Index of Subjects
Index of Subjects Abaluyia (Kenya), 469, 549 in South Africa, 413, 433, 707 Boarding schools, 97, 768, 827. SeealsoEducation Abbott, Joseph, 892 in Uganda, 372 Bodo (India), 489 Abolition of slavery, 131 Anglican Mission of Santo Agostinho, Maciene BoH,Leonardo, 778 Aboriginal peoples, 788 (Mozambique), 727 Bok(blessing), 461 Aborigines (Australia), 93, 533, 646 Animism, 587 Bolivia, 627 Abraham, 57, 146 Anthropology, 64, 226 Bonnand, Clement, 20 Acculturation, 42, 259, 698, 710. SeealsoAncestor theological, 238, 915 Booth, Catherine, 479 practices; Contextualization; Cultural Anti-Communism, 223 Borneo, 194 assimilation; Culture change; Ethnic identity; Apartheid, 823 Botswana, 387, 439, 603 Inculturation; Indigenization; Syncretism Apocalyptic, 96 Bouldin, George Washington, 374 Acoma (United States), 706 Apologetics, 750, 762, 850, 872 Braga, Erasmo de Carvalho, 516 Acosta, Jose de, 87 Appalachia, 669 Brazil, 48, 112, 160, 168, 198,276,386,438,516,548, Acts of St. Mark, 90 Appavoo, James Theophilus, 754 725 Acts of the Apostles, 52, 311, 341,440,517,518,573, Appenzeller, Henry, 565 Bridgman, Elijah Coleman, 451, 767 690, 703, 734 Arab Christians, 36, 270, 566 British Columbia, 66, 195, 272 Adjustment, cross-cultural, 4, lIS, 228, 918 Arathi (Agikuyu Spirit Churches), 248 Bronson, Miles, 685 Administration, 74, 263, 887 Archeology, 42 Brown, William Adams, 60 Afonso I (Mvemba Nzinga), 610 in China, 173 Buber, Martin, 70 Africa, 269. Seealsounder respective countries Architecture, 458, 860 Buck, Pearl 5., 476 culture of, 485, 558, 561 Armenian Christians, 50S, 553 Buddhism, 206, 495, 804, 813 traditional religions of, 172, 225, 487, 560, 578, Armenian Evangelical Church, 281 Bulgaria, 694 579,592,620,62~802,838,848 Art, 37, 864 Burma, 337, 659, 721.
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