B O O K S & J O U R N a L S F a L L & W I N T E R 2 0
D U K E UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS & JOURNALS FALL & WINTER 2008 contents general interest film & tv studies Screening Sex, Williams 1 Displaced Allegories, Mottahedeh 27 Bound by Law?, Aoki, Boyle, and Jenkins 2 The Cinema of Naruse Mikio, Russell 27 The Ecuador Reader, de la Torre and Striffler 3 Picturing American Modernity, Whissel 28 Twenty Theses on Politics, Dussel 4 Inventing Film Studies, Grieveson and Wasson 28 James Baldwin’s Turkish Decade, Zaborowska 5 Still Moving, Beckman and Ma 29 Territories of Difference, Escobar 6 Designs for an Anthropology of the Contemporary, latin american studies Rabinow, Marcus, Faubion, and Rees 7 Errant Modernism, Gabara 29 Antinomies of Art and Culture, Smith, Enwezor, and Condee 8 The Quality of Home Runs, Carter 30 Unsettled Visions, Machida 9 Cuba, Hearn 30 Big Ears, Rustin and Tucker 10 Domination without Dominance, Lamana 31 Mexican American Mojo, Macías 11 The Circulation of Children, Leinaweaver 31 Fixing Sex, Karkazis 12 Empire and Dissent, Rosen 32 High Stakes, Cattelino 13 Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern How to Be French, Weil 14 Indigenous Movements, Becker 32 Nanovision, Milburn 15 The Agrarian Dispute, Dwyer 33 Rural Resistance in the Land of Zapata, Padilla 33 science studies The Indian Militia and Description of the Indies, Vargas Machuca 34 The Mangle in Practice, Pickering and Guzik 16 The Wandering Signifier, Graff Zivin 34 CT Suite, Saunders 16 Human Rights in the Maya Region, Pitarch, Speed, and Leyva Solano 35 anthropology Constructing the Maya, Eiss
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