Aggenda Item 4(vi)




1.1 To set ouut an emerging direction of travel in terms of how we build a strategy around cycling and maximise the potential future benefits for Monmouthshire in social, economic and environmental terms;

1.2 To consider the need to establish budgets, on an ‘Invest to Save & Redesign’ basis in order for the Council to underwrite the costs associated with hosting and supporting the prestigious 2014 National Road Race and Time Trial Championships in Abergavenny and bridging the capital match-funding required to support the establishment of an off-road cycle track at Gilwern Outdoor Education Centre.


2.1 To endorse the mission and direction around developing a comprehensive Cycling Strategy for the county in order to provide a framework around which to secure infrastructure improvements; leverage investment in developing the sport locally and heightening the profile of the county as a premier cycling destination. 2.2 To agree to reserve-fund a budget of £160,000 to host and deliver the 2014 National Road Race, Time Trial Championships and also Welsh Open Elite series final in Monmouthshire 2014, with the expectation these costs will be re-couped through commercial sponsorship opportunities.

2.2 To recommend that the establishment of an Invest to Save capital budget of £420,000 with which to match-fund the £150k initial investment from Sport to build a National off road cycle track and training centre at Gilwern Outdoor Education Centre is considered in the draft capital MTFP proposals.


3.1 The ’s (WG) Active Travel Bill places a statutory responsibility on Local Authorities to map cycling and walking routes, get more people active and consider future investment in the specified areas. The term “Cyclenation” was used by First Minister to stimulate thinking to ensure cycling is at the heart of Local Government future plans and becomes the norm for transport.

3.2 Cycling continues to gather huge pace and momentum in Monmouthshire with some of Wales’ most prominent and celebrated cycling clubs on the patch, growing and supporting local talent; investing in our young people and promoting the county as a premier cycling destination. Abergavenny Road Cycling Club has also produced arguably, one of Wales’ greatest cycling talents in the form of double world champion, ; with the annual Festival of Cycling developing its reach and profile every year and Abergavenny securing 5 out of 10 awards available at the Awards in October. Monmouthshire is also the home to one of ’s Director, Bill Owen who founded and organises the Abergavenny Cycling Festival and has been instrumental in helping to secure the Road Race Championships for the county. Monmouthshire is rapidly becoming synonymous with the advancement and development of the sport and given the potential significant Return on Investment to the economy and wellbeing society (see British Cycling Economy report at Appendix 1) there is a unique opportunity to increase our competitiveness in this growth sport.

3.3 In keeping with this and with the support and guidance of Bill Owen, the Council has successfully tendered to deliver the 2014 National Championships in and around Abergavenny in June 2014, with a financial commitment of approximately £160,000. It is anticipated the budget will be wholly, or at least partially, off-set by commercial opportunities, sponsorship and revenue from associated mass public participation cycling events known as Sportive. Whilst the objective, and indeed opportunity, is for this high-profile event to self-fund, at this early stage, there is an obvious need for cash-flow to support the major costs and outgoings associated with the event.

3.4 Outside of the direct costs associated with supporting the event, the potential yield for the economy and in particular the food and tourism economy is significant. In WG terms this is classed as a major event and the economic multiplier is on a scale that in both primary and secondary spend terms, considerable potential exists to maximise impact across a spectrum of related indicators, from the economy, to health, participation and workplace benefits.

3.5 In relation to the propose national cycle track at Gilwern Outdoor Education Centre, a grant has been allocated to Monmouthshire to build the first off road facility of its kind in Wales. The project will give the population access to a safe, secure and quality facility.

3.6 It must be borne in mind that as with other similar facilities across the UK, the track will generate income from usage, hire and special events and will therefore enable the Authority to generate revenue for the capital expenditure required, to generate a new income source which will help to help sustain services.


General Cycling and Investment

 To promote and develop cycling in line with the legacy from London 2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games and contribute to the vision of Welsh Government( WG) Active Travel (Wales) Bill. Monmouthshire is in a prime position to become the “Cycling Capital of Wales” and to maximise the surge of interest in the sport.

 There is already a high level of participation in the sport and further investment would enable Monmouthshire to become more of a destination County with a honeypot for tourism, walking and organising large scale national events.

 Investment in infrastructure and events will provide the Council with key population outcomes and will deliver large scale return on investments. The two investments will provide further access to funding and significant grants for cycle routes and footpaths.  Cycling is becoming increasingly popular with numbers of memberships to British Cycling increasing dramatically, for example, Under 18 membership has increased by 42% in the last year and British Cycling are on the way to nearly 100,000 active members. Local clubs and societies have seen new clubs form and their membership base increase.

 Leisure Services has already developed MCC Strategic Cycling Group working with key stakeholders including Sport Wales, Welsh Cycling, Highways and Transport, Tourism, Countryside, Estates, existing cycle clubs, cycle business, Children and Young People Directorate and Youth Service to establish a comprehensive strategy for developing cycling and infrastructure throughout MCC. Whilst this strategy is early in development the Active Travel Bill & Welsh Cycling’s draft strategy 2013- 2020 will help develop focus.

 The investment in cycling infrastructure and events will help deliver Monmouthshire’s vision to decrease short trips by motor vehicles and improve health & wellbeing of communities.

Cycle Track:

 The development of a 1.20km cycle track will provide the opportunity to deliver an off road, safe cycling track to be used by the community, clubs and school pupils. The facility will also be used by Welsh Cycling as a training base for squad and training camps. The track will also provide a safe and secure environment for cyclists to enjoy all year round.  The location of the site is extremely advantageous being situated just off the A465 Heads Of The Valleys dualling road linking to Wales West and the Midlands. The facility, is near to Newport and Cardiff and also accessible from the East. From a cycling perspective there are 24NGB affiliated cycling clubs registered within a thirty mile radius of the site.  Solid foundations already exist in the area with individuals and clubs this year from Monmouthshire winning national awards for best club, best coach and best events. The Abergavenny Road Club with local riders is one of the largest, successful clubs in Wales. Becky James from Abergavenny recent World Championship success along with development of more junior riders currently in the Welsh Development Team is already inspiring more to participate in cycling.  The cycling track will regularly provide opportunities for the residents of Monmouthshire, through being a base to both school based and adult clubs, offering training options for competitive cycling groups, increasing disability cycling options and providing recreational cyclers, both young and old with a safe place to enjoy the activity. The cycling track would also provide an excellent facility for the young people from Monmouthshire and other authorities visiting the Gilwern Outdoor Education site.  In addition to serving the people of Monmouthshire the new cycling track will become a major pull for sporting tourism in the area, hosting sporting events (not just in cycling) generating additional income and investment from many sectors, while also providing opportunities for Welsh Cycling and British Cycling National Governing Bodies.  Safety is one of the major reasons why children and adults do not participate in cycling and many fatalities have occurred over the past years on road. This facility will provide a safe route away from vehicles as well as cycling proficiency tests and developing cycling skills for all.  Whilst the MCC Strategic Cycling Group have highlighted the number of routes that are available in Monmouthshire there is also a lack of dedicated off road cycling facilities in the South East Wales region.  Through early discussions with Brecon Beacons National Park the development has been classified as a major application and this could lead to significant environmental, transport, habitat and species reports and surveys to be completed which could escalate costs and risks depending upon the outcomes of these reports.

National Championships:

 This event fits strategically into the aims and objectives of MCC Single Integrated Plan and is capable of delivering strategic outputs across heritage, culture, tourism economic development and health & well-being. The event will help promote Monmouthshire and Wales to key markets within the UK and overseas.

 The National Championships is the pinnacle of home nation professional rider’s events. The event is held annually in each country, over the corresponding weekend worldwide and decides the national champion.

 Last year the event was held in Glasgow in front of 40,000 spectators. This year the event will be held around Monmouthshire with the start and finish in Abergavenny. The events will be held in June 2014 and will become part of the already established Abergavenny Festival of Cycling. There will also be an opportunity to arrange a mass participation event which it is hoped that up to 5000 riders will be encouraged to take part giving increased opportunity for people to take up and engage with the sport.

 All the events are planned around the same period in June 2014 and it is anticipated that many people will stay for the whole week to enjoy the sport, participate and bring a boost to the local economy.  The Elite Tour series, which has a professional following, is planned for July 2014. This enables the authority to host cycling events in the south of the County as well as the north. Preliminary talks are being held with Chepstow Town Council and other groups to stage the finale through the streets of Chepstow. This event is televised by Sky TV.


5.1 The estimated cost of the new cycling track at Gilwern is £420,000 subject to tender but there will be additional costs for planning procedures and reports. It is proposed to offset the £420,000 cost with a grant of £150,000 from Sport Wales, match funded by MCC Capital Invest To Save to £150,000 and a further £120,000 S106 contribution from the Ty Mawr and Lancaster Drive sites (off site Recreation - a separate report will be submitted to Cabinet for approval) The projected on- costs of planning will be met by Leisure Budgets. There is also potential to utilise the funding reserve within the Leisure Outdoor Education Centre budget, a proportion of which, approximately £30k, is allocated to Monmouthshire County Council.


Sport Wales Grant £150 k

Section 106 receipt £120 k

MCC Capital invest to save £150 k

Existing Leisure Budget £50 k

Total £470 k

Net Cost £0

5.2 Brecon Beacons National Park whilst supportive, has classified the development as a major application and this could lead to significant environmental, transport, habitat and species reports and surveys to be completed which could escalate costs and risks depending on the outcome of these reports. 5.3 To grant an operating budget of £160k towards staging the 2014 National Road Race & Time Trial Championships in Abergavenny. The total budget required to stage the National Road Race & Time Trial Championships would include £60,000 towards TV costs, £80,000 Road Closure, Policing, Barriers, Officials, Vehicles and £20,000 for Prize Money and marketing. Most of the outlay will be required after the event for commissioned services mentioned. However a small operating budget is required now.



TV Costs £60 k

Road Closures, Policing , £80 k running costs etc.

Prize Money and Marketing £20 k

Total Costs £160 k


Sponsorships & Grants (£50 k)

Sportive Income (£110 k)

Total Income (£160 k)

Net Cost to LA £0 k

The risk associated with income is probably in the order of a net £50 k costs based on sponsorship not materialising, however this is unlikely but neither of the income sources have yet been secured.

As the project is likely to stem two financial years and the income won’t occur until Year 2 we are requesting a small project budget from invest to save reserve of £20k

5.4 The service is currently in discussion with WG major events team and other potential sponsors to ensure the events are organised and delivered as close to balancing the budget as possible. Sponsorship and grants are estimated to raise a minimum of £50,000 and discussions with companies and potential partners are continuing.

5.5 Revenue will also be generated from a mass cycling event called a Sportive that will be marketed to achieve a large number of cyclists riding on Saturday 28th June. The admission for the ride will be set at different levels from £15 to £33 for the Championship Sportive and the projections are to encourage between 3k-5k cyclists with a potential income of £110k. If admissions are not achieved and income levels lower than expected then the event would not cover all organisational costs.

5.6 The return on investment for spectators attending events is easier to quantify. The economic return includes filling hotels, bed & breakfast, and expenditure on the various days and activities. According to Mintel Bicycle Report 2010 there is a significant overlap between road cycle enthusiast market and key target visitor markets for Monmouthshire. Estimations from the tourism industry predict average spends of £67 for people who stay the night and £21 for day visitors. The 200 professional & teams/competitors alone will stay for three nights with a £40k minimum spend. When taking into account number of competitors from Sportive and spectators for the different events, there is the potential to bring in over £500k to the local economy and surrounding areas.


The significant equality impacts identified in the assessment are summarised below for members’ consideration:

 Increased sports participation and improved performance  Increased potential for income generation & economic development  Improved access to local facilities and to education and training/improved access to leisure and recreation facilities

7. CONSULTEES: Cabinet Members Strategic Leadership Team Head of Legal Services Monitoring Officer Head of Finance & S151 Officer Head of Property Services Assistant Head of Finance & Deputy S151 Officer

8. BACKGROUND PAPERS: Following papers are available if requested:- National Championship Tender Document 2014 Call to Action – Grant Submission Document for Gilwern Cycle Track April 2013 Monmouthshire Vision for Cycling – Draft WG Active Travel (Wales) Bill – British Cycling & Team Sky, London School of Economics.

9. AUTHOR: Ian Saunders, Head of Leisure Services

10. CONTACT DETAILS: Tel: 01633 644613 or 07876545793 E-mail: [email protected]

Appendix A “Equality Challenge” Cycling Strategy & Investment

The following are a list of the challenges/thought processes that have been evident in producing equality challenges to date. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, just indicative of the approach:

Is there any form of Discrimination? No discrimination




Positive Action:

Where the proposal concerns one N/A protected characteristic, does it unintentionally disadvantage any sub-groups?

The ‘significance’ of impacts will N/A need to be assessed. What constitutes ‘significant’?

Is the proposal creating a post code The development of cycling is planned across Monmouthshire however the investment at lottery within the County? Gilwern is accessed by all Monmouthshire Schools.

Have positive impacts been Positive benefits include getting more people cycling safely and also benefit from health & optimized? wellbeing opportunities.

Have all reasonable steps been taken N/A. to mitigate negative impacts (including making reasonable adjustments)?

Does the proposal evidence an N/A understanding of the current (baseline) situation with respect to the protected characteristics?

Is this proposal associated with any N/A. others – is there a cumulative impact to be assessed?

Appendix B The “Equality Challenge” (Screening document) Name of the Officer completing “the Equality challenge”

Ian Saunders The investment into cycling for a off road cycling track and also delivering the National Championships

Leisure Services Date 22/10/13

0Protected characteristic Negative impact Neutral impact Positive Impact affected Please give details Please give details Please give details

Age More children cycling, health & wellbeing

Disability Disabled cycling events & improved facilities

Marriage + Civil Partnership X

Pregnancy and maternity X

Race X

Religion or Belief X

Sex (was Gender) X

Sexual Orientation X

Transgender X X

What are the potential negative Impacts. Ideas as to how we can look to MITIGATE the negative impacts (include any reasonable adjustments or engagement with affected


 

 

 

 

The next steps  If you have assessed the proposal/s as having a positive impact please give full details below:

The investment in a new off road cycling track has positive impacts on health & wellbeing and access to facilities. The cycling events also have disability events and many disabled athletes participated in the event last year (it was the first dedicated paracycling event in the UK)

 If you have assessed the proposal/s as having a Negative Impact could you please provide us with details of what you propose to do to mitigate the negative impact:

Signed I Saunders Designation Head Of Leisure Dated 22/10/2013

Appendix C

Equality Impact Assessment Form


Sustainable Development Checklist


Name of policy or change to service (Proposal) Directorate: R&C Department:


Policy author / service lead I Saunders Name of assessor Date of assessment:

I Saunders 22/10/13

1. Have you completed the Equality Challenge form? Yes

2. What is the Aim/s of the Policy or the proposed change to the policy or service (the proposal)

Invest in cycling

3. From your findings from the “Equality Challenge” form did you identify any people or groups of people with protected characteristics that this proposal was likely to affect in a negative way? Please tick appropriate boxes below.

Age no Race no

Disability no Religion or Belief no

Gender reassignment no Sex no

Marriage or civil partnership no Sexual Orientation no

Pregnancy and maternity no Welsh Language no

4. Please give details of any consultation(s) or engagement carried out in the development /re-development of this proposal.

We work with many groups, clubs and societies

5. Please list the data that has been used for this proposal? eg Household survey data, Welsh Govt data, ONS data, MCC service

user data, Staff personnel data etc. Sport Wales data, data from other developments and events on cycling

6. As a result did you take any actions to mitigate your proposal? Please give details below.

7. Final stage – What was decided?

 No change made to proposal/s – please give details

 Slight changes made to proposal/s – please give details

 Major changes made to the proposal/s to mitigate any significant negative impact – please give details

Signed…I Saunders…Designation Leisure Services………Dated…22/10/13……………………….

Appendix A The “Sustainability Challenge”

Name of the Officer Ian Saunders Investment in cycling

Name Leisure Services Date 22/10/13

Aspect of sustainability Negative impact Neutral impact Positive Impact affected Please give details Please give details Please give details


Ensure that more people X have access to healthy food

Improve housing quality and X provision

X If more people cycle regularly Reduce ill health and they will become fitter and healthier improve healthcare and one of the benefits is improved provision immune systems and posture benefits

Promote independence X social integration through sport

Encourage community X community facility and volunteers participation/action and voluntary work

X will aim to lift children out of Targets socially excluded poverty through sport & give access through passport to leisure scheme

Help reduce crime and fear X of crime

X On education site so will give Improve access to access to better training of skills education and training around cycling & sport

Have a positive impact on X people and places in other countries


Reduce, reuse and recycle X waste and water

X Yes if more people cycle and we Reduce carbon dioxide improve cycling opportunities we emissions will reduce non essential/short car journeys

Prevent or reduce pollution Yes through above of the air, land and water

Protect or enhance wildlife x A full habitat and species habitats (e.g. trees, survey is being undertaken at hedgerows, open spaces) the Gilwern site

Protect or enhance visual X the development will not negatively appearance of environment impact on appearance of the environment


X The events and facility will help Protect local shops and local shops and also help the services Outdoor Education Service moving forward

Link local production with X local consumption

Improve environmental X awareness of local businesses

X opportunities for linking into local Increase employment for business and providing more local people employment

X Monmouthshire has a reputation Preserve and enhance local for festivals, events and also cycling identity and culture so all contribute to enhancing this

Consider ethical purchasing X issues, such as Fairtrade, sustainable timber (FSC logo) etc

X The cycling facility will improve Increase and improve access especially in a rural area. access to leisure, recreation The events have cross over with or cultural facilities cultural activity and school involvement.

What are the potential negative Impacts Ideas as to how we can look to MITIGATE the negative impacts (include any reasonable adjustments)

 Habitat and species survey has flagged up wildlife in area  The site is totally sympathic to wildlife issues and we will work with Brcon Beacon NP and also wildlife experts to rehouse/rehome wildlife and ensure all planning conditions are met.  Floodlights for track in a dark sky area  The site would require flood lights so we are working to ensure lighting is as sympathetic as possible, designed to not give upward glare and also only used at key times.  

 

The next steps  If you have assessed the proposal/s as having a positive impact please give full details below

Positive as above – health& wellbeing benefits and greener form of transport

 If you have assessed the proposal/s as having a Negative Impact could you please provide us with details of what you propose to do to mitigate the negative impact:

The negative impacts regarding ecology are being dealt with through the planning process under the Brecon Beacon National Park direction. Full environment impact assessments and transport plans will be required to satisfy the planning terms and conditions.

As the site and service is extremely sympathetic to wildlife this is a key driver to protect and help wildlife and species.

Signed Ian Saunders Dated 22/10/13