ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION PROPOSAL COVER SHEET | proposal guidelines Project Information Principal Investigator Grantee Organization: University of Texas at Austin James Howison, Assistant Professor Amount Requested: 635,261 UTA 5.404 1616 Guadalupe St Austin TX 78722 Requested Start Date: 1 October 2016 (315) 395 4056 Requested End Date: 30 September 2018
[email protected] Project URL (if any): Project Goal Our goal is to improve software in scholarship (science, engineering, and the humanities) by raising the visibility of software work as a contribution in the literature, thus improving incentives for software work in scholarship. Objectives We seek support for a three year program to develop a manually coded gold-standard dataset of software mentions, build a machine learning system able to recognize software in the literature, create a dataset of software in publications using that system, build prototypes that demonstrate the potential usefulness of such data, and study these prototypes in use to identify the socio- technical barriers to full-scale, sustainable, implementations. The three prototypes are: CiteSuggest to analyze submitted text or code and make recommendations for normalized citations using the software author’s preferred citation, CiteMeAs to help software producers make clear request for their preferred citations, and Software Impactstory to help software authors demonstrate the scholarly impact of their software in the literature. Proposed Activities Manual content analysis of publications to discover software mentions, developing machine- learning system to automate mention discovery, developing prototypes of systems, conducting summative socio-technical evaluations (including stakeholder interviews). Expected Products Published gold standard dataset of software mentions.