Boletopsis Mediterraneensis Fungal Planet Description Sheets 341

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Boletopsis Mediterraneensis Fungal Planet Description Sheets 341 340 Persoonia – Volume 43, 2019 Boletopsis mediterraneensis Fungal Planet description sheets 341 Fungal Planet 1001 – 18 December 2019 Boletopsis mediterraneensis G. Moreno, Carlavilla, Bellanger, Olariaga, P.-A. Moreau, Bidaud, Loizides & Manjón, sp. nov. Etymology. Referring to its Mediterranean distribution. Notes — Boletopsis mediterraneensis is characterised by its medium to large size, a cap generally not black but with Classification — Bankeraceae, Thelephorales, Agaricomy- grey or brown tones, with context becoming very pale red cetes. when cut, turning green with KOH and acquiring conspicu- Basidiocarps annual, with a central or eccentric stipe. Cap 4–12 ous green tones when dry. So far, B. mediterraneensis is only (–15) cm broad, convex to plane-convex, later depressed at known from the Mediterranean area, mostly under Pinus, but centre, colour variable, pale grey, brownish grey to ochraceous also under Cedrus. Our ITS-LSU analyses recovered speci- brown or dark brown when mature, surface dry, smooth, innately mens of B. mediterraneensis in a well-supported clade (see fibrillose, breaking up into small scales or cracked, especially Supplementary Fig. FP1001-2), weakly supported as sister at centre; context in cap very pale grey to grey, very pale red to B. nothofagi, and distinct from other well-supported clades when cut, with green tones when desiccated or with 5 % KOH corresponding to B. grisea, B. leucomelaena and B. watlingii. (no reaction with H2O and 5 % NaOH). Margin straight, irregular, The latter three species form a major supported clade. Although concolorous or slightly paler, not hygrophanous, smooth, often the B. mediterraneensis clade shows phylogenetic structure, incised due to its thinness. Pores small, 1–3 per mm, round to attempts to find correlated morphological, ecological or macro- angular, whitish turning slightly very pale grey upon bruising, chemical characters defining the three major subclades were grey brown when desiccated. Tubes 2–5 mm thick, decurrent, unsuccessful. Thus, we treat B. mediterraneensis as a single tightly adhered to the context. Stem 2.5–7 × 1–3 cm, cylindrical, species, rather than a clade including several cryptic species. sometimes curved, central or eccentric, solid, tapering down- Boletopsis mediterraneensis has so far been mistaken for wards, of the same colour as the cap or paler, greyish white B. grisea, and most Mediterranean records of the latter may at the apex, surface smooth to slightly squamulose; context in correspond in fact to B. mediterraneensis. Both species consti- stem very pale greyish white. Odour not distinctive or some- tute two distinct and well-supported clades (see Supplementary times farinaceous, taste bitter in young specimens. Context with Fig. FP1001-2). Boletopsis grisea is very similar to B. mediter- green tones when desiccated. Spores 4.5–6.7 × 3.3–5.2 µm, raneensis, but the former differs by its context turning only faintly av. 5.6–4.3 µm (holotype), Qav: 1.3 (n = 20), globose to subglo- greenish in KOH in fresh specimens, and black brown upon bose, nodulose, without iodine reactions, colourless to very pale drying (Niemelä & Saarenoksa 1989). According to our obser- yellow-brown; ornamentation formed by broad obtuse nodules vations, the two species have different distributions. Whereas appearing furcate. Basidia 4-spored, (14–)18–24 × 5–7 µm, B. grisea is broadly distributed in the Eurosiberian area and is sterigmata up to 4 µm long, clavate, hyaline. Pleurocystidia extremely rare in the Mediterranean area, B. mediterraneensis and cheilocystidia absent. Context formed by hyphae 1–2 µm has a mostly Mediterranean distribution. Boletopsis leucome- broad. Pileipellis a cutis with cylindrical hyphae, septate, thin- laena is characterised by its greyish sepia to black-brown cap walled to slightly thick-walled (2.5–4 µm diam), swollen at surface, turning sepia black in KOH, and by its association with septa (8–10(–16) µm diam), clamped, hyaline or with a faint Picea (Niemelä & Saarenoksa 1989). Boletopsis nothofagi has olivaceous hue in H2O and 5 % KOH. Hyphal system monomitic, a cap turning blackish upon bruising, becoming black with KOH hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, clamped. and is associated with Nothofagus in the Southern Hemisphere Habitat & Distribution — Growing solitary to gregarious on (Cooper & Leonard 2012). Boletopsis watlingii (= B. perplexa), basic and acidic soils, mainly under Pinus spp. described using European material, differs from B. mediter- Typus. SPAIN, Madrid, San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Las Cruces, 30TUK8365, raneensis by its dark cap and slightly smaller basidiospores 810 m, under Pinus pinaster, P. pinea, Quercus ilex subsp. ballota and Cistus (4.5–4.8(–5) × 3.5–4.5 μm) (Watling & Milne 2006). ladanifer, on acid soil, 30 Nov. 2013, J.C. Campos & M. Hinojosa (holotype AH 44080, ITS and LSU sequences GenBank MN536723 and MN535629, MycoBank MB832765). Supplementary material FP1001-1 Additional specimens examined. FP1001-2 The single best tree resulting from the Maximum Likelihood Colour illustrations. Spain, Madrid, San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Pinus analysis of the ITS-LSU regions of Boletopsis. Maximum Likelihood boot- pinaster forest at the type locality. In situ basidiomata; detail of cap surface; strap values (ML-BP) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) are shown by branches, ordered as ML-BP/PP. Thickened branches received support basidioma section in NaOH, KOH and H2O; detail of the hymenophore; nodulose basidiospores under SEM (holotype AH 44080). Scale bars = 1 cm, at least in one analysis (ML-BP ≥ 70 % and/or PP ≥ 95 %). The holotype of except for spores in SEM (bar = 1 µm). B. mediterraneensis is marked in bold. Gabriel Moreno, Juan Ramón Carlavilla & José Luis Manjón, Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida (Área de Botánica), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alcalá, E-28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected] Jean-Michel Bellanger, CEFE, CNRS, Université de Montpellier, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, EPHE, IRD, INSERM, 1919 route de Mende, F-34293 Montpellier Cedex 5, France; e-mail: [email protected] Ibai Olariaga, Biology and Geology Physics and Inorganic Chemistry department, Rey Juan Carlos university, C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain; e-mail: [email protected] © 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute.
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