Primary Sources Aaron ha-Levi of , Se/er ha-lfinnuk. Jerusalem, 1952. --Pel!,udat ha-Lewiyim (on Alfasi's Halakot). Mainz, 1874. Aaron ha- of Lunel, Orbot lfayyim. I, Florence, 1750; II, ed. M. Schlesinger, Berlin, 1902. b. Moses Yarl)i, Minbat ~ena'ot. Pressburg, 1838. Abot de R. Nathan, ed. Solomon Schechter, with introduction, notes, and appendices. New York, 1945. Abraham b. David (Rabad), Bacaze ha-Nefesh (with the hassagot of Razah). New York (photostat of 1812 edition). ---Commentary on cEduyot and ~innim. Standard editions of the . ---Commentary on cAbodah Zarah, ed. A. Sofer. To be published. --Derashah le-Rosh ha-Shanah, ed. A. S. ha-Levi. London, 1955. ---Dibre ha-Ribot. (A Rabbinical Disputation between Zeral)yah ha-Levi and Abraham b. David), ed. B. Drachman. New York, 1907. ---Glosses on the Mishneh . Manuscript 38477 of Jewish Theo­ logical Seminary. (It contains the text of most of the hassagot on the first seven books of Mishneh Torah. A number of interesting variants are to be found there.) ---Glosses on the Mishneh Torah. Manuscript 1179 of Adler collection at the Jewish Theological Seminary. (It contains hassagot on Hilkot Jssure Bi'ah and Ma'akalot Asurot.) ---Hassagot on Mishneh Torah. Standard editions of the Mishneh Torah. ---Issur Mashehu, ed. S. Assaf. Sifran she! , 185-198. ---Novellae on Tractate Baba ~amma, ed. Samuel H. Atlas. London, 1940. ---Se/er Katub Sham (Hassagot ha-Rabad caz Bacaz ha-Ma'or). Ed. in small installments by M. Z. J:lasidah, ha-Segullah. Jerusalem, 1934. ---Katuv Sham: Hassagot ha-Rabad cal Bacaz ha-Ma'or (on Sukkah and Rosh ha-Shanah), ed. B. Bergmann. Jerusalem, 1957. ---Se/er Katub Sham. Bodleian ms. 2357 (on Giffin, Yebamot, Ketubot, Baba ~amma, Baba Me:;ica, Baba Batra, , Makkot). -- Commentary, ed. I. H. Weiss. New York, 1947 (photostat of Vienna, 1862 edition). Abraham b. Isaac (Rabi) of , Se/er ha-Eshkol, ed. B. H. Auerbach. Halberstadt, 1868; a different edition by Ch. Albeck, Jerusalem, 1935. ---Responsa, ed. S. Assaf. Sifran she! Rishonim, 1-50. 307 308 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abraham b. Nathan ha-Y arl,ii, Commentary on Kallah Rabbati, ed. M. Higger. Jewish Quarterly Review, XXIV (1934), 331-348. Masseket Kallah Rabbati, ed. B. Toledano. Tiberias, 1906. ---Responsa, ed. S. Wertheimer. Ginze Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1896. --Sefer ha-Manhig. Berlin, 1855. Abraham b. Solomon of Torrutiel, Supplement to Sefer ha-Kabba/ah. See Neubauer. Abraham bar l:Iiyya, Hegyon ha-Nefesh, ed. Freimann. Leipzig, 1860. --- ]fibbur ha-Meshi/;tah weha-Tishboret, ed. J. Guttmann. Berlin, 1913. ---Megillat ha-Megalleh, ed. Poznanski-Guttmann. Berlin, 1924. --- Sefer ha-'lbbur, ed. Filipowski. London, 1851. ---?urat ha-Are:;. Offenbach, 1720. , Sefer ha-Kabba/ah, ed. A. Neubauer. Medieval Jewish Chronicles, I. Oxford, 1887. , ha-Torah. Standard editions of the . --Sefer ha-Shem. Fiorda, 1834. ---Sefer ha-Te'amim, ed. J. L. Fleisher. Jerusalem, 1951. --- Yesod Mora. Prague, 1833. Abrahams, Israel, ed., Hebrew Ethical Wills. 2 v. Philadelphia, 1948. Abudarham, David b. Joseph, Sefer Abudarham. Warsaw, 1877. Abulafia, Meir ha-Levi, Kitab al-Rasail, ed. J. Brill. , 1871. --- Or ?addi~im. Salonica, 1799. -- Ramah (on Sanhedrin). Salonica, 1798. Abulafia, Todros ha-Levi, O:;ar ha-Kabod. Novydvor, 1808. Adret, Solomon b. Abraham (Rashbah), ]fiddushe ha-Rashbah 'al Masseket Niddah. Jerusalem, 1938. --- Torat ha-Bayit. New York, 1952. Bet ha-Mayim, ed. S. Ltiwinger, ha-?ofeh le-]fokmat Yisrael, XIV (1930), 363-374; ha-Soker, I (1933), 7-37. ---Responsa. Vienna, 1812. ---]fiddushim. 2 v. New York, 1952. , Rab, She'eltot. 3 v. Jerusalem, 1949. With comprehensive commentary by N. Z. Y. Berlin. Al,iima'az b. Paltiel, Megillat A/:tima'a:;, ed. B. Klar. Jerusalem, 1945. Alashkar, Moses, Responsa. Sabbionetta, 1554. Albo, Joseph, Sefer ha-'IMarim. Trans. and notes by I. Husik. 4 v. Phila- delphia, 1929-1930. Alfasi, Isaac, Sefer ha-Halakot. Standard editions of the Talmud. Amram Gaon, Rab 'Amram, ed. A. L. Frumkin, Jerusalem, 1912. Asher b. Saul of Lune!, Sefer ha-Minhagot. S. Assaf, ed. Sifran she! Rishonim, 121-174. Asher b. Yel,iiel, Halakot. Standard editions of the Talmud. ---Responsa. Venice, 1552. Ashkenazi, Beialel, Shiftah Me~ubbe:;et (anthology of commentaries on select tractates of the Talmud), various editions. ---Responsa. Venice, 1595.