The Karen People From Burma The Origin of Karen

• Descended from same ancestors as Mongolian People.

• They travelled all the way through China and entered Burma. History

From there, migrated southwards and gradually entered the land now known as Burma/ about 739 BC Believed that first settlers in this new land named this land kaw-lah, meaning the Green Land changed the name of the land to , a land free of all evils, famine, misery and strife. History Con’t

Mon were the next to enter this area, followed the Burmans, Mon and the Burmans brought with them feudalism The Burmese won the feudal war, and they subdued and subjugated all other nationalities in the land. The Burmese Lords, Persecuted, tortured, killed, suppressed, oppressed and exploited the Karen History Con’t

many Karen had to flee for their lives to the high mountains and thick jungles 1824 British entered Burma, the conditions of the Karens gradually improved With the introduction of law and order by the Colonial Central Authority, the Karen began to earn their living without being hindered, and could go to school In 1942, the Japanese invaded Burma with the help of the (BIA) History Con’t

These BIA troops took full advantage of the situation by introucing that the Karen were spies and puppets of the British With the help of the Japanese, they began to attack the Karen villages, using a scheme to wipe out the entire Karen populace The Karen sent a Goodwill Mission to England in August 1946, to make the Karen case known to the British Government and the British people, and to ask for a true Karen State. History Con’t

On January 4, 1948, Burma got its independence from the British. The Karens continued to ask for self- determination democratically and peacefully from the Burmese Government The Request was Rejected the war with the Burmese Gov’t has broke out since the 31st of . What we have gone through for just being the Karens • Since the Civil war Burmese troops have used suppressive measures. • Commit crime against humanity toward the ordinary citizens. Murder; extermination; torture; rape (used as a weapon); racial, or religious persecution and other inhumane acts.. • Situations such as these happening constantly throughout Kawthoolei and are causing a large number of Karens to leave their villages and take refuge along the Thai border • Then, Third countries (, US, , etc.) Do justice and protection exist to the knowledge of the Karens before they came to Canada?

• Burmese Government’s Atrocities. • Forced Labor • Constructing roads and shelters for the soldiers and carrying ammunitions. • Conscript or kidnap local villagers living in a conflict zones; some of them have to be with the troops for months or never come back to see their families or loved ones. • Extrajudicial Killing • People were shot to death for just simply don’t have what the soldiers ask for (i.e.. Pigs, chickens, where the rebel groups are) • Witnessed Children, parents, friends, relatives got abused by the authorities right in front of their eyes

• No access to proper Education and Health care • Limited knowledge of service providers • People in the camp better off • Remember, only hundreds benefit, there are millions Language

 three main Karen languages and many dialects. The Main types are S'ghaw (pronounced Skaw) Karen, Eastern Pwo Karen and Western Pwo Karen.  Around 1830, a written script for the Karen was created from the Burmese alphabet by an American Baptist missionary.  Do not refer to the Karen as Burmese. Ethnically, they are a completely different group and many will not even speak Burmese.  it is better to refer ethnic minorities in Burma by their ethnic group (Karen, Chin, Kachin, Shan, Karenni, etc.). It is a political reason that the ethnic groups don’t want to be referred as Burmese even though they are technically Burmese. Culture

 Status, Role Prestige  Elders are respected as well as teachers, pastors, priests, monks and those with education.  Many Karen have a cultural value of being quiet or less talkative.  Karen people normally would not say much in the presence of elderly people. The younger Karen especially would hold on to their thoughts in front of the older people as a sign of respect and also as an indication of acknowledgement of the knowledge and experience of the seniors.

 Doctors have high social status so patients may not be comfortable questioning them or expressing dissatisfaction with their treatment.  the community. Culture con’t

 Greeting  In Sghaw Karen, people will say Good morning (Kaw Leh Ah Gay), Good Afternoon (Ni Leh Ah Gay), Good evening (Ha Leh Ah Gay) and Good Night (Na Leh Ah Gay).  Class room.  “N'aw May Wele Ha” which means “Have you Eaten Rice” is small talk, akin to “How are you”  Show concerns about the well-being of friends, neighbours, and guests. The elders taught the Karen that never let friends, guests, even strangers go hungry or the life of the family will be under a curse. Culture

• Display Respect • When you are walking by someone, you duck and bow your head to be lower than others in the room especially if you are walking between two people having a conversation. One should avoid walking in front of those who are seated.

• The Karen have three known religious beliefs: Animism, ,

• Men are honored in the home; however the women's opinion is also well-respected. Usually the mother puts aside meals for the father first before anybody in the family touch the food to eat . food

• The Karen people are highly skilled farmers. Crops include rice, vegetables, corns, sesame and chilies. It is not uncommon for neighbors to help one another farm (cultivation, harvest).

• A typical Karen dish consists of rice with a variety of vegetables and meat on occasion. (story)

• The Thai Burma Border Consortium provides all in camps along the border with a monthly food ration. Food ration (per month)

 Rice 15kg /adult. 7.5kg /child <5 years  Flour 1 kg / person  Beans 1 kg / adult. 750 gm / child < 5 years  Cooking Oil 1 lt / adult. 500 ml / child < 5 years  Fish Paste 750 gm / person  Salt 330 gm / person  Dried Chillies 125 gm / person

 A diet composed mostly of rice, salt, chilies, and some vegetables contributes to a lack of protein and vitamin deficiencies. Karen Festivals Karen Festivals

The Karen have many festivals through out the year. These festivals maybe political or based in Animism, Christianity or Buddhism. The is based on the year when they entered Burma, BC 739, and is held on the first day of the month of Therlay in the Karen’s Calendar – in December or January in the Western calendar. An annual wrist tying ceremony is held in August each year. The festival includes singing, playing, dancing, wrist tying activities and eating (Animism based) Karen people in

Challenges  Language Barriers (what prevent you to do what you want to do?)  It has become a big challenge for the Karen adults to be able to read, write, and speak just a very simple English. A lot of them have never received a formal education or never went to schools. There is no schooling background that they can relate to what they are learning now.  Sense of Direction  E.g locating an address  Social Status  Roughly 89% of the Karens are on Social Welfare and unemployed.  Doesn’t mean that they are lazy. Particularly for the adults, if OW gives them a choice; Jobs or ESL classes. Wage=Social welfare. Which one do you think they will choose? What we, as a service provider, should know to create a positive relationship with the Karens

• Listen to them telling you about their stories

• Learn to ally yourself with the community.

• Ask question about their cultures, customs, and views

• Do not belittle their religions   Thanks for your attention!

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