Book Review The Past, Present and Future of Confucian —Evaluation of Professor Ouyang Zhenren's From of Mind to Politics

Yang Yongtao1

Professor Ouyang Zhenren's new book From Nature of Mind to Politics was published by China Social Sciences Press (Beijing) in 2017, which is a major breakthrough in the academic research on Confucian mind philosophy. At the same time, the publication of this monograph represents the latest trend and frontier achievements in the study of Confucian political philosophy. What does Confucian political philosophy say? What should be its core concern? How can people promote the future development of Confucian political philosophy? These three questions run through Professor Ouyang's From Nature of Mind to Politics. In recent years, there have been a lot of discussions on "Mind " and "Political Confucianism" in academic circles, but the differences between them have been emphasized, which actually separates the inherent state of Confucianism. Only by grasping the internal connection from "nature of mind" to "politics" and observing the connection and prominence of "Xiu ( 修身)", can we better understand the essence of Confucian political philosophy, which is also Professor Ouyang's concern in writing. The book is divided into six parts: "From Nature of Mind to Politics", "Insight into Confucian political philosophy", "Nature and Evolution of The Book of ", "Confucianism advanced in comparison", "From and to Lu Jiuyuan" and "From Confucius and Mencius to ". This work combines historical data with theory very well and finds ideas that many people did't see, so it can be said to be a rare and excellent study of Confucian political philosophy. This paper will give a brief review of Professor Ouyang's new work from three aspects for reference.

First, the literature involved is very solid with careful and reasonable analysis. Based on the grand vision of Confucianism in the pre-Qin Period, these writing materials include handed-down documents such as The Analects and Mencius, as well as unearthed documents such as Xing Zi Ming Chu(《性自命出》). Through the comparison of literature and thought, Professor Ouyang makes an important judgment

1 Yang Yongtao, Graduate student at Chinese Traditional Culture Research Center, Wuhan University. 1 on the thought of music education and political ideal of Confucius. He further states that the textual meaning of The Book of Filial Piety was different from the original meaning of "filial piety" in the pre-Qin Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius, and demonstrates that Confucius has always been striving for the "freedom" of common people and opposing dictatorship. Then, through text sorting, Professor Ouyang makes a definition and judgment on the fundamental differences between the pre-Qin Confucianism and Huang-lao Daoism in political philosophy (mainly the legitimacy of political power). He further concludes that the sacredness of "why humans are humans" was the consistent pursuit of Confucius and Mencius, so as to "Zheng Ming(正名)", which means justify, the development of Confucian political philosophy. In addition, the author systematically sorts out related literature about Lu Jiuyuan's political behaviors in Hubei province, which provides textual support for realistic practice of Lu Jiuyuan's thoughts of " Ming Ben (发明本心)" and "Xian Hu Da(先立 乎其大)", and leads the research on Lu Xiangshan's thoughts in the right direction.

Second, the perspective of research is unique and innovative. In The Book of Rites, it was recorded that "For changing their manners and altering their customs, there is nothing better than music(移风易俗,莫善于乐)". Although Confucius' thought of music education has been studied before, Professor Ouyang sorts out the legitimacy of political philosophy held by the three ruling generations of Yao and Shun, through Confucius' view of music education and the temperament thought behind the Music of Shao(《韶》), which has not been studied by others and is worthy of our attention. Moreover, starting from the origin of the theory of human nature, the author, through typical cases, compares the internal differences and common points between the theories of human nature in China and the West on the philosophical level, setting a writing model for Confucian political philosophy to go global from the perspective of comparison. By the analytical means of "poetic philosophy", the author elaborates on the transcendence, ideal and aesthetic characteristics of Lu Xiangshan's thoughts, reflecting a unique perspective to understand ancient Chinese philosophers. The author's interpretation of Wang Yangming's thought of " Xing He (知行合一)" runs through his military thought of "Jiao Zhi Yi Ji Er Suo Qi (校之以计而索其情)", which is enlightening in interdisciplinary fields.

Thirdly, the beginning and the end of the book echoes each other, revealing the core of Confucian political philosophy and practical methods deeply. The author emphasizes

2 that the pre-Qin Confucian political philosophy is hugely characterized by and established on "Xiu Shen(修身)", referring to "self-cultivation", which is based on "Cheng Yi Zheng Xin (诚意正心)", that is, "rectifying one's mind and being sincere in thought". The core spirit of The comes from the way of Confucius and his disciples, which is carried out in their spiritual cultivation and political ideals. The first two parts of the book deeply analyze the political philosophy of Confucianism in the pre-Qin Period, and further extend that the theme of Confucian political philosophy is "Xiu Shen(修身)", which runs through the past, present and future of Confucian political philosophy. Through the investigation of the third and fourth parts of the book, the author further "Zheng Ming(正名)", which means the justification of Confucian political philosophy in the pre-Qin Period, and provides cultural confidence and theoretical support for its creative transformation and innovative development. Then where should the pre-Qin Confucian political philosophy go (or what is the breakthrough of the future study of Confucian political philosophy)? For the author's keen insight, he realizes that there is an important internal connection between Lu- Wang school, also known as theory of mind, and pre-Qin Confucianism, and it has an important significance for the ideal state of "Yu Ming Yu (与命与仁)" of Confucian political philosophy to go to the world and the future. In the last chapter, the author narrates Wang Yangming's family motto, going back to The Great Learning system of "Ge/ Zhi/ Cheng/ Zheng/ Xiu/ Qi/ Zhi/ Ping(格/致/诚/正/修/齐/治/平)", putting forward the importance of "Li Zhi(立志)", and returning to the essence of "Xiu Shen(修 身)" in this book.

Though the length of this book is not very long, it does present the core of Confucian political philosophy to us historically, philosophically and poetically, and points out a broad, lasting and feasible way for the breakthrough and development of Confucian political philosophy in the new era. All in all, The Confucian political philosophy in Professor Ouyang Zhenren's writing is profound and focused, revealing the sanctity in everyone's heart, showing mission and value of being humans, and letting us see the hope and future of Confucian political philosophy. I look forward to reading this book as soon as possible and to enlighten readers on the issues in it.