Police Aviation News 150 October 2008 ©Police Aviation Research Number 150 October 2008 IPAR Police Aviation News October 2008 2 PAN – POLICE AVIATION NEWS is published monthly by INTERNATIONAL POLICE AVIATION RESEARCH 7 Windmill Close, Honey Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3BQ UK Main: +44 1992 714162 Cell: +44 7778 296650 Skype: Bryn.Elliott Bryn Elliott E-mail:
[email protected] Bob Crowe www.bobcroweaircraft.com Digital Downlink www.bms-inc.com L3 Wescam www.wescam.com Innovative Downlink Solutions www.mrcsecurity.com Power in a box www.powervamp.com Turning the blades www.turbomeca.com Airborne Law Enforcement Association www.alea.org European Law Enforcement Association www.pacenet.info Sindacato Personale Aeronavigante Della Polizia www.uppolizia.it EDITORIAL Police Aviation News 150. I guess no-one including myself was ever ex- pecting that and yet here we are 150 monthly issues and over 12 years down the road [and that discounts the special issues], millions of words and a handful of typewriters, printers and computers later. And I hope that it has been a worthwhile service for a good many people. It has been a journey where many, many friends have been made and a few of the opposite persuasion encountered—they of course will not be reading these words, or will they! The experience has been a real pleasure but although I somehow doubt that any of us will be around for another 150 I will not be giving up soon! Bryn Elliott LAW ENFORCEMENT AUSTRALIA VICTORIA: The future of the airport at Essendon, currently the home for police, fire and air ambulance aircraft is in danger.