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-niE HOME TOWN PAPER THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Page Eight THE BRANFORD RKVIEW, BRANFORD, OONN., JANUARY 23, 1041 i of VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN BRANf'ORD—NORTH BRANFORD PORTRAYINO AS IT DOES glad to know he Is recovering from; STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD OUR DEMOCRACY SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN CAVALCADE OF AMERICA a La Orlppe. | Personals GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS What Nots FAMH,IAR LANGUAGE COVE — EAST HAVEN Wcft Pmnforti Eebieto BY QITA ROUND I— ^Thomas Cooper The P. T. A. Is planning a Public AND EAST HAVEN NEWS card party for February Uth, to CITY AND FARM By Dr. Frank Monaghan Mrs. Burton Shepard left this Associated Business worried about be held In the Stony Creek School. location of bus stops when trolleys llltlorlcal Coniiillanl /or week for Florida. VOL. XIII—NO. 43 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, January 30, 1041 Price Five^Oents are discontinued, Suggest they turn Cavalcmte of America Into Montowese Street Elmer Ty­ nBEDOM ot tlio press and free­ Marietta Ablondi Is 111 with La Mr. and Mrs. Harry/Johnson have ler, Jr., of Pine Orchard Road In dom of Bpoccli are rights vltolly Orlppe. FnoccBBary to guarantee the orderly returned from a southern trip. Miami, Fla. Will take plane to Ha­ oporntlon ot democratic Instllu- Everett W. Mason Workers Listed [Failure To Keep vana Students cram ^ for mid­ tlonn. They are justly and deeply A meeting Is to be lield at the Branford Red Cross Unit Boys Outnumber Girls years. chorlBhed by Americans, for they home of Mrs. Beatrice Kelsey at EUzur R. Monroe, Bradley Street have long been foundation stones ot Killed By Truck For Red Cross Proper Lookout Charles Oell, Jr., eonvalciclng af­ 2 o'clock Saturday for Red Cross is in Chicago, 111. the guest of' Mr. the American way of Hfe. They Work. ter an appendectomy at New Hav­ were won and maintained by the and Mrs. William George. Produced 7271 GarmentsSaturda y Noon On Year's Birth Records en Hoiipltal. exertions (even the sufferings) ot 1941 Roll Call Cause^ Deaths Willis H. Pratt, Jr., rates a front many good and brave men. By and Any News will be appreciated by largo, wo have enjoyed these rights Jean Altermatt. Phone 205-4. Born In North Coventry, Mr. Ma­ page picture In latest Telephone ever since they wore written Into First Lieut. Ralph Cavallaro, D. John Doanc, Foremen, Responsi­ Bulletin James J. Sullivan, Short the Federal Constitution. Several D.S. has been asslgnd to the During Last 14 Months son Was Employed By M. I. F. ble For Aooidont Hero January Entered By Town Clerk Due to the tact that the campaign Beach, completes 15 years service SImos, In the midst of grave emer­ Mike Palma has returned to work Dental Corps for duty wltn Com­ As Flasks Inspector gencies. It has been necessary to after a 15 week lay off. tor War Relief continued into Aug­ 2, Coroner James J. Oorrigan with SNET Co Margaret llalley, modify them temporarily for the pany G. ust It seemed best to postpone the Finds Jim's next door neighbor's picture common safety. But once, In 1708, Everett W. Mason of 119 Indian membership drive from the usual Mrs. James Aceto is a hospital He replaces First Lieut. William Also Sponsored Classes In Life Saving, First Aid And Two Sets Of Twins Included In List Of 125 Births Entered Is on page 7 with repair service they were notoriously curbed and Neck avenue died Saturday noon in time In November until February. abridged without justincatlon. It Is patient. A. Rosenfeld of New Haven who His failure to "Observe" an ap­ clerks. Home Hygiene—Junior Red Cross Has Enrollment his home from injuries he received There will be canvassers in ail parts Here In 1940 For Vital Statistic Records—Boys Win In connection with this episode of proaching train was the cause of State report shows 1718 cases of the Allen and Sedition Acts, passed has transtered to inactive duty. when he was struck uy a car driv­ of the town and it is hoped that By Score Of 71-54. Thomas Cooper Sorry to learn that Harold Braln- Of 1468. the death of John Doanc, B3, West- Innuonza reported to Department by the Federalist Party under John en by Hubert Tenoske, 17 of 155 every adult will wish to respond. Adams, that wo encounter one ot erd Is ill. brook railroad* section foreman, of Health In Conn, for past week.... Cooper published a perfectly valid The following is the report of the Indian Neck avenue. At the time Should you be out ;When the can­ the mpst Interesting men In the criticism ot President Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Reinke of killed January 2 with one of his Boys, again outnumber the girls ....Old ago assistance bills out long struggle for a free press In Branford Branch of the American of the accident Mr. Mason was re­ vasser calls and cannot take your wos prosecuted. After a long trial Rene NimphI Is confined to her 883 Qulnnlpiac Avenue, New Ha­ work gang, Isadore Gomez of Lcctes according to 1040 Vital Statistics en­ Tomllnson bridge opened for 9442 America; Thomas Cooper. Red Cross for the past 14 months Food May Be turning from work and was close to membership fee tp" the Library; Governor Hurley In 1800 he was lound guilty and home by grippe.. ven, announce , the engagement of«. Island Road according to a finding tered In the town hall, For at Icost bdats during year. We waited for Bontenocd lo six months In jail and as given by Mrs James Walworth, his front door. Both he and the car please phone 123-4 or 324 and your In 1798 the United States felt their daughter, Jane,' to Mr. Robert by Coroner James J. Corrigan. six years more baby boys have been most of them to pass! 7552 were thot war with Franco was Immi­ a flue ot four hundred dollars; The Chairman at the annual meeting in Sent To Allied were traveling in a southerly direc­ subscription wlir be'called for. born hero than girls although the nent, and the dominant political fine was paid and the six months Mrs. George. R. Adams, Indian Lee Jolmson, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lead March power boats; 1475 bargesand scows; New Haven this afternoon. tion and as the driver pulled out to The list of canvq^sers and tlieir The coroner absolved the engi­ total number of births have re­ party, the FedcrallslB, took this were served. There was grave Neck has returned home from New H. S. Johnson of Taylor Avenue, 270 sloops and 107 schooners,,Av- doubt about the constitutionality ot, In accord with the urgent con­ pass him the car skidded and turn­ neer, William S. Bralnard, ot 20 mained about the same. • hysteria as a fine opportunity to Haven Hospital. War Prisoners territory is as foll9ws: . erogo—'bout one an hour. silence their political opponents by th? law under which he had been East Haven. ' ditions of the time, the Branford ed completely around. Wliarton Street, West Haven, of At Benefit Ball convicted. It expired by^ llmltatloa West Main and Home Place, Mrs. This year's total of 126 is an in­ muzzling the press. The Sedition Branch lias been busy making ail The accident happened at 11 a.m criminal responsibility for the District Deputy H. HoUroyd and Act mndo It Illegal for any reason and Cooper began the long fight to Edward Garrlty; Breezy Lane, West crease of some .seventeen over the sorts of garments for Refugees. 384 A plan has been Instituted by tlie deaths giving the opinion that the Gov. and Mrs. Robert E. Hurley staff of Branford were Installing to speak or spread "false, scan­ got Congress to admit that the and ills death occurred about two End Avenue, Bradley Street, Mrs. previous year, 71 being males and officers 'in Southington Tuesday dalous or malicious" writing against legislation had been unwise and workers have produced a total of Brltisli authorities, acting with the hours later, Ruth Swift; Bryan Road, Mrs. Louis engineer "did ail in his power to try have announced their Intention to the government, the Congress or void. Year after year friends peti­ American Red Cross, by which and avoid this collision and that attend the East Haven charity ball 54 females. cvo. at meeting of Knights of Py­ tioned Congress to repay the fine 7271 garments, 927 ot these were Mr. Mason one of the town's es­ F. Watson; Goodso}! Road, Stan- •the President. Federalist judges it was impossible for him to have tor the benefit of the Infantile par­ Two sots of twins, William and thias. interpreted this to mean that one. with Interest. Finally In 18B0, fifty knitted articles. packages of food can be sent to teemed citizens, reached his 79tli nard Avenue, Mrs. Harold Sniltli; years after the trial and olevon prevented it." , alysis fund tomorrow evening in the Katherine Kelsey and Joseph and John R. Waters, Rogers Street, could not poke oven a little mild We have sponsored one class in war prisoners of British and Allied birthday 10 days ago. He was born Rogers Street, Mrsj J. R. Waters; George Bodner appear on the list: fun at govorumentnl officers. It after Cooper's death. Congress ro- home Hygiene and Care of the Sick, in North Coventry and came to Hopson Avenue, Mrs. Axel Mickel- The finding noted that Doaho,'a East Haven Town Hall. , ' doing jury duty in Waterbury nationalities. Prom the records; wa„„»s on„„o„ o„t. thw.e„ moa...„=t. hast...... y. and un PaU Ilia liolrs- Cooper was dead, two courses in Water Safety and Branford 35 years ago. For a period son; East Main and Beach Place, representative in the general As­ As.soclated Business considering an reasonable measures ever enacted but he had won his fight tor the Ho will lead the grand march up­ JANUARY Life Saving and started five classes The British government has of about 20 years he had been a Mrs. John Hanire, Mi\s. Duncan sembly, was "in charge of a crow of old-fashioned .spelling bee. Remem­ Into law. I freedom of the press. on his arrival at 10; 00 o'clock. 5—Mary Ann Llnsipy to Lillian In Fh-stAld. Of these only one agreed to allow these packages teacher In the schools of North Beacli; Meadow, Prospects Streets, four laborers who were tamping ber the one In the, library several The reception committee, headed Judd and Stannard Linslcy. has completed the course and taken through its blockade. Shipment is Coventry and adjoining i towns, At Miss Vera Bartholomew; .Church, stones.under tlie ties on this afore­ years ago? Mrs. Collins not only lery fire of all time and the most Winterized & Reconditioned by Bertram Well and Joseph Tolbot, 10—Gloria Jean Boneill to Rose the examihatioh, but the others will made through Lisbon to Geneva, the time of his deatli he was em­ Eades Street,. Miss Corene Kenyon; mentioned overpass. This operation won the spelling honors but gave sensational was maintained for will recruit a guard of honor for the Louise Boneill, Survey Director follow in due time. Where it is distributed by the In- ployed in the foundry department Chestnut and Svea' Avenue, Mrs. consists In raising the ties and when definitions of the words for full seven hours. govenor from mombes of Harry R. 10—George Gotltrled Lohr, ,fr. to, There has been very little for the ternationol Red Cross Committee of the Malleable Iron Fittings Co. Andrew McCutoheoh; Ivy and Sil­ necessary the rails, in order^ that measure. The troops started down a rough at Sacrifice Prices Batlelt Post of The American Le­ Kathryn Cusack and George Gott­ Will Be Speaker Home Service Chairman to do in to British and Allied prisoners in where he was in charge of the in­ ver Streets, Miss Zenia Smloenskl; crushed stone might be forced under Trinity Men's Club to hear Harold woody road where guns had to be gion. Carl W. Taylor, Now Haven fried Lehr, Sr; our community. Last summer: tour prison catnps on the continent. spection of flasks. Bradley Ayenue, Mrs. C. V. Mc-tlie ties to make the roadbed more D. Larrabee, chief torpedoman In carried by hand most of the time. firm. Besides ills duties as over­ Country clialrman ot the drive, will 14—Suzanne Gray Steucek to Mr. Waiter Mitchell, Jr., Director letters wft-e sent to. Holland to He was a metnber of the Branfoi'd Dermott; Wiiford Avenue, Mrs. the U. S. Navy speak at a supper This was about 8 o'clock in the Each package of food costs $2.20, seer of the gang it Is a foreman's be the guest of the local committee. Gladys Llnsley and Martin L. Stcn- ot Business Surveys tor Dun and famiUes not heard from after the Rod and Gun club and was always Clarence C. Townsend, South Main meeting tonight In the parish evening of the 12th of September. and contains eleven pounds of es­ duty to warn the members of his Members ot Harry R. Bartlett Post.i cek. Bradstreet and Associate Editor of German occupation and two replies a great hunter and fisherman. He Street, Mrs. Herbert Harrison; Mon­ liouso. There was sound of occasional ve­ pecially selected food items, (such gang of approaching trains." A. L., are requested by Com. Leslie I 10—Frederick Allen Dudley to Ag- Dun's Review will be the guest were received. This service was Continued on page eight towese Street and Damberg Place, hicles somewhere across r a i n - Terms to Suit as milk, orange Juice, cocoa, corned Continued on page flve B.Rodfleldto attend the ball In^^ Lipkvlch arid Frederick Alien drenched woods. Preliminary bom­ speaker at the January meeting of greatly appreciated. Two veterans beef, and wheat concentrates) Mrs. Helen Rice; Tody's Hill, Brushy uniform and special headquarters in jjmjigy bardment had commenced at mid­ the New Haven Chapter.of National passing through the town were which are planned to,offset known Plain, Laurel Hill,/John 'Coolac; hte Town Hall have been prbvlded, m-Boverly Arden Elliot to Doro- Branford Shared night the previous day and was Association of Cost Accounting, on given some assistance. deflelencies in prison diet. Monroe Street, Mrs. Stasia Pudlls; . The Treasurer reports the sum of \,"' ', ?,^'^ .,"?"?'• „ ' "ly Cttlioon •""! Elmer Elliot. steady. Sergeant John Coolac was Tuesday, January 28. It is hoped that people in this Spring Prophet Cedar Street, Harrison.Avenue, Mrs. $358.21 on hand the first, 1940, the Important Events About 800 tickets have Peon mall- ( •24-Leonora Irene Stoor to Irene ST. ELIZABETU'S FARISQ Waller J. McCarthy and James Continued from page one In command. Later, position was Mr. Mitchell is a native ot New OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 11 P. M. country will contribute to the send­ Frank Wlliianus; Palmer Road, Ms. total balance and reolpts amounted led to East Haveners with an appeal gi^^g^i and Leonard Stoor. Fr. William O'Brien Sullivan are among those on the changed to a roadside'situation on i Haven, although he has not resided ing of these much-needed food Due To Appear Donald -Sawtclle; Laurel Street, to $3298.78 this includes the dona­ to patronize tlio eighth annual, 3i_Howard Francis Kopjauskl to Sunday S.chool at 10.45 a. m. sick list. ed ravine near Wourne. n bluit. here since graduating from Yale packages. John Donnelly; Park Place, Hill­ In Feb. Include tion toward the war Kfelief Cam­ charity ball for the prevention of Josephine Richowskl and Harold Confessions—4.00 p. m. Satiurday Rest was interrupted when guns Arriving at Vlgnculies off sched-i University in 1927. He began his side Avenue, Hillside 'Terrace, Mrs. paign of $2250.10 Expenditure to Arrangement has been made so This Sunday Martin Steucek. - ' .. infantile paralysis to bo held in the Raymond Kopjauskl. p'recrding first Sunday MEETING ON ZONING were set up in a depression 800 ule—too early, the First Division business career with the "Murray Spelling Bee East Haven Town Hall on ThurS' January' l;;"Jff4T-^ye>'e'$2780.22 leav­ that anyone who knows a war pris­ Continued on pdge eight 31—Janet MoKoon . to Harriet Sunday Mass at 10 A. M. yards behind the front lines. Un­ Airmen mistook them for enemy Body Corporation ot Detroit, as Ad- day, January 30. , , The Community was Invited to ing abalance of $512.56. oner can send packages directly to By Rose Helen Behler Gillette and Philip Gdwnrd-MoKcon der camouflage the heaviest artll- and bombed them wounding 30., vertislng Manager. After two years Do you like to Spell? Here's your Chairman Thomas I!. Geolari has the flrohouso Friday evening for a PERRY SALES & SERVICE that individual; .moreover, he can Sunday will be Ground-hog day 31—Michael Thomas Petela to But the real enemy was soon flee- with this company lie became Spe- gmoney^spent for yarn, opjjorlunliyl»The.-Assoolated wUsl- annaun6edithfttahfeafrWftr\*ill;,fe'a^oyie;^Fi^ meeting to discuss zoning in Bran­ .b».-assured .^tha^-Kls'^paokage -will irnd""we "Will l{lio'w^*at"S\rndbwn •^^ UNION OHAPEL Ing from the Nutmeg scrappers. | clal Correspondent for the Wall '•*•' "^"'^fficf ifrdntSJa' ness of Branford Is sponsoring a managed with a ; minimum, cost o,g.Qt„„,g,auj p.^^,^^_ ford. It is the purpose of these eloty will meet for a card party, 198 Main St. Phone 4-0186 East Haven Branch as in previous'years made ^each the, prisoner in question, as whether or not winter will be a long Fifty Sunday, January 25; 11 A. M. Ser­ They hiked in mud, they quar-; Street Journal in England and • he will receive a postal receipt real old-fashioned spelling bee to which usually, avei'ages about 20 jj'SBkvAM group gatherings to explain zoning Jan.^>^?^- Coilector of the Old Age 549 Elm Street New Haven, Conn. Quick Sale. Cair437 91 Water St., New Haven SE^^S OR^OUR ELE^Cf RICAL DEALER 1-23,2-7-24 Assistance Tax

py.y.y fzfjrjrt i-i «-*•*;!-*-»Jt.< AXXXA': A-JI^-JC tj^tttnf H fut '^^,*/^^^^JTT:!^' • •*• ? •-.»-*f*^*-.s..Asie^.i>afti^.^¥^ifcrf; -,.«,!.

Pairc Two THE BRANPORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., JANUARY 30, 1041 -iy?..??^^NFORDREVIKW, BRA.Np,OR0, CONN., JANUARV 30, 1C« V,nit(li. softens, dries 8—Vincent Gaelori to Josephine S2:nO ft Year, Payable In Advance Knudsen reported a couple of JOHN ADAI^S^ Now, of nil limes, we should be weeks ago that Industry already had and Edgar Jordon. quickly, leaves xA Rrcnsy'fllm. Thoro Ellxaboth Capezzone and Thomas AdvcrllslnR Rales, On Application 21—Gretclien Garrlly to Anna nro now body lotijirts especially for Ei'nost Coppola BOTH SIGNED THE DECLARATION loynl. done the "Impossible" but must do the purpose; blit biifo'rij you Invest more. Now Blagers says that the Alex and Edward Oerrity. 9—Lawrence Benjamin to Helen OF INDEPENDENCE, JULV 4, 1776, It is good to see a halt dozen 22—John Edwin Bmno to Ann in one, try your old rolinblo hand BOTH WERE SECRETARV OF STATE • nieinhor 01 word "Impossible" has been struck lotion. Apply it after your bath. I Rose Klrby and Percy Bonedlot Wevergo out-/ New EnRland Press Assnolallon (IngH over Brnnford. It is proper from the American mamufacturers' Alice 'Vawadzkl and John Joseph King BOTH MINISTER TO FRANCE, that organizations open meetings vocabulary. Bruno. . In extreme cases, the Journal of 13~Robert Carl to Ruth Hester •:HE oRieiNALi BOTH PRESIDENT,—AND it* I with a patriotic song or salute to Those statements, of course, are 22—Nicholas Jo.«cph Pullman to tho Ainorlcnn Medical Association Anderson and Marcus Emanuel Ml- FIRES STARTBO BOTH DIED THE SAME, tentorert as second ckss matter the (lag. based on fact and not fancy. Many Ellen Margaret Salvln and Nicholas recommends Ihat you us6 soap only oholson IN ->^'£. CUD VhS—dULV -if, ia2£/ Joseph Pullman. on fnco and Imiids, feel and body ^HESISR STREET" Qclbber in, i02B, at tho Post Office A tiny flag on a coal lapel is to reports reading Wa.shhigton tell of 21—John Herbert Boach to Ali­ at Branlord, Oonn. under Act ol new "Impossibles" which have been APRIL folds, nnd liiliko your both with cia Pnrrell Sykes and Samuel Wall PtAMT CFsbw \4 March \ 11107. be respected but if wo are at all stareii, brn'n or oiitmenl. To nvoid Bench' 1825) OF NEW accomplished by surmounting diffi­ 2—Aura Maureen 'Gardner to cldftBhiR drains, oatmeal should bo uncorlain of correct usage for culties and problems which In or­ Mildred Mary Skolouis and Vin­ 24—Leonard Hugh tn~ Harriet •ytol^K'CiTV^ FIRST flags and buntings it would be tied in a Kiiuao bnn and boiled n few Gi^S COMPANY Thursday, January 30, 1041 dinary times would be "Impossible." cent Edward Gardner. mlniites. Then 'both bag nnd Iho Ilowd and 'Larby Murray wise to consult auth(iritios before Some reports already have been ii—Henry Salzman Rcsnick to writer in which It was boilod nr« 25~:Chrlss to Mildred Wllilamona HAVE NEV/EB. TO making serious and uonspicioiis repeated In this column. Here are Muriel Spitzcr and Hoxyard Peck added to the water in the tub. Vlntu Herlth and Prank Bogncki THIS OAV (SOME OUT J UNITV errors. a few more: ResnlcK', should bo topid, not hot. 25—Franklin Harold to Lillian Most defense contracts have been 10—Robert Gilwell Pcltit to Milio Jane Ross and Franklin Leon Meek '-« oldijii (liiys iiwn ohrrlcd jworils l7cd On Tebrulry 14, 1825, the first It we arc to Kurvive m ii free placed with fewer than a thousand Jane McCoy and Robert,E. Pe'ltlt. Tho starch bath is simpler, since 20—Helen Marie to Helen O'Con­ it is necessni'y merely to allr llin —T,l drew tliciii ,¥••«> Ihc'r rn;IH (iiel niinulttcturiiii! plant was started people wc imiHt Iinvc unity. "PREPAREDNESS THROUGH PRODUCTION" manufactures, the reason was that 17—Antonio Louis Aceto to Jen­ nor and Harold O'Nell hnilt'ii E:, may well prove to linve been one else to go. Neither government nor Acelc. nnd ArOlnir Davis Ing right linnds nicii knew tlicy were (tone out I Today, 115 years later, cently to "llie viinl.sliiiiB Ymilcno" 8nfcli''om'eiicIrolhcrl Sonic 5,000,000 faiiiillcs in 860O cities All In The of tlio most decisive in tills nation's history. For it was designated any other group had facts and 17—Patricia Donnelly to Mai'ie 30—Kenneth Irving to Ethel the old stock oC New HuKlimd figures describing small plants here Euluud and Jbhii E. Donnelly. lins and Herbert, Stannard Mary Tuckor and Fred Gay Stnrk New Vorjiors, rci;clv<;il llicir first and towns use this universal'[uelfbi- (iettlerH and Inw-miilcovs who hiivc by the govornorsiof the industrial states of the country as "Pre­ ERE Is "The Aldticli Family," R1S service loiiff lieforc our country's cookliiR, water licating, lioiise lica't- and there which alone are not big H whom author Clifford Gold­ 22—Donald Richard Hansen to 9—John Richard to Elizabeth Cyn 24—Sandra Luoille to Vilma El— viiat Mipvil.V of n.itiiriil gn's wli'a Hlll- Ing .ind rcfrlgeraiiDn. been roiilneecl by iiowBomors ol' Day's Work paredness through Production Week," and during it the National enough to handle a sizeable defense smith has made the most popular Julia Elsie Pctterson , and Oscar tliia Lakso and Cai'l ^nlund freda Brockman and James Ro- Industrial Council has been ooncUieting a vast survey Af all the de­ drder bUt which could do part of It. Barnes offered to take over books family group on the airwaves. The 10-Biian Wllllnm to Grace Gon- tho Slav, Latin, Irisb aiid newer By E C. and N. H. CARPENTER Edwin Hansen. dolph 'Marin fense production facilities of the United States "down to the last Government officials wanted In­ but Mr; Byxbee's man said that first voice to reach listeners on this 23—Marie Teresa Zui'Waliack to ung and Loo A. Polrer. / Included In the toVri, Zonlnft 'the B. How al'o the "districts laid out imrnignuilH. From Our Readers was impossible. Mr. Barnes stated It program on NBC Thursdays is that .31—Walter Austin, Jr., to Mur- lathe in the smallest plant." formation abouts these small plants of Kathenne "Mrs. Aldrioh" Raht (1). Kay, once a Birmingham school Henrietta Zu 'Wallack. ' 11—Nancy Louise to Esther Har­ garot Elizabeth Sabo and Wnitfc.- law provides foif Boroughs to Zone and the. restrictions adopted,-By Present day AmcricauH do not that was so and Mr. Byxbee had thomselvcs, but tlip voters, In tho but they thought It was 'Impossible' teacher, made a namo for herself in the theater as "Mrs. Gibbs" in "Our 20—Michael Joseph Torcllo to Vi­ riet 'VVicks and Egbert EiiBcne Al­ Austln ColbUrn tho morabors of the Zoning com­ meet in a oonnnon languaifo, CUK- THE LEGISLATURE Tho National Industrial Council is a group of industrial and to get It. So I now Industry Itself Is not found that Mr. Barnes had stol­ Town." Ezra Stone (2) plays "Henry Aldrich." Though just past twenty, ola Mario Sansorie and Anthony exander. borough hav'e tlio 'rlEh't to vote oh, mission In acooVt^anco with the trade associations sponsored by the National Association of Manu­ en any money he would resign be­ Ezra is Broadway's busiest youoBStcr. Director ac well as actor, his first 31~Davld Franklin ' to Dorothy the question as to wljeth'er t1i6 't'oWri' toni or sonpf but nro all part or At last the legislature Is well un­ doing the job. Through the National T. M. Byxbee and Co. Thoma Torello. 12—Betsy Clark to Evelyn Doro- wishes of th6 i'osliiehts of various der way. Tho necessary officers have facturers, and it offers the perfect machinery through which industry Industrial Council, which Is spon­ fore they did find something. big stage success was in "Brother Rat." Mary Mason (3) Henry's sister, 27—Gertrude Mary Brookes tto thy Clark and John Elmer Brnln- Harriet Harlow nnd Carroll Neai shall hav6 a zoning byrlaw, , localities made known at public that greiit institution tlic "melt­ Report Board of Charities Account After several weeks trying to get is currently on Broadway In "Charley's Aunt." Born in Pasadena, Gal., ing pot," We do not eat alike or been elected, and the committees can successfully conduct a "self-census" that will bo of iiiflnite sored by the National Association of Mary was early in pictures and has several stage successes to her credit. Ruth Harding aann d Kei)nethjerd. lioarlngs hold In those localities up­ appointed. And the stream of bills Manufacturers, a nation-wide Calling a meeting of the Board a list frotn Mr. Byxbee, Mr. John C. " House Jameson (4) is "Mr.. Aldrich" to some 25,000,000 radio liotoners. BrookoL'. • 12—Male, 'OlanCy to Marguerite ESTABLISHING AWu 'IDN'tT/RCING on due notice to all concerned. think alike. value to the nation. Abe N. I.C. has sent out over 30,000 question­ has begun to flow In. Soon the com­ survey of plant capacities Is being of finance and Board of charity B='''"=«,a"1 ^^-^^^ M-D-Stanley have Once active on Broadway, House now limits his work to radio. 20—Charlotte Alicia Sykes to j Clark and Stutirt Clancy. A S;OHiNo otoiimcinbers. 2. Are the members ot tho zoning spirit of unkindness. determine a correct molding sand.;it, ^e do not ouite know. We knov ! ton. law, the next step Is for tho town strong and each oxprossus itsoll! character that they do not stir own soeurity. Mr. Biggors, speaking to a nation-wide radio audience, stances like the soap manufacturer New Haven charged to charities Long days too, for ten hours was; uo^vever that George is to be con 10—Charles Mcljvo^ to Mildred 3. Who appoints tho rnembers of corii'mlsslon pald,-No. much opposition Others arc qf a JOHN C. BARNES 15—Monroe Earry Petty to Con­ to elect aZoninB'6ommisslon. This 3. Are the niembors pi the board s to make its own contribution to said that in this and other parts of the industrial defense program who Is loading shells, the typewriter account. Mr. Barnes refused to pay tiie custom, and Saturdays were not gi.^ty[jj(;(;^ stance Griilln and Monroe Petty. Me,s.slnger anti Cll&lrlb's William Re­ the zoning commlsslon,-Tho voters highly contiroverslal nature, Certain Commission holds iliearlng for each at town meeting. » of Zoning (ttppals pald,—No. America and American unity. tho word "impossible" was being struck from the national vocabu^ factory that is working on machine and had never heard of bill and Over 100,000 new products have for rest and play. But even ten; ' 20—Joan Ann Bishop to Bertha gan. ,••.', kinds of bills make their appearance guns, and the stove company ihat did not see how Board of Charities 19—Anne Stewart to Janet Fer­ district of tho "town and endeavors 4.' Would, the SibnlnB ;commls5lon 4. Would there bo 'ariy paid officer i appeared upon the American mar­ hours were not enought to satisfy Josephine Bishop arid Harry Pro- lo'carry out "the wishes of each dis­ 5V Unity calls for fair dealing be­ at every i^osslon. One Is the bill to Inry. Mr. Knudsen, in n letter to Walter D. Puller, President of Is making special bolts. • was responsible. Treasurer stated the more ambitious, for it was not A special meeting of tlic aux'il- guson and Willlapi Edwin Hitch­ be non-partlsan,-Thc voters could such as a bulldlnu In3pcotbr,-No. allow belting on horse racing, and ket since 1900. , . r V, , „ '^^''y Pf the Bradford Manor Fire Und. trict as to the v.onlng rdguiatlons for make' It so by providing that more', tween industry, labor and na- N. A.M., declared lliat he was sure that, when completed, the survey that could be legally'done. 20—Nancy Edwlna Robinson to cock, Jr. 5. Whore would Ihb'z'onlnfe com­ the establishment of a lottery. The long before George as general, all :D<,partment will be held Friday eve that particular '. lilatrlot. ,'rhe than 3 members shall be from any mission have Its ; hoadquartws,- lionalitieH for a policy that neither would "linve forged a new and powerful tool, in the form of vital Under ordinary circumstances It All; other items except bill due Industry has developed brakes for around assistant to "Boss" Lea Edwina Maddern (ind Edwin B. 22—Richard. Ctiiemari to Mtiry bait that is always used In these nvniinfl n,cKli!t,nnr, tn '*Ttnia" T,o.a;inln . g i. n t'h.. e lli;ehouso. Th. ._ e instllaJ ^r - Borough of Braiifbrd would not bo one party. . / . Probnbly at'the town hall. . favors nor pepaliues either side. information for the defense of jthe nation." ,^_ , would be "impossible" for a manu­ New Haven and order paid by tho modern ear that are five times asked for, oil,' lamps so that he Robinson. • i. • Ann Balogh and Alfred L. Arden , bills Is the offer to devote a part of Board of Charities was found to be, tion of newly-elected • officers will %5. ' ' Industrialists who would grind Both these noted goiitleiiien are right in thMr statements. And facturer to take many of his best more-'^powerfur'-than-^thc--avera^e" might.raturii^tvnigbt,and,kaep.lws ;be held Saturday evening- at 8:00 , 20-rEdward,.Jo'sBp'h ,-Vallclte' to. !•, • • •••-• ••'•• BEP^H^lSSTt. :y ' '•-•'' • •:- the proceeds - to charity or for tho workers out of his own plant and refused payment by Mr. Barnes. ' record. And George grow with, the i„th,.fl,^,^^^^^ labor, or labor leaders who wonVl purpose of reducing taxes. Thoy in this vast inventory of our defense needs, we have the inspiring auto engine. Emma- Dorothy Bakftno and An 2—John aoodw)n",'to.-Janet Sara turn them over to another manu He also stated that there were factory, for just old^No 1 foundry|„,,,, ^^ ^^ inducted: president, thony Vallette. i . disrupt industry do not aim for well know that such arguments piotiu'e of a free people answering the problems posed by a chaotio many thousands of-bills refused in was replaced by a large and lighter',, , i^iv-oiucni,, Pyle and John Edward Taylor faoturer for training in a new line 25—Malcolm Stuart Boswell to 10—Ronald Anthony to Helen national unity. make a strong Impression on some world, and answering those problems in their own free, intelligent of work. Any man who did that long the last ten years that at present To Hear About Taxes one; and then No 2 foundry ^^,^3; Mrs. James McDonough; vlce-presl- people. There are quite a number of Rose Marie Nuzzo and Jonathan Donadlo and Pasquale Inzero Unity calls for a policy of hon­ way. under usual conditions, would't there was almost no distress In Associated Business of Branford buiit, and'than No 3. and then No. | tlent, Mrs. Helen Morton; .secretary, Boswell. people whoso conscience is of such 4,—all ticking with rapping iron, and'Mrs. .Alvin Thompson; treasurer, 18—Patricia Gail to Helen Apolo- est cooperation without any per­ stay in business long. I Branford. That- Is, orders were less meets February 4 at the Althea Tea JUNE nio Burg and Josepli Ricclotti an elastic and adjustlble character But in one Eastern state, one | than $50 per month including help | Room and Shop to hear Arthur later buzzing with vibrators, tor Mrs. •William Dion. Mrs. Archie UICK EASY AND sonal, class, factional, partisan or that they can easily disregard the thosewerethedayswhencu.tomer.s E,„, J,, t^,^ ^.^y^. p,<.,ident, will S^Robert Phillip McGowan to 21—Karen Hazel to Gertrude Ad­ manufacturer is selecting about 700 on rents. ; Goethner speak on taxes. The Margaret Elizabeth Purccll and dle Northam and Raymond Floyd sectional or'occupational dilTcr- methods of obtaining money It some DEFENSE IS EVERYBODY'S JOB of his own most capable workers and Mr. John Rogers seemed very speaker Is president of the Con- ordered more and more, and new; . ^ onces. of It Is used for good causes They John Aloysius McGowan. Jackson ' • ''' ' turning them over to a second' opposed to Board of Charities and nectlcut Federation of Taxpayers customers came to the front door, ;act as installing officer. A banquet 5—Morgan Thomas O'Brien to 25—Male to Sue Mary Canettl are the true descendents of the manufacturer for training in mak- i made a motion that all charities Association. Anyone interested is we were going gread guns," .^ay.s knights of the middle ag(;s who Contributing mai'kedly to national defense progress. Revere ' and dance will follow the instalia- Mary Catherine Dates and Morgan and Peter D'Onofrlo OUGH WASHINGS ing air plane engines. Not only that, I be taken care of by Mrs. Barnett's invited either to the supper at 6:30 George. ; tion. Francis O'Brien. >• FIGHTS LIQUOR went put to plunder and rob and Copper and Brass Incorporated of Rome, N. Y,, is offering $10,000 department.. Selectman Bradley,; or to the meeting follovrtng, or 28—Charles Michael to Helen made things all right by devoting but the first manufacturer is sup­ But if you think that fifty years The annual meeting will be held 9—Albert Jarvis D'Onofrlo to Au-Stephanie Dezlkas and Charles in prizes for suggestions that will speed up America's defense pro­ plying tree a huge building in chairman, put the motion which | both. ' . of foundry work has slowed or even' pe)3f,,ary 24 Legislation to banish liquor some of the plunder to charity or guEtina Pelizzari and Albert D'Ono­ Stanley Witkowski gram. Tho suggestions arc to come from the ranks of workers in the which his workers are being trained was carried. The Town Toggery Will provide steadied down George Marah, take a; ^ frlo. > • from army training centers is to, religion. And those who cannot be '30—Patricia Agrids to Anna Ma.v WITH THIS NEW 1941 s caught with such arguments will metal-working trades, about two million of whom up to the rank to work for the other fellow. The Complaint about books. Mr. the door prizes. look at him and his smile, try_ to! 11—'William Andrew BorziUo to Brazee and Jolm Potasz bo pushed in Congress according most likely succumb to this one: of foreman are eligible to compete. first manufacturer Is even furnish­ tell him a new story or oven try" to SC'BSCiJ/JSE TO THE • L 'Victoria Rosalie Canettl a nd An­ ing heat for the building. follow his long Ir^s around for a; OCTOBER to the Nntional W.C.T.U. "People have always gambled and The workers' ideas need not be "big or revolutionary" and need drew Borzillo. day, "by ginger" . i • BRANFORD REVIEW 1—Joseph Robert to Stella Mel- UNIVERSAL WASHER Laws enacted in 1917 specifical always will. So why not make them not be confined directly to articles of war. Tlioy can be suggestions 16—Joseph Paul Bodner to Kath- mina Seseske and Joseph Theo­ pay for the privilege?" O well, It usually would be "Impossible" OUR DEMOCRACY" erlne Megliu and Joseph A. Bodner ly protected camp areas from liq for original or improved products, processes, methods, tools, devices,; for a manufacturer to deliver to dore Morawskl , uor but such laws have been re people, have often broken all.of the 16—George Michael Bodner to 1—Eleanor to Eleanor Peach and ten commandments, so as long as or ideas which, in the opinion of an independent awards jury, will a purchaser goods which cost him Katherine Mcgiin and Joseph A. pealed. more than he gets for them. That William E. Putnam, 3rd they are sure to do It why not make most help the United States to speed up its,defense program. Bodner. 1—Robert Frederick to Ellen GoiiTGeorge C. Slarshall, Cliiet them pay for the privilege? Shame­ would mean either bankruptcy, or a 19—Carolyi'i Ann Rico to Nan This contest brings to mind that our great idustrial progress in new manager. But one manufactur­ Jeanne Mullen and Robert Daniel ' of Staff of tho United States Ar­ less stuff, and Intelligent people tho past has been in large measure due to men who started at tho Elizabeth Steadman and Kenneth Sohroeder • Change "washday" into a wash ought to know better than to er who got a sizeable order is doing Eaton Rice. my welcomes community coopern bench, the lathe, and ^lo forge—men like those eligible for this' just that. 2—Anita Elizabeth to Ida Sellano tion and says "On the reserva­ swallow such bait as that. But they 21—George William LawiOr- to hour. Change all day drudgery will have plenty of chances at this award, Schwab, Knudsen, Edison, Goodyear, to -mention a few among He expected to get new machines Skrlnavs and Fred Roberg tions tlio army can control mat Muriel Beverly Nodene and George 7—Richard Cole to Adeline Cole session, and have had such chances thousands, are examples of men of extraordinary talent who, from more efficient than those now in William Lawlor. into a simple t^sk free from ters, but when the soldier leaves and Harold Frandls Tousey In the past. Then there Is always humble.beginnings, haveenriched this whole mighty country of ours use. He was to begin deliveries in 21—Hattie May Long to Mary tho cam]) our trouble begins." tho cry that all t>arts of the state April. The new machines, however, •Nancy Lee 16» Agnes Theresa hand rubbing, scrubbing and by the industries they have built and improved. Price-and Jasper Long. Purcell and Harry Collins ~Cham- ^Mrs. Ida B, Wise Smith, presi­ are not equally represented, and an­ won't be finished until late March. 28—Judith May Fisher to Ruby v/ringing. Get this new . other sad plea for some of the high­ It is in -the spirit of Paul Revere's cry—"To arms! To arms!" So the manufacturer Is making the berlain dent of tho Temperance Union Dolph and Howard Earl Fisher. 9—Nora Ann Wall to Rita Mar­ way fund. But I will write about —that —^the company which bears his name is answering the nation's goods on old—and less efficient— 20—David Alfred Stadalnik to says this protection is needed not these later. machines and will start deliveries garet Schloemann and John Thom­ only for 'its moral benefits but to call for au "nil out" rearmament effort, addiiig one more'account Marion Dclndzaleta and Alfred as Wall February 1, more than two months Stadalnik. i\\ them for the work they want to the record of industry's contribution to the total story of Amer­ ahead of schedule. So far he had no U—Leonard TValter to Jane Pau-. UNIVERSAL E. C. C. (FIROM MECHANIC TO MAGNATE,-FROM THE BUSINESS END JULY to do. ica's defense progress. assurance—not even silent assur­ line Zurkus and Louis Anthony ance—that the government will pay OF A PITCHFORK TO BOSS OF A BANK,-FROM COUNTRY 4—Jean Dei-iso to Martha Hubert Gorskl The inevitable bootlegging pro- WHAT TO DO ABOOT IT GIRL TO COLLEGE PRESIDENT-AMERICA'S RECORD OF and Casper Deriso. 14—Charles Atwater to Irma The drink problem Is always with drink to other young people whom his higher costs. ELECTRIC WASHER lilcm then arises. it would harm as much as It would against auto headlights, blowing In INDIVIDUAL SUCCESS KEEPS ROLUNS. 6—Andi'ew Amendola to Stasia Howd and Herbert Arthur Allen us. As tho Quarterly Temperance a miniature blizzard around Julia Rozepal and Anthony Amen­ 18—BeLiy Thompson to Fiorehoe Surely no man can pilot a Lesson comes around again, it harm me If I took It." "These were Another comparatively small ^ MEN,ANO WOMEN TOO, ARE LIMITED ONLY BY on wednes< now and say farewell the courageous words of an unem­ corners. People huddling In little manufacturer has made loans of dola. Miriam Thompson and Frank IPn- piano, operate anti-aircraft guns, stresses the responsibility of Indivi­ groups at trolley stops, coat collars rwa^ QW^ AMBITION AtJC A&ILITy. 6—Kenneth 'Wayne to Evelyn eing Bigelow duals. Should 1 do anything about ployed OhWstInn youth. Has he more than $500,000 to even smaller or give orders, mentally alert, up, hands stuffed in pockets. Every­ Ruth Sawyer and AlvIn Ralph Par- 3D—Diane Rpsen'e to Helen Eliz­ to blue Mondays liquor, 'What can and will the any Chance to win out. Should all sub-contractor so they can turn out WITH THE WORLD'S BEST LIVING STANDARD AND FEBRUARY 12, 1941 with n brain dulled by alcohol. Christians take a similar staiid?" thing quiet. Easy to heav voices. No adii). abeth Sokolosky ahd F^ank Salva- .Christian do about It? These three parts faster. The banks thought the PAY, WE HAVE ALSO FULL FREEDOM TO WORK Tho organization also calls at­ Parents of ,Hlgh School children echo, like Inside a broadcasthig loans were "Impossible" and 6—John Richard. Witkowsky to tore PIscitello things arc suggested In the AT WHAT AND WHERE WE PLEASE. ® No listing can be included in the nev/ book unless Harriet Louise Field and Peter J. tention to tho fall of the 1^'encli CJhrlstlan Herald. will find an Interesting article in the studio. Best shot: a lonely street wouldn't make them, so the manu­ 31—Walter to Virginia Burbon Witkowsky. and Stephen Federation. ropublie. The oflioinl report of tliO l.Keep himself clear from It, be­ February Christian fterald on the lamp, swhiglng a golden cone in a facturer did. your order is received by l5 P. M of that day. "Alcohol Education" which has world of white. 9—David Forest Wetmore to Mar­ NOVEMBER, Council of Jliuistors of the Vichy cause of Its potential harm to him garet Eleanor Hill and Forest Wet- 2—Alberta Ann to Virginia Vio­ because It Is the agent of sin In his taken the place of the "Temperance . Intermteslon. These are but avery few samples So, if you plan to order a telephone "some time Qovernment ascribes its fall to the Instruction" which was prevalent In more. let Cook and Burtpn ."Trumen At­ Ule, and because It prevents him of how the "Impossible" is being soon"... or find you need an additional listing . . , use of liquor in the army especial­ thelrown school days. Parents could Time; Morning. Scene: snow and done these days. Small wonder that 10—Patricia, Ahh Deal to Llbei-ta water ';' from being an example of goodness sunshine. Six inches, the ra.dlo says, Mary Giordano and Robert Joseph 4—Raymond William to Helen Ko- ly in the inactive period. In the sight of others. ' do much to help establish the sup- Knu(j5eii and Biggers say that word or expect to change your address . . . tell us now, plemeritary social functions which and clear today. All up and down Is going the way of the dodo. Deal. ' v/alskl and Rudolph HcrrnanBeavis Only ^ Down Germany, on the other hand de­ .2. Refrain from bringing It to before it is too late. 20—Patricia Susanhc to Susie 5—Janet Norma' 'to Agne.'i Maars others, on the basis of his responsl- would turn the scientific Instruction the street, shovels and people clear­ clares that tho army must abstain into helpful and pleasurable per ing sidewalks. Buzzing chains on Katherine Torino and Jo.scph Wal­ and Albert Wllliaqia EASY MONTHLY TERMS ., > from alcohol to conquer the world bllltyfor tholr welfare. "Woe unto The United States Is often called It's abays an asset to have your name in the ter Shillnskl. him that putteth the bqttlo to his sonal and group 'experiences. 'Why auto wheels. Big banks where the the "cleanest country" In the world, G—Jean Louise to Lillian Pederson "For tho protection of our not? snowplow went. Across the lawn^^a because it uses about one third of telephone directory. Surely you want people to bo 29—'William Scranton Kelsey to arid John Doyle Baldwin z brother's lips." Katherine Scranton and Edwin SEE US OR YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER country," states the W.C.T.U. 3 Engage In every possible action N. H. C. row of tracks turned up by the all the soap produced each year. able to find you easily. You want to be readily avail-' 8—Vorna Ann to Ida Christine "the defense of onr institutions hardy milkman. Best shot: two There are nearly 20,000 employees Ruthven Kelsey, Jr. Ericson and William Vernor Ash- to restrict the use of strong drink, able for friendly chats, for. social and business 29—Katherine Scranton Kolsey to and tho preservation of tho lives to build up resistance to Its sale n boys, overshoes, mittens, and coal In the soap Industry of this, country. worth. . ml TWO-BY-FOUR shovels, pushing a doorbell—"Shovel opportunities. Katherine Scranton and Edwin 9—Richard Theodore to Esther of our people', one of tho most im areas large and small, and to curb Ruthven Kelsey, Jr. your walk, mister?" Ii^dustry spent ^215,000,000 last [TINTHE TOTALITARIAN LANDS USM t\V.£ FORCED 70 WORK Severino and Alfred Bernard Aguzzl (^\ CONNECTJCUT^^pjrirav Po_WER portaut measures to be taken is Its devastation everywhere. bj/ Gilbert Stinger Don't delay. Call or visit our Business Office 31—Michael Brennan to Kather­ "Somehow I''will get along without year to improve existtag products AT YHE JOBS AND FOR THE WAGES THE DICTATORS SET li—David to Anna Kamlnsky to protect Ihc men in uniform AND DON'T DARE STRIKE,CJUit OR LEAVE THEIR. NOWl , • ine Dolores Brennan and Thomas and Leo Morawskl a job rather than take one which In recent years, subsidiary gov­ and try to discover new ones. This S >i Jo.seph Fitzgerald. from the use of alcoholic liquors." requires me to dispense liquor to SNOWFALL ernment agencies In the United year, because of defense needs, the LOCALITIES. AS FOR. WOMEN, IT'S ALMOST ALL 12—Mary Eiizabfth to risle Col­ 221 MontowGSG'Stroet Phone 744 Branford, Conn. They would defend our defend­ other people. I could not clear my Time: Twilight. Scene: snow. A States have been set up at the rate figure will probably be much • MANUAL LABOR p-QR THEM. * AUGUST lins and Philip Bulger ers. ' r •• ' -'• conscience If I were to servo strong tine snow, falling fast, swirling of about 185 a year. higher. 1—Dolores Grace to Muriel Col- 15-Suo Anne to Wallcc Whitby



1 * » > ^ 1 • ' t r A T * «--^ ft f„i». It • if-ifr.i'. <^.Jfe ^,-


PagoFpur THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., JANUARY 30, 1041 Stony Creek Failure ToiKeep Ymmm. A^mf^mmL -H Herbert itepmofher'B Attitude THE POCKETBOOK Red Cross Uuit • FASHIOH PREVIEW* Just Arrived ConOnticd fromjxipe one IgAtCUlATED FOR THE WEEK OF gBtgBOflia^ESVfl©. Should Be Friendly College Notes TOPPS By Jean Allermatl '— 0/KNOWLEDGE FEBRUARY PC. ..TOO FEBRUARY lO.. r.39 Continued from page one About five minutes before the ar­ lO FEBRUARY II...6.59 EBRUARYII ,. VERY year thousands of wo­ Mrs. Ray^'nond Page is doing nice­ lis FFDRUARY IJ...6.5a € I.3I Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sansevero rival of No. 14, which wos on lime m EBRUARYI2.. 5,33 E men talte up the task of rais­ Robert Beach is home from ly after a long Illness. *ltt)lW"TVrA', FEBRUARY W...6.55 ;VC party Fob. 11 In the Community Noyes at Pembroke Coilego. work after a weeks illness. STRICILY rilESII •JTHE CHIEF OLORV, THE TRUE HONOR or AHATIOH, IS LIDEHIY.'-UjAFAYntE gang. • LARGE EGGS Gtnite A '<« 33c PINEAPPLE, Allegro Music Club members will House. Second Lieut Edward C, Fitzgerald His failure to keep a proper look BLACKBERRY, u C CHERRY, APRICOT meet February 3 at tho home of Miss Marie V, Anderson, 125 or East Haven left Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Adlson Bradley and out and to observe this train ap- EVAP. MILK BABIES THRIVE ON IT 4 cans 28c U^lSc Willis Pratt, Klrkham Street. Hemingway Ave, East Haven is t^e Connecticut National Guard daughter left Saturday to spehd tho proacliing was tho cause ot his DoMolay Sponsors Party FINISHED WORK e A I V CRYSTAUNE • FREE RUNNING ZIb among who have been taking their ^ for Northfiold, Vt. where they will winter in Mexico. death. 3ALI PLAIN or IODIZED pkg 6c Bakery Dept . . . OFPIOUL VISITATION mid year examinations, undergo tour weeks special course BACHELOR SERVICE SHORT BEACH "It would have been possible to see EAST HAVEN Tickets are on sale for a card •• of instruction at Norwich Univer- Mrs. Philip Burne has been in this train belore It reached Bran- UlA'TrUCC OHIO BLUE TIP RAISIN POUND party to be given February 11 at O boxes 16c Georgia Chapter, No. 48, O. E. 3. Morbidity Kcport sity. Westerly, R. I. where she attended ford station, a distance ot appoxl- CAKE LARGE cur Mcli 25c the ComiTiunity House at 8:00 by ST. ELIZABETH'S PARISH Jeanette Thompson is having a ArlAICrlBd Reg. ZO cublclnch boxes so .showed two cases of scarlet fe­ will hold an official visitation of According to the last bulletin ' . \ tho funeral of a friend. inately halt a mile it anybody had DDE An WIIOLi: 20 ot o RED CROSS ROLL CALL the DeMolay Boys. Fr. William O'Brien ver reported. tho Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. published by the Connecticut De-, birthday supper party tonight. happened to look toward the west. BREAD WHEAT iDii 8c STARTS IN EAST HAVEN Evelyn J. Lounsbury and her asso­ Sunday S.chool at 10.45 a. m. FINAST PRUNES Me?t5,''s'an7a''SL p'kL" 19c partment of Health there are three 1 Miss Ruth L Clark of New Haven Tel. 572-2 - 572-3 Little Gail Ann Lenr, daughter ot Rev. Kennotli Brookes is spend­ "Wlien the engineer did observe ICED EGG RAISIN ciate grand olticers Monday even­ AValentine dance sponsored by cases ot whooping cougli one of and Howard G, Spencer ot Guilford Confessions—4.00 p. m. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George G. Lehr is ing a week in Bangor, Maine, at­ these men he blew his whistle and ing, February 17 in the Masonic Fort Hale Lodge will bo held Thurs­ preceding first Sunday tending a convocation ot ministers applied his brakes, but the oiglit- SALMON "JSn'aSc sT^ArSArBTOR CAvT T'S.^25c16 01 BREAD '"* 12c Chairman Mrs, Alvln Snnford of measles, one ot scarlet fever and:who were married Saturday after- B, W. Nelson, Prop, confined, by illness to the New Ha the East, Haven branch of the Reel Grannis Corner Hall. day, February 13 at 8:30 P. M. in one ot lobar pneumonia in Bran-j noon in New Haven will live in In- Sunday Mass at 10 A. M. ven Hospital. at the Bangor Seminary. car train was traveling at a speed of C^IO DOG FOOD FOOD 29c BUNS SNOWPLAKE ""iV' lOc Cross has ls,suecl a call lor a few Supper wiUbe served at 0:30. the East Haven Town Hall, tord, , ' dian Neck, about 50 miles an hour and it was more oahvBssor.s for the Red Cross By lio.se lleleii Bclilor Music at .the Church ot Christ Impossible tor hlni to bring it to a PANCAKE SYRUPTIMBERLAKE "J'10c UNION CHAPEL The Woman's Auxiliary will hold AII9cSpicesc.iQr roll call which starts February 17. a covered dish luncheon meeting Sunday will be, choir anthem "Bo stop in thne. qt Mrs, Sanford has expressed hor A special mooting of The Fair- Sunday, February. 11 A. M. Still My Heart"—by Whehouse "It did stop approximately throe BELMONT lar 25c CHOICE OF 5EVCUAL KINDS Monday noon in tlie flrehouse. SALAD DRESSING SEEDLESS gratification iit the response of mount Association will be held on • Sermon by the pastor, Rev. E C. "Offertory," Edwin Burne, ' 'Blind ear lengths past decased's body. volunteers in the knitting and sew­ liTlday, January 31st, 1941 at 8:00 Carpenter.' Topic: The Gentlene.ss Plouthman" by Clarke. Raisins 'p'kg"' 6c P, Mi at Headquarters of the Annex For Perfect Results at Extra Savings ing project, and announced that 145 ot Christ. Anthem by the Choir. turned over to the National Founda­ SEEDED women of the town are now sowing Fire Dept., Forbes Ave., for the pur­ Communion Service at close- of Meet And Greet Mrs. K. Brookes and daughter, pose of voting on the proposed con­ tion tor Infantile paralysis, ^whilo CAKE FLOUR Raisins 2;Kg°s15c or knitting garments. Some East sermon. Gertrude Mary, are In Boston, Mass $20,500.47 was retained in Connecti­ Haven women are attending the solidation of Tho Fair Haven East 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. George tor a week. HITE *> ''t <" OO... Association. Your Neighbor cut. Connecticut's share, in turn, annual meeting of the New Haven Brown Superintendent. Lesson was distributed to tho six state 'RAY ^ Pl"> 17c Wheat Cereal"^Si' ^m 12c at the home ot Mrs Eric Swanson. Hartford and the larger cities ot tho STRAINED meeting of the Halt-Hour Reading Bowling will bo as usual, on the Valentine dance in the flrehouse. Mrs. W. Page has been taken to Educator Crax 2 PZ 29c BABY Club. . first Tuesday ot the month In the state, the "Homo Parties" by civic SUPER SUDS FOODS O cans 20C Mr Charles Soovil; Bradley Avenue The cost? A penny, perhaps a the New Haven Hospital with pneu­ and social leaders to represent BLUE PKC. Wheat %mHvm pka 4e Mrs. Roy Hotohklss will discuss Church basement. CONC. pk"•'•"a= 18c nickel tor each guest is asked to monia. women's contributions, and the Current Events. Mrs. c. K. Redfleld This Sunday the Reverend has been attending the furniture Argo Gloss Starch show in New York City. bring an unaddressed comic val­ various activities scheduled tor the KLEK will be hostess Edward L. Poet will preach the Vincent Lucareiii has recovered actual observance of the President's ClANrslZE rt . t-t, Statler Towels PAPER roii 8c CHIPSO fourth in a series ot sermons con­ entine tor someone ot the opposite KED I'KC. 2 Pl«is 31c Mr. Hjalmer Lind of Granite sex. from chicken pox. bh'thday. ToiletTissueRicii'^oND 6 '°ii' 18c FLAKES or GRANULES A permit has been Issued for re­ cerning the ten Conmandments. at PALMOLIVE tho St Andrews Methodist Church. Bay announces the engagement ot j Remember the date. It is a meet Scot-Tissue 3'°ii< 20c novations amounting to $3000 for his daughter, Elsa to Mr. Walter and greet your neighbor night. Rose Altermatt has recovered The Indian Necli iFire Co. Au­ SOAP His subject win be "Remember tho Nestles Cocoa Evcrrtady J,!," 21c a club house at 181 Klmberly Av­ Williams, also of Granite Bay. ' —— — from an attack ot grippe. xiliary held its annual meeting and ,?:.\h\,trl,:4bar> ISc 2 Ss 37c enue to Francis Bowo, Steward of Sabbath Day." Communion will also turkey dinner Wednesday evening the Annex Alliletic Club be observed. Caroline BombolLskl Is 11! with in the flrehouse. . tho grippe. Past President Mrs. Clifford Col­ P&G SOAP DUZ IVORY SOAP; So many ot our friends and neigh­ lins installed the tollowing olticers; Two cases of lobar pneumonia bors have been contlnod to their The Pinochle Club will meet WHITE NAPTHA All Purpose Soap Powder mcd £• president, Mrs. Frod^. Hou.se; vice- bar 3C 3K^25c' weie reported here for tho week homes with colds, grippe or flu, that Wednesday afternoon at tho home ending January 27. The report al- president, Mrs. Ernest A. Olson; it Is impossible to pay them indivi­ of Mrs. Pacific Sanzero. secretary, Mrs. John Connolly; bars dual attention in this column. We T3c treasurer, Mrs. Raymond Reed. •ana do, however, wish to each and every Mrs. Frank Sullivan ot Hamden The out-going president, Mrs. sufferer,, a speedy and complete re­ has returned home from the Hos­ James Rourke was'presented with Shop of covery. pital of St. Raphael after seven a ring and Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Col­ FINAST weeks illness. lins received corsages. The regular meeting of tlie Atuiex enkins Mrs. Howe made the following Fire Dept,, Ladles Auxiliary will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanzero are WHITE held February the fifth. All mem­ appointments; ways and means, J at their home, 139 Harbor Street, Mrs. Frederick Abel;, hospitality, bers are urged to attend, anuary after a honeymoon trip to New Mrs. Richard Brown; hlsfbrlan, York, Philadelphia and Washing­ Mrs. Lewis Rltzlngor; publicity, Mrs. BREAD The Ladies Bingo Club hold a ton. CASH SALE Colllna. Fresh Baked theatre party tor a performance ot Tho next meeting will be Feb. 5. SHIRTS "Gone With The Wind," Among Mrs. Lucy Palmer recently at­ Daily Ueg. $2.00—$;!.,'-)U those present were: Mesdames tended a shower for hor niece in Now n.65 Lenard Forselius, Joseph MacDon- South Glastonbury. Whole or Either End ald, Louis Arotsky, Robert Nattress, 2 Pork Loins One Price LB 19c 2'°' ?3.00 Joseph Malone, Carl Kandetzkl, Jerry Garden was home over the Fritz Zettergren, Louis Boyce, Roger 1 lb 4 oz loaves NECKWEAR weekend from army camp av yish- FRESH • LEAN Johnson and Mrs. Elsie Svlgnoy. er's Island. LB Ueg. il;2,00 to $;i.uO $ Dinner was oaten after the theatre Shoulders 4-6 lb average 16c Now ; 1.35 at tho Aschenbroedel Rstaurant. • Boned and Rolled Portion of Funds LB 3'°' HM Birthday congratulations to Mrs. Lamb Fores If Desired 13c HOSIERY G. Link whoso birthday is today, Fish Special Keg. 50c tho 30th, and also to Mrs. F. Zetter- Reniains in Conn. FRESH NEW ENGUND ....Now 3 for;i.o o greon who has her birthday Febru­ MACKEREL DRESSED LB ary the 2nd. Chickens 3-3JS lb average 29c Reg. .$1.00 Wool Hose Were they the "good old days"? How about To Aid Victims 9c Now PAJAMAS 650 The Misses Mildred Almstrom, . youth guidance, for instance?, One-halt the funds raised in Con­ Our Famous Corned Beef! Pauline and Rose Helen pehler. Reg. $2.00-42.50 - Time was when adult contribution to youth was necticut for the 1941 infantile par­ MIDDLE RIBS HoiTnVfMoti }A 19c Rose Formlceiin, Alma, Ann and AVAILABLE AS A SIX-OR AS AN alysis campaign, which closes on Now Blanche Sansone. Ann and Carmel ,NO\V TO THli MOST popular line of cars Here is another true Pontiac, endowed with all confined largely to negative commands — lists LEAN ENDS CTK^B"E"IF" LB 29C n.65 it has ever offered, Pontiac adds a new of Pontiac's sturdincss, handling ease and econ­ EISHT FOR ONLY $25 DIFI=ERENCE January 30, will be retained for use Scola, and Helena Spalty, attended of things our young people must ttot do. in this state. . 2'°'- ?3.00 a special performance of La Pille and striking model—the low-priced omy—plus the unrivalled domfort of Pontiac's Delicatessen Values! Metropolitam n "Torpedo" Sedan, with., body by "Triple-Cushioned Ride." Yet it sells at a price just Thomas S. Smith, state chairman SWEATERS Du Roglmente (The Daughter Of Contrast that with the modern, more wholesome MINCED HAM FRESHLY Fisher,patterned ajtera higher-priced and sensation­ above the lowest. See it today! ot the Committee tor the Celebration lb Reg. $G,00 *2.95 the Regiment) at the Metropolitan ally successjul Pontiac hotly type. attitude toward youth — the greater emphasis, ot the President's Birthday, which or BOLOGNA "'^"^ 19c Opera House in Now York City...;.... •riiis new Metropolitan is a four-door, four- particularly by our churches, on things youth Is directing the campaign in practi­ Now During their stay in Now York, the PONTIAC FOR THE DE LUXE VEAL LOAF "> 19e Ueg, $7,50 Ciiinel Iliiir window sedan with a smart, enclosed rear quarter. PKICliS "TOKPEDO" SIX should do — social and recreational programs cally every community in Connecti­ *4.95 group sojourned at the Hotel New BEGIN AT BUSINESS COUPE cut, explained today how every in­ Now With two windows on eacli side, it takes on lines sponsored by churches, dedicated to the physical, Other Produce Values Yorker. and contours impossible to achieve with the con­ fg28 fantile paralysis victim is benefit­ moral and spiritual well-being of youth — and COATS ventional six-window design. In addition, it com­ * Delivered at Pontiac, Michigan. State tax, optional ted by the drive in this state. ORANGES MEDiuMsfze 2 «» 25c Reg, $45-$50 August $f}A CA Mi-s. Robert Lhik is convalescing of society as a whole. bines unusual rear-compartment spaciousness with eaulhnient and accessories —extra. Prices subject to Using the figures oi the 1940 cam- ORANGES i&Si'i,^zE 2 do< 35c Bros, .Overcoat. Now'^**"" at New Haven Hospital tollowing die privacy which many find desirable. change ivithout notice. T«E FINS CAR WIW WS LOW PHISi President Roosevelt's birthday Looking lor a iprlng lutl? The Rog. $a5 'I'weed Coats $OJ^ Cfl an operation. paign, when a similar procedure was February Cood Uou$ekeeplng offert GRAPEFRUIT. LAROEsizE 7 "" 25c Zipper Lined. Now'^*"'" This is a new column and we are Ihli c/iic luH of navy uool high­ APPLES 6 "^» 23c NATIVE r% laroe tn^ followed, Mr. Smith said that CELERY looking for news of either Granniss $39,661.64 was raised Iri this state, lighted by the perennially faihton- NATIVE WHIIE, CRISPY X bchs lyC Corner or East Haven. If you have CENTRAL GARAGE ••< of which fiknount $18,075.17 was able note of polka dou. MCINT05H BEETS or CARROTS \'hllFRESH larae 5c Shop of Jenkins any items ot interest, please phone SEE us OR YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER APPLES 5"" 25c 189 Church St. New Haven 4-0001, or drop a postcard to 178 Hillside Avenue New Haven. 64 MAIN STREET PHONE 968 BRANFORD, CONN,

t,*.A^t-if.f..^^.f^..'r*.ir;K.it'^.f.^.A f f-iif •* *tf. ^ <,.•.*<<.•+.^*T^•*••i'•ft^>^,•^.^*:-^'•''-»f;•.'-*• .1... P f Tn'P' •• * 7 •/" A' ^l;^^WW>«i*'*»'***»**ft-*t(n' -< i. if^'iff-*


««r tremendous crowds Saturday and baseball Branford Battery Sunday. In order ' that overyone Boxing IN^THElSPOTLIGHJAJX Citiema Chatter may see the greatest picture out of By David 0.'Alber'- Confinwed /rom sports pose Hollywood, wo are happy lo an­ Basketball -:-'\r ••"••• , nounce the holding over ot Hockey Hear Tell: Except for a 30 mlnulo We hope this is our last story that counts. Oddly enough, he in-' GWTW" Thur Jan 30 1041 for tho LATEST SPORT NEW about Dorothy Laniour's sarong. crs to the F battery's meagre seven, lunch hour each day, Edward G. traduced his new program on tho third and final week, Margaret Football It should be. Dotty called in re­Mutual network and airs it Satur­ Battery H 208th C A Robinson spent a full week kneo- EDITED BY W. J. AHERN Wrestling porters last week and before their Mitchells Ihrlll-packcd story ot the day nights, the reason for this "Branford Battery" . deep in water for scenes in "The astonished eyes set out to bumbein g that he also introduced South In It.'s complete, uncut, tidl- that famous saronj;. She was Nalmo, rf _ 10 0 20 Sea Wolf"—and not a sniffle.... "Hobby Lobby" over tm same net­ length version. The only "cul" in going to convince nor bss£, she work three years ago. Hyllnskl, If 4 3 11 Sldrley Ross, who just completed explained, that sho was never llie current cngagcinent Is in the LaCrolx, c 2 0 4 iicr role in "Sho Stayed Kissed," « ever going to wear it again. But, admission price. To those wlio miss­ to her amazement, the thing just Giunkowskl, rg 1 0 2 and her husband, Ken Dolan, Will New York this season is seeing ed earlier showings of "OWTW" tho wouldn't burn. Finally some one numerous spectacles for the bene­ LIpkvlch, Ig 6 0 10 welcome tho stork In Moy The remarked Uiat it was fireproof. fit ot Bundles for Britain, a war new presentation offers another Fans Viisioii Torrid rifiay Totals 22 3 47 m'ovie Industry's celebration of "Jungle sets, you know," he said, relief organization. These shows "are liable to bum down. Might No Scoring—Gebel, N. PaUmi'bo, opportunity lo see what has bpen are peopled by almost every avail­ Frank Capra's 20th year in films acclaimed everywhere as the grea­ set the sarong on Are." But Dotty able star of stage and radio and^ E. Yuzachevlcz, i. 'yuzaohevicz and win be 0 stag affair. was determined. She dipped the the credit of llnmg up tliese por-; Hendrickson. test motion picture over made, Puckmon Meet Norv/alk What Price Victory sarong in gasoline and made film sonalities goes to young Ted Warners presents Brcnda Mor- Clark Gablci' Vivien Leigh, Leslie- BRANFORD BATTERY WINS Milford Falls history when it went up in flames. Battery 'F 68th C. A. .shttU, Ronald Rcagon, Dennis Mor­ That's that • Steele, a talented pcrsohaliiy him­ Howard and Olivia tie Havilland Hornets' Meet East Haven self, and head of the stage and Roberts, rf 0 0 0 gan, James Stephenson and Eddie • . * \ *' radio committee for Bundles fori Eversoul, If 2 0 4 head tho_ brealh-laUlng cast ot Tho Brnnford Hockey Club will Bran ford's victory was not with­ Dave Elman is no man to sit Albert wltii gold medals com­ Before Hornets Britain. Ted, who is only 23, iaj Asher, c 5 2 12 stars, FIRST ARTILLERY DUEL meiil the Norv/alk puckcha.sers on out Its cost last night tor some van­ around_waiting. You remember something of a one-man enter-1. memorating their elevation lo ' In Branford State Armory Elman as the Howard, rg .....5 2 12 See you in the movies llKi North Main St. .surface tonight dal or group walked off with an creator and tainmcnt unit — he leads a band,! stardom Frieda Inescort, ot the Onslaught 42-28 sings, plays the novachord and the', Jocoy, Ig 0 0 0 at 8:00 P. M., woalfhci; permitting. overcoat and a sweater belonging to director of the Shadows on the Stolrs" cast, and YOUR MOVIE GUYED Local Basket eers Gain Eai'lv Athletic Prominence At popular piano on many radio programs, J Total .: 12 4 28 The locals defeated llie Naugatuck the local boys. and often appears as master of r her luisband, Ben Roy Redman, are Camp Edwards—Beat Battery P 68th c. A. by 47-28 Brantord opened their home sea­ Branford Established As Early Favorite To Take Maher­ "Hobby Lobby' No Scoring—Tunney, Ellck, Mc U. S. Rubber Co team last Tuesday The strange thing Is that in the radio program ceremonies, worthy of note, how-.', celebrating their 15th wedding ann son auspiciously last Friday night ever, is the fact that no more than I Farland. Margin. '^^iMiflMiiS'ii; night Prdsp'rltch, Haywood, Pltzerald end some boy or girl suffering from men On Armory Court After Latter's Loss T6 Com- While several Iversary Warners buy a one-reel at the State Atmory when they de­ sponsors are two years ago. Ted Steele was a, and Malcomb Spaar found the Infantile Paralysis may be forced niercial And Hornets Win Over Hamden $16 per week page boy at NBC •^ ( film shot by officials ot tho Seeing i H feated a fast Milford five which do- considering re* fOft Ahh LOCAL SPORTS In camp n bare two weeks the NauEaluck nets to their liking while to go without tretment because ot over which many of Ids programs J Eye School tor the Blind in Monl- spite heroic efforts by Capt. Pug turning this go today. ZOSlh Coast Anti nlrcralt unit Bat­ Blue Devils Take the Rubber Co. could only dent the some nincompoop's actions. Hamden In the town pt Ea.st Haven today program to tho clttlr. Now Jersey. AND NEWS READ THE Lund and Teddy Paul found itself air, Elmnn has ter II (Brantord Battery) has al­ cords once behind Tony Pope's fine likewise lost two overcoats. the word is being parsed around , Hornets Trip Seen Around: Donald Crisp brow- ready put Brnnford on the map In unable to match baskets with Petela East Haven Again gone on the air BRANFORD REVIEW goal play. The Infantile Paralysis Fund that "It v/IU ije all 'out' against with another RECORD NOTES: Bca Wain nig tea over n Bunsen burner, a a basketball woy by vlrluro ot their Sole Possession and Co. The final coimt had the tops her recording career on committee in charge of the game Brantord" when these two teams get (ideaDAV showE eiMA. ThiN s is called "Con­ Continued from Sports Page prop on tho "Winged Victory" sot, win last Monday nighl over a good Knechnien winning 42,to 28. tact," and to the microphone he Victor with "Let's Be Buddies" ;^i will have to make good the lofs. Loses To Derby together at the Brantord Armory backed by "Another Old-Pashion- tor iilmselt and other iiingllsh mem­ Battery P team ot the OBlh Coast The Hornets presented a well invites persons attcmjiting to of League Honors on Moritowese St. Friday iilght when make contact with some long-lost ed. Please" . . . Benny Goodman Arena last night when paced by bers ot the cast Prlsollla Lane Artillery at Camp Edwards, Fal­ rounded attack in which everyone A halttime lead of eight points on the Blue and CJold" will attempt to friend, relative, or benefactor. It debuts his new band on Columbia Savoia and Canavan they scored at steaming stamps off a package of Hornets Ti^ip is by no means a radio missing with "Bcpny Rides Again*' . . . mouth, Mass by the heavy score of The Blue Devils swept Into first save Sobolewsky tacked at,least one their own floor was not enough for recompense their followiiig for their BinK Crosby's new Decca release will to run up a 42 to 26 win over old letters sho found In a trunk in OAflE Tomorrow 47 to 28; place In Harry Brazedu's Adult point to their individual totals and showing against Commercial at the persons bureau because Elman is "When 1 Lost You" . . . Fats the Mahermen. DeFllppo was out­ Uconns Hit Road East Haven at their own gym last rightly believes that it is the story her collar Ida Luplno hoping ' Locatqd In camp since SeiJlemb- League at tho Community House Hamden Quint; a brilliant 17 point total by the ace Now Haven Arena last night. of why you want to make contact Wotler, the husky voiced pianist, standing for tho Mahermen with to costar in a picture with her Tuesday when they fell oefore the hotchas through "Abercrombie HARTFORD JAN3I.FEB.I-I er and winners ot seven out ot last Sunday when they routed tho hoopman Capt.. Petela. From ah. Impartial eyp' It appears Had a Zombie" on Bluebird, Strickland leading his team with Inisband, Louis Hayward—they've ten gam^es the Battery F unit wore MIF Co. with a beautiful exhibition Mahermen Lose Captain Lurid ot the visitors paced For Villanova U second halt onslaught, of Derby's that it win, be East Haven long G paints. never played togolher before. of dotensivo ball playing coupled the maroon scorers when lie hit COMMERCIAL supposed to be a fast. team, But red raiders 28 to 25 to lose their shots against Branford's close 'style Anotlu'r (liniblc-liarrclcd bill ol' sock eMlcrliiimuent opcnR a 3 Betto Davis and Mary Aator cele­ with Lou Desl's sucker shot exhi­ the basket for a neat 13 points on the Brantord lads; laterlno cleon- Presenting a well rounded offense Game At Phillyfourt h Housatonic League fray. of play with Branford at the pre­ Savoia, rf ...;. ....8 17 days enjiagenieut toiniirrow (Kridiiy) luul coiiliimes tlu'u Saturday brating'tho end of their terrific feud ers, carpenters, coal shpvclers and bition. The final score was 20 to ,15 six baskets and one foul. It wag sent time a 5 to 2 favorite to take Nash, It ....0 0 the Brantord High basketeers had Playing cautiously and tlmiiig THIS BUSINESS and Smuliiy, Jan. .')], J<\!b. .1 and 2. —in thefilmonly—with a "kiss ai\d equipment movers slVic'o they ar­ with Desl's 10 points tho high ef­ Teddy Paul with his deceptive pivots ....0 2 little difficulty in downing Hamden Faced with the loss ot guard Jim Maher's luckless five. Sutnlk, If Heading tlio parade oj' stiirH is .lolmny "Scat" Diivis, (HIIOWII make up" parly on "Tho Great Lie" rived at camp gaVQ vent to,t|ioir fort of tho contest. Parclnski, Aceto that took the spectators eye away every move the Blue and Gold jr. OF ....5 High in the, Infantile Paralysis Connors, but with no known casu­ Against Commercial the blue Canavan, c 10 top row, right) who will ajipcar in i>erson with ids fnuuius oruliostra, sot Joan Loslio, wlio has ap­ athletic abilities as LaCrolic, nyl.ln- and Matson all Upd ior lndividu(il Irom Lund, though he only garnered moved into an 18 to 10 lead at the ....1 tripio header at the Arena last night alties,from the final exams just shirted boys controlled the ball Cassell, c 2 featuring lovely Julie Sherwin (shown toj) row, loft) Johnny "Seat" peared in five still unreloasod plc- ski, Nalmo, Oumkowski and Llp-honors tor the factory flyo, each nine markers for his work. half as Crisan and DeFllppo found ....1 by 0,37 to, ,31 count. Patcla'^ ten finished. Coach Don White has practically all the game only to fall Racclo, c 2 Dnvia has appeared in such great pictures as "Brntlior Rat" "Cow­ tlires at Warners, having her first • kvich teamed in suburb fashion to garnering fo'jir inarkers. ., ; the cords to their liking with their ....1 iiointa led the Brhnford attack while worked hard this week to whip down miserably in the shooting de­ Gasslra, rg 2 boy from Brooltlyn," "Garden of tho Moon" and many otlli^rs. look at one of them Mn a studio pro­ down tlVeIr higlili; rated opponents. his Connecticut team into shape close shots but the team fell apart partment. On the other hand the BY ....0 3 With Bob Linden and Chestnut Robinson and Wright paced tho COMMUNITY COUNCIL 'Vollono, rg Co-starring on tho same gigantic bill with Johnny "Scat" Davis jection room Hattio MoDaniei Perhaps the ii'n'est display ot the tor the 'Villanova game on Friday. when they succumbed to Derby's Branfordites looked sloppy on the tUSANilHAXEfli ....0 0 leading the way lii the scorlrie, col­ Hafndon Gre'enies. STTl-ii Podokalna, rg .... is a stago attraction known lo young and old alike uU over tho telling friends that sho loses at least game was the manner in which the headlong style of play in the flnal big Grove St surface but they main­ 6 umn the Red Sox cosed into a nine Both teams wore slow to get imdcr LEAGUE STANDINGS Connors, only sophomore able to Sauro, ig 3 world. It's Singer's Midgets' Rovne oi: lil41. It's u nover-to-bs Hor- lO pounds por movie role—gains it Brantord unit supported the team. half. tained a shooting edge in fine fash- point margin over the brip gapip; way before the. 2000 fans gathered break Into the starting line-up in­ LIPSTICK—AN AFFRONT run them in their own way without Totals 13 42 gotten stage treat witli a enst oE 40 lumdsoiuo little men anddieautiful back between' pictures. Proclioally every man in the bat­ winner Stony Creek to take a tie CuterelU's eleven points headed Ion against their Hamden op­ at tho Grove St. sports palace and COMMUNITY LEAGUE (Adult) jured his wrist so badly in tho TO THE Slate! 1 feminine suggestions or advice and EAST HAVEN little •women. Pour big sceneal Dozens of comedy sltitsl A full (lodged Olynipe Bradna talking excitedly tery was atj the game. with the MIFCp quintet toi- sec- the scorebook while the loser's De­ ponents. Crlsafl, rf 0 3 THEY'RE ENinilTAlMMENT GIANTS none save Hyriovich could find the W L Pet. Rhode Island • game that it is Bfoadway revue witli the world's most talented midgets. Some ot In mixed French and English over TIKY DAHCISO.SIMiJinO, "S MAMMOTH bnd place In the circuit. Qatavas- Fllppo topped the East Haven tally Grand mother was old at forty. I each year women are surrounded by 1 CLOWNING 5TAH5 XELEPHANIS The game slartpd off in a speedy basket for the locals as the first 0 1.000 thought he will bo out for the sea­ To accomodate the crowd danc­ DeFabio, rt .0 tliis talented company is pictured above. In the center row, 'loCI; ia the studio commissary phono manner as "Butch" Nalmo lound ky's ton points led the losers tally sheet 'With iiUie. ing will follov/ the gahie. Or if she was unusually vigorous' moreof the limitations from which Rowley, If 1 5 George Tobias giving fancy rope- THEPENfiUINSOllPAIlADe period prided ;at 5 all. MIF 3 1 .750 son. His 6 ft. 2 in frame and general Chnvlie Beclter witli liis educated duck. In the center row, right is llin SOUTH AHIRICANO his eye early In the game. Paced by sheet. - DERB'Y . Starting for East Haven will be she might be forty-five before she \ we had, with such pains, escaped. Miller, c 1 2 throwing 'lesson to follow members A DAY AT THE CIRCUS Hyriovich, Owens LIpkvlch and T K P 2 2 .500 all-around good play will be missed Cutarelli, rf 5 1 Betty Tanner, lovely midget show girl. In the iiisot isHiiddy I'liomus,' this eagle eyed forward the local MIP 11 Walker and De Plippo at guards; took to sitting by the fireplace and!A woman in these countries is no IkfcCarteni o 1 4 ot "The Bride Camo C. O. D." oast MiitttMiwttiiasiMiitarAeuE Clark found the basket for double 2 .500 under tho basket. soiisationol dancing star. Bottom row, left are llio featured •members •llllYIO*'Nai)EI5 0IIHEVItW lads rallied nicely and sot up plays Vitello, If 2 0 4 Miller at center; and Rowley and longer an indlvlvldual with freedom 2 Alan Halo singing In the shower Salvin ...... 0 deckers in the hectic second period 3 .250 Connecticut's record of four wins and wearing lace caps at home and Walker, rg 1 of "The Streamlined Minstrels" and bottom row, right is Christie SHULIiSTSIIlO'iOHAN beautifully. Extremely efCoctlvo was Stony Creek 1 Novelli, c 2 3 6 CrLiati, forwards. The Hornets will of expression and actions. Sho no 0 TIIIIEST UEWI/JIT IMHtMIIMin Parclnski 1 while Petela rang up two points with the single loss to Rhode Island "bonnets" for church. Panlco, rg 0 Buresh, the smallest aininul trainer in tho world witli Iter two edu­ of his studio dressing room to the Ramblers 0 4 .000 CiriUo, rg 2 1 5 mateli this array with Petela and longer has an opportunity for high­ 0 "Walt" LIpkvlch and "Hank" La- Hoyden ,. ...,1 via the foul line. Connelly had two by a '79-01 score cannot compare Strickland, rg 2 cated elephants. edifleatlon of passersby :.Merlc Lenart, Ig 1 0 2 Gonrlch at the forwand spots with Today a woman of forty still has er education or a professional 3 Croix was the "Hank" ot High Matlson 2 baskets to his credit In this frame with Villanova's record ot tvjelve DeFllppo, Ig 1 It's the greatest stage scoop in a decade, Jolmny "Seat" Davis Oboron autographing a paper R mi Totals 12 4 28 Tony Hynovich at center. At the a firm hold on life. Some ot the, career of her own if.her bent is that School days as he passed b9auti- Aceto while Wright, Butler were credited 8th GRADES JUNIO 3H wins and one defeat. Nevertheless, and his Holly^vood orehestva plus the world-fuiuous'Singer's Midgets drinking cup for a fan. EAST HAVEN back posts will be Oviens and Clark glain'orous ladles of Hollywood have way. fully and gained the ball off the LIpkvlch •••::::;:;;:::::::::;o with single baskets. Robinson got a W L Pet. Coach White believes that his team BRANFORD featuring mammoth elephants and a slagei'iil of standout ontcrtoinors 2 Crlsalli, rf 4 0 8 with Lipkvlch due to see a large been making pictures tor 20 years. The threat of the dictator coun backboard in his inimitable manner. Totals foSjl atteriipt as the halt ended with 8-1 v'.--"7 .778 can give the Wildcats a real tussle Petela, rf 4 2 10 in "tho biggest little show on earth." This great stago show starts Pequot Theatre Rowley, If 1 0 2 portion of the game as a substitute Several of our most popular tries is bad enough for men. But for Teaming smoothly and well were SLUBtiEviL's Hamden leading the Hornets. 8-2 ..4 '5 .444 it it can regain the form and con­ Proto, rf 0 0 0 toniorrow (Friday) and eonlinuos iliru Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 2 0 4 tor three two men. Other Brantord actresses are frankly this old. And women it means the end of every­ "Stove" Hyllnskl and "Stan" Gum- Desl 4 8-3 i •.. 2 0 .250 dition it exhibited in the first four Montelius, rf .. 1 0 2 31, Feb. 1 and 2 on tliu stage ot tlio Stale 'riieatro, Hartford. ii'ri., Bat.—Jan. lil, Feb. 1,, It was p. different story after the Strickland, rg .. 1 0 2 men listed for action will be Fortune everywhere there are young women thing tor which she has struggled Movie Geyed kowskl While Butch Nalmo's twenty Panaronl 1 games In defeating Springfield, Genrlch, If 0 0 0 Iritermission \yhen Brantord; used to Walker, rg 0 0 D Montelius Proto and Sobolewskl. ot forty and more still feeling and for hundreds ot years. Our freedom "BITTERSWEET" points indicates the fettle he was Lacawskl 2 Brown, Coast Guard and Maine. Fortune, If 1 0 2 the crowd by then, stepped out with •Jth Grades .JUNIOR HIG H DeFllppo, Ig 4 1 0 what is more looking young. to take part in the affairs of our m. Barba ... Lack of condition because of the Hynovich, c .... 4 1 9 HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP: with Jeanette MaoDonr.ld and •; "'"2 some fancy shooting to take a lead .:vv W L Pet. Totals ...12 1 25 Perhaps that' is halt the battle. community tq be companions Brantord led at the first quarter Swirskl . ; 2 flu and the superior condition and Clark, Ig ...... 1 0 2 Ace Petela Leads At State Theatre Jack and Joe, baby chimpanzees NolaoniEddy they never relinquished as. Petela 7-1 8 0 1.000 Grandnother frizzed her hair with to our children to dress as we by a 18,, to 7 margin but could hit Totals 11, reserve strength ot Rhode Island Sobolewskl, rg .0 0 0 ot the Tarzan pictures, now being and Owens made three and two 7-2 2 : 5 (288 curr papers and_jased_ a. little_ rice please and can afford to use the Continued from- sports page ' ^.,-;;';Ai.ac),',*-r-,•__'.';; tho hooJJ only twice in the second provided- Rody's margin of victory Ace Petela Leads Owens, Ig ...... 4 0 8 Are you mellow, Mister, Are you used In "Blonde Inspiration," pro baskets respectively followed by 7-3 ...... •.'...:..i 5 .167 powder now and then. Today's^ wo­ beaiityglvlng preparations that •'THEXIGHfiSJ^''v''f::':'v quarter:;while the P battery was RED SOX in the UConn's last start. LIpkvlch, Ig .... .2 0 4 — i solid. Sister? Well, got set lor a now afraid of guns, yet, to tho know­ Hyriovich, LIpkvlch and Clark with Knechtmen Take man goes in frankly for permanent modern business has provided dropping three baskets through the tiiideeii .•;4 Totals ....17 3 37 for tho East Main St. chap as he! kind ot music from a new kind of ledge ot George Emerson, their WESTERN STARS" single baskets to their credit. 5th and 0th OUA DBS Connecticut's most potent point- Mates To Victory waves, for creams and lotions and to be young and useful far into rim for :slx points. The score at the pi'oto ...... 3 Hamden was able to get but four make-up. The right use of face pow' HAMDEN garnered a neat twenty one points. Maestro.' He's coming!' Hollywood trainer, thoy never have soon 'or ' W L Pet. getting trio, Co-Captains Bob Don­ "middle age" all depend on living in halt had the local soldier boys lead­ Maculba .;.... 1 points in this canto as Wright and Lucky Decision der is considered a virtue and lip. Wright, rf , 5 1 li Although Petela wa,'j the out­ newest sensation I The Caucaslon heard a gun fired, Whenever tlieyj Suii., -Moil., TuoH., -Fbl;,'' 2-3-4, , MLss Resjan : 5 0 1.000 nelly and John Yusieviez and Over Red Raiders I a country whose government ing by a score 20 to 13 count. Chestnut ;....;6 Robinson found the range for single "Angle" 'Verinls have averaged Butler, If 0 2 standing man on the floor he was Calloway—that young madman with fool like trollclting Instead of oct- The 68th cams back in the third Martin ...; 0 Canoe Brook .6 1 .857 !"'!'',.'_^?„'"^^^° .°''.':°"''^?'= w.\'>^ I believes, the individual is more Im Russo, If .... 0 0 a horni Johnny "Scat" Davis and Ing, Emerson paints an old rltlo at; NORTHWEST MbUNTED hoops.' around torty-tour points per game From • Seymour Brantord High School's fast mov­ which any woman is able to face the "".''.Z...11. 0 ably aided by fine guard play as Irame led by Ashor and Howard Duel .... Harbor Street 3 2 .600 portant than tho state And that Robinson, c 1 11 his Orchestra on tlic stage of tho them, and they, immediately obey: 0 Brantord played the final period and held their own against any trio ing Hornets overpowered an array world more bravely. Indeed, with!,^o^3„ ^.^ individuals as well as 5 superb passing from the ' accurate POLICE to again outsoore the 208th for the T^imsln Miss Lehnert ,.,i..i...2 3 .400 Bruno, rg .. 1 1 State Theatre, Hartford beginning his directions. He never has loaded ..1 I with substitutes taking oyer the play to the opposition. "Vlnce" Cuddy, Ba'dly outplayed by tho visiting ot set shooting artists at Derby High the help of diet, exercise and cos-ijj,g^j 0 hands of Genrlch, Fortune, Hy­ with Gory Gobpor and - first five minutes but then tiie ball Totals Miss O'Brien , 2 5 .280 Crotty, Ig .. 0 0 Tomorrow (Friday) and continuing the gun, and cannot account of the IB 311 but Petela and Owens hit again for a sophomore, did well against Rhode Seymour High Wildcats the Bran­ last Saturday night when they tal. metlcs, she has gone a long way! • . 0 novich and Ward. Lipkvifch too, • Madelcino 'Carroll started on a trip through the iipop Miss Petela 0 7 .000 Connelly, Ig • 0 6 thru Saturday and Sunday, Jan, amazing effect it has on the STONY CREEK Individual followed by Fortune and Island and will probably replace ford Hornets had their hands full lied their liighost total of the season toward discovering the fountain of] 3 pas,5ed well while hitting the nets that left the cords smoking as the Totals 3 31 31st Feb. 1st.and 2nd, 3 days only. animals unless it is an instinctive ' ' -• .ALSO-'',-:-^;.' Pilma . ...2 Montelius with like scores. Hamden Connors, although 'Fish, another edging out the Invaders at the Ar­ in gaining undisputed second place youth and her life of usefulness! Grcajl Country, Great Industries 14 for 11 points. Only "Tony Hynovich locals found tho range. Brantord He had you roaring in the oisles in with them to fear the weapon. O'randel .....;o in a,belated effort made six points sophomore dependable, may get the mory last Tuesday night by a 24 in the Housatonic League. The score has been lengthened by a decade or' The chemical industry in this was oft form in his shooting al- BLONDIE PLAYS CUPID' led at the end ot the third period HOUSATONIC L EAG UE "Brother Rat," "Cowboy From Although Albort Dekkor, playing Qatavaskl ....5 In the final minute but previous to call. "Wink" Wlnzler, steady junior to 23 count. 48 to 42 was indicated of the scor­ more. . country, which was a mere infant a thtough his seven points aided Im- 30 to 21. Brooklyn," "Garden of Tho Moon" a tast-talkiiig magazlno publisher Simons ., 2 that; was unable to match the Stratford 6 0 1.000 guard, will round out, the starting Completely baffled by an unor­ ing power of quintets. But acrqgs the ocean there are generation or so ago, has grown by meaurably in the winning effort. •Wed,, Tliurii.-Pob 5-G • and many other hit pictures. Now in "Blonde, Inspiration," was only Tho final canto was Branford's Slioening 2 kriechtirion's scoring pace. Branford 3 1 .750 five. This aggregation, although thodox defense the Branforditos Countries where an interest in looks leaps and bounds as It found more Uconns Hit Road From the spectator's standpoint Derby, led by Vitello, after the he's back singing those scatter­ twonty-ono'when ho made his Now all tho wixy as they tallied 17 mark- Totals U Derby 3 1 .750 comparatively short, should pro­ had to come from behind with 1 sfrowned on and make-up is con- i ways to serve the American public, "GLAMOUR FOR SALE" After two periods of fairly close it was the thrill of the season, a^. fourth period had started put on a brained "Scat" songs Just as you York stage debut, ho played four Continued on. page seven vide plenty of action and scoring. three minutes to go when Petela, sldered an affront to the state. Wo-1 Today, to show how important this Continued Irom Sports Page play the New Haven' Commercial 3 .400 thrill which was capped by the most blistering tour minute attack that heard from poast-to-coast from Hol­ ditteront roles and all of them Kogor Pryor and Anita Louise T K P five easily outclassed East Haven East Haven .: ; 2 3 .400 The UConn party, consisting of who had been held scoreless all man's place is definitely in the industry has become, it is interest- sensational shooting ever exhibited eleven players. Including: Co-Cap- seemed as if they were due to edge lywood's famous Cocoanut Grove, elderly charactoi: parts. First ho was D. Giordano ...... 5 iritlio opening game of the benefit Milford 2 4 .333 Coach Don White, Trainer Carl night suddenly found the range to home and her job is motherhood, or ! ing to note that the chemical con- out the locals as the red raider cap­ - ALSO -. by one man since Johnny Knecht tabis Robert Donnelly and John But that's not all- playing in the a Chinaman of sixty years, then a Seneske .2 triple header at tho New Haven Walllngford 1 3 .250 Mann, Manager Paul Pbsln and drop six points through the hoop work in field or factory, depending sumption of one medium-sized tain found the hoop with Increas, Shelti Drops has handled, the coaching reins at Yusieviez, James Cuddy, James same show with Johnny "Seat' Persian of .fifty, another Chinaman "UP IN THE AIR" on Lacawskl 3 CoiMnited on page seven Shelton ; 0 0 .000 Continued on Page Seven and thiis gain the decision. on the demand of the state. So what. New England mill town is estimated ing regularity only to have the the local school. ' , " Verinls, John Wlnzler, 'Willard Fish, DavL? and his Orchestra is a stage forty, and finally an Italian of Tierney .-...5 Seymour on the other hand play­ does it matter how she looks The to be greater than that of all ot Branfordites nearly match his ef­ with Franlrio Darro Behind at the first o.uarter 10 to Fedele Mugavero, Nicholas Verbilio, attraction known to young aif®>old eighty. Sixth Contest Tol'elid 4 ed beautifully during the first half men of those countries propose to South American. fort. Vitello led the home team with 5 the Hornets, headed by their cap­ Michael Cepuch, Sam. and Eugene alike, all over the world. It's the,LOCA L NEWS OF THE SCREEN: Regal Gold Ohinawaro Niglita T Giordano ...... O to gain a 14 to 7 leafl at the rest 17 points, which likewise was a tri­ tain and brilliant scorer, Stan"Ace" Donnelly left Storrs this afternoon Singer's Midgets' Revue of , 1041,— The Manager of-tho Lbow Poll Totals. .., 10 time. ^ bute to his uncanny ability to find To East Haven Petela, staged a second period rally to enterealn in Hartfort for New the most lovable, most entertaining theatre wishes to apologize to all RAMBLERS PEays Unique Roie the ring from distant points. RIGHT DOWN OUR ALLEYS Branford gained on the Wildcats of twenty three points in which the York City. After seeing their ancient show of the year with 40 glamorous those who were not able to see L. Bruiio , .2 Although FranlcCrlsftfi netted but during the last two periods being intrepid Petela personally hit the rival Rhode Island in their debut In The Summary: Cavailai'o . ;....., .5 little women and handsome little Gone With The Wind" due to tho four field goftls lie led the East behind 21 tolSat the end of the hoop for 13 consecutive'scores. It the Garden, they ' will go on to BRANFORD men I All in the gayest, brightest I Fairmont Theatre y. Rallo ... third frame. is a matter of record that tallied i 8 Haven ,basket ball team to a well The Brantord Rotarians took all January 20th Reconds MENS DUCKPIN LEAGUE Villanova Thursday to work out \ Petela, If 5 lilage show you've ever seen. Four 33 Main Street, Annex reserved basketball win over She^- M. Torrello 5 Ziblich.and Petela were tied for three double' deckers In ten seconds. 2 2 three games from Milford Thursday HT Sportsmen 1384 several times before the game on Qenrioh, rt big scenes—dozens of sketches and ton 1 l&st Friday afternoon at the LIndeen ... 1 4 FINAL TEAM STANDING the night's honors with eight points The game was a personal triumph Hynovich, c 3 1 Manager, Charles B. Cole evening. The scores follow: HG Sportsmen 476 Friday night. skltsi Singers! Dancer! L aConga suburban school gym when he set Totals ' . ia W Continued on page seven Continued on page seven 0 2 Capitol Theatre Silver Dollar 476 G Connecticut Alumni in the Phila­ Ward, c BeautlesI Musicians! Acrobats! Co-r I Last Time Tonight—Jan. 30 .... up scoring plays 'i6r the MaKermen Book shop 27 0 1 EAST HAVEN MILFORD HT E Brommels Sportsmen .... 315 ...39 delphia area have planned a "State Clark, rg medians! A full fledged Broadway 281 MAIN ST., whlolv en^ibled th!em 1:6 defeat the 23 .....4 3 •ARGENTINE NIGHTS' Branford Girl Enters Phelan 80 8D — 160 HS M Carniak Sll. Dollar 114 North Branford .. ...39 Night" party and will attend the LIpkvlch, Ig Revue with the world's most talon- hapless Pinnmen by 47 to 33 mar­ Macauley 72 70 — 151 silver Dollar ...39 21 DRINK ...17 14 |ltitz Bros., Andrews Sisters in State "Wide Pinners Meet Second Half Records game in a body after the banquet. Totals ted midgets assembled In one grand Sun., Moil.—Fob. 2-3 gin. ;_-, Rex Oil Co ...39 20 DERBY - ALSO - ' Pierce .101 102 124— 327 ilT Stony Creek .....1433 stage show! It's a made-to-ordor Because- th> flii 'eiJidemii still, Hilltop Orchards ...39 16 ...... 3 3 Kon Murray, Lillian Cornell in Ruth Rank of Branford who is Peck 74 81 89— 244 HG Stony Creek ."...... 511 Cutarellli, If show for the whole family—young "POP ALWAYS PAYS" threatejfied 'the 'town the seliool Conn. Light ...33 14 22 , 0 rapidly gairiirig fame fts one of the Patchen ...... : 87 85 91— 263 H3 E Brommels, Sportsmen .... 852 MacMahn, rf .... and old. A Gay Sparkling Big-Little "A NIGHT AT I Loon Errol, Dennis O'ICoofo in officials had the game player in the Heberger 78—.. 78 Granite Bay 1 ...18 10 VltelUo, If 8 1 Revue—Singer's Midgets' Revue of top notch women bowlers In the HS E Brommels, Sportsmen .... 127 Knechtmen Take EARL CARROLL'S" LADIES GIFT NIGHTS afternot)nj to feep as few'sjiectators Granite Bay 2 ... 3 0 0 1 state will enter an elimination Ripley 113— 113 SEASON RECORDS Novelli, c 1D41. from tfte gafee ais possible. ClriUo, rg , 3 0 - ALSO - Bowllnfc contest at the Casino Alloys H'T Stony Creek 1433 Results of Postponed Matches Continued from Sports Page It's the greatest stage seoop in I Fri., Sat.—Jan. 31, Vch. 1 The high scorer of the game was in Walllngford next week. On the Totals ... 414 436 495—1345 Nero, ig 1 1 HG Stony Creek , 536 Rex Oil 2—Book Shop 1 SINCE 1897 10 years—Johnny "Scat" Davis and "ESCAPE TO GLORY" DeFllll^po who dropped'the ball foUowthgweek she will enter the Lenart, rg 1 0 his Hollywood Orchestra plus the Pat O'Brien Constance Bennett "KIT CARSON" BRANFORD S3 M Coleriian Stony Creek „852 No. Brantord 3—M P Rice Hose 0 apiece. through tfi'e hoop for ieven double, Semi final play at the Convention Enduring The Test of Time BRANFORD Totals 18 world famous Singer's Midgets—40 •vrith Jon Hall, Lynn Bari Sharp .. .;95 102 92— 289 E Brpriimels, Sportsmen-.... 352 No Branford 3—Silver DoUar 0 decker^' arid three 'foul conversions. Alloys in'Harttord. 3 2 "Giant" Entertainers including ' - ALSO - Pettit ., .....-, 94 100 — 194 HS M Coleman Stony Creek .... 178 Petela, rf Tuos., "Wed.-Feb. 4-5 Menustik and Olenlk led tho Orange Miss Rank was formerly an "A" 0 Mammoth Elephants in the great­ "CHARTER PILOT" Barker .. 110 102 113— 334 HI SINGLES FOR THE WEEK SEASON RECORDS Fortune, If TEAINEE TEANSPERED and Bl'&k ylsltoVs with respective 0 est stage show on earth at regular "BITTERSWEET" class bowler at tile Branford Alloys 97 126 lis— 336 1\1 carniak 114; E Gustafson 111; HT Book Shop 1720 Genrlch, If .., •:::3 jlwith Lloyd Nolan, Lynn Bari totals Hi twelve ,and' ten points. Biicker admission prices. This show starts but since the start of the West End .09 132 109 - 340 E isrommels 110 107; P Tobin 109; HG Book Shop 637 Hynovich, c 1 0 William Hochman is among the with Jeanette MaoDonald and I FREE to tho Ladies our TEU In tfee preliiriiria'ry contest the Nygard Tomorrow (Friday) and continues Alleys in East ^aven has cnoflned E Olson 109 102; J Gorskl 107; M H3 S Kamb Book Shop 385 Proto, c 0 0 150 trainees at Fort Devons, Mass. Nelson Eddy BLU. Enamclware Set twice dbfeatta East Haven lifayvees: Cooke .. 04— 91 thru Saturday and Sunday, Janu­ her comBetitlvc bowling to East McGowari 106 105; K Laich 105; T Corcoran Book Shop ...... 385 Clark, rg 2 0 who will be added to th« staff of the ran rampant to literally crucify the ary 31st, February 1st and 2nd (3 - ALSO - Haven colors. She is currently em­ N Hylenski 103; L Anderson 102; HS B Marinelll Hilltop Orch .... 170 LIpkvlch, Ig ...... 0 0 Sixth Army Corps headquaJttors in Sun., Mon., Tucs., Fob. 2-3-4 young invaders by a score of 47-18. Totals ..504 562 521—1587 days only) on the stage of tho State ployed at the Ashley Shirt Co. H Ackerman 102 Owens, Ig 1 0 Providence^ R. I. They begin their "SCATTERBRAIN" T Corcoran Book Shop ...... 159 Theatre, Hartford. Don't miss It. Totals 11 2 new duties February 5. 'with Judy Oanova "STRIKE UP THE BAND" GIRLS LEAGUE Mickey Eoonoy, Judy Garland OFFICIAL PRIZE LIST SEYMOUR FOR Team Standing The Junior Musical Art Society Ladies G-ift Nights !-; ALSO !-: - . Won Loot Dahn, rf 0 0 G W Trevelin, rt .., 0 Card Parties Besumed' will entertain the Juvenile Musical TAKES OVER Home Cooking The Home Way Sportsmen .....18 13 1st Place Team-Book Shop 27 12 $23.00 Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Fob. C-7-8 Zivlick, if .4 0 Art Society in the academy at 3:30 with Silver Dollar „.,. ...bl5 12 2nd Place Team—North Branford 23 10 13.00 TRY Bukoskl, c 1 0 A Visitiing Nurse Association card on February 4. Errol Plynn and Main Street ...... 15 0 3rd Place Team—Sliver Dollar 21 •18 9.00 George Evans Inc. High Teaiii—Rex bu .1614 5.00 Bunk, rg ...... 0 2 party and tournament bridge will Wed., Tlrar.s.—Fell 5-6 , Stony Creek 15 8 The Women's Red Cross First Aid Olivia do Havilland in CARNIAK'S High Game—Hilltop Orchards . 570 2.50 $52.50 Pidllpchak, Ig 3 1 be held inthe hlgtr-school,-Thurs­ Branford Point . 15 8 0 day, February 6 at 7:45 P. M. class will meet at the Town Hall "SANTA FE TRAIL" "TUGBOAT ANNIE 1st Average W.-Adams, Rex Oil ..112.10 (35) 3.50 Makers of Smerekanicz, Ig 0 Slicker's Mkt 15 4 3 Reservations for the tournament on Friday evening, January 31, - ALSO SAILS AGAIN" 2rid Average—S Kamb, Book Shop ..111.10 (26) 2.50 Helen Craig, star of "Johnny Belinda," plays one of the ; Totals 10 SILVER DOLLAR Mill Plain 15 1 promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Marjorio Bamboau, Alan Halo 3rd Average—L Zuraski, Silver Dollar (26) , 2.00 most difTicult stage roles in the history of the theatre, as may be made with Mrs, John Mc- Jano 'Wyatt, Ohcstor Morris in ..108.13 - ALSO - •* January 27th Results 4th 'Average—D Torelli, Book Shop .... (20) 1.25 Fine Custom Tailored Suits the deaf mute Belinda in the melodramatic success, 'Johnny i I When you buy advertising space; Cabe, Cherry Hill Road. RESTAURANT .,105.19 .M;u-(:h 13 has been set for the •GIRL FROM Ernest Trues, John Sheffield in Main Street 3—Branford Ft 0 High Triple—T Corcoran, Book.Shop , ...385 • 2.25 Belinda." The young actress speali-s but one line through I in The Branford Review you buy a} ; Breakfast 6 a. m. to 11 a. tn. date of the Musical Art Society Mill Plain 1—Blicker's Market High Single—V Chestnut Book Shop ...... 147 1.00 lOOS Cliiipcl Street Tel. 8-5421" New Havei), Conn. three acts of the New Yorkjtage production, which is at [.short cut to more sales and morel Simon-Bernardo^ 188 Main Street GOD'S COUNTRY' "LITTLE ORVIE" Cor, llnin and Hussell Streets Branford, Conn. I profits. Is'a patient In Grace Hospital. Scholarship Concert. Spoilsmen 2—Silver Dollar 1 TOTAL PRIJiES $«5.00 the Longacre Theatre.' ~' -. J - .: -.;_-. i-j I

..];^i^j;;j%:i:^^i:^-^i!;: "W*J^-^ ^* 1 ^t^ijTf^'S?' if^^|r^^;«?!g^^^^>^(^ S^i^l^^5i^^SS»il*SSS5S53


Philip Charles'Olson was 5 years -byMat: Grange met on Tuesday sonage on Friday' evening for the Other survivors are five sons, George These dealers will be glad to give you complete aetaili on what everlng dt the Town Hall. A literary benefit of ; tho North Branford Burton, Louis, Alfred and Forrest; 295 Orchard St.. New Hoven a Branford installation will do, and what it will cost. pi'dgrani was given under the direc­ P. T. ,.A Mrs. ,G. DUlard Lessley, three daughters, Mrs. Ernest Whit- Phone 8-2812 tion of Miss Dorothy Llnsley, worthy hostess, will be assisted by Mrs. John comb, Mi's. John Kells, all of this .„ , , , , , , ., _.., ,, _ 524 Main St. East Haven New Haven East Haven •Ijpcturer, and dancing followed the „i • , -, „ ,' ,42 inoli 8 nk and tub combinations Hartigan. Prizes will be awarded and place, and Mrs Prank Turner of Phone 4-0372 ' New Haven Coal Co. East Haven Coal Co. close :df, the session. retrcshmonts served. Coventry; 24 grandchildren and 13 $29.95 coniplclc. Toilet outfits great grandchildren; and one sister, conlplcte $12.95. Bath tubs $14.50. Branford — E. C. Enquist A three cent supper will be served Mrs. OUn Whiting of Branford. Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY • Qn Thursddy evening of this week Shorthand, Typewriting, Book­ 4ho;, Cohf roterrilty of ithe Rosary will by the Young,People's Society on Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony con­ and Heating Materials Co., 1730 Branford, Conn. : ^ii'itinsoi'a public card, jjarty ^ at theFriday , Feb. 14 ducted the funeral service Tuesday State St, New Haven, Conn., keeping, Accounting, . Business afternoon In the Norman V. Lamb Administration, Dictaphone, :tvlubjhptasd,.;llpfroshments will;:be rhono G-0U28. Funeral Home. Comptometer, Day and Evening Lflrved:^ Jand ;, 'prizes r awarded; Attendance at Uie several schools /riio?cdmn:iltted Is composed of Mrs. has been below averoge-due to the Bearers were his grandsons: Earl Sessions. Co-educational. Enter acprge Pair, Mrs.; Charles Fair, Miss many lllriess. Colds are prevalent. Mitchell, John Whitcomb, Everltt at any time. Mason, Donald Mason, Robert and •Cathofino Walsh,-: Miss Dorothy TYPEWKITERS ALL MAKES The Zion Parish Guild will incot Kenneth Kells. STONE COLLEGE Daly, Mi-s. Edwdrd Daly, andrilrs. 120 Temple St., New Haven :Michael,Amatrudo.;, - on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at the home of New, Rcbuills, Itcntals, Portables, Mrs. Howard Garden of Totoket Mrs Wesley Calkins of Norwich Supplies Road. : has been visiting at the homo of TlVelnstallatlb'n: ceremony at MU- Convenient Terms : foi;d ;pn;.ld3t Miursddyrfdr the, of- Sidney Ward Mill Plain Vf leers of ;Nc\y:Hayen County Pomona A public old fashioned dance will Mr. and Mrs. Ward returned RELIANCE TYPEWRITEK CO.' Tuesday night from a trip to Geor­ Grange^,,and, Indian:,River :Gmhgo be held in the town hnll on Satur­ C. B. GUY, Mgr. Economy : was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ day night under the auspices of the gia whore they visited their son. ford Hali,': Mrs. ,.Burton S.'Colter, Civic Association. .• Telephone 7-2738 Plumbing :Mrs;,st!harles,^:Llnsley, /and Miss 109 Crown Street, New Haven porothy",:Llnsley. Mrs. Hall was in- .Tlie first lesson in First Aid was Legal Notice jstdlledjas; Flora pt the. New Haven given a largo class on Wednesday & Heating County, Pomona Orange. evening by Instructor William LOST—Pass Book No. 11458. If ICnautot New Haven. This Is a NOTICE found return to Branford Sav­ service of the American Red Cross. Notice is hereby given that the ing Bank.. 12-12,20, 1-9 Supply Co. / The,~'3olnt,soclal committee for Board of Tax Review of the Town of the months of January and Febru- The dourse Is open to men and women and the cost is kept at a Branford, Connecticut, will meet in Boilers ^— Radiators minimum. Miss Lucy R. Holabh'd is the Town Hall In said town on LOST—Sunday between 2:30 and G-as Steam Radiators Re-roof Now! Combine chairman, andils being assisted by a said town on Saturday, February 1, 3:00 P. M. between- sub-station committee of men and women of 1041, at 0 o'clock In the forenoon to and East Main St., and Branford Bathroom Fixtures LEROY P. SAWYER, act upon appea^ls from the doings the community.,', Center, black covered reference All Kinds — at Low Cost Beaisfi/ with Shelter Fluoresceiit' Lighting of the Assessors and that thby will meet by adjOurnhient thereafter book containing data on trans- Also Selected ;?•,:, Specialist • Tho executive doard of the Bran­ until they have.completed said du­ foringr and'eiefctrlcal equipment. ford Garden Club win meet Friday ties or until the last business day Please return to Conn. Light & USED PLUMBING InduBtrial & Commercial at 2:45 at the home of Mrs. Samuel of February, 1941. Power, Mqntoweso St. THE LEEPER CO. A Griswold. • Dated at Branford, Connecticut, and FIXTURES aM LAMPS the 18th day of January, 1941. HEATING SUPPLIES Miss Margaret Zeenderj Bradley G. IRVING FIELD Telephone Office 6-8829 — Res. 4-0725M :; £ BRANFQRD, CONN.^\ WANTED—Mother's helper. Must Averiuo J underwent an emergency HAROLD G. BALDWIN Telephone 8-4647 549 Elm Street New Haven, Conn. Bid. 1312 New Haven 8-4178 appcridectomy Saturday at the JOHN HENDRICKSON bo reliable. Branford 378-2 91 Water St., New Haven Hospital of,St • Raphael. , 2-T Board of Tax Review • WmWWB'fflHMH'MWfMiL'nKli STARTS iiops NITURE SALE SATURDAY

-,,- .*. ^ •'• i^ c -• *ii&t=feii4^fcfSt«V*'*J^Vtfi5*i''^^^^