Letters Patent Diocese of Goulburn (Text Copy)
1 LETTERS PATENT Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 23rd March, 1864. DIOCESE OF GOULBURN HIS Excellency the Governor is pleased to direct the publication of the following Letters Patent, bearing date the 11th March, 1863, whereby Her Majesty has been pleased to alter the limits of the Diocese of Sydney, and to erect a portion of the said Diocese into a new and separate Diocese, to be called the Diocese of Goulburn, and to appoint The Right Reverend MESAC THOMAS, Doctor in Divinity, to be Bishop of the Diocese of Goulburn. W. FORSTER. LETTERS PATENT FOR CREATING THE NEW BISHOPRIC OF GOULBURN, AND APPOINTING THE FIRST BISHOP. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:- WHEREAS We did, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the ,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and in the eleventh year of Our reign erect, found, ordain, make, and constitute all those parts or portions of Our Colony of New South Wales known or called by the names of the Counties of Wellington, Roxburgh, Cook, Cumberland, Camden, Westmoreland, Georgiana, Bathurst, King, Murray, Argyle, Auckland, with the territory to the west bounded by the parallel of south latitude 32o 30’, and the 141st degree of east longitude, together with all those parts of the continent of Australia not comprised within the limits of any other See or Diocese, to be a Bishop's See and Diocese, and to be called from thenceforth the Bishopric of Sydney, saving nevertheless to Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, the power of altering from time to time, with the consent of the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, if the said Bee be vacant or otherwise of the said Archbishop and of the Bishop of the See for the time being, the limits of the said Diocese or of the Jurisdiction of the Bishop thereof.
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