Moth Leaflet
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Common moths of REGUA Amaxia consistens Cosmosoma auge Viviennea salma Crinodes bellatrix There are approximately 140,000 described species of Arctiidae Arctiidae Arctiidae Notodontidae moths worldwide, scattered over 100 families, with thousands of species yet to be described. This leaflet illustrates 54 of the more common and distinctive moths (excluding Sphingidae) representing 13 of the families that have been recorded at the REGUA lodge. The moth wall was built in October 2012 and provides a great opportunity for visitors to see a wide range of moth Dinia eagrus Dysschema hypoxantha Rosema thalassina Ascalapha odorata species, plus other insects, geckos and amphibians that Arctiidae Arctiidae Notodontidae Noctuidae are attracted to the lights. Surprisingly the lights also sometimes attract a few species of day-flying butterflies, especially hairstreaks. REGUA is keen to establish a comprehensive list of moth species present in the reserve, so please submit any records and photographs of moths that are not on this leaflet to Jorge Bizaro ([email protected]). Dysschema sacrifica Elysius conspersus Ceroctena amynta Dysgonia expediens Arctiidae Arctiidae Noctuidae Noctuidae Idalus herois Neritos pectinata Eusceptis splendens Letis buteo Trichophassus giganteus Langsdorfia franckii Arctiidae Arctiidae Noctuidae Noctuidae Hepialidae Cossidae Ordishia rutilus Viviennea moma Sosxetra grata Thysania agrippina Morpheis pyracmon Perola villosipes Arctiidae Arctiidae Noctuidae Noctuidae Cossidae Limacodidae Podalia fuscescens Trosia nigropunctigera Adeloneivaia boisduvali Copiopteryx semiramis Argyrotome muricolor Glena bipennaria Megalopygidae Megalopygidae Saturniidae Saturniidae Geometridae Geometridae Diaphania indica Maruca vitrata Dysdaemonia brasiliensis Eacles imperialis Iridopsis validaria Leuciris fimbriaria Crambidae Crambidae Saturniidae Saturniidae Geometridae Geometridae Artace cribraria Apatelodes pandara Hylesia nanus Hyperchiria incisa Nepheloleuca politia Pantherodes colubraria Lasiocampidae Apatelodidae Saturniidae Saturniidae Geometridae Geometridae Colla rhodope Epia muscosa Oiticella convergens Rhescyntis hippodamia Phrygionis incolorata Semaeopus varia Apatelodidae Bombycidae Saturniidae Saturniidae Geometridae Geometridae Automeris illustris Automeris melanops Rothschildia aurota Syssphinx molina Sericoptera mahometaria Synchlora gerularia Saturniidae Saturniidae Saturniidae Saturniidae Geometridae Geometridae.