Kingstone Press National Conference League

Crosfields V St Judes Saturday 22nd June 2019 Crosfields ARLFC - Club Officials

Life President Colin Webb Vice Presidents Pat Gibbons, Annette Parker, Tony Parker, Neil Stephenson

Chair Mike Donnison Secretary Tony Parker Committee Dominic Caswell, Chris Hull, Matt Mahoney, Annette Parker, Steve Pickersgill Head Coach Ian Boden Assistants Chris Hull, Matt Wilson Alliance Coach Andrew “Franco” Campbell Assistant Lou Walsh

Junior Section Chair Lewis Worthington Secretary Kate Hall Treasurer Jeanette Buller Subs Secretary Jackie Thomason Welfare Officer Tammy Smith Crosfields ARLFC – Chair’s Welcome

Good afternoon and a warm welcome to Crosfields ARLFC at the Webb Security Recreation Ground. Today, we welcome the players, supporters and officials from Wigan St Jude’s, for today’s Kingstone Press NCL Division Two Round Fifteen game. St Jude’s have beaten us twice already this season. In the Coral Challenge Cup First Round, we went down 15-14 back in January, then in the reverse league fixture in May, we lost 41-30. Their recent form has seen them rise to second in the table. Gavin Rodden is the stand-out player, with 6 man of the match awards and 16 tries, whilst Dan Fallon’s 44 goals and 1 try makes him top points scorer. Crosfields have dropped to 8th in the league, having won 6 and lost 7. Last time out, though, it was a tremendous victory at leaders , 6-25, with two brilliantly taken tries by Nathan Taylor. John Whittaker and Jack Reid also crossed the whitewash, with Jack adding 4 conversions and a drop goal, for a man of the match performance. For the season, Jack Reid is the stats man. Leading the try scoring with 9, the goal scoring with 43 and therefore the points scoring with 123 (1 dg). He has also picked up 6 man of the match awards. Crosfields are hosting a fund-raiser for Dan Worrall on Friday 19th July 2019. Dan had a serious accident earlier this year, whilst Jimmy has been diagnosed with brain cancer. Please see details further on for how you can help with these events. Today we are holding a special re-union to mark the 30th Anniversary of Crosfields winning the BNFL BARLA National Cup and welcome are past players and supporters to the rec’. Throughout the season, we have been taking trips down memory lane to celebrate the achievement, thanks to the archives saved by Tom Rourke. Today, it’s the Semi-Final, Crosfields v Askam. Our Sponsor Focus today is on Impact Grafix & Signs, who have supported the club over a number of years, supplying the barrier boards for other sponsors and provide a fantastic service to their customers. I thank Howard and Craig and all our sponsors, for their continued support. Good luck to everyone involved today. Yours in Sport, Crosfields ARLFC – Next at the Webb Security Recreation Ground

Sunday 23rd June 2019 10:00am - U7s Cobras v Bank Quay 11:00am - U8s Adders v Clockface 10:00am - U7s Vipers v TBC 11:00am - U10s Cobras v West Bank 10:30am - U14s v Orrell St Jame 11:45am - U11s Cobras v Rylands 10:30am - U15s v Latchford 11:45am - U18s v Orrell St James Wednesday 26th June 2019 Stuart Middleton Foundation Warrington Cup 7:00pm Crosfields v Latchford Albion

Saturday 6th July 2019 NWML Division Three 2:30pm Alliance v Wigan Spring View Saturday 13th July 2019 NWML Division Three 2:30pm Alliance v Eccleston Lions

Saturday 20th July 2019 Kingston Press NCL Division Two 2:30pm Crosfields v East Leeds Crosfields ARLFC – Coach’s Corner

Good afternoon and a warm welcome to everyone today to the Webb Security Recreation Ground. I hope the players and supporters of had a good journey. After a superb win away at Ince, where our defence and belief showed through, We need to be backing that up with another great performance to beat second in the league, Wigan St Jude’s. It’s been a difficult few weeks for us, where a little bit of self reflection both from the players and coaching staff was needed. The loss against West Bowling hard to take; a cancelled game vs Askam and then our worst performance for a good few season vs , it’s been hard for us, but every credit to the lads, although we couldn’t train last week because of the weather, we were superb from the start and we need the same start this coming week to face a good Jude’s outfit. This will be the 3rd time we’ve played each other this season with Jude’s coming out on top in both occasions, so we need to be on top of our game once again to get another win. Best of luck and see you after the game. Thanks, Ian. Crosfields ARLFC – NCL Sponsors Crosfields ARLFC – Round Eleven – First Half

Saturday 18th May 2019 - Crosfields 24 West Bowling 28 Crosfields suffered another close defeat against a team fighting for automatic promotion. Soap started well with Alex Clutterbuck’s kick-return taking Crosfields into the opposition half. Clutterbuck linked with Luke Walker, but the sudden attack was halted. Another kick-return from Clutterbuck set up Crosfields again. This time they built the momentum with solid drives from the pack, followed by scoots from John Whittaker and Haden James. Keeping the ball alive on the last tackle, Joe Clarke spotted half a gap and twisted in the tackle to score. Jack Reid converted for a 6-0 lead. West Bowling looked very controlled and structured, but Crosfields caused danger from broken play. Following a kick downfield by the visitors, Dan Reid picked up the ball in his own in-goal area. His run skirted the defenders to the 30m line. Walker took the ball on to the opposition 30m with weaving run, then Reid’s long pass found Scott Turton unmarked and he waltzed in for a brilliant team try in the corner. 10-0. Crosfields’ first mistake of the game gave West Bowling the advantage, close to the line. The defence held, until a scruffy grubber bounced kindly for Harry Williams to touch down and reduce the arrears at 10-4. Soap hit back immediately, forcing a scrum from the re-start. The attack and defence worked hard, but Crosfields caught out the defence on the last tackle, with Reid’s long ball finding Walker, who put Aaron Holliday over in the corner. Reid converted brilliantly for a 16-4 lead. West Bowling were put onto the attack following a penalty. Crosfields defence again held firm and looked to have the kick into the in-goal on the last tackle covered, but the ball was mis-fielded and Jack Milburn was quickest to react and touched down. Williams converted for 16-10. Crosfields again found touch from the re-start and the scrum set up another attack. Reid was targeted, as a defender sprinted out of the line, but not quickly enough. Reid stepped and dummied to force his way over for an excellent individual try. His conversion made the half time score 22-10. Jack Reid Crosfields ARLFC – Round Eleven – Second Half

Saturday 18th May 2019 - Crosfields 24 West Bowling 28 Crosfields applied the pressure at the start of the second half, forcing a drop out. This went out on the full, gifting two points and a three-score lead, as Reid slotted his 4th goal of the day. 24-10. West Bowling kept their nerve and began to dominate possession. They were rewarded on 51 minutes, when Williams sent Milburn over. Williams converted for 24-16. Crosfields didn’t seem to get the rub-of-the-green, with a couple of decisions causing frustrations. A penalty for holding down, gave West Bowling another opportunity, which they duly took, with Nat Light crossing and Williams adding the conversion. 24-22. Joe Clarke Crosfields re-focused and a set play put Clutterbuck through, but he was stopped by last ditch defence. The ball was moved quickly to the right, where Turton went close, but couldn’t quite reach the line. West Bowling again dominated possession. Crosfields’ defence worked hard, but were finally broken with six minutes to go. Richard Lumb crashed over and Williams converted for 24-28. Crosfields finally got some ball on the back of a penalty and looked dangerous, with Holliday stopped 20 metres out, but the whistle went for full time. Crosfields will look at this match as another one that should have been won, against a very good West Bowling outfit. A couple of bombed tries and a couple of bad bounces eventually cost the victory. Jack Reid was terrific on his return and Hayden James caused the opposition problems, with his running Luke Walker from acting half. Luke Walker earned the man of the match award for some outstanding attacking play. Man of the Match Crosfields ARLFC – Round Thirteen

Saturday 8th June 2019 - Hull Dockers 40 Crosfields 10 Crosfields slumped to another defeat, as Hull Dockers avenged their loss at the Webb Security Recreation Ground back in March. From the opening exchanges the home side were on the front foot and centre Steve Milne was first to cross the line. Dylan Rawlings converted for a 6-0 lead. Crosfields settled and went close on occasion, but could not make the necessary breakthrough and they were made to pay, when a Dockers’ purple patch saw them score three tries in a six-minute period. First Rawlings crossed, then Milne got his second and, not to be outdone, Rawlings picked up his second, which he converted. Dockers in front 20-0. Crosfields showed some character and worked their way back into the game, with Aaron Holliday scoring, for 20-4. The home side’s response was swift, with Ben Rowan crossing for a try and a half time score of 24-4. The Humberside team secured victory with the first points in the second half, through Rawlings, who in doing so completed his . hat-trick. Hull Dockers completed the game with Craig Cook and Rowan going in for tries, which Rawlings converted, for a final score of 40-10. Hayden James took the Crosfields man of the match award.

Aaron Holliday Alex Clutterbuck Crosfields ARLFC – Round Fourteen – First Half

Saturday 15th June 2019 - Ince Rose Bridge 6 Crosfields 25 Crosfields produced their display of the season, when beating top of the division, Ince Rose Bridge in convincing style. Both teams opened the game looking dangerous on attack, but it was Crosfields who scored first. Pressure was applied to the home defence, with the forwards committing their opposites. Soap were rewarded, when the backs combined to create a space for John Whittaker to go over. Jack Reid converted, for 0-6. The big home pack continually drove into the Crosfields defence, but Soap defended stoutly. When Crosfields Danny Garcia attacked, they too were matched by resolute defence and scoring was at a premium. The home side’s pressure looked to have paid off, when the ball was moved wide, and Gareth Jones went over in the corner, but the final pass was adjudged forward, by the touch-judge and Crosfields were awarded the scrum. Before that took place, however, Dan Cassidy voiced his disagreement with the touch-judge and was sent off. Blake Barber, Luke, Zak & Thomas Boden Crosfields moved steadily downfield and with time running out in the first half, Soap set up for a drop goal, which Reid calmly landed, for a half time score of Ince Rose Bridge 0 Crosfields 7.

Crosfields supporters react to Danny Garcia-O’Brien’s second half break Crosfields ARLFC – Round Fourteen – Second Half

Saturday 15th June 2019 - Ince Rose Bridge 6 Crosfields 25 The elements got the better of the two sides in the opening of the second half, with ball retention suffering. The home side were looking strong and an up and under on the last tackle, meant for Connor Matthews, was clutched brilliantly in the air by the leaping Nathan Taylor, 5 metres from his own line. On landing, Taylor was off in pursuit of the try-line in his first game back after representing England Students in the RFL Presidents Cup. There was no catching him, despite the efforts of the home team and Taylor dived in under the posts, for a spectacular try. Reid converted for 0-13. Towards the hour mark, Bridge’s onslaught was immense. Three consecutive sets on the Crosfields line, with the forwards charging in. The Soap defence held firm and finally received the ball. The home side battered the Crosfields forwards, as they tried to move away from their line. For each drive from Crosfields, it seemed like the whole of the home side were in the tackle. Quick hands from Hayden James to Reid, then fed Danny Garcia-O’Brien in a bit of space, albeit 5 metres from his own line. But it was enough. Garcia raced away to the half-way, where he drew the full-back and fed the supporting James. James provided the link to Taylor, who raced the last 40 metres for the try, to the delight of his team and supporters. Reid converted, for a 0-19 lead with 20 minutes to go. The home side retrieved the kick-off and again ploughed into Crosfields, but they were repelled and Crosfields cleared their line. On 65 minutes, a 40/20 from Bridge put Crosfields under the cosh again and this time Rose Bridge earned a reward, when Bradley Smith grubbered through from close range and reacted quickest to the ricocheting ball to touch down. Robbie Valentine converted. 6-19. 15 minutes to go. With nine minutes left on the clock, it was Crosfields turn to apply the pressure. Solid drives were stopped short, as both sides worked hard in defence and attack. On the last Reid looked to move the ball wide, but dummied and found a small gap to go through and crossed the line. His conversion made the game safe at 6-25. It was end-to-end as the minutes ticked away. 5 minutes injury time was played, but Andrew Collier didn’t see the end of the game, as one too many high tackles earned him a yellow card. A magnificent performance from Soap’s 1 to 17. The defence was outstanding throughout and the few attacking opportunities were finished superbly. Jack Reid earned the man of the match award for Crosfields, with Matt Meaden picking up Ince Rose Bridge’s award. Crosfields ARLFC – Kit Sponsor – Today Team Crosfields ARLFC – Today’s Teams

Crosfields Wigan St Jude’s

John Whittaker 1 Baz Rothwell Dan Reid 2 Lewis Melling Danny Garcia O’Brien 3 Connor Parkinson Luke Walker 4 Joey Brady Nathan Taylor 5 Reece Matthews Jack Reid 6 Darry King Brad stanway 7 Danny Fallon Dave Boden 8 Aaron Smith Hayden James 9 Jack Rimmington Tom Brown 10 Tom Owen Jordan Williams 11 Chris Rowe Mitch McJay 12 Gavin Rodden Joe Clarke 13 Josh Hill Match Sponsor Jordan Chilton 14 Danny Clayton Impact Grafix & Signs Tom Millington 15 Brett Taberner Match Ball Sponsor – Val Mutch Matt Barber 16 Paul Pendlebury Referee – Sam Houghton Man of the Match Sponsors Touch Judge – Mackenzie Maddison Sam Hickey 17 Mike Stephenson Jack Mutch & Peter Price Touch Judge – Lucy Redmond Ian Boden Coach Gary McMahon - Asst: Dave Myerscough Crosfields ARLFC – In My View, by Phil Hodgson

THE 2019 season seems to be producing more upsets than I can recall in nearly a quarter of a century of reporting on the Kingstone Press National Conference League, and last Saturday was no different. High on the list of startling results was Askam’s 25-22 victory over Barrow Island in Division Two. The Villagers went into the Furness derby having lost their previous nine games and were – still are, for that matter – propping up the section. The Island, by contrast, had only lost one of their previous eight fixtures and are aiming for promotion. If ever a match proved the maxim that form goes out of the window in derbies this was it, with the underdogs edging the issue despite only scoring four tries to the visitors’ two. And it will be interesting to note whether the sensational success – the kind that makes me look twice at my email – can lead to an upturn in fortunes for the Villagers, who are as everyone knows an excellent club. Division Two provided one or two other surprises last week. Few would have expected leaders Ince Rose Bridge to lose at home to a Crosfields outfit that went into the contest a shade too clear to the relegation zone for comfort. Not, at any rate, by a very convincing 25-6 margin. But they did, although a sending off late in the first half of home player Danny Cassidy certainly helped the Soap’s cause. In the same section, meanwhile, second-placed West Bowling might have been forgiven for fancying their chances against mid-table Hull Dockers, although both sides to be fair were seeking third successive wins and Bowling had been held to 37-30 in the corresponding fixture earlier in the season on the east coast. Relegation-haunted East Leeds pushed promotion chasers Wigan St Judes much harder than the 24-12 result might suggest as further evidence that Division Two is as competitive as any league you might come across. You might say the same thing about the Betfred . I’ve got to admit that I’m getting excited about London Broncos, whose form this year reminds me of how, as Fulham, they illuminated Rugby League so gloriously in their first campaign, at Craven Cottage, in 1980-81. I saw three or four of Fulham’s home games that season, including their memorable first match in which Wigan were accounted for and it was wonderful stuff, Reggie Bowden’s men gaining promotion from Division Two. The Broncos are battling against relegation this time but if they do go down, my goodness, they will do so in style. Last week’s victory at Catalans Dragons followed a gold-point success over St Helens and with Leeds Rhinos (at Emerald Headingley), Wakefield Trinity and among their other victims, London are certainly taking some scalps. They are doing it with a smile (coach Danny Ward’s, specifically) on their faces, in an echo of how Blackpool graced football’s Premier Division a few years ago, albeit ultimately unsuccessfully, under manager Ian Holloway. It’s good to see. After all, sport is nothing if every game is a foregone conclusion. Crosfields ARLFC – Partners & Sponsors Crosfields ARLFC – Player Stats

Player Tries Goals Drop Goals Points Appearance Sin-bin MOM Sending Off Jack Reid 9 43 1 123 12 0 6 0 Luke Walker 6 4 0 32 11 1 3 0 Nathan Taylor 6 0 0 24 6 0 0 0 John Whittaker 5 0 0 20 10 0 0 0 Jordan Williams 3 0 0 12 12 1 0 0 Daniel Reid 3 0 0 12 12 0 0 0 Louis Jack WAINWRIGHT 3 0 0 12 9 0 0 0 Aaron Holliday 3 0 0 12 6 0 0 0 William SHEEN 3 0 0 12 3 0 0 0 Hayden James 2 0 0 8 13 0 4 0 Josh WHITHAM 2 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 Joseph Clarke 1 0 0 4 13 0 0 0 Thomas Brown 1 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 Scott Turton 1 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 Elliot BRIDGE BUDGEN 1 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 Matthew Barber 1 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 Jack Lewis 1 0 1 5 4 1 0 0 Daniel Garcia O Brien 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 Alex Clutterbuck 1 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 Sam Hickey 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Philip Brazendale 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Mitchell McJay 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 Jordan Ansell 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 Liam JAMES 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 David Boden 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Benedict Mellor 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Jordan Chilton 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Thomas Millington 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Brad STANWAY 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Ian Boden 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Alexander CHARNOCK 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Sam Hughes 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Crosfields ARLFC – Player Stats – Division Two Crosfields ARLFC – Alliance

Saturday 18th May 2019 – Crosfields Alliance 64 Culcheth Eagles 0 The Alliance played in the new Rhinos Rugby/Arnold Clarke kit and made the club and kit sponsor Millennium Supplies Ltd proud.

A brilliant performance from the young guns, with tries from Lewis Perrin (3), Ryan Butler, Ash Catherall, Dec Clarke (2), Sam Hughes (3) and Dan Dowman on debut. Brad Stanway kicked 10 goals. Man of the match was Tom Millington.

Big thanks to Tony Jones of Millennium Supplies Ltd , who is our main sponsor for the kit, along with Block One, Webb Security and Cheshire Plastering and Renovations.

Mike Donnison presents a kit to Millennium Supplies Ltd MD, Tony Jones, to be displayed at Head Office. Crosfields ARLFC – Alliance

Tuesday 4th June 2019 – Burtonwood Bridge 30 Crosfields Alliance 32 The Alliance came out on top in this end-to-end local derby in the NWML Division Three encounter, at Burtonwood 30-32, in a game, where the lead changed hands 8 times. The home side were first off the mark, with an unconverted try, for a 4-0 lead. Ben Kenwright hit back for the visitors, making his long-awaited return to the side, as he scored almost straight-away from the subs’ bench, when the ball was moved wide to the right and he crashed through the defence. Brad Stanway converted to take the lead at 4-6. Tom Millington score a brilliant individual try, stepping through the defence 40m out and round the full-back to score near the post. Stanway converted. 4-12. Scorer turned provider, as Millington broke through again and superb support play from Jack Williams, saw dive under the posts for characteristic try. Stanway converted. 4-18. Burtonwood had attacked on numerous occasions, but it was only in the 40th minute that they were able to break down the Crosfields’ defence, gaining a converted try for a half time score of Burtonwood Bridge 10 Crosfields A 18. The home side were quick out of the blocks in the second half and scored two tries in the opening 12 minutes. The second was converted to for them to take a 20-18 lead. Soap hit back, when the ball was moved wide to find Jamie Harrison in space, from where he sped in at the corner. 20-22. The game continued end-to-end, with Burtonwood scoring next, for a 24-22 lead. Harrison then scored his second, when he was the most alert for a Louis Walsh grubber to the corner, putting his side in front at 24-26. With just 5 minutes left, Burtonwood thought they had won the game with a converted try and a 30-26 lead, but Soap kept going, forcing a scrum 10 metres from the try line. Aaron Holliday stepped up and burst through the defence to level the scores at 30-30. Stanway calmly slotted the conversion for a 30-32 lead, which they secured until the final whistle. Tom Millington stood out for Soap, but was ably supported by Brad Stanway, Alex Clutterbuck and Jack Williams, with Elliott Bridge-Budgen putting in a short cameo performance. Crosfields ARLFC – Alliance

Saturday 15th June 2019 – Crosfields Alliance 24 Leigh East Alliance 12 Despite missing a few regulars, the Alliance pulled off a great victory against Leigh East Alliance, with more than a helping hand from Crosfields U18s. Indeed, four players made the starting 13 and another was a valuable sub. Alex Clutterbuck and Jack Williams marshalled the team well, with props Sam Hughes and Christian White leading up front. The back row of Jordan Thomason, Dan Dowman and Ben Kenwright worked hard throughout, as the smaller pack coped admirably against the bigger opposition. The experienced Ash Catterall looked after the U18s backs, Jamie Harrison, Dylan Miller, Taylor Russell and Warren Palidino, whilst Aaron Holliday, operating at full-back was dangerous every time he caught the ball. The two subs, Scott Leyland and Jonathon Evans had plenty of minutes on the field to make their mark in the win. Tries came from Dylan Miller, Sam Hughes and Jack Williams (2). Miller also kicked the four goals, whilst Jamie Harrison was awarded man of the match.

Jamie Harrison Dylan Miller Ash Catterall Sam Hughes Crosfields ARLFC – Kit Sponsor – Millennium Supplies Ltd Crosfields ARLFC – Charity Touch Rugby to Support Jimmy Orford

Sevens Tournament and after party BIG success Jimmy Oford would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who attended, donated, played and/or supported financially the Jimmy Orford benefit day at Crosfields. It was a huge success with 10 teams taking part on the day from Rylands, Burtonwood, Woolston, Bank Quay, our own Masters and Helsby Rugby Union thanks to another of our ex players Paul Bagley. The team that Jimmy selected, captained by brother Tom, ended up going on to win the tournament without conceding a try, mainly thanks to the combined skills of ex-players John Bannon and Dave Gibbons, plus a guest appearance from former Warrington favourite Toa Kohe-Love, who makes it look so easy! Ex-player Russ Parkman made an appearance in the final too! Special thanks to Mark Roberts and Russ Parkman for working so hard on organising the day, as well as Debbie Parkman, Sarah and Paul Bagley and Hayley and Thomas Orford, fantastic help on the day. Thanks also for Kevin Redmond and Paul Williams for supplying and cooking the food and not forgetting the top player and DJ throughout the day and night Kev Coleman. Finally thank you to the sponsors Fraser Linaker, Kevin Best, Lee Ryder and Paul Bagley and all those who donated Jimmy Orford generous gifts for the raffle and auction. The just giving site is still open and all donations will be gratefully received by Jimmy who was absolutely overwhelmed with the turnout and support on the day! If anyone has any news on the location of a cordless screwdriver that was a raffle prize can they please make contact with the club!! Crosfields ARLFC – Fixtures, Results & League Tables

Crosfields ARLFC Fixtures 2019 Kingstone Press National Conference Division Two Kingstone Press NCL Division Two NWML Division Three P W L D For Against Diff. Points 26/01/2019 Wigan St Judes 15-14 Crosfields (Challenge Cup) 1 Ince Rose Bridge 14 11 3 0 359 255 104 22 2 Wigan St Judes 13 9 3 1 415 332 83 19 02/03/2019 Crosfields 33-20 Eccleston Lions 4-50 Crosfields A 3 West Bowling 13 9 4 0 511 273 238 18 09/03/2018 Askam 34-16 Crosfields Crosfields A 12-28 Burtonwood Bridge 4 Barrow Island 14 8 5 1 377 290 87 17 16/03/2018 Crosfields 22-0 Clock Face Miners Leigh East A 22-20 Crosfields A 23/03/2018 East Leeds 24-22 Crosfields Crosfields A 24-20 Wigan Bulldogs 5 Bradford Dudley Hill 14 8 5 1 310 289 21 17 30/03/2018 Crosfields 38-18 Hull Dockers 6 Hull Dockers 13 7 5 1 335 319 16 15 06/04/2018 Crosfields 24-33 Ince Rose Bridge Bury Broncos 22-40 Crosfields A (Cup) 7 Beverley 14 6 7 1 333 329 4 13 13/04/2018 Beverley 16-26 Crosfields Crosfields A Won A 8 Crosfields 13 6 7 0 308 295 13 12 20/04/2019 27/04/2018 Crosfields 16-23 Barrow Island Wigan Spring View 38-6 Crosfields A 9 Clock Face Miners 12 4 8 0 292 291 1 8 04/05/2019 Wigan St Judes 41-30 Crosfields 10 East Leeds 12 3 9 0 204 377 -173 6 11/05/2019 Crosfields 22-12 Shaw Cross Sharks 11 Shaw Cross Sharks 12 2 9 1 194 316 -122 5 18/05/2019 Crosfields 24-28 West Bowling Crosfields A 64-0 Culcheth Eagles 12 Askam 12 2 10 0 161 433 -272 4 25/05/2019 01/06/2019 Crosfields P-P Askam Burtonwood Bridge 30-32 Crosfields A 08/06/2019 Hull Dockers 40-10 Crosfields A Lost Crosfields A (Cup) North West Men's League Division Three 15/06/2019 Ince Rose Bridge 6-25 Crosfields Crosfields A 24-12 Leigh East A 22/06/2019 Crosfields v Wigan St Judes Wigan Bulldogs v Crosfields A P W L D For Against Diff. Points 29/06/201926th Crosfields v Latchford Albion (Warr Cup) Crosfields XIII v Armed Forces Select XIII 1 B 8 7 1 0 293 74 219 14 06/07/2019 Bradford Dudley Hill v Crosfields Crosfields A v Wigan Spring View 2 Leigh East A 10 7 3 0 221 161 60 13 13/07/2019 Clock Face Miners v Crosfields Crosfields A v Eccleston Lions 3 Wigan Spring View 8 6 2 0 258 117 141 12 20/07/2019 Crosfields v East Leeds 27/07/2019 Woolston Rovers A v Crosfields A 4 Crosfields A 9 6 3 0 258 154 104 12 03/08/2019 Crosfields v Beverley Crosfields A v Thatto Heath B 5 Burtonwood Bridge 10 5 5 0 260 169 91 9 10/08/2019 Shaw Cross Sharks v Crosfields 6 Woolston Rovers A 9 4 5 0 240 219 21 7 17/08/2019 West Bowling v Crosfields Crosfields A v Roose Pioneers 6 24/08/2019 7 Wigan Bulldogs 9 3 6 0 194 222 -28 31/08/2019 Barrow Island v Crosfields Roose Pioneers v Crosfields A 8 Roose Pioneers 7 3 4 0 179 212 -33 6 07/09/2019 Play Off Thatto Heath B v Crosfields A 9 Culcheth Eagles 10 3 7 0 150 389 -239 6 14/09/2019 Play Off Final 10 Eccleston Lions 8 0 8 0 32 368 -336 -1 21/09/2019 Culcheth Eagles v Crosfields A Crosfields ARLFC – Rhino Rugby - Kit and Merchandise Supplier Crosfields ARLFC – Phil Brazendale – Unsung Hero, by Dominic Caswell

Phil Brazendale is now in his 19th continuous year at Crosfields. This was only punctuated, when he suffered knee ligament damage when he was 15. This injury has plagued him ever since and was a major contributing factor into his decision to hang up his boots last month, aged 30. As a youngster, he could constantly be found in and around town with his close friend Antony Monks. Junior match days were always largely attending and supported by both sets of families. I remember one day shopping in B&Q and hearing a ball being bounced in the adjoining aisle. Upon turning the corner there was Phil tagging along with his parents, but always had a rugby ball in hand. It's still great seeing Phil being supported by his family, especially his partner Jess. He was a leader within the team and certainly led when it came to training, subs, functions and match day. Seldom complained unless it was in a constructive manner, he is a coach’s dream in these respects. His memory is unreal, he can reel off any game, result, scorers and conditions from any game in his time at soap. He reads a game very well on and off the field, respected by team mates, committee and spectators. and its truly hoped that he will contribute further in a coaching role, as we feel he still has plenty to offer. Crosfields ARLFC – Sponsors Crosfields ARLFC – Masters Report

CROSFIELDS CELEBRATE IN CARDIFF It’s over 10 years since Crosfields Masters played their first game of Masters Rugby League and their now traditional June weekend away this year took them down to South Wales to play Cardiff Blue Dragons Masters. As ever, Crosfields Masters travelled in style on the Friday before the game, setting up camp in Porthcawl to enable them to have an evening of preparation in the local hostelries. Crosfields Masters arrived at the picturesque Glamorgan Wanderers ground an hour before kick off ready to help spread Masters Rugby League in South Wales. With Cardiff short on numbers due to work commitments and holidays, the Crosfields lads, in the true Spirit of Masters, jumped in to help out their hosts. An excellent game of Masters Rugby League followed on a maximum dimension pitch which made for open flowing rugby. Master of the day was awarded to Cardiff's gold shorter Alan Leech, playing only his second game of Masters, whilst Masters Moment went to Crosfields’ Kev Redmond, for a full 50 minutes full of Moments, in what his fellow Crosfields team mates described as “an unprecedented performance “. Cardiff Blue Dragons Masters organiser, Chris Thomas, was full of praise for the Crosfields Masters. “After a well contested Masters game, there was a serious bout of drinks and merriment. Big thank to Paul Field for a fine performance as referee.” Dave Reid, Crosfields Masters organiser was full of praise for the game and added, “We thoroughly enjoyed it.“ After their evening in Cardiff, the Crosfields Masters made their way home on Sunday, with a refreshment stop in Stafford on their way back up the motorway. The two teams will be back together, as they both make their way to Eastmoor Wakefield, for the Yorkshire Masters Festival on Saturday 13th June. Crosfields ARLFC – Community News

Wednesday 12th June 2019 - RFL - Year 7 National Champion Schools Boys Semi Finals

Crosfields ARLFC have been supporting the RFL Schools Rugby League Programme over the season, hosting a number of events, including National Festivals for Years 8 and 10, for both Boys and Girls and Year 7 and 9 National Champion School Girls Semi Finals and Final. On Wednesday 12th June 2019, we hosted the Year 7 National Champion Schools Boys Semi Finals, which had the enviable prize for the winners, with the Final being played at Wembley Stadium, prior to the Coral Challenge Cup Final on Saturday 24th August 2019. • Standish 16 Wade Deacon (Widnes) 12 • Brooksbank (Elland) 10 Great Sankey 16

Congratulations to the winning teams! And Congratulations to the Crosfields players in the Great Sankey team! Saturday 24th August 2019 RFL- Year 7 National Champion Schools Cup Final Great Sankey v Standish At Wembley Stadium Crosfields ARLFC – Sponsors Crosfields ARLFC –Armed Forces Day 2019 Crosfields ARLFC – Dan Worrall

Friday 19th July 2019 - Fund Raiser at Crosfields ARLFC. There will be food, music and entertainment for all, with Dan’s family and friends. To raise funds, there will be a raffle, and auction for signed sporting memorabilia. Everybody is welcome!

The Goal The number one goal is to get Dan better. However, life keeps moving and doesn’t stop for anyone, so over the foreseeable future, Dan will have bills to pay and doesn’t have money coming in. The GoFundMe page was created for a prosthetic leg, which start at about £5,000 for a basic leg. Given that Dan is immensely outgoing, active and not to mention still very young and has a long life to live, a prosthetic leg for Dan is going to cost upwards of £15,000-£30,000. Crosfields ARLFC – What’s On

Saturday 14th September 2019 Saturday 30th November 2019 Crossies Crazy Bingo No Way Sis £5/£6 £7/£9

Every Sunday @ 8:30pm - Karaoke Keith or Singer - Tickets £1/£1.50* -Members / Non-members* Crosfields ARLFC – Beer Festival

01482 TONES

Friday 11th October 2019

The Millionaires

Saturday 12th October 2019 Fantastic Bands – Fantastic Real Ales - Tickets £7 each night – Both Nights £12 Crosfields ARLFC – Coach-Kit Sponsor

Hosted Unified Communications With channel analysts predicting that by 2020 UK businesses will be opting for cloud-based telephony services over more traditional telephony, there’s never been a better time to immerse yourself in hosted unified communications. It’s easy to see how new unified communications technology which brings together the traditional desktop phone with extended capabilities of video calling, conferencing, desktop sharing and mobile communications available on a subscription model is so appealing. Make Customer Engagement Easy As official distribution partners of the Broadsoft carrier grade platform and TalkTalk Business connectivity; 1CONNECT brings you the enveloping solution of the channel’s most sought-after cloud telephony application along with leased line options of ADSL2+ to 1Gb Ethernet. As a unified communications brand, 1CONNECT provides you with everything you need to compete in the growing hosted communications channel. Taken together or as stand-alone products, both the cloud telephony solution which includes licenses and handsets with talk time along with connectivity is priced competitively to make customer engagement easy. +44(0)1925 01925 530 111 [email protected] Crosfields ARLFC – Sponsor Focus

Eye Catching Signs & Graphics At Impact Graphix & Signs Ltd we take great pride in our work, from manufacture and installation, through to maintenance and repairs. We offer you a professional, personal service that is tailored to you exact requirements. So contact us for a free quote and expert advice. We have over 33 years' combined experience in producing all types of signs, banners & vehicle livery. High-quality Signage For All We provide a wide range of signs for all types of businesses, from local shops, to self employed tradesmen to multi-national companies and always offer a personal service tailored to your needs. Contact us to find out more about our signage and to discuss your requirements. To speak to the sign manufacturing experts and for a free quote, call our Office: 01925 480 491 or Email: [email protected] Crosfields ARLFC – Semi Final – Build Up Crosfields ARLFC – Round 6 – Semi Final - Team Crosfields ARLFC – Semi Final – Match Report Crosfields ARLFC – Semi Final - Photos Crosfields ARLFC – Round 6 – The Team Crosfields ARLFC – Ground Sponsor – Webb Security Systems

Webb Security Systems, an industry leader across trusted Security Service Providers. Formally known as Webb Alarms, we have since gone through a re-brand, following our proud achievement of gaining SSAIB approval.

Our team was originally established as a Security Service Providers in 1978 and for over 30 years, we have been developing new strategies which have lead us to become one of the leading Security Service Providers in the North West. We have taken pride in providing outstanding customer service and satisfaction for 30 years, always remembering that your safety and peace of mind comes first. Furthermore, we have continuously increased our highly skilled workforce, so that we are able to provide our services to thousands of properties across Warrington and the rest of the North West.