Gene Cluster Conservation Provides Insight Into Cercosporin Biosynthesis and Extends Production to the Genus Colletotrichum,” by Ronnie De Jonge, Malaika K
Correction AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Correction for “Gene cluster conservation provides insight into cercosporin biosynthesis and extends production to the genus Colletotrichum,” by Ronnie de Jonge, Malaika K. Ebert, Callie R. Huitt-Roehl, Paramita Pal, Jeffrey C. Suttle, Rebecca E. Spanner, Jonathan D. Neubauer, Wayne M. Jurick II, Karina A. Stott, Gary A. Secor, Bart P. H. J. Thomma, Yves Van de Peer, Craig A. Townsend, and Melvin D. Bolton, which was first published May 29, 2018; 10.1073/pnas.1712798115 (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115: E5459–E5466). The authors note that author Yves Van de Peer was in- correctly listed at affiliation aPlant-Microbe Interactions, De- partment of Biology, Science4Life, Utrecht University; and that this author’s affiliation at dBioinformatics Institute Ghent, Ghent University was incorrectly omitted. The corrected author and affiliation lines appear below. The online version has been corrected. Ronnie de Jongea,b,c,d,1,2, Malaika K. Eberte,f,g,1, Callie R. Huitt-Roehlh,1, Paramita Palh, Jeffrey C. Suttlee, Rebecca E. Spannere,f, Jonathan D. Neubauere, WayneM.JurickIIi,KarinaA.Stotte,f, Gary A. Secorf, Bart P. H. J. Thommag, Yves Van de Peerb,c,d,j,CraigA. Townsendh,2, and Melvin D. Boltone,f,2 aPlant-Microbe Interactions, Department of Biology, Science4Life, Utrecht University, 3584 CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands; bDepartment of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, B-9052, Ghent, Belgium; cVIB Center for Plant Systems Biology, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium; dBioinformatics Institute Ghent, Ghent University,
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