Hirst Courtney and Community Primary School Inspection report

Unique Reference Number 121405 Local Authority North Inspection number 359006 Inspection dates 24–25 November 2010 Reporting inspector Nigel Cromey-Hawke

This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.

Type of school Primary School category Community Age range of pupils 4–11 Gender of pupils Mixed Number of pupils on the school roll 28 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair Mrs Rachel Bowes Headteacher Mrs Valerie Brunyard Date of previous school inspection 11 June 2008 School address Main Street Hirst Courtney, YO8 8QT Telephone number 01757 270254 Fax number 01757 270254 Email address [email protected]

Age group 4–11 Inspection dates 24–25 November 2010 Inspection number 359006 Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 2 of 14

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© Crown copyright 2010 Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 3 of 14


This inspection was carried out by one additional inspector. He visited eight lessons, observing four staff and all classes. He also held meetings with members of the governing body and groups of pupils. He observed the school's work, and looked at a wide range of documentation, including development planning, self-evaluation records, policies and performance data. Questionnaires from nine parents and carers, 16 pupils and eight staff were scrutinised. The inspector reviewed many aspects of the school's work. He looked in detail at a number of key areas. The attainment and progress of individual pupils in the small and mixed-age classes. How challenging the teaching is and whether the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils. Given the temporary leadership and recent changes in staffing, how well-informed, focused upon improvement and effective, staff are at all levels within the school.

Information about the school

All pupils in this very small rural primary school are White British. Very few are known to be eligible for a free school meal. The number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is below average. The school has facilities for supporting those with physical disabilities. The school has Healthy School status and the Activemark award. The school has undergone significant staffing upheaval in the last two years, and has been led by a pair of acting headteachers, then a single acting headteacher, over the last two terms. Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 4 of 14

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

Inspection judgements

Overall effectiveness: how good is the school? 3

The school's capacity for sustained improvement 3

Main findings

This is a satisfactory school. It has some good features. Nearly all the parents and carers who returned the inspection survey are highly supportive of its work. Pupils enjoy school and attendance is high. Children get a good start to their learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage, following recent improvements. They make good progress because of the good teaching and care they receive. Pupils' progress in the rest of the school is variable and satisfactory overall. In some year groups writing is weaker than other skills. Attainment by the time pupils leave in Year 6 is above average, and pupils' achievement is satisfactory. The progress of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is satisfactory. The quality of teaching is satisfactory, rather than good, overall. Some lessons do not have a good match of activities to pupils' needs, and pupils' speaking and listening skills are underdeveloped. The curriculum is satisfactory, but benefits from good partnership working that brings to the school subjects and learning experiences that it would not otherwise be able to provide due to its small size. The care, guidance and support provided by the school are good, especially in responding to pupils' personal needs. The school recognises that its plans to develop community cohesion beyond the local area are not yet fully implemented and that pupils' understanding of the cultural diversity of the modern world is relatively weak. As a result pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is satisfactory overall. Pupils enjoy their time in school, behaviour is good and pupils say they feel safe and valued. This is reflected in their high attendance. There is a strong emphasis upon pupils' health and welfare. Governors support the school satisfactorily. Through its satisfactory self-evaluation the school has a clear understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. Leadership and management are sound. However, the on-going progress of pupils is not monitored with sufficient regularity and some elements of development planning are not detailed enough to allow for effective implementation and evaluation of their impact. These aspects of leadership require particular refinement in the Early Years Foundation Stage. As such, the school's capacity for sustained improvement is satisfactory.

What does the school need to do to improve further?

Improve the quality of teaching and learning by; developing pupils' speaking and listening skills further so that they are able to learn more effectively from adults and each other in lessons ensuring that there is an appropriate match of activities in the mixed-age classes to all pupils' needs Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 5 of 14

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

further developing pupils' writing skills so that they can communicate their learning more effectively. Increase pupils' understanding of the diversity of the world and their contact with it. Improve leadership and management by; monitoring pupils' progress more systematically, including in the reception class, so that leaders and managers have a better understanding of the on-going progress of groups of pupils making development planning more sharply focused, especially for the Early Years Foundation Stage, so that there is a better understanding of what needs to be improved and the impact of any actions can be more effectively evaluated. About 40% of the schools whose overall effectiveness is judged satisfactory may receive a monitoring visit by an Ofsted inspector before their next section 5 inspection. Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils 3

Learning is satisfactory and enjoyable across the school, with pupils engaged as a result of the satisfactory and sometimes good teaching. Pupils acquire knowledge, develop understanding and learn and practise their skills satisfactorily. They are keen to succeed and mostly apply themselves well when given suitable activities that meet their needs. Most children enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with skills that are broadly typical for their age, although this varies widely, given the often very small numbers in each year. They make good progress in the Reception class, benefiting from the challenge provided by often being taught together with Year 1 and 2 pupils. Attainment across the rest of the school is above average, but also varies widely. It was high last year for those leaving in Year 6. Progress for the vast majority of pupils from their starting points, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities is, however, no better than satisfactory across Key Stages 1 and 2. There is evidence of underachievement in Year 3, but this is being tackled robustly by the school. Writing also remains underdeveloped in some cases and this limits some pupils' ability to communicate their learning effectively. Inspection evidence and the school's own tracking data show that pupils' achievement is satisfactory. Pupils say they feel safe and well looked after. Behaviour is good and attendance high. The school places a high priority upon pupils' understanding of healthy living, reflecting its award. Pupils make a good contribution to the daily running of the school, helping in classrooms, as buddies for each other and through the active school council. Given their above average levels of basic skills in oracy, literacy and numeracy, and well developed skills in information and communication technology, pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.

Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 6 of 14

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

These are the grades for pupils' outcomes

Pupils' achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning 3

Taking into account: 2 Pupils' attainment¹

The quality of pupils' learning and their progress 3

The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities 3 and their progress

The extent to which pupils feel safe 2

Pupils' behaviour 2

The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles 2

The extent to which pupils contribute to the school and wider community 2

The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to 2 their future economic well-being

Taking into account: 1 Pupils' attendance¹

The extent of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development 3

1 The grades for attainment and attendance are: 1 is high; 2 is above average; 3 is broadly average; and 4 is low

How effective is the provision?

Teaching and learning are satisfactory across the school. In the best lessons, good planning ensures that varied and often practical activities are provided that meet the needs of pupils well. Assessment is used well to combine mixed-age groups of the same ability to help all make good progress. However, lessons which are satisfactory rather than good, lack this rigour. The pace of learning is slower and assessment does not inform planning so well. As a result, some activities are not so well-matched to pupils' needs, there is insufficient challenge for some groups, and progress for the majority of pupils is only satisfactory. Pupils' speaking and listening skills are not as well developed in these lessons, so that some are not able to explain their learning fully or benefit from that of others. Marking is thorough and helpful and pupils have learning targets that guide their progress well. The satisfactory curriculum is currently under review, with a more extensive range of creative topic approaches being planned to develop pupils' skills. The school recognises that, due to staffing upheaval, it has not made as much progress in this as it could have this year. Good partnership working is, however, providing learning experiences for pupils in sport, the arts, extra-curricular activities and information and communication technology, which would not otherwise be available due to the school's size. A range of theme days is provided but opportunities for pupils to learn about life in other parts of Britain and the wider world are otherwise limited. Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 7 of 14

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

The care, guidance and support provided by the school and the impact of this upon pupils' personal development and well-being are good. Transition arrangements into the school are very good, as is support for attendance. The school can point to significant cases where its provision has helped vulnerable pupils overcome their physical barriers to learning. The school works very well with outside agencies in this respect and uses its resources to support disabled pupils very effectively. A good programme of support for reading and writing, much of it operated by high quality teaching assistants, is also beginning to tackle literacy weaknesses identified through the schools' self evaluation. The school is a warm, harmonious environment with very positive relations between pupils and adults.

These are the grades for the quality of provision

The quality of teaching 3

Taking into account: 3 The use of assessment to support learning

The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils' needs, including, where relevant, 3 through partnerships

The effectiveness of care, guidance and support 2

How effective are leadership and management?

The acting headteacher has a clear vision for the school and is driving improvement forward satisfactorily. She communicates this ambition well to parents and carers and to pupils. This ambition is being embedded at other levels in the school. Staffing has been stabilised and specialist teachers have been brought in to target areas of weakness. Safeguarding procedures are good, all requirements are met and the thoroughness of policies and practice reflects the good care in the school. Leadership and management of subject teaching are satisfactory and improving rapidly, as new ways of working are established. Self evaluation is broadly accurate but leaders and managers do not monitor the progress made by some groups of pupils with sufficient regularity, so that they do not have a clear picture of their on-going progress in lessons. Some development planning also lacks detail on what exactly needs to be achieved and, as a result, evaluation of the impact of improvement actions is not always as meaningful as it should be. The promotion of equal opportunities is satisfactory; there is variability in the quality of teaching, but gaps in pupils' performance are being reduced. Discrimination is extremely rare and when encountered is dealt with well. The school engages well with parents and carers, especially through its frequent newsletters, texting service and surveying of their views. Partnership working is good, especially with nearby small schools and an enterprise link with a local farm. Community cohesion is satisfactory. The school has audited its social, economic, religious and ethnic context well and has a set of planned actions in place, including links with different schools in other areas. It acknowledges, however, that many of its wider links are yet to be established and that pupils' contacts with the wider world are underdeveloped. The governing body knows the strengths and areas for development in the school and provides satisfactory support and challenge.

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Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

These are the grades for leadership and management

The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving 3 improvement

Taking into account: 3 The leadership and management of teaching and learning

The effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the 3 school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and statutory responsibilities met

The effectiveness of the school's engagement with parents and carers 2

The effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well-being 2

The effectiveness with which the school promotes equality of opportunity and tackles 3 discrimination

The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures 2

The effectiveness with which the school promotes community cohesion 3

The effectiveness with which the school deploys resources to achieve value for money 3

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children settle quickly and enjoy their time in the Reception class because of the good care they receive. Recent changes, helped by new staffing and local authority expertise, have improved the quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage setting. There is a strong focus upon developing children's social, mathematical and language skills. Teachers have a good understanding of children's interests and needs, helped by the small class sizes. Children make good progress because of the effective teaching, in an environment that caters well for their needs. The two part-time teachers communicate information on children's progress regularly to each other, to the teaching assistant and to parents and carers. Children particularly enjoy the good outdoor learning environment that includes a garden and wooded area. This supports their understanding of the environment well. Teachers plan a good range of activities with a good balance between those they direct and those children choose for themselves. As a result, by the time they leave, children behave and are able to play and work together well, having reached above expected levels in most areas of learning. This is especially the case for their personal, social and emotional development. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress because of the support they receive. Leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage setting are satisfactory. Good assessment practices have been introduced to track children's learning but these are not yet used consistently by all adults. The impact of some new practices has yet to be seen. The monitoring of provision by senior leaders and the lack of depth in planning for further development mean that the capacity for sustained improvement is no better than satisfactory. Safeguarding measures are fully in place. Attainment on exit is above average across most areas of learning.

Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 9 of 14

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

These are the grades for the Early Years Foundation Stage

Overall effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation Stage 3

Taking into account: 2 Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage

The quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2

The effectiveness of leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation 3 Stage

Views of parents and carers

The vast majority of parents and carers who returned the questionnaire are highly supportive of most aspects of the school's work. They consider that it provides a safe and caring environment for their children's learning. A very small minority have concerns about behaviour and whether the school takes sufficient account of their suggestions and concerns. The inspector found that these aspects are good, but that the school's overall effectiveness is satisfactory. Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 10 of 14

Responses from parents and carers to Ofsted's questionnaire

Ofsted invited all the registered parents and carers of pupils registered at Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School to complete a questionnaire about their views of the school.

In the questionnaire, parents and carers were asked to record how strongly they agreed with 13 statements about the school.

The inspector received 9 completed questionnaires by the end of the on-site inspection. In total, there are 28 pupils registered at the school.

Strongly Strongly Statements Agree Disagree agree disagree Total % Total % Total % Total % My child enjoys school 8 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 The school keeps my child 7 78 2 22 0 0 0 0 safe My school informs me about 7 78 2 22 0 0 0 0 my child's progress My child is making enough 8 89 1 11 0 0 0 0 progress at this school The teaching is good at this 8 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 school The school helps me to 7 78 2 22 0 0 0 0 support my child's learning The school helps my child to 6 67 3 33 0 0 0 0 have a healthy lifestyle The school makes sure that my child is well prepared for the future (for example changing year group, changing school, and for 6 67 3 33 0 0 0 0 children who are finishing school, entering further or higher education, or entering employment) The school meets my child's 6 67 3 33 0 0 0 0 particular needs The school deals effectively 5 56 3 33 0 0 1 11 with unacceptable behaviour The school takes account of 5 56 3 33 0 0 1 11 my suggestions and concerns The school is led and 6 67 3 33 0 0 0 0 managed effectively Overall, I am happy with my child's experience at this 8 89 1 11 0 0 0 0 school

The table above summarises the responses that parents and carers made to each statement. The percentages indicate the proportion of parents and carers giving that response out of the total number of completed questionnaires. Where one or more parents and carers chose not to answer a particular question, the percentages will not add up to 100%. Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 11 of 14


What inspection judgements mean

Grade Judgement Description

Grade 1 Outstanding These features are highly effective. An outstanding school provides exceptionally well for all its pupils' needs.

Grade 2 Good These are very positive features of a school. A school that is good is serving its pupils well.

Grade 3 Satisfactory These features are of reasonable quality. A satisfactory school is providing adequately for its pupils.

Grade 4 Inadequate These features are not of an acceptable standard. An inadequate school needs to make significant improvement in order to meet the needs of its pupils. Ofsted inspectors will make further visits until it improves.

Overall effectiveness of schools

Overall effectiveness judgement (percentage of schools)

Type of school Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate

Nursery schools 58 36 4 2

Primary schools 8 43 40 9

Secondary schools 10 35 42 13

Sixth forms 13 39 45 3

Special schools 33 42 20 4

Pupil referral units 18 40 29 12

All schools 11 42 38 9

New school inspection arrangements were introduced on 1 September 2009. This means that inspectors now make some additional judgements that were not made previously.

The data in the table above are for the period 1 September 2009 to 31 March 2010 and are the most recently published data available (see www.ofsted.gov.uk). Please note that the sample of schools inspected during the autumn and spring terms 2009/10 was not representative of all schools nationally, as weaker schools are inspected more frequently than good or outstanding schools.

Percentages are rounded and do not always add exactly to 100. Secondary school figures include those that have sixth forms, and sixth form figures include only the data specifically for sixth form inspection judgements. Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 12 of 14

Common terminology used by inspectors

Achievement: the progress and success of a pupil in their learning, development or training.

Attainment: the standard of the pupils' work shown by test and examination results and in lessons.

Capacity to improve: the proven ability of the school to continue improving. Inspectors base this judgement on what the school has accomplished so far and on the quality of its systems to maintain improvement.

Leadership and management: the contribution of all the staff with responsibilities, not just the headteacher, to identifying priorities, directing and motivating staff and running the school.

Learning: how well pupils acquire knowledge, develop their understanding, learn and practise skills and are developing their competence as learners.

Overall effectiveness: inspectors form a judgement on a school's overall effectiveness based on the findings from their inspection of the school. The following judgements, in particular, influence what the overall effectiveness judgement will be.

The school's capacity for sustained improvement. Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils. The quality of teaching. The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils' needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships. The effectiveness of care, guidance and support.

Progress: the rate at which pupils are learning in lessons and over longer periods of time. It is often measured by comparing the pupils' attainment at the end of a key stage with their attainment when they started. Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 13 of 14

This letter is provided for the school, parents and carers to share with their children. It describes Ofsted's main findings from the inspection of their school.

26 November 2010

Dear Pupils Inspection of Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, Selby, YO8 8QT Thank you for the warm welcome you gave me when I inspected your school recently. You were very friendly and polite, and enthusiastic about what you do. You told me a lot of interesting things about your school and you are clearly very proud of it. Your school is satisfactory. It has some good features. The acting headteacher, other staff and the governing body are helping it to improve. You get a good start to your learning in the reception section of Class 1 and make good progress there because of the good teaching and care you receive. Your progress slows throughout the rest of the school, however. By the time you leave your attainment is above average and your achievement is satisfactory. This is because of the largely satisfactory teaching and satisfactory range of subjects you are taught. Your spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is satisfactory, though held back by your limited understanding of other cultures around the world. Your basic skills and personal qualities are well developed and, with your high attendance, you are well prepared for the next stage in your learning. I have asked the school's leaders to consider the following points to help it to improve further. Raise attainment and speed up your progress in Key Stages 1 and 2. Make sure that all your lessons are at least good, by getting a better match of activities to your needs, providing you with more guidance on how to produce your best work, and by better developing your writing and speaking and listening skills. Check more regularly on the progress you are making and include more detail on how the school needs to improve in planning for the future. You can help by telling your teachers how you learn best and whether you have any problems. I wish you all the best for the future.

Yours sincerely

Nigel Cromey-Hawke Lead inspector Inspection report: Hirst Courtney and Temple Hirst Community Primary School, 24–25 November 2010 14 of 14

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