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Five Five of S;olida rity Edited by INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS The bonds of friendship between India and Namibia are, indeed, unique. They were forged at a time when India was not yet fully independent and Namibia, then called the mandated territory of South West Africa, was threatened with extinction as a separate entity. India took the lead in preventing the incorporation of South West Africa by its mandatory power, the Union of South Africa at the very first session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1946. Since then, India never wavered in her determination to secure full independence for the people of Namibia, bending all her efforts and her resources to this end. The documents presented in this collection have been selected with a view to highlight the distinct stages in the evolution of Namibia's nationhood and to bring into focus the principled and consistent support extended by India to the people of Namibia through their long and arduous struggle. A new chapter opened with Namibia's independence and the solidarity between the people of India and Namibia now gets strength through bilateral agreements and reciprocal visits at high levels., ISBN: 81-224-0772-2 Namibia-India Five Decades of Solidarity Edited by T G Ramamurthi INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS NEW DELHI & NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, PUBLISHERS WILEY EASTERN LIMITED NEW DELHI o BANGALORE o BOMBAY * CALCUTTA o GUWAHATI HYDERABAD* LUCKNOW & MADRAS o PUNE o LONDON Copyright © 1995 ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) New Delhi NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, PUBLISHERS * WILEY EASTERN LIMITED NEW DELHI 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-I10 002 BANGALORE 27, Bull Temple Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore-560 004 BOMBAY 128/A, Noorani Building, Block No.
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