother, Child and †eBRm †WmwUwUDU gv`vi, PvBì GÛ Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj Diabetic Hospital 2931-5052 Establishment of Diabetic Hospital in Netrokona. G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †b·Kvbv Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯'vcb| 404.00 2931-5059 Establishment of Magura Diabetic Hospital gv¸iv Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj ¯’vcb 423.00 Social Welfare Council 2905-1111 Establishment of Social Welfare Building mgvRKj¨vY feb wbg©vY 100.00

27/09/20 Page 33 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Women and Children Affairs Ministry's Own 3001-1111 Accelerating Protection for Children Gw·jv‡iwUs †cÖv‡UKkb di wPj‡Wªb (Gwcwm) 3,135.00 (13001-223013700) 3001-1112 early Learning for Children ( 3rd phase) wkïi weKv‡k cÖviw¤¢K wkÿv (3q ch©vq) 438.00 3001-5000 Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence Against bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë-‡m±ivj †cÖvMÖvg (4_© ce©) 2,165.00 Women (4th Phase). 3001-5001 Strengthening Gender Responsive Budgeting in †÷ªs‡`wbs †RÛvi †imcbwme ev‡RwUs Bb evsjv‡`k 65.00 Bangladesh. Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3005-1111 Establishment of Joyeeta Tower RwqZv UvIqvi wbg©vY (13001-224232100) 135.00 3005-1112 Capacity Development of Joyeeta Foundation RwqZv dvD‡Ûk‡bi mÿgZv wewbg©vY 1,500.00 Department of Women Affairs 3021-1111 Establishment of Kishor Kishori Club wK‡kvi wK‡kvix K¬ve ¯’vcb (13002-224232200) 12,372.00 3021-1112 Unprevelliged Woman and Children Primary Health, 21wU †Rjvi myweavewÂZ bvix I wkïi cÖv_wgK ¯^v¯n'¨, cÖRbb 1,900.00 Reproductive Health and Nutrition Services of Rural ¯^v¯'n¨ I cywó †mev cÖ`vb areas of 21 Districts 3021-1113 Establishment of Comunity Nursing Degree collage bvwm©s wel‡q gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ XvKvq KwgDwbwU bvwm©s wWMÖx K‡jR 46.00 in Dhaka for Woman ¯n'vcb 3021-1114 National Resilience Programe (DWA part) b¨vkbvj †iwR‡jÝ †cÖvMÖvg (wWWweøDG cvU©) 866.00 3021-1115 Enhancing Adaptive Capacities of Coastal DcK~jxq Rb‡Mvôxi we‡klZ Rjevqy cwieZ©bRwbZ jeYv³Zv 2,800.00 Communities Especially Women, to Cope with †gvKv‡ejvq Awf‡hvRb mÿgZv e„w× (MÖxb KvB‡gU dvÛ) Climate Change Induced Salinity 3021-1116 Investment Component for Vulnerable Group Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡¤cv‡b›U di fvjbviGej MÖyc †W‡fjc‡g›U 2,219.00 Devlopment (ICVGD) (2nd phase) †cÖvMÖvg (AvBwmwfwRwW) (2q ch©vq) 3021-5000 Establishment of working women hostels and child MvRxcyi †Rjvi KvwjMÄ Dc‡Rjvq Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷j 233.00 day care centers in Kaliganj upazila of Gazipur wbg©vY I wkï w`ev hZœ †K›`ª ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| district (1st Revised). 3021-5001 Virtical Extension of Working Women Hostels wgicyi I wLjMuvI Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷j DaŸ©g~Lx 2,097.00 Located at Mirpur & Khilgaon in Dhaka m¯cÖmviY| 3021-5002 Establishment of 20 Child Daycare Center Project 20wU wkï w`ev hZœ †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 1,159.00 3021-5004 Income Generating Activities (IGA) Training for Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ Avqea©K cÖwkÿY 10,972.00 Women at Upazila Level 3021-5005 Construction of New 10 Storied Building Adjacent to bxj‡¶Z Kg©Rxwe gwnjv †nv‡÷j msjMœ bZzb 10 Zjv feb 1,001.00 Nikhet Working Women Hostel and Development wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb †nv‡÷jmg~ ‡ni †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I and Renovation of Physical Infrastructure of Existing ms¯‹vi Hostels 3021-5006 Advancement of Women's Rights G¨vWfv݇g›U Ae DB‡gbÕm ivBUm 210.00 3021-5007 Accelerating Action to End Child Marriage in Gw·jv‡iwUs G¨vKkb Uz GÊ PvBì g¨v‡iR Bb evsjv‡`k 263.00 Bangladesh. 3021-5039 Establishment of Vocational Training Centre and †mvbvBgyox, KvjxMÄ, AvovBnvRvi I gVevoxqv †U«wbs †m›Uvi I 830.00 Hostel at Sonaimuri, Kaligong, Araihazar & †nv‡ój wbg©vY| Modhbaria Upazilla. National Women Agency 3005-5001 Urban Based Marginal Women Development Project bMiwfwËK cÖvwšZK gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,865.00 (2nd Phase) 3005-5002 Tottha Apa : Empowering Women through ICT Z_¨ Avcvt wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi j‡¶¨ Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM 10,000.00 Towards Digital Bangladesh Project (2nd Phase) cÖhyw³i ga¨‡g gwnjv‡`i ¶gZvqb (2q ch©vq)

27/09/20 Page 34 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Women and Children Affairs National Women Agency 3005-5020 District based Women Computer Training Project †Rjv wfwËK gwnjv Kw¤cDUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (64 †Rjv)| 1,647.00 (64 district). 3005-7219 Promotion of Women Entrepreneurship for A_©‰bwZK LgZvq‡b bvix D‡`¨v³v‡‡`i weKvk mvab (3q 1,646.00 Economic Empowerment Project (3rd Phase). ch©vq)|

27/09/20 Page 35 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Labour and Employment Ministry's Own 3101-1111 Improving Working Conditions in the Ready-made ‰Zwi †cvkvK Lv‡Z Kg©cwi‡ek Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 8,350.00 Garment Sector-RMGP (Phase-2) 3101-5003 Promotional Social Dialog and Harmonium Industrial ‡cÖv‡gvwUs †mvwmqvj WvqvjM GÛ nvi‡gvwbqvm BÛvw÷ªqvj 1,300.00 Relations in Bangladesh Ready Made Garment wi‡jkbm Bb evsjv‡`k †iwW †gBW Mv‡g©›Um BÛvw÷ª| Industry. 3101-5005 Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment at †RÛvi B‡KvqvwjwU GÛ DB‡gÝ G¨vgcvDqvi‡g›U G¨vU IqvK© 155.00 Work Place †c­m Directorate of Labour 3141-1111 Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour in evsjv‡`k SzuwKc~Y© wkï kÖg wbimb (4_© ch©vq) 77.00 Bangladesh (4th Phase) 3141-1112 Construction of Female Workers' Hostels and bvivqbMÄ e›`‡i Ges PÆMÖv‡g KvjyiNv‡U gwnjv kÖgRxwe 5,708.00 Labour Welfare Centers with 05 bedded Hospital †nv‡÷‡j Ges 05 kh¨vi nvmcvZvj myweavmn kÖg Kj¨vY †K›`ª facilities in a Multi-storied Accommodation at wbg©vY Bandar, Narayangonj and Kalurghat, Chittagong 3141-5000 Complex construction with multiple facilities in the †`‡ki cve©Z¨ A‡ji kÖwgK‡`i Kj¨vY myweavw` I `¶Zv 3,463.00 Rangamati Ghagra to expand and strenthen the Dbœqb Kvh©µg m¤•ÖmviY Ges †Rvi`viKi‡Y iv½vgvwUi welfare benefits and efficiency development NvMovq GKwU eûwea myweavmn kÖg Kj¨vY Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y activities of the workers of the hill areas of the country 3141-5001 Reconstruction & Modernization of 06 DOL Offices kÖg cwi`ßivaxb 06wU Awdm cybtwbg©vY I AvaywbKxKiY 2,500.00 Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments 3105-1111 Implementation of CAP for Factories under wiwgwW‡qkb †Kv-AiwW‡bkb †mj G b¨v¯Z KviLvbv¸‡jvi 600.00 Remediation Coordination Cell K¨vc (Kv‡i‡±W G¨vKkb cø¨vb) 3105-1112 National Occupational Health and Safety Training RvZxq †ckvMZ ¯^v¯n'¨ I wbivcËv welqK M‡elYv Ges 2,500.00 and Research Institute (NOHSTRI) cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU ¯'nvcb 3105-1113 Preliminary Safety Assessment an Structure, Fire wbe©vwPZ †iwW‡gW Mv‡g©›Um, cøvw÷K I †KwgK¨vj KviLvbvi 550.00 and Electrical Aspects of and Unassessed KvVv‡gv, AwMœ I we`y¨r SzwK wbiƒcb Readymade Garments, Plastic and Chemical Factories 3105-1114 Establishment of 13 DIG Office Building and KjKviLvbv I cÖwZôvb cwi`k©b Awa`߇ii AvaywbKvqb I 145.00 Strengthening the Department of Inspection for kw³kvjxKiY Ges 13wU †Rjv Kvhv©jq ¯n'vcb Factories and Establishments

27/09/20 Page 36 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Department of Urban Development 3235-5000 Preperation of Development Plan for Kustia Sadar wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U cj¨vb di Kzwóqv m`i Dc‡Rjv| 112.00 Upazilla. 3235-5001 Preparation of development plan in Mirsarai upazila PÆMÖvg †Rjvi gximivB Dc‡Rjvi Dbœqb cwiKíbv cÖYqbt 175.00 of Chittagong district: Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan. wi¯‹ †mb‡mwUf j¨vÛ BDR cøvb| 3235-5002 Formulation of Integrated Planning Based on cvqiv e›`i bMix I KzqvKvUv DcK‚jxq A‡ji cwi‡ek ch©Ub 638.00 Tourism of Environment at Kuakata Coastal Area wfwËK mgwš^Z cwiKíbv cÖYqb kxl©K and Paira Port Area Public Works Department 3251-1111 Renovation Work and Internal Change of Different cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vj‡qi K¨v‡dUwiqv I wewfbœ n‡ji Af¨šZixY 160.00 Halls and Cafeteria of Prime Minister Office cwieZ©b I cwiea©b KvR (13205-224217200) 3251-1112 Construction of 5 Nos Officers Quarter Bhaban at ‡bvqvLvjx m`‡i 5wU Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi feb wbg©vY 4,000.00 Noakhali Sadar (13205-224217300) 3251-1114 Construction of 288 Nos Residential Flats for the XvKv¯’ wgicy‡ii 6bs †mKk‡b miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 288wU 6,000.00 Government Officials at Section-6 Mirpur, Dhaka AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY (13205-224217100) 3251-1115 Construction of Govt. Residential Flats for Govt. XvKvi †ZRMuvI‡q miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ eûZj (13 6,000.00 Officers/staffs at Tejgaon,Dhaka Zjv) AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY 3251-1117 Flats) for Govt. offcers/staffs at CGS colony, PUªMÖvg AvMÖvev`¯n' wmwRGm K‡jvbx‡Z RivRxY©© 11wU fe‡bi 13,181.00 Agarabad, Chiottagong. ¯'n‡j 9wU eûZj AvevwmK fe‡b miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 684 wU d¬¨vU wbg©vY 3251-1118 Modernization of required Electrical/Mechanical cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vjq Ges MYfe‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq 2,180.00 system of prime Minister's Office and Ganobhaban ‰e`y¨wZK/hvwšÎK wm‡÷‡gi AvaywbKvqb 3251-1119 Modernizatoin of Osmani Memorial Hall Imgvbx ¯§„wZ wgjbvqZ‡bi AvaywbKvqb 4,020.00 3251-1120 Improvement of Infrastructure in Ramna Park and XvKv¯n' igbv cv‡K©i AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb Ges igbv †jKmn 250.00 beutification of Ramna Lake in Dhaka. mvwe©K ‡mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY 3251-1121 Construction of Multisroried govt. residential XvKv¯n' AvwRgcyi miKvwi K‡jvbxi Af¨šZ‡i miKvwi 50.00 buildings at ajimpur Govt.Colony (Zone-A) Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ eûZj AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY (†Rvb-G) 3251-1122 Construction of 20 storied new office builiding in evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡q 20 Zjv wewkó bZzb Awdm feb wbg©vY 1.00 Bangladesh Secretariat 3251-1123 Construction of Govrnment residential flats at 36 PUªMªv‡gi 36wU cwiZ¨³ evwo‡Z miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvwi‡`i 446.00 nos. abandoned plots in Chittagong Rb¨ AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY 3251-1124 Construction of Residential Flats for Government XvKv¯n' wgicyi cvBK cvovq miKvix Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 100.00 Employees at Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka eûZj AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY 3251-1125 Construction of Multistoried Govt. Office Building at gvwbKMÄ eûZj wewkó mgwš^Z miKvix Awdm feb wbg©vY 804.00 Manikganj 3251-1126 Construction of Multi storied Building for officers Awdmvm© Kve, XvKv Gi K¨v¤cv‡m eûZj feb wbg©vY 10.00 Club Complex in Dhaka 3251-1127 mordanization and vertical Extentsion of Sobhanbag XvKv¯n' †mvenvbevM gmwR‡`i AvaywbKvqb Ges DaŸ©gyLx m 100.00 Mosque in Dhaka ¤cÖmviY 3251-1128 Construction and Modernization of Relevant Works evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` feb, msm` m`m¨ feb I Ggwc 25.00 of Bangladesh Parliament, Member of Parliament †nv‡÷jmn Avbylvw½K ¯'nvcbvi wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb Building and MP Hostels 3251-1129 Renewal and Relevant works of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †KvU© evi jvB‡eªix feb, G‡b· feb Ges 15.00 Supreme court Bar Library Bhaban, Annex Bhaban AwW‡Uvwiqvg bevqbmn Avbylw½K KvR and Auditorium 3251-5001 Construction of Residential Flats for the 1064 XvKv¯’ wgicyi 6bs ‡mKk‡b miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 1,920.00 (Revised-736) Government Officers / Employees at 1064wU (ms‡kvwaZ-736wU) AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY (1g section 6, Mirpur Dhaka (1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)

27/09/20 Page 37 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Public Works Department 3251-5002 Construction of Residential Flats for the 608 XvKv¯’ wgicyi cvBKcvovq miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 1,666.00 (Revised-608) Government Officers / Employees at 608wU (ms‡kvwaZ-416wU) AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY (1g Pikepara, Mirpur Dhaka (1st Revsed) ms‡kvwaZ) 3251-5005 Construction of residence for honorable Ministers at XvKv †eBjx †iv‡W gvbbxq gšÎxe‡M©i Rb¨ evmfeb wbg©vY 1,517.00 Bailey Road in Dhaka (Ministers apartment 3) (wgwb÷vm© GcvU©‡g›U-3) 3251-5006 Construction of multi-storied buildings for public gv`vixcyi miKvwi Awd‡mi Rb¨ eûZj feb wbg©vY 1,500.00 office in Madaripur. 3251-5007 Construction of 288 Residential flats for the officers / XvKv¯’ wgicyi 6bs ‡mKk‡b MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii 1,100.00 Employees of the Department of Public Works at Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 288wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY section 6 , Mirpur, Dhaka, 3251-5008 Construction of residential flats at Eskatonin Dhaka XvKvi B¯‹vU‡b wmwbqi mwPe, mwPe I †MÖW-1 Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 4,792.00 for Senior Secretary, Secretary and officials of AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY Grade -1. 3251-5009 Construction of 456 flats for the Government XvKvi gvwjev‡M miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 456wU 4,550.00 Officials / Employees at Malibagh, Dhaka . AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY 3251-5013 Building Protection Projects in the Town bMiv‡j feb myiv cÖKí 1,394.00 3251-5017 Construction of 672 Residential Flats Eight 15 bvivqYMÄ AvjxM‡Ä miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 8wU 15 Zjv 5,000.00 storied building for Govt. Officers at Aligonj fe‡b 672wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY Narayangonj. 3251-5021 Construction of multi-storied residential building for XvKvi AvwRgcy‡i wePviK‡`i Rb¨ eûZj wewkó AvevwmK feb 500.00 judges in Azimpur of Dhaka. wbg©vY| 3251-5022 398 residential flats in 20 abandoned homes in XvKv kn‡i ¸jkvb, avbgwÛ I ‡gvnv¤§`cy‡i 20wU cwiZ¨³ 7,500.00 Dhaka city, Gulshan, Dhanmondi and evwo‡Z 398wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbgv©Y| Mohammadpur. 3251-5024 Project on Promoting Building Safety for Disaster MYc~Z© Awa`ßi `y‡h©vM SzwK n"v‡m feb myiÿ DbœwZKiY 212.00 Risk Reduction. 3251-5025 Construction of Government Residential Flats & PÆMÖvg kn‡i cwiZ¨³ evox‡Z miKvwi AvevwmK d¨vU I 4,620.00 Dormitory at Abandoned House in Chittagong. WiwgUix feb wbg©vY 3251-5026 Construction of Two Residential Buildings and Other †ZRMuvI cÖavbgš xi Kvh©vj‡qi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 2wU 1,173.00 Infrastructure for Prime Minister's Office's Officials AvevwmK feb I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©©vY 3251-5028 Multistoried Govt. Office Building at Gopalgonj †MvcvjM‡Ä eûZj wewkó mgwš^Z miKvwi Awdm feb wbg©vY 1,500.00 3251-5029 Vertical Extension (from 6th to 13th Floor) of 14 GmGmGd Gi Awdmvm© †gm I bb-†M‡R‡UW Kg©Pvwi‡`i 113.00 Storied Residential Building for Non Gazetted Staff AvevwmK fe‡bi DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ÖmviY of SSF, Alenbari, Tejgaon, Dhaka 3251-5031 Construction of Multistoried Residential Flats for AvwRgcyi miKvix K‡jvwbi Af¨š ‡i miKvwi 29,333.00 Govt. Officials at Govt. Colony in Azimpur Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ eûZj AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) 3251-5032 Construction of 288 Residential Flats for Govt. XvKv¯’ wRMvZjvq miKvwi Kg©KZ©v Kg©Pvwi‡`i (MYc Z© I 8,000.00 Officials (PWD and Architectural Department) at ¯’vcZ¨ Awa`ßi) Rb¨ 288wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY Gigatola, Dhaka. 3251-5033 Construction of Multistoried Residential Buildings at XvKv¯’ gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvwb‡Z (nvmcvZvj †Rvb †÷vi K 12,000.00 Motijheel Government Colony (Hospital Zone, Store ¤•vDÛ) eûZj AvevwmK feb wbg©vY Compound), Dhaka 3251-5034 Development of Two Parks with Modern Facilities K·evRvi †Rjvaxb MYc Z© Awa`߇ii Lvwj Rwg‡Z `ywU 268.00 and One Play Ground on PWD Land Under the AvaywbK my‡hvM-myweav wewkó D`¨vb I GKwU †Ljvi gvV Dbœqb District of Cox's Bazar Chittagong Development Authority

27/09/20 Page 38 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Chittagong Development Authority 3205-0050 Construction of Dormetory and Commercial Building më‡Mvjv c‡Z½v †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© Kg©Rxwe bvix‡`i Avevm‡bi 1,600.00 for Working Women Beside Patenga Saltgola Road j‡ÿ¨ Wi‡gUix I Kgvwk©qvj feb wbg©vY 3205-0076 Construction of CDA Squire at Nasirabad, Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wmwWG ¯‹qvi G¨vU bvwmivev`, PÆMÖvg| 1,000.00 Chittagong. 3205-0089 Construction of 10-Storied Apartment Complex at Ki÷ªvKkb Ae 10 †÷vi‡qW GcvU©‡g›U Kg‡c­· G¨vU 500.00 Dewanhat, Chittagong. †`IqvbnvU, wPUvMvs| 3205-0120 Development of Ananna Residential Area (2nd Abb¨v AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 200.00 Phase). 3205-0121 Construction of Residential Flats 72 for Government XvKvi jvjgvwUqv nvDwRs G‡÷‡U miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 1,000.00 Officer of Housing Estate in Lalmatia 72wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY 3205-1111 Re-excavation, Expansion Renovation and PÆMÖvg kn‡ii Rjve×Zv wbimbK‡í Lvj cyb:Lbb m¤cÖmviY, 96,608.00 Development of Khal for Mitigation Water Laging at ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (13201-224149200) Chattogram City 3205-5004 Construction of link road from Sirajuddaula road to wmivRD‡ÏŠjv †ivW n‡Z kvn AvgvbZ eªxR ch©šZ ms‡hvM 4,699.00 Bridge. moK wbg©vY| 3205-5008 Construction of Road Along the Karnafuli River KY©dzjx b`xi Zxi eivei KvjyNvU †mZz n‡Z Pv³vB Lvj ch©š Z 25,000.00 (Kalurghat to Chaktai) moK wbg©vY 3205-5009 Construction of Elevated Expressway at Chattogram PÆMÖvg kn‡ii jvjLvb evRvi n‡Z kvn AvgvbZ wegvbe›`i 65,093.00 from Lalkhan Bazar to Shah Amanat Airport ch©šZ Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wbgvY 3205-5018 Construction of Link Road from Dhaka Trunk Road Gwkqvb BDwbfvwm©wU di DB‡gb Gi ewn:mxgvbv w`‡q jyc †ivW 8,884.00 to Baizid Bostami Road including Loop Road at the wbg©vYmn XvKv UªvsK †ivW n‡Z ev‡qwR` †ev¯Zvgx †ivW ch©šZ outer pheriphery of Asian University for Women ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (AUW) at Chittagong. 3205-9991 Chittagong City Outer Ring Road (from Patenga to PÆMÖvg wmwU AvDUvi wis †ivW (c‡Z½v n‡Z mvMwiKv ch©šZ)| 43,916.00 Sagorica ). Khulna Development Authority 3205-0057 Development of Ahsanabad Residential Area. Avnmvbvev` AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí| 2,004.00 3205-0058 Construction of KDA Rest House Project. ‡KwWG †i÷ nvDR wbg©vY cÖKí| 464.00 3205-0136 Widening and Improvement of Khulna Shipyard Lyjbv wkcBqvW© moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb 1.00 Road 3205-0137 Development of site and services Residential Plots wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 1,907.00 for Low and Middle Income group of people at Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK cøU Dbœqb Pirojpur Sadar upazila, Pirojpur 3205-1115 Construction of 3 Link Roads Connecting Satkhira mvZÿxiv moK I wmwU evBcvm moK‡K mshy³ K‡i ms‡hvM 7,500.00 Road and City Bypass road moKmn wZbwU wjsK ‡ivW wbg©vY 3205-9860 Widening and Improvement of Khulna Shipyard Lyjbv kxcBqvW© moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb| 10.00 Road. Rajshahi Development Authority 3205-0063 Development of Barnoi Residential Area. evibB AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb| 175.00 3205-0064 Development of PRANTIK Residential Area. cÖvwšZK AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb| 20.00 3205-5006 Revision of Functional Master Plan and Detailed Kvh©Kix gnvcwiKíbv I we¯ZvwiZ GjvKv cwiKíbv nvjbvMv` 700.00 Area Plan to Make Rajshahi Metropolitan Kivi gva¨‡g ivRkvnx †g‡UªvcwjUb †W‡fjc‡g›U cø¨vb‡K Development Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive. `y‡h©vM SyuwK ms‡e`bkxjKiY 3205-5013 Construction of Father of the National Banglabandhu ZvjvBgvix PË¡‡i RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kLgywReyi ingvb ¯‹qvi 750.00 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Square at Talaimary wbg©vY Chattar 3205-5014 Widening of Road from Natore Road to (RUET) to bv‡Uvi †ivW (iy‡qU) n‡Z evBcvm †ivW ch©šZ iv¯Zv 4,095.00 Bypass Road Project. cÖk¯ZKiY|

27/09/20 Page 39 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Rajdhani Unnayon Kartripakhya 3205-0040 Purbachal New Town (Yousufgonj) Project. c~e©vPj bZzb kni (BDmydMÄ) cÖKí| 40,000.00 3205-0041 Uttara Model Residential Town (3rd Phase) Project. DËiv Av`k© kni (3q ce©) cÖKí| 10,000.00 3205-0044 Construction of Residential Flats in Sector-18 of DËiv¯’ 18bs †m±‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôxi Rb¨ 15,000.00 Uttara for low and middle income group people (1st GcvU©‡g›U wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ) Revised) 3205-0097 Construction of a Multistoried Green Office Building XvKv¯’ gnvLvjx‡Z eûZj MÖxY Awdm feb wbg©vY| 2.00 at Mohakali in Dhaka. 3205-0128 Development of Physical Infrastructure for wSjwgj AvevwmK cÖKí GjvKvi Avevmb I evwYwR¨K 273.00 Residential and commercial in Jhilmil Residential AeKvVv‡gvi Dbœqb Project Area 3205-0132 Contruction of Multistoried apartment in nine XvKvi ¸jkvb, †gvnv¤§`cyi, jvjgvwUqv I avbgwÛ GjvKvq 1,000.00 abandoned house at Gulshan, Mohammadpur, 09wU cwiZ¨³ evox‡Z eûZj GcvU©‡g›U feb wbg©vY cÖKí Lalmatia and Dhanmondi area of Dhaka 3205-1113 Remediation of Water Contamination of Hatir Jhel nvwZiwSj †j‡Ki `~wlZ cvwb cwi‡kvab 1,104.00 Lake 3205-1114 Madani avenue to Balu river (Major Road-5) gv`vbx GwfwbD n‡Z evjy b`x ch©šZ (†gRi †ivW 5) 22,558.00 Widening and Balu river to Shitalkkhya (Major cÖk¯ZKiY Ges evjy b`x n‡Z kxZjv b`x ch©šZ (†gRi †ivW Road-5) road project 5K) moK wbg©vY (cÖ_g ce©) 3205-5001 Development and Excavation of 100-foot-wide Canal Kzwoj c~e©vPj wjsK †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© (Kzwoj n‡Z evjy b`x ch©šZ) 142,795.00 beside Kuril Purbachal link Road (Kuril to sand river).100 dzU PIov Lvj Lbb I Dbœqb 3205-5020 Uttara Lake Development Project. DËiv †jK Dbœqb| 500.00 3205-5025 Urban Resilience Project (RAJUK part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (ivRDK Ask) 13,300.00 3205-8080 Development of Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara Lake. ¸jkvb-ebvbx-evwiaviv †jK Dbœqb| 1.00 Housing and Building Research Institute (IHBR) 3205-5007 Technical Development to Upgrade Structure of ‡UKwbK¨vj †W‡fjc‡g›U Uz Avc‡MÖW ÷ªvKPvi Ad wewìs Bb 720.00 Buildings in Desely Popolated Urbarn Areas and It's †Wbmwj cycy‡j‡UW Avievb Gwiqvm GÛ BUm ÷ªv‡UwRK Strategic Implementation Towards Resilient Cities in Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Uz&IqvW©m †iwRwj‡q›U wmwUBm Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh. National Housing Authority 3205-0001 Construction of 900 Residential Flat at ‡gvnv¤§`cyi ÓGdÓ e­‡K mxwgZ Av‡qi †jvK‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi 1,500.00 Mohammadpur "F" Block for Sale to the People of Rb¨v 900 wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ)| Limited Income Project (Revised). 3205-0019 Construction of 14 storied 1250 sqft 100 flats at wgicyi 15 bs-‡mKk‡b 14 Zjv wewkó 1250.00 eM©dzU 500.00 Section-15,Mirpur. AvqZ‡bi 100wU d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí| 3205-0028 Construction of 1230. 75 sqft.676 residential flats for XvKvi wgicyi 15bs †mKk‡b RqbMi miKvix/AvavmiKvix 900.00 Govt/Semi Government officers at Joynagar, Section Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 1230.75 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 676 wU AvevwmK 15,Mirpur,Dhaka. d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí| 3205-0034 Development of Sites & Services Residential Plots at wm‡j‡Ui mybvgM‡Ä mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb 224.00 Sunamgonj of Sylhet. cÖKí| 3205-0066 Construction of Storied Residental Building in K·evRvi miKvix Rwg‡Z AvevwmK feb wbg©vY| 615.00 Government Plot in Cox's Bazar. 3205-0070 Development Residential Plot at sadar Upazila in wSbvB`n †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK 225.00 the District of Jhenidah. c­U Dbœqb| 3205-0084 Development of Residential Site and Services of w`bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mi AvevwmK 1.00 Sadar Upazila of Dinajpur District. c­U Dbœqb|

27/09/20 Page 40 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Housing and Public Works National Housing Authority 3205-0091 Development of Sites and Services Residential Plot cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi evDdj Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi 1.00 for low and middle income group people at Baoufal †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U (182wU) Upazila of Dbœqb| 3205-0096 Construction of 132 Residential Flats for the Govt. XvKvi †gvnv¤§`cyi jvjgvwUqv nvDwRs G‡óU miKvix 500.00 Officers at Lalmatia of Mohammedpur in Dhaka. Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 132wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY| 3205-0102 Construction of Residential Flats (1040) in ten wgicyi¯’ 9bs †mKk‡b 10wU 14 Zjv fe‡b ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi 12,402.00 14-storied building for the small & medium income †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK d¬¨vU (1040wU) wbg©vY| people at Section-9 of Mirpur. 3205-0103 Improvement of sound services residential and PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgimivB Dc‡Rjvi wKmgZ Rvdivev` ‡gŠRvq 4.00 commercial plot for the small & medium income wb¤§ I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm people at Kismat Jafrabad Moza of Upazilla Mirsarai AvevwmK I evwYwR¨K c­U Dbœqb in Chittagong. 3205-0104 Construction of Residential Building at Firozshah & PÆMÖvg¯’ wd‡ivRkvn I nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡U AvevwmK 1,500.00 Halishahar Housing Estate in Chittagong (Phase-III). feb wbg©vY (3q ce©)| 3205-0109 Development of Sites and Services Residential SvjKvwV †Rjvi bjwmwU Dc‡Rjvq c~e©Pi `c`wcqv †gŠRvq 225.00 Plots for the Low and Middle-income people at at ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm Purbachar mouja, Nolcity upazila in Jhalokati AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb District. 3205-0110 Development of Sites and Services Residential Plots Kzwóqv nvDwRs G‡÷‡U mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U 5.00 in Kushtia Housing Estate (4th Phase). Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) 3205-0112 Development of site and services residential plot for †kicyi †Rjvi kÖxe`©x Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 4.00 small and middle-income people in Shravadi upazila Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb| of . 3205-0113 Construction of 10-storey residential flat at PÆMÖvg wd‡ivRkvn I nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡ó‡U 10-Zjv wewkó 975.00 Chittagong Firoz Shah and Halishahar Housing AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY| Estates. 3205-0114 Site & Services Residential Plot Development in ivRkvnx †Rjvi †ZiLvw`qvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U 500.00 Terakhadia of . Dbœqb| 3205-0115 Construction of NHA Commercial Complex at h‡kvi nvDwRs G‡ó‡U GbGBPG evwYwR¨K Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 800.00 Jessore Housing Estate. 3205-0116 Site and Services Residential Plot Development for nweMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 100.00 small and middle-income people in Sadar upazila of Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb| . 3205-0118 Construction of 15 14-storeid residential flats XvKvi wgicyi¯’' 9bs †mKk‡b 15wU 14 Zjv wewkó AvevwmK 10,000.00 (second phase) in section 9 of Mirpur, Dhaka . d¨vU wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| 3205-0119 Construction of 54 residential flats for sale to the XvKvi jvjgvwUqvq nvDwRs G‡ó‡U RvZxq M„nvqb KZ©„c‡¶i 800.00 National Housing Authority's own employees at wbR¯^ Kg©Pvix‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi Rb¨ 54wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU Lalmatia Housing Estate of Dhaka. wbg©vY| 3205-0122 Community Center cum Office Space Construction XvKvi jvjgvwUqv KwgDwbwU †m›Uvi Kvg Awdm †¯cm wbg©vY 600.00 Project at Lalmatia, Dhaka, 3205-0123 Residential Flat Construction Project for sale to the XvKvi wgicyi-16 †mKk‡b miKvwi Avav-miKvwi I 100.00 government, semi-government and autonomous ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôv‡bi Kg©KZ©v‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi Rb¨ establishment officials at Section-16 Mirpur AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY 3205-0124 Dadabhai Satellite town Residential zone gv`vixcyi †‡Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvq `v`vfvB Dckni AvevwmK 624.00 development project at Shibchor upzazila, Madaripur †Rvb Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) district (2nd Phase) 3205-0126 Residentail Plot development for low and middle ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †mvbvcy‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ 1.00 income people under site and services at Sonapur, mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb .

27/09/20 Page 41 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Housing and Public Works National Housing Authority 3205-0127 Residential Plot development under site and ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi gvBR`x‡Z †ijI‡q †÷k‡b msjMœ) ¯^í I 225.00 services plot development project for low and middle ga¨g Av‡qi ‡jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U income people at Maijdee (Near Railway Station), Dbœqb Noakhali District. 3205-0130 Dadavai Satellite Town Commercial and Residential gv`vixcyi †Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvi `v`vfvB Dckni Kgvwk©qvj 1,650.00 Zone Development Project at Shibchar Upazila, I AvevwmK †Rvb Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) Madaripur District (3rd Phase) 3205-0131 Construction of 253 NOS Residential Flats of XvKvi avbgwÛ I †gvnv¤§`cyi¯’ 10wU cø‡U wewfbœ AvqZ‡bi 200.00 Different Size at 10 (Ten) Points of Dhanmondi and 253wU (51wU Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vm Ges 202wU weµ‡qi Rb¨) Mohammadpur M„nvqb avbgwÛ AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY 3205-0133 Construction of residential flat in G-block of Hlisahar PÆMÖvg¯'n nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui wR eø‡K AvevwmK d¨vU 900.00 housing estate in Chittogram wbg©vY cÖKí (4_© ch©vq) 3205-0134 Constrction of 533 residential flat for slumdwellers in XvKvi wgicyi¯n' †mKkb-11 G ew¯Zevmx‡`i Rb¨ fvovwfwËK 2,000.00 section eleven of Mirpur, dhaka 533wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí 3205-0135 Construction of modern NHA multipurpose tower at PÆMÖvg¯n' nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui G eø‡K AZ¨vaywbK 200.00 A-block of Halisahar Housing estate in Chottogram GbGBPG gvwë-cvicvm UvIqvi wbg©vY cÖKí 3205-1112 Development and Rehabilation of Infrastructure at RvZxq M„nvqb KZ©„cÿ Gi Aaxb¯’ 1960 Gi `k‡K 3,500.00 Housing Estate of National Housing Authority Those ev¯ZevwqZ nvDwRs G‡óUmg~‡ni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I cybe©vmb were Completed on 1960 (13201-224222200) 3205-5005 Improved living arrangements for low-income ¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ DbœZ Rxeb e¨e¯’'v| 3,110.00 people. Cox’s Bazar Development Authority 3205-1116 Construction of maltistoried office building for K·evRvi Dbœqb KZ©„c‡ÿi eûZj Awdm feb wbg©vY 5,040.00 Cox'sbazar Development Authority 3205-1117 Beautification including renovation of famous K·evRvi kni¯n' HwZn¨evnx jvjw`Nx, ‡Mvjw`Nx I 4,326.00 Laldighi, Goldighi and Bajarghata ponds of Cox's evRviNvUv cyKzi c~be©vmbmn †fŠZ my‡hvM-myweavi Dbœqb Bazar 3205-1118 Holyday Mor Bazarghata Larpara (Bus stand) Main K·evRvi †Rjvi nwj‡W †gvo-evRviNvUv-jvicvov (ev÷¨vÛ) 2,634.00 Road Reconstruction & Widening Project of Cox's cÖavb moK ms¯‹vimn cÖk¯ZKiY Bazar District

27/09/20 Page 42 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Information Ministry's Own 3301-5000 Advocacy, Communication and Awareness Building wkï I bvix Dbœq‡b m‡PZbZvg jK †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg (5g 3,400.00 for Children and Women (5th Phase) ch©vq) Department of Films and Publications 3333-5014 Construction of anTotthya Bhaban. Z_¨ feb wbg©vY| 909.00 Department of Mass Communication 3335-1111 Strengthening the Motivational and Publicity MÖvgxY Rb‡Mvwôi Dbœq‡b cÖPvi Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY 874.00 Program for the Development of Rural People (13303-224231900) Bangladesh Betar 3351-1111 Modernization and Installation of Digital evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii wm‡jU †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb I kw³kvjxKiY 1,575.00 Broadcasting Equipment at Bangladesh Betar, Sylhet 3351-5000 Establishment of 1000 kilowatt Medium Wave evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii gnvkw³ †cÖiY †K‡›`ª 1000 wK‡jvIqvU 302.00 Transmitter of the power transmission center in ga¨g Zi½ UªvÝwgUvi ¯¯’vcb| Bangladesh Betar. 3351-5001 Establishment of modern and digital broadcasting RvZxq †eZvi fe‡b AvaywbK I wWwRUvj m¤cÖPvi hšÎcvwZ 4,664.00 Mechenary in NationalRadio Building. ¯'vcb| 3351-5015 Shifting, Construction & Modernization of evsjv‡`k †eZvi kvnevM Kg‡c­· AvMviMvuI XvKvq ¯’vbvšZi, 265.00 Bangladesh Betar, Shahbag Complex at Agargaon, wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb (1g ch©vq)| Dhaka. (1st Phase) (Revised) Bangladesh Television 3353-1111 Establishment of Nationwide Digital Terrestrial evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi †`ke¨vcx wWwRUvj ‡Uwiw÷ªqvj m¤cÖPvi 2,142.00 Television Broadcasting of Bangladesh Television cÖeZ©b (1g ch©vq) (1st Phase) 3353-1112 Modernization, Digitalization & Automation of evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi †K›`ªxq m¤cÖPvi e¨e¯n'vi AvaywbKvqb, 1,195.00 Bangladesh Television Central System (1st Phase) wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb I A‡Uv‡gkb (1g ch©vq) 3353-5000 Construction of Transmitting Tower, Building and evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb PÆMÖvg †K›`ª cvnvoZjx‡Z UªvÝwbwUs 997.00 Installation of Transmiting on Equipment at UvIqvi feb wbg©vY Ges UªvÝwgwUs hšÎcvwZ ¯'vcb| Bangladesh Television Chittagong Centre, Pahartoli. 3353-5002 Establishment of 6 (Six) ful Fledged stations of evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi 6wU c~Y©v½ wUwf †K›`ª ¯'vcb| 2.00 Bangladesh Television. Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha 3305-1111 Promoting audio visual news & capacity building of AwWI wfRy¨qvj msev` cÖeZ©b Ges AwWI wfRy¨qvj msev` 61.00 BSS Journalists for creating audio visual news ˆZwi‡Z evmmÕi mvsevw`K‡`i mÿgZv e„w× Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC) 3305-1112 Infrastructure Development and Expansion of Digital weGdwWwm Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 170.00 Technology in BFDC Information Commission 3305-1113 Construction of Information Commission Bhaban Z_¨ Kwgkb feb wbg©vY 569.00

27/09/20 Page 43 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Cultural Affairs Ministry's Own 3401-1113 Construction of Shilajaranjan cultural center in ‡gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvq ˆkjRv-iÄb ms¯‹…wZ †K›`ª wbg©vY 1,539.00 Mohganj upazila of 3401-1114 1971:Construction of the Genocide- Torture archive 1971: MYnZ¨v-wbh©vZb AvK©vBf I Rv`yN‡ii feb wbg©vY 870.00 and museum 3401-1115 Construction of Ukil Munshi Memorial DwKj gyÝx ¯§„wZ‡K›`ª wbg©vY 197.00 3401-5000 Setting up research centers for genocide-torture and MYnZ¨v-wbh©vZb I gyw³hy× welqK M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 155.00 liberation war Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3405-5008 Establishment of Muslim Institute Cultural Complex, PÆMÖvg gymwjg Bbw÷wUDU mvs¯‹…wZK Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb 3,571.00 Chittagong Department of Public Libraries 3435-1111 Countrywide Mobile Libraries ‡`ke¨vcx åvg¨gvb jvB‡eªwi 1,664.00 3435-5000 Management and Development of Public Libraries Ab jvBb MYMÖš’vMvimg‡ni e¨e¯’vcbv I Dbœqb 675.00 through Online Copyright Office 3437-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Copyright Bhaban evsjv‡`k KwcivBU feb wbg©vY 1,050.00 Bangladesh Lok and Karushilpa Foundation 3405-1112 Construction and renovation of physical evsjv‡`k †jvK I Kviywkí dvD‡Ûk‡bi Rv`yNi febmn 700.00 infrastructure including museum of Bangladesh Folk Ab¨vb¨ ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY I ms¯‹vi and Crafts Foundation Bangladesh National Museum 3405-5003 Establishment of Memorial Center/Sangrahashala 3wU †Rjvq wZbRb e‡iY¨ e¨w³i ¯§„wZ †K›`ª/msMÖnkvjv ¯’vcb 242.00 for three Eminent Personalities at 3 Districts Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy 3405-5002 Construction of District Shilpakala Academy Bhaban Kzwóqv †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wwgi feb wbg©vY 1,200.00 at Kustia 3405-5007 Extension and Completion the Remaining Work of RvZxq wPÎkvjv Ges RvZxq msMxZ I b„Z¨Kjv †K‡›`ªi m 600.00 National Art Gallery and National Music & Dance ¤•ÖmviY I Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Centre 3405-5014 Construction of Divisional and Zilla Shipakala wefvMxq I †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx wbg©vY cÖKí| 2,426.00 Academies. Nazrul Institute 3405-1111 Construction of new building of Nazrul Institute in XvKv¯n' bRiyj Bbw÷wUD‡Ui bZzb feb wbg©vY Ges XvKv, 500.00 Dhaka and the renovation of existing buildings in gqgbwmsn I Kzwgjøvq we`¨gvb fe‡bi wi‡bv‡ekb Dhaka, Mymensingh and Comilla 3405-5006 Collection of Tunes of Unrevealed songs of Nazrul, bRi•‡ji AcÖPwjZ Mv‡bi myi msMÖn, ¯^iwjwc cÖYqb, 530.00 Preparation of Notation, Preservation, Publication, msi¶Y, cÖPvi Ges bexb cÖRš§‡K DØyKiY and Motivate the new Generation Tribal Cultural Institute, Khagrachari 3405-5000 Infrastructural development of the cultural institute of LvMovQwo y`ª-b„‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹…wZK Bbw÷wUDU Gi AeKvVv‡gv 836.00 Khagrachari small-tribe community. Dbœqb| Monipuri Lalitkala Academy, Maulovibazar (M.L.A.M)

27/09/20 Page 44 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Cultural Affairs Monipuri Lalitkala Academy, Maulovibazar (M.L.A.M) 3405-5005 Construction of Administration Training Center , gwbcyix jwjZKjv GKv‡Wgxi cÖwk¶Y †m›Uvi cÖkvmwbK feb I 1,000.00 Guest House and Dormitory Building at Manipuri †M÷ nvDR wbg©vY Lalitakala Academy

27/09/20 Page 45 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Religious Affairs Ministry's Own 3501-1111 Enhancement of Religious Harmony and Awareness ag©xq m¤cÖxwZ I m‡PZbZv e„w×KiY 568.00 Islamic Foundation 3505-0001 Construction of 6th, 7th and 8th floor upstairs of evsjv‡`k IqvKd cÖkvm‡bi wbR¯^ A_©vq‡b 20 Zjv wfZ 1,412.00 5-storey Waqf building with 2 storeyed Hotel floors wewkó 2wU †nv‡÷j †d¬vimn 5 Zjv &IqvKd fe‡bi DaŸ©gyLx with 20-storied foundation of the Bangladesh Waqf 6ô, 7g I 8g Zjv wbg©vY Administration through Self Finance . 3505-1112 Inspirational activities through Imams to improve the nvIo GjvKvi RbM‡Yi Rxebgvb Dbœqb I Rxe‰ewPΨ 100.00 quality of life and conserve biodiversity of the people msiÿ‡Y Bgvg‡`i gva¨‡g DØy×KiY Kvh©µg in Haor area 3505-5000 Islamic Book Publishing Program (2nd phase). Bmjvgx cy¯ZK cÖKvkbv Kvh©µg (2q ch©vq)| 308.00 3505-5002 Establishing 560 Model Mosques and Islamic cÖwZwU †Rjv I Dc‡Rjvq GKwU K‡i 560wU g‡Wj gmwR` I 119,475.00 Cultural Centers in Zila & Upazila of Bangladesh (1st BmjvwgK mvs¯‹zwZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb Revised) 3505-5003 Gopalganj Islamic Foundation complex †MvcvjMÄ BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb 475.00 Establishment Project 3505-5004 Expansion & Strengthening of Mosque Library gmwR` cvVvMvi m¤•ÖmviY I kw³kvjxKiY (2q ch©vq) 1,030.00 Project (2nd Phase) 3505-5005 Sirta Mymensingh & Kalkine Madaripur Islamic wmiZv, gqgbwmsn I KvjwKbx, gv`vixcyi BmjvwgK wgkb 1,422.00 Mission Hospital Complex Construction and Baitul nvmcvZvj Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY Ges evqZzj †gvKviivg Mukarram Diagnostic Centre Strengthening Project Wvqv‡Mvbw÷K †m›Uvi kw³kvjxKiY 3505-5014 Mosque Based Child and Mass Literacy Program gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (6ô ch©vq) (1g 23,442.00 (6th Phase) (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| Hindu Religion Welfare Trust (HRWT) 3505-1113 Development and Renouation of Hindo Temples and mgMÖ †`‡k mbvZb ag©vej¤^x‡`i gw›`i I ag©xq cÖwZôv‡bi 3,773.00 Hindo Religious Institutes Dbœqb I ms¯‹vi 3505-5006 Temple Based Child and Mass Literacy Program-5th gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (5g ch©vq) 6,617.00 Phase Buddhist Religious Welfare Trust 3505-1111 Pagoda Based Child and Mass Literacy Program c¨v‡MvWv wfwËK cÖvK-cÖv_wgK wkÿv (2q ch©vq) 337.00 (5th Phase)

27/09/20 Page 46 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry's Own 3601-1111 Mainstreaming Sports in National Development ‡gBbwóªwgs †¯cvU©m Bb b¨vkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U: wifvBwRs 10.00 Redesigning Bangladeshis Sports Policy Framework evsjv‡`wkm †¯cvm© cwjwm †dªBgIqvK© Department of Youth Development 3640-1111 Establishment of Leather Goods Production, myweavewÂZ cÖvwšZK hyeK‡`i AvZ¥-Kg©ms¯n'v‡bi Rb¨ 32.00 Marketing and Training Centre for Underprivileged PvgovRvZ `ªe¨ Drcv`b, wecbY I cÖwkÿY †K›`ª ¯n'vcb Marginal Youths 3640-5000 Enhancing Capacity of the Department of Youth 64wU †Rjvq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖwk¶Y cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ hye Dbœqb 1,045.00 Development in Information Technology in 64 Awa`߇ii m¶gZv e„w×| Districts. 3640-5001 Support to Development National Plan of Action for mv‡cvU© Uz †W‡fjc‡g›U b¨vkbvj c­¨vb Ad GKkb di 39.00 Implementation National Youth Policy & Youth Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb b¨vkbvj Bqy_ cwjwm GÛ Bqy_ †W‡fjc‡g›U Development Index Bb‡W· 3640-5002 Project on Creation of Employment and DËie‡½i 7wU †Rjvq †eKvi hye‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb I 525.00 Self-employment Opportunities for Unemployed AvZœKg©¯’v‡bi my‡hvM m„wó Youths in 07 Districts of North (2nd Phase) 3640-5019 Strengthening and Modernization of Sheikh Hasina ‡÷ªb‡`wbs GÛ gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae †kL nvwmbv BD_ †m›Uvi| 159.00 National Youth Center. 3640-5022 Technology Empowerment Centre on Wheels for ‡UK‡bvjwR GgcvIqvi‡g›U †m›Uvi Ab ûBj di 258.00 Underprivileged Rural Young People of Bangladesh AvbwcÖwfjvBRW iyivj Ae evsjv‡`k (wUBwmBDIqvB)| (TECUYB). 3640-5110 Establishment of New Youth Training Centre in the Aewkó 11wU †Rjvq bZzb hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 689.00 Remaining 11 (Eleven) Districts (2nd Revised) Bangladesh Krira Shiksha Pratisthan 3605-1125 we‡KGmwcÕi AvÂwjK cÖwkÿY †K›`ª wm‡jU-Gi Dbœqb Ges 1.00 AvÂwjK cÖwkÿY †K›`ª w`bvRcy‡ii wmb‡_wUK nwK Uvd© ¯'nvcb 3605-5017 Development of Women sports at BKSP we‡KGmwci cÖwgjv cÖwk¶Yv_x©‡`i µxov Dbœqb 999.00 3605-5033 Extensive Training Tjrough Talent Hunt Program at we‡KGmwcÕi we`¨gvb µxov myweavejxi AvawbKxKiY I Z…Yg~j 1,424.00 Grass Root level and Modernization of Sports ch©v‡q µxov cÖwZfv A‡š^lY I wbweo cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb| Facilities at BKSP (1st Revised). National Sports Council 3605-1112 Further Development of Munshigonj District Stadium gywÝMÄ †Rjv †÷wWqvi Ges myBwgscy‡ji AwaKZi Dbœqbmn 151.00 and Swimming Pool and Construction of Indoor Bb‡Wvi †÷wWqvg I †Uwbm †KvU© wbg©vY Stadium & Tennis Court at Munshigonj (13601-224200000) 3605-1113 Development of Outer Stadium Sports facilities at wm‡jU wefvMxq wµ‡KU Kg‡‡cø‡·i AvDUvi †÷wWqv‡gi 1,601.00 Sylhet Divisional Cricket Complex and Development Dbœqb Ges gv¸iv exi gyw³‡hv×v AvQv`y¾vgvb †÷wWqvg of Outer Stadium including installation of Fater of the Dbœqbmn RvwZi wcZvi gyi¨vj ¯n'vcb Nation's Mural at Bir Muktijoddah Asaduzzaman Stadium, Magura. 3605-1114 Construction of Indoor Stadium, Dormitory Building ‡b·KvYv †Rjv m`‡i Bb‡Wvi †÷wWqvg †L‡jvqvo‡`i Rb¨ 533.00 for Players and Development of Existin Tennis WiwgUwi feb wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb †Uwbm Kg‡cø‡·i Dbœqb Complex at Netrokona District H.Q. 3605-1115 Development projects with the facilities of Paltan XvKv¯'n cëb KvevwW I fwjej †÷wWqv‡gi my‡hvM myweav 1,357.00 Kabadi and Volleyball stadium at Dhaka. e„w×mn Dbœqb 3605-1116 Construction of Bangha Upazila Stadium, Faridpur dwi`cyi †Rjv¯'n fv½v Dc‡Rjv †÷wWqvg wbg©vY 600.00 District

27/09/20 Page 47 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Youth and Sports National Sports Council 3605-1117 Development of SreeNagar Upazilla Stadium at gywÝMÄ †Rjv¯n' kÖxbMi Dc‡Rjv †÷wWqvg Ges w`bvRcyi 800.00 Munshigonj District and Parvartipur Upazilla Stadium †Rjv¯n' cve©Zxcyi Dc‡Rjv †÷wWqv‡gi Dbœqb at Dinajpur District 3605-1118 Further Development of Sultana Kamal Women XvKv¯n' avbgwÛ myjZvbv Kvgvj gwnjv µxov Kg‡cø‡·i 1,047.00 Sports Complex at Dhanmondi, Dhaka AwaKZi Dbœqb 3605-1119 Development of Bir-Shreshtha Sohid Shipahi XvKv¯'n Kgjvcyi exi‡kÖô knx` wmcvnx gynv¤§` †gv¯Zdv 1,200.00 Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Stedium at Kamolapur, Kvgvj †÷wWqv‡gi Dbœqb Dhaka 3605-1120 K·evRvi exi‡kÖô iyûj Avwgb †÷wWqvg Dbœqb Ges GKwU 700.00 Bb‡Wvi †÷wWqvg wbg©vY 3605-1121 iscyi †Rjv †÷wWqv‡g AvaywbK wgwWqv ‡m›Uvi I B‡Wvi 500.00 †÷wWqvg wbg©vYmn AwaKZi Dbœqb 3605-1122 XvKv¯n' e½eÜz RvZxq †÷wWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb 600.00 3605-1123 gvwbKMÄ †Rjvq AvšZR©vwZK gv‡bi wµ‡KU †÷wWqvg 498.00 Kg‡cø· wbg©vY wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW 3605-1124 K·evRvi †Rjvq †kL Kvgvj AvšZR©vwZK wµ‡KU Ges dzUej 80.00 †÷wWqvg Kg‡cø· wbg©v‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ ÷vwW cÖKí 3605-5001 Construction of Indoor Stadium in Natore and bv‡Uvi I MvBevÜv †Rjvq Bb‡Wvi †÷wWqvg wbg©vY 38.00 Gaibandha Districts. 3605-5016 Development of Bir Muktijoddha Advocate Abdul exi gyw³‡hv×v G¨vW‡fv‡KU Avãyj nvwKg †÷wWqvg Kg‡c­·, 395.00 Hakim Stadium ( Stadium) Rvgvjcyi Ge Dbœqb Complex at Jamalpur 3605-5018 Repair & Development of Shaheed Muktijodda †kicyi knx` gyw³‡hv×v ¯§„wZ †÷wWqvg Dbœqb Ges Bb‡Wvi 248.00 Smrity Staduum and Construction of Indoor †÷wWqvg wbg©vY Staduum at Sherpur District H.Q.

27/09/20 Page 48 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Ministry's Own 3701-1111 Effecient and Accountable Local Governance Bwdwm‡q›U GÛ G¨vKvD‡›Uej †jvKvj Mf‡b©Ý (BGGjwR) 1,578.00 (EALG) (13701-224229200) 3701-1112 Livelihoods Improvement of urban poor communities cÖvwšZK Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí 15,970.00 3701-1113 Urban primary Health care services Delivery Avievb cÖvBgvix †nj_ †Kqvi mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix cÖ‡R± (2q 24,241.00 project-phase-2 (UPHCSDP) ch©vq) 3701-1114 Local Government limitation on Climate Change ‡jvKvj MfY©‡g›U Bwbwm‡qwUf Ab KvB‡gU †PÄ (jwRK) 7,525.00 (LoGIC) 3701-1115 Upazila Integrated Capacity Development project Dc‡Rjv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW K¨vcvwmwU †Wfjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 1,229.00 3701-1116 National Resilience Program (LGED Part) b¨vkbvj †iwRj¨vÝ †cÖvMÖvg (GjwRBwW cvU©) 960.00 3701-5002 Improvement of Women Ability to Perticipate in Drcv`bkxj m¤¢vebvgq K‡g©i my‡hvM MÖn‡Y bvixi mvg_©¨ Dbœqb 2,000.00 Productive Potential Action (Sapna). (mcœ)| 3701-5005 Upazila Governance and Development. Dc‡Rjv cwiPvjb I Dbœqb| 12,478.00 3701-5006 Support to Urban Health and Nutrition to the mv‡cvU© Uz Avievb †nj_ GÛ wbDwUªkb Uz w` Avievb evsjv‡`k| 3,800.00 Bangladesh. 3701-5008 Activating the village court of Bangladesh (2nd evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvg Av`vjZ mwµqKiY (2q ch©vq)| 7,350.00 phase). 3701-5009 Third Local Governance Support Project (LGSP-3) Z…Zxq †jvKvj Mf©b¨vÝ mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GjwRGmwc-3)| 113,059.00 3701-5010 Block allocation for development assistance to Dc‡Rjvmg‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vKeivÏ| 55,000.00 Upazillas. 3701-5016 Procurement of Equipment for Solid Waste cªwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mwjW I‡q÷ g¨v‡bR‡g›U 1,600.00 Management 3701-5017 Capacity Development of City Corporation K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ad wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 853.00 3701-5020 Block allocation for development assistance to ‡cŠimfvmg‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vKeivÏ| 45,000.00 Pourashavas. 3701-5023 Union Parishad Governance Project (UPGP). BDwbqb cwil` Mfb©¨vÝ cÖ‡R± (BDwcwRwc)| 43,813.00 3701-5080 Block allocation for Zilla Parishad. ‡Rjv cwil` eve` †_vKeivÏ| 54,000.00 3701-5110 Block Allocation for Union Parishad. BDwbqb cwil‡` Dbœqb mnvqZv| 1,000.00 3701-7460 City Corporations Development Assistance. wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb Dbœqb mnvqZv| 45,000.00 3701-7479 Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Avievb cvewjK GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj †nj_ †m±i 9,050.00 Development Project . †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| Local Government Engineering Department 3731-0001 Flood and Disaster Damage Rural Road eb¨v I `~‡h©v‡M ÿwZMÖ¯Z cjøx moK AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb 70,000.00 Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (13703-224215300) 3731-0002 Climate Resilient Infrastructure Institutionalization Rjevqy mwnòz AeKvVv‡gv cÖvwZôvwbKxKiY 2,600.00 Project (13703-224215200) 3731-1111 Important Urban Infrastructure Development Project ¸iyZ¡c~Y© bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 42,198.00 (2nd Phase) (13703-224215400) 3731-1112 Construction of kadamrasul Bridge over the river bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡‡c©v‡ik‡bi 5bs ¸`vivNv‡Ui wbKU 700.00 shitalakya near 5no Gudaraghat of Narayanganj City kxZjÿ¨v b`xi Dci K`gimyj eªxR wbg©vY Corporation (KCCKB) 3731-1113 Shibganj Pourashava Physical Infrastructure wkeMÄ †cŠimfvi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 1,500.00 Development Project 3731-1114 KuakataPourashava Infrastructure Improvement KzqvKvUv †cŠimfvi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,000.00 Project 3731-1115 ChaffationPouroshava Infrastructure Development Pid¨vkb †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,500.00 Pfoject

27/09/20 Page 49 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Local Government Engineering Department 3731-1116 Construction of Connection Road with "Sheik PvucvBbeveMÄ †cŠimfvi AvIZvaxb gnvb›`v b`xi Õ‡kL 4,000.00 Hasina" Bridge on Mohanonda River Under nvwmbvÕ †mZzi mv‡_ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY ChapaiNabaghanjPaurashava 3731-1117 Second City Region Development Project (CRDP-2) wØZxq bMi AÂj Dbœqb cÖKí 9,262.00 3731-1118 TangailPourashava Infrastructure Development UvsMvBj ‡cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,500.00 Pfoject 3731-1119 PatuakhaliPouroshava Infrastructure Development cUzqvLvjx †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,000.00 Project 3731-1120 Infrastructure Development of 5 (Five) Pourashava Kzwgjøv †Rjvi 05wU †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,000.00 Under Cumilla District 3731-1121 Tepakhola Lake Development at Faridpur City dwi`cyi kn‡ii †Ucv‡Lvjv †jK Dbœqb 125.00 3731-1122 Physical Infrastructure ImpovementPfoject of Eight Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi 8wU †cŠimfvi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 4,000.00 Pourashava of Jamalpur District 3731-1123 Masterplan Preparation and Fundamental Dc‡Rjv kni (bb-wgDwbwmc¨vj) gvóvicø¨vb cÖYqb I 7,000.00 Infrastructure Development Project of Upazila Town †gŠwjK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Non-Municipal) 3731-1124 Urban Infrastructure Development Project bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 16,342.00 3731-1125 Southern Country Iron Bridge ‡`‡ki `wÿYv‡ji AvqiY eªxR cyb:wbg©vY/cybe©vmb 20,000.00 Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Project 3731-1126 Rural Infrastructure Development Project of shadar gvM~iv †Rjvi m`i I kÖxcyi Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,151.00 and SreepurUpazila of cÖKí 3731-1127 Rural Infrastructure Development Project of Bhanga, dwi`cyi †Rjvi fv½v, m`icyi I Pif`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvq 4,153.00 Sadarpur and CharbhadrasanUpazilla under Fardpur AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí District 3731-1128 Promoting Resilient of Vulnerable Through Access toAeKvVv‡gvMZ `ÿZv Dbœqb I Z‡_¨i gva¨‡g SzuwKc~Y© 12,782.00 Infrastructure, Improved Skills and Information. Rb‡Mvôxi mnbkxjZv e„w× (cÖfvZx) kxl©K cÖKí (PROVATi) 3731-1129 Project for Completion of Incomplete PC Girder cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi †jvnvwjqv b`xi Dci wbg©vYvaxb wcwm MvW©vi 3,000.00 Bridge over Lohalia River in Patuakhali District weª‡Ri Amgvß wbg©vY KvR mgvß KiY cÖKí 3731-1130 Khulna, Bagerhat&'s Rural Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZÿxiv †Rjvi cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 9,000.00 Infrastructure Improvement Pfoject cªKí 3731-1131 Jashore Region Rural Infrastructure Development h‡kvi AÂj MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 9,000.00 Project 3731-1132 Rural Connectivity Improvement Project. (RCIP) iyivj Kv‡bKwUwfwU BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± 28,000.00 3731-1133 Program for Supporting Rural Bridges MÖvgxY mo‡K †mZz Dbœqb mnvqZv Kg©m~wP 16,542.00 3731-1134 Bangladesh Emergency AssistanceProject (LGED evsjv‡`k Ggv‡R©wÝ GwmmU¨vÝ cÖ‡R± (GjwRBwW Ask) 3,500.00 Part) 3731-1135 Emergency Multi-Sector Rohingya Crisis Response Riyix wfwˇZ †ivwn½v m¼U †gvKv‡ejvq gvwë-†m±i cÖKí 20,000.00 Project 3731-1136 Greater Rural Infrastructure e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 7,000.00 Development Project 3731-1137 Disaster Risk Management Enhancement Project wWRv÷vi wiKm& g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gb‡n݇g›U cÖ‡R± (GjwRBwW 1,085.00 (LGED Part) cvU©) 3731-1138 Village Road Rehabilitation Project MÖvg moK cybe©vmb cÖKí 50,000.00 3731-1139 Greater Dhaka Rural Infrastructure Development e„nËi XvKv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-4 7,000.00 Pfoject-4 3731-1140 Disaster Damage Rural Road Improvement Project; wZb cve©Z¨ †‡Rjvq `~‡hv©‡M ÿwZMÖ¯Z Ges Ab¨vb¨ ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 5,000.00 3 Hill Districts cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí

27/09/20 Page 50 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Local Government Engineering Department 3731-1141 Rural Infrastructure Development Project: South `wÿY mybvgMÄ I RMbœv_cyyi Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv 2,000.00 Sunamganj and JagannatpurUpazila, Sunamganj Dbœqb cÖKí, mybvgMÄ †Rjv (2q ch©vq) kxl©K cÖKí District. (2nd Stage) 3731-1143 Rural Infrastructure Development Project: cjøx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí: †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †eMgMÄ 3,000.00 BegumganjUpazil under Noakhali District Dc‡Rjv cÖKí 3731-1144 Construction of Under 100m bridge on upazil, Union Dc‡Rjv, BDwbqb I MÖvg mo‡K Ab~aŸ© 100 wgUvi †mZz wbg©vY 3,000.00 & Village road Project cÖKí 3731-1145 LGED's Human Resources Development and GjwRBwWÕi gvbe m¤c` Dbœqb I mÿgZv e„w×KiY cÖKí 400.00 Capacity Building Project 3731-1146 Construction of bridge over Feni river on Sonagazi ‡mvbvMvRx I wgimivB A_©‰bwZK AÂj ms‡hvM mo‡K b`xi 76.00 and Economic Zone link road Dci †mZz wbg©vY 3731-1147 Feasibility study for proposed from airport tog court wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ae †cªv‡cvRW dvBIfvi dªg Gqvi‡cvU© UM 477.00 point via Amberkhana chohatta in shylhet city †KvU© c‡q›U fvqv Av¤^iLvbv †PŠnvÆv Bb wm‡jU wmwU 3731-1148 mybvgMÄ †cŠimfvi †mevi gvb Dbœq‡b cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv 500.00 wbg©vY 3731-1149 ‡Kkecyi-mvMi`vwo gay moK Dbœqb 2.00 3731-1150 XvKv wefv‡Mi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK cÖk¯ZKiY 2,770.00 I kw³kvjxKiY 3731-1151 we.evwoqv †Rjvq 9wU †mZz wbg©vY 116.00 3731-1152 Bbw÷wUDkbvjvBwRs †RÛvi BKz¨wU cÖvKwU‡mm Bb †jvKvj 12.00 Mfvb©‡g›U BwÄwbqvwis wWcvU©‡g›U 3731-1153 cjøx Kg©ms¯n'vb I moK iÿYv‡eÿY Kg©m~Px-3 5,140.00 3731-5018 Expansion of Upazilla Complex. Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤cÖmviY| 10,000.00 3731-5022 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 8,000.00 (2nd phase) 3731-5046 Development of Important Rural Infrastructures ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,325.00 Project (DIRIP). 3731-5054 Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement nvIo A‡ji AeKvVv‡gv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí| 12,000.00 Project. 3731-5057 Rural Transport Improvement Project-2 (RTIP-2). iyivj Uªv݇cvU© BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R±-2 (AviwUAvBwc-2)| 46,000.00 3731-5058 Coastal Climate Change Resilient Infrastructure ‡Kv÷vj K¬vB‡gU †iwRwj‡q›U Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R 16,555.00 Improvement Project. ±| 3731-5073 Northern Bangladesh Integrated Development b`©vb evsjv‡`k Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 37,500.00 Project. 3731-5079 Gopalgonj Paurashava Drainage Improvement ‡MvcvjMÄ †cŠimfv †WªB‡bR Dbœqb| 125.00 Project. 3731-5088 Rural Infrastructure Development ewikvj wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 12,000.00 Project. 3731-5091 Development of Bhangura-Noagaon GCM Road cvebv †Rjvi fv½yov Dc‡Rjaxb fv½yov-bIMuv wRwmGg moK 2,006.00 under Bhangura Upzilla of . Dbœqb| 3731-5094 Construction of 1490 m. Long PC Girder Bridge on MvBevÜv †Rjv my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb cvuPcxi evRvi-wPjgvix 5,455.00 Panchpir Bazar to Chilmari Upazilla H/Q. Road over Dc‡Rjv †nW †KvqvU©vi mo‡K wZ¯Zv b`xi Dci 1490 wgt Teesta River at Sundargonj Upazilla under `xN© wcÖ-‡÷mW KbwµU MvW©vi eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí| . 3731-5096 Greater Noakhali (Noakhali, Feni & Laksmipur e„nËi †bvqvLvjx(†bvqvLvjx,‡dbx I jxcyi †Rjv) cj­x 15,500.00 Districts) Rural Infrastructure Development Project AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (cvU©-2)| (Part-2). 3731-5098 Bangladesh Agricultural Infrastructure Development. evsjv‡`k GwMÖKvjPvivj Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 3,440.00

27/09/20 Page 51 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Local Government Engineering Department 3731-5102 Construction of a 650 m. Long PC Girder Bridge cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb 2,877.00 over Boro Baliatali Andhermanik River on Kalapara- Kjvcvov-evwjqvZjx-M½vgwZ mo‡K eo evwjqvZjx Baliatali- Gangamati Road under Kalapara Upazilla Av›`vigvwbK b`x‡Z 650 wgt `xN© Aviwmwm †WKhy³ wcÖ-‡÷ªmW of Patuakhali Dist. MvW©vi weªR wbg©vY| 3731-5103 Construction Cleaners' Colony of Dhaka City XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi cwiPQbœZv Kgx© wbevm wbg©vY| 4,000.00 Corporation. 3731-5106 Greater Mymensingh Rural Infrastructure e„nËi gqgbwmsn cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 8,200.00 Development. 3731-5111 Coastal Towns Environmental Infrastructure DcKyjxq kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 17,775.00 Development Project (CTEIP). 3731-5113 Municipal Governance and Services Project wgDwbwmc¨vj Mfvib¨vÝ GÛ mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± (GgwRGmwm)| 69,300.00 (MGSP). 3731-5118 City Governance Project. wmwU Mf‡b©Ý cÖ‡R±| 75,580.00 3731-5122 Rural Infrastructure Development Project (Comilla, cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwgj­v, we-evoxqv Ges Puv`cyi 10,000.00 B-Baria & ). †Rjv) 3731-5123 Third Urban Governance and Infrastructure Z…Zxq bMi cwiPvjb I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY| 70,500.00 Improvement (Sector) Project (UGIIP-III) 3731-5128 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood nvIo A‡ji eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí 11,200.00 Improvement Project. 3731-5129 Establishment of 9 Important Bridges. ¸i•Z¡cY© 9wU weªR wbg©vY 4,065.00 3731-5131 Establishment of Multipurpose Disaster Shelter eûgyLx `y‡h©vM Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí 35,130.00 Center. 3731-5142 Development of Rural Infrastructure of the cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg (2q ch©vq)| 8,000.00 Chittagong Hill Tracts (Phase II). 3731-5143 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project AMÖvwaKvi w_wˇZ ¸i•Z¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2| 83,889.00 on Priority Basis-2 (IRIDP-2). 3731-5148 Infrastructure Development in the Greater e„nËi PÆMÖvg †Rjv cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (PÆMÖvg I 8,000.00 Chittagong (Chittagong and Cox's Bazar Districts). K·evRvi †Rjv)| 3731-5152 Rural Infrastructure Development of Greater e„nËi cvebv-e¸ov †Rjv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 9,000.00 Pabna-. 3731-5154 Important RuralI Infrastructure Development of ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 15,000.00 Gopalganj district. 3731-5158 Rural Infrastructure Development of Panchagarh, cÂMo, KzwoMÖvg I jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi (wejyß wQUgnj) MÖvgxY 1,158.00 Lalmonirhat and Kurigram districts (extinct AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| enclaves). 3731-5166 Rural Infrastructure Development.of Greater e„nËi ivRkvnx †Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 11,000.00 Rajshahi district (Rajshahi, Naogaon, Natore and (ivRkvnx,bIMuv, bv‡Uvi I PuvcvBbevMÄ) cÖKí| campainabaganj) project. 3731-5167 Development of rural access roads. wm‡jU wefvM MÖvgxY G¨vK‡mm moK Dbœqb| 7,400.00 3731-5168 Road Improvement Works in Jamalpur & Maderganj Rvgvjcyi I gv`viMÄ †cŠimfvi moK Dbœqb| 429.00 Paurashava, Distt. Jamalpur. 3731-5169 Urban Regeneration and Cultural Hub Development Rvgvjcyi kn‡ii bMi ¯’vc‡Z¨i cyb:ms¯‹vi I mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª 3,070.00 in Jamalpur Town. Dbœqb| 3731-5172 Bauphal paurashava Road network and physical evDdj †cŠimfvi †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v I ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 898.00 Infrastructure Improvement Project. cÖKí| 3731-5186 Development of Important Rural Infrastructure of wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY Ae KvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 8,000.00 . 3731-5196 Rural infrastructure development in Sadar South and Kzwgj­v †Rjvi m`i `w¶Y I jv½j‡KvU Dc‡Rjvi cj­x 1,686.00 Langkalot upazila of Comilla district (2nd Phase). AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)|

27/09/20 Page 52 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Local Government Engineering Department 3731-5197 Roopganj Jalsiri Housing Connector Infrastructure iƒcMÄ Rjwmwo Avevmb ms‡hvMKvix AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít 3,204.00 Development Project: Rupganj Upazila Narayanganj.iƒcMÄ Dc‡Rjv bvivqYMÄ| 3731-5198 Important infrastructure development in Munshiganj gywÝMÄ †Rjvi m`i Ges MRvwiqv Dc‡Rjvq ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 245.00 district and Gazaria upazila. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 3731-5199 's important rural infrastructure dwi`cyi ‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 25,000.00 development 3731-5202 Development of Gondamara power plant connection PÆMÖvg †Rjvi euvkLvjx Dc‡Rjvaxb MÛvgviv eªxR n‡Z 1,600.00 road from Gondamara Bridge under Banskhali MÛvgviv we`y¨r ‡K›`ª ms‡hvM moK Dbœqb| upazila of Chittagong district 3731-5206 Rural infrastructure development of Jamalpur and Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi †Rjvi cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 8,000.00 Sherpur districts. 3731-5208 Gaibandha municipality's Ghagat Lake development.MvBevÜv †cŠimfvi NvMU †jK Dbœqb| 1.00 3731-5209 Rural Infrastructure Development: South Sunamganj cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb t `w¶Y mybvgMÄ I RMbœv_cyi 2,998.00 and Jagannathpur Upazilas, Sunamganj District. Dc‡Rjv, mybvgMÄ †Rjv| 3731-5213 Construction of Important bridges on rural roads. cj­x mo‡K ¸iyZ¡c~Y© †mZz wbg©vY| 24,000.00 3731-5214 The important rural infrastructure development of Lyjbv wefv‡Mi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 24,000.00 3731-5215 mportant Rural Infrastructure Development, Bhola ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, †fvjv †Rjv| 11,000.00 District 3731-5216 Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructure Development. Rjevqy mnbkxj MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 4,013.00 3731-5221 Nangalkot Municipality Infrastructure Development bv½j‡KvU †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 2,054.00 3731-5224 Development of Langalband Mahashtami Purnyan jv½je›` gnvógx c~b¨¯œvb Drm‡ei AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 3,800.00 festival infrastructure 3731-5226 Improvement of important rural infrastructure at ‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi AvUcvov I ‡gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y cj­x 1,350.00 Atpara and Mohanganj upazila in Netrokona district. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 3731-5231 Sirajgonj Paurashava Katakhal Improvement and wmivRMÄ †cŠimfvi KvUvLvj Dbœqb I cvk¦©eZ©x ¯'v‡bi †mŠ›`h© 580.00 Surrounding Area Beautification. eשb 3731-5232 Improvement of Rural Infrastructure & Livelihood in biwms`x †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv I 1,396.00 Sadar Upazila of Norshingdhi District. Rxebgvb Dbœqb 3731-5233 Sustainable small scale Water Resources ‡UKmB ¶z`ªvvKvi cvwb m¤c` Dbœqb| 4,500.00 Development Project 3731-5235 Greater Patuakhali Important Rural Infrastructure eªnËi cUzqvLvjx ‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 11,200.00 Development Project (Patuakhali and Barguna Districts) 3731-5236 Infrastructure Development of Muradnagar Upazila Kzwgj­v †Rjvi gyiv`bMi Dc‡Rjvi cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 565.00 under Comilla District 3731-5238 Technical Assistance Project Proposal (TPP) for ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U cÖ‡R± †cÖv‡cvRvj di cÖ‡R± wWRvBb 738.00 Project Design Advance (PDA) for City Region GWfvÝ (wcwWG) di wmwU wiwRqb B‡Kv‡bvwgK †W‡fjc‡g›U Economic Development Investment Program Bb‡fó‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg 3731-5241 Feasibility Study for Important Bridge Construction cj­x mo‡K ¸i•Z¡cY© †mZz wbgv©‡Yi mgx¶v 2,276.00 on Rural Roads Project 3731-5242 Sirajgonj Pourashava Infrastructure Improvement & wmivRMÄ †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I cybe©vmb 137.00 Rehabilitation Project 3731-5243 General Social Infrastructure Development Project mve©Rbxb mvgvwRK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 25,000.00 3731-5244 Improvement of ponds, Cannels across the country mviv‡`‡k cyKzi, Lvj Dbœqb 4,000.00 3731-5246 Greater Cumilla District Important Rural e„nËi Kzwgj­v †Rjvi ¸iZ¡c Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 16,000.00 Infrastructure Development Project (3rd Phase) (3q ch©vq) 3731-5247 Development of Patia Upazila Road and Road PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvi moK I moK AeKvVv‡gv 2,400.00 Infrastructure Project under Chittagong District Dbœqb

27/09/20 Page 53 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Local Government Engineering Department 3731-5251 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project wm‡jU wefv‡Mi ¸i•Z¡cY© MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 12,000.00 in Sylhet Division 3731-5252 Greater Dhaka Rural Infrastructure Improvement e„nËi XvKv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 14,000.00 Project-3 3731-5253 Rural Infrastructure Development Project of XvKv †Rjvi †KivYxMÄ Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2,317.00 Keranigonj Upazila, 3731-5254 Countrywide Rural Market Infrastructure †`ke¨vcx MÖvgxY evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 6,000.00 Development Project 3731-5255 Small Scale water Resources Development Project ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 10,300.00 (2nd Phase) 3731-5257 Rural Infrastructure Development of Madaripur, gv`vixcyi, kixqZcyi I ivRevox †Rjvi MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv 30,000.00 Sariatpur and . Dbœqb 3731-5258 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project: ¸i•Z¡c Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí ewikvj SvjKvwV 25,000.00 Barishal, Jhalokhati & Perojpur District wc‡ivRcyi †Rjv 3731-5259 Mymensingh Region Rural Infrastructure gqgbwmsn AÂj cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 40,000.00 Development Project 3731-5261 (Except Sirajgonj) Rural ivRkvnx wefvM (wmivRMÄ e¨vZxZ) cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 32,000.00 Infrastructure Development Project 3731-5262 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project wmivRMÄ †Rjvi ¸iZ¡cY© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 7,000.00 of Sirajgonj District 3731-5263 Rural Infrastructures Improvement iscyi wefvM MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2q ch©vq 44,762.00 Project-2nd Phase 3731-5265 Upazilla Complex Bhaban Expanded Project (2nd Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤•ÖmviY (2q ch©vq) 5,000.00 Phase) 3731-5266 Greater Chattogram Rural Infrastructure e„nËi PÆMÖvg MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 13,000.00 Development Project-3 3731-5267 Greater Noakhali District Rural Infrastructure e„nËi †bvqvLvjx cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-3 20,022.00 Project-3rd Phase 3731-5268 Rural Infrastructure Development Project of Etna, wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi BUbv, wgVvgBb I AóMÖvg Dc‡Rjvi cj­x 3,990.00 Mithamine & Austagram Upazila under Kishoregonj AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb District 3731-5269 Infrastructure Development project of Mohongonj †b·KvYv †Rjvi †gvnbMÄ †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,500.00 Pourashava of Netrokona District 3731-5500 Greater Faridpur District Rural Infrastructure e„nËi dwi`cyi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (3q ms‡kvwaZ)| 2,370.00 Development (3rd Revised). 3731-5780 Infrastructure Development of 19 Important ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 19wU †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,051.00 Pourasava. 3731-5800 Construction of Union Council Complex Building BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| 8,000.00 (2nd Phase). 3731-8070 Construction of Large Bridge in Upazilla and Union. Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY| 18,000.00 Public Health Engineering Directorate 3741-1111 Arsenic Risk Reduction Project for Water Supply cvwb mieiv‡n Av‡m©wbK SzuwK wbimb (13704-224206400) 44,000.00 3741-1112 Preferential Rural Water Supply Project (PRWSP) AMÖvwaKvi MÖvgxb cvwb mieivn (13704-224206600) 38,745.41 3741-1113 Water Supply & Environmental Sanitation including 32wU †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I gvbe eR©¨ e¨e¯’vcbvmn 8,000.00 Fecal sludge Management Project in 32 Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb (13704-224206500) Pourashavas

27/09/20 Page 54 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Public Health Engineering Directorate 3741-1115 Emergency Assistance project for water supply and K·evRvi †Rjvi DwLqv I †UKbvd Dc‡Rjvq cvwb mieivn I 12,700.00 sanitation at Ukhia and Teknafupazila in Cox's Bazar m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µ‡g Riyix mnvqZv cÖKí District 3741-1116 The Project for safe water supply at Different Union wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvaxb fvÛvwiqv Dc‡Rjvi wewfbœ BDwbq‡b 1,653.00 of BhandariaUpazila of wbivc` cvwb mieivn cÖKí 3741-1117 The Project for community Based water supply at ivRkvnx, bIMuv I PvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvaxb wb¤œ cvwbi ¯Zi 2,219.00 Low water table Areas of Rajshahi, Naogaon and GjvKvq KwgDwbwU wfwËK cvwb mieivn cÖKí Chapainawabgonj District 3741-1118 Extension and Development of safe water supply gqgbwmsn †Rjvi Ck¦iMÄ ‡cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I 1,600.00 and sanitation System in IshwarganjPourashava of m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯n'vi m¤cªmviY I Dbœqb cÖKí 3741-1119 water & sanitation project for Tea garden workers Pv evMvb Kg©x‡`i Rb¨ wbivc` my‡cq cvwb mieivn I 2,000.00 m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 3741-1120 Water source contamination and probable solution of f~~-Dcwiw¯n'Z cvwb cwi‡kva‡bi gva¨‡g iv½vgvwU, ev‡MinvU I 4,185.00 water supply using Nano technology in Bagerhat, dwi`cyi †Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn cÖKí Faridpur and RangamatiDictrict of Bangladesh 3741-1121 Emergency Multi-sector Rohingya Crisis Response Riyix wfwˇZ †ivwn½v msKU †gvKvwejvq gvwë †m±i cÖKí 5,600.00 Project (EMCRP) (DPHE part) (wWwcGBP Ask) 3741-1122 Safe water supply project by installing environmental cwi‡ekevÜe ‡mvjvi IqvUvi wWm¨vjvB‡bkb BDwbU ¯n'vc‡bi 745.00 friendly solar water desalination unit gva¨‡g wbivc` cvwb mieivn 3741-1123 Bangladesh Municipal Water Supply and Sanitation evsjv‡`‡ki 30wU †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 3,000.00 Project (30 Pourashavas) 3741-1124 ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvaxb ‡PŠgynbx †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I 600.00 m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯n'vi m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb 3741-1125 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project at South mybvgMÄ †Rjvi `wÿY mybvgMÄ Dc‡Rjv cjøx GjvKvq 2,000.00 Sunamganj Upazila in Sunamganj wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 3741-1126 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project at mybvgMÄ †Rjvi RMbœv_cyi Dc‡Rjvi cjøx GjvKvq wbivc` 2,000.00 Jagannathpur Upazila in sunamganj cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 3741-1127 Safe water supply and sanitation management LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ MÖvgmg~‡n wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 1.00 project in different villages of Khagrachari district m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'nvcbv 3741-1128 Water Quality Testing Management Strengthening cvwbi ¸bMZgvb cixÿv e¨e¯'ivcbv kw³kvjxKiY 365.00 Project 3741-1129 ‡`‡ki †cŠimfv¸‡jvi Drcv`K bjK~cmg~‡ni cybiy¾xweZKiY 100.00 3741-1130 Safe Water Supply Sanitation Project at different wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi gVevwoqv Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn I 200.00 Unions of Mathbaria Upazila in Pirojpur District m¨vwb‡Ukb 3741-1131 mgMÖ †`‡k wbivc` cvwb mieivn cÖKí 10,100.00 3741-1132 Feasibility for implementing of Solid Waste and ‡Rjv ch©v‡qi 53wU †cŠimfv Ges 8wU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 1,576.00 Faecal Sludge Management System in 53 district GjvKvq KwVb I cq:eR©¨ e¨e¯n'vcbv ev¯Zevq‡bi j‡ÿ¨ m¤ level Paurashavas and 8 City Corporations ¢ve¨Zv hvPvB 3741-1133 kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí cÖYqb (wWwcGBPB Ask) 825.00 3741-5000 Water Supply in Rural Areas. cj­x A‡j cvwb mieivn| 15,000.00 3741-5001 National Sanitation Project (3rd phase). RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (3q ch©vq)| 5,164.00 3741-5003 Re-excavation / renovation of pond / dighies / water cvwb msi¶b I wbivc` cvwb mieiv‡ni j‡¶¨ †Rjv cwil‡`i 4,100.00 bodies of the district council for water conservation cyKzi/w`wN/Rjvkqmg~n cyb:Lbb/ms¯‹vi| and supply of safe water. 3741-5004 Survey project for preparation of feasibility study and K·evRvi kn‡i cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Uk‡bi Dci m¤¢ve¨Zv 116.00 development projects on water supply and sanitation hvPvB I Dbœqb cÖKí cÖYq‡bi wbwgË mgx¶v cÖKí| in Cox's Bazar city.

27/09/20 Page 55 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Public Health Engineering Directorate 3741-5005 Safe water supply in different upazilas of Bandban ev›`evb †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mievivn| 1,425.00 district. 3741-5006 Gopalganj and Bagerhat Pourashava Water Supply ‡MvcvjMÄ I ev‡Minvi ‡cŠimfvi cvwb mieivn I 6,000.00 & Environmental Sanitation System Improvement GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi DbœwZKiY 3741-5007 Project for Water Supply and Sanitation for Rural LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY GjvKvi Rb¨ cvwb 986.00 Area of different Upazila of Khagrachari District. miv I m¨vwb‡Ukb 3741-5008 Project for Safe Water Supply and Sanitation for iv½vgvwU †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY GjvKvi Rb¨ wbivc` 1,695.00 Rural Area of different Upazila of Rangamati District. cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 3741-5009 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project in mv‡eK wQUgnj GjvKvmg~n‡K we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ cÖ`vb c~e©K 927.00 Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Panchangarh and jvjgwbinvU, KzwoMÖvg, cÂMo I bxjdvgvix †Rjvq wbivc` giving special emphasize on the cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Enclave Areas. 3741-5012 The Project for Development & Extension of Water U½xcvov I †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjv I †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn 1,961.00 Supply System at Tungipara and KotaliparaUpazila e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb I m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí and Pourashava 3741-5013 Extension and Development of Safe Water Supply †bvqvLvwj †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi m 1,200.00 and Sanitation System in Noakhali Pourashava ¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb 3741-5014 Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation System Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi wZbwU †cŠi mfvq cvwb mieivn I 1,200.00 Improvement Project for three Pourashava in GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi DbœwZKiY Jamalpur District 3741-5015 The Project for Improvement of Water Supply wmivRMÄ †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi DbœwZ mvab 465.00 System in Sirajganj Pourashava 3741-5021 Safe Water Supply in Rural Areas of Khulna, Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZ¶xiv †Rjvi cj­x GjvKvi wbivc` cvwb 1,717.59 Bagerhat & Satkhira District mieivn 3741-5022 Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in 23 evsjv‡`‡ki 23wU †cŠimfvi cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 6,400.00 Pourashavas Project in Bangladesh (GoB-IDB) 3741-5023 Pirgonj Pouroshava Water Supply & Environmental cxiMÄ †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb 1,635.00 Sanitation System Improvement Project e¨e¯’vi DbœwZKiY 3741-5024 Safe Water Supply & Sanitation Project at Kuakata cUzqvLvjx †Rjvaxb KzqvKvUv †cŠimfvq wbivc` cvwb mieivn 1,200.00 Pourashava in Patuakhali District I m¨vwb‡Ukb 3741-5035 Environmental Sanitation and Water Supply with GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb GÛ IqvUvi mvc­vB IB_ cvBcW 6,000.00 Piped Network in Thana Sadar (Hqs.) & Growth †mUIqvK© Bb _vbv mMi GÛ ‡MÖv_ †m›Uvi ‡cŠimfv (2q Centre Pourshabas (2nd Phase). ch©vq)| 3741-5042 Ground Water Investigation and Development of MÖvDÛ IqvUvi Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Wxc MÖvDÛ 650.00 Deep Ground Water Source in Urban and Rural kqvUvi †mvm© Bb Avievb GÛ iyivj Gwiqvb Bb evsjv‡`k| Areas in Bangladesh. 3741-5043 40 Pourshavas and Growth Centre Water Supply 40 †cŠimfv Ges †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z cvwb mieivn I 3,500.00 and Environmental Sanitation Project (Phase-II). Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj cÖKí (†dBR-2)| 3741-5044 The Project for Improvement of Comprehensive `¨v cÖ‡R± di BgcÖ•f‡g›U Ad KgwcÖ‡nbwmf g¨v‡bR‡g›U 736.00 Management Capacity of DPHE on Water Supply. K¨cvwmwU Ad wWwcGBPB Ab IqvUvi mvc­vB| 3741-5046 Water Supply, Sanitation and Health Education cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I ¯^v¯’'¨ wk¶v (ms‡kvwaZ) 5,300.00 (Revised) 3741-5190 37 District Towns Water Supply Project. 37wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 13,000.00 Dhaka City Corporation 3705-1115 Construction and development of ECB chattor to Bwmwe PZ¡i n‡Z wgicyi moK cÖk¯’KiY I Dbœqb Ges Kvjmx 55,356.00 Mirpur roads and construction of flyover Kalshi turn †gv‡o d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY (13701-224214700)

27/09/20 Page 56 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Dhaka City Corporation 3705-1116 Development of road infrastructure and drainag XvKv `wÿY wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb bemshy³ bvwmivev` 30,000.00 system of Demra manda, Dokkin para and nasirabad `wÿYcvov, †Wgiv gvÛv GjvKvi moK AeKvVv‡gv I †Wª‡bR of DSCC e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb (13701-224214800) 3705-1126 Improvement of damaged roads, draninage, footpath XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ A‡j ÿwZMÖ¯n' moK, 30,500.00 and road safety of different zones under Dhaka norty b`©gv dzUcvZ wbg©vY I Dbœqbmn moK wbivcËv city corporation 3705-1127 Construction of Community Centre under Dhaka XvKv `wÿY wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvq KwgDwbwU ‡m›Uvi 6,000.00 South City Corporation wbg©vY 3705-1128 Development Project for Rehabilitation of Damaged XvKv `wÿY wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi ÿwZMÖ¯n' moK cybe©vmbmn 38,100.00 Roads including Drain & Footpath under Dhaka b`©gv I dzUcvZ Dbœqb South City Corporation (RDRIDF) 3705-1142 AvaywbK hšÎcvwZ msMÖ‡ni gva¨‡g moK cwi®‹vi I eR©¨ 20.00 e¨e¯'nvcbv Kv‡Ri Dbœqb 3705-1143 XvKv wmwU †bBeviûW Avc‡MÖwWs cÖ‡R± (wWwmGbBDwc) 11,593.00 3705-5029 Development of Various infrastructure in Dhaka XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 26,565.00 South City Corporation. 3705-5047 Construction of drainage and sidewalks along with XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ ¶wZMÖ¯’ 6,000.00 various damaged infrastructure under Dhaka North AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqbmn b`©gv I dzUcvZ wbg©vY| City Corporation. 3705-5058 Aspalt Plant, related vehicles and purchase and XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi moK Dbœqb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 2,500.00 installation of equipment for road development works G¨vmdë c­¨v›U, mswk­ó hvb I hšÎcvwZ µq Ges ¯’vcb| of Dhaka North City Corporation 3705-5062 Supply and installation of road development, LED XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq moK Dbœqb, GjBwW moK 1,200.00 road lights, CCTV cameras and CCTV control evwZ, wmwmwUwf K¨v‡giv I wmwmwUwf K‡›Uªvj †m›Uvi mieivn centers in Dhaka North City Corporation area. I¯’vcb| 3705-5063 Development of road infrastructure and drainage XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb Ges mshy³ k¨vgcyi, 13,900.00 system under the Dhaka South City Corporation and `wbqv, gvZzqvBj Ges mviywjqv GjvKvi moK AeKvVv‡gv I the linked Shampur, Dania, Matuail and Sarulia †Wª‡bR e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb| areas. 3705-5067 Construction of 11 Nos. U-Turn from Dhaka Tejgaon XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi XvKv †ZRMvI mvZiv¯Ív †gvo 1,745.00 Satrasta More to Uttara House Building at Dhaka †_‡K DËivi nvDm wewìs ch©šÍ 11 (GMvi)wU BDUvb© wbg©vY North City Corporation. 3705-5081 Urban Resilience Project (DNCC part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (wWGbwmwm Ask)| 29,692.00 3705-5084 Mordanization, Development and Afforastation of XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Db¥y³ ¯'vbmg~‡ni AvaywbKvqb, 7,500.00 Open Places of Dhaka North City Corporation Dbœqb I meyRvqb 3705-5085 Construction of Multistoried Cleaners Residential MveZjx wmwU cjøx‡Z XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wKbvi 4,000.00 Complex at Gabtoli City Polli under Dhaka North City evwm‡`i Rb¨ eûZjv wewkó AvevwmK feb wbg©vY Corporation. 3705-5086 Expansion of Matuail Sanitary Landfill Including LandgvZzqvBj m¨vwbUvix j¨vÛwdì m¤úªmviYmn 77,700.00 Development. 3705-5097 Construction of 3 Wholesale Kitchen Market in XvKv kn‡i 3wU cvBKvix KuvPv evRvi wbg©vY 1.00 Dhaka Chittagong City Corporation 3705-1114 Development of different important road and Bridge, PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ ¸iyZ¡c~Y© moK Ges eªxRmg~‡ni 20,000.00 collect modern equipment and street light of CCC Dbœqb AvaywbK hšÎcvwZ msMÖn I moK Av‡jvKvqb (1g (1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ) (13701-224214600)

27/09/20 Page 57 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Chittagong City Corporation 3705-1124 Development of Road Network at different wards PUªMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ Iqv‡W©i moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb 40,000.00 and Construction of Bus/Truck terminal under Ges evm/UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY Chittagong City Corporation 3705-1125 Construction of Poricchonno Kormi Nibash Under PUªMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb cwi•Qbœ Kg©x wbevm 2,000.00 Chittagong City Corporation wbg©vY 3705-5065 Development of roads damaged by floods and PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb eb¨v I Rjve×Zvq wZMÖ¯' 10,700.00 waterlogged under Chittagong City Corporation and iv¯Zvmg~‡ni Dbœqb Ges bvjv, cÖwZ‡iva †`qvj, eªxR I construction / reconstruction of canal, resistance KvjfvU© wbg©vY/cyb:wbg©vY| walls, bridges and culverts. 3705-5071 Excavation of Khal from Baddarhat Baroipara to enÏvinvU eviBcvov n‡Z KY©dzwj b`x ch©šZ Lvj Lbb (1g 200.00 Karnofuli River (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| Rajshahi City Corporation 3705-1139 ivRkvnx gnvbMixi 30wU Iqv‡W© ÿwZMÖ¯'n moK I 700.00 b`©gvmg~‡ni Dbœqb 3705-5005 Widening and Improvement of a Road from Rajshahi ivRkvnx Kíbv wm‡bgv nj ‡_‡K ZvjvBgvix †gvi ch©šZ moK 900.00 Kalpana Cinema Hall to Talaimary mour in Rajshahi cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb| City. 3705-5041 Construction of Drains to Allevate Water Logging ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `~ixKibv‡_© b`©gv wbg©vY (3q 5,663.00 Problem in Rajshahi City (3rd Phase). ce©)| 3705-5087 Development of Different Important Road of ivRkvnx gnvbMixi wewfbœ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© iv¯Ívi Dbœqb 4,500.00 Rajshahi City 3705-7730 Construction of East-West Link Road Starting from ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ivRkvnx-bIMuv cÖavb moK n‡Z 1,741.00 Rajshahi- Noagaon Main Road to †gvnbcyi-ivRkvnx-bv‡Uvi moK ch©š c e© cwðg ms‡hvM moK Mohanpur-Rajshahi-Natore Road in Rajshahi City. wbg©vY| 3705-7750 Widening and Development of Road Starting from Dckni †gvo n‡Z †mvbvw`Nx †gvo Ges gv‡jvcvov ‡gvo n‡Z 5,153.00 Uposhahor turning point to Sonadhigi Turning and mvMicvov †gvo ch©šZ moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb| Malopara Turning to Sagorpara Turning. Khulna City Corporation 3705-1122 Improvement of Drainage System for Reducing Lyjbv kn‡ii Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Y †Wª‡bR e¨e¯n'vi Dbœqb 21,768.00 Water Logging Problem in Khulna City Corporation 3705-1123 Development and Rehabilitation of Important and Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© I ÿwZMÖ¯'n iv¯Zv Dbœqb I 18,488.00 Damaged Roads in Khulna City Corporation cybe©vmb 3705-1141 gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae wmwU ÷ªxU jvBU wm‡÷g G¨U wWdv‡i›U 383.00 Gwiqv AvÛvi PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb Dhaka WASA 3705-1111 Land Acquision and Excavation/Re-excavation of nvRvixevM evBk‡UK Kzwg©‡Uvjv gvÛv I †e¸bevox ¯’v‡b f‚wg 3,637.00 Hazaribagh, Baishteki, Kurmitula, Manda & AwaMÖnY Ges Lbb (13701-224214900) Begunbari Khal 3705-1117 Drainage network expansion and canal XvKv gnvbMixi †Wª‡bR †bUIqvK© m¤cÖmviY Ges Lvj Dbœqb 8,500.00 Development of Dhaka city project 3705-1137 Land Acquisition for Construction of Sewage DËiv GjvKvq cq:‡kvabvMvi wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ Rwg AwaMÖnY 35.00 Treatment Plant at Uttara 3705-1138 Emergency Replacement works for water lines at XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvq cvwbi jvB‡bi Riyix 1,510.00 different areas of Dhaka City project cÖwZ¯'nvcb 3705-5002 Saidabad Water Treatment Plant (phase 3). mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi (‡dR-3)| 50.00 3705-5057 Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply XvKv Gbfvqib‡g›U mvm‡UB‡bej IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R±| 121,161.00 Project.

27/09/20 Page 58 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Dhaka WASA 3705-5059 Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project. XvKv cvwb mieivn †bUIqvK© Dbœqb| 16,650.00 3705-5061 Development of Dhaka WASA Activities in LIC XvKv Iqvmvi mv‡q`vev` †dR-3 cÖK‡íi †dªg Iqv‡K©i 450.00 localities including Capacity Building and Financial AvIZvq XvKv gnvbMixi ¯^í Av‡qi GjvKvq XvKv Iqvmv modelling Under the framework of SaidBd Phase-III KZ©y"K cvwb mieivn †mevi gvb Dbœqb Ges XvKv Iqvmvi Project. dvBb¨vwÝqvj g‡Wwjs I KvwiMix mgZvi Dbœqb| 3705-5083 Dasherkandi Sewage Treatment Plant Project. `v‡kiKvw›` cqt‡kvabvMvi| 81,200.00 3705-5094 Preparatory Activities of Dhaka Sanitation wcÖcv‡iUix G¨w±wfwUR Ae `¨v †cÖv‡cvRW XvKv m¨vwb‡Ukb 2,218.00 Improvement Project (PADSIP) BgcÖ•f‡g›U (†dR-1) Chittagong WASA 3705-1118 Chittagong metropolitan drainage project (phase-1) PUªMÖvg gnvbMixi cqtwb®‹vkb e¨e¯'v ¯'nvcb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) 3,500.00 3705-5003 Bhandal Jury Water Supply Project. fvÛvj Ryix cvwb mieivn| 60,054.00 3705-5051 Karnafuly Water Supply Project Phase-2 (KWSP-II). KY©dzjx cvwb mieivn cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 38,258.00 3705-7280 Chittagong Water Supply Improvement & Sanitation wPUvMvs IqvUvi mvc­vB BgcÖyf‡g›U GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R±| 56,764.00 Project (CWSISP). National Institute of Local Government 3705-1136 Institutionalization of Horizontal Learning Program Bbw÷wUDkbvjvB‡Rkb w` nivBR›Uvj jvwb©s †cÖvMÖvg 594.00 (HLP) in Bangladesh (GBPGjwc) Bb evsjv‡`k Sylhet City Corporation 3705-1113 Construction of infrastructure of Sylhet City wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 22,600.00 Corporation (13701-224215000) 3705-1140 wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Rjve×Zv wbimb, weï× cvwb 495.00 mieivn I AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 3705-5069 Construction of Track Terminal in Sylhet City wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq Rwg AwaMÖn‡bi gva¨‡g UªvK 3,394.00 Corporation Area by Acquiring Land. Uvwg©bvj wbgv©Y| Barisal City Corporation 3705-1121 Climate change adapted urban development ewikvj kn‡ii Rjevq~ cwieZ©b Awf‡hvwRZ bMi Dbœqb 1,200.00 (CCAUD) programme for Barisal component †cÖvMÖvg phase-1 Khulna WASA 3705-1112 Land acquisition for construction of sewerage Lyjbv kn‡i cq:wb®‹vkb e¨e¯’v wbg©v‡bi Rb¨ f‚wg AwaMÖnY 7,000.00 system in Khulna city (13701-224229100) 3705-7680 Khulna Water Supply Project. Lyjbv IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R±| 275.00 Rajshahi WASA (RWASA) 3705-1119 Land Acquisition project for Rajshahi WASA water ivRkvnxi Iqvmvi f~-Dcwiw¯'nZ cvwb †kvabvMv‡ii Rb¨ Rwg 1,146.00 Treatment plant AwaMÖnY cÖKí 3705-1120 Rajshahi WASA Surface Water Treatment Plant ivRkvnxi Iqvmvi f~- Dcwiw¯n'Z cvwb †kvabvMvi wbg©vY cÖKí 1.00 project Narayangonj City Corporation (NCC) 3705-1129 Construction & Improvement of Infrastructure in bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY I Dbœqb 10,000.00 Narayanganj City Corporation 3705-1144 ÿz`ª e¨emvqx‡`i cybe©vmbmn bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi 500.00 AvIZvaxb GjvKvq AcivwRZv bMi we`¨vjq wbg©vY 3705-1145 Avievb Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi BgcÖyf‡g›U wcÖcv‡iUwi d¨vwmwjwU di 1,092.00 bvivqbMÄ wmwU Ki‡cv‡ikb

27/09/20 Page 59 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Local Government Division Narayangonj City Corporation (NCC) 3705-5049 Construction & Reconstruction of Roads, Drains, bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb iv¯Zv, †Wªb I 26.00 Culverts & Plantation Project in Narayanganj City KvjfvU© wbg©vYmn e„¶‡ivcY| Corporation. 3705-5099 Construction of Cleaner House in Narayangang City bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi cwiQbœ Kg©x wbevm wbg©vY 3,000.00 Corporation 3705-5101 Solid Waste Collection & Disposal Management bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi KwVb eR© msMÖn Ges AcmviY 2,000.00 Project in narayanganj City Corporation e¨e¯’vcbv Comilla City Corporation 3705-1131 Infrastructure Improvement in Comilla city Kzwgjøv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (iv¯Zv, ‡Wªb I 2,855.00 corporation (Roads, Drains and Footpath) dzUcvZ) 3705-1132 Comilla city corporation Road, Drain Construction Kzwgjøv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi iv¯Zv, ‡Wªb wbg©vY I ms¯‹viKiY 3,509.00 and renovation Gazipur City Corporation (G.C.T) 3705-1133 Infrastructure Improvement in Gazipur city MvRxcyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 28,000.00 corporation (Roads and Drains) (iv¯Zv I †Wªb) 3705-1134 Infrastructure Improvement in Gazipur city MvRxcyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi 01 ‡_‡K 05 bs †Rv‡bi 40,000.00 corporation Zone 1 to 5 (Roads,Drains and Af¨šZixY iv¯Zv, b`©gv I dyUcvZ wbg©vY Footpath) 3705-1135 Establish an asphalt plant for road development of MvRxcyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi iv¯Zv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ GKwU 2,000.00 Gazipur city corporation G¨vmdë cø¨v›U ¯n'vcb Rangpur City Corporation 3705-1130 Removing water loging & infrastructure development iscyi wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi Rjve×Zv wbimb I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 10,000.00 of Rangpur city corporation 3705-1146 iscyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi 33wU Iqv‡W© wewfbœ iv¯Zvq moK 1.00 evwZ ¯'nvcb 3705-1147 win¨vwewj‡Ukb GÛ BgcÖyf‡g›U Ae wWdv‡i›U †ivW Bb iscyi 1.00 3705-1148 MvRxcyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ †Rv‡bi cÖavb ms‡hvM 90,000.00 iv¯Zv¸wj cÖk¯ZKiYmn b`©gv I dzUcv_ wbg©vY

27/09/20 Page 60 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Rural Development and Co-operatives Division Ministry's Own 3801-0001 Comprehensive Village Development Program mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m~wP (wmwfwWwc) 3q ch©vq 3,900.00 (CVDP) (3rd Phase) (13801-224199700) 3801-7310 One House One Farm Project. GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi cÖKí| 107,638.00 Department of Co-operatives 3831-5001 Improvement of the Standard of Living of DbœZ Rv‡Zi Mvfx cvj‡bi gva¨‡g myweavewÂZ gwnjv‡`i 3,952.00 Underprivileged Women through observing cows. RxebhvÎvi gvb Dbœqb| 3831-5002 Expansion of Dairy Co-operation in Gangachara Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó, `y» I gvsm Drcv`‡bi j‡¨ M½vQov Dc‡Rjvq 1,320.00 Upazila for Creating Employment, Production of †WBix mgev‡qi Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY| Dairy and Meat. Bangladesh Academy for Rural development, Comilla 3805-1115 Modernization of Bangladesh Academy for Rural evsjv‡`k cjøx Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx AvaywbKvqb 557.00 Development Project 3805-5007 Physical Facilities Development of BARD ev‡W©i †fŠZ myweavw` Dbœqb| 1,650.00 Rural Development Academy, Bogra 3805-1112 Project on Poverty Reduction of Marginalized People KzwoMÖvg I Rvgvjcyi ‡Rjvi cÖvwšZK Rb‡Mvôxi `vwi`ª 5,114.00 of Kurigram and Jamalpur Districts nªvmKiY kxl©K cÖKí 3805-5000 Establishment of Rural Development Academy cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx (AviwWG) ¯’'vcb, iscyi| 2,101.00 (RDA) at Rangpur 3805-5005 Establishment of Rural Development Academy cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx (AviwWG), Rvgvjcyi ¯’vcb| 4,210.00 (RDA), in Jamalpur. 3805-5009 Action Research on Graduation from Poverty in e¸ov †Rjvi mvwiqvKvw›` I †mvbvZjv Dc‡Rjvi Pi GjvKvq 1,008.00 Chars Island at Sariakandi and Sonatola Upazila of emevmiZ `vwi`ª¨ Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Bogra District 3805-5013 Action Research Project on Extension and cvwe mvkªqx AvaywbK cÖhyw³i m¤cÖmviY I we¯Zvi Ges 787.00 Dissemination of Modern Water Saving e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g dm‡ji Drcv`m e„w× kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK Technologies and Management Practices to M‡elYv| Increase Crop Production. 3805-5015 Action Research Project on Disseminating †mŠikw³ wbf©i †mP c×wZ I Gi eûgyLx e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g 900.00 Two-storied Agriculture with Solar Power Irrigation wد i K…wl cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv Technology and its Multipurpose Uses 3805-5032 Making Markets Work for the Jamuna, Padma and ‡gwKs gv‡K©Um IqvK© di `¨A hgybv, cÙv GÛ wZ¯Zv Pim ( 466.00 Teesta Chars (M4C). Gg 4wm)| 3805-5062 Action Research Project on Construction of MªvgxY Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Ges AvaywbK bvMwiK my‡hvM 1.00 Co-operative based Multistoried 'Palli Janapad' myweav m¤¦wjZ mgevqwfwËK eûZj feb wewkó Ôcj­x Rbc`Õ Housing with Modern Urban Amenities for Livelihood wbg©vY Improvement of the Rural People. Bangladesh Rural Development Board 3805-1113 Poverty Reduction through production and marketing cywómg„× D•P g~‡j¨i km¨ Drcv`b I evRviRvZKiY Kg©m~wP 4,750.00 of high valued minors crops program 3805-1114 Enlightened Rural Road Light Project Av‡jvwKZ cjøx moK evwZ cÖKí 1,500.00 3805-5001 Paricipatory Rural Development Project-3 (PRDP-3) Askx`vwiZ¡g~jK cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí| 3,400.00 3805-5017 Gaibandha Integrated Rural Poverty Alleviation MvBevÜv mgwš^Z cj­x `vwi`ª `ixKiY cÖKí 818.00 Project 3805-7001 Employment Guarantee Scheme for Hard Core Poor DËiv‡ji nZ `wi`ª‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY cÖKí (2q 1,820.00 of Northern Region. ch©vq)

27/09/20 Page 61 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Rural Development and Co-operatives Division Bangladesh Rural Development Board 3805-8470 Expansion, Renovation & Modernization of e½eÜz `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖwk¶Y Kg‡c­·, †KvUvjxcvov Gi m 7,000.00 Bangabhandhu Poverty Alleviation Training ¤•ªmviY, ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb| Complex, Kotalipara,Gopalgonj. Milk Vita, Bangladesh 3805-0001 Establishment of Diversified Milk Product Plant and e„nËi dwi`cy‡ii Piv‡ji Ges cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKvq Mevw` cïi 4,754.00 Cattle Development in Greater Faridpur Chars and RvZ Dbœqb I `y‡»i eûgyLx e¨envi wbwðZKiY KviLvbv ¯’vcb Adjacent Areas (13801-224201200) 3805-5008 Establishment of Milk Plant for Enhancing Milk `y" Drcv`b e"w×i j‡¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cwUqvq `y" KviLvbv ¯'vcb| 1,097.00 Production at Patiya, Chittagong. 3805-5067 Extablishment of Super Instant Powder Milk Plant at wmivRM‡Äi evNvevox‡Z ¸‡ov `y» KviLvbv ¯’vcb| 99.00 Bangabarighat, Sirajgonj Small Farmers Development Foundation (SFDF) 3805-5003 Small Farmers Development Fundation Assistance y¶z`ª K…lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûkb (Gm,Gd,wW,Gd) Dbœqb mnvqZv 784.00 Project (2nd Phase) (2q ch©vq)| Rural Poverty Alleviation Foundation 3805-1111 Renewable Energy Development in Remote off Grid evsjv‡ki we`y¨r wenxb cÖZ¨šZ Ges Pi GjvKvq ‡mŠi kw³i 1,610.00 and Chars Areas in Bangladesh Dbœqb cÖKí 3805-5004 Poverty reduction through fishery harvesting of jute nvRvgRv/cwZZ cyKzi cybtLb‡bi gva¨‡g msMwVZ Rb‡Mvôxi 980.00 produced by reproduction of hajama / fallen ponds. cvU cPv‡bv cieZ©x gvQ Pv‡li gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb| 3805-5006 The elimination of poverty through the subsequent cÖvwšZK Ges y¶z`ª K…lK‡`i km¨ msMÖn cieZ©x mn‡hvMxZvi 1,500.00 collaboration of marginal and minor farmers to gva¨‡g `vwi`ªZv `~ixKiY| collect grains.

27/09/20 Page 62 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Industry Ministry's Own 3901-0001 Progati Tower cÖMwZ UvIqvi 6.00 3901-1111 Fortification of Edible Oil in Bangladesh (Phase-III) ‡dviwUwd‡Kkb Ae GwWej A‡qj Bb evsjv‡`k (‡dBR-3) 247.00 3901-1112 Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling in ‡mBd GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvwj mvDÛ kxc wimvBwKs Bb 451.00 Bangladesh Phase-II evsjv‡`k (†dBR-2) 3901-5000 Establishment of National Quality Policy and RvZxq ¸YMZ gvbbxwZ ev¯Zevqb I evsjv‡`k RvZxq ¸YMZ 157.00 establishment of Bangladesh National Quality gvb I KvwiMix wbqšÎY KvDwÝj cÖwZôv| Standards and Technical Regulatory Council. National Productivity Organisation 3937-5001 Construction of Office Building for National AvaywbK my‡hvM myweavmn b¨vkbvj †cÖvWvw±wfwU AM©vbvB‡Rkb 1.00 Productivity Organization (NPO) and Department of (GbwcI) I †c‡U›U, wWRvBb I †UªWgvK©m Awa`ßi Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT) with (wWwcwWwU) Gi Awdm feb wbg©vY| Modern Facilities. Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) 3905-1123 Extension of Jamalpur BSCIC Industrial Estate Rvgvjcyi wewmK wkíbMix m¤cÖmviY 500.00 3905-5000 BSCIC Industrial Park, Tangail. wewmK wkí cvK© UvsMvBj| 71.00 3905-5001 Construction of multi-storied buildings of BSCIC at ‡ZRMuvI-G wewm‡Ki eûZj wewkó feb wbg©vY| 1,200.00 Tejgaon. 3905-5002 BSCIC Plastic industrial Estate. wewmK c­vwóK G‡óU| 8,320.70 3905-5003 Reconstruction and Modernization of 4 craft wewm‡Ki 4wU ˆbcyY¨ weKvk †K‡›`ªi cyb:wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb| 1,477.00 development centers of BSCIC. 3905-5009 Expansion of Narsinghdi BICIC Industrial Estate. biwms`x wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 260.00 3905-5015 BSCIC Industrial Estate, Bairab (1st Revised). wewmK wkí bMix, ˆfie (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 10.00 3905-5025 Poverty Reduction through Inclusive and Sustainable†cÖvfvwU© wiWvKkb _ª• BbK¬ywmf GÛ mvm‡UUbej gv‡K©Um 4,923.00 Markets (PRISM). (wcÖRg)| 3905-5026 Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial Estate-2. ivRkvnx wewmK wkí bMix-2| 5.00 3905-5027 BSCIC Industrial Estate Chuwadanga (1st Revised). wewmK wkí bMix, PzqvWvsMv (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 500.00 3905-5031 BICIC Printing Industrial Estate. wewmK g~`ªY wkí bMix| 887.00 3905-5034 Expansion of Madaripur BSCIC industrial town. gv`vixcyi wewmK wkíbMix m¤cÖmviY| 510.00 3905-5035 BSCIC Industrial City, Raozan. wewmK wkí bMix, ivDRvb| 200.00 3905-5036 BSCIC electrical product production and light wewmK ˆe`y¨wZK cY¨ Drcv`b I nvjKv cÖ‡KŠkj wkí bMix| 1,350.00 engineering industrial city. 3905-5037 Shatranji Industrial Development, Rangpur (2nd kZiwÄ wk‡íi Dbœqb, iscyi (2q ch©vq)| 257.00 phase). 3905-5038 Development of Underdevelopt area and Repair & ewikvj †ewmK wkíbMixi AbybœZ GjvKv Dbœqb Ges DbœZ 250.00 Reconstruction of Developed area of BSCIC GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv †givgZ I cybtwbg©vY Industrial Estate, Barishal. 3905-7280 Expansion of Gopalgonj BSCIC Estate. ‡MvcvjMÄ wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 916.00 3905-7370 BSCIC Industrial Area, Kumarkhali, Kustia. wewmK wkí b`ix, KzgviLvjx, Kzwóqv| 2.00 3905-7380 BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj (2nd Revised). wewmK wkí cvK©, wmivRMÄ (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 9,545.00 3905-7540 BSCIC Industrial Estate, Bargona (1st Revised) ei¸bv wkí bMix (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 500.00 3905-8330 Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka (3rd Revised) Pvgov wkí bMix, XvKv (3q ms‡kvwaZ)| 12,374.00 3905-8400 Active Farmacitucal Ingrediant (API) Industrial Park G¨vKwUf dvg©vwmDwUK¨vj Bb‡MÖwW‡q›U (GwcAvB) wkí cvK© 1,500.00 (3rd Revised) (3q ms‡kvwaZ)| Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute (BSTI) 3905-5032 Modernization of BSTI Regional Offices at gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae weGmwUAvB wiwRIbvj Awd‡mm G¨vU 3,027.00 Chittagong and Khulna. wPUvMvs G¨vÛ Lyjbv|

27/09/20 Page 63 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Industry Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute (BSTI) 3905-7490 Expansion and Strengthening of BSTI at Five G·cvbkb GÛ †÷ªs‡`wbs Ad weGmwUAvB G¨vU dvBf wWmw÷ª 770.00 Districts. ±m| Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) 3905-1111 Construction of 34 no. of Buffer Godowns at mvi msiÿY I weZiY myyweavi Rb¨ ‡`‡ki wewfbœ RvqMvq 6,110.00 Different Districts for facilitating fertilizer Distribution 34wU evdvi ¸`vg wbg©vY 3905-1112 Ghorashal Polash Urea Fertilizer Project ‡Nvivkvj cjvk BDwiqv dvwU©jvBRvi cÖKí 279,000.00 3905-1113 Establishment of 14 No. ETP at Sugar Mills 14wU wPwbK‡j eR©¨ cwi‡kvabvMvi ¯'nvcb 700.00 3905-1120 Godown Construction for Temporary Facilitating A¯'nvqx wfwˇZ ivmvqwbK `ªe¨ msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ ¸`vg wbg©vY 1,500.00 Chemical Storage Project 3905-5008 Conversion of Wet Process to Dry Process of QvZK wm‡g›U †Kvs wj: Gi Drcv`b c×wZ I‡qU cÖ‡mm †_‡K 8,000.00 Chatak Cement Company Ltd. WªvB cÖ‡mm G i~cvšZi| 3905-5024 Extension of Dhamrai BSCIC Industrial Estate. avgivB wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 956.00 3905-5039 Construction of 13 (thirteen) no. of New Buffer mvi-msi¶Y I weZiY myweavi Rb¨ †`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq bZzb 10,000.00 Godowns at Different Districts for facilitating fertilizer 13(†Zi) wU evdvi †MvWvDb wbg©vY Distribution 3905-7520 Shahjalal Fertilizer Project (2nd Revised). kvn&Rvjvj dvwU©jvBRvi cÖ‡R± (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 1,414.30 Bangladesh Industries Technical Assistance Center 3905-1114 BSCIC Chemical Industrial Park, Munshiganj (1st wewmK †KwgK¨vj BÛvw÷ªqvj cvK©, gywÝMÄ (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 42,880.00 Revised) 3905-1117 Construction of Girls Hostel at Chattogram, Khulna weUvK PUªMÖvg, Lyjbv I e¸ov †K‡›`ª gwnjv †nv‡÷j wbg©vY 600.00 and Bogura Centers of BITAC 3905-5005 Establishment of Tool Institute to Strength activities weUv‡Ki Kvh©µg kw³kvjx Kivi j‡¶¨ †Uw÷s myweavmn Uzj 2,341.00 with testing facilities of BITAC. Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb| Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) 3905-5011 BMR of Carew & Co. (BD) ltd. (1st Revised). weGgAvi Ae †Kiy GÛ †Kvs wewW wjt (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 1,200.00 3905-5016 Replacement of Old Machinery and Addition of VvKziMvuI wPwbK‡j cyivZb cÖwZ¯'vcb Ges myMvi weU †_‡K wPwb 60.00 Machinery for Beet Sugar Production at Thakurgaon Drcv`‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq hšÎcvwZ ms‡hvRb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| Sugar Mills (1st Revised) 3905-5018 Production of Electircity by Cogeneration and b_©‡e½j wPwbK‡j †Kv-‡Rbv‡ikb c×wZ‡Z we`y¨r Drcv`b I 60.00 Establishment of Sugar Refinery at North Bengal myMvi widvBbvix ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| Sugar Mills (1st Revised). Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC) 3905-1115 Modernization and Strengthening of Gazi Wires Ltd. MvRx Iq¨vim& wj:†K kw³kvjx I AvayywbKxKiY cÖKí 719.00 3905-1116 Feasibility Study of Environment Friendly Ship wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ae GbfvBib‡g›U †dªÛwj kxc wi-mvBwKs 376.00 Recycling Industry at Taltali Upazila in Barguna BÛvwóª G¨vU ZvjZwj Dc‡Rjv Bb ei¸bv wWw÷ªK 3905-1119 Installation of disposable razor blade plant and wWm‡cv‡Rej †iRi ‡eøW cøv›U ¯n'vcb Ges we`¨gvb 189.00 modernization of existing machineries †gwkbvwiR AvaywbKvqb 3905-1121 Feasibility study for Modernization of Dacca Steel XvKv ÷xj IqvK©m wjt AvaywbKvqb cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 96.00 Works Ltd. 3905-1122 Construction of Chemical Warehouse ivmvqwbK ¸`vg wbg©vY 857.00 3905-5033 LED Light (CKD) Assembling Plant in ETL (1st GjBwW jvBU (wm‡KwW) G¨v‡mgwe­s c­¨v›U Bb BwUGj (1g 1,130.00 Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) 3905-1118 Strengthening of Bangladesh Institutions of XvKv¯n' evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae g¨v‡bR‡g›U (weAvBGg)‡K 574.00 Management(BIM), Dhaka kw³kvjxKiY

27/09/20 Page 64 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Textiles & Jute Department of Textiles 4131-1111 Establishment of Shekh Hasina Textile Engineering ‡kL nvwmbv †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, wkePi, gv`vixcyi 315.00 College, Shibchar, Madaripur ¯n'vcb 4131-1112 A study on the Development of Textile Education G ÷vwW Ab w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †U·UvBj GWz‡Kkb †m±i 300.00 Sector in Bangladesh Targeting the Fultilment of Bb evsjv‡`k Uv‡M©wUs w` dzjwdj‡g›U Ae †jvKvj GBPAvi Local HR Demand wWg¨vÛ 4131-1113 Images for 7 textile vocational institute development we`¨gvb 7wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Dbœqb I 145.00 and 6 textiles vocational institute establish 6wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bwbw÷wUDU ¯n'vcb 4131-5000 Establishment of Shahid Kamruzzaman Textile knx` Kvgiy¾vgvb †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’'vcb, gv›`v| 2,500.00 Institute, Manda. 4131-5001 Begum Amina Mansur Textile Engineering Institute, ‡eMg Avwgbv gbmyi †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis Bbw÷wUDU, 1,620.00 Kazipur, Sirajganj. KvwRcyi, wmivRMÄ ¯’'vcb| 4131-5003 Establishment of Sunamgong Textile Institute mybvgMÄ †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 737.00 4131-5004 Establishment of Faridpur Textile Institute dwi`cyi †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb 3,891.00 4131-5005 Establishment of Sylhet Textile Institute wm‡jU †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb 3,719.00 4131-5006 Establishment of Sheikh Rasel Textile Engineering ‡kL iv‡mj †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR wm‡jU ¯’vcb 4,113.00 College Sylhet 4131-5007 Establishment of Lalmonirhat Textile Institute jvjgwbinvU †U·UvBj BÝw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 2,360.00 4131-5011 Establishment of Sheikh Rehana Textile Engineering ‡kL †invbv †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’'vcb †MvcvjMÄ 4,710.00 College, Gopalgonj . (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 4131-5012 Establishment of Sahid Abdur Rob Sarniabath knx` Avãyi ie †miwbqvevZ †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU, ‡MŠib`x 1,780.00 Textile Institute, Gournadi (1st Revised). ¯’'vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 4131-5013 Establishment of Bhola Textile Institute (2nd ‡fvjv †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 3,500.00 Revised). 4131-5014 Establishment of Sheikh Rasel Textile Institute, ‡kL iv‡mj †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU gv`viMÄ, Rvgvjcyi 1,264.00 Mathergonj, Jamalpur Project. 4131-5015 Establishment of D.M.A Wazed Miah Textile o. Gg Iqv‡R` wgqv †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR,cxiMÄ , 2,466.00 Engineering College, Pirgonj, Rangpur. iscyi| 4131-5016 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina BSc. inTextile ‡kL nvwmbv weGmwm Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR 2,786.00 Engineering College Melandh, Jamalpur . ‡gjv›`n, Rvgvjcyi| Bangladesh Handloom Board 4105-1112 Reviving The Technology of Muslin Yarn and Muslin evsjv‡`ki †mvbvjx HwZn¨ gmwj‡bi myZv ˆZwii cÖhyw³ I 245.00 Fabrics, The Golden Heritage of Bangladesh (1st gmwjb Kvco cybiy×vi (1g ch©vq) Phase) 4105-1113 Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Tantpalli (1st ‡kL nvwmbv ZvuZ cjøx ¯'vcb (1g ch©vq) 12,215.00 Phase) Project 4105-1114 Establishment of 5 Training Centres in 5 Basic evsjv‡`k ZvuZ †ev‡W©i AvIZvq 5wU †ewmK †m›Uv‡i 5wU 570.00 Centres, 1 Fashion Design Institute and 2 Market cÖwkÿY †K›`ª, 1wU d¨vkb wWRvBb Bbw÷wUDU Ges 2wU gv‡K©U Promotion Centres Under Bangladesh Handloom cÖ‡gvkb †K›`ª ¯n'vcb Board Projet. 4105-1115 Up gradation of Diploma Endibeering course of evsjv‡`k ZvuZ wkÿv I cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU, biwms`x Gi 390.00 Bangladesh Handloom Education and Training AvaywbKvqb I AeKvVv‡gvMZ m¤cÖmviY Institute, Narsingdi 4105-1120 Sheikh Hasina Nakshi Palli, Jamalpur (1st phase) ‡kL nvwmbv bKwkcwjø, Rvgvjcyi (1g ch©vq) 1.00 4105-1121 Providing Working Capital and Modernization of ZvuwZ‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae¯n'vi Dbœq‡b PjwZ g~jab mieivn 1,800.00 Handloom With a View to Development of I Zvu‡Zi AvaywbKvqb Socio-economic Conditions of Handloom Weavers 4105-5012 Establishment of 3 Handloom Service Centres in G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae w_ª n¨vÛjyg mvwf©m †m›Uvim Bb wWdv‡i›U 6,102.00 Different Loom Intensive Areas (1st Revised). jyg Bb‡Ubwmf Gwiqv|

27/09/20 Page 65 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Textiles & Jute Bangladesh Sericulture Board 4105-1111 Poverty Alleviation in Hill Districts through ‡ikb Pvl m¤cÖmviY I Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg 493.00 Sericulture Extension and Development †Rjvmg~‡ni `ªvwi`¨ we‡gvPb (14101-224223500) 4105-1119 Poverty Reduction in Greater Rangpur District ‡ikg Pvl m¤cªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g e„nËi iscyi ‡Rjvi `vwi`ª¨ 199.00 Through Sericulture (Extension) n«vmKiY 4105-7954 Integrated Plan for Expansion of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k †ikg wk‡íi m¤cÖmviY Rb¨ mgwš^Z cwiKíbv| 785.00 Sericulture. Bangladesh Sericulture Research and Training Institute (BSRTI) 4105-5000 Increasing productivity through the development of ‡ikg cÖhyw³ Dbœqb, we¯Zvi I `¶ Rbkw³ m„wói gva¨‡g 544.00 silk technology, expansion and creating skilled Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×KiY| manpower. Department of Jute 4135-1111 Advanced Technology Based Jute and Jute Seed DbœZ cÖhyw³wbf©i cvU I cvU exR Drcv`b Ges m¤cÖmviY 3,345.00 Production & Extension Project Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (B.J.M.C) 4105-1116 Sheikh Hasina Specialized Jute Textile Mill †kL nvwmbv †¯ckvjvBRW RyU ‡U·UvBj wgj 1,641.00 4105-1117 Balancing, Modrngization, Rehabilitation and evsjv‡`k cvUKj Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb 3wU wgj 626.00 Expansion (BMRE) Of 03 (three) Mills Under mylgKiY, AvayywbKvqb, c~be©vmb Ges ewa©ZKiY Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 4105-1118 Establishment of felt factory at Karim Jute Mills Ltd & Kwig RyU wgjm& wjwg‡UW I †`ŠjZcyi RyU wgjm& wjwg‡UW G 500.00 Daulatpur Jute Mills Ltd. And Development & ‡dë KviLvbv ¯n'vcb Ges †KGdwW wgjm& wjwg‡UW Gi Modernization of Diversified unit of KFD Mills Ltd. eûgyLx BDwb‡Ui Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb

27/09/20 Page 66 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Energy and Mineral Resources Division Geological Survey of Bangladesh 4205-1111 Geo-information for Urban Planning and Adaptation wRI Bbdi‡gkb di Avievb cøvwbs GÛ GWvc‡Ukb Uz 665.00 to Climate Change (GeoUPAC) K¬vB‡gU †PÄ evsjv‡`k (wRBIwcGwm) (14204-223031200) Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobagla) 4205-0009 Installation of 3000 Barrel Capacity Catalytic ‡c‡Uªvj‡K AK‡Ub-G iƒcvšZ‡ii j‡¶¨ AviwmGdwc‡Z 3000 26,108.00 Reforming Unit to in order to Convert Petrol into e¨v‡ij ¶gZv m¤cbœ K¨vUvjvBwUK widiwgs BDwbU ¯’vcb (2q Octen (2nd Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| 4205-0029 3-D Seismic Project of BAPX (1st Revised). 3-wW mvBmwgK cÖ‡R± Ae ev‡c· (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 693.00 4205-0036 Drilling of well no. Sylhet-9 (appraisal/development wm‡jU 9 bs Kzc (g~j¨vqb/Dbœqb K~c) Lbb| 2,746.00 well). 4205-0060 Rupkalpa-1 Drilling Project: 3 Exploratory Wells iƒcKí-1 Lbb cÖKí: 3wU AbymÜvbKzc (nviviMÄ-1, kÖxKvBj 4,677.00 (Hararganj-1, Srikail East-1and Salda North-1) and 2 Bó I mvj`v b_©-1) I 2wU Dbœqb Kzc (kÖxKvBj b_©-2, development wells (Srikail North-2, Kasba-2) (2nd Kmev-2) (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| Revised). 4205-0061 Rupkalpa-2 Drilling Project: 2 Exploratory Wells iƒcKí-2 Lbb cÖKí: 4wU AbymÜvb Kzc (mvj`v b`x `w¶Y-1, 2,000.00 (Semutang South-1 & Zakiganj-1) (1st Revised) †mgyZvs-`wY-1, evZwPqv-1 Ges mvj`v b`x c~e©-1) (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 4205-0062 Rupkalpa-3 Drilling Project : 2 Exploratory wells iƒcKí-3 Lbb cÖKí: 4wU AbymÜvbKzc (Kmev-1, Rvgvjcyi-1 30.00 (Kasba-1 and Madarganj-1) (1st Revised) I ˆkjKzcv-1) (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 4205-0065 Construction of Anowara-Fouzdarhat Gas Av‡bvqviv-‡dŠR`vi nvU M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb| 1,201.00 Transmission Pipe Line 4205-0066 Feasibility Study for Development of Dighipara wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w`Nxcvov †Kvj wdì, 7,421.00 Coalfield, Dinajpur w`bvRcyi| 4205-0077 Construction of Gas Pipeline for Mirsarai Economic gximivB A_©‰bwZK A‡ji Rb¨ M¨vm cvBc jvBb wbg©vY I 2,258.00 Zone and KGDCL Gas Distribution Network Up M¨vm weZiY †bUIqvK© Avc-‡MÖ‡Wkb gradation Project 4205-0078 Construction of Maheskhali-Anowara Gas g‡nkLvjx Av‡bvqviv M¨vm mÂvjb mgvšÍivj cvBc jvBb 17,400.00 Transmission Parallel Pipeline Project wbg©vY 4205-0080 Feasibility Study for Granite Slab Preparation and wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di MÖvbvBU úve wcÖcv‡ikb GÛ 942.00 Enhancement of Stone Production by Expansion of G¨vb‡n݇g›U Ae †÷vb †cÖvWvKkb evB G·cvbkb Ae Maddhapara Mine (1st Revised) ga¨cvov gvBb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 4205-0081 Rupkalpa-5 Drilling Project: Two Exploration Well iƒcKí-5 Lbb cÖKít 2wU AbymÜvb Kzc (kÖxKvBj b_©-1, 1.00 (Srikail North-1, Mubarakpur South East-1), One †gveviKcyi mvD_ B›U-1), 1wU gyj¨vqb Kvg Dbœqb Kzc Appraisal cum Development Well (Begumganj-4) †eMgMÄ-4) Ges 1wU IqvK©Ifvi (†eMgMÄ-3) and One Work over (Begumganj-3) 4205-0082 Rupkalpa-9: 2D Seismic Project iƒcKí-9t 2wW mvBmwgK cÖKí 1,000.00 4205-0083 Workover of 7 Wells at Titas, Habiganj, Narsindi & wZZvm, nweMÄ, biwms`x I evLivev` M¨vm wd‡ì 7wU Kz‡ci 11,632.00 Bakhrabad Gas Fields IqvK©Ifvi 4205-0089 Construction of Moheshkhali-Zero Point (Kaladiar g‡nkLvjx wR‡iv c‡q›U (Kvjvw`qv Pi) wmwUGgGm (ajNvU 14,000.00 Char) - CTMS (Dhalghat Char) Gas Transmission cvov) M¨vm mÂvjb cvBcjvBb wbg©vY cÖKí Parallel Pipeline Project 4205-1112 Construction of Bogura-Rangpur-Sayedpur Gas e¸ov-iscyi-‰mq`cyi M¨vm mÂvjb cvBcjvBb wbg©vY cÖKí 15,855.00 Transmission Pipeline Project 4205-1113 b¨vPvivj M¨vm Bwdwm‡qwÝ cÖ‡R± (Bb÷‡jkb Ae wcÖ-‡cÖBW 155.00 M¨vm wgUvi di †KwRwWwmGj) 4205-5002 Installation of Wellhead Compressors at Location-A wZZvm M¨vm wd‡ìi †jv‡Kkb-G I‡qj‡nW K‡¤cÖmi ¯n'vcb| 176.00 of Titas Gas Field.

27/09/20 Page 67 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Energy and Mineral Resources Division Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobagla) 4205-5003 Construction of Chattogram-Feni-Bakhrabad Gas PÆMÖvg-‡dYx-evLivev` M¨vm mÂvjb mgvšZivj cvBcjvBb 49,000.00 Transmission Parallel Pipeline (1st Revised). wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 4205-5018 Natural Gas Efficiency Project (Installation of b¨vPivj M¨vm Bwdwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R± (wZZvm wd‡ìi †jv‡Kkb-wm 28,555.00 wellhead Gas Compressor at Location-c of Titas Ges biwmsw` wd‡ì I‡qjnW M¨vm K‡¤•ªmi ¯’vcb| Gas & Narsingdi Fields). 4205-5021 Dhanua-Elenga & West Bank of Bangabandhu abyqv-G‡j½v Ges e½eÜy †mZyi cwðg cvo bjKv ch©š M¨vm 12,500.00 Bridge-Nalka Gas Trasnmoission Pipeline (BD-P78: mÂvjb cvBc jvBb wbg©vY cÖKí (wewW-wc 78t b¨vPvivj M¨vm Natural Gas Efficiency Project . B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±)| 4205-5022 Installation of Pre-paid Gas Meter for TGTDCL B›mU‡jkb Ae wcÖ‡cBW M¨vm wgUvi di wUwRwUwWwmGj 8,645.00 (BD-P78: Natural Gas Efficiency Project (1st (wewW-wc 78t b¨vPvivj M¨vm B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±) (1g Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) 4205-0059 Project Mangement Consultency Services for cÖ‡R± g¨v‡bR‡g›U Kbmvj‡UwÝ mvwf©‡mm di BÝU‡jkb Ae 1,000.00 Installetion of ERL Unit-2. BAviGj BDwbU-2 4205-0067 FEED Services for the Installation of ERL Unit-2. dW mvwf©‡mm di w` Bbó‡jkb Ad BAviGj BDwbU-2| 1,250.00 4205-0069 Construction of 20 storied Jamuna Office Building Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 20 †óvwiR hgybv Awdm wewìs (hgybv feb) 1,200.00 (Jamuna Bhaban) at Kawran Bazar, Dhaka G¨vU KvIivb evRvi, XvKv (†di-2)| (Phase-2). 4205-0070 Construction of 19 storied Meghna building with 03 Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 19 †óvwiR †gNbv feb DB_ 03 †eBR‡g›U 450.00 basement floor at Commercial Area, †dvi G¨vU AvMÖvev` Kgvwm©qvj Gwiqv, PÆMÖvg| Chittagong. 4205-0071 The Pipeline for Transportation of Petrolium Fuel PÆMÖvg n‡Z XvKv ch©šZ cvBcjvB‡b R¡vjvbx †Zj cwienY| 10,814.00 from Chattogram to Dhaka. 4205-0085 Construction of Mongla Oil Installation KÝUªvKkb Ae gsjv I‡qj BÝU‡jkb 966.00 4205-0086 Construction of Head Office Building of Padma Oil KÝUªvKkb Ae †nW Awdm wewìs Ae cÙv A‡qj †Kv¤cvwb 500.00 Company Limited wjwg‡UW 4205-0088 Jet A-1 Pipeline from Pitolgonj (Near Kanchan †RW-G-1 cvBc jvBb d«g wcZjMÄ (wbqvi KvÂb eªxR) Uz 3,500.00 Bridge ) to Kurmitola Aviation Dipo (KDA) Including Kywg©‡Uvjv Gwf‡qkb wW‡cv) †KGwW) BbK¬zwWs cvw¤cs pumping facilities one oil pipeline from Chattogram d¨vwmwjwUR Iqvb A‡qj cvBc jvBb d«g PÆMÖvg Uz XvKv to Dhaka 4205-5000 Installation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) with a BÝU‡jkb Ae wm‡½j c‡q›U gywis (GmwcGg) DB_ Wvej 126,156.00 double pipe line. cvBc jvBb|

27/09/20 Page 68 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Agriculture Ministry's Own 4301-5002 National Agricultural Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 922.00 Phase (NATP-2) (Project Management Unit). (cÖKí e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU)| Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4305-1128 Rangpur Division Agriculture and Rural iscyi wefvM K…wl I MÖvgxb Dbœqb (GjwRBwW A½) 181.00 Development(LGED Part) Department of Agricultural Extension 4331-0002 Farmers Training at the Upazilla Level for Transfer Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ n¯ÍvšÍ‡ii Rb¨ K…lK cÖwkÿY (3q 10,500.00 of Technology (3rd Phase) Project ch©vq) cÖKí (14302-224188300) 4331-1113 Greater Kushtia and Josor Region Agriculture e„nËi Kzwóqv I h‡kvi AÂj K…wl Dbœqb 1,110.00 Development project 4331-1114 Urban Agriculture Support project (Pilot) project bMi K…wl Dscv`b mnvqK (cvBjU) (wWGB A½) 377.00 4331-1115 Gopalgang-khulna-Bargerhat-Shatkhira-Pirojpur ‡MvcvjMÄ-Lyjbv-ev‡MinvU-mvZÿxiv-wc‡ivRcyi K…wl Dbœqb 1,150.00 Agricultural Development project (GKBSP ADP) (wWGB A½) 4331-1116 Safe Horticultural Crop production and post Harvest wbivc` D`¨vbZvwË¡K dmj Drcv`b I msMÖ‡nvËi e¨e¯'vcbv 1,057.00 Technology Transfer project 4331-1117 Noakhali, Feni, Lakshmipur, Chattogram, and ‡bvqvLvjx, ‡dbx jÿxcyi, PUªMÖvg I Pvu`cyi K…wl Dbœqb 1,270.00 Chandpur Agricultural Development project 4331-1118 Barishal, Patuakhali, Bhola, Jhalokathi, Borguna, ewikvj, cUzqvLvjx, ‡fvjv, SvjKvVx, ei¸bv, gv`vixcyyi I 1,444.00 Madaripur, and Shariatpur, Agricultural Development kwiqZcyi K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí project 4331-1119 Safe Crop Production project Through Eco-friendly cwi‡ekevÜe †KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g wbivc` dmj Drcv`b 1,992.00 Approach 4331-1120 Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness project ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 2,823.00 (SACP) (wWGB I g¨v‡bR‡g›U A½) 4331-1121 Rangpur Division Agriculture and Rural Developmentiscyi wefvM K…wl I MÖvgxb Dbœqb (wWGB A½) 1,494.00 project 4331-1122 Capacity Development of Agriculture Training K…wl cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDUmg~‡ni Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY 3,369.00 Institutes project (CDATIP) 4331-1123 Citrus Crops Extension, Management and ‡jey RvZxq dm‡ji m¤cÖmviY, e¨e¯'vcbv I Drcv`b e"w× 2,519.00 Production Enhancement Project cªKí 4331-1124 Production, Storage and Distribution of Quality AvaywbK cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g K…lK ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi avb, Mg I 4,700.00 Seeds of Rice, Wheat and Jute at Farmers' Level cvU exR Drcv`b msiÿY I weZiY cÖKí through Modern Technology Project 4331-1125 Integrated Farm Management Component-Phase-2 mgwš^Z Lvgvi e¨e¯n'vcbv A½-2q ch©vq 3,554.00 (IFMC-II) 4331-1126 Tuber Crops Development Project K›`vj dmj Dbœqb 911.00 4331-5001 National Agricultural Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 9,985.00 Phase (NATP-2) (DAE Part). (wWGB AsM)| 4331-5002 Establishment of Farmers Service Centre and BDwbqb ch©v‡q K…lK †mev †K›`ª ¯'vcb I cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmviY 1,808.00 Technology Transfer at Union Level (Pilot) Project (cvBjU)| 4331-5003 Agro-Meteorological Information Systems K…wl AvenvIqv Z_¨ c×wZ DbœZKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-wm)| 1,443.00 Development (Component-C). 4331-5004 Production, Preservation and Distribution of Lentil, K…lK chv©‡q DbœZgv‡bi Wvj, †Zj I gmjv exR Drcv`b, 3,405.00 Oil and Spices Seed at Farmer's Level msi¶Y I weZiY (3q chv©q) 4331-5005 Enhancing Crop Production through Extension of †mŠikw³ I cvwb mvkÖqx AvaywbK cÖhyw³ m¤•Ömvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 1,102.00 Solar Energy and Modern Water Saving dmj Drcv`b e„w× (cvBjU) Technologies Pilot Project

27/09/20 Page 69 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Extension 4331-5006 Research, Extension and Popularization of fvmgvb †e‡W mewR I gmjv Pvl M‡elYv, m¤•ÖmviY I 582.00 Vegetables and Spices Cultivation on Floating Bed RbwcÖqKiY (wWGB A½) Project (DAE Part) 4331-5007 Development and Expansion of Bio-Rational Based evsjv‡`k kvKmewR dj I cvb dm‡ji †cvKvgvKo I 270.00 Integrated Pest Management Technologies of †ivMevjvB e¨e¯’cbvq ˆRe evjvB bvkKwfwËK cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I Vegetables, Fruits and Betel Leaf (DAE Part) m¤•ÖmviY (wWGB A½) 4331-5023 Transfer of Technology for Agricultural Production UªvÝdvi Ae †UK‡bvjwR di GwMÖKvjPvivj †cÖvWvKkb AvÛvi 169.00 under Blue Gold Program. e­y †Mvì †cÖvMvg| 4331-5027 Enhancement of Crop Production through Improved Lvgvi ch©v‡q DbœZ cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv †KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g dmj 1,569.00 On-farm Water Management Technologies. Drcv`b e„w×| 4331-5036 Integrated Agricultural Approach for Ensuring mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cywó I Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY 662.00 Nutrition and Food Security Project (DAE cÖKí (K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM)| Component). 4331-5039 Year Round Fruit Production for Nutrition eQie¨vcx dj Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g cywó Dbœqb| 3,468.00 Improvement Project Agricultural Education and Training 4336-5000 Strengthening the National Agricultural Training RvZxq K…wl cÖwkY GKv‡Wgx kw³kvjxKiY| 1,348.00 Academy. Seed Certification Agency 4338-1111 Strengthening Seed Certification Activities exR cªZ¨qb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY 632.00 Cotton Development Board 4339-1111 Gbn¨vwÝs K¨vcvwmwU Bb KUb f¨vivBwUm †W‡fjc‡g›U 350.00 4339-5011 Expansion of Cotton Cultivation Project (Phase-1). m¤•ªmvwiZ Zyjv Pvl (†dR-1) cÖKí| 596.00 Agricultural Information Service 4341-5000 Modernization of Agriculture Information Service and K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m AvaywbKvqb I wWwRUvj K…wl Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM 2,000.00 Digital Agriculture Information and Communication kw³kvjxKiY Strengthening Project Department of Agricultural Marketing 4343-1111 Strengthening Flower Marketing System Through evRvi AeKvVv‡gv, msiÿY I cwienY myweavi gva¨‡g dzj 245.00 Market Infrastructure, Conservation, and wecbb e¨e¯'v kw³kvjxKiY Transportation Facilities 4343-1112 Small-Holder agriculture Competitiveness ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 3,421.00 Project(SACP) (DAM Part) (wWGGg A½) 4343-1113 K…wl wecYb Awa`ßi †Rvi`viKiY 296.00 Soil Research and Other Research Facilities 4345-5000 Strengthening of Soil Research and Research g„wËKv M‡elYv Ges M‡elYv myweav †Rv`viKiY 1,259.00 Facilities Barindra Multipurpose Development Agency 4305-1120 Extension of Irrigation Facilities by Augmentation of ivRkvnx †Rjvi evNv, PviNvU I cev Dc‡Rjvq Rjve×Zv 1,810.00 Surface Water and Mitigation of Water Logging in wbimb Ges f~-Dcwi¯’ cvwbi cÖvc¨Zv e„w×i gva¨‡g †mP myweav Bagha, Chargaht & Paba Upazilla of Rajshahi m¤cÖmviY District 4305-1132 Expansion of Irrigation in Through f~-Dcwi¯n' cvwbi m‡e©vËg e¨envi I e"wói cvwb msiÿ‡Yi 300.00 Best Uses of Surface Water and Conservation of gva¨‡g bv‡Uvi †Rjvq †mP m¤cÖmviY Rain Water

27/09/20 Page 70 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Agriculture Barindra Multipurpose Development Agency 4305-1133 Minor Irrigation Through Pond Re-Excavation and cyKzi cybtLbb f~-Dcwi¯n' cvwb Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g ÿz`ª ‡m‡P 300.00 Surface Water Augmentation e¨envi 4305-1134 Expansion of Irrigation in Greater Rangpur District f~-Dcwi¯n' cvwbi m‡e©vËg e¨envi I e„wói cvwb msiÿ‡Yi 320.00 Through Best Uses of Surface Water and gva¨‡g e„nËi iscyi †Rjvq †mP m¤cÖmviY Conservation of Rain Water 4305-5007 Excavation of Dug Well in Brind Area for Cultivation e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cvZK~qv Lb‡bi gva¨‡g ¯^í †m‡Pi dmj 2,401.00 of Crops by Soft Irrigation. Drcv`b| 4305-5046 Quality Seed Production, Distribution & Farmer's km¨ Drcv`‡b gvb m¤§Z exR Drcv`b, mieivn I K…lK 48.00 Training for Crop Production. cÖwk¶Y cÖKí| Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute 4305-0005 Strengthening of Spices Crop Research in evsjv‡`‡k gmjv RvZxq dm‡ji M‡elbv †Rvi`viKiY 2,272.00 Bangladesh (14301-224188500) 4305-1117 Establishment of Agriculture Research Station, ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvq weGAviAvB-Gi K…wl M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯'vcb I 10,102.00 BARI, Gopalganj and Eco-friendly Agricultural ‡`‡ki `wÿY-cwðgv‡ji cwi‡ek-cÖwZ‡ek Dc‡hvMx M‡elYv Development Project in South-Western Part through Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKi‡Yi gva¨‡g K…wl Dbœqb Strengthening of Research 4305-1118 Upgrading Regional Horticulture Research Station, AvÂwjK D`¨vbZË¡ M‡elbv †K›`ª Kzwgjøv‡K AvÂwjK K…wl 489.00 Cumilla to Regional Agricultural Research Station M‡elYv ‡K‡›`ª DbœxZKiY 4305-1126 Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 385.00 (SACP) (BARI Component) (weGAviAvB A½) 4305-5000 Improvement and Quality Seed Production of Wheat Mg I fzÆvi DbœZZi exR Drcv`b Ges Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)| 271.00 and Maize (2nd Phase) 4305-5002 Strengthening of Oilseed and Pulses Research and evsjv‡`‡k †ZjexR I Wvj M‡elYv I Dbœ&qb| 278.00 Development in Bangladesh. 4305-5005 Strengthening Research on Horticultural Crops and D`¨vbZvwË¡K dm‡ji M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY Ges Pi GjvKvq 1,065.00 Dissemination of Horticultural & Field Crop D`¨vb I gvV dm‡ji cÖhyw³ we¯Zvi| Technology in Charland Areas. 4305-5053 Research, Extension and Popularization of fvmgvb †e‡W mewR I gmjv Pvl M‡elYv, m¤•ÖmviY I 554.00 Vegetables and Spices Cultivation on Floating Bed RbwcÖqKiY (evwi A½) Project (BARI Part) 4305-5059 Development and Expansion of Bio-Rational Based evsjv‡`k kvKmewR dj I cvb dm‡ji †cvKvgvKo I 521.00 Integrated Pest Management Technologies of †ivMevjvB e¨e¯’cbvq ˆRe evjvB bvkKwfwËK cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I Vegetables, Fruits and Betel Leaf (BARI Part) m¤•ÖmviY (evwi A½) Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation 4305-0003 Enhancing the Capacity of Horticulture Division of weGwWwmi D`¨vb Dbœqb wefv‡Mi mÿgZv e„w×i gva¨‡g D`¨vb 2,590.00 BADC by Improvement of Nutritional Security with RvZxq dmj mieivn I cywó wbivcËv Dbœqb the Supply of Horticultural Product (14301-224188100) 4305-0006 Project for Development of Minor Irrigation & iscyi A‡j f‚Dcwi¯’ cvwb msiÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g ÿz`ª‡mP Dbœqb 3,500.00 Increase Irrigation Efficiency through Conservation I †mP `ÿZv e„w×KiY (14301-224188400) of Surface Water in Rangpur Area 4305-0007 and Tangail & Kishorgonj gqgbwmsn wefvM Ges XvKv wefv‡Mi UvsMvBj I wK‡kviMÄ 3,500.00 District Minor Irrigation Development Project †Rjvq ÿz`ª †mP Dbœqb (14301-224188200) 4305-1115 Enhancing the Capability of Vegetables Seed weGwWwmÕi mewR exR wefv‡Mi mgZv e"w×i gva¨‡g nvBweªW 1,025.00 Division, BADC by Strengthening Hybrid Vegetables mewR exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRvZKiY,msiÿY I weZiY Seed Production, Processing, Preservation and Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Distribution Activities Project

27/09/20 Page 71 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Agriculture Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation 4305-1116 Rehabilitation of Contract Growers of Chandpur cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM ÿwZMª¯'n Pvu`cyi exR Avjy Drcv`b ‡Rv‡bi 576.00 Seed Potato, Contract Growers Zone affected by Pzw³e×, Pvwl cyY©evmb Ges exR Avjy msMÖn I natural calamities and increasing the facilities for cªwµqvvRvZKi‡Yi my‡hvM myweav e"w× procurement and processing of seed potato 4305-1121 Project for Renovation, Modernization and evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb (weGwWwm)Õi Awdm feb Ges 3,647.00 Construction of Office Buildings and Other AeKvVv‡gvmg~n ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKxKiY I wbg©vY Infrastructures of BADC 4305-1122 Minor Irrigation Development Project by using Solar ‡mŠikw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g ÿz`ª‡mP Dbœqb 1,316.00 Energy 4305-1123 Greater Dhaka District Irrigation Area Development e„nËi XvKv †Rjv †mP GjvKv Dbœqb 1,760.00 Project (3rd Phase) 4305-1127 Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project ¯§j‡nvìvi GwMÖKvjPvivj Kw¤cwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GmGwmwc) 8,040.00 (SACP) (weGwWwm A½) 4305-1129 Maintenance, Rehabilitation of BADC's Existing weGwWwmÕi we`¨gvb mvi¸`vgmg~‡ni iÿYv‡eÿY cybe©vmb 1,100.00 Fertilizer Godowns and Construction of New Ges bZzb ¸`vg wbg©v‡Yi gva¨‡g mvi e¨e¯n'vcbv Kvh©µg Godowns for Strengthening of Fertilizer †Rvi`viKiY-2q ch©vq Management Activities Project (2nd Phase) 4305-1130 Strengthening Production, Preservation & gvbm¤cbœ exR Avjy Drcv`b I msiÿY Ges K…lK ch©v‡q 2,500.00 Distribution of Quality Seed Potato to the Farmers weZiY †Rvi`viKiY-2q ch©vq 4305-1135 Cumilla-Chandpur- Irrigation Kzwgjøv-Pvu`cyi-eªvþYevwoqv †Rjv †mP GjvKv Dbœqb 942.00 Area Development Project 4305-1136 Irrigation development project through surface water cvebv-bv‡Uvi-wmivRMÄ †Rjvq f~-Dcwi¯'n cvwbi gva¨‡g †mP 1,500.00 in Pabna-Natore- Dbœqb 4305-1137 Greater Faridpur Irrigation Area Development e„nËi dwi`cyi †mP GjvKv Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) 1,083.00 Project (4th Phase) 4305-5003 Construction of rubber Dam to Utilize Surface Water K…wl Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ f~-Dcwi¯’' cvwb e¨env‡ii Rb¨ ivevi 2,150.00 for Enhancing Agricultural Production. W¨vg wbg©vY| 4305-5009 Digitalizaion of Survey and Monitoring for ¶z`ª †mP Dbœq‡b Rwic I cwiex¶Y wWwRUvjvB‡RkbKiY (4_© 1,525.00 Development of Minor Irrigation (Phase-IV) ch©vq) 4305-5042 Barisal Division Minor Irrigation Development Project ewikvj wefvM ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 1,521.00 (1st Revised). 4305-5044 Modernization and Improvement of Eexisting Seed weGwWwmÕi we`¨gvb exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRvZKiY I weZiY 47.00 Production, Processing and Distribution Facilities of e¨e¯’'vw`i AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb| BADC (MIEF). 4305-5047 Improvement and Quality Seed Production of Rice, avb, Mg I fzÆvi DbœZZi exR Drcv`b Ges Dbœqb (2q 4,517.00 wheat and maize (2nd Phase). ch©vq)| 4305-5052 Strengthening Sustainable Nutrition Security through Wvj I ‡ZjexR Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g †UKmB cywó wbivcËv 2,989.00 Pulses & Oil Seed Production Project.. †Rvi`viKiY| 4305-5054 Greater Khulna and Jessore Zilla Minor Irrigation e„nËi Lyjbv I h‡kvi †Rjvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb 3,500.00 Development Project 4305-5055 Expansion of irrigation through utilization of surface Wvej wjdwUs Gi gva¨‡g f~-Dcwi¯' cvwbi mvnv‡h¨ †mP m 3,300.00 water by double lifting-3rd phase. ¤cÖmviY (3q ch©vq)| 4305-5056 Ashuganj Palash Agro-Irrigation (5th stage). Avk~MÄ-cjvk G‡MÖv Bwi‡Mkb (5g ch©vq)| 345.00 4305-5057 Greater Bogura and Dinajpur Zilla Minor Irrigation e„nËi e¸ov I w`bvRcyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb 2,954.00 Development Project 4305-5061 Noakhali, Feni and Laksmipur Zilla Minor Irrigation †bvqvLvjx, †dbx I j¶xcyi †Rjvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb 3,455.00 Development Project

27/09/20 Page 72 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Agriculture Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation 4305-5062 Pilot Project of Surface Water Based Irrigation jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi nvZxevÜv Dc‡Rjvi mvwbqvRvb BDwbq‡b 1,020.00 Expansion Model at Shaniajan Union of Hatiabandhaf‚-Dcwi¯’ cvwb wbf©i †mP m¤•Ömvi‡Yi g‡Wj ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ Upazila under Lalmonirhat District cvBjU cÖKí Bangladesh Jute Research Institute 4305-1119 Establishment of Jute Research Sub-station and Rvgvjcyi †‡Rjvi gv`viM‡Ä cvU M‡elYv Dc‡K›`ª ¯’'vcb Ges 252.00 Strengthening of Research Activities at Madarganj of M‡elYv Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY Jamalpur District 4305-5058 Strengthening Research and Infrastructure Facilities we‡RAviAvB Gi RyU GÛ †U·UvBj I †cÖvWv± †W‡fjc‡g›U 187.00 of Jute & Textile Product Development Centre †m›Uvi (†RwUwcwWwm) Gi M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY (JTPDC) 4305-8450 Applied and Basic Research of Jute Affairs. cvU welqK †gŠwjK I dwjZ M‡elYv| 520.00 Bangladesh Rice Research Institute 4305-1131 Strengthening Farm Machinery Research Activity for hvwšÎK c×wZ‡Z avb Pvlvev‡`i j‡ÿ¨ Lvgvi hšÎcvwZ 200.00 Mechanized Rice Cultivation M‡elYv Kvh©µg e„w×KiY 4305-5006 Increaseing of Research Activities and Physical evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi ‡fŠZ myweavw` I 5,000.00 Facilities of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. M‡elYv Kvh©µg e"w×KiY| Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute 4305-5048 Strengthening of Integrated Research program of evsjv‡`k By M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi mgwš^Z M‡elYv Kvh©µg 1,733.00 Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute. †Rvi`viKiY| Soil Resources Development Institute 4305-1124 Urban Agricultural Production Support Project (Pilot) bMi K…wl Dscv`b mnvqK (cvBjU) (GmAviwWAvB A½) 367.00 4305-1125 Gopalganj-Khulna-Bagerhat-Shatkhira-Pirojpur ‡MvcvjMÄ-Lyjbv-ev‡MinvU-mvZÿxiv-wc‡ivRcyi K…wl Dbœqb 453.00 Agricultural Development Project (GKBSPADP) (GmAviwWAvB A½) Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC) 4305-5004 National Agriculture Technology- 2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 6,708.00 phase(NATT-1) )BARC Part) (weGAviwm AsM)| Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN) 4305-5020 Infrastructure Construction and Strengthening evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó M‡elYv I cÖwkY Bbw÷wUDU (eviUvb) 5,300.00 Training & Research Capacity of Bangladesh Gi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY| Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN). 4305-5034 Integrated Agricultural Approach for Ensuring mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cywó I Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY 173.00 Nutrition and Food Security Project (BIRTAN cÖKí (evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Phase). AsM).

27/09/20 Page 73 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Ministry's Own 4401-1111 Introduction of E-Service in the area of Fisheries and grm¨ I cÖvYxm¤c` Lv‡Z B-‡mev Kvh©µg PvjyKiY 288.00 Livestock Sector Department of Fisheries 4431-1111 Sustainable Coastal and Marine Fisheries Project mvm‡UB‡bej ‡Kv÷vj GÛ †gwib wdkvixR cÖKí 4,140.00 4431-1112 Fisheries Development in Rajshahi Division ivRkvnx wefv‡Mi grm¨m¤c` Dbœqb 800.00 4431-5000 Enhancement of Fish Production Through Rjvkq ms¯‹v‡ii gva¨‡g grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×| 9,440.00 Restoration of Waterbodies Project. 4431-5003 Greater Jessore Fisheries Devlopment Project e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 940.00 (GJFDP) (1st Revised). 4431-5004 National Agricultureal Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 6,247.00 Phase (NATP-2) (Department of Fisheries Part). (grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM)| 4431-5023 Brood Bank Establishment Project (3rd Phase). eª•W e¨vsK ¯’vcb cÖKí (3q ch©vq)| 684.00 4431-5025 Expansion of Aquaculture Technology Services up toBDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤cÖmviY (2q ch©vq)| 3,829.00 Union Level Project (Phase-II). 4431-5038 Fisheries Development Project in Rangpur Division. iscyi wefv‡M grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,718.00 4431-5043 Fisheries development of the greater Comilla district.e„nËi Kzwgõv ‡Rjvq grm¨ Dbœqb| 6,700.00 4431-5052 Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh Gbn¨vÝW †Kv÷vj wdkvwiR (B‡Kvwdk)| 150.00 (ECOFISH-Bangladesh). Department of Livestock 4441-0002 Development and Expansion of Black Bengal Goat. eø¨vK †e½j Rv‡Zi QvMj Dbœqb I m¤úªmviY 1,450.00 (14404-224188800) 4441-1111 Integrated Livestock Development in Coastal Area DcK~jxq Piv‡j mgwš^Z cÖvYxm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí 3,500.00 4441-1112 Livestock and Dairy Development jvBf÷K GÛ †WBix †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí 13,700.00 4441-1113 Buffalo Development Project (2nd Phase) gwnl Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 2,740.00 4441-1114 Preparation of Master Plan of Bangladesh National evsjv‡`k RvZxq wPwoqvLvbv I iscyi wPwoqvLvbvi gvóvi cø¨vb 1,586.00 Zoo and Rangpur Zoo and Infrastructure cÖYqb Ges Acwinvh© AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb cÖKí Development & Renovation 4441-1115 Cattle Fattening through Modern Technology Project AvaywbK cÖhyw³‡Z Miy üó-cyóKiY cÖKí 1,468.00 4441-1116 Preventing Anthrax and Rabies in Bangladesh by wcÖ‡fw›Us Gb_v·© GÛ †iwem Bb evsjv‡`k evB Gb‡nwÝs 134.00 Enhancing Surveillance and Response mvwf©‡jÝ GÛ †imcÝ 4441-1117 Eliminate of PPR Disease and FMD Control wcwcAvi ‡ivM wbg©~j Ges ÿziv‡ivM wbqšÎY 1,555.00 4441-1118 Improvement of Socio-Economic and Livelihood mgZj f~wg‡Z emevmiZ AbMÖmi ÿz`ª b„-‡Mvwôi Av_©-mvgvwRK 602.00 Development of Tribal/ Minor races People Through I Rxeb gv‡bvbœ‡bi j‡ÿ¨ mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb Integrated Livestock Project 4441-1119 Veterinary Public Health Service Strengthening and Rb¯^v¯n'¨ myiÿvq †f‡Uwibvix cvewjK †nj_ mvwf©m 450.00 Protection Project †Rvi`viKiY 4441-1120 Establishment of Institute of Livestock Science and wm‡jU, jvjgwbinvU/KzwoMÖvg Ges ewikvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae 30.00 Technology Project in Sylhet, Lalmonirhat/ Kurigram jvBf÷K mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bvjwR ¯n'vcb and 4441-1121 Strengthening the Capacity of Department of cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`߇ii mÿgZv †Rvi`viKiY 50.00 Livestock Services 4441-5002 Establishment of Quality Control Laboratory for cÖvwYm¤c` Drcv`b I cÖvwYRvZ Lv‡`¨i gvb wbqšÎY 4,316.00 Livestock Inputs and its Food Products (EQCLIFP). M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb| 4441-5003 National Agricultureal Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 7,673.00 Phase (NATP-2) (Department of Livestock Part). (cÖvYxm¤c` Awa`ßi AsM)| 4441-5004 Food security and public health development evsjv‡`k †f‡Uibvix cwi‡mevmg~n my`„pKiY Ges bZzb 2,500.00 through regulation of Bangladesh Veterinary Avwef©ve‡hvM¨ msµvgK †ivMmg~n wbqšÎ‡Yi gva¨‡g Lv`¨ Services and new regressive infectious diseases. wbivcËv Ges Rb¯^v‡¯^'¨i Dbœqb|

27/09/20 Page 74 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Department of Livestock 4441-5037 Breed Up-gradation through Progeny Test Project eªxW Avc‡Mª‡Wkb _ª• cÖ•‡Rbx †Uó (3q ch©vq) cÖKí| 806.00 (3rd Phase). 4441-5038 Establishment of Institute of Livestock Science and Bbw÷wUDU Ae jvBf÷K mv‡q›m GÛ †UK‡bvjRx ¯’vcb 6,000.00 Technology Project. cÖKí| 4441-5041 South-West Region Livestock Development Project. `wY cwðgvÂjxq cÖvYxm¤c` Dbœqb| 1,919.00 4441-7056 Artificial Insemination (AI) Activities Extension and K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY I åyY ¯'vbvšZi cÖhyw³| 4,427.00 Embryo transfer (ET) echnology Implementation project (3rd Phase). Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute 4405-1113 Combating the threats of antimicrobial resistance evsjv‡`k (wRGBPGmG)-Gi AR©‡b A¨vw›UgvB‡µv weqvj 100.00 and zoonotic disease to achieve the GHSA in †iwR÷¨vÝ Ges Ry‡bvwmm cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí Bangladesh 4405-1115 Black Bengal Goat Conservation and Development eø¨vK †e½j QvM‡ji RvZ msiÿY I Dbœqb M‡elYv 310.00 Research Project 4405-1116 Strengthening of Poultry Research Development ‡cvwëª M‡elYv I Dbœqb †Rvi`viKiY 2,803.00 Project 4405-1117 Zoonoses and Transboundary Animal Diseases Ry‡bvwmm I AvšZtmxgvšZxq cÖvwY‡ivM cÖwZ‡iva I wbšÎY 82.00 Prevention and Control Research Project M‡elYv 4405-5001 Dairy Development Research. ‡WBix Dbœqb M‡elYv| 877.00 4405-5005 Red Chattogram Cattle (RCC) Improvement & †iW wPUvMvs K¨v‡Uj RvZ Dbœqb I msi¶Y (2q ch©vq) 1,050.00 Conservation Project (Phase-II) Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute 4405-1111 Seaweed culture and seaweed product development evsjv‡`k DcK~‡j mxDBW Pvl Ges mxDBWRvZ cb¨ Drcv`b 500.00 in Bangladesh coast research M‡elYv 4405-5002 Strengthening of Hilsa Research in Chandpur River. Pvu`cyi b`x †K‡›`ª Bwjk M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY| 975.00 4405-5003 Strengthening Marine Fisheries Research and mvgyw`ªK grm¨ M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,116.00 Infrastructure Development 4405-5004 Conservation, Propagation and Culture of Mussels evsjv‡`‡k wSbyK I kvgyK msi¶Y, †cvbv Drcv`b Ges Pvl 265.00 and Snails in Bangladesh Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC) 4405-5013 Establishment of Fisheries Landing Centres with ‡`‡ki 3wU DcK~jxq †Rjvi 4wU ¯’v‡b Avbylw½K myweavw`mn 2,278.00 Ancillary Facilities in 3 Coastal Districts at 4 Selectedgrm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Area.. 4405-5015 Establishment of Fish Landing Centers in Haor Area nvIi A‡j grm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 2,224.00 Bangladesh Veterinary Council 4405-1114 Construction of Bangladesh Veterinary Council Avbylw½K myweavmn evsjv‡`k ‡f‡Uwibvwi KvDwÝj feb wbg©vY 425.00 Bhaban with miscellaneous facilities

27/09/20 Page 75 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department of Forests 4531-1111 Sustainable Forests and Livelihoods (SUFAL) mvm‡UB‡bej d‡i÷ GÛ jvBfwjûW (mydj) 15,090.00 4531-1112 Eco-tourism Development & Sustainable ¯'vbxq b„-‡Mvôx RbM‡bi mnvqZvq gaycyi RvZxq D`¨v‡bi 247.00 Management of Modhupur National Park through the B‡Kv-Uz¨wiRg Dbœqb I †UKmB e¨e¯nvcbv Collaboration of local & Ethnic Communities. 4531-1113 Establishment of short rotation plantation with local cÖwZ‡ek Dbœqb I cvíDW Drcv`‡bi j‡ÿ¨ KvßvB evMvb 360.00 species in kaptai palpwood plantation Division for wefv‡Mi Awa‡ÿ‡Î †`kxq cÖRvwZi ¯^í‡gqv`x evMvb m„Rb Ecosystem improvement & palpwood production 4531-1114 Updating of master Plan Ecosystem Conservation of RvZxq Dw™¢` D`¨v‡bi gvóvicø¨vb nvjbvMv`KiY Ges 765.00 National Botanical Garden Project ev¯Zz'ms¯n'vb msiÿbmn AZ¨vek¨Kxq AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi/Dbœqb 4531-1116 e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, K·evRvi Gi Dbœqb I m 199.00 ¤cÖmviY (2q ch©vq) 4531-1117 K·evRvi †Rjvq †eóbx, m„Rb, cÖwZ‡ek cybiy×vi Ges 443.00 B‡Kv-Uz¨wiRg Dbœqb 4531-1118 Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi weiƒc cÖfve wbim‡b wm‡jU eb wefv‡M 146.00 cyYtebvqb I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 4531-1119 gnvgvqv B‡Kv-cv‡K©i Rxe‰ewPΨ msiÿY I cÖwZ‡ek Dbœqb 119.00 4531-1120 ÷ª¨v‡UwRK Gbfvqib‡g›U G‡mm‡g›U (GmBG) Ae mvD_ 269.00 I‡q÷ wiwRqb evsjv‡`k Uz Kbmvf© AvDU ÷¨vwÛs BDwbfvm©vj f¨vjyR Ae w` my›`iebm 4531-5000 Eco ristoresion of the Northern region of B‡Kv wi‡÷v‡ikb Ae w` b`©vb wiwRqb Ae evsjv‡`k| 143.00 Bangladesh. 4531-5001 Plantations in the five coastal districts. evsjv‡`‡ki cvuPwU DcK~jxq †Rjvq ebvqb| 102.00 4531-5003 National Garden and ballad gardens, Preservation RvZxq Dw™¢` D`¨vb Ges ejav evMvb, XvKv Gi msiY I 71.00 and Further Development of Dhaka. AwaKZi Dbœqb| 4531-5005 Widening of Approach Road and Development of e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK© MvRxcyi Gi G‡cÖvP moK 311.00 Other Infrastructure of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujib cÖm¯'KiY I Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| Safari Park, Gazipur. 4531-5006 Integrating Community Change Adaptation Into Bw›Uª‡MÖwUs KwgDwbwU †PÄ GWv‡Þkb BbUz G‡d"v‡Ukb GÛ 1,100.00 Afrotation And Re-Forstation Program In wi-‡dvi‡÷kb †cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k| Bangladesh 4531-5009 Expending the Protected Area System to Incorporate G·c¨vbwWs w` cÖ‡UK‡UW Gwiqv wm‡÷g Uz BbKi‡cv‡iU 590.00 Important Aquatic Ecosystem Bgci‡U›U GKzqvwUK B‡Kvwm‡÷g 4531-5011 Sustainable Social Forest Development Project in e„nËi iscyi †Rjvq †UKmB mvgvwRK ebvqb Dbœqb 503.00 the Greater Rangpur District 4531-5012 Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Development in evsjv‡`‡ki eb¨cÖvYxi ¸i•Z¡ I Avevm¯’j Dbœqb 678.00 Bangladesh. 4531-5013 Establishment of Sheik Russel Aviary and Eco-Park †kL iv‡mj Gwfqvix GÛ B‡Kv cvK© iv½ywbqv •ÆMÖvg (2q 318.00 at Rangunia, Chattogram (2nd Phase) ch©vq) 4531-5018 Afforestation in Coastal Region Including the Newly e‡½vcmvM‡ii DcK‚‡j †R‡M IVv bZzb Pi ebvqb 2,674.00 Accreted Chars of Bay of Bengal Bangladesh Forest Research Institute 4535-5000 Establishment of Regional Bamboo Research and bxjdvgvix †Rjvi †Wvgvi Dc‡Rjvq AvÂwjK evuk M‡elYv I 309.00 Training Center at Domar Upazila in Nilphamari cÖwkY †K›`ª ¯'vcb| District. 4535-5001 Developing and informing of quality seed sources. gvbm¤§Z exR Dr‡mi Dbœqb I cwiÁvZKiY 377.00 Department of Environment

27/09/20 Page 76 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department of Environment 4541-1111 Institutional Strengthening for the Bbw÷wUDkb¨vj †÷ªs‡`wbs di w` †gvR AvDU Ad IwWGm 85.00 Phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substance (†dm-8) (Phase-VIII) 4541-1112 Environmentally Sound Development of the Power Gbevqib‡g›Uvwj mvDÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae `¨v cvIqvi †m±i 274.00 Sector with the Final Disposal of Poly Chlorinated Bi- DB_ w` dvBbvj wWm‡cvmvj Ad cwj †Kv‡iv‡b‡UW evB phenyls (PCBs) wdbvBj (wcwmwW) 4541-1113 Development of Institutional Infrastructure, Setting cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, M‡elYvMvi ¯n'vcb I 350.00 up Laboratories and Enhancement Capacity of the mÿgZv e„w× (1g ce©) Department of Environment (1st Part) 4541-5004 Development, Management and Conservation of the cÖwZ‡ekMZ e¨e¯'nvcbvi gva¨‡g †m›U gvwU©b Øx‡ci 244.00 Biodiversity of Saint Martin Island through Ecological Rxe‰ewP‡Îi Dbœqb, e¨e¯'nvcbv I msiÿY| Management. 4541-5005 Establishing National Land Use and Land B÷vewjwms b¨vkbvj j¨vÛ BDR GÛ j¨vÛ wWM‡i‡Wkb 280.00 Degredetion Prifile Towards Mainstream SIM Practic †cÖvcvBj UzIqvW©m †gBbw÷ªwgs GmAvBGg cÖvKwUm Bb †m±i in Policy cwjwm

27/09/20 Page 77 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Land Ministry's Own 4601-1111 Establishment of Digital Land Management System G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wWwRUvj j¨vÛ g¨‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g 7,275.00 (DLMS) through Digital Survey and Settlement (wWGjGgGm) _yª wWwRUvj mv‡f© GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U Acv‡ikb Ae Operations of 3 (three) City Corporations, 1(one) 3 (_ªx) wmwU K‡c©v‡‡ikb, 1 (Iqvb) †cŠimfv G›W 2 (Uy) iyivj Pourasava & 2 (two) Rural Upazilla of Bangladesh Dc‡Rjv Ae evsjv‡`k 4601-1112 Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-weªwRs (wmwWGmwc-we) 388.00 (f~wg gšÎYvjq Ask) 4601-5000 Construction of Land Building Complex. f~wg feb Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y| 3,478.00 4601-5001 Construction of land and city land offices throughout mgMÖ †`‡k kni I BDwbqb f~wg Awdm wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 16,000.00 the country (1st Revised). 4601-5016 Land Survey, Record Compilation and Preservation wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z f~wg Rixc I †iKW© cÖYqb Ges msi¶Y (1g 1,000.00 through Digital System (1st phase-Computerization ch©vq t we`¨gvb †gŠRv g¨vcm Ges LwZqvb mg~‡ni Kw of existing Mouza Maps and Ledgers). ¤cDUvivB‡Rkb) cÖKí| 4601-5018 Construction of Upazila & Union Land Office (6th Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb f~wg Awdm wbg©vY (6lô ce©)| 19,045.00 phase) project. 4601-5019 Cluster villages (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) ¸"QMÖvg (KvB‡gU wfKwUgm& win¨vwewj‡Ukb) (2q ch©vq)| 3,700.00 (second phase).

27/09/20 Page 78 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh Water Development Board 4705-0026 Rehabilitation of Polder's (67/A,67, 67/B &68) along K·evRvi †Rjvi evsjv‡`k-gvqvbgvi--G mxgvšZ wbivcËv 2,300.00 Border River of Naf for Improving DbœZ Kivi Rb¨ DwLqv I †UKbvd Dc‡Rjvq bvd b`x eivei Bangladesh-Myanmar Security at Ukhia & Teknaf †cvìvimg~n (67/G, 67, 67/we I 68) cyb©evmb Upazilla in Cox's Bazar District (14701-224207400) 4705-0027 Dredging of Mohananda River and Rubber Dam PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq gnvb›`v b`x †WªwRs I 1,000.00 Project in Sadar Upazilla of Chapai Nawabganj ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY (14701-224207200) District 4705-0029 Drainage Improvement of Upper Bhadra River, h‡kvi †Rjvi gwbivgcyi I †Kkecyi Dc‡Rjvaxb Avcvif`ªv 2,000.00 Horihar River, Buri- Bhadra River & Adjacent Khals b`x nwini b`x eywof`ªv b`x I cvk¦eZ©x Lvj¸wji Rjve×Zv in Monirampur & Keshabpur Upazilla, District `~ixKiY (14701-224207100) -Jessore 4705-0030 Protection from Bokshi Launchghat to Baburhat ‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvaxb-‡ZuZzwjqv b`xi fv½b n‡Z 12,000.00 Launchghat Area from the Erosion of Tetulia River eKmx jÄNvU n‡Z eveyinvU jÂNvU ch©šZ cÖwZiÿv I †WªwRs including Dredging Work and Flood Protection in Ges KzKix-gyKix Øxc eb¨v wbqšÎY (14701-224207000) Kukri-Mukri Island at Charfession Upazilla under 4705-0031 Protection of Lord Hardinge and Dholigournagar ‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvaxb 12,000.00 Bazar of Lalmohon Upazilla from the Erosion of the jW©nvwW©Ä I awj‡MŠibMi evRvi iÿv Meghna River in Bhola District (14701-224207300) 4705-0033 Construction of Crossdam at Hargila for Protection Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvq hgybv b`xi evg Zxi 2,331.00 of Left Bank of Jamuna River in Islampur Upazilla of iÿvK‡í nviwMjv bvgK ¯’v‡b µmW¨vg wbg©vY Jamalpur District (14701-224206800) 4705-1111 Rehabilitation of Charbagadi Pump House and Pvu`cyyi †mP cÖK‡íi Pi evMv`x cv¤c nvDm I nvwRgviv 57.00 Hajimara Regulator of Chandpur Irrigation Project †i¸‡jUi cybe©vmb cªKí 4705-1112 Rehabilitation and Drainage Improvement of Polder PUªMÖvg ‡Rjvi euvkLvjx Dc‡Rjvaxb cyBQwo BDwbq‡bi †cvìvi 1,125.00 No. 64/2A (Puichari Part) of Puichari Union under bs-64/2G (cyBQwo cvU©) Gi c~be©vmb I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí Banskhali Upazila of Chittagong District 4705-1113 Re-excavation of Canal for Irrigation in Costal ei¸bv †Rjvi DcKyjxq †cvìvimg~‡n †mP Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Lvj 3,000.00 Polders under Borguna District cyb:Lbb cÖKí 4705-1114 River Bank Protection Work at Ulania- Gabindapur ‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z ewikvj †Rjvi †g‡nw›`MÄ Dc‡Rjvi 9,200.00 Area under Mehendigonj Upazila from Erosion of the Djvwbqv-‡Mvweš`cyi GjvKv iÿv cÖKí Meghna River in Barisal District 4705-1115 Re-excavation of Bhuboneshwar River and wc‡ivRcyyi †Rjvi fvÛvwiqv Dc‡Rjvq f~e‡bk¦i b`x cyb:Lbb 1,200.00 Protection of Structures/Properties from the Erosion Ges †cvbv b`x fze‡bk¦i b`xi fv½b n‡Z wewfbœ ¯n'vcbv/m of Pona River & Bhuboneshwar River in Bhandaria ¤c` iÿv cÖKí Upazila of Perojpur District 4705-1116 Bank Protection Work of Bhadurpur Village in 7 no. ewikvj ‡Rjvi g~jv`x Dc‡Rjvi 7bs KvwRiPi BDwbqb¯'n 256.00 Kazirchar Union from Erosion of the Koyla Canal at evnv`yicyi MÖvg Kqjv Lv‡ji fv½b n‡Z iÿv Muladi Upazila in Barisal District 4705-1117 Post Project Evaluation and Impact Assessment of ‡cvó cÖ‡R± Bfvjy¨‡qkb GÛ Bg‡c± G‡mm‡g›U Ae †Ub 208.00 Ten BWDB Projects weWweøDwWwe cÖ‡R±m 4705-1118 Dredging and Bank Protective Work along the Left XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvaxb gvwSiPi †_‡K bvwikv evRvi 12,000.00 Bank of Padma River from Majhir Char to n‡q †gvK‡Q`cyi ch©šZ cÙv b`x †WwRs I evgZxi msiÿY Moksedpur via Narishabazar at Dohar Upazila under cÖKí Dhaka District 4705-1119 Land Development, Wave Protection and River Bank wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wgVvgBb Dc‡Rjvaxb wbwg©Ze¨ wgVvgBb 3,500.00 Protection Work for Proposed Mithamain Army K¨v›Ub‡g›U Gi fzwg mgZj DPzKiY, I‡qf cÖ‡UKkb I Zxi Installations at Mithamain Upazila of Kishoregonj cÖwZiÿv KvR District

27/09/20 Page 79 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh Water Development Board 4705-1120 Protection of Left Bank of Meghna River through eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi mivBj Dc‡‡Rjvq ivRvcyi bvgK ¯'nv‡b 1,066.00 Bank Revetment Work at Rajapur of †gNbv b`xi evgZxi msiÿY cÖKí in Brahmanbaria District 4705-1121 Construction of Embankment and Slope Protection eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi mivBj Dc‡Rjvaxb RqaiKvw›` I 1,100.00 at Joydharkandi and Telikandi Area under Sarail †ZwjKvw›` GjvKvq evua wbg©vY I ¯œvc msiÿY cÖKí Upazila in Brahmanbaria District 4705-1122 Bank Protective Work of Rahmatkhali Khal at Sadar jÿxcyi ‡Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq ingZLvjx Lvj I ivqcyi 500.00 Upazila and Dakatia River at in Dc‡Rjvq WvKvwZqv b`xi fv½b †ivaK‡í Zxi msiÿY cÖKí 4705-1123 Bank Protection and Flood Control of Halda River & PUªMªvg ‡Rjvi dwUKQwo I nvUnvRvix Dc‡Rjvq nvj`v b`x I 4,000.00 Dhurong Khal in Fatikchari & of ayis Lv‡ji Zxi msiÿY I eb¨v wbqšÎY cÖKí Chattogram District 4705-1124 River Bank Protection Work along the both Bank of PUªMÖvg †Rjvi iv½ywbqv I †evqvjLvjx Dc‡Rjv Ges iv½vgvwU 6,500.00 Karnafuli & Ichamati River and Shilok Khal at cve©Z¨ †Rjvi KvßvB Dc‡Rjvq KY©dyjx I BQvgwZ b`x Ges Different Locations in Rangunia and Boalkhali wkjK Lvjmn Ab¨vb¨ Lv‡ji Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z iÿv Upazila of Chittagong District and of cÖKí 4705-1125 River Bank Protection and Re-excavation of iscyi †Rjvi wgVvcyKzi, wciMvQv, cxiMÄ I iscyi m`i 4,000.00 Jamuneswari, Ghagot and Korotoya River in Upazila Dc‡Rjvaxb hgy‡bk¦i, NvNU I Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Zxi msiÿY I Mithapukur, Pirgacha, Pirgonj & Rangpur Sadar b`x cyb:Lbb cÖKí under Rangpur District 4705-1126 Bank Protection Work from the Continuous Erosion w`bvRcyi †Rjvq Lvbmvgv Dc‡Rjvi wewfbœ ¯'nv‡b AvÎvB b`xi 2,500.00 of Atrai River at Different Places of Khansama Ae¨vnZ fv½b cÖwZ‡iva I b`x Zxi msiÿY cÖKí Upazila in Dinajpur District 4705-1127 Bank Protective Work & Dredging Project in the dwi`cyi †Rjvi Pif`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvaxb cÙv b`xi Wvb Zxi 6,500.00 Right Bank of Padma River in Upazila : msiÿYg~jK I †WªwRs cÖKí Charbhadrasan, District: Faridpur 4705-1128 Bank Protective Work & Dredging in Arial Khan Riverdwi`cyi †Rjvaxb Avwoqvj Lvu b`x Zxi msiÿYg~jK I ‡WªwRs 5,000.00 in Faridpur District cÖKí 4705-1129 Gorai River Dredging & Bank Protection Project MovB b`x ‡WªwRs I Zxi msiÿY cÖKí 4,000.00 4705-1130 Protection of Important Government Infrastructures ‰fie I iƒcmv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Lyjbv kn‡ii ¸iyZ¡c~Y© miKvwi 2,850.00 of Khulna City from the Erosion of Bhairab & Rupsha ¯'nvcbv iÿv cÖKí River 4705-1131 Dredging/Re-excavation of Bangali- ev½vjx-Ki‡Zvqv-dzyj‡Rvi-ûivmvMi b`x wm‡÷g 2,500.00 Karotoa-Fuljor-Hurasagor River System with Bank ‡WªwRs/cyb:Lbbmn Zxi msiÿY Protections 4705-1133 Feasibility for Re-excavation of Small and Medium wdwRwewjwU di wi-G·‡Kfvkb Ae ¯§j wgwWqvg Lvj wejm 264.00 Khals- Beels in the Country Bb `¨v Kvw›Uª 4705-1134 Re-excavation of Small River, Khal & Water Bodies 64wU †Rjvi Af¨šZi¯n' ‡QvU b`x, Lvj I Rjvkq cyb:Lbb 49,533.00 in 64 Districts (Phase-1) cÖKí (1g ch©vq) 4705-1135 River Bank Protection Work along the Left Bank of mvZÿxiv †Rjvi †cvìvi bs-3 Gi Zvjv bvgK ¯'nv‡b BQvgwZ 1,600.00 Ichamati River at Mongla under Polder no. 3 in b`xi evgZxi msiÿY KvR Satkhira District 4705-1136 Protection of Right Bank from the Erosion of KzwoMªvg †Rjvi wPjgvix I Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvq eªþcyÎ b‡`i 10,000.00 Brahmaputra River in Chilmari and Ulipur Upazila of WvbZxi fv½b †iva 4705-1137 Construction of Embankment along the Left Bank of gqgbwmsn ‡Rjvi MdiMvuI Dc‡Rjvaxb Pi AvjMx BDwbq‡bi 500.00 Old Brahmaputra River to Protect Char Algi Union in PZzw`©‡K †eox evua wbg©vY Upazila- Gafforgaon, Dist- Mymensingh

27/09/20 Page 80 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh Water Development Board 4705-1138 Riverbank Protective work along the Left Bank of OldwK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ‡nv‡mbcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb mv‡n‡ei Pi MÖvg I 500.00 Brahmaputra River at Shaheberchar Village and Z`msjMœ GjvKv cyivZb eªþcyÎ b‡`i evgZx‡ii fv½b n‡Z Adjacent Area in Hossainpur Upazila of Kishoregonj iÿv District 4705-1141 wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di †cÖvfvBwWs Bwi‡Mkb d¨vwmwjwUR _ªy 469.00 Kb÷ªvKkb Ae nvB‡WªvwjK Gwj‡fUi †Wg (GBPBwW) G¨v‡µvm gvwnwb wifvi G¨vU w`wabvjv LvMovQwo, kÖxgvB Lvj G¨vU PÆMÖvg GÛ KvmvjvO wifvi G¨vU mv‡RK †fjx, ivOvgvwU 4705-1142 RqcyinvU †Rjvi Zzjkx M½v, †QvU hgybv, wPwo I nviveZx b`x 250.00 cybtLbb 4705-1143 KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi ‡iŠgvix Dc‡Rjvi NyNygvix n‡Z dzjyqvi Pi NvU 1,600.00 I ivwecyi Dc‡Rjv m`i (†g¤^vicvov) n‡Z †gvnbMÄ evRvi ch©šZ eªþcyÎ b‡`i fv½b n‡Z evg Zxi msiÿY 4705-1144 bxjdvgvix †Rjvi PvivjKvUv b`x †mvRvKiY Ges eywowZ¯Zv 250.00 b`x Zxi msiÿY 4705-1145 ev‡MinvU †Rjvi †gvsjv Dc‡Rjvi evsjv‡`k †mbv Kj¨vY 820.00 ms¯n'vi wbR¯^ cÖwZôvb Gwjd¨v›U eª¨vÛ wm‡g›U d¨v±ix I ZrmsjMœ GjvKv cïi b`xi evg Zx‡ii ev½b n‡Z iÿv 4705-1146 wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di †cÖv‡UKkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae 455.00 KzqvKvUv mx weP 4705-1147 wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di †cÖv‡UKkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae 498.00 K·evRvi mx weP 4705-1148 PÆMÖvg gnvbMixi eb¨v wbqšÎY, RjgMœZv/Rjve×Zv wbimb I 200.00 wb®‹vkb Dbœqb 4705-1149 mvs¸ I gvZvgûix b`xi †ewmb †i‡÷v‡ik‡bi wbwgË m¤¢ve¨Zv 160.00 mgxÿv 4705-1150 gaygwZ-beM½v Dc-cÖKí cybe©vmb I beM½v b`x cybtLbb/ 100.00 †WªwRs Gi gva¨‡g cybiy¾xeb I cwi‡ekMZ fvimvg¨ iÿv 4705-1151 eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi bexbMi Dc‡Rjvi ewoKvw›` n‡Z aivfv½v 500.00 Ggwc evua ch©šZ †gNbv b`xi evgZxi msiÿY 4705-1152 KY©dzjx b`xi AeevwnKv Dbœqb I e¨e¯'nvcbvi j‡ÿ¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv 100.00 mgxÿv (nvj`v b`xmn) 4705-1153 ‡dbx †Rjvi QvMjbvBqv I †dbx m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb †dbx b`xi 100.00 WvbZxi fv½b n‡Z bv½j‡gvov I RMrRxebcyi GjvKv iÿv 4705-1154 cvwb m¤c` gšÎYvjq I ms¯'nvmg~‡ni mÿgZv e„w×K‡í †QvU 12.00 AvKv‡ii Rjhvb µq 4705-1155 kixqZcyi †Rjvi bwoqv Dc‡Rjvq cÙv kvLv b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii 2,500.00 fv½b n‡Z bIqvcvov GjvKv Ges cÙv b`xi evg Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z PiAvÎv GjvKv iÿv 4705-1156 wm‡jU †Rjvi wm‡jU m`i I wek¦bv_ Dc‡Rjvq `kMÖvg, 100.00 gvnvZvecyi I ivRvcyi ciMYv evRvi GjvKv myigv b`xi Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z iÿv 4705-5000 Rehabilitation of Polder no. 36/1 in Bagerhat ev‡MinvU †Rjvi †cvìvi 36/1 cybe©vmb| 4,500.00 4705-5001 Protect of polders 56/57 from the erosion of the ‡fvjv †Rjvi ‡`ŠjZLvb I †evinvbDwÏb Dc‡Rjvq ‡gNbv 10,800.00 Meghna River at Burhanuddin and Daulatkhan b`xi fvsMb n‡Z †cvìvi 56/57 iv| upazila of Bhola district. 4705-5003 Bank Protective work against erosion of the Meghna ‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb 7,200.00 River at Rajapur and East Ilisha Union of Bhola ivRvcyi I c~e© Bwjkv BDwbqb i¶vv‡_© Zxi msi¶Y| Sadar Upazila in Bhola District.

27/09/20 Page 81 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh Water Development Board 4705-5006 River Bank Protection work for protection of b`xZxi msi‡Yi gva¨‡g †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi 17,500.00 Tajumuddin upazila Sadar in Bhola District from ZRygyÏxb Dc‡Rjv m`i msiY| erosion of Meghna River. 4705-5009 Conservation of Charfashion Municipality of Bhola ‡gNbv b`xi fvsMb n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb ‡cŠi kni 8,200.00 district from the breakdown of the Meghna river. msiY| 4705-5015 Removal of Water Logging and Sustainable Water ‰fie wifvi †ewmb GjvKvq Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY I †UKmB cvwb 4,000.00 Management in Bhairab River Basin Area. e¨e¯'vcbv Dbœqb| 4705-5019 Development of drainage system in XvKv-bvivqYMÄ †Wgiv wWGbwW GjvKvi wb®‹vkb e¨e¯'vi 12,415.00 Dhaka-Narayanganj Demra DND area (2nd Phase). Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)| 4705-5025 Polder no. 62 (Patenga), Polder no. 63/1a (Anwara), PÆMÖvg †Rjvi DcK~jxq GjvKvi †cvìvi bs 62 (c‡Z½v), 5,000.00 Polder no. 63/1 B (Anwara and Patiya) rehabilitation †cvìvi bs 63/1 G (Av‡bvqviv), †cvìvi bs 63/1 we of Coastal Area of Chittagong district (1st Revised). (Av‡bvqviv I cwUqv) cybe©vmb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 4705-5027 Rajoir Kotalipara Flood Control, Drainage and iv‰Ri †KvUvjxcvov eb¨v wbqšÎY, wb®‹vkb I †mP| 2,675.00 Irrigation. 4705-5031 Mirsarai of Chittagong district Bangladesh Economic PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgimivB evsjv‡`k A_©‰bwZK AÂj ‡eRv eb¨v 50,000.00 Zone Beja flood control, road and embankment wbqšÎY moK Kvg †ewoevua cÖwZiÿv Ges wb®‹vkb (1g Protection and drainage (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| 4705-5033 Development of flood and drainage system for ‡bvqvLvjx GjvKvi Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Yi Rb¨ eb¨v I wb®‹vkb 3,500.00 discharging waterlogging in Noakhali area. e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb| 4705-5034 Flood Control, Drainage, Irrigation and Dredging of K·evRvi †Rjvi euvKLvjx b`x eb¨v wbqšÎY, wb®‹vkb, †mP I 5,500.00 Banskhali river of Cox's Bazar district (1st Phase) †WªwRs (1g ch©vq) (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| (1st Revised). 4705-5042 Sureswar canal re-excavation and drainage my‡ik¦i Lvj cybtLbb I wb®‹vkb| 2,300.00 4705-5043 Construction of integrated water containment `bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i †Rjvaxb ‡MŠixcyi G ﮋ ‡gŠmy‡g m 1,500.00 structures in Punarbhaba for providing ¤cyiK †mP cÖ`v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ cybf©ev b`x‡Z mgwš^Z cvwb supplementary irrigation during dry season in wbqšÎY KvVv‡gv wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| Gauripur, Sadar, district of Dinajpur district (1st Revised). 4705-5044 Jobaibeel flood control, drainage and irrigation under bIMuv †Rjvi mvcvnvi I †cvikv Dc‡Rjvaxb RevBwej eb¨v 1,440.00 Sappahar and Porsha upazilas of . wbqšÎY, cvwb wb®‹vkb I †mP| 4705-5048 Reconstruction of the Kumar River. Kzgvi b` cyb:Lbb| 4,000.00 4705-5049 Protection of Ramneoz Launchghat area under ‡fvjv †Rjv †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvaxb 13,200.00 Monpura Upazila from the erosion of Meghna River ivg‡bIqvR jÂNvU GjvKv Ges †ZZzwjqv b`xi fv½b n‡Z and Ghosherhat Launchghat area of Charfession Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvaxb †Nv‡linvU jÂNvU GjvKv iv| Upazila from erosion of Tetulia River in Bhola District. 4705-5050 Reconstruction of 83 rivers / canals in Bagerhat ev‡MinvU †Rjvq 83wU b`x/Lvj cyb:Lbb Ges gsjv NwlqvLvjx 5,000.00 district and increased navigability of Mongla P¨v‡b‡ji bve¨Zv e"w×| Ghasiyakhali Channel. 4705-5061 Protraction of the Both Bank of Halda River by Bank PÆMÖvg ‡Rjvaxb nvUnvRvix I ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvq nvj`v b`xi 5,000.00 Protective Work at Different Locations in Hathazari & Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z wewfbœ GjvKv ivK‡í Zxi msiY KvR| Rauzan Upzaila in Chittagong District. 4705-5075 Strengthening Hydrological Infromation Services and cvwb weÁvb m¤cwK©Z Z_¨ †mev I AvMvg mZK©xKiY e¨e¯'v 6,000.00 Early Warning System (Component-B) kw³kvjxKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-we)| 4705-5076 Re-excavation of Arialkha River, Haridoya River, biwms`x †Rjvi Aš fz©³ Avwoqvj Luv b`x, nvwo‡`vqv b`x, 10,500.00 Brahmaputra River, Paharia River, Meghna Branch eª¶cyÎ b`, cvnvwoqv b`x, †gNbv kvLv b`x I cyivZb eª¶cyÎ River and Old Brahmaputra Branch River Project kvLv b` cybtLbb under . 4705-5077 Rajbari Town Protection Project (Phase-II) ivRevwo kni i¶v (†dR-2) 15,000.00

27/09/20 Page 82 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh Water Development Board 4705-5078 Protection of Horina Ferryghat Area in Sadar Upazila †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Puv`cyi †Rjvi nwiYv †dwiNvU Ges 3,000.00 and Charbhairabi Katakhal Bazar in Haimchar Pi‰fiex GjvKvi KvUvLvj evRvi i¶v Upazila in the District Chandpur from the Erosion of the Meghna River. 4705-5079 Protection of Left Bank of Jamuna River from Uv½vBj †Rjvi †Mvcvjcyi I f‚Tvcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb hgybv b`xi 4,000.00 Kaolibari bridge to Shakharia(Bhuapur-Bot Tala) in evgZxieZx© KvDjxevox eªxR n‡Z kvLvwiqv (fi•qv-eUZjv) Gopalpur & Bhuapur Upazila of ch©š Zxi msi¶Y 4705-5081 Border Rivers Bank Protection and Development mxgvšZ b`x Zxi msi¶Y I Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 8,000.00 Project(Phase -2) 4705-5083 River Bank Protection Work with CC Block along the Uv½vBj †Rjvi †`j`yqvi Dc‡Rjvaxb a‡jk¦ix b`xi evg 6,350.00 Left Bank of Dhaleswari River from km 10.920 to ZxieZx© MvQ-Kzgyj­x, evicvwLqv Ges bvMicyi Dc‡Rjvi 13.050=2.130km to Protection the Embankment, †Nvbvcvovmn eveycyi-jvDnvwU GdwmwW cÖKí GjvKvq Zxi Gach Kumulli, Baropakia & Ghonapara in Upazila msi¶Y Delduar & Nagorpur Dist-Tangail 4705-5089 Protection of Khudbandi, Singrabari and hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z wmivRMÄ †Rjvi KvwRcyi Dc‡Rjvq 23,200.00 Shuvogacha Area of Kazipur Upazila in Sirajganj Ly`evw›` wmsovevox I ïfMvQv GjvKv msi¶Y District from Erosion of the Jamuna River 4705-5090 Protection of Bhuapur-Tarakandi road through Rvgvjcyi ‡Rjvi mwilvevox Dc‡Rjvaxb hgybv b`xi evgZxi 10,654.00 Protection of Left Bank of Jamuna River in msi¶‡Yi gva¨‡g fzqvcyi ZvivKvw›` moK i¶v Sharishabari Upazila of Jamalpur District 4705-5093 Protection of Left Bank of Jamuna River in between Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z KzjKvw›` I 18,757.00 Kulkandi Hard Point Gutail Hard point at Belgacha ¸VvBj nvW© c‡q‡›Ui ga¨eZ©x †ejMvQv GjvKvwU hgybv b`xi Union of Islampur Upazila in District -Jamalpur fv½b n‡Z i¶v 4705-5094 Re-habilitation of Erosion Prone Area with Slope PÆMÖvg †Rjvi m›Øxc Dc‡Rjvi †cvìvi bs 72 Gi fv½b cÖeY 4,000.00 Protection Work in Polder no-72, , GjvKvq †úvc cÖwZi¶v Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g c~~~ Y©e©vmb Chittagong 4705-5096 Strengthening of Vulnerable Locations of Haizda †b·KvYv †Rjvi †gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb nvBR`v ev‡aui SzwKc Y© 3,350.00 Embankment in Mohangonj Upazila under ¯’vbmg n kw³kvjxKiY Netrokona District. 4705-5097 River Bank Protection Work to Protect Charbaria ewikvj ‡Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb KxZ©Y‡Lvjv b`xi fv½b n‡Z 10,061.00 Area from the Erosion of Kirtonkhola River at Barisal Pievoxqv GjvKv i¶v cÖKí sadar Upazila in Barisal District 4705-5100 Construction of Cross Dam over the Maskata River ewikvj †Rjv m`‡ii mv‡_ †g‡n›`MÄ Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii 1.00 for Land Reclamation as well as Improvement of †hvMv‡hvM I f‚wg cybi•×v‡ii Rb¨ gvmKvUv b`xi Dci Communication between Mehendigonj Upazila µmW¨vg wbg©vY Sadar and Barisal Sadar 4705-5104 River Bank Protection Project Work for Protection of Uv½vBj †Rjvi f‚Tvcyi Dc‡Rjvi ARy©bv bvgK GjvKv‡K hgybv 6,000.00 Arjuna Area from the Erosion of Jamuna River in b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v‡_© b`x Zxi msi¶Y Bhuapur Upazila of Tangail District 4705-5105 Rehabilitation of Satla-Bagda Project Polder in ewikvj †Rjvi mvZjv-eM`v cÖK‡íi †cvìvi cybe©vmb 1,500.00 Barishal District 4705-5106 Old Dakatia-New Dakatia River Irrigation and Kzwgj­v †Rjvi cyivZb WvKvwZqv-bZzb WvKvwZqv b`x †mP I 1,018.00 Drainage Project in the district Cumilla wb®‹vkb 4705-5107 Protection of Different Infrastructures from the Right hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z MvBevÜv †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjv Ges 6,000.00 Bank Erosion of Jamuna River at Gaibandha Sadar MYKeimn dzjQwo Dc‡Rjvq wewfbœ ¯’vcbv i¶v & Fulchari Upazila including Ganakabor in Gaibandha District 4705-5115 Protection of Singra Pourasava Area from Erosion of bv‡Uvi †Rjvi wmsov †cŠimfv GjvKv AvÎvB I bvMi b`xi 1,256.00 the River Atri and Nagor in Natore District fv½b n‡Z i¶v

27/09/20 Page 83 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh Water Development Board 4705-5122 Bhutiar Beel of and Barnal-Salimpur- Lyjbv †Rjvi fzwZqvi wej Ges eY©vj-mwjgcyi-‡KvjvevmyLvjx 6,285.00 Kolabashu Khali Flood Control, Drainage Project eb¨v wbqšÎY,wb®‹vkb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| (2nd Phase). 4705-5123 Blue Gold Program (BWDB Component). e­y †Mvì †cÖvMÖvg (weWwe­DwWwe K‡¤cv‡b›U)| 15,633.00 4705-5124 Coastal Embankment Improvement Project †Kv÷vj GgevK‡g›U Bgcªyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± †dR-1 (wmAvBwc-1) 55,000.00 -Phase-1(CEIP-1) in Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Bb mvZw¶iv, Lyjbv, cUzqvLvjx, wc‡ivRcyi, ei¸bv GÛ Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Barguna & Patuakhali District. cUzqvLvjx wWw÷ª±| 4705-5130 Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management d¬vW GÛ wifvi e¨vsK B‡iv‡mvb wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U 9,570.00 Investment Program (Tranche-1). †cÖvMªvg (U«v›m-1)| 4705-5131 Irrigation Management Improvement Project Bwi‡Mkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U B¤•ª•f‡g›U cÖ‡R± 9,000.00 (IMIP)-for Muhuri Irrigation Project (MIP) (1st (AvBGgAvBwc)-di gyûwi Bwi‡Mkb cÖ‡R± (GgAvBwc) (1g Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| 4705-5133 Protection of Ramgati and Komol Nagar upazila and j¶xcyi †Rjvi Aš ZM©Z ivgMwZ I KgjbMi Dc‡Rjv Ges 6,000.00 adjacent areas under Lakshmipur district from the ZrmsjMœ GjvKv‡K †gNbv b`xi Ae¨vnZ fv½b n‡Z i¶vK‡í continuing erosion of Meghna River (Phase-1) (2nd b`xZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| Revised). 4705-5135 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood nvIi GjvKvq eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxeb hvÎvi gvb Dbœqb (1g 20,000.00 Improvement Project (BWDB Part) (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| 4705-5137 Rehabilitation of Damaged polders under the District K·evRvi †Rjvaxb ÿwZMÖ¯’ †cvìvimg~‡ni cybe©vmb| 6,000.00 of Cox's Bazar 4705-5138 Rehabilitation of BWDB infrastructures Damaged by PÆMÖvg †Rjvi evukLvjx Dc‡Rjvi †cvìvi bs 64/1G, 64/1we, 8,000.00 Natural Disaster in the Coastal Area of Polder 64/1wm, Gi mgš^q ¶wZMÖ¯’ As‡k ¯’vqx cybe©vmb (2q No.64/1A, 64/1B & 64/1C at Banskhali Upazilla in ms‡kvwaZ)| Chittagong District (2nd Revised) 4705-5146 Re-Excavation of Titas River (Upper) under eªvþYevoxqv †Rjvi AšZM©Z wZZvm b`x (Avcvi) cyb:Lbb| 2,000.00 Brahmanbaria District 4705-5151 Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources mvD_I‡qó Gwiqv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m c­¨vwbs GÛ 7,730.00 Planning and Management (Phase-2) g¨v‡bR‡g›U (‡dBR-2)| 4705-5155 Protection of Right Bank of Padma River at Naria & kixqZcyi †Rjvi RvwRqv I bwoqv Dc‡Rjvq cÙv b`xi Wvb 31,000.00 Janjira Upazila of Zxi i¶v 4705-5157 Bank Protection Wrok of the Sangu and Dalu Rivers PÆMÖvg †Rjvi mvZKvwbqv I †jvnvMov Dc‡Rjvi mv½y Ges Wjy 5,739.00 in Stkania and Lohagara Upazilas of Chittagong b`xi Zxi msi¶Y District 4705-5158 Protection of Proposed Economic Zone and wmivRMÄ †Rjvq hgybv b`x n‡Z cybi•×viK…Z f‚wgi Dbœqb 13,500.00 Development of Reclaimed Land from Jamuna River Ges cÖ¯ vweZ A_©‰bwZK AÂj i¶v in Sirajganj District 4705-5555 Implementation of dam construction and defense K·evRvi †Rjvi †UKbvd Dc‡Rjv kvncixi Øx‡c †cvìvi bs 3,500.00 work in Sea-Dike part of Polder No. 68 on Shahpiree 68 Gi mx-WvBK As‡k evua cyb:wbg©vY I cÖwZiv KvR Island, of Cox's Bazar district. ev¯Zevqb| 4705-6010 Buriganga River Restoration (New eywoM½v b`x cybiy×vi cÖKí (bZzb 16,700.00 Dholeshori-Pungli-Bongshi-Turag-Buriganga River a‡jk¦ix-cysjx-eskvB-ZzivM-eywoM½v wifvi wm‡÷g) (1g System) (1st Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| 4705-8260 Procurement of Dragger and Relevant Machine evsjv‡`‡ki b`x †WªwRs Gi Rb¨ †WªRvi I Avbylw½K hšÎcvwZ 5,000.00 Tools for Dragging River of Bangladesh (2nd µq (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| Revised. Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO)

27/09/20 Page 84 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Water Resources Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO) 4705-1139 Online Processing and Tracking of Water Resources cvwb m¤c` Dbœqb cÖK‡íi QvicÎ Ges f~-Mf©¯n' cvwb 400.00 Project Clearance and No Objection Certificates for D‡Ëvj‡bi AbvcwËcÎ AbjvBb cªwµqvKiY Groundwater Abstraction 4705-1140 Study on Developing Operational Shadow Prices for ÷vwW Ab †W‡fjwcs Acv‡ikbvj k¨v‡Wv cªvB‡mm di IqvUvi 400.00 Water to Support Informed Policy and Investment Uy mv‡cvU© Bbdg©W cwjwm GÛ Bb‡f÷‡g›U wWwmkvb g¨vwKs Decision Making Processes †cÖv‡mm Bangladesh Haor & Wetlands Dev. Board 4731-5002 Study of Interaction Between Haor and River ÷vwW B›Uv‡iKkb weUzBb nvIi GÛ wifvi B‡Kvwm‡÷g BKzwWs 640.00 Ecosystem Including Development of Wetland †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae I‡qej¨vÛ Bb‡fbUix GÛ I‡qUj¨vÛ Inventory and Westland Management Framework. g¨v‡bR‡g›U †d"gIqvK| River Research Institute (RRI) 4705-0032 River Bank Protection work from the Erosion of ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv I m~eY©Pi Dc‡Rjvaxb ¯^Y©Øxc 7,322.00 Meghna River at (RvnvR¨vi Pi) G evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© ¯’vcbvmg~n Swarnadwip (Jahizzar Char) in Hatiya and †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z iÿvK‡í wRI e¨vM Øviv b`x Zxi Subornachar Upazilla of Noakhali District msiÿY (14701-224206900) 4705-5098 The Pilot Project in different Areas of Bangladesh e¨v‡¤^v e¨vwìwjs Gi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ GjvKvq b`xi 950.00 using Bamboo Bundling Structures to Reduce River fv½b †iva f‚wg cybi•×vi I bve¨Zv e„w× cvBjU cÖKí Bank Erosion, Land Reclamation and Increase Navigation 4705-5156 Institutional Development and Capacity Building of b`x M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I m¶gZv e„w× 3,908.00 River Research Institute (Phase-II) (†dR-2)

27/09/20 Page 85 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Food Ministry's Own 4801-5012 Institutionalization of Food Safety in Bangladesh for B›mwUwUDkbvjvB‡Rkb Ae dzW †mdwU Bb evsjv‡`k †mdvi 248.00 Safer Food. dzW| Directorate of Food 4831-1111 Repair of Dilapidated Godowns with Ancillary mviv‡`‡k cyivZb Lv`¨ ¸`vg I Avbylw½K myweavw`i †givgZ 7,500.00 Facilities and New Construction of Infrastructure Ges bZzb AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ) across the Country (1st Revised) 4831-1112 Lv`¨k‡m¨i cywógvb wbwðZ Kivi j‡ÿ¨ wcÖwg· Kv‡b©j †gwkb 8.00 I j¨ve‡iUwi ¯n'vcb Ges AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 4831-5015 Modern Food Storage Facilities Project (MFSP). AvaywbK Lv`¨ msi¶bvMvi cÖKí| 32,070.00 4831-6041 Construction of 1.05 Lakh Metric Ton Capacity New Kb÷ªvkb Ae 1.05 j †gt Ub K¨vcvwmwU wbD dzW †MvWvDÝ| 6,571.00 Food Godowns.

27/09/20 Page 86 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief Ministry's Own 4901-5037 Project for Procurement of Saline Water Treatment cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae m¨vjvBb IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­¨v›Æ (2 Ub 7,042.00 Plant (2 ton truck mounted). gvD‡›UW) cÖKí| Directorate of Disaster Management 4932-0001 The disaster risk management enhancement project w` wWRv÷vim wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gbn¨v݇g›U cÖ‡R± 2,646.00 component-2 and component-3 K‡¤úv‡b›U-2 GÛ K‡¤úv‡b›U-3) (14902-224230800) 4932-0002 Construction of flood shelters in flood prone and eb¨vcÖeY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v AvkÖq‡K›`ª wbg©vY (3q 8,000.00 river erosion areas (3rd phase) ch©vq) (14902-224230900) 4932-0003 Construction of district relief godown cum disaster ‡Rjv ÎvY ¸`vg Kvg `~‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv Z_¨ †K›`ª wbg©vY 5,000.00 management information centers (14902-224231000) 4932-1111 Construction of Bridges/Culverts up to 15m long on MÖvgxY iv¯Zvq 15 wgUvi ‰`N©¨ ch©šZ †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY 95,200.00 the Rural Roads 4932-1112 Construction of Herring Bone Bond (HBB) Road for MªvgxY gvwUi iv¯Zvmg~n †UKmB Ki‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ ‡nwis ‡evb eÛ 72,943.00 Sustainable Rural Earthen Road (2nd Phase) (GBwewe) KiY (2q ch©vq) 4932-1113 Construction, Maintenance and Renovation of Mujib gywRe wKjøv wbg©vY,ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb 1,000.00 Kella 4932-1114 Emergency Multisector Rohingya Crisis Response Bgvi‡RwÝ gvwë †m±i †ivwn½v µvBwmm ‡imcÝ cÖ‡R± 16,921.00 Project 4932-1115 National Resilience Programme (Department of b¨vkbvj †iwR‡jÝ †cÖvMÖvg (wWwWGg cvU©) 1,339.00 Disaster Management Part) 4932-5003 Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone Shelters in DcK~jxq I N~wY©So cÖej GjvKvq eûg~Lx N~wY©So AvkÖq‡K›`ª 24,800.00 Coastal Areas and Cyclone Prone Areas (2nd wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| phase). 4932-5035 Strengthening of the Ministry of Disaster †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae `¨v wgwbwóª Ae wWRvóvi †g‡bR‡g›U GÛ wiwjd 2,600.00 Management and Relief (MODMR) Programm (Gg. I. wW. Gg. Avi) †cÖvMÖvg G¨vWwgwb‡óªkb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) Administration (1st Revised) 4932-5043 Urban Resilience Project (DDM Part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (wWwWGg Ask)| 4,084.00

27/09/20 Page 87 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Ministry's Own 5001-1111 moK cwienb I gnvmoK wefvM mswkøó cwiKíbv cÖYqb, 55.00 ev¯Zevqb bxwZ msµvšZ mgxÿv Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1111 Improvement of Bizra Bazar-Horishchar and weRiv evRvi-nwiði †Rjv gnvmoK I nwiði 4,357.00 Horishchar-Kashinagar-Miabazar Zila Highway to KvwkbMi-wgqvevRvi †Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq appropriate Level of Standard and Width DbœxZKiY (15002-224149900) 5041-1112 Improvement of Morjal-Belabo Road and giRvj †ejve moK I †cvovw`qv †ejve †Rjv gnvmoK `ywU 4,000.00 Poradia-Belabo Zilla Highways to appropriate Level h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY (15002-224200800) of Standard and Width 5041-1113 Improvement of Nakla Bypass Zila Highway to bKjv evBcvm †Rjv gnvmoK‡K h_vh_gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq 5.00 appropriate Level of Standard and Width DbœxZKiY (15002-224144000) 5041-1114 Improvement of Zila Highways to appropriate Level ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY (ewikvj 31,000.00 of Standard and Width (Barishal Zone) †Rvb) (15002-224199500) 5041-1115 Improvement of Ejtema Highway (R-303) in to 4 BR‡Zgv gnvmoK (Avi-303) 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY 1,948.00 Lane (15002-224222100) 5041-1116 Development of Sultanpur-Chinair-Akhura Highway myjZvbcyi wPbvBi AvLvDov gnvmoK (†RW 1216) 1,251.00 (Z-1216) (15002-224149100) 5041-1117 Construction of Border road (Rangamati, Bandarban mxgvšZ moK (iv½vgvwU, LvMovQwo I ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjv) 15,000.00 and Khagrachari Hill-tracts Districts) (1st phase) wbg©vY (1g ch©vq) (15002-224222300) 5041-1118 Improvement of Zila Highways to appropriate Level ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY (XvKv 29,000.00 of Standard and Width (Dhaka Zone) †Rvb) (15002-224201000) 5041-1119 Improvement of Bhaberchar-Gazaria-Munshigang f‡eiPi-MRvwiqv-gyÝxMÄ †Rjv gnvmoK (†RW 1063) 2,800.00 Zila Highway (Z-1063) to appropriate Level of h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY (15002-224199600) Standard and Width 5041-1120 Construction of link road from Bogra town to Medical e¸ov kni †_‡K †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ch©šZ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 3,500.00 college (N-519) (15002-224200900) 5041-1121 Improvement of Chapapur-Barura Nimsar-Barura eiyov Dc‡Rjvq mwnZ mshy³ Puvcvcyi-eiyov wbgmvi-eiyov Ges 7,000.00 and Khajiria-Barura 3 zila Highway connected to LvwRwiqv-eiyov †Rjv gnvmoK wZbwU hZvh_gv‡b I Barura Upzila to appropriate Level of Standard and cÖk¯ZZvq DybœxZKiY (15002-224200500) Width 5041-1122 Widening and Strengthing of Rvgvjcyi-‡PPzqv-gy³MvQv gnvmoK cÖk¯ZKiY I gReywZKiY 10,000.00 Jamalpur-Chechua-Muktagacha Highway (including (eªþcyÎ G‡cÖvPmn) (15002-224200600) Brahmaputra Bridge Approach) 5041-1123 Widening of Elenga-Jamalpur National Highway G‡j½v-Rvgvjcyi RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-4) cÖk¯’KiY 33,000.00 (N-4) (15002-224222400) 5041-1124 Widening and Strengthing of gvIbv-dzjevoxqv-Kvwjqv‰Ki-avgivB-bexbMi (XzwjwfUv) 13,000.00 Maona-Fulbaria-Kaliakoir-Dhamrai-Nabinagar gnvmoK cÖk¯’KiY I gReywZKiY (Avi-315) (Dulivita) Road (R-315) (15002-224222500) 5041-1125 Improvement of Zila Highways to appropriate Level ‡Rjv gnvmoKmg~n h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯’Zvq DbœxZKiY 23,000.00 of Standard and Width (Comilla Zone) (Kzwgjøv †Rvb) (15002-224222600) 5041-1126 Development of Netrakona ‡b·KvYv (VvKziv‡KvYv)-KjgvKv›`v †Rjv gnvmoK Dbœqb 7,000.00 (Thakurakona)-Kalmakanda Zila Highway (15002-224199800) 5041-1127 Reconstruction of Damaged 10 Bridges and 1 G‡j½v-f‚Tvcyi-PiMvemviv mo‡K 10wU ÿwZMÖ¯’ †mZz I 1wU 4,884.00 Culvert on Elenga-Bhuapur-Chargabsara Road and KvjfvU© cyb:wbg©vY Ges AvÂwjK gnvmoKwU Dbœqb Development of that Regional Highway (15002-224223200) 5041-1128 Improvement of ch. 0+000 to ch. 10+000 and ch. ‡MŠixcyi-KPzqv nvRxMÄ mo‡Ki †P: 0+000 I †P: 10+000 3,960.00 24+000 to ch 42+000 of Gouripur-kachua-Haziganj I †P: 24+000 n‡Z 42+000 ch©šZ hZvh_ gv‡b road to appropriate Standard DbœxZKiY (15002-224223300)

27/09/20 Page 88 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1130 Improvement of One Regional Highways (R-549) & bIMuv moK wefvMvaxb 01wU AvÂwjK (Avi-549) I 2wU †Rjv 7,000.00 Two Zilla Roads (Z-6852, Z-5207) to Appropriate (‡RW-6852, ‡RW-5207) gnvmoK h_vh_ I cÖk¯'nZvq Standard and width Under Road Division, Naogon DbœxZKiY 5041-1133 Development of Joypurhat (Hichmi)-Puran RqcyinvU (wnPgx)-cyivb AvBcj-cuvPwewe-wnwj (kni 4,000.00 Ipol-Panchbibi-Hili (Including Town Link) road - Road wjswKmn) gnvmoK Dbœqb Division, Department of Roads and Highways, Joypurhat 5041-1134 Construction of Ullapara Railway Overpass Djøvcvov †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbg©vY 2,000.00 5041-1135 Improvement of Narail-Fultala Zilla Hgihway to bovBj-dzjZjv †Rjv gnvmo‡K h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq 5,454.00 Appropriate Level of Standard and Width DbœxZKiY 5041-1136 Improvement of Important Zilla Highways under ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 15,200.00 Chittagong Zone to Appropriate Level of Standard & (PUªMÖvg †Rvb) Width (under Chittagonj Zone) Project 5041-1137 Improvement of Important Zilla Highways under ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 20,000.00 Sylhet Zone to Appropriate Level of Standard & (wm‡jU †Rvb) Width (under Sylhet Zone) Project 5041-1138 Improvement of District Road to Appropriate Level of ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 30,000.00 Standard and Width (Khulna Zone) (Lyjbv †Rvb) 5041-1139 Improvement of District Road to Appropriate Level of ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 31,000.00 Standard and Width (Rajshahi Zone) (ivRkvnx †Rvb) 5041-1140 Improvement of District Road to Appropriate Level of ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 34,500.00 Standard and Width (Rangpur Zone) (iscyi †Rvb) 5041-1141 Improvement of Zila Highway to Appropriate Level of ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 31,000.00 standard and Widtl (Mymenshing Zone) (gqgbwmsn †Rvb) 5041-1142 Upgrading Zilla Highway Into Appropriate Standard ‡Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY cÖKí 22,000.00 and Width (Gopalgang Zone) (†MvcvjMÄ †Rvb) 5041-1143 Improvement of ‡mvbvBgyyox-‡mbevM-Kj¨v›`x-P‡›`ªi nvU-emyinvU moK Dbœqb 7,000.00 Sonaimuri-Senbagh-Kallandi-Chandrerhat-Bashurha cÖKí t Road Project 5041-1144 Construction of 63.789 Meter Long PC Girder PiLvjx-ZzlLvjx-gVevoxqv-cv_iNvUv (†RW-8701) mo‡Ki 1,000.00 Hatalia Bridge 1st KM (Ch. 0+410.00m) & at 75.978 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i 63.798 wgUvi (‡nZvwjqv) I 7g Meter Long PC Girder Madarshi Bridge of wK‡jvwgUv‡i 75.798 wgUvi (gv`vimx) ‡mZz wbg©vY Charkhali-Tushkhali-Mathbaria-Pathorghata Road (Z-8701) 5041-1145 Improvement of gvBR`x-ivRMÄ-Qqvbx-emyinvU-P›`ªMÄ (Avi-143) AvÂwjK 4,000.00 Maijdee-Rajgonj-Chayani-Bashurhat-Chandragonj gnvmo‡K h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY (R-143) Regional Highway to Appropriate Level of Standard & Width Project 5041-1146 Improvement of Churamonkathi-Chaugacha Zilla PzovgbKvwV-‡PŠMvQv †Rjv gnvmoK (†RW-7031) h_vh_ gv‡b 3,645.00 Road (Z--7031) to an Appropriate Level of Standard DbœxZKiY 5041-1147 Improvement of Sonapur to Chairmanghat Road ‡mvbvcyi n‡Z †Pqvig¨vbNvU moK Dbœqb 4,000.00 Project 5041-1148 Improvement of exiMÄ-Lvbmvgv-`v‡ovqvbx, Lvbmvgv-ivYxie›`i Ges 5,000.00 Birgang-Khansama-Daroani-Khansama-Ranirbandar wPwiie›`i-AvvgZjx evRvi †Rjv gnvmoK‡K h_vh_ gvb I and Chirirbandar-amtalibazar zila Highway to cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY Appropriate Level of standard and width 5041-1149 Construction of PC Girder Bridge (Rajapur Bridge) at KyjvDov-c„w_¡gcvkv-nvRxcyi-kixdcyi (†RW-2822) mo‡Ki 3,000.00 14th km and 7.5km Connecting Road of Kulaura - 14Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i wcwm MvW©vi †mZy (ivRvcyi †mZz) wbg©vY I Prithimpasha - Hajipur - Sharifur ( Z-2822) Road 7.5 wK‡jvwgUvi ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY

27/09/20 Page 89 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1150 Development of Nabinagar-Asugang road (Z-2031) bexbMi-AvïMÄ moK Dbœqb cÖKí (†RW-2031) 4,898.00 5041-1151 Improvement of Bahluka-Gafargaon-Hosenpur Road fvjyKv-MdiMuvI-‡nv‡mbcyyi moK h_vh_ gvb cÖk¯ZZvq 5,000.00 to Appropriate Level of Standard and Width DbœxZKiY 5041-1152 Improvement of Tangail-Delduar Zilla Road UvsMvBj-‡`j`yqvi ‡Rjv gnvmoK (†RW-4015), KiwUqv 4,000.00 (Z-4015), Korotia(Vatkura)-Basail Zilla Road (fvZKzov)-evmvBj †Rjv gnvmoK †RW-4012) Ges (Z-4012) & Delduar-Elasin part of cvKzj¨v-‡`j`yqvi-Gjvwmb †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki †`j`yqvi-Gjvwmb Pakulla-Delduar-Elasin Zilla Road (Z-4007) to (‡RW-4007) Ask‡K h_vh_ gv‡b I cªk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY Appropriate Level of Standard & Width 5041-1153 Upgrading Gaibandha-Gobindogonj Via Nakaihat MvBevÜv-†Mvwe›`MÄ fvqv bvKvBnvU‡Rjv gnvmoK 4,000.00 Zilla Highway (Z-5554) Into Appropriate Standard (†RW-5554) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY and Width 5041-1154 Improvement of `vMbfu~Bqv-ZvjZjx evRvi-‡PŠayixnvU- emyinvU †Rjv 777.00 Daganbhuyan-Taltoli-Bazar-Chowdhurihat-BashurhagnvmoK‡K h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY t Zilla Highway to Appropriate Level of Standard & Width Project (Noakhali Part) 5041-1155 Review of existing pavement design guide and wiwfD Ae Gw·mwUs †cf‡g›U wWRvBb MvBW GÛ wcÖcv‡ikb 90.00 preparation of a pavement design manual for road Ae G ‡cf‡g›U wWRvBb g¨vbyqvj di †ivW GÛ nvBI‡qm and Highways Department (RHD) wWcvU©‡g›U (AviGBPwW) 5041-1156 Feasibility study of Construction of link road between XvKv-AvwiPv gnvmoK (Gb-05) n‡Z XvKv-gvIqv gnvmoK 250.00 Dhaka-Mawa(N-8) to dhaka-Aricha (N-5) and (Gb-08) Ges XvKv-gvIqv gnvmoK (Gb-08) n‡Z Dhaka-Mawa (N-8) to Dhaka Chittagong (N-1) XvKv-PUªMÖvg (Gb-01) gnvmoK ms‡hvM ¯'nvcbK‡í m¤¢ve¨Zv (South part of middle ring road) mgxÿv (wgWj wis †iv‡Wi `wÿY Ask) 5041-1157 Widening and strenghtening of Rvgvjcyi-avbyqv-Kvgvjcyi-‡iŠgvix-`vuZfv½v †Rjv gnvmoK 5,000.00 Jamalpur-Dhanua-Kamalpur- Roumari- Datvanga cÖk¯ZKiY I gReyZxKiY (†RW-4606) (KzwoMÖvg Ask) Zilla Highway (Z-4606) (Kurigram part) 5041-1158 Improvement of Ranisangkail-pirganj portion of VvKziMvuI-evwjqvWvw½-‡bKgi`-ivbxms‰Kj-cxiMÄ-exiMÄ 2,000.00 Thakurgaon-Baliadangi-Nekmarad-Ranisangkil-pirga†Rjv gnvmoK (†RW-5002) Gi ivbxms‰Kj-cxiMÄ Ask nj zila highway (Thakuragaon portion)(Z-5002)to h_vh_gv‡b DbœxZKiY appropriate Level of standard 5041-1159 Imporvement of Hathazari-Raujan to 4 lane of PUªMÖvg-iv½vgvwU RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-106) Gi nvUnvRvix 3,000.00 chittagong-Rangamati National Highway (N-106) n‡Z ivDRvb ch©šZ moKvsk 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1160 Construction of 112.566 m Kaharol bridge over c~bf©ev b`xi Dci 112.566 wgUvi Kvnv‡ivj †mZz wbg©vY Ges 2,500.00 Punarabhava river and Improvement of exiMÄ-Kvnv‡ivj ‡Rjv gnvmoK (†RW-5007) h_vh_ gv‡b Birgonj-kaharol zila Highway to Appropriate Lavel of DbœxZKiY Standard 5041-1161 Construction of Bridge over Mathabhanga River at Kzwóqv (w·gvnbx)-‡g‡nicyi-PzqvWv½v-wSbvB`n (Avi-745) 500.00 79th km (ch. 78+136m) of Kushtia mo‡Ki 79Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i gv_vfv½v b`xi Dci ‡mZz wbg©vY (Trimohoni)-Meherpur-Chuadanga-Jhenaidah Road (R-745) 5041-1162 Development of nvUnvRvix-dwUKQwo-gvwbKQwo-gvwUivOv-LvMovQwo moK 4,500.00 Hathazari-Faticchari-manikchari-matiranga-Khagrac (Avi-160) Dbœqb (PUªMÖvg Ask) hari road (R-160)(Chittagonj portion) 5041-1163 Construction of Sonahat Bridge over Dudhkumor f~i~½vgvix-‡mvbvnvU ¯'nj e›`i-wfZie›`-bv‡Mk¦ix gnvmo‡Ki 2,500.00 river of Bhurungamari-Sonahat `yaKygvi b`xi Dci †mvbvnvU †mZz wbg©vY Landport-Bhitarband-Nageshawri highway 5041-1164 Improvement of ‡Mvwe›`MÄ-‡NvovNvU-weivgcyi-dzjevox-w`bvRcyi (Avi-585) 25,000.00 Gobindagonj-Ghoraghat-Birampur-Phulbari-Dinajpur AvÂwjK gnvmoK‡K h_vh_ gv‡b DbœxZKiY Regional Highway (R-585) into Appropriate Standard

27/09/20 Page 90 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1165 Emergency Assistance Project Coxs Bazar-Teknaf K·evRvi-‡UKbvd moK (Gb-1) Dbœqb 13,000.00 Road (N-1) Improvement Project 5041-1166 Land Acquisition for Improvement of dwi`cyi-fv½v-ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx-KzqvKvUv RvZxq gnvmoK 10,000.00 Faridpur-Vanga-Barisal National Highway to 4 lane Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKi‡Yi Rb¨ f~wg AwaMÖnY including separate lane for slow moving vehicle 5041-1167 Improvement of Barishal ‰eivMxicyj (ewikvj)-UzgPi-evDdj (cUzqvLvjx) ‡Rjv 3,000.00 (Bairagirpool)-Tumchar-Baufal gnvmoK (‡RW-8910) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1168 Improvement of bw›`MÖvg-Zv‡jvov-`ycPuvwPqv A‡°jcyi †Rjv gnvmoK 2,000.00 Nandigram-Talora-Dupchachia-Akkelpur Zilla (†RW-5202) Ges bw›`MÖvg-KvwjMÄ-ivYxbMi †Rjv gnvmoK Highway (Z-5202) and (†RW-5207) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY Nandigram-Kaligonj-Raninagar Zilla Highway (Z-5207) at appropriate level of standard and width 5041-1169 Construction of kaliganj Bridge at 9th km of cwUqv (gbmvi‡UK)-Av‡bvqviv KmZzyixNvU mo‡Ki 1,400.00 patia(Mansartek)-Anwara Kasturighat road (Z-1070) (†RW-1070) 9g wK:wg: G KvjxMÄ †mZy wbg©vY 5041-1170 Land Equisition and Utility Transfer Project; f~wg AwaMÖnY I BDwUwjwU ¯'nvbvšZi cÖKí: mv‡cvU© Uz XvKv 17,800.00 Improvment of Suport to Dhaka (KvPucyi)-wm‡jU-Zvgvwej gnvmoK Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY (Kachpur)-Sylhet-Tamabil highway to 4 lane 5041-1171 Improvement of Keranirhat-Bandarban National ‡KivbxnvU-ev›`ievb RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-108) h_vh_ gvb, 5,000.00 Highway (N-108) to Appropriate Standard, Width & cÖk¯ZZv I D•PZvq DbœxZKiY Height 5041-1172 Imprvement of Kansakhola-Ashtamitala link road zila ‡kicyi †Rjvq Kvbvmv‡Lvjv-AógxZjv ‡Rjv gnvmoK‡K 2,200.00 Highway in Sherpur District to Appropriate Level of AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY Standard and width 5041-1173 Construction of Rajuk Purbachal 300 ft. highway to ivRDK cye©vPj 300 dzU gnvmoK n‡Z gv`vbx GwfwbD-wm‡jU 13,000.00 madani Avenue-Sylhet highway link road gnvmoK ch©šZ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 5041-1174 Completion of the incomplete works of improvement XvKv-Lyjbv (Gb-8) gnvmo‡Ki hvÎvevox B›Uvi ‡mKkb †_‡K 190,000.00 of Jatrabari intersection (Including Equria-Babubazar (BKzwiqv-eveyevRvi wjsK moKmn) gvIqv ch©šZ Ges Link Road) to Patchchar-Bhanga through Mawa cuv•Pvi-fv½v Ask axiMwZi hvbevn‡bi Rb¨ c„_K †jbmn Road of Dhaka-Khulna (N-8) highway to 4-Lane with 4-‡j‡b Dbœqb cÖK‡íi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY separate Lane for slow moving Vehicle 5041-1175 Reconstruction, Widening and Strengthening of ‡UKbvd-kvncixi Øxc †Rjv gnvmoK (†RW-1099) Gi 1,200.00 Teknaf-Shahparirdwip Zila Road (Z-1099) from nvwoqvLvjx n‡Z kvncixi Øxc Ask cyb:wbg©vY, cÖk¯ZKiY I Hariakhali to Shahparirdwip Road Project kw³kvjxKiY 5041-1176 Construction of Pedestrian underpass near Shaheed XvKv-Gqvi‡cvU© gnvmo‡K knx` iwgRDwÏb K¨v›Ub‡g›U ¯‹yj 1,461.00 Ramizuddin Cantonment School & College Across Ges K‡jR Gi wbKU c_Pvix AvÛvicvm wbg©vY cÖKí Dhaka-Airport Road 5041-1177 Improvement of Doabhanga-Shaharasti-Paniwala ‡`vqvfv½v-mvRivw¯Z-cvwbIqvjv (ivgMÄ) (‡RW-1824) †Rjv 3,971.00 (Ramgonj) (Z-1824) Road into Proper Standard and gnvmoK‡K h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY Width 5041-1178 Improvement of jatrabari (mayar Hanif hvÎvevox (†gqi nvwbd dvBIfvi)- †Wgiv (myjZvbv Kvgvj 4,000.00 Flyover)-Demra (sultana Kamal Bridge) portion of †mZz) gnvmoK (Avi-110) 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY jatrabari-Demra-Shimrail-Narayanganj (Chashara)Road (R-110) to 4 lane 5041-1179 Improvement of Link road-Laboni More road (N-110) K·evRvi †Rjvi wjsK ‡ivW-jvebx †gvo moK (Gb-110) Pvi 3,000.00 to 4 lane in Cox's Bazar District ‡j‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1180 Improvement of Mohipal to Choumuhani prurba ‡dbx-†bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki (Gb-104) 2-†jb Ask 14,657.00 bazar portion to 4 lane of Feni To Noakhali National (gwncvj n‡Z †PŠgynbx c~e© evRvi ch©šZ) 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY Highway (N-104) 2 lane portion

27/09/20 Page 91 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1181 Construction of Challisha ‡b·KvYv †Rjvi Pwjøkv (evMov)-Kzwbqv-‡g`bx-ivRyievRvi 3,000.00 (Bagra)-Kunia-Medini-Rajur Bazar road connecting ms‡hvM gnvmoK wbg©vY highway in Netrokuna District 5041-1182 ‡Mvwe›`MÄ-QvZK-‡`vqvivevRvi (†RW-2802) mo‡K we`¨gvb 500.00 9wU miy I RivRxY© †mZzi ¯n'‡j 9wU Aviwmwm/wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY 5041-1183 gnvjQwo-wm›`yKQwo-Rvwjqvcvov mo‡Ki wm›`yKQwo n‡Z 4,000.00 gnvjQwo ch©šZ moK Dbœqb 5041-1184 bxjdvgvix-‡Wvgvi (†RW-5707) moK I †ev`v-‡`exMÄ 800.00 (†RW-5857) moK h_vh_ gv‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1185 jvKmvg (webqNi)-evBqviv evRvi-IgiMÄ-bv½j‡KvU †Rjv 10.00 gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1186 kixqZcyi (g‡bvni evRvi)-Beªvwngcyi †dixNvU ch©šZ moK 1,000.00 (Avi-860) Dbœqb 5041-1187 ÿwZMÖ¯Z ¸iyZ¡c~Y© gnvmoKmg~n Riyix cybe©vmb cÖKí 4,470.00 (†MvcvjMÄ †Rvb) 5041-1188 ‡mvbvnvU †mZz G‡cÖvP n‡Z †mvbvnvU ¯n'je›`i ch©šZ moK 800.00 h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1189 evgbWvsMv (MvBevÜv)-kwVevox-AvdZveMÄ (w`bvRcyi) †Rjv 1,000.00 gnvmoK (†RW-5013) cÖk¯ZKiY 5041-1190 e¸ov (Rvnv½xivev`)-bv‡Uvi RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-502) 500.00 h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1191 MvQevwoqv-P›`ªbvBk-eiKj-Av‡bvqviv (†RW-1040) mo‡Ki 100.00 11Zg wK‡jvwgUvi Pv`Lvjx b`xi Dci eiKj †mZz wbg©vY 5041-1192 ÷vwW Ab w` B‡d± Ae KvB‡gU †PBÄ Ab b¨vkbvj GÛ 111.00 wiwRIbvj nvBI‡q Ae evsjv‡`k GÛ KvB‡gU wiwm‡j›U wWRvBb di nvBI‡qm Ae w` †Kv÷vj wiwRIb 5041-1193 ewikvj-‡fvjv-jÿxcyi RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki (Gb-809) ewikvj 50.00 (Pi KvDqv) n‡Z †fvj (Bwjkv †dixNvU) n‡q jÿxcyi ch©šZ h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1194 gv¸iv-kÖxcyi †Rjv gnvmoK SvuK mijxKiYmn m¤cÖmviY 3,000.00 5041-1195 ‡b·KvYv-‡K›`yqv-AvVvievox-Ck¦iMÄ †Rjv gnvmoK Dbœqb 50.00 5041-1196 XvKv (wgicyi)-D_yjx-cvUzwiqv RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-5) Gi 3,000.00 bexbMi n‡Z bqvnvU I cvUzwiqvNvU GjvKv cÖk¯ZKiYmn AvwgbevRvi n‡Z cvUzwiqv NvU ch©šZ wewfbœ evm÷¨vÛ GjvKv †WwW‡KUW †jbmn mvwf©m †jb I evm-‡e wbg©vY 5041-1197 mybvgMÄ-g`bcyi-w`ivB-kvjøv-RjmyLv-AvRwgwiMÄ-nweMÄ 10.00 gnvmo‡Ki kvjøv-RjmyLv moKvsk wbg©vY 5041-1198 iv½vgvwU moK wefv‡Mi Aaxb cvnvo/f~wg aŸ‡m ÿwZMÖ¯Z 100.00 mo‡Ki wewfbœ wK‡jvwgUv‡i †Wªbmn ¯'nvqx cÖwZiÿvg~jK Aviwmwm wi‡UBwbs Iqvj wbg©vY 5041-1199 ‡UKmB I wbivc` gnvmoK M‡o †Zvjvi Rb¨ 4wU RvZxq 3.00 gnvmo‡Ki cv‡k¦© cb¨evnx Mvwo PvjK‡`i Rb¨ cvwK©s myweav m ¤^wjZ wekÖvgvMvi ¯n'vcb 5041-1200 Lyjbv-PzKbMi-mvZÿxiv gnvmo‡Ki Lyjbv knivsk (4.00 10.00 wK‡jvwgUvi) Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1201 KzwoMÖvg (`v‡minvU)-bv‡Mk¦ix-fziy½vgvix-‡mvbvnvU ¯n'je›`i 10.00 moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY

27/09/20 Page 92 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1202 moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii AvIZvaxb ¸iyZ¡c~Y© gnvmo‡K cY¨ 3.00 cwien‡Yi Drmgy‡L G‡·j †jvW wbqšÎY †K›`ª ¯'nvcb 5041-1203 f~qvcyi-ZvivKvw›` †Rjv gnvmoK (‡RW-4801) h_vh_ gvb I 200.00 cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1204 4-‡j‡b DbœxZ XvKv-PÆMÖvg RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-1) 50.00 (`vD`Kvw›`-PÆMÖvg Ask) Gi 4 (Pvi) eQ‡ii Rb¨ cvidig¨vÝ †eBRW Acv‡ikb I `„pKiY 5041-1205 gqgbwmsn (iNyivgcyi)-dzjcyi-bKjv-‡kicyi (Avi-371) 300.00 AvÂwjK gnvmoK Dbœqb 5041-1206 ivRkvnx-bInvUv-‡PŠgvwmqv mo‡Ki we›`yi †gvo n‡Z wegvb 1,395.00 e›`i n‡q bInvUv weªR ch©šZ †cf‡g›U 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1207 ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †ckKvinvU-PiGjvnx (†RW-1431) †Rjv 700.00 gnvmoK‡K h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1208 ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cyivZb, miy I SzuwKc~Y© eªxR I 100.00 KvjfvU© cybtwbg©vY 5041-1209 ‡Wvgvi-wPjvnvwU-fvDjvMÄ (‡RW-5706), †Wvgvi- 500.00 (†evovMvox)-RjXvKv-(fv`yi`iMvn) (†RW-5704) Ges RjXvKv-fv`yi`iMvn-wWgjv (†RW-5703) †Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1210 wK‡kviMÄ-KwigMÄ-PvgovNvU †Rjv gnvmoK h_vh_ gv‡b 50.00 DbœxZKiYmn Qqbv-h‡kv`j-‡PŠÏkZ evRvi ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 5041-1211 wK‡kviMÄ (webœvwU)-cvKzw›`qv-wgR©vcyi-‡UvK †Rjv gnvmoK‡K 50.00 h_vh_gv‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1212 XvKv-AvwiPv gnvmo‡Ki Avwgb evRvi, mv‡jncyi I bqvinvU 30.00 bvgK ¯'nv‡b 3wU †mZz wbg©vY 5041-1213 h‡kvi (ivRvinvU)-gwbivgcyi-‡Kkecyi-PzKbMi (Avi-755) 10.00 AvÂwjK gnvmoK Dbœqb 5041-1214 ‡dbx-‡mvbvMvRx-gyûix cÖKí mo‡Ki 30 Zg wK:wg: G 10.00 391.34 wgUvi `xN© gyûix †mZz Ges e³vigyÝx-KvwRinvU-`vMbf~Tv mo‡Ki 13 Zg wK:wg: G 50.12 wgUvi `xN© dvwRjvNvU †mZz wbg©vY 5041-1215 K·evRvi †Rjvi GKZvevRvi n‡Z ev‡bŠRv †kL nvwmbv NvwU 10.00 ch©šZ moK (‡RW-1125) Dbœqb 5041-1216 Pvlvov-Lvbcyi-nvRxMÄ-‡Mv`bvBj-Av`gRx Bwc‡RW moK 10.00 wbg©vY 5041-1217 `k©bv-gywRebMi AvÂwjK gnvmoK (Avi-749) Dbœqb cÖKí 10.00 5041-1218 cvjevox-`ovUvbv-gwbnvi-gyovjx RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-707) 10.00 Gi gwbnvi n‡Z gyovjx ch©šZ 8-‡j‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1219 gv¸iv-bovBj (Avi-720) AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki evuK 10.00 mijxKiYmn h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1220 ‡dbx (gv÷vicvov)-Av‡jvKw`qv-fvjywKqv-j¯‹invU-QvMjbvBqv 10.00 (kvwšZinvU) †Rjv gnvmoKwU h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1221 ‡UKmB gnvmoK wbg©vY, †givgZ I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Yi Rb¨ 10.00 AvaywbK cÖhyw³i A¨vmd›U cøv›U, miÄvg Ges hšÎcvwZ msMÖn 5041-1222 K·evRvi †Rjvi ivgy-d‡ZLvuiKzj-gwiP¨v RvZxq gnvmoK 10.00 (Gb-109 Ges 113) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY

27/09/20 Page 93 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-1223 XvKvi †KivYxMÄ †_‡K gyÝxM‡Äi nvmvov ch©šZ †Rjv 10.00 gnvmoK (‡RW-8203) h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1224 wSbvB`n-Kzwóqv-cvKkx-`vïwiqv RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-704) 10.00 Gi Kzwóqv knivsk 4-‡j‡b DbœxZKiYmn Aewkóvsk h_vh_ gv‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1225 w`Nwjqv ( †iwj‡MU)-Avoyqv-MvRxinvU-‡ZiLv`v mo‡Ki 10.00 (‡RW-7040) 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i ‰fie b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY 5041-1226 wmivRMÄ-KvwRcyi-aybU-‡kicyi (†RW-5401) Ges wmivRMÄ 10.00 (evMevwU)-aybU (†mvbvgyLx) (‡RW-5405) gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY 5041-1227 ÷vwW di AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb cÖv‡qvwiUvB‡Rkb GÛ 50.00 wcÖ-wdwRwewjwU Ae wcwcwc cÖ‡R±m AvÛvi †ivW&m GÛ nvBI‡q wWcvU©‡g›U 5041-1228 j²xcyi moK wefvMvaxb wewfbœ mo‡K 4wU †mZz wbg©vY 10.00 5041-1229 ev‡bk¦i (ivRkvnx)-mvi`v-PviNvU-evNv-jvjcyi 50.00 (bv‡Uvi)-Ck¦i`x (cvebv) (Avi-606) †Rjv gnvmoK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmoK gv‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-1230 ‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi exi gyw³‡hv×v giûg nvRx Kvgvj DwÏb moK 50.00 (†eMgM‡Äi †Møve d¨v±ix n‡Z Kweinv‡Ui djvnvix ch©šZ) (‡RW-1453) Dbœqb 5041-1231 ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U di XvKv cvewjK Uªv݇cvU© BgcÖyf‡g›U 860.00 cÖ‡R± 5041-1232 wWRvBb wiwfD, Avc‡WwUs w` wi‡m‡Uj‡g›U GKkvb cøvb GÛ 660.00 Av`vi wcÖcv‡iUwi IqvK©m di B¤cÖyf‡g›U Ae wm‡jU-Zvgvwej †ivW Uz G 4 †jb nvBI‡q GÛ Kb÷ªvKkb Ae †¯jv-gywfs wfnvBKzjvi UªvwdK (GmGgwfwU) †jb Ab †ev_ mvBW 5041-1233 wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW GÛ wW‡UBë wWRvBb di Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 1,657.00 †KqvZLvjx eªxR Ifvi w` wifvi eªþcyÎ G¨U gqgbwmsn DB_ †ijI‡q Ifvicvm GÛ 4-‡jb G¨v‡cÖvP (BbKywWs mvwf©m †ivW) †ivW 5041-5001 Development of Sonepur (Noakhali-Sonagaz (Feni) ‡mvbvcyi (‡bvqvLvjx-‡mvbvMvRx (‡dbx)-‡RviviMÄ (PÆMÖvg) 655.00 joraraganj (Chittagong) Road . moK Dbœqb| 5041-5005 Western Bangladesh Bridge Improvement. I‡qóvb© evsjv‡`k eªxR Bgcyªf‡g›U| 36,478.00 5041-5007 Construction of Matarabari coal-based Power Plant gvZvievox Kqjv wbf©i we`y¨r Drcv`b †K‡›`ªi ms‡hvM moK 4,286.00 link Road. wbg©vY| 5041-5048 Development of Faridpur (Badarpur) Muksudpur dwi`cyi (e`icyi)-mvj_v-‡mvbvcyi-gyKmy`cyi moK Dbœqb| 2,315.00 salatha-Sonepur Road . 5041-5062 Construction of Inter-district Roads: Mymensingh AvšZ:‡Rjv mxgvšZ moK wbg©vYt gqgbwmsn I †b·Kvbv| 10,000.00 and Netrokona. 5041-5115 Development of Sarail-Alfadanga-Kashani mmªvBj-AvjdvWv½v-Kvwkqvbx mo‡Ki Dbœqbmn dwi`cyi 2,418.00 along with development of Faridpur (Maijakandi) (gvBRKvw›`)-‡evqvjgvix-‡MvcvjMÄ (fvwUqvcvov) mo‡Ki Boyalamari-Gopalganj (Bhatiapara) Roads. Dbœqb| 5041-5141 Support to Jaydebpur-Debgram-Bhulta-Madanpur mv‡cvU© Uz Rq‡`eci-‡`eMÖvg-fzjZv-g`bcyi moK (XvKv 2,300.00 Road (Dhaka Bypass) PPP projects. evBcvm) wcwcwc cÖKí| 5041-5175 Construction of 3rd Shitalakhya Bridge at Bandar bvivqbM‡Äi e›`i Dc‡Rjvq 3q kxZj¶¨v †mZz wbg©vY| 5,995.00 Upazilla in Narayangonj 5041-5191 Construction of 219.456m PC Girder Bridge XvKv-wm‡jU gnvmo‡Ki 92Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i 219.456 wgUvi 2,021.00 (Shahabazpur Setu) at 92th KM of Dhaka-Sylhet `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz (mvnvevRcyi †mZz) wbg©vY| Highway Road.

27/09/20 Page 94 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-5201 Sylhet-Sunamgonj Development Project. wm‡jU-mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb| 8,500.00 5041-5206 Construction of Borotakia (Abu Torab) to Mirarshari eoZvwKqv (Avey †Zvive) †_‡K wg‡iimivB wBwc‡RW ms‡hvM 2,000.00 EPZ connecting Road. moK wbg©vY| 5041-5208 Cross-Border Road Network Improvement Project µm-eW©vi †ivW †bUIqvK© BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± (evsjv‡`k)| 60,000.00 (Bangladesh). 5041-5209 Widening of the Magura Town Part of National RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-7) Gi gv¸ov kni As‡ki ivgbMi †gvo 3,000.00 Highway (N-7) from Ramnagar Intersection to n‡Z Avevjcyi ch©šZ moK cÖk¯ZKiY Abalpur. 5041-5231 Construction of Paira Bridge (Lebokhali Bridge) over ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx gnvmo‡K cvqiv b`xi Dci cvqiv †mZz 32,373.00 the Paira River on the Barisal-Patuakhali Highway. (†jeyLvjx †mZz) wbg©vY| 5041-5234 Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project †MÖUvi XvKv mvm‡UBb¨ve&j Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R± (weAviwU 37,065.00 (BRT Gazipur-Airport). MvRxcyi-Gqvi‡cvU©)| 5041-5236 Horshpur Bypass road from Banlighariya upazila, nwikcyi evBcvm †gvo n‡Z eb‡ejNwiqv †gvo ch©šZ bv‡Uvi 2,500.00 including the main road of Natore city, expanding the kn‡ii cÖavb mo‡Ki wgwWqvbmn †cf‡g›U cÖk¯'KiY pavement 5041-5241 SASEC Road Connectivity : Improvement of mv‡mK †ivW Kv‡bw±wfwU t BgcÖyf‡g›U Ae 100,000.00 Joydebpur-Chandra-Elenga Road to 4-Lane Rq‡`ecyi-P›`ªv-Uv½vBj-G‡j½v †ivW Uz 4-‡jBb nvBI‡q Highway. cÖKí| 5041-5242 Rehabilitation of Existing Bridges and Construction 2q KuvPcyi, †gNbv, †MvgZx †mZz wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb †mZz 69,133.00 of 2nd Kachpur, Meghna Bridge. mg~‡ni cybe©vmb| 5041-5266 Construction of 4-Lane Flyover at Bhulta, XvKv- wm‡jU gnvmo‡Ki fzjZvq 4-‡jb wewkó dvBIfvi 3,030.00 Narayangonj on Dhaka-Sylhet National Highway. wbg©vY| 5041-5275 Shyangganj-Jaria-Birishiri-Durgapur district highway k¨vgMÄ-Rvwiqv-wewiwkwi-`~M©vcyi †Rjv gnvmoK‡K RvZxq 1,500.00 is the national highway development. gnvmoK gv‡b Dbœqb| 5041-5282 Construction of bridge over Kushiara River at cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-†KivbxMÄ-AvDkKvw›` gnvmo‡Ki ivYxM‡Ä 2,000.00 Raniganj Highways of Kzwkqviv b`xi Dci †mZy wbg©vY| Pagla-Jagannathpur-Keranigonj. 5041-5286 Widening and Improvement of Jamalpur-Madarganj Rvgvjcyi-gv`viMÄ moK cÖk¯KiY I gnReyZxKiY| 2,099.00 road. 5041-5287 Construction of PC Girder bridge RCC Girder bridge LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ mo‡K wcwc MvW©vi †mZy, Aviwmwm †mZy 2,437.00 and RCC Box Culvert in different Roads in Ges Aviwmwm e· KvjfvU© wbg©vY| Khagrachari Zilla under Khagrachari Road Division. 5041-5291 Improvement of Airport Bypass wegvb e›`i evBcvm B›Uvi‡mKkb-jvjevM-mvjywUKi-‡Kv 4,500.00 Intersection-Lalbagh-Salutikor-Companygonj-Bholag ¤cvbxMÄ-‡fvjvMÄ moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY| onj Road as National Highway. 5041-5293 Finishing the remaining works of the bridge over the ‡Mvwe›`MÄ-QvZK-‡`vqvivevRvi mo‡K myigv b`xi Dci QvKZ 2,500.00 Surma river on Gobindaganj-Chhatak-Doara Bazar ‡mZzi Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY| road. 5041-5295 Construction of Itna-Mithamain-Austagram Road BUbv-wgVvgBb-AóMÖvg moK wbg©vY| 15,000.00 Project. 5041-5324 Technical Assistance for sub-rigional Road ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di mve-wiwRIbvj †ivW Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R 2,580.00 Transport Project Preparatory Facility (SRTPPF-2). ± wcÖcv‡iUix d¨vwmwjwU (GmAviwUwcwcGd-2)| 5041-5335 Sasek Road Link Project-2: Upgradation of mv‡mK moK ms‡hvM cÖKí-2 t G‡j½v-nvwUKvgiyj-iscyi 116,918.00 Alenga-Hatikamrul-Rangpur Highway in four lanes. gnvmoK Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY| 5041-5339 Construction of 180.373 meters of bridge over T PÆMÖvg †Rjvi RivRxY© I msKxY© Kvjvicyj-Iwnw`qv †mZzi 400.00 Dilapidated and Narrow Colorful-Ohidia Bridge in ¯'‡j 180.373 wgUvi †mZz wbg©vY| Chittagong District

27/09/20 Page 95 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-5342 Barisal-Jhalakathi-Rajapur-Bhandaria-Pirojpur road ewikvj-SvjKvVx-ivRvcyi-fvÛvwiqv-wc‡ivRcyi mo‡Ki (Avi 1,586.00 (R 870) 46th km: Construction of a PC Gerdar bridge 870) 46 Zg wK:wg: G †cvbvb`xi Dci wcwm MvW©vi †mZz on the river of Ponnadi. wbg©vY| 5041-5343 Replacement by permanent concrete bridge of the gywÝMÄ moK wefvMvaxb SzwKc~Y© †mZzmg~n ¯'vqx KswµU †mZz 1,010.00 damaged bridges under Munshiganj road (1st Øviv cÖwZ¯'vcb (1g ch©vq)| Phase). 5041-5344 Collection of Tools and equipment for construction, moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY, †givgZ I iÿYv‡eÿ‡Yi Rb¨ 27,551.00 repair and maintenance of road infrastructure. miÄvg I hšGcwvZ msMÖn| 5041-5346 Panchdona-Danga-Palash (Ghorashal) road cvuP‡`vbv-Wv½v-cjvk(‡Nvovkvj) moK 7,500.00 development (Panchdona-Danga-Islampur ferry Dbœqb(cvuP‡`vbv-Wv½v-Bmjvgcyi †LqvNvU Ask)| section). 5041-5347 Improvement of Highway from Ramrail Bridge eªvœYevoxqv kn‡ii ivgivBj eªxR G‡cÖvP †_‡K cywbqU †gvo 755.00 aproach to Puniat intersection of Brahmanbaria ch©šZ gnvmoK RvZxq gnvmoKgv‡b I cÖk¯ZZvq Town in to national highway standard and width. DbœxZKiY| 5041-5348 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸iyZ¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cªk¯ZZvq 18,000.00 appropriate level and Width (Gopalganj Zone) DbœxZKiY (‡MvcvjMÄ †Rvb)| 5041-5349 Development of Alikadam- AvjxK`g-Rvjvbxcvov-KiyKcvZv †cvqvgyûix moK Dbœqb| 5,000.00 Zalanipara-Kurukpata-Poamuri road. 5041-5351 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 10,700.00 Appropriatc Standard and width (Rajshahi Zone) DbœxZKiY c«Kí (ivRkvnx ‡Rvb) 5041-5352 Improving the Jessore-Benapole National Highway h‡kvi-‡ebv‡cvj RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-706) h_vh_gv‡b I 10,000.00 to appropriate level and width cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY| 5041-5353 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸iyZ¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq 15,520.00 appropriate level and Width (Dhaka Zone) DbœxZKiY (XvKv †Rvb)| 5041-5354 Improvement of Hemayetpur- Singair-Manikganj ‡ngv‡qZcyi-wmsMvBi-gvwbKMÄ AvÂwjK gnvmoK (Avi-504) 10,250.00 Regional Highway Road (R-504) to Appropriate h_vh_gv‡b I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY| Level and Width 5041-5355 Improvement of Jessore portion (Palbari to Rajghat h‡kvi-Lyjbv RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki h‡kvi As‡k (cvjevox n‡Z 15,241.00 protion) of Jessore-khulna National Highway to ivRNvU Ask) h_vh_gv‡b DbœxZKiY| appropriate level Standard 5041-5356 Construction of Bridge over Nabaganga River at bovBj-Kvwjqv †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki 21Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Kvwjqv 2,812.00 21th km of Narail-Kalia District Road bvgK ¯'v‡b beM½v b`xi Dci Kvwjqv †mZz wbg©vY| 5041-5357 Construction of a 500m Long Bridge over Changi eMvQwo-bvwbqviPi-jsM`y mo‡Ki 10g wKt wgt G †PsMx b`xi 1,421.00 River at 10th KM of Bogachari-Naniachar-Langadu Dci 500 wgUvi `xN© †mZz wbg©vY| Road 5041-5358 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 22,000.00 Appropriate Level of Standared and Width (Khulna DbœxZKiY c«Kí (Lyjbv ‡Rvb) Zone) 5041-5359 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 2,871.00 Appropriate Level of Standared and Width (Cumilla DbœxZKiY c«Kí (Kywgj­v ‡Rvb) Zone) 5041-5360 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 25,000.00 Appropriate Level of Standared and Width (Rangpur DbœxZKiY c«Kí (iscyi ‡Rvb) Zone) 5041-5361 Construction of Thanchi-Rimakari-Likri Road. _vbwP-wigvKwi-g`K-wjKwi moK wbg©vY 13,000.00 5041-5363 Widening & Improvement of Important Regional ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 30,000.00 Highways to appropriate standard (Mymensingh DbœxZKiY c«Kí (gqgbwmsn ‡Rvb) Zone)

27/09/20 Page 96 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-5364 Widening and Improvement of Important Regional ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 13,000.00 Highways to Appropriate Standared (Sylhet Zone) DbœxZKiY c«Kí (wm‡jU ‡Rvb) 5041-5365 Construction of link road from Hetemdi to Sagordi biwms`x ‡Rjvi g‡bvni`x Dc‡Rjvi ‡n‡Zg`x ‡_‡K mvMi`x 800.00 Bazar of Monohardi Upazilla of Narsingdi district. evRvi ch©šZ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 5041-5366 Improvement of Important Regional Highway to ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 13,000.00 approtriate Standard and Width (Chittagong Zone) DbœxZKiY c«Kí (PÆM«vg ‡Rvb) 5041-5367 Improvement of Netrakona-Bishiura-Ishwargonj ‡b·Kvbv-wewkDov-Ck¦iMÄ moK (‡RW-3710) DbœqY 10,000.00 Road (Z-3710) 5041-5368 Improvement of Bagerhat-Chitalmari-Patgati Road to ev‡MinvU-wPZjgvix-cvUMvZx gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 3,000.00 Appropriate Level of Standard and Width Dbœqb 5041-5369 Improvement of Sylhet Town Bypass-Garrison Link wm‡jU kni evBcvm- M¨vwimb wjsK Uy kvn civY ‡mZy NvU 1,510.00 to Shahporan Bridge Ghat Road into 4-Lane moK 4 ‡jb gnvmo‡K Dbœqb Highway. 5041-5371 Improvement & Widening of Charkhali-Tuskhali- PiLvjx-ZylLvjx-gVevwoqv-cv_iNvUv(‡RW-8701) moK 2,000.00 Mathbaria-Pathorghata Road. Dbœqb I c«k¯Z KiY 5041-5372 Widenign & Improvement of Lvwjkcyi-g‡nkcyi-`ËbMi-wRbœvbMi-hv`ecyi moK cÖk¯ KiY 2,000.00 Khalishpur-Moheshpur-Dattanagar I Dbœqb (‡RW-7023) -Jinnahnagar-Jadabpur Road 5041-5373 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸i•Z¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I c«k¯ Zvq 15,242.00 Appropriate Level of Standared and Width (Barisal DbœxZKiY c«Kí (ewikvj ‡Rvb) Zone) 5041-5374 Improvement of Ashuganj River AvïMÄ b`xe›`i-mivBj-aiLvi-AvLvDov ¯’je›`i gnvmoK 68,000.00 Port-Darkhar-Akhaura Land Port Road as 4- Lane Pvi‡jb RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY National Highway. 5041-5375 Widening of the road from Langalbandh to Minarbari jv½je›`-KvBKvi‡UK-bexMÄ ‡Rjv gnvmo‡Ki jv½je›` n‡Z 1.00 of Langalbandh-Kaikertek-Nabigonj Zilla highway wgbvi evox ch©š moK c«k¯ KiY (‡RW-1061) (f~wg AwaM«nY) (Z-1061) 5041-5376 Construction & Improvement of bexbMi-wkecyi-ivwaKv AvÂwjK gnvmoK wbg©vY I Dbœqb 2,000.00 Nabinagor-Shibpur-Radhika Regional Highway (Avi-203) (R-2013). 5041-5377 Construction of Railway Overpass on Gatepar area Rvgvjcyi kn‡ii †MBUcvo GjvKvq †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbg©vY 5,000.00 rail crossing on Jamalpur Town 5041-5378 Widening & Strengthening of Jamalpur-Dhanua Rvgvjcyi-avbyqv Kvgvjcyi-K`gZjv (†iŠgvix) †Rjv gnvmoK 6,000.00 Kamalpur-Kodomtola (Raumari) Zilla Road (with (Kvgvjcyi ¯’j e›`i wjsKmn) cÖk¯’KiY I gReywZKiY Kamalpur Land port Link) 5041-5379 Construction/Rehabilition of Ferries & Pontoon †dix I c›Uzb wbg©vY/cbe©vmb (2q ch©vq) 10,000.00 (PHASE-II). 5041-5380 Improvement of Rajapur- Kathalia- Amua- Bamna- ivRvcyi-KuvVvwjqv-Avgyqv-evgbv-cv_iNvUv gnvmoK 4,000.00 Patharghata Road (†RW-8708) Dbœqb cÖKí (SvjKvwV Ask) 5041-5381 Widening and Improvement of Keranirgat †KivbxnvU-mvZKvwbq-¸bvMix †Rjv gnvmoK cÖk¯ KiY I 1,001.00 Satkania-Gunagari Zila Highway (Z1019) Dbœqb cÖKí (†RW-1019) 5041-5382 Charfassion to Betua (Lunchghat) Development Pid¨vkb n‡Z †eZzqv (jÂNvU) gnvmoK Dbœqb (†RW-8909) 200.00 Project 5041-5383 Development of Feni-Noakhali National Highways to ‡dbx-†bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki †eMgMÄ †_‡K †mvbvcyi 10,000.00 4 Lane at Begumgonj to Sonapur. ch©šZ 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY 5041-5384 Improvement of the road from Birsherestho Mostofa Kzwgj­v †mbvwbev‡mi Af¨š Zi¯’ exi‡kÖó †gv¯ dv Kvgvj Ggwc 1,153.00 Kamal MP Gate to Bangla Bazar 4 Lane within †MU n‡Z evsjv evRvi 4 †jb ch©š Z gnvmoK Dbœqb Comilla Cantonment Project

27/09/20 Page 97 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Department of Roads and Highways 5041-5385 Widening & Improvement of bKjv-wmivRMÄ-mq`vev` AvÂwjK gnvmo‡Ki wmivRMÄ kni 4,000.00 Nalka-Sirajgonj-Saydabad Regional Highway Town Ask (knx` Gg gbmyi Avjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR n‡Z KvUv Portion (Shaheed M Monsur Ali Medical College to Iqvc`v †gvo ch©š ) 4†j‡b DbœxZKiY I Aewkó Ask 2 †j‡b Katawapda Mour) To 4-Lane and the Rest Part To DbœxZKiY 2-Lane 5041-5386 Construction of 103.43 Meter Long PC Girder Bridge AvwiPv (ei½vBj)-wNIi-†`ŠjZcyi-UvsMvBj mo‡Ki 6ó 600.00 at 6th km. of Aricha wK‡jvwgUvi 103.14 wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY (Barangail)-Ghior-Daulatpur-Tangail Road. 5041-5387 Construction of 8th Bangladesh-China Friendship ivRvcyi-ˆbKvVx-†eKzwUqv-wc‡ivRcyi mo‡Ki (†RW-8702) 12 15,900.00 Bridge at Bekutia over the river Kocha at 12th Km of Zg wK‡jvwgUvi †eKzwUqvq KPv b`xi Dci 8g evsjv‡`k-Pxb Rajapur-Naikathi-Bekutia-Pirojpur Road (Z-8702) ˆgÎx †mZz wbg©vY cÖKí 5041-5388 Improvement of Cumilla (Tomsom Bridge)-Noakhali Kzwgj­v (UgQgeªxR)-†bvqvLvwj (†eMgMÄ) AvÂwjK gnvmoK 30,000.00 (Begumganj) Regional Highway. 4-†jb DbœxZKiY 5041-5389 Improvement of wRwÄqv-†KivYxMÄ-beveMÄ-†`vnvi-kÖxbMi gnvmoK Dbœqb 20,000.00 Zinzira-Keraniganj-Nawabganj-Dohar-Srinagar (K`gZjx †_‡K Rwb UvIqvi wjsKmn) (Avi-820) Highway (including Kadamtali to Joni Tower Link Road) 5041-5391 Widening and Strengthening of Saidpur-Nilphamari ˆmq`cyi-bxjdvgvix gnvmoK (Avi 570) cÖk¯ KiY I 21,500.00 Road (R-570) gReywZKiY 5041-5392 Construction of PC Girder (Goma Bridge) at 14th Km ewikvj (w`bv‡iicyj)-j¶xcvkv †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki 14Zg 2,000.00 of Barisal (Dinererpool) Laxmipasha-Dumki Road wK‡jvwgUvi iv½vgvwU b`xi Dci †Mvgv †mZz wbg©vY 5041-5393 Improvement and Completion of Incomplete Portion bIMuv AvÎvB-bv‡Uvi gnvmo‡K Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 4,000.00 of Naogaon-Atrai-Natore Highway 5041-5394 Widening and Strengthening of RqcyinvU-Av‡°jcyi-e`jMvQx (†RW-5452) Ges 4,382.00 Joypurhat-Akkelpur-Badalgachi Road (Z-5452) and †¶Zjvj-†Mvwcbv_cyi-Av‡°jcyi (†RW 5508) †Rjv Khetlal-Gopinathpur- Akkelpur Road (Z-5508) gnvmoK cyªk¯ KiY I gReywZKiY cÖKí 5041-5395 Widening and Strengthening of Salikha (Magura)- kvwjLv (gv¸iv)-Avocvov-KvwjMÄ (wSbvB`n) †Rjv gnvmoK 4,100.00 Arpara-Kaligonj (Jhenaidah) Zilla Road cÖ¯ KiY I gReywZKiY cÖKí 5041-5396 Widening & Strengthening of Rvgvjcyi-Kvwjevox-mwilvevox moK cÖ¯KiY I gReywZKiY 1,500.00 Japalpur-Kalibari-Sharishabari Road 5041-5397 Widening & Strengthening of Sherpur (Akher Bazar) †kicyi (Av‡Li evRvi)-j½icvov-kÖxe`x (gvg`vgvix) moK 3,000.00 Longorapara-Sribardi (mamdamari) Road cyªk¯ KiY I gReywZKiY 5041-5399 Improvemnet Road from Jaintia to Jaflong (including XvKv-wm‡jU-Zvgvwej-Rvdjs RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki ˆRš v n‡Z 6,000.00 Tamabil Land Port Connecting Road and Balla Ghat Rvdjs ch©š (Zvgvwej j¨vÛ‡cvU© Kv‡bw±s I ej­vNvU ms‡hvM Connecting Road) of Dhaka-Sylhet-Tamabil-Jaflong moKmn) moK Dbœqb National Highway 5041-5402 Widening and Strengthening of Salna mvjbv (iv‡R›`ªcyi) Kvcvwmqv-†UvK-gV‡Lvjv moK cÖk¯ KviY 12,000.00 (Rajendrapur)-Kapasia-Toke-Motkhola Road (R-312)(Avi-312) 5041-5403 Improvement of Trishal-Balipara Nandil (kanurmpur) wÎkvj-evwjcvov-bv›`vBj (Kvbyivgcyi) †Rjv gnvmoK 8,779.00 Road (Tishal-Balipara Portion cÖk¯ KviY I gReywZKiY 5041-5404 Widening and Improvement of the road between wgicyi wWIGBPGm †MU-2 n‡Z wgicyi-12 evm÷¨vÛ ch©š 729.00 Mirpur DOHS Gate-2 and Mirpur-12 Bus Stand gnvmoK cÖk¯ KiY I Dbœqb cÖKí 5041-5406 Construction of 7 Nos. Bridges in Place of Damaged cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-ivYxMÄ-AvDkKvw›` mo‡K ¶wZMÖ¯’ 7wU †mZz 4,000.00 Bailey Bridges on Ges wbqvgZcyi-Avo~qv mo‡K Avo~qv †mZz wbg©vY Pagla-Jamannathpur-Raniganj-Aushkandi Road and 1 no. Bridge over Abua river on Niamatpur-Tahirpur Road 5041-9092 Construction of Third Karnaphuli Bridge. Z…Zxq KY©dzjx †mZz wbg©vY| 88.00

27/09/20 Page 98 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Road Transport and Highways Division Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 5005-1111 Modernization and Strengthening of 03 Training `ÿ PvjK ˆZixi j‡ÿ¨ cÖwkÿY cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ weAviwUwmi 1,200.00 Institutes and 17 Training Centers of BRTC for the 03wU cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU I 17wU cÖwkÿY †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb Training of Skilled Drivers kw³kvjxKiY (15001-224215600) 5005-5002 Procurement of Double Decker Single Decker AC weAviwUwmÕi Rb¨ evm msMÖn| 8,735.00 and Non-AC Buses for BRTC (2nd Revised). Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority (DTCA) 5005-1114 The Feasibility Study on the Bus Rapid Transit w` wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ab w` evm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU (weAviwU) 440.00 (BRT) Line-7 jvBb-7 5005-1117 wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW GÛ Kb‡mcmy¨qvj wWRvBb Ae cÖ‡cvRW evm 50.00 Uvwg©bvj GÛ wW‡cvU© 5005-1118 ‡ivW †mBdwU GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs 50.00 5005-5000 Dhaka Integreted Traffic Management Project. XvKv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW UªvwdK g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 486.00 5005-5005 The Feasibility Study on Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm›U¨vÝ diw` wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ab XvKv g¨vm 149.00 Development Project (MRT Line-1 and MRT Line-5) i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (GgAviwU jvBb-1 GÛ AvgAviwU jvBb-5) Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited 5005-1113 XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-5): 14,000.00 b`©vb iyU 5005-1115 Technical Assistant for Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit ‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU 21,041.00 Development Project (MRT Line-1) (E/S) †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (GgAviwU jvBb-1) (B/Gm) 5005-1116 XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-1) 48,784.00 5005-1119 XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-5): 25.00 mvD`vb© iyU 5005-5236 Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (jvBb-6)| 432,673.00 (Line-6).

27/09/20 Page 99 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Railway 5131-1111 Conversion of Metre Gauge Line into Dual Gauge evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cve©Zxcyi n‡Z KvDwbqv ch©šZ wgUvi †MR 7.00 Line from Parbatipur to Kaunia Section of †ijI‡q jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvšZi Bangladesh Railway (15102-224149600) 5131-1112 Feasibility Study for Important Projects of West Zonecwðgv‡ji ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cÖKímg~‡ni m¤¢ve¨ mgxÿv 70.00 (15102-222004400) 5131-1113 Feasibility study for construction of a railway link to PUªMÖv‡gi c‡Z½vq cÖ¯ZvweZ †e-Uvwg©bvj †ijI‡q ms‡hv‡Mi 80.00 proposed Bay Terminal at Potenga, Chittagong Rb¨ m¤fve¨Zv mgxÿv Ges wek` wWRvBb 5131-1114 Construction of Broad Gauge Rail Line From gayLvjx n‡Z KvgviLvjx n‡q gv¸iv kni ch©šZ eªW‡MR 19,700.00 Madhukhali to Magura Via Kamarkhali †ijc_ wbg©vY 5131-1115 Rolling Stock Operations Improvement Project of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ †ivwjs ÷K Acv‡ikb Dbœqb 30,007.00 Bangladesh Railway (Rolling Stock Procurement) 5131-1116 Constructions of Double Line Track Between evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Lyjbv-`k©bv Rskb †mKk‡b Wvej jvBb 8.00 Khulna-Darsana Junction Section of Bangladesh †ijc_ wbg©vY Railway 5131-1117 Feasibily Study and Details Design for Construction `k©bv n‡Z Wvgyiû`v Ges gywRebMi n‡q ‡gn‡icyi ch©šZ bZzb 600.00 of New Broad Gauge Railway line from Darshana to eªW‡MR ‡ij jvBb wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤fve¨Zv hvPvB I wek` Meherpur via Damurhuda & Mujibnagar wWRvBb 5131-1118 Construction of Dual Gauge Double line between Rq‡`ecyi-Bk¦i`x †mKk‡b Wz‡qj †MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY 21,150.00 Joydebpur-Ishurdi section of Bangladesh Railway 5131-1119 Construction of Dual Gauge Railway Line from e¸ov n‡Z knx` Gg gbmyi Avjx ‡÷kb ch©šZ bZzb Wz‡qj 22.00 Bogra to Shahid M. Mansur Ali Station, Sirajganj of ‡MR †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©vY Bangladesh Railway 5131-1120 Construction of Broad Gauge Rail line between fvi‡Zi mv‡_ †ij ms‡hvM ¯nvc‡bi j‡ÿ¨ wPjnvwU Ges 7,017.00 Chilahati and Chilahati Border for connectivity with wPjvnvwU eW©v‡ii g‡a¨ ‡ijc_ wbg©vY India 5131-1121 Installation and commissioning of optical fiber based evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 575 wK:wg: †m‡KÛvix jvB‡b AcwUK¨vj 3,215.00 telecommunication system along the 575 km dvBevi wfwËK †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯n'v ¯n'vcb I PvjyKiY secondary lines of Bangladesh Railway 5131-1122 Technical Assistance for Capacity Development of ‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z gvqvbgv‡ii 50.00 Bangladesh Railway for Implementation of wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©šZ wm‡½j jvBb Wz‡qj †MR Uª¨vK wbg©vY Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway cÖKí Gi cÖKí ev¯Zevqb e¨e¯n'vcbvq evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Track from to Cox's Bazar Via Ramu and mvg_©¨ e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar 5131-1123 Feasibility Study and Detail Design for Construction mybvgMÄ †Rjv m`‡i †ijI‡q ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 163.00 of Railway connectivity to Sunamganj District Ges wek` wWRvBb 5131-1124 Conversion of Meter Gauge Rail Line into Dual evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi AvLvDov-wm‡jU †mKk‡bi wgUvi‡MR †ij 1.00 Gauge in Akhaura-Sylhet Section of Bangladesh jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡MR †ij jvB‡b iƒcvšZi Railway 5131-1125 Feasibility Study and Details Design for Construction ‡Mveiv n‡Z wc‡ivRcyi ch©šZ eªW‡MR †ij jvBb wbg©vY Ges 120.00 of New Broad Guage Railway line from Gobra to ev‡Minv‡U †ijms‡hvM ¯nvc‡bi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB I wek` Pirojpur and Rail Connection to Bagerhat wWRvBb 5131-1126 Renovation of 21 Nos. Meter Gauge Diesel Electric evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 21wU wgUvi‡MR wW‡Rj B‡jwUªK 21.00 Locomotives for Bangladesh Railway †jv‡Kv‡gwUf beiƒcvqb 5131-1127 Feasibility Study with Detail Design and Bid ivRevwo‡Z GKwU bZzb K¨v‡iR †givgZ KviLvbv wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ 1.00 Document Preparation for Construction of a New wek` bKkv I `icÎ `wjj ˆZixmn m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv Carriage Maintenance Workshop at Rajbari 5131-1128 Rolling Stock Operations Improvement of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †ivwjs ÷K Acv‡ikb Dbœqb 268.00 Bangladesh Railway

27/09/20 Page 100 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Railway Bangladesh Railway 5131-5000 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Estarn Gates evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg~‡ni 1,524.00 level Crossings of Bangladesh Railway . cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| 5131-5002 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Western Gates evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg~‡ni 2,190.00 level Crossings of Bangladesh Railway . cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| 5131-5006 Collection Bangladesh Railway meter gauge and evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ wgUvi †MR I eªW †MR c¨v‡mÄvi 48,430.00 broad gauge passenger carriages. K¨v‡iR msMÖn| 5131-5008 Collection of Bangladesh Railway locomotive relief evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ ‡jv‡Kv‡gvwUf wiwjd †µb Ges 15,857.00 Crane and locomotive Simulator. †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf wmgy‡jUi msMÖn| 5131-5009 Technical Assistance for Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox's XvKv-PÆMÖvg-K·evRvi †ij cÖKí cÖ¯'wZg~jK myweavi Rb¨ 6,781.00 Bazar Rail Project Preparatory Facility KvwiMix mnvqZv| 5131-5015 Construction of 3rd and 4th Dual Gauge Line of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi XvKv - U½x †mKk‡bi 3q I 4_© Wz‡qj 33,349.00 Dhaka-Tongi Section and Dual Gauge Double Line †MR jvBb Ges U½x - Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Wz‡qj †MR Wvej in Tongi-Joydevpur Section of Bangladesh Railway. jvBb wbg©vY| 5131-5020 Construction of Dual Gauge Double Rail Line and AvLvDov †_‡K jvKmvg ch©š Wy‡qj‡MR Wvej †ijjvBb wbg©vY 51,224.00 Conversion of existing rail line into Dual Gauge Ges we`¨gvb †ij jvBb‡K Wy‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvš i| between Akhaura and Laksam. 5131-5023 Construction of a Dual Gauge Line parallel to the XvKv bvivqbMÄ †mKk‡b we`¨gvb wgUvi †MR †ij jvB‡bi 6,000.00 Existing Meter Gauge Line in Dhaka-Narayangonj cwie‡Z© mgvš Zivj GKwU Wy‡qj †MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY| Section. 5131-5026 Technical Assistance for Capacity Development of cÖKí ev¯Zevq‡bi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi `Zv Dbœq‡bi 110.00 Bangladesh Railway for Project Implementation. KvwiMix mnvqZv| 5131-5029 Padma Bridge rail link. cÙv †mZz †ij ms‡hvM| 329,740.00 5131-5031 Construction of Akhaura- Dual Gauge rail AvLvDov-AvMiZjv Wz‡qj‡MR †ij ms‡hvM wbg©vY| 13,215.00 link. 5131-5032 200 meter gauge passenger carriage collection for evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 200wU wgUvi‡MR c¨v‡mÄvi K¨v‡iR 864.00 Bangladesh Railway. msMÖn| 5131-5033 Feasibility study for constructing a railway line from wek` bKkv cÖYqb I `icÎ `wjj cÖ¯'Zmn fv½v Rskb 1,613.00 Baranga to Baridhara (Faridpur) to Paira port with (dwi`cyi) n‡Z ewikvj n‡q cvqiv e›`i ch©šZ †ijjvBb detailed design preparation and preparation of wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxv| tender documents. 5131-5034 Construction of Bangabandhu railway bridge e½eÜy †ijI‡q †mZz wbg©vY| 205,382.00 5131-5036 Feasibility Sstudy and Detail Design for Construction XvKv-PÆMÖvg fvqv Kzwgõv/jvKmvg `yªZMwZi †ijc_ wbg©v‡Yi 6,365.00 of Dhaka-Chittagong via Comilla/Laksharn High Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxv Ges wek` wWRvBb| Speed Railway 5131-5037 Recurement of 20 Nos Meter Gauge Diesel Electric evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20wU wgUvi‡MR †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf Ges 13,225.00 Locomotives and 150 Nos Meter Gauge passenger 150wU wgUvi‡MR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR msMÖn Carriages for Bangladesh Railway 5131-5040 Feasibility Study for Construction of Circular Rail XvKv kn‡ii PZzw`©‡K e„ËvKvi †ijc_ wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv 2,206.00 Line Around Dhaka City mgxÿv Kvh©µg 5131-5200 Construction of Single line MG Railway Track from ‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z gvqvbgv‡ii 113,500.00 Dohazari-Ramu-Cox's Bazar and Ramu to Gundum wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©šZ wgUvi‡MR wms‡Mj jvBb Uª¨vK wbg©vY| near Mayanmar . 5131-5560 Construction of Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Link wdwRwewjwU ÷vwWmn Lyjbv n‡Z gsjv †cvU© ch©šZ †ijc_ 81,926.00 Including Feasibility Study. wbg©vY| 5131-6020 Rehabilitation of Kulaura-Shahbazpur Section of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KzjvDov-kvnevRcyi †mKkY cybe©vmb| 6,181.00 Bangladesh Railway. 5131-6040 Procurement of 70 Nos. MG Diesel Electric (DE) evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 70wU wgUvi‡MR (GgwR) wW‡Rj 72.00 Locomotives for Bangladesh Railway. B‡jKwUªK (wWB) †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn|

27/09/20 Page 101 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Railway Bangladesh Railway 5131-6538 Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Developmet XvKvÐPUªMÖvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKí (cvnviZjx IqvK©kc Dbœqb 2,646.00 Project--Improvement of Pahartali Workshop Part. Ask)|

27/09/20 Page 102 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Shipping Ministry's Own 5201-5011 Establishment of 4 Marine Academy in Bangladesh evsjv‡`‡k 4wU †gwib GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb (cvebv, ewikvj, wm‡jU 12,000.00 (Pabna, Barisal, Sylhet & Rangpur). I iscyi)| Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 5205-1114 Detailed Study on 48 Rivers for Building Batabase wW‡UBjW ÷vwW Ab 48 wifvim di wewìs WvUv‡eR GÛ 768.00 and Conservation of River from Pollution, illegal KbRvi‡fkb Ad wifvim d«g cjykb, BjøMvj AKz‡ckb GÛ Occupation and Others Abuses of Rivers (1st Av`vi GweD‡Wwm Ad wifvim (1g ch©vq) Phase) (15201-224109000) Department of Shipping 5231-5000 Development of Maritime Legislation of Bangladesh. †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †gwiUvBg †jwRm‡jkb Ae evsjv‡`k| 166.00 5231-5010 Establishment of GMDSS and Integrated Maritime wRGgwWGmGm I Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW †gwiUvBg †bwf‡Mkb wm‡÷g 6,570.00 Navigation System (EGIMNS) (1st Revised) ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) 5205-1115 Establishment of inland Container River port of AvïMÄ Af¨šZixY K‡›UBbvi b`x e›`i ¯n'vcb 3,156.00 Ashuganj 5205-1116 Construction & Installation of demarcation pillar, eywoM½v, ZzivM, kxZjÿ¨v I evjy b`xi D‡•Q`K…Z Zxi 11,500.00 walkway, Bank Protection, Jetty with Allied work on f~wg‡Z wcjvi ¯'nvcb, Zxi iÿv, IqvKI‡q I †RwUmn Evicted foreshore land of river Buriganga, Turag, Avbylvw½K AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) Shitalakka & Balu. 5205-1117 Establishment of river port with allied facilities at bMievox‡Z Avbylvw½K myweavmn b`x e›`i wbg©vY 8,000.00 Nagarbari 5205-1118 Procurement of 35 dredger & supporting vessels & 35wU ‡WªRvi I mnvqK Rjhvbmn AvbylswMK miÄvgvw` msMÖn 3,500.00 equipments 5205-1119 Feasibility Study of 2 high power rescue vessels, 6 weAvBWweøDwUÕi Rb¨ Avbylw½K myyweavw`mn `yyBwU 366.00 cleaning vessels & 132 Pontoons for BIWTA D•PÿgZvm¤cbœ D×viKvix Rjhvb, 6wU wiWvi wKwbs ‡f‡mjmn wewfbœ ai‡bi 132wU c›Uzb msMÖ‡ni j‡ÿ¨ mgxÿv cÖ¯Zve 5205-1120 Improvement & restoration of Navigability for Old cyivZb eþcyÎ, aijv, ZzjvB Ges c~bf©ev b`xi bve¨Zv Dbœqb 17,500.00 Brahmaputra, Dharla, Tulai & Punarvaba river I cybiy×vi 5205-1121 Feasibility Study of Construction of walkway, Eco eywoM½v, ZzivM, evjy I kxZjÿ¨v b`xi Zxif~wg‡Z IqvK‡q, 273.00 Park and Other allied infrastructure on the foreshore B‡KvcvK© I Avbylw½K ¯n'vcbv wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) Ges XvKv land of the river Buriganga, Turag, Balu & Sitalakhya kn‡ii e„ËvKvi †bŠc_ b`xi Zj‡`k n‡Z eR©¨ Acmvi‡Yi (3rd phase) and Waste removal from the river bed wbwgË D³ AsMmg~‡ni Dbœqb cÖ¯Zve cÖ¯'Zz‡Zi Rb¨ m along the circular waterways of Dhaka City and also ¤fve¨Zv mgxÿv set Development Program for the elements of Study 5205-1122 Feasibility Study for the improvement of Navigability cve©Z¨ PUªMÖvg GjvKvq †bŠc‡_i bve¨Zv Dbœqb Ges j¨vwÛs 330.00 & Landing facilities of Chittagong Hill tracts area myweavw` cÖ`vbK‡í m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 5205-1123 Construction & Installation of Special terminal Avbylw½K myyweavmn we‡kl ai‡bi Uvwg©bvj cëzb wbg©vY I 6,000.00 pontoons with allied facilities ¯n'vcb 5205-1130 Feasibility study river management for navigation, ewikvj wefv‡Mi b`x¸‡jvi bve¨Zv Dbœqb, cvwb wb®‹vkbmn 148.00 water management, irrigation and landing facilities of Rjve×Zv †iva, †mP e¨e¯'nv Ges j¨vwÛs myweavw` cª`vbK‡í the rivers of Barishal Division K¨vwcUvj †WªwRs I †gBb‡U‡bÝ †WªwRs Gi gva¨‡g b`x e¨e¯n'vcbvi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 5205-1131 Procurement and Installation of Navigational Aids for Af¨šZixY I DcK~jxq †bŠc‡_i Rb¨ †bŠ mnvqK hšÎcvwZ 2,001.00 Inland and Coastal Waterways msMÖn I ms‡hvRb 5205-1137 Establishment of Dhaka-Laksmipur Navigational XvKv-j²xcyi †bŠ-c‡_i j²xcyi cÖv‡šZ †gNbv b`x †WªwRs Gi 1.00 route on Meghna (lower) River gva¨‡g bve¨Zv Dbœqb

27/09/20 Page 103 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Shipping Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) 5205-5005 Modernization of three DGPS stations, including K‡›Uªvj †÷kb I gwbUwis †÷kbmn wZbwU wWwRwcGm †÷kb 1,526.00 control stations and monitoring stations. AvaywbKxKiY| 5205-5009 Bangladesh Regional Inland Water Transportation evsjv‡`k AvÂwjK Af¨šZixY †bŠ-cwienY cÖKí-1 2,500.00 Project-1 (Construction of related facilities including (PÆMÖvg-XvKv-AvïMÄ I mshy³ †bŠc_ Lbb Ges Uvwg©bvjmn excavation of Chittagong-Dhaka-Ashuganj and AvbylswMK ¯'vcbvw` wbg©vY| connected waterways and terminals. 5205-5012 Re-construction of RCC Jetty at Guptachhara, m›`xc¯n' ¸ßQovq Aviwmwm †RwU cybtwbg©vY| 2,145.00 Sandwip. 5205-5016 Establishment of Ship Personnel Training Institute, gv`vixcyi kxc cv‡mv©‡bj †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (1g 703.00 Madaripur ms‡kvwaZ)| 5205-5024 Establishment of Ferry Ghat including Allied evjvkx I evnv`yivev‡` †dixNvUmn Avbylw½K ¯’vcbw` wbg©vY 5,500.00 Facilities at Balashi and Bahadurabad 5205-5026 Capital Dredging of 53 Route of Inland Water Ways uAf¨š ixY †bŠ-c‡_i 53wU i•‡U K¨vwcUvj †WªwRs (1g ch©v†q 20,000.00 (in 1st phase, 24 Route). 24wU †bŠ-c_)| 5205-5027 Improvement of Navigability from Mongla to Pakshi †gvsjv e›`i n‡Z Puv`cyi gvIqv †Mvqvj›` n‡q cvKkx ch©š †bŠ 13,000.00 River Route Via Chandpur-Mawa-Gualanda i•‡Ui bve¨Zv Dbœqb 5205-5062 Procurement of 20 Dredger with Ancillary Equipment 20wU †WªRvimn mnvqK hšÎcvwZ Ges miÄvgvw` msMÖn| 33,000.00 and Accessories. 5205-7490 Dredging of 12 Important Waterways. 12wU ¸iZ¡c~Y© †bŠc_ Lbb| 5,000.00 5205-9738 Procurement of 10 Dredgers, Craneboats, Tugboats, 10wU †WªRvi, †µb‡evU, UvM‡evU, Awdmvm© nvDR‡evU I 2,840.00 Officers Houseboat and Crew Houseboats with other µz-nvBR‡evUmn Ab¨vb¨ mnvqK miÄvg/hšÎcvwZ msMÖn| accessories. Bangladesh Land Port Authority 5205-1113 Development of Gobrakura Koroitoly Land Port ‡MveivKzov KoBZjx ¯’je›`i Dbœqb (15201-224231700) 2,000.00 5205-1127 Development of Dhanua Kamalpur Land port avbyqv Kvgvjcyi ¯'nj e›`i Dbœqb 1,273.00 5205-1135 Necessary Training and Procurement of Hydraulic cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖwkÿYmn weAvBWweøDwUG Gi D×viKvix 300.00 Engine with Spare Parts for Solvage Vessel of Rjhv‡bi Rb¨ nvBWªwjK BwÄbmn Ab¨vb¨ LyPiv hšÎvsk msMÖn BIWTA 5205-1136 Construction of Cargo Vehicle Terminal at Benapole ‡ebv‡cvj ¯'nj e›`‡ii Kv‡M©v f¨vwnK¨vj Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY 2,628.00 Land Port 5205-5002 Construction of the head office of Bangladesh Land XvKv¯’ †ki-B-evsjv bM‡i evsjv‡`k ¯’je›`i KZ…©c‡ÿi cÖavb 1,000.00 Port Authority Kvh©vjq feb wbg©vY| 5205-5013 Development of Balla Land Port. evjøv ¯’je›`i Dbœqb| 5.00 5205-5015 Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1: evsjv‡`k wiwRIbvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU cÖ‡R±-1 †kIjv, †fvgiv, 4,258.00 Development of Sheola, Bhomra, Ramgarh Land ivgMo ¯’je›`‡ii wbivcËv e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Ges †ebv‡cvj Ports and Upgradation of Security System of ¯’je›`‡ii wbivcËv e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Benapole Land Port 5205-5041 Development of Bilonia Land Port we‡jvwbqv ¯’je›`i Dbœqb 456.00 Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) 5205-0523 Construction of 2 NOS. Improved K-Type ferry under weAvBWweøIwUwmÕi cyivZb Wv¤^ †dwi cÖwZ¯'vcbK‡í 2wU 901.00 Replacement Programme of BIWTC's existing old DbœZgv‡bi †K UvBc †dwi wbg©vY dump ferries 5205-0537 Construction of 2 Nos. medium ferry for BIWTC weAvBWweøDwUwmi Rb¨ 2wU wgwWqvg †dwi wbg©vY 900.00 5205-0538 Construction of 2 NOS. Shallow draft Oil Tanker to weAvBWweøDwUwmi Rjhv‡b R¡vjvwb †Zj mieiv‡ni Rb¨ 2wU 389.00 Supply Bunkers for BIWTC's Vessels g¨v‡jv WªvdU I‡qj U¨vsKvi wbg©vY/msMÖn 5205-1124 Procurement of 35 nos Commercial & 8 nos auxiliary 35wU evwYwR¨K I 8wU mnvqK Rjhvb msMÖn Ges 2wU bZyb 5,600.00 vesseles & construction of 2 New Slipways for w¯jcI‡q wbg©vY BIWTC

27/09/20 Page 104 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Shipping Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) 5205-9728 Construction of Passenger vessel for providing PÆMÖvg-m›`¡xc-nvwZqv-ewikvj i•‡U `¶ hvGx mvwf©m 1,023.00 efficient services in cwiPvjbvi j‡¶¨ hvÎxevnx RvnvR wbg©vY Chittagong-Swandip-Hatiya-Barisal Coastal Route.. Mongla Port Authority 5205-0530 Streategic Master Plan for Mongla Port ÷ªv‡UwRK gv÷vi c­¨vb di †gvsjv †cvU© 250.00 5205-1125 Installion of surface water treatment Plant for mvi‡dm IqvUvvi wUªU‡g›U cø¨v›U ¯n'vcb 765.00 Mongla port 5205-1126 Dredging at the food silo area in harbor Channel at ‡gvsjv e›`‡ii nvievi P¨v‡b‡ji dzW mvB‡jv GjvKvq †WªwRs 2,870.00 Mongla port 5205-1132 Procurement of Essential Equipment for Mongla Port‡gvsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ AZ¨vek¨Kxq hšÎcvwZ/miÄvgvw` msMÖn 19,662.00 5205-1133 Establishment of Modern Waste and Spilled Oil ‡gvsjv e›`‡ii AvaywbK eR©¨ wbtm„Z †Zj AcmviY e¨e¯n'v 50.00 Management at Mongla Port 5205-1134 Procurement of Service Vessels for Mongla Port ‡gvsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ mnvqK Rjhvb msMÖn 20.00 5205-5023 Dredging at the Outer Bar in the Mongla Port †gvsjv e›`i P¨v‡b‡ji AvDUvi ev‡i †WªwRs 29,000.00 Channel 5205-5043 Installation of Vessel Traffic management and †f‡mj UªvwdK g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ Bbdi‡gkb wmw÷g 2,790.00 Information System (VTMIS) (wfwUGgAvBGm) cÖeZ©b Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) 5205-0524 Shifting and Re-construction of service Jetty located WK Awd‡mi wbK‡U Aew¯'Z mvwf©m †RwU 1bs †RwUi DRv‡b 2,500.00 near dock office to the upstream of Jetty no.1. ¯'vbvšÍic~e©K cybtwbg©vY 5205-0528 Improvement of Navigation by Dreging in Karnafuly KY©dzjxi b`xi m`iNvU n‡Z evKwjqvi Pi ch©šZ †WªwRs Gi 3,000.00 River from Sadar Ghat to Bakaliar Char. gva¨‡g bve¨Zv e„w× 5205-0529 Construction of Potenga Container Terminal c‡Z½v K‡›UBbvi Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY 20,000.00 5205-0532 Procurement of 2 nos Mobile harbour Crane for PÆMÖvg e›`‡ii Rb¨ `ywU nveevi †µb msMÖn 9,350.00 Chittagong port Authority 5205-0533 Procurement of 2 nos cutter suction dredger, 2wU KvUvi mvKkb †WªRvi, mnvqK †evU I hšÎcvwZ msMÖn 1.00 auxiliary boat & equipments 5205-0534 Procurement of 2 high power Tug boat (5000 `ywU DPP ÿgZv m¤cbœ (cÖwZwU 5000 weGBPwc/70 Ub 1.00 BHP/70 ton bollard pool) †evjvW©cyj) UvM †evU msMÖn 5205-0535 Construction of New Mooring Second Overflow wbDgywis 2q Ifvi‡dv K‡›UBbvi BqvW© wbg©vY 8,426.00 Container Yard 5205-0539 Procurement of Equipments for different Yards and PÆMÖvg e›`‡ii wewfbœ BqvW© Ges Uvwg©bv‡ji Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq 200.00 Terminals at Chattogram Port hšÎcvwZ msMÖn 5205-1129 Strengthening the Chittagong Port Training Institute ‡÷ªs‡`wbs `¨v PÆMÖvg †cvU© A_wiwU †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU 120.00 (CPATI) (wmwcGwUAvB) Payra port Authority 5205-1128 Construction of 1st terminal & allied facilities at cvqiv mgy`ª e›`‡ii cÖ_g Uvwg©bvj Ges Avbylw½K myweavw` 21,300.00 Pyra port Authority wbg©vY cÖKí 5205-5066 Payra Deep Sea Port Operations Infrastructure / cvqiv Mfxi mgy`ª e›`‡ii Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi j‡¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq 64,000.00 Facilities Development. AeKvVv‡gv/myweavw`i Dbœqb| National Maritime Institite (N.M.I) 5236-5000 Establishment of National Maritime Institution b¨vkbvj †gwiUvBg BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb gv`vixcyyi kvLv 600.00 Madaripur

27/09/20 Page 105 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation 5305-1113 Construction of Tourism Centre at Hatiya and ‡bvqvvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv I wbSzg Øx‡c ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY 200.00 Nijuhm Dwip, Noakhali 5305-1114 Construction of Tourism Centre at adjacent area of PvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi gnvb›`vq †kL nvwmbv †mZy msjMœ 250.00 Sheikh Hasina Bridge of Mohananda, GjvKvq ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY Chapainababganj 5305-1115 Construction of Tourism Centre at Panchagarh cÂM‡o ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY 1.00 5305-1117 Capacity Building of Infrastructures of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k ch©Ub K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ¯'nvcbvmgy‡ni mÿgZv e„w× 300.00 Parjatan Corporation msµvšZ mgxÿv 5305-1118 Creation of Tourism Facilities at Durgasagor, Barisal ewikvj †Rjvi `yM©vmvMi GjvKvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b 25.00 5305-1121 Feasibility Study for Creation of Tourism Facilities in cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq ch©Ub myweavw` m„wói j‡ÿ¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv 1.00 Chattogram Hill Area mgxÿv 5305-5000 Creation of Tourism Facilities at Parki, Chittagong. PÆMÖvg¯’ cviwK‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b| 750.00 5305-5005 Development of some Places of Tourist Attractions ch©Ub el© Dcj‡¨ †`‡ki KwZcq ch©Ub AvKl©Yxq GjvKvi 1,000.00 in Country During Observance of Tourism Year. ch©Ub myweavw`i Dbœqb| 5305-5006 Capacity Building & Extension of NHTTI and GbGBPwUwUAvB-Gi m¶gZv e„w× I m¤•ÖmviY Ges 1,461.00 Re-Construction of Parjatan Motel sonamosjid †mvbvgmwR‡`i ¶wZMÖ¯’ ch©Ub †gv‡Uj cybtwbg©vY 5305-5007 Construction of Parjatan Bhaban at Sher-E-Bangla AvMviMvuI¯’ †k‡i evsjv bM‡i ch©Ub feb wbg©vY 3,912.00 Nagar, Agargaon Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh 5305-0008 Consultancy Services for Construction of e½eÜz †kL gywRe AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`i cÖK‡íi we¯ZvwiZ 1,000.00 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib International Airport mgxv| 5305-0009 Extension of apron towards north of the existing nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡i we`¨gvb G·‡cvU© 10,000.00 export cargo apron at Hazrat Shahjalal International Kv‡M©vi DËi w`‡K G‡cÖvb m¤úªmviY (2q ch©vq)| Airport (phase-II). 5305-0010 Construction of General Aviation Hangar, Hangar nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡i †Rbv‡ij Gwf‡qkb 11,000.00 Apron & Apron at North side of fire station at Hazrat n¨v½vi, n¨v½vi G‡cøvb Ges dvqvi †÷k‡bi DËi w`‡K Shahjalal International Airport G‡cøvb wbg©vY 5305-0011 Construction of International Passenger Terminal K·evRvi wegvbe›`‡i AvšZR©vwZK c¨v‡mÄvi Uvwg©bvj feb 5,000.00 Building at Cox's Bazar (1st Revised). wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 5305-1111 Extension of Runway at Cox's Bazar Airport K·evRvi wegvbe›`‡ii ivbI‡q m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 2,502.00 5305-1112 Expansion of Sylhet Osmani International Airport wm‡jU Imgvbx AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí 2.00 5305-1119 The Project for Security Improvement of AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`img~‡ni wmwKDwiwU e¨e¯'nvi Dbœqb 5,397.00 International Airports 5305-1120 Enhancement of Capacity of Civil Aviation Authority nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii Rb¨ wbivcËv 197.00 of Bangladesh on Public Security at Hazrat wbwðZK‡í evsjv‡`k †emvgwiK wegvb PjvPj KZ©„c‡ÿi Shahjahal International Airport mÿgZv e„w× 5305-5001 Link project for land acquisition for construction of cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bviwkc (wcwcwc) Gi AvIZvq 1,148.00 Khanjahan Ali Airport under Public Private ev¯ZevwqZe¨ LvbRvnvb Avjx wegvbe›`i wbg©vY cÖK‡íi Rwg Partnership (PPP) AwaMÖn‡Yi Rb¨ wjsK cÖKí 5305-5004 Strengthening of Existing Taxiway, Runway of Sylhet wm‡jU Imgvbx AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`i we`¨gvb ivbI‡q I 17,500.00 Osmani International Airport. U¨vw·I‡qi kw³ e""w×KiY| 5305-5008 Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Expension nhiZ kvnRvjvj Avš R©vwZK wegvbe›`i m¤•ÖmviY (1g 281,200.00 Project (Phase-I) ch©vq) 5305-5009 Strengthening of Existing Runway & Taxiway at PÆMÖvg kvn AvgvbZ Avš R©vwZK wegvbe›`i we`¨gvb ivbI‡q I 100.00 Shah Amanat International Airport, Chattogram †Uw·I‡qi kw³ e„w×KiY 5305-7100 Development Project of Cox's-bazar Airport (1st K·evRvi wegvb e›`‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (3q 20,000.00 phase) (3rd Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)

27/09/20 Page 106 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Post and Telecommunications Division Ministry's Own 5401-1111 Strenthening of Optical Fiber Network at ‡`‡ki mKj K‡jR/wek¦we`¨vjq I †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUD‡U 2,612.00 collage/University & Training Institute of Bangladesh AcwUK¨vj dvBevi ‡bUIqvK© ¯n'vcb Bangladesh Postal Department 5431-1111 Construction of Physical Infrastructure of WvK Awa`߇ii †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY 10,000.00 Bangladesh post office 5431-1112 Construction of mail Proccessing & Logistic Service ‡gBj cÖ‡mwms I jwRw÷K mvwf©m †m›Uvi wbg©vY 20,740.00 Center 5431-5001 Construction & Reconstruction of Dilapidated Post RivRxY© WvKNimg~‡ni wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| 2,000.00 Offices in Bangladesh (2nd Phase). 5431-5002 Construction of Residential Building for the XvKv kn‡ii WvK wefv‡Mi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK 11,666.00 Employee of Postal Department feb wbg©vY| Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd. (BTCL) 5405-1111 Modernization of Telecommunication Network for wWwRUvj ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †bUIqvK© 54,800.00 Digital Connectivity AvaywbKxKiY (15401-224123400) 5405-1113 Construction of Bangladesh Telecommunication evsjv‡`k †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wbqšÎY Kwgkb feb wbg©vY 6,000.00 Regulatory Commission's Office Building 5405-1114 Switching & Transmission Network Development for wWwRUvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU kw³kvjxKi‡Y myBwPs I UªvÝwgkb 4,000.00 Strengthening Digital Connectivity Project †bUIqvK© Dbœqb 5405-1115 Installation of telecommunication Network at PÆMÖvg wgimivB A_©‰bwZK A‡j †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© 16.00 Mirsharai Economic Zone in Chattogram ¯'nvcb Teletalk Bangladesh Limited (TBL) 5405-1112 Establishment of Solar bored based stations in hard G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †mvjvi †eBRW †eR †÷kb Bb nvW© Uz ixP 2,809.00 to reach areas for strengthening Teletalk Network Gwiqv di †÷ªs‡`wbs †UwjUK †bUIqvK© Kfv‡iR coverage 5405-5016 Tele talk Bangladesh Ltd. (TBL) Introduction of 3G 3wR cÖhyw³ PvjyKiY I 2.5 wR †bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY (†dR-2) 42,642.00 technology and 2.5 G Network ( phase-ll) Department of Bangladesh Telecommunications 5451-5000 Cyber Threat Detection and Response mvBevi †_ªU wW‡UKkb GÛ †imcÝ| 1,788.00

27/09/20 Page 107 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Ministry's Own 5501-5000 Construction of Chittagong Hill Tracts Complex at XvKvi †eBjx †iv‡W cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 2,091.00 Baily Road Dhaka. 5501-5001 Strengthening Inclusive Development in Chattogram †÷ªs‡`wbs BbK¬zwmf †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb PÆMÖvg wnj UªvKm 4,500.00 Hill Tracts 5501-5010 Development Assistance to Chittagong Hill Tracts. cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb eve` †_vK eivÏ| 25,000.00 Chittagong Hill Tracks Development Board 5505-0001 Sustainable Social Services in Chittagong Hill Tracts cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq ‡UKmB mvgvwRK †mev cÖ`vb 9,660.00 (SSSCHT) (15501-224231300) 5505-1111 High Values Spices Cultivation Project in the cve©Z¨ PUªMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq D"Pg~‡j¨i gmjv Pvl 1,363.00 Remote Areas of Chittagong Hill Track's 5505-1112 Construction of Rural Road from Roanchari Sadar evš`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi †ivqvsQwo Dc‡Rjv m`i n‡Z iygv 1,097.00 Upazila to in Bandarban Hill District Dc‡Rjv ch©šZ cjøx moK wbg©vY 5505-1114 ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq mvs¸ b`xi Dci 2wU Ges †mvbvLvjx 300.00 Lv‡ji Dci 1wU eªxR wbg©vY 5505-1115 LvMovQwo †Rjv m`‡ii cvwb wb®‹vkb e¨e¯n'v Dbœqb I 100.00 Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ gvóvi †Wªb wbg©vY 5505-5000 Mixed Fruit Cultivation at Remote Areas of cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq wgkÖ dj Pvl| 1,007.00 Chittagong Hill Tracts. 5505-5007 Rural Infrastructure development of Bandhban Hill ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ ‡Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY moK 750.00 District AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 5505-5008 Construction of Rural Road Infrastructure for iv½vgvwU cve©Z¨ †Rjvi Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM 473.00 Improving Connectivity with the Upazila Dbœq‡bi j‡¨ MÖvgxY moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY| Headquarters of Rangamati Hill District. 5505-5009 Rural Infrastructure development of Bandhban Hill ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 773.00 District 5505-5011 Construction of rural road infrastructure to build up LvMovQwo cve©Z¨ ‡Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvi cÖZ¨šZ Rbc‡`i 696.00 the upazila headquarters of different upazilas of mv‡_ Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii †hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© M‡o †Zvjvi j‡¨ Khagrachari Hill District MÖvgxY moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY| 5505-5012 Production of Quality Bamboo for Livelihood Support cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi AbMÖmi Rb‡Mvôxi Avqea©K Kg©m~wP wnmv‡e 267.00 of Backward Communities in CHTs Area. DbœZ Rv‡Zi euvk Drcv`b| 5505-5015 Rearing of Cow for Better Income Generating cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨š A‡ji A¯^•Qj I cÖvwš K cwiev‡ii 474.00 Opportunities of Marginal and Poor Women in bvix Dbœq‡b Mvfx cvjb Remote Areas of Chattogram Hill Tracts 5505-7020 Lump provision for three local Government cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ| 8,000.00 Parishads of Chittagong Hill Tracts. 5505-7030 Development Assistance to Chittagong Hill Tracts cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ| 9,100.00 Development Board. 5505-7100 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)- wcGgBD Ask| 1,581.00 (2nd Phase)-PMU Component. 5505-7110 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) - GjwRBwW Ask| 4,886.00 (2nd Phase)-LGED Component. Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council 5505-1116 cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` Kg‡cø· wbg©vY 7,989.00 Chittagong District Council, Rangamati (H.T.Z.P. Rangamati) 5505-5014 Safe Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation System iv½vgvwU †Rjvi ¸i•Z¡c Y© evRvimn cvk¦eZx© RbemwZ‡Z 1,110.00 Development of Different Important Bazar with wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯Z vi Dbœqb Surrounding Locality Under Rangamati District

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27/09/20 Page 109 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Power Division Ministry's Own 5601-5000 Technical Assistance For Power sector development †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di cvIqvi †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ 722.00 and capacity building KvmvwmwU wewìs 5601-5029 Technical Assistance Project for Development of †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m cÖ‡R± di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae 1,038.00 Sustainable Energy Power Generation (SREPGen). mvm‡UB‡bej wiwbD‡qej GbvR©x cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb (GmAviBwcwRBGb)| Bangladesh Power Development Board 5605-0001 Bibiyana South 400+10% M.W. Gas Fired Kb÷ªvKkb Ae weweqvbv mvD_ 40010 †gt It M¨vm wfwËK K 26,300.00 Combined Cycle Power Plant Project. ¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U| 5605-0032 Construction of Shahjibazar 100 MW Gas Turbine kvnRxevRvi 100 †g:I: M¨vm UvievBb cvIqvi c­¨v›U wbg©vY 46,075.00 Power Plant 5605-1113 Construction of Saidpur 150 MW +/-10% Simple ‰mq`cyyi 150 †g:I:+/-10% wm¤cj mvB‡Kj (GBPGmwW 9,336.00 Cycle (HSD Based) Power Plant Project wfwËK) we`~¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY 5605-1124 Power Distribution and System Development, we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'nvi Dbœqb, PUªMÖvg †Rvb (2q ch©vq) 10,000.00 Chattogram Zone (2nd Phase) 5605-5007 Rangpur Zone Power System Development Project. cvIqvi wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± iscyi †Rvb| 17,000.00 5605-5014 Construction of Bibiyana-3 400 M.W. Combined Kb÷ªvKkb Ae weweqvbv-3, 400 ‡gt It K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj 72,594.00 Cycle Power Plant. cvIqvi c­¨v›U| 5605-5019 Re-powering Project of Ghorashal 4th Unit . ‡Nvovkvj-4_© BDwbU wi-cvIqvwis cÖKí| 9,500.00 5605-5053 Power distribution system development project, we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'v Dbœqb cÖKí, wm‡jU wefvM| 26,080.00 Sylhet division 5605-5061 Conversion of 150 MW Sylhet Gas Turbine Power Kbfvikb Ae wm‡jU 150 †gt It Uz 225 †gt It K¤^vBÛ 45,758.00 Plant to 225 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant. mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U| 5605-5094 Pre-payment Metering for Distribution, Comilla and wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwis di wWw÷ªweDkb Kzwgj­v GÛ gqgqwmsn| 300.00 Mymensingh. 5605-5101 Khulna 330 MW: Construction of Dual-Fuel Lyjbv 330 †g:I: Wz‡qj-dz‡qj K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª 64,700.00 Combined Cycle Power Station wbg©vY| 5605-5110 Development of Power Distribution System in Three wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb| 14,000.00 Hill Districts 5605-5115 Land Acquisition for Moheshkhali Power Hub g‡nkLvjx cvIqvi nve Gi f‚wg AwaMÖnY 1.00 5605-5119 Mymenshing Zone Power Distribution system we`y¨r weZib e¨e¯’v Dbœqb cÖKí gqgbwmsn †Rvb 27,000.00 development project 5605-5125 Comilla Zone Power Distribution system we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’v Dbœqb, Kzwgj­v †Rvb 32,000.00 development project 5605-5129 Power Distribution system Development Project PÆMÖvg †Rv‡bi we`y¨r weZiY wm‡÷g Dbœqb| 21,300.00 Chittagong Zone. 5605-5134 Re-powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit. ‡Nvovkvj-3 wi‡cqvwis cÖ‡R±| 8,000.00 5605-5135 Rajshahi Power System Development Project. ivRkvnx cvIqvi wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 15,000.00 Power Grid Company of Bangladesh 5605-0008 Amnura 132/33 kv Grid Sub-station with Associated Avgbyiv 132/33 ‡Kwf MÖxW mve‡÷kb DB_ A¨v‡mvwm‡q‡UW 666.00 Transmission Line . UªvÝwgkb jvBb| 5605-0009 Mongla-Khulna (South) 230 kv Transmission Line. gsjv-Lyjbv (`:) 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb| 1,000.00 5605-1111 Enhancement & Strengthening of Power Network in c~e©vÂjxq MÖxW †bUIqv‡K©i cwiea©b Ges ÿgZvea©b 11,405.00 Eastern Region (15601-224231100) 5605-1120 Replacement of Ashuganj Old 132 KV AIS AvïyMÄ 132 †Kwf cyyivZb GAvBGm Dc‡K›`ª‡K 132 †Kwf 1,845.00 Substation by New 132 KV GIS Substation Project bZzb wRAvBGm Dc‡K›`ª Øviv cÖwZ¯n'vcb cÖKí 5605-1121 Infrastructure Development for Power Evacuation iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`~¨r †K‡›`ªi Drcvw`Z we`y¨r 2,600.00 Facilities of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant BfvKzy‡qk‡bi Rb¨ mÂvjb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb

27/09/20 Page 110 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Power Division Power Grid Company of Bangladesh 5605-1122 Construction of 500 MH HVDC back to back Station m~h©gwYbMi (wÎcyiv, fviZ) n‡Z Kzwgjøv Dˇi (evsjv‡`k) 1.00 at Comilla North (Bangladesh) for Transfer of Power we`y¨r mieiv‡ni Rb¨ Kzywgjøv Dˇi (evsjv‡`k) 500 through Surjamaninagar (Tripura, India)- Comilla †gMvIqvU GBmwfwWwm e¨vK Uz e¨vK †÷kb wbg©vY North (Bangladesh) 5605-1123 Southwest Transmission Grid Expansion Project `wÿY-cwðgvÂjxq UªvÝwgkb MÖxW m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 25,500.00 5605-1138 eocyKzwiqv-e¸ov-Kvwjqv‰Ki 400 †K:wf: jvBb 1.00 5605-1139 Expansion and Strengthening of Power System PÆMÖvg A‡ji we`y¨r mÂvjb e¨e¯n'vi m¤cÖmviY I 1.00 Network under Chattogram Area kw³kvjxKiY 5605-1140 Construction of Rahanpur to Monakasha Border fvi‡Zi SvoLÛ n‡Z evsjv‡`‡k we`y¨r Avg`vbx Kivi j‡ÿ¨ 3,011.00 400kv Transmission Line in Chapainawabganj PvucvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi inbcyi †_‡K gbvKlv mxgvšZ ch©šZ District to Import Power from India (Jharkhand) to 400 †K:wf: mÂvjb jvBb wbg©vY Bangladesh 5605-1141 XvKv Ges cwðgvÂjxq MÖxW mÂvjb e¨e¯'nv m¤cÖmviY 1.00 5605-1143 evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r mÂvjb e¨e¯n'vcbvq mgwš^Z mÿgZv 1.00 Dbœqb 5605-5000 Western Grid Network Development Project cwðgvÂjxq MÖxW †bUIqvK© Dbœqb cÖKí| 15,000.00 5605-5026 Aminbazar-Maowa 400 kv Transmission Line AvwgbevRvi-gvIqv-gsjv 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb| 75,888.00 Project. 5605-5029 Institutional Strengthening of PGCB. Bw›UwUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae wcwRwmwe| 1.00 5605-5036 National Power Transmission Network Development b¨vkbvj cvIqvi UªvÝwgkb †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 29,500.00 Project. 5605-5052 400/230/132 KV Grid Network Development. 400/230/132 †K wf MÖxW †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U| 30,750.00 5605-5076 Energy Efficiency in Grid Based Power Supply MÖxW wfwËK we`y¨r mieiv‡n `ÿZv Dbœqb cÖKí| 21,900.00 Project 5605-5082 Dhaka-Chittagong Main Power Grid Strengthening XvKv-PÆMÖvg †gBb cvIqvi MÖxW †÷ªs‡`wbs cÖKí| 67,600.00 Project. 5605-5084 Materbari Ultra Super Critical Coal Fired Power gvZvievwo Avëªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj †Kvj dvqviW cvIqvi 45,000.00 Project (II) (PGCB Part: "Materbari-Madunaghat 400 cÖKí(2) (wcwRwmwe Askt gvZvievwo-g`ybvNvU 400 †Kwf KV Transmission Line") mÂvjb jvBb| 5605-5097 Power Grid Networking Strengthening Project Under cvIqvi MÖxW †bUIqvwK©s †÷ªs‡`wbs cÖ‡R± AvÛvi wcwRwmwe| 9,000.00 PGCB. 5605-5111 Construction of Patuakhali-Paira 230 KV cUzqvLvjx-cvqiv 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb wbg©vY| 2,787.00 Transmission Line 5605-5112 Construction of Patuakhali (Pigeon) - Gopalganj 400 cUzqvLvjx (cvqiv)-†MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Ges 37,103.00 KV Transmission Line and Gopalganj 400 KV grid †MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf MÖxW Dc‡K›`ª wbgv©Y ub-station. 5605-5118 Construction of Bakerganj-Baruguna 132 KV ev‡KiMÄ-ei¸bv 132 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Ges ei¸bv 4,000.00 transmission line and Barguna 132/33 KV 132/33 †Kwf Dc‡K›`ª wbg©vY sub-station 5605-5120 Construction of Bheramara †fovgviv (evsjv‡`k)-enigcyi (fviZ) wØZxq 400 †Kwf 3,223.00 (Bangladesh)-Baharampur (India) 2nd 400 KV Wvej mvwK©U mÂvjb jvBb (evsjv‡`k Ask) wbg©vY Transmission Line (Bangladesh Portion) 5605-5122 Bangladesh power system reliability and efficiency evsjv‡`k cvIqvi wm‡÷g wijv‡qwewjwU GÛ Bwdwm‡qwÝ 2,562.00 improvement project BgcÖ•f‡g›U 5605-5123 Development of Transmission Infrastructure at gximivB A_©‰bwZK A‡j wbf©i‡hvM¨ we`y¨r mieiv‡ni j‡¶¨ 13,816.00 Misrsharai Economic Zone for Reliable Power mÂvjb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Supply 5605-9767 Enhancement of Capacity of Grid Sub-station and G¨vb‡n݇g›U Ae K¨vcvwmwU Ae MÖxW mve‡÷kbm GÛ 2,160.00 Transmission Line for Rural Electrification. UªvÝwgkb mvBb di iyivj B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb|

27/09/20 Page 111 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Power Division Rural Electrification Board 5605-1125 Solar Pump Photovoltaic Agriculture Irrigation ‡mŠi we`¨~r PvwjZ cv‡¤ci gva¨‡g K…wl †mP 678.00 Project 5605-1126 Emergency Assistance Project-BREB Component Riyix mnvqZv cÖKí weAviBwe Ask (K·evRv‡i AvkÖq 5,407.00 (Electrification for Displaced Myanmar Nationals in MÖnYKvix ev¯Zz'Pz¨Z gvqvbgvi bvMixK‡`i Rb¨ we`y¨Zvqb) Cox's Bazar) 5605-1133 Translating Electricity Supply into Imrpovements of MÖvgxY Rxebgvb Dbœq‡b we`y¨r kw³ 543.00 Rural Households 5605-5003 Establishment of pre-payment E-meter in Dahaka cõx we`¨~Zvqb Kvh©µ‡gi AvIZvq XvKv wefvMxq A‡j 9,900.00 DIvisionUnder the rural electrification program (1st wcÖ-‡c‡g›U B-wgUvi ¯’'vcb (1g ch©vq)| phase). 5605-5005 15 million Customer Connections through the cõx we`¨~Zvqb m¤cªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 15 j MÖvnK ms‡hvM| 171,611.00 Expansion of Rural Electrification. 5605-5041 Electrification activities of Sylhet division, and wm‡jU wefvM cõx we`¨~Zvqb Kvh©µg Ges weAviBweÕi m`i 24,500.00 Development of physical facilities of BRUB `߇ii †fŠZ myweavw`i Dbœqb| headquarters. 5605-5083 Upgradation of Rural Distribution System (Dhaka, Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb Ae iyivj B‡jKwUªwmwU wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g (XvKv, 56,964.00 Chittagong and Sylhet Division). PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wWwfkb)| 5605-5087 Power distribution, rehabilitation and intensive weZiY e¨e¯'vi gZvea©b, cybe©vmb I wbweoKiY 34,600.00 distribution system (Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chittagong (XvKv,gqgbwmsn, PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wefvM)| and Sylhet division). 5605-5088 Power distribution, rehabilitation and intensive weZiY e¨e¯'vi gZvea©b, cybe©vmb I wbweoKiY 56,000.00 distribution system (Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna and (ivRkvnx,iscyi,Lyjbv I ewikvj wefvM)| Barisal Division). 5605-5105 Rural Electrification Expansion cj­x we`y¨rZvqb m¤cÖmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2| 8,864.00 Program-2. 5605-5106 Rural Electrification Expansion Chittagong-Sylhet we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY PÆMÖvg-wm‡jU Kvh©µg-2| 4,948.00 Division Program-2 5605-5113 Distribution network expansion for 100% Rural kZfvM cj­x we`y¨Zvq‡bi Rb¨ weZiY †bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY 157,300.00 Electrification (Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chittagong and (XvKv, gqgbwmsn, PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wefvM) Sylhet Division) 5605-5114 Distribution network expansion for 100% Rural kZfvM cj­x we`y¨Zvq‡bi Rb¨ weZiY †bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY 151,000.00 Electrification (Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna, Barisal (ivRkvnx, iscyi, Lyjbv I ewikvj wefvM) Division) 5605-5139 Technical Assistance Project for Institutional ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ cÖ‡R± di Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wb Ae 1,175.00 Strengthening of Rural Electrification Program. iyivj B‡jwUªwd‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg| Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO) 5605-1130 Construction of 132/33/11 KV Under Ground Grid Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 132/33/11 †Kwf AvÛviMÖvDÛ MªxW 2,300.00 Sub-Station at Gulshan in Dhaka mve-‡÷kb G¨vU ¸jkvb Bb XvKv 5605-1131 Installation and Supply of Smart Pre Payment Meter ‡Wm‡Kv GjvKvq ¯§vU© wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvi mieivn I ¯'nvcb 1.00 in DESCO Area cÖKí 5605-5035 Augmentation and Rehabilitation of Distribution AM‡g‡›Ukb GÛ win¨vwejvB‡Ukb Ae wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g Bb 9,000.00 System in DESCO Area. †Wm‡Kv Gwiqv| 5605-5037 Installation of Supervisor Control and Data Aquisition ‡Wm‡Kv GjvKvq mycvifvBRvi K‡›Uªvj I WvUv G¨vKzBwRkb 449.00 (SCADA) System to DESCO Area (¯‹¨vWv) wm‡÷g ¯’'vcb| 5605-5049 Construction of 132/33/11 KV Grid Sub-station in Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 132/33/11 †Kwf MÖxW mve-‡÷kb Bb †Wm‡Kv 3,596.00 DESCO Area. Gwiqv | 5605-5073 DESCO Uttara and Bashundhara 132/33/11 KV ‡Wm‡KvÕi DËiv I emyÜiv 132/33/11 †Kwf Dc‡K‡›`ªi 667.00 Upkendra Central uprising and rehabilitation. gZvea©b I cybe©vmb|

27/09/20 Page 112 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Power Division Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO) 5605-5074 Underworld cable conversion, capacity building and ‡Wm‡Kv GjvKvq we`¨gvb 33 †Kwf Ifvi‡nW jvBb‡K 8,077.00 establishment of existing 33 KV overhead lines in theAvÛviMÖvDÛ K¨ve‡j iƒcvšZi, gZvea©b Ges ¯'vcb| DESCO area. Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) 5605-0029 Consultency Service for GIS BAsed Distribution Kbmvj‡UwÝ mvwf©m di wRAvBGm †eBRW wWw÷ªweDkb 800.00 Network System and Preparation of a 20 Year †bUIqvK© wm‡÷g GÛ wcÖcv‡ikb Ae G 20 Bqvm© wWw÷ªweDkb Distribution System master Plan for DPDC. wm‡÷g gv÷vi cøvb di wWwcwWwm| 5605-1127 Dhaka Underground Substation Construction Project wWwcwWwmÕi AvIZvq XvKvi KvIivbevRv‡i f~-Mf©¯n' Dc‡K›`ª 2,100.00 at Kawranbazar Under DPDC wbg©vY cÖKí 5605-1128 Power Distribution system Development Project wWwcwWwmÕi AvIZvaxb GjvKvq we`y¨Z weZiY e¨e¯n'v Dbœqb 12,475.00 under DPDC Area cÖKí 5605-1129 Installation of Eight Lakh and Fifty Thousend Smart wWwcwWwmÕi AvIZvaxb GjvKvq AvU jÿ cÂvk nvRvi ¯§vU© 3,700.00 Pre-payment Meters under DPDC Area wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvi ¯'nvcb cÖKí 5605-5085 Expansion and Strengthening of Power System G·cvbkb GÛ †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae cvIqvi wm‡÷g †bUIqvK© 211,388.00 Network Under DPDC Area. AvÛvi wWwcwWwm Gwiqv| 5605-9691 Pre-paid Metering Project of Six NOCS Division wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di wm· GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi 195.00 under DPDC. wWwcwWwm| 5605-9692 Construction of New 132/33 KV and 33/11 KV Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wbD 132/33 †Kwf GÛ 33/11 †Kwf 14,039.00 Sub-station under DPDC. mve-‡÷kb AvÛvi wWwcwWwm| Electric Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (EGCBL) 5606-1111 Construction of Sonagazi 50 MW Solar power plant ‡mvbvMvRx 50 †g:I: †mŠi we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY 185.00 5606-9636 Construction of Shiddirganj 335 M.W. Combined wmw×iMÄ 335 †gtIt wcwKs K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U 52,000.00 Cycle Power Plant. wbg©vY| Ashugonj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL) 5605-1112 Land Acquisition, land Development and cUzqvLvjx 1320 †gMvIqvU mycvi _vg©vj cvIqvi cøv›U Gi 8,083.00 resettlement for Implementation of Patuakhali 1320 Rb¨ f‚wg AwaMÖnY, f‚wg Dbœqb I msiÿY (2x660) MW Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant (15601-224231200) 5605-5004 Ashugonj 400 (+ -5%) mw Combined Cycle Power AvïMÄ 400 (+-5%) †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U 53,375.00 Plant Construction Project (East). wbg©vY cÖKí (b_©| West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd. (WGPDCL) 5605-5068 Extension and upgradation of electricity distribution I‡q÷ †Rvb GjvKvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'vi m¤cÖmviY I 13,500.00 system in the West Zone area Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb| 5605-5109 Strengthening Power Distribution System Project. ‡÷ªs‡`wbs cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g cÖ‡R±| 8,000.00 5605-5116 Extension & Augmentation of power distribution I‡q÷ †Rvb GjvKvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’vi m¤•ÖmviY I 28,000.00 system project in West Zone Area cwiea©b cÖKí 5605-5124 Smart Pre-payment Metering Project for West Zone I‡q÷ †Rvb cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb †Kv¤•vwb wjt 6,247.00 Power Distribution Company Ltd. (I‡RvcvwW‡Kv) GjvKvi Rb¨ ¯§vU© wcÖ †c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖKí North-West Power Generation Company (NWPGC) 5605-1116 Rupsha 800 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant iƒcmv 800 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª 31,550.00 project 5605-1117 Long Trem Service Agreement for Bheramara jsUvg© mvwf©m GwMÖ‡‡g›U di †fivgviv K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi 9,000.00 combind Cycle Power Plant cø¨v›U 5605-1118 Payra 1320 MW Therml Power Plant Connecting cvqiv 1320 †gtIt Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª ms‡hvM moK I 4,200.00 Road and its Associated Infrastructure Construction Avbyylw½K AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Project Coal Power Generation Company Ltd.(CPGC)

27/09/20 Page 113 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Power Division Coal Power Generation Company Ltd.(CPGC) 5605-1114 land acquisition, Development and Feasibility Study wmwcwRwmweGj-myywg‡Zv‡gv 1200 ‡g^^^t It Avëv myycvi 92,000.00 Project of CPGCBL- Sumitomo 1200 MW Ultra wµwUK¨vj Kqjv wfwËK we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯n'vc‡bi j‡ÿ¨ f~wg Supercritical Coal Fired Power Plant AwaMÖnY I Avbylw½K Kvh©µg 5605-1115 Land Acquisition, Land Development and Feasibility 500-600 †gt It GjGmwR †eBRW K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi 480.00 Study Project of 500-600 cøv‡›Ui Rb¨ wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW m¤cv`b Ges M¨vm mÂvjb MW LNG Based Combined Cycle Power Plant jvBb wbgv©Y 5605-1137 wmwcwRwmweGj-mywg‡Zv‡gv 1200 †g.I. Avëªv mycvi we`y¨r 383.00 †K›`ª ¯'nvc‡bi j‡ÿ¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 5605-5008 Bangladesh Singapore 700mw ultra super critical evsjv‡`k wmsMvcyi 700†gtIt Avëªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj Kqjv 3,339.00 coal-based power plant acquisition and protection of wfwËK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi f~wg AwaMÖnY I myiv Ges wdwRwewjwU land and feasibility study. ÷vwW| 5605-5093 Matarbari Coal Fired Power Plan Project. gvZvievwo 2*600 ‡gt It AvjUªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj †Kvj 404,550.00 dvqvW© cvIqvi cÖ‡R±| Power Cell 5601-5031 TA for Implementation of Bangladesh Power Sector wUG di Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae evsjv‡`k cvIqvi †m±i widg© (2q 1,663.00 Reform (Phase-2). ch©vq)| Rural Power Company Ltd. (R.P.C.L) 5605-1119 Land Acquisition and Land development for ‡gvjøvnvU 100 †gtIt †mŠi we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ f~wg 1.00 Implementation of Mollahat 100 MW Soler PV Power AwaMÖnY Planrt project 5605-5089 Land Acquisition and Land Development for j¨vÛ G¨vKzBwRkb GÛ j¨vÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U di Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb 20,000.00 Implementation of Patuakhali 1320 (2,660) MW: Ae cUzqvLvjx 1320 (2* 660) †g: I: †Kvj dvqvW© _vg©vj Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant. cvIqvi c­v›U| 5605-5091 Land Acquisition and Land Development for Impr. Of j¨vÛ G¨vKzBwRkb GÛ j¨vÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U di Bgwc&i‡g‡›Ukb 12,000.00 Gazaria 350 (+ -10%) MW: Coal Fired Thermal Ae MRvwiqv 350 (+-10%) †g: I: †Kvj dvqvW© _vg©vj Power Plant. cvIqvi c­v›U| Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) 5605-1132 Financing in activities of increasing Energy EfficiencyR¡vjvwb `ÿZv I msiÿY e„w× Kvh©µ‡g A_©vqb cÖKí 1,480.00 & Preservation of Energy 5605-1142 Technical Assistance for Renewable Energy bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwbi wi‡mvm©K G¨v‡mm‡g›U I cvBwjwUs welqK 293.00 Resource Assessment and Piloting KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí 5605-5069 House Hold Energy Platform Programme in nvDR‡nvì GbvwR© cøvUdg© †cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k| 70.00 Bangladesh. B-R Poweren Company Ltd. (B-R PCL) 5605-5121 Mirsarai 150 MW duel fuel power plant construction wgimivB 150 †gtIt Wz‡qj dz‡qj we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY 27,375.00 project Northern Electric Supply Company Ltd. (NESCO) 5605-1134 Five lac Smart Pre-Payment Meter Installation b`©vb B‡jKwUªwmwU mvcøvB †Kv¤cvbx wjwg‡UW GjvKvq cvuP 3,000.00 Project in Northern Electricity supply Company jÿ ¯§vU wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvi ¯n'vcb cÖKí Limited Areas 5605-1135 Expansion and rehabilitation of power distribution ivRkvnx wefvM we`y¨r weZiY jvBb I Dc‡K›`ª m¤cªmviY Ges 9,000.00 lines and sub-stations in Rajshahi Division cybe©vmb 5605-1136 Expansion and rehabilitation of power distribution iscyi wefvM we`y¨r weZiY jvBb I Dc‡K›`ª m¤cªmviY Ges 8,000.00 lines and sub-stations in Rangpur Division cybe©vmb

27/09/20 Page 114 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Power Division Department of Energy Audit Cell, Electrical Advisor and Chief Power Inspector 5605-1144 cÖavb we`y¨r cwi`k©K Gi `߇ii wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb 200.00

27/09/20 Page 115 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) MInistry of Liberation War Affairs Ministry's Own 6301-1113 Construction and Preservation of Monuments at 1971 G gnvb gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j cvvwK¯Zvbx nvbv`vi evwnbx 100.00 Slaughter Places Created by Hanadar Forces During KZ©„K MYnZ¨vi Rb¨ e¨eüZ ea¨f~wgmg~n msiÿY I ¯§„wZ¯Z Liberation War of 1971 (2nd Phase) ¤f wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) 6301-1114 Preservation and Development of Burial Places of knx` gyw³‡hv×v I Ab¨vb¨ gyw³‡hv×v‡`i mgvwa¯n'j msiÿY 1,000.00 the Freedom Fighters I Dbœqb 6301-5000 Preservation & Reconstruction of Muktijuddho gyw³hy‡×i ¯§„wZ ¯’vcbvmgn msi¶Y I cybtwbg©vY 450.00 Memorial Project. 6301-5001 Construction of Monument for the Martyr of Mitro gyw³hy×Kv‡j knx` wgÎ evwnbxi m`m¨‡`i ¯§i‡Y ¯§„wZ¯ ¤¢ 5.00 Bahini During Liberation War of Bangladesh wbg©vY 6301-5003 Construction of Liberation War Memorial Museum gyw³hy‡×i HwZnvwmK ¯’vcbmg n msi¶Y I gyw³hy× ¯§„wZ 3,500.00 and Preservation of Historic Establishments of Rv`yNi wbg©vY Liberation War. 6301-5004 Construction of Swadhinata Stambha at Suhrawardy XvKv¯’ †mvnivIqv`x© D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv ¯Z¤¢ wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 4,700.00 Udyan, Dhaka (3rd Phase) 6301-5013 Construction of Upazilla Muktijoddha Complex Dc‡Rjv gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY| 10,000.00 Bhaban. 6301-6190 Construction of all Districts Muktijoddha Sangsad mKj †Rjvq gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (1g ch©vq)| 250.00 Complex Building in Bangladesh (2nd Revised). Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 6305-5000 Motivation of the New Generation in the Spirit of bZzb cÖRš§‡K gyw³hy‡×i †PZbvq DØy×KiY 1,473.00 Liberation War Project

27/09/20 Page 116 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment Ministry's Own 6501-5000 Application of Migration Policy for Dissent Work for Gwcø‡Kkb Ae gvB‡MÖkb cwjwm di wW‡m›U IqvK© di 897.00 Migrant Workers gvBMÖv›U IqvK©vim Manpower, Employment and Training Bureau 6531-1111 Strengthening and Modernization of apprenticeship XvKv, PÆMÖvg I Lyjbv¯'n wkÿvbwewm cÖwkÿY `ßimg~‡ni 300.00 Offices under BMET at Dhaka, Chittagong, and ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb Khulna 6531-1112 Provide driving training for employment at home and ‡`‡k we‡`‡k Kg©ms¯n'v‡bi Rb¨ WªvBwfs cÖwkÿY cÖ`vb 1,500.00 abroad 6531-5001 Establishment of 40 (forty) Technical Training Centre 40wU Dc‡Rjvq 40wU KvwiMix cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª I PÆMÖv‡g 1wU 20,000.00 (TTC) at Upazila Level and 01 (one) Institute of Bbw÷wUDU Ae ‡gwib †UK‡bvjwR ¯'vcb Marine Technology (IMT) at Chittagong. 6531-5002 Capacity Development Programme of TTC, K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg Ae wUwUwm, ivRkvnx| 2,679.00 Rajshahi. 6531-5003 Establishment of Dhaka Technicall Teachers XvKv KvwiMwi wkÿK cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU ¯n'vcb 2,300.00 Training Institute (DTTTI). 6531-5017 Stipend Program for the Trainees of Institute of evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR Ges KvwiMix 1,300.00 Marine Technology and Technical Training Centers cÖwk¶Y ‡K›`ªmg~‡ni cÖwk¶Yv_x©‡`i e„wË cÖ`vb Kvh©µg| (7th Phase).

27/09/20 Page 117 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Anti Corruption Commision Anti Corruption Commission Own 6701-1111 Strengthening Capacity of Anti-Corruption `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb kw³kvjxKiY 920.00 Commission Project 6701-5001 Enhancing Institutional Capacity of Anti-Corruption `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgk‡bi cÖvwZôvwbK m¶gZv e„w×KiY 52.00 Commission.

27/09/20 Page 118 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Bridge Division Bangladesh Bridge Authority 7105-0022 Feasibility Study on Construction of Bridge on Paira cUzqvLvjx-AvgZjx-ei¸bv-KvKwPiv mo‡K cvqiv b`xi Dci, 3,000.00 River of Patuakhali-Amtali-Barguna-Kakchira road ev‡KiMÄ-evDdj mo‡K KviLvbv b`xi Dci Ges on Karkhana River of Bakerganj-Baufal Road and on fzjZv-AvovBnvRvi-evÂvivgcyi mo‡K †gNbv b`xi Dci †mZz Megna River of Vulta-Arihazar-Bancharampur road. wbg©v‡Y m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv cwiPvjbv 7105-0026 Human Resource Development and Capacity evsjv‡`k †mZz KZ©„c‡¶i gvbem¤c` Dbœqb I m¶gZv e„w× 380.00 building of Bangladesh Bridge Authority 7105-5000 Construction of Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated ExpresswayXvKv-Avïwjqv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wbg©vY 65,447.00 7105-5001 Feasibility Study for Construction of Subway XvKv kn‡i mveI‡q (AvÛvi MÖvDÛ †g‡Uªv) wbg©v‡Y m¤¢ve¨Zv 6,134.00 (Underground Metro) in Dhaka City. mgx¶v cwiPvjbv 7105-5015 Construction a multi-lane Road Tunnel under the KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k eû‡jb moK Uv‡bj wbg©vY| 154,908.00 Karnaphuli river. 7105-7000 Support to Dhaka Alleviated Expressway PPP mv‡cvU© Uz XvKv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wcwcwc cÖ‡R±| 40,164.00 Project. 7105-9030 Construction of Padma Multipurpose Bridge cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY| 401,500.00 (Revised).

27/09/20 Page 119 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division (own) 2301-1111 Reformation of laws by identifying the varied laws AvBwb M‡elbvi gva¨‡g ZviZg¨g~jK AvBb I bxwZ 284.00 and policies through legal research wPwýZKiYc~e©K Dnv ms¯‹vi|

27/09/20 Page 120 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Information and Communication Technology Division Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) 2805-0001 Establishment of ICT Network to Remote Areas `yM©g GjvKvq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ †bUIqvK© ¯'nvcb 11,660.00 (Connected Bangladesh) 2805-1111 Establishment of Safe E-mail and Digital Literacy evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Rb¨ wbivc` B-‡gBj I wWwRUvj wjUv‡iwm 2,131.00 Centre for the Government of Bangladesh †m›Uvi ¯’vcb (12801-224230100) 2805-1112 The Project for skills Development of IT Engineers RvcvwbR AvBwU †m±‡ii Dc‡hvMx K‡i AvBwU BwÄwbqvi‡`i 2,599.00 Tergeting Japanese market `vZv Dbœqb cÖKí 2805-1113 Bangabandhu High-Tech City-2 e½eÜz nvB-‡UK wmwU-2 Gi mnvqK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 1,200.00 2805-5000 Establishment of IV Tires National Data Centre. ‡dvi Uvqvi RvZxq WvUv †m›Uvi ¯'vcb 11,054.00 2805-5002 Bangladesh e-Government ERP evsjv‡`k B-MfY©‡g›U BAviwc| 750.00 2805-5003 Innovation and Founding of Entrepreneurship D™¢veb I D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg cÖwZôvKiY (1g 3,000.00 Development Academy (1st Revised) ms‡kvwaZ)| 2805-5004 Preparation of e-Government Master Plan for Digital wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ B-MfY©‡g›U gvóvicøvb cÖYqb| 339.00 Bangladesh. 2805-5005 Establishment of Software Quality Test and mdU&Iq¨vi †KvqvwjwU cixv I mvwU©wd‡Kkb †m›Uvi 1,379.00 Certification Center. cÖwZôvKiY| 2805-5006 National Information and Communication RvZxq Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, 5,890.00 Technology Infrastructure Development, Bb‡dv-miKvi (3q ch©vq)| Info-Government (3rd phase). 2805-5007 Enhancement of Bangla Language in ICT thorough M‡elYv I Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g Z_¨ cÖhyw³‡Z evsjv fvlv mg„×KiY 284.00 Research and development 2805-5011 Digital Island Moheskhali wWwRUvj AvBj¨vÛ g‡nkLvjx 58.00 2805-5014 All Type Disability Improvement Throuth ICT with Z_¨ cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g wbD‡iv †W‡fjc‡g›U wWRvW©vimn me 853.00 Focus on Neuro Development Disorder ai‡bi cÖwZeÜx e¨w³i ¶gZvqb 2805-5022 Digital Sylhet City wWwRUvj wm‡jU wmwU 457.00 Ministry's Own 2801-1111 Development of ICT INfrastructure, Human RvZxq msm` mwPevj‡qi AvBwmwU AeKvVv‡gv, gvbem¤c` I 3,060.00 Resources and Tecnology Skills in the National cÖhyw³ `ÿZv Dbœqb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) Parliament secretariate 2801-1112 Aspire to Innouvate (a2i) Programme Gmcvqvi Uz B‡bv‡fU (GUzAvB) †cÖvMÖvg 5,441.00 2801-5000 Development of mobile game and application skills. ‡gvevBj †MBg I G¨vwcø‡Kkb Gi `Zv Dbœqb| 6,300.00 2801-5012 Access to Information (A 2 I). &G¨vK‡mm Uz Bbdi‡gkb (2)| 967.00 2801-5013 Learning and Earning Development Project. jvwbs GÛ Avwbs †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 2,500.00 Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority 2805-5001 Construction of the primary infrastructure of e½eÜz †kL gywRe nvB-‡UK cvK©, wm‡jU (wm‡jU B‡jKUªwb· 11,484.00 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib High-Tech Park, Sylhet wmwU) Gi cÖv_wgK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (Sylhet Electronics City) (2nd Revised) 2805-5008 Establishment of Bangabandhu High-Tech Park, e½eÜz nvB-‡UK cvK©, ivRkvnx (e‡i›`ª wmwjKb wmwU) ¯'vcb| 4,200.00 Rajshahi (Barind Silicon City) 2805-5009 Establishment of Sheak Kamal IT Training & ‡kL Kvgvj AvBwU †Uªwbs GÛ BbwKD‡ekb †m›Uvi ¯'vcb 7,014.00 Incubation Centre 2805-5012 Establishment of Twelve IT Parks Project †Rjv chv©‡q AvBwU/nvB-†UK cvK© ¯’vcb (12wU †Rjvq) 1,250.00 2805-5016 Support to Development of Kaliakoir Hi-Tech Park. mv‡cvU© Uz †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kvwjqv‰Ki nvB‡UK cvK©| 5,100.00 2805-5017 Establishment of IT Business Incubator in PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡q AvBwU weR‡bm 3,050.00 Chattogram University of Engineering & Technology BbKz‡eUi ¯’vcb Directorate of Information and Communication Technology

27/09/20 Page 121 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Information and Communication Technology Division Directorate of Information and Communication Technology 2811-1111 Establishment of Computer and language Traing lab mviv †`‡ki wkÿv cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤cDUvi I fvlv cÖwkÿY j¨ve 36.00 in Educational Institutions all over the Country ¯n'vcb (3q ms‡kvwaZ) Project (3rd Revised) 2811-5000 She Power Project- Sustainable Development for cÖhyw³i mnvqZvq bvixi ¶gZvqb 3,691.00 Women Throughout ICT Digital Security Agency (DSA) 2805-1114 Establish digital Security agencies and create the wWwRUvj wbivcËv G‡RÝx ¯'nvcb I cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv m„wó 250.00 necessarly infrastructure Office of the Electronic Signature Certifying Authority (C.C.A) 2805-1115 Establishment of CA Monitoring System (CAMS) and wmwmG Kvh©vj‡q wmG gwbUwis wm‡÷g ¯'nvcb Ges wbivcËv 728.00 Security in the office of the Controller of Certitying weavb Authorties 2805-1116 Leveraging Information and Communications wjfv‡iwRs AvBwmwU di Ggcøq‡g›U GÛ †MÖv_ Ad `¨ 1,333.00 Technologies (ICT) AvBwU-AvBwUBGm BÛvw÷ª for Employment and Growth of the IT-ITES Industry 2805-1117 Strengthening of BGD E-GOV CIRT wewRwW B-Mf wmAvBAviwU Gi mÿgZv e„w× 1,616.00

27/09/20 Page 122 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Technical and Madrasa Education Division Department of Technical Education 7231-1111 Strenghthening Land Survey Education in evsjv‡`k fzwg Rwic wkÿvi Dbœqb (16002-224231800) 3,010.00 Bangladesh 7231-1112 Establishment of polytechnic institute in 23 districts 23wU †Rjvq cwj‡UKwbK BÝwUwUDU ¯n'vcb 24,000.00 7231-1113 Establishment of oneengineering college in PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx Ges iscyi wefv‡Mi 1wU K‡i 8,250.00 Chattagram, Khulna, Rajshahi and Rangpur BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯n'vcb divisions 7231-1114 Skills-21 empowering citizens for inclusive and w¯‹j 21 GgcvIqvwis wmwU‡Rbm di BbKzwmf GÛ 4,000.00 sustainable groth mvm‡UBbGej ‡MÖv_ 7231-1115 CapacityDevelopment of 64 Technical School and KvwiMwi wkÿv Awa`ßivaxb 64wU †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡j‡Ri 890.00 Colleges under Department of Technical Education mÿgZv e„w× 7231-5000 Skill and Employment Prograrmme of Bangladesh w¯‹j GÛ Ggc­q‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg evsjv‡`k (†mc-we) cÖ‡R±| 5,800.00 (SEP-B). 7231-5002 Development of Infrastructure for Creating Facilities AwaK msL¨K wk¶v_x© fwZ©i my‡hvM m„wói j‡¶¨ we`¨gvb 900.00 in Existing Polytechnic Institutes for More/Additional cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDUmg ‡ni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb ¯’vcb Students Admission 7231-5003 Establishment of 04 Mohila Polytechnic Institute at wm‡jU, ewikvj, gqgbwmsn I iscyi wefvMxq kn‡i 4wU gwnjv 5,990.00 Sylhet, Barishal, Rangpur and Mymensingh Division cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí 7231-5015 Estalbishment of Technical Schools and Colleges in 100wU Dc‡Rjvq 1wU K‡i †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj Ges K‡jR 24,245.00 100 Upazillas (3rd Revised). ¯n'vcb (we‡kl ms‡kvab)| 7231-5030 Skills and Training Enhancement Project (STEP) w¯‹jm GÛ ‡Uªwbs Gbn¨v݇g›U cÖ‡R± (GmwUBwc) (3q 5,119.00 (3rd Revised). ms‡kvwaZ)| Department of Madrasa Education 7281-1111 Development of selected madrashas wbe©vwPZ gv`ªvmv mg~‡ni Dbœqb 53,000.00 7281-5000 Establishment of Multimedia Classroom for †`‡ki 653wU gv`ªvmv gvwëwgwWqv K¬vmi•g ¯’vcb ¯’vcb 109.00 Madrasah in Bangladesh 7281-5001 Establishment of Madrasah Educational gv`ªvmv wk¶v Awa`߇i gv`ªvmv GWz‡Kkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ 166.00 Management and Information System (MEMIS) Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g (GgBGgAvBGm) mv‡c©vU ¯’vcb Support in the Directorate of Madrasah Education

27/09/20 Page 123 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Security Services Division Department of Prisons 7351-1111 The history of old Dhaka Central prison, the cyivZb XvKv ‡K›`ªxq KvivMvi Gi BwZnvm, HwZnvwmK feb 300.00 preservation of historical buildings and the msiÿY I cvwicvwk©¦K Dbœqb surrounding development 7351-1112 Recconstruction of Comilla central jail Kzwgjøv †K›`ªxq KvivMvi cyb:wbg©vY 2,000.00 7351-1113 Construction of Narshingdi District Jail biwms`x †Rjv KvivMvi wbg©vY 40.00 7351-5000 Construction of Prison Training Academy, Rajshahi. Kviv cÖwkY GKv‡Wgx, ivRkvnx wbg©vY 2,200.00 7351-5001 Modernization of Prison Security. Kviv wbivcËv AvaywbKvqb| 794.00 7351-5002 Construction of houses for female prison guards. gwnjv Kvivix‡`i Rb¨ Avevmb wbg©vY| 1,299.00 7351-5007 Modernization and Expansion of Mymensingh gqgbwmsn †K›`ªxq KvivMvi m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY 2,600.00 Central Prisoner 7351-5020 Construction of Central Zail for Accused under judge XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxM‡Ä wePvivaxb Avmvgx‡`i Rb¨ †K›`ªxq 5,400.00 at Keraniganj in Dhaka city KvivMvi wbg©vY| 7351-5040 Transfer of Khulna District Prison House. Lyjbv †Rjv KvivMvi ¯’'vbvšZi| 2,560.00 Department of Fire Service and Civil Defence 7361-1112 Construction of 11 modern fire service & Civil 11wU gWvY© dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ †÷kb ¯n'vcb 16,000.00 defense 7361-1113 Expansion of Diver Unit for fire service and civil dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ Wzeywi BDwbU m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 4,803.00 defense 7361-1114 Strengthening Ability of Fire Emergency Response ‡÷ªs‡`wbs GwewjwU Ae dvqvi Bgv‡R©wÝ †imcÝ (mvdvi) cÖ‡R 4,500.00 (Safar) Project ± 7361-5010 Establishment of 156 Fire Service and Civil Defence ‡`‡ki ¸iyZ¡c~Y© Dc‡Rjv m`i/¯’v‡b 156wU dvqvi mvwf©m I 21,800.00 Sations at Important Upazilla Head Quarters/Places wmwfj wW‡dÝ †÷kb ¯’vcb| of the Country. 7361-5441 Establishment of Fire Service and Sevil Defence ‡`‡ki ¸iyZ¡c Y© 25wU (ms‡kvwaZ 46wU) Dc‡Rjvi dvqvi 6,587.00 Stations at Important 25 (Revised 46) Upazilla mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m †ókb ¯’'vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| Sadar/Places of the Country (2nd Revised). Narcotics Control Department 7373-1111 Construction of Testing Laboratories of 4 Narcotics 4wU wefvMxq kn‡i gv`K `ªe¨ wbqšÎY Awa`߇ii †Uw÷s 500.00 control Department in Division j¨ve‡iUix ¯n'vcb 7373-5000 The project for illicit Drug Eradication and Advanced `¨v cÖ‡R± dwiwmwjwmU WªvM BivwW‡Kkb GÛ GWfvÝW 5.00 Management Through IT (I Dream it) g¨v‡bR‡g›U †_ªv AvBwU (1 wWªg BU) Department of Passport and Immigration 7375-1111 Construction of 16 Regional Passport offices 16wU AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© Awdm wbg©vY 3,000.00 7375-1112 Introducing e-passports and automatic border evsjv‡`k B-cvm‡cvU© I ¯^qswµq eW©vi wbqšÎY e¨e¯n'vcbv 41,000.00 control management in Bangladesh cÖeZ©b 7375-5000 Construction of 17 regional passport office buildings. 17wU AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© Awdm feb wbg©vY| 1,500.00

27/09/20 Page 124 of 125 List of Project in RADP 2019-20 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Health Education and Family Welfare Division Ministry’s Own 7401-1111 Conduction of Feasibility Study for Establishment of KbWvKkb wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di G÷vweøk‡g›U Ae w_ª 63.00 Three Medical Universities and Two Nursing †gwWK¨vj BDwbfviwmwUR GÛ Uz bvwm©s K‡jR Colleges 7401-5000 Medical Education & Health Manpower Development ‡gwW‡Kj GWz‡Kkb GÛ †nj_ g¨vbcvIqvi †W‡fjc‡g›U 27,106.00 (ME & HMD). (GgB GÛ GBPGgwW)| 7401-5001 Nursing and Midwifery Education Services (NMES). bvwm©s GÛ wgWIqvBdvwi GWz‡Kkb mvwf©‡mm (GbGgBGm)| 7,613.00 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University 7405-1111 Electronic Data Tracking with Population-based B‡jKUªwbK WvUv UªvwKsmn RbmsL¨vwfwËK RivqygyL I ¯Zb 1,632.00 Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening Programme K¨vÝvi ¯Œxwbs Kg©m~wP 7405-5000 Construction of Super Specialised Hospital under e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq (weGmGgGgBD) Gi 18,500.00 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Aax‡b mycvi †¯cwmqvjvDRW nmwcUvj ¯’vcb| (BSMMU). Department of Family Planning 7481-5000 Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) c­¨vwbs gwbUwis GÛ Bfvjy‡qkb | 432.00 7481-5002 Management Information System (MIS). g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷gm| 3,115.00 7481-5003 Procurement , Storage & Supply Management-FP. cÖwKDi‡g›U †÷v‡iR GÛ mvc­vBm g¨v‡bR‡g›U -Gdwc 3,630.00 (wcGmGmGg-Gdwc)| 7481-5004 Maternal Child Reproductive and Adolescent Health g¨vUvibvj PvBì wi‡cÖvWvKwUf GÛ G‡Wv‡jm‡m›U †nj_ 21,600.00 (MCRAH). (GgwmAviGGBP)| 7481-5005 Clinical Contraception Services Delivery wKwbK¨vj K›Uªv‡mckb mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix †cÖvMÖvg| 21,892.00 Programme. 7481-5006 Family Planning Field Services Delivery (FPFSD). d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs wdì mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix| 30,515.00 7481-5007 Information Education & Communication (IEC). Bbdi‡gkb, GWz‡Kkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb AvBBwm)| 8,341.00 Other Family Welfare Facilities 7491-5000 Training , Research and Development (TRD). ‡Uªwbs wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U (wUAviwW)| 4,838.00 Department of Health Services 7411-6800 Establishment of Shahid Tajuddin Ahmad Medical knx` ZvRDwÏb Avn‡g` †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj, 9,126.00 college and Hospital, Gazipur MvRxcyi ¯’vcb (16201-224216800) Bangladesh Medical Research Council 7405-1112 Establishment of National Cellular and Molecular e½gvZv b¨vkbvj †mj~jvi GÛ gwjKzjvi wimvP© †m›Uvi ¯n'vcb 943.00 Research Centre

Total Number of Projects 1,906 ADP Total: 20,110,408.00

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