Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 1

Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board

Summary: Cana Chapter Pre-Union RA Tracing Board, consisting of an arch supported by two columns, with two concentric circle and a triangle within it, together with several other symbols. Cana Chapter Tracing Board is one of several 18th century Royal Arch

Tracing Boards still in existence. RA Tracing Boards fell out of use in the early 1830’s and the Cana Tracing Board only re-emerged from the vaults of Royal Lancashire Lodge in Colne in 2002. This paper aims at giving an explanation as to the Masonic meaning of the Symbols on the Tracing Board.

East Lancashire has two of the oldest warranted Royal Arch Chapters in the English constitution. The Grand Chapter of the Moderns was formed on 13th January 1766, and on 11 June 1766 the Grand Chapter exalted the Grand Master of the Premier Grand

Lodge, Cadwallader Blayney, 9th Lord Blayney, who was appointed the First Principal, and consecrated the Grand Chapter in due form.

It was not until the 13th January 1769 that the first four warrants were then granted by

Grand Chapter to:

No. 1 Restoration Lodge or Chapter of the Rock Fountain, Shiloh, London

No. 2 Euphrates Lodge or Chapter of the Garden of Eden, Manchester

No. 4 The Bethlehem Lodge or Chapter of Nativity, Burnley

No. 5 The Cana Lodge or Chapter of the First Miracle, Colne

Only Nativity Chapter, now No. 126 and Cana Chapter, now No. 116 are still operating out of the first four Chapters to receive warrants. Nativity is attached to Silent Temple

Lodge No. 126 in Burnley and Cana is attached to the Royal Lancashire Lodge No. 116 Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 2 in Colne. It was from these two lodges that all the founding members of Fidelity Lodge

No. 269 from Burnley (now Blackburn) came from.

Royal Arch Tracing Boards:

June 24th 1823 Samuel Exley S.E.Stansfield was unanimously admitted as members of this Lodge

Sam E. Stansfield W.M November 29th.1827 The W.M. William Asquith invested Bro. Stansfield as W.M. October 4th.1821 Thursday. S.E.Stansfield I.G

Samuel Exley Stansfield WM 1827-28

Freemasonry adopted the banners from ecclesiastical and high civic custom, so it was not surprising that they have been in use in the Royal Arch ever since the creation of the Grand Chapter in 1766.

Initially there were only four banners carrying the "Antients" symbols of the ox, man, lion, and eagle as described in the book of (Ezekiel 1:10) in the old testament.

In this vision, Ezekiel saw four faces: the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox and the face of an eagle. Now, these four faces were the ensigns of the tribes of Israel. The lion was the ensign of the tribe of Judah, the ox was of Ephraim, the man was the ensign of the tribe of Reuben and the eagle was of Dan. Judah, the Lion, camped on the east, opposite Ephraim, the ox, on the west. Dan, the eagle, camped to the north, opposite Reuben, the man, to the south. In later years they were also meant to represent the four gospels. Hence the Royal Arch was for many years worked a a Christian Degree with prayers from both the Old and the New Testament included in the ceremony.

During formative years of the Royal Arch the central altar which had already been introduced in to Masonry became a prominent feature of the Royal Arch Chapter and as a consequence, to Royal Arch was considered a religious ceremony. In some old chapters such as Cana in Colne, a Tracing Board had been introduced, to enable the symbols to be moralised and explained. However, most of the early Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 3

Chapters abandoned the use of their Tracing Boards just after the Union when the Royal Arch ceremony was significantly modified. Nowadays the Royal Arch, unlike the Craft Degrees does not use or have a formal Tracing Board as part of its general ritual. However several old Chapters still retain their tracing boards or pictorial floor-cloths. The Royal Arch does however have three lectures, the Historical, the Mystical and the

Symbolic, whilst the Craft Degree has its Tracing Board and Traditional History.

Of the Royal Arch Tracing Boards that have survived the passage of time, they vary significantly and rituals and explanation of the symbols on the Tracing Boards have in the main been lost.

The following is the author’s interpretation and explanation of symbols on the Cana

Chapter Tracing Board.

Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board:

The Chapter Tracing Board depicts:

Ø A Sun

Ø Catenarian Arch with its Key or Plug Stone

Ø Two Columns supporting the Arch

Ø The T over H symbol

Ø The letter G

Ø Three Crowns

Ø Trowel and Sword

Ø Initials SRI; HRT; HAB

Ø An Equilateral Triangle

Ø Four ascending steps Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 4

Ø Two concentric gold circles with Hebrew characters written within the triangle The Sun, Arch, Key or Plug-stone and Columns:

The Radiating Sun shines with meridian splendour is represented in the South in by the JW for this reason: when the Sun has arrived at its zenith, the splendour of his beams entitles the candidate to the appellation which he receives in the instruction as “the beauty and glory of the day.” Hence as the Pillars of Beauty which support the Lodge is referred to as the JW, whose office is said to represent “the Sun in the South at high twelve.” At which hour the JW call the brethren from labour to refreshment and is therefore he is placed in the South, the better to observe the time and mark the progress of the shadow over the dial-plate as it crosses the meridian line.

The radiating sun, that life-giving element, represents our twofold nature, the spiritual and the material. Beneath it are two circles denoting the Deity and Eternity.

In the Royal Arch, it is the meridian sun; whose rays brings light to the vaulted chamber, enabling the sojourner to determine what was written on the plate of gold in the ruined temple at Jerusalem. It was then that the lost name of the T&LGMH was re-discovered.

In Freemasonry and the Royal Arch in particular, the mason is striving to move from the darkness to find that 'LIGHT' which is from above.

The Key or Plug Stone removed from the arch allowing the rays from the sun to shine through is the symbol of fraternal covenant between those who are in search of the

Divine Truth. The keystone gives the catenarian arch its strength and durability; it imparts to its vitality and perpetuity and may properly be termed its key or plug-stone of our order. Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 5

The arch is made up of 15 stone blocks, the centre one being the key or plug-stone:

The symbolism of the number fifteen is sometimes used to depict the letter 'G' or the uncovering of a major Masonic secret.

It was fifteen Fellowcrafts, who finding that the building of King Solomon's Temple, was nearly completed and that they were not in possession of the secrets of the Third Degree, conspired to obtain them by any means, even to have recourse to violence. It was fifteen trusty F.Cs., who were selected and ordered to make diligent search after the person of our Master Hiram Abif, during which the substituted secrets were identified and adopted. The same fifteen trusty F.Cs. were ordered to attend the funeral of our Master Hiram Abif, clothed in white aprons and gloves as emblems of their innocence.

In the Freemason's Magic Square the number 15 is also significant: The square has three rows & three columns of three numbers, which contains nine internal squares.

All regular alignments (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) add to 15. All numbers 1-9 are included.

If you add the numbers 1 to 9 you get 45, which if divided by the number of rows or columns (i.e. three) likewise makes 15.

It is possible to derive the Masonic compass and square symbol from this figure by a mathematical process that includes the substitution of the letter G for the number 5, as part of a cypher. In The Lion and the Covenant the cypher A=1, B=2, C=3 etc is used with dramatic effect to uncover a major Masonic secret.

The Two Columns supporting the arch are of the Corinthian and Doric order.

The Corinthian column is associated with the JW of the Craft Degree, as it is an emblem of beauty, and points out that we are to adorn our work with all our powers of genius and Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 6 active industry, and to promote regularity amongst the Brethren and Companions by good example, the persuasive eloquence of precept, and the administrative encouragement of merit.

Whilst the Doric column is associated with the SW of the Craft Degree, it is an emblem of strength, and directs Freemasons to use all their strength of mind and powers of intellect to preserve peace, order and harmony among the Brethren and Companions by facilitating the designs of their rulers, and see that their commands are carried into full and with permanent effect.

As the symbolic form of a is an oblong square, the form of a Royal Arch

Chapter, is said to be in the form of a catenarian arch, which is said to be the strongest of all arches. In the Royal Arch the catenarian arch exists in a horizontal form.

In the North are the Companions and Scribe E., forming one pillar and in the South are the Companions and Scribe N., forming the another pillar, connecting them in the East is the curved line of the catenarian arch, at the apex of the arch are the Three Principles.

The T over H symbol: This is the symbol used by the Antients and the very early Royal Arch Chapter prior to the use of the Triple Tau, around which much symbolism had developed. The T over H symbol stands for Templum Hierosolimae, the Temple of Jerusalem, which translates to the temple of the sacred mount and was in 1766 referred to as Royal Arch Mason’s mark or Badge of Honour, by the Grand Chapter of the Moderns. The T-over-H sign was, of course, known before the Charter of Compact of 1766.

The triple tau (three letters "T" together) initially was formed of a "T" over "H".

It had also other meanings like a treasure, or a key to a treasure; or the precious thing itself that could mean the Sacred name, or the depository in which the sacred thing is deposited or hidden that again is linked to the Sacred name. Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 7

The earliest Grand Chapter Regulations said that aprons should bear on their bibs a T and H of gold. The same Grand Chapter in 1803 required that the curved bib, or flap, of the apron should have the T over H sign embroidered in "spangles on a piece of purple satin" and, in 1817, these letters appear to be on their way to the triple Tau and was finally phased out between 1822 and 1835.

The letter G: This refers to the “Sacred Symbol G”, and is described as representing

GOD, the Grand Geometrician of the Universe. These descriptive names for GOD show the importance that Freemasons places on the Supreme Being in the order of things in life.

Three Crowns: The Three Crowns form the central part the Great Seal of the Old York

Grand Lodge attributed to Prince Edwin whose Motto was ‘Hear, see and be silent’.

The three crowns represent the three Rulers of the Royal Arch, namely the three

Principals of the Chapter, Zerubbabel, Haggai, and Joshua. Zerubbabel would have traditionally worn a crown, Haggai a turban or fez and Joshua a mitre. They are refered too in third and Royal Lodge at Jerusalem.

Ø The first or ‘Holy Lodge’, was held at the foot of Mount Horeb, in the wilderness of

Sinai and was preside over by Moses, Aholiab and Bezaleel.

Ø The second or Sacred Lodge was held in the bosom of the Holy Mount Moriah and

presided over by Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre, and .

Ø The third or Grand and Royal Lodge was held at Jerusalem and presided over by

Zerubbabel, Prince of the people; Haggai, the prophet; and Joshua, the High Priest.

Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 8

Initial of the three Grand Masters SRI; HRT; HAB: The three sets of Latin initials represent the three Grand Masters who presided at the building of the First Temple, namely Solomonus King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyrae and Hiram Abif. Anglacanised versions of these initials are more commonly portrayed on present-day Chapter altars.

An Equilateral Triangle: It is the ancient symbol denoting God, the Grand Geometrician and the Great Overseer of the Universe, to Whom we must all submit and Whom we ought most humbly to adore.

It is referred to in the Royal Arch ritual as “the most perfect of figures and a symbol of the Deity”. The equilateral triangle is emblematical of the three essential attributes of the

Deity, namely: Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence; and as the three equal sides or equal angles form but one triangle, so these three equal attributes constitute but one God.

To the Christians the equilateral triangle symbolises the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and the three lines in conjunction represent the Sacred Word, Jehovah and the essence of the deity.

Two gold circles, the name of God, and the triangle with Hebrew characters:

The circle is a striking emblem of the relation in which the creature stands to his Creator. Every part of the circumference of a Circle is equally near and equally distant from the centre, so is every creature, whom God has made, to Him equally near and equally distant. In Royal Arch Masonry the two circles are symbols of eternity and are without beginning or end, and also refer to the Deity and a kind of God without beginning of days or end of years. The circle is therefore thought to protect everything inside from external evil.

The circle is the image of the sun, the symbol of pure gold, and it has a mystical relationship with the Tetragrammaton - the proper name of GOD as used in the Hebrew Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 9

Bible and the ineffable name. In Cana Chapter, Scribe Esra helps close the chapter when he is asked ‘what is the last care of all Royal Arch Masons’ and he replies, ‘to close the volume of the Sacred Law, after renewing our obligation as to the ineffable word of this Supreme degree’.

Z then says: ‘then let the Sacred duty be done in the Antient and prescribed form’.

In groups of three, the Companions share the word. Scribe Esra then says: ‘the Companions have shared the word and saluted the Volume of the Sacred Law. The Sacred Volume is now closed.

The circle, in symbolising eternity, is often depicted by the serpent eating its own tail, the serpent being the symbol of life and the emblem of wisdom. The fastener of the belt of the Masonic apron has the shape of a serpent with all its symbolic meanings.

The Hebrew symbols within the equilateral triangle are emblems of eternity and are meant to be the characters Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh, (God) - the uncreated Creator who is independent of any concept; therefore "I am that I am".

We know from our history that it was not permitted for the Sacred and Mysterious Name of the true and living God Most High to be pronounced except by the High Priest.

Trowel and Sword: The Trowel and Sword are part of the old working tools of a RA mason.

The trowel being used to spread the cement which binds all the parts of the building into a common mass, and we are taught to unite all the members of the Masonic family, wheresoever dispersed over the globe, into one companionship of Brotherly Love.

The sword alludes to the Penal Sign of the degree, and reminds us of the dreadful penalty to the fall to Adam on all his sinful posterity, no less than death. It intimates, by the very action itself, that the stiff-necked and disobedient shall be cut off from the land Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 10 of the living by the judgment of God, even as the head was severed from the body by the sword of human justice.

The Sword and Trowel have been adopted by Royal Arch Masons to commemorate the valour of those worthy Masons who carried on the building of the Second Temple, with the Trowel in their hands and the Sword by their sides, that they might be ever ready to defend the holy city and sanctuary against the unprovoked attacks of their enemies; by which they left a sacred and impressive lesson to succeeding ages: that next to the obedience due to lawful authority, a manly and determined resistance to lawless violence is the first step to social duties.

Four Ascending Steps - the Fourth Step: The flight of four steps, is pre-Union, and was used before the TH monogram developed into the Triple Tau. This clearly shows that the Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board pre-dates the time of the Union, when the Royal Arch was practiced in the Royal Lancashire Lodge, when it was truly the fourth step in Masonry.

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Bibliography: www, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Part 2 - By Albert G. Mackey, H. L. Haywood An Explanation of a Royal Arch or 4th Degree Tracing Board by David Biggs R Jeffery, Grand Lecture 1989 What do you know about the Royal Arch? – By Reverend Neville Barker Cryer Cana Chapter No. 116 Ritual book of ‘Opening & Closing’. Ritual for Exaltation into Royal Arch Chapter - Freemasonry under the united by John Yarker The Lectures of the - As once used in the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland The New Masonic Trestle-board: By: Charles Whitlock Moore – 1850 Symbols & Letters by Gilles C H Nullens

Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 11

Appendix 1 Cana Chapter Tracing-Board

Appendix 2 Lord Blayney Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 12

Appendix 1 Cana Chapter Tracing-Board

Cana Chapter’s Royal Arch Tracing Board - By: Eddie Forkgen 13

Appendix 2 Lord Blayney

Lord Cadwallader Blayney re-elected as “Grand Master of the Most Excellent Chapter or

Fourth Degree” in 1768, issued a warrant the following year to the Royal Lancashire

No.116, for The Cana Lodge or Chapter of the First Miracle No. 5.

NB: Lord Blayney had been Grand Master of the Moderns Grand Lodge from 1764 to

1766 and was Grand Master of Ireland in 1768.

Lord Cadwallader Blayney