The Cathedral Church of St Saviour, Goulburn the Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn

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The Cathedral Church of St Saviour, Goulburn the Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn the cathedral church of st saviour, goulburn The Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn Prayer Points for March 2017 DAY 1 - Wednesday 1 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Mandalay - (Myanmar) The Rt Revd David Nyi Nyi Naing The Anglican Church of Australia The Primate: Archbishop Philip Freier The General Synod, Standing Committee, Boards, Committees and Commissions: General Secretary, Anne Hywood The Bishops' Office: Bishop Stuart Robinson, Bishop Trevor Edwards, Bishop Matt Brain, Bishop Stephen Pickard, Bev Forbes, Alison Payne, Gillian Varcoe (Bishops’ Liaison Officer: New Ministry Orientation and Integration Program); Wayne Brighton (Media Officer) Diocesan Registrar/General Manager: Trevor Ament and the staff of Diocesan Services Anglican Investment Development Fund: Chair, Mark Baker; the Board, Adam Wright (customer relations) and other staff Pray for: The strengthening of relationships between the twenty-three Dioceses of the Australian Anglican Church, the development of our life and witness as a National Church and for our ecumenical relationships. Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: pray for the ministry of the Cathedral in the Diocese We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Sidney Kendall Sidwell, Hazel Mavis Hobbs DAY 2 - Thursday 2 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Manicaland - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Erick Ruwona Diocese of Adelaide: Archbishop Elect Geoffrey Smith, Bishops Tim Harris, Chris McLeod, Clergy & People Archdeacons: Caroline Campbell, Karen Kime (Lee), Brian Douglas (Jane), John Barnes (Louise), Erica Mathieson (Ray Williamson), David Ruthven (Sharon), Elizabeth Dyke (Peter); Wayne Brighton (Meg), Carol Wagner (Jay) Area & Functional Deans: James Coats (Skye), John Jenner (Carol), Guy Matthews (Sita), Elizabeth Sloane (Harvey), Joy Harris (Max), Brian Roberts (Denyse); Paul Cohen (Sue) Lynda McMinn Professional Standards Board and Committees: Professional Standards Director, Peter Barnett; Director of Safe Communities, Celia Irving Pray for: Victims of physical and sexual abuse and the Royal Commission. Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Bishop and his ministry in the Cathedral We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Leila Linton, Betty Constance Dell DAY 3 - Friday 3 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Tairawhiti - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Revd Don Tamihere Diocese of Armidale: Bishop Rick Lewers, Clergy and People St Saviour's Cathedral, Goulburn: Dean Phillip Saunders (Sue), Catherine Eaton, Anne Wentzel, office staff and volunteers Friends of St Saviour’s Cathedral: Chair, Diana Body Clergy on leave from the Diocese: Andrew Bowyer a student at the University of Edinburgh Lucas Tooth Scholar: Susan Bridge, Oxford University Anglican Women of Australia: President, Sally Hutchens; Chaplain, Joan Smith Goulburn Mental Health Service Chaplaincy: TBA Anglicare Canberra and Goulburn: Jeremy Halcrow (CEO); Board; staff; and clients Pray for: The Cathedral Chapter, and all aspects of the work and ministry of St Saviour’s Cathedral, the mother church of the Diocese. Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: pray for the ministry of the Cathedral in the city of Goulburn We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Cecil Nichols, John James Poile, Keith White, Samuel George Osmond, Floris Eileen Rankin DAY 4 - Saturday 4 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Mara - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Hilkiah Omindo Deya Diocese of Ballarat: Bishop Garry Weatherill, Clergy and People North Goulburn: Ross Hathway (Alison) Wollondilly Gardens Self Care Units: Chaplain John Barnes (Louise) New South Wales Police Chaplaincy: Owen Davies Chaplain Police Academy Goulburn (Hazel); John Thomas (Christine), Police Chaplain, Southern Region, Cootamundra Local Area Command West Goulburn: Bishop Stuart (Jane); F5 Service at West Goulburn: Bishop Stuart, Jane, the F5 team, Alison and Brian Champness, Peter Mylonas (Janice), Dan OpdeVeigh (Ali) (SLM) Marulan: Wayne Landford (Fiona) Goulburn Base Hospital Chaplaincy: Archdeacon Caroline Campbell (Acting Chaplain) and West Goulburn Parish team Goulburn Correctional Centre: Ross Gear (Julie) Pray for: Spouses and families of clergy and lay ministers and stipendiary lay ministers (SLM). Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Dean in his role in the Cathedral and Diocese and for Sub-dean, Canon Anne Wentzel. We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: George Alfred Whitenstall, Annette McDonald, Michael John Lipscomb, Shirley Margaret Woodward DAY 5 - Sunday 5 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Marathwada - (North India) The Rt Revd Madhukar Kasab Diocese of Bathurst: Bishop Ian Palmer (Liz), Clergy and People St Mark's National Theological Centre, Canberra: Director Andrew Cameron (Mary-Anne); David Neville, Associate Head, Charles Sturt University School of Theology & Senior Lecturer New Testament (Sonia); Geoff Broughton, Lecturer in Practical Theology, (Jackie); Ian Coutts, Lecturer in Practical Theology & RTO Ministry Trainer (Anne); Jane Foulcher, Lecturer in Systematic Theology (John); Michael Gladwin, Lecturer History & Editor of St Mark’s Review (Lara); Jeanette Mathews, Lecturer in Old Testament; Peter Pocock, Course Director & Lecturer in Theology & Liturgy; Russell Warnken, Lecturer in Theology; John Painter, Biblical Scholar (Gillian); Emma Street, Business Development Manager (Shaun), Library and Administrative staff and volunteers Centre for Ageing and Pastoral Studies: Director: Dr Bruce Stevens All being prepared for ministries, both ordained and lay in the Diocese and beyond, and Matt Brain (Rachael), Director of Ministry Training & Development Pray for: Vocations to the sacred ministry (priesthood & diaconate), the process of selection of candidates. Ordination Advisors: Caroline Campbell, Tim McGhie, Elizabeth Sloane, Bronwyn Suptut, Margaret Wheelwright, Peter Rose, Paul Cohen, Brian Douglas, Jane Foulcher, John Barnes, Barbara Todd and Denis Riley Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: Pray for our outreach ministries and especially for new candidates for the Journey program and for those who have completed it. We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Jean Snape, George Andrew David Morton, Horace Claude Hawkins (priest), Allen Charles McIntyre, Veronica Alma Humphries, Harold James Costello DAY 6 - Monday 6 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Maridi - (Minye, Sudan) The Rt Revd Justin Badi Arama Diocese of Bendigo: Bishop Andrew Curnow, Clergy and People Canberra Grammar School: Justin Garrick (Dharini Ganesan Raju); Chaplain, Andrew Robinson (Felicity); staff and students; Head of Department of Religious and Values Education, Philip Chappell; Assistant Chaplain Ms Lyndal Foote Canberra Girls' Grammar School: Anne Coutts (Ian), staff and students; Chaplain, Paul Harris Anglican News: Wayne Brighton and the production and distribution teams Pray for: Cursillo Movement: Steve Daniels, Lay Director; Connie Gerrity, Spiritual Director; Doug Newman, Co Spiritual Director; Secretariat; Servant Communities. Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the ministry of the Cathedral in the area of mental health We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Annette Christie, Dudley Willis Roberts, Vivian Maree Martens, Thelma Iris Gregory, Stephen John Larkham DAY 7 - Tuesday 7 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Marsabit - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Robert Martin Diocese of Brisbane: Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, Bishops Geoff Smith, Jonathan Holland, Alison Taylor, Cameron Venerables, Clergy and People Braidwood: John Barnes (Louise), Des McGuire (Tanya), Brad Moore (Sam) (LM) Bungendore: Michael Pailthorpe (Chloe) Mulwaree Ministry District: Tom Frame (Helen) Cartwright Mission District: John Barnes (Louise) Crookwell: John Barnes (Louise), Wayne Landford Binda: Rick Lewis (Gwenda) Taralga: John Barnes (Louise); Sallyanne Hart Pray for: Small country churches and their ministry; co-operating parishes; Diocesan Centre for Lay Ministry & Mission. Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: We pray for the ministry of our Tri Diocesan link parish – All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst and St.Alban’s, Griffith. We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Chesley Hush, Norman Henry Lambert, Bryant Gordon Lansdowne DAY 8 - Wednesday 8 March 2017 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Maryland - (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Eugene Sutton; Suffragan Bishop of Maryland Vacant Diocese of Bunbury: Bishop Allan Ewing (Tricia), Clergy and People St John's Canberra: Paul Black, David McLennan (Cath), Ken Batterham (Elizabeth), Vicky Cullen, David Hill (Barbara), Geoff Sibly (Anne), Kevin Stone (Anne), Jonathan Cole (Elysha), Cath McLennan (David) (SLM), David Dwyer (SLM) St John's Care: Stuart Davis-Meehan, Coordinator, and volunteers Sutton Road Mission District: Royce Thompson (Sue) (Locum) Australian National University: Chaplaincy Team: Kevin O’Connor Radford College: Principal, Fiona Godfrey; staff and students; Chaplain, Richard Browning (Melinda) Pray for: Ministry to post-secondary students. Cathedral Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Cathedral Wardens and Councillors and Layministers. We remember those in our Cathedral Book of Remembrance: Eva Pike, Emily May Matthews, William Francis Wilson DAY 9 - Thursday 9 March 2017: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Masasi - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd James Almasi Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn: Stuart Robinson (Jane), Trevor Edwards (Ruth), Matt Brain (Rachael), Stephen Pickard (Jenny), Clergy and People Bishop-in-Council and the Ministry Executive, the Anglican Church Property Trust
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