A List Oi Lepidoptel'a Cohected in Costa Rica

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A List Oi Lepidoptel'a Cohected in Costa Rica ltev. Biol. Trap.• 14(2): 281-292. 1966 A List oi Lepidoptel'a coHected in Costa Rica by Macdonald Fulton * (Received por publication. August 20. 1966) Lists of the lepidoptera of Costa Rica are not available. Collections in variolls mllsellms have been worked up. but the reports have induded other Cen­ tral American or N eotropical material. The information is 'Scattered in various museum monographs. or in sl1ch encydopedias as the Biologia Centrali-Ame­ ricana and the Seitz Macrolepidoptera. The au.thor possesses a collection made in the San Jose area of the Me­ seta Central of Costa Rica during 1963 and 1964. The collection was supple­ mented with specimens contributed by other collectors from southern Puntaren as Province and from Puerto Limón" Many Costa Ricans and North Americans helped with thc collecting. The identifications were made principally by the use of volumes 5. 6. 7 and 8 of Seitz' s "Macrolepidoptera". These were provided for the work by a grant-in-aid from the Society of the Sigma Xi. The Hesperiidae in large part were identified by Dr. L. D. Miller while he was working in Costa Rica, and this part of the work benefited from his expert knowledge and his familiarity with modern terminology_ The list is too incomplete to represent truly the variety and the relation­ ships of the lepidoptera of Costa Rica. For ready reference, it seemed well to arrange the groups of genera and species in alphabetical order. The order of arrangement of families and subfamilies of Rhopalocera generally follows that in Dos PASSOS: "A Synonymic List of the Neartic Rhopalocera", and the families of moths are arranged according to Barnes and McDunnough. '" Department oE Biological Sciences. Mississippi State CoIlege For Women. Columbus. Mississippi. 39701. USA. 287 REVISTA DE 288 BIOLOGIA TROPICAL RHOPALOCERA Family HESPERIIDAE Family PAPILIONIDAE Subfamily PAPILIONrNAE Subfamily HESPERIlNAE Battus polydamas poiydamas 'Ancy/oxypha arenae Papilio -flmericIIs stabi/is Ata/opedes campestris PaPilio anchisiades ideus Hy/ephila philaells Papilio isidorus chironÍJ Lerema /oduJ PapiJio thoas autocles Panoquina oco/a Pa/loquina sy/vico/a Family PIERIDAE Perichares corydon ,Subfamily DISMORPHIINAE Perichares lotus Dismorphia amalia Perichares philetes d% l-es Dismorphia dejone Paones zablllon Dismorphia pallid,¿Ja Pompeius pompeius Dismorphia viridifascia Enantia melite Subfamily PYRGINAE Achlyodes selva Subfamily PIERINAE Astraptes ala¡-dus latia Appias drustilla Astraptes anaphis anetta Ascia mOll1iSte Astraptes chiriqllensis Leptophobia ariPa Astraptes flllgerator azul Pereute charops Astraptes ta/us Atames sallae Subfamily COLIADINAE Bella cupreheps Ameos clorinde Ca/podes ethJius Anteos merula Chiodes zi/pa Eurema a/bula Codotractus bryaxis íma/ena Eurema boisduva/iana bogotana Cogia calcus Eurema daira lydía - Dion gemmatus Eurema gundlachia /O/lgicauda Dyscophellus porcius porcius Eurema lisa lisa Ebrietes an(lcreon Eurema marginula Gesta gesta Eurema neda Goniurus procne Eurema nisa Goniurus tanna Eurema proterpia Goniurus viterboana ElIrema salome limoneus HeJiopetes orsaete orsaete Eurema xanthochlora Mylon Jassius Eurema xanthochlora constantia Pbanus obscurior Phoebis argante Phoddes polybius liJea Phoebis cypriJ vir�o Pyrgus adepta Phoebis jada Pyl'gus oileus oi/eus Phoebis philea Saliana lougirostris Phoebis (near sennae) Spathelepis clonius Phoebis sennae Theagelles albiplaga aegides Phoebis statira T hraeídes salius Phoebis trite UrballUs dorantes Urbanus simplicius Family RIODINIDAE Urbanru teleus Apodemia sp. Vacerra lachares Argyrogramma maCUlaf'M XenophalleJ tryxIIJ BaeotiJ %01141a I'UL1"ON: LEPmOPTJ!!l.A iROM COSTA RiCA 289 Charis argyrodines ¡averna Elmica ve1l1uit, Diaethria Charis volutina sp. Echelzais aemulin4 adelina DYllamine salpens Ma pe a chiron Emesis tenedia r si Ly1lmas- saJlguÍlzea Marpesia hermio/le Merene margare/la M,¡rpesia marcella Sarola chrysus Marpesia merops 1'hisbe lycorias Marpesia petreus Ibe:)'s Family LYCAENIDAE Subfamily LIMENTlDINAE Adeipha Jemialb,¡ Subfamíly THECLINAE Adelpha cy/herp l'hecla amylltOr m.lrej,¡ AlIar/ia j,1tl'ophae 1'hecla battus aufidena Ill!eiPicw Fatima venusta hecla barajo l' Hypana tia lelhe hecla beon r l' Limen;!is l'hecla cestri sp. ¡\feMm01'pha epaphus Thecla columella ¡$lapa Me/amorpha /el ne biplagiala l'hecla damo J e s l' he a herodotus cl Subfarnily hecla hypocrila VANESSINAE l' geno�'CtJll T hecla lao/hoe Precis Pt'CCís lavinia Thecla leucógyl1e Vá¡¡eSM llirginiensiJ '[hecla meton Thecla ortyg1l11J SubfamJy NYMPHAl,JNAE Thecla palaegon Callicore ja nei"(j hecla phaea T GYllaecia dirce hecla sethon l' PselfJonica sy/vcstris Thecla togama l'emellis l.�ol/;oe !;oJldu.'emú Subfamily, PLEBEJINAE Subiamily MELITAEINAE Everes comyntas eomyl1/as Ch/osy/le h),peria aJe/in" He1llíargus eenlllnus zacheina Chlos)'ne ¡anaiJ Hemi g s isola ar u CMos)'/2e mediatrix Lep/oles cassius sIria/a Chlo )' e nigrescens s 12 Ere.'lia /eueodesma Family BRASSOLIDAE Eresia staeno/aenia Caligo 1IIe1llnon Ph de e/ a ycio s ar O psi phanes eassil1a chil'iquC1lSis Phyciodes faus/m O p iphane ta1lla'l'indi sikyon hy d flava s s P cio es PhyciodeJ gutl!emalena Ph)'ciodes /í iop Family NYMPHALIDAE r e Subfamily CHARAXINAE' Subfamily ARGYNNINI.E Anaea eubaena ptoe ta begesia ho!/ Anaea glyeerium J!.lI i l12aJllzi Subfamily HELICONIINAE Subfamily APATURlNAE DrY,tdula phaetusa ehlo ippe eyane l' Dr)'as julia deli/á Chlorippe 1IIelllas Dione jU120 huaseama 1iistorÍJ- odion Dione moneta bUlleri Prepol1a meander a1llpbimaehus Euides cleobaea zorcaon Subfamily EURYTELlNAE HelieonillI eharithoniuJ " Bib/is hyperia aganis4 . He/ieonillJ clysol1imuJ monJa"" DE flEVISTA ÉIOLOGIA TROPICAi 290 Helíco;¡ius diotrephes Family DANAIDAE eliconius leuce Da¡¡aus e;"esirntts H Heliconius pachinia DanauJ giliPPllj berenice Heliconius petiveranus Danaus plexippus Subfamily ITHOMIINAE SATYRIDAE " " Family 1p topos metantho L ro Dioriste CO/h0l1 Cel'atinia excelsa dewmal1a Dioriste taufOpolis Dircennc¡ klugii Drucinc; leo l na a Dysmeilitis zy ia E ptychi cye/ops g ll a lIirsutis pinthia Euptychia gigas Hirsutis sall'tuloris Euptychia hermes H ymcnitis oto EuPlychia hesione l/hornía heraldica Euptychit: mmzas 1I1echtlilitis Ellptychit: OCilllS �p. P/eronymia colylto Euptychia pyracmon EIIJJtychia salyrina Subfamily ACRAEINAE Pedaliodes phrasiclea Actinota cm tcas Pedaliodes pisol1ia dejecta Ac/Íllote lapí/ha Peddiodes jJerpcma HETEROCERA Family SPHINGIDAE Family SA TURNIIDAE aClltissima Amplypterus ypsilon Atttomeris Cocy!ius cmtcUJ medor Atttomeris boucardi A1I/ameris Ep¿sto1 gorgon ¡ncamata cecl'o¡Js Amo e is mOil/ezuma Epist01 ocype/e m l' ErÍlmyis alope AII/omeris I'Itbescens Automet'Ís Eritl1lyis crameri zugana Eri1l1zyis ello I-IomoeoPteryx malaccna Erinnyis obscura Rothschildia aroma Erill1zyis oeno/rus Sysspbinx molilla Eritmyis yuca/ana Herse eÍlzgu/clta Family SYNTOMIDAE Pachylia ficus Am)'cles anthracena Cosmosoma ge Perigonia ile//s afl Phollls achemo!IIJ Cyalzopepla arrogans costarriccnslJ 0pepla scil1tillans Pholus labruscae Cyal1 D z a s Phallls /riangulmn Íl ¡i! egm Pr% parce bamesi Episcepsis hypoleuca Pro/aparcc lichenea Eucereon centrale Protoparce ElIcereoll confine occulla P otopar e pal/mia Eltcereoll r c sp. Pr% parce quillqllema�ulatlts EUCereOi¡ xtmlhllra Protoparce rustica Napata walkcl'i Prota parce sexta Pscudosphinx tetrio Family PERICOPIDAE Xylopha s cera/omioides ¡¡e Eucyal1c alitta Xyloph:mes plu/o Gnophae/a sp. Xylophanes tersa Hyalu ga soroides l' Xylophat¡es tyizádr'1ls PericoPis ¡ycaste J;UiTON: LEP¡bOPTERA FROM COSTA RICA 29í Family AGARISTIDAE Amasttl! rumilld Orthia allgias Apan/esis proxima Bertboldi<l albipuncta Family NOCTUIDAE Bertholditt spec ulm-is Agrotis limenia D.1l'itis thetis Alabama argillacea Ecpantherid caudata Ecpantheria Arthodes puerilis sp. m;¡zilla Atbysal1ia bidens Ecpalllheria Atbysania pyrgo Estigmelle a(1'aea alb,¡ Autographa biloba Estigmene acraea mexic(/ua H(/lisidota cinctipes A1Itograpba 00 Blosyris buleo Halisidota tttC1J11J::ma Blosyris hercyna Ophal'us almopia Biosyris hypnois Opbm'uJ astur J;¡"lus Blosyris magna PrUmal1d Blosyris mycerina Utetbeisa 0171atrix ornatrix Blosyris orcyhia Blosyris !Cops Family NOTODONTIDAE Cirphis pllnctlllata Bardaxima lucilinea Erebus odora Cbadisra hybrida Ereblls sp. Hemiceras bilillea Eriopus floridensis Hemiceras cadmia E1Ixoa flavidens Hemicerc/s colombia Fellia malefida Hemiceras COito Heliophila unipllncta He1l1icer,ts metastigm" H eliolhis armi ger Hemicel'.�s sp. H eliothis virescel1S Hemiceras IIsara Homoptera lllllata lunata Nystclca cbalea Homoptera lunata edusa Hypocala sp. Family LASIOCAMPIDM' Laphygma frllgiPerda Euglypbis vena!ia Letis magna Lichlloptera felina MaguM dissidens Family BOMBYCIDAE Melipotis fasciolaria A,bateloJes costarricense Mocis munda Q1Ientalia maevia Mosodes subobliqua Palil1did argyritis Family GEOMETRIDAE Palindia electa PfÍÍindiona ouocco Macari,¡ praestoma/a Pdngrapta sp. Melallchroia cephise Paratrachea laches Oxiditt vesulis Safia amella Racheaspil,¡ livaria Thysania agrippina Racheospila punctilinea Thysa/lia zenobia SabuloJes [l otitia Tracbea xylophila Sphacelodes vulnerari" Yrias sp. Zale galactea Family EPIPLEMIDAE Zale helvina Erosia incwdiata Zale phaeograpla Syngria druidari:: Syngriodes genaria ( Fami1y ARCTIIDAE Family LACOSOMIDAE Agyl1a argenJifera Lacosoma zonoma REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL 292 famiiy COCHLIDIIDAE Zenckenia fascialis Eudea cMora Family HEPIALIDAE Ddac" mlJysca Fam¡ly ZYGAENIDAE splendens Phass/JS triangularis fIanis;,;a Family THYRIDIDAE Family LIMACODIDAE Dysodia occultam P"usa cucrnavaca Family COSSIDAE Family URANIIDAE Langsdorfia ¡unifera H ormidiana leachi LallgJdorfia Sematura lzmus sp. Urania fulgen s Family PYRALIDfyE Aga/bodes mOJtl'alis Family CASTNIlDAE Vi:ril1a COtTebioides CaJ/nia hllmboldtii SUMMARY A collection of Lepidoptera chiefly from the Meseta Central of Costa Rica included 217 species and subspecies of Rhopalocera and 148 of Heterocera. RESUlVIEN Se da una lista de Lepidoptera, principalmente de la Meseta Central de 217 148 Costa Rica en que 'Se incluyen especies y subespecies de Rhopalocera y de Heterocera. .
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