A Study of an Indicator Insect Group in Southern Mexico

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A Study of an Indicator Insect Group in Southern Mexico FOREST MANAGeMeNT ANd BIODIVERSITy: A sTUDY oF AN INdICATOR INSECT GROUP IN SOUTHERN MeXICo Yariely del Rocío Balam-Ballote and Jorge L. León-Cortés SUMMARY Previous studies on succesional dynamics of insect commu- use and geographic range for 63 butterfly species was detected nities have revealed important changes along succesional sta- (χ²= 13.26, df= 1, p<0.005). Species with narrow geographic ges among community structures and insect life histories. This ranges were usually grouped in unmodified habitats, whereas work evaluates the changes and diversity of a butterfly fauna in widespread species were much more likely to make some use a forest-managed landscape in Southern Mexico. One-hundred of human-modified habitats. A declining proportion of species and forty three species were collected belonging to 102 genera restricted to unmodified, or primary, habitats with increasing in five families. Nymphalidae was the most diverse family with geographic range was quantified. Forest-management practices 54 species (38%). Rarefaction and rank abundance curves re- on local habitats as well as differences among species’ habi- corded in each forest stand suggested important differences for tat preferences and geographical distributions can account for species richness values at comparable levels of sampling effort. an increasing proportion of widespread species in the study Species abundances were positively correlated with their lands- landscape and comparable sites. Monitoring of insect indicator cape distribution sizes. Based on field observations and on li- groups in extractive landscapes is needed to establish guidelines terature review, a designation of habitat preferences for a set for ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable forest of species was given. A significant association between habitat zoning and use regimes. Introduction adequate levels of species rich- Insects are considered to toration schemes due to their ness under some semi-intense be adequate responders to quick reaction to changes as Succesional stages represent forest management could be habitat change (Brown and regards to habitat quality and an ecologically important case achieved through the mainte- Freitas, 2000; Caballero et quantity (Thomas, 1984; Ty- of change in diversity through nance of a patchwork that ide- al., 2009). Their sensitivity to ler et al., 1994; Wood and time. Former studies on suc- ally includes areas of primary disturbance and change allow Gillman, 1998). However, the cesional dynamics of insect forest, and a network of for- them to be good models for response of some butterfly communities reveal important est patches with a given man- the study in environmental species to habitat disturbance changes along succesional stag- agement regime (Wood and gradients, as is the case for depends upon the characteris- es among community structures Gillman, 1998). In addition, in dragonflies, beetles, moths, tics of particular organisms, and insect life histories, namely order to be considered a genu- butterflies and ants (Tyler et such as body size, dispersal host plant specificity, migra- inely sustainable method of for- al., 1994; Brown and Freitas, ability, life history, population tions, and body size, among est management, selective log- 2000; Arellano et al., 2008). size or rarity, because in some others. For example, excessive ging needs to be economically Butterflies in particular are cases, narrowly-distributed extraction of native tree spe- viable, provides a sustainable useful responders in environ- species seem to experience cies from forests can affect the yield of timber, and preserves mental studies because they no adverse effects of forest structure of communities, im- biodiversity (Bawa and Seidler, could decrease in abundance disturbance. Increasing habi- pacting the pattern of coloniza- 1998). However, in tropical sys- or even disappear due to (even tat fragmentation could even tion and diversity of insects in tems the costs of forest distur- subtle) changes in habitat benefit generalists, which have fragmented systems (Wood and bance, mostly caused by selec- quality, namely, forest cover recorded important population Gillman, 1998; Shahabuddin tive logging, upon biodiversity and vegetation composition increases as habitat becomes and Ponte, 2004; Waltz and have been poorly measured. and structure (León Cortés et more heterogeneous (Brandle Covington, 2004; Ohwaki et Can significant effects of forest al., 2004). Additionally, but- et al., 2002; León-Cortés et al., 2007). It is thought that an management upon biodiversity terflies have been proposed al., 2004; Waltz and Coving- optimal strategy to safeguard elements be expected? as useful responders in res- ton, 2004). Keywords / Butterfly / Chiapas / Forestry development / Forest Management / Indicator species / Received: 06/02/2009. Modified: 05/17/2010. Accepted: 06/02/2010. yariely del rocío Balam-Bal- Jorge L. León-Cortés. Ph.D. in Panamericana y Av. Periférico lote. MSc, El Colegio de la Ecology) University of Leeds, Sur S/N. San Cristóbal de las Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Uni- UK. Researcher, ECOSUR, Casas, Chiapas, México. e- dad San Cristóbal de las Ca- México. Address: Departamen- mail: [email protected] sas, Chiapas, México. e-mail: to de Ecología y Sistemática [email protected] Terrestres, ECOSUR, Carr. 526 0378-1844/10/07/526-08 $ 3.00/0 JUL 2010, VOL. 35 Nº 7 MANeJo FORESTAL y BIODIVERSIdAd: ESTUdIo DE UN GrUPo INdICADOR DE INSECTOS eN eL sUr DE MÉXICo Yariely del Rocío Balam-Ballote y Jorge L. León-Cortés RESUMEN Estudios previos sobre dinámica sucesional de comunidades ciación significativa entre uso de hábitat y extensión geográfi- de insectos revelan cambios importantes a lo largo de los esta- ca para 63 especies de mariposas (χ²= 13,26, dl= 1, p<0,005). dios sucesionales en la estructura de las comunidades y la his- Las especies con extensiones geográficas reducidas se agruparon toria de vida de los insectos. Se evaluaron cambios y diversidad usualmente en hábitat no modificados, mientras que las de dis- de las mariposas en un paisaje con manejo forestal del sur de tribución amplia tendían a hacer uso de hábitat intervenidos. Se México, recolectándose 143 especies pertenecientes a 102 géne- registró una baja proporción de especies restringidas a hábitat ros de cinco familias, siendo Nymphalidae la más diversa (54 no modificados en relación con el incremento de su distribución especies; 38%). Las curvas de rarefacción y los niveles de abun- geográfica. Las prácticas locales de manejo forestal así como las dancia registradas en cada rodal sugirieron diferencias importan- diferencias en la preferencia de hábitats y distribución geográfica tes en riqueza de especies para niveles de esfuerzo de captura de las especies conllevan una creciente proporción de especies de comparables. La abundancia de especies estuvo correlacionada distribución amplia en la zona de estudio y sitios comparables. positivamente con el tamaño de su distribución. Con base en ob- Se requiere del monitoreo de grupos indicadores de insectos en servaciones de campo y revisión de la literatura, se designaron zonas de extracción para establecer pautas para la subdivisión y preferencias de hábitat para las especies. Se detectó una aso- régimen de uso ecológico, económica y socialmente sostenibles. MANeJo DE SELVAs e BIODIVERSIdADE: ESTUDO DE UM GrUPo INdICADOR DE INSETOS No sUL DO MÉXICo Yariely del Rocío Balam-Ballote e Jorge L. León-Cortés RESUMO Estudos prévios sobre dinâmica sucesional de comunidades tat e extensão geográfica para 63 espécies de borboletas (χ²= de insetos têm revelado mudanças importantes ao longo dos 13,26, dl= 1, p<0,005). As espécies com extensões geográficas estadios sucessionais na estrutura das comunidades e a história reduzidas agruparam-se usualmente em hábitats não modifica- de vida dos insetos. Foram avaliadas mudanças e diversidad e dos, enquanto que as dispersas tendiam a fazer uso de hábitats das borboletas em uma selva protegida do sul do México,se re- interditados. Foi achada uma proporção em descenso de espé- colhendo 143 espécies pertencentes a 102 gêneros de cinco fa- cies restringidas a hábitats não modificados (primários) que au- milias, sendo Nymphalidae a mais diversa (54 espécies; 38%). mentavam sua extensão geográfica. As práticas de manejo flo- A rarefação e curvas de níveis de abundância registradas em restal local e as diferenças na preferência de distribuição das cada stand sugerem diferenças importantes em riqueza de espé- espécies levam a uma crescente proporção de espécies de ampla cies para níveis de esforço de captura comparáveis. A abundân- distribuição na área do estudo e locais comparáveis. Requere-se cia de espécies se correlacionou positivamente com a extensão de monitoramento de insetos indicadores em zonas de extração de sua distribuição. Com base em observações de campo e re- para estabelecer pautas para a subdivisão e regime de uso eco- visão da literatura, se designaram preferências de hábitat para lógico, económica e socialmente sustentáveis. as espécies. Houve associação significativa entre uso de hábi- The objectives of this pa- mented in the landscape con- mer rains between June and ging and in lesser proportion per are 1) to assess the local sidered in the present study is October. Roughly 75% of the from farming and livestock (forest stand) and landscape as ecologically sustainable as total area of Coapilla is char- activities. In particular, logged diversity of butterflies in a it claims to be. acterized
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