John Oscar Stireman III Curriculum Vitae

Professor Department of Biological Sciences 3640 Colonel Glen Hwy 235A BH, Wright State University Dayton, OH 45435 [email protected] 937-775-3192

Academic Experience______

Professor, Biological Sciences, Wright State University; 2014 - present

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, Wright State University; 2009 - 2014

Assistant professor, Biological Sciences, Wright State University; 2005 – 2009

Research Associate, Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Sección Invertebrados, Ecuador, 2014 – present

Doctoral Evaluation Committee, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology PhD program, Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Universitá di Roma (2017-present).

Postdoctoral fellow: Host race formation and population phylogeography of herbivores and their parasitoids. Advisor: John Nason; Iowa State University; 8/02-7/05 Postdoctoral fellow: Parasitoid-host and plant-insect ecological interactions. Advisor: Lee Dyer; Tulane University; 5/01-8/02. PhD. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona: The ecology and evolution of tachinid-host associations. Advisor: Nancy A. Moran, 4/2001. BS, biology, University of Utah (evolution and ecology emphasis), 5/1993

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants______National Science Foundation/FAPSEP (Brazil): Collaborative Research: Dimensions US- Biota Sao Paulo: Chemically mediated multi-trophic interaction diversity across tropical gradients (M. Kato, L. Dyer et al.). WSU portion: $266,000, 11/25/2014. National Science Foundation REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates): Supplement to DEB: Collaborative research: The Phylogeny and Evolution of World Tachinidae (Diptera). $7,300, 5/1/2014. National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine to establish high-throughput sequencing capability for ecological and environmental biology (with PIs O. Paliy, S. Baird, J. Peters, D. Cipollini). $123,300, 8/1/2013. National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Phylogeny and Evolution of World Tachinidae (Diptera) (lead PI with J.E. O’Hara and J.K. Moulton - WSU portion: $492,829; 2/15/2012). National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Caterpillars and Parasitoids in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador (renewal) (with L.A. Dyer, T. Walla, J. Whitfield, S. Shaw, et al. - WSU portion: $61,046; 9/1/2010) National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Caterpillars and Parasitoids in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador (with L.A. Dyer, T. Walla, J. Whitfield, S. Shaw, et al.)(WSU portion: $58,747; 6/1/2007). Wright State University – Research Challenge Grant: Adaptive radiation of a gall midge-fungal mutualism in a multitrophic community context ($15,000, 1/2007). National Science Foundation: Ecological Biology. J.O. Stireman III and P. Abbot. Collaborative Research: Adaptive radiation of a gall midge-fungus mutualism in a multitrophic context (WSU portion: $300,000, 9/2006). Wright State University – Research Challenge Grant: Understanding the geographical and community context of mutualism stability: a preliminary analysis of fig-fig wasp interactions in the Sonoran Desert ($12,000, 1/2006). National Science Foundation: Biotic Surveys and Inventories. L.A. Dyer, P. DeVries, T. Walla, S. Shaw. Collaborative Research: Caterpillars and Parasitoids in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador ($184,000 7/2004). National Science Foundation: Research Training Group (RTG) for the Analysis of Biological Diversity (U. of Arizona): Fellowship ($5000, 1/00). National Science Foundation: Research Training Group (RTG) for the Analysis of Biological Diversity (U. of Arizona) Fellowship ($5000, 8/98). National Science Foundation: Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG), to study the ecological and evolutionary determinants of host range in tachinid flies ($7500, 4/97) National Science Foundation: Research Training Group (RTG) for the Analysis of Biological Diversity (U. of Arizona) research award ($500, 1/97). Plant-Insect Group Seed Grant (Center for Insect Science, U. of Arizona). ($600, 2/96). Departmental Research Award (U. of Arizona; $400, 6/95). Hughes Undergraduate Research Grant (U. of Utah). Awarded three research grants ($1500 ea.; 12/93, 3/93, 6/93).


Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence: Early Career Achievement, Wright State University (2008)

Peer reviewed publications ______

Heath, J.J., Abbot, P., Stireman, J.O. III. Diversifying selection from the top down. American Naturalist (In Review).

Blaschke, J.S., Stireman, J.O. III, O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Moulton, J.K. Molecular Phylogenetics and Piercer Evolution in the Bug-Killing Flies (Diptera: Tachinidae: Phasiinae). Systematic Entomology (In Press).

60. Cerretti, P. Stireman, J.O. III, Pape, T., Marinho, M.A.T., Rognes, K., and Grimaldi, D. 2017. First definitive fossil of an oestroid fly (Diptera: Calyptratae: Oestroidea) and the dating of oestroid divergences. PLOS One 12(8): e0182101.

59. Stireman, J.O. III, Dyer, L.A.,and Greeney, H.F. Specialized generalists? Food web structure of a tropical tachinid-caterpillar community. 2017. Insect Conservation and Diversity (In Press).

58. Oberhauser, K., Elmquist, D., Perilla-Lopez, J.M., Gebhard, I., Stireman, J.O. III. 2017. Tachinid fly (Diptera: Tachinidae) parasitoids of Danaus plexippus (: ). Annals of the Entomological Society of America (In Press).

57. Inclán, D.J., O’Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Shima, H., Pohjoismäki, J., Lo Giudice, G. and Cerretti, P. 2017. The monophyly of the Glaurocarini (Diptera: Tachinidae: Tachininae) with the description of a new species of Semisuturia from Australia. Insect Systematics & Evolution (In Press).

56. Ulyshen, M.D., Zachos, L.G., Stireman, J.O. III, Sheehan, T., Garrick, R.C. 2017. Insights into the ecology, genetics and distribution of Lucanus elaphus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), North America’s giant stag beetle. Insect Conservation and Diversity 10:331-340.

55. Inclán, D.J., Stireman, J.O. III, Cerretti, P. 2016. Redefining the generic limits of Winthemia (Diptera: Tachinidae). Invertebrate Systematics 30:274-289.

54. Stireman, J.O. III. 2016. Community ecology of the “Other” Parasitoids. Current Opinion in Insect Science 14: 87-93.

53. Von Ellenrieder, N., Hauser, M., Kinnee, S., O’Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Cerretti, P., Wood, D.M. 2015. First record of a tachinid fly parasitoid (Diptera: Tachinidae) on a dragonfly (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Studia Dipterologica 21(2014):335-341.

52. Letourneau, D.K., Kula, R.R., Sharkey, M.J., Stireman, J.O. III. 2015. Habitat eradication and cropland intensification may reduce parasitoid diversity and natural pest control services in annual crop fields. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 3:000069. DOI: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000069

51. I.S. Winkler, J.D. Blaschke, D.J. Davis, M.S, J.O. Stireman III*, J.E. O'Hara, P.Cerretti, J.K. Moulton. 2015. Explosive radiation or uninformative genes? Origin and early diversification of tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 88:38-54 *corresponding author

50. Cerretti, P., O'Hara, J.E., Winkler, I.S., Giudice, G., Stireman III, J.O. 2015. Two tribes hidden in one genus: the case of Agaedioxenis Villeneuve (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution. DOI 10.1007/s13127-015-0211-0.

49. M.L. Forister, P.D. Coley, I.R. Diniz, M. Fox, A. Glassmire, R. Hazen, J. Hrcek, J. Jahner, T.J. Kozubowski, T. Kursar, J. Lill, R.J. Marquis, H.C. Morais, M. Murakami, V. Novotny, A.K. Panorska, N. Pardikes, R.E. Ricklefs, M.S. Singer, A. Smilanich, J.O. Stireman, D. L. Wagner, T. Walla, G.D. Weiblen, L.A. Dyer. 2015. The global distribution of diet breadth in insect herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:442-447.

48. Inclán, D.J. & Stireman, J.O. III. 2014. A new species and synonymy of the Neotropical Eucelatoria Townsend and re-description of Myiodoriops Townsend. Zookeys. 464:63-97.

47. Stireman, J. O. III, Devlin, H., & Doyle, A.L. 2014. Habitat Fragmentation, tree diversity and plant invasion interact to structure forest caterpillar communities. Oecologia, 176: 207-224.

46. Cerretti, P., O'Hara, J.E., Wood, D.M., Shima, H., Inclán, D.J., & Stireman, J.O. III. 2014. Signal through the noise? Phylogeny of the Tachinidae (Diptera) as inferred from morphological evidence. Systematic Entomology 39:335-353.

45. Heath, J.J., Kessler, A., Woebbe, E., Cipollini, D.F., & Stireman, J. O. III. 2014. Exploring plant defense theory in tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. New Phytologist. 202:1357-1370.

44. Cobbs, C.C., Heath, J.J., Stireman, J.O. III & Abbot, P. 2013. Carotenoids in unexpected places: gall midges, lateral gene transfer, and carotenoid biosynthesis in . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 68:221-228

43. Heath, J.J., Cipollini, D.F., & Stireman, J. O. III. 2013. The role of carotenoids in mediating interactions between and their environment. -Plant Interactions. 7:1-20.

42. Inclán, D.J. & Stireman, J. O. III. 2013. Revision of the genus Erythromelana Townsend, 1918 (Diptera: Tachinidae) with description of 11 new species and analysis of their phylogeny and diversification. Zootaxa. 3621:1-82.

41. Heath, J.J., Wells, B.L., Cipollini, D.F., & Stireman, J. O. III. 2013. Carnivores and carotenoids are associated with adaptive behavioural divergence in a radiation of gall midges. Ecological Entomology. 38:11-22.

40. Letourneau, D.K., Bothwell Allen, S.G., & Stireman, J. O. III. 2012. Perennial habitat fragments, parasitoid diversity and parasitism in ephemeral crops. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:1405-1416.

39. Stireman, J. O. III, Devlin, H., & Abbot, P. 2012. Rampant host and defensive phenotype associated diversification in a goldenrod gall midge. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25:1991-2004.

38. Stireman, J.O. III, Cerretti, P., Whitmore, D., Hardersen, S. and Gianelle, D. 2012. Composition and stratification of a tachinid (Diptera: Tachinidae) parasitoid community in a European temperate plain forest. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5:346–357

37. Salvato, M.H., Salvato, H.L. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2012. Chetogena scutellaris (Diptera: Tachinidae) an endoparasite of larval Strymon acis bartrami (lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 66:113-114 (General Notes)

36. Forister, M.L., Dyer, L.A., Singer, M.S., Stireman, J.O. and Lill, J.T. 2012. Revisiting the evolution of ecological specialization, with emphasis on insect-plant interactions. Ecology 93:981-991.

35. Greeney, H.F., Whitfield, J., Stireman, J.O. III, Penz, C.M. and Dyer, L.A. 2011. The natural history of Eryphanis greeneyi (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) with a description of a new species of braconid parasitoid and comments on an associated species of tachinid. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 104:1078-1090.

34. Inclán, D.J. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2011. A point estimation of Tachinidae diversity and temporal patterns of abundance in Southwestern Ohio. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104:287-296.

33. Dyer, L.A., Walla, T.R., Greeney, H.F., Stireman, J.O. III, Hazen, R.F. 2010. Diversity of Interactions: A Metric for Studies of Biodiversity. Biotropica 42: 281-289.

32. Heath, J.J. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2010. Dissecting the association between a gall midge, Asteromyia carbonifera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and its symbiotic fungus, Botryosphaeria dothidea (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 137: 36-49.

31. Janson, E.M., Peeden, E.R., Stireman, J.O. III and Abbot, P. 2010. Symbiont-mediated phenotypic variation without symbiont-host co-evolution in an insect-fungus association. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2212-2228.

30. Stireman, J.O. III, Devlin, H.P., Carr, T.G., Abbot, P. 2010. Evolutionary diversification of the gall midge genus Asteromyia (Cecidomyiidae) in a multitrophic ecological context. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54:194-210.

29. Stireman, J.O. III, Dyer, L.A., Greeney, H.F. 2009. Species richness and host associations of Lepidoptera-attacking Tachinidae in the mid-elevation Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Insect Science. 9:39.

28. Greeney, H.F., Devries, P.J., Penz, C.M., Granizo-T., R.B., Connahs, H., Stireman, J.O. III, Walla, T.R., and Dyer, L.A. 2009. The immature stages and natural history of Antirrhea adoptiva porphyrosticta (Watkins, 1928) in eastern Ecuador (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Morphinae). Journal of Insect Science. 9:30

27. Stireman, J.O. III, Abbot, P., Janson E.M., Carr, T.G., Devlin, H. 2008. Evolutionary radiation of Asteromyia carbonifera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) gall morphotypes on the goldenrod Solidago altissima (Asteraceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95:840- 858.

26. Janson, E.M., Stireman, J.O., III, Singer, M.S., and Abbot, P. 2008. Perspective: Phytophagous insect-microbe mutualisms and adaptive evolutionary diversification. Evolution 62:997-1012.

25. Stireman, J. O. III. 2008. α and β diversity of a tachinid community over space and time. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 101:362-370.

24. Halverson, K., Heard, S.B., Nason, J.D.,and J.O. Stireman, III. 2008. Origins, distribution, and local co-occurrence of polyploid cytotypes in Solidago altissima (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 95:50-58.

23. Halverson, K., Heard, S.B., Nason, J.D.,and J.O. Stireman, III. 2008. Differential attack on diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid Solidago altissima L. by five insect gallmakers. Oecologia 154:755-761.

22. Dyer, L.A., Singer, M.S., Lill, J.T., Stireman, J.O., Gentry G.L., Marquis, R.J., Ricklefs, R.E., Greeney, H.F., Wagner, D.L., Morais, H.C., Diniz, I.R., Kursar, T.A., & Coley, P.D. 2007. Host specificity of Lepidoptera in tropical and temperate forests. Nature 448:606-700.

21. Stireman, J.O. III, O’Hara, J.E., and Wood, D.M. 2006. Tachinidae: Evolution, Behavior, and Ecology. Annual Review of Entomology 51:525-555.

20. Heard, S.B., Stireman, J.O. III, Nason, J.D., Cox, G.H., Kolacz, C.R. and J.M. Brown. 2006. On the elusiveness of enemy-free space: Spatial, temporal, and host-plant-related variation in parasitoid attack rates. Oecologia 150:421-424.

19. Stireman, J.O. III, Nason, J. D. Heard, S., and Seehawer, J. 2006. Cascading host race formation in parasitoids of phytophagous insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences. 273:523-530.

18. Stireman, J.O. III, L.A. Dyer, D.H. Janzen, M.S. Singer, J.T. Lill, R.J. Marquis, R.E. Ricklefs, G.L. Gentry, W. Hallwachs, P.D. Coley, J.A. Barone, H.F. Greeney, H. Connahs, P. Barbosa, H.C. Morais, and I.R. Diniz. 2005. Climatic unpredictability and caterpillar parasitism: implications of global warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102:17384-17387.

17. Stireman, J.O. III, Nason, J. D. and Heard, S. 2005. Host-associated genetic differentiation in phytophagous insects: general phenomenon or isolated exceptions? Evidence from a goldenrod insect community. Evolution 59:2573-2587.

16. Singer, M.S. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2005. The tri-trophic niche concept and adaptive radiation of phytophagous insects. Ecology Letters 8:1247-1255.

15. Stireman, J.O. III, Dyer, L.A. and Matlock, R.B. 2005. Top-down forces in managed and unmanaged habitats. In: Barbosa, P. and Castellanos, I. (eds.), Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions. Oxford University Press, New York.

14. Stireman, J.O. III. 2005. The evolution of generalization? Parasitoid flies and the perils of inferring host range evolution from phylogenies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 325- 336.

13. Singer, M.S., Rodrigues, D., Stireman, J.O. III, Carriere, Y. 2004. Comparing bi-trophic and tri-trophic causes of host use in a phytophagous insect. Ecology 85: 2747-2753.

12. Dyer, L.A, Letourneau, D.K., Tobler, M. Dodson, C.D., Stireman, J.O. III, and Hsu, A. 2004. Ecological causes and consequences of variation in defensive chemistry of a neotropical shrub. Ecology 85: 2795-2803.

11. Dyer, L.A., Dodson, C.D., Stireman, J.O. III, Tobler, M.A., Smilanich, A.M. and Fincher, R.M. 2003. Synergistic effects of three Piper amides on generalist and specialist herbivores. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29:2499-2514.

10. Stireman, J.O. III and Singer, M.S. 2003. What determines host range in parasitoids? An analysis of a tachinid parasitoid community. Oecologia 135:629-638.

9. Dyer, L.A. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2003. Community-wide trophic cascades and other indirect interactions in an agricultural community. Basic and Applied Ecology 4:423-432.

8. Singer, M.S. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2003. Does anti-parasitoid defense influence host-plant selection by a generalist caterpillar? Oikos 100:554-562.

7. Stireman, J.O. III and Singer, M.S. 2003. Determinants of parasitoid-host associations: Insights from a natural tachinid-lepidopteran community. Ecology 84:296-310.

6. Stireman, J.O. III. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships of tachinid flies in subfamily Exoristinae (Tachinidae: Diptera) based on 28S rDNA and Elongation Factor 1a. Systematic Entomology 27:409-435.

5. Stireman, J.O. III and Singer, M.S. 2002. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the parasitoid assemblage of an exophytic polyphagous caterpillar. Ecological Entomology 27: 588-600.

4. Stireman, J.O. III. 2002. Learning in the generalist tachinid parasitoid Exorista mella (Diptera: Tachinidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 15: 715-732.

3. Stireman, J.O. III. 2002. Host location and acceptance in a polyphagous tachinid parasitoid. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 103: 23-34.

2. Greeney, H.F., and Stireman, J.O. III. 2002. Emergence of parasitic flies from adult Actinote diceus (Nymphalidae: Acraeinae) in Ecuador. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 55: 79- 80.

1. Singer, M.S., and Stireman, J.O. III. 2001. How foraging tactics determine host-plant use by a polyphagous caterpillar. Oecologia 129: 98-105.

Other publications______

Stireman, J.O. III and Dell, J.E. 2017. A new tachinid genus and species record for North America: Iceliopsis borgmeieri Guimarães. Tachinid Times 30:9-13.

O’Hara, J.E. and Stireman, J.O. III 2016. Tachinidae of the Red River Gorge area of eastern Kentucky. Tachinid Times 29:13-17.

Stireman, J.O. III, O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Inclán, D.J. 2016. Tachinid collecting in temperate South America. Expeditions of the Phylogeny of World Tachinide Project. Part III. Chile. Tachinid Times 29:20-40.

Stireman III, J.O., Moulton, J.K., O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Winkler, I.S., Blaschke, J.D., Z.L. Burington. 2015. Continuing progress towards a phylogeny of Tachinidae. Tachinid Times 28:4-7.

Winkler, I.S. Stireman III, J.O., Moulton, J.K., O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Blaschke, J.D. 2014. Progress towards a molecular phylogeny of Tachinidae. Tachinid Times 27:11-14.

J.E. O’Hara, P. Cerretti, J.O. Stireman III, I.S. Winkler, 2014. Chasing tachinids ‘Down Under’: Expeditions of the phylogeny of World Tachinidae project, Part II. Tachinid Times 27:20-31.

Stireman, J. O. III, O'Hara, J. E., Moulton, J.K., Cerretti, P., Winkler, I.S.2013. Progress towards a phylogeny of world Tachinidae. Year 1. Tachinid Times 26:4-9.

Cerretti, P., O'Hara, J. E., Stireman, J. O. III, Winkler, I.S., Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. 2013. To 'Die Hel' and back. Expeditions of the Phylogeny of World Tachinidae Project. Part I: Western Cape, South Africa. Tachinid Times 26:20-29.

Dyer, L.A., Wagner, D.L., Greeney, H.F., Smilanich, A.M., Massad, T.J., Robinson, M., Fox, M., Hazen, R., Glassmire, A., Pardikes, N., Gentry, G., Stireman, J. O. III. 2012. Novel insights into trophic interaction diversity and chemical ecology using 16 years of volunteer supported research. American Entomologist 58:15-19.

Inclán, D.J. and Stireman, J.O. III. 2009. A preliminary study of the diversity and temporal patterns of abundance of Tachinidae in Southwestern Ohio. Tachinid Times 22:1-4.

Stireman, J.O. III and Cipollini, D. 2008. Stealth tactics of galling parasites and their potential indirect effects. The New Phytologist 178:462-465.

Stireman, J.O. III. 2008. Tachinid collecting in southwest New Mexico and Arizona during the 2007 NADS field meeting. Tachinid Times 21: 14-16

Stireman, J.O. III. 2007. Preliminary notes on Tachinidae reared from Lepidoptera in the Ecuadorian Andes Tachinid Times 20: 4-8.

Stireman, J.O. III. 2005. Phylogenetic reconstruction of Exoristinae using molecular data: a Bayesian re-analysis. Tachinid Times 18: 4-6.

Papers Contributed to Scientific Meetings______Stireman, J. O. III.Tachinid Parasitoids of the Monarch in North America. North American Dipterist’s Society Field Meeting 2017. Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Missoula Montana (June 2017). O’Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Cerretti, P. Biogeography of Afrotropical Tachinidae (Diptera). XXV International Congress of Entomology, September 2016, Orlando, Florida (poster). Duncan, M., Stireman, J.O. III. Determinants of host use in tachinid parasitoids of stink bugs. XXV International Congress of Entomology, September 2016, Orlando, Florida (poster). Burington, Z.L., Stireman, J.O. III. A phylogenetic framework for the tachinid fly tribe Blondeliini (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae). XXV International Congress of Entomology, September 2016, Orlando, Florida (oral). Stireman, J. O. III, Moulton, J.K., Cerretti, P., O’Hara, J.E., Winkler, I.S., Blaschke, J.L., Phylogeny and diversification of world Tachinidae (Diptera). XXV International Congress of Entomology, September 2016, Orlando, Florida (Symposium: Diptera Systematics: Deciphering Evolutionary Relationships with Diverse and Novel Data). Sheaffer, D. and Stireman, J.O. III. Parasitoid communities of remnant and constructed prairie fragments in western Ohio. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America (Aug. 2015, Baltimore, MD). (poster) Stireman, J. O. III, Winkler, I.S., Blaschke, J.L., O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Moulton, J.K. Whence the Tachinidae? Higher level phylogeny of Diptera Symposium, 8th International Congress of Dipterology, August 2014, Potsdam Germany. Stireman, J. O. III, Winkler, I.S., O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Blaschke, J.L., Moulton, J.K. Toward a Molecular Phylogeny of World Tachinidae: A progress report. Evolution and Ecology of Parasitoid Diptera Symposium, 8th International Congress of Dipterology, August 2014, Potsdam, Germany. Pierfilippo, C., O'Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Inclán, D.J., Shima, H., Wood, D.M., Moulton, J.K., Winkler, I.S. A morphological phylogeny of Tachinidae. Evolution and Ecology of Parasitoid Diptera Symposium, 8th International Congress of Dipterology, August 2014, Potsdam, Germany. O'Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Pierfilippo, C., Moulton, J.K., Winkler, I.S. Diversity and Systematics of world Tachinidae, 8th International Congress of Dipterology, August 2014, Potsdam, Germany. Burington, Z.L., Stireman, J.O. III, Inclán, D.I. ‘Anomalous Diversity’?: A case for high tropical parasitoid richness in tachinid flies. 8th International Congress of Dipterology, August 2014, Potsdam, Germany. Blaschke, J.L., Winkler, I.S., Stireman, J. O. III, O’Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Moulton, J.K. 2014. Molecular systematics of the subfamily Phasiine (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch meeting, March 2014, Greenville, S.C. poster Pedersen, K.M., Stireman, J.O. III. Host plant limitations in two species of Andean Altinote . Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC). March 2014, Dayton, OH. Poster Heath, J.J., Abbot, P., Stireman, J.O. III. The Relative Importance of primary and secondary resources in adaptive radiation. Evolution meetings, June 2014, Raleigh, NC. Cobbs, C.C., Abbot, P., Heath, J.J., Stireman, J.O. III. Differential expression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes may underlie function in gall midges. Evolution meetings, June 2014, Raleigh, NC. Stireman, J.O. III, O'Hara, J.E., Cerretti, P., Moulton, J.K., Winkler, I.S. Extraordinary diversification in parasitic flies. Invited talk for PI-E Symposium: Guy Bush and Santa Rosalia: Speciation with Gene Flow and the Extraordinary Diversity of Insects. 2013 Entomological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Austin, TX (Nov. 2013). O'Hara, J.E., Stireman, J.O. III, Cerretti, P., Moulton, J.K., Winkler, I.S. Discovering the Mysterious Past of Tachinid Evolution. 2013 North American Dipterist Society Field Meeting, Starkville, MS (May 2013). Heath, J.J., & Stireman, J.O. III. The conundrum of gall morphology: Do carnivore pressures shape and maintain gall morphology in the Asteromyia carbonifera complex? Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America (Nov. 2012, Knoxville, TN). Letourneau, D.K., Bothwell Allen, S.G., & Stireman, J. O. III. Does parasitoid diversity and pest regulation in ephemeral crops depend on perennial habitat fragments? Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America (Aug. 2012, Portland, OR). Stireman, J. O. III., Cerretti, P., & Davis, D. Explosive Radiation of Parasitoid Flies: Phylogeny and Evolution of Tachinidae. Invited talk for the symposium, Phylogeny and evolution of the Diptera. International Congress of Entomology (ICE) (Aug. 2012, Daegu, South Korea). Cobbs, C. Stireman, J.O. III, & Abbot, P. Carotenoids, lateral gene transfer and gall midges. Invited talk for the symposium, Evolutionary ecology and biosystematics of gall-Inducing and their associates. International Congress of Entomology (ICE) (Aug. 2012, Daegu, South Korea). Davis, D. & Stireman, J.O. III. 2011. Phylogenetics of Tachinidae (Diptera) with an emphasis on sub-family structure. Entomological Society of America, Annual meeting, Reno, NV. Stireman, J.O. III, Devlin, H., Doyle, A. 2011. Effects of habitat fragmentation and invasive shrubs on forest caterpillar (Lepidoptera) community composition. Entomological Society of America, Annual meeting, Reno, NV. (oral) Heath, J.J., Cipollini, D.F., & Stireman, J.O. III. 2011. Testing optimal defense theory in Solidago altissima. Ecological Society of America 96th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. (poster) Heath, J.J., Cipollini, D.F., & Stireman, J.O. III. 2011. Enemy escape appears to drive divergence in an adaptive radiation of gall midges. Evolutionary Ecology Across Trophic Levels: An International Symposium in Honor of Warren Abrahamson.Lewisburg, PA. (poster) Stireman, J.O. III. Host-associated differentiation in Diptera: Contrasting plant parasites and insect parasitoids. 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San Jose Costa Rica (08/10). Stireman, J.O. III, Greeney, H.F., and Dyer, L.A. Diversity and host use patterns of Lepidoptera- attacking Tachinidae in the Ecuadorian Andes. 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San Jose Costa Rica (08/10). Stireman, J.O. III. The multitrophic causes and consequences of adaptive radiation in Asteromyia gall midges (Cecidomyiidae). Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA (12/2010) Heath, J.J. and Stireman, J.O. III. Effects of carnivore pressure and host-plant traits on phenotypic divergence in an adaptive radiation of gall midges. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA (12/2010) Stireman, J.O. III, and Abbot, P. “Evolutionary radiation of the gall midge genus Asteromyia (Cecidomyiidae): Astereae, Ascomycetes, and enemies.” Evolution 2009, June 12-16, Moscow, ID. Stireman, J.O. III. “Tachinidae of Ecuador” Meeting of the North American Dipterists’ Society (NADS), in conjunction with the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, December 12-16, Indianapolis, IN. Stireman, J.O. III. Evolutionary radiation of the gall midge genus Asteromyia (Cecidomyiidae): Astereae, Ascomycetes, and enemies, Entomological Society of America, Dec. 2008, Reno, NV. Wells, B.L., Jenkins, S.T. and Stireman, J.O. III. Ecological speciation in a multi-trophic context: Goldenrods, gall midges, and parasitoids. Ecological Society of America, August 2008 (poster), Milwaukee, WI. Doyle, A.L. and Stireman, J.O. III. Effects of forest fragmentation and exotic honeysuckle invasion on Lepidoptera diversity in southwest Ohio. Ecological Society of America, August 2008 (poster), Milwaukee, WI. Heath, J.J. and Stireman, J.O. III. Dissecting the association between a gall midge and its symbiotic fungus. Ecological Society of America, August 2008 (poster). Stireman, J.O. III, Devlin, H., Wells, B.L., Heath, J.J., and Abbot, P. Gall midges and goldenrods: the multitrophic context of an adaptive radiation. Ecological Society of America, August 2008, Milwaukee, WI. Gates, D., Nason, J.D. Nason, Stireman, J.O. III. Does reproductive asynchrony and self fertilization promote coexistence in the fig-fig wasp mutualism? Evolution meetings (SSE, ASN, SSB), Minneapolis, MN. Stireman, J.O. III. Adaptive radiation of phytophagous insects in a multitrophic context. Entomological Society of America Symposium in honor of Dr. E A. Bernays. November 2007. Invited. Stireman, J.O. III. Ecological determinants of tachinid-Lepidoptera host associations. In "The ecology of parasitoids of butterflies" Symposium for the 5th Conference on Butterfly Biology, Italy, 2007. Invited. Stireman, J.O. III. J.D. Nason, and S.B. Heard. Cascading host-associated differentiation in insect communities and the evolutionary diversification of parasitic insects. Organized Oral Session on “Host Associated Differentiation” co-organized with R. Medina and M.S. Singer. Ecological Society of America, August 2007. Day, K. R., J. O. Stireman III, and J. D. Nason. Diversification and ecological strategies of non- pollinating wasps on Ficus petiolaris. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Morelia, Mexico, July 2007. Gates, D. J., J. D. Nason, and J. O. Stireman III. Does within-crown pollinator dispersal and self- fertilization promote mutualism stability in the Sonoran Desert Rock fig and its fig wasp? Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Morelia, Mexico, July 2007. Nason, J. D., J. O. Stireman III, K. R. Day, and D. J. Gates. Between a rock and a hard place: figs, pollinators, and parasites in the Sonoran Desert. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Morelia, Mexico, July 2007. Gates, D. J., J. D. Nason, and J. O. Stireman III. Does Self- fertilization promote coexistence in fig-fig wasp mutualisms in extreme environments? 9th International Pollination Symposium, Ames, Iowa, June 2007 (poster) Stireman, J.O. III., J.D. Nason. Between a rock and a hard place: parasites, population size, and fruiting asynchrony in the Sonoran Desert rock fig, Ficus petiolaris. Ecological Society of America, August 2006. Stireman, J.O. III., J.D. Nason, and S.B. Heard. Cascading host-associated differentiation in insect communities and the evolutionary diversification of parasitic insects. Sponsored Symposium: Patterns of codiversification in specialized communities. Society for the Study of Evolution, June 2006. Nason, J.D., and J.O. Stireman III. Evolutionary box canyons in the Sonoran Desert: Figs, pollinators, parasites, and geographic variation in mutualism fitness. Society for the Study of Evolution, June 2006. Stireman, J.O. III., J.D. Nason, and S.B. Heard. Cascading host race formation across trophic levels: Parasitoids of goldenrod insect herbivores. Entomological Society of America, Dec. 2005. Heard, S. B., G.H. Cox, J.D. Nason, J.O. Stireman III. Host-race formation in the goldenrod insect community: isolated exceptions or a general phenomenon. Canadian Entomological Society, Oct. 2004 Stireman, J.O. III., J.D. Nason, and S.B. Heard. Cascading host race formation across trophic levels: Parasitoids of goldenrod insect herbivores. Society for the Study of Evolution, June 2004. Halverson, K., J.D. Nason, and J.O. Stireman III. Plant polyploidy effects on goldenrod insect herbivores. Society for the Study of Evolution, June 2004. Heard, S. B., J.D. Nason, J.O. Stireman III. Enemy-free space is an elusive thing: parasitoid attack rates on two gallmakers of two goldenrods. Society for the Study of Evolution, June 2004. Nason, J.D., J.O. Stireman III, and S.B. Heard. Is sympatric host race formation common in phytophagous insects? A community-level perspective. Society for the Study of Evolution, June 2004. Dyer, L., Stireman, J.O. III, Matlock, R., Pearson, C. Is predation more intense in managed versus unmanaged habitats? Ecological Society of America, August 2004 Singer, M., Rodrigues, D., Stireman, J.O. III, Carriere, Y. Roles of food quality and enemy-free space in herbivory by a generalist caterpillar. Ecological Society of America, August 2004 Heard, S., Nason, J., Stireman, J.O. III. Parallel host-race formation among goldenrod herbivores and their parasitoids. Ecological Society of America, August 2003. Stireman, J.O. III. Determinants of Tachinidae parasitism across a latitudinal gradient. International Caterpillar Workshop, June 2003, Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica Singer, M., Stireman, J.O. III, Carriere, Y. , Bernays, E.A. Defensive benefits of preferred host- plants for a generalist insect herbivore. Ecological Society of America, August 2003 Brauner, R.I., Tobler, M.I., Stireman, J.O. III, Letourneau, D., Dodson, C., Dyer, L. Causes and consequences of variation in Piper chemistry. Ecological Society of America, August 2002 Stireman, J.O. III, Singer, M., Dyer, L., Gentry, G. Ecological, morphological, and behavioral determinants of Lepidoptera parasitism across a latitudinal gradient, Ecological Society of America, August 2002 Stireman, J.O. III. Phylogeny of Exoristinae (Tachinidae): The evolution of generalization. Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, March 2002. Stireman, J.O. III. Learning in a generalist tachinid parasitoid, Entomological Society of America, December 2001. Stireman, J.O. III. The community ecology of tachinid-host relationships. Ecological Society of America, August 2000 Stireman, J.O. III. Ecological and evolutionary determinants of host use in Tachinidae. XII International Entomophagous Insect Workshop, Sept. 1999. Stireman, J.O. III. Spatial and temporal variation in the parasitoid complex of Grammia geneura (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). XI International Entomophagous Insect Workshop, July 1997.

Invited Presentations ______Blandy Experimental Farm, University of Virgina, 5/16 Dept. of EEOB, Iowa State University 2/15 Dept. of Entomology, Ohio State University 3/14 Dept. of Biology, University of Utah 4/13 Dept. of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno 10/12 Dept. of Biology, University of Akron 11/10 Dept. of Biology, Wesleyan University 6/10 Dept. of Entomology, Texas A & M University Dept. of Biology, Wooster College Dept. of Entomology, U. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana 11/07 Dept. of Zoology, Miami University 9/06 Dept. of Biology, University of Dayton 10/06 Dept. Biol. Sci., Rutgers, Newark 4/05 Dept. Biol. Sci., Mississippi State University 2/05 Dept. Biol. Sci., Wright State University 1/05 Dept. of EEOB, Iowa State University 2/04 International Caterpillar Workshop, ACG, Costa Rica, 6/03 Dept. of EEB, University of Tennessee 2/03 Dept. of Entomology, Iowa State University 10/02

Teaching Experience______

Wright State University (2005-present) BIOL 231 Introduction to Ecology BIOL 406/606 Evolutionary Biology BIOL 315 Biology of Invertebrates BIOL 401/701 General Entomology BIOL 699 Habitat Fragmentation (grad seminar) BIOL 492/800 Field Ecology and Natural History (undergrad/grad seminar) BIO 800 Phylogenetic and Phylogeographic analysis (grad seminar) BIO 800 Adaptive radiation (grad seminar) BIO 800 Macroevolution (grad seminar)

Graduate student advising: Annie Doyle, MS (2008) Brenda Wells MS (2010) Diego Inclán, MS (2010) Kristina Solch, nonthesis (2011) Dan Davis, MS (2012) Jeremy Heath, ES PhD (2012) Karen Pedersen, MS (2014) Drew Sheaffer MS (2016) Jeffrey Howell MS (2016) Matt Duncan MS (2017) Zachary Burington, ES PhD (current) Juan Manuel Perilla-Lopez ES PhD (current) Jeff Brown MS (current)

Research Assistants: Hilary Devlin, M.S. (2005-2011) Julieta Granados-Chavez (2009-2010)

Postdoctoral Associates: Isaac Winkler (2013-2015)

Professional Service ______

Reviewer for: American Naturalist, Behavior, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Australian Journal of Botany, Australian Journal of Entomology, Belgian journal of Zoology, Biocontrol, Biodiversity Data Journal, Biological Control, Biological Invasions, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biotropica, Bulletin of Entomological Research, Bulletin of Insectology, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Canadian Entomologist, Cladistics, Ecological Applications, Ecology, Ecology letters, Ecological Entomology, Ecological Monographs, Entomological News , Environmental Entomology, European Journal of Entomology, Evolution, Evolution and Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, FACETS, Florida Entomologist, Functional Ecology, Great Lakes Entomologist, Insect Conservation and Diversity, Journal of Animal Behavior, Journal of Applied Entomology, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Journal of Insect Behavior, Journal of Insect Science, Journal of Insect Physiology, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, The New Phytologist, Oecologia, Oikos, Pan Pacific Entomologist, PLOS one, Population Ecology, Proceedings of the National Academy of the United States, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, Revista Colombiana de Entomología, Science, Systematic Entomology, Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews, Tropical Zoology, Zookeys, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Zootaxa, Elsevier Press, Kluwer Academic Press, Wiley-Blackwell Press, Earthwatch, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Israel Science Foundation, U.S. Forest Service, NSF.

- National Science Foundation o DEB Evolutionary and Ecological Processes (EEP) review panel o DEB Systematics and Evolution review panel - Advisory Board, Yanayacu Biological Station, Cosanga Ecuador - Glen Helen Association Board Member - Insect and other arthropod identification for academic, research, and the public - Scientific Advisory Board: Fragmenta Entomologica (Zoological Museum, U. Roma-La Sapienza, Italy) - Official Research Associate, Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Sección Invertebrados, Rumipamba 341 y Av. de los Shyris, Quito – Ecuador - Sigma Xi member (official judge of Student Showcase presentations)

Committees & University Service

- Seminar organizer, Ecoseminar series, Dept. Of Biological Sciences (2005-2006) - Graduate Committee, Dept. of Biological Sciences (2007-2012, 2014-present) - Graduate Admissions Committee, Environmental Sciences PhD program (2006-2008, 2015- present) - ES PhD Program Interdisciplinary Review Committee (2010-2015) - College of Sciences and Math Graduate Studies Committee (2010-2012) - College of Sciences and Math Academic Computing Committee (2006 - 2008) - Search Committee: Molecular Ecology, Dept. of Biological Sciences (2008) - Wright State University Faculty Senate (2010-2011; 2013-present) - Honors Program Committee, Dept. of Biological Sciences (2009-2011) - Faculty Development Committee, Dept. of Biological Sciences (2010-present) - Faculty Development Committee, College of Science and Math (2014-present) - Departmental Scholarships committee, Dept. of Biological Sciences (2014-present) - Undergraduate curriculum committee, Dept. of Biological Sciences (2016-present)