German Drive on Paris Broken by Frenc' Creation Center
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\ • ■ l-^ ■ r } '". '' ,5 _,. __ ■ \ ‘ •, y' r'l^ / ‘•'T?rfl Matttknttr Eonibtit XnaB W l^NESDAT. JUNE 1.194« Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Moatb of May, 1940 Chapman Court. Order of Rev. E. O. Lusk, pastor ef tha hers for.their cooperaUdn and sup Forecaal ot U. S. Waatbar Banaa The 18-88 Club, o f Center church The Women'a X lrton ary aoclrty Church o f tha Nasarana, to In, port Mias Washburn wna present of Emanuel Lutheran church will ranth, wlU hold lU'meeting t^gilor Women’s Club . ------- win have a dof roaat at Soapatone row evening at the MaaoOiB Tem Oklahoma City attanding the gen-' ed with an<evening purse ns a to 6q401 91111 F I T i i in 14 x .1l r u rin in ii nn i^ r in entertain the women Of Emanuel i. • ^ Fair aad easier tonight; Friday ^iAl^ntTown ifountaln, Somera, tomorrow eve ple, Instead of Frlday/4vehlng, eml assembly of the denomlnstloa, ken of tha club’s appteclaUon of ning. The membera and their and Middletown Lutheran churchea her work as president In tha pnst Mambar of the Aadit partly efoady. ' tomorrow evening Inotead of whm a number of thr mefhbem convening there at prqssnt Ends Season gueata from the CTP club win are planning to attoM tba recep year. Mtoa Marion Caaey. retiring B an aa’ o f OIrealaMoaa ^ ^ , M » WtUnUtiB elub of meet at Um church at 8 o'clock. Thureday afternoon. The vlaltora from the poaiUon of publicity wlU provide the program. A brief tion for Grand Royal Matron Mar Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma b 1 J Mortckeatar— / f C i i y of ViUage Charm , gtmth VttbPdlat enardi ha# TranaportaUco will be provided. tha smith In Hartford. Charter sons, nrill bold Its ragular meet chnlrmnn, was presented with a t tb* i1*t^ eC Saturday afternoon In caae of rain, every one la rc- buatneas meeting will be held at ing tonight nt 7:30 In the Masonic Professional Group of ■port beg. Miss Weabbum then In-1 fbr an outlnf at Hale 7:30. The hoeteesea will be Mta. members’ night will be observed MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1940 (FOUR'I'EEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN1 queated to meet at the church at at the meeting tomorrow evening, Temple. Center Church Enjoys troduced her succeaaor, Mlsa Hsf-1 VOf-. LIX., NO. 211 /.t lull AdvaHMag aa Paqa IS) I, qaatantwry. 7:18 for a theaUr party. Alfred Berggren, Mre. Auguet riet Fraaaen, recently elected Oaopereon, Mr«. Aiiguat Carleon, and a nunmer who Joined when the Charles B. Packard, 63 Wells Outing at Andover. prerident fo r 1840-41. There win be a q(>eclal meeting Mm . Alvin Cartoon, Mm. Calvin court was'inatltut^ 18 yeara ago ba Ifannliiatir Touna Itnmbll- Davtoon and Mm. Ivar Carleon. A will ba preaent. After the businesa street, for many yssmi orgnnlat at Sodnl Enjoyed I ^Ub wm neat t o ^ t at 8 In of the TDVA thla evening at the SL James’a ch w ^ and who baa After the dinner an Informal Army * Navy club at eight o’clock |-ood attendance to hoped for. eeaalon ^ a program having to do The Profcaalonal Women’s club T. X . C. A. Dlecuailon of poim- with music will be presented by been invalided tOr many months to. social time followed, du'ring which Blnia erUl be held and commit- eharp. Thla meeting U apedal on now getting afound some, and Is of Center church cloeed Its activi the eve of the ctafa'a departure for An thoee who nold tIckeU for Mrs. Ethel Montis and othera. the guests examined the finii bid ^m lm an win be named. The Mm. Beatrice Clark and her com gslnlng strength. ties for the summer with a dinner furnishings of the house, or visit'; ^ daalroa the fuU co-operation the three day convention to be held the St. Mary's church annivereary meeting lu t evening nt Miss Ma In Boaton, Maea.. atarting tomor banquet are aeRed to make r«- mittee wUl serve r^reahmenta. ed in the bam, now fitted Up to ita 800 membera In the com lnf 'The membem are alto reminded Yesterday svenlng'a thunder rion Tlnkar’s •Well-Sweep" farm serve as n knibglng room or re row and continuing on through tuma to Mrs. Charles Wads by storm did no damaga bars. Rain Safe -> DependabI* ~ German Drive on Paris Broken by Frenc' creation center. Saturday evening. calling 8801 not later thkn tomor to bring articles for tha "Bride'S fell pioderately for about an hour in Andover. Twenty-four mejn- row evening. Any pemone desiring Pantry” the drawing of which will Miss Marion Wasbburn wna In Ecotwnicsl! an4 cooled the Sir. Today, however, bers were present The dinner charge of general arrangements Dr. Forreat Glbeon haa returned tickets may obtain them from Mra. take place at tba next meeting, I the temperature again tried for the was served at tables set In the Wads. June 21. for the dinner, and Mlsa Ruth from New York CTty where ha at levels above 90 dSgreea. long colonial dining room, which Porter, of transportation. Charges— tended an obatetrlcal and genlU- had been decorated with many 3‘Tc of ^'""^lltler Starts Wew Drive on Paris Qams loglcal conference at the New In connection with the St. Mery's The Dorcas society of ihe John and Amelia Kosclka, ef bouquets of late iq)riag Sowers. York hoapltal unit of the Cornell church anniversary celebration Emanuel Lutheran church will WUIImantlc, have sold their six The menu consisted of tomato and Customer’s Valaation lite House Gets Fresh Dallyiv aoon to be held. The Herald on have a picnic supper on the church Tank Medical Center. room single bouse at Pine and plneappto Julca cocktail, creamed From Ipswich. Saturday will carry a page devoted lawn tonight at 8:80, preceding Walnut straete to Clara Muella: of chicken nnd muabrooms In pat- to the hlatory and activltiea of the the regular monthly meeting. 'The 10 Elm terrace. The tranMer was tlea ahoe-atring potatoes, fresh Minimum Charge 82.50. pariah. Anyone dealrlng extra girls are aaked to bring in their made through the agency of peas, home made baked rolls, to Plots Dinners.............. 50c coplea of this edition should noti Defense Measure Orders To Take Oat: recipes, as the cookixx>k commit Arthur A. Knofla. mato aalad, lea cream with fresh fy their newsboy or leave a request tee to planning to hava the book atrawbeny or chocolate aauce, at The Herald office. luJU tllM Atew By Defense Tactics; Pints ••»..•..♦•••••••25c Jusi printed during : the summer Mrs. Raymond BL Laurent to cookies and coffee. With French Fries ....4 0 c months. chairman of tha commtttea ar Gut Freaent ed Mfs. Philip Taylor of Porter ranging for tha annual picnic of A t the conclusion of tha maal ^ Giving Navy Funds Can Manchester 5855 Received I street who has been confined to Mrs. John Buchsnsn o f 178 Mlsa Marion Waahbum, the retir- her room with lllneas the past the Coemopolltan Club Friday at 'Tour ordA- will be piping Woodland street will entertain the Well Sweep Farm, Andover. Mra 1^ president spoke briefly shout week, to gradually Impibvlng. Past Presldenta Club of Mary A. H. Tiling will see to transporta the few remaining items of busi Read Herald A dvs.. kdt when yoa arrire. jy.j492,542,750 Appro- Machinist Starts School ans Oaim Gains Biishnell Cheney auxiliary tomor tion for those who desire IL ness, and then thanked the mem D u fk in t' To Aid Defense Program rw' _ n row afternoon at her home. priationo Bill Makes Luncheon will' be served at 1:30, Scranton's Cars Washed and plans will also ba made for Emergency F u n d s Martinsville, N. J„ June 8.— T r o o p s ^ O IT e n n lv e Woman Would Betray ^Quagmire* Defense E»-i the annual picnic. (4')—William P. Smith believes Britain If She Knew How tangles Motoriaed Restaurant Nylon I t t o » t » only $1.00 to Available to Speed Up evaryone should "do bis bit" = P u B liin g iwgrd Heart r 17C ToUand Tampikt Becauaa dt tha ahaenee next Another Shipment! Production of Ships, and. In what he terms a “pstri- Of France, Gain Every Birmingham, England. June sions Smashing drive a clean car. Sunday of Dr. Earl E. Story, who I otic ge.sture," has started a ^ 8.—(87—A woman who sbOuted \Aircraft, Munitions. school to train machinists and | where in Sw4?ep to the Weygand Line, Pemii$>:j T r y to attending tha annual eonferenca *:‘I{ell Hitler! Long - may he of the. Southern New England mechanics fbr the national de- relgni^^as put on six months Hosiery Martex I fense program. Southwest; Succe8s|iil ting Destruction conference of the Methodist lviw|hington, June 6.— I probatl^ today tor violating churches at 'Trinity Union church. I A machinist by trade. Smith Raids Reported on : blackout regulatiqiia and caua- W ill; Roads Badk COOK'S Providence^ R. •!., It haa been ar (A P )-^ h e Senate sent to gives a "course" in the.use of j Ing a crowd to col ranged that WJIIIam E. Keith, lay Kitchen Ensemble the White\House today a $1.- tools and machine operation Cherbourg anil Eng I The woman, Cecilia'D^i1chi> Barrisd by S| Hollywood Service two nights Sr week In hto shop preacher, will he In charge of the 492,B42,75CK^val appropria 34, told police: Trained Detaclum S42 East Center Street morning service at 10:45.