
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 6515-6518, August 1991 Biochemistry Inhibition of activity by methylation: Possible involvement of protein mediators ALEX LEVINE*, GwuLio L. CANTONIt, AND AHARON RAZIN* *Department of Cellular Biochemistry, The Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, 91010; and tLaboratory of General and Comparative Biochemistry, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD 20892 Contributed by Giulio L. Cantoni, April 25, 1991

ABSTRACT To study the relationship between DNA meth- factor appears to be involved in the expression of house- ylation and promoter activity we have methylated in vitro the keeping genes that are not methylated at their 5' end. On the promoters of the mouse metallothionein I gene and the herpes other hand, cAMP responsive element is typically associated simplex virus thymidine kinase gene. We have transiently with tissue-specific genes that are always methylated at their transfected these promoters fused to the human growth hor- 5' end except in those cell types that express the gene (1, 7). mone in their methylated or unmethylated state into mouse L Clearly, as these studies indicate, the relationship between or F9 cells. Promoters methylated by methylase (M.) Hpa II promoter methylation and factor binding is and M.Hha I caused inhibition of expression in quite complex. L cells but not in F9 cells, while methylation of all CpGs by Two alternative models have been proposed to explain the M.Sss I caused inhibition in both cell lines. Repression of mechanism whereby DNA methylation might repress gene promoter activity by M.Hpa II and M.Hha I methylation, but transcription (8). Promoter methylation might hinder the not by M.Sss I methylation, could be alleviated by cotransfec- binding of transcription factors thereby directly inhibiting tion with an excess of untranscribable DNA methylated with , as has been shown in the case ofMLTF and M.Sss I. The methylated sites in nuclei isolated from the cAMP responsive element (3, 4), or it might act indirectly transfected L cells, but not F9 cells, were found to be protected through a mediator capable of binding to methylated sites in from Msp I digestion. Taken together these results suggest that the promoter thus preventing the formation of the transcrip- a factor present in L cells and missing in F9 cells mediates the tion complex. methylation-directed inhibition of promoter activity. The abil- The recent identification of proteins capable of binding ity of methylated DNA to overcome the inhibition seems to specifically to methylated DNA (9, 10) favors the hypothesis reflect competition for the mediator factor. Interestingly, treat- that the methylation-directed inhibition of transcription may ment with Zn2+ ions brought about activation ofthe methylated be mediated by a factor. The data presented here promoter of the metallothionein gene. Similarly, butyrate add further support to this possibility. could override the repression of the thymidine kinase methyl- ated promoter. These activations were not accompanied by demethylation of the promoter or displacement of the mediator METHODS AND MATERIALS factor. Cell Constructs and Cell Treatments. In our expenments, we used the mouse Ltk- line and the murine F9 teratocar- It is now well established that in mammals and other verte- cinoma cells. Cells were grown in 5% C02/95% humidified brates DNA methylation plays a role in gene expression. air at 37°C in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supple- Several observations indicating that methylation at the pro- mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Biological Industries, moter region is generally associated with transcriptional Beit-Haemek, Israel). For the F9 cell culture, the serum was inactivity (1) led to a series of studies on the effect of inactivated at 55°C for 33 min. ZnSO4 (Sigma) was added to promoter methylation on the binding oftranscription factors. a final concentration of 100 ,tM and sodium butyrate (Fluka) In vitro optimal expression ofgenes encoding the adenovirus at 10 mM was added to the respective culture medium for 14 late major protein and of other cellular genes (2) requires h, 2 h after transfection. All enzymes were from New binding of the HeLa cell major late England Biolabs, except Msp I, which was purchased from (MLTF), and it has been shown that methylation of a single Boehringer Mannheim. The constructs used here were from CpG centrally located in the recognition sequence for MLTF Nichols Diagnostics (San Juan Capistrano, CA) and have (3) will hinder MLTF binding. Similarly, methylation of the been described by Selden et al. (11). sequence TGACGTCA present in the cAMP responsive Transfections and Growth Hormone Assays. Logarithmic- element of certain promoters abolished both the binding of phase cells were split and plated on 60-mm tissue culture transcription factors and transcription (4). The effects of the dishes at 8 x 105 cells per plate. After 16 h of incubation at methylation of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase tran- 37°C, cells were transfected with the appropriate amount of scription factor (CTF) and Spl binding sites of the herpes DNA (0.7 ,ug for Ltk- cells and 2 ,g for F9 cells) with the simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter depend on the transfection reagent N-[1-(2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N- experimental situation: in vivo expression of the gene is trimethylammonium chloride (DOTMA) from Boehringer repressed 50-fold but in vitro methylation had no effect on the Mannheim according to the instructions ofthe manufacturer. binding of CTF to the CTF recognition region (5). Finally, Transfection mixture was removed after 8 h and fresh me- Spl transcription factor binds and activates transcription dium was added and changed every 24 h. In experiments that even when the binding site is methylated (6). It has been took longer than 72 h, cells were split after 48 h and plated suggested that the lack ofeffect ofmethylation on the binding onto 100-mm tissue culture dishes. of Spl transcription factor may reflect the fact that the Spl Abbreviations: MLTF, major late transcription factor; CTF, chlor- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge amphenicol acetyltransferase transcription factor; DOTMA, N-[1- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" (2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride; M., in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. methylase. 6515 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 6516 Biochemistry: Levine et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) Growth hormone assays were carried out with the Nichols the medium is an excellent representation of the promoter Diagnostics kit. Briefly, 100-pl aliquots were withdrawn from activity. The assay ofhuman growth hormone was performed the tissue culture medium, and 100 A.l of 1251-labeled antibody on aliquots taken from the culture medium, and, therefore, solution was added and mixed. Avidin-coated beads were DNA methylation and gene expression could be assayed on added, and the mixture was incubated at room temperature the same cell culture plates. for 4 h on a horizontal shaker at 180 rpm. The beads were As shown in Fig. 1, the expression of the reporter gene is washed twice and counted in a y-counter. The combination significantly affected in both Ltk- and F9 cells transfected of the DOTMA transfection procedure and the growth with constructs containing promoters in which all CpGs have hormone assay yielded highly sensitive and reproducible been methylated by methylase (M.) Sss I (12). In contrast, results. however, when -10% of the CpG residues in the promoters The level of secreted growth hormone was previously are methylated by M.Hpa II and M.Hha I there is no effect shown to be directly proportional to the transcriptional on reporter gene expression in F9 cells, but in Ltk- cells activity (11). reporter gene expression is significantly affected. These Nuclei Isolation and Msp I Digestions. Cells were washed results suggest that in Ltk- cells the repression of gene twice with phosphate-buffered saline. To lyse the cells, 0.75 expression is quantitatively related to the extent of promoter ml of reticulocyte standard buffer (RSB) (10 mM Tris HCI, methylation. To rule out the possibility that the lack of pH 7.5/50 mM NaC1/3 mM MgCl2) plus 0.5% Nonidet P-40 repression in F9 cells results from demethylation (13), we was added and the cells were scraped off, resuspended, and analyzed the methylation status of the promoters at the end left for 7 min on ice. Nuclei were precipitated by centrifu- of the experiment and found no demethylation (data not gation at 750 x g for 10 min and washed once with RSB. The shown). This observation together with the report that F9 washed nuclei were resuspended in Msp I buffer and digested cells are practically devoid of MeCP.1 (9), a protein capable with Msp I as indicated in the legend to Fig. 3. The reactions of binding to methylated DNA, suggested that the inhibition were stopped with an equal volume of 2 times stop buffer (50 of gene expression by promoter methylation might be due to mM Tris HC1, pH 7.5/0.3 M NaCl/50 mM EDTA/1% SDS), a factor capable of binding specifically to methylated DNA. and proteinase K was added to a final concentration of 300 To explore this possibility we cotransfected Ltk- cells with pug/ml and incubated at 550C for 1 h. the methylated constructs and with various amounts of methylated untranscribable (pBR322 or 4X174) DNA. The RESULTS competition effect shown in Fig. 2 was linear with respect to the amount of added methylated untranscribable DNA. The Inhibition ofPromoter Activity by Methylation Is Blocked by possibility that specific sequences in the competitor DNA Competition with Excess Methylated DNA. As a first step in may be responsible for the effects shown in Fig. 2 is very our effort to elucidate the mechanism whereby DNA meth- unlikely since practically the same results were obtained ylation inhibits gene expression, we adopted the following when pBR322 or 4X174 replicative form was used as com- strategy: constructs of the human growth hormone gene petitor DNA, and we conclude that the effect implies the fused to methylated or unmethylated promoters such as the involvement of a general kind of repression. herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter or the mouse Is a Mediator Factor Bound to Methylated DNA in Ltk- metallothionein I promoter were transfected into Ltk- or F9 Cells but Not in F9 Cells? To probe for the presence of a cells. In this system, the human growth hormone gene served factor(s) capable of binding to methylated DNA, we used the as a reporter and the level of the growth hormone secreted in Msp I limited digestion of nuclei as described (14). In the presence of S-adenosylmethionine M.Hpa II methylase will convert to Msp I I , I CCGG CmCGG and the restriction enzyme CD a) - 51CDa . a)CD .:I a)1CD . will cleave the CpG bond or the mCpG bond equally well. The results shown in Fig. 3 indicate that the amount of enzyme needed to cleave methylated templates transfected into Ltk- 150 r I D EEc o CoI CI cells is >10 times greater than the amount needed to cleave C ~~~~~0 0 80 0 100 - CD 0 0 Q Ir 0 = 50 0 50-


0 30-

MT TK MT TK Ltk- F9 0 2 4 6 8 10 FIG. 1. Methylation-imposed inhibition of transcription. Non- methylated and M.Hpa II plus M.Hha I or M.Sss I methylated p±g competitor constructs were transfected into Ltk- and F9 cells. The constructs used were structural sequences of human growth hormone gene FIG. 2. Reactivation of a methylated gene by an excess of (hGH) fused to a 1.8-kilobase EcoRI/Bgl II fragment containing untranscribable DNA. M.Hpa II plus M.Hha I methylated metal- mouse metallothionein I promoter and upstream region (MT) or a lothionein construct (0.7 jg) was cotransfected with the amounts 0.2-kilobase Pvu II/Bgl II fragment of the herpes simplex virus indicated of nonmethylated pBR322 (m) or 4X174 (E), or with M.Sss thymidine kinase promoter region (TK) (11). hGH was assayed in the I methylated pBR322 (*) or 4X174 (O). The human growth hormone culture medium 48 h posttransfection. gene (hGH) was assayed 72 h posttransfection. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Biochemistry: Levine et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) 6517 Ltk- Cells effect of promoter methylation by means other than compe- nonmethylated methylated tition by untranscribable methylated DNA? To answer that O .1 .5 1.5 0 1 .5 1.5 F9 Cells question, we used Zn2+ ions, which are known to enhance metallothionein gene activity (15), or butyrate, which is nonm eethylated methyleted believed to cause activation of genes by affecting the assem- O .05) .2 .7 2 .05 .2 .7 2. bly of chromatin structure in the promoter region (16). Addition of Zn2+ ions to Ltk- cells transfected with con- structs containing the M.Hpa II plus M.Hha I-methylated _ _ metallothionein promoter resulted in activation of the pro- moter (Fig. 4). The same results were obtained by brief *0 treatment of Ltk- cells with butyrate after transfection with = * Du thymidine kinase promoter methylated by M.Hpa II plus M.Hha I. No activation was observed when the promoters had been methylated with M.Sss I methylase. Southern blot FIG. 3. Msp I digestion of transfected Ltk- and F9 nuclei. Ltk- analysis revealed that the activation by Zn2+ ions and bu- and F9 cells were transfected with 0.7 ,g of methylated or nonmeth- tyrate are not associated with demethylation ofthe promoter ylated metallothionein construct. Nuclei were isolated 48 h post- region (Fig. 4): transcription per se is therefore not sufficient transfection and incubated with the indicated number ofunits ofMsp to cause demethylation. This result confirms and extends I for 45 min. Total DNA was purified and digested with Kpn I/EcoNI, earlier observations showing that reactivation of methylated electrophoresed on 1% agarose gels, alkali blotted to Zeta-Probe inactive adenovirus type 2 promoter by ElA functions does nylon membranes (Bio-Rad), and hybridized to a radioactive 750- not base-pair Kpn I/Dra III fragment from the metallothionein promoter involve promoter demethylation (17). region. In addition, the Msp I protection assay performed after Zn2+ ion induction or butyrate activation (data not shown) unmethylated templates when tested in intact nuclei. This reveals that the protective effect against digestion of the effect is obtained as early as 9 h posttransfection (data not methylated metallothionein promoter in transfected L cells shown). In contrast, we found that in F9 cells the Msp remains unchanged (Fig. 5), indicating that butyrate and zinc I-catalyzed cleavage of the methylated or unmethylated can override the inhibitory effect of methylation without templates requires the same enzyme concentration. These displacing the DNA binding protein. This is formally analo- results suggest that in Ltk- cells but not in F9 cells the gous to the passing of the transcription apparatus through resistance of the methylated constructs to Msp I digestion without displacement (18). may be due to their protection by a "factor" that binds to methylated DNA. In light of the fact that in embryonic cells, DISCUSSION like F9, methylated and unmethylated templates were equally While the effect of methylation on promoter activity is well sensitive to Msp I digestion, together with the fact that established, the mechanism that underlies this phenomenon embryonic cells have very low levels of extractable MeCP.1 is still obscure and several hypotheses have been advanced (9), it is reasonable to propose that a protein analogous to to explain it. The experiments described above show that the MeCP. 1 might have played the role of mediator in the inhibitory effect of promoter methylation on the activity of methylation-directed inhibition of promoter activity dis- transfected metallothionein and thymidine kinase promoters cussed above. is neutralized by cotransfection with an excess ofmethylated Enhancing Promoter Activity Overrides the Methylation- untranscribable DNA. It was also shown that the effects of Directed Inhibition. Is it possible to override the inhibitory promoter methylation on gene expression are cell type de- C A B 1 2 3 4 5 600 - Metallothionein promoter 80 TK promoter 0,

0 w 400_ a 0* V- I a

oC 40 c, m 200- c- I~

0 4.-

Zinc: - + + Butyrate: - - + _ + nonmeth. M.Hpall+M.Hhal M.Sssl nonmeth. M.Hpall+M.Hhal M.Sssl

FIG. 4. Activation of methylated genes by butyrate or zinc. (A) Ltk- cells were transfected with 0.7 j&g of methylated or nonmethylated metallothionein construct. At 12 h posttransfection ZnSO4 was added to a final concentration of 100 /M (where indicated) and 36 h later cells were split and replated. The human growth hormone gene (hGH) was assayed 96 h posttransfection. (B) For butyrate treatment, 0.6 ,ug of methylated or nonmethylated thymidine kinase (TK) construct was transfected into Ltk- cells. Sodium butyrate was added, and assays of hGH were performed 72 h posttransfection. (C) To test the status of methylation after activation, DNA was prepared from the corresponding cells at the time of hGH assay, digested with M.Hpa II plus EcoRI (metallothionein; lanes 1-3) or M.Hpa II plus HindIII plus Nco I (TK; lanes 4 and 5), Southern blotted, and hybridized with a radioactive probe spanning the hGH gene. These digestions excise the hGH gene and upstream sequences from the vector. Lanes: 1, metallothionein, not methylated; 2, metallothionein, methylated; 3, metallothionein, methylated, plus Zn2+; 4, TK, methylated; 5, TK, methylated, plus butyrate. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 6518 Biochemistry: Levine et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991)

nonmethylated methylated methylated+Zn region. While the first mechanism would act on specific

mspI M~~ ~ ~~--- , promoters, the other two can serve as general repression uniIs°.025 25 .75 2. .025 .1 .25 75 2. .025 .1 .25 75 2. mechanisms. To evaluate the significance of our observations to the in vivo situation, it should be remembered that the promoters used in our study are located in CpG islands. In vivo, these CpG islands are typical of housekeeping genes and are never methylated except in the inactive female X chromosome (22) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. where these genes are repressed. As shown by Antequera (14), resistance to Msp I attack could be due to binding ofthe repressor factor to an island of densely methylated CpGs. Although we have used promoters that constitute CpG is- FIG. 5 Msp I digestion assay after Zn2 activation of the lands, we have shown that the density of methylated CpGs metallothionein promoter. Ltk- cells were transfected with M.Hpa determines whether or not the inhibitory effect can be II plus M.Hha I, methylated and nonmethylated metallothionein overcome: with promoters methylated with M.Hpa II and construct as described in Fig. 3, and ZnSO4 was added where M.Hha I, for instance, the inhibitory effect could be allevi- indicated. At 100 h after transfection, nuclei were isolated and ated, whereas promoters methylated with M. Sss I cannot be digested with Msp I as described in Fig. 3. Total DNA was extracted, reactivated. These observations might explain why in tissue- digested, electrophoresed, blotted, and hybridized as described in specific genes, where the number ofCpGs is relatively small, the legend to Fig. 3. the inhibitory effect of methylation can be overcome by pendent; limited promoter methylation inhibits the expres- various activators, such as the estrogens in the case of the sion oftransfected genes in L cells but is without effect in F9 chicken vitellogenin gene (23). cells. This observation taken together with the fact that a We would like to thank Drs. Howard Nash, Bruce Howard, and protein (MeCP.1) capable ofbinding to methylated DNA has Howard Cedar for critical review of this manuscript. 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