Hospital Partnerships: the Struggle to Preserve Catholic Mission and Identity

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Hospital Partnerships: the Struggle to Preserve Catholic Mission and Identity PITTSBURGH-^ -g ÎM en IM ui in • >■ <H y H H •-I < \ y - </) a . .. CM O. OC O LU UJ , O' O > H ut > z f . ( M J I C 3 I û m r m o < < o . o OC UJ oc h o Z 3 N û H W flû i O' O «J UJ en , 1IV| .1151 S Î t l£ No. 2 35* Established In 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper tn Continuous Publication ! OÛ.KOO. Friday, March 24. 1995 -U.N. on women At Beijing, Letter on life ‘Vatican seeks to be released ■equality in March 30 diversity’ By JOHN THAVIS D . VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope By CINDY WOODEN John Paul II's long-awaited encycli­ with loving care cal on abortion and other human VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope life issues, Evangelium Vitae (The John Paul FI began 1995 with a M ary’s sorrow — In Lent, the Gospel of life), will be made public ‘campaign to explain to the world March 30, the Vatican said. suffering and death o f Jesus VT ,’the Catholic Church's teaching on The text, which sources said was the role of women. inspire Catholics to consider their more than 180 pages long, was With an eye on the U.N.’s Fourth own sins and to begin a conver­ presented to bishops from around World Conference on Women, sion o f heart To prayerfully turn the world at^l closed-door Vatican "scheduled Sept. 4-15 In Beijing, meeting March 13. "the pope dedicated his Jan. 1 toward an image such as this Sources said the encyclical, World Peace Day message to Pieta is to turn away from sinful which was requested by the College "women as peacemakers and is fol­ ways. In considering Mary’s sor­ of Cardinals in 1991, focuses on lowing It up with Sunday talks row. we can also come to see our abortion, euthanasia and embry­ about individual Catholic women onic experiments as growing who worked for peace In the ow n los s e s — o f fam ily, friends, threats to human life. The pope Church and society. p a ris h — as our share in the cross was said to have offered both theo­ The papal remarks, combined o f Jesus, a cross that promises logical reflection and practical ethi­ with work by local Catholic leaders cal guidelines. and Vatican officials, are laying the unsurpassed joy at the fulfillm ent The document also touches upon foundation for the Vatican’s efforts o f the Paschal Mystery. The mural contraception and “in vitro" fertili­ at the U.N. women's conference o f the Pieta, at right is being care­ zation, practices which the Church and its theme of “Action for Equal­ teaches are morally illicit. fully removed from the wall o f the ity, Development and Peace." Addressed to all the faithful, the During the early March U.N. recently closed St. Mary (German) encyclical was expected to be a -’World Summit on Social Develop­ Church, McKeesport. landmark document of this pontifi­ ment, which included proposals for cate. The pope has said he consid­ eliminating discrimination against WÊÊHÊÊÊÊÊÊ ers thesq issues indicative of a women, one Vatican official modem “struggle between thé cul­ acknowledged the Church would Parishioners seek a home for the ture of death and the culture of have a tough time making Its sacred art of a closed church life.” points In Beijing. U - , ifP ? » Cardinal John J. O'Connor of Witting off tho Church New York, who spoke with the pope In some feminist circles, the lit­ By PATRICIA BARTOS Maintenance costs run high y f ; during the encyclical's preparation, mus teat for an acceptable attitude said last year he expected it to be a „and the parish^ia actively , . toward women lncludeslhe accep­ Even after almost 100 seeking a buyer l y |)pqwbMÜ4- ^ -“btocMauster" andMreilcctlve of the tance of artificial contraceptives years, hanging high on the ing, according to Ken GiëàAôn, pope's new urgency about pro-life issues. and abortion. walls in a darkened, deserted permanent deacon ai St. Mar­ The Church's opposition to both, church, the murals manage to tin, who Is coordinating die The private Vatican presentation along with its ordination o f only lift the heart. effort. The works are consid­ of the document was made to rep­ men to the priesthood. Is all the Painted in a somber and ered sacred art and the resentatives of bishops' conferences ammunition some groups need to formal style, their flatness, proceeds will remain in the and national doctrinal write the Church off as vibrant coloilng and lack of parish, he added. Bb9 ' commissions. ES chauvinistic. perspective reminiscent of The parish hopes to attract Brother Malachy McCarthy o f St. Anselm Abbey The Vatican official said the Icons, the 16 oil on canvas Parish Share Program financing to remove and (lef), views the murals with restoration artist Church Is concerned that the murals — each measuring 5 restore the murals, with hopes Beijing meeting truly be a confer­ Boris Brindar (center) and Fh Mark Cooper o f S t Ministry to people by 6 feet — tell the story of o f keeping them in Pittsburgh, Vincent Archabbey. ence about promoting women, not Mary. or at least together as’à unit, who are sick or infirm an International rally to push a Church art historians think Gleason said. -rffi *:'V j Sf narrow feminist agenda. this series at St Mary (Ger­ Still handsome and impres­ With the dark red carpeting awty, cables and . The physical well-being of a “We are conscious o f women's man) Church In McKeesport Is sive from the outside^ the phene cords strewn about, remnants of lights patient is important. But more and men's 'right to be different* the most impressive such pre­ romanesque St, Maty- — and organ pipes stacked and ready for removal, important is that careful attention Consequently, and almost para­ sentation of Mary's life of any regarded as the single U.S. the darkened church has a cold and forlorn be given to spiritual comfort for the doxically, we see a need to affirm a church in the country. church following the “architec­ feeling to. ft.' . r sick and infirm — in hospitals, woman's ‘right to be a woman,”’ The new St. Martin de turally correct pure basilica Vet, elements o f Its grandeur remain. High nursing homes and other health said the Vatican position paper for Porres Parish, which absorbed style* — is emptying put abpve the 16 gray granite pillars and archways care facilities throughout the six the conference’s European regional St. Mary’s as part o f the The pews and statues are ^flanking the- seating area, sunlight floods In counties o f the diocese? preparatory meeting. recent diocesan reorganiza­ gone, much of the organ has through 28 clear leaded-glass windows, illumi­ The diocese ensures that - U.N. organizers have outlined 10 tion, when the building itself been dismantled and.sdld and nating die startlingly rich murals of Maiy. patients and residents of 75 such “critical areas of concern" for dis­ was closed, is in a rush with the bare white altars are soon The window placements were specifically facilities receive spiritual counsel cussion and action at the meeting: time to save the works. to go. S— MCKEESPORT on pago 2 S— PARISH on pago 2 • poverty: education and health; vio­ lence; armed conflicts; economic disparity; politics; national and International institutions; human rights; mass media; and environ­ Hospital partnerships: the struggle to ment and development. Local Catholic officials partici­ pated in each of the five regional preparatory meetings held in late preserve Catholic mission and identity 1994, and Vatican officials spoke at the larger preparatory meetings By JAMES MeCOY “Not only is there rapid develop­ The directives, updating those guidelines for mixed marriages,” held at U.N. headquarters. ment in medical practice resulting issued in the early '70s, were final­ said Pittsburgh Mercy Health The Catholic Input emphasized Health care is a professional from advances in technology,“ ized by the bishops' Committee on System's Gerard Broccolo. The Church teaching that women and field that can be a minefield for Bishop Donald Wuerl told the Pitts­ Doctrine, on which Bishop Wuerl vice president for mission inte­ men have an equal dignity and faithful Catholics. burgh Catholic, “but health care served, At d ie November 1994 gen­ gration described the new direc­ equal human rights. It can be even more perilous services are being challenged by eral assembly of the National Con­ tives as . “guidelines for mixed ’ But, as the Vatican’s envoy to for Catholic institutions as they pressures to combine and to enter ference ' of Catholic Bishops, the marriages o f Catholic and non- the United Nations, Archbishop enter partnerships with non- into a wide range of partnerships guidelines were unanimously Catholic health care proriders.* Renato Martino, said in December, Catholic providers that do not with a variety of care providers. approved. Such partnerships may the Church's view calls for necessarily follow the Church's Catholic and non-Cathdltc alike. become common as more "equality In diversity." teaching about abortion, eutha­ “Those involved in Catholic Mixed marriages employers provide health care tor “Perfection for woman is not nasia, contraception and other health esse as well as the bishops A spokesman for a local Catholic their employees through ‘ an inte­ being like man, becoming mascu­ contemporary medical practices. felt it was time,“ he added, “to health system compared the U.S. grated delivery network* which, line to the point of losing her femi­ That’s why the U.S.
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