A Review of Contemporary Research on Croatian Mythology in Relation to Natko Nodilo
A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH ON CROATIAN MYTHOLOGY IN RELATION TO NATKO NODILO SUZANA MARJANIĆ In a review article1 on the subject, I will focus on Natko V preglednem članku se avtorica osredinja na študijo Natka Nodilo’s study Religija (stara vjera) Srba i Hrvata, na glavnoj Nodila Religija (stara vjera) Srba i Hrvata, na glavnoj osnovi pjesama, priča i govora narodnoga (Religion [Old osnovi pjesama, priča i govora narodnoga (Religija Faith] of Serbs and Croats, on the Main Basis of Folk Poems, (stara vera) Srbov in Hrvatov na podlagi ljudskih pesmi, Stories and Narratives) (1885–1890), which is considered the zgodb in pripovedovanja, 1885–1890), ki velja za prvo first reconstruction of Ancient Croatian mythology. Namely, rekonstrukcijo hrvaške mitologije. Vse sodobne raziskave all contemporary research on Croatian mythology/old faith hrvaške mitologije ali starega verovanja namreč delno partially originates from this reconstruction, therefore, I will izhajajo iz te rekonstrukcije, zato avtorica drugi del članka devote the second part of this article to Nodilo’s problem as posveča težavam Nodila kot zgodovinarja, ki se ukvarja z a historian dealing with the interpretations of 19th-century rekonstrukcijo južnoslovanskega starega verovanja, kakor mythophobes regarding the reconstruction of the South so ga interpretirali mitofobi v 19. stoletju.. Slavic old faith. Ključne besede: Natko Nodilo, Vitomir Belaj, Radoslav Keywords: Natko Nodilo, Vitomir Belaj, Radoslav Katičić, Katičić, mitofobi mythophobes The scientific study of myths began in the mid-19th century with the development of com- parative philology, which originated from the idea of a common Indo-European language. Comparative mythology developed from it. Therefore, if there is a common Indo-European language, then there is also a common belief system, specifically in the context of a common belief matrix and, therefore, not in the context of an entire common belief system (cf.
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