PORT ORANGE PONCE INLET FISHING INSIDE SOUTH DAYTONA DAYTONA BEACH SHORES WITH DAN Indian River reeks while shrimp run in Halifax River Page B7 Vol. 8, No. 24 Your Local News and Information Source • www.HometownNewsOL.com Friday, July 5, 2013 $ OFF ANY Community VCOG structure could change 19 REPAIR Must be presented atAdvanced time of repair cannotAir 767-1654 be combined w/any other offer. Notes By Erika Webb all Volusia County residents. Port Orange
[email protected] “Today’s staff, in our cities and county, has Same Day great rapport with their professional counter- Emergency Service Centennial events Volusia Council of Governments will remain parts in other governments,” Ms. Swiderski its own entity. wrote. “The need to develop consensus is not for July At a workshop June 24, focused on the results as necessary as it once was.” State Lic#CAC1817470 of a 360 survey of the organization, city and “In essence we have worked our way out of The city continues its county officials voted unanimously to continue a job,” she added. Lasts and Lasts and Lasts yearlong Centennial cele- as VCOG rather than assemble under the Volu- A total of 39 elected officials and 15 man- SM Port Orange bration with events and sia League of Cities. agers from 14 jurisdictions, including 12 386-767-1654 activities planned during The survey, completed by city managers and cities, Volusia County and the Volusia WE FIX AIR CONDITIONERSwww.AdvancedAirOnline.com 775605 July. From a free movie to a elected officials, was designed as a complete County School Board, returned the survey.