. '..." .f..1.ni.1 r rT ""17" «• f South Amboy : Roosevelt : Port Reading Woodbridgc ; Sewaren : jamesburg Keasbey : South River : Old Bridge Metuchen: Sayreviffe : Fords: Spots wood * ■. .—- -I—- — ___ __

Pills Foley - TWOSUPPERSIN TONIC IN WOODBRIDGE IN ACTIONKidney QUICK RESULTS Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, AtUMNI MET SOUTH AMBOY KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, CAPITAL $100 000.00 RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the News to the Sick INFLAMMATION of the Good KIDNEYS, High School Graduates Adopt The foundation of many a Methodists and Baptists to fortune was based on thrift. BLADDER and all annoying URINARY Constitution and Four cent. Interest is our Have Events, By-Laws. per IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to THE WORLD’S FOREMOST encouragement. Today is bat- ter tomorrow How to MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY te Special to the BVBtllNO KBWB. than Special to the EVENING NEWS. Bank Mail the way. Woodbridge, Feb. 6:—A meeting by points South Amboy, Feb. 5:—Two PEOPLE and for WOMEN. Hi was Write for it. II of the newly organized Alumni church suppers have been arranged Ci f.. George, Lenoaster, Pa., eays; I held in the Barron avenue high In South Amboy. The first will be “Some time ago I had an attack of I bad a severe ache school The The State Trust Co held In the Methodist kidney trouble. Friday evening. presi- Episcopal across back an and for the and Irregular dent, Miss Grace Huber, asked AT PLAINFIELD. N. J. church, in John street, Friday night. Revere kidney action. I got Rome of the report of the committee that had The second Is being arranged by the Foley Kidney Pills and after taking X-Ray Expert time there was a wonder- been to~draw up resolu- ladles to be held at the them a short appointed Baptist ful In my condition. My were Improvement tions and by-laws. These church Lincoln’s Birthday, February backache left and the kidney action be- heard and accepted. After this a 12. came normal and regular. Today I am ta fully cuf*d of rny kidney trouble and To of Perth committee was arrange Chicken be the feature the appointed BOY CAUGHT AT will j will recommend Foley Kidney Pills to in be In i Coming for some sort of entertainment Methodist which will Amboy supper all who suffer with kidney disease.” his staff of Skilled arrived the early future. charge of the Ladles Auxiliary. The j Dr. Ball and Physician Specialists supper will be served in the church ; at the Packer House this and have since been one of morning kept basement a~id promises to be SOUTH AMBOY ALUMNI multitude of sick who seek REV. GEORGE KANE GAVE the events of the season. busy examining the people hlsakl. - S0UTH_AMB0Y a the It is Lincoln supper that ENTERTAIN AND DANCE examinations, advice and medicines are given free to THEY. HI. C. A. ADDRESS Lad Was on His Baptist ladles have arranged and X-Ray I mm .. alike receive the everything will be done on a patri- all. ltich and poor kindly courteous and Special fa the EVENING NEWS. Special the BVBNIJTO KBWB. to . otic order. That the supper will be attention at the hands of this Eminent to fa Way South Feb. 5:—The expert Specialist South Feb. 6i—Edward first class goes without saying. The | Amboy, high Amboy, made no is too obscure or difficult was to will bo to In the fi- sehool Alumni Association has whom <$ase complicated, for per- Gorgas, of Kernlworth, Special to the EVENING NEWS. proceeds assist arrangements for an entertainment have been the speaker at the Y. M. nances of the church. iod and successlul treatment. South Amboy, Feb. 5:—-Harry in K. of P. hall Friday evening, discovery C. A. rooms yesterday afternoon, but Latiner, of 162 Allen street, New February 16. Miss Marion Wilson, owing to unforseea circumstances, who run from school York, had away SOUTH AMBOY of New York has been engaged for he was unable to be present. Rev. and was making his way to Balti- the occasion. the close of the Kane, of the Presbyterian At George more, applied at the city hall In of Portia street, a been ar- and Inter- Ralph Crane, r.'irfnrtnpnce dance baB church, gave a very able South for a Amboy night’s lodging spent Saturday and Sunday with ranged for by the porvision of a address from the passage of last esting night. Before he arrived, how- friends out of town. nve orchestra. as follows: “Be piece Scripture reading ever, the local authorities had 're- Mr. Skillen, of Port Monmouth, not weary In well doing." His ceived a message front New York was a visitor at South Am- WQODBRICGh a : business theme was that persons, both In was authorities saying that the boy boy Friday afternoon, and spiritual sense, get was to Miss temporal missing and he believed be Former Judge E. W. Hicks, of Edith Whitney spent Sat- too soon when results are weary coming in this direction. When the New Brunswick, was a South Amboy urday out of town. in when, If they tardy developing youngster walked in, therefore, he visitor afternon. Edward Valentine and daughters. held on a little longer, Saturday r ^whad only was readily accommodated and the Mrs. of Broad- Misses Eihel and Ada Valentine, 1 ac- Joseph Martin, results might have been York were notified. afternoon in Newark. '^hsat New' authorities way, spent Saturday with relatives spent Saturday N. complished. This morning the boy’s brother in Hightstown. James A. Haskell, of Cortland, There was a large audience over quite James came after him and they re- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of Y., visi-ed "friends in town the the Inclemency of ttte Wortley, considering turned home together. were out of town visitors week end. about being Broadway, weather, fifty persons The boy’s father is dead and he is afternoon. Walter Huber spent Sunday after, while of them were Saturday present forty being supported by his brother. The Miss Nellie Wilson, of Second noon in Rahway. from among the youth of the town. this as bis reason for run- The Misses and Anna Dun- boy gave street, has sufficiently recovered Jennie and Marie Demarest attended ning awaj\ claiming he did not want from the operation performed at igan to be a had the in New Saturday Monday ts Washday In School. burden. The runaway Perth Amboy city hospital for ap- matinee York from a in Society of Chkago, Feb. 5.--Washing clothes la graduated high school New pendicitis, to be able to return The Ladies’ Missionary York and Is now another church will meet to become as important a part of the attending home, and was brought from there the "Presbyterian school. the home of Mrs. William Dema- curriculum at the Lucy Flower high yesterday. at rest Tuesday afternoon. , school as Latin and ancient David Brower, of Maxville, spent history The formal the Presby- v The superintendent and principal have Saturday afternoon and Sunday opening-of ' terian church will be held February and with his son In New Yorkv agreed that laundry work, sewing 15 a and attrac- a with banquet other G. W. ” are as as Mrs. Oliver enjoyed trip cooking important any other tions. — GERMANiVENT with friends out of town Saturday Hereafter will of subject. every Monday afternoon. James Fullerton, Englewood, be washdnv Sunday with his father, Rob. } Mrs. S. H. Ingraham, of First spent ert Fullerton, Sr., of Fulton street. street, was an out of town visitor AT 8AYREVILLE The Kingwood Amateur Theatri- —. Saturday afternoon. cal have begun rehearsals T I. Stults, Jr., of David street, Troupe their new to he given In resigned his position Saturday with for play MAKE GOLDS OR Arion Club Gave! April. Quartet Armour company as timekeeper for Mrs. Oscar Miller Is 111 at her that firm. Entertainment. hom in Ridgedale avenue. Pleasing James an of St. Welsh, employe saw . number of our townspeople Michaels hospital, Newark, visited GRIPPEVANI8H Cnauncey Olcott in “Macusbla,” at tpeotal to the EVENING NEWS, his~ brother employed by William, the Newark theatre Saturday after- Sayrevllle, Feb. 5:—The German Mayor Welsh, of First street, Sat- Arion Quarttt Club held an enter, noon- !. Most Severe Cold and Grippe urday, Miss Annie Hilsdorf spent Satur- talnment and dance at Jos. Altgair's . Mrs. James Nichols, of, Stevens Free day afterson in Newark. \ in a hall Saturday night, which was a avenue, spent Saturday afternoon Misery Relieved The Misses Anna Tt?H*mtner and There was Gorman out of town. X-Rays grand success, Helen Brown spencSatu, Few Hours. humorists and singers from New of Pine ave- Meyer Schewlosky, in Perth Amboy. York and Newark, who kept the au- nue, made a business trip to New ing Do Not RemaifmnTffiftl1 Mrs. William Franklin la enter- dience in laughter throughout the York Friday. You can surely end Grippe and taining a friend from Berlin. Md., at a« with his^pjy^jpWMg and w | performance. Mr. Duu beck, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheeler, of about your true condition, perfected X-Ray break up the meet eever* cold either her home In Barron avenue. SayreviUe, was a wonder to look at Pa., are still stopping In cl i>r. Haifa |n head, cheat, beck, stomach or Easton,7 Albert Burdick and John Lehrs other improved methods dscovering disease, in his great sivord-swallowing acts. this city. They expect to return to limbs, by taking a dose of Papa's were among the Perth Amboy visi- 10 the exact nature Hr-■ After the performance there was Easton In the near future. guarantees tell of'your Gold Compound every two hours un- tors Saturday evening. positively dancing and refreshments indulged Mrs. William of Sec- are affected and to select the prop- I til three conseeutive doses are taken. Edwards, Mrs. E. H. Boynton was an out ness, just what organs in, which was kpet up until mid- ond street, was a Long Branch j It promptly rel levee the most mis- of town visitor Saturday afternoon. er treatment to effect a and I night. visitor Saturday afternoon. speedy, perfect permanent erable headache, dullness, head and Mrs. B. W. Hoagland visited A. visit- or ■ stuffed sneexe- J. Miller, of Main street, after- cure. This service is free—uo money will be asked accepted. pose up, feverishness, a friends in Rahway Saturday nnnarn r-i-< mi maul/ Wow Vf-Q? tliS trass-; ing, sore throat, euooua oauurruai nunoto rcuL uii mmm noon. action of business. discharges, running of the nose, / boreneas, stiffness and rheumatlo Mayor Welsh, of First street, was CRANBURY IN FRONT OF TROLLEY a New of Do Not Trust Your Life to Guess Work twinges. York visitor, Saturday Take this harm Isas Compound as afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Barclay to the EVENING NEWS. Turner Mrs. examinations made Dr. prove that directed, wltl-opt Interference with Ipental I. I. will sell at public were guests of Mr. .and Harry X-Ray being by Ball Pour usual duties and with the South Amboy. Feb. 6:—A team sale at the A. C. Parisen building, Farr of Dayton last week. a multitude of sick in this state have been taking ice people no to M. J. Gushue. of David on Tuesday, a and other arti- B. fell on the Fri- Knowledge that there la other belonging piano George Ely medicine for for diseases never had, and that knediclne made anywhere alas In the street, came near being run down cles of household goods that es- day and dislocated his shoulder. years they a car While consumed In at Mrs. N. F. will and suf- (World, which will cure your cold or by trolley Friday. caped being the fire Mr. and Clayton would have been saved years of hopelessness ihe street and street. club Thursday they end Grippe misery as promptly and crossing track at Augusta Broadway Augusta entertain the Corona was at and easi- on 8. had their Illness, first simple Without any other assistance or bad and Broadway, the horses slipped Mrs. Helen Stonaker, of Asbury evening, February fering which is aa a Sft-cent package of | the ice and fell in front of a closely Park, is visiting with her son-in- Mrs. Samuel Perrine visiting corrected, been properly discovered and treated. (after-effect was Townsend ly Tape's Cold Compound, which any approaching car. The accident law and daughterr, Mr. and Mrs. J. her sister, Mrs. Theodore druggist in the world can supply. averted by the prompt acting of the A. Barkalew, of George street. of New Brunswick. ' of the Pape's Cold Compound is the re- motorman. Mrs. Ezra Clayton, of Second The Young Ladies Guild will meet butt of three years' research at a street, was an out of town vlsltbr First Presbyterian church 5 with boat of more than fifty thousand dol- SOUTH RIVER Saturday afternoon. Monday afternoon, February 2000 and Over Cures Made lars, and contains no quinine, which Miss Ruth Rowland, of Jersey Mrs. Addison H. Symmes. hr# have conclusively demonstrated City, spent Friday with friends In The Isaac Krewson farm on the 1 Erick Jensen, of Atlantic High- IN tHIS STATE as not effective In the treatment of South Amboy. Cranbury turnpike has been sold spent Sunday with his par- of William H. bolds or grippe. lands, Miss Hattie Martin, of New York through the agency _ Jensen. ents, Mr. and. Mrs. John City, was visiting friends and rela- Johnson to Fred Snedeker. The was Frank Green, of , tives In this city Saturday and Sun- price was $12,000. in Gold will be Paid a week-end visitor among relatives day. Mrs. Lucinda Johnson, of New $1000 LADY TRUE here. Robert Shepard, of Cranbury, Brunswick, is visiting her parents, Satur- Leaf Reader Frank Armstrong opened was a South Amboy visitor Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nixon. To Who will Show a Misstatement in any "The Famous Tea a newsstand in the en- Single day night day. He brought to R. P. #ason, Mrs. C. P. Emeng has been en- Anyone trance hall of the Star theatre. A ami Clairvoyant Sr., a picture he had been painting tertaining her sister, Mrs. Van Der- full supply of magazines and dally C*n be consulted her# at 101 Shrew#- for him of Camp Fernet, the first veer, of Freehold. of the Following: near will he on hand. burr avenue, Locust avenue, first papers kept camp the of Miss Esteila Van Derveer, of Day- • occupied by Regiment Newark— Mrs A. 160 Jerome Place, Bloomfield flight up. An Important meeting of Her- was one the at a din- Frank Yleb, 24 Magazine Street, Lapp. consult this marvelous which the judge was a member fifty ton, of guests and sciatica, ft you wish to moine Pythian crutches after being a hopeless crip- Cured of Chronic stomach trouble now ts ysur time. Bach cus- Assembly, Sisters, years ago. Artist, ner given Saturday evening by Miss Throws away of am- wonder, in Sheppard copied David F McPherson. Jamaica—Cured tomer will be presented with a lucky will be held Tuesday night his work from a small wood cut Sarah Applegate, of. Trenton. pie for 16 years of Wizard's ax bag free, blood, prepared Knights of Pythias Hall. Members An of the Vil- the eminent Any person taken at that time. It is a fine important meeting, N. S„ee, P.»- by professor. and officers are requested to attend. UU, being lucky enough to secure this will piece of work and will be on exhi- lage Improvement Society will be j l> most beautiful rest. and Mrs. Samuel experience the Mr. Herrmann, bition aa Boon as framed. held tonight at the home of George Consult her on business, Jove, horns, of New York, were week-end visitors _ B,rkeI"P1>0’'*-««•.«w- : law-suits, choice; bensfac- B. Mershon. of his Herrmann. r of humanity, giving Instant relUf father, Henry those In troubls. All can find Im- The South River Buildtog Loan KEASBE1 S&rrlage,mediate benefit and permanent help by will meet Tuesday evening at the - her at once. consulting House. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander c„»»- She tells the past, present and future Van Norden c“"U' rsssa Cured of . In a wonderful meaner 1 possess mag- A graphic review of work done by and sons, of Fords, spend Wednes- Rev John T Meek, South Field, Jamaica-- consumption. will make Man . 78 Oak Street. Paterson-Cured betlu powers that you lucky. the was Sun- A evening with friends In town. N. Campbell, Salvation Army given day Cu^ed" Call end be convinced at ones. of'tumor disease. in the Methodist church Mrs. Matthew Schaub, was a J. 80 Irving Street, New- of kidney jDea'i Walt Until Teeeerrsw—Tomerrew day morning Thomas Armstrong. Harrison«RrrtSon Street Pas- Cense. a Mrs. 8arah Baker, 437 Street, ’ May fleve* by Ensign Wilson, daughter of the Perth Amboy visitor, Thursday. of lumbago and sciatica. tea te Dally from four; _ evenings late Bishop Wilson, of the Methodist Miss Florence Fits, spent Thurs- seven to nine. Closed Sundays, Can was in Perth i Price* 8* Cento and *L0*. church. Her address most In- day evening Amboy. BABM. teresting and was a Mrs. William Romer daugh- son-Saved from consumption. _ enjoyed by apd Cured flts. _jggg» were Perth visit- oTepUepUe large ter, Rose, Amboy ; . , congregation. as a 20 years* growth. The official board will meet to- Feel Strong ors Thursday evening. was a on Exhibition night in the basement of the Metho- Miss Lena Gloff. visitor In Letters from all above and Thousands of Others dist church. Work Horse Perth Amboy, Thursday evening. had suffered for years and been declared hopelessly The moving picture show at the Miss Ida Fullerton, was an out of _ 4 these patients best local doctors, but got well rapidly under Dr. Star theatre was largely attended town visitor Thursday evening. BT> s> m £> rrj hpr Incurable by the | Six hundred and If he puts back each day tha Mrs. Stephen Wodzinski and THE Saturday night. have taken, and SALE no neonie the two * Misses Lillian and Kath- be matter elghty-flvB enjoyed equal ©f what he uses up from daughters. No matter what may your dlsett'"or“on, treatoen;,^you shows. erine Wodzinski. spent Friday after- wh^ in of body and brain hi* daily noon out of town. activities. Miss Julia Mever was an out of SAYREVILLE town visitor Friday evening. offices PaterBoa , Rok was a which is made to advertise his permanent at. John Perth AmbSy only During his visit here, g 35 cent discount Chief of Police Henry Boyier and visitor free °* per Thursday evening. the doctor will present absolutely vouchedforto the United Constable John Keegan made a raid Theee p I Joseph Miller of Perth Amboy was lnatlon an assortment of his Perfected ««*“£ in on new C. T success curing difficult, 1 Sayre & Fishers* plant Fri- a local visitor are recorded at Dre^Hptions.\\ aahlngton, D. ecript^^^^^. tid Snits Grape-Nuts Thursday. States Government and tPTurUqh-sneakina world DO B of Mens Boys day night and arrested five hoboes John Vecsi was a Perth Amboy for were trespassing. They repri- FOOD visitor Friday evening. •ml Au«rM«h Shoss. manded and chased out\pf town by The regular weekly meeting of .= ■ Recorder Esser ! and rree medicine. T—.ng P-, Saturday 'morning. the K. R, C., which was held in the and every one receives free examination __ I Jerome Kelly, who has been stop- I* made of ifheat and barley, chapel, Wednesday veenlng, was led I ping with P. F. McCutcheon, of Raymond Fullerton. The is and the elements by subject Hats aad Furnishings ldlewlld avenue, for the last few supplies very for the evening was "God's Love,” weeks has returned to his home in from these natural food grain* Tho attendance was large. New York Saturday. still on which the going Mrs. Max McGregor, of New system require# fr>r SPOTSWOOD Brunswick, was a Sayreville visitor the daily nourishment of bod; Mrs. J. W. Van Dyke, of Bast at Saturday, and William Rohde and Charles Hols- brain—keeping them at Spotswood, spent Friday with her worth went to Rahway Friday and their highest efficiency, sister, Mrs Geo’-ge w. Pa Voe. got Mr. Rohde’s automobile which J. Randolph Appleby, Sr., of Tot- was left there about a week ago to tenvilie, S. I., N. Y., la eommuttlng be overhauled. “There’s a Reason.” daily to hi* simpler home here. Jacobson Anita Weiscbadel, of Main street, ! "Btde A Wee” farm. Mr. Appleby returned home Saturday after Jr., spent tty/ week end with friends ^Haitian spending the week-end with friends in Spotswadd. Mr. Appleby has ln- I State Streat in Woofbridge. Postum Cereal Co., i stalled a sew incubator at his farm, rS420, Bernard O'Hara, of New Rruna- Ltd., i which has » capacity of 400 eggs N. I. was a 8a* Battle Creek, Mich, Mayor and Mrs.! A. B. Appleby a Perth Amboy. v, How Brunswick visitors on ] «**»«*^^ is' v : '7