
7.02 Physics of Y Ricard, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon, Universite´ de Lyon-1, CNRS, Lyon, France

ã 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

7.02.1 Introduction 24 7.02.2 Conservation Equations 25 General Expression of Conservation Equations 25 Mass Conservation 26 Momentum Conservation 26 General momentum conservation 26 Inertia and non-Galilean forces 27 Angular momentum conservation 27 Energy Conservation 28 First law and internal energy 28 State variables 28 Temperature 29 Second law and entropy 29 Gravitational Forces 30 Poisson’s equation 30 Self-gravitation 30 Conservative forms of momentum and energy equations 30 Boundary and Interface Conditions 31 General method 31 Interface conditions in the 1-D case and for bounded variables 32 Phase change interfaces and stress continuity? 32 Weakly deformable surface of a convective cell 33 7.02.3 Thermodynamic and Rheological Properties 34 Equation of State and Solid Properties 34 Rheology 35 Elasticity 35 Viscous Newtonian rheology 36 Maxwellian viscoelasticity 36 Nonlinear rheologies 37 7.02.4 Physics of Convection 38 Basic Balance 38 Two Simple Solutions 38 The diffusive solution 38 The adiabatic solution 39 Stability of the adiabatic gradient 39 Approximate Equations 39 Depth-dependent reference profiles 39 Perturbations of the hydrostatic, adiabatic solution 40 Anelastic approximation 40 Anelastic liquid approximation 41 Nondimensionalization 42 Dimensionless numbers 42 Boussinesq approximation 42 Internal heating 43 Change of nondimensionalization 43 Linear Stability Analysis for Basally Heated Convection 43 Road to Chaos 44 7.02.5 Introduction to Physics of Multicomponent and Multiphase Flows 44 Fluid Dynamics of Multicomponent Flows in Solution 45 Mass conservation in a multicomponent solution 45 Momentum and energy in a multicomponent solution 46 Entropy conservation in a multicomponent solution 46 Advection–diffusion equation and reaction rates 47 Conservation properties of the advection–diffusion equation 48

Treatise on , Second Edition http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00127-5 23 24 Physics of Mantle Convection Laminar and turbulent stirring 49 Diffusion in Lagrangian coordinates 50 Fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flows 51 Mass conservation for matrix and fluid 51 Momentum conservation of matrix and fluid 51 Energy conservation for two-phase flows 52 Entropy production and phenomenological laws 53 Summary equations 54 7.02.6 Specifics of ’s Mantle Convection 55 A Negligible Inertia 55 Dynamic models 55 Mantle flow and postglacial models 55 Time-dependent models 56 A Mantle with Internal Heating 56 A Complex Rheology 58 Temperature dependence of viscosity 59 Depth dependence of viscosity 59 Stress dependence of viscosity 59 Grain size dependence of viscosity 60 Importance of Sphericity 60 Other Depth-Dependent Parameters 60 Thermal expansivity variations 60 Increase in average density with depth 60 Thermal conductivity variations 61 Thermochemical Convection 61 Density variations in the mantle 61 Phase changes 61 Abyssal layers 61 A Complex : Plates and Continents 62 Super- 64 Acknowledgment 64 References 65

7.02.1 Introduction rheological behavior is the ratio between dynamic viscosity,

, and elasticity (shear modulus), mr, called the Maxwell time In many textbooks of fluid dynamics, and for most students, tM (Maxwell, 1831–79), the word ‘fluid’ refers to one of the states of matter, either liquid or gaseous, in contrast to the solid state. This definition tM ¼ [1] m is much too restrictive. In fact, the definition of a fluid rests in r its tendency to deform irrecoverably. Basically, any material The rheological transition in some materials like silicon that appears as elastic or nondeformable, with a crystalline putty occurs in only a few minutes; a silicon ball can bounce structure (i.e., belonging to the solid state) or with a disordered on the floor, but it turns into a puddle when left on a table for structure (e.g., a glass, which from a thermodynamic point of tens of minutes. The transition time is of the order of a few view belongs to the liquid state), can be deformed when sub- hundred to a few thousand years for the mantle (see jected to stresses for a long enough time. Section Phenomena of a shorter duration than this The characteristic time constant of the geologic processes time will experience the mantle as an elastic solid, while most related to mantle convection, typically 10 My (31014 s), is so tectonic processes will experience the mantle as an irreversibly long that the mantle, although stronger than steel and able to deformable fluid. Surface loading of the Earth by glaciation transmit seismic shear waves, can be treated as a fluid. Simi- and deglaciation involves times of a few thousand years for larly, ice, which is the solid form of water, is able to flow from which elastic aspects cannot be totally neglected with respect to mountain tops to valleys in the form of glaciers. A formalism viscous aspects. that was developed for ordinary liquids or gases can therefore Although the word ‘convection’ is often reserved for flows be used in order to study the inside of planets. It is not the driven by internal buoyancy anomalies of thermal origin, in equations themselves, but their parameters (viscosity, conduc- this chapter, we will more generally use ‘convection’ for any tivity, spatial dimensions, etc.) that characterize their applica- motion of a fluid driven by internal or external forcing. Con- bility to mantle dynamics. vection can be kinematically forced by boundary conditions or Most materials can therefore behave like elastic solids induced by density variations. The former is ‘forced convec- on very short time constants and like liquids at long times. tion’ and the latter is ‘free convection,’ which can be of com- The characteristic time that controls the appropriate positional or thermal origin. We will, however, mostly focus Physics of Mantle Convection 25 on the aspects of thermal convection (or Rayleigh–Be´nard The previous relation was written for a scalar field A,butit convection (Rayleigh, 1842–1919; Be´nard, 1874–1939)) could easily be applied to a vector field A. The Eulerian and when the fluid motion is driven by thermal anomalies and Lagrangian time derivatives are thus related by the symbolic discuss several common approximations that are made in this relation case. We know, however, that many aspects of mantle convec- D @ tion can be more complex and involve compositional and ¼ + ðÞv— [3] petrologic density anomalies or multiphase physics. We will Dt @t therefore review some of these complexities. In Cartesian coordinates (Descartes, 1596–1650), the oper- The physics of fluid behavior, like the physics of elastic ator (v—) is the symbolic scalar (u @/@x +u @/@x +u @/@x ) media, is based on the general continuum hypothesis. This 1 1 2 2 3 3 and a convenient mnemonic is to interpret it as the scalar hypothesis requires that quantities like density, temperature, product of the velocity field with the gradient operator and velocity are defined everywhere, continuously, and at (@/@x ,@/@x ,@/@x ) denoted with the symbol — called nabla. ‘points’ or infinitesimal volumes that have a statistically mean- 1 2 3 The operator (v—) can be applied to a scalar or a vector. ingful number of molecules so that the quantity represents an Notice however the limitations of this mnemonic as for any average independent of microscopic molecular fluctuations. vectors A and B,(vB)A is parallel to A, while (v—)A is parallel This hypothesis seems natural for ordinary fluids at the labo- neither to A nor to v. ratory scale. We will adopt the same hypothesis for the mantle, In a purely homogeneous fluid, the flow lines are not visible although we know that it is heterogeneous at various scales and and the mechanical properties are independent of the original made of compositionally distinct mineral grains. position of fluid particles. In this case, the Eulerian perspective seems natural. On the other hand, a physicist describing elastic media can easily draw marks on the surface of deformable objects and flow trajectories become perceptible for him or 7.02.2 Conservation Equations her. After elastic deformation, the stresses are also dependent on the initial equilibrium state. The Lagrangian perspective is The basic equations of this section can be found in more detail therefore more appropriate. We will mostly adopt the Eulerian in many classical textbooks (Batchelor, 1967; Landau and perspective for the description of the mantle. However, when we Lifchitz, 1980). We will only emphasize the aspects that are discuss deformation of heterogeneities embedded in and stirred pertinent to Earth’s and terrestrial mantles. by the convective mantle, the Lagrangian point of view will be more meaningful (see Section A starting point for describing the physics of a continuum is General Expression of Conservation Equations the conservation equations. Consider a scalar- or a vector-exten- sive variable A (i.e., mass, momentum, energy, entropy, and Let us consider a fluid transported by the velocity field n,a number of moles) with a density per unit volume rA (with function of position x and time t. There are two classical units of A per unit volume) and a virtual but fixed volume O approaches to describe the physics in this deformable medium. P enclosed by the open surface . This virtual volume is freely Any variable A in a flow (like a scalar such as temperature or a crossed by the flow. The temporal change of the net quantity of A vector like velocity) can be considered as a simple function of inside O is position and time, A(x, t), in a way very similar to the specifi- ð ð cation of an electromagnetic field. This description is the Euler- @ d ¼ rA ian point of view (Euler, 1707–83). The second point of view is rA dV @ dV [4] dt O O t traditionally attributed to Lagrange (Lagrange, 1736–1813) and considers that a material element of the flow is identified Since O is fixed, the derivative of the integral is the integral by its unique initial position x0 and thereafter follows a trajec- of the partial time derivative. tory specific to that element x(x0, t). An observer following this The total quantity of the extensive variable A in a volume O trajectory would naturally choose the variable A(x(x0, t), t). The can be related to a local production, HA (with units of A per same variable A seen by an Eulerian or a Lagrangian observer unit volume and unit time), and to the transport (influx or would have very different time derivatives. According to Euler, efflux) of A across the interface. This transport can be either a the time derivative would simply be the rate of change seen by macroscopic advective transport by the flow or a more indirect an observer at a fixed position, that is, the partial derivative transport, for example, microscopic diffusion. Let us call JA the @/@t. According to Lagrange, the time derivative, noted with D, total flux of A per unit surface area. The conservation of A can would be the rate of change seen by an observer riding on the be expressed in integral form as material element ð ð ð @r X A dV ¼ J dS + H dV [5] DA dAðÞxxðÞ, t , t @A @x @A @ A A ¼ 0 ¼ i + [2] O t S O Dt dt @xi @t @t x0 i¼1,3 where the infinitesimal surface element vector dS is oriented where xi are the components of x. Since x is the position of a with the outward unit normal; hence, the minus sign associates material element of the flow, its partial time derivative is outward flux with a sink of quantity A. Equation [5] is the simply the flow velocity v. The Lagrangian derivative is also general formP of any conservation equation. When the volume sometimes called material derivative, total derivative, or sub- O, surface , and flux JA are regular enough (in mathematical stantial derivative. terms when the volume is compact, the surface piecewise 26 Physics of Mantle Convection smooth, and the flux continuously differentiable), we can @ðÞrA DA + —ðÞ¼rAV r [12] make use of the divergence theorem @t Dt ð ð where Av is a dyadic tensor of components A u (notice that ¼ — i j JA dS JA dV [6] 6¼ S O v A A v). to transform the surface integral into a volume integral. The divergence of the vector J with Cartesian coordinates (J1, J2, J3) Momentum Conservation is the scalar —J¼@J1/@x1 +@J2/@x2 +@J3/@x3, scalar product of the symbolic operator — by the real vector J (although notice General momentum conservation the difference between the scalar —J and the operator J—). The rate of change of momentum of material in a volume O is Since the integral equation [5] is valid for any virtual volume related to the body forces acting inP the volume O and to the O, we can deduce that the general differential form of the surface forces acting on its surface , that is, Newton’s second conservation equation is law (Newton, 1642–1727). The total momentum is ð @ rA r + —J ¼ H [7] v dV [13] @t A A O A similar expression can be used for a vector quantity r and its variations are due to A P with a tensor flux JA and a vector source term HA. In this case, • advective transport of momentum across the surface , the divergence of the second-order tensor with components Jij forces acting on this surface, S @ @ • is a vector with Cartesian components j¼1,3 Jij/ xj (our con- • internal body forces. vention is that the derivatives in the divergence affect the second index of the tensor; other authors (e.g., Malvern, The momentum conservation of an open, fixed volume can 1969) use a different convention). therefore be expressed in integral form as ð ð ð ð We now apply this formalism to various physical quantities. @ðÞ rv ¼ ðÞ s Three quantities are strictly conserved: the mass, the momentum, @ dV rvvdS + dS + f dV [14] O t S S O and the energy. This means that they can onlyP change in a volume O by influx or efflux across the surface .Wemust The stress tensor s corresponds to the traction applied on identify the corresponding fluxes, but no source terms should the surface, per unit area (see Figure 1). Our convention is that be present (in fact, in classical mechanics, the radioactivity sij is the i-component of the force per unit area across a plane appears as a source of energy) (see also Section normal to the j-direction. The term f represents the sum of all One very important physical quantity is not conserved – the body forces per unit volume and in particular the gravitational entropy – but the second law of thermodynamics ensures the forces rg (we will not consider electromagnetic forces that are positivity of the associated sources. described in vol. 8). Using the divergence theorem (for the first term of the right side, rv(vdS) can also be written as r(vv)dS) and the Mass Conservation equality [12], the differential form of momentum conservation becomes Mass flux of material with density r (mass per unit volume) is Dv J ¼ rv [8] r ¼ —s + f [15] r Dt Using either the Eulerian or the Lagrangian time derivatives, It is common to divide the total stress tensor into a thermo- mass conservation becomes dynamic pressure – PI where I is the identity stress tensor and a @r + —ðÞ¼rv 0 [9] @t z or Dr + r—v ¼ 0 [10] Dt σ In an incompressible fluid, particles have constant density, zydxdz σ and so in the particle frame of reference, the Lagrangian yydxdz ¼ observer does not see any density variation and Dr/Dt 0. In o this case, mass conservation takes the simple form —v¼0, y which is commonly called the continuity equation. σ xydxdz Using mass conservation, a few identities can be derived that are very useful for transforming an equation of conserva- x tion for a quantity per unit mass to a quantity per unit volume. Figure 1 The force per unit area applied on a surface directed by the For example, for any specific scalar quantity A (i.e., quantity normal vector n is by definition sn. The component of this force per unit mass), along the unit vector ei, therefore eisn. For example, szydxdz is the @ðÞrA DA component acting in the oz direction of force applied on the surface dxdz + —ðÞ¼rAv r [11] @t Dt with normal in the oy direction. Here again, the order of the indexes for the stress tensor is a convention but in agreement with our definition and for any specific vector field A, of the divergence of a tensor. Physics of Mantle Convection 27 velocity-dependent stress t. The relationship between the tensor would be between the whole 2roU and the t and the velocity field will be discussed in Section lateral variations of the gravitational force drg rather than the Without motion, the total stress tensor is thus isotropic and total gravity force rg, inertia and Coriolis accelerations still equal to the usual pressure. In most geophysical literature, it play a negligible role in mantle dynamics (assuming that the has been assumed that the velocity-dependent tensor has no mantle velocity U is related to drg by a viscous relation 2 isotropic component, that is, it is traceless tr t ¼ 0. In this case, U∝drga / where is the mantle viscosity, the ratio the average isotropic total stress tr s =3 is the thermodynamic 2roU/(drg) is the inverse of the Ekman number (Ekman, pressure P and the velocity-dependent stress tensor t is the 1874–1954)). Neglecting inertia means that forces are instan- deviatoric stress tensor (see Section for more details). taneously in balance and that changes in kinetic energy are As — PI ¼ —P, momentum conservation [14], in terms of negligible since inertia is the time derivative of the kinetic pressure and deviatoric stresses, is energy. We can perform a simple numerical estimate of the mantle kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of a lithospheric plate Dv r ¼—P + —t + f [16] (a square of size 2000 km, thickness 100 km, velocity 5 cm Dt year 1, and density 3000 kg m 3) is 1.51 kJ, which is compa- This equation is called the Navier–Stokes equation (Navier, rable to that of a medium-sized car (2000 kg) driven at only 1785–1836; Stokes, 1819–1903) when the stress tensor is 4.42 km h 1 or of a man on a bike (say, total about 100 kg) linearly related to the strain rate tensor and the fluid is incom- going at a leisurely 20 km h 1. pressible (see Section The centrifugal term is also quite small but not as small (i.e., it is 1/291 of gravitational force). It induces several effects. Inertia and non-Galilean forces The centrifugal effect causes the Earth’s flattening with an In almost all studies of mantle dynamics, the fact that the Earth equatorial bulge of 21 km (1/300 of the Earth’s radius), is rotating is simply neglected. It is however worth discussing although this is a static phenomenon that has no interactions this point. Let us define a reference frame of vectors ei attached with convective dynamics. The gravitational coupling between to the solid Earth. These vectors rotate with the Earth, such that the equatorial bulge and other celestial bodies perturbs their with respect to a Galilean frame, their rate of change is Keplerian orbits (Kepler, 1571–1630) and leads to precessions de and nutations of their orbits as well as Earth’s spin. Finally, the i ¼ v e [17] dt i bulge causes the whole planet to rotate along an equatorial axis in order to keep the maximum principal inertial axis coinci- v where is theP angular velocity of Earth’s rotation. A point of dent with its rotational axis (Ricard et al., 1993b; Spada et al., ¼ the Earth, x i xiei, has a velocity in the Galilean frame 1992a). This rotational equilibrium of the Earth will not be X discussed here (see e.g., Chandrasekhar (1969) for the static dx ¼ dxi dei ¼ v ei + xi vEarth + x [18] equilibrium shape of a rotating planet and Munk and dt : ¼ ; dt dt Gal i 1 3 MacDonald (1960) for the dynamics of a deformable rotating ´ where vEarth is the velocity in the Earth’s frame, and, by repeat- body). The Poincare acceleration is itself negligible compared ing the Galilean time derivate, to obtain the acceleration gGal to the centrifugal term as the changes of Earth’s rotation occur in a Galilean frame (Galileo, 1564–1642), over times much larger than a day. Although Poincare´ acceler- ation has no effect on the mantle, it may affect the dynamics of dv g ¼ g +2v v + v ðÞv x + x [19] the fluid core (Vanyo et al., 1995). Gal Earth Earth dt We neglect all the acceleration terms in the following, but In this well-known expression, one recognizes on the right we should remember that in addition to the convective motion side the acceleration in the non-Galilean Earth’s reference of a nonrotating planet, a rotation of the planet with respect to frame and the Coriolis (Coriolis, 1792–1843), centrifugal, an equatorial axis is possible. This motion documented by and Poincare´ accelerations (Poincare´, 1854–1912). is called true polar wander (Besse and To quantify the importance of the first three acceleration Courtillot, 1991). terms (neglecting the Poincare´ term), let us consider a charac- teristic length scale (the Earth’s radius, a¼6371 km) and man- tle velocity (the maximum plate tectonic speed, Angular momentum conservation U¼10 cm year 1) with which we can compare the various The angular momentum per unit mass J¼xv also obeys a acceleration terms. One immediately gets conservation law. This law can be obtained in two different ways. First, as we did for mass and momentum conservation, Inertia U 1 ¼ ¼ [20] we can express the balance of angular momentum in integral Coriolis 2oa 2:9 1011 form. In the absence of intrinsic body couples (i.e., we do not Coriolis 2oU 1 consider the case where distributed body couples exist in addi- ¼ ¼ [21] Gravitational force g 2:1 1013 tion of distributed body forces), the angular momentum vari- ations are due to Centrifugal o2a 1 ¼ ¼ [22] Gravitational force g 291 • advectiveP transport of angular momentum across the sur- face , Thus, the inertial term is much smaller than the Coriolis torque of forces acting on this surface, term (this ratio is also known as the Rossby number (Rossby, • torque of internal body forces. 1898–1957)), which is itself negligible relative to gravitational • force. Even if we argue that a more meaningful comparison The resulting balance is therefore 28 Physics of Mantle Convection

ð ð ð ð @ðÞ rJ ¼ ðÞ s This expression can be developed and simplified by using @ dV rJvdS + x dS + x f dV [23] O t S S O eqn [11] and the equations of mass and momentum conservation [9] and [16] to reach the form The only difficulty to transform this integral form into a local equation is with the integral involving the stress tensor DU r ¼—q P—v + t : —v + rH [30] (but is readily solved using tensor or index notation; see Dt Malvern, 1969). After some algebra, eqn [23] becomes The viscous dissipation term t : —v is the contraction of the t — @ @ DJ two tensors and v (of components ui/ xj). Its expression is r ¼ x —s + x f + T [24] S @ @ Dt ijtij ui/ xj. T T T T T T T where the torque is the vector ( zy yz, xz zx, yx xy). State variables A second expression can be obtained by the vectorial multipli- The internal energy can be expressed in terms of the more usual cation of the momentum equation [15] by x.Since thermodynamic state variables, namely, temperature, pressure, Dv DJ @x DJ DJ and volume. We use volume to follow the classical x ¼ v ¼ v v ¼ [25] Dt Dt @t Dt Dt thermodynamic approach, but since we apply thermodynam- ics to points in a continuous medium, the volume V is in fact we get, the volume per unit mass or 1/r. We use the first law of DJ thermodynamics that states that during an infinitesimal r ¼ x —s + x f [26] Dt process, the variation of internal energy is the sum of the heat which differs from eqn [24] by the absence of the torque T . dQ and work dW exchanged. Although irreversible processes This proves that in the absence of singular sources of angular occur in the fluid, we assume that we can adopt the hypothesis momentum (distributed body couples), the stress (either s or of local thermodynamic equilibrium. t) must be represented by a symmetrical tensor, The increments in heat and work are not exact differentials: these increments depend not only on the initial and final s ¼ st, t¼tt [27] stages but also on the entire process of energy exchange. Using either a T–V or a T–P formulation, we can write where [ ]t denotes tensor transposition. dQ ¼ CV dT + ldV ¼ CpdT + hdP [31]

where CP an CV are the heat capacities per unit mass at constant pressure and volume, respectively, and h and l are two other Energy Conservation calorimetric coefficients necessary to account for heat exchange First law and internal energy at constant temperature. For fluids, the reversible exchange of work is only due to the work of pressure forces: The total energy per unit mass of a fluid is the sum of its internal energy, U, and its kinetic energy (this approach implies that the dW ¼PdV [32] work of the various forces is separately taken into account; another approach that we use in Section adds to which implies that only the pressure term corresponds to an the total energy the various possible potential energies and energy that can be stored and recovered without loss when the ignores forces). In the fixed volume O, the total energy is thus change in volume is reversed. In contrast, the stresses related to the velocity will ultimately appear in the dissipative, irrecover- ð 2 able term of viscous dissipation: this point will be further U u r + dV [28] considered in the Section about rheology. O 2 Thermodynamics states that the total variations of energy, A change of this energy content can be caused by dU¼dQ + dW; enthalpy, dH¼dU +dðÞPV ; or entropy, P dS¼dQ=T, are exact differentials and U,H,andS are potentials. • advection of energy across the boundary by macroscopic This means that the net change in energy (or enthalpy or entropy) flow; between an initial state and a final state depends only on the • transfer of energy through the same surface without mass initial and final states themselves and not on the intermediate transport, by say diffusion or conduction; stages. This implies mathematically that the second partial deriv- • work of body forces; atives of these potentials with respect to any pair of variables are • work of surface forces; independent of the order of differentiation. Using these rules, a • volumetrically distributed radioactive heat production. large number of relations can be derived among the thermody- Using the divergence theorem, the balance of energy can namic coefficients and their derivatives. These are called the therefore be written as Maxwell relations and are discussed in most thermodynamics textbooks (e.g., Poirier, 1991). We can in particular derive the @ u2 u2 values of l (starting from dU and dS in the T–V formulation) and r U + ¼— r U + v + q + Pv tv + fv + rH @t 2 2 h (starting from dH and dS in the T–P formulation), [29] aT l ¼ aTK , and h ¼ [33] T r where q is the diffusive flux, H is the rate of energy production per unit mass, and the stresses are divided into thermodynamic In these expressions for l and h, we introduced the thermal pressure- and velocity-dependent stresses. expansivity a and the isothermal incompressibility KT, Physics of Mantle Convection 29

@ @ ¼ — ¼ ¼ 1 V ¼1 r incompressible (e.g., when a 0 or when v 0). This term is a @ @ V T P r T P related to adiabatic compression and will be discussed in [34] Section @ @ K ¼V P ¼ r P T @V @r T T The thermodynamic laws and differentials apply to a closed Second law and entropy deformable volume O(t), which corresponds to the perspective We now consider the second law of thermodynamics and of Lagrange. We can therefore interpret the differential symbols entropy conservation. Assuming local thermodynamic equilib- ‘d’ of the thermodynamic definitions [31] and [32] as Lagrang- rium, we have dU¼TdSPdV. Using the equation of conser- ian derivatives ‘D.’ vation for the internal energy U, [30], and expressing the Therefore, in total, when the expressions for l and h are volume change in terms of velocity divergence, [37], we obtain taken into account, [33], and when the differential symbols are DS interpreted as Lagrangian derivatives, the change of internal rT ¼—q + t : —v + rH [39] Dt energy, dU¼dQ+dW, can be recast as To identify the entropy sources, we can express this equa- DU DT —v ¼ C + ðÞaTK P [35] tion in the form of a conservation equation (see eqn [7]), Dt V Dt T r @ðÞrS q 1 1 1 or ¼— rSv + q—T + t : —v + rH [40] @t T T2 T T DU DT aT DP —v ¼ C P [36] Dt P Dt r Dt r The physical meaning of this equation is therefore that the change of entropy is related to a flux of advected and diffused In these equations, we also have replaced the volume vari- entropy, rSv and q/T, and to three entropy production terms, ation using mass conservation [9] including from radiogenic heating. DV D1ðÞ=r 1 Dr —v A brief introduction to the general principles of non- ¼ ¼ ¼ [37] Dt Dt r2 Dt r equilibrium thermodynamics will be given in Section Here, we simply state that the second law requires Temperature that in all situations, the total entropy production is positive. We can now employ either thermodynamic relation [35] or When different entropy production terms involve factors of [36] in our conservation equation deduced from fluid mechan- different tensor orders (tensors, vectors, or scalars), they must ics, [30], to express the conservation of energy in terms of separately be positive. This is called the Curie principle (Curie, temperature variations: 1859–1906) (see e.g., de Groot and Mazur, 1984; Woods, 1975). It implies that DT DP rC ¼—q+aT + t : —v + rH P Dt Dt q—T 0 and t : —v 0 [41]

DT The usual Fourier law (Fourier, 1768–1830) with a positive rC ¼—q aTK —v + t : —v + rH [38] V Dt T thermal conductivity k>0, Apart from diffusion, three sources of temperature varia- q ¼k—T [42] tions appear on the right side of these equations. The last term rH is the source of radioactive heat production. This term is of satisfies the second law. prime importance for the mantle, mostly heated by the decay When the conductivity k is uniform, the thermal diffusion — r2 of radioactive elements like (235U and 238U), thorium term of the energy equation q becomes k T where r2 ¼—— (236Th), and potassium (40K). All together, these nuclides gen- is the scalar Laplacian operator (Laplace, 1749– erate about 201012 W(McDonough and Sun, 1995). 1827). Instead of a thermal conductivity, a thermal diffusivity Although this number may seem large, it is in fact very small. k can be introduced: 9 Since the Earth now has about 7 10 inhabitants, the total k natural radioactivity of the Earth is only 3 kW/person, not k ¼ [43] rCP enough to run the appliances of a standard kitchen in a devel- oped country. It is amazing that this ridiculously small energy (although in principle, isobaric and isochoric thermal diffusiv- source drives , raises mountains, and produces a ities should be defined). In situations with uniform conductiv- magnetic field. In addition to the present-day radioactivity, ity, without motion and radioactivity sources, the energy extinct radionuclides, like that of 36Al (with a half-life of equation [38] becomes the standard diffusion equation 0.73 My), have played an important role in the initial stage of @T planet formation (Lee et al., 1976). ¼ kr2T [44] @t The viscous dissipation term t : —v converts mechanical energy into heat. This term explains the classical Joule experi- The relation between stress and velocity will be discussed in ment (equivalence between work and heat, Joule, 1818–89) in detail in Section We will show that the relationship which the potential energy of a load (measured in joules) 1 drives a propeller in a fluid and dissipates the mechanical t ¼ 2 «_ —vI [45] 3 energy as thermal energy (measured in calories). The remaining source term, containing the thermodynamic is appropriate for the mantle, where is dynamic viscosity and _ coefficients (a or aKT in eqn [38]), vanishes when the fluid is strain rate tensor « is defined by 30 Physics of Mantle Convection

1 t and hopefully that only the first two terms are of importance «_ ¼ ½—v + ½—v [46] 2 (neglecting the second term would suppress any feedback The positivity of the entropy source [41] implies that between density perturbations and flow). Practically, this assump- tion would imply consideration of the total density anomalies but t : «_ ¼ «_ : «_ 0 [47] only the depth-dependent gravitational field. Solving Poisson’s equation to compute the perturbed gravitational field would thus and the dynamic viscosity is therefore a positive quantity. be avoided. We can test the previously mentioned idea and show Using this relation and assuming uniform, the divergence that unfortunately, the third term, r dg, may be of the same order of the stress tensor that appears in the momentum conserva- 0 as the second one (Panasyuk et al., 1996; Ricard et al., 1984; tion equation has the simple form Richards and Hager, 1984). To perform this exercise, we have to —t¼—2v + ——ðÞv [48] introduce the spherical harmonic functions Ylm(y, f). These func- 3 tions of latitude y and longitude f oscillate on a sphere of radius a where the vectorial Laplacian —2v is —(—v)—(—v). This just like 2-D sinusoidal functions on a plane. Each harmonic relationship suggests a meaningful interpretation of the viscos- function changes sign lm times from North to South Pole and ity. The momentum equation [16] can be written as m times over the same angle (180 ) around the equator. The degree l can thus be interpreted as corresponding to a wavelength @ v ¼ —2 ... of order 2pa/l. Spherical harmonics constitute a basis for func- @ v + other terms [49] t r tions defined on the sphere and are also eigenfunctions of the forgetting the other terms, a comparison with the thermal angular part of Laplace’s equation that facilitates the solution of diffusion equation [44] shows that the kinematic viscosity n, Poisson’s equation. ¼ defined by Let us consider a density anomaly dr sd(r a)Ylm(y,f)at the surface of a sphere of radius a and uniform density r0, n ¼ [50] where d(ra) is the Dirac delta function (Dirac (1902–84); r s has unit of kg m 2). Inside the planet, this mass distribution should rather be called the momentum diffusivity; it plays the generates the radial gravitational perturbation field of same role with respect to the velocity as thermal diffusivity l r l1 does with respect to temperature. dg ¼ 4pGs Y ðÞy, f [52] 2l +1 a lm

We can compare the terms r0hdgi and g0hdri, both averaged Gravitational Forces over the planet radius. For a uniform planet, the surface grav- itational force per unit mass is g ¼4pGr a/3. Since Poisson’s equation 0 0 hd i¼sY (y,f)/a, we get In this chapter, the only force is the gravitational body force. The r lm Earth’s gravity is the sum of this gravitational body force and r dgih 3 0 ¼ [53] the centrifugal force already discussed in Section g0hidr 2l +1 gravitational force per unit mass is the gradient of the gravita- tional potential c, a solution of Poisson’s equation (Poisson, This estimate is certainly crude and a precise computation 1781–1840), that is, taking into account a distributed density distribution could be done. However, this rule of thumb would remain valid. At low 2 g ¼—c, and — c ¼ 4pGr [51] degree, the effect of self-gravitation r0dg is about 50% of the direct effect drg and reaches 10% of it only near l15. Self- where G is the gravitational constant. In the force term that 0 gravitation has been taken into account in various models appears in the momentum equation [16], f¼rg, the gravita- intended to explain Earth’s gravity field from mantle density tional force per unit mass should be in agreement with the anomalies (see also Ribe, this volume, and Forte, vol. 3). Some distribution of masses: the Earth should be self-gravitating. spherical convection codes account for self-gravitation (e.g., Zhong et al., 2008); the codes that do not include this effect Self-gravitation lead to an inaccurate computation of the gravity field. When dealing with fluid dynamics at the laboratory scale, the gravitational force can be considered as constant and uniform. The gravitational force is related to the entire distribution of Conservative forms of momentum and energy mass in the Earth (and the universe) and is practically inde- equations pendent of the local changes in density in the experimental In the general remarks on conservation laws in Section, environment. Therefore, at the laboratory scale, it is reasonable we wrote that conserved quantities like mass, momentum, and to ignore Poisson’s equation and to assume that g is a uniform energy can only be transported but do not have production and constant reference gravitational field. terms (contrary to entropy). However, in the momentum con- Inside a planet, the density can be divided into an average servation [16] and in the energy conservation [29], two terms, depth-dependent density, r0(r); the source of the reference depth- f¼rg and fv¼rgv,appearassources(wealsosaidthatthe dependent gravitational field, g0(r); and a density perturbation radioactive term rH appears because classical physics does not dr, the source of a gravitational perturbation dg.Theforcetermf is identify mass as energy and vice versa. A negligible mass sink of 2 therefore to first order r0g0 +drg0 +r0dg; it is tempting to assume order –rH/c , where c is the speed of light, should, moreover, be that each term in this expression is much larger than the next one present in the mass conservation). Physics of Mantle Convection 31

ð ð ð ð It is interesting to check that our equations can be recast DT DP rCP dV ¼ qdS + aT + t : —v dV + rHdV into an exact conservative form. An advantage of writing equa- O Dt S O Dt O tions in conservative form is that it is appropriate to treat with [59] global balances, interfaces, and boundaries (see Section We can obtain conservative equations by using On the right side, the first and last terms cancel each other Poisson’s relation [51] and performing some algebra (using out by eqn [58]. To simplify the left side, notice that the H¼U = r¼(r2c)/(4pG) and g—g¼—gg, since g¼—c): enthalpy + P r obeys (see eqn [36]) — DH DT DP g 1 1 2 ¼ ðÞ rg ¼ g ¼ — gg g I [54] r rCP +1 aT [60] 4pG 4pG 2 Dt Dt Dt rgv ¼rv—c H ¼@ H @ — H According to eqn [11], rD /Dt (r )/ t+ (rv ). The Dc @c last term cancels when integrated on Earth’s volume (using the ¼r Dt @t divergence theorem), and the first term cancels in a statistically Dc —g @c [55] steady regime. Therefore, the time-average volume integral of ¼r H Dt 4pG @t rD /Dt is zero and the volume integral of rCpDT/Dt must Dc 1 @c 1 @g2 be opposite to that of (1 aT)DP/Dt. The time average of the ¼r — g Dt 4pG @t 8pG @t energy equation [59] implies therefore (Alboussiere and Ricard, 2013) If we substitute these two expressions in the momentum ð DP and the energy conservation equations, [16] and [29],we + t : —v dV ¼ 0 [61] obtain the conservative forms O Dt @ðÞrv 1 1 The total heat production due to dissipation is balanced by ¼— rvv + PI t + gg g2I [56] @t 4pG 8pG the work due to compression and expansion over the convec- tive cycle (notice that if we had assumed a constant CP, the left @ u2 g2 side of eqn [59] would have been zero and we would have r U + c + + @t 2 8pG found an aT term in front of DP/Dt (Hewitt et al., 1975), which [57] u2 g @c is incorrect). This balance is global not local. Dissipation ¼— rv U + c + + q + Pv tv + + rH 2 4pG @t occurs mostly near the boundary layers of the convection and compressional work is done along the downwellings and When the gravitational force is time-independent, a poten- upwellings of the flow. The relation [61] can also be derived tial c can simply be added to the kinetic and internal energies by multiplying the Navier–Stoke equation [16] by v and per- to replace the work of gravitational forces. When gravitational forming a volume integration. force and its potential are time-dependent (due to mass redis- tribution during convection, segregation of elements, etc.), two new terms must be added, a gravitational energy proportional to g2 and a gravitational flux proportional to g@c/@t (this is Boundary and Interface Conditions equivalent to the magnetic energy proportional to B2, where B General method is the magnetic induction, in tesla (Tesla, 1856–1943), and to A boundary condition is a special case of an interface condition the Poynting vector of magnetohydrodynamics (Poynting, when certain properties are taken as known on one side of the 1852–1914)). interface. Sometimes, the properties are explicitly known (e.g., In a permanent or in a statistically steady regime, the time- the three velocity components are zero on a no-slip surface), dependent terms of energy equation [57] can be neglected and but often, an interface condition simply expresses the continu- the equation can then be integrated over the volume of the ity of a conserved quantity. To obtain the continuity conditions Earth. The natural assumption is that the Earth’s surface veloc- for a quantity A, the general method is to start from the ities are perpendicular to the Earth’s surface normal vector and conservation equation of A in its integral form (see eqn [5]). that the surface is either stress-free or with no horizontal veloc- We choose a cylindrical volume O (a pillbox) of infinitely ity (we exclude the case of convection forced by imposing a small radius R where the top and bottom surfaces are located nonzero surface velocity). Using the divergence theorem to at a distance E from a discontinuity surface (see Figure 2). We transform the volume integral of the divergence back to a choose two Cartesian axes Ox and Oy; we call n the upward surface integral of flux, most terms in eqn [57] cancel and all that remains is ð ð n qdS ¼ rH dV [58] S O +ε y The surface flux in a statistically steady regime is simply the t −ε θ total radiogenic heat production. x It may seem surprising at first that viscous dissipation that is everywhere positive does not appear in this balance. To under- R stand this point, we can directly integrate the energy equation Figure 2 The pillbox volume used to derive the interface and boundary written in terms of temperature [38], conditions. 32 Physics of Mantle Convection unit vector normal to the interface and t a radial unit vector components of velocity and for the temperature. The temper- normal to the cylindrical side of the pillbox; and y is the angle ature (or the heat flux) can be imposed, and, for the velocity between t and Ox. If we now make the volume O(E) shrink to and stress, either free-slip boundary conditions vn¼0, which zero by decreasing E at constant R, the volume integrals of the is the first condition of eqn [65] and tn n ¼ 0, or no-slip time-dependent and the source terms will also go to zero boundary conditions (the horizontal surface velocity v is (unless the source term contains explicit surface terms like in imposed) are generally used. the case of surface tension, but this is irrelevant at mantle Inside the mantle, minerals undergo several phase transi- scales). We simply get tions at depth and at least two of them, the olivineÐwadsleyite ð and the ringwooditeÐperovskite+ferropericlase transitions

lim JAdS ¼ 0 [62] around 410 and 660 km depth, respectively, are sharp enough E!0 SðÞE to be modeled by discontinuities. Conditions [65] have been used in several convection models (assuming therefore that all (the demonstration is here written for the vector flux JA of the scalar A but is easily extended to tensor flux of a vectorial variables remain bounded). quantity A). This integral can also be written as When the kinetic energy is neglected, and the viscous stres- ð ð ses are much smaller than the pressure term, which are two + E 2p 2 approximations valid for the mantle, the last two boundary pR ½JA n + R JAtdzdy [63] E 0 conditions are, assuming continuity of temperature, where [X]isthejumpofX across the interface, sometimes noted P + rv U + n + ½q n ¼ 0 X –X . In most cases, the second term goes to zero with E because r [66] the components of JA are bounded or is exactly zero when the flux ½S 1½ ¼ is not a function of y (since theÐ double integral becomes the rv n + q n 0 2p T product of an integral in z times 0 tdy¼0). In these cases, the boundary condition for A becomes The diffusive flux q can be eliminated from these two equations. Since pv is continuous, and remembering that ½¼ JA n 0 [64] U +P/p is the enthalpy H, we simply recognize the Clapeyron At an interface, the normal flux of A must therefore be condition, which is latent heat release, continuous. However, in some cases, for example, when JA DH¼TDS [67] contains a z-derivative, the second term may not cancel and this happens in the case of boundaries associated with phase where the enthalpy and entropy jumps, [H] and [S], were changes (see Section replaced by their more traditional notations, DH and DS. The heat flux is discontinuous across an interface, Interface conditions in the 1-D case DHrvn + ½q n ¼ 0 [68] and for bounded variables and the discontinuity amounts to the enthalpy released by the Using the mass, momentum, energy, and entropy conserva- mass flux that has undergone a chemical reaction or a phase tions in their conservative forms in eqns [9], [56], [57], and change. [40] and assuming for now that no variable becomes infinite at an interface, the interface conditions in the reference frame in which the interface is motionless are Phase change interfaces and stress continuity? A mathematical dilemma arises in using the conditions [65] ½rv n ¼ 0 across a phase change interface that does not seem to have t n ½P n ¼ 0 been considered except by Corrieu et al. (1995): a phase change induces a stress discontinuity at an interface. rvU + q tv + Pv n ¼ 0 [65] hi We illustrate the mathematical difficulty by discussing the q rvS + n ¼ 0 stress continuity in the second condition of eqn [65]. The T problem arises from the term in @uz/@z present in the rheolog- (the gravitational force per unit mass and its potential are ical law [45] that becomes infinite when the material is forced continuous). In these equations, we neglected the inertia and to change its density discontinuously. To enforce the change in the kinetic energy terms in the second and third equations of shape that occurs locally, the normal horizontal stresses have eqn [65] as appropriate for the mantle. When these terms are to become infinite, and therefore, their contributions to the accounted for (adding [rvv]n to the second equation and force equilibrium of a pillbox do not vanish when the pillbox [rvu2/2]n to the third), these equations are known as the height is decreased. Hugoniot–Rankine conditions (Hugoniot, 1851–87; Rankine, To derive the appropriate interface condition, we have to

1820–72). consider again eqn [63] where JA is substituted by s. The At the surface of a fluid, and on any impermeable interfaces interface is considered as laterally infinite and perfectly flat where vn¼0 and [v]¼0, the general jump conditions [65] (without curvature) and the viscosity is uniform. The only without inertia imply that the heat flux [q]n, the entropy flux terms that may be unbounded on the interface are sxx, syy, [q/T] n (and therefore the temperature T), and the stress and szz. Omitting the other stress components, which would components t n ½P n are continuous. In 3-D, four bound- make no contribution to the interface condition when E goes to ary conditions are necessary on a surface to solve for the three zero, the stress continuity becomes Physics of Mantle Convection 33

ð ð ð ð + E 2p + E 2p — 2 the unit vector along z, opposite to gravity, and H the hori- pR s n + Rex sxxcosydzdy + Rey syysinydzdy ¼ 0 E 0 E 0 zontal component of the gradient operator. [69] The variation of topography is related to the convective flow and satisfies Since R is small, we can replace the stresses on the cylindri- cal side of the pillbox by their first-order expansions, for @h 0 — u0 ¼ @ + vH Hh z 0 [74] example, sxx ¼sxx(0)+(@sxx/@x)R cos y+(@sxx/@y)R sin y.After t 2 integration in y and division by pR , one gets This equation expresses the fact that a material particle on ð ð @ + E @ + E the surface remains always on it. In this expression, v0 and u0 s ¼ H z n + ex @ sxx dz + ey @ syy dz 0 [70] are the horizontal and vertical velocity components at the x E y E surface of the planet. We will see in Section 7.02.4 that lateral This expression already demonstrates the continuity of szz. pressure and stress variations are always very small compared ¼ @ @ @ @ Using sxx szz +2 ux/ x 2 uz/ z, and assuming that the to the average pressure (this is because in most fluids, and in viscosity remains uniform, we see that the mantle, the lateral density variations remain negligible ð ð E E @u compared to the average density). This implies that the surface lim s dz ¼2 lim z dz ¼2½u [71] ! xx ! @ z topography is not much affected by the internal dynamics and E 0 E E 0 E z remains close to horizontal at long wavelengths, j—Hhj1. The same result holds for the syy term. Since uz is discontin- Boundary condition [73] and topography advection [74] can uous (because of mass-flux continuity and the density jump), a therefore be expanded to first order to give sudden change in volume implies a discontinuity of the tan- @h gential stresses. The stress boundary conditions are thus te Pe r g he , ¼ u0 [75] z z on z¼0 0 0 z @t z @ @ ½t 2 ½¼u t 2 ½¼u ½¼t P 0 [72] where we again make use of the fact that the total stress xz @x z yz @y z zz remains close to hydrostatic, that is, ntn P (p0 and g0 are in disagreement with eqn [65]. Infinite horizontal stresses and the surface values of density and gravity). To first order, the discontinuous shear stresses occur in the presence of an inter- stress boundary condition on a weakly deformable top surface face with surface tension ( Joseph and Renardy, 1993). In the is therefore zero shear stress but with a time-dependent normal case of a permeable and infinitely thin phase transition, there stress related to the surface topography and vertical velocity. should also be a surface tension with a dynamic origin, simply The convection equations with these boundary conditions

related to [uz] when the viscosity is uniform. A rigorous math- could be solved, but this is not always useful. Since the bound- 0 ematical demonstration that proves the existence of a normal ary conditions involve both displacement h and velocity uz,the stress discontinuity in the case of a curved interface in perfect solution is akin to an eigenvalue problem. It can be shown that 0 analogy with usual surface tension and that is extended for a for an internal density structure of wavelength, l,uz goes to zero = variable viscosity is given in Chambat et al. (2013). Notice also in a time of order r0g0l where is the typical viscosity of the that the pressure and the viscous dissipation should also be underlying liquid over the depth l (Richards and Hager, 1984). unbounded. Until a complete clarification of these discontinu- For the Earth, this time is the characteristic time of postglacial ity problems is achieved, it seems that the usual continuity rebound and is typically a few thousand years for wavelengths of conditions across phase changes may not be mathematically a few thousand kilometers (e.g., Spada et al., 1992b). consistent. For convection, where the characteristic times are much longer, it is thus appropriate to assume that the induced topog- Weakly deformable surface of a convective cell raphy is in mechanical equilibrium with the internal density When a no-slip condition is imposed at the surface, both structure. A zero normal velocity can therefore be imposed and normal and shear stresses are present at the boundary. These the resulting normal stress can be used to estimate the topog- stresses, according to the second interface condition [65], must raphy generated by the convective flow. Internal compositional balance the force tn + Pn exerted by the fluid. This is reason- interfaces can be treated in a similar manner if they are only able for a laboratory experiment with a fluid totally enclosed in weakly deformable (i.e., when their intrinsic density jumps are a tank whose walls are rigid enough to resist fluid traction. much larger than the thermal density variations). This is the However, in the case of free-slip boundary conditions, it may case for the core–mantle boundary (CMB). seem strange that by imposing a zero vertical velocity, a finite For rapid events (e.g., for a localized thermal anomaly normal stress results at the free surface. It is therefore worth impinging the Earth’s surface), the time for topographic equil- discussing this point in more detail. ibration becomes comparable to the timescale of internal con- The natural boundary conditions should be that both the vective processes. In this case, the precise computation of a normal and the tangential stresses applied on the free deform- history-dependent topography is necessary and the finite elas- able surface, z¼h(x, y, t), of a convective fluid are zero: ticity of the lithosphere, the coldest part of the mantle, plays an important role (Zhong et al., 1996). Various studies have also t ¼ n Pn on z¼h 0 [73] shown that at short wavelength, the condition of free surface differs significantly from the more usual free-slip condition (neglecting atmospheric pressure). In this expression, the (Crameri et al., 2012; Kaus et al., 2010; Schmeling et al., topography h is unknown and the normalqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffin, computed at the 2008). In particular, one-sided , as observed in 2 surface of the planet, is n ¼ ðÞez —Hh = 1+jj—Hh where ez is nature and in analogical experiments, are reproduced much 34 Physics of Mantle Convection more accurately by numerical codes that include a true deform- considered as independent of the temperature. An empirical able topography according to eqn [73]. law (Anderson, 1979) relates G with the density, r q G ¼ G 0 [78] 0 r 7.02.3 Thermodynamic and Rheological Properties where q is around 1. The Gruneisen€ parameter can also be Section 7.02.2 on conservation equations is valid for all fluids related to the microscopic vibrational properties of crystals (although the interface conditions are mostly discussed when (Stacey, 1977). At high temperature, above the Debye temper- inertia and kinetic energy are negligible). The differences ature (Debye, 1884–1966), all solids have more or less the between mantle convection and core, oceanic, or atmospheric same heat capacity at constant volume. This is called the convection come from the thermodynamic and transport Dulong and Petit rule (Dulong, 1785–1838; Petit, 1791– properties of solids that are very different from those of usual 1820). At high T, each atom vibrates and the thermal vibra- fluids. We review some basic general properties of solids in tional energy is equipartitioned between the three dimensions Section 7.02.3 and will be more specific in Section 7.02.6. (degrees of freedom), which leads to CVm ¼3R per mole of atoms, independent of the nature of the solid (R is the gas constant). Assuming that the mantle is made of pure forsterite Equation of State and Solid Properties Mg2SiO4 that contains seven atoms for a molar mass of 140 g, The equation of state of any material (EoS) relates its pressure, its heat capacity at constant volume is therefore close to ¼ ¼ 1 1 ¼ 1 1 density, and temperature. The equation of state of a perfect gas, CVm 21R 174.56 J K mol or CV 1247 JK kg . The PV/T¼constant, is well known, but irrelevant for solids. approximate constancy of CV and the fact that G is only a Unfortunately, there is no equation for solids based on a function of r allow us to integrate [77] simple and efficient theoretical model. In the mineralogical 1q 0 r community, the third-order finite strain Birch–Murnaghan P ¼ FðÞr + a0K ðÞT T0 [79] T r EoS seems highly favored (Birch, 1952). This equation is cum- 0 0 bersome and is essentially empirical. More physical where a0 and KT are the thermal expansivity and incompressi- approaches have been used in Vinet et al. (1987), Poirier and bility at standard conditions and where F(r) is a density- Tarantola (1998), and Stacey and Davis (2004), but it seems dependent integration constant. A rather simple but acceptable that for each solid, the EoS has to be obtained experimentally choice for the function F(r), at least for mantle dynamicists, is (for more details, see Stixrude, vol. 2). the Murnaghan EoS (Murnaghan, 1951) at constant T that

In the simplest cases, the density varies around r0 measured allows us to write an EoS for solids of the form at temperature T0 and pressure P0 as K0 r n r 1 q ¼ T a 0ðÞ P P P 1 + 0KT T T0 [80] ¼ ðÞ 0 n r0 r0 r r0 1 a T T0 + [76] KT This equation could easily be used to derive any thermody- where the thermal expansivity a and incompressibility KT have namic property like a(P,T)orKT(P,T). The exponent n been defined in eqn [34]. This expression is a first-order expan- expresses the variations of KT with pressure at reference tem- 0 sion of any EoS. Equation [76] can however be misleading if perature T0 as KT(P,T0)¼KT +nP. The value of n (also some- 0 one forgets that the parameters a and KT cannot be constant times called K0) is of order of 4 for most mantle materials but must be related through Maxwell relations (e.g., their (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2005). This equation has @ @ ¼@ @ definitions [34] imply that (ar)/ P (r/KT)/ T). been used implicitly in various models of mantle convection Equation [76] can be used for a very simple numerical (e.g., Bercovici et al., 1989a, 1992; Glatzmaier, 1988). An estimate that illustrates an important characteristic of solid important consequence of this EoS assuming q1 is that aKT 5 1 Earth geophysics. Typically for silicates a10 K , is more or less constant and that K 1011 Pa, while temperature variations in the mantle, DT, T n n are of a few 1000 K with a pressure increase between the surface 0 r r KT K , a a0 [81] 11 T and the core, DP, of order of 10 Pa. This indicates that the r0 r0 overall density variations due to temperature differences are In the mantle, the incompressibility increases and the ther- negligible compared to those due to pressure differences mal expansion decreases significantly with depth, typically by a D D (a T 1 but P/KT 1). In planets, to first order, the radial factor 8. The geophysical consequences are further discussed density is only a function of pressure, not of temperature. This in Section is opposite to most liquid or solid laboratory experiments, Two other thermodynamic equalities can also be straight- where the properties are usually controlled by temperature. forwardly deduced by chain rules of derivatives and will be A very important quantity in the thermodynamics of solids used in the following. A relation between the two heat capac- € € is the Gruneisen parameter (Gruneisen, 1877–1949) ities C and C of the energy equations [38] can be derived P V sK 1 @P from the two expressions for heat increments, eqn [31], and G ¼ T ¼ [77] rC rC @T the definition of h, eqn [33], v v V @ The Gruneisen€ parameter is dimensionless, does not vary ¼ aT P CP CV @ [82] much through the mantle (around 1), and can reasonably be r T V Physics of Mantle Convection 35

The same expressions for heat increments, eqn [31], and the 1 t «e ¼ —u + ½—u [88] l and h definitions, eqn [33], imply that for an adiabatic 2 d S transformation (when Q and d are zero), in which u is the displacement vector (this is valid for small deformations, see e.g., Malvern, 1969; Landau and Lifchitz, @P rCP @V CV ¼ and ¼ [83] 2000, for the large deformation case), is linearly related to @T S aT @T S aKTT the stress tensor, Equations [82] and [83] take simpler forms when the X e ¼ e e Gruneisen€ parameter [77] and the adiabatic compressibility sij AijklEkl [89] k,l defined by where Ae is the fourth-rank stiffness tensor. Since both the @P 1 @P @V KS ¼ r ¼ = [84] stress and the strain tensors are symmetrical and because of @r r @T @T S S S the Maxwell thermodynamic relations for internal energy @2U=@ @ ¼ @2U=@ @ are used; they are (including the elastic energy), Eij Ekl Ekl Eij, the elastic tensor is invariant to permutations of i and j, k and l, and C KS P ¼ ¼ 1+GaT [85] ij and kl. This leaves in the most general case of anisotropy CV KT 21 independent stiffness coefficients (Malvern, 1969). In crys- Since G1 and since aT1, the two heat capacities are tals, this number decreases with the number of symmetries of basically equal. The incompressibility KS is defined similarly to the unit cell. For isotropic elastic solids, only two parameters

KT but at constant entropy. The theory of elastic waves intro- are needed, the incompressibility K and the rigidity mR, and the duces this parameter that can be obtained from seismic elastic behavior satisfies observations se ¼ e e 1 e Ktr « I +2mR « tr « I [90] 2 4 2 3 KS ¼ ru u [86] p 3 s where tr «e ¼ —u. where up and us are the P and S wave velocities. We will see later Two remarks can be made on this rapid presentation of elas- (Section that a vigorously convective fluid should ticity that are more deeply developed in textbooks of mechanics be close to adiabatic. As this is the case for the mantle, KS (e.g., Landau and Lifchitz, 2000; Malvern, 1969) or of should be the incompressibility measured along the mantle (e.g., Dahlen and Tromp, 1998). First, the expression [90] density profile assumes that the displacement vector is computed from an initial situation where the solid is perfectly stress-free, that is, se ¼ 0 @ kk— 2kk ¼ P ¼ P ¼ r g when «e ¼ 0. In practical problems, only incremental displace- KS r @ rkk— kk— [87] r S r r ments with respect to an initial prestressed state are known and se has to be understood as a variation of the stress tensor. Second, The relations [86] and [87] connect a seismological obser- temperature variations are associated with changes in elastic vation KS(r)/r(r) to the density gradient of the real Earth r(r) stresses and the definition of incompressibility K should take g(r)/k—r(r)k. This is the important Bullen hypothesis (Bullen, these variations into account. The incompressibility should be 1940) used to build the reference density of the Earth (e.g., K¼K for rapid adiabatic seismic waves and K¼K for isothermal Dziewonski and Anderson, 1981). S T variations. The other elastic parameters that are often introduced, Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus (Young, 1773–1829), and Lame´’s parameters (Lame´, 1795–1870), are simple functions of Rheology incompressibility and rigidity. Since the term proportional to mR is traceless, equation [90] leads to tr se ¼ 3Ktr «_ e , and the In Section on momentum conservation, no assump- rheology law can also be written in terms of compliance (i.e., tion is made about the rheology of the fluid, that is, on the getting «e as a function of se), relation between the stress tensor and the flow itself. In con- trast, the discussion of energy conservation (Section e ¼ 1 se 1 se 1 se relies on the assumption that the pressure-related work is « tr I + tr I [91] 9K 2mR 3 entirely recoverable, eqn [32]; as a consequence, the work of the deviatoric stresses ends up entirely as a dissipative term, In these equations, the trace of the stress tensor can also be hence a source of entropy. In a real fluid, this may be wrong for replaced by the pressure definition two reasons: part of the deviatoric stresses may be recoverable tr se ¼3P [92] and part of the isotropic work may not be recoverable. In the first case, elasticity may be present, and in the second case, bulk The momentum equation [15] remains valid in a purely viscosity. elastic solid (except that the advective transport is generally neglected, D/Dt@/@t), but the discussion of energy conserva- tion and thermodynamics is different for elastic and viscous Elasticity bodies. The work of the elastic stress is entirely recoverable: a On a very short timescale, the mantle is an elastic solid in deformed elastic body returns to its undeformed shape when which compressional and shear waves propagate (e.g., the external forces are released. The internal energy change d ¼ s : e Kennett, 2001). In an elastic solid, the linear strain tensor, due to the storage of elastic stress is W V e d« instead of 36 Physics of Mantle Convection dW¼–PdV, and this is provided by the deformation work term assumed that under the same stress, the deformation has both t : —v, which is therefore nondissipative. Thus, for an elastic elastic and viscous components. By summing the viscous com- body, the temperature equations [38] and the entropy pliance equation [95] with the time derivative of the elastic equation [39] hold, but with the t : —v, source term removed. compliance equation, [91] and in the case of an infinite bulk viscosity z, we get Viscous Newtonian rheology 1 1 1 1 1 On a very long timescale, it is reasonable to assume that the «_ ¼ tr s_ I + s tr s I + s_ tr s_ I [96] 9K 2 3 2m 3 internal deviatoric stresses become eventually relaxed and dis- R sipated as heat. This is the assumption that we have implicitly where s ¼ su ¼ se and « ¼ «u + «e. This time-dependent rheo- made and that is usual in fluid mechanics. Since the dissipative logical law is the constitutive law of a linear Maxwell solid. term is t : —v ¼ t : «_ u and must be positive according to the A few simple illustrations of the behavior of a Maxwellian second law, this suggests a relationship between velocity- body will illustrate the physical meaning of equation [96] (see related stresses and velocity derivatives such that the total stress also Ribe, this volume). First, we can consider the case where tensor has the form stress and strain are simple time-dependent sinusoidal functions with frequency o i:e:, s ¼ s expðÞ iot and « ¼ « expðÞiot . su ¼Pd + Au «_ u [93] 0 0 ij ij ijkl kl The solution to this problem can then be used to solve other time-dependent problems by the Fourier or Laplace transforms. dij being the Kronecker symbol (Kronecker, 1823–91). Except for the time derivative, the only formal difference between this Equation [96] becomes expression and eqn [89] is that pressure exists in a motionless 1 1 i 1 fluid but is always associated with deformation in an elastic « ¼ tr s I + 1 s tr s I [97] 0 9K 0 2m ot 0 3 0 solid. R

Using the same arguments as for the elastic case, the viscous where t¼/mR is the Maxwell time, eqn [1]. This equation can rheology in the isotropic case can therefore be written in terms be compared to eqn [91] and shows that the solution of a of stiffness viscoelastic problem is formally equivalent to that of an elastic problem with a complex elastic rigidity. This is called the 1 su ¼P + ztr «_ u I +2 «_ u tr «_ u I [94] correspondence principle. 3 We can also solve the problem of a purely 1-D Maxwellian _ u v _ u where tr « ¼ —v. Using tr s ¼ 3 P + ztr « , the rhe- body (only szz and Ezz are nonzero), submitted to a sudden ology can also be expressed in terms of compliance load szz ¼s0H(t) (where H is the Heaviside distribution ¼ (Heaviside, 1850–1925)) or to a sudden strain Ezz E0H(t). 1 1 1 2 «_ u ¼ 3P +tr su I + su tr su I [95] The solutions are, for t0, 9z 2 3 ¼ 1 1 The two parameters and z are positive according to the E0 s0 + s0t [98] 3kmR 3 second law and are called the shear and bulk viscosities. When they are intrinsic material properties (i.e., independent of the and flow itself ), the fluid is called linear or Newtonian. The ¼ t s0 3kmRexp k E0 [99] hypothesis of isotropy of the rheology is probably wrong for t a mantle composed of highly anisotropic materials (see Karato, respectively, with k¼3K/(3K+mR). In both cases, the instanta- 1998), but only a few papers have tried to tackle the problem neous elastic response is followed by a viscous flow. In the first of anisotropic viscosity (Christensen, 1997a; Muhlhaus et al., case, the finite elastic deformation is followed by a steady flow. 2004; Pouilloux et al., 2007). In the second case, the initial elastic stresses are then dissipated u Since tr s =3 ¼P + z —v, the isotropic average of the by viscous relaxation over a time constant, t/k. This time con- total stress is not the pressure term, unless z—v¼0. Therefore, stant is different from the Maxwell time constant as both devia- t : _ u part of the stress work, « , during isotropic compaction could toric and nondeviatoric stresses are present. For mantle material, 2 be dissipated in the form of the heat source z(—v) . A density- the time t/k would however be of the same order as the Maxwell independent bulk viscosity allows an infinite compression time constant t (in the midmantle, K2mR 200 GPa). under a finite isotropic stress. The bulk viscosity parameter z is From equation [96], we can now understand what rheology generally only introduced to be immediately omitted and we must be used for a compressible viscous mantle. For phenom- will do the same. However, using eqn [94] with z¼0 but keep- ena that occur on time constants much larger than the Maxwell ing —v6¼0 is not valid since it would remove all resistance to time, the deviatoric stresses can only be supported by the vis- isotropic compression. We will see that the correct physical cosity. As a typical viscosity for the deep mantle is in the range behavior is obtained by setting z¼+1: elastic stresses are pre- 1019–1022 Pa s (see Sections 7.02.4 and 7.02.6), the appropri- sent and provide the resistance to isotropic compression. A finite ate Maxwell times are in the range 30 year–30 kyr, much shorter bulk viscosity, or some equivalent concept, is however necessary than those of convection. By contrast, the isotropic stress to handle two-phase compaction problems (Bercovici et al., remains only supported by elasticity in the approximation 2001a; McKenzie, 1984)(seeSection where the bulk viscosity z is infinitely large. The appropriate rheology for mantle convection is therefore given by Maxwellian viscoelasticity To account for the fact that the Earth behaves elastically on 1 1 1 «_ ¼ tr s_ I + s tr s I [100] short time constants and viscously at long times, it is often 9K 2 3 Physics of Mantle Convection 37

This equation is simultaneously a rheology equation for their positions with crystalline lattice vacancies. In crystals, the the deviatoric stress and an EoS for the isotropic stress. Using average number of lattice vacancies C varies with pressure, P, P¼tr(s)/3, the stress tensor verifies and temperature, T, according to Boltzmann statistics (Boltzmann, 1844–1906), P_ s ¼PI +2 «_ I [101] 3K PV C∝exp [104] This equation is intrinsically a viscoelastic equation that can RT be replaced by a purely viscous equation plus an EoS: (V is the atomic volume and R the gas constant). A mineral is 1 composed of grains of size d with an average concentration of s ¼PI +2 «_ tr «_ I [102] 3 lattice vacancies C0. Submitted to a deviatoric stress t, a gradi- ent of vacancies of order j—Cj∝(C0/d)(tV/RT) appears due to P tr « ¼ [103] the difference in stress regime between the faces in compres- K sion and the faces in extension (tVRT) (see Poirier, 1991; Equation [102] is therefore the appropriate limit of eqn Ranalli, 1995; Schubert et al., 2001; Turcotte and Schubert, [94] for slow deformation, when z¼+1 and when isotropic 1982). This induces the flux of atoms (number of atoms per compaction is resisted by the elastic stresses. unit surface and unit time): The use of a Maxwellian viscoelastic body to represent the C t mantle rheology on short timescale remains however rather J∝D 0 [105] arbitrary. Instead of summing the elastic and viscous deforma- d RT tions for the same stress tensor, another linear viscoelastic body where D is a diffusion coefficient. This flux of atoms goes from could be obtained by partitioning the total stress into elastic and the grain faces in compression to the grain faces in extension. viscous components for the same strain rate. Basically, instead of Along the direction of maximum compression, each crystal having the elasticity and the viscosity added like a spring and a grain shortens by a quantity dd, which corresponds to a total dashpot in series (Maxwell rheology), this Kelvin–Voigt rheol- transport of d2dd/V atoms. These atoms can be transported in a ogy would connect in parallel a viscous dashpot with an elastic 2 time dt by the flux JV across the grain of section d (with volume spring (Kelvin, 1824–1907; Voigt, 1850–1919). Of course, fur- diffusion DV). They can also be transported by grain boundary ther degrees of complexity could be reached by summing Max- flux JB (with grain boundary diffusion DB) along the grain well and Voigt bodies, in series or in parallel. Such models have interfaces through a surface hd (h being the thickness of the sometimes been used for the Earth, but the data that could grain boundary), according to support or dismiss them were scarce (Ross and Schubert, 1986; Yuen et al., 1986). However, the unprecedented precision of d2dd d2dd J d2dt,or J dhdt [106] the observations of large-scale deformations that followed the V D V B magnitude 9 seisms of Indonesia (Aceh earthquake, 2004) and _ ¼ ðÞd =d = Japan (Tohoku earthquake, 2011) should soon allow to reeval- As « d t d, the previous equations lead to the stress– uate and constrain the transient rheology of the mantle strain rate relationship: (e.g., Trubienko et al., 2013). C V h «_ ∝ 0 D + D t [107] d2RT V B d Nonlinear rheologies These diffusion mechanisms lead to a Newtonian rheology Even without elasticity and bulk viscosity, the assumption of a but with a grain size dependence of the viscosity: ∝d2 for linear Newtonian rheology for the mantle is problematic. The Nabarro–Herring creep with diffusion inside the grain shear viscosity cannot be a direct function of velocity since this (Nabarro, 1916–2006; Herring, 1914–2009) and ∝d3 for would contradict the necessary Galilean invariance of material Coble grain boundary creep (Coble, 1928–92). The viscosity properties. However, since the shear viscosity is a scalar, it is also very strongly T-dependent not so much because of the could be any function of the scalar invariants of the stress explicit factor T in eqn [107], but because diffusion is a ther- tensor. There are three invariants of the stress tensor: its trace mally activated process, D∝exp(–Edif/RT), where Edif is an (related to the pressure), its determinant, and the second activation enthalpy of diffusion. As the diffusion increases invariant I2 ¼ t:t =2 (where as in eqn [30], the double dots with temperature, the viscosity in the diffusion creep regime denote tensor contraction). The viscosity could therefore be a decreases with temperature. function of det t and I2 in addition to the thermodynamic In the case of dislocation creep, lines or planar imperfec- variables P and T and the mineralogical variables, for example, tions are present in the crystalline lattice, and macroscopic composition, grain size, and fabrics. Because viscosity must be deformation occurs by collective slip motion along these a positive quantity, its stress dependence is assumed to be imperfections, called dislocations. Instead of the grain size d related to I2 (which is always positive) and not to det t for diffusion creep, the mean spacing dd between dislocations (which can change sign). provides the length scale. This distance is experimentally found The main mechanism of solid-state deformation pertinent to decrease withpffiffiffiffi the intensity of the deviatoric stresses and to to mantle conditions (excluding the brittle and plastic defor- vary as 1= I2. Therefore, instead of a diffusion creep with a n n/2 mations) is either diffusion creep or dislocation creep (see viscosity in d , the resulting rheology is rather in I2 and is Poirier, 1991). In the first case, finite deformation is obtained also thermally activated with an activation energy Edis. Dislo- by summing the migrations of individual atoms exchanging cation creep leads to a nonlinear regime where the equivalent 38 Physics of Mantle Convection viscosity varies with the second invariant with a power –n/2, a2raDTg v ¼c c [110] where n is typically of order 2, s 1 2

n=2 _ ∝ ðÞ = t (c2 is a drag coefficient accounting for the shape of O, i.e., « I2 exp Edis RT [108] c2 ¼1/(6p) for a sphere). and to a viscosity also strongly decreasing with temperature During its motion, the volume O exchanges heat by diffu- _ ∝tm (this relationship is often written, in short, « with a stress sion with the rest of the fluid and the diffusion equation [44] tm ðÞm1 =2t exponent m of order 3 but really means I2 ). tells us that a time of order In general, for a given stress and a given temperature, the rC a2 mechanism with the smallest viscosity (largest strain rate) pre- t ¼ c p [111] d 3 k vails. Whether linear (grain size-dependent) or nonlinear (stress-dependent), viscosities are also strongly dependent is needed before temperature equilibration with its surround- upon temperature, pressure, melt content, water content, min- ings. During this time, the fluid parcel travels the distance eralogical phase, and oxygen fugacity (e.g., Hirth and l¼vstd. Kolhstedt, 1996). In Section, we will further discuss A natural indication of the possibility that the parcel of the rheological mechanisms appropriate for the Earth. fluid moves can be obtained by comparing the distance l to the characteristic size a. When la, that is, when the fluid volume can be displaced by several times its size, motion will 7.02.4 Physics of Convection be possible. On the contrary when la, thermal equilibration will be so rapid that no motion will occur. The complex and very general system of equations that we have The condition l a, when vs and td are replaced by the discussed in Sections 7.02.2 and 7.02.3 can be used to model previously mentioned expressions, depends on only one quan- an infinite number of mantle flow situations. Mantle flow can tity, the Ra, sometimes be simply modeled as driven by the motion of plates r2aDTga3C aDTga3 (some examples are discussed in Zhong et al., Parmentier, and Ra ¼ P ¼ [112] k kn King, this volume). It can also be induced by compositional density anomalies (some examples are discussed in Tackley, this in terms of which motion occurs when Ra1 (assuming that volume, and Forte, vol. 3). However, a fundamental cause of c1c2c3 1). The Rayleigh number compares the driving mech- motion is due to the interplay between density, pressure, and anism (e.g., the Archimedean buoyancy) to the two resistive temperature, and this is called thermal convection. mechanisms, the diffusion of heat, represented by k (see eqn The phenomenon of thermal convection is common to all [43]), and the diffusion of momentum, represented by n (see fluids (gas, liquid, and creeping solids), and it can be illus- eqn [50]). trated by simple experiments (see Chapter 7.03). The simplest This simple balance suggests that a large nondimensional can be done using water and an experimental setup called the number Ra favors fluid motion. How large Ra needs to be is a shadowgraph method. Parallel light enters a transparent fluid question that we cannot address at this moment, but it will be put in a glass tank and is deflected where there are refractive discussed in Section Convection lifts hot fluid and index gradients due to temperature variations in the fluid. causes cold fluid to sink (assuming a>0, which is true for most A pattern of bright regions and dark shadows is formed on a fluids and for the mantle). A convective system will rapidly screen put on the other side of the tank. From this reach an equilibrium where all thermal heterogeneities are shadowgraph, the structure of the temperature pattern can be swept up or down (if Ra is large) or thermally equilibrated (if qualitatively assessed (see examples of shadowgraphs in Ra is small), unless a forcing mechanism continuously injects Tritton, 1988). new cold parcels at the top and new hot parcels at the bottom. This can be done by cooling the top surface or heating the bottom one. When a fluid is heated from the side, a lateral Basic Balance temperature anomaly is constantly imposed and the liquid From a simple thought experiment on thermal convection, we lateral thermal equilibration is prevented. The fluid remains can derive the basic dynamic balance of convection. Let us in motion regardless of the amplitude of the imposed temper- consider a volume of fluid, O, of characteristic size a,in ature anomaly. which there is a temperature excess △T with respect to the surrounding fluid. The fluid is subject to a gravity g, and it has an average density r and thermal expansivity a. The volume Two Simple Solutions O, because of its anomalous temperature, experiences an The diffusive solution Archimedean force, or buoyancy (Archimedes c.287–212 Trying to directly and exactly solve the mass, momentum, BC), given by energy, and Poisson’s equations and accounting for a realistic EoS would certainly be a formidable task. This complex system f ¼c a3raDTg [109] 1 of equations has however two rather obvious but opposite

(c1 is a constant taking into account the shape of O, e.g., solutions. c1 ¼4p/3 for a sphere of radius a). If the volume O is in a A steady and motionless solution is indeed possible. The fluid of viscosity , it will sink or rise with a velocity given by assumption @/@t¼0 and v¼0 satisfies the mass equation [9], the Stokes law (Stokes, 1819–1903): the momentum equation [16] when the pressure is hydrostatic, Physics of Mantle Convection 39

0 ¼—P + rg [113] (e.g., from 1300 to 2230 K) from the (r 3200 kg m 3) to the CMB (r5500 kg m 3), if we and the energy equation [38] when the temperature is diffusive 0 assume G ¼1. (using the Fourier law [42]), 0 Stability of the adiabatic gradient —ðÞk—T + rH ¼ 0 [114] When a fluid is compressed, it heats up and it cools down Solving analytically for the hydrostatic pressure and the when decompressed. This is the same physics that explains diffusive temperature is trivial when H, k, g, and r are uniform. why atmospheric temperature decreases with altitude. Of For example, choosing a depth z positive downward, we get course, this adiabatic effect is vanishingly small in laboratory experiments, but not always in nature. z 1 P ¼ rgz, T ¼ T0 + DT + rHzðÞ h z [115] If a parcel of fluid is rapidly moved up or down along z by a h 2 distance a, it changes its temperature adiabatically, by the across a conductive solution with T¼T , P¼0atz¼0, and 0 quantity a(dT/dz)S. However, the surrounding fluid will be at ¼ D ¼ T T0 + T at z h. Computing analytically the conductive the temperature a(dT/dz) where dT/dz is just the temperature solution in the mantle remains feasible but could be quite gradient, not necessarily adiabatic, of the fluid at rest. We cumbersome if one introduces a realistic EoS and computes can define DTna as the nonadiabatic temperature DTna ¼ gravity in agreement with the density distribution using a(dT/dz(dT/dz)S). The parcel being warmer or colder than Poisson’s equation [51].InSection, we will under- the surroundings will rise or sink with a Stokes velocity that, stand why the fluid does not necessarily choose the diffusive rather than eqn [110], will be of order solution. 2 D ¼ a ra Tnag vs c1c2 [120] The adiabatic solution The previous diffusive solution was obtained for a steady Since z is depth and dz is positive along g, the adiabatic motionless situation. However, the opposite situation where gradient is positive and the fluid parcel is locally unstable when the velocities are very large also corresponds to a rather simple the gradient in the surrounding fluid is larger (superadiabatic) situation. The energy equation [38] can also be written as than the adiabatic gradient. On the contrary, a subadiabatic gradient is stable with respect to convection. It is therefore not DlnT Dlnr the total temperature difference between the top and the bottom rCV T G ¼—q + t : —v + rH [116] Dt Dt of the fluid that drives motion, but only its nonadiabatic part. To compare the Stokes velocity with the thermal equilibra- or tion time, we need to introduce a modified Rayleigh number DlnT a DP rC T ¼—q + t : —v + rH [117] aDT g a3 P Dt rC Dt Ra ¼ na 0 [121] P kn The right sides of these equations were previously shown to This number is based on the nonadiabatic temperature r S be equal to TD /Dt in eqn [39]. If we decrease the viscosity in difference in excess of the adiabatic variation imposed over a fluid, the convective velocity increases. The advection terms the height a. — — — v T, v ln r and v P become then much larger than the We have shown that inside a convective cell, the thermal time-dependent, diffusion, and radioactive production terms. gradient should be superadiabatic. Superadiabaticity is the With a low viscosity, the fluid becomes also unable to sustain source of convective instability, but vigorous convective stir- large stresses. As a consequence, when convection is vigorous ring involves largely rapid adiabatic vertical motion; so much enough, the fluid should evolve toward a situation where of convecting fluid is indeed adiabatic, while most of super-

ðÞ— lnT S GðÞ— lnr S ¼ 0 adiabaticity is bound up in the thermal boundary layers where the vertical motion goes to zero. This mechanism suggests that ðÞ— a ðÞ— ¼ [118] lnT S P S 0 an adiabatic reference background should not be such a bad rCP assumption for the bulk of a convective fluid. Since such equations imply that the entropy is exactly con- This adiabaticity hypothesis should, however, not be taken S ¼ served, D /Dt 0, this equilibrium is called the adiabatic equi- too literally ( Jeanloz and Morris, 1987). In most numerical librium. We added a subscript [ ]S to denote the isentropic simulations, the resulting averaged geotherm can be far (a few state. hundred kelvins) from adiabatic (Bunge et al., 2001). First, € Notice that, since the Gruneisen parameter is only density- radioactive heating, dissipation, and diffusion are never totally dependent (see eqn [78]), density and temperature are simply negligible; second, even if each fluid parcel follows its own € related along the adiabat. For example, if the Gruneisen param- adiabatic geotherm, the average geotherm may not correspond ¼ eter is a constant, G0 (using q 0 in eqn [78]), the first of the to any particular adiabat. equations [118] implies r G0 Approximate Equations T ¼ T [119] 0 r 0 Depth-dependent reference profiles where T0 and r0 are two reference values. This equation implies We assume that the thermodynamic state is not far from a that the adiabatic temperature increases by a factor 1.72 hydrostatic adiabat; thus, we choose this state as a reference. 40 Physics of Mantle Convection

We denote all the reference variables with an overbar, the In this equation, the pressure dependence of the density has hydrostatic pressure given by been collected with the pressure gradient. The energy conser- vation can take various forms (e.g., eqn [30] or [38]), but here, — ¼ P rg [122] we use the entropy conservation [39]: and adiabatic temperature and densities obeying eqn [118]: 0 DS rT ¼ — k— T + T0 + t : —v + rH [127] ag Dt —T ¼ T Cp [123] ag —r ¼ r Anelastic approximation CpG As a principle, the validity of equations cannot depend on the units in which the quantities are expressed. The laws of physics where all the parameters are computed along the reference can only relate dimensionless combinations of parameters geotherm and where g has been solved using Poisson’s (e.g., Barenblatt, 1996). This is fundamental in fluid dynamics equation [51] with the reference density r. where a large number of quantities appear in the equations The reference parameters are depth-dependent and usually, (see also Ribe, this volume). A necessary starting point is even for a simple EoS, cannot be analytically obtained. They therefore to rephrase any fluid dynamics problem involving can however be computed numerically from eqn [118] assum- N dimensional parameters in terms of M dimensionless quan- ing that the Gruneisen€ parameter is only r-dependent. Using tities (NM0 is the number of independent physical dimen- the EoS [80], all the thermodynamic quantities become func- sions of the problem). tions of depth only, so that the reference profiles can be Equations [126] and [127], completed with the equation of obtained by quadratures. state [125] and of mass conservation, provide a differential system that controls the behavior of a nearly adiabatic and Perturbations of the hydrostatic, adiabatic hydrostatic fluid. One cannot perform the nondimensionaliza- solution tion of these equations using the variable reference profiles. We We can now rewrite the equations of fluid dynamics in terms of must therefore introduce constant parameters, with indexes perturbations to the reference hydrostatic and adiabatic state []0, corresponding to some typical or mantle-averaged values (see also Alboussiere and Ricard, 2013; Bercovici et al., 1992; of the depth-dependent reference values. We introduce, for 0 0 Glatzmaier, 1988; Jarvis and Mckenzie, 1980). The exercise is example, a0,KS ,r0,g0 or Cp . We can use the typical values of not easy as all the thermodynamic quantities, a, KT, CP, and CV, these parameters to estimate the different terms of the convec- are related to pressure, temperature, and density by complex tion equations. Maxwell relations. Assuming inadvertently the constancy of Without approximation, the mass conservation is any thermodynamic quantities may thus lead to inconsis- 0 tencies. We introduce the perturbations, noted with a prime, @r 0 + —ðÞ¼ðÞr + r v 0 [128] and assume that T ¼ T + T0, P ¼ P + P0, r ¼ r + r0. As the refer- @t ence state is adiabatic, we simply have S¼S0. The variations of This equation, with the momentum and energy equations, density and temperature are related by the following relations: describes not only the fluid convection but also the propaga- 0 @r 0 @r 0 tionp offfiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sound waves. These waves, with velocity close to r ¼ S + P @S @P u ¼ K0=r , travel much faster than the typical velocity of P S [124] f S 0 0 ¼ @T S0 @T 0 convection, at a velocity comparable to those of the P or T @ + @ P S P P S S waves. A typical convective velocity is given by the Stokes velocity u ¼r a DT g a2/ (see eqn [110]). The Mach num- The partial derivatives of the previously mentioned expres- s 0 0 na 0 0 ber M¼v /v , ratio of the typical fluid velocity to the sound sions can be expressed as functions of the usual thermody- s f speed (Mach, 1838–1916) is very small (with the numerical namic quantities. The S derivatives can be deduced after values of Table 1, M¼1.510 9). It should therefore be safe some algebra starting from the Maxwell relations implied by to neglect the time derivative of the density in eqn [128]; this the enthalpy dH¼TdS +dP/r and by the Gibbs potential will only filter out the sound propagation that seems a phe- dG¼–SdT+dP/r, and using eqns [31] and [33]. The adiabatic nomenon decoupled from mantle convection. derivatives (at constant S) are directly obtained from the ref- In the divergence term of eqn [128], we can also compare r erence profiles in eqns [122] and [123]. We finally end up with and r0. Density, temperature, and pressure variations are two equations that we consider valid at first order: related by eqn [76]:

arT 0 —r g 0 r0 ¼ S + P r0 P0 2 ¼ 0 CP rkkg aT + [129] [125] r KT T 0 aT T0 ¼ S + P0 CP rCP (a relation that can also be derived from eqn [125], by elimi- 0 nating S and using the relation between KS and KT, eqn [85]). Taking into account the variations of density with entropy The effect of temperature on density is small, of order 2 0 and pressure, the momentum conservation [16] becomes a0 DTna 310 (see Table 1). In the convecting mantle, P 0 u D 0 is comparable to the viscous stresses P 0 s/a r0a0 Tnag0a Dv P garT 0 r ¼r— + —t S [126] and the density variations due to the pressure fluctuation Dt r CP are thus Physics of Mantle Convection 41

Table 1 Typical parameter values for numerical models of mantle convection

Mantle Core Unit

Size a 3106 3106 m 21 3 Dynamic viscosity 0 10 10 Pa s 0 0 1 1 Heat capacity CP CV 1000 700 JK kg 3 Density r0 4000 11000 kg m 1 1 Heat cond. k0 350WmK 5 5 1 Expansivity a0 210 10 K Temperature excess DTna 1500 1? K Radioactivity prod. H 71011 0? W kg1 2 Gravity g0 9.8 5 m s 0 0 11 12 Incompressibility KT KS 210 10 Pa 17 8 2 1 Kinematic viscosity n¼0/r0 2.510 9.110 m s 0 7 6 2 1 Thermal diff. k¼k0/(r0CP) 7.510 6.510 m s 2 3.0102 1.0 5

Dissipation number D0 0.59 0.21 Gruneisen€ parameter G 1 1.3 Rayleigh Ra 4.2107 2.21027? 10 Intern. Rayleigh RaH 2.410 0? Prandtl Pr 3.31023 1.4102 Grashof/Reynolds Gr¼Re¼Ra/Pr 1.31016 1.61029? Mach M 1.5109 1 2 2 6 M Pr/Ra or D0E/G0 1.710 1.610

To emphasize the drastic differences between the highly viscous mantle and a real liquid (in which shear waves do not propagate), we added estimates for the core assuming that core convection is so efficient that only 1 K of nonadiabatic temperature difference can be maintained across it. Notice that with only 1 K of temperature difference, the Rayleigh number of the fluid core would already reach 1027! A Stokes velocity is not appropriate to estimate the velocity in the core or its Mach number.

r0 D C0 Pr K0 Mach number but so large a Prandtl number that the anelastic a DT 0 p ¼ M2 s [130] 0 na 0 0 approximation would not be valid. Similarly, a planet can have r G0 Cu Ra KT a low Reynolds number (creeping convection) with a very large In these estimates, we used either a nondimensional dissi- Rayleigh number (chaotic convection). pation number The differential system eqns [126], [127], [125], and [133] a g a D ¼ 0 0 [131] constitute the anelastic approximation of convection that has 0 C0 p been used for atmospheric convection as well as for liquid and and a Gruneisen€ parameter, eqn [77], or the Rayleigh number solid convection, including mantle and core convection. Ra defined in eqn [121] and the Prandtl, Pr, number: A large difference between gases and liquids or solids is that the former have aT1 (and exactly 1 for ideal gas) and the C0 n Pr ¼ 0 P ¼ 0 [132] latter have aT1. This allows a further simplification of the k k 0 0 equation, the anelastic liquid approximation. The ratios C0/C0 and K0/K0 are of order 1. The dissipation p u s T Anelastic liquid approximation number compares the natural scale of temperature variations Using the relation between entropy, pressure, and temperature [123] with the layer thickness, a. The dissipation number D is 0 (eqn [125]), and following the same scaling as before, where around 0.5 for the Earth’s mantle. For any laboratory non hydrostatic pressure and viscous stresses have the same experiment, this number would be infinitely small; only geo- magnitude, yields physical or astrophysical problems have large dissipation num- bers. The physical meaning of the Rayleigh number as a 0 T 0 aT 0 T 0 0 T ¼ S + P S + D0aTT [134] measure of convective vigor has already been discussed. The CP rCP CP Prandtl number (Prandtl, 1975–53) compares the two diffu- As D0 0.5 and aT 0, the last term is negligible, and sive processes: namely, the diffusion of momentum and heat. S0 0 for the mantle or the core, we can identifyT and CPT . As D 0.5 and G 1, the density variations due to non 0 0 0 0 0 Using TdS ¼ d TS S dT ¼ d C T0 C T0=T dT, we can hydrostatic pressure variations are smaller but of the same P P express the anelastic liquid equations by order as those due to temperature variations. There are both of a few percent so that r0 r. The mass conservation can there- —ðÞ¼0 r v 0 fore be approximated in what is called the anelastic approxima- Dv P0 r ¼r— + —t rgaT0 tion (Ogura and Phillips, 1962; Spiegel and Veronis, 1960): Dt r —ðÞ¼ 0 rv 0 [133] DCT 0 0 r ¼ rgaugT + — k— T + T + t : —v + rH [135] The anelastic approximation is sometimes called small Dt

Mach number approximation. However, the anelastic approx- where ug is the velocity along g. imation really requires not only a small M but also a small In the anelastic liquid approximation, CP and CV are equal, as 2 M Pr/Ra (Bercovici et al., 1992). A planet could have a very low well as KS and KT (their relative difference is G0a0 DTna 1 42 Physics of Mantle Convection according to eqn [85]); we thus simply label the heat capacity proposed by Haskell (1937), is given with a unanimity that and incompressibility as C and K. hides very large uncertainties and most probably a large geographic variability. The mantle viscosity and its depth Nondimensionalization dependence can be constrained by postglacial rebound, To nondimensionalize the equations, we perform the change geoid, true polar wander, change of flattening of the Earth, of variables and parameters and plate force balance models or extrapolated from laboratory measurements. An increase of viscosity with depth, either one a u 0 0 u x, u, t, P0, T0, t ! aex,u eu, et, 0 s Pe , DT Te , 0 S et or two orders of magnitudes, is likely, with an asthenosphere s u a na a s [136] significantly less viscous (1019 Pa s) at least under oceanic 1 e e e —, r, a, C, K, k, g ! —, r re, a ea, C C, K Ke, k k, g ge 22 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 plates and a probably around 10 Pa s (see details in Section It is impossible to give justice to 2 △ where vs is the Stokes velocity a g0r0a0 Tna/ 0. We obtain the all the papers on this subject, but some geodynamic estimates nondimensionalized fluid anelastic equations: of mantle viscosity can be found in, for example, Peltier —ðÞrev ¼ 0 (1989), Sabadini and Yuen (1989), Lambeck and Johnston (1998), and Ricard et al. (1993a). Whatever the value of the RaDv P re ¼re— + —t reegeaT real viscosity, the ratio Ra/Pr is so small that inertia plays no Pr Dt re role in the mantle and the left side of the momentum equation ee DCT 1 e in the anelastic approximation [137] can safely be set to zero re ¼ reegeau D T + — k— Te + T Dt g 0 Ra (see numerical values in Table 1). 2 t : — 1 e r0Ha + D0 v + r D [137] Ra k0 Tna Boussinesq approximation For simplicity, we only kept the tilde sign on the reference As was expected from Section, where we had shown nondimensionalized profiles, and we omitted the tilde and that the dissipation and the adiabatic terms balance each other the primes on all the other quantities. In the momentum in a statistical steady-state regime, these terms are proportional equation, the nondimensionalized stress tensor in the Newto- to the same dissipation number D0. Although D0 is not so nian case (without bulk viscosity) is small, most of the physics of mantle convection, except for the additional adiabatic temperature gradient, is captured with 2 t ¼ e —v + ½—v t e—v [138] models where D0 is arbitrarily set to zero. The Boussinesq 3 approximation captures most of the mantle dynamics due to D The formalism is already so heavy that we have not the fact that a huge Tna is maintained across the top and included the self-gravitational term. This term is not negligible bottom boundary layers. The other sources and sinks of energy at long wavelengths (see Section To account for and density anomaly (viscous dissipation and adiabatic heat- this term, we should have added on the right side of momen- ing) are therefore always small (Bercovici et al., 1992; e tum equation of [137] a term re—c. where the perturbed Glatzmaier, 1988; Jarvis and Mckenzie, 1980; Tackley, 1996). ¼ gravitational potential due to the departure of the density In the Boussinesq approximation, D0 0, the reference from the reference profile satisfies Poisson’s equation: density and temperature as well as the heat capacity and the thermal expansivity become constants (according to eqn [123], r 1 D 0 0 re e re ðÞ= eÞ —2 e ¼ e 0 0 e T D0T and r D0 G0 r ). The nonadiabatic tempera- c 3r< > e P aT [139] r K G0 ture increase DTna becomes simply the total temperature increase DT. This approximation is of course excellent for where is the average density of the Earth. laboratory-scale experiments where effectively D0 1. The EoS [130] indicates that the density variations due to pressure Dimensionless numbers are D /G smaller than those due to temperature and are The ratio Ra/Pr is also called the Grashof number 0 0 3 2 therefore negligible and the fluid dynamics equations become Gr¼a0g0 DTnaa /n0 (Grashof, 1826–93). Introducing the Stokes velocity vS, eqn [110], this number can also be written rv ¼ 0 as vSa/n0 and could be called the Reynolds number, Re, of the RaDv ¼—P + — e —v + ½—v t egT flow (Reynolds, 1842–1912). Using one or the other names Pr Dt [140] depends on the quantities that are best known. For example, if hi DT 1 e 1 r Ha2 the velocity V is a parameter imposed by a boundary condi- ¼ — k—T + 0 0 Dt Ra Ra k DT tion, using it to perform the nondimensionalization and char- 0 acterizing the system by the Reynolds number V0a/n0 would be Here again, as in the mantle, Gr¼Ra/Pr1, the inertia in more natural than using the Grashof number. If a thermal the momentum equation [140] can be neglected. The self- e e structure is imposed by a velocity boundary condition (e.g., gravitational term re—c should be added to the momentum by the thickening of the oceanic lithosphere with age), it would equation (second equation of eqn [140]) for large-scale simu- seem natural to introduce a Pe´clet number V0a/k0 (Pe´clet, lations, the gravitational potential being solution of eqn [139] 1793–1857), which is nothing more than the Rayleigh number where only the thermal part of the density variation needs to be of the flow if the velocity is imposed by the convection. taken into account. The Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers can be estimated in The nondimensionalized gravity eg, viscosity e, and thermal e e different ways. In fact, the only parameter difficult to know is conductivity k are often assumed constant (e.g., k ¼ e ¼ 1 and 21 e e the viscosity. In most textbooks, the value of 10 Pa s, first g ¼ eg, a constant unit vector), but they can be variable. The Physics of Mantle Convection 43 physical behavior of a large Rayleigh number is obvious in eqn stability analysis (see also Ribe, this volume). It consists of [140]. When Ra!1, and in the absence of heat sources, the substituting into the basic equations the known static solution temperature becomes a purely advected and conserved quan- plus an infinitely small perturbation and checking whether or tity, DT/Dt¼0. not this perturbation amplifies, decreases, or propagates. It is only when perturbations decrease in amplitude that the tested equilibrium is established to be stable. Internal heating To illustrate this analysis, we use the Boussinesq approxi- In the nondimensionalization, we assumed that the non- mation, with constant viscosity and conductivity, neglecting D adiabatic temperature Tna and the radioactive sources are inertia and without internal heating. The nondimensionalized two independent quantities. Of course, in the case where equations [140] yield the mantle is only heated from within, the excess tempera- ture is not a free parameter but must result from the heat —v ¼ 0 2 source and from the flow itself. In the nondimensionaliza- —P + — v Tez ¼ 0 D 2 [144] tion, we can replace Tna by r0 Ha /k0 in such a way that @T 1 + v—T ¼ —2T the radioactive heat source of the anelastic or Boussinesq @t Ra energy equations, [137] and [140],aresimply1/Ra.This choice requires the introduction of a somewhat different (e is the unit vector parallel to g). The steady diffusive nondi- Rayleigh number, the internally heated Rayleigh number z mensional temperature solution is T¼z, and we test a solution of (Roberts, 1967), the form T¼z+dT. The temperature boundary condition, T¼0 a Hr3g a5C0 on top and T¼1 at the bottom, requires that dT vanishes for z¼0 Ra ¼ 0 0 0 P [141] H 2 and z¼1. In static conductive state, the velocity is zero, thus the 0k0 velocity v induced by the perturbation dT will be infinitesimally small. In the nonlinear term, we can approximate v—T¼ Change of nondimensionalization v—(z+dT)uz. With this approximation, the equations are We use a Stokes velocity to nondimensionalize the equations. linear and we can find a solution in the form of a plane wave. We have therefore introduced a velocity V0 of order of For a fluid confined between z¼0 and z¼1 where the 1 ¼ 300 m year and a time a/V0 10000 year (see Table 1). temperature is imposed (i.e., where dT¼0) and unbounded This is certainly very fast and short compared with geologic in the x-direction, a solution, dT¼y(t) sin(pz) sin(kx), is appro- scales. Most physical and geophysical textbooks (e.g., Schubert priate and satisfies the boundary conditions. This solution is ¼ 2 et al., 2001) use instead a diffusive time tD rCPa /k0 and 2-D, has a single mode in the z-direction, and is periodic in x velocity a/tD. This is perfectly valid, but Table 1 shows that with wavelength l¼2p/k. More complex patterns could be ¼ the diffusive time and velocity amount to tD 400 byr and tried but the mode we have chosen would destabilize first ¼ 6 1 VD 7 10 m year . These values would on the contrary (see Ribe, this volume). It is then straightforward to deduce be very slow and long compared with geologic scales. that for such a thermal anomaly, the energy equation imposes A nondimensionalization using a diffusive timescale leads to a vertical velocity the anelastic equations ðÞ2 2 u ¼ _ k + p ðÞ ðÞ —ðÞ¼rev 0 z y + y sin pz sin kx [145] Ra 1 Dv P re ¼re— + —t RareegeaT Pr Dt re From mass conservation and assuming top and bottom e 2 DCT e D0 r Ha re ¼ reegeaD u T + — k— Te + T + t : —v + 0 [142] free-slip conditions, the x-component of the velocity must be Dt 0 g Ra k DT 0 na p _ ðÞk2 + p2 and the Boussinesq equations u ¼ y + y cosðÞpz cosðÞkx [146] x k Ra —ðÞ¼v 0 When the velocity and the temperature are introduced in 1 Dv ¼—P + —t RaegT the momentum equations, the pressure eliminated, the time Pr Dt evolution of the temperature perturbation is found 2 DT ¼ — e— r0Ha ! k T + [143] 2 ðÞ2 2 Dt k0DT _ k p + k y ¼ y [147] ðÞ2 2 2 Ra Notice that the Ra number appears in different places than p + k in eqns [137] and [140]. Of course, after their appropriate For any wave number k, a small enough Rayleigh number _ changes of variables, the dimensional solutions are the same. corresponds to a stable solution, y=y < 0. When the Rayleigh number is increased, the temperature perturbation with wave number k becomes unstable at the threshold Rayleigh number Linear Stability Analysis for Basally Heated Convection ðÞp2 + k2 3 Ra ¼ [148] k2 To understand why the static conductive solution is not neces- sarily the solution chosen by the system, one can test the This Ra(k) curve is plotted in Figure 3. This curve has a stability of a static state. This is what physicists call a study of minimum when 44 Physics of Mantle Convection

107 higher Rayleigh number. The color scale has been chosen differently in each panel to emphasize the thermal structures that decrease in length scale with Ra. This view is somewhat misleading since all the thermal anomalies become confined Unstable in a top cold boundary layer and in a hot bottom one at large 105 Rayleigh numbers. Most of the interior of the cell becomes just isothermal (or adiabatic when anelastic equations are used). The various transitions of convection as the Rayleigh number Stable increases will be discussed in other chapters of this treatise (see Chapters 7.03, 7.04, 7.05). 3 Stable Rayleigh Number 10 657 critical Rayleigh 7.02.5 Introduction to Physics of Multicomponent critical aspect ratio and Multiphase Flows 101 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 The mantle is not a simple homogeneous material. It is made Size of the convection cell π/k of grains of variable bulk composition and mineralogy and contains fluids, , and dissolved volatiles. Discussion of Figure 3 Critical Rayleigh number as a function of the half wavelength p/k (the size of the convection cells). Above this curve, convection occurs multicomponent and multiphase flows could deal with with a whole range of unstable wavelengths. Below this curve, the solids, liquids, or gases; include compressibility or not; and conductive temperature is stable since temperature perturbations of any consider elastic, viscous, or more complex rheology. For each wavelength decrease. When the Rayleigh number is increased, the firstpffiffiffi combination of these characteristics, a geophysical applica- unstable wavelength corresponds to a convection cell of aspect ratio 2 tion is possible. Here, we will restrict the presentation to and a critical Rayleigh number of 657. viscous creep models (i.e., without inertia), where the various components are treated with continuous variables (i.e., each component is implicitly present everywhere). We do not con- sider approaches where the various components are separated

p 27 4 by moving and deformable interfaces. Our presentation k ¼ pffiffiffi, Rac ¼ p 657 [149] 2 4 excludes cases where the problem is to match properties at macroscopic interfaces between regions of different but What can be interpreted as the size of one convective cell is p/k homogeneous compositions. since one wavelength corresponds to two counterrotatingpffiffiffi cells. We will focus on two cases. The first will be when all the The critical cell has an aspect ratio, width over height, of 2. components are perfectly mixed in variable proportions. This A Rayleigh number of 657 is the critical Rayleigh number corresponds to the classical chemical approach of multiple for the onset of convection in a layer heated from below with components in a solution. This will provide some tools to > free-slip boundary conditions. As soon as Ra Rac, there is a understand mantle phase transitions and the physics of wave number interval over which convection begins. Of chemical diffusion and mixing. We will be rather formal course, when convection grows in amplitude, the marginal and refer to other chapters of this treatise for the applications stability solution becomes less and less pertinent as the and illustrations (e.g., Parmentier and Tackley, this volume). — — assumption that v dT v z becomes invalid. The existence Our goal is to explain why and when the advection–diffusion of a critical Rayleigh number and its value, here obtained from equation can be used in mantle dynamics. The irreversible a marginal stability analysis, have also been obtained in a more thermodynamics of multicomponent flows is discussed in general case, where finite amplitude perturbations (instead of various classical books (e.g., de Groot and Mazur, 1984; infinitesimal ones) are added to the stationary solution. Below Haase, 1990). However, as usual with geophysical flows, the the critical Rayleigh number, any finite perturbation can be mantle has many simplifications and a few complexities that shown to decay eventually to zero (e.g., Joseph, 1966). are not necessarily well documented in these classical textbooks. The second case will be for two-phase flows in which the Road to Chaos two phases are separated by physical interfaces that are highly In Cartesian geometry, when the Rayleigh number reaches its convolved and with spatial characteristics much smaller than critical value, convection starts and forms rolls. When the the typical size of geodynamic models. This is typically the case Rayleigh number is further increased, complex series of con- where magma can percolate through a compacting matrix (see vection patterns can be obtained, first stationary, then periodic, also Dingwell, vol. 2). This approach was used to model melt and finally chaotic (see Chapter 7.03). Using the values of extraction and core–mantle interaction (McKenzie, 1984; Scott Table 1, the critical Rayleigh number of the mantle would be and Stevenson, 1984). Magma migration has also been treated attained for a nonadiabatic temperature difference between the in a large number of publications where solid and magma are surface and the CMB of only 0.025 K. The mantle Rayleigh considered as separated in studies of dike propagation through number is several orders of magnitude higher than critical hydraulic fracturing (e.g., Lister and Kerr, 1991) or where and the mantle is in a chaotic state of convection. fusion is parameterized in some way (e.g., Choblet and Figure 4 shows a stationary convection pattern at Ra¼105 Parmentier, 2001; Ito et al., 1999). We do not discuss these and three snapshots of numerical simulation of convection at latter approaches. Physics of Mantle Convection 45

Figure 4 Convection patterns of a fluid heated from below at Rayleigh number 105,106,107, and 108. The temperature color bars range from 0 (top boundary) to 1 (bottom boundary). The Boussinesq approximation was used (numerical simulations by F. Dubuffet). The increase in Rayleigh number corresponds to a decrease of the boundary layerp thicknessesffiffiffi and the width of plumes. Only in the case of the lowest Rayleigh number (top left) is the convection stationary with cells of aspect ratio 2 as predicted by marginal stability. For higher Rayleigh number, the patterns are highly time-dependent.

P Fluid Dynamics of Multicomponent Flows f r vi v ¼ i i [152] in Solution b r Mass conservation in a multicomponent solution The average mass conservation can be obtained by sum- If we want to study the evolution of major or trace element ming the equations of component conservation [150], concentration in the convecting mantle, we can consider the @r mantle, instead of a homogeneous fluid, as a solution of + rðÞ¼rv 0 [153] @t b variousP components i in volumetric proportions fi (with ifi ¼1) having the densities ri and velocities vi (and later, since the sum of the rates of mass production is zero: thermal expansivities a and heat capacities Ci ...). X i p ¼ Using a mass balance very similar to what we had discussed Gi 0 [154] for a homogeneous fluid, we obtain a mass conservation equa- i tion of the form In equation [150], instead of the various component velocities v , we can introduce the barycentric velocity v and @ðÞf r i b i i + —ðÞ¼f r v G [150] the diffusive flux of the component i with respect to this @t i i i i average flow, where G is the rate of mass production of component i. This i @ðÞ rate of mass production is zero if no reactions produce the firi —ðÞ¼— + firivb Ji + Gi [155] component i. @t In the fluid, the average density is where we define the diffusive flux, J ,by X i ¼ ¼ ðÞ r firi [151] Ji firi vi vb [156] i By definition of the barycentric velocity eqn [152], the and various average velocities can be defined (weighted by the diffusive flows sum to zero: mass, the volume, the number of moles, etc., of each compo- X nent i). In this section, we introduce the barycentric velocity, vb Ji ¼ 0 [157] (velocity of the center of mass), defined by i 46 Physics of Mantle Convection

X H X X Diffusive transport of mass is nothing more than the advec- D i ¼— —H DP H firi q Ji i + Gi i tive transfer by component velocities relative to the average i Dt i Dt i barycentric velocity. We will show later in simple cases that + t : rv + rH [162] the diffusive fluxes are driven by concentration gradients (de b

Groot and Mazur, 1984; Haase, 1990; Woods, 1975). where Hi are the component enthalpies ¼ = If we introduce the mass fraction Ci firi r (in kg of i P per kg of mixture), we can easily show from eqns [153] and Hi ¼Ui + [163] [155] that ri DC The enthalpy variation for each component i can be r i ¼—J + G [158] Dt i i expressed as a function of the state variables P and T. According to eqn [60], we can write for each component where the Lagrangian derivative is defined with the barycentric DH DT DP velocity, r i ¼ r Ci +1ðÞ a T [164] i Dt i p Dt i Dt D @ ¼ + v — [159] Dt @t b Finally, the expression for the temperature evolution is X X DT DP rCp ¼—q Ji—Hi + aT GiHi Dt i Dt i Momentum and energy in a multicomponent + t : —v + rH [165] solution b In our multicomponent solution, all constituents are present at whereP the average heat capacityP and thermal expansivity are ¼ i = ¼ each point, and they are all locally submitted to the same Cp ifiriCp r and a ifiai. pressure and stresses. We assume that the viscous stress is Compared to the homogeneous case [38], two new heat simply related to vb and we neglect inertia as appropriate for source terms areP present, the enthalpy exchange through chem- H the mantle. Newton’s second law (here, simply the balance of ical reactions, iGi Pi, and the enthalpy redistribution by —H forces) can be applied to the barycenter and implies component diffusion, iJi i. —t —P + rg ¼ 0 [160] where the only force is due to the (constant) gravity. The Entropy conservation in a multicomponent momentum equation thus remains identical to that of a fluid solution with uniform composition and without inertia (eqn [16]). Entropy conservation is essential for deriving the expressions Since there is only one momentum equation for i compo- of the diffusive fluxes. The general expression of entropy con- nents, the i1 other velocity equations will be found by using servation [7] is the constraints of the laws of thermodynamics and in particu- X @ðÞS lar the positivity of the entropy source. To derive the energy firi i ¼—JS + HS [166] conservation, we perform the standard balance to account for @ i t Pall the energy exchanges in a volume O and across its surface . Instead of the one component equation [30], we have to where JS and HS are the yet unknown entropy flux and source. sum up various contributions and we get The entropy of the various components takes into account !their specific entropies as well as their configurational entro- X X X @ðÞf r U pies or mixing entropies due to the dispersion of the compo- i i i ¼— f r U v + P f v + q tv @ i i i i i i b nent i in the solution. Introducing the barycentric velocities i t i i X and the diffusive fluxes, this equation can be recast as + g firivi + rH [161] ! i X S X X D i ¼ — S S firi firi ivb + iJi JS In this expression, we recognize the temporal changes in i Dt i i energy (U is the internal energy per unit mass of component i i S —S and the kinetic energies are neglected), the bulk energy flux, the + HS iGi Ji i [167] pressure work, the thermal diffusion, the viscous stress work, However, a second expression of the entropy conservation the gravityP work, and the radioactivity production can be obtained from the enthalpy conservation, [162]: using rH ¼ f r Hi . The various fi come from the assumption i i i dHi ¼ TdSi + VidP, which, in our case, can be expressed as that each component i isP present in proportion fi in both the H S volume O and its surface . We assume that thermal diffusion D i ¼ D i DP ri riT + [168] acts equally for each component and that the surface work of Dt Dt Dt the stress tensor is only related to the barycentric velocity. we derive Using the definition of the barycentric velocity [152], of the X S X X diffusive fluxes [156], and of the momentum conservation D i ¼— —H H t : — P firiT q Ji i Gi i + vb + rH [160] and using ifi ¼1, the energy expression can be sim- i Dt i i plified to [169] Physics of Mantle Convection 47

t A comparison of the two expressions for the entropy con- ðÞu t t M + M THS ¼ X MX ¼ X X [176] servation, [167] and [169], allows us to identify the total 2 entropy flux According to the second law of thermodynamics, the X X symmetrical part of the matrix M,(M+Mt)/2, must be positive ¼ q S S JS + vb firi i + iJi [170] definite, that is, the right-hand side of equation [176] must be T i i positive for any vectors X. and the entropy sources At microscopic scale, a process and its reverse occur at the ! same rate. A consequence, known as the Onsager reciprocal X X X ¼ q S — — relations, is the existence of symmetry or antisymmetry THS + iJi T Ji mi Gimi T i i i between mij and mji (Onsager, 1903–76). A general discussion can be found in, for example, de Groot and Mazur (1984) or + t : —v + rH [171] b Woods (1975). When the forces are independent of the veloc- ¼H S ¼ where we introduced the chemical potentials mi i T i. ities, the matrix M must be symmetrical, mij mji. The total entropy flux, eqn [170], is related to thermal diffu- In the general case, the transport of heat by concentration sion and to advection and chemical diffusion of component gradients (the Dufour effect (Dufour, 1832–92)) or the trans- entropies. port of concentration by temperature gradients (the Soret effect In eqn [171], the gradients of chemical potential and tem- (Soret, 1827–90)) is possible. In many situations, these cross perature are not independent as the chemical potential gradi- effects are small and we will assume that the matrix M does not ents implicitly include the temperature gradient, so that couple thermal and compositional effects (the last row and alternative expressions can be found. For example, we can column of M are zero except for mqq/T¼k, the thermal introduce the gradient of m at constant temperature —Tm as conductivity). Even without coupling between thermal and compositional — ¼ — S — T mi mi + i T [172] effects, chemical diffusion in a multicomponent system which leads to remains difficult to discuss in the most general case (the pos- X X itive definiteness of a symmetrical matrix is not a very strong ¼1 — — t : — constraint). We therefore restrict our study to a simple two- THS q T Ji T mi Gimi + vb + rH [173] T i i component system where This last equation has the advantage of separating the tem- — J1 ¼ m11 m12 T m1 r — [177] perature contribution, T, from the compositional contribu- J2 m21 m22 T m2 tion, rTmi (rTmi varies mostly with composition as composition can change over very short distances; however, For such a simple case, the sum of the fluxes must cancel this term is also related to pressure variations) (see de Groot (see eqn [157]), and since the Onsager relations impose the and Mazur, 1984). symmetry of the matrix, the coefficients mij must verify

m11 + m21 ¼ m12 + m22 ¼ m12 m21 ¼ 0 [178] ¼ Advection–diffusion equation and reaction rates Only one coefficient, for example, m m11, can be freely Among the entropy sources, only terms involving similar ten- chosen, and the fluxes can be written as sorial ranks can be coupled in an isotropic medium, according ¼ — ðÞ J1 m T m2 m1 to the Curie principle. The positivity of the entropy production [179] J ¼ m— ðÞm m [173] imposes three conditions, coupling tensors, vectors, and 2 T 1 2 scalars: and the second law requires m>0. If the component 1 is in — X X small quantity (the solute) and the component 2 is in large t : — > T — > > vb 0, q Ji T mi 0 Gimi 0 [174] quantity (the solvent, with —T(m2)¼0), we can easily track the T i i evolution of solute concentration C1. Its chemical diffusion ¼ — The first term relates tensors and we have already discussed flux is J1 m Tm1, and according to eqn [158], its its implications for the rheology in Section concentration The second term relates vectors and we assume, in agree- @C ment with the general principle of nonequilibrium thermody- r + vb—C ¼ —ðÞm—T m [180] @t namics (de Groot and Mazur, 1984), that a phenomenological matrix M relates the thermodynamic fluxes J¼J1 ...Ji ...q to where the subscript 1 has been omitted and the source term G1 the thermodynamic forces X¼—Tm1 ...—Tmi ...—T/T: neglected. 0 1 0 10 1 For a solute, the chemical potential is a standard chemical ... — J1 m11 m12 m1q T m1 B C B ... CB— C potential m0 plus a mixing term expressing the entropy gain BJ2 C ¼Bm21 m22 m2q CB T m2 C @...A @ ...... A@... A [175] (configurational entropy associated with the increased disor- der) made by dispersing the solute into the solvent, of the form q mq1 mq2 ... mqq —T=T RT log a(C) (for crystalline solids, the activity a(C) of the This linear relationship implies that the term of vectorial rank mixing term can be complex since it depends on the number ðÞu (with superscript u), in the entropy source, THS , appears as and multiplicity of crystallographic sites (Spear, 1993), but we 48 Physics of Mantle Convection just need to know that it is related to C). In a domain where the Groot and Mazur, 1984P). The enthalpy exchange termP of the H DH average density and the standard potential remain uniform, the energy equation [165] iGi i can also be written as jGj j, advection–diffusion equation is obtained: which represents the products of the reaction rates and the reaction enthalpies. Various phase changes take place in the @C + v —C ¼ —ðÞD—C [181] mantle, most notably at 410 and 660 km depth. Their effects @t b on mantle convection have been studied by various authors with a diffusion coefficient D ¼ m=rðÞ@m=@C most likely and will be discussed in Section T-dependent. The negative linear relationship between chemi- cal diffusion flux J (now in mol m 2 s 1) and concentration gradient J¼–DrC (with D in m2 s 1) is called the first Fick’s Conservation properties of the advection– law (Fick, 1829–1901). diffusion equation When a component is present in two domains separated by We now make the hypothesis that the evolution of concentra- a compositional interface, its standard chemical potential m0 is tion of a solute in the convective fluid is controlled by the generally discontinuous. In this case, the gradient of the chem- advection–diffusion equation [181] and that this solute is not ¼ ical potential at constant T, —Tm is a mathematical distribution involved in any chemical reaction, G 0. For simplicity, we — ¼ that contains a term —Tm0, infinite on the compositional inter- assume that the barycentric flow is incompressible ( vb 0,C face. This discontinuity drives an infinitely fast diffusion of the can therefore be a concentration per unit volume or per unit solute component across the interface until the equilibrium mass) and the diffusion coefficient D is a constant. The fluid and the continuity of the total chemical potential m0 +RT log and the solute cannot escape the domain O; the normal veloc- a(C) are restored. The concentration ratio of C (or partition ity and normal diffusive flux are thus zero on the boundariesP of ¼ — ¼ coefficient of C) must therefore verify the domain, that is, vb n 0 and D C nb 0 on the surface with normal vector n. ðÞ+ m + m aC ¼ 0 0 First, it is obvious that when integrated over the total ðÞ exp [182] aC RT domain O and with the divergence theorem, the advection– + diffusion equation [181] implies where m0 m0 ¼[m0] is the jump of standard potential across the interface. This equation corresponds to the general rule of ð ð d ¼ ðÞ — ¼ chemical equilibrium. P CdV Cvb D C dS 0 [186] dt O S The last entropy source in eqn [174], iGimi, relates two scalars (production rates and chemical potentials). In a mix- The initial heterogeneity does not disappear, it is just redis- ture of i components involving k stable atomic species, the tributed through time. conservation of these atomic species implies that only r¼ik To understand how the heterogeneity is redistributed, we j linearly independent reactions exist. Let ni be the stoichiomet- can express the evolution of the concentration variance. The 2 ric coefficient of the component i in the jth¼(1...r) chemical variance is related to C2 C where C is the average concentra- 2 reaction with reaction rate, Gj. We can express Gi as tion. We can get an evolution equation for C by multiplying X eqn [181] by 2C and we get after some algebra j Gi ¼ n Gj [183] i DC2 j¼1...r ¼ D—2C2 2Dj—Cj2 [187] Dt and the second law imposes This expression when integrated over the closed volume O X X implies that G jm j ni i 0 [184] ð ð j¼1...r i d C2 dV ¼2D j—Cj2 dV [188] The positivity of the entropy source is satisfied if the kinetic dt O O ¼ ... rates of the jth 1 r chemical reactionP are proportional to Since the right side is always negative, the variance must D ¼ j their chemical affinities, Gj inimi, with positive reac- continuously decrease until j—Cj¼0, which corresponds to a R tion rate factors j: state of complete homogenization. If the initial concentration is C¼1 in some domain and Gj ¼RjDGj [185] C¼0 elsewhere, a perfect homogenization is achieved after a D ¼ In the case of exact thermodynamic equilibrium, Gi 0, time t if the concentration is everywhere C ¼ C, the average the reaction rate vanishes and the second law is of course concentration. Since the average mixing rate is proportional to satisfied. the diffusion D, eqn [188], we note, however, that a non- Chemical reaction rates are however very rarely simply diffusive flow does not homogenize at all. A nondiffusive R proportional to the affinities and the j are likely some com- flow just stirs the heterogeneities. When there is no diffusion, plex, but positive, functions of P, T and concentrations Ci. the initial heterogeneity is stirred and stretched, but the local Indeed, in the context of chemical reactions, the kinetics of concentrations remain, for all time, either C¼1orC¼0, but reactions are often approximated by phenomenological laws never an intermediate value (see Figure 5) based on the law of mass action rather than on affinities (e.g., In the case of the Earth’s mantle, the solid-state diffusion D the reaction rates are rather related to exp(– Gj/RT) 1 than coefficients are all very low (see Table 2), and many studies D to – Gj (see Lasaga, 1998; Rudge et al., 2011)). have totally neglected chemical diffusion. We see, at face value, D In the same way as we defined the affinityP Gj of the that these models are not really homogenizing, only stirring DH ¼ jH reaction j, we can define its enthalpy j ini i (see de the heterogeneities. Without diffusion, a chemical Physics of Mantle Convection 49 heterogeneity (e.g., a piece of subducted oceanic crust) will this behavior in the next two subsections by choosing a simple forever remain the same petrologic heterogeneity, and only expression for the strain rate and computing the evolution of its shape will change. concentration through time. Since the mixing rate is related to the compositional gradi- ent [188], we should discuss the evolution of this gradient. We Laminar and turbulent stirring multiply eqn [181] by the operator 2—C— to obtain The efficiency of mixing, mostly controlled by stirring, is there-

2 hi fore related to the ability of the flow to rapidly reduce the Dj—Cj 2 ¼2—C«_ —C +2D —r2C—C r2C [189] thickness of heterogeneities (Olson et al., 1984). In this Dt section, we set aside diffusion and discuss the stirring proper- which can be integrated as ties of a flow (see also Tackley, this volume). Let us consider a ð ð ð vertical piece of heterogeneity of width 2d0 and height 2l0 d 2 2 2 _ _ j—Cj dV ¼2 —C«_ —CdV 2D r C dV [190] (l0 d0) in a simple shear flow ux ¼ «z, with constant «. Its dt O O O top and bottom ends are at (0, l0) and (0, –l0) and they will be The rate of gradient production is related to the flow prop- advected to ðÞ«_ tl0,l0 , ðÞ«_ tl0, l0pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiafter a time t. As the hetero- 2 2 erties through the strain rate tensor «_ and to the diffusion. The geneity length increases as 2l0 1+«_ t , mass conservation diffusion term is negative and decreases the sharpness of com- implies that its half width d(t) decreases as positional gradients. d The term related to the flow properties through the strain dtðÞ¼pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi0 [191] _ 2 2 tensor (first term of the right side of eqn [190]) could in 1+« t principle be either positive or negative. However, as time On the contrary, in a pure shear flow, uz ¼ dz=dt ¼ z«_ with evolves, this term must become positive. The strain rate tensor constant «_ , the length of the heterogeneity would increase as has locally three principal axes and three principal strain rates, l ¼ l0expðÞ«_ t and its width would shrink as the sum of them being zero since the flow is incompressible. ðÞ¼ ðÞ _ The stretched heterogeneities become elongated along the dt d0exp «t [192] direction of the maximum principal strain rate and the con- centration gradients reorient themselves along the minimum, and negative, principal strain rate. The term under the first Table 2 Homogenization times for helium and uranium assuming integral on the right side of eqn [190] is thus of the order of ¼ 2 a heterogeneity of initial thickness 2d0 7 km and a strain rate of jj«_ jj— «_ + min C ( min is the local, negative eigenvalue of the 510 16 s 1 strain rate tensor). Stirring is thus the source of production of concentration gradient (see Figure 5). Uranium Helium We can now understand the interplay between advection 2 1 19 13 and diffusion. Even when the diffusion coefficient D is vanish- D (m s )10 10 13 7 ingly small in eqn [190], the stirring of the flow by convection t0 (Ma) 3.88 10 3.88 10 t (Ma) 3.60105 3.60103 will enhance the concentration gradients until the average L t (Ma) 1575 699 diffusion term, proportional to the square of concentration T gradients, will become large enough (see eqn [188]), for a The diffusion coefficients for U and He are from Hofmann and Hart (1978) and Trull rapid decrease of the concentration variance. We illustrate and Kurtz (1993).

Figure 5 An initial heterogeneity (top) is introduced at t¼0 into a time-dependent convection cell. Without diffusion, D¼0 (bottom left), the heterogeneity is stirred by convection and then stretched on the form of thin ribbons. However, the variance of the heterogeneity concentration remains constant. It is only with diffusion, D6¼0 (bottom right), that a real homogenization occurs with a decrease of the heterogeneity variance. 50 Physics of Mantle Convection

_ Such a flow is said to induce turbulent stirring. This is dtðÞ u ¼ x [196] unfortunate terminology because turbulent stirring can occur x dtðÞ in a creeping flow with Re¼0. Mantle convection is not turbu- ¼ _ðÞ lent but it generates turbulent stirring. (each side of the stripe, at x d(t) moves at dt). e¼ = ðÞ Chaotic mixing flows have globally turbulent stirring We can choose as a new space variable x xd0 dt, in such e properties and the qualitative idea that highly time- a way that the Lagrangian coordinate x will vary between the dependent convection with high Rayleigh number mixes fixed values d0 and d0. The diffusion equation becomes more efficiently than low Rayleigh number convection is @C d 2 @2C often true (Coltice and Schmalzl, 2006; Schmalzl et al., ¼ D 0 [197] @t e dtðÞ @e2 1996). However, steady 3-D flows can also induce turbulent x x mixing. This surprising phenomenon called Lagrangian chaos where the partial time derivative is now computed at constant is well illustrated for some theoretical flows (Dombre et al., ex. We see that the advection–diffusion equation has been 1986) and for various simple flows (Ottino, 1989; Toussaint turned into a pure diffusive equation where the diffusivity D et al., 2000). For example, in a steady flow under an oceanic 2 has been replaced by D(d0/d(t)) . This equivalent diffusivity is ridge offset by a transform , the mixing is turbulent larger than D and increases with time as d(t) decreases. (Ferrachat and Ricard, 1998). To solve analytically equation [197], it is appropriate to rescale the time variable by defining et ¼ FtðÞwith ð Diffusion in Lagrangian coordinates t 2 ðÞ¼ d0 Ft ðÞ du [198] In Section, we discussed the mixing properties from 0 du a Eulerian viewpoint. We can also understand the interplay between diffusion and stretching (stirring) by adopting a and the resulting advection–diffusion equation in Lagrangian Lagrangian viewpoint (Kellogg and Turcotte, 1987; Ricard coordinates becomes the simple diffusion equation with con- e e and Coltice, 2004), that is, by solving the advection–diffusion stant diffusivity where t and x are replaced by t and x. Its equations in a coordinate frame that follows the deformation. solution can be deduced from eqn [193]. For example, the concentration at the center of the deformable strip varies like Let us consider a strip of thickness 2d0 with an initial ! concentration C0 embedded in an infinite matrix of concentra- CðÞ0, t C1 d0 tion C1. In the absence of motion, the solution of the ¼ erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [199] ðÞ advection–diffusion equation [181] can be expressed using C0 C1 2 DF t the error function, and the time-dependent concentration and the concentration diminishes in amplitude by a factor of 2 C(x, t) is given by after a time t that satisfies ðÞ Cx, t C1 ¼ 1 d0pffiffiffiffiffiffix dp0 +ffiffiffiffiffiffix d2 erf + erf [193] FtðÞ 0 [200] C0 C1 2 2 Dt 2 Dt D where x is a coordinate perpendicular to the strip and is zero at To perform a numerical application, let us consider that the its center. flow is either a simple shear, eqn [191], or a pure shear defor- The concentration at the center of the strip (x¼0) is mation, eqn [192]. Computing F(t) from equation [198] is _ straightforward and, assuming «t 1, we get from eqn [200] CðÞ0, t C1 d the homogenization times ¼ erf p0ffiffiffiffiffiffi [194] C0 C1 2 Dt 1=3 2=3 3 d0 tL = [201] and the concentration decreases by a factor of about 2 in the «_ 2 3D1=3 diffusive time and d2 2 _ 0 1 d0« t0 [195] t log [202] D T «_ D (erf (1/2) is not far from 1/2). The time needed to homogenize for the laminar and turbulent case, respectively. For the same a 7 km thick piece of oceanic crust introduced into a motion- oceanic crust of initial thickness 7 km, we get homogenization less mantle is extremely long (see Table 2); even the relatively times of about 0.70 byr for He and 1.57 byr for U if we use the mobile helium would be frozen in place since the Earth formed pure shear mechanism and assume rather arbitrarily that 16 1 as it would only have migratedpffiffi around 50 cm. «_ ¼ 5 10 s (this corresponds to a typical plate velocity However, this idea of a t diffusion is faulty since the flow of 7 cm year 1 over a plate length of 5000 km). Although He stirs the heterogeneity and increases compositional gradients and U have diffusion coefficients 6 orders of magnitude apart, (see eqn [190]), which in turn accelerates the mixing process their residence times in a piece of subducted oceanic crust only (e.g., eqn [188]). Assuming that the problem remains two- differ by a factor 2 (see Table 2). dimensional enough so that diffusion only occurs perpendicular The use of tracers to simulate the evolution of chemical _ to the deforming heterogeneity, let d(t) with time derivative dtðÞ properties in the mantle is our best method since solid-state be half the thickness of the strip containing a chemical hetero- diffusion is too slow to be efficiently accounted for in a numer- geneity. The velocity perpendicular to the strip would locally be ical simulations (e.g., Tackley and Xie, 2002; van Keken et al., at first order 2002). However, by using tracers, we do not necessarily take Physics of Mantle Convection 51

ð ð into account that some of them may represent points that have ¼ 1 e ðÞ ¼ 1 ðÞ e fvf d yvf dV,1f vm d 1 y vm dV [204] been stretched so much that their initial concentration anom- V dV V dV alies have completely diffused into the background. In other words, even if diffusion seems negligible, diffusion will erase all heterogeneities after a finite time that is mostly controlled Mass conservation for matrix and fluid by the stirring properties of the flow. Having defined the average quantities, the derivation of the two mass conservation equations is fairly standard (Bercovici et al., 2001a; McKenzie, 1984). They are Fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flows @ D f —½¼G @ + fvf [205] Up to now, in all of Section, all components were mixed t rf in a single phase. However, another important geophysical appli- @f DG cation occurs when the multicomponents belong to different —½¼ðÞ @ + 1 f vm [206] phases. This case can be illustrated with the dynamics of partial t rm melt in a deformable compacting matrix. Partial melts are obvi- We get the same equations as in eqn [150] except that we ously present under ridges and hot spots, but they may also be refer to f,1f, and DG instead of f1, f2, and G1. When present in the middle and deep mantle (Bercovici and Karato, averaged, the mass conservation equations of two separated 2003; Williams and Garnero, 1996) and they were certainly more phase take the same form as the mass conservation equations frequent when the Earth was younger (Labrosse et al., 2007). We of the two components in a solution. discuss the situation where two phases, fluid and matrix, can We define an average and a difference quantity for any interact. In contrast to Section, where the proportion general variable, q,by and velocity of each component in solution were defined every- ¼ ðÞ D ¼ where at a microscopic level, in a partial melt aggregate, the local q fqf +1 f qm, q qm qf [207] velocity at a microscopic level is either the velocity of a matrix The velocity v is volume-averaged and is different from e e grain, vm, or the interstitial velocity of the melt, vf . the barycentric velocity (eqn [152]), We assume that the two phases are individually ¼ ðÞðÞ = ¼ ðÞ D D = homogeneous and incompressible (various extensions of this vb frf vf +1 f rmvm r u + f 1 f u r r theory are possible, for compressible phases (e.g., Bercovici By combining the fluid and matrix mass conservation and Michaut, 2010; Michaut et al., 2013)), when one phase equations, we get the total mass conservation equation is void (e.g., Bercovici and Ricard, 2003; Ricard and Bercovici, 2003) and when one phase is only manifested by its surface @r + —ðÞ¼rv 0 [208] energy (e.g., Hier-Majumder et al., 2006). They have densities @t b r and r and Newtonian rheologies with viscosities and . f m f m (as before, eqn [153]) and the time rate of change in volume They are isotropically mixed and connected. Their volume during melting fractions are f (the porosity) and 1f. The rate of magma melting or freezing is DG (in kg m 3 s 1). Although the two Dr —v ¼ DG [209] phases have very different physical properties, we will require rf rm the equations to be material-invariant until we need to use numerical values. This means that swapping f and m, f and D D 1 f, and G and G must leave the equations unchanged. Momentum conservation of matrix and fluid This rule is both a physical requirement and a strong guidance Total momentum conservation, that is, the balance of the in establishing the general equations (Bercovici et al., 2001a). forces applied to the mixture, is We make the hypothesis that there is a mesoscopic size of volume dV, which includes enough grains and interstitial fluid —t—P + rg ¼ 0 [210] that averaged and continuous quantities can be defined. Classi- We have considered that the only force is due to gravity, cal fluid dynamics also has its implicit averaging volume dV that although surface tension between the two phases could also be must contain enough atoms that quantum effects are negligible, introduced (Bercovici and Ricard, 2003; Bercovici et al., but what is needed here is a much larger volume. This averaging 2001a). In this equation, P,t, and r are the average pressure, approach remains meaningful because the geophysical macro- stress, and density, respectively. The equation is not surprising scopic phenomenon that we want to understand (say, melting and looks identical to its counterpart for a multicomponent under ridges) has characteristic sizes large compared to those of solution [160]. However, the average pressure and stresses the averaging volume (say, a few cm3)(Bear, 1988). P ¼ fP +1ðÞ f P and t¼ft +1ðÞ f t are now the sum To do the averaging, we define at microscopic level a func- f m f m of two separate contributions, from two separate phases having tion y that takes the value 1 in the interstitial fluid and the most likely very different rheologies and different pressures. value 0 in the matrix grain. Mathematically, this function is Hypothesizing that the two phases are subject to the same rather a distribution and it has a very convolved topology. pressure does not rest on any physical justification. It certainly From it, we can define first the porosity (volume fraction of cannot hold if surface tension is present as the Young–Laplace fluid) f and then the fluid and matrix averaged velocities, v f condition implies in the static case, a pressure difference and vm (Bercovici et al., 2001a), by ð between phases related to the curvature of their interface. We D ¼ 1 will show later that the pressure difference between phases P f d ydV [203] V dV controls the rate of porosity change. 52 Physics of Mantle Convection

We split the total momentum equation into two equations To summarize, general expressions for the equations of one for the fluid and one for the matrix: fluid and matrix momentum conservation are (Bercovici and Ricard, 2003) —½ —: t ¼ fPf + frf g + f f + hf 0 [211] ½— —: D D — ¼ f Pf rf g + ftf + c v + o P f 0 [216] —½ðÞ1 f Pm +1ðÞ f r g + —: ðÞ1 f t + hm ¼ 0 [212] m m ðÞ ½— —: ðÞ D ðÞ D — ¼ 1 f Pm rmg + 1 f tm c v +1 o P f 0 ¼ where hf and hm satisfy hf +hm 0 and represent the interac- [217] tion forces acting on the fluid and on the matrix, across the interfaces separating the two phases. Because of the complexi- The relationship between stress and velocities does not ties of the interfaces, these two interaction forces must be include an explicit bulk viscosity term (Bercovici et al., parameterized in some way. 2001a), and for each phase j, the deviatoric stress is simply The simplest contribution to the interfacial forces that pre- t 2 D ¼ t ¼ —vj + —vj —vjI [218] serves Galilean invariance is a Darcy-like term c v c(vm vf) j j 3 (Drew and Segel, 1971; McKenzie, 1984) (Darcy, 1803–58). The interaction coefficient c is related to permeability that is itself a where j stands for f or m. There is no difference in constitutive function of porosity (Bear, 1988). A symmetrical form compat- relations for the isolated component and the component in the ible with the usual Darcy term is (see Bercovici et al., 2001a) mixture. c ¼ f m [213] ðÞ n2 n2 k0 f 1 f + mf Energy conservation for two-phase flows n In the case where surface energy and entropy exist on where the permeability of the form k0f was used (this is often called the Kozeny–Carman law with n2–3 (Carman, 1939)). interfaces, the conservation of energy deserves more care (Bercovici and Ricard, 2003; Bercovici et al., 2001a; Hier- Assuming n¼2 and m f, the interaction coefficient Majumder et al., 2006; Sramek et al., 2007). Otherwise, the becomes a constant, c¼f/k0. In the absence of gravity and when the pressures are uni- global conservation is straightforward and can be expressed by form and equal, no motion should occur even in the presence the following equation where the left side represents the tem- of nonuniform porosity. In this situation where poral change of internal energy content in a fixed control D ¼ t ¼ t ¼ ¼ ¼ volume and the right side represents the different contribu- v f m 0 and where P is uniform, P Pf Pm, the tions to this change, namely, internal heat sources, loss of force balances are P—f+hf ¼P—(1f)+hm ¼0. Therefore, energy due to diffusion, advection of energy, and rate of work the interface forces hf and hm must also include Prf and Pr (1f) when the two pressures are equal. This led Bercovici of both surface and body forces, and Ricard (2003) to write the interaction terms as @ ½U ðÞ U ¼ — —½ U @ frf f +1 f rm m rH q frf f vf ¼ D — D — t hf c v +Pf f + o P f [214] ðÞ U — ðÞ +1 f rm mvm + fPf vf 1 f Pmvm + fvf t hm ¼cDv +Pm—ðÞ1 f +1ðÞ o DP—f f ðÞ ðÞ +1 f vm t + fvf rf g +1 f vm rmg [219] with 0o1. These expressions verify hf +hm ¼0, are m Galilean- and material-invariant, and allow equilibrium of a The last equation is manipulated in the standard way mixture with nonuniform porosity but uniform and equal using the mass and momentum equations. Because the two pressures (see also McKenzie, 1984). phases are incompressible, their internal energies are simply At microscopic level, the matrix–melt interfaces are not sharp dU ¼C dT and dU ¼C dT. After some algebra, we get discontinuities but correspond to layers (called ‘selvage’ layers) f f m m of disorganized atom distributions. The coefficient 0

In contrast to Section, it would not make much D f=Dt m m DP o ¼ 11 12 [229] sense to try to keep the equations in terms of an average DG m21 m22 Dm velocity like v plus some minor diffusion terms. Here, the b The matrix of phenomenological coefficients m is positive two components may have very different velocities (e.g., a ij definite and symmetrical by Onsager’s theorem, m ¼m (see weak downward compaction of the matrix with a fast upward 12 21 Sramek et al., 2007). For a 22 matrix, it is rather simple to migration of magma), and we have to define various material show that the positivity implies m >0, m >0, and derivatives. 22 11 m m m2 >0 (positivity of the determinant). Since o represents a partitioning of pressure jump, it is not 11 22 12 The form of the phenomenological coefficients mij can be surprising to find the velocity vo (included in Do/Dt) in the constrained through thought experiments. First, using mass work term related to this pressure jump. Associated with this conservations [205] and [206] and the definitions of v and partitioning factor, we can also introduce interface values, qo, o ro, [223] and [224], we can combine equations [229] to get that we will use later. Any quantity Dq¼qm qf can also be o o written as (q q )–(q q ). When the property jump is m22 m f DP ¼ ¼ 2 embedded entirely in the matrix (o 0), there should be no m11m22 m12 o ¼ jump within the fluid and we must have q qf. Reciprocally, ro m o ðÞ1 o ðÞ1 f —v of—v + 12 DG [230] when o¼1, we should have q ¼qm. This prompts us to define m f rf rm m22 interface values by In the limiting case where the two phases have the same o q ¼ ðÞ1 o qf + oqm [224] o density rf ¼rm ¼r , melting can occur with no motion, ¼ ¼ Notice in the expressions of the interface velocity v , eqn vm vf 0, and eqn [230] should therefore predict the equality o D ¼ [223], and interface value qo, eqn [224], that o and 1o are of pressure between phases, P 0. In this case, we must ¼ ¼ interchanged. choose m12/m22 1/rf 1/rm. Let us consider now a situation The right side of eqn [220] contains two new expressions in of homogeneous isotropic melting where the melt has such a addition to the usual terms (heat production, diffusion, and low viscosity that it cannot sustain viscous stresses and cannot deformational work). The first term includes the changes in interact with the solid by Darcy terms. For such an inviscid ¼ o ¼ ¼ porosity D f/Dt times the difference in pressures between melt, o 0, r rf and vo vm. In this case, since the melt can o r ¼ phases, DP. The other term contains the difference in the escape instantaneously, the matrix should not dilate, vm 0, and thus, the two pressures should also be the same, DP¼0. In specific enthalpies DH¼Hm Hf where the enthalpy of phase j is defined by H ¼U +P /r . A similar term was found for this situation, all the terms in eqn [230] are 0 except for the j j j j D components reacting in a solution [162]. term proportional to G. Thus, in the general case, m ro 12 ¼ [231] m22 r r Entropy production and phenomenological laws f m Entropy conservation is needed to constrain the pressure jump Using this condition and introducing two positive coeffi- ¼ 2 R¼ between phases and the melting rate. Starting from entropy cients, z m22/(m11m22 m12), and m22, we can recast eqn conservation and following Sramek et al. (2007) [229] as @ o Dof r ½S ðÞ S ¼— S S D ¼ D @ fr f +1 f rm m J + H [225] P z G [232] t Dt rf rm where JS is the total entropy flux and HS is the internal entropy ro production, we compare the energy and the entropy DG ¼ R Dm DP [233] r r equations [220] and [225] taking into account that, for each f m S ¼ ¼ U incompressible phase, d j Cj dT/T d j/T. After some alge- The first equation establishes a general relation controlling bra, one gets the pressure drop between phases. The coefficient z that links q the pressure jump between the two phases to the porosity JS ¼ fr S v +1ðÞ f r S v + [226] f f f m m m T changes in excess of the melting rate is in fact equivalent to a bulk viscosity as introduced in Section (see also the 1 Dof THS ¼ q—Τ DP + DmDG + C + rH [227] summary in Section The physical requirement T Dt that the two-phase mixture should have the incompressible where we have introduced the difference in chemical potentials properties of either the matrix or the fluid when f¼0or between the two phases f¼1 imposes a porosity dependence to z with limf!0z(f)¼ ¼ 1 Dm ¼ DHTDS [228] limf!1z(f) + . Simple micromechanical models (e.g., Bercovici et al., 2001a; Nye, 1953; Schmeling, 2000; Simpson D ¼S S and S m f is the change in specific entropies. et al., 2010b) allow us to estimate the bulk viscosity as Following the standard procedure of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, we choose q¼krT and we assume that ðÞ + z ¼ K f m [234] there is a linear relationship between the two thermody- 0 fðÞ1 f namic fluxes, Dof/Dt and DG, and the two thermodynamic forces DP and Dm since they have the same tensorial rank. The dimensionless constant K0 accounts for grain/pore We write geometry and is of O(1). 54 Physics of Mantle Convection

A more general, but more hypothetical, interpretation of the DP ¼zðÞ1 f —vm [241] entropy positivity could argue that some deformational work, if an equivalent bulk viscosity is used, or C, might affect the pressure drop of eqn [232].Thishypothesis — led to a two-phase damage theory developed in Bercovici and D ¼ vm P K0 m [242] Ricard (2003, 2005), Bercovici et al. (2001a,b),andRicard and f Bercovici (2003) (see also Bercovici et al., this volume). Here, we from the micromechanical model, eqn [234],ofBercovici et al. assume that the system remains close enough to mechanical (2001a) or of Simpson et al. (2010b). equilibrium that damage does not occur. The action–reaction equation [239] can also be written in a The second equation [233] controls the kinetics of the different way, for example, by elimination of Dv taken from the melting/freezing and, by consequence, defines the equilibrium Darcy equilibrium [238], condition. In the case of mechanical equilibrium, when there is no pressure drop between the two phases, the melting rate — — ðÞ * ¼ Pf + 1 f tm + rg 0 [243] cancels when there is equality of the chemical potentials of * D the two single phases. In case of mechanical disequilibrium, where tm includes the P term and is defined by (DP6¼0), the chemical equilibrium does not occur when the two chemical potentials are equal. We define a new effective * ¼ — ½— T 2— ðÞ — tm m vm + vm vmI + z 1 f vmI [244] chemical potential, 3 o * ¼U P This shows that if the pressure is defined everywhere as the mi i + TSi [235] ri fluid pressure, then it is equivalent to use for the matrix a rheology (see eqn [95]), with a bulk viscosity (1f)zz where i stands for f or m, and write the kinetic equation [233], (McKenzie, 1984). This analogy only holds without surface DG ¼ RDm* [236] tension between phases (Bercovici and Ricard, 2003; Bercovici et al., 2001a; Ricard et al., 2001). Chemical equilibrium imposes the equality of the effective The rate of melting is controlled by potentials on the interface, at the pressure Po at which the 1 1 phase change effectively occurs. DG ¼ R DU + Pf TDS [245] Using eqns [232] and [233], we can show that the entropy rm rf production is indeed positive and given by and the energy equation is D 2 ¼ 1j— j2 P RðÞD * 2 C D T D T THS k T + + m + + rH [237] r fC f + r ðÞ1 f C m DHDG T z f f Dt m m Dt D 2 G 1 f 2 Chemical relaxation and bulk compression are associated ¼ rH —q + + K0 ðÞ—vm + C [246] R m f with entropy sources, in addition to diffusion, viscous dissipation, and radioactive heating (see also Rudge et al., 2011). where we have assumed the relation [242]. These equations have been used by many authors with various levels of approximation (Simpson et al., 2010a). The Summary equations most benign have been to replace 1f by 1. Most authors For convenience, we summarize the governing equations when have also considered the bulk viscosity z as a porosity-inde- the matrix is much more viscous than the fluid phase ( ) f m pendent parameter (e.g., Choblet and Parmentier, 2001; Katz as typical for melting scenarios, which implies that et al., 2004; Kelemen et al., 1997; McKenzie, 1984; Ribe, t ¼ 0, o ¼ 0, ro ¼ r , Po ¼ Po ¼ P , and v ¼v . f f f o m 1985a,b; Richter and Mckenzie, 1984; Scott and Stevenson, The mass conservation equations are [205] and [206]. The 1984, 1986, 1989; Spiegelman and Kelemen, 2003; equation of conservation of momentum for the fluid phase is Spiegelman et al., 2001; Stevenson, 1989). This overestimates —½D ¼ the possibilities of matrix compaction at low porosity. f Pf + rf gz + c v 0 [238] Porosity-dependent parameters have been explicitly accounted (assuming z positive upward). This is the Darcy law with for in other papers (e.g., Bercovici et al., 2001a; Connolly and 2 n c¼ff /k(f), where k is the permeability (often varying as k0f Podladchikov, 1998; Fowler, 1985; Rabinowicz et al., 2002; with n¼2or3(Simpson et al., 2010b)). The second momentum Ricard et al., 2001; Schmeling, 2000; Sleep, 1988). equation could be the matrix momentum (eqn [212])ora For direct application to magma extraction, an earlier work combined force-difference (or action–reaction) equation: by Spiegelman and McKenzie (1987) imposed matrix motions and solved for the magma trajectories that were found attracted —½ðÞ D ðÞ D — ðÞ cDv ¼ toward ridges and corners. The melting rates were 1 f P +1 f rg + 1 f tm 0 [239] f later sometimes imposed (e.g., Turcotte and Morgan, 1992), sometimes solved according to the energy equation, assuming where the deviatoric stress in the matrix is given by univariant melting (Fowler, 1989; Hewitt and Fowler, 2008; 2 Sramek et al., 2007) or even multiple component melting t ¼ —v + ½—v T —v I [240] m m m m 3 m (Hewitt, 2010; Rudge et al., 2011). Surface tension (between matrix and magma and between matrix grains) has been con- and the pressure jump between phases, eqn [232], becomes sidered (Bercovici and Ricard, 2003; Bercovici et al., 2001a; Physics of Mantle Convection 55

Hier-Majumder et al., 2006; Riley et al., 1990). The situation anomalies, velocity divergence, amplitude of deviatoric stress where the melt is denser than the matrix has been considered at the surface, surface , CMB topography, by Karato et al. (2006) and by Hernlund and Jellinek (2010) etc.) can be expressed on the basis of spherical harmonics with for applications to the mantle transition zone and to the deep components Olm. Through eqn [247], they are related to the mantle, two layers where the presence of magma is suspected spherical harmonics components of the internal density varia- from seismological observations (Tauzin et al., 2010; Williams tions drlm(r) by various degree-dependent Green functions and Garnero, 1996). The interaction between the matrix and (Green, 1793–1841): the magma can lead to the channelization of the melt (Hewitt ð ¼ OðÞ ðÞ and Fowler, 2009; Weatherley and Katz, 2012) and to the Olm Gl r drlm r dr [248] development of a fabric of the matrix that favors the migration of the melt to the ridge (Holtzman et al., 2003). (see Ribe, this volume, for analytic details). The Green func- O Similar equations have also been used to describe the inter- tions Gl (r) can be computed from the averaged density and action between and silicates near the CMB (Buffett et al., viscosity profiles. 2000) or during the segregation of planetary cores (Golabek Before seismic imaging gave us a proxy of the 3-D density et al., 2008; Ricard et al., 2009; Sramek et al., 2010, 2012), the structure of the mantle, various theoretical attempts have tried formation of dendrites (Poirier, 1991), the compaction of lava to connect models of mantle convection to plate velocities flows (Massol et al., 2001; Michaut and Bercovici, 2009), and (Hager and Oconnell, 1979; Hager and O’Connell, 1981), to the dynamics in volcanic conduits (Bercovici and Michaut, Earth’s gravity field (or to the geoid, proportional to the poten- 2010; Michaut et al., 2009, 2013). tial c), to the lithospheric stress regime, or to the topography (Bai et al., 1992; Lago and Rabinowicz, 1984; Parsons and Daly, 1983; Ricard et al., 1984; Richards and Hager, 1984; 7.02.6 Specifics of Earth’s Mantle Convection Runcorn, 1964). An internal load of negative buoyancy induces a downwel- In this last section, we discuss various aspects of physics unique ling flow that deflects the Earth’s surface, the CMB, and any to large-scale mantle convection. We are aware of the impossi- other internal compositional boundaries, if they exist. The bility to be exhaustive, but most of the important points are amount of deflection corresponds to the usual isostatic rule more deeply developed in other chapters of the treatise (in for a load close to an interface: the weight of the induced particular, we leave the problems of partial melting to Parmen- topography cancels to first order the weight of the internal tier and to Ito and Van Keken, the connections with geoch- load. The total gravity anomaly resulting from a given internal emistry to Tackley, and the aspects of plate tectonics to load is affected by the mass anomalies associated with the Bercovici et al., this volume; see also the books by Schubert flow-induced boundary deflections as well as by the load itself. et al. (2001) and Davies (1999)). Due to the deflection of the Earth’s surface, the geoid pertur- bation induced by a dense sinking anomaly is generally nega- tive (e.g., free-air gravity has a minimum above a dense load). A Negligible Inertia However, when the mantle viscosity increases significantly with depth, by 1–2 orders of magnitude, a mass anomaly The most striking difference between mantle convection and close to the viscosity increase, induces a larger CMB deforma- most other forms of convection is that inertia is totally negli- tion and a lower surface deformation. The resulting gravity gible. This is because the Prandtl number is much larger than anomaly corresponds to a geoid high. The fact that cold sub- the (already very large) Rayleigh number. This implies that the duction zones correspond to a relative geoid high suggests a mantle velocity flow obeys factor 30 viscosity increase around the upper–lower mantle —ðÞ¼rv 0 interface (Hager et al., 1985; Lago and Rabinowicz, 1984; —P + —t + drg + rdg ¼ 0 Ricard et al., 1984; Richards and Hager, 1984). Shallow anom- alies and anomalies near the CMB, being locally compensated, 2 r c ¼ 4pGdr do not contribute to the long-wavelength gravity field. The dg ¼—c [247] lithospheric stress field, like the geoid, is affected by mid- mantle density heterogeneities. The surface deflection induced in agreement with eqn [137]. In this set of equation, we keep by a deep-seated density anomaly decreases with the depth of the self-gravitation term as appropriate at long wavelengths. If this anomaly, but even lower mantle loads should significantly d the internal loads r are known, the flow can be computed affect the surface topography. independently of the temperature equation. This time- independent system has been used by many authors to infer the mantle flow properties. Mantle flow and postglacial models As soon as started to image the mantle Dynamic models structures, these seismic velocity anomalies have been used to The system of eqn [247] can been solved analytically for a further constrain the mantle viscosity. The fact that the geoid depth-dependent viscosity, when variables are expressed on and seismic velocity anomalies are positively correlated around the basis of spherical harmonics (see Hager and Clayton, the transition zone but negatively in the deep mantle hetero- 1989 and also Ribe, this volume and Forte, vol. 3). Various geneities suggests a viscosity larger than 10 but not too large possible surface observables (geoid height or gravity free-air (less than 100); otherwise, the mantle would be everywhere 56 Physics of Mantle Convection positively correlated with gravity (Hager and Clayton, 1989; structure from the whole set of convection equations, includ- Hager et al., 1985; King and Hager, 1994; Ricard et al., 1984; ing temperature evolution (Bunge et al., 2003; Ismail-Zadeh Richards and Hager, 1984) (see Figure 6). The same modeling et al., 2004; Liu and Gurnis, 2008). Using tools of variational approach, assuming a proportionality between seismic velocity data assimilation developed by meteorologists, the past density anomalies and density variations, was also used to match the heterogeneities can be considered as unknowns to be inverted observed plate divergence (Forte and Peltier, 1987), the plate for in such a way that their time evolution is in agreement with velocities (Ricard and Vigny, 1989; Ricard et al., 1991), and the present-day observations (e.g., with tomographic models), lithospheric stresses (Bai et al., 1992; Lithgow-Bertelloni and paleoreconstructions (the geometry and velocities of plates), Guynn, 2004). The initial Boussinesq models were extended to or paleogeography (Shephard et al., 2010). account for compressibility (Forte and Peltier, 1991). The instantaneous flow computations that were initially restricted A Mantle with Internal Heating to long-wavelength patterns have recently capitalized on advances in adaptative mesh refinements on parallel com- When the top and bottom boundary conditions are the same puters to reach very fine resolutions, down to kilometer scales (i.e., both free-slip or both no-slip), purely basally heated (Alisic et al., 2012; Stadler et al., 2010). convection in a Cartesian box leads to a perfectly symmetrical Joint inversions of gravity with postglacial rebound were also system. We could simultaneously reverse the vertical axis and performed to further constrain the mantle viscosity profile. The the color scale of Figure 4 and get temperature patterns that are viscosity increase required by subduction was initially thought also convective solutions. The convective fluid has a near adi- to be too large to reconcile with postglacial rebound (Peltier, abatic core and the temperature variations are confined into 1996). The various approaches (time-dependent for the post- two boundary layers, a hot bottom layer and a cold top layer. glacial models and time-independent for the geoid models) The thicknesses of these two boundary layers and the temper- seem to have converged to a standard viscosity profile with a ature drops across them are the same. The middepth tempera- significant increase with depth (Mitrovica and Forte, 1997). ture is simply the average of the top and bottom temperatures. Whether this viscosity increase occurs across a discontinuity (at Instabilities develop from the bottom layer (hot rising plumes) the upper–lower mantle interface or deeper) or as a gradual and the cold layer (cold plumes). They have a increase is probably beyond the resolution of these approaches. temperature hotter or colder than the depth-dependent average Although these dynamic models explain the observed temperature. They are active structures driven by their intrinsic geoid, they require surface topography of order 1 km, induced positive or negative buoyancy. The Earth’s mantle has however by mantle convection and called dynamic topography (in con- a large number of characteristics that break the symmetry trast to the isostatic topography related to crustal and litho- between upwellings and downwellings. spheric density variations). The direct observation of dynamic What is probably the major difference between mantle topography, however, is not evident in Earth’s topography convection and purely basally heated convection is that the corrected for isostatic crustal contributions (e.g., Colin and Earth is largely powered by radiogenic heating from the decay Fleitout, 1990; Kido and Seno, 1994; Lestunff and Ricard, of uranium, thorium, and potassium and loss of primordial 1995; Lithgow-Bertelloni and Silver, 1998). However, in recent heat left over from its accretion. Convection purely heated years, the role of a deep dynamic support to explain the from within is depicted in Figure 7. In the extreme case present-day topography and the flooding and emergence of where the fluid is entirely heated from within, the fluid has continent interiors during the geologic times have been docu- no hot bottom boundary layer. There are only concentrated mented by various authors (Conrad and Gurnis, 2003; Conrad downwelling currents sinking from the top cold boundary and Husson, 2009; Flament et al., 2013; Husson and Conrad, layer. The downwellings are active as they are moved by their 2006; Moucha et al., 2008). own negative buoyancy. To compensate for the resulting downwelling flow, the background rises passively, that is, Time-dependent models without being pushed up by a positive buoyancy (Bercovici The thermal diffusion in the mantle is so slow that even over et al., 2000). In the case of basal heating, any plume leaving the 100–200 My, it can be neglected in some long-wavelength top or bottom boundary layer travels adiabatically (neglecting global models. Equation [247] can thus be solved by imposing diffusion and shear heating). However, in the case of internal the known paleoplate velocities at the surface and advect the heating, while the rapid downwellings remain close to adia- mass anomalies with the flow without explicitly solving the batic, the radioactive decay can accumulate heat within the energy equation. This forced-convection approach has shown slow upwellings. This heating is opposite to the adiabatic cool- that the deep mantle structure is mostly inherited from the ing and the average temperature in an internally heated system Cenozoic and Mesozoic plate motion (Lithgow-Bertelloni and remains more homogeneous and with a significant subadia- Richards, 1998; Richards and Engebretson, 1992). From plate batic gradient (Parmentier et al., 1994). paleoslab reconstructions only, a density model can be obtained The Earth’s mantle is however not in such an extreme that gives a striking fit to the observed geoid and is in relative situation. Some heat flow is extracted across the CMB from agreement with long-wavelength tomography (Ricard et al., the molten iron outer core. This basal heat flux drives active 1989). This approach was also used to study the hot spot fixity upwellings (hot spots). The ratio of the internal radioactive (Richards, 1991; Steinberger and O’Connell, 1998), the sea level heat to the total heat extracted at the Earth’s surface is called the changes (Lithgow-Bertelloni and Gurnis, 1997), or the polar Urey number (Urey, 1951). Geochemical models of mantle wander of the Earth (Richards et al., 1997; Spada et al., 1992a). composition (McDonough and Sun, 1995; Rudnick and Instead of an imposed forced convection, a promising Fountain, 1995) imply that about 50% of the surface heat method proposes to infer self-coherently the past mantle flux is due to mantle and core cooling and only 50% or even Physics of Mantle Convection 57

−1.0 −0.5 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0

Correlation Tomography-Geoid 0





−1450 Depth z −1740




−2900 5 10 15 20 degree l

1 1

0,9 0,9

0,8 0,8

0,7 0,7 Normalized radius Normalized radius

μμ μ/μ =1=1 0,6 lowerlower upper0,6upper μμ /μμ =30 lowerlower/ upperupper =30 l=2 μμ /μμ =100 l=10 lowerlower/ upperupper =100 0,5 0,5 −5e−05 −2,5e−05 0 2,5e−05 5e−05 −1e−05 −5e−06 0 5e−06 Greoid Green function Geoid Green function Figure 6 Correlations between gravity and the synthetic tomographic SMEAN model (Becker and Boschi, 2002) as a function of degree l and normalized radius (top). The seismic velocities, proxy of the density variations, are positively correlated with gravity around the upper–lower mantle interface (warm colors) but negatively correlated near the surface and in the deep lower mantle (cold colors). Geoid Green functions for degree 2 (bottom left) and degree 10 (bottom right) and three possible viscosity increases between and lower mantle. The geoid Green function for a uniform viscosity (dashed line) is everywhere negative, and all the anomalies around the upper–lower mantle would induce a gravity signal opposite to that observed. A too large viscosity increase (a factor 100 for the dotted lines) cannot explain the rather good negative correlation between lower mantle anomalies and the geoid at long wavelength. A moderate increase (a factor 30 for the solid line) leads to the best fit as the sign of the Green functions is everywhere that of the observed density–gravity correlations. The different Green functions are computed for an incompressible mantle, with a lithosphere, ten times more viscous than the upper mantle. less (Lyubetskaya and Korenaga, 2007) to radioactive decay. coupling between core and mantle cooling (Labrosse et al., Generally, geophysicists have difficulties with these numbers as 2007), or the peculiar properties of the lithosphere, may rec- they seem to imply a too large mantle temperature in the past oncile the thermal history of the Earth with a low radiogenic (Davies, 1980; Schubert et al., 1980). From convection model- content (Grigne et al., 2005; Korenaga, 2003) (see Jaupart et al. ing of the Earth’s secular cooling, they often favor ratios of the and Hernlund and McNamara, this volume). The basal heat order of 80% radioactive and 20% cooling. A more complex flux at the CMB represents the core cooling component that is 58 Physics of Mantle Convection part of the total cooling rate of the Earth. The secular cooling deviatoric stress should favor a diffusive regime with a Newto- and the presence of internal sources tend to decrease the thick- nian viscosity. The observation of rheological parameters at ness of the hot bottom layer compared to that of the cold top lower mantle conditions is more difficult, but the lower mantle layer, increase the active role of downwellings (the subducting should mostly be in diffusive creep regime except the zones of slabs), and decrease the number or the strength of the active intense shear around subductions (McNamara et al., 2001). upwellings (the hot spots). The lateral variations of viscosity due to each separate parameter, stress exponent, temperature, water content, or grain size can potentially be very large. Surprisingly, attempts A Complex Rheology to deduce these variations directly from geodynamic observa- tions have not been very successful. Attempts to explain the We have shown that the rheological laws of crystalline solids Earth’s gravity from internal loads do not seem to require may be linear or nonlinear, depending on temperature, grain lateral viscosity variations in the deep mantle (Zhang and size, and stress level. Various deformation mechanisms (grain diffusion, grain boundary diffusion, dislocation creep, grain boundary sliding, etc.) act simultaneously. The equivalent vis- 108 cosity of each individual mechanism can be written in the form

ðÞn1 Dislocation E + PV 7 ¼ AI 2 dmexp [249] 10 2 RT where E* and V* are the activation energy and volume, P and T 6 the pressure and temperature, R the perfect gas constant, d the 10 Depth increase 0.1 mm grain size, m the grain size exponent, I2 the second stress invariant, and n a stress exponent (Ranalli, 1995; Weertman 105 and Weertman, 1975). The multiplicative factor A varies with 1 mm water content, melt content, and mineralogy. In general, the Deviatoric Stress Pa s composite rheology is dominated by the mechanism leading to 4 10 1 cm the lowest viscosity. Diffusion In Figure 8, we plot as a function of temperature, and for various possible grain sizes (0.1 mm, 1 mm, and 1 cm), the 103 stress rate at which the strain rate predicted for the dislocation 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 mechanism and that for diffusion mechanism are the same Temperature K (see eqns [108] and [107]). The data correspond to dry upper Figure 8 Creep regime map for dry . High deviatoric stress or mantle (Karato and Wu, 1993). Low stress and temperature temperature favors a dislocation mechanism. A decrease in the grain size favor diffusion creep, while high stress and high temperature favors diffusion. In the upper mantle, the stress and temperature favor dislocation creep. These experiments suggest that in the conditions tend to bring the creep regime from dislocation to diffusion at upper mantle or at least in its shallowest part, nonlinear creep depth (n ¼ 2.5, m ¼ 0, and E* ¼ 540 kJ mol1 for dislocation creep and is likely to occur. At greater depth, the decrease in the average n¼0, m¼2.5, and E*¼300 kJ mol 1 for diffusion creep).

Ra =106 Ra =107

Ra =108 Ra =109

0 0

Z 0.5 Z 0.5

1 1 012345012345 X X Figure 7 Convection patterns of a fluid entirely heated from inside at Rayleigh number 106,107,108, and 109 (simulation compliments of Fabien Dubuffet). Cold fingerlike instabilities are sinking from the top boundary layer and spread on the bottom boundary layer. No active upwellings are present (compare with convection patterns for a fluid heated from below, Figure 4). Physics of Mantle Convection 59

Christensen, 1993). Near the surface, viscosity variations are (Toth and Gurnis, 1998), the interaction of slabs with the present, at least between continental and oceanic phase changes in the transition zone (Christensen, 1996, (Cadek and Fleitout, 2003; Ricard et al., 1991). The gain in 1997b), and the relationship between subduction and gravity fitting the Earth’s gravity or postglacial rebound data with 3-D (King and Hager, 1994). These numerical experiments, mostly viscosity models remains rather moderate compared to the intended to model slabs, compare satisfactorily with labora- complexities added to the modeling (Gasperini et al., 2004), tory experiments (Guilloufrottier et al., 1995; Kincaid and and most models of mantle viscosity are restricted to radial Olson, 1987). profiles (Mitrovica and Forte, 1997). Even the modeling of To conclude this brief section on temperature dependence slabs, their curvatures, and their stress patterns do not really of viscosity, we discuss the general concept of self-regulation of require that they are much stiffer than the surrounding mantle planetary interiors (Tozer, 1972). If a planet were convecting (Tao and Oconnell, 1993). too vigorously, it would lose more heat than radioactively produced. It would therefore cool down until the viscosity is Temperature dependence of viscosity large enough to reduce the heat transfer. In contrast, a planet Mantle viscosity is a strong function of temperature and the convecting too slowly would not extract its radioactive energy cold lithosphere seems to have a viscosity of order 1025 Pa s and would heat up until the viscosity is reduced sufficiently to (Beaumont, 1978), 4–6 orders of magnitude stiffer than the increase the surface heat flow (see also Jaupart et al. this vol- asthenosphere. The activation energy E* is typically from 300 ume). The internal temperature of planets is mostly controlled to 600 kJ mol 1 (Drury and FitzGerald, 1998) the lowest to the activation energy (or rather enthalpy) of the viscosity values being for diffusion creep. This implies a factor 10 in (assuming that planets have similar amount of heat sources). viscosity decrease for a 100 K temperature increase (using To first order, large and small terrestrial rocky planets probably T1600 K). The effect of temperature dependence of viscosity have the same internal temperatures. on the planform of convection was recognized experimentally using oils or syrups (Booker, 1976; Nataf and Richter, 1982; Depth dependence of viscosity Richter, 1978; Weinstein and Christensen, 1991). In the case of The activation volume V* of the viscosity [249] is typically a strongly temperature-dependent viscosity, the definition of around 10 5 m3 mol 1. Extrapolating to CMB conditions, the Rayleigh number is rather arbitrary as the maximum, the this suggests a large viscosity increase throughout the mantle. minimum, or some average viscosity can be chosen in its However, measurements of viscosity at both high T and P definition. Another nondimensional number (e.g., the ratio conditions are very difficult (see also Weidner, vol. 2). The of viscosity variations, max/min) must be known to character- viscosity increase by a factor 30–100 suggested by ize the convection. (see Section is probably as robust a constraint as Not surprisingly, two extreme regimes are found. For a could be deduced from experiments. viscosity ratio lower than about 100, the convection pattern The effect of a depth-dependent viscosity on the planform remains quite similar to convection with uniform viscosity. On of convection has been studied by, for example, Gurnis and the other hand, if the viscosity of the cold boundary layer (the Davies (1986), Cserepes (1993), and Dubuffet et al. (2000).At lithosphere) is more than 3000 times that of the underlying least two important geodynamic observations can be explained asthenosphere, the surface becomes stagnant (Solomatov, by an increase of viscosity with depth. One is the relative 1995). Below this immobile lid, the flow resembles convection stability of hot spots. A sluggish lower mantle where convec- below a rigid top surface (Davaille and Jaupart, 1993). In tion is decreased in intensity by a larger viscosity (and also by a between, when the viscosity ratios are in the range 100–3000, smaller expansivity and a potentially larger thermal conductiv- the lithosphere deforms slowly, and in this sluggish regime, the ity as discussed in Section favors the relative hot convection cells have large aspect ratios. spot fixity (Richards, 1991; Steinberger and O’Connell, 1998). Convection with temperature-dependent viscosity has been A second consequence is a depth dependence of the wave- investigated by various authors (Christensen, 1984b; Kameyama lengths of the thermal heterogeneities. A viscosity increase and Ogawa, 2000; Parmentier et al., 1976; Tackley et al., 1993; (together with the existence of plates and continents that Trompert and Hansen, 1998b). Since the top boundary layer is impose their own wavelengths (see Section induces stiffer than the bottom boundary layer, the top boundary layer is the existence of large-scale thermal anomalies at depth (Bunge also thicker than the bottom one. This impedes surface heat and Richards, 1996). A slab crossing a factor 30–100 viscosity removal, reduces the heat flux across the bottom boundary increase should thicken by a factor of order 3–5 (Gurnis and layer, and raises the average mantle temperature. Convection Hager, 1988; Ribe et al., 2007). This thickening is observed in patterns computed with T-dependent viscosity remain however tomographic models (van der Hilst et al., 1997) and can be quite far from Earth-like convection. The major difference is that inferred from geoid modeling (Ricard et al., 1993a). When the when the T dependence is too strong, the surface freezes and viscosity increases with pressure, the self-regulation effect becomes immobile, while on the real Earth, the lithosphere is causes the mantle to heat up. The temperature dependence of highly viscous but broken into tectonic plates separated by weak the viscosity then mitigates the effects of the pressure depen- boundaries. Without mechanisms other than a simple T depen- dence (Tackley et al., 2013). dence of viscosity, the Earth would be in a stagnant-lid regime (see Bercovici et al., this volume). Stress dependence of viscosity Various modelers have thus tried to use T-dependent rhe- Starting from Parmentier et al. (1976), the effect of a stress- ologies but have imposed a platelike surface velocity. This has dependent viscosity has been studied by Christensen (1984a), been very useful to understand the initiation of subduction Malevsky and Yuen (1992), van Keken et al. (1992),andLarsen 60 Physics of Mantle Convection et al. (1993), assuming either entirely nonlinear or composite transported through the bottom boundary layer and the top rheologies (where deformation is accommodated by both linear boundary layer. However, as the CMB surface is about four and nonlinear mechanisms). At moderate Rayleigh number, the times smaller than the top surface, this implies a four times effect of a nonlinear rheology is not very significant. In fact, larger thermal gradient through the bottom boundary layer the nonlinearity in the rheology is somewhat opposed to the than across the lithosphere. A large gradient across the bottom temperature dependence of the rheology. As shown by boundary layer reinforces the upwelling hot instabilities with Christensen (1984a),aT-dependent, nonlinear rheology with respect to the downgoing cold instabilities. Sphericity affects an exponent n3 leads to convection cells rather similar to the average temperature and the top and bottom boundary what would be obtained with a linear rheology and an activa- layer thicknesses in a way totally opposite to the effects of tion energy divided by n.Convectionwithbothnonlinearand internal sources (see Section viscos- T-dependent rheology looks more isoviscous than convection ity (see Section Although numerically more time- with only stress-dependent or only T-dependent rheologies. consuming, spherical convection models are more and more At large Rayleigh number, however, nonlinear convection common (Bercovici et al., 1989a,b, 1992; Bunge et al., 1997; becomes more unstable (Malevsky and Yuen, 1992), and the Choblet et al., 2007; Glatzmaier, 1988; Tackley et al., 1993; combination of nonlinear rheology, T-dependent rheology, Zhong et al., 2000). In the last years, they reached a spectacular and viscous dissipation can accelerate the rising velocity of resolution (down to length scales of 1 km (Alisic et al., 2012; hot plumes by more than an order of magnitude (Larsen and Stadler et al., 2010)) and robustness (handling up to 19 orders Yuen, 1997). of magnitude variations in viscosity (Tackley, 2008)). Grain size dependence of viscosity Other Depth-Dependent Parameters In the diffusion regime, the viscosity [249] can be strongly variable as controlled by the grain size d to a power m of Thermal expansivity variations order 3 (Karato et al., 1986). The difficulty to estimate the The thermal expansivity varies with depth, as predicted by the rheological conditions of the mantle is that the grain size d of EoS [80], from which we can easily deduce that eqn [249] has its own dynamics with various feedbacks with a a ¼ 0 [250] the deformation itself. In the diffusive regime, the grains are ðÞ= n1+q ðÞ r r0 + a0 T T0 slowly coarsening: the slight overpressure of small grains due to their surface tension drives a diffusional flow toward the where n1+q’3. larger grains (e.g., Hillert, 1965). In contrast, grains undergo- It decreases with both temperature and density and thus 5 1 ing dislocation creep can go through recrystallization and with depth. The expansivity varies from 410 K near 6 1 therefore can reduce in size. These two opposite mechanisms the surface to 810 K near the CMB (Chopelas and should drive the mantle material in a situation where diffusion Boehler, 1992). This diminishes the buoyancy forces and and dislocation creeps have roughly the same efficiency (De slows down deep mantle convection (Hansen et al., 1993). Bresser et al., 2001; Rozel et al., 2011). The existence of an Like the increase of viscosity with depth, a depth-dependent equilibrium grain size related to the average deviatoric stress is thermal expansivity broadens the thermal structures of the observed in laboratory experiments (Karato, 2008; Vanderwal lower mantle and suppresses some hot instabilities at the et al., 1993) and inferred from thermodynamic considerations CMB. On the other hand, hot instabilities gain buoyancy as (Austin and Evans, 2007; Bercovici and Ricard, 2005; Ricard they rise in the mantle, which favors their relative lateral sta- and Bercovici, 2009). tionarity. In addition to its average depth dependence, the There is a potential feedback interaction between deforma- temperature dependence of the expansivity also affects the tion, grain size reduction by dynamic recrystallization, viscosity buoyancy of slabs (Schmeling et al., 2003). reduction, and further localization (Braun et al., 1999; Jaroslow et al., 1996; Kameyama et al., 1997). However, in its simplest Increase in average density with depth version, this localizing mechanism is problematic as it implies To take into account compressibility and the depth depen- simultaneously dynamic recrystallization and diffusion creep dence of density, the Boussinesq approximation has been that ostensibly occur in exclusive domains of deformation replaced by the anelastic approximation in several studies. space. It has however been proposed that the presence of Such investigations have been carried out by Jarvis and minor mineralogical phases can both hinder the grain coarsening Mckenzie (1980), Glatzmaier (1988), and Bercovici et al. (Hiraga et al., 2010) and ease the recrystallization, thus providing (1992) and since extended to higher Rayleigh numbers (e.g., a consistent mechanism for localization (Bercovici and Ricard, Balachandar et al., 1992, 1993; Zhang and Yuen, 1996). 2012, 2014; Warren and Hirth, 2006). The effect is potentially One of the difficulties with compressible fluids is that the important in the mantle and even more important in the litho- local criterion for instability (see Section is related sphere. More details are given in Bercovici et al. this volume. to the adiabatic gradient. Depending on assumptions about the curvature of the reference geotherm with depth (the slope of the adiabatic gradient), part of the fluid can be unstable Importance of Sphericity while the other part is stable. Assuming a uniform adiabatic An obvious difference between the convection planform in a gradient does not favor the preferential destabilization of planet and that of in an experimental tank is due to the sphe- either the upper or the lower mantle. On the other hand, ricity of the former. In the case of purely basally heated con- assuming that the reference temperature increases exponen- vection, the same heat flux (in a statistical sense) has to be tially with depth (i.e., taking eqn [123] with constant Physics of Mantle Convection 61 parameters) would lead to an easier destabilization of the top variations of density in the mantle at a given pressure have of the mantle than of its bottom as a much larger heat flux potentially three contributions that can be summarized as would be carried along the lower mantle adiabat. In the real @r @r @f @r @f Earth, the adiabatic gradient (in K km 1) should decrease with Dr ¼ DT + DT + Dw @ @f @ @f @w depth (due to the decrease in expansivity a with depth insuffi- T f T T w T T ciently balanced by the density increase; see eqn [123]). Since [251] less heat can be carried out along the deep mantle adiabat, The first term on the right side is the intrinsic thermal effect compressibility should favor the destabilization of the deep computed assuming a fixed mineralogy; we have already dis- mantle. cussed this term. The second term is a thermochemical effect. Compressible convection models generally predict down- The density is a function of the mineralogical composition going sheets and cylindrical upwellings reminiscent of slabs controlled at uniform pressure and elemental composition, and hot spots (e.g., Zhang and Yuen, 1996). Viscous dissipa- by the temperature variations. This effect is responsible for a tion is positive (as an entropy-related source) but maximum rise in the 410 km deep interface and it deepens the 660 km just below the cold boundary layer and just above the hot interface in the presence of cold downwellings (Irifune and boundary layer, where rising or sinking instabilities interact Ringwood, 1987). The last term is the intrinsic chemical effect with the layered structures of the boundary layers. On the (related to variations of the mineralogy due to changes in the contrary, the adiabatic source heats the downwellings and elemental composition at constant temperature). The three cools the upwellings. On average, it reaches a maximum abso- contributions have very similar amplitudes and none of them lute value in the midmantle. Locally, viscous dissipation and is negligible (Ricard et al., 2005). adiabatic heatings can be larger than radiogenic heat produc- tion, although integrated other the whole mantle and averaged over time, the adiabatic and dissipative sources cancel out (see Phase changes eqn [61]). The effect of the second term has been rather well studied (Christensen, 1996; Christensen and Yuen, 1984; Machetel and Weber, 1991; Peltier and Solheim, 1992; Schubert et al., Thermal conductivity variations 1975; Tackley, 1995; Tackley et al., 1993). Phase changes in cold The thermal conductivity of a solid is due to two different downgoing slabs occur at shallower depth in the case of exo- effects. First, a hot material produces blackbody radiation thermic phase changes and at greater depth for endothermic that can be absorbed by neighboring atoms. This radiative phase changes (the ringwoodite to oxides plus perovskite transport of heat is probably a minor component since the phase change at 660 km depth is endothermic; all the important mean free path of photons in mantle materials is very small. other phase changes of the transition zone are exothermic). Second, phonons, which are collective vibrations of atoms, are These sources of anomalies and their signs are related to the excited and can dissipate their energies by interacting with Clapeyron slope of the phase transitions (Schubert et al., 1975). other phonons, with defects and with grain boundaries. The The existence of latent heat release during phase change (see eqn free paths of phonons being larger, they are the main contrib- [165]) is a secondary and minor effect. The recent discovery of a utors to the thermal conductivity. phase transformation in the deep lower mantle (Murakami According to Hofmeister (1999), thermal conductivity et al., 2004) (the postperovskite phase) suggests that part of 00 should increase with depth by a factor 2–3. The recent obser- the complexities of the D layer is related to the interaction vations of phase transitions in the bottom of the lower mantle between a phase change and the hot boundary layer of the should also be associated with another conductivity increase mantle (Nakagawa and Tackley, 2006) (see also Irifune, vol. 2). (Badro et al., 2004); this is one more effect (with the viscosity The fact that below the normal 660 km depth interface there increase and the thermal expansivity decrease) that should is a region where slabs remain in a low-density upper mantle decrease the deep mantle convective vigor. Thermal conductiv- phase instead of being transformed into the dense lower mantle ity increase with depth also broadens the thermal anomalies phase is potentially a strong impediment to slab penetration. and thins the bottom boundary layer (Dubuffet et al., 1999). The idea that this effect induces a layering of convection at 660 km or a situation where layered convection is punctuated by large ‘avalanche’ events dates back to Ringwood and Irifune Thermochemical Convection (1988) and was supported by numerical simulations in the Density variations in the mantle 1990s (e.g., Honda et al., 1993; Machetel and Weber, 1991; Except in Section 7.02.5, a simple negative relationship was Tackley, 1995). It seems however that the importance of this assumed between density variations and temperature varia- potential effect has been reduced in recent simulations with tions, through the thermal expansivity, Dr¼arDT. However, more realistic Clapeyron slopes, phase diagrams (taking into in the mantle, several sources of density anomalies are present account both the pyroxene and the garnet phases), thermody- (see also, Stixrude, vol. 1). The density in the mantle varies namic reference values (the phase change effect has to be com- with the temperature T for a given mineralogical composition, pared with thermal effects and thus an accurate choice for the or phase content, symbolized by the symbol f (e.g., for a given thermal expansivity is necessary), and viscosity profiles. proportion of oxides and perovskite in the lower mantle). The mineralogy for a given bulk elemental composition w (e.g., the Abyssal layers proportion of Mg, Fe, and O atoms) evolves with pressure and In the last years, various complexities were discovered in the temperature to maintain the Gibbs energy minimum. The deep lower mantle that was previously considered as rather 62 Physics of Mantle Convection homogeneous. At small scale, a laterally intermittent layer at Tackley, 2000b). Not only present-day subductions can gener- the base of D00 (ULVZ, ultralow-velocity zone), with a maxi- ate compositional anomalies in the mantle. Geochemists have mum thickness near 40 km and a strong decrease of the com- often argued for a deep layer of primitive material. A possible pressional wave velocity, is most simply explained as the result origin of the LLSVP could be related to the formation of the of partial melt at this depth (Williams and Garnero, 1996). core in the Hadean time. The presence of patches of melt on A pair of seismic discontinuities observed in some fast (cold) top of the CMB (Williams and Garnero, 1996) suggests that in regions of D00 could be the result of a double-crossing of the the past, a much thicker deep magma ocean may have existed postperovskite phase boundary by the geotherm at two differ- in between a deep solid mantle and the liquid core (Labrosse ent depths (Hernlund et al., 2005). Two deep slow velocity et al., 2007). The fractionation during the freezing of this anomalies under West Pacific and Africa (roughly underneath magma could have resulted in a progressive enrichment of the two maxima of the geoid) have unusual seismic properties. the residue (the LLSVP) and of the melt (the ULVZ) in dense They have an anomalously large ratio of compressional to components. This model therefore proposes a scenario for the shear velocity ratio, vp/vs (Masters et al., 2000), and an antic- formation of petrologic anomalies in the deep mantle (Coltice orrelation between density and seismic velocities (Ishii and et al., 2011). This subject of mantle dynamics near the CMB is Tromp, 1999) and between bulk and shear velocities covered in greater detail by Hernlund and McNamara, this (pKennettffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi andqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Gorbatov, 2004) (the bulk velocity is defined as volume. = ¼ 2 ðÞ= 2 Ks r vp 4 3 vs ). These anomalous regions have very sharp boundaries (Ni et al., 2002) and depending on the A Complex Lithosphere: Plates and Continents authors have been named megaplumes, thermochemical piles, or LLSVP (large low-shear-velocity province, according The lithosphere is part of the convective circulation and plate to Garnero and McNamara (2008)). Notice, however, that as tectonics and mantle convection cannot be separated. The fact these LLSVPs only cover part of the CMB surface, which is itself that the cold lithosphere is much more viscous and concen- four times smaller than the Earth’s surface, and as they only trates most of the mass heterogeneities of the mantle makes it extend up to a few hundred kilometers, their total volume is behaving to some extent like a membrane on top of a less not so large but only of order three times larger that of the viscous fluid. This suggests some analogy between mantle con- continental crustal volume (Hernlund and Houser, 2008). vection and what is called Marangoni convection (Marangoni, These observations of the deep mantle heterogeneity can- 1840–1925). Marangoni convection (Nield, 1964) is con- not easily be explained by temperature variations. They seem to trolled by temperature-dependent surface tension on top of require lateral variations of Fe or Si contents in the mantle thin layers of fluids. (Bolton and Masters, 2001; Saltzer et al., 2004), although The Earth’s mantle is certainly not controlled by surface some authors interpret these observations in the framework tension and Marangoni convection, strictly speaking, has noth- of pure thermal models (e.g., Davies et al., 2012). The LLSVP ing to do with mantle convection. However, the equations of should be intrinsically denser to resist entrainment by convec- thermal convection with internal heating and with a highly tion. The stability of deep dense layers has been discussed by viscous lithosphere can be shown to be mathematically related various authors (Davaille, 1999; Kellogg et al., 1999; LeBars (through a change of variables) to those of Marangoni convec- and Davaille, 2002; Samuel and Farnetani, 2003; Tackley and tion (Lemery et al., 2000). There are large differences between Xie, 2002). These compositional pyramids may anchor the hot mantle convection and surface-driven convection, for example, spots (Davaille et al., 2002; Jellinek and Manga, 2002). The because the presence of subducting slabs throughout the man- presence of a petrologically dense component of the source of tle affects the flow differently than what surface tractions can hot spots also seems necessary to explain their excess temper- do. However, this analogy has sometimes been advocated as a ature (Farnetani, 1997). These abyssal heterogeneities help to ‘top-down’ alternative to mantle convection (Anderson, 2001), bridge the gap between geochemical observations and convec- which is really not that different from what has been known for tion modeling (Coltice and Ricard, 1999; Coltice et al., 2011; 30 years using boundary layer theory. Classically, the interpre- van Keken et al., 2002). tation of plate cooling in terms of ridge-push force (Turcotte Deep mantle heterogeneities may be a consequence of plate and Schubert, 1982) or the analysis of tectonic stresses using tectonics or be relics of the early evolution of our planet. thin sheet approximations (England and Mckenzie, 1982) A large well-documented elemental differentiation is between belongs to the same top-down approach. the oceanic crust (poor in Mg and rich in Al and Si) and the Due to the complexities of the lithosphere properties, the mantle. The oceanic crust in its high pressure eclogitic facies is boundary condition at the surface of the Earth is far from being 5% denser that the average mantle density in most of the a uniform free-slip condition. Both continents and tectonic mantle except in the shallowest 100 km of the lower mantle plates impose their own wavelengths and specific boundary where it is lighter (Irifune and Ringwood, 1993). conditions on the underlying convecting asthenosphere. Of In the deepest mantle, it is not yet totally clear whether the course, the position of the continents and the number and eclogite remains denser, neutrally buoyant, or even slightly shape of the plates are themselves consequences of mantle lighter than the average mantle (e.g., Ricolleau et al., 2004). convection. The plates obviously organize the large-scale flow Thermochemical simulations starting with the pioneering in the mantle (Hager and Oconnell, 1979; Ricard and Vigny, paper of Christensen and Hofmann (1994) show the possibil- 1989). They impose a complex boundary condition where the ity of a partial segregation of oceanic crust during subduction, angular velocity is piecewise-constant. The continents with forming pyramidal piles on the CMB. These results have been their reduced heat flow ( Jaupart and Mareschal, 1999) also confirmed (e.g., Davies, 2002; Nakagawa and Tackley, 2006; impose a laterally variable heat flux boundary condition. Physics of Mantle Convection 63

Convection models with continents have been studied illustrates the organizing effect of plates in spherical, internally numerically (Grigne´ and Labrosse, 2001; Gurnis and Hager, heated compressible convection with depth-dependent viscos- 1988) and experimentally (Guillou and Jaupart, 1995). Conti- ity (Bunge and Richards, 1996). To obtain a self-consistent nents with their thick lithosphere tend to increase the thickness generation of surface plates, more complex rheologies that of the top boundary layer and the temperature below them (see include brittle failure, strain softening, and damage mecha- Figure 9). Hot rising currents are predicted under continents nisms must be introduced (e.g., Auth et al., 2003; Bercovici, and downwellings are localized along continental edges. The 1993, 1995; Moresi and Solomatov, 1998). The existence of existence of a thick and stable continental root must be due to a plates seems also to require the existence of a weak sub- chemically lighter and more viscous subcontinental litho- lithospheric asthenosphere (Richards et al., 2001). In the last sphere (Doin et al., 1997). The ratio of the heat flux extracted ten years, the first successes in computing 3-D models that across continents compared to that extracted across oceans spontaneously organize their top boundary layer into plates increases with the Rayleigh number. This suggests that the have been reached using viscoplastic rheologies (Foley and continental geotherms were not much different in the past Becker, 2009; Stein et al., 2004; Tackley, 1998, 2000c,d,e; when the radiogenic sources were larger; it is mostly the oce- Trompert and Hansen, 1998a; van Heck and Tackley, 2008). anic heat flux that was larger (Lenardic, 1998). Simulating This important breakthrough made by the modelers allows organized plates self-consistently coupled with a convective convection simulations that display increasingly realistic sea- mantle has been a very difficult quest. The attempts to generate floor spreading and , with plates, continents, plates using T-dependent or simple nonlinear rheologies have ridges and one-sided subductions (Coltice et al., 2012; Rolf failed. Although in 2-D some successes can be obtained in and Tackley, 2011; Rolf et al., 2012) (see Figure 11). localizing deformation in platelike domains (Schmeling and The Earth’s plate boundaries keep the memory of their Jacoby, 1981; Weinstein, 1996; Weinstein and Olson, 1992), weakness over geologic times (Gurnis et al., 2000). This they are obtained with stress exponents (e.g., n7) that are implies that the rheological properties cannot be a simple larger than what can be expected from laboratory experiments time-independent function of stress or temperature but have (n3). The problems are however worst in 3-D. Generally, a long-term memory. The rheologies that have been used to these early models do not predict the important shear motions predict plates in convective models remain empirical and their between plates that we observe (Christensen and Harder, 1991; interpretation in terms of microscopic behavior and damage Ogawa et al., 1991). theory remains largely to be done (Bercovici and Ricard, 2005, Some authors have tried to mimic the presence of plates by imposing platelike surface boundary conditions. These studies Free slip surface have been performed in 2-D and 3-D (Gable et al., 1991; King et al., 1992; Monnereau and Que´re´, 2001; Ricard and Vigny, 1989). Although they have confirmed the profound effect of plates on the wavelengths of convection, on its time depen- dence and on the surface heat flux, these approaches cannot predict the evolution of surface plate geometry. Figure 10

2 Upper mantle Lower mantle 1 0

Internally heated

60 45 30 QQ 15 0 Imposed plate motion Figure 10 This figure depicts spherical compressible internally heated convection models where the viscosity increases with depth (simulations by Peter Bunge). In the first row, a uniform free-slip Bottom heated condition on top has been used. In the second row, the present-day Figure 9 Convection patterns in the presence of four continents. The observed plate motion is imposed at the surface. The left column shows total aspect ratio is 7; the continents are defined by a viscosity increase the temperature field in the middle of the upper mantle and the right by a factor 103 over the depth 1/10. The viscosity is otherwise constant. column in the middle of the lower mantle. This figure summarizes various The Rayleigh number based on the total temperature drop (bottom points discussed in the text: the presence of linear cold downwellings, panels) or on the internal radioactivity (top panels) is 107. The the absence of active upwellings in the absence of basal heating, and the downwellings are localized near the continent margins. A large difference enlargement of thermal structure in the more viscous lower mantle in heat flux is predicted between oceans and continents. In the case of (top row). Although the modeling is not self-consistent (i.e., the presence bottom heating, hot spots tend to be preferentially anchored below of plates and the constancy of plate velocities are totally arbitrary), it is continents where they bring an excess heat. This tends to reduce the clear that the presence of plates can change radically the convection surface heat flux variations. patterns (compare top and bottom rows). 64 Physics of Mantle Convection

2012, 2013, 2014). Reviews on the rapid progress and the four terrestrial planets and the various dwarf planets and sat- limitations of self-coherent convection models can be found ellites of the solar system, many terrestrial extrasolar planets in Bercovici et al. (2000), Tackley (2000a), and Bercovici have been added in the last decade (e.g., Valencia et al., (2003) and are discussed in Bercovici et al., this volume. 2007b). A subset of these planets, approximately one to ten times as massive as Earth, have been termed super-Earths, because they are presumably analogous to our own planet. Super-Earths One can speculate that plate tectonics is a favorable condition for the existence of life. Plate tectonics buffers the climate by The study of the other planets of the solar system and their controlling the atmospheric carbon dioxide level with erosion, differences and similarities with the Earth is a very active weathering, and subduction (Walker et al., 1981). Plate tecton- research field described in the vol. 10 of the treatise. To the ics may also be necessary for the existence of life by providing a source of thermodynamic disequilibrium through continuous recycling of the surface (e.g., Southam and Westall, vol. 10). The question of whether super-Earths are more or less favor- able to plate tectonics has therefore been debated. The topic is both controversial and somewhat academic. First, we do not have a decisive argument to explain why plate 0.5 tectonics exists on Earth and not on other planets of the solar system (and particularly not on the Earth’s sister planet, ). Second, the direct observations of the presence or absence of plate tectonics on super-Earths may also not happen in a close future. The debate on the propensity on plate tecton- ics on other planets illustrates our limits in the understanding of our own planet. The first papers on the subject had reached

500000 opposing conclusions about the likelihood of plate tectonics on super-Earths, inevitable for Valencia et al. (2007a) while less probable for O’Neill and Lenardic (2007). The following studies, with all variables properly scaled, have concluded that plate tectonics is as favorable or more favorable on larger terrestrial planets than on Earth (Foley et al., 2012; Korenaga, 2010; Valencia and O’Connell, 2009; van Heck and Tackley, 2011). The stress level imposed by a more vigorous convection on larger planets (containing more radioactive ele- ments and keeping its initial accretion heat a longer time) is higher. Combined with a thinner and weaker lithosphere, the internal stresses are more likely to induce the yielding of this lithosphere and to produce plate tectonic convection. However, other effects, namely, the surface temperature of the planet (Bercovici and Ricard, 2014; Foley et al., 2012) and the presence of water (Korenaga, 2010), have been shown equally or more important than the internal temperature for reaching plate tec- tonic convection. A hot temperature favors the healing of the lithosphere and makes plate tectonics less likely. Water lubri- cates the faults and makes plate tectonics more likely. This suggests that the climate of a planet controlling both the surface temperature and the water content may affect or even cause plate tectonics (Landuyt and Bercovici, 2009; Lenardic et al., 2008). The age of the planet since its accretion seems also an important parameter to consider (Lenardic and Crowley, 2012).

Figure 11 Viscosity and velocity fields at the surface of a 3-D spherical convection solution with platelike behavior and continental lithosphere. Acknowledgment The red color is for the highest viscosity in the nucleus of continental lithosphere, surrounded by dark green weaker continental lithosphere. This chapter benefited from a very careful check of the equa- The light green is the viscosity of unstrained oceanic lithosphere, while blue represents low-viscosity regions where deformation localizes. The tions by Fre´de´ric Chambat and from the detailed and construc- major divergent zones are highlighted by red curves, and the major tive reviews by Neil Ribe, Gerry Schubert, and Dave Bercovici. convergent zones by blue curves. The surface velocity is close to that of I also thank Ondrej Sramek, William Landuyt, Nicolas Coltice, rigid plates moving relative to each other. Courtesy of T. Rolf, N. Coltice Fabien Dubuffet, Thierry Alboussie`re, and others for their and PJ. Tackley. comments and suggestions. Physics of Mantle Convection 65

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