1/ TUESDAY. SEPTEMBEE I, IW f .. • . AmdjmlMr EwiibiB SmUH Tkfi WofilMr Avaraga Dalljr drenlatlon 1 af U. a. Wstebte Mr. aad Mra, Hdward P. TkoiaMl Olhbone Aaeamhly. CStboUe toe me awaUi ef AagaM. I»80 •sNan Mr. aad Kra. Howard Brissa aad Enerctney Doctors I l S mt day ait Navaa’a aad aaa Bdward have returaad to dlao of OMumbaa, win bold Its Siat sea Oaerse Valley street aad Namganaett Plar, laehidad tha Csl^ About Town Mlaa Jeaa Wabb of WaM Hartford thstr heaN oa Haaiy Mroat after a meiftng of tha seaaoo thia avenlag y Mater fiBO «MrtNwd aoel Doctors ■, C. Hlgglna and lowing: Alice and Rajmoad vaeathm aC tea days at Laka Buna- at a otloek at the K. of C. club- saw have returaed from a vacation trip Meacham, Barbara aad Ethel Luett- pea. H, H .-' BINGO ElMGO - — ■— af iSa Aadit to VlrglBla. Waablngton, D. C.. aad Robert Kseney Sra the physi­ roooaa. A good turnout of tha mem- ORANGE HALL, SATURDAY. SEPT. 9 AT 8:30 P. M. cians of the Hanebsster Medical gens, Evelyn Foley, Dr. Chilkmatta, bara la h o ^ for. , Bateea of CIrenlatiaas Mh IftSt Abna Matcbctt of Baltimore,.Md. la the latter city Edward Werner, David Muldoon, Mr. aad Mra. Oaorga Rlagstona Manchastar-—A City of ViUago Charm they vMted with Mr. aad Mra. AasoclaUon srbo will respond to 20 Gaaica ...... 25c M IwMh Wtm atTMt h»v* r» turned emergency calls tomorrow aft­ Chester Govang, KenneUi TedfOrd, and ehlldrea, Oooiga, Jr., aad Mar­ Mlaa Haaal B. Johaaoa of > Holl Special Games ...... i ...... 5c per game tMM itfUr • TseatioB apent at PrankllB Smith, formerly of this Sidney Leggett, Philip Mahoney, iana of Edward atraet hare returned ernoon. atraet aad Mlaa VIviaa Aaderaon of Special Prizca: Orders Valued At $5.00. Adtwrlialag aa Page It) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3,1939 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS; OwM tiy laka- town. Hr. Smith la a nephew of ■«l Richard Boland, Jerry MeOourt, hooee after epending a waak with VOL. L V m ., NO. 237 Mra. Briffa. '' — Hamlin atraet, apaat the week-end Walter Runde, Winston Hudson aad Mra. Rlagatona'a parrato la North- la and also visited 3 Free Games! Sweepstake Game! 6 First Door Prize: Order for 35.00. Btitodw M«Im b of M Lady Roberts Lodge, .Daughters Wells Tolson. Said. Maaa. the World's Fair. MM k otioot ta Taeationtnic In The WllUnc Workera proup will of 8t George will take place to­ Second Door Prize: Order for 32 50. Kow HajBpahira, tai the White omit Its meeting tomorrow after­ night at 8 o'clock In the Masonic Mrs. Etta' Fallow of Main street Mr. aad Mra. William Rabar, Jr., Extra Cards: lOe each, 3 for 25c. Frencli Press , — Bomb's-Eye View noon at the South Methodist church, Temple. A good attendance Is re­ aad daughters. Faith aad PhylHs, of Throfg*B Naek, Bronx, N. T., Special Cards; 5e each or 3 for 10c. and meet a weak hence, Wednes­ quested. have returned after a visit with and Ouotav Luther of Uahm Oty, British Defense Krakow Is Captured; m im BeaaU Ratek of Bridfeport day, SepUmber 18. The bosteases relatives la Philadelphia. N. J„ vIMtod with Mr. aad Mra. Annoimciiig the w«a a woek-ond alaltor with Chief will be Mra. George McKinney, Mra. Mr. aad Mra. JuUua Seloalk of Weet German Line; of FPUce and Xra. Samuel O. Gor< Arthur Bronkle. Mra. George Beer James Fletcher of Bolton Notch Regina D’ltaUa society will hold Hlddlo Turnpike over the week­ Opening of a brought to the Herald office today a end. don. and Mra Minnie Waldo. handsome bouquet of double nastur­ Its regular meeting this evening at Fights Off Air Day Air Raid tiums, clean and free from the little 7:30 at the Sub Alpine club on Private Boarding Home Eldridge street. All members are Mr. and Mra. Adolf OeorgetU of J. Rouse of Alberta, Canada, who black pests. Hr. Fletcher believes Far Agad Faepla (St Toors Situation in Warsaw 1ST Oak atraet and Hr. and Mra. visited Manchester earlier la the In planting lata to avoid this trou- urged to attend. ar OMar) Jeaaph Dubaaoakl of 163 Birch summer, will preach at the Goepel bla. ’Local Advances* Made by atreat have returned from a motor ball 4IB Center street this evening Mra. Amanda Larson of HoD Qolet aad Ffcaanat Locality. POPULAR MARKET Attack by Nazis Armif^ General Staff trip to the World’a Fair. Waahlnr- at 7:45 end every evening this week streel^speat tha week-end aad holi­ Hoose Cooking. 855 Main Street Rubinow Building toe. D. C.. and Annapolla, Md., Mrs. George E. Potterton has re­ except Saturday. All Intereeted will turned to her home on William day with her daughter's family In Announces; Enemy where they were the |;ue»t* of I»ule be welcome to attend these meet­ Barkhamstead. Anti-Aircraft Guns and ! Motorcycle Patrolmen Grows 'More Ominous street after attending the session of Mrs. James Fosarty. Seneel. formerly bandmaater of ings. Planes Do Not Appear. the Naval Academy. While there the supreme lodge. Daughters of St. Dial M Wafaint S t ' W 6M4 Defending Planes Ef­ Are Held for Speeding they atunded the Nava! ofricem George held at Rochester, N. T. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Some Quarters Expert Taken Without Any Mr. and Mra. William 3. Taylor Bba was a delegate from the local 3230 Atlanta. SepL —Two Bnlletin! Holdup Men Didn’t Want f hall of the Reaerye Fleet, held at fective in Early Mom-; I To Be Tagged aa Pikers; Delirren Han. of Henry atreet and Mlaa Florence branch. OtaoB. OaostartaMa Uarl ; motorcycle patrolmen were Paris, Sept. 6.—

¥ MARoramB* Evgymo r e k a l d , v a k c r e s t e k , o o n r ^ We d n e s d a y , Se p t e m b e r «, isst MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1989

etbar iaoprovlaad airparta, m y «e- Rear coflfpanlnw aalfl, thara watt ing affnettrslF b y pobUdBag ww Federal Funds Assail Austin m at with QenqaBF which antred to Oantany. by Mapping "“ '*1 p j g j j f^ j. Cranberry Crop aoma 1,100 miutarjr Nan** a f avarjr Fashion Show Aug. 31. Nearly all tea amali na­ C h eck profits. Tbay pointed out test Fsd- GOP Board to Avoid eral sgenclaa sre In s posItloB to description. Tha 8tuiiebdar> fMM Presents 17 Aceused Italy May Grab tions have oaounced a nautraUty If Italy rtmalnt nauUnl a d takes _____ waa fringed with camouflagad tents War May Take Gas stand, but added that they are ready the pisee of G e rm a y In the eco-! ¥ ¥ 7 „ getber Information regarding eon- 425,000 B arrels Assisted Town for offleara and man. 8«nM dla- F br A ction on T o ^ S t a g e d to ship to all old customers capable nomlc picture, the c h a g e ma^ have | f l r £ ” 0 1 1 1 8 merdal dealings, a d expreaaad Um tanca off were larger barracka. Balkan Trade of carrying on trade relations. profound effect on the political view tent many IndlvIduiOa and oor- Intra-Party Contests In Town Court Today porations would hasitnta to proS- Yeaterday monuag, aftar a atop Economic observara sea In thaaa a d military attltuda of the south- at Oppein, we atarted for tha F e­ ------tear if thay knew their aottvtttes - It w m wn aeelioa U At Leaflt $100,000 Saved New D eal B ilk Out of Many Booms announcements a open bid to neu­ llah border.sThe road to Caeatoehe- Catholic Ladies o f Colum* would be made public. Massenhiieette which pcodueae tee of displaying that enthusiasm Is to Prosecutor Armiens the i plumbing in the cell and had to ae War Threatens to Loosen tral Italy to send salesmen a d buy­ **T^™ oS^fea*in*^^m auc cir- Anti-Trusl Laws and Pub- bulk of tea world’s esubarry eroa Tow n Committee !• tJnan- get out a big Republlcaa vote on Projerl* Fol­ wa, waa one lonk proceaahM of cles wu that Germay's need for< Secretary Morgenthau said yee­ pradiettoB recantly by tee Crop R ^ ^landidacy o f Dr. G. A. labor battallona, army engtnaara, Years; Warns on Non* Southeastern E u r u U f f - ' German buslneM, economists of the that the might be tempted to force- i daya,” be aald. “fact that they repre- Judge Bowers found Curloms iwdeniu c»did.ie “ "S- little nations express cellaf that Ger- The newly-formed w ar ReaourcM porteig SerrioS of tee U. A Depart­ Finishing Span That hlancheater haa been able and anti-aircraft aharpabootara. Gibbons Aaaambl^, Catholic ful steps to gat them. I Every bridge from the border te ■ent thair conatttutaota aad tbalr Support Actions. ; guilty and aaaeaaed a flna o f 1135 m a domination of aouthsastarn Eu­ Wuhlngton, Sept. 6.—(J1—Ad Board la studying commodity price ment of Agiteulture. lAst year tea Cailloutte for Board. to operate within Ita lpoome It not lAdlea e i Columbua, at Its flrat I and coats. W eU G rou n ded in For* appeal to the voters. Budapest, Sept. 6 — (AH— The Czeatochowa had baen deatreyed by couatry and would never enact ' a rope thus msy ba aded. Politicians trends, Mded by experts from tha tame regkm produeed 830,000 bar* due wholly to tha work of the se­ rneaUng o f the acanoa laat night, FeaUng Not Strong. Euro{>ea war threatens to loosen ministration experts said today On Aflams Street lectmen, but to a great part what tha Poles In the.r ratraat. Our ear maaaura from, which tba right to i The second drunken driving prla- eign Affairs. repeatedly have pointed out the d a - Labor ad Agrieulture Depart- rels. RtpubUcMi prliM iy eontMtj noct voted to stage a tall fashion ahow, The largest town court docket In The disposition la to continue to Tomato Prices that the existing atl-tru st laws I haa been given to Manchester dur­ bumped over emergency apana ao amend haa been stripped.” I oner waa Andrew Hedlund of GI1- look ;h< ^ catch the O erm ay's economic stranglehold on ger of economic ties binding these menu a d the Federal Reserve Dry wsather curtatlod what might ^uaadAy will run without Bteorlng Ha aald that MmIUrly the W ag­ Wadnaaday avantng. September 87, yeara waa presented this momUig to and publicity were two Instruments I or interfareneo o f any kind on thb ing the past year by the state and that wa wondered why the aalea I deraleeve, who pleaded guilty to By W. B. Bagadale right wagon at the right time In aoutheutem Europe, trade experts small nations to Germany, which Board. have been a bumper crop, but tea V ner Labor A ct contained Inequali- at the Whiton Memorial ball. North Judge Raymond R. Bowara when tha count He waa arretted on Cen- pM t Of the Republlcen town com* \Tha bridge over the Hockanum F ^ era l government. didn't break. I Uninaa Iowa SaoL 5—(PI convention, and to get a delegation said today, a d may give Italy a through them was getting cetitrol of Up on Market which the government could em-1 yteid w u appreciably above the tea- While the German Arm y peurad tles, and defendad tha appropria­ Main stroct, and appointed Mrs. C. Prosecutor WUliam J. Shea cited I ter atreet aarly yeaterday morning Des » ^ a a . Iowa, sepu ,mgular unaalm- ploy to prevent A m e ric a profiteer-1 The new Infatry drill regula­ year avaragtage o f 407.0!,000 bartWs. mittee. It w m decided at a meet* river in Adams street, wsshed When the hurricane struck the c h a e e to turn the tables on ber a whole corner of Europe. eastward, Polish eIvlUana wars tion oommittaa'a reducing the aum R. Foley of Scarborough road aa for diapoaition 17 eaaea, several I by Policemen David Galllgan and W ar la Buropa may eaaily.. —taka tha - jjy Leadara aay that though they Ing from the E u ropea war. tions take up u much printed sjiace ln ( of the group held in the Muni­ away by tha flood last year, will towm, blocking r o a ^ washing chairman. continued from previous dates and Complain Of Higher Prioas away dams and bridges, the W P A flooding back to the weai, finding stipulated In the Preeldent'a defl- Rudolph Wlrtalla. Galllgan teatifled gaa (Mt e f many o f the prealdeattal have received letters favoring all of Axis partner In their old battle for The Justice Department already a a novel, or about 380 close-sat cipal bulldi^ laat evening. One ex­ be ready to open the latter pert of Mrs. William Kronick of the WII- soma arising from week-end of- Frequently complaints also have Read Ibe Herald Adrs. workers ■''ere the first on the job. their homes again now that fight­ dency relief bill and alao the W PA I that he had noticed the Hedlund boema and turn tha middle west to the various candidates that bs've markete. SuppIlM were low and pricea bet­ Is making a study of possible anti- pages ception to thla rule will be the de­ this month. This is the last of the roae Dreaa Shop has already con­ tenaea. come that Germany w a charging ter at the Manche.ster Auction They reported for work at 6 o’clock ing had stopped hare and the land 80-day furlougb. ear being driven extremely alowly, looking for candldatea who have been mentioned, the feeling for or Although bound by political a d profiteering measures. The Inquiry termined oppoeition of the commlt- three bridges and the five r u lv e ^ waa In German handa. Aatl-Aottla Reaeletlon tented to aponsor the ahow, and a Longest trial waa tha non-aup- i more than the world price for goods Market yeaterday. Only 3fil h.iskcta washed away, that havs been jre- In the morning and the hours they and pursued tha offender afoot. shown a well grounded knowledge^ against any of them la not strong military ties, Italy and Germay was undertaken at the request of tee to the candidacy o f Dr. George Barefoot women had babiaa Uad Before the cengreaaman entered complete line of the latest fall styles port action brought agalnat Gunnar bartered: that out-of-date arma­ of tomatoea were sold, the high br­ plsesd by W PA Ubor. worked was governed only by day­ Hedlund waa fined (100 and coats. of foreign affairs. enough ,to promote a fight. They have fought like tigers for a (500,- Prealdent Roosevelt, who said Sun­ A. Oalllouette for the party's nomi­ In their backs. Old men carried the ball a reaoluUon containlag 30 In .women's ready-to-wear apparel Rosendahl. 38, of 17 Hackmatack ments and machinery were sold ing 60 cents, the low 1.1 rente and Today tbs aids walla wera being light. They cleared roads, brought Intoxication That Is the feeling met on every say the lowans will back whole- 000,000 Import busIneM In this sec­ day that “no American haa the nation as a fieleetroan. The Re­ heavy burdens wrapped in bed- algnaturea waa introduced '‘con­ will be diaplayad to advantage by street by bis wife, who la aeparated beartedly whatever cadldate the here: and that Germany discouraged the average 40 cents. Paiillflower built and 'be flnlshad roadway built their own saws and axes to help out Charged with Intoxication and hand In Kanaas. Missouri and Iowa. tion of the continent. But it w u a moral right to profiteer" either at publican committee feels that Dr. apreada Boya and girls pushed load­ members of the assembly and other from him. The defendant waa attempts of the smaller nations to la not being cut by many nf the over the bridges. There are still the In the work and all of the bridges demning’' him and Repreaentative pleading guUty to the offense. An­ Already the fast moving drama of convention names. fight In which victory—about 50 per the expense of fellow citizens or OalUouette, an avowed Democrat, ed bicyclea. Puahearta bulged wltb Bolealaw Monktewica (R ) of New local people. represented by Attorney Samuel Here the Issues are being dis­ develop Industries which would com­ growers because o f the low prices lO O ^ fences and guard rails to be erected snd culverts Ihst were wsshed out Gold of Hartford. drew Mooney of 983 Main atreet Europe's crisis has turned the cent of that trade—went to Berlin. persons abroad. registered In that party, should not household odds and anda. Whole Britain for voting agalnat the The chairman, Mrs. Foley, will cussed more often than the c a d l- pete with similar German concemA and yeaterday only 27 cratra were and acme Ailing to be done. This were reptsced by men working on In summing up the case agalnat waa sent to jail for 10 daya and thought of politician abd farmer Premier Mussolini's E th iop ia Justice Department officials, call­ bs carried on Republican candidate families huddled together on borsa- 8300.000,000 Wagncr-Staagall bill have the following on her commit­ dates. Iowa Republlcaa have In Hungary, where the govern­ offered. They sold for an averaRe ! mg the problem an extremely knot- | work will be completed within Ibis WPA. Roeendahl,* Prosecutor Sbea stated WlUlam Vennart of the town farm alike toward foreign Instead of campaign and the resultant econ­ list, and every effort will be made to drawn vehicles. Of such was the for low rent public houalng. tee: M rs Robert O. Campbell, MIta done considerable work toward ment has taken strong methods to of 62 cents, which wa.s s better price I ty one, ilecllned to say whether leg- , work period and once again the The figures aa to tha saving to that the prevalence of non-aupport went to jail for 30 daya. Vennart domestic problems. omic suctions against him by other ksM his vote In the Republican miserable procaaelon that paaaed evolving a definite farm program check Nazi parties, 48 per cent of people of Hllllardvtile will have the town of Manchester for thla Tha meaaura aa drawn waa nev­ Mary Boyle, Mias Mary Donnelly, actions In Manchester has become was just released from the boapl- In Kansas, a Democrat aald: powers gave Adolf Hitler's traveling t h a h a been brought In earlier j islatlon could be prepared In the I ranks as lew as possible. German troopa moving up to the which might be set down alongside all Imports come from Germany a d bus connectlona. which baa not been work alone have not aa yet been er financially sound, Austin aald, Mrt. Bernard Fogerty, Mlaa Grace a burden to tba community aa well tal where ha had been taken In a "W ith things sa they stand In B^eamen the opportunity to get the a le s at market. next few months. i iUT JIM SURIIY Oommittee Opiaiaa front. and would have been killed If it the one now in operation. Their 50 per cent of exports go there. In The 16 bakels of peaches offered the cate In almost a year. compiled. It Is, however, known KeaniA Mlaa Ann Leahy, Mlaa Mary aa a problem of law, and that, in bad condition after being pIckeQ up Elurope, we must have someone In lion's share of the rich business of Thev added, however, that the ‘ -The committee members were In­ had been brought to tba floor'of the Reilly. Mrs. William Shea, Mrt. work haa brought no positive re­ i Rumania, which h a fought what sold for 95 cents a basket for first Ihst the aid given by the state and the future, the court will take a from the tide of tba road on Finley tha Vm ta House who Has a grasp Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece, Ru- Anti-Trust Division might be able j clined last night to look upon the Houae. Tha Mil wga kept from the LoratU Volta. Mlaa Dorothy Foley, sult yet, however. Their views are four some of her statesmen call "too grade and nine boakete of second to block many attempts at prod- j Federal government haa amounted atand of utmost aaverity In prose­ atreet. Mofiney, not prosecuted on of foreign affairs. We don't want mala, Bulgaria and Turkey Callloustte proposal as a “smart floor by a majority vote In which Mlaa Marcella KeUy, Mrs. John B. still conClctlng. No agreement j close commercial ties with Qer- grade sold for 45 cents. teertng through vigorous enforce-1 Italy P u r8 U C 8 to a saving of about (100,000. Thla Trade to Enroll cution OB thla count. a previous drinking count last week to take any chances with Inexperi- years ago. alsek" move and were o f the opinion Is the figure released at noon to­ the two Connecticut men joined. Farley, Mrs. J. M. Moorehouse, Mrs. Wnnm AgniMt Offenaa. is yet In sight. Many are le a ln g I m a y .” 48 per cent of Imports are Cucumbers sold for nn average of ment o f present anti-trust laws. I that the Republicans who endorsed was picked up shortly after his dis­ anced From our aide, I ’d again toward the old McNary-Hau- Virtually Clear Field day by O ec^e H. Waddell, local The housing bill, ha contended, C. E. Morgan. Mrs. John J. Allison. “ It haa become an old story In charge. The intoxication eliarge German and 35 per cent of exports 85 cents a bu-shrl nnit shell beans, Publlrlty (teen Check Ms candidacy were in-advlssd. He .rathsr see ttoosevelt or Hull. From gan equalisation fee p la . Others The present war, by putting a Neutral Course sponsor a g ^ for W PA. Thla sav­ waa predicated upon a faladoua Mrs. Raymond Hagedom and Mrs. Manchester,” Shea stated, “for men against Richard EMgar of. Spruce'' go there. The figures for Yugo­ 70 bukets. brought an average of Other Informed officials said the Is a eomparatlve newcomer here and More Tlian 250 Paul Shea. ktha RapubUcan side. I'd like to see speak of surplus control and a cost stop to exports from Germay to ing equalsleast three mills taxation basit and would have to neglect to ditcliarge their duties street was not presented thla morn­ slavia are. Imports. 59 per cent: ex­ 63 cents. government might check proflteer- la a chiropractic doctor. He la per­ 'Hoover. His experience with relief of production guarantee. Still this section, gives Mussolini's drum­ the grant list. placed the government under heavy In support of their wives and famt- ing aa the accused sUII la In the ports, 49 per cent. haps best known as president of the (ClWntlaiMd from Pag* One.) liability. in the last war gives him a fine un­ others would like to retain portions mers virtually a clear field. llea. I hereby serve notice that hospital where ha is being treated In Bulgaria, which sells most of Blusflsida Athletic club. Nazis Capture derstanding of international af­ of the present p la . Although G erm ay h u bought WHAT TO WEAR WITH WHAT IVo Accurate Figures as “ Next session,” ha said, “ there every non-support case that cornea for a broken jaw, given him, be her main crop, tobacco, to Gar- lir a Clarenee A. Goodrich pre- on tha westam front where, the will be tbs right kind o f a houalng fairs.'' Depends Upon Farmer. more than she h u sold down here, to my notice will be dealt with In told police, when he was "taken for None doubts that the way Iowa m ay, 57 per cent of Imports are Mdad at last night's committee newapapera said, the French had not Civilian Snipers bill, the right kind of a alum clear­ Has Plenty Of Aspirate her trade policy hu been one of School Opens Today; the most severs-, manner and that a rids and beaten up." goes In tha next election depends G e rm a goods a d 49 per cent of ex­ meeting in the abeence of Judge yet fired a rifle shot. In the eastern ance Mil paaaed. It will be passed City of Krakow Iowa has plenty of asp irate of baiter — trading armaments and no leniency can be expected." on what the farmer thinks aa he ports go to the Belch. Figures for W . 8. Hyda who bad been called to thsater, Lt. Col. Amedeo Toatl des­ Building at Capacity. and tha alums will be ewapt away Non-sup{>ort Instances liava coat Nollea Entered her own for either first or second machinery for oil, tobacco and agri­ gathers In next fall’s com and Greece are, German Imports, 31 per Row York on busineaa Harry cribed Poland's situation aa dcaper- Hamp)c r N azis’ forever." the town a alaaable amount In the Nolled was the no license rliarge place on the ^cket. As in Missouri, cultural products. ate. Writing In Fnrze Armate, oiit- (OsnttaiMd tn m Page Oaa.) against James Dow da of 7 Ford the politlcalBs feel that the fate of looks over the receipts from his hog But now Germany no longer can cent; exports to Germany, 48 per Ruaaen actad aa aecretary as the An enrollment of more tiun aftu Auatla’s Union Rlataa past year on relief accounts for a d cattle sales. Most of the Iowa Btandlng Italian military organ, hr students la expected at the local atreet. It waa stated in court that the next election rests in large de­ help rearm southeastern Europe, cent; Turkey, Imports 51 per cent; Sommtttae's regular aecretary, John When Mr. Austin flnlshad, Na­ Germane put ll- ln tha fight, Ger­ care of abandoned families, and It farmers are parUcIpattng In the U ts BBSTLBt O M I ^ aald It was virtually Impossible for ntate Trade School, which opened ta tha intention o f tha court to tha accused waa not operating lila gree upon the way the farm belt and she also needs all her own steel exports, 47 per cent. ' Wallatt la lU. The members gsvs Army in D riv e than Sherman, of New Haven, a many la taking no cbancm. The >resent. program, at le u t partial- Veiiro mpDl* and hUH>DDtl« • MBs flwfa dmi * •« Poland to get supplies. claimed today after a short aummar vaca­ remedy thla situation. In the ear on a public highway at the time swings. With that In mind, they u d machinery. She naturally Unwilling To Innraese OredMs gloss oonsldarstkm to all candidates member of the Teachera’ local, rose assumption continues that both fy. The Democrats say tha fann­ Iwfofe they c*n tterm y«ifr pracitw ftswn aiM Miwkii great superiority for the German tion. Director J. G. Ecbmallan spent to hla feet and charged that Austin Rosentahl case, before the court to­ of arrest. Freed after a warning argue that they might as well bid wants, more than ever, the products Thai** becDusD Venro't MtlvD to or efftccs within their party, but countrlM will yet light. / and investigation were two juveniles er Is sold on the program, the Ra- As a result of the greet spurt In ddad not to taha an active pert Army In men and equipment, and (('ontlaued From Page One) moat of the day In handling regta- "has eonalstently voted against leg­ day, town aid waa neceaaltated by for a home state r a a on the ticket. of this section u war supplies. But trade with Germ ay in recent years, ROTBNOKB. wMdi to rifiM iilid Bp B id U. ft. Dte spoke of the vulnerability of Polish With official reports of all quiet accused of stealing spoons from a publlcana aay be Is not But roost the only way she c a pay la In partmeol ol AgricnltWD. SnrD dnatli |» htuam md RMtojr ■upport o f individual candlda- tratlona and applications and no ac­ islation which labor has favored.'* the abandonment of hla family by This view U especially evident of the Republlcaa say, too, that the small nations now find tent with territory to air raids. curate figures were available on the on the western front tha third day Main atreet store. credits, a d they are not wated other pMU. OuDTDfiieeed enr* — m fms pern mmmp . w. They felt that since there are civilians had been arrested on snip­ He said that the representative's the accused, testimony revealed. among the Iowa Doiocrats. they have not yet evolved a sub­ G e rm a y at war and unable to ship back. Yet Dbwlutely henniete •• hsmsm r •Bhmshs Americans aeeklnf to return ing charges. number In the school. of the Freneb-Oerroan atete od war. The testimony brought out on the Charges of recklets driving lodged here. Wveral contaats they will be re- explanations failed to "held water" against Raymond Cralte and Jose^ Few think tbalr naUve sons, stitute satisfactory to themselves. them goods, they have millions eff bird* - or ew* the moil deUcate low*. laaepeMlve^ home have booked to rapacity the Shortly before arriving at our The Trada enrollment laat year tha supreme army command stand, after counael for Roaandabi Meawhile, Italy, u long u she S im p le te iMD. PDckaged On pemdm tom — hMl mto irfBi Isvad o f conalderable work In get- and that ha was "not a true mem­ Rabaglino were nolled. Both were Henry Waliaee u d Harry flopUnA Some o f them aay a a t l - dollars of unusable O e rm a credit liner Rex, sailing Raturday from destination, we passed through a waa 200 students and this year's nounced today sweeping victorlea had pleaded net guilty for hla client remains neutral, la In a perfect posi­ (vater. SSc «neke* IS quarts ef lUillbed aprey •• 4S •MMlI ■ ag out the voters. ber of organized labor." held after a collialon at the Inter- are Ukriy to head the Democratic Roosevelt tida Is rising which will a d aay they are unwilling to In­ Naples. Rates are higher than nor­ desolate town, Graaayn, where build­ Inrreaae will tax the school a facili­ agalnat Poland on the eastern front. tion to scoop up this trade. She b u for 1.00. Buy HOW - tor wtmm V sw mmm e • • I Work For Btectlos Au.stln la a member of the Stam­ ticket, though both have m a y sweep the Democrats out irrespec­ beer/e* $*/ mally, with S400 the minimum for ings along the main road were ties to capacity. The new arrange- ford Mualclana' local union, Inaa- New Oerman Strokes friends la Iowa. tive of who Is the Republica c a ­ need of most of the goods G erm a y ! The 18 members present decided, first-class passage to New York menta with the high achool, by These wem announced aa new I f w a rc u to r Shea said b u been buying from the little na however, to take real action fol- wrecked. The officer aatlgned to raueb aa he la a bandaroan as well fJ. i*hat he could not find aufflclent Clooe friends and backers of Wal­ dldate or what he h u In hla plat­ Park HUI Flower Shop, Quhni’B Drag Stare, and I2S0 for tourist accommoda­ which co-operative studanta will German strokea agalnat Poland: had totally Ignored his legal tlona and c a pay In goods those nai Weldon Drag Co^ Mnrphy Drag Store end |swtag pitmary day la aa effort to me explained that two daya prevl- aa a physician. grounds for prosecution. lace aay the Democrats could hardly form. Others dispute this beat- ON SALE AT tions. The Increase was bellavad spend two years at high and two 1. Captum of Kleice, about lOO moral reaponaibllitlea toward hla tions have been getting from Ger- Center Pharmney. •iset all o f their candidates on Klee- ouily, efter the main German force Another delegate asked whether TmSte Coals ba expected to nominate a m u who Uy. They u y they will have a due to higher Inaurance rates and years at trade, haa not been worked mllee south of Warsaw, and within family for a period of months. He m a y . (hm day, Monday, October t. Hiey had marched beyond Csestochowa the repreaentative had proof to Camille Voadale, of 101 Huyahopa only changed hie party alleglanca In Sgbt OB thair hads, no matter who the prohablllty that only a few paa- and while the rearguard was being out completely as yet and there are 50 miles of Sandomiers, seat of the has three children. VENZAMER ROTENONE CORPORATION Srrmngsd to meet again on Monday, back hit aaaartlon that capital waa avenue, Hartford, held for s p r in g 1M6. And Hepkina, though a na­ he Is nor what he stands for. But BcaHtoa BrldenM Sea Dally aengara would be carried on the brought up, civlllana In the town atUI some atudenta who are en­ Polish arms Induatry. •net-Haaded" M p t ^ to lay plana for Election now ready to co-operate with labor. by police, was arraigned on a viola­ tive son of Iowa u d a reestablish­ elections—and wars—are made by Evidence o f the reaction o f south­ return trip. opened fire from their homes. rolled under therold ayatem of a 3. Captum of tens o f thouaanda of It waa brought out that the ac­ u y . AU o f the committee mem- Austin said hit assertion had been tion of rules of tha road after Proae­ ed resident through the le a s ia of difference o f opinion. ern Europe to thla new sltuntlon is Only dollars were being accepted Several officers and men were half-day at high and half-day at prifonera In tha Corridor (Pomorse) cused bad been offered work which And the war now nt had, with sera are eathuataatle about the out­ "expretacd aa a hopeful view and cutor Shea announced that dstaila n farm, has long lived In New York. seen dally In all six countries. For in payment. The aalllng will give killed, and a regular aklrmlah en­ trada. Senior co-operative boya are And ataawhare In northan Poland. he did not accept, and that hla at­ of the case, explained to him, made upswinging com u d grain prices, look for the Republican party and at tha trade school this year, aa not aa actual knowledge." H iln coupled with the fact that his example, Turkey just anounced she Italy more than lAOO.OOO of needed sued In the course of which houses 8. Captum of 60 Held guns. titude hat been stubborn and, tha It plain that the leaser charge should may eaaily become the datermin- hehava that ode o f the best means are some juniors. There are also A third questioner, referring to baalth hu been poor for more th a would not rasw hsr trada agree' foreign currency. and brick kilns, the town's principal 4. Captum of Bydgotzex (Brom­ defendant talmaalf admitted, "hot­ be preferred. Vandale, repreaentad Ing factor o f tha next prasidantial some atudenta going to both schools Austin's statement that several of n year, h u minimised the pbealbil- Induatry, were destroyed. headed". by Attorney Rasrmond A. Johnson, election. to make up worl) for cooperative the bills which were not enacted berg), 140 miles northwmt of War­ Ity that ha might have the Iowa I came to Czestochowa aa tha first diplomas. had been poorly drawn, asked why saw, while German troopa crossed Rosendahl haa been In rourt sev­ was lined (10 and coats. In making dmeeatlon. neutral correspondent permitted at members of Congress could not the Netsa river to the south of eral times previously, and. accord­ the change of charge, the lateneas of ■enl Fight Around Herring the fiiint, upon salactlon by three draw the mcaaurea properly In the Bydgosaca. ing to the Prosecutor and Probation the hour at which the offense oc­ The real fight among Iowa Demo- American news nrganlgatlnns In first place In order that needed Other German forces Increased Officer Edward C. Elliott haa con- curred waa taken Into account. crate Is shaping up around Senator Overnight News Berlin which bad been Invited by Higher Prices legislation could be diapatched. their threats to Warsaw and Kra­ atstently failed to make ordered Ralph E. Whitney, of WUllmantic, Harring. who aeva years ago be- payments. charged with operating a car with Keith’s Fall Pepperell German authorities to delegate an InrltaUoa t^aeaMoned kow, modern and ancient capitals cams tha first Damocratic governor Of Connecticut obaerver. The reprsaantative replied that “ Hla record here’’. Shea stated, "la defective brakes, pleaiM guilty and of Poland. "On to W arsaw!" and Iowa had had In 40 years. Herring's By ABSOUATBD ' C ArrM by MlUlary Plane those to whom the drafting of New "On to Krakow!" were German just no good.” * waa fined (10 and coats. A rharga frtapda are trying to win the deia- Announcing Seen by B u y e r of driving without a license, lodged A military plane carried me from Deal bills waa entrusted waited un­ battlccrles In widely separated The aciuaed, through counsel, by police against William Verts- gatipn for him in the hope that It New Haven—Members win honor Templehof alrfleld, Berlin, via Brsa- til the end of the tesaion and then parts of Poland. pleaded that he haa recently had will supply them with the trading Sheet Club lau, to Stiineklorf, near Oppein, In were forced to do hurriedly tasks converaationa with his phrente who feullle of Wlllimantie, was not press­ Dr. Charles F. Scott, first president Meanwhile, tba German com­ ed. margin by which a vice preotdantlal German Slleils. 1 had been called Raymond Montic Asserts they Bhould have carried out earlier mand as late aa 10 a. m. (4 a m have persuaded him to do the right nomination might be wrangled out o f the Connecticut section of the The Opening Of ,to the War Office and equipped with Qn the session. eat) Insisted there had been no thing by hla family, and he stated 'nra non-snmiert action .brought A m erica Institute o f Electrical En- agalnat Peter Luurteemar, 43, o f 109 o f tea nathmal convention for him. a gas mask and first aid kit for the From Now on Farmers Members from several sections of action on the western front facing that be la now able to get work and Oppoaed to thia effort are the od glnaore at a testimonial dinner hefe Now Forming trip. the floor voiced their resentment France. (A French communique, Warren street, Hartford, was contte- Sept Ifl, hla 73tb birthday. will abide by a court order for sup­ ued for on# month. veeates of a third term tor Preatdent Wili Be Benefited. at Austin's being Invited to addre.^a however, aald French forces effect­ port. The plane that carried me had Continued to Saturday morning Roosevelt Thoy wffl try to have a Hartford—The State Health De­ The Office Of machtne-guna protruding from tha the body and before the representa­ ed "some local advances" ovemlaht Ignored Dntlea Roeaevalt Inotructed detagatlon, partment reported that maaalea w u Raymond Montis, local buyer tive arrived aaked If he could not court session were the breach of the fuselage, and Inside were steel hel­ In tha pretaurs on Germany's 8le- It waa brought out that past sup­ which would do down the line for the only major communicable dis­ for l»n g o a Company of Provi­ be prevented from speaking. peace count agalnet Joseph Savit­ mets. parachiitea. first aid kiti and grled line.) ' port orders have largely been paid the preslitent if he w a t e n third ease to show u Increase over tha dence, l^fore going to the local Scretary-treaaiirer John J. Egan sky, 48. of 595 Hillatown road, and gaa, masks. Text at ('aminunlque for Rosendahl by hla parents: term or for the m a be picks If be previous week in its weekly mor­ aiirtlnn market today aald that aald the executive committee hau the defective brakes case o f Walter On the way east. I was struck by The text of today'a communique In answering the plea for leniency Deakus, 24, of Wspplng. does not bidity aaounceraent, rising from the lack of civilian trsITIr on the there would be good prices paid approved of Austin's selection and follown: and “anotber chance" made by de­ DR. EUGENE M. from now on to the farmera for reminded the convention that the Postmaster General Farley hM 7 to 9. PEPPERELL^ SHEETS German super-highways. The rail- "Arm y operations In Poland on fendant's counsel, both Probaticm their produce. Mr. Mnntle was re- congressman held Federation mem­ m a y supporters. So does Vice Hartford — The State Highway way also teemed empty of paaaen- Sept, 5 progressed on schedule. Officer Elliott and Proaecutor Shea spon.-(lble yesterday for the Increase bership. It waa then voted unani­ Prealdat Gamer. But the Farley Department reported more t h a Have You Met CONTEMPO gar trains. Mountain and motorised troopa in flatly asserted that In view of past paid for tomatoes. mously to give tha Greenwich resi­ men say that, though decrying tn- 107,000 autoe pasaeil through the We flew past some 20 military a broad front forced the northern experlencea with the pritoncr they tolersnee themselves, they are fear- Mr. Montis has just returned dent the courtesy of the floor. exits of the Beakiden mountains and Mcnitt Parkway toll gates ovar the airports en route, and at each of would not recommend forbearance. fnl tent tha nomination o f a Catholic RELATED FASHIONS DAVIS from a trip to Maine, where he piA- The session opened with a flurry are In swift attack on Novy Saez. prolonged Labor Day week-end, es- them were bombers, piiraull plane., However. Shea stated. It was would help to aecatuate prejudicea chaaed 2,000 aacka of potatoea. 'I'he of diasent when several members o’t "Forces pushing from the south tabllshlng several naw records and and other fighting craft, encircled doubtful If jalttng the accused S T M l Which already havs become notice­ Smilin' Sam? B Y , crop In Maine, he Said, haa resulted Musician!' tlnlona objected to the protectively by anti-aircraft bat- and went toward Krakow drove the swelling the doily average of pay­ In good tubers, but tha yield la be­ hiring of non-union drum corps in enemy back Into this town. The would asalsfhla family, and the In able In aoma sections of tba country. ing parkway t r a ^ to a point con­ tarlea. It appeared that the Polea low the average. the labor-aponaorad parade here tereste of the family XM the atate TODAY. AND TOMORROW Nevertheteae, many party leaders If they attenmted to raid Berlin eaatem Upper SUeala Induatnai siderably higher te a original de­ OPTOMETRIST Mr. Montle haa leased the Wap- Monday. might beat bt atrvad ^ requiring aay that after Rooeevelt they would M ILIN * 8am Is a bit* huskys WILSON BROTHERS from Upper RIleala, would have to region la in German hands.. partment asHmataSi f plng Creamery building In Wap- Te Organ lae Fabric Warkars "Further north Checlny, Lupuia- that Rosendahl support hit family like to see his genial party iduir- hard-workinf deliveryman. For the Examination of the Eye and Eye-Glasa Sendee. Jump at least SO dangerous hurdles. OB trial once more. man get tea nomlnatton. Stratford—Governor Baldwin wiU plng and la using this for a depot. On today'a apeaktiie program no and Plotrkow have been 'taken. join hie fellow-townsma Friday for S We landed at Rtiinebdnrf only a The tomatoes purchased In this sec­ “ I f he doesn't make good this T ta G am ef sentiment found in Say, you oufht to watch that fel­ few minutea after (7 hombera re­ were former State LAbor Cbmmla- Both aides of the Sledracs strong tion. packed In baakata. are taken time,'' Sbea said, "he then ought to maily places, draws this reaction a “Stratford da/' visit to tha Naw. turned from a raid. A t thla and tsf> Bloncr Joseph M. Tone, now U. 8. bunker line were broken through York WoriiTa 9 ^ . Tha chlsf ex­ low lift somethinf heavy 1 He's to this btiUdlng. Six girls are em­ ond the attac!i on the eaatem em­ cool hla htela In jaU for a tong frorh men who will be potent fac­ Suite 2 and 3. Orford Building, 869 Main Street Dapartmant of Labor eoaaultant; time." ecutive w ill ba accompanlad by Mrs. stronc as an ox« yst gentle ae a ployed sorting tomatoes and pack­ Juilua Stramlaln of Meriden, chair­ bankment of the Warta rivet In the tors In the delivery of the town dele- Oanrt Baldwin a d their tbrsa youim soiu. ing tharq In crataa, wMch are then man of the Labor Control Oommls- dIracUon of Lods continued. kitten when it cotnse to handling In paasiBg aMtanee, Judga Phone 84.36 ahipped to aaetlona where thara la Blon and Henry J. Brennan ^ Uia “ Forcaa which croasM to the Dattel He OsaU 8wl*ff Stela NaW-Havan—Frank W. Juran. 66, RADIO TUBES TESTED Bowara found tha aeeuaad |uQty and furniture* a demand for them. Federal Houatng Authority. eaatam embankment of tha Vistula "A lttf aU we (tea Democrats) o f Naw Haven, fatally shot himself. FREE! The sudden change In the weath­ near Kulm and Grudziads ^nd con­ asserted that tha court la “ dla- wuhi to wIb one atete delegation Medical Examiner Uarvta M. Scar­ A ll day long Smllln* Sam drives Among raselutlona Introduced for guated" with Reeendahfa record and CbmpleU Stock er haa retarded the ripening of consideration by the reaolutlona tinued In pumiMt of the defeated m A year. D m RspubUcans took brough said, after failing In what our truck... sometimee to points tomatoes. Thla will reault In higher Is thmoughly unsympathetic with We have had such a tremendous response R. C. A. TUBES committee aad flnai action by the enemy. over last year. Oanier wouldn't polios deecribad u u attempt to pricea. It will also result, Mr. Mo- requests for leniency la thla 7S miles away becausa we give convention tomorrow waa thU one: “Troopa from East Pniaala, ad­ help US to carry Iowa. Soma of ue slay hia wife, Lucy, 65. Mrs. Jus­ to our former Peppcndl clubs that we now KEMP'S. Inc. tle aald. In bringing In tomatoea vancing via Mlawa, took Clehanow. dotOR tboit ha could swing the etato tin w u treated for a aevsre scalp free delivery that far. It*s hard 763 Main St. Tel 5680 that are not too ripe, which can be Resolve, that the SUte Federa­ T h a re Is iobm question," Judge have (UTBHged a dub plan for each sbee. tion do everything la Its power to 'nitrs tha hard-pressed opponent la fo r klmealf.** wound nnd IMt the hospital over the . work. But Smllln* Sam never repacked and ahipped. retreating southward. Speed troops Bowers said, “ whether jail, wblla Thus, tba very practical cnaeldar- sec that the American Federation of objecthma o f authorities. OoroMr reached the Narew river near Kq- daaerved by the defendant In •thla nttoo o f offaitra local to the state la Jamas J. COrrigu said be will bold seenM to get tired . . . newer gets Labor taka Immediate steps to zan. Instance, erill best serve hla family'a coloring tee lown epot in the Na­ m ad. . . never loses his temper. flaaace a large acala organising a inquest soon. # I f you require 6 twin sise sheetswis andana 6o pil­pii- ‘Tens o f thousands of priaoners need. I therefore sentence Rosen- tional picture. Iowa Democrats lea- Brldgeport-^Robert F. Nlebola of Customers tell us when ha totes campaign la the narrow fabric aad and sixty guns hitherto have baen daht to M (toys in jail with sentence son that they w<'u' »**■**■" ■waL to sHco coM. . . .M e Mk ’ nimaat Mad .waa. appwnImately-.-S5! ,aie-' LcsbBcef Cut U| fttf taep ivta. ta tha north weet e f the d ty. ‘MMaretalk- ’ A C O N T B O P O ] Only one uatoarard iaeldtat waa Midapeat dlapatrtiea aald Waraaw tag VantiDeiB. Bet some of their of Pblly Prestos' ^ reportad the amaaktiig ad windows waa uadcr Sre e f German funa.) didnotimi- la tha aummar honm a ( Slovak The euprenw army command de­ _ Of V( Praodar Jaaaf Tiao, who haa ca- clared FMA' ' ~ and Thft In towa. Maior epaeated with tha German govern- Biiff. WIU GermanFe *31ghtaliic EMeksr M a dmk hovae o f nmnL The amot ardent advomOee c ( war" la the east only Sve daye old. who may make a eur- Urn Sloaak aepantlon la tba daya the piMtag ilnlWi. KELLER’S MEN’S WEAR eC tha Oeecboalorak rapnMlf, hiaer. lei ti aveed te tha FeMMi Beioeit Hoover eUB hu — appear dUmmyad b v araamt ynlgstededartoreiaaaethei____ MHde td Mem: The Mesant Uena, ta ale# ad AdatT Hit- tor detonae o f tha atrangety iM t 90 lara guaraatea pd I WH> be made to have the t pDteattai pledgad for MANCHESTER EVENIMO HERALD, SIANCRBaBTBR. tX>MN„ WEDNESDAY. SEPTiaiBER 6,1989 pAGBfnm^j TiunroDB IIANOIESTBR BVBN1NG BEKALD. MANCHESTBB, GONN. WSDNEBDAT. SEPl'EMBEB 6, ! » •

iBlst— marveling at Grand canyon, Calgary ta AlbarU provtace; cycl­ Maes 1080 to has b (s w m e - Dods, IT, aad llarjrl, 5, are Anad Scientists Disregard land repreacntatlTs at tto i T L . Two Italian Shipa cans, lia d a g beaa to m la tto muted New Axis Group Graft hy O iiehb h Fleming Resigns were a few of the experiences en­ ing and climbing at Banff, Lake GOP Candidate More Budgets Miiss H ohl Ends joyed by the Rolling Youth H o » Louisa, and Jaapar National Park: Bruce Company o t UampbUl, TtsSL, . Btotee. Plrdlie was torn la Canmla W’ar in Favor o f ff'ork selactlng Manchaater aa Ma anM . whan, eald 'Greenwood, the (aia|ly Blamed Crime Trail Roosevelt Proclaims telers at a total coot of 8328.00, Vancouver; BaatUs; aad Son Fran­ Planning to Sail Callage Alhleto Dtuly Radio Programs returned there la 1080 for hie wtfo'e Is Being Formed Waterbury Post Ittaevary cisco. Tha ratura trak atartad from WeU Qualified F or Selectmen Unique T rip Loa AagalaA touebad Oraad (Taayon, Washington, Bept. 6.—(F?— heelth. They letoraed here In 1082 Los Angalee, Bept. 8,— OP)— Leaving Northfleld July 8tb, tbe While in college Parlab ptayafl American Neutrality Bants Fa. CMorsdo Sprlnga Denver, A British and a German aclen- varsity baseball aad baeketbdl aad Oreeqwood came to the Uhl tod A eonfeeeto t o ^ . robber, group journeyed by train to Mon­ Btatoe flret In 1011 from Ontario the Oxark Mountains tn Mlasouri. tlat disregarded the war today after graduation ptaJ44 four yearn 5oa FraacUce, Bapt O.—(58— Cofiaiahagan. Bept. 0.—OP)—^Tbe Charlee Heniy Pleiee. 83, Waterbury. Sept. 0 — UF — The treal where a Canadian colonist cor to carry out their peacetime aad enlisted la American foroae In Gimpletes 9,000 Miles Washington, D. C., Phlladalphia, and A. Robert Parish Has a profesalotwl baaebiJI wUb tbe Oen> Parko, Recreation and Two Italian ships planned to aail Dmlah newspaper BatUngske Tl- blamen "graft by public oSl- Board of Works accepted laat night was pift at their dispoaal. Fitted work. today and toinom w, ttrangthaUng 1817, Just before his discharge he with berths, waahrooma, and kitch­ finally, the New York World's Fair. tral AmoctatMta During bis base* donda ■aaertsd tn a iMapatch from d aW ' for starting him on a the resignation of SupL of Streets Establishes Extensive List IFor in Europe Echoed Prof. Sidney Chapman of the Wide Experience in Federal Relief Needs belief Italy Ictanda to remain neu­ was married. Vacation Jaunt with en facilities to make hoatelera self- The loope and chains tn New Eng­ bell carMf be pleyad on tbe same WTIC Its Berlin correapoodent today that jr iU of crime. land comprise 74 bosteli, while there University of London, and Radio ^ tral for the present Sentenced to live yean. Thomas J. Fleming,' one o f those Of Regulations De* In Che$$ Tournament sufficient, this private railway car Educational Matters. teem wltb Casey Stengel, maaager Will Be Disrussed. a Roroa-Barlin-Moscow-Tokyo agla Youth Hostel Group. are 209 eitabllabed throughout the Prof. JuUua Bartels of the Uni­ ...... Italian Line officials aat today for Pierce was brought back from defendants convicted with former can be coupled to a train and set of tbe Boston Bees of tbe National Itn Braadeutiai Sot-Hm Day Is In the proesaa s ( formation, x ' signefl to Keep United United Btatas and A Y H passholdera versity of Berliil met In friend­ the sailing of the motorshlp Leroo McNeil Island prlsoe to face Mayor Frank Hayea In the Water­ down 500 miles or ao along the line, A. Robert Parish of 44 Fairvlew League. Dl t f i>r<. Cnan. Castera Steadard Ttasa Budgets for the Park Depart­ Howes and Robb It said an Italian military mlaalon bury conspiracy trial. Buenew Alrea, Sept. 6— — Mias Helen Hohl. 275 WoodUnd number almost 11,000. ly fashion at.the International Candidate Parlab boa three aoss, W. IM « K. a (8.1 M for Genoa via the Panama Canal. addiUonal charges. States Out of War. where the cycllata can unpack their Union of Geodeay and Oeophy- street. Republican candidate for ment, which this irear la asking araa arrlvlag today In Berllir on the TTie board decided that the resig­ War In Europe has echoed in street, has just ended a two months Robert, a graduate of Tale, daas at ■ n OkjHcM Bavlag TtaM ^0 New York, Sept. IIP)— After The motorshlp Fella was scheduled Pleading guilty and accept­ bikes and aet out on Interesting bsala o f a Soviet mlU(a*7 mlsslaa nation should become effective aa of the world cheaa tournament trip of 9,000 miles by rail and 1,000 alca. the Board of Education, la a grad­ 1984; John, graduated from DazU announcing a regular schedule for $18400, a jump of 13,300 oyer last to leave tomorrow for Vancouver, As Enumerators ing an additional 35year sen­ aide trips. FTemTi Oather at Consulate They have been working for which has bean conferring In Berlin SepL 1. Washington, Bept. 0— (/P)—Preal-1 here with the French and Po­ miles by cycle across the United uate of the Iowa State Tearhera' mouth ta tbe daze o t ' 1980, aad "spot" pickups from Kurope, the ysar'a flgure, and tha 118,000 reeraa- B. C., pick up cargo, then sail for tence, he told the court: The first Weet-to-Baal Rolling London, Sept. 0— (db—Group* of 10 year* on a book on "Geo­ PJC alnca Sunday, meeting dally In the No successor was named by the dent Roosevelt ■ yesterday pro­ lish playera unwiUlng to lace .‘Itatea and t'anaila to both World's College and of Iowa State Univer­ Donald, now attending BuffIcM National Broadcasting Company tion committee request will be dis­ Genoa. Youth Hostel with young people French workmen gathered *1 the I magnetism" — the electric*! (rtxy—Bkckstige W tf« defense mlnlatry. *T got to bearing about graft board voted that the. present aaalat- claimed American neutrality. the Germans and Bobemla- Fairs aa a member of the Roiling sity. Upon hla graduation be be­ Academy preparing for eoUegs. abmptly canceled the broadcasts The new(|Miper said that, at the from California, Washington, and French conaulata to receive order* j field# of the earth aa they re­ 4:1«—8 M U Dallas cussed tonight In the munlelpel A. F. Howes and Bam Robb will by public officials I got Mtter ant superintendent of atreets, James He signed, and Secretary Hull Mormvtana "to move bits of Youth Hostel groups sponsored by came prlnclpid of tbe Webster City Friends of Mr. Parldi are ea« last night and stated It was going building when the Uoerd of Hetect- seme tlipe, negotlatJona had begun on society. I stuck up one the American Youth Hostels of Oregon made a atmtiar trip In re­ for their return to France today. late to geology; earthquakes; 4:80—Vic and Bade begin taking the school enumentloo McMahon, and the present assistant counter signed, a proclamation of wood while cannons are being They were the advance contingent (Inwai High school where he re- thuzlastlc ever their candidate's back to Its normal schedule begin­ men holds a special flnanoe meeting. between Moscow and Tokyo for a bank after another. TVventy s Northfleld. Ma.tfachusetta. verse order, vlalting first the New oil, water and coal prospect­ 4:45-4(ldstrBam Pleads for Stay tha latter part of this week or early superintendent of the water depart- over 4,000 words establishing on ex­ moved at home." of all Frenchmen of mohlltzatlon age malnnl six years, later entering a quallflcatlona for tbe Hidueatlan ning today. Other departmental budgets also noD-aggresalon pact. yean doesn't mean a Hlghli,^ht of one Rolling Youth York World's Fair, ending at San ing: and compaaa variations. 8rtK>—The O’Neirs next week, they atated today. Tha m'nt, should supervise their respec­ tensive list of 'regulations designed The French and Polish teams banking Institution In Boulder City, Board. He bee bed a wide range at Mutual also had no advance pro­ may be submitted. Borne decision thing to me." Hostel group weui having pictures Francisco's Golden Gate Exposition. called from . -B:ll^Am erlcan Indian Facta — enumerator! have experienced cop- tive departments. to keep Aiherlcans from projecting have asked the committee to Colorado. experience In d ty BMaagement and grams from JHiirope scheduled. may be reached tonight on the rec­ On Deportation w a r OBonalty at Fair taken with Deanna Durbin, young Paints Vlalted Malta Reafflrma Loyalty John F. Hamilton WABC-CBS, however, promised alderabla difficulty at times In .tok- Fleming was superintendent ot the United States Into the Eu.-opean call off their conhng matches During bis residence In Boulder education. ommendations to be made tn the Universal film alar. In Holl>'Wood. The Itinerary chosen by Miss Pass Loyalty Reeolutton Malta. Bept. 6 — (Ci — A apeclal B:S0—Bruce Baker’s Orchestra two foreign broadcasts tonight; Ing the annuM school lilt in g ,^ n g San Francisco. Bept. 0.—OP)— Fire On Plaoe both departments at a salary of war. for the Hamilton Russell cup City, Colo., he served two tarme aa coses of the police and' assessment Seeing the Quintuplets, climbing Hohl'a group Included Montreal, Georgetown, British Guiana. Sept. meeting of the Maltese Council of ■^2 8:48— U ttle Orphan Annie B:80, Edward Murrow In London, The Jobore pavtUon, maintained by 86,000 annually. In the flrst proclamation issued againat representatives of the city alderman and was chairman of Tbe gee liberated by tbe ear> budgets, already submitted and ex­ mistaken for' magazine ^and J>ruah Mount Ranler, swimming in Crater where the Canadian Youth Hostel 6 — (gb — A raaolutlnn to diapatch Government unanimotuly adopted 8:00— Neats and Weather and 10:30. a European round-up by Minneapolis, Minn., Bept. 0—0 P i~ salesmen. the BUltan of the M tlah protecto­ Bnieeele, Sept. 0— UP) —Belgian ---- a------under acta of 1909 and 1917, the hostile nations. the city finance rommlaslan. tridgs ui the new United Statea plained at the last meeting cf the president said that, "whereas a Lake—not to mention doing sn oc­ Association was boat; Callander: British Gulaiui'a loyalty to King today a motion reaffirming Malta'* For ten years after leaving Colo­ 8: J8—Strictly Sports with Bob William Shlrer In Berlin, Thomaa A mother of four children pleaded rate, Is the tint arar casualty at MiU-arieraft batteries near Louvain Air Raid Alarm Bqunded The committee agreed and army rifle la sued to reload the Board. The Invaatlgatora am appreciative state of war unhappily exists be­ casional laundry in an unfrequented Winnipeg; overnights in hostels at George waa paaaed by the Legtala- loyalty and determination to sup­ rado he waa engaged tn engineering Steele Grandtn In Paris and Murrow in In addition to departmental bud­ today with Federal Immigration of thle notice notifying the public of the Golden Gate Exposition. Onn opened fln on an unidentified air­ Bourgea, fiept. 7— An air decided to give two joints to chamber. The gas la not naad until' 8;S0— Gilding Sadng with Bob BInn Jaafar, commissioner for- Jo­ tween Germany and France; Poland; ture here amid loud cheers. port the British government. work In Los Angeles, Calif,, and tbe cartridge leavae tbe barrek London. gets. It la reported that tonight aiithoritlea to forego deportation of the current yttltatlon at all Man­ plane flying over Belgian territory raid alarm was sounded at 2:30 a. each of the four teams for each bore, said today he wax Instructed and the United Kingdom, India. Aus­ Howard Dorothy Thompson will give an­ Town Trsaourer George H. Waddell her husband, who fought for Amer­ chester residiincea. late last night, an official Bellgan m today (8:30 p. ra.. Tuesday, unplayed game. The Germans 8:48—Lowell Thomas other of her war talks at 6:80 over wtll have ready tor diecusalon e fed­ ica In the World war. and one to close the exhibit, presumably be­ National Defense communique said esti at Bourgea. directly south of tralia and New Zealand: accepted the suggestion, al­ On Teram of Friendship T;00— Fred Waring In Pleasure WJZ-NBC. eral relief budget of (80 000. This daughter because they are Cana­ cause-the sultan must conserve all today. The airplane was said to Paris. The alarm was lifted two though members of the team beomnd ■epreaMitettm "And whereas the United States Time sum, made up ennually, represents dians. ■eta to aid the British. have turned and retraced Its course. hours later. said they saw nothing objection­ Is on terms of friendship and amity ARTHUR DRUG STORE T:18—Connecticut Hall of Fame Gen. Hugh Johnson will conduct ths towm'a contribution as sponsor Autboritlea had ordered Emeat able about playing against the Bridgeport, Bept. 0—f/p>_A de­ with the contending powers, and T:80— Inside of Sports wdth Jack the Hobby Lobby over WJZ-NBC for the various government projects , Greenwood, 44, a sergeant In the A. French or Pole*. V OFFERS Stevens at 7:30. Asides Interviewing Alice undertaken In the tow n. E.F. during the laat war, afid mand for representation on the Re­ with the peraoni Inhabiting their T:48—Johnny Messner’a Orchestra Marble. America's woman tennis The amount now furecaat la an In- | PhvHls. 9, his daughter, deported publican town committee was pre­ several domlnlona; LUNCHEONErrE AND SODA DEPT. 8:00—One Man's Family champion, on her hohbv of singing, crease of 112,000 over the sum re­ .Rept. 1. sented to Towrn Chairman Norman "And whereas It U the duty of a president proclaimed, "that ail na­ EVERY DAY SUGGESTIONS 8:30—Tommy Dorsey's Orrheetra Johnson will give hla views on the ceived for the purpose last year. Mrs. Greenwood, who ' lost her C. Goodwill today by the Bridgeport neutral government not to permit tionals of the United Statea and 8:00—What's My Name? European military aituation A charity budget of (128,000 will American cltlxenah|p ' when aha Young Republican organization. Tha oc suffer the making of lU territory others who may claim the protec­ ALL SANDWICHES 8:00—What's My Name? be aaked, this being the amount married Greenwood In 1919 but re­ demand was In the form of a resolu­ or territorial waters aubaervent to tion of this government, who may 15c Jumbo ISc 8:80— George Jessel's Celebrities Programs tonight: finally approved for the pas', year. gained it through naturalization, tion adopted last night at a meet­ the purposes of war; misconduct themselves in the prem­ NOW SERVED WITH Ice Cream SiMlas with Peter Van Sterden's Or­ WEAF-NHC -7. One Man's At the beginning of the year only and three other children, Dennis, 19, ing. "Now, therefore, L Franklin D. ises, will do so at their peril, and SIDE OF POTATO (to o ,000 was appropriated, but laat House rs Bring You Roosevelt, president o f the United Served With Whipped chestra Family; 7:30, Tommy Dorsey mu­ tbat they can In no wise obtain any States of America, tn order to pre­ 10:00— Kay Kyser'a College of Mu­ sic;'8. What'a My Name; 8:30, March an additional (28,000 was protection from the government of SALAD AT NO EXTRA Cream and Two ScoopH serve the neutrality of the United sical Knowledge George Jeasel; 9, Kay Kyser's Col­ granted. Fro-Joy Ice Cream States and of Its citizens and of the United States agaliut the con­ CHARGE! 11:00—News and Weather lege. It has often been pointed nut by town oSIclala that at the beat, char­ persons within lU territory and sequences o f their misconduct." REFRIGERATE 11:18— Fred Waring and his Penn­ WABC-CBR— 7. Phil Baker; Mr. Roosevelt, specifically men­ Trv Our Tasty, Open Toasted COOK 7:80, Paul Whiteman band; 8:30, ity expenses are guesswork, for con­ jurisdiction, and to enforce Its law# sylvanians ditions may. In the courRe of a year, tioning the countries at war, Howard Harlow eyniphony: 0 48, and treaties, and In order that all STEAK SANDWICH—Served With 11:80— A1 Donahue's Orchestra change enough to make for a large omitted Canada and British South Armchair Adventure, persona, being warned of the gen­ Sliced Tomatoea ...... 11:00— Jan Savitt's Orchestra saving nr a large additional coat. Africa. Ao official explained that 2 0 c W JZ-NBC-^, Fjtsy Aces; 7. eral tenor of the lavra and treaties AM. Tlie upping of the federal relief of the United States In this behalf, these dominions had not yet form­ Ranaom Sherman presents; 7:30, U:1S—News matching fund to (SO.OOO la explain­ and of the law of nations, may thus ally declared wan agalnat Germany. Delicious WE SERVE 11:80—Program from New York Hobby Lobby; 8, Horse and Buggy ed aa due to the feet that tha towns' Days. be prevented from any violation of 1:00—SUent shares tn federal works have been the same, ^ hereby declare and Banana Skyscraper BREAKFAST MBB-CbaIn—7:.30. Goldman hand; To Move Bpaalsb Paintings Noonday l .aaebeaa Borv ZledbUcaUif jumped by approximately 8 per cent. 8:30, Percy Faith music proclaim that by certain provlslone Tomorrow 's Program Besides consideration of budgets, of the net approved on the fourth Sundae Frocn 11:80 to 8. AJ4. which will he the chief business to­ day of March, A. D „ 1909, common­ Geneva, Sept. French au- Hot Pistes da What to expect Thursday; 8:00—RevlUe night. the Selectmen will probably ly known as the ‘Penal Code of tha thorittea made possible today the 15c A La Carta Specials 8:80— Francis Cronin. Organist W EAF-NBO—12:30 p. m.. Word# dispose of other routine biialneaa transportation of 175 paintings to United Statea' and of the act ap­ KIDUIE.S’ SPECIAL! T:00— Morning Watch and Music; 8, Jimmy Kemper Hong which has coma up since tha meet­ tbe Prado Art Museum In Madrid. stories. proved on the fifteenth day of June, 8:00—News and Weather ing of last week. A. D„ 1917, the foUovrtng acta are The paintings had been sent from Regular 10c Lone Ranger Comic Book and lea Cream Co m 8:18— Hl-Boys CBS-Chaln—3, Music hour: 4:48, the Prado to Geneva for safe keep­ AI.I, FOR 10e.^ . March of Games. forbidden to be done, under severe 8:80— Radio Baaaar penalties, within the territory and ing during the Spanish civil war. 8:48—Rhythma of the Day WJZ-NBC— II :30 a. m., Farm and Home Hour: 3 p. m,. ^mlle jurisdiction of the United States." 8:00—Mary Lee Taylor Curb Stocks ProhlMtlaae and Reotrletleoa VM Parade; 8:18. Edward Tomlinson Look what ARROW bronght yon! 8:18— Mualc While You Work Seven closely written mimeo­ BOWS series. 8:48—The Rambling Cowboya graphed pages o f prohlbltloda and MM-Chsln— 10 a. m . Gloom- By The Aaaociated Prow Twice a ymr Arrew't •tyl»ee4>w dUappears. Off to aaei i o M p 1 F T 1 .1 ;; 10:00—The Man I Married Amn Clta Row and L t B ...... 1% to Ihe style ceatert of Use world . , . Leodea . . . Pato reetrlctlona thereupon followed. cha.Mrs. Spriogt . . , Paris... Switaerlaod. 10:15i-John's Other Wife ^ m e TTiursday short waves: Ark Nat Gas ...... 3 Ik They forbade: Accepting and exercising a com­ 10:80—Juat Plain Bill J4AT4 Budapest, 7. Infantry or­ Assd Gas and El A ...... 11-16 .He finds oot whst’s new in shirt panerns—what's seurt in mission to serve one o f the belllgsr- 10:48— The Woman In White chestra: GSF GfiP fiSB I>mdon. 8, Am Sup row ...... \ lie deaizns -whai the world's tosi droiiid mea aro waariai 11:00— David Hamm Blue R id g e ...... j i j . . . snd U'iU wesrt enta. ALL-ELECTRiC HOME Musical comedy; TI4NRM Here ‘n’ Andy. of state, to thslr own advantage T front (tyles young America T;15—Lum Bad Ataar. to Dlspatchlqg' from the United For 20c quality and made yeull wonder how they prefers to play in. and you Why should ths youth of our na­ States any vesael armed os a war­ Ulion-dallar atyltl - _ can be sold at this price. Fine 7:80—Hal Kantp's orebastra. tion be undermined by vain glc.rtoua B hardly expect to And at 011 0:00— Honolulu Bound. ship wjtli the Intent to deliver It to aaticlapal S-IOVi. | IK d slub broadcloth and percale. leaders, wishing for pomp end pow­ % 00 s beltlgerent. Olbeii e t . W*, SO* Juvenile twentera . . . 4 ^ 0:80— Paul l3Tdteman's orehsatra. er? . Taking or attempting or eoasplr- 0:00— Summer Colony. This country Is greater than Its ' Other Hats $ up 2*95 . tag to taka any vaasel out of 0:80—Columbia Concert orchea- blundering leaders, the advocators' OronPa A5 Weal tra. of war. I American port in violatloii a t tto 10:80— American Viewpoints. There are thnae of us who feel a act o f 1917. 10:45—Armchair Adventures. loyalty deep and Inie, We may ha Departure from the United Statea Boys’ Sweaters 11:00— Nsws, weather. classed as fisis. as victims of taxes, I o f a peraoa brtnnglng to a balllgar- 11:05— Feraat Firs'; Wsather Fers- aa potential guinea pigs, but we rec- I Y o m g M en’ s eot'a armed forcos who has bean ta- cast and Baaaball Seoraa ognlaa the dlaeaaa of w ar, and refuse ' tomed here. Aiding such a person to cacapa or I The Installation of eleciric re> 11:10—Main StrMt— Hartford. to swallow tha hemlock. I 1 . 0 0 11:85—Count Bastle's orchestra. attempt to eacape. Boys* Wool and Cotton The paclfUta are supposed to ba Sport Coats WUh iwi9i'oldkred ragltt PeHevars WHb Jehney Cel­ 11:30— Ben Bemle'e orchestra. so naive. The war conacloua say. It Mr. Roosevelt further proclaimed friferatkm and cooking in your 18:00— Harry .Tamee' orchestra. Is not safa In this country without that fo r beUlgerMit viM sla to Muslin Slips Longies lar. Ylppot Claatag Psetot. 18'-80—Nat Brandwynne'a orches­ being armed for co.ifllct So be it. Amerteoa watara to propaia for boa- Cot princew ttyle lor Mads whb four froM tra. prrparedneaa U our cloak of many $9*00 up tUa i^ermUoas or aa ohaaiymtlon ■aieolhsr (iti Flee ^ _ honae has already demonstrated colors; as we also ballave. tn a police posts "muat to lagardad ad un­ plaeta. D-ring zeH beb ■ 4 9 Tomorrow's Program quality, but M w m i* O J C d drop leppel All force for the anforoements o» law; friendly and offeofllve, and In viola­ e 55O5505 *e $140 A. M. WW- ---a Uka Irani 0lMt 1-15 coloni■I HJra0la 15 in doctora and nursea for the com- 0 9 jm tion a t tbat nantrality wbleb it is the economy of inereaaed nae of 7:00— Just Music. lort of the aick: and to we belle\-a 7:18—Nawa, weather the deterniinatfcw o f this go in standing armies and navies fo r , ment to otoema.** 7:20— Just Music. * . 6 . electricity dmngh lower rates. protection of our land, but nt I for ' '» J '*'«• Knickers Ha iaauad an oxaeuttva order glv- 7:88—Nsws, weather carr>ing war to other, nations |- 8::00— Shoppers Special. ' spadfle taatroetloiia to tto vnri' Foree still rtilea this wicked world govamment departments to 8:80— News, weather. but we believe in fores with mercy. I Now water healing can be done >• raarry.,ont the vnifoua provtoons. 0:88— Shoppers Special. War la hut the debauch of greed and , 'Va*., '"*w« $ 2 - 0 0 u p 0:00— Richard Maxwell. The chief executive declared tbat power. Why arrange ourselves Boye’ and Tom g Men’s ’ Boys* in the moat economical way by 0:18— Meet the Dixons with those who make a profession ! during the Ufe o t this prociamatlon * < T 0:80— News, weather. of w ir? Why keep on perpet-1 B oy s’ no araiaUp o f n beillgerant should Hetnger wehcM forFaltt W' 0:38— Us on a Bus uatlng crimes against peaceful to permlttod to oae on A matican electricity on our apedal water J S i 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. peoples and call It patriotism T **• *^ *k ^ ^ ***^ 4lda • port for any ararHko purpo— to 1-Pc.Waistsuits £ ’3 •**«> S w e a t e r s Boys' 5 gMi' otytol 10:15—M yrt and Msrgs. Send the International bankers | T r o u s e r s Gym Pants obtain warUka aqntpmant; no prtvs' Sang French lagi heating rate. 10:80—Hilltop House. the munlUon kings, the politicians toer a t a balligereat toould to par- Blastic ar buiion 10:45—Stapmotber. and the forelgfi sympathizers to B h M a a d K k a U mittod to depart from agy Ameil- toetal Beta 2 le 12. 1 # 7 * 11:00—Hartford Board of Health carry thslr own colors and you w ill' can port; no warahip abouM to per- Presents find their patriotism does not shine i mittod to laava aa Ameeleaa port s-ao-eMCHMaHto . . t e * 11:05—Malodlea of Yesterday so brightly. ! •w. , $ 3*90 Pr- up up oatU aftar ths eapfratiea of a t' 11:15—Seattergood Balnea. It Is not too lets for peaceful re- ! 65c and $1 84 bouin after ths departure of da U:0O—Big SUter. laUonahIp with ^1 nations. The i opportag warablp. Bofs* Wool Mixed ’WMrite* Boys* U:45-^Aunt Jenny’s Stories way to keep their good will ».od ea- t t o anpnahlaot ' paodabnad inae llHlO—Joyce Jordan. Girl Interna. tabllsh their respect is not bv d ie-' wattolp sboold to panrittod to ta- r . K - Utlng to them Ihelr policies In r s -! gard to each other. SMlB In aa AHartean port or w aton Knicken S i i r t s For Detailed Information On Electric Water 18:15—Wbati a Girl Martlas aMf* than 84 boaia Mnapt la I^t'a stay at home and keep our ' _ - m own eomiBuidnMitta,- and. set. tan ex - : IKIO—Nswt, weather. ample of good will to all. Don't let i GattSm Crm tt far weerf ^^^^^^aiing^See 1:00—Conn. Produce Market Bui- ua mbt patrlotlam with pompous datalato hr tta Pbttadffataa. They're not rtilwi|ij. poorly . Htl0e or gat lost tn theory with those Boj5*8hirts * SiKMts Sturdy cotton and wool desiciMd la r dim. tan 1 4 5 —Musical Interlude. who are blinded by display. Ha Bxad tto maximum aumbor of twcad5 toad, knittod finely tollorad. cut Hks I : l 5 —U fe Can Be Beautiful. 1 am but a meek/ simple A marl- tolpo o f war bolowgiag to a baOif- eaflU In looki, fit and wear, ^ woman, but In my voles you; tum sf/sod e m t aad Ita alllaa whieh aright to wi ifarink^^^ e man'll Action plentot 140-Mala Btrad—Hartford. what boyaanduiotliaia want bsar the cry of pesos abiding and! la a Ulritod Btatas port MmultaBa- i » i Pandaol FtaM 5 (o 1:45—nu a Oajr la Ours INC a t a a r't i o l d 8:05< :Ooc B ardty'a Daughtars ywaclentloua womanhood which be- I fr oodyatthna. £ r t ! i 2 0 < •uyi^StafetaRdm . . . M l The AAanchester Electric Divisbn Uevea flrst tn the protection of the 845—U fa aad Love of Dr. 5uaaa. & i * t n v Tto pnoidMd dodarad tbat all American Youth.. THE STORE OP QUALITY tbo ptovid ena a t tto prnolamatloa 540— Swhv-KM Bayak- It la tlnaa wa put aside BumpesB 5 4 5 -U . a . Araayjaay wand. abaU also a p ^ to tlw ~ m om fm ciicuThM woaiiPAiiT oaeopC taoe fa r os til MAIN grm r. manchbotxh Mra. Celia H. Handarson, ALL ■tadlBad by a opai W T . Grant Co. tha 10H Kackmataek 5L M u m m u t .c c M i: torrhp t ftB ' that ■ " 1 IUNCHB8TBI EVBNDfO fUBSAlsO. HAWCHBIJTWfc OONlf. W W W M D AT, BEPIEMBEK t, IW t 43 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,.MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER S, I98S 'pA last Bight after batag aiearea in Siena, tBCTSss* nthsT tbas iHriIbIsb HiSaltb And Diet w6om cMltla la not a kitting dis- periods tkla diaaarg* aMg laer*asi ijr, at eacesatva gaa, cC aaasaa, and saato ae paaseagid trains. As a re­ 4hutrlftft»r at tha Vistula, rsrhsps thssr wtU a n who go bgr ca ease. It Indue** cen*ld*fahl* dis- untlt SB antli* bow«l nsommeat ether Hk* aymptom*. sult the numlag time at freight the Herald's Araertited' Frees dis­ not stand srsn thsrs. Psrhaps tb* COM stock of tb* VnlUd BtaUs, Bovor lavsstlgatod tbs etbor nlgl^ may ccBstot at mucua Tomorrosra artici* win take up Freight Speed trains betwssn many Important Ship Survivor patch at har saf* arrival at .OUs- tbougb on* grlsslod barg# e o m m ^ comfort, making th* patient im- Britain and France Settle gow, that she sallsd for Great Brit- tbsr wlU not afUr sU. mAhs a ss- which already kmbraesa two-thirds Advice didy coasdoua of th* abdominal disturbed ecadiaoa of tb* TREATTNO MUCOUS COLITld. commercial center* baa been re­ of tb* world's supply. *r trsntursd that Ui* sounds might colon pradue** otb«r aymptonsa tgataMana and Answen duced by hours sad In the osse of faa lost June to visit a brother bi THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Homing Bfwlb rtous- rsslstanc# to ths.^^ Oarmaas. b* coming from !Th* fllylng Uut^- By OH. rHHBH MaOOT area, la a sever* caa*. the dlaeom- Is Known Here Glasgow aad on* In Ooimty Down, Tb* autbor of tb* artlel*, How­ fo rt will b* aufflclantly marked ■och a* altemaUnf diarrhea and i It icn't a credit inflation that Mr. for a ooncert at Carnegie hall. The nsrvoua *ymptoins. and te pain or canca The pain rang** all th* way accldcnUy stepped on the tea end it On ths Wsstsm front ths war la band is , under th* direction of t*Bd*m*a* which may affect *U of men. and la found more fraquantly todaym j e n j that aasraa Britain samsn —and •Franc* ------badj ^,4,^the vjwaaaswdouble s eflanking m w w e e e e drive* which th*----- producer to the markets but it also also has two stator* bi Hartford. PMt oBle* «t BmchMitr. Cobb., from a dull dlstreaa to sever* pahia so badly I esn hardly bobble The New Haven Railroad and Its enabls* tadustrtas and merchants Miss Susan Benson, Ustsd from Mrs. Margsrst Cranaton o. Foley B ^ a t CUw MbU M«n«r. four day* old. In Amsrlea four or Trucblood r*ally f*ar». I f* a cur­ "Lucky" Roberto, on* of th* musical th* colon, but I* umiaUy reatrteted In city dweller* than In thoM ilv- ittlsd down to a siege of Germany 1 sllle* were reported to have launch Ing the quieter Ufa of th* country. erampa The preaenc* of Inteatlnai around. How ahaU 1 taka ear* of ed^ near stamthe Msia and* of fhrath* lln*Un* srauUwould sister carriers In th* United Stetes to operate with smaller inventories Wilson, Conn., and a survivor of strset and Mr*. Eltoabeth Smith o( nvs month* usually Intsrvsns bs- rency "inflatloh"—a curlou* cur­ hero** of negro Lenox evenu*. to tb* lower left hand eld*. on their 1914-lS pattern of strat­ Market! ■UnCKIPTION RATES It eoem* It wo* *o hot reheeralng Nervoua tension, coupled with men­ ga* will uauaby Ineresa* tb* pain. It?" force Germany aventually to rein­ than would otherwto* be possible. th* sinking at tb* B. 8. "Athenis” Washington street Another siiter, Om t«ar b* UbII ...... »•»" rency ‘infl*tlon" with th* p*p*r Although mucous coUU* appears during the first six months of twseii the *l#nln* of article* and In the Harlem muetc h*U* that Rob­ tal stress and strain, appears to be The lower left hand aid* may be Answer: First, stay off your tost, egy- force th* 500,OM defending troops off the Hebtlde* Saturday snd Mrs. Sarkh Oardasr lives bi Hol­ Par M o B t h br B»H ...... ! j S to be Incraaslng la this modem age, giving the lajured member a chance Theine principal weapon* of01 theUie al ------' - 1039 estsbUaheu a nsw high record FREE DELIVERY! D IA L s m i ths flrst punch In a championship dollar po*s«»*lng * heavier backing erta tr*n*ferr*d hi* mu*lc*l setivl- It Is by no m«*n* a now disorder. an Important factor In starting th* the only part which I* tender, but Ths National Park Service la col. landed yesterday at Olaagow, Scot­ yoke. Mas*. SlBAlB Coot ...... ?I« o« th* entire colon may be affected to to rest. Poasibly you ar* developing lies were pictured aa th* blockade | and thus possibly slow up tha of- In th* average speed of freight DtlivaroS On* T»»r ...... prise fight. Yst slrssdy many pso- of gold than any paper currency tl*s ^ th* berg* on th* North RIvar One of tb* m*dteal aocount* of th* trouble. Imposid W British leapower, 1 tenslv* In Poland. lectlng pioneer mountain relics for a land. was a former resident of this Mia* BenaU to employed bi th* v^leh, at l*a*t. eetohe* * alight The ■ymptom* of mucua coUtia auch a degree that It la aor* and the condition knowr ae in-grewtng trains, according to ,^r J. PeUey, mountain culture museum to be town and ha* a stotar and brother household of L. Lee Rand of Wil­ UBMBBR o r THE associated pla art complaining bacauaa tha ever had before, anywhere. Civil War dlacuiS** It naU. I advia* that th* beat pUn to to French land operation*, th* prea-, Two-Thlid* FSo* Poland PRESS br**s*. In th* chronic state, th* disease ar* cbaraeterlsed by their variation palnfuL Vigorous axerdat, espactal- president at the AiaoclsUon ot erected in th* Great Smoky Moun­ living here. son. While In Manchester th* was SraOIALt What the** folk* really appre­ ly of a Jolting or Jarring variety, discard th* ahoe* which eauaad the rare eu the Balkans and other------neu-I Reliable Information here Is that Tb* AMo«l*t*d Proii I* **«*“•**•** big show on ths Wsstsm front Ian t may b* preaent most of th* time and symptom* here today may b* trail to mak*.1.. common cause . , Q oermany gfjjjny naahaa two-thirdsiwo-iniros of01 her ner lonu land American RaUroads and former tains National Park. Relatives Informed the Herald ampibyed tat Cheney Brother*. •bUU*S to tbo uto of hend U that, with a propw uUllia- will make th* patai wars*. trouble. See e doctor or foot apcctol- already In tha third round. Out West When Hen Ar* Man and cause continuous dlatrest, or gone tomorrow, with new one* to against Adolf HtUer. forces snd s third of th* air flest president ot the New Haven. PASTRY FLOUR 5-lb. bog 15c | Of *11 BOW* dlopofohoo '? J, Uon of th* gr**t gold fund, there Quotas: According to Harry take their place*. However, on* of In some catka moet of the asrmp- 1st and ask advtc* concaming tha . I 1forces and a third of th* air fleet •r Bot oihorwloo oroSttoS 1b tnio There will be plenty of war. on the other hand, it may flare up local treatment of the mjurad to*. Poland, msanwhlle. muat bear | operating in Poland. France alone More than a decade ago the New Jem**, after a trip to R«no, a wo­ only occasionally, being excited by the moat likely eymptoma Is the toms ar* r e fe n ^ to tb* stomach Mpor BBS ■ito ttia loeal o ««* ouo- Enough to satisfy tha blood lust of will be too much money .floating the brunt of th* German on-' to. -beliei^ -. • - -to have upwards of-- Haven began a concentrated drive HiboS horoin. _ man f«*ls Uk* a new man. Johnny olaught. hopeful that the Invaders to increaee the speed of freight de- Swttra PrraamB 1 All ri«Mt of rapubllootlono of tha moat tavage spectator. And In around In the country, a condilUon Mercer venture* that a tabloid re­ 2.0M.0OO men In her Maglnot Un* •poolol dlopotebo* Borotn or* oloo ro- progress can 'ta slowed down until facing th* German forcea la th* Uvery. Bigger loeomoUvet, 00th tha and Oarmany. baatan and da- srhlch never flu In with th* plan* porter I* on* who went* to writ* "general mud" comas to tbs de­ CORNED BEEF 1 “ " s a l m o n 1 t*rv*d. ______every wrong. And Van Alexander west. steam and alectric, wer* Introduc­ morallsad and starving, will ones of th* people who can control bual- fenders' aid with the arrival of ed, and faster operating schedules rail s*mo* ollon't of N. B. A. Sarr- Identifle* "torch" eong*—a* fair to Mlnimlriag th* possiblUty of a more scream at tba “tnhumaidty'' nei* through po*e«**lng a monop­ autumn rain*. were mad* possible. A feeder eys- M* IB*. ____ maudlin. Tb* passage of three days witn complete break through la the wcat, oly of th* aourcea of cash. some strategists noted that Ger­ tem was developed through th* aid 2 % 31c 1 ‘ 'S riB e 1 Pnbliihar* Hapraaantatiaaa: Tha of the terms Imposed on her—when only preliminary sparring on the of motor trucks which transferred Jallai Moihawa Spacial A*anc»—Naw she la made to pay for tha Insane Perhaps *11 their worry U need­ Throwing Bulls Still Banned many deaigned th* Siegfried line for A renowned campaign to legallz* wsstera front promptea th# ex- shipments to snd from main line Tork. CbieoBO. Patron and Boaion. le**. We teem to be In a fair way ■psrU to label the conflict unortho­ counter-attacks as weU as for pss-> point* where connections wer* deatructloo of civilian life and prop­ bullfighting In New Tork has enjoy­ slvs defense. MBHMKH a u d it BUREAU OS to get all th* gold In th* world by dox thus far. Full dresa fighting mad* with such speedy trains as erty In Poland—and perhaps yat ed an Intense drive th* past few w u beUeved to be aw-altlng the first Th* fortifications ar* backed by ClRCULATIOJfR ______the almpl* procees of swapping weeka. Out at Grover Whalen’s th* Main* BuUet and the Spaed GRAPES ib.5c elsewhere—for which her murder­ major air raid,, on Industrial cities railways and roads to ensbis troops Witch. Within a oomparatlvely TRiUKLOilD PURI Tba Harold Printing Companr Ino much more necessary and useful Fair party, Sidney Franklbi. th# •oanmaa no (Inanctal raaponait.imy ous bomliers are responsible. Franc*. Germany or Ehigland. to be shifted quickly. Natural ob- short ipace of time, th* New Haven It. Brooklyn toreador who la somewhat ataclea have been uaed to advantage tor tTpogripBIcal arrora appaaring things for It. Then, when we have of a hero In the arenas of Spain, haa "Ti# best informed person* have waa able to announce that over­ BANANAS lb. 5c otTartlaamanta In tha **M r n r h p t * • ! It all, the logical thlni to antici­ Ml an apparent unwillingness to "wall in " an atuck at any point, night aervlc* was axtended to Evantng Harold been demonatratlng the art jf the is all it will cost you Jo own p^both sldea to undertake such and provide baeae ter counter That German “Unrest" pate, os soon as this war Is over or bullfight with real bulls—and with points consldsrably south snd west .Aids. They believe, however, that thrust*. ^ th* local territory. PLUMS 'dox.5c| Wednesdsy, September S perhaps even before. Is a ganging the permission of the authorities. Among the fragmentary war .No one was hurt, but no one showed a Watkins Made^to-Order Sofa unlimited aerial warfare is in- Thus the French Army would Other rallroada pursued similar news Items that have found their up of all the powers, big and little, any sign of relenting In an adamant evl table. have to sxpect difficulties In holding oeursea until th* first half at the UnwllUng to Fay Prioe an terrain conquered. current year found the average Proclsmatlons way into publication during tba last to derooneUse gold wholly, reduce attitude about that gory sport. It to th* position—th* only poeltion But now Sex has been Introduced Meanwhile, on Immediate at­ speed of freight trains was 64.1 Prsaldeat Roosevelt's preelama forty-eight hour* are sevaral UUlng in your choice of cover tempt to smash Germany's so- Vodeler Atom 990.000 per cant higher than In th* corres­ P flE S ^^PBACHIS to which It wss ever entitled—of a into the Iseue because from war-tom tloa of neutrality has been vary of unrest and dlaturbanoaa In sav- Spain comes Coledad MIrallet, one called Siegfried Un* In th* west ap­ ponding peilod In 1930. In th* first metal who*e value In real money Ir. of the few lady bullfighters in the peared ruled out by a atatement *#- Los Angeles—(F)—Reynard Fra- six months of 1939, the average MOTORISTSI carefully drawn in conformity to aral German eiUas. Tha first com­ determined by the demand for It in Latin world. Besides being grace­ erlbed to Genera] Oamelln, the al­ unfelder, a Swlsa, yodelsd In court. distance traveled per train per day our own statutes end to what munities reported ss being the waa 405 rallea aa compared with 6 lbs. 25c 5 lb$: 25c the arte; which Is not extraordlns- ful, Senorlta Miralles Is extremely lied genarallsslmo. He was quoted He is asking 150.000 damage* from GARAGE MEN I ■hrads of "international law” con- scenes of outbreaks of disorder are pretty, concealing her brawn neath aa havbog told a pre-war question­ tb* Walt Dlsnsy studio, which he 4M miles in 1938 and 347 mils* in 1930. This represents tha average ttnus to be recognised by the na­ Cologne, Duaseldorf and Essen, all rily large. a shapely torso. er that this would mean "anothsr •ays converted on* of nto yodel TRUCK OWNERSI 1 AB Vcitottoc HmBaiT FWaaciAaMalMa After which w* could use our For th* nonce, the Senorlta muat Verdun" at th* very eUrt. end In­ numbers for "Snow White" and time required for th* movement of tions of the world. It la nicely cal­ Important centers of population .8PA0HBTTI0H stock of It to build a monument hold her bullfighting proclivities in dicated that Franca waa unwilling taUed to pay him for It Frank all fre lA t trains between termm- SPAGHETTI culated to prevent tha occurrence and all Prussian. abeyance, so me Is dancing fancy to pay the price In lives. Jones, defensiv* lawyer, argued sto, Including all delays *n rout*. Here's your chance to cava I Rereret BYRDP to whatever genlue give* the Imegin* hevlng vonr new Bring room darea- within the Jurisdiction of the Unit­ How reliable these reports art, It cap* work at a Greenwich Village port made-to-order. In your choice of cover, A formldabl* series of concrete there to no auch thing as "an ori­ Since 1930 there has beet, an al­ Wards senutional purebaMof Is Imposalbla to know. There Is tea world a unlvern*l commodity dollar nltery. ‘Her mantilla swirls around for th* extremely low coat of $n. Wo**# Binboxes, underground forts, tank ginal yodel eong. Ail forma at most constant Increase bt the ed States of any Incidents pro- yMcUng are about as old as th* average rased of freight trains in a WHOLE TRAINLOAO of 13 pkgs. 25c 3 cons 25c i; factor that certainly must be tak­ that cannot be used as a basis for her with agility, so her act could be takon tb* three moet popular aofa etylea . . toap* and barriers, snd ground em- vkUag basis for complaints of un- accurately described os a Madridian plaosments, the______Blegfrlsd______Un* to 390hUto where th* yodeUng to done, " thto country. Many freight trains oil, brln(t you an opportunity en Into consideration; that la ths money "corners" or the control of proven moet popular by past records . and operate on fixed ecbedulee th* nautrallty—legal unneutrallty—on strip-tease. toclnded them all at tlito on* low prtoo. If mllei long and 39 to SO miles deep Jone* aald. vary graat cartainty that If thara ersdlt. to cut your oil bill more than t|M part of any belllgerant In ths you .want doop lo «u i» eomfort eheoaa tho half! Oil won’t tpoil . . . to current war. if any point has baan war*, anywbart la Oarmany, any Chonorflold bolow. For comfort phu light- Armour's Milk c e n il get a full winter’a supplyl lift uBCovtred It remains for intar- movsmant or action looking toward Going Back to A-dsm aoae In design, th* Lnwaon sbenld be your general revolt against ths Nasi gov­ eholo*. If yourt to to be on elegant room, Rinso or Oxydol TttttiT*’ lawyers of tha halr-spUt- Probably somebody with a gene- i Washington you'll want the Chlppandal* period sofa to tho tlag typs to discover It. ernment tha latter would go to any o l^ e e l bent can clearly under-1 loftt Crisco or Spry 34b.can49d^ The proclamation putting Into ooncalvabla length to pravsnt stand th* following whole dam effact the embargo on arms and knowladga of It rsaeblng the outar buSlneM, but for th* ordinary fel­ Daybook Ivory Soap, lorgotf 3cokot25e mualtloDa la another mattor. In world. So tb* natural Inquiry low who never went back beyond By PRESTON ORUVKB ME20UQ50"/om Issuing this document the President arisas, if thsrs ia trouble on foot In Bo*ey*a me. Clover, th* trace to Many different covers and colors to’ select from! Shi^dod Mfhoof 2pkgte19o^J Waahlngton—We have taken up acted under the compulsion of a Oarmany porUndlng revolution, confused. From Hoard'a Dairyman, with th* National Institute of Pub- ^ll-Dran Kollogg't Igit. 1|| law with which be Is admlttsdly bow could any one outaida that a toadlag cow Journal, w* glean th* out of sympathy and which, bs- country possibly know about ItT Ue Health tha problem of whether Information that now offered for a atrawbcrry-flavorcd football team il Spurn 2 rtitr. la a wretchedly drawn act In Bo cruelly firm baa basn th* con­ sal* to "Th* Bull Tou'v* Been will gain more yardage than a lem­ Included in the Mg aeleetlon a t fabric* from which you may ebooa* ar* typoe at weave* . . that It defines neither munitions trol obtained by tha Nasls that tha Waiting Fori” on-flavored team. While we get no Toniftto Potto and colors . . partleulaily adaptablo to these nor Implamenta of war. It would answer would aaam to bs. It could This critter, the advertisement final conclusion*, we do get lots at Information. throe different stylo* of eoftR Weaves and taka a long, almost endless string not. points out In detail, le "sired by hOUSEWARES SALE! The thing grew up out of ths eelora here, too, for a dboemtlng eehemo to Gel e tc«e|p gaaap neet Gelal of oourt decisions to determine On the other hand, if It should Carnation Peerless Creamelle and fact that energetic setmtlsta dis­ suite your fancy. Damask*. brocsUlles, rich Rs m J whether any one of hundreds of turn out that these etoriea of Inter­ out of a daughter of Carnation covered that gelatine, taken in fair­ ly large qviontlUea under certain pU* mohairs and frtoats. durable colorful tap­ Clollwe artielaa and commodities fell with­ nal disturbance do not originate out- Prince who la out of a daughter of Sattam Cm ll Waar O ff I CAKi FLOUR I Aes't. Cooktot ilde that covintry, but actually have rondltlona, would enable a man to estries snd lustrous velvet*. The soft, muted PiM in the meaning of the embargo Sir inks May.” do more work before surrendering percolated from German sources eoiors of r o l l . . soft browns snd bluss, beige, which tba law insists on. All of which. Willie It sounds re­ to that tired feeling. through German frontiers to the corals, grayed-green*. turquoise . . are repre­ 32ope.Dliiiier ‘? r 25e I 2 lbs. Also there has already bean motely Uk* th* first chapter of St The football se:ison Is approach­ ears of Germany's anemlea, such a ing. Ws asked the Institute at sented ss well as the bolder, purer color* . . *- r much cpmment on the clrcum- Matthew, to understandable. fact in Itself would seem to Indi­ Health and also tha Public Health burgundies Royal blues, etc. Sei^eef«r6 Reduced from Se a 4e*.l Stock ataaco that Canada was omitted But from here on. we learn "his Service what would happen If a up nova at this very lew cot cate that the Nasi authority must from the list of belligerents named dam has 1.007 pounds of fat In a coach fed hla team on gelatine to price! PoUehed hardwood pin*. Jell-0 Se have been seriously diminished In­ help the lx>ys beat the Terrytown by tha President In his embargo year, his lire's dam 1,027 pounds of MJDOsaMv proclamation—that dominion hav­ deed, perhaps at some points nuill- Mudeats In that bis Thanksgiving 227 My^T-Pino So fat, his dam's dam 031 pounds of fat, day game, November 23 or Novem­ Oed altogether, since not otherwise S1.79 ing so far refrained from declaring and his four grsat-grond-dams ber 30. Woxod Popor 60ft 54 war on Germany. It la pointed out could tba news of revolt leak out. liMlag have 1,198, 1,098, 1,198 and 974 Three learned savants of the two DalBtUy kaad-pa>at*4 la red. that Canada might be used at a We may conclude, therefore, that Institutions agreed that experi­ Um tad greea . . . ttiea ftoking Chocoloto pounds of fat respectively." ments tended to prove that gela­ ilto lO i channel of eiipply for b o t h Great If there la trouble between the gtoted M th* Battern caa’t c Now get a load of this. tine, taken In sufficient quantity, Long lasting inside wear o fll Firtt quality Britain and France, the delivery of Nasi government and thee popula- "His sire's sire's dam and his would permit a man to dc a lot Aatorieaa seml-perceUla. 147 Kotehup 1409elOe war materials to thoga countries Uobi of Important German clUss It more work before fatigue set In. dam's sire's dam are the sai construction - - • 9»ra.«ewts*lw balng diverted across our northern Is no trivial affair—because In that It Might Be Harmful Selected weed tepi WIU aet PiiMoppIo IflOeU't cow," border and their trans-shipment event we ihould never have heard Here, for Instance, Is a recent webMa or craepi (11x94 bO Wotta bulll experiment reported In the pro­ Coamlet* with pad sad eeverl Poors No. 2111 thence being carried out a l m o s t as of It at all—but something so seri­ The ad concludes that "the man ceedings of the Society for Experi­ Refer* w* offer you these sofas w * mad* rare quickly as from o u r o w t i p o r t a . ous that the government haa been mental Biology and Medicine. U. B. who buys him wUl be tba owner of that ths Intertor CMistnietleo eenfCrmed to Morthmollowt 1- lb. pkg. 1I4| To be sura such trans-shipment too greatly weakened to prevent Ray, J. R. Johnson and M. M. Tay­ an exceptionally fine herd sire." WatMas high standard of ejceetteno*. Xnteriora would be contrary to the spirit and knowledge of It from spreading to lor of the Long Island College of Solfinot 2- lb.boxUl Somebody Uk* s D. A. R. or a Medicine announced that men to had to be as sturdily eonetnieted as th* *■• WhitemiSStS Intent of the embargo provision of the outside. member of the Patriots and Found- whom they fed gelatine over a pe­ terleis ar* watt etyled. Thto partial list at the Neutrality Act, but enforce­ There Is. however, ths alternative riod of 49 days gradually built up 5 ^ € a n . 4 9 ^ Tunofitli 2 e o iit2 3 i: era ought to be Interested in a ring­ •pectfleatlcns will give you aoma Idea at hew ment of tbs law in this relation la that the reports have been manu­ resistance to a point where they BiuimeF er like this well-sneeatored calf. fussy w* or* about eenstraetton: Hardwood PootorCom Ittox 3cont2$i': a matter of considerable Indirection factured outside of Germany, bated could do 37 to 240 per cent more work before fatigue set In. When frames securely doweled, glusd, ■erawad and w a re and might easily be postponed or on the knowledge that human na- th* gelatin* was taken away, the eorner-braeed. (No crating wood-and-nall JUdacad^ffeaillJll M akw Fruit Cockoil Vt 2cont2Sef alighted. The law makes It an "un­ tura In Naslland la vary much Ilka man's work capacity gradually oeastructlca.) Beat, heavy webbing for pist- ttef aoUtt aveiw tfaael K went back down. reelatlas tlaasl f.eap lisa. Qt.Caii friendly act" for a "neutral" to human natura averywhert and that In New York forma ^nd baeka, ascurely tacked. Ott tern- 8 .74 TWOtoke anywbert, In Ilka ctrcumstancaa. It What bappena? w* asked. Would take part In or condone such trana- a group of high school lads be per­ persd epriag. tied S ways with finest itallaa (Adtf If qA far fa al ai |wIm4 No. 1 Pototoet pock 25c ahlpmenta; but what compulsion is would be Uabte to react violently Buckner Still Haonto Rialto—But manently Injured If they wer# WATKINS twin*. New, storUlasd, 4X moss and cottoa SaR there on our government to forcibly to luch dtaappolntmenta dlsiUu- Alone. gelatlned up to a point where they tROTHCRS I N C felt upholstery. HidMtd ______Oniont 10-lbebog19c or seriously resent an "unfriendly slunment and deprivation! as have could throw double-duty Into a Warde w jslw towpriesei W m been heaped on the German peo­ By George Rosa football fame? Would the heart OleaiaiBg wUto... fed tfha. Handy, tooUd cant. Easy to cany, act?" Conceivably we might be New York, Sept. fl.—A lor# and be hurt, even though th* musqlea Popport 16-ftt.btkf.29c very forgiving of this kind o f un­ ple. Heavy, doraU* 1 forlorn figure of Gotham's whirligig were willing? to y l Stohi retoi It Is In any event Interesting that j Is William P. Buckner, the dapper Views differed. ,,0.ie nutrition SS. 77e •aty to pour. Kaap en« in your cor* friendliness. deea a* cUaal Perhaps Mr. Roosevelt has made the reported unrest is located by young man Indicted In the I'hulp- authority aald he could foresee no Redarad tee thto u toi He nh- pine TCnd frauds who is awaiting the harm If the gelatine did not aub- these rumors In the very heart o f up hla mind that, after all, a very outcome of hla fate on appciU. A stltut* for other food. It should net MfVp giOmp THMIll ni 90 MMsI Amis fair substitute for ths "cash and Germany and the principal seat of playboy to th* Isst. h* exsrclsea his repisce eggs, liver or other protein Bartleft Fean carry" plan of munition selling may its power, Prussia—and that one o f freedom by resorting to the same sources carrying all the essential be found in th* present Neutrality the allegedly disaffected communi­ dens where he cavorted expensively amino aclda. Now — a gas range with the before the Lew caught up with him. How It Works ITS SAME OHJ *;£ r4 9 e 5 for15c Act—which raAy account for the ties is Essen, the home o f the great I But he travels alone, wheceaa t The thing works this way. Gela­ feet that he la not going to call Krupp works and mo,at Important ^ retinue of visiting fireman and -oms- tin* contains 29 psr cent of gly­ 3 new features you wantmostl Congress immediately to alter the sourct of military equipment end I ly maids accompanied him 'n the cine. Glycine Is asaoctsted with ths •pacial *tosls' Watda TXAINLOAD Ptm- jold days. Fsar of a long prison ioilodHom lb*39c terms of that law. munition* in Germany. generation of creatine in the mus­ W illie , w m i Wards r a «la r ,> t T A N D A It D {sentence has^ not sffactod buhit ssr- cles. And erestln* seems to be the 37c CHASX af all tRaaiw lower trsas* There are probably very- few If Germany hsd been at war sU j torlal pride, for he still wears fesh- phosphate compound in muscles Q U A LIT Y motor oUl Tba Mha portatioa coata. . . lower baadUag' Minetd Horn 2lbt*25c Americans who would give any montbs there would b* more ballast 1 lonably-cut clothes and sports the which prolongs energy. The more R e d T irln i R*v*nlbl*k Uai.pfoe( cettea top quality oil that Sarviea Stadona eotts . . . aad a LOWER PRICE on the side of jbeeptsnee !i Inevitable boutonniere. creatine In the muscles, the more conalderabls odds that the arms But lately he has affected dark BSR ^me ^^s seep. ,SSi avarywhara aaS foT U e a qaartt to yeal Warda have rsadwd aa hb- Locol 6ggi Smoll dox«19c of these reports than Uier* ■ work before fatigue sets in. e 100%*PUItB PENNSYLVANIA smbargo will praveot arms, munl- tiisi's j glasses, and hla libsUona are re­ Other fdods contain glycine, but soloto bottoai oa all tiens and Implsmants. of war—let now Is. Thto newspaper, for stricted to sods pop and mllit. It gelatine contains It in large qusn M.OTOR OXLl Tull-tiedlad and ft 1 0 0 ^ ______Dontlctt or Scotch Ham lb. 33c TMPPM s m alone raw matetiala aaaantlal to the one. would not bs surprised at a would be leas embarrassinising to some titles and can be taken readily. Tha 10-O H teufb, to raalat tha haat of praaant of his former "frisnoa' If he did not • t • * • 9 oil e l tbia blgb gra^ caa’t ^ sold Spiced Horn lb. 25c defense of a belUgarent—origlnat- coup by the German regular army Long Island experimenters gavs • d-paOtohlitSel day Ugb-apaad motora... da-wasad make ths rounds, for his 'ormer their subjects 60 cubic centimeters • RqhReptoaM at a lowsr prieol IA stocb^apfor lag In the United Stales from St any time, but believes It to be too \ Broadway "pals" now assiduously dally—about s half tumblerful, dto- •liw d B ra for iaatant iRbrlcadon ia coldaat eatlro wlatar of awtoclag aadiiaa^ reaching Britain and France pro­ early for any rising of the people. avoid him. solved In water and flavored with waadwrl lei^ifically rafinad, H’a deal Hurry, tbla aoMWigly low' vided British and French ships can TTiat would seem to be a posslbtU- lemon or orange. We were Informed A eoterfal ftonl Malta aa a Peanut iuttor - 2-lb. Jor 25c One Idol Who Is Not Broke whteeaMMtlatoh, Tishi CSV. high Is aRtl-aladft quality. I T t A prlea covers oa)y this oaa Mg sblp- gat them from Canadian porta to ty, even s probability, of next win­ In fiction, ex-mstlnee Idol* luiually that the flavor deean't matter. 77< We mint add a diacouragUlg V ar* haep faodi freshi T O M X A S E OILI BMat of *Etsndsrd oUt tksir deattnatlona And a lot of ter; Imt extremely unUkely In the wind up on the breadline or in some Special $ 1 2 4 -9 5 CM teh a l Oalvaalaed ta he Pure Jolly ' 2-lb. jar 25c other humiliating downgrade berth. word for the women. Experimenta aad laetpcoefl cargoes can go out of those ports flrst wsek of the war. indicate that It doesn't work with But hardly ao with Carlyle Black Tisht-dlttlag amrepl B19 aawl A Fwo Pamieylvaals OM Milk Craekori 2-IKbox25c bafore tha ice closas them to navi- So In. default of some very con­ well who. your elders—and perhaps women. They get tired'Just about as fast, gelatine or 'no gelatine. Newar bafera has thto cemMnatloa at Thppaa featniua beea obtataabla M gatleo somewhere about Christ- vincing evidence td the contrary we you — will recall as ths cinematic Ttolgilid*. A m olvlng buUMa chart, any but tha Mgheat prioed awdda. NOw . . for a limited thne . this A Wsids ®WoadHNl OuaMy^; : I asl Graham Crocktrt 2-lb. box 25c BMs. Maybe they will be all that shall regard these reports and oth­ Adonla of his day. It has been 1 . that tatta you eximUy tha heat requir­ new Tappaa to avattaMa to yon at an aamltliig savliig. Cheek thsM other 19e quite a whil* since th* Blackwell Doubt* Good Lark Value aaFecM®toals"ell will ha neccasary. ers Ukely to foUow along the same ed for eoenlag and baking. worthumfle fSetures. toe: High Back gptaiber; O* I a n Ttaaer; Opel ' GolvaatoeJ AMracIo Mfldp ftt.32c profile and amorous poa* has been Top U | M : Full-drop Top Oovtra; ChremaUto Burners; tnaulatod Ileae- ATfcsssa Un*—as propaganda for the AlUs*. revealed In eellulold and Jito explolte Pittsburgh—

— William Ruoh' Divided Top. Keep* handtoe of ket- neck, machinist. Is beginning to Speed Oven; Toe Cove Hae*. sad ethera. P a l How Goes the War? aa a matinee Idol are things of the 2* tk* eeol at all timoa. Uaoall4bui«> fteNeasfsrtlcI Chooio Kraft 2-lb.box4k| paaL But be did not go the vray of doubt the legend that four-laaf clovers bring good luck. He t ora If you want at tha aama time . . nUSB during thto tatroductoiy aala: $S0.W Four Bavmw Copper oaoMag 'A How goes the warT Gold Standardites moet former star*. you are using extra Maa utaaMla aad a ffiJM east tooa.’ ehromaUto-flBtoh*d grUL gaa tola tentorte 4^ fcf I m He to quit* eolvent, thank you. found 977 since last Jun*--hl|Lj ' Ubto top. abla value tontorrowl lS.«t. ttoel Bet dipped galvaa- DarablA leog' weetlag bttolie l*M ^ prtoel Thaar «*> 18 for 2 5 ^ rather curioua pjckle. They are but they haven't helped him ftnd Orangot pensive tailoring eatabltohmert for VtouaUta. BlaetrloaUy toll iMk-pEO^^d: mt-re- btaahl l^aMAIa ierku iM il SMd V. a, Oovt ap*dH«p3««.l,. .w U: which he to a walking model, the Job he also is hunting. U fim fewfawsM 4T with Poland's not too numerous now scared to death of an inflation with Pjnm gtssi door. No abad to Mitiatt BMUhrir**"*'-"r^"**** ■ c< to j(.'V T £ ,v .,^ u cie'j? .cj:.arE Lemons™ cittoe Hid towns by bombing them through gold, whereas they used to ■Inc* hto aartortol get-up to the talk epen door to ae* If your kaklu to -AAeMil of tha town, but he has Just become Sympsthlea With Rrltisb "d oM toatu ra." N * baking fatturm from the air. They have mad* be in constant dread of a paper In- th* auper good-wttt man of a hug* BOWl „ ,__ Lima Boont 6fttie gmet sdvanoes over undefendsd flatian with gold their Rock of win* win. He earn* more money Bombay, Sept. 6—pp»a the erry m s out of Amen- On the S. S. Athm ia. bean "attnekad or sunk" by German On ‘*Qty of Flint.” LaU r that day, when Marian re­ bod}- in croaslng streets at or near Dies of Embolism Dotty IHark erne Dana widowed The note sent to the League by other state. Y eew a d M ll O v C T , ran contracU by Great Britain and aubmaiines. The Cunard line yaa- Before Nightfall Old Maid,” ‘‘W izard o f turned from limch, Sally had aat at commissioner Michael A. Connor schools. That they are doing a OLS i France for more than 1,200 planee. tardny dlaclosad its steamer Bosnia Mr*. James Jaasie o f 848 HIlUard B-law. one of the typewriters. Resource­ splendid job is evidenced by the con- Hr. and Hra. WUIUm HamUtoa otrset, wifs of Jamss Joasis listed flatty Btohe on amHtloua young ful, not to be put off easily, she had of the State Department of Motor P e r s o n s o n s n ip * l About bait the order* have been flll- and son Robert Who arrived at had bean aunk. Oz” Among Others. elstent r^ucUon in child pedestrian Slips $1.00 and $1.69 IS aa Injured survivor o f Uie Mrs. Caroljm Trask o f Vernon (Osatlmmd rrsm pog* ooe.) ■ er. waited for Martan't lunch hour, Vehicles In e statement today, ------ed. their home yesterday after an en­ A brief communique Issued by the accidents which Connecticut h AtMtln Johneon, eon of Mr. and : Captain Plrie, British air attache. Admiralty announce the crew of 80 'Athenla" sea tragedy, received n street, in the town at VFrnon, died seen Grant Fellows peraonally. and warned motorlMs that practically joyable vacatkm In Scotland might Berlin all ret-imlng safely to theU- The Parade of Hits for the fall ly : Marian Rnrfcneaa. 3*. recorded for tbe past several year*. M is * SlfTion Johnson of 60 Rua*cll ' jiald that OrcHl Britain wotild not o f the Carl Fritaen, one of the Ger­ radio measage last night from New Shortly after 2 o'clock this after­ been given the job. a ll o f the schools In the state have The student patrolmen are at their have been pa^imgere on the torpe­ bases. season starts with one of the biggest priiato neexetory. Is un­ It had been e blow to Marian. Panties 50c »nd 59c ■traat, aaperienced a blackout at eca cancel the imniled orrtrta, aince man ships to go down, was saved. York that her husband waa anroute noon at the Memorial boipitol fol- reopened for the fall term and that posts to protect the children of their doed "Athena" but for their de­ Enemy aviators yettorday con­ features of the decade Sunday at able to understand why ber hue- Grant Fllowa had nei-er before while trav»Un(f from the war zone | there waa the possibility that Con- sire to saU^' for home under the Nkfnes o f the other shipe ware not to either New York or Boeton losring oh embolism attack obortly for the next nine months, lh4 child school. Motorists should obey their A. R e P A R I S H tinued their aerial brutality, bom­ the State theater when Manager hand, D u , hns loot his nrobltlon. questioned her authority and she aboard Ihd French liner. Champlain. ' forces miKbt later modify the neu- Americ aiy^ag. available immediately. aboard the freighter, "City o f Flint” after noon today. Mrs. Trask was pedestrian »111 he an ever present signals and afford them tbe respect Regular Beriuhire Stockinga ...... 7 9 e barding towns, railway stations and Jack Sanson opens the po*t-Lab6r Ska hsten their purpoeeleen Hfe, but resehted It hotly. Relentlessly she whleh arrived In New York vaster- trallty act to permit the shipment They reft or July 5 last on the 8. which picked up the Manchester about 80 years old. hazard. to which they are entitled. "They columns of fleeing refugees on the Day period with the Darryl F. rosllnne H In too Inte to ohuge. kept the girl in the background. Berkahire ^jctioneae ...... $ 1 . 0 0 day with every available spot taken of airplanes, or that Great Britain S. Cajiinmla for a visit to tnelr na­ man and seven others near tbe scene Dr. A. B. Sundquiat was called highways. "Some of the ichools of the state are not officer* of the law, of by pasaengers fleeing Ehjrope. aell the plane* elsewhere. of the slaking of the'Donaldson-At- this noon when Mis. Trask suffered Zonuck production "Stanley and campter 2 But. In spite of ber vlgitance. SaUy tive^ iand, and have mode their "P o U ^ planes effectively bom' waa making headway. She wa* will not be open until next Mon­ course, and only In rare instances do ___Mr..Tohnson .Tohnson spent spent the the past past two two ^ until Canada formally enters the headquarters In Glaagow. TTiey had lantic liner late lost Saturday night a severe attack and .ahe was taken Livingstone" starring Spencer Marian went back to the bed­ French Press barded German tanka and columns delightful to look aL aweet-natur- day". aald the Commloaloner.. "but they direct traifric. Their usual duly Repubfican months in France prior to assuming • war— her parliament meet* Thura- fanned to return on the "Cale­ Mr. Joaele was reported to have a to tha Memorial hospital In ths Tracy, Nancy Kelly and Richard room. Pninstakingly, she glossed many did open yesterday or today. near (Thieebanow and near Radom- Greene. e - aafer if American ships were u.ied Gasoline waa almost unobtainable. U ailaa otoppad Into an elevator. X. Pul into Uasli of engines waa heani again and Mrs. Jonathan La w , Jr. and took advantage of the law ^ven to pondent for the New York Herald. to carry the refugees—ships paint­ several shot* were flred. (Many newspaper correapondenta Dan was d U ^n t tt wasn’t hla children have retumefl to their Bre chief!. The owners o f the build­ It was foUowing this adventure ed with American flags on sides and Drop Note to People. See Good Return also left the city. Utqid lehrbos hsMt to moke eracka like that home on Wadsworth strest after ing will be notified that unless they that he eras entruated with the so- M t C e o n t •uperslrurtures and steaming regu­ (Ctontinond from Pago On*.) The ministry of Information an­ remained, but other Aosoelated Taora ago there hod been unhappy PAPER TOW ELS spending two moRths In California. give more car* to the surrounding* sigilment of discovering tbe fate of lar coiirsea without zlg-zagglng, nounced that further reconnaissance Preaa correapondenta left Warsaw timos over bor Job, but gradually the building will be cleared of occu­ D ^ o r Livingstone. and with all lights on at night. limits at the start had automatical­ waa carried out by aircraft of the On Tobaeeo Crop to cover the U. .8. Embaoey and ha had ooma to accept I t pant* and tbe place condemned. Exploration She want th ro ^ m outer atOea Warships and their charges, he ly stopiied trading and the same Royal A ir Force over Oermany on other points.) This magnilloent film, three years said, were mire likely .to be at­ thing again occurred near noon. the night of Sept. 5-fl. The planes, 125 Persons German bombers raided th* city of the Omat Fallowi BrokaraM The United State$ Is Again Being COCOA 4ALT In tbs making and shot on the act­ Firm, opaaklpg gradoualy to the .1 tacked than easily-identifled neu­ As buyers came Into the Stock in their third flight over Oermany, Tobacco harvested la tbe Oonasc- throughout Tuesday, but apparently ual loeala In Africa, was directed “ d o g f o o d i m a a l a n e tral ships lelaphcno operator, th* stenompb- Market after the opening selling, the dropped "a note to tbe German peo­ tlcut valley this year wiu average focussed their attention on the sub­ by Heiiry King from a screen play Athenia l>eas4m an sad office boy. They rotunwd I ticker tape lagged, but the top ple. ’ In two previous mass flights about a ton to aa acre. Last year Reported Still Public Records urb* and military objective*. Their Philip Dunne and JuUen Joseph- 3 c a n $ 25c c c j In this connection the bar graatiag courteously. 8b* bad 21 37 President prices were not regained. Britiah planes showered Germany the average was about 1,100 pouniM coureea across the etoor, sunlit Sep­ son, arl^ Kenneth Moegowan act­ Entrusted With The Protection Of contendetl that .\inei leans had kind tbes* girls sad that boy. shs Ronds finder Pressure with millions of copies of messages to the acre. Three years kgo, with tember sky led to belief they wars ing os associate produeer. R eloaea chuttling between’ Austrian, Slovak had tin power to dlamloa them, tt right to travel on the British liner | In the market for II. S. govem- to the German people. a good crop cut, the weather that T o B e M issin g with the new Stanley about to start Athenia, sunk off c.e Irish const, t ment bonds, where federal agencies Quitclaim and other German nraao, pausing waa natunl Uint thoy riionld stand SUCCESS! "Our aircraft was not engaged followed caused sweats and a large on h)s inspired new career In tbe SPRY RINSO The London and Paris embas.sles ■ were the principal support for a sell- by enemy fighters and, aa on two The Savinga Bank of Mancheiter between flights only long enough to a Uttl* in aw* of her,. part of the crop was lost. Given has conveyed 'to George Porterileld auM ^uent course o f srhich • • • European Cold In The Face O f' have bten told. In view of the wave Tuesday, prices were atlll previous occasions, they all returned « I traas Pimi* Om .) reload their bomb rocks. In fld iool.. .aa Inim olneM .. l b . c o n c Sm all...... t f a r $58 Athenia’a experience, to .^dviae I'*'“ l>‘r pressure and otncial buying ordinary weather there is going to tta Interest In property ioca t^ on The most sptfctscular flight o f th* eumnsvlgatod Lode* Taof *, a long tima ago, ahe bod 1 18 safely," the ministry said. "Coplea arent down the Lualaba Rii Largo...... ,...$ Americana that It w'oidd be safer to 1 "’as said again to be active. While of a note to the German pebple be a good return on tobaeeo grown relatives In ths gro&p o f 508 who Spruce street for n sum Indicated day coma just at 8 p. m. but not * lAiEri.i tha...... U A typawiitor,.... gasfaig . f o r2t e j Nynngar*. traced the Congo - - era* into " — d e p e n d s on looking one*8 use vessels of the United States or ‘^rclinea were small compared with were again distributed over a wide this year. Today a widow woman, loaded at Galway, iMtond. by stamps as $7,800. . bomb 'waa dropped.. Sixteen Mg I^^HTpuipebafUl oM into Gnat ‘ 3 l b . c a n 49c Gtoat Sira .^...... 558 ] alher neulrala. : Tuesday, the volume of dealings waa area." who has been ralolag tobacco, drove One woman, hearing that a ralh- Permlto' planes wheeled over th* city In a sea, was commlseioned by th4^ I m H m M' ptriraU offleaoOlea each time o f Belgium to establish tbe The Present Crisis M ako Pore children have tha Under lnlematl 'nj*.i law as aup- ■ heavy, and losses at the outalde ran R. A. Butler, underaecretary for Into Manchester and paid men who tive was safe, fainted and was put Building Inspeetor Edward C. wide circle, broke up Into groups of I flto door opoaad. T han hod boon Free State, paved the way for Brit­ n aseritory than, ngl* Doran, a plemented by the 1930 convention | $1,000-bond, foreign affaire, said in the House of worked for her and had made |lM- la care o f a nurse. BnUott has issued a permit to twoa and fives, then swept Into three beaefit of irMhljr cleaned to which Germany adhered, th e\, advances In commod- Commons that German bombings In slble the harvesting o f tbe crop, s Arthur Robert Ramsay, director Bluest R. Madisll for tbe bulldlag formations to dloappasr In the.weat. ish East Africa. Stanley became n p M ^ boauttfutty c o m e t poraoa On# o f tho jroBBfeot la tho faadljr of ratio— - jrot P . 8r 6. S O A P G ra fra fn iif ^ natursUsed Briton in 1892 and araa Preaident said, all mere hant ships I,^ futuies deahnga occurred In wool Poland “ have been generally direct­ bonus on the pay that she hsd al- of Glaagow** public asalstnnca, wan o f a greenhouse at 8 T ^ I o f street to Only sporadic machine-gun Ore chal­ o f 80 er more. Angia Doran bad n Member of Fnrllainent from 1998 aagagod Marian antf tralaad bar. « • hfl«* ono ^ tho oldeot and boot fljntoaw’ for th* e l o l l i e e . ire supposed to be stopped and full vop'pei. lend, cottonseed ed agalnat objectives serving some ready given them. Then, UMe a good in chargo o f n stsiS Issuing elothlag cost $175. lenged their paaiage^ 1 to 1900. He died oo M ay 10.’ 1904, b S w , aurndatag Harioa’a 3 b o r a 11c J u i c e ^ 5c •pportunlty given passengers and ood tin. Nearly alt were below military purpose and not Indls- sport, she ordeied a beer for each and other supplies to refugssa. A .g o n g s construction permit bos In tha general tunnoil of' tbe day, pratoetloB o f prapw^fl m o b o t — tho Mataal Eavtagfl haring given the world more knoarl- tions toward th* petvato emeo, *h* trew to cscai>e before such^ vessels 'the day’s U'st at noon. erimlnatly agatnit tbe cIvU popula­ of the men, who happened to drop been Issued to Frank Krol c f 81 information from other battle fronts Bafogaa P M P1M98 edgo o f Africa than any other man. bod diaeliafvsd bar wtth'two warin' B an k t f a U m . T h o eoafldoneo th a t h ra boon laaplrod ire suck. The price of lead for Immediate tion." Into the tavern leaving tha money Ths tofugoa fuad opoaod loot Ozagtoos StreeL Cost Is $180. was meagar, but tt inclMded a report ' WHEATIES delivery was. advanced by producers He aald there had been mi to pay for the drinks. that a l^oUMi egbiMry nalt hod ptn- pay. Groat' FSIlowa, blmaalf. had by it* grrat record o f ovor 100 yoara to whuilag b o w Tb* State Department was night by tho lord provost seat for Marian sad rriastatod bar. S f o r l l c iwaltlng official word ai to whetb- Vi cent a pound to 8H cents after clTiUaa casualties, nevarthelsi Bsoofdo St ths offleo of tha Town oRtratod the Gonnan East ^ lo *' B a b - 0, c o n 10c to Y10,000 oony tMs a o n ;,.Ths /flooa attar th at had barii frtonda and accomta for Matoal SoTinga Baaln eon- ir Uie- Athenla waa torpedoed be- a similar rise earlier this week. N s BspoiSa en Oaa. ra oki tha CI*rk.r*voal that Chonoy Brotheri border and occiiplad D r* vlllMea. DIAL Copper producer* were aald to be ■hraa a yaor*a leave o f ahaene* am a ta a tly . • lore deciding on a protest to Oer- Butler also said the goViernment AthsafaL the oubocrlptloB ho* ooM to th* Aetna Ufa inaaraace Last Night'» FighU ■any. selling to "regular customers" st 12 had no official reports that tha eompony 81 mortogaa on local Itortaa bad tama berplaee. A ^ SDNXI8T ORANGES BAHAHO* hot with a 18,000 had aenr eoma haat Mariaa Aniid tb* rapld-8r* developments 'cents a pound, hut the price situa­ Germana were using gas, “ but we Pittsburgh—It was a rsportor on dweUlnge which the Manchester tion was confused. An oIBclal of I States Hoapital Notes had faffottea Angle, ealy to re- G ot th o R a b H o f D op oaitln g B o g tth r ly 1b T h ia ■ WMblBBton, the govammmt of have read In the press that gas the phone asking about the Are. firm took bock on bomoa dispoted of Bjr Tlw Aeeeclatei P t c m In the share Hat such important coopulato mentoer ber with laertM i^ fro------invited aU American re- bombs have been used." Fourteen-yeor-old Marie Black at ouctloa here by the allk firm. M tttuI Sawto«8 Itoudf 7100 < i < « - e . g o t o bslag mods to gst PUtoburgh—Fritale Ztvic, 148L 2 2 9 •war babies ” as U. 8. Steel, Bethle­ Butler told questioners thnt no patiently and politoly aaswerod hla Timer W tm y ea n paoead and FORPBOMPT n conference on safe- hem Steel, General Motor*, Chrysler riv o n togvUwr os aa poasi- P ltto b u r^ U m t i Peter Oo Rua* n a g £ a m M tle u s g M * caan into _ the peace and preventing ofllctsl dselarations of neutrality questions, telling how bninlng rub­ Admitted yostorday: lO oi EBsn 00, 148, N ow Torfc 8. Douglas Aircraft, ' Fajardo Sugar, had bean received from Soviet Rus- Wo for tlMlr M riy AoMri- PICE»UP Emppean war from diolocatlng bishah had ignited a bulldlag. — Gormaa, 27 Brolaord Pteoe^ Edward N ow Torh—Lew Jenkins, 183, Anaconda Copper, Dupont and "IwA Its!*, FtnaUy .ahe apetegSedr ,7 flm * b a d POTATOES GNiON-4M4k flnancea in the western '’■fllWld'Ola*:' . {ftT-furnon of Titm . Vm m o * Bwootwater, .Tex;, stopped Glmrer Wa. hat* kaf BAA CarWd# were unritonged' td' Spain u id J o ^ have Issued notlfl- " I have to go now. I live la Qidncy townohip are woirimg Otif '' ■'■■fdri*dayr’-'" »a w w » otnw- t ^ Ftlf " f* ^fm or. thJST n a sha™ '^iiid CBtions to tills effeefl.” th* Ml * 5Sra building that's burning.** benvera boeauae soma baafo ia o n PtrillBA Aiidfcwnw. (4 ). “ 3 7 Panama City, but ths time Chemical, Bears Roebuck. Montgom- Great Britain leiiorted a series of Data a tew months ago eha hod :Khf.j.7s-—jJfi Cl 1 not fixed. working Ilk* bonvero. The hoavara Adarittod today: Mrs. Moiy Osy, Garflrid, N. J^—Johnny Jullaiio, TMJimmi Bank C“t«T>m»r Tractor, New Ta *M tOily of PBot been qulto suceaaafuL Boow tly quick successes today In a sharp Dog fioab •s DaaUi buIR s dam acrooa a river bmach. 178 flumailt strset Mrs. Sarah Bid- York Central and Standard Oil of offenaive against German war and WMW«gtaii.lip«.t. — OP) -T h a HE Pntorwii, N. J., outpointed flatty Kam hod-baoeaM a major rRooeevelfimd SemiUry N . J. were ahead. merchant veasels. Coast Gtaord oidf today tha outtero Every time th* won. 87 PnriMdl PMmo, Mrs. osiolya A r il* U4L Now York (8 ). Neb. Iff)—*HT0ry la farmom romwrsd tt or opened It th* Trask, Vamon atresL proHom. ZaOiy was man than a I iha arms embargo pro- Three SHpe Destroyed Blhb sad C h m M hod bowi ordoiad Nowwk, N. J,—Bffly White, 148, littla.rM M M lH a fo r tm pwrpaadle- of Manchester I p o n o b r i n g s SU G A R B m i i ....J laat Biffbt. It banned AOVERTTSEMENT- toUtW to one Wto.** A ttoneyfiria to asoot thsCBy of lUac sod gtvo heavora rehnUt H. Ono night tb* Birth: Today, n son to U r . and BalUmor*, outpolatod Teddy Bald­ An early morning communique e j A r i n told Municipal Judge Parry ular IbiekeewwB MBriati’e biew a the ahlpment of seven from the ministry of Information aid t« tho Athoolo vMfima aboard. fai-maia atgnng laatama luong tha Mm. Janma Moriatty, 118 North win, 187. PkUadoIpblo (8 ). flatty had apflHod for a poottioa Now is the time to plant our Wherte^ M after bearing (Jaorga i daas, but that apparently only help- SoluolatriM. A N a ta a l S a ria g B B aak I a t a m *, anununltione, ■old Britiah toreee In ths Atlantle A IBOlMiniMI M MId aama of thdm Hartford, .Oona.—BMbsr l«y » aa atoriogn p m r . Ibora had bsoa Wraderlawn O i ^ Seed at 83c lb. Goodhnrt rrinU he b « l tohnqa tw o ‘‘mlghThaaittla w Iharhargad today: Fraacia Roebo, l O o e o c h ■itaad gas. and other Im- had dsetroyed three German ahlne Ht o r sad that ad th* baavon to oo* batter- at 289H, Hartford. kaoekodrW M*. tm g M . aa Brid- U. S. Oemers & Dyers and to Bsw fertiUser — Bone Meal **«aeftalsaK aualmAa* ______tlw eutton. woM their watlb Now th* fhnnam ora rhMhiag.le t, AOTod iUidraWqr, risno Arflla. 181, Spain (8); lo t war direct to a belUger- fertilizer now 82.88 per 100 Iba. W. "which m M t have been converted - - - that Into smefTrsIders.’’ hsaNhdartotIwoltt doeteta os iiW w fiw i; 5 ! ^ M houra * day, trytag to SUflonT Sprtago ^ lOas Chthoihm B s t t a M 148H, Hartford, todn- fithar ;eoantQr for Harry Bnglnnd-TM. S8M. ______i at one*. aw_ __ t M thg Mato 'ttwk m ■ M S ’ si^ ■Wteoeed ths to IKML M FlOMMI llfliilo “ - o m > UK . Ia .... 'rolento Works On His Right 70 New Englanders Public Schools jSeulptpr Gay* Lou Nova bi Danger Zone Jobs Resume Studies News From Manchester’s Neighbors By DUlm Hose Company Blanchard and Editar. (F> Southern Cal Rated Best Tri-County Titlists Book No Official Checkup to C n w ln * Out Evacuation ' > v«tcrmn of tbm yaan aonr* van yi^ vui E,vacuauou , , la Ui# Poiiah Aray. ChyUnaki. Japervflle, Pa,—Shrewd, slender Retains Lead H a iti M ay T o e 0 Be Made Until Mon* beef aendwlcbaa with g n ry , apple Grid Array on the Coast Series With Collinsville O f American and Pro I vlc«>cecual at Warsaw, fouftat for I# Joe Jacoba isn't actually a dajr. It Is Reported. Stafford Springe pie and edffea Included the refMti- d ohorir but he's a very good Polish independence. menta. Prloes were awarded. Wapping teedng Interesta o f By Bahert Myers ■which is fine with everycne except Manchrzter Green, champions etfi From all reports they take Uielr Shdi few Game When Ruaeta announced Its non- John G. Nett* Dr. and Mra. Percy Terbune have I Bingo Is Discussed id lucky) rumasy player. Hie Trims Holy Name by 11 So swiftly did tbs public scbools toa headman and oasociatea close to the Tri-Cteunty league for 1939, will United States. aggreasion pact with Oennany, re­ returned to their hm e in Poasaic, Mn. W. W. flnwH rpoem at the gome may bring Los Angeles, Sept. t — i/Pi— Now boaeball seriously ih OoUlnsvtUe. ported to have surprised British and settle down tfi routlas activities that 478, StnSord ‘ that virtually eve^ rival coach in toe Wtustion. ,8 to Remain Unbeaten open a toree-game oerlea wUb Ool- Since the flrst of the praoent eseenii It scarcely sssmsd possible that to­ New Jersey, and Mr. and Im Rob­ I s f*"**** doUars. Thera is no doubt UR.C. has a linsvtUe in that town Sunday ‘after­ French diplomats. Charles E. Bob- ert Terbune and two ebUdren bays tha Poctfle eooat conference ass tha teams have battled along In Ga« HotuAffB D etem leed . ay BoS Soatbwtek lea,, consul and second secretary of day marked ths opening of schools Funeral ssrvlees for John K. Hka a man poking a bnn- "conoeded” the plgMOn chemploa- world of material, hut it is unbal­ W SpftbaU . noon. OoUlnavUle won the Farm­ returned to their home in New Mias Peggy Wathsrell, daughUr By Rockville Council anced. He baa re^ecemenU for the ington Volley chomplonehlp after a some hot gomes. In fact Uw osason ' Wm/UagUm, 8«pt 4—(tV-Tn Eu> the American embassy there was on bsrs for tbs 1989-40 year. Altbou^ tenied, 77, foiinsr rsprsssntativ* r tiger with a pole, the oUgbt- Miip to the University of Soutosrn To End ScriBB and no oAdal chack-up was mads, it Haven after spending a week at the of Mr. OBd Mrs. Mason F. Weth- turad priae-flgbt manager keapa J<^ vacated by graduatioo, but it The Manchester Softball League long hard otruggle and lost Sunday, ended with oU tbe teams having a rapt'a blacked out capitals and the scene. town offlcial and lifs-loof restdsnt of home of Mias Beasts Terbune. CoUforola. there Is little left for Bohlen comes from Maasachu- was reported that attendanco was eroll of Watertown, baa been violt- .t•""F- ; with obtaining money ■aieeai of the ring, giobulsr headman Howard Hording Jones to will be difficult to replace, for in­ continued Its schedule after giving before oome 3300 fono, downed their chance up to the loot three weeka Earn Right to Oppofle other trouble spots of a war-eni> i Stafford, who died Sunday noon at Ths Lodlea Aid Society of the 1 Fees Proposed b Subiecl' stance. Red Morgan, the big right cloeeet rivals, Tariffvllle, 8-0. l.'oUlnsvIlle and Tariffvllle flnlahsd I Mtt4. unusually good for the flrst day. Ing Mlaa Kate M. Wetherell for n------g --- . A 'ra* under feie* nre»en>M P«*ten»es bhu will k . be put to ty Golento, angry by besting him do this foU. tha Wcat Side playgrounds Held broiled world 70 New Englanders tha Johnoon Memorial hospital here, Tolland Federated church will serve .1 tha cord table. Joe knows that Uckle, Fisher, regular oUrting Genial Joe Hublard, at the request in a tie for first place and attUed the PA*fl for Twi Diadem. Omans On Monday ware held Tuesday afternoon at 2 Mvarol days. She returned to her " I Uebate^ Action D r- plea on Thursday, when they will All tha gray-boired veteran has to over to tha Recreation (tenters ta out'ttelr nTtto!fs“ lI It Is likely that a census will not a public supper in the church Friday one thing tha hairy Italian lovm oecemiriiah is: guard, and Stanley, senior end, were ot the Tri-County league president, Issue last Sunday when the OoUlns- o'clock at the home on Stafford evening September 8, at • p.m. home Monday afternoon, order that they might run off the i 7 l!«osl.vir.and here . be taken In the schools until Mon­ Mr. aim Mn. Harry Hart and l - r e d U-UI III. Corpo^ ^ "S.X ‘'Kip. ro than beer la the feel ot crisp, 1. ^ w l over, in order, Oregon. experienced man in the Jonea eye- made these arrangemenU about two vllle team took tha second goma, Cy Blanchard wUI too Uw vuhher and protecting American Interests. street Rev. Kendrick Qrobel, pas­ The Toung People of the ebureb tam. decathlon loot week. One gome was weeks ago and did not announce hla 8-0, having won tha Brat gams in for Mortorty BroUwra thia ovnffng 31"year-old Tale graduate, Homer day as many pupils do not return tor of ths First (tongregatlonoi Mr. and Mrs. John Downs ot New a t io n C o u n s e l Is S e e n , i Charles Varga of Col- len euireney. Woohlngton State, Illinois, CAU- played lost night and Hose 0>. No. 1 As part of the United States' far- M. Bytngton, Jr., ta second eecre- before that time. Indications are group and community will glva a M toin were the guests of Mr. and forale, Oregon Btoto, Slenford, Just who will fill their reapective schedule until Yesterday. This will the last of the ninth, 3*4, trailing against tha German-Amaricaaa « flung foreign service, they are on church, ofliciated. Buiial was in second performance of their play at uoibift, violationi of Ujo motor aooba te amort enough not to defeated the Holy Nome Society 4-8 going Into tha flnoi stania, Paloa tbe West Bids. Tbe game wW Ury of the legation. With him are that the total enrollment will to the Stafford Street cemetery. Mrs. Wilbur C. HUla lost Sunday it Tony too badly. He late him Notre Dame, Woohlngton and U.(X Shoes remains to be aeen. The other be the flrst time that a winner of the the alert to communicate to Wash­ two Bay State man. both vice-con­ North Coventry Community House, Ri>ckvlUft fi«nt noUed on the { aide of the line is intact Ha hoe team by the score of It to 9. It Tri-County diadem coneented to a hit a homer with a mate on oacond ■tart at 3:43 o’eloek ehotp oxd H la around 4,400 pupils, slightly I Two weddings took place in Staf­ Mrs. Morjorto. ------Files ---- and three ’ . I payment of coau. The appeal of a few bucks and then nicks him L-A. was a hard fought game. The teama olmoet ctrtaln that Tony Hartt vMU ington latest developments In the suls. John L. Calnan and Peter K. than last year. At Manchester Friday, September 8. Judeofi. Jr., Terry and Peter. ordinance for the playing^ Eleanor Foley of Fairfield, an ap- 2. Rebuild tbe entire right side of good end material, but Jones would Mries with another league. The of- after two wars out. ford Springs Monday, Labor Day. a te n -^ t of a twenty. It keeps going Into ths third Inning with the A large delegation ef Green oup- bo given onoUwr chane* to atop tbo European turmoil and to preserve Constan. High, however, the advance flguras In the morning at fl o'clock In St The annual meeting of the Tol­ •Pending the week* of bingo In Rockville waa dIacuMed' P«el from the Union Juetlce court. bis tine, bereft of tbe men who were i feel better if be knew for certain tost flclala of that league wished thW a Atnertcan lives and property In the At Tallinn, IMonla, Montgomery land Library Association will to by trritoted. And that pleases A1 Krueger, peat catching hero of Holy Nome leading 4 to 8. The long time ago oim wanted It to be porters ia going to make tha trip to march of M ortar^ towotda tha reached 1323 students and the ac­ Edward's church, MIse Mary MateJ- taShlSeld meeting of the a ty “ charge of a motor vehicle viola- u He thinks if be con keep the toe seasoned starters of hie 1938 "flre-eaters", however, come right fliwla for Uw Twl League eup. battle-tom Orient. H. CoUaday, Mlddletowm, Conn., is tual enrollment wlU protobly to kowakl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. held Monday afternoon September nuichlnc- ths Duka conquest would be reedy on annual event. The local cham­ Colltnsville Sunday afternoon and Top diplomat in the European third secretary of the legation and 11 at 8 o'clock in the library rooms. rage slugger in a crusi^ood mercl- for action after a knee operation bock and tM the score at four-all pions were th* flrri to oonoent to the game Is scheduled to start at 8 Uosupe hi DoXbA about 1473 or thereabouts. Walter Mettjkowaki of Center • mood Tony will win the hesvy- 3. Find out what to do with no In toe third. The Holy Name forged service Is Boston's Joseph P. Ken­ eonaul, A Dartmouth graduate, he etreet, and Thaddeus Zaiswe, son of Zoe' Beckley will to ths guest Mr. and Mn? Robert M ^ eth er. 1 Nstnrallzatloo Seaalen less than a half dozen very efficient thia spring. this arrangement. o’clock alwrp. Juat how M ortar^ wtU take tho previously served In Hamburg and First Vacation ' ------^ ' ^*Iher- I were prohibitive. Action was de-1 There will be a session for ight ehomplonffiip. ohaod la Uw sixto with three runs, OoM thia avanlng u not kaonx, nedy, ambassador to Great Britain There'll be thirty-nine days of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zalewa, also of speaker. rtl ^ n t the week-end at the home [uorterbacka, on toe one hand, and Barring tbe right halfback poM- and President Roosevelt's trouble Warsaw. ferred on the adoption of the ordl- naturalization at the ToUand (Jounty Boagk \nd Tough tion, U.8.C. Is well fixed with Bob but tlw Hose (te. team come bscii neiUwr ia Uw axoet Itaoup o f tim school In September and October Canter etreet, ware married by Rev. Mrs. Dunning, Miss Oenevlve of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Platt nance until the committee hod con- " ----- a 3rawnlng gap at right half. A ooUit. Ths expsrience of seeing Ger­ and fomUy returning to their home Superior court in RockviUe not sine* Jock Dempmy was Hoffman at the btocklng left half with four runs la the eighth and an GA'a. Norman PUtt wiU m work­ before another vacation rolls Henry Chabot The couple were at­ Gardner and Mrs. Emma Crandall ferred with the corporation counsei 4. Win ths Pacific Coast confer­ other ia the ninth to save the day ing and from reUoWa raporto John­ Now deep in the task of finding many annex a nation waa that of a tended by Mlee C»ierlotte .Matei- of WlUlngton Hill caUed at ths on Labor Day. Thursday, September 7th. peak in the early twenties ence championship. spot and Songster and Peoples at ship accommodations to send 67-ysar-old Bostonian and Harvard around, that being scheduled for one again. If neceasary a special meet. The session will start at • a. tuU. with a throe run advantage. ny Oraona wiU olao bo ejwexL Bmtl 8,000 graduate, Irving N. Llnnell, conauI day on Friday, October 27, whan a kowakl, cousin of tha bride, and Steel House, Monday. known a fighter os rough Strange port of the 1939 outlook Art McAlpine Slated PUtt wants thU gams as ha bo- to 4,000 Americana home from the Charles Zeiawa, brother of the bride­ Saturday*torTthtatw?*day*^^ neceasary standard tlms, with Judge Art with his puTlng partners for the Trojan warborse Is that lost QouTeiheeha Galor* Jimmy Metcalf and Lorry Moloney general at Prague, formerly the teacher's convention will to held, to Bermuda. ^ cruise ordinance be adopted be- F. Ells presiding. The appllconte^ For the quarterback role— most were ttw hitting and fielding stare llavaa that If bo eaa i^ J i y this British Isles, Kennedy, observed bis capital of Czechoslovakia. groom. After e wedding trip the la here at UepervUle, ’-That bum Louie—I was csrclem year, before the season started, filst birthday anniversary today. The schools are also to to closed tor' couple wUl make their home In The flrst fall meeting of tha La- September 18th to have It be- be present with their witnesses.'CT . any coach would bs willing to boost for ttw "flre-eaters", while "Honk" one ho biw a hotter Consuls Assist Americans two days over Thanksgiving but tbs cept those witnesses who were eSf-' ie’s training for his Septam- Jonea’ rivals In the far west gracl- MeComi and McCniden were best for cbonoo te go on oxd win Md^plite Two Otkers Bostonians In France, Germany and the Springfleld. ' Mr. Zolewe Is a gradu­ Wapping 18 'iflght with Lou Nova in Pbils- ousiy put him on tbe some spot os any two of the candidates. Ambrose To Face Sam Shumway ths PoUah-Anwrioaiw ta tbo flnala. Two other Bostonians, William exact date depends on when Gov­ ate of Stafford High echool and Bay Willington Community church will be held Fri­ The following are the reatrlctiona stdered satisfactory at a previous Schindler. 1987 etor, la bock, appar­ tta 'loalag team. Although the British Isles American conauls be­ ernor Baldwin proclaims Thanks­ placed In the ordinance as suggest­ session. iphlfi. this year. They said he couldn't lose. Stniff-HUdItch team was on hand, Both oooeiwo bsvo ploaty of wer- FblUlps, ambassador to Rome, and Path Institute and la employ^ with day afternoon at 2 o’clock with If I wasn't quick to coll tlms Made o Peer Start ently well from a knee operstioii ing called upon to aaslit Americans giving. If ha goes along with Preai- the U. S. Envelope company In MIse Jseaia H. Cfeereii Mra.. May (Foster) Barber at the ed: ''No Bingo game or series of There are 13 continued cases as ttw PaganI Barbers failed to put In rioo ta ttw loot d a^ of tho Twt Joseph C. Grew, ambassador to Include thoee from the following ir be lands with that oledge- But the Trojans did lose—handed ubich was rested loM year (ths Caoud Bond aad Paul Oenshlao. leagux Nolttwr ena Bold Ms Japam, bold key jobs la the foreign dent Roosevelt and names Nov. 28, Springfield. home of Walter N. Foster of Foster Bingo games sbaU he promoted, follows: Angelo ConstanUna, Pietro come operation Krueger underwent. an appearance, but rather to forfeit Springfield Negro After New England elates; street. operated or played unleos the same mer left, he’d kin one of those a whopping defeat by Alabama In the gome over to the Stniff team. It two of Uw bast In (ha American ■trongsot team for thio gams If to- service. Massachusetts — Ijiwrenca Hig­ the vacation will to held that Thurs­ In tha afternoon at 2;30 at the Tha meeting of the Progressive Cancian, Daniel Koday, Sante Strag- toa eeseon's opener. Hie experts Incidentally). Grenville Lonadell, day and Friday, otherwise It'll to at Grace Episcopal church, MIsa Helen The cafeteria of the Ellewortb shall be sponsored and conducted ex. llotto, John Niemitz, Emezto Val­ Jacobs mys, with a chuckle. was decided to play this game at a Aaaoctation...tlw list of tba Polish Hifl 19th Straight Vie­ porta con bo raUod upon. Duffy PhlUipa, who also has a residence gins, second secretary of the em­ Bridge club last Wednesday after­ !e's the meanest ape that ever got quickly dscidsd they had been rala- daring signal caller, paoe-toeser and citlaa bombed by Uw Germana has beta ploytag aaecind boaa oxd at Beverly, Mass., is the United bassy St Paris, and Horace Remll- the usual time, Nov. 30 and Deo. 1. Pero, daughter of Mrs. Nellie M. High school was opened to^ y and clustvely by a charitable, civic, edu erio, Joseph Shapiro, (3onatantino tsken, and tbs Jones crttlea demand­ broken field runner, is another. And later date. Pero of 8Ui7ord, and Alfred Angley, noon was held at the home of Mra. students ------were' catlonal, able to fraternal, obtain hot veterans’ or re Uricchlo, (^mUle Gamache, Pauline ise from a cage. Thursday night of tola week the reads (from left to right) like tbo tory in Red Men*fl Fea­ Buehay to dotag a good Job at third States' contact man with Uussollnt, lard, consul at Nice and Monaco; Nelaon Uaher In South WilUngton, lolento is convinced hs’n stop ed bis job. Doyle Nave, ths who fired the iliw-up of a Pitt footMl team... for the 0 4 team. “ ' ' Franklin B. Atwood, consul at Co­ eon of Mrs. Frank Angl^ of School meals the flrst day of school. It llgious organization, volunteer Are CSson Kolodej, John KoledeJ, Edith four paosaa that brought Dulie to its toogue will oontlnue with its sche­ ture Bout on Friday- while Grew, one of the foreign serv­ street, were married by Rev. George Mra. Monroe Usher won the |^ze. is hoped to increase the cafeteria department or grange. Any zuch Hewitt. Stephen Tracba. and then whip Joe Louis. It wasn’t until later tn tba aeaaon, dule, bringing together Uw Holy MUM Kaplan, tha boat looking antlrriy npex tha ice’s- moat experienced diplomats, logne; Vinton Chapin, second eecre- ,t bum,” he oneers. ‘1 shoulds when the Trojans continusd their knees, won't alt 00 the beach again lifhtwoight te cemo out of Boaton 00 to uw nwkaup of . . tary, London embassy; Jamra E. D. Wilcox, rector. The couple were The refreshments were tapioca with service. The flrst tsrm will be organization or group must have Also 28 new cases wiU bs heard, oil year for another dramatic ap* Nome team and the Pagonl BarbWa has been ambsMdor at Tokyo since Will Consider attended by Mr. and Mrs. Louis cream and soda. ted him out lost time. I Jeet got u pl^ struggle, winning gome by alnca Sammy Fuller, bos boon given Poaaeaeor ef one ef tlw beat ring fonoao. Marti forood Urn Marioity Callahan, vice-consul, London. from sept « to Dec. 22. Vacation been organized for not lees 6ion two Antoinette Rybic, Frances Surdel gome, that another revaraol pra- pas ranee euch os occurred last Jon- to bo played on diamond No. 8. The team to betot feurtoea ehanaaa to 1S8S. He bas~w summer residence Squires, brother-in-law and sister of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Jacobs of days wll! he State Teachers’ con­ years prior to Its application for a Cibrowski, Aldwe Marin, Enrico second gnnw will be betwixt Uw a spot on the Conn-BetUna cord In roeordi ef any profeerionri to at Hancock, N. H. Rhode Island—Cecil M. P. Cross ■aatad ttaalf. sad when tha climax uarv IB Rom BowL Uw outflaM ta tho loot im w oxd consul. Paris. the bride, as matron of honor and South Willington attended tba vention. October 27 and Thanksrlv- Bingo permit under the terms of this Mottes, (torona C^sss Marin, Stefan Orange borkeep rotm Nova Horn OoeNo. 1 and the Btniff-HU- Ptttabingh. show bora thia aeeeoH, .Art Me- But while the spotlight of world Car Inspection etter opponent than Loula. "He’s of ^ Ross Bowl vletotY over Duka 'TSayhe the rival eoaebae ars right Fialwr dM Jurt Uw floperita> R Connecticut—Hiram Bingham, Jr. best man. Miss Edith Whitberk of World's Fair In New York over the Ing, November 30th to Dec. 1. The ordinance. The promotion and Kovaclny, Matilda Spusto, Juda Kio- about U.EC, hut tbare's one coach ditch ten. Both gomes ere to ba|M Alpine, aensatlenal BpriniflM light flaws focuses on these three New Springflald was brtdaamald and the week-end and holiday. one session day will be Wednesday. mors couroga and hs'e a bettor was achieved, the Jon*a-UR.C. heavy, wUl etaoh wuh flam Bhum- ■right bo peorihlo thol Uw M son of former Senator Bingham operation of said game or games oell, Nelma Malvina Martlnoon, bendwogoa once again was leodad willing te wait awhlla te find out ss dess te six p. m. os poastbla, sad vriU Englanders, there are 6S others with consul at Marsellla, French ssaport ushers were Antonio Ssdiock of Miss Frances Dolszol of Astoria, Got 4 for the Four Town Fair for shall be confined solely to the duly John Kurklerek, Frank Bourque. Tmiy cxplalne! "I expect to T m o-gala to your oil plsyora ore rsqueated te bs on Thoxwa E Gordlnsr, New Tork: way. Wahotar produet hi tba otar important assignments upon whom te ths guBwholea. It’i still loadsd. His noma Is Howard Harding Ji 'Tou Jebimy-oome-lataiys got sU ■vmriag a Boris C. Hart, Jr., consul at Stutt- Highway Safety Com­ Stafford Springs and Carl Anderson N. Y., has bought the Coleman bouse East Windsor only. quolifled members of the sponsoring (Jaterina Colagiovannl, Ignacy ^ u l him out in four or five tima in order that a fun nine Innings bout ot Uw Rod Man A. C. card nnrfnfu nftti of loot n o r ovMn fto the safety of Americans depends. gart; John F. ClalTy, vice-consul, of Bridgepoit. A reception and on Willington HiU furnished, known organization. Whers the words Poatemak, John Battista Condito, But Imiis, ru bump that ndght ha ployod. hot aad botiwnd shout Jock Damp- ia Rod Mon Arana F r i ^ right b s M Mwtartyo tatoo Us totlk Bridgeport Han In Warsaw Bristol, England, and Paul J. Reve- mission to Ponder dinner followed at the Hyde Villa os "The Studio", of Bir. and Mna ‘person* or 'applicant' are used in Joseph Oluchta, Angelo Roceo MU- ’ fitf In ottfi bfifits * Tlw *"-Tltnc •ayte xppexdletomy.. .wky I eaa re­ Tha fight Uetad for rix rounda, wOl Among them Is Thaddeus H. Cby> ley, vice-consul, London. Matter Sept. 11. Inn, StaffordvUle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pratt. Miss Dolesal with this ordinance they ehall mean the onese, Gustav Leuchtmonn, 'Anna pYou guys thing I ain't got neth- Won Loot Fot. member the ^ring of 1928 when top on e l ^ bout all otar aensl pro Unskl, 40 . year - old Bridgeport, Vermont—John D. Johnson, con­ Angisy will make their home on her parents occupied tha house dur­ Gilead officer or representative of tha tpon. Sophia Stodolski, Alesander Kuch- bnt a loft, rm o-goin’ to sur- Heoa Oo. No. 1 . . . . 8 0 1.000 Bobo Ruth hod a almpto boUyeeiw iinderrtrn sul, Lyons, Frenoe, and Phil H. Hub­ High street, Stafford Springs^ Ths ing summer. soring organization, or the organ- Insky, AnnabUe Maria Colchers you with my rlghL I can Casey Leading Reason ■truff-HUdltch .. . 1 1 JWO that woo hoard around the world." Tbo Bprfaigfleld Negro, ehoottng ______to hs bard, conaul at Dundee, Scotland. Hartford, Sept. 6.—(ei—Gov. Ray. bride graduated from Staffoid High Maurice (hishmon ot TFUlington Ization itself." Guerra, Amela Roeel Golemba, Josef i a man kiekliig 'with iL Don't Holy Name Society 1 2 ASS for hla foth straight victory, beat ______Th# word * ir oeoMa hoik New Hampshire—Herve J. L'Heu- mond E. Baldwin announced that school and Bay Path Institute, HoUow Is quits III following on oper­ Union servicea will bt bald at . I kayeed Nathan Mann with Brooklyn fans have ordered Lar­ flam Moltempo, WiUUnoatle riurp- Woy to Relieve Springfleld, and has been employed the Gilead and Hebron Congrega­ There are to bs two clazaea of Piader, Walter Londsuer, Belens Pagan! Barbers -----0 2 AOO to tho ptatan ogala aad Olo ttoao reux, conaul, Stuttgart, Germany. the Highway Safety Commission ation for appendicitis at the John­ permits, to be known as Class A Burke, Theresa Herbc^, Mary hL When that Nova comes in Box Score: * ry M o e P ^ (via Uw Mtitlox shooter who held flhumway to a Maine—David H. Buffum, conaul, with the Spalding Sports G oi^ son Memorial hospital. tional churchea tha next two Sun­ _ fancy with that left of hie For Dodgers’ Showing route) to resign Lee Ourociwr at draw bare two weeks age, ta a Itchy Pimples wUl mast Sept 11 "to consider re- company in Chicopee, Maas. Mr. days. Services will be held at the and CAasa B. The (Hass A would be Graham Drummond, Elizabeth Miller B. and L. No. 1 ttoiyv^*lLiaiiti» ^ ^ t m Leipzig, Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Robertson one day permits, for the conduct ot Drummond, Waltar Paul Martley. eroas -wlth e right thafn bosh AB. R. H. PO. A. B co...MacPbaU will obUg# with a a TbompaonriUa riai more thoa a FA** with Kovto ea Uw t r i p * — When your skin la irritated with In Other Legatloas sun^tion of compulsory inspections'' ;iey attended the of West WUlington left Saturday for Gilead Church on Sept. 10 at elev­ two-jreor eontroct.. .Gus Loano- month ago and laat weak moved In­ of (Connecticut motor vshiclea. dis­ and is employed with Pratt A Whit­ en o'clock with Bpv. W. R. Leete not more than forty and not leaa WJLC Meetlar I head in,'* be mys. Kerr, m ...... 8 2 2 1 to Varment to outpoUt BUly Xot- trip up either the OK’s o f ’ ntapiss, red blotcbse and other akin In other legation! and embasaiea VermonL accompanied by two work­ Wllkinoon. ot ...4 Wch, Uw N. J. Ugh^heavywelght, tyii. V MOrioripa a n blemishes from external caiuMs, and continued since the flrst of 'the year. ney Aircraft <3orp. in Hartford. u apeaker. Rev. Jomea Engiioh, :***" Mteen Bingo games on the day There wlU be a meeting of Bur- Shaetor Ltft His Hurling Features to 0 8 chaU of PhUodalphla. who twieo of European nations which are or Roland L. Squires, 48, retired men. Mr. Robertson boa the contract tor which the permit is issued. Claaz pM W.R.C. thia evening at eight Caraa to Dafaad Ford, 8b ___ . 0 1 a wiU try hla luck agolaet Uw tHtoUtag by Uw (lAtoon t o W jrou're crasy with itching torture, later may flgure In lighting If war State capitol sources indicated for pointing two home*. State Superintendent of Uongrega- la not only working hla heavloB with Leroy Hoynee ot O**" last year wont the route with Bob Uwy wffl foee Uw FritoyedB r i 86ff here's quick relief. Get a 3Ac uox of laat night after a long conference In grocer, died ekrly yesterday mom' tlonal churches, of Hartford, wiu B wuld permit not nwr* than forty o’clock In the G .A .R .^ . A mem- bt ovartlme but be boa ehortoned Brooklyu’s Drive for WorM Cm Crown J. Metcalf. 2b ...8 8 8 Pastor, one of Uw notlon'e loading breaks out tbs following New Eng­ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Voepal of ond not less than fifteen Bingo bars supper will be served at rix Ualoney, lb . .. 0 Bald, N. J.. Sept. 12.. .Texas Chrla- right U UW GA'O whrUflMBiM Peterson’s Ointment at your drug­ landers hold posts; the governor's offlea that the eom- Ing at bla home on Green street be the speaker at tbs Hebron I left. He’s threwtiig it from the 8 IS llMViMv mlsalon will discuss proposals for after a month's Illness. He was <3Uy Island, N. Y., spent the week­ church, SspL 17 at eleven o'clock. gomes during w y one day of each o’clock with the following in ehorgo. First Division Berth; New York, Sept. 0.—C A. Angelo, rf ... .. B 2 1 tlon haa foetbaU gamaa on both itw in mesa thot a tkta* gama to gist and apply this delightful sooth- Francis J. Spalding, Massachu­ end and holiday with her parents, now Instead of reaching coxata wtthln 13 days thia foU with pouter Billy flatryb, RoelcvUlo iag balm. Itching rtops promptly. an "improved" Inapectlon plan. bom In Ashford, January 29, 1870, Rev. Bert week between the date of Issue of I Rose CAecbowskl, Annie Neff, J*n- Btorer, prealdeiit of the Nstiooal Johnson, e ... .. S lightweight, WUI most on acid tM setts, Cairo, Egypt; Lincoln Mac Mr. and Mra. Charles Komer. Their into ths next county for a Reds Nose Out Cards. Pongrstz. ef . a tough eonferanca tilt tondwlelMd th. Bmartlng disappears. Tour akin Among the suggestions which the the eon of Lyman and Jane (Bakerl Rev. icdwart Lair of Eaat°HiWE? I fPK. A"** September I nie Meyers, Agnes Quinn, Mory ' potnL BUliord Aoeociatioa, aaaouncaa .. S In Al BroulUord, lirllUant Worow- Veagh, Connecticut, Athens, commission heaiM by Chairman children, who have been wtib their tonAam on an auto trip . to the.. middle. . I inTn toUowlng. TAiiAti/fnnt I ^v..s___ .■ -_> * Aitkin, if .. ...4 batwaaa...axtr»—the PannsylvaaU Mortartya win Uw ptayfldb ttw eao looks batter, feels better. Also won­ Squires. He attended the schools of I Quinn and Hazel Roy.' zt'i bis sllng-ohot punch,” hope he doea slug IL TU end the By Sid Feder ptona for the world ehompion- U r meal-pfo, la ttw eond-flari wbri* thing thoy want awri thoa m y - Greece; Leonard G. Bradford and Samuel H. Flaher will consider is Ashford and when a young man grandparents for the summer, re west Rev. LawU sriU visit at bis ^Caaaa •«4 Wscassioa ehlp pocket bmiard chompieo- Hono^, p ,,. .. 8 boxing bommlah may put ovar a derful for itching of feet, cracks be­ Paul C. Squire, of Massachusetts, turned home. Sapper Tharzflay oba mijra. fight in the first round." Aaseeialad rreos Sparta Wrttar fast one by toasliig In a local guy up ta Uw eorA In bio flrit loeai thbta atoa .to to hand emr a towa tween toes. Try It. one made by Governor Baldwin that went to Willington to live, wrhere home in (touncU Buffs, lows. I . following is the section 771! Ladles Aid of the My obmrvatlcm is that Golento is ■hip to be here between oppaannee two werim ago, the at Genoa and Venice, Italy; Wil­ some consideration to given to the Mias Helen Hutchinson returned opu Oslento: Tbtala lo refaraa Nevo-va. Oolaxto naxt ehomplnariilp toH att aai Mowriot he wae engaged In the grocery Mr. and Mra. Lyman Smith „ pTbot Nova is a sculptor fighter, in ths beat shape “ «>« a permit sbAll be granted. "****' ; him and whan Tony hits ’em Mader, if ...... B Buna Bamwtt, Braekaxridga ing to Stafford Springs In 1919. go down. That guy ain’t too border. Nova may outpoint him or when you Isarn that Hugh Casey thur Cranliaid. oD aaUoaaUy 0 0 WhUe flatryb, loot vreaA hold the ta tho towB Utto aad e f _ — ^ Latvia; Herbert V. Olds, Massachu­ Flaher, others at ths msetlng in­ He is survived by his widow, Mrs. visited hU pareote, Mr. and Mrs. next two weeks with her sisUr Mrs. Th« seating capacity of the pUca in oSS»*^etSblm his pitching for Brooklyn's ranked, will be extalad. OentUcoN, 8b .. 4 8 1 (Tax.) Amarleaa: "Today wo hoard same fighter to a draw. setts, Rotterdam, Netherlands; cluded Michael A. Oinnor, motor Joseph Soukup over the week-end. ' Look what he did against cut him up and score a technical two ganta wager a steer ex what Uwy win tlw Oreea wfll aod kom • Notice May Belle (McKinney) Squires; Lewie whUe Mr. LewU U on his which the games ore to be ptayed knockouL but if tbs Alameda ongthiag-can-liawiea Dodgers—'auff -ei Faleette. as . . . . 4 1 0 McAlptno'a brother, Jeff, a xaml- e h i ^ to ploy them as tt mtorit bo Herbert aalbome Pall, Lisbon, vehiclea commisaloner; Finance Mrs. Kenneth Robertson has been vocation in Iowa. Mr. Smith re- Abal* determine tha amount of the * . . .. |sr. Slugged it ouL Old Mon Kravoatka, lb .. 4 tlw ultimata outcome wUl be when o, la olao aeheduled to oppoar on Portugal; Andrew W. Edson, Con­ three sons, Louis Squires of Staf­ Adools clecto to slug with Tony R'a 0 0 SSTdiooriSf ridn fraxi BtoSniriW . PEDfART CAUCUS PROPOSALS Ck>mmlaaioner O. Glenn Saxon, Lieut. ford Springs, Raymond Squires of ill of pleurisy, under the care of Dr. turned to Cievelend, Monday. permit fees, as follows: For a seat- . . azoiwug didn't have enough of a klek New. the Oodgers aren't going Gsdraltia, r f ___4 0 0 we two hord-rldliig, leather K' cord and haa hoen_ aarigned The following names have been necticut, Bucharest, Rumania. Oov. James L. McConaughy, Chief F. B. (Convene. Olleod won the flrit prize et the lug capacity of not more »i«n flfty Important meeting ot the . to belt him. But n i mclder the liable to be too bod for handsozM booet their league lead to Ova sramaa, aUngera from ttw okf eouthwaat, WlUlngton and Robert of Stafford I anjrwlMre in the Natlcaal League with BUcky WfJtara ehalkiiig up No. MoGun, 3b .... 4 8 1 Ahfleto 0 ^ proposed for nomlnatlcn as candi­ Others are In Spain, John H. Justice William M. Maftble and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlake were old-fasbloned quadriU'e dance held personi, Claoe A, one dollar; Ctooi I Finance Committee and Offleisl U be slugs with me. Boy, 1 Lou. Deanoat «**»--# this year. TheirYe Gorman, e t ...... 4 Mmaly, Samuel Adrian Baugh of Prof. Charles L, Tildan of Yale. Springs; a daughter. Mrs. Leo 31 ia boldiiig tlwCthe Cerda to aeven bite, 0 0 ft tbsN to tbri it ggjftAflM^tnm dates for the several offices of the Morgan, ' Maasschueetts, Madrid; Flllatreault of Stafford Springs; week-end visitors of bla mother. at the Eika Fair in WUlimonuc, B, twenty-live dollars; for a seating Board of the Rockville Methodiet h^tog Utafight of their liveo try lv Aeeto, p ...... 4 1 1 1 1 1 Uw Woohlngton Redakhw oxd Di^ Town of Manchester, Connecticut, Robert F. Femald, Maine, Madrid; The latter three are members of the Mrs. Elizabeth MIske in Bridgeport. Labor Day night Thoee taking port capacity of more th«n fifty peraona wiu be held this evening at Boeky flnow hoihod to wla hie own rid O'Brien of Uw. Philodalpbis Jackie Meade ef Worcester la tlw Highway Safety Commission. two brothers, Elmer Squires of to regain Um bottom of the first boU game with a 1aiagle ia the tenth. Stammler, M .... 4 1 8 0 0 0 to be voted for at the nominating Clifton R. Wharton, Maasachueetts, WlUlngton and Walter Squires of Mrs. DImmock of New Jersty la were: Mr. and Mrs. Jease HUia, and not more than one hundred per- ™e church. dlviolafl right now, srfaUe Ctncinnqti'a Maglex meet In Uw 'caah-aad-car- Arena two wooka ago. Sovtnl oUwr caucus to be held in the State Ar­ Canary Islands; and Leo J. Calla- Laat fall, the governor came out the guest of her niece. Miss Helen Mloa Mary Hooker, Andrew Hook- sons, Class A, two doUars; Class B, Services will be resumed os uoual by noahig out ths S t Louis Tlw nratoa aad Cube took the day ry’ league to aboot tt ouL” ■ter priringe era Mtag orraaged for repeal of the inapecUon law and Hartford; also three grandchildren. off. Totals ...... 48 8 18 8T 0 4 Bitox Uwt ho boo aover oritoff fbr a mory in said Manchester, on the nan, Massachusetts. Malaga. Rolllnson. er. Misa Arlene Miner, WUllam fifty dollars; for a seating capacity Sunday morning, September 10th 3.1, yMterdsy in ton in- Score in Inalaga: by MetehmaluK Joe DeMoria with during the recent legislative session Funeral will be held Thursday aft­ leld of 171 to Open Only four teams osw oetkm ia the gaaw vrith oay TwI 'Leagua teoat second Tuesday in September In Sweden—Wlnthrop 8. Greene, ernoon at 2 at the WlUlngton Hill Mrs. Agnes Woodworth. MIsa Rol- Warner, Mias Marlon Griffin and of more thah one hundred persons!*^ 10:80 p. m. ainga, are flyi^ flva gamos in front Hose aad Ladder ..191 080 011—11 the flret one eteted for 8:80. (which will be September 12, 1939.) Maasachuaetta, and William P. sought unsuccessfully the adoption JulesIlia. ReblUoid.R.kiii., ^ more than two hundred per- “ Anwtieaa Lsagus. Dotrait’a Tlgara Itott rianda a ehaan far a bowfl church. Bur|el will be in the Wll linson and Mrs. DImmock attended of tbo pock. Hota N sBW ...... 180 008 010— I A group ef our clients ariw ore Reesrved aaotiaga for Uw eorA title eertoo. ^ The polls will be opened at nine Snow, Maine. Stockholm; and Wil­ of a new statute putting the opera­ service at Groce Episcopal church Mrs. A. H. Post end Louis Twin­ sons. Clam A, five doUars; Class B, May rtoleh la Meuey downed the f t Louis B ra a ^ 4-8, epanAng on bUtefliiita stay In Uw axpeeted to be tU Iwet of ^ pree- tion of the system In the hands of llngton Hill cemetery. and Jimmy Dykes' amaslag Home runs, J. Metealf; bass sa o’clock in the forenoon and will re­ liam W. Corcoran, Massachusetts In Stafford Springs, Sunday. ing of Bast Hartford spent tbe ons hundred doUars; for a aesting Amateur Golf Tourney But ths Dodgors may wind up in bans off, Aesto 8: struck out Iv. Mn Quentin pen have aafced that anteeason. went on ■•>•*•<«** Goteborg. the stats police. week-end and Labor visiting at White Sox socked the Cleveland main open until eight o'clock In the The state's chief executive li un­ The Republican voters ore asked capacity of more than two hundred Ellington tbs monsy y ^ and tha Brooklyn Aoeto 8; nmplrea, C. Veunart and C. this year’s throo-star football spa- Uw Red Men's aub, Bray's (fonter afternoon. Standard Time. In Switzerland—J. A. Tuck Sher- to meet In caucus at tha town hall, ths homes of Mrs. B. E. Foote and fans would like nothing batter. If by Uw same aoore. Hank elala appear in Uw Thursday In- BUliord Parlon aad Uw derstood to have assured Fisher persona and not more than five bun. GManberfa 25tb honwr broke a tie Ouatafaea. REPUBLICAN PROPOSALS man, Maine, Berne: Arthur C. Friday, at 7 p. m., atandard time, for (Carles Fish. died peraons, (JIam A, fifteen dol­ Spokane, Waab., tha popular cboloe they do, htioliy Hugh will have a of Uw Friday column since Navy Club, Uw uouri Rod H m and Connor that ha Is willing to Tolland The Woman's Club will go on a Announcetl for to make uinge easy for Uw Tigtra, ' FOR NOMINATION Frost, Massachusetts. Zurich; and nominating candidatoa for town ot- lars; Clam B, one hundred and flfty Motorists have made complaints - - )| os ths "mon te-beat” la tha tmirna- large hit to eay about It He’s won aoU la aometlmea a "day Iota sporte breadeaet wUI ha on the air n S e v a la Ala Eugene Nabel, Rhode Island. Zu­ have the tests resumed by ths fleea. sight ■eelhg trip and visit an old I of broken glaaa on the state blgb* menL and Frank Strafaci, Now 11 gamea so for this aeaaon, toooliig while tlw White Sex did an tlwlr from BteUen 7FmT, Hartford Fri­ SELECTMEN Motor Vehicles Departmsnt. Nro. Joha H. Steele lors; and for a seating capacity of ■ National Play; Willie scoring off Uw Tribe in the flrot in- out there...okay, pole. RlfM aow tiw ilkritm George A. Calllouette. rich. fashioned house owned ^ Mra. 1 Hatheway avenues weot York; <3iiek Evans, Chicago, and a ^-hitter on two-days’ rest yeo- day at p. tm. II7S-9, ItockviU* Homdolf in Norwiehtown, ‘nuiraday more than five hundred peraona And nlag. , I Sports Roundup Paul A. Cervlnl. In Turkey—Robert F. KeUey. not moremare than aevenMvan hundredhtmriivH and•art I ®A(W ■ lltlls. Some TiumcM Slated to De­ 'Roy BOIowa, Poughkoepele, N. T.; tordoy to whip the Boston Baes, 6-2. high. "lowwbep^ j S David Chambers. Masaachuaetts, Ankara; Robert afternoon.' Tbe members ore to A die#* I ^ BUDDOf oC DOtu0fi OB tbo caiarlay Toteo, Atlanta, formor for his fifth itrolght docialen. Australia wins Uw Daria Cuiup: meet at Hebron Green at two fend Honors. Casey fits M r ____ tlw Twl eamni sad leoff b e ^ Frank P. Clancy. Newbegln, Masaachuaetts. Ankara; Joaepb Brierley has returned to Bolton British choaneoa who shared aoc- since Urd-dog trainer To Quiat and Bromwteh, "Bot- AM Bonw, tbat II Lawrence A. Converse. and Ellis A. Johnson, Massachu- Marlborough Rockville after a vacation of several o'clock. If rainy the trip wlU be tlonol qualifying honors with Brues light into tlw' Jigasw puzsie of the New Tetfc. 8epL A - « n - 8 0 8 tome upl” Graad Ishuid, Neb. (ffl—Rm Staid­ setta, Istanbul postponed until a later date. York, SepL •—(«)—NeU McCJormiek of PaaodMio, and Dick DaSInera boya, the Fletboah foUis Yeaierday^s Siara Tbe tdurlag U. M. traek tean Uw towa Utto M Jtdm H. C. Longdyke. ■trs. Howard Lord weeks at the Steel House. Mra. R. K. Joses ly, student at ttw Amiapotto Naval Clarence N. Luplen. Mrs. Bertha Hubbard and son --young MtnnagpoHs Chapman, Franeh amatour ehofiip- have token )ilm to their ceUeetIva cabled from Franco today for car Academy, h e ^ ha wiU ha oa oecu- Ptene weet aetray and ^ rig j SS4-S, Bast Hofliptoe Mr. and Mra. Louli Bach and son Richard of Joehoon Heights, Long ton from Orsonwleb, Conn.; Ho- lieatt. faro homo....The AA.U. arat ’em Joseph G. Pero. of Plymouth, Moss., spent the week­ tot. sad A. U MlUer of Hlgb- rato wtth tbe guns ef the « that tlw Tiri smM js m^ S ^ lolond, spent Jie hoUdsy at the Ckmnlek and Oue Morolontf, Feo- Hugh b a strong young guy. with By Tko Asoodstod Press a grand.. .a 810A00 race for throa- he la wtth hla golf Ohihe. BtoMly, Harold M. Reed. end and holiday with Mrs. Bach’s home of Hart E Beuli. Fatfc, m., Will Are first shots Leagua Standing It soMpa Mhely tho4 Uto.i Teachers in town attended e gta. 01. a pratta fair fast bon. who hod a yesr-olds to bo run off at Jamaica vtaltliig with hla family Hm 8. Raymond Smith. To Give Band A number from hare attended parents. Ur. and Mrs. (Tharies Leon­ Eugene Long of Norwich who le wSeProperty of the a ty iff Rock- court proceedings wUI follow. ' 1 Iths National oaiateur golf ebom- ‘ with the Chicago Cuba hock la Bueky Wsttora, Rado-HeM Car ateted for Bundiff «0I Samud Stevenson. the Haddara Neck Fair Labor Day. meetlpg in Andover Tuesday morn' diaala to seven bite and ainglod wIB' this fxn win ha called tlw 'Xhdlaat o t S ^ a n non an Uw lT7-yurd tMH ptoyad ea irinrday er. ard and other Tolland relatives. Ing with Supervisor L B. btmlleld from the Hartford Steam BoUer ot Chicago's North Sbora But it juat wasn’t la tbs Fex Btakeff* boaeriag ttw graad Harold R. Symington. Jerome F. Weir tvia pleosanUy Mias Mary Leonard has been nlng run acreea In tenth Inning foe bole at the looel eouatry ehth—a in charge. Schoola in town opened Company Inspected the bolters et Ti;* following peutlons were pte- p r2 5 J ^ * to ‘t t S c ? * r j i S r * * a i ! K dtib iMxt MoMoy, but a glance cords that bs would wlad up oay- borra who was one ef tbe flva or eta foot aecompllthad only enea beflsra Leland T. Wood. Concert Here surprised by reUtlvas on Sunday spending several days with friends Elton W. BuclTa woodtumtng seated to the CouacU: Mrs. VlctSrU S S ^ e on SSl the complete list of entriea whera hut Brooklyn. Ro bdooga. 8-1 vietory. New Tork A PhUodalpMa 0. „ „ to Uw gams Uw TOWN CLERK the occasion being his btrthcay. The today, with the folipkirtog ataS; Hank Greanborg, Tigers Hie to aeera a traek grand riam by on Uwt hole. tt wtn atert at ij4B ^ in Amesbury, modz. Birch ML ochool. Miriam Rising of shop Monday. It appear very doubtful Major League Didn’t Vnela Robbia RoMnsea bond wianlng ttw Kaatudqr Dsrtw, the Brooklyn A Boston 8. Samuel J. Turklngton. birthday cake beautifully decorated aighth-laaiBg homer broke tie aad Ctaetanatl 8, Bt touia 1 (10), and tlw toogua efftotato was made by hla mother who is Mrs. Mary Oretch Pink Sufllsld, a graduate of WllUmantle M iss Florence Jonea has return­ be In there long. pick him at AUants 'way back tk PFiSlQMSt siii tiM Btlmoiit ittkiw TOWN TREASURER daughtsr, Mrs. Edna Oretch Teft ed to tha home of Hr. and Mrs. ana starting times for •887 Of ceuraa. it might have bsoa started Tlgara to 4-2 win (Only gamaa eebaduled.) to soo that.tbajimplra G. H. Waddell. Tall Cedars Musicians to 87 yeara old. Normal and ten yeara of experience ttw aaaw aaaaon...thsy eay North gnaw atOftoA Ox pg« of Norwich, Conn., former ToUand In rural eebooU; Center, Lordla Merton Hills to osalst with the with etuched garage, 27 x 88 at th? b y ^ o T i r f l S ^ who survived or were ax- bacauaa Hugh model Unela RobMo (teroHaa U.’s aerial eorna ia aa good TAX COLLECTOR ‘ Be Heard Tomorrow Rev. and Mrs. Elmer T. Thlenes housework. Miss Jones spent the comer of Earl and Hole stieet. from .aectlenal quaUfjriiig Leaderfi a right good oempankm a-buatfaig hi Hugh (tesey,; Dodgers — Hand- Detroit 4, Bt. Lome A Now T ork r-lifla Country Club team boo on ena enaaei Samuel Nelson. Jr. and family and Miss Dorotby A. residents called on Tolland friends Young; North. AUce Stoughton; with six bits for 0-8 tri- aa Fraaoe er ■ngkmd’a...Sammy will bold a bournama^ flo^ AlA tlw thW gwae aad Tuesday. South, LUlien Mock; Batsabeth oummer with Mrs. William Johnson granted: Stove Porclak, to buUd Lpd tt^*^em pu2*lnto^?'H oSu^’ * arera announqed today by tbs thosa south Ooorgta swamps ta thoos Byrd, tbe baB playlagwgeifar, ia a «*«. Uomrinug bridge to Coney leland. about tlw Taabaao...! doubt 4, Elmira 8 (night). qm (Unexplred Term) after two weeks vacation. During W. Herrick Brown of Boston, The Democratic olecton wUI meet quiot and Miller ore due to Rune—Foxa, Beatoa, lSl;.Rolte. M e ^ Hugh has knodtad th# oars PhtlHes, 0-0, with nine bite. Oklahoma a t y (ff)-Oev. Ltxo Aewtobtttg, r o ^ M night. The full Nutmeg Forest her vacation Miss Weir attended Mass., gave a public reciUI at the in caucua at the hoU Saturday evo- lived in South Bolton with Mrs. the SUto T ^ l c C o a u i^ D giving Mr. md Mrs. Lincoln Clark of whether aa all-etar National Wllhoe Berra Id, Scranton 10 Charles S. House. ^nd Will be on hand under Hills’ parents Hr. and Mrs. Oscar St 7 a. m. (cot) Monday New Tork. IM. off the flnt divieloa lode thia year,. (night). FhUIipA teM (hot a MoAleoter pen- igtantag hie thtod yaor, to Uw fW the New York World's Fair. Federated church on the electric n|ng at 8 p. m., d. 0. t., for the pur­ approvM of the s^cd Ui^to placed Bast street ore rejoictng over tha Rune batted in —WUliama, League teem could oompan with Itanttaiy effletal vrao onerattag a footto.XWASBMl. coachwmboo tew. he an gtwB faculty BOARD OF EDUCATION eadersWp of Edwin Ogram, of Anderson whose house was dS' on the etreeta In Rockville and the birth of an elrhtHDau^ _____ g—and if they're still in eoOeeUng eight victoriaa at the ea- - _ - m .mO Ludwig B. Hansen. Miss Emily Sommvervllle ot organ to an appreciative audience pose of nominating candidates for After the first day. et 10:30 ton. 128; Dl Manie, New Turk. 117. peiwa of the upper bracket duho. them ...to heat them grocery ston, euggeetad that em­ ■Utue by Bueknell, Hartford. The concert Is being Wellsburg. West Virginia and Wll- town election which wiu be held stroyed by fire lost year. poUee be noUfl^ to ^ p r e e the ounce son. Gary Uneoln, boro at would need fleaty af A. R. ■ Pariah. g ven M part of the Tall Cedara Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. William Brolnord I m.' TuesdAy. After toe flrst Hite—R oifern m Torl^ 1*2; Me- tOo burUng jw ya^rday kept the I WreolUng \ ^VoSaaSr ployes Ohio to eotehHali private Robert H. Smith. 11am Jones of (SiarlottesvIUe, Vir­ Mr. and Mrs, Herrick Brown and Monday, OcL 2. The Rapubliesn regulations. The Qty ^ u rt will toe Johnson Memorial hoepital, tte field will be cut to the Ooaky, Detroit, and Fexx, BoMea, Dodgara Juat a half ranw bualnaae "abould gat out and let Civic Promotion program and the ginia arrived here on Monday for caucus wiU be held for tte aome and son Worrtn of Hartford spent ■ports tins are fMUag the w. U Pet. CONSTABLES fraternity's hope is that the public family of Boston have opened Mead- Labor Day at the home of Mr. and *’* * ‘?*!.‘'7,.**‘**'y‘* '“ “ ®**^ **P‘ springs. The new m^via lew scores and ties. 'Tuaaday's 1*7. fMrth ptaee, oiaee ttw New Terii 0 a # a a 78 47 fllO ■omebsdy aloe have their Jehe.” He Charles Crockett. several weeks stoy with Mrs. Eug­ owerest for a few weeka. purpoae Monday avealng at the Oioato olao won, Manking the toUlBg B y Tho AsoodaUi ProH alrsa4y...oxa of ttw laaife^ N. T. ■old penitentiary emrioyoa S t Leulo—The Brewn’a w-ill enjoy the concert. The musl- ene Y. Ouderktrii. hoIL Mrs. Wmthrop Porter. quaUfying round will'slash DouhteaT->^*> a t Leulo • • a* q- 7t 08 478 Otto H. Herrmann. clMB receive no remuneration Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson of Mias Marjorie Foote returned to ■to ths M who will begin match WUUams. ftoaton. 10. nrimea, AO, bahiad O iff Mdten^ tadlaa^ha-BreBlm NagunM. raelng aheeta haa eHmhwtad the ptotaed they felt bound to titrade at w t a i^ streak el tlw i Mr. and Mrs. Wilson bartholo Mrs. Hogry HUton ot Hartford 880, latsnaUaasI Fslte, Minn., won foot notes In the traek eharta to CMeogp • a a a a 70 M j t a Mario Marchlsottl. whatever and no collection will to Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. Edward bar duties os a domestic oclMice WodneadAy. Trtploa—Lewie.' WaaMngtoa, 14: nine-hit dbewtag tor tbdr touetb N ow T oit a a 0 # a 04 M J80 ttei grdeery store. at twO'i s Raymond E. Robinson. t&Ken. mew of Ancrandola, N. Y. and Mrs. has returned to Imt home after •InUdit wtae • Hans Koianffer, 980, Germany, anvn apaeo.,.Bniio Qulgley> snner- 0>ra Keating of Ckjpake FaUs. N Hason and daughter. Jeon Mason ot teacher at Fairfield High School ) hettsr-kaowa otara have hoan McCoaky. Detreit, 18. a a 0 • a 04 00 410 Sedrlck Straughan. The numbers to be played fol. Atlanta, Georgia, and Spencer Hall spending tha post weak wUh Mrs. Tueadav. "tfitfi PTlfiOB for 8 tons of two to I BUO ll m«OTid>rt to hlM Wof ' -threngh the fMd, with two Home rune—Foxx. Boctox, 85; Dl- The Redo had ta go sU out te ef three fUw, vloor of N. U umpino. Is aoouting low; y. are gueeta of Mra. Eugene Y Edwin Lawtoo. five years by Judge Arthur BUs W n»«« ^ e • a ■ s 67 00 Newton Taggart. Ouderklrk. of East Hartford Were Sunday Local schools reoponed thia mom- hkordniary twocemea fllUng Magdo, Now Toih, aod arcaahoig. e s * a a 00 ' 00 .440 d e m o c r a tic PROPOSALS Hall of Faine Concert gueato at the Steele House. Mra. WUHom Baylsw and grand- lag. Mrs. Alice FogU wUl teach at County Superlw court Mr. and Mrs A. Raymand each pair txpoeled te Detroit. 88. Some of the town roods are be­ daugbtera Ann and Patty Jewett on Tuesday when he waa found croft and daughter. Morv * ^ f • • 40 04 488 FOR .NOMLNATIONS March . ..'...... by J. Ollvadotl ing oUed. , Mrs. Mato! Uorgonson spent the the White school and Mias Dorothy I gtelcx haeee One. Waabtagteo. ACTION, THRILLS IN EXPOSITION RACES bongs of Scotland, Grand i have returned to their home in guilty at sts U ^Ty arson. Davis was Woodmont. were recent ntvpalr on the 8ELECTME.N Tbad Watham and George Tur­ holiday at the home orf her son Slmpoon 'Of Ckmterbury bos been 40, Fox, Detroit. 18. W. L. Fet 1 fiV W George A. Calllouette. SelecUon . .by J. Bodewalt Lamne Springfleld, Ohio, after visiting s i engaged to teach at the GUaod HUi arrested following toe burnUig ot a|anxwg Mends in town. is Mehribdetvta (Chiek)(Chiek] Harhert of FltditiffHDoaald. New Totk. 18- ner have returned to their homes Frank Morganoon and family in tha home of Mrs. Samuel Ahrord. born on the fram of Mrs. e a a a a 01 80 .706 Thomas J. Upnaher. Danube Waves, Waltz. ~ Crystal Lake, EUlngion. school in plooe of Mrs. Froncea — ------— ------I. So|dila.---- 1 Mr. end Mrs. rvi-rite E oktaiM Oreeh, Mich., and Uea 8; OraveTBeatex. 18-A 113 404 in Pittsburgh, Pa., after spending Rev. J. U Butler of the MaUiodlet Norris of BUlnjfton on August 14th. sad son. R o k ^ ot Hartford, were Booton 70 " Harold O. Grant. by J, Ivanovlcl a week here with George's grand­ Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyt Haydtn en- Daley who resigned. A teaeharr Cher ot Dallae, Tex., who Chleago • * a a s 72 or 4M Andrew J. Healey. Echoes from the South, PlanUtlon church administered Holy OOia- meeting wiU be held in Oolcheater He w tored efles of guilty but dnr-1 vtoltora at tbe home of Mr. sod la when OMara Watte artth- lUdVfliMiB mother, Mrs. Ifugent Y. Ouderklrk. tortotned out of town rtlaUvea Sun­ munlofl and meditatloa. Simdey ing the teatimoay asM he did BatUag^^^SteT'mTTntio. iOO: aivelexd 4*0** flt N .383 Joaepb P. Cfulsh VO af.* - by John N. Klohr day. Thursd^ ottemoon under tha di­ lag the tastiinoiiy osM he did not Mrs. KeniwthKenneth W. OalncaOainaa ofes ita S Ihelr Uawi are 7:80 427 .Wedding of the Roae, Intermezzo Schools opened sreaterday morn­ morning. purposely set fire to the barn. Aiuovlck. FhlMdejpMa. J 8T^ Ditralt . •** • • • a 41 Theooore C. Zimmer ing for the fall term. Mrs. Moiy Haoly has ontered the rection of the eupervioor Martin etreet. over Labor Day. » * • a 57 78 480 TOWN CLERK by Leon Jessei Mrs. Hsrbert Hutchinaon hoe fur­ Rebertoon sad tha schoola wui hold Several caaea were dispoead of Mr. and -Mrs. Carl A. Goahrtng , J 'i: Hartford hospital for observation.' nished tha beautiful flowera for tbo adeTphla • a a 48 S3 404 um4 drntm Bamual J. Turklngton. lAt«n&lMlon during the siaeinn drblch Isstod and pepbewr Teddy Weld, returned i f BHareUft M a n o ? ^ 400 Hosteanser'i. Concert March. Mrs. Hsoly baa bean in U1 health past month at tba center church, throughout tbe day. Cheater Kor- te play with John lAng- Cta' LeiM .. S3 90 r——*■ TOWN TREASURER tor oevaral months. , Mr. sad Mrs. Albart Dorsu and Tuesday from a short voeaUea fhm sri. 109; CiSBini, Brooklyn, an! ablNy. S«f ta O. R. Waddell. „ . ... *>y w. Parla (Aambers which have been graatfy Approd* doughtora tbs Mlsaag Mobal aar, a , of WUUngtoa. charged rrith spent at Eieho Loko, Mahw. former l^ ^ e h WaDwr Cup Offentochlana, Selection, Manchester Mloa Tbeodoota Cbutrler waa op­ oted. forgera was gtvan a six moaths aua. hut there probahly wUI be Mias, a t LeulA flfl. W. L. Pet. higk ^ttfllHy TAX RolMVtfb £0|tM7 WflIA Donhlra fllsnghtsr, flt U nix 40 aa 0 a * 74 40 480 Waltar D. McKenxte. Mrs. lUUt Flock of Horttom beta la Tonaad Jail for three BMBths porfoct condition, iritb away ia^ a a a a a T9 07 410 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS March . . ; ...... by Sousa . BvMta Mloa AUce B. HoU has rotumad MerahaU. Mrs. R. K. Jofleo sad lUae opMt tho wook-end at ths homo ot awalUna; titeL * provonwnta for ttta ochool tern. win ha on hand beeauaa of tbe The Star SpangM Buinar Sopt. 7-S**now#r abow of ICao- to Boot Havan and wW Addis Loomis, wore oatoag nether notabla withdrawal a o a 71 00 407 Edward r . Morlarty. bar ristor Mrs. Karl Uako. Bdarard M. K n im 90, aad Gaoega A luiga number from aan««*«« 0 a a 71 1 00 407 BOARD OF EDUCA'nON cheater Gordon chib, Uoaonle Toa- bar dutlw nq Homo Ecoaemlcfl Attoading EAot Omtral I - Mr. sad Mrs. Howard Ttyoa at M. Ahdrils, U. h ^ c f Maw BritalB and vietnlty attended tbe ffaec lanat heaa flOad la Two Air-Raid Atoms pie. No odmloaioii. toscher in tha Bast Haven High GraagA At Stafford Wednee*y- Wehite of Radne, Wla., Flttabozgh. 18. apaaa fll 1 88 414 WnUam E. Buckley. Rnsbteghaai aad Mr. sad Mta wars gtvaa g ahi awnth's reuakn ot Neff a—■—yt^nti ot TW- Tnuua-Mam • as 80 fll 414 $ 2 9 5 CONSTABLES SspL 23 — Diotrlct meeting ot School Wednesday. Mloa HoU has Mra. EMa Joaes ie eaumorattag Cbanoe Qaator and daugktar uoro- Jftfl 88BI4IIC8 M8T uBdarweat an ffwrg aaey 09- Houm nine Ot t New Tork. 87; 3 »--«Skfladfl"4iw B0bw< _ 8«y t 4— (F» — ThU A'iLtiSoA.Ortot Jr.f--.r?Ws of Voao, at Maaonic TeiMla. rx*g oerred MI t<»t foqilty^. tor-fleeawg batwoefl hfhriafciag'^ Jnn a Duffy. northwest'Port >(ff ''FraBea '’'iiad''t«S‘ 'fVfWrai tn : cf 4 ofldMsad 1 1 yeara.— — ^ fliioMa at tta Imom iff Mr. a a d U ^ Nleholaa Ttearffy.cf South _ ' of Albert B. Jacoba. oir-rold alonns today from 9:80 Luclea Rirdaayo of New York Mtss EttsafithOMss has istuntol Oea Mea, _ _ 6 S ’: Qnraatry mad Mra. Joaaette Mtor Terii a t ______au m d Kaating. i*'®® •• •• M to 8:40 and RepMfa ArUasty Dnel City, is a guest at the bom# of hla to bar home her* after Mr. sad Mra. Mark Rin of Mob- Oothraau o f wanaraatic ware d a i ^ Bdwia KlagalaF. M l Laha hxrgh. 18: MMk. Oflesffx U. from 8:80 to 0:80 a. m. This point Tbe next rcgvdar Imriiirai mtit T J im Bwaataer. Maw Teik. WtehkM wyott. BrasHfln. 8-1 : FhfladaipMi at BraoMri (right). PwtakI MePbanon. au'-t. Miss Miriqm Ufldorwood. auBuasr At ths abort. ' m moot Labor Day at tha ad with lasetvIouB carriage aad lag and eedol of tbe FriendChtp Aleyalua J. Ifmpby. was the farthest west in France oo I^i^n, Sept »-(«v-Bsutara. of Mr. OBd Mrs. Aos BIUs. ■XfTF Otaraa. ieattle; Jelnny Darringar. CtaehHNlI, lfl*T. Oxekmatt at Flttahuagh (8). far reached by German ocoutliu’ Mrs. L. Bmoot Hstl. Mloa Altea B. ware gtvaa each a thna awatha dace wm be held Friday ovaolag i t lAulB ataieaga. Britioh iiawi agency, today oold HoU and Msow Joim H. Stoolo wore PHm st' Mloa OMva Woraor qieat tlw anapandad awitaae*. Joawa A. Bl- * la, Oawba, aad Roaa flights. newspaper correopondanU et Lux­ Denver, Sept hasBA wash-sad arlth rslsUvas at Nan­ at tta hone of Mr. aad Mra. How- LaadonOaiLi Bat A Saturday gueste At the hooM ot Uott ot Roeirrilla waa aaawd special ard N. K il^ of Somen road. BO. OjHV , Ctoeofo at a t Uuta E«fl9d at MaaehMtar tUa 80th emburg and Beale reported a heavy Mn. Ruky Loverla And fontfly te Art 11 higher par loa wfinmls tsf tucket Bsach, R. L profaatkm '■fficar'bi aU tho New teriL—AMssTSISte. «*n»I traffic tolla for the t u Denver mArket MAjIhe tiMve'a 'Oaerga ^ywhidi cIm b |8qh* iUtfts Dalim at CtovriaxA •■F ar-Aagnat U89. Artillery duet between the Moginot Voraon. Gaorga MonriQr, at MAal^ flrot oeven montha of 1989, its 23th and Siegfried lines. VioiMt firing ao oonneetlcn—hut baaps bAva bsaa A total of 1.900 two-hundred- critiea M4W Totk, t S itegneMB nigkt stub sngsguawxt at Woraingtea at Fknadriphli > - . . IMimial J. TuiMngton. •nnlversory yoor, totaled a UtUa At tbs Tolland Grange oetbeek isglvaa cna ocatA at ae a Genaaa elaario- at Maw Tetfe. | n ni Ctazk. leMsd oil night in the MoaeUe n - A aUple In tbs soKMarU aiSM Mt a a « OCC comM end sppruxtarauiy OB the charge of oacouK ~ Maivbi (BadnObca,. S S x COMfl. O ct A Mb -ore than 9U,OOO.OOa - perty teet Friday n(ght tboie wore Macs the rifle raplMsd the « m 9- Roaeaberg, the QiriaBa t ^ thevaalA — tsMoe la ploy. Bel ^OASMlIar caapa a n now lu oparkr Tbosua lAughho, Josmk Teller and .tneenh Km mime, all nf Wstar- MAWCBt STEk EVEmNG HERALD. HANCFtESTER. CONK.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, IMS IpidHTWILTS MANCHBErrEl BVI N INO RIKALD. MANOEBaTB*. OOIfN^ WEPWE8DAT. gEFTtMBEA t, im PA r) » Q 14

RED RYDER Sprincinc Into Action BY PRRO lA R IlA ll. LOOK. MffKitLum PWteT ewbm aN V4HO B U Y SELL./:;;.? REMT/z^^////;^ C L A S S I F I E D — Sense and Nonsense — «f\CKUCA HEAD j S l U S K Afiov* AoCXBf FAITH! It doesn't pay to be too fussy; Then there was the prisoner who, J know not H tbe dark or bright A woman of rsccntly acquired when asked by the Judge If he had M«M VRU. V I . ATTAW? Bhall be n ^ loL wealth was discussing with an anything to sa.v before Ji^dsment If that wherein my hopes delight artist the portrait, of herself which was passed, responded: "Yes, I'( be best or noL' she had asked him .to paint: like to ask you a riddle, your hon­ My barque te wafted to tbe strand Artist—Shall 1 paint you In eve­ or. "Could you use leniency In by breath divine. ning dressT sentence?" L o m AND iWJND l| WANTED—Airros, HOUSEBULD goods 31 it; MacKaUar, Mn. MUna, CUf' And on the helm there rest a hand Woman —Oh. no. don’t make any N. .J„ oa a t y of lHat; Mae- other than mine. fuss at all—Just wear your over- Htestress — You say, Dnicllla. N > 'i itaBlnf I MDTDRCYCLBB IS SEE THE "HONETMOON" — 8 that your new husband beats you iog^l^L-MULOB FOR Mra. rranoM and Abagall, Allies Try to Precipitate j * aUs. atar. WANTED TO BUT Ford Model rooms of furniture 1168.00. 6104W List o f Survivors York dtjr, oa a t y of FUat constantly 7 Btrcbl doom—16 montha to pay. Albert's Mother—Why do you Want me kH m t u h O ifIf raturned.rrtumed. SIS Bt ptckup truck or coupe. Phone 'adyoao, Mra Holm, of BeUo to wash my face, when you usually Selling would grow mighty tire­ Dnicllla—No, ma'am. I don'l Furniture Co., 48 A ll^ BL, Hart­ want to tell nothing hut the truth. Kountain Road. 7168 after I “ S - p. m. villA N. J„ at Grteiiock; Mackoy, do it yourself? some, according to a saleaman, It ford, Conn. Revolt Against Fuehre, It weren’t for some of the tough 1 want to do my man Justice. Some O T J . P A R T T W H O picked up In Athenia Sinking OathoiiM, Oladowater, Tcx„ In Junior—Well, Td have to get Glasgow; MocKoy, ijoulas, Olada- my hands wet, and they don't prospects who make ua get up on daya he te a«-ay hunting or fishing. ha«B Maoday. ta P. O. cr from BUSINESS SERVICES I r t t y i ’v* MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS M wator, Tox„ In Glasgow. By DeMitt ______n e^ It. our hind legs and fight for their P?0. t o ^ TOP M arkeVP^ OFFERED 13 ^that reporL But I do know i business. Judge Gruff—Aren't you asham- Mtura to 74 Durant, MancheaUrT The Hat of American and other|>Oalway; Oraad, Charlaa aad aon, MaePhonoo, M.. at Orssaock Asaedatei Pmos Fesolga ABabe FISCHER UPRIGHT mAhogany I.,ut i. Charlsa, at - Galway; Grotaman, weU what might cause troublq to be seen here In court to often? WANTED—Calvea Beef and Plgt Martin, Mra. EUaabsth, at Oalaray; Writer there te any—and la any event < Read your borne newspaper. Prisoner—Why. no, yotrr honor! OUT OUR WAY BY J. R, WIL1JAM8 OUR HOARDING HOUSE ...... W I T H ...... MAJOR ROOPLB Plano, 188. EllxebeUi N o r t^ U W uninjured, in OUva, New York aty, aty of HaePhersoa, V,, at Greanock; Mol- Then listen to your radio for a PEEPING TOMS ARE ALWAYS at all tlmea. Slaughtbring, Rleley, fain etrset. | elnklng of the British liner wishful alUed thinking would' LOOKING FOR A CHA>JGE. I always thought It wss a verj' re­ autumubilbs for s a l e I j FUnt. lery, Mra. Addison aad Billy, Sara­ while. You will find that a lot of WHAT AM I OOltJ? WHY, THROW THEM IN THAT Vernon. Telephone 876>8. AtheolA, as compiled from all sour- New York. SepL 6——Tbe vteage dteorden in that area. , spectable place. Hagen, Mrs. J. O., at Greenock; toga Springs, N. y „ at Galway Anglo-Freneb alUes are using evsry stuff gets on the air tnat cannot II TTA COOKIN’ SOME MUSH- GAS8A(iC PAIL.* fM NOT UNCte AlAOS, I V\IMBD 18S7 CHEVROLET JDWN ee ^ . ELECTRIC REFRIOERATOK Haaaon, Gordon, Boston, at Gal The three cities mentioned Ik et Into the bettero newap«P«ra. A young man v:kt tellinc .in old­ Sp u TT-Tt//:*-*E6AO. AtViN.OUCM x WANTK1>—TO MOT I wh«rw th«y m : Maguire, Margaret and Catbortno, •rtlflce thsy know to try to ptadpi- the heart of the great RhemslT er friend about I "cutting out” Friend—Is there any difference I BOOMS X POUND OffOWIN' &OlN(h TO HAVE another ^ T U R E E QUESTIONS IN SIMPLE QUERIES.'-— HAR-HUMPH— 1 1887 PooUac coach, 1887 Houaehold and Commercial Set' way; Haaney, Helen, Houston, Tax., MlaaspeUa, on a t y of FUat; Man, fpeclflc instance — the advertising I mouth coupe, 1888 Dodfe aedan, I I I Alton, Mqp. EUiaboU) If. and Injured; Hargreaves, Mlsa F., at tate a revoK of the Oermaa people dustrtel area, among other thi* whiskey. \ between results and consequences.' ^OtJT IN TK b a c k . VARO.* DOCTOR BILL IN THIS HOUSE ] TW t INTELUGBNCE TEST 1 COULD TELL VOU.EUT THE TACTS vice. New and uaed refiigeraUng WANTED—SECOND hand iMDy'g I Worcootor, Mam At L D„ at Groeaock; Markcooa, against Nad Futbrsr Hitlsr. of quacks charlatans. Faulty as [ — VOUB FATHER COOKED 1838 OldeinobUe coupe. Cole Mo-| equipment. Wayne W. Phlllipe, 88 Greenock. (May be Florence one of the world's greatest art they are you will have to conclude Older Man Whs\ nadc you Man—Well, my esperlenc* has At s c h o o l t o d a y a n d •PROBABLY WOULD "REMAlM MllTH . tore at the Oenter. 6468. _____ condlUon. Teld- oreenock; ADen, Mrs. Carrol, Oak Mrs. Bella, New York, at Galway England and France b ^ thus to mente renters. quit 7 \ been that results are what you es- MUSHROOMS ONCE AND OUW TEACHER SAID TO Walker atreet, Phone 4878. phone 8648.______Oreenock, AUen, Hargrave of Madison, Wis.); Hal- Matlk, F,, at Oreenock. that there 1a more conscience in YOU LDNGER ip you CONSULTED AN berL Bobbie, Sonora, Tex., at Gal­ achieve by propaganda what other­ At Etesen are the vast Krupp S' newspapers than In radio. Young Man * Oh. 1 can't sec any i pert, while consequenres are wpat THBV TURNED OUT TO TRY 'ew ON THE POLKS J555 NASH DEMON8TRATOK, I Horrougb, Mias O., Houatoo, Tex., wise they will have to do with guns Works whose smokestacks Uf you get. ENCYCLOPEDIA— HAK-KAPt /I’ — EXTRA SPENDING money—con- **•*>«»«“ . Oakland, Calif., at Green way; Hanna, Mlea Jane, at Galway; future In it. BE t o a d s t o o l s * AT HODAEi •—*- \WHAT IS B Y THE WAY, WHY NOT SU R RRliE 1837 Packard 6 Sedan, 1888 HKATlNti — PLUMBING — vert your saleable Junk Into cmeh. I ®f*L'^**“ *.®“***“ ’*" Oakland, Calif., Hsrju, John, Copper a ty , Mich., at Galway; Martin, Mias Pat, San oa bloody flelde of battle. many yeara have written across t Sedan, 1884 Naeh Sedan. 1886 sky their story of wars and tev< No wander he cried: THE SPEED OP USHT ? YOUR TEACHER TOMORROW WITH THIS ROOFING AND SIDING 17 Cell Wm. Ostrtnsky. Tel. 8878—188 Oreenock; AlsUr, Drink, At Gal' CHy of FUnL Diego, CWlf., at Galway; Martia, 'nds rapreseate a carefully coa- Kind Lady—What are you crying Ford Coupe. Meealer-NaA, 101 ' way; Apert, Mrs. and daughter, at Mra Jolla, at Galway; Martin, ddered eflort by tbe alUaa, aad one ttons la divers parte of the woi -*--)Wv<0 INVENTED t h e LITTLB NUOOET OP IMPORMATIOMt Blasell street. Hose, HUda, Fortraoe Monroe, for, little man. What's your name .' HOLD EVERYTHING BY CLYDE LEWIS THERMOAAETEC 9 ------Hendereon Road. _____ WE SPECIALIZE In1 applylofappl)rlo roofs, Orsenoek; Andarion, Ous, Evanston, Va., at Galway; Haadlcy. Jaalea, Alhambra, Callf„ at Gal­ which they regard os of the highost' ^ ^ P P * —Id “armamente" i AN e a r t h w o r m c a n SENSB THR Importance. ««gnest ^onomous. Where do you live? A n d INHERE-DiD and aabeatoa aiding. Worko'orkmanetilp Ill„ on a t y of Flint; Altken, WR Adeic, Kentucky, at Galway; HechL way; Martin, Isabsl, at Galway; Me- Small BOy—That's whst's the VIBRATIONS OP THE son. CAUEBD guarantaed. Eatimatea fraely given RUOMS WITHUUT Ham, Chicago, on a t y of FUnL Joan E., Baltimore, at Greenock; Colfroy, J., at Oreenock; HeCraa, Because of this It te decidedly' matter. I don’t know my name or | LlMBUROER CHEESE BY A BIRD HOPPlNIa ABOUT — Manchester Alao carpentry, painting. A A. BOARD M Brown, Mrs. and ll-monUia old Hlalop, ifn..Bessie, of Dorchester, Mra. Arthur, at Galway; McBwan. worth watching. WUi or loee, it te dte^riTt hill where I live. We moved yesterday COME P R O M ? ---- I SAID VAS/ NOW «U N Dion lnc„ 81 Walla. Ttl. 4860. Msee., at Grbenock; Hislop, Master John, at Greenock; Mcaeaa, Mrs. a htetoiie expeiimeaL ■ drawn to itself l i m b u r g e r c h e e s e c a m e baby. Now Orleans, at Oraenock the so-caUed axtrsmtete l la n d mother was married again to- .a l o n g , Al v in , Evening Herald COMPLETELY FURNISHED rooa| BarasA Mm. B. R., at Oreenock; John, of DoreheMw, Maes., at Jooa, at Galway; MeOorty. Mrs., at Werkiag Oa Flan For Meottw PROM TUB GROCERY STORE/ for light houaekeaptng. Rant rea­ Oreenock; Htelop, Iftg. Elisabeth, of many's laduatrlal workara WITH YOUfR MOVING—TMIICKING Barrington. Roy, Toronto, at Greenock' MeLood, Master John, at Aetually the Aaglo-Franeh broth­ Itad that sane at tha ^ CLASSIFIED sonable. 134 High streeL TsL Dorchester, Maas., At Oreenock; Oreenock; Medellaad, Emily, at erhood h u boon wotMag oa this ^^Ptetura te pretty resourceful. The j ^o o t b a l l / STORAGE 30 7480. Oreenock; Barber, Myrtle. Niagara Munich ertete and was taifotNwdt; Falls, at Galway; Battye, Ethel, Dq- Hines, K., Houston, Tex., at Green­ Galway; McCubUa, Thomas, Moat- jilaa quietly for some monthe. As whoUy reliable sources that th ' cHgger, for Instance, was created ADVERTISEMENTS ock. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS FOR RENT—TWO STEAM heated City of Flint; Baker. And, cUIr, N. J., at Oreenock. long ago aa teat Deeember, I was was much dtecontent among the,; oa a vegetarian. But he enjoys meat OeuBi eu everaoe werae le e Uee fumlabed rooma. Call at 488 Main I Houaton. Texas, a ty of Flint: Be- Hines, W. H., Houston. Tex., at authoritatively Informed wbUa borers there. They were rapoij and needs it for a balajiced diet. Local A Long Dlatance Hovera Greenock; Holland, Margaret, New HeShana, Michael, DetrolL on laltiala. aeakaie eed •eerevMtioM I Tel—6360 68 Holllater St. atrect. | Utter, O., at Oreenock; Belton, O., abroad that it was being laaugu- dteaattefled with their low w ai; Nature, consequently, put tbe pic Maa aeaal aa a word eaa aowaoeae York a ty , at Galway; Hoppe a t y of FUnt; UoffetL Mr. and Mrs. nic Idea Into human heada and thua frorde ae iwo eorde Mlalweai eeet I* at Greenock, John Blair, at Galway; MIebateoa, rated. But with the daelaratlon of nn4 angry becauaa Nasidom ,: Mlaa Audrey, at Greenock; Hopm war It has ooms out Into tbs opaa omaohed their trada organteatiom i solved the meat-ln-the-dict ques eriee ef taree lleea. ____ HELP WANTED— BOARDERS WANTED 69-A Benaon, S„ Wilson, Conn., at Master Gordon, at Oreenock; Holx- Arthur, Naw York a ty , on a t y of tion for the cbigger. Liao retee aer ie r far treaateoi Greenock; Bldweli. Mr. and Mrs. Flint; Moors, Anne, CoUega Sta­ Almost the tniUal^Act of ‘'hostU It was said then that If troii: FEMALE 35 bach. Dr. and Mrs. R. T., Salem, Ity" by Britain was the dramatic cam# In Germany, this manufacf; la MV* WANTED— BOARDER. Pleaaant Watdon, Chicago, at Galway; Bilton, O.; Howe, Mrs. H., at Oreenock. tion, Texas, at Galway; Morris, D„ Mrs. Joyner—Does jrour husband i*i dre^pt^ of six milUoa propaganda ing section would be among the e ' ■m Cter«« I WANTED —IMMEDIATELY girl room, croaa ventilation, nice home Mrs. Edward, at Oreenock; Bloom, ( Probably Hilda Howe of Bakers- at Oreenock; Morris, L., at Glas­ suffer much from his neuritis? gow; Howry, Mtea Eleanor, at pamphlets on Gorman territory by to show it. I a MMoeauve Mara ..l ••*!!.* 2* for general houaework. Home for achool teacher, or bualneaa A., anclnnatl, at Oreenock; Bloom fleld, Caiir.); Hull. Barbara. St. The closing of Kruppa naiurr Mrs. Morris—Yea, but not near­ a SnaaeaUva Oart ..I .» e ^ »i I woman. 67 MIdIa Tumplka Eaat. Sarah, New Tork dty, on a t y of Louis, at Galway; Hunt, Mrs. Mary, Greenock; Howry, Mrs. IdA at alrplanaa, which might have itecd I Oar ...... I 11 eiai U ate ntghte. Phone 8833. VM6A I B*tf^A. •• a. «e _ * _ . * bombs Instead. Thasa papaia gave would ba a major dteastar for ! ly aa much as the rest of us. AU eitleta ter irregaler leeartiaei Tel. 7610. Flint; Boyle, Jamee, at Galway; at Oraenock.- Oreenock; Mowry, Mtea MargareL Nasi regime. ! will ae eberged el ta# oee tlwe rate WANTED — CAPABLE young Boyle, Mlaa J„ at Galway. Inch, Mr. and Mra. J.. at Gree­ at Oreenock. ths slUed varaloa of the rights aad wroaga of the attuatloa As for tha rest of Germany, m i taeelal ralac tor leaa taria aver? woman for general houaework, Bonnatt, Martha, of Iowa, In CUae- nock; Inch, E., at Oreenock; Ingram. Newman, Alice, Arkantea a ty , close obeervere hs've held tha iar adveitlaiaa atvea area raeae^ home nlRhta, ateady work—16.00 APARTMENTS, FLATS. Mae, at Galway; Isaacs. S., Haw­ Kan., at Galway; Newkirk, C., Vir­ Since then, the alUad radios bava STORIES IN STAMPS Aia aidaradMfere lae lairOI ior aftk gow; Bohm, Mr. and Mre. W. C., apart from some subversive 1 day wlU be abaraed aalr f»»fo> «betke aeee- par week. Apply Box Q, Herald. TENEMENTS 63 EllsabeUitown, 111., on a t y of Flint; thorne, Calif., at Oreenock; Jack, ginia, at Oreenock; O'Connel, been bombariUng Oarmany with ap­ mente which work under cloak! tael eawbar of ilaiM iba ad aepearear- Boynton, I^mon, at Greenock; Prof., and Mra. James R., Cam­ ward, Brooklyn, at Galway; O'Oon' peals to the German people. It night—the people aa a whole -J,**. ViM-C ad,_ ebaraied__ _ _at Ibe _ rata esraed eaiea WANTED — EXPERIENCED girl FOR RENT-THREE room IUt. S : i 2 i ^ i ^ m ^ at Greenock; bridge, Mass., City of Flint; Jaaaie. been like shooting Into the dark, for with Ml Improvementa and *»rage, ^ nor. Rev. J. V„ PhltedelphlA at prepared to foUow Herr Hitler L ITTLE GEMS' ao ailowa'aM er mtaado t»a mM* for general houieirork. Good pay. Jamei, Manchester, ^l^Y Galway;,Odoley, F., at Oreenock; nobody has known how many folk m othcrs g e t &ray ea ala tlae ada sieaaed after lb* Go home nighta. Write Box X, heat fumlihed. Tehlephone 6810 or I ™ **?*£ ?' **’*l*n*. Tex., on long way, even Into war. There! 1 OF THOUGHT- 9 - 6 FUnt. (Injured); Jsnson, Bernice, at O'Connor, Charles, Philadelphia, at Nasidom baa tm- of course, deep opposition to T Herald. Inquire et North fcSd Package *"* Galway; Johnson, MaUlds, Duluth. * % ^ f n torbtae"! diaplar Hebe aei ___ Store. ^ < mother, Abilene, Tex., at Oraenock; Galway; Ohandler, CapL T. F. S., posed aevare peoaltles for anyone Nasi attempts to regiment ' Minn., at Galway; JolUe, Mra. C., at at Greenock; Olacn, Janet, Honolu­ ■•rsM alll eel be reeroaeiaie I WANTED WHITE GIRL for gen Brigga, Mra. Agnea, at Galway; even Ustentng to foreign propa­ Churches and there have been oti; BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES If the Tntts Knew BY EDGAR MARTIN FOR RENT—6 ROOb' duplex, I Brown, Ellxabeth, at Galway; Oreenock; Jones, Haniette, Colum­ lu, on a t y of FUnt; Otethwlte, ganda, aad death in soota cases for burning tesuea but there had Iri; awta Ibaa aae laeornai latartloa I eral houaework. Modem West bia, Tenn., at Galway; Jordan, Mlaa available Oct, 18th. Inquire at lU Bridge, R., at Oreenock; Brown, Joan, at Galway, repeating IL . no indication that people genera' MO, NCR TVIE ELEVIATOR * VT iW t K * MUHVUKDNO M VT WEVL.\ THVNMlYlSi'A ■ ! ef ear advartlaeiMat arderod Carl Hartford home. One child. Live In. J., Madison, Wla., at Oreenock; Joy- ■eidthee eaa lima. . . Tel. HarUord 83-1418 or arrlte Lllley atreet. Betay, Houaton, Tex., on City of Pannard, Mra. F. K., Edmont, 8UU, out ef the dark have bagun were prepared to use force to eel' .’U . kU P DOWN THE WOUl-D BE TO SPEND ThA wEXT 1'v.v turn in I ■ vMsvraw The loedverteol enitaioa at | o Herald — ------— Flint. . mer. A., at Oreenock. CaUf.. on a t y of FUnt; Park, Mrs. to coma what purport to be anaweto the controvereles. I ' SmRVMMY TEN OR TWS.NITY YEMR.k BEWMO AND OET A. I WANT To ■ VOAO TO laal pabUaatloa ef edvartltiaa *• ■ Keating, Mrs. Thomas J., of Mary­ ^MO^NkOKTB n HVkk.A raatlied aalr br eaaeelUtloa of ibe FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM duplex, I Brown, Mra. Blixa, at Oreenock- A., West Philadelphia, Pa., on City from aome Germans. EooaooBe Criate Oravest Doagf newly decorated, all ImprovemenU, Brown. Mr. and Mra. M. U Oalwav land, on City of Flint; KeUy. Mlaa of Flint; Park, Master Ruwell, at Yaeterday, the Independent Labor It long had been said, howeyi iTHKlIfc Arj;?mi!:L^?e**m!!^7^*e~|HELP WANTED-MALE 31 Estelle, at Oreenock; Kelly, F„ at Oreenock; Patterson, Joseph, at that Herr Hitler’s gravest dan : HUVUUATINO __ ir*r*f^Ao****' ^''®****’*® SepL 18th. Bruce, Mra. laabel, Montsv'allo, Ala.’. Oreenock; Kelly, Miss M., at Orae­ party of Britain gave out a measage la atria, eoar aad traoaraear ^ le Tel. 8409.______at Oreenock; Brennan, Kathryn, at Oa|way: Petersen, Oua, Duluth. which was said to have been sent by lay In any economic crisis wi(; SHUT UP ■V ragalatiaaa aaferaad hr «be Moiiea- [WANTED—TWO GOOD men, on nock; Kelly, Mra. W., at Greenock: Minn., on a t y of FUnt; Pierce, w ^ d pinch hte people too hard.; era aad tber reaerva tbe Habi ta form, at once. Chris. Petereea FOR RENT--8 ROOM tenement. Kennedy, Mra. Henry, at Oraenock; the Independent SoctaUate of Oar- Garfield's Assassination “The boss won’t be able lo sec you—he’s expecting some adit, Mvlae ei r e ^ ear eeay: tea- Mra Ellen, Margaret and PhUo- many. It rpad In part: German breadwinner,. ev iven, Wepplng. with aU Improvements. 188 Oak- Kent, Doris, Evanston, HI., at Gal­ you andl, thinks a fair amount w ! Might Hove Been Halted bozo from India any minute now.” aldarad oblaellaBabla land StreeL Greenock, Burchall, Mra. AUce, Los way; Kemper^ Helen, Alhambra, mens. New York, at Qalway; Woilcers Do Not Wont War ’“ ■iSSrf' OLOONO BOURS-ClaeaiMe ada ______I Angeles, a t y of Flint; Bums, Mra. Pocklngton, Mrs. AUce, Dearborn. The Orman workers and poaa- hte tummy. I f he and bte fam assassin might ru u . PAIMCNT If paid bl lb# buel- Falla, at Galway; Carrol, Mre.' M garet, Los Angeles. City of FUnt; of FUnt; Pritchard. Robert, at Gal- ordera In Cfologne, Dusaeldorf and abbs aCIbb ea ei before Ibe aerantb contmet. Hmiece bitlll et large Way; Pritchard, William, Aurora, The Anglo-French allies have h' enjoy the eucceci ef Charlee - J. FOR R E N T-6 BOOM tenement, all I 9* Lewis, E., at Greenock; Little. Mary Eaaen. hoping for an economic colla OuitMU, Praeident Garfield's mur­ dar IMIewtad tbe drai laeartlea ei ssvinga. Mortgages available. Write F., at Qalway HI., on City of FUnt; Quine, T. E.. WASH TUBBS ‘ A Heai Start aaab ad eibarwlae tbe CHARilb Box R, Herald. ^provements, with garage, sol?!'*” *’ Hoael, San Antonio, I haven’t seen any eonSrmatloa ef which would upset the Nasi regli derer. •TROTCIMiNii HATB will be eelleetaA Me reapnnal- Ruaoell street Inquire on the •* Galway; Otaevy, R P., at Louden, Mary, Sadie, John. Ken­ at Greenock. blUtr tar errors la telspboaed ad* ' Greenock; Caaey, R T „ at Glasgow, neth, and Marlon, all of Detroit, on Renter, Q., at Gtegow; Rabonold, If anyone today were to stu- LET Tutei And smvo^ fufiiR maoT premises. dloualy practice pistol marksman­ Will be aatawed aad tbeir saearasr DOGS—BIRDS—PETS—4l Child, Miss R., at Galway. City of FlinL Mlsa Ruth, at Oreenock; Rice, Ou*- C M om o ot^.'iRYMOTo OErnMTTNew saaael be asaraaiaeA CThurchlll, Rose, Farmln^on, Conn., Little, Margaret, at Galway; Lo­ ollne E., Freano, Calif., at Qalway; Oreenock: Sndel, Rosa, U. S. A., at ship on the outskirts of Washing­ MOLV MSN OUAXOINkTHS CnfCTM. HAl Glasgow; Seburr, Kathleen, Brook­ Magic Program INDEX OF FOR SALE—TWO YOUNG thor- HUUSE8 FOR RENT I a t y of FUnt; ChUd, Ralph, at Gal­ gan, Mra. George, at Galway; Ratcliff, Ernest, at Galway; Rat­ ton, he would become an object of INS1X T*kf THS BOCK W«/ way; Chalmers, William. New YorK cliff, Faith, at Galway: Roberts, Vir­ lyn. N. Y., on a t y of Flint; Sun­ suapleion. Guiteau did Just thsL CLASSIFICATIONS ougrbred coon doga, ready to run. Lubltsch, NIcoll and nurse, Holly­ derland, Jane, Washington, D. C., Must sell. Price rcasunable. Phone FOR RENT—6 ROOM single house. City, at (iaiway; Chapman, Brenda, wood, Calif, on a t y of Flint; Leoyha, ginia at Qalway; Ratcliff, Mrs. openly, and im one paid much at­ at Galway; SMtL Julia W.. CbtcV Most Pleasit tention. •aeageaMete •-ad 6 •• • d».da dddd * dd 4848. centraUy located, all modern Im- Detroit, at Greenock; Chalmers, A. J., CIsramont, N. H., on a t y of Ellin, at Greeno^; Robinson, Max­ provementa. AdulU preferred. In- Anne, at Galway; Chalmers, Mrs. ine, Austin, Tex., at Calway (Said oaha, Okla., at Gajway; ScotL Mra. Guiteau waa well known at the Ifarriaaaa ■jiddMddddddddd dddd* Flint; Lucas, L., at Greenock; Mac- W. B., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., at Oeatbe ddd dddd quire 34 Madison street. | Alice. New York, at Galway; Chap­ Batn, W.. at Greenock; MacBain, oU 16 Texas college girla saved); 'White House for his persisteni Card el Tbaake ...dddddddddddddd UVE STOCK- man, Thomas, at Greenock. Rooks, Prof. Margaret, Northamp­ Galway; Scullion, James, Wood- A highly entertaining progr efforts to be named minister to la Mtaertaai ...... SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM Mra. M.. at Oreenock; MacBain, VEHICLES aark, Mra. Jeoaie, Elknhurat, N. ton, Maas., a t y of dinton. side, N. T.. a t y of FUnL of magic woe presented before Austria. He picketed the White Lost aad rosad 42 single houses, also two fanuiy Oats Marjorie, at Oreenock; MacDonald, S^e, Katherine, Salt Lake aty, AaaeoOeaaibala dddMdddB Y., a t y of Flint: Cook, CapL Rodman, Mtea Barbara, Garden good-steed crowd at the Bman ^ Houae, tried vainly to see the M., at Graenock; MacDonald, Helen, a ty , L. I., at Greenock; Rooney. sL Glasgow; Shall, Mrs. Jeanne Pbraoasls .... e*aaddd»« FOR SALE-NEW MILCH guern­ wm5‘7 “ Hol/Tciron.*fiPJa"ca'2:| PreeldenL He even wrote his let­ A( sey cow. H. E. Keeney. 613 Keeney aiosgow; CottsrlA Mr. and Mrs. at Oreenock; MacDonald, Jessie, at Mra. H. B., Pittafleld, Haaa, d ty and Mary, Oniy, In oa O ty of Lutharaa church teat night by K ters on White House stationery, ter*W4i M**80ai.*^^**^°* “ '^*^*** I aimarow! Cott«rl>. Ur »wui Unr Greanock. AaleaeailbS tor Hals ...... George, at Galway; OouUte, Mr. and of dinton; Rulaaeau. J., at Oreen­ FUnt; Shearer, i t n . FrederidL New stoaa, tha magician. The ev : "acted aa it ha owned the place,” Aotaaobllep tor ■aeoanaa . .... Mra. J. C., Chicago, a t y of Flint; MacFarlane, Allen 8., and Mrs. ock; Ruteseau, Mra. J. O'Hagen, at York, O ty of FUat; Sberk. Mra Aate Aaeeaaorlae—Tlraa ...... rras sponsored by the LuLl a presidenttel secretdQ( reported. Cottermon, Chailes. at Galway; Santa Barbara, Calif., on a ty* of Glasgow; Ruaselte. Mrs. EUhel, at Wendell, uidtenapolte, Ind., a t y of League of the church and ■aamiKI Ha waa bnmd from tha grounds, APte Rapelrlaa—Palailaa ... m . POULTRY AND FUnt; Shepherd, Ben, Tonkere, N. Aate dobaola Long Now Working Connolly, Tom, bte wife and three ba thoroughly enjoyed 1^ oB in then from the State Department Anloa—dblp br Tmak ...... SUPPLIES 43 young boya. New York, at Glas­ Y., a t y of FUnt; Sbeshunoff, A., tendance. cffleaa. Aatoa ■■rot Hire ...... (probaMy Alexaadtr SbeAunoff of gow. Keystone devoted tba first li finally, on Um motning of July Oarbaea- ierrlea dteraaa ..... la RHODE ISLAND RED PulleU Cowle, Mary, at Galway; Cttx. New York) at Qrenock; SlngletonT of hte program to slelgbt-cf-bc Moteraralea Bieralea ...... » I ready to lay 38c lb., 8 Ib. aver­ Through Third War Ralph, at Galway; SluppsI, Mra - 8, 1681, he waited for the Prctl- Wanted Aatoa—Moioreralaa .... II Mr. and Mrs. W. H., Neepawa, Everybody Pays for War trlqka and magical feats oq dant In a railroad station, fired ALLEY OOP J a llB r M k BT ?. T. BAMUB age. Kneeland Jones Jr., Bolton. Manitoba, at Oreenock: Craig, Mr. Agnea Hollyxrood, Chllf., on CHy for youngsters but even tha Conn. Tel. 8808. of FUnL two shots. Captured by police. SuslDsas SarvisM UfferaS ...... It and Mra. Alex, New Yorle a ty, present watched the talented Guiteau calmly admitted the pbb! w s c an d o it, HouMtaoiS terviMS OffaraS ....IS -A Washington, Sept. 6.—(8^—Breck- a t y of Flint; Crowley, Eaeanor, at Slmpeon, Mtes R., at Galway former with close attention, SalMiBg-^DtraetlBs ...... i« No Matter How Figured Smith,nmirn, Helenneten DeWIU,iren Ptoinfleld. dMOtillg. JUDGE OR NO, Plortais—Narsarlas ...... IS Inrtdge Long, cblaf of ths State O alw ^; Curran, M i^ Katharine, displayod nsvaral dlffleult acts J U O M -E u r ELECTRICAL Department's new Emsrgsncy (ttvl- New Ytwk, a t y of Flint; Curran, N. J., at Olnaiuw. Injured: Smtth, Garfield lingered uaUl SepL 16, Fsaaral OIraaters ...... IS lag Um aaeoud hour, one of .ths dted at hte New Jeraay home. FT WILL8EA/ Haattas—FlaaMao—llaataa ... II APPLIANCES—RADIO 49 sloB, te working through hte third Mary (probably Mas), New York, V. W „ (p n M Iy VVirginia M u g hte teat of paaaliig milk A. Sagger s ™ ’'* '*** OPHeepoodlng nmouaL Snlam, v L ), at OnOfMQOdkt . GuHm u was hanged June 30,1661. 066PIRATE lassrsaaa ...... is war. a t y of Flint. Aaaoelated Pmaa FkwactelVI m a b r iAm I EditorWSMAsann - — a a_ a u ^ aw.. a botUe through a date MlllliiarT—UraaaoukHis ...... }! I FOR EXPERT RADIO rapaln caTl ao measured la tha goods of Ufa, tba Maater W., (probably Wilson Smith, OarfieM te shewn on the U. S. RtSKl ' 8838. Reliable, reasonable Ben­ Long. 88, formerly United States Date, C. M. at Oreenock; Davte, New York, Sept. 6—What te the money te worth leas. Therefore, tbe karchtef into a gteoa, atopp ‘Oh, four lumps, I guess. This’ll be my last spree before school MotIbs—Track Ins—Slorsss ..... M ambassador to Italy and aasteUnt Agnea E., at Galway; Davte, Mr. Baltimore, Md.), at Oraenock; starting tbe flow of •-cent magenta stamp above. Is­ Publla Paataosar Sarvlea ...... M-A son's Radio. 713 Main street. cost of war, and who pays? buying power or actual worth of Smith. Henry, DeWItt. and JaneL sued Feb. 30. lo o t. starts.” Painilas—Panartaa ...... II secretary of lUte, has charge of and Mra. J„ at Greenock; OavUo, These homely queatlons, with Eu­ fixed investments ouch as bonds and simple command. Anotht^ 'was Profaaalonal BanriMa ...... II FOR RELIABLE RADIO service the vaat work of bringing Amerl-1 James. New York a ty , a t y of Plainfield, N. J.. on a t y of Oln- eaenpe from a heavy p a ^ n g Rapalrina II rope once more In fla. es and apacu- oavlngn accounts becomes a fiactloa ton: Stevrnrt, Betty Jane, Dallas. call Stertmsn at Lewmer's Way- cans horns from Europe and of pro- Flint: Deary, Florence. New York, latora In Wall street, La Salle of what It was. In five minutes after the M Tallonna—UvalBg—Claaalhs •« side Furniture. Telephone 7170. tectlng the Intereste of warring na- City of Flint; Dexter, Franklin, at Tex., at Onlway; StowaiL Helen, padlocked and ropped. Toilet Oeoda anS Sarvtea ... II street and elsewhere seeking to That Is one. way of gattlng rid of TOONERVlLLB POLKS BY PONTAINB POJL WantaS—Baainaaa Sarvica , M tions which oak the United States OaIway: D«*ter. Mrs. FrenkUn, Elmhurst, L. I., at Onlway; StuarL eewtag needlea In hte mouth profit from a "war boom,” seem dabL aad that te tha way moot of Caroline, Plainfield, N. J, a t y « f to represent them In the caplUte Beverly, Maas., Ot> of FUnL vltel. nteo a high spot that drew Oaaraaa ana Claasaa ...... of their enemlei. Dick, Mrs. M.. at Greenock; Dl- the oountrlaa In tba last World War FUnL applause. THE P r a c t ic a l JoKffR in p o r m e d t h e t r a n s i t c o m m i s s i o n t h e y ® Privaia lastrooiiona ...... Most aconomlate aad atetteUctens g o t out from under thair debts. Stevenson, Sunaa, Niagara Falte, Uanolps ...... II l i e p U D l l C a n t J a U C llS During the World war Long w a s ven. Mr. and Mrs. Louie, at Oal- bog doxm In trying to give pat .11 I aisteUnt secretary of state. During DUIer, Mr. and Mrs. W , PhU- Another way of course Is oi at Qalway; Stredder,)ar, Mrs.Mre. Vior- OOULO CATCH THE SKIPPER , REP-MANDEP, HAULING A LOAD OP WC6D. MaaleaJ—Oramalle ...... anowera, but the World war studies defaulL Remember some 814,(>00,' enee, O ty of FUnt; Strait.. Mra WaniaS—Inatrsctlons ...... The Republican alsctors of tba the Italo-Bthloplan war he was « ‘l«lpl>l». City ^ DoggetL result in such figursa as thaoa; To Attend Parley Plaaaalal Town of Bolton are requested to ambassador to Italy.- ' MargareL Dallas, Tsx., at Galway: 000,000, prindpal and lataraoL of Olndya Dallaa Tex^ at Oreen­ meet In caucus at the Community 1—One astlmata places tha cost war debte owed the United Staten? ock; Stork, C W., Naw York, at Honda—atocaa—Mongasaa . Dolling, Mra Jennls, Uassena, N. at $378,000,000,000, based mostly on Bualneaa Opnonunlilaa .... l i I Hall, Bolton Onter, Sept. 11, 1838. a l a ^ X T - Y.. * " a t y of Flint;rim i; Dowte,uoww, at.,M.. aiat But let ua aay currency deprecia­ Oreenock; Strauaa Ruth E., New Of Labor Official IConar. to Loan ...... ** I at 8 p. m., d. a t.. for the purpose actual outlays of goveinmcnta. This tion, Or Infiatlon, te the favorite Tork at Oaterny: Steinberg, N., at A n f i [ l C M . p 6 n t l B I l U n i t oreenock: Dowling, EmeaL PhHa te about 40 per cant more than tbe FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Ik FkB BloMkt BY MERRILL BUMSBR M«ia ■■a aHaaUMs of nominating candidates for town ^ dslphlo. a t y of FUnL method. Who pays than? Tha Oreenock; Sutbertand, Mra JeesM Ualp Wsoiwl—KamaU ...... ia entire eatlmated nationni wealth of H., Youngstoxm, O., at Oreenock; Ualp Wantad—Mala ...... It offices. thrifty, aay the economteta tha Mg ■telaamto Waatad ...... M-A Dated at Bolton, Conn., SepL 4 tha United Stetaa la 1814. middle clam of persoas w te have Sweetgard, Lulu, New York, a t y c t Hartford, SepL 6—Deputy Lni| _ OOMT KNOW HOW . Ha* Been Dissolved UlTiJE; 8—Other estimatas, trylag to enl- Halp Waniad—Mala or rasMle.. II 1838. Helen, Detroit, at O la a i^ , la- saved, put thair money avray con­ FUnt; Syken |fr. and Mra Leon­ Oommtesloner Morgah Mooney TOU g ir THBkl. AT A TWIB Aaaoia Wamad ...... i i -a culata such Intangible raetors os ard, at (Salway. attend the annual convention I' UKB W M .W H 6H TOUR OMURIin m Sliuatlooa Wantad—Paoiala .... II By order of tha Republican Town Jtirad; Duncomba, Mtea B., at Orea- servatively, la best bonds and oav------“ AN ------BLOWMBPir/ ■ Committee. destruction of property and lane of Inga ncoounte. Aad usually ' almost Templetcn, Mine Sarah, at Oal- the International Aasoctetioa Slluatlooa Waniad—Mala ...... II a ..- a ,aa n, a. __ i nock; Dixon, D., at Glasgow; Da- life, reach figures commonly used Bmploraiaai Acanelaa ...... ta Samuel R. Woodward, everybody suffera too, because the way; Mtes Shirley (prasumaMy Oovcrnmcntal Labor Offletete Do“ ’ch aT,in .U >^-?i; only In astronomy. One figure Mtes Shirley Sykes), fit Oolway: Uaa atara—fata r a u r r — fahlalaa Chairman. cost of living te likely to riae much Tulsa. Oku., Thuradny and Fri( ...... tl Anglo-German organteatlon In 81^- lira aiv* Wur. amounts to 61,000,000 a adnuto for faeter than wages and aalariea. Thomas, Mra Rhode, ' Rochaster, labor Cbmmtesloner . CornaUus | 2 ^ Maa, Slock —Vahielat ...... tl ^d.^^ounc«l todNT It had been ciuf;.^t^^5' FuS’; ^ the duration of bosUlltlss, or a N. T-, on CUy of Flint; Thoippaon. Dannher announced U x ^ . PeoliiT and Supplla* ...... tl Piodti of War total of 18,346,400,000,000. Than, of couras, there’ are the T „ at OreandHi: Ttalay, Mra M. and The convention will Winttd— Palo— Poul'rr—^Ineb It He sMd be knew nothing of a A lmeat Everybody Fay* two soba at Oraanock; TInaay, Pat Sal^ Mlaaallaoaaoa profits of vrar. Many Mg fortunaa by labor commtealoaerA ^lolaa Pot Sol...... to report that four members of the Aad na for who pays? Moat Harry, at Greenock; TInney, WU lepreaenteUvea from Ui association had been Interned. « . *?fii **"■ created by war are still extent, mors Aooattoritt ...... tt We Offer for Sale aconomtete aey nlmoat everybody. or lees. Otbere have Iseen xrlp^ out Ham, at Oreenock; Toom, Mtei mid Canada. Principal Bulldini Mattnalt ...... tl The Communist party of Great "'-...“ "^1!* In the last World war, Bngla^ ex­ Hnsel, at Oreenock. win ba given by Earner DiABjondo—Wtickto—Jtwtlry .. tt Britain Issued a aUtement denying by the alnmps which came In 1831, •-Room Single. Porter Street panded Ita national debt by liM.OOO.. and the early 1 ^ 's . TobotL Anne, DetrolL at Oalwny; ndmtntetrator of the if age that It had disbanded. 000,000, tbe United States tor 684,' Townsend, RoherL' Son Antonio, Hours Division of the U. S. 14500. Foirweather, Mix., MBwnukaa, at 000,000,000. A preponteront part of the ex­ Tex., at Galway; lYanlMnnia. Mr. A.h. Bomagea I Oraenock; Farrell. Patrick, Bay- penditure of war goes not Into partmant of labor, and Ai * ® ^ * * ^ * * ^ ^ ~ ^ !! II •-Room Single, Phelps Road Both countriaa have tried to main' and Mra Harry, Nlpton, OaUr.,-on Secretary of Labor Maixbat Loa Angeles. Sept. 7—OP)—Film IS?"** **' FUnt; Ftaldar, thlaga like homea highways City of FUat; 'rum nll. Rath, AJ- $6000. tain their currencies aad service parks that are useful. lU te shot Comedian Hugh Herbert asked O'®®** >***i»»' «■ Cite of their debts by texntllDn. 't and of hambrn. OaUf., at Onlxray: Turner, gubjacte to ba dleniaaed oeira aad Slnra M 867.800 damogea today fm Injunea *’•1“^: Finley. T. B . Jr. at Oraa- aeray, used to destroy wealth, at »kt atorta...... - 6-Room Single. Foley Street courae everybody pays texas, direct­ Mra, Toronto, qt OrMnoek; TWaod. problema of labor tew ndm he claimed he received In an auto I ®ock. economiste explain. JLSPerat—Fere ...... 4* $4850. ly or indirectly. Mra Beatrice R . at Oreenock; Un- tkm. Industrial retotlona. mlalmJ SODRCHT SMITU waou d -T > m n ...... coUtelon Dec. 30. He charged a Fliilay, Mildred, Wtndaor, Oma.. Rtelag prices represent more dol- dTfWOOdt Mm t KftUMHM* AibtB% A SS^ lath * Dee* BY JOHN C. TERRY ** ' * - — *1 Min i I Two-Family Hooae Starting Other major powers xrlpad out tba Intx, any par Mubel of wheaL not wage tews, soctel soenrity aad fJ truck owned by Consolidate FUm * f Olaagow, lajurod; Flahar, MiR, bulk of their vrar debts deprecia­ Tax., on a t y of flin t: Vioeent, L . tcey teapaettens. ' At $3000. Industrisa struck bte car. New Tork, at Olaoiow; Flyna, M. mere wheaL The prioe level In the .CtovMand HMgbta 0 „ at Orean- iu T MM78R l« 8UMS0MB TNkOHfiN T M Oeate ...... R.. at Oraanock;; F^rna. Mlchaal tion of currenciea. Eaglimd finnlty United States more than doubled be- Maareara Waatod .....a.M ,.a..M -A • Acres of Land in Bolton came to a partial deprodatlon In ock. dWMNB MOlAfiNBTHg FIANB fifiTTU n Sloairy Moue-naoena ' Orange County, M. T., at Olaagow; twxea 1814 and 1830, riaiag about 6MM.V IkikRrW THE WW BkkdFTf Aty Center, $550. Frader, M., at Oraanock; FrMiek. 1861, and the .United States cut tha ISO per ceaL The Nattonnl Indua- Walhocn. Ifr. and Mra Vrenwr- »*ala ntataoTaau gold content of tha doUkr about 40 Ite*, New York, a t y of FlinU Ward. Germaii Frontier ■ — :ffg.'5=.'.“g !>aa g e Waatae atteit staid ....^a. 12 Acres With SmaO Snmmer F., at Oreoaoek; Forte, Joan, Naxr- trial Oonfereace Board < toa Hlghteadn, Maoa, a t y o f FUat; par cent in 1888. MIm Margaret, at Oreenock; Ward. Flaia Ttattetaie « Cottaga. $650. Um national wealth of the United 8. at Qraenoek: Wanwr- Foute, DoroOisa, Hoosteo, T wl. But Oermnays eurraaey waa per­ Residento Leavi H i •« I Stoten la 1814 at 6168J100.000.000. maa Hetnte, Brooktyil, on City of y^ eoe eee»e>#m> ••• a t y o f m a t: Footdr. a Brook­ mitted to depreointo until It eras !• I If Hte F o r Sale worth aothtog, ~ ‘ - " L j& rt., lyn, a t y of m a t; Flyaa, M. J . at Fork. •gMMiy wm be Aih«i8a;'4»'Oul'- OB R W6H) France’a latenMd debt Zurich, hapL A ——U m Floreaca M . at OUw York, ■awapapar Neue Burteber t BMiiiag ' iar m r * .... 180,000.000,000 Crate I _ durliy Um at Qalway; WtM. ISIteibath. M.. Oaiaba. Mary. Naw Tack, at Ool- war. but the fn a e dropped „ ______from pubHekad a BarUa dlapatd driva. Radio, Many Es- F t WetOL TMl. at Onlway: Wood. way: OuroPd, J . at Otoaaoek; OU- U J oasts la in d .to aa avarago of saying lealdante g f Oarmaa ' traa. Foot aumtha old. 7 eeate la 1810^ aad enrnaUy, oa D. (ptebabty Duawa Wood. Mow IToatter towH wars teavliig : 1 ^ 3 i | | s ^ J. Waaley Ian. MhjiaM. at Orxaaock; Oman. F. A. Paarnaa and the late Q. F. York) at OroteMCk; Wood, AIbM^ Um baria o f tba oM gold donor. It «•••( 14 $800.00 or offer; eaa bo Robert, at Oraaaoek; OUatrap, M n. Wortea e f OarasU. In thair ntody. ta, at Oalvrity: W o ^ D. Jr., at • MM*** W llllan and Mtea Ooimy, aihamhra. te only about IH eeate. Trlcao.” wBmato that actual |riiyM- 22 •aaacod. Marray, R. F. Oreenock; Woodbury, Walter M, ■Ota to The I ' m . •••o«mmo«9 Tl I M , 66U . 7146 Aey CaUf., a t y of Flint; Oansaa, Su­ cal ptpduetiaa par capita la the Now Tork. at Qahnys tyywM, Jsr- I ' # san. at Qalway; Ornhaao. Mrs. Jan­ As eurreacteo depreciate, whoa jreriay y nqtteg The p. I. Aadoxor, Cona. V m tA States, actually iMreased ty Jana DaUan. T bl, at Qahray: ata, DatroiL aSty t of Iltnt: oram- they are dwredetefl oa a gtaad *teetive defense about lO per from 1914 to Touatai Mra. Bo m , Caateo, O , oa vtelatteni o f Dt/ttk U ' Sarg, OordoiL DUtaUi. Mkm. at. ■cala ao la Fkaaeo, pitoeo i Im tars O U ra C -----

VTT.V'I S i b.