I..J-V J-.? j-^'-i ....i...,..,. '. ''Oiia -niE HOME TOWN PAPER THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Page Eight THE BRANFORD RKVIEW, BRANFORD, OONN., JANUARY 23, 1041 i of VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN BRANf'ORD—NORTH BRANFORD PORTRAYINO AS IT DOES glad to know he Is recovering from; STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD OUR DEMOCRACY SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN CAVALCADE OF AMERICA a La Orlppe. | Personals GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS What Nots FAMH,IAR LANGUAGE COVE — EAST HAVEN Wcft Pmnforti Eebieto BY QITA ROUND I— ^Thomas Cooper The P. T. A. Is planning a Public AND EAST HAVEN NEWS card party for February Uth, to CITY AND FARM By Dr. Frank Monaghan Mrs. Burton Shepard left this Associated Business worried about be held In the Stony Creek School. location of bus stops when trolleys llltlorlcal Coniiillanl /or week for Florida. VOL. XIII—NO. 43 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, January 30, 1041 Price Five^Oents are discontinued, Suggest they turn Cavalcmte of America Into Montowese Street Elmer Ty­ nBEDOM ot tlio press and free­ Marietta Ablondi Is 111 with La Mr. and Mrs. Harry/Johnson have ler, Jr., of Pine Orchard Road In dom of Bpoccli are rights vltolly Orlppe. FnoccBBary to guarantee the orderly returned from a southern trip. Miami, Fla. Will take plane to Ha­ oporntlon ot democratic Instllu- Everett W. Mason Workers Listed [Failure To Keep vana Students cram ^ for mid­ tlonn. They are justly and deeply A meeting Is to be lield at the Branford Red Cross Unit Boys Outnumber Girls years. chorlBhed by Americans, for they home of Mrs. Beatrice Kelsey at EUzur R. Monroe, Bradley Street have long been foundation stones ot Killed By Truck For Red Cross Proper Lookout Charles Oell, Jr., eonvalciclng af­ 2 o'clock Saturday for Red Cross is in Chicago, 111. the guest of' Mr. the American way of Hfe. They Work. ter an appendectomy at New Hav­ were won and maintained by the and Mrs. William George. Produced 7271 GarmentsSaturda y Noon On Year's Birth Records en Hoiipltal. exertions (even the sufferings) ot 1941 Roll Call Cause^ Deaths Willis H. Pratt, Jr., rates a front many good and brave men. By and Any News will be appreciated by largo, wo have enjoyed these rights Jean Altermatt. Phone 205-4. Born In North Coventry, Mr. Ma­ page picture In latest Telephone ever since they wore written Into First Lieut. Ralph Cavallaro, D. John Doanc, Foremen, Responsi­ Bulletin James J. Sullivan, Short the Federal Constitution. Several D.S. has been asslgnd to the During Last 14 Months son Was Employed By M. I. F. ble For Aooidont Hero January Entered By Town Clerk Due to the tact that the campaign Beach, completes 15 years service SImos, In the midst of grave emer­ Mike Palma has returned to work Dental Corps for duty wltn Com­ As Flasks Inspector gencies. It has been necessary to after a 15 week lay off. tor War Relief continued into Aug­ 2, Coroner James J. Oorrigan with SNET Co Margaret llalley, modify them temporarily for the pany G. ust It seemed best to postpone the Finds Jim's next door neighbor's picture common safety. But once, In 1708, Everett W. Mason of 119 Indian membership drive from the usual Mrs. James Aceto is a hospital He replaces First Lieut. William Also Sponsored Classes In Life Saving, First Aid And Two Sets Of Twins Included In List Of 125 Births Entered Is on page 7 with repair service they were notoriously curbed and Neck avenue died Saturday noon in time In November until February. abridged without justincatlon. It Is patient. A. Rosenfeld of New Haven who His failure to "Observe" an ap­ clerks. Home Hygiene—Junior Red Cross Has Enrollment his home from injuries he received There will be canvassers in ail parts Here In 1940 For Vital Statistic Records—Boys Win In connection with this episode of proaching train was the cause of State report shows 1718 cases of the Allen and Sedition Acts, passed has transtered to inactive duty. when he was struck uy a car driv­ of the town and it is hoped that By Score Of 71-54. Thomas Cooper Sorry to learn that Harold Braln- Of 1468. the death of John Doanc, B3, West- Innuonza reported to Department by the Federalist Party under John en by Hubert Tenoske, 17 of 155 every adult will wish to respond. Adams, that wo encounter one ot erd Is ill. brook railroad* section foreman, of Health In Conn, for past week.... Cooper published a perfectly valid The following is the report of the Indian Neck avenue. At the time Should you be out ;When the can­ the mpst Interesting men In the criticism ot President Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Reinke of killed January 2 with one of his Boys, again outnumber the girls ....Old ago assistance bills out long struggle for a free press In Branford Branch of the American of the accident Mr. Mason was re­ vasser calls and cannot take your wos prosecuted. After a long trial Rene NimphI Is confined to her 883 Qulnnlpiac Avenue, New Ha­ work gang, Isadore Gomez of Lcctes according to 1040 Vital Statistics en­ Tomllnson bridge opened for 9442 America; Thomas Cooper. Red Cross for the past 14 months Food May Be turning from work and was close to membership fee tp" the Library; Governor Hurley In 1800 he was lound guilty and home by grippe.. ven, announce , the engagement of«. Island Road according to a finding tered In the town hall, For at Icost bdats during year. We waited for Bontenocd lo six months In jail and as given by Mrs James Walworth, his front door. Both he and the car please phone 123-4 or 324 and your In 1798 the United States felt their daughter, Jane,' to Mr. Robert by Coroner James J. Corrigan. six years more baby boys have been most of them to pass! 7552 were thot war with Franco was Immi­ a flue ot four hundred dollars; The Chairman at the annual meeting in Sent To Allied were traveling in a southerly direc­ subscription wlir be'called for. born hero than girls although the nent, and the dominant political fine was paid and the six months Mrs. George. R. Adams, Indian Lee Jolmson, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lead March power boats; 1475 bargesand scows; New Haven this afternoon. tion and as the driver pulled out to The list of canvq^sers and tlieir The coroner absolved the engi­ total number of births have re­ party, the FedcrallslB, took this were served. There was grave Neck has returned home from New H. S. Johnson of Taylor Avenue, 270 sloops and 107 schooners,,Av- doubt about the constitutionality ot, In accord with the urgent con­ pass him the car skidded and turn­ neer, William S. Bralnard, ot 20 mained about the same. • hysteria as a fine opportunity to Haven Hospital. War Prisoners territory is as foll9ws: . erogo—'bout one an hour. silence their political opponents by th? law under which he had been East Haven. ' ditions of the time, the Branford ed completely around. Wliarton Street, West Haven, of At Benefit Ball convicted. It expired by^ llmltatloa West Main and Home Place, Mrs. This year's total of 126 is an in­ muzzling the press. The Sedition Branch lias been busy making ail The accident happened at 11 a.m criminal responsibility for the District Deputy H. HoUroyd and Act mndo It Illegal for any reason and Cooper began the long fight to Edward Garrlty; Breezy Lane, West crease of some .seventeen over the sorts of garments for Refugees. 384 A plan has been Instituted by tlie deaths giving the opinion that the Gov. and Mrs. Robert E. Hurley staff of Branford were Installing to speak or spread "false, scan­ got Congress to admit that the and ills death occurred about two End Avenue, Bradley Street, Mrs. previous year, 71 being males and officers 'in Southington Tuesday dalous or malicious" writing against legislation had been unwise and workers have produced a total of Brltisli authorities, acting with the hours later, Ruth Swift; Bryan Road, Mrs. Louis engineer "did ail in his power to try have announced their Intention to the government, the Congress or void. Year after year friends peti­ American Red Cross, by which and avoid this collision and that attend the East Haven charity ball 54 females. cvo. at meeting of Knights of Py­ tioned Congress to repay the fine 7271 garments, 927 ot these were Mr. Mason one of the town's es­ F. Watson; Goodso}! Road, Stan- •the President. Federalist judges it was impossible for him to have tor the benefit of the Infantile par­ Two sots of twins, William and thias. interpreted this to mean that one. with Interest. Finally In 18B0, fifty knitted articles. packages of food can be sent to teemed citizens, reached his 79tli nard Avenue, Mrs. Harold Sniltli; years after the trial and olevon prevented it." , alysis fund tomorrow evening in the Katherine Kelsey and Joseph and John R. Waters, Rogers Street, could not poke oven a little mild We have sponsored one class in war prisoners of British and Allied birthday 10 days ago. He was born Rogers Street, Mrsj J. R. Waters; George Bodner appear on the list: fun at govorumentnl officers. It after Cooper's death. Congress ro- home Hygiene and Care of the Sick, in North Coventry and came to Hopson Avenue, Mrs. Axel Mickel- The finding noted that Doaho,'a East Haven Town Hall.
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