Presentazione Rsd-Post Conf

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Presentazione Rsd-Post Conf Department of ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN SYSTEMIC DESIGN FOR TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: ECOSYSTEM TO SUPPORT AUTOPOIETIC LOCAL ECONOMIES TRACK 4: TERRITORIAL METABOLISM AND FLOURISHING ECONOMIES Chiara Battistoni, Silvia Barbero Department of Architecture and Design Politecnico di Torino Turin, Italy RSD7 Conference, 24-26 October 2018, Turin This research wants to demonstrates the need and importance of: ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY - systemic design projects for the SYSTEMIC DESIGN manufacturing sectors; ENTREPRENEURSHIP - their implementation; LOW-CARBON ZERO WASTE SOCIETY - SDecosystem to obtain a SUSTAINABLE local DEVELOPMENT sustainable local development Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Preliminary research It wants to demonstrates the need and importance of: ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY design an - systemicECOSYSTEM design projects TO for SUPPORTthe SYSTEMIC DESIGN ENTREPRENEURSHIP manufacturingAUTOPOIETIC sectors; LOCAL ECONOMIES - their implementation; LOW-CARBON ZERO WASTE SOCIETY - SD to obtain a sustainable local SUSTAINABLE local DEVELOPMENT development Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART territory from past analysis of dierent territories (geographical areas) and economic and productive realities ALTITUDE m < 100 100200 quercy 200300 historic region LOT 300400 >400 plateau argilo calcaire (Causses) E UN O SÉ A * AQUITAINE L RE IÈ IV R all these graphic E R Caylon NE E È N T L ELO P ALTITUDE MAX: RGU U A LA BA L RE L IÈ A E 505 m IV L R R È representations are made E I Ciriè R IV IÈ R IV S R A Chivasso UL MB O E LE E L by authors or by students ALTITUDE MIN: R VIÈ Caussade RI 47 M AV L' EYR RE O Moissac R IVIÈ N in ‘Systemic Design’ Valence d’Agen RE R IÈ LE TA L’AVEYRON IV R N course at Politecnico di LE TARN IV - R IÈRE L' A VE Castelsarrasin YR ON X U Torino in varoius years O R Y 'A L U A Montauban Collegno E canal du midi S S I E U Avigliana TORINO R R IV GERS I È R Lekeitio E L E T E ES R C È OU Ispaster-elexalde S bay of Biskay A Montech Moncalieri L E ONE R M È I I G IV A LA GARONNE R L Lea RE Zelaia VIÈ 1° Urban Belt RI AVEYRON - 1° cintura ON MB LA E L Eguen Ondarroa Beaumont de U EA S IS Lomagne U Verdun sur R Artibai Garonne Volvera Erribera Poirino Pallanzeno Aulesti HAUTE- 2° Urban Belt GARONNE 2° cintura Piedimulera Zermatt Markina-xemiein Vogogna (Svizzera) Calasca-Castiglione Munitibar Premosello-Chiovenda Pieve Vergonte Erbera/San Andres Vanzone-San Carlo Bolibar Bannio Anzino Anzola di Ossola Ornavasso Mergozzo Ceppo Morelli Macugnaga Lago Maggiore Val di Susa TORINO Francia (20km) Usseux Fenestrelle COAZZE FEUDO DEI FEUDO DEI Roure NOVE MERLI NOVE MERLI Pragelato DORSALE VALGIOIE Perosa Argentina DEI LAGHI PO Torino (35km) Pinasca Susa Valley Pomaretto Sestriere Chisone Valley GIAVENO San Pietro Val Lemina PIANALTO Inverso Pinasca DI POIRINO Villar Perosa Porte Pinerolo San Germano 2° Belt of Torino Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART territory Holistic Diagnosis (geography, economy, demography, culture, ..) example of Holistic Diagnosis made by students in ‘Systemic Design’ course at Politecnico di Torino in a.y. 2015/2016 just published in Battistoni, C., Barbero S. (2017). Systemic Design, from the content to the structure of education: new educational model. In: 12th EAD Conference - Sapienza University of Rome (IT), 12-14 April 2017 Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART territory products are buyed and sold competitive relation internationally with other companies Gears by SELicon from the Noun Project Gear by ImageCatalog from the Noun Project Box by AliWijaya from the Noun Project LINEAR ECONOMY Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART territory products are buyed and sold competitive relation internationally with other companies waste remains Gears by SELicon from the Noun Project Gear by ImageCatalog from the Noun Project on the territory Outfall by Luis Prado from the Noun Project Landfill by Yu luck from the Noun Project Box by AliWijaya from the Noun Project LINEAR ECONOMY Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART territory if we analyze their current production model with input-output analysis (energy and matter flow) with quantitative and qualitative approach Gears by SELicon from the Noun Project Gear by ImageCatalog from the Noun Project Outfall by Luis Prado from the Noun Project Landfill by Yu luck from the Noun Project Box by AliWijaya from the Noun Project Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART - single activity analysis example of localof local activity activity made by made students by in students‘Systemic Design’ in ‘Systemic course at PolitecnicoDesign’ coursedi Torino inat a.y. Politecnico 2015/2016 di Torino in a.y. 2015/2016 just published published in Battistoni, in Battistoni, C., Barbero C., S. Barbero (2017). Systemic S. (2017). Design, Systemic from the content Design, to the from structure the of content education: to the structure of education: new educational educational model. model. In: 12th In:EAD 12th Conference EAD Conference- Sapienza University - Sapienza of Rome (IT),University 12-14 April of 2017 Rome (IT), 12-14 April 2017 Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART - single activity analysis INPUT OUTPUT example of local activity made by students in ‘Systemic Design’ course at Politecnico di Torino in a.y. 2015/2016 just published in Battistoni, C., Barbero S. (2017). Systemic Design, from the content to the structure of education: new educational model. In: 12th EAD Conference - Sapienza University of Rome (IT), 12-14 April 2017 Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART - single activity analysis example of local activity made by students in ‘Systemic Design’ course at Politecnico di Torino in a.y. 2015/2016 just published in Battistoni, C., Barbero S. (2017). Systemic Design, from the content to the structure of education: new educational model. In: 12th EAD Conference - Sapienza University of Rome (IT), 12-14 April 2017 Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART - single activity analysis exploitation of natural resources energivorous waste production problems.... example of local activity made by students in ‘Systemic Design’ course at Politecnico di Torino in a.y. 2015/2016 just published in Battistoni, C., Barbero S. (2017). Systemic Design, from the content to the structure of education: new educational model. In: 12th EAD Conference - Sapienza University of Rome (IT), 12-14 April 2017 Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART current major environmental problems .... soil depauperation climate change limited natural .... resource temperature increasing pollution .... fertility loss waste management .... Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN STATE-OF-THE-ART territory The design discipline with its methodology and approaches can represent a solution for the valorisation of the material culture of a specific territory (De Giorgi, 2008; Catania, 2011) image retrieved from: De Giorgi (2017), design e território: reflexões e experiências do piemonte (itália) image retrieved from: Catania, A. (2011). Design, territorio e sostenibilità: ricerca e innovazione per la valorizzazione delle risorse locali. Milano; Angeli. Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN IF we look at their production model and the territory where they are located with a systemic approach Department of RSD7 - Systemic design for territorial development: ecosystem to support autopoietic local economies - Battistoni, Barbero ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN shifting the attention from the single actors to the relationships that can be created among them, is possible to obtain dierent results, as the theory of system suggests: “the whole is GREATER than the sum of its parts” (Aristotle) or better “the whole is OTHER than the sum of its parts” from Gestalt (Koffka) Department
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